Rigged Ballots in Iran - Editorial
Will Gwyneth Paltrow back Wes Clark, too?
Howard Dean giving the 'devil' his due (truth telling about Bush)
Molly Ivins: Bracing for bracero
Salon: Conason's Journal: Great stuff on O'Neill
Last Copter Out of Baghdad (Bush Flees Iraq Mess On The Campaign Express)
Video of Symbolman (Mike Stinson) On Scarbourough
US News & World Report out of touch with economic reality
Astrol: StarIQ on Wes Clark's momentum ....and where it might lead ...
State considering memorial for gay veterans
Anybody heard of the augmented unemployment rate?
Anyone can get a CCW in Michigan...
Driving Habits Argument Leads to Tampa Gunfight
What's up? Or down as the case may be?
I was wrong - let's forget the rules
With regard to today's down time:
Rabbi on trial for opposing demolitions
Israeli killed, 3 wounded, in West Bank shooting attack
Israeli fencers barred from world tourney in Jordan
Shot British peace activist dies
Humanitarian consequences of Israel's military operation in Nablus
Two impeachable lies -adopting the Clinton policy and WMD -and media says?
NBC's profile of killed Chopper pilot ain't gonna help Bushler now...
TV Alert--Kucinich "Campaign Snapshot" Tonight on PBS NewsHour
Tweety says O'Neill's silencing
CBS News.....Gas over $3.00 a gallon by summer?
Tweety says O'Neill's silencing
there's been lots of legal Hispanic immigrants into states
Retired State Dept. Official backs Paul O'Neill statements
Al Frankin at MoveOn Awards last night.....
Ay Dios Mio! Hilarious Photo of GWB With Vicente Fox
I will have a special treat for you all soon.
told ya they were gonna steal california...let the brainwashing begin.
Want Move On to air tv ads against Bush during State of the Union week?
told ya they were gonna steal california...let the brainwashing begin.
Conservatives Set For Gay Marriage War In California
An encouraging trend from small town America
How to Lose Your Job in Talk Radio
Cheney Exposes Secret Documents to Press
Don't allow another election to be stolen
CNN/Gallup - 39% solid support for *
Pro-GUN and the South...Clark can win the South
British peace activist shot in Israel dies.
Why is it that crooks, liars, thieves, and some of the most evil people
This was just talked about on Mike Malloy's show.....
Poor Nations Eye Western Outsourcing
ACLU joins Rush in the fight to keep his medical records sealed.
You can TALK to Richard Perle right now, til 11 PM CST
Freepers and David Brooks say PNAC just a conspiracy theory
Snippet from Letterman tonight
"The House of Bush" - Rolling Stone article about the BFEE
Hey.Al Franken's on Charlie Rose.Charlie Rose blose but Al Franken's o
Mad cow danger may even be bigger
George Soros was on Diane Rehm show today(Tues) 1hr - Audio link here
Something's fishy about O'Neill
Why do YOU think Paul O'Neill decided to cover his ass this morning?
Top secret clearances during the Ashcroft era
Freepers are not happy with Bushco*
For your entertainment - AARP letter
Gov. John G. Rowland: doeth as I quoteth, not as I doeth
Help With Putting Together a "Packet" of info
I'm half way through the O'Neill book -- shrub is a puppet / much planned
What's it going to take? Democracy is gone and everyone continues
Dick Cheney in trouble by a French prosecutor (repost)
What will Young Conservatives do when the draft comes back?
I’m intrigued, why Bev Harris won’t speak with Victoria Collier...
Unnamed official steps forward and confirms O'Neill's account
Iraq: Liberation before elections says ASM
U.S. troops kill (at least) four Iraqi civilians (Falluja, Tuesday)
Record retreat in Swiss glaciers in 2003 due to climate change: scientists
US to allow France, Canada bid for contracts
Rumsfeld Warned of US War Crimes
British-Australian UN chief killed
Uzbek Air Crash Kills 37, Including UN Official
Hussein Warned Iraqis to Beware Outside Fighters, Document Says
Democrats See a New Urgency in Health Care
US, Canada to work together to end mad cow beef ban
Iranian Leader (Khatami) May Join Threatened Walkout
Putin Angry at History Book Slur
Wesley Clark Calls for Probe on Iraq War
Look at U.S. Iraq Military Deaths - 495 U.S. service members have died
Al Franken Signs Deal With Liberal Radio Venture
15 countries in EU are sued over euro
Wal-Mart Audit Finds Labor Violations
Official Confirms Claims That Saddam Was Bush’s Focus Before 9/11
With 68.31% of Precincts Counted in DC Primary, Dean leads with 42%
Ex-Enron Chief Fastow, Wife OK Guilty Plea
Not Taken On Faith: Florida Judicial Screening Process
US economic policies under fire at Americas summit (Lula slams Bush)
Ex-President Carter to Offer Support for Dean
Getting rid of unwanted weed . . ."We're talking tons and tons."
Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage
2 Louisiana high school students arrested in alleged Columbine-like plot
Georgia Warned by Russia, Defended by US, on Bases
O'Neill Says War Statements Distorted
Drudge: Zell Miller to introduce * at Atlanta fundraiser
Judge denies Janklow's request for acquittal ...
shady Q: How does one "talk dirty"?
I just finished serving on my very first jury, ask me anything!
Duck and Cover flash (parody of 50's)
Did you hear the one about ...
junior writes letter to Commissioner Bud Selig about Pete Rose
USC ordered to forfeit Rose Bowl, National Title Game!
I'm pouring some not-so-small change into DU.
Now I know why Bush* wants to go to the Moon and Mars!
anyone else having problems connecting to the DU?
I'd like to introduce myself, Lounge Lizards.
new Savage Weiner advertiser Red Lobster
who's new here & sans a welcome ?
Damn, just missed one of DU's own on Scaborough Country...
Dr. Strangelove is on Turner Classics @ 10:15pET
I saw Al Franken this afternoon!
Anyone know how much a Chrysler PT Cruiser goes for?
Anyone here take Flax Seed oil/pills?
A Request for Positive DU Karma ...
Is DU totally busted for anyone else?
Paying for college - 529 OR Coverdale IRA? Which is better...?
What's wrong with Richard Perle?
How do you deal with your psycho boss?
I kicked some major homophobic ass today!
Is this a conspiracy in our own back yard?
Anyone see the freeper kid on "Law & Order: SVU"?
Check out this awesome web site!
Digital music/MP3 encoding question...
Okay DUers, recommend some more movies for me!
Mr. Blackwell's 2003 Worst Dressed
I brought my kitty home from the vets office today :-(
Owner thinks cat's marks honor Earnhardt. "Honey, we're rich!"
Confess: Totally cheeser song you totally identify with
Twin Cities DUers: Time to meet again!
Which candidate best matches your beliefs ... Quiz
Heads up queers: "Freedom to Marry Week"
Ted Nugent okay after - get this - Chainsaw Accident
The most offensive commercial ever was from Hardee's
Dean administration and the Martin Luther King Jr. official state holiday
DC primary results: Dean 42%, Al S 35, CMB 12 DK 8 (w/ 68% precincts in)
Christian Science Monitor: Dean a "Phony Liberal"
The Draft -- an inevitability if we elect anyone except Kucinich?
Dean's Wife Shuns Politics (NYTimes)
Helen Thomas: Clark all over the place on war issue
Dean....Better Call Your lawyer
Carter set to offer support for Dean
Who's the most intelligent of all the candidates (academically)?
Clark people- can he really stop these "incidents"
Dean Distorts Kerry’s Tax Position In New TV Ad
Official campaign marching orders from the Clark Blog
Clark is making some serious noise in the Hampton Roads area
Spotted 2 Clark signs on people lawns in Republican Naples, Florida
Dear Dean supporters, from a Clark supporter
What's with all the pro-Lieberman messages tonight?
Judith Steinberg Dean is a selfish shrew
As voting nears, new attack ads in Iowa
My Call: Dean would lose 312 to 226 to Bush (46%-52% in the pop. vote)
I want a true democrat and a winner- I choose Joe Lieberman
Charade posters go to the DU Lounge please!
Pro-GUN and the South...Clark can win the South
Parody song: "Goodbye Howard Dean"
What if the Democratic nominee takes office in Jan 2005
Looking for name of CNN producer of Political Desk.
Gee, that Joe Lieberman is one swell guy. I have herpes and I support him
Any results from DC yet?/favor statehood?
Bill Bennett praising Dean on Hannity.
275 Independents endorse Lieberman
A kinder, gentler 2004 Primary post.
Kerry's attacks on Clark backfire -
The Endorsement Issue, Something to Consider....
CBS shows video of Clark praising Bush
Lieberman gets major endorsement in Wisconsin
Kerry comes off as very Pompous against fellow Dems
Communists for Lieberman - wanna join?
Joe Lieberman edging up on Clark in New Hampshire!
Another former Dean guy for Lieberman
Another Deanie switching to Lieberman
Listening to C-SPAN 8:45 pm EST
Do you think the candidates will listen to McAuliffe ?
WPost: "In Defense of 'Mean Dean'"
Why did the Bush Admin demand to censor Clarks secret testimony ?
Dean Statement on Paul O'Neill Investigation
Letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - Human Rights Watch
Edwards, the Nice-Guy Candidate
A Matter of Decency by Gene Lyons
High Price For Bad Advice ( about Richard Perle)
Wednesday's Steve Bell Cartoon
Quail hunting in the backwoods
A doctor gets the treatment -Globe
What Dean Means (A refreshing pro-Dean piece)
Powell's shrinking credibility on Iraq
Kristof: Inviting All Democrats
NYT: Paul O'Neill, Unplugged, or What Would Alexander Hamilton Have Done?
"Secret" O'Neill document already available on web...
I'm planning to start a meetup in Rincon, georgia
Moveon.org commercial to air during Super Bowl?
Put a Dr for President. Welfare and Health, priorities for a better world.
Matt Drudge+Margaret Cho+selective quotation
Paranormal Olympics - Are you the most psychic person in the world?
First Lion Mummy Found in Egyptian Tomb
The Astrology of "America's Class War" /Worker & Wealthy in US History
BBV -electronic voting machines will not be subject to a manual recount-Fl
Bush Wants $1.5B To Promote Traditional Marriage
Majority In Arizona Oppose Gay-Marriage Amendment
LI Housing Group Gets $240G To Root Out Housing Discrimination
New Jersey Becomes 5th State to Grant Civil Unions
Delaware to consider gay discrimination bill for third time
Conservatives Split Over Marriage Amendment
Third Of N. Ireland Gays Attempt Suicide
Growing numbers of Americans are experimenting with sadomasochistic sex
Here is how to END The Gay Marriage Debate
Where Are The 4th Quarter GDP Numbers ?
"The notion that this is a short and shallow recession is patently false"
"Liberty Whistle" calls for Feds Resignation...Govt. Predictions Bogus!
Bush Trade Deficit fake:Motorola $1.1 b China deal to be all made in China
Another Potential Aral Sea Disaster Brewing In Kazakhstan - Reuters
2003 Swiss Glacial Retreat Biggest Ever - Not Attributable To Summer Heat
Bush Air Conditioner Standard Is Rejected (Clinton standard restored)
SInce President Bush II has been in office 58,000,000
"Mind-Boggling" Conflicts Of Interest In Bush Climate Policy - BBC
Keep faith in polls process, Arroyo urges Filipinos
The Corrupt Gun Industry In Action
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 14, 2004
Sexes differ on the issue of guns
120 Crooked Gun Stores Provide 1 in 7 Crime Guns
Skinner, et al: What are you all drinking tonight?
Locked as duplicate. Not a duplicate, AFAICT
Can we get a weekly list of those who have been tombstoned???
I love you all... but I was right....
Huge pats on the back, shoulder and a
Wow! Can You Guys Nuke Entire Threads Now?
curious why this thread locked
As a Dean supporter, I'd like to disavow and condemn the disruptions
Dean-Better Call Your Lawyer. That Is Actual Title Of Article
Since people are ten times more likely to complain than praise
I'm sure "thank you" threads get tiresome too, but...
typo on home page article title
Ack! Must....have....primary....forum...
How often do you get thanked by a poster
When Can We Expect a New Hate Mailbag?
I missed last night. but have a technical question....
In case anyone views the DOS attack as cyber crime:
Another question--a technical one (really)
Can we shut down GD:2004 Primary until the eve of the Iowa Caucus?
Why are all the threads here locked?
It's nice to be without GD2004. It seems to me it became a place for
So where should I post on the upcoming live Dean event tonight?
Could we get a Hunter Thompson avatar?
Is it just me, or does DU load really fast now?
U.S. urges Sharon, Qureia to meet soon
We Are All Soldiers at Checkpoints
British peace activist shot by Israeli soldier dies
Muslim Groups' IRS Files Sought
IOF Shoot Dead 3 Palestinians, Detain 85, Demolish 11 Houses
Israeli fencers determined to compete in Aqaba, despite Jordanian ban
Israeli soldier may face manslaughter charge
Guide to a West Bank Checkpoint
Muslim Groups' IRS Files Sought
Fighting Hate, Across Cultures and Generations
Background / Will Sharon topple Sharon? A scandal guide .
Hamas-Fatah Jointly Take Responsibility for Erez Attack
Israeli fence 'blocks peace talks'
Father of five murdered in ambush near Ramallah
simplistic questions about 9-11
What happened to the passengers of the "5th flight" in Boston?
Americans like Bush's qualities, poll says(Dems win issues - lose election
Kerry vows battle against 'economy of special privilege'
Rejecting the interview question so as to frame the debate - great article
Message from Martin Sheen to Dean supporters
Former Senator won't run for House seat
Dean has big lead among NH women
Clark endorses Apollo Alliance (Alternative Energy) -- Huge Deal...for me
Congresswoman Diane Watson Endorses Dean
E-voting site. Find where your reps stand on HR2239 (Diebold et al)
Heard on CNN that Gov. Ann Richards is going to endorse Dean?
People Who Live In Glass Houses
100% of returns in: Dean wins DC 43-34 in above average turnout
Clark, The Stephens Group, Inc. and Club for Growth
The money is still on Dean - by a wide margin
Congressman Bishop GA endorses Clark
Dean Praises Kennedy Speech on Iraq
Edwards Wins Mock Iowa Caucus IN A LANDSLIDE!
How can Clark appeal to Greens?
Dean Campaign Rally (LIVE 7:30/8 PM ET Wed) w/ Harkin, Sheen, & Reiner
Former Texas Governor Ann Richards to Endorse Dean
In Iowa, Kerry gains believers, including some Republicans
I started a thread in GD2004 calling for a 24 cease fire starting tonight
Dean Lead Shrinks in Iowa, Kerry Gains
Dean/Clark ticket "within striking distance" of Bush in Arizona
Kucinich on Airline Passenger Profiling
Okay, I have to ask this about Rush
BBV alert in Florida! A Trojan Horse...
Who REALLY drives and SUV? According to New Yorker, vain, insecure people.
Cheney visits Seattle - count the lies!
More BBV and other voting issues...
How will it be Clinton's fault when gas goes to $3 per gallon??
interesting pulled freeper thread
What being a Democrat means to me
If Dean does not win the primary, where does the money go?
New Abortion Bill in Nebraska...
Dean appears on the cover of Rolling Stones
NY Times: Revised Ground Zero Memorial Will Include an Artifact Center
Hussein Warned Iraqis to Beware Outside Fighters
Am I Wrong To Stretch The Truth?
How Can There Be An O'Neill Investigation?
Just discovered this news website...
CNN Poll: Dems on Domestic, Repubs on Foreign
WPR INterviewing Kevin Phillips on Bush Dynasty Book
A pink triangle today, in solidarity with gay men ..under attack in Va
Question about Move On and the Hitler ad
BBV: Dave Dill and Kim Alexander on KPFA
DEAN (Cain) / CLARK (Kent) - a political cartoon
The Never-Even-Risk-Jail card: GOP donations
Lets start pushing to boot Zell
Poll on Iraq invasion (Senate Republican Conference)
Black box voting trouble in Florida
Being verbally beaten by BUSH GROUPIES AT WORK - PLEASE HELP
True Tales of Homeland Security
Deafening silence on O'Neill flap (CNN), continued whoring...
Shock Video: Who shot new 9-11 tapes? Al Qaeda or someone else?
There is a finite reservoir of terrorists, right?
Why I Distrust ALL Polls: Group Admits Twisting Gay Marriage Poll
Seattle's Media Whores Want Internet Sales Tax
Bush Plans to Cook Employment Numbers
DUers , we should support Vanity Fair magazine
GOP Benefactor: "The country that represents Satan’s harvest is America"
Sour Grapes? Character assassination continues...
Does anyone else feel a need to shower after exiting GD: 2004 Primary?
Michelangelo Signorile SLAMS Drudge, Sullivan, Moonies!
Mexicans watch out! - Carlyle group is invading
POLITICS OF DIVISION : Are we really a Superpower?
$10,000 bucks just to get a picture with Cheney!
Prepare for incoming: The GD: 2004 group is MIA
Newsweek Dean Poll: Check the results
Anyone hear yesterday's Fresh Air/Peter Maas's extended Hummer commercial?
Bush coming to New Orleans tomorrow
Did you see this? ABC News says 2nd Official confirms O'Neill's story!
There was so much flaming in GD Primary 2004
Let's Give The WH Some Cheeseburgers!
Is Bush II following Bush I's game plan?
If caskets coming home could be televised...
What will you do while the GD2004 Primary Forum is down?
Florida is applying a religious test for judges
Hearts And Minds: The Solution!
Bushler's on the ropes - but without banning touchscreen we are doomed!
1.5 Billion for "healthy marriages" ?????
I'd like to see a "Department of the Commons" established
Is Bush trying to piss off as many people on both sides as possible?
NY Times Review of the Dark Lord's book "An End to Evil"
Triple Homicide - What gets into people?
Halliburton Looks to contracts on Mars....
O'Neill's backpedaling is irrelevant at this point.
Bush Space Program: Okay, now I get it!
Shrub disasters since 01...wonder what 04 will bring.
Edward M. Kennedy Iraq Policy Speech (CSPAN)(Noon ET on Wed)
How do you become an executioner?
President Moonbeam speaking on going to "infinity...and beyond"
Franken officially signed on to liberal radio network
Poll: Is the world better off since the US attack Iraq?
Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage
Media Bias Dan Rather and Brent Bozell
Blister Agent **NOT** found in mortar shells
Reasons to vote for Bush -- Not!
My Gawd! Cheney to be in AZ, 2 miles away from my
Bush deceit on Iraq exposed (Jesse Jackon - Chicago Suntimes) O'Neill
O'Neill Book - Rummy's Team - mapped the Iraq Oil fields days into term
CNN poll: Americans like Bush's qualities
Someone please explain to me...
Another interesting relationship...
O'Neill Book - Clinton Policy discussion (NSC meeting 10 days into office)
Call for Resignation of Federal Reserve Members
George's base not taking kindly to marriage tinkering
Just got what I think is a politcal message from Petco.com (pro Bush)
Does this really surprise anyone?
How big is your Ecological Footprint and how many Earths do you need?
The right wing and the christian church
Interesting study on Gender, Divorce & Political Affiliation
From Randi Rhodes today.........
Smoking ban kills business, owner auctions it at eBay
I keep thinking we need a word besides conservative..
IF O'Neill is truly backpedaling why is he still promoting w/ Suskind?
why does Guliani (sp.) want to buy the Fl. anthrax bldg. ?
I've finished the O'Neill book......bush should be concerned
Teen Surfer Who Lost Arm In Shark Attack Places 5th In Competition
Head of new NASA advisory commission has a lot of PNAC friends!
O'Neill & Suskind on NPR's "Fresh Air" today
bushco just gets worse and worse - oks stripmining near streams
Question to: TV, Radio, Print Media -- have you read O'Neills Book?
Bush Employment Agency (Funny Email - No source)
Bush sets course for 2015 moon landing.
should moveon.org keep the Hitler ads
just sent Daschle an email demanding the removal of Zell Miller
Ok, someone tell me WHY poor folk get divorced than any other?
It's So Easy To Prove The Lies Spread On Hannity's Show
Everyone! You MUST email/fax/call CBS and DEMAND the MoveOn Ad!!!
Video on 2000 election fraud in Florida with Greg Palast
"To the moon and beyond?" What is Bush thinking...
New Margaret Cho thread up at Freek Republik
Military Industrial Warriors In The Bush Administration and Space Dollars
Limbaughs attorney will be on MSNBC at 9e on 'Mr. Magoo'
What's this deal with Bill Bennett and the dominatrix?
Fastow and wife to plead guilty -- will get ten year sentence
How annoying is Judy Woodruff?
Dean hammered like this now.What will it be like later?
The BOOKSHELF: where mass "liberal media" survives
Further proof of a NON-link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda
In case you missed Symbolman on Joey The Scar....
Is the MoveOn Superbowl ad even a good idea?
the new Democratic president should do something about Lieberman
Fascism: A Bold Vision for a New Democratic Majority
Michiganders...we are another state in the RED
Breaking: Mars and Moon Exploration Outsourced to India
Why is BushCo so interested in Mars?
Democratsforbush.com, .net. and .org registered, and here are their owners
My talk show host says we're un American...Help!
Do you mind being on a government blacklist?
Ok. What Does Bush* Know About Space, Exploration, Science, Etc..???
I hate when they say: "They died serving their country."
Balloonfoot - *'s nickname for Powell
Bush's space plans are part of the PNAC blueprint
CBS May Not Run MoveOn Superbowl Ad...
I am sick of "Woe is Me" Democrats
If you were Bill Clinton, what would you do this year?
how conservatives use language to frame the issues . . .
Ted Kennedy live on C-SPAN now ...
5 websites/online journals that are must reads?
Cleric sentenced for book that instructs on how to beat your wife
Representatives and Senators - the poll.
Let's have no more talk about comparing Bush to Hitler.
$1.6 mil to run the MoveOn ad during the Super Bowl?
Is the war on terra just another form of mutually assured destruction?
How to frame a debate, from BuzzFlash.
US soldier ignores German law, 7 y.o. child suffers for it (rottweilers)
Weary GI's in Iraq say "Bring Us Home!"
1 in 7 US deaths in Iraq are suicides - is this depressing or what?
Get ready to puke: "Space Cowboy"
I cannot OVERSELL this essay (by Plaid Adder)
I'd like 10 minutes alone with Tucker Carlson
Is it impossible for Bush to unite this country ?
Next time the Radical Right whines about Bush = Hitler
Bush's secret nickname from Skull & Bones
An argument against the draft in 2005 - my attempt at persuading (Long)
Please DU the hell out of this poll.
Sheila Copps may run as independent (Canada)
FCC Seeks to Limit F-Word on U.S. Airwaves
Time to talk about Hawaiian self-determination
Is Neoconservatism simply a politically correct name for Fascism?
Class War: Corporations Slash Retiree Health Benefits
Why are we more acceptant now of "cruel and unusual punishment"
"Better than Hitler" - a modest enough ad proposal for the RNC
What are these 7 binding UN resolutions...
Can the British Labour party be saved?
Breaking: O'Reilly in a Wheel Chair!
S. 1980-Where are the cosponsors?
Green Party Apparently Considered 'Terrorists'
The BFEE aims their sights at bigger fish - the solar system!
A Question Regarding Gun-Related Discussions on DU
Oh, the irony: Gas prices may hit $3.00 a gallon this summer
BCCI UK lawsuit: Harry S Truman private documents 'available'
Critics call new Canada-U.S. agreement 'window dressing'
GIs Nab Relatives of Key Iraqi Insurgent
Several killed by bomb in Iraq
US opens new front in war on terror by beefing up border controls...Sahara
Schwarzenegger's hopes for federal help may be improbable
NYT | Dean Wins First Primary, a Nonbinding Vote in Washington
Legality of Changing Iraq Is Questioned
US military criticises legal process for Guantanamo detainees
Oil-Rich City Will Be Major Test for Iraq
Pentagon conscripts soldiers for Iraq war
Administration Alters Rules on Ethics Waivers
Supreme Court Takes Up Pollution Cases
Court ruling strikes down immunity of Italian premier/ I've duped this!
Hussein Warned Iraqis to Beware Outside Fighters, Document Says
Rumsfeld Says He Contacted Ex-Official on Bush Book
Mars Rover Moves, NASA Plots Course
Medics Say 2 Dead, 26 Injured in Iraq Car Bomb Attack
Prof cites pressure to alter final grades
TV President, Movie Director Out for Dean
Army's Suicide Rate in Iraq Said Higher
Iraqi women protest proposed changes to family laws
Pakistan-Libya Ties a Dilemma for Bush
Racial Disparities Played Down
Franken Signs Deal With Progressive Media
FTA opponents to urge protection . . health .cultural policies be excluded
A A pilot and crew detained in Brazil and refused entry to
Iraqi Kurd presses Kirkuk claim, riles Turkey
Tight Florida House race reveals flaws in Broward voting machines
Edward M. Kennedy Iraq Policy Speech (CSPAN)(Noon ET on Wed)
'Bullets' man stopped at Heathrow . . from Washington DC ( oops !)
Ted Kennedy live on C-SPAN now ...
Call for Resignations at the Federal Reserve
US arrests Iraqi journalists (threatens with rape)
Edwards' gentle approach may pay off in Iowa
100,000 kids lose health coverage (Texas)
HELP with link on AA pilot giving "obscene" gesture in Brazil
Over 60 Bulgarian soldiers quit Iraq-bound unit
Court overturns Bush air conditioner efficiency standard
Bush Air Conditioner Standard Is Rejected (Clinton standard restored)
James Carville to Write Children's Book
Conservative Episcopalians prepare to challenge gay bishop decision
Senate president may hold up vote on same-sex marriage ban
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 14 January (#1)
Liberal talk radio to air in Chicago
Connecticut to Begin Impeachment Probe of Governor
Japan to Negotiate Release of Abducted Citizens
Money Is All in Nomination Campaigns, Group Says (Dean Should Win Nod)
Virginia Eyes New Sodomy Law: 5 Years In Prison For Violations
U.S. Soldiers' Suicide Rate Is Up in Iraq
Back to the Moon, and Beyond(on the cheap - NASA increase =$800m)
$60B bank merger near: J.P. Morgan has agreed to buy Bank One
Dean Tries To Preserve Lead In Granite State
Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 496 U.S. service members have died
ICRC challenges US over Guantanamo prisoners (International Red Cross)
Gov. Murkowski Considers Tap of Alaska Oil Money
(Rev.) Jackson: 'Mad Dean disease' hurting Democrats
Kerry Decries His Own Negative Attacks
Schwarzenegger urges Rumsfeld to keep California bases open
Ex-S.C. Gov. Beasley Enters Senate Race
The media built Dean up and now...
Bush's Campaign Chairman Visits Vermont
WP: For Many It's a Summit, For Bush* It's a Pique
CIA officer gets key post on N. Korea
Racial Disparities Played Down (Report on Health Care Differs From Draft )
Clark Proposes a New Mission for NATO
[Georgia Gov.] Perdue's faith-based initiative clears first hurdle
Clark's Statement On Yucca Mountain Litigation
Armed Sudanese man arrested at Heathrow under anti-terror laws
Fastow to plead guilty... gets 10 yrs
War Crimes Complaint Against Franks Tossed
Book on O'Neill sells out fast in region (Pittsburgh PA)
Corroborating O’Neill’s Account
Dean Vows 'Special Relationship' with Latin America
Chile Coup Haunts Wife of Reporter 30 Years Later (Charles Horman case)
O'Neill Book Paints Devastating Portrait of Bush* (awesome details)
Daschle Says Seniors Getting Propaganda
Bush sets course for 2015 moon landing
Gangsters operate own prisons as kidnapping soars in Iraq (70% of crime)
An American soldier has died in a non-hostile incident in northern Iraq
Gephardt on Dean: 'Manufactured anger'"fair-weather friend"false convictio
Register for draft, jailed migrants told
Tests Show No Agent In Iraq Mortar Shells
Clark: No al-Qaida connection to 9/11
Spain's PM Says Bush Acts Like an Emperor
Bush Popularity Rises in California, Poll Shows
AP: Gov't to Overhaul Employee Drug Tests
Dean urged Clinton to take unilateral action in Bosnia
Democrats' Miller will hustle for GOP's Bush
Alliance MP will run as Liberal - CBC confirms - Keith Martin leaves CPC
Kennedy: Iraq war based on politics
Canada's diamond industry set to be world's third largest
Religious left creates lobby to oust Bush from White House
Anti-Bush Ad Contest Submits SuperBowl Commercial (CBS: unlikely to air)
FCC chief wants crackdown on obscenity over the airwaves
BCCI UK law suit latest: QC savages 'Credit & Cocaine' bank
Report suggests linking pay for teachers to kids' scores
Rumsfeld exerting pressure on Bush to launch military strike against Syria
Great news for Advert haters - Kirstie Alley sacked from Pier 1
Turn up the volume and enjoy my new sig-line
VCR ALERT: Gabriel Over the White House
hey i got a message thread locked!
CNN's RW Cartoonist changeing sides?
Had my first Chicago-style hot dog today, ask me anything!
new Oxyrush advertisers Miracle Ear & Dave Cross Motors
Extra Funny Spoof of Rush Limbo
Got another wingnut anonymous e-mail. Anybody know its source?
Do you have to pay for peer to peer services?
To whomever posted the "Club 977" internet radio link...THANK YOU!
Nominations please: who should Shrub send on a one-way to Mars?
Nascar Fan Prank Call ROFLMFAO!!!! A MUST LISTEN!!!
need some "Dear Abby" type advice
This one has me scratching my head...
A self-serving post about our website...
State of West Virginia "No Longer For Sale On Ebay"
Godzilla to look for Iraqi WMDs (Satire)
Remember "Mr. PicassoHead"? Wanna do Jacko?
Japanese Make Design Your Own Dream Machine
Question to those with law school experience....
Ever kick anybody in the balls?
Knife Wielding 90 Year Old Sends Intruder Packing
Message for the wife, courtesy of DU.
do you get the NASA channel on your cable?
Question about neutering Cider...
Man Utd rule out Butt swap..(must be his last day on the job)
Hey DU, take two aspirins and call me when you feel better
Puke Alert - My poor mother is so misguided
Weird thing happened to me yesterday
How patient are the DU moderators?
Check out this collage of mine
Conservative Email Petition: Bush modern Hitler? No, a thousand times no!
Are there Pocket PC owners out there? I need help in the worst way
Blind, Deaf Outraged by Bush Metaphor
Does anyone else feel a need to shower after exiting GD: 2004 Primary?
What will you do while the GD2004 Primary Forum is down?
There was so much flaming in GD Primary 2004
2 Posts till the four digit club...ask me anything!!
What was your favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" edu-toon?
What Caused GD Primary 2004 to Crash?
I don't think I should have fed the dogs the leftover black beans...
For my 2000th post, I'd like to do something special
How about 200 Dumbya insults by 6pm EST?
If I only knew then what I know now... I could've gotten lucky!!!
I have a technical question about logging in...
I just lost a $ 100 bill, did anyone find it?
GD 2004 Primary Forum: 2003-2004 (Post your memories here)
Fraggin' frassa daggim frag -- THEEEEP!!! (rant)
Question for 18-24 y.o. DUers: Remember the cartoon "Stunt Dawgs"???
I'm turning Japanese. I think I'm turning Japanese. I really think so.
(Yesterday) The GLOBE's cover while waiting in the check-out line
$100 for the head of the next thread poster with a dollar bill reference.
CONFESS!!! You found a $3.00 bill, who's face is on it?
I just found a Buffalo Bill. Should I spend it?
I Just Found an Electric Bill. Should I Spend It?
I just found the head of the next person to make a bill reference...
Is the Paypal website down today?
If you found Bill Cosby, would you spend him on colourful sweaters?
Whats up with that big bust in Ontario?
30 days' jail for drunk vehicular homicide? WTF?!
mmmmmm A Vat Of Pickled Opus !!!
Are dogs supposed to chew their kibble?
What do you think of the Pimsleur language programs?
To stupidly go where a bunch of men have gone before...
My downstairs neighbors smoke like @$)($#! chimneys and must stop!
Monkeys Have INVADED Embassy! (unilaterally apparently)
Anybody else here really miss Magic Rat's posts?
Just how cold IS it in New England?
Donovan McNabb on cover of Sports Illustrated
And the first two Hitchhiker's Guide cast members are...
Today I left a note on a freeper's refrigerator.
I think my marriage is coming to an end
George Lightyear vs Buzz Bush (etc)
Rabid eBayer is now harassing me! Help!
I am only posting this to avoid the treadmill. Ask me anything (please!).
I am missing the GD: 2004 Primary forum Poll
How many posts will you have...
My 250th post is coming, ask me something!PLEASE!PLEASE!
Ya just NEVER need to photoshop the guy
Just hit the big "500" DU Posts!!
Hey Monty Python Fans! I'm listening to Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto...
"Holy Grail" the Broadway musical?
the world's best cat litter...
Why does Bush really want a manned mission to Mars?
Psss, let's surprise the mods...
Mrs Matcom Just Watched The Clip Of Bush "Space Press Conference"
Can anyone recommend a good Portuguese language movie???
When, OH WHEN, will the Flintstones be released on VHS or DVD?!
Hey I just found a $100 bill. Should I keep it?
Enjoy the laugh: Actual Sentences found in Patient's Hospital Charts
The rarest birds: commercials that you NEVER tire of
Lennie Wilkins hired as new Knicks coach
CONFESS!!!!! You found a $100 bill - what would you do with it?
Did you ever do the Hokey-Pokey?
managed to staple my own finger in the middle of first period today.
Don't ya just love denial of service attacks
Post a cute/handsome/beautiful/etc. picture of your favorite candidate!!
Symbolman on MSNBC last night!
Anyone else see "The Great Dictator" last night? Chaplin's send up of *!
Florence, South Carolina. Tell me about the area, DUers.
MN student DUers--are you going to the Iowa primaries?
I just saw the most disgusting thing today
What makes Iowans so bloody POLITE?
Not all americans are stupid.. Take the test
My dog, Tantris, seems to be doing a little better today...
Brrrr. It's -12 right now with wind chills @ -40 to -50
The truth about Cats and Dogs...
What will you do while the GD2004 Primary Forum is down?
I hope this is a fashion trend that goes away: UGG Boots
I just printed a $100 bill. Should I spend it?
Speaking of Suskind - anyone read "A Hope In the Unseen?"
Minnesota Timberwolves fans, any here?
Eeeew.. a one eyed goat..(The eye looks human)
Who was the best politician of all time?
I'm (re)learning C++. Ask me anything.
So, we put this cover on the couch to keep the cat hair off it...
Can someone explain to me why a bigoted person will hang...
Trivia Question: 1910 Fruit Gum Company what or who was it?
anyone here ever use True Majority.com?
Who do you want to dope-slap the most?
This is the ONE poll that should be DU'ed...
Oh deer! They have a spotlight on us for CAPTIONing
Today, I left a note on a freeper's windshield
Getting Better Sound From Your Vinyl Records..... For Free!
It's been ten f***ing years. I'm so disgusted with myself!
Who's the ultimate "Butterface"???
Any connoisseurs of vintage 45 records? I just inherited 4 or 5 HUNDRED.
DU Pet Owners check in here: How many pets, names, types & pics!!!
A Test of Your Morality and Ethics
'Funky' Monkey Underwear FLYING Off Shelves!
I am sorry, but something needs to be said about last night.
My Democratic Club Endorses Dean (Sacramento, CA.)
DLC Democrat candidates - please read before you vote
Fox News, ABC to Present New Hampshire Debate
Take a break from the fighting- Time for a laugh
If what goes on here bothers you, better hope your guy is not the nominee
If Clark loses in Northern states, should he drop out?
Clark endorses Apollo Alliance (Alternative Energy) -- Huge Deal...
"Kerry Turning Some Iowans Into Believers in His Cause"by David Halbfinger
Wes Clark in Texas: "I do not believe that al Qaeda was involved in 9-11"
What are the major differences between IWR and Biden-Lugar?
Kerry asks Dean to reveal his 'secret plan' on taxes
ARG NH Poll: Dean down, Clark up
Dean 24, Gep 21, Kerry 21, Edwards 15 - latest Zogby.
Kucinich found fame early, fell, then found himself
If Clark wins NH should all New England candidates drop out for the
Rumors of Dean Iowa voting shenanigans behind his fall in IA polls?
Gephardt Faces Lawsuit Over Missed House Votes
What happened? It suddenly got (more) civil here?
NH Attorney General confirms campaign fraud targetting seniors
another super delegate endorsement for Dean
Kerry Stump-mate Kennedy Blast Bush on Iraq: Time to Think Kerry Again
So if Deans so unelectable, why is he in the lead and why all the attacks?
Durham County, NC Dean Working Meeting
Congresswoman Grace Napolitano Endorses Dean for President
Despite all the media/opposition attacks Dean still leads
Dean urged Clinton to take unilateral action in Bosnia
the Note: Carter appearance 'tantamount to an endorsement'
Bush leading Dean in Illinois (Hillary 4 to 1 over Dean)
Soccer moms may hold deciding vote in NH
A Democratic cliffhanger? (proportional delagates=no clear winner)
DEAN (Cain) / CLARK (Kent) - a political cartoon
State explains independents can vote in coming primary
From the "This is New Dept": Arizona to train US workers, replace Indians
Final - Dean wins decisively in DC - Turnout much higher than 2002
"Many Still Weigh Caucus Picks" Thomas Beaumont, Des Moines Register
Incurious, inattentive, disengaged: the signs of brain damage
Jan 13: HD 24, Gep 21, JK 21 JE 15; Dec 11: HD 42 Gep 23, JK 15, JE 10
The Media vs. Howard Dean (DUPE)
Latest ARG NewHampshire Tracking poll: Dean-2, Clark+2, Kerry +2
USA Today: Howard Dean letter to President Clinton
I received this article about all of the Democratic candidates
ARG Daily Tracking Poll: Clark +2 Kerry +2 Dean -2 in New Hampshire
dean endorses unilateral military action in letter to the president
Dean 28, Gephardt 23, Kerry 17 - - Latest Zogby IA Tracking Poll
Howard Dean Targets Rivals With New TV Ad
Go With The Mo': Confessions of an Unabashed Bandwagon Jumper
Latest Illinois Poll: Dean 24%, Gephardt 12%, Clark 10%, Moseley-Braun 9%
Dean/Clark ticket in the K Chronicles
Campaign email from Clark - two weeks to New Hampshire
Kerry Calls for Investigation of Bush Iraq Decision: Who Planned What When
10,000 Vets To Caucus for Kerry
Clark gaining in New Hampshire as Dean and other rivals focus on Iowa
Why do we need the Media Ho's when we got DU?
Hotline's Chuck Todd: 4 way race in Iowa.
Wesley Clark: Proving Allegiance by Governing?
Dean sharpens attacks on Democrat rivals as his lead in Iowa slips
Dean calls other candidates 'satanists'
Will Dean be the first to lose ALL 50 states?
predictiton - history will remember this year as two thousand and Joe four
Kerry supported Bush lies.... Kerry also claimed Saddam had Nukes
the "Joe or No Go" movement is growing
Hunter S. Thompson is betting on Dean in both Iowa and New Hampshire!
As a Clark supporter, I ask other supporters to not go down the road of...
I'm so glad THIS guy never became president!
A drunken partisan's view on things here in GD2004
AP-Joe praises Clinton & McCain before Carter gets a chance to praise Dean
Clark: Bush puts Nixon Administration to shame....
Dean appears on the cover of Rolling Stones
In Iowa Fight, Kerry Wields War Record, Calls on Veterans to Support Him
The story behind Clark's endorsement from Vermont's Abenaki Nation
BBC: Internet insurgent Howard Dean
"The New Republic" endorses Lieberman
Mo’ Mo Mo' Voters -- I was listening to Notorious B.I.G. today
Dems Send Mixed Signals In Voting Tech Debate
Does Lieberman have any important pop star's endorsements ?
Why Joe is going to win the nomination!