A 'stop loss' family copes with deployment (mom pissed at *)
Study: Law not halting student harassment
'Doctor-shopping' cases not unusual locally (Scaife paper hits Rush)
Krugman: Paul O'Neill quote proof Bush lied about his tax-cuts.
Minn Star Tribune: The wrong war/Why Iraq was a mistake
Krugman: The Awful Truth (Paul O' Neill)
Chomsky Speaking at MIT, Cambridge MA Friday, Jan. 23rd
Project Censored's #1 Censored Story
Proposal to ban circus to get public hearing--Denver
Entertainer Diana Ross to cop plea to DUI charges
HIV test not anti-gay, Quebec Cardinal says
LambdaEvents.com: The new source for up-to-date info
A Safer, Saner Way to Acquire and Hold Gold
Executions and revolution okay now?
U.S. Diplomat Says Israel Must Stop Settlements
Antiwar Group Exposes Undercover Activist
Beirut asks: "What is terrorism?"
Lakota Sioux meets with Kucinich
Rep. Charlie Gonzalez's ex-wife might run against him
WI Senate: Ed Thompson (L) endorses Feingold!
CA-20: Costa’s Poll Shows Him With Significant Lead
The task force map is not secret, buy it here!
CBS O'Neill re-broadcast here.
CNN-"Buzz" poll: Was O'Neill right to speak out?
Does somebody have all the Iraq War lies and denials by Shrub....for email
CNBC - David Gergen "sticks up" for O'Neill - man of honesty and integrity
help!! looking for recent iraq gallup poll!
Quick vote in this CNN poll on O'Neil!
CNN main page poll: Do you believe that Bush had pre-9/11 Iraq plans?
CNBC Howard Fineman - couldn't hold O'Neill's briefcase....a whore
Katrina Vanden Heuvel on Hardball
Bush: 'No war plans on my desk' for Iraq, March 2002
UN Overview Of Our 2004 Election?
Anderson Cooper on CNN discussing O'Neill
Where's the Outrage? - "systematically misrepresented the threat.."
Did anyone else just lose the connection to Bush in 30 seconds?
Great stuff on freeper thread: Federal Budget Grows Massively Under Bush
O'Reilly -- wrapping Lesie Stahl for shock --- everybody knew Iraq / SH
Some posts in Freeperland re. O'Neill
Frank Gaffney PNACer says Sadaam involved in 911 and OK city!
Frum: "Nothing O'Neill said wasn't true"
Need Links/DU Bookmarks Showing W's "achievements" during his term
Josh Marshall makes a commercial....
Who Arranges The Presidential Debates and When?
Olbemann talking about O'Neill (MSNBC)
My letter to Congressperson regarding O'Neill....
Did anyone watch Jim Lehrer News Hour tonight?
O'Neill, an Ellsberg for our times?
Wow! Anyone take a Zogby poll today?
O'Neill could face a prison sentence?
CBS Evening News did report on Cheney's whereabouts
Monday night double feature: Bush family /ABC news:mind control
Will DC bookstores sell out of O'Neil tomorrow?
Is there a bigger story in the 19,000 documents ?
Who's this Ann Coulter lookalike Wolf brings on all the time?
CNN Poll Bush had pre-9/11 plans to go to war with Iraq
MoveOn ad to be run during the super bowl!!
GWB in 2000: "Paul O'Neil is a man of authority, conviction, knowledge"
O'Neill, Wilson, Ritter...are there others of courage out there?
Tom Friedman on Discovery Times Channel
Clinton a new Right wing hero?
I was listening to the Peter Werbe show last night. (CA medical marijuana)
Halellujah! BushCo's investigation of O'Neill keeps it on the front page!
Mr. Fix-it (the moron Dean yelled at) on Hannity and Colmes
Has Daschle or Pelosi commented on ONeil?
There's a new democratic candidate now,his name is Dennis Kucinich.
Why is it that * didn't listen to Clinton's advisors about the Bin Laden
So I haven't been reading DU for a month or so..... question!!!
Move On is going to air an ad during the SuperBowl!!!!!!!!
What's been the recent reaction to Clark on DU?
WTH? Dean's Doctor-Wife, Refuses to Accept New Medicaid Patients
Jim Jeffords defection was only a small taste
CNN Wolfie is so in love with MoveOn.org ad of Hiler --- show the winners?
Will John Rowland Ever Get the Message?
Why charge O'Neill? How many more bombshells are in the hands...
Anybody watching the moveon TV ad web-cast?
O'Neill will face investigation
I hope Yahoo is a good indicator of Left wing anger
Got a fundraising appeal from Nader Exploratory Committee
Are you more or less likely to believe conspiracy theories
Is Paul O'Neill a Hero or Traitor
I just finished an email Zogby poll
This is going to hurt you: But I think Rush is Right for once...
Ralph Nader sometimes makes sense
If you said "last week" what Paul O'Neill said Sun-you're a conspiracy nut
Grocery chain Dominicks closes 12 stores drops 800 employees; Fannie May
So just who in the media is talking about O'Neill? a quick Google summary
White House seeks control on health, safety
War College Report: Iraq War an 'Error'
I give up, time to drink some beer and fire up the grill.......in the snow
Move On asks why press is ignoring Cheney crimes.
Limbaugh said this today about Stahl
Greg Palast Kicking The Bushes , Listen Here
Is the Bush administration beginning to go insane?
War on terrorism doomed, US warned
Paul O'Neill - Dr. Weird or Dr. Good? (Re: African Tour)
Peer Into The Crystal Ball, and predict Mr. O'Neill's fate...
Iraq is completely off the front page of our local paper.
O'Neill revelations ignored by mainstream media... but not the Daily Show!
Welcome to Dean Country. Population: Bush.
Excellent article on the Bush dynasty, Mexico, immigration, etc.
CNN.com/360 Poll: Was O'neill right to speak out?
O'neill got papers from Treasury at request AFTER he left
Homeless man evicted from golf course
Expert analysis, please. Is Bush dying his hair?
O'Neill affair reminds me of an old joke from Soviet era
Leakers Are Lining Up And Cutting Deals, Bush* Is TOAST!!
U.S. to Return $20 Million to Peru
Bank of England in the dock over BCCI collapse
Spurned, wives blame 9/11 firemen's widows
GIs Fire on Family in Car, Killing 2, Witnesses Say
Iranian government on Knife-Edge
Mexican First Lady Could Run for Office
Dean, Clark top Democratic choices, poll says
Bush's Industrial Policy a Key Issue for W.Va. Voters
3 Former SS Officers to Be Tried in Italy
DJ Bush, At Summit, Signs Proclamation Against Corruption
Iran's Reformists Eye Elections Boycott
US military 'brutalised' journalists
To Avoid Fuel Limits, Subaru Is Turning a Sedan Into a Truck
G.I.'s Fire on Family in Car, Killing 2, Witnesses Say
Statement by Wes Clark on Paul O neal 60 minutes interview
US Jets accidentally bomb Britain
War College Report: Iraq War an 'Error'
Court Nixes Appeal on Sept. 11 Detentions
Fox Accepts Invitation to Bush Ranch
Brazil Judge Blocks Fingerprinting Rule
Blair: I do not know if Iraq had WMDs
Ontario (Canada) police seize 30,000 pot plants in former brewery
Billionaire Soros Says Bush Must Not Be Re-Elected
Bush says he inherited policy of "regime change" from Clinton
Former Mayor, Former Mayor of Madison WI Paul Soglin endorses Clark
WP: White House Fires Back at O'Neill on Iraq (new details)
The winner of the moveon bushin30seconds ad contest is: Child's Pay
Woman who challenged U-M's admissions policy to lead ballot petition drive
Dean's bid for White House alarms Blair allies
Bush attacks Cuba and other rivals
Bush 'What would Jesus bomb? and 'Four more wars!' merchandise..
Another computer question: keyboard locked up
Just saw a "Big Fish" - a little disappointed *spoilers*
Great Pic(warning.....naughty language)
Ah, the circus is coming to town.
Think you're stressed? Tacoma, Wash., residents have it worst of all.
Update on my fur friend, Tantris....
Florida Man Charged In Alleged Sexual Assault On Dog
cheney's fundraising 2 miles away from me right now - what should I do?
Canada's NEW Prime Minister meets Dubya
I Got An Email From Conservative Leaders About the "F" Word On TV
No more HP either! buggy driver install software
What do you think the average american thinks of * now?
I gave my dog a couch for New Year's
My 100 favorite flbums (listed alphabetically)
Well, I'm about to be unemployed again
Big problem-o in famlily-o. Very big!
I believe a smartass wrote these instructions
Do you think of O'neill when you see the GD Assisted Suicide thread
What does YOUR Dem candidate drink?
Will DU have 50K users by election time?
Most Overrated and Underrated US Presidents!
Give a nitpick that YOU yourself discovered
Daily Show is Smoking tonight!
You know you're a cheesehead when the SO turns heat to 70
If you've been watching Letterman tonight, check this out:
Expect slow wit and put downs over the next few days
O'Reilly read my letter tonight re:ACLU
This is sooooooo wrong: Tom Selleck to play Eisenhower
What mattress do you own? We are in the market for a new
I think my cat likes the Doors, maybe too much!
ESPN boxing analyst Al Bernstein is obviously a good Democrat
Betty Bowers interviews Pickles
RW email that made the rounds in April and my response (long)
"The Grifters" is on Bravo, 8 PM EST
Is dying your hair pink and green at 26 childish??
The Importance Of Paying Attention
Do you know someone who is fluent in several different languages?
Why does every drunk in America think it's OK to hit a cop? (a rant)
Ever associate an avatar with a DUer so much...
Who would be in your ideal rock band?
We must stop referring to the media as "whores"
Flat * and Flat Pickels getting moved by the USSS... CAPTION
The media vs. Howard Dean (Salon)
What it will take for new Dean supporters to be kept in Party
How many new voters would Dean bring to the general election?
Kucinich is unelectable people, would you change your opinion of him if...
What's been the recent reaction to Clark on DU?
The Ohio Dem Caucuses Were Tonight
Kerry NH Chairwoman Jeanne Shaheen says Clark "not a Democrat"
What Party Elders Overlook in Dean
Dean Supporters :My local news just showed a piece where Dean said
WTH? Dean's Doctor-Wife, Refuses to Accept New Medicaid Patients
Are all people whining about lack of Dean Gov't minorities * supporters?
OMG! Dean's only MinorityStaff was Part-Timer? Was this a Real Government?
Is the Dean campaign training people to hate the Dem Party?
Dean bashers: Are You Prepared For the Merd YOUR Candidate Will Face?
Edwards coming up LIVE on C-SPAN 9:30 pm EST.
The Other Doctor in Dean's House Shuns Politics
Anybody catch the campaign advisors on Hardball?
Does anyone here work for or affiliated with MOVEON.ORG?
Black, Red, Brown, Yellow and Blue DUers, a question.......
How about a ban on all candidate threads where the poster backs another
Did you see Edwards on C-Span tonight? Wadja think?
Why didn't General Clark's wife, Gert, say anything about Clark's
There's a new democratic candidate now,his name is Dennis Kucinich.
Dean's passion..... I love it!
Gephardt spokesman on Hardball criticizing Dean for....
Dean Leads in New Maryland Poll!
Dean tried to import blacks to Vermont as governor
How is the O'Neill news playing with average Americans?
Democratic Rivals Training Sights on Clark
We must nominate a candidate that will use this, or it's over
Dean's bid for White House alarms Blair allies (Guardian)
Tom Delay and Bill Frist will be in Iowa for the caucuses.
Dean Says He Admired First President Bush
C-SPAN now - Dean.With Mr. Fix-it.
What Dean actually said about Bush and Bush Jr.
So I haven't been reading DU for a month or so..... question!!!
Chris Matthews Just Witnessed For Clark's Position On Iraq/Al Qaeda!
Mr. Fix-it (the moron Dean yelled at) on Hannity and Colmes
Kerry to Host Townhall Meeting with Iowa Veterans Tomorrow in Waterloo
Anyone here affiliated with Democratic Campaigns?
Is the reason Edwards is playing "nice" because he's going for VP?
Clark- Promoting Equal Pay For Women
What have the candidates had to say about O'Neill's revelations?
surveyusa.com, interesting poll results
First Lady of Iowa Endorses John Kerry
Will yesterday's debate be rerun? *Real* question, not flamebait.
Michael Savage: "Bush should be impeached"
Sex and The Democrats - A Must Read !
NYT: The Other Doctor in Dean's House Shuns Politics
Toronto Star: Bush `outed' on Iraq
Schwarzenegger Just Acts Like He Cares for the Poor
Clockwork Orange: is "fear" a Karl Rove election ploy?
Interesting Times: Falling from Grace
George Monbiot (Guardian Utd): Natural aesthetes
Salon: The Media vs Howard Dean
A Partner in Shaping an Assertive Foreign Policy
Looming Largely Over '04 Race: Bin Laden: Marie Cocco
Look at page 6 of the Jan 19, 2004 Newsweek...
Wil Wheaton - A Matter of Priorities
Tariq Ali vs. Christopher Hitchens (AUDIO)
The Bush Democrats(20% of Dems vote Bush vs 3% gop Dean vote)
Kucinich at Bates college Wed 1/14
Protest Cheney in Seattle 1/13
Looks like Franken's a go for Central Air
Headliners and Legends: Rush Limbaugh?
MSNBC Trash Talk: closes the lid on the sportscasting career of Rush
Top 10 New Martha Stewart Products
I would like to see a DU Astrology/Psychic room. Anyone else interested?
Lambda Legal Launches New Child Custody Resources...
Conservatives ask Massachusetts high court to delay gay marriage
Why the letter of Vatican law causes so much pain (Card. Pell--Revealing!)
China Poses Trade Worry as It Gains in Technology
Laid-Off Workers Just Can’t Find Comparable Jobs
Asian/ME dollar selling VERY unusual and portends immediate abandonment of
Scientists Attribute Florida Mangrove Dieoff To Sea Level Rise
As Alaska Thaws, Oil Industry Exploration Season 1/2 As Long As In Past
Australian Shale-Oil Venture Collapses
Avian Flu Outbreak In Vietnam - Japan, Hong Kong Culling Birds
Saudi pleads guilty to killing Jewish friend in Houston
Turkey: Suicide bombing 'crime against humanity'
Cleric's Objections Forces Re-Examination of Plans for Iraq Transition
NY Times: Warm, Fuzzy Feelings for East Germany's Gray Old Days
Top Ten Drug War Stories of 2003
Question for J/PS participants....
Idea to aid in Admin/Mod sanity
I hope this doesn't come across as disrespectful, but...
How bout a ban on sourcing Drudge ?
Help! Is there an Amazon.com link here, anymore?
Not understanding the impropriety in this reply post.
I missed the poll results in GD2004....
What's the latest news on the downtime
Any chance of updating the Clark logo avatar?
IDF seizes suspected Palestinian suicide bomber
U.S. court rules Palestinian-born man spied for Saddam
Court: Israel must compensate Palestinian wounded in 1990
PM: State-run companies must have at least one Arab director
Palestinians barred from pilgrimage
Sharon Hints at Gaza Withdrawal
Palestinian kills brother, father over collaboration for Israel
U.S. Says 1967 Attack Act of Negligence
'My life with Hamas' by Welsh gran
Did the passengers of AA 11 embark the wrong plane in Boston?
One Church, One Microphone, Two Hopefuls (K & D)
GOP Congress could pay a price for playing hardball
St. Sen. Nadine Thomas to run for Zell's seat in Georgia
Clark campaign has hit the hyperspace button . .
The talk turns to trade among primary candidates
Drudge says Moore endorses Clark?!?
Josh Marshall nails it on the O'Neill Investigation....
Krugman covers the O'Neill story
I posted about ACLU helping Limbaugh before, but here's another idea...
I've been trying to figure it out, but I have to ask...
Check out Mike Webb on web simulcast!
The S factor explains Bush's popularity
AP Poll: U.S. tepid on Bush's Space Plans
Blue Moon of Kentucky, keep on shinin'
cnn is worthless propaganda, and this is why
Bernie Ward show is on now!!!!
Cheney and Gephardt to Visit Seattle Today
If the * administration had an extra YEAR to plan for Iraq, then
Wal-Mart Accounting Edit: 2000
Bush Tries to Sell Free Trade at Summit
Germany Set to Abolish the Draft
O'neill will be charged and convicted as a traitor.
Halliburton would get piece of Mars action - anyone surprised?
Administration’s Actions Directly Parallel A Hostile Corporate Takeover
O'Neill - Post War Planning was about "Oil"....who gets the spoils
O'Neill may be a lot of badthings, but wrong about Bush ain't one of them!
Dean supporters we are the little engine that could!
Day 2 of O'Neill bomb -- Any DC Dem's Outraged? No anger ...no comments?
new stradegy for dealing with Bush
Who is number four? (doonesbury question)
O'neill- "Media" react? With Rovian "talking points"....not one for truth
Has anyone read the new Perle/ Frum book calling for more regime change??
ever seen these anti-choice nut sites
Bushit has all the republicons saying "uh"
Paul Bremer on Today: "I'm not an expert in International Law..."
The wrong war / Why Iraq was a mistake
Minneapolis Star Tribune: Bush must be held accountable....
O'Neill says he'd "probably" vote for Bush again?
This "recant" was manufactured by WH/NBC (GE)....very quickly
Connecticut Governor threatens potential impeachers
US soldiers to Reuters camera crew: "Let's have sex." (Thats our boys)
Rumor mill.. 2 year military tours
Letter from PNAC to Clinton has been removed from oldamerica.org
I was on the Ed Shultz show yesterday...
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Who said what, when
Imus calls Powell, Cheney, and Bush "The murderers in Washington".
Unofficial official Neil Rogers thread!!!
Diane Rehm will host George Soros at 10am ET on NPR
There is still a huge divide that we are up against...
Governor Rowland's real sorry - so back off or he'll hurt you
O'Neill covering his ass on the Today Show - man is scared silly
Re:O'Neill "Will it matter?" CNN& MSNBC almost simultaneously last night
A Good Article About The Economy
AFP story made same claim as O'Neill in 2002
Moveon.org winning ad and Eli on CNN now....
They might be a 3rd world country but the elections are fair
Arkansas conservatives up in arms over Bush
Secret arrests after 9/11 will stay secret
Franken signs on with Central Air - To go against Rush
Wow, Bush* pushing "free trade" to Central America...
Dad: McKinney wants rematch against Majette
CSPAN 2 (et) has a panel on foreign policy issues- Iraq-bad planning
Whats up with the sudden Clark surge
Suskind's book, with O'Neill's info
A Belated Happy Bedford Day to all DUers!
Why Bush can't pin Iraq War on Clinton...
The Real State of the Union C-SPAN 2
Newsweek: Iraq civil war inevitable?
Bu$h blew it yesterday. He shouldn't have blamed Clinton
Bush admits he targeted Saddam from the start
Why is Chimpy always out of the country when the shoe drops?
Greg Thielman of State Dept intelligence says Bush violated Constitution
Now we know why Bush presented his new Immigration Plan.....
Is Paul O'Neil like the "typical" Republican ?
Lid Blown Off O'Neill/Suskind Hoax
Called my Senator's Office -- they are on "recess / vacation"... so
MSNBC Question of The Day 1/13/04
Anyone else go to MoveOn.Org's "Bush in 30 Second" tonight in NYC?
White House Seeks Control on Health, Safety
On C-Span 2 now foreign policy discussion that is a notch above.
Check out this great site: BustBob.com (on Bob Novak, traitor)
I just got "The Price of Loyalty"!
Duh....how do you vote in a caucus...duh....DUHHHH
Recall the "secret" document shown on 60 Minutes ?
Guess who BEGGED Clinton to INVADE IRAQ on January 26, 1998?
Former RNC leader Haley Barbour being sworn in now as MS Governor
O'Neill backpedals on "unflattering comments"...
Ted Halstead on C-span- Repubs the Party of the Church
Iraq contracts for Canada and the "Borderless America" connection
Bush and Martin meet today - for the first time.
Headlines should say : Bush Changes Reason For Iraq Invasion- Again
Constitution, disability rights under attack (yes, again)
The Democrats' Mutual Morality(a new Social Gospel - Dems moral issue)
POLITICAL, not military quagmire in Iraq
Could Bush win in a debate with any of the candidates?
"IT sector jobs decreased by 50% in last 18 months"
Anyone else catch Letterman's comment last night?
Smirk and Neil changed an A to an O and tried to fool us
India, U.S. boost tech, trade ties, American Workers screwed again
BFEE scared: MP urges deal to head off BCCI case
How long before water is privatized?
This article nicely debunks the myth that saddam tried to kill
Breaking - WMD's Found (convenient diversion from O'Neillgate?) 9 photos!
Some creepy 2001 Iraq flashbacks:
Did Bush just "admit to a crime" with Iraq goal ? Can you steal Oil?
Remember during the 2000 campaign and all the Bush supporters........
A most surprising poll. On CNN, no less.
What happened to the right's policy to be able to fight 2 wars at once?
I Was Only 4 words into the Frum/Perle Book before I started screaming
question: Foreign contributions to campaigns??? how can we do it?
Ad showing kids laboring to pay off deficit wins MoveOn contest
You want a demonstration? Disabled at the SC over ADA
Feeling feisty today?? And a request
Anyone else watching Rummy's Lie-a-thon?
Rightie blames Clinton for 9/11!!!
Calling all right-wingers - attack O'neill.
Are the independent people who do not vote getting as mad--
Fine investigate O`Neill but Bush should be also.
NYTimes can't make Bush coherent--Bush's "response" to O'Neill
Hey kids.. O'Neill is on NPR's Fresh Air tomorrow!
Is Bush loosing the south over immigration?
Groan... now Nader's linking up with the NEW ALLIANCE PARTY????
PNAC has policy for regime change...globally
I bought the O`Neil book today and it was almost sold out
Did y'all see this - a most excellent video of Bush's "Wonderful Life"
Why is neocon Daniel Pipes going after UFO cultists?
Does anybody know anything about a "desert badger"?
How did Chimp cut his face again?
registered voters in each state
Pubs Distraction by small low level stuffs, avoiding the big picture
California money problems caused by attempt to municipalize utilities?
Al Franken on Charlie Rose Tuesday Jan 13
I searched for PNAC at FreeRepublic and got ZERO results!
The O'Neill "backtrack" - irrelevant -- "Genie is out of the bottle"
The spin on the talk shows today
Did President Clinton really have a policy for "regime change" in Iraq?
Did I miss the discussion on the ACLU defending Rush's rights here?
Imus: Bush, Cheney, Powell are Murderers; Michael Savage: Impeach Bush!
Life After the Oil Crash (key words: Peak Oil) this is not a joke
symbolman on MSNBC tonight re:MoveOn entry and BushNoNazi flash on TBTM
Shrub - the liar - has been caught --- now blames Iraq on previous admin
100th US death in Afghanistan.
Universal Health Care - Liberal fantasy?
McAuliffe: It took 70 days to investigate CIA leak vs. 2 hours for O'Neill
More evidence of Bush being "disengaged"
I have a feeling Rove won the O'Neill matter
A question to military buffs ~ Is White Phosphorus a chemical agent?
encounter at dentist office - "I can't stand him either!"
LOL! This is a photo of the 'weapons cache' allegedly containing
New Canadian Conservative Party to lose another MP
"Undisclosed Location: The Dick Cheney Story" - unpleasant new video
The death penalty does not work. It is not a deterrence.
It's interesting how much I dislike Clinton now
Iowa's Dark Art of Caucusing Is Turning a Bit More Public
Bush hasn't decided whether to appeal fetus guardian case
Former Advisor Says Sharon Directly Involved in Corruption Scandal (Report
Congressman Meek endorses Penelas for U.S. Senate
Deputies: Bradenton Beach commissioner threatened slow driver (Fla.)
Hundreds Protest Woman's Arrest in Iraq
Hundreds demonstrate in Iraqi city to protest woman's arrest
Corporal punishment still prevalent in (FL) schools
Chopper downing confirmed still don't know how it went down
Shaheen rips Clark on Praise for GOP
Clark says 2002 statement about Iraq is consistent with current views
Dean says he stands up to Bush when rivals won't
Bush, Fox Agree on Immigration, Iraq
BBC (Tuesday): Iranian election dispute widens
Italy's constitutional court strips Berlusconi's immunity
Air Passenger Code Plan In Motion (Thanks, Wesley)
Bush announces closer ties to India (Hey, he said he'd create jobs)
FLASH: Michael Moore to endorse Wesley Clark
Dean's bid for White House alarms Blair allies
US military 'brutalised' journalists
War college report: Iraq war an "error"
Apache shot down as Fallujah seethes . . . two-person crew was unhurt
Google Fans Fill Web With Buzz Over IPO
California Gay Marriage Bill Announced
Norway keeps Iraqi Kurd in jail in militant probe
Court Puts Restrictions on Phone Suits
New Zogby: Dean Stretches Lead; Kerry gaining on Gep (Iowa)
U.S. officer: Coalition forces 'likely' killed four Iraqis in taxi
Breaking on CNN: Another chopper down outside Baghdad
Ayatollah's objections leave US confused (US says NO June Iraqi elections)
Military Lawyers Question Tribunal Rules
CIA Officer Named to Key U.S. Post on N. Korea
U.S. May Change Plans for Iraq Handover
U.S. lawmaker says pension agency deficit $10 bln
Indo-US nuclear and space ties deepen
3 more Iraqi potesters dead and another chopper down (no one killed)
North Carolina Senate Candidate Bowles lead the Republcian Candidate
U.S. Copter Shot Down in Iraq; (civilians shot)
Panel finds golf club violated ordinance (spousal benefits to gays)
Bush, seeking to mend relations, says Canada eligible in Iraq
Surges By Rivals Put Dean on the Defensive in Iowa
37 Die in Uzbek Plane Crash, Reports Say
Greenspan: Trade gap is no problem
Border Patrol union calls plan 'a slap in the face'
Breaking: CNN--Canadian and possibly German & French
Bush Struggles for Support at Latin America Summit
U.S. general praises Mongolian troops for supporting Iraq coalition
GOP Urges Wider Ban on 'Soft Money'
Air Force wants to put fighters and bombers back on Guam in Pacific
'MacKay bows out' - Cdn United Right leadership bid - Globe and Mail
Denktash puts Cypriot deal back into play
CNN: Writer/Actor Spalding Gray is missing....
Venezuela Pushes for Social Agenda and Debate on Existing Economic Model
US forces violated Geneva Conventions in demolishing Iraqi homes, HRW says
Bush Team Revising Plans for Granting Self-Rule to Iraqis
Dean Fires Back at Rivals With New TV Ad
Britain's 'Dr. Death' ( Harold Shipman) Found Hanged in Prison | NY Times
Bush admits he wanted regime change before 11 September
Fed chairman voices concern about a tide toward trade protectionism
U.S. Congressman Wants Reward for Bin Laden Doubled
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 13 January 2004 (#1)
US Army Report Criticizes Handling of Fight Against Terror
Conn. Gov. Rowland Again Refuses to Quit
O'Neill Denies Charge Over Book Documents
Animal Diseases 'Threaten Humans'
Park Police Bomb Their Terrorism Test
Frustrated Democrats Trickle Into D.C. Voting Booths
Bush admits he targeted Saddam from the start
Supreme Court OKs Roadblocks for Police Information
Woman Seeks Swiss Pardon for Aiding Jews
BBC (Tuesday): Berlusconi immunity thrown out
Lawyers acting for creditors of collapsed bank BCCI began
Iran amassing atomic enrichment machines-diplomats
Dean to campaign with Carter on eve of Iowa caucuses
Furor Follows O'Neill's Kiss-And-Tell Book
O'Neill Denies Charge Over Book Documents
White House seeks control on health, safety
US soldiers kill Iraqi demonstrators
Clinton: Put Medical Info on Net
Paper says reporter forced to resign after deception
bn.com shipped my O'Neill book !
today's New Savage Weiner Advertisers Jan 13
Was there a thread once that had pics of the DUs founders?
I Don't Know About You But I LOVE Layaways. You Can Get What You
Pig Boy turns 53 shorter of breath & 1 day closer to death.
What's the funniest way to lose weight?
Come On People. It's Being Reselected NOT reELECTED. Bush Was
NY Times: An Education With Hard Courses
Rotten nasty fanses! (My experience at Andy Serkis book signing tonight)
A movie trailer you might not want to watch alone or in the dark (or both)
Any graphics wiz willing to help with a rather small project?
I haven't posted in GD2004 in a week and I'm a happy man.
Pop-culture catch-phrases I hate; add your own favorites!
What's the fastest (and healthiest) way to lose weight?
Britney reportedly to seek help for alcohol problem.
What is your favorite rightwing term for Democrats?
getting misty eyed at movies ?
what do you like best about boobies
new Oxyrush advertiser Liverite
I was circumcised by a Lesbian!
Any members of the F.O.B. (Friends of Bill e-mail list) here?
Blueberry Named New Jersey's Official Fruit
Best Way To Slice Cheese Discovered - Use A Laser
84 Year Old Enters Elementary School
White Socks Declared Indecent By Dutch Ministry
DUBYA QUOTE QUIZ 2 (2003 Bush Quotes)
His hideous, condescending smirk
Man Challenges Lion To Bullfight - And Lives!
Musical Mystery: Just what were "(H)e and Julio"
The day after Eagles big Win - Limbaugh: Comments 'distorted'
My Mother STILL Has A Photo Of Dubya On Her Refrigerator Door.
Which member of the Bush Administration are you?
Top10 Signs You've Been On The Campaign Trail Too Long -by Dick Gephardt
Alright Seattle! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! - Coffee Flavored STEAK?
What is the greatest record ever?
I like "Everybody Loves Raymond", but...
Toyota's Hybrid Pickup and SUV...pictures here!
Am I all alone here? Calling all SC DU'ers!
"P.S. -- your tv can listen to you also."
Al-gebra Ashcroft and weapons of mass instruction
Does anyone know what percentage of the population
For all you fed up Miami Dolphin fans, I've been ranting!
All-Star Survivor Contestants officially listed on CBS
Mo, Ks, Ne, Ia DUer's, How about a regional convocation??
Tonight I realized I am angry with the U.S. and now I feel guilty for it.
HE LOOKS SO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRESIDENTIAL
What is the Spanish CAPTION for "wanker""Jack-off"?
Everything I need to know I learned from my kitten!
Restaurant Settles Condom In Soup Lawsuit
Most improved MLB team in '04? Padres, Orioles, Astros, or ?
Top 10 signs that there is a God...and he's an Eagles fan
Need some feedback: Family Arguments
new Oxyrush advertiser Goodyear
How Canadian are you? Take the test
Easter Egg in OSX calender. LOTR reference
Okay, we've had a few of these here, but this is the real thing:
Look out Hugo! There is an ill-tempered CAPTION behind you
I voted for Carol Mosely-Braun
Does he Make these Faces on Purpose?
When taking pictures for Ebay, please get dressed first
Rut roh -- Chimpy had another run in with a pretzel
the proper protocol for CAPTIONing
This space available. Post your own here.
Breaking - WMD's Found (convenient diversion from O'Neillgate?) 9 photos!
Café Purists froth as Starbucks hits Paris
How Many Times Do You Hit The SNOOZE BUTTON On Your Alarm Clock?
Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself:
Hey! What happened to FOX's "Terror Alert HIGH" blurb?
I'm offended by every commercial ever made.*
I find the Progresso soup commercial highly offensive
Does anyone have a good scanner recommendation
The Russians are Coming .........
A little debunking help, please...
Truck Commercial I Find Offensive:
Post your favorite dorky Bush* pic here
For all you Eagles Fans: Here's a Fight Song and Eagle Chant!!
Public advised not to put salmon in their armpits
Whatever happened to Tuffskins jeans? When I was young every kid wore
Ronnie James Dio is, if not God himself, then at least a minor diety.
Our wind chill will be -40 tonight!
Please Tell Me That I Ought Not Be Offended...
I'm impressed by the Honda 'Cog' commercial
Oh my god! My whole tooth just fell out!
Bush Administration Makes Case for Invasion of Iceland-SATIRE
And now a CAPTION for our next contestant...............
Football: Love of game vs being a fan
"Where is Mrs Dean" is the best Drudge can come up with?
Packers Fans - Welcome to my Hell
Trekkers: Which species do the Democrats remind you of?
How do we answer our 4-year-old's questions about sex?
Spalding Gray reported missing since Sunday
If you could be any fictional character, what would you be?
Bush bars corrupt from US (not repeat NOT an Onion article)
Someone photoshop his finger, P L E A S E
Give Birthday Wishes To Buddhamama
Trekkers: What alien species do the Republicans remind you of?
have the schools in your area eliminated recess?
I like my beef bloody as hell, and with an attitude to match!!
This is going to be harder than I imagined
If coffee allowed you to shift back forth through time
On the eve of the Primaries I just want to say how proud I am of all
A moment of appreciation for the DU "staff"
Whats up with the sudden Clark surge
Gephardt Says Dean Less Viable Candidate
I'm switching my support to Clark
I am ready to endorse a candidate
Desperate Dean Distorts Kerry’s Tax Position In New TV Ad
National Security Leaders Campaign for John Kerry in New Hampshire
If Lieberman wins the nomination, who should be his VP?
Anti-Dean Freeper Enraged into action by True Patriot (14 yr old grandson)
Have any of the candidates pledged to overturn the partial birth abortion
I'm throwing *all* of my support behind Kerry.
Monday Zogby polling shows "kerry on fire"; Potential for 4-way race.
Clark supporters - Will you vote for Dean if he is the nominee ?
Any updates on 'Michael Moore endorsing Clark' today ?
"Who's Attacking Who?" - must read article at today's Liberal Oasis
Lieberman takes principled stand (for once) ...
Dean: "This is our country, it's not their country."
After deeply reconsidering Dean, I choose. . .
Does anyone expect a Democratic landslide?
With Caucus Looming, Moseley Braun is Quiet
Freepers consider Clark supporters to be rat-people
Dean to campaign with Carter on eve of Iowa Caucus
Have any black voters withdrawn support of Dean since debate revelation?
I'm officially switching my support to Lieberman
Stop it, Stop it, Stop it! Stop the bashing!
TV Alert--Kucinich "Campaign Snapshot" Tonight on PBS NewsHour
How Clark (or any other dem) will compete with Bush's $
TV Alert--Kucinich "Campaign Snapshot" Tonight on PBS NewsHour
Um, The First Primary is TODAY
NO on the IWR merely a "symbolic" act.
Edwards Says Dean's Attacks May Backfire (AP Dem stories not in US?)
Sharpton's finances: Campaign can't have a lower standard
Dean fights back: "I'm tired of being the pin cushion here"
What's the racial makeup of Al Sharpton's staff?
Congressman Bennie Thompson Endorses Dean
The Democrats' Mutual Morality . . .
Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson endorses Dean
NY Official: Dem primary to include most delegate slates
Dean taking the day off according to news
On the cover of Rolling Stone...
Sorry, but all this fawning over "the General" is disturbing as hell
Sharpton says he will "wholeheartedly" support Dean if Dean is nominee.
Bizarre Freeper attack on Clark.
Dean Gains and Clark Drops in new NY Poll.......
Will Jeanne Shaheen's attack on Clark in NH help or hurt Kerry?
Poll: Dean way ahead of Dem rivals in NY; Bush competitive
Dean: War "Strategic Error"- indicts those who didn't stand up
Clark "ties" Bush on defense, loses on every other issue
Hawkeye Caucus Predicitions here-Post them!
Retired Marine general stumps for Dean camp
a way for kucinich/braun/sharpton to do well, or even win, in Iowa
Slate Smears Clark (Must Be Part Of His "Honeymoon" With The Press 1/12)
Zogby Poll Jan 13 - Dean expands lead over Gephardt, 28%-23%
I just saved a bundle on my car insurance...
South Carolina Voters may give Dean pass on race issue
We are going to have to pull together DU'ers
"Kucinich, proudly individualistic, shuns the pack"
I've made my choice and my second choice is...
New National Poll: Dean 26, Clark 20, Lieb. 9, Kerry 9
Sharpton onDean "I still think what he is saying is good in terms of race"
ARG NH POLL: Clark +1 Kerry +1 Dean -2
DC Residents!!! Dont forget to vote
Slate Smears Clark (Must Be Part Of His "Honeymoon" With The Press 1/12)
Carol's a bit short of dollars
Outrage sets Dean apart from the pack (Boston Globe)
Dean leads nearest rival 2-1 in New York
Gephardt using Kondracke and WSJ quotes to attack Dean?
Only 1 in 8 Dems described Clark as "liberal"
Pledge #137: Please no more Republican tactics
Poll: Dean Widens Lead Over Gephardt in Iowa (Zogby)
Al Sharpton a George Pataki and Al D'Amato supporter...
Rasmussen National Tracking Poll latest results
Sharpton's vicious attack on Dean
Dean, Party Of One (Time 1/12)
A blast from the past. Dean last Sep telling a small group of donors...
Anyone remember "Rage Against the DNC" in 2000?
Reporters ambush Sen Kerry in Iowa
Oliphant on the Kerry surge in Iowa
What is the deal with Moore? Will he help Clark? Do we want his help?
How most people choose a candidate
For those digging & spreading dirt on Clark, here's a useful site:
Article on the Latino vote in 2004
"Kinsey, Lloyd On Clark Endorsement List"
Maps showing percent Af-Am, Asian-Am, Latino etc. by state
Dean deserves all he is getting
Part-timer only Minority in Dean Admin? I'm Shocked How Small VT Gov was?
What's your gut feeling on 2004? (redux)
Top10 Signs You've Been On The Campaign Trail Too Long -by Dick Gephardt
the npr radio only debate from about a week ago
"The race that nobody's talking about -- yet"
Newest ARG NH tracking poll results
General Tommy Franks is retired, why not "draft" him for the nomination?
A Private Moment with Kennedy and Kerry
Clark and Dean seen equally "good" and "bad for the party"
howard dean, doctor assisted suicide for the democratic party
The only way to defeat Bush is to debate him on our terms, on our turf
Suggestion for self-censoring of this board: Link to Sources
The Way It Is: Comics As Anchors
Dean capitalizes on campaign attacks, raises $1 million in a week
Dale Ungerer registered Iowa Repub was the guy Dean told to sit down
Michael Moore to endorse Clark
Area Dems support Dean (Northeast Ohio)
New MD Poll / BIG lead for Dean who also wins against bush* ! ! !
The talk turns to trade among primary candidates
Bashers: Link to Drudge, Fox while you have the chance. Out Yourselves!
ALEXA daily internet traffic rankings: Clark blog vs. Dean blog
Who do you prefer in this three-way race?
Who do you prefer in this three-way race?
Handful of black leaders in Tennessee backing Clark
Dean supporters we are the little engine that could!
Dean up by five in Zogby tracking 28-23
Clark in 2002: "Certainly there's a connection between Iraq and al-Qaida."
Being a doctor shapes Dean's politics, manner
Lily-White History Haunts Howard
Dean, Clark top Democratic choices, poll says
Gallup Poll: Jan 11-12 results- Democratic Primary and General
Why Clark is best for America (in simple terms)
Newsweek's grand inquisitor (Salon debunks Fineman on Dean)
That Crazy Thing We Call Caucusing
The media vs. Howard Dean (WP's Richard Cohen)
A formal endorsement of Clark by Michael Moore dooms him !
Doesn't look like the New York Times said Dean's camp was in trouble.
cnn is worthless propaganda, and this is why
NARAL president is leaving in April
Heads up Queers: Elizabeth Birch Joins Dean for America as Senior Advisor
Seventy-six percent of Democrats consider Dean "likable..."
Could a Vermonter explain this to me...
CNN/Time Poll 1/7/00 -- Bush 56, Gore 39
Dean, Clark top Democratic choices - latest cnn result
Another reason to vote for Clark - On the Issues...