Guardian Profile: Paul O'Neill
Martin Woollacott (Guardian Utd): The failure of intervention
Seig heil! Mann Coulter takes on General Clark
Let's not forget what MLK was really all about
Tony Blair to face his monsters - BBC
New Orleans protest? What happened?
I'm trying to spread the word
"Local" Boston news anchor has been broadcasting from Florida for 2 years
I'm trying to spread the word
Will we do another official DU candidate poll anytime soon?
Having problems getting a new password
Posting from trashy neocon sources in GD04 v. 2.0
Is it against the rules to insult someone, edit the post,
Report: Yassin personally authorized woman bomber
Any more Iowa debates coming up?
Kerrey Campaigns for Kerry Tonight in Council Bluffs, Iowa
Did Hollinger's Black Mislead Board on Perle Investment?
TV Alert - PBS NewsHour - O'Neill Author Ron Suskind - 7pm est
TV Alert - Paul O'Neill Author- Ron Suskind on in minutes on PBS NewsHour
Geo. McGovern on Hardball, making good sense, as always.
Seeking Pro-Israel Angel Investors For Propaganda Movies...
Iranian official says elections there won't be more corrupt than 2000 US
BushFlash Classic - how Elections are stolen - meet Katherine Harris
Pardon me, this is for Dover..
Not just for Dover, for Everybody
Congressman John Lewis A great man for all!
Face it, the Human Race is Doomed!
Anyone know where to get a transcript of Ted's speech yesterday?
Are Bush and Rove losing their sharp edge...?
don't forget to start stocking
Saddam told his military to avoid al-qaeda.
Nuclear Power In Space: Articles
George W. hypocrisy re Martin Luther King memorial
People Magazine interview with Howard and Judy
Newsflash - Zell Miller is on Faux (again)
Who is GWBush's private secretary?
latest RW email:" How do you say good riddance?"
I don't blame the Shi'ites for not trusting the USA's caucus plan in Iraq.
Drudge: Bush's Immigation Plan -- angering base - some not donating
Another RW e-mail and my responses
What a wonderful country we have.
does anyone have photos of monkey's...
The myth of the populist stock market
What does everybody really think of Michael Moore?
Did Anyone Else Catch George McGovern On Meat Ball With Tweety Tonight?
got my bush admin wanted playing cards...
George Soros and Michael Moore on Charlie Rose NOW
is Washington Post switching sides?
As a Woman, I'm Kinda Bummed About CMB Dropping Out
OK, I'm late to the game, but I think the Democratic Party doesn't
Zell Miller's latest pearl of wisdom...
Poll for 2000 Nader voters only!
15-20 Georgia Dems attend Bush fundraiser in Atlanta
Ann Richards on Larry King now
Top Story on Worldnet ATT Homepage: Bush BOOED At MLK Gravesite!
Spread the word
Tavis Smiley has Dr. Cornel West & Philip Seymour Hoffman tonight on PBS
CNN Poll: Should Religious groups receive federal funs?
It's not just wages but benefits driving jobs out of the country.
"Human beings are headed into the Cosmos" GWB
Bush Booed at Martin Luther King Gravesite - "Bush go home"
Least trustworthy "serious" media sources...
Drudge gets busted on his Clark lies, refuses to respond to questions
Real Crooks Walk, Donate to GOP
California stalls Diebold decision again
Question RE: Definition Of Guerrilla Warfare
What does everybody think of Michael Moore
Two Flopped Bush Photo-Ops: The Aircraft Carrier & MLK's Grave Site.
MY hat in the RING??? ATTN DUers: I NEED your input
A lovely thread from the FReepers on MLK wreath laying. . .
UK minister urged to quit over soldier's Iraq death
Western citizens among Iran rebels held in Iraq
Duplicate post. Sorry. U.S. Still Holds Child Detainees at Guantanamo
US May Allow French Firms to Bid on Iraq Contracts
Disney worker deported to Haiti for massacre
Ottawa seeks trade sanctions against U.S . . (repeal USA's Byrd Amendment)
24 hours in the Life or Death of a Premiership(Blair)
Germany Mulls Sending Hospital Plane to Iraq (DW)
Warsaw's Mayor to Cancel Visit (to U.S. due to fingerprinting)
Deficit for Pension Insurance Plan Swells
Clark calls for criminal charges against Bush
Documents Raise New Halliburton Questions
Guardian Utd: US accused of sabotaging obesity strategy
BBC (Thursday): Election plan for Iraq attacked
Documents Raise New Halliburton Questions
Italy in Turmoil. Where's Berlusconi? Off for a bit of nip and tuck
New York Times (Friday): Democrat Challenges Bush on Intelligence Lapse
WP: U.S. Moves To Salvage Transition
U.S. weapons hunter David Kay won't return to Iraq - source
Democrat Challenges Bush* on Iraqi Intelligence Lapse
Children still held at Guantanamo: Pentagon
Recovery Trickles Down Very Slowly
GOP chair claims Clark supported war; transcripts show otherwise
Release Saddam say Jordan lawyers
Iraqi Women Decry Move To Cut Rights
Spanish politician labels Blair an 'imbecile' on live television
White House: Give Industry Greater Voice
US unfazed by mass Shiite protest in Basra, says demos 'a good thing'
Ann Richards endorses Howard Dean on Larry King
CNN: "Senior Canadian mulls party defection" (Copps to NDP)
Iraqi plan for Sharia law 'a sop to clerics', say women
Study: Network News Criticizes Dean Most
British soldier's widow releases damning Iraq tape
9/11 director gave evidence to own inquiry (Whitewash)
Clark Hit by Republican Assault Over Iraq Testimony
Have you ever done it with someone you were in gerbil love with?
Why does my car run better on "No Lead" gas than "Unleaded"?
The Apprentice: again, Sam ALMOST gets kicked
Someone at our ad agency screwed up
"Doctor, Doctor. Ya gotta help me!"
ready for Wal-Mart brand wine?
How Would You Rank "The Big Four" From The Rolling Stones?
I used to be Lounge-only, now I barely visit anymore.
BREAKING NEWS!!!! Jacko Sneezes
Welcome to the Lounge Baritone Black
Hunter S. Thompson on football and politics
Have you ever done IT with someone you were in puppy love with?
My cat goes without food tonight. My question is this....
No one knows what it's like to be a dustbin in Shaftsbury with hooligans.
Anybody here seen my old friend Martin?
I want Eliza Dushku to go back in time to prevent MY death.
"Clinton is Satan's lapdog and he ett meh baby"
Is it illegal for adults to have suggestive conversations with
My latest used-VHS purchase: "Galaxy Quest" for $8.99
How to scare your Republican neighbor
Somebody pick a fight with me.
I know where Sharpton gets his sense of humour...
If I wrote a book about Dennis Franz, would you read it?
Paragon sings Kid Rock (thanks, ronnykmarshall!)
If I wrote a book about Paragon, would you read it?
What is your favorite Oreo flavor?
Frontline looks very interesting tonight
MXC fans: What's your favorite challenge?
You know when I decided to stop taking the Catholic Church seriously?
So Big Brother wants control of my Air Conditioner now?
help in managing Windows' memory
Did it ever occur to the music industry that the reason sales suck...
Time for a DU fundraiser, "Calendar Girls" style.
Now REALLY REALLY Confess...first X-rated movie you're IN?
I'm on a Margaret DuMont-a-thon
warm wishes for the homeless tonight
What's the weirdest explanation you've heard for Bush*'s facial scratch?
I found a tarantula. I think its going to rain
NBA fans: Get ready for the "Brooklyn Nets".
Our next US Representative from Wisconsin. DUer, Whitacre D_WI !!!
The Top Two Restaurants in your town to eat at?
Am I the only one in the US that has not watched an episode of Friends?
I'm on a Margaret Rutherford-a-thon!
Is the US a secular state? Or a Christian republic?
Should Michigan be ceded to Canada?
So I guess there's this Ashton Kutcher movie coming out.
Those Laura "Pickles" Bush commercials on Mike Malloy
My 400th post - what's a guy gotta do to get flamed?
Have you ever thought a post of your was exceptionally funny
Question about WEP Wireless Security (MAC OSX 10.3)
Time to ask the musical question(s)....
If DU could do any "Web Cam" what would be your favorite spot?
I have a lost dog on my porch.
A audio and video message for DU'ers!
Is there a particular slang term or phrase that just annoys you?
Dean Leads in New Delaware and Illinois Polls..
Frank Luntz coming up on Hardball.
Clark: Educational Opportunity for All
Braun/Dean Announcement (in full for the 1st time) on CSPAN NOW (7:30PM ET
Babbit, Environmentalists Endorse Dean
Man, Paula Zaun REALLY hates Democrats.
Research 2000 Iowa Poll: Dean 22, Kerry 21, Gep/Edwards 18
Bush's approval rating just 54 percent in NBC poll
Carole King for John Kerry on CSPAN now~ 8:00 pm EST
Error-filled, over-simplified, but filled with positive exuberance...
Kerry on Gore and Climate Change
Dean and Kucinich are NOT part of the DLC -- Watch and Enjoy
The #1 reason for the bickering here:
"Dean's Trooper" (Dean smear from ABC News)
What I Like and Dislike About Each Candidate
Howard Dean calls Ann Richards LIVE on LArry King!
Other than Bill & Hillary, who are the big endorsements left?
A question on the primaries' delegates
Why is Fox's Vannity and Colmes relentlessly attacking Dean?
Hannity & colmes: Is anybody watching that crap tonight?
Kerry on Gore and Climate Change
Iowa Caucus Ruckus - Give Dean a little credit y'all!
Babbitt, Hawken, and other enviros throw their weight behind Dean
Clark Tells The Truth & Is Called A Liar For It
Drudge: The Ellipsis As A Tool Of Deception
I am going to an in-house with Howard Dean tomorrow
NH Clark Activists: If you work hard enough you could sew it up
Kerry and Vietnamese language teacher
PBS News Hour candidate selector Quiz-O-Matic
Wow, I can name TWO good things about Joe Lieberman...
Kucinich's Mission to Planet Earth
Chris Lehane: Clark's Bad Boy. All's Fair? Clark Rivals Irked
Are the presidential nominations an accurate reflection of voters' wishes?
If Kerry won the nomination, what would he do to Bush?
Former Senator Kerrey to help Kerry Presidential Campaign
The Moderate Independent Endorses Wesley Clark for President
Ann Richards endorses Howard Dean
Can we beat Dumbya with limited funds?
Eric Alterman handicaps the candidates -- likes Clark
Who Gets It ? (Or Clark, Dean & John Kerry's Hair) Krugman 1/15
truthout Statement on the Mainstream Media's Coverage of the Primaries
Ann Richards endorses Howard Dean on Larry King
Newbie seeking knowledge on Kerry's rise
The Republican attack on Clark has begun..
Why has no candidate suggested abolishing heterosexual marriage?
Barbara Lee for Vice President
Biden just said he likes Clark and Kerry on The Daily Show
contact Howard Dean about tax-fairness
If I wrote a book about Dennis Kucinich, would you read it?
Democratic Primary Candidate Poll
Just got email from my brother in law, his letter to Shrub,
Cartoons -- almost all of these are making fun of Bush space plan ...
Recovery Trickles Down Very Slowly
David Corn (The Nation): Not-So-Special Counsel
Jeff Faux (The Nation): NAFTA at 10
Return to presidential caucuses shows Maine's sensibility
God Hates Unmarried Losers (Morford's latest)
Bush's pro-corporate agenda crowds out GOP principles
Church Sends Christ Into Cold - Jimmy Breslin
Bob Herbert (NYT): Masters of Deception
TIA and MATRIX more in common than just spying and cocaine
America as a One-Party State: A Must Read
Anthony Lewis (NYT): The Justices Take On the President
Former GOP Strategist Critical of Bush "Dynasty"
COL Hackworth--Takin' a Shine to Wes Clark?
SF Chronicle: Cheney's grim vision
Washington Post defends Bush, Iraq war against Paul O’Neill’s exposures
Conservative groups break with Republican leadership ( May not vote in Nov
press wants to know which issues are important to you
John Kerry Puffs the Magic Dragon - Video
Another PBS station falls to the fundies, in Texas
GOP on the Attack - Targeting John Kerry ... Video
Rob Reiner and Martin Sheen on Hardball - Video
Sneaky prophetic X-Files writers got 9/11 truth on TV!
Is There a Wingnut in Your Life That Drives You Insane?
Mary Matalin: Is There a More Vile GOP Hag?
Upstate New York gathering ideas???
CARTOONS! The "Space(d) Cowboy" Edition
Poll shows Americans sharply divided on gay rights
OUTFEST Presents Fusion, First LGBT People of Color Film Festival
Montreal Games Organizers Plan New World Gay Athletic Organization
Gay-hating Philly minister convicted of soliciting sex from male teenager
Pro-family group still hopeful Bush will back marriage amendment
should it even matter if gays are born that way?
Arizona Amendment Would Ban Any Recognition Of Gay Couples
The 44 trillion con-job lie that Bush/O'Neill sell to destroy Social Secur
specific budget items in the federal budget
The curious attitude of "F***"
Update: Problems with Main US Inflation Accounting
$ to thrash around for 30 days and then dive into the tank.
2003 Tied For Second-Warmest Year On Record - NCDC
Indiana To Regulate Deer Farms
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 16, 2004
February issue of Fast Company on laughing grass
A clarification about sig lines please
"What did Candidate X mean when he said this?"
Not sure why my post was deleted
I am sorry to have to take this up with you, but I feel I must
I know you have better things to do right now
I would like to know if Democratic Underground...
A fair double standard/exception to the GD2004 rules
Dismantling the Fortresses of Fear
Activist rabbi in the dock, but he hopes Israeli policy will be on trial
Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the OT
Israel to resume targeted killings
2003 marks first year of deflation in Israel's history
Yassin denies involvement in Wednesday's suicide attack
Fencers will compete, hoist flag in Aqaba
Official: Israel to Kill Hamas Founder
The Nation Magazine Discusses The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism
Israel Plans New Name for W. Bank Barrier
Arafat kept Barghouti out of Hezbollah prisoner swap
Interesting, obscure 9/11 article
Rep. Lampson seeks re-election in new district
Rep. Martin Frost to take on Pete Sessions in TX-32 candidate query results trends
Hack Attack: The GOP journalist gunning for Bush in New Hampshire.
PERLE: "He(Clark) just doesn't want to take action(on Iraq)." 9/02
U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick endorses Howard Dean
Help a Democrat in KY (Ben Chandler)
Good news on GOTV operations from 527's.
Did anyone see/hear any of O'Reilly show tonight?
Dems must challenge Bush on the Environment.
How many right wing big government/ tax haters do you know
Iraqi plan for Sharia law 'a sop to clerics', say women
Mildly amusing school prayer petition destined for Bush
New Christian site: Don't vote for W (looney alert) Don't vote for 'W'
The other flag to wrap oneself in
Will We See Massive Global Marches Against Bush Before U.S. Election?
Why is renouncing citizenship bad?
Top 13 REAL Reasons why Bush wants to go to Mars
Now bu$h wants U.N. help. Aren't they irrlevent George?
Take Me Off This Planet - John O'Farrell - amusing
Andrew Young was at Bush fundraiser???
O'Reilly says he wrong about the boy scouts.
CARTOONS! - special preview: Luckovich NAILS bush/MLK op
O'Neil, Army War College, Kevin Phillips - A trifecta "for" Bush?
James Rubin is on c-span right now
Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush
Bush called Rove on the phone tonight...
Doonesbury, "Fair and Balanced"...
Mustang Engineer Lives the American Dream
"Your huddled masses" -- of visitors
What will be the big news Today?
No troops reported killed for the last couple of days
Interesting analysis brings to mind "threat inflation" .....
Fresh Pork - Where our $ is going
Remember them trying to compare Iraqi resistance with post-WW II Germany?
Gay marriage poll (not the AMA one)
Bush's Soc Security "private account plan"--would cost $1 Trillion to fund
MLK Breakfast features Chicago Dems
US not yet responding to request by Red Cross to visit Saddam
U.S. consumer sentiment highest since late 2000
An example of Ed Gillespie and Drudge distortions about Clark and war
From the back of the bus to "behind the bus..."
What? We have 3 child detainees at Guatanamo Bay???
If Pre-Emption is now our official policy?
Bill Clinton's Book Due this Father's Day!
Does anyone know anything about the ABN AMRO-Bin Laden connection?
Is the ad going to be allowed to play ANYWHERE?
Cong. Bernie Sanders joins Thom Hartmann live at 1:05pm ET -- link
Let's Get Rid of the Swine! (Inzana)
BBV: Report on California Voting Systems Panel Meeting (updated)
Daily Howler Skewers Maureen Dowd
George Soros was on Charlie Rose last 5:30 (et)
Ha ha ha Katherine Harris won't be running for the Senate
Exclusive: No mad cow tests in Wash.
Thanks to all the good folks that have exposed the Wall St Journal, RNC,
Fox's Major Garrett actually fair today on creepy Don & Roma Show
EU welcomes US space plans, but has concerns (about military ambitions)
They're BAACCKK! Wooden Shoe Brigade resurrections itself and joins Bush.
California Democrats Face Grim Post-Mortem
A POLITY CONUNDRUM (re: Perle and Frum)
Bush cheats taxpayers and MLK to get a free trip to a fundraiser
Hope you didnt miss the all network coverage of Michael Jackson's
Task force 121 and Lt. Gen. William Boykin's un-holy war on Iraq!
drug testing industry gets payback from the bushgang
Is anyone familiar with "The Week" Magazine?
Wingnut freak out - bible codes say Dean wins! Brings peace!
Chance to Flip 2 Congress Seats NOW
Do Democrats Trust Machines or do they "Trust the People"?
No, the GOP is not homophobic...
Black Students denied voting rights in Texas
Yay! 500 posts I can't wait for my name to have 1000+ next to it
Bush/Cheney bumper stickers for 04 campaign....funny and Oh So True!
"The Price of Loyalty" Good News, Bad News
Bush's New Space Program Criticized Over Costs & Nuclear Fears
Right Wing Resistance to Global Warming Issue
Republicans - The Party of Death
Recess appointments and Bill Clinton
MoveOn knocked out of Super Bowl
The Horse is dissing Lou Dobbs big time for dissing Clark...
today, a friend of mine in nyc had to teach in a 50 degree classroom.
"God, Guts and Guns" words from a leftie newspaper in Bakersfield, CA
Racists rejoice Pickering installment
Very Much Concerned By The Next OPEC Meeting
Drudge has lost his effectiveness
Bush just Installed Pickering - Unity Thread for Righteous Indignation
An Echo Of The Cold War Space Race
Bush Bypasses Congress and.......
One of the most disturbing campaign ads ever (NC Governor)
George Soros on Charlie Rose NOW (et) PBS...
This quote about exposes Repugs for ultra-revisionism
Can you please define the term "Spacial Entrepreneur"?
Bush on Mars cartoon from Aljazeera
The good-paying jobs have gone bye-bye, get used to it
February OPEC Meeting - Beginning Of The End?
Rush said that Gen. Clark supprted war in Iraq....
Russia plans Mars nuclear station
How lucrative was the Florida Education contract for Dell Computers?
Does anyone know anything about these "Freepers"?
Do Senators & congressman pay into/collect social security?
Did anyone see Eliot Cohen on this morning's WJ?
What, in our current political situation, do centrist Democrats want?
I've figured out how the rich will evade the coming draft
Women Must Show ID To Get Abortion
Did anyone hear Brian Lamb speculating on Bush challenger from the Right
Will meathead Lou apologize for his Clark lie or will he dodge?
We are abandoning the women of Iraq!
Halliburton & Mars: "an unprecedented opportunity"
Sorry, This Story Just Died Too Soon Here !!!
Revelations: 9/11 Commission officials gave evidence to own inquiry
Martin Luther King- Six Principals Of Nonviolence
Liberalism on college campuses
SOTU: Start telling your Congresscritters now...
All You Posters Who Thought Bush Being Booed Was Inappropriate
Statistical Resources on the Web
Bush Flees Iraq Mess On The Campaign Express
This week's Bill Moyers NOW - Inside the business of news, MORE...
CNN FOX ABC--no sound on the footage of W at the MLK crypt/tomb
GRAPHIC VIDEO: U.S. Soldiers Execute Iraqis!
First victim of Bush's Mars stunt: Hubble Space Telescope!?
Pickering appointed by bush*s recess appointment!!! payback for MLK protes
pssssssssssst... (the TOONS are back! pass it on...
Freeps hurl racial insults, death threats to Margaret Cho
How Exactly is a Democrat's Wife Supposed to Behave?
Coporations consider themselves international citizens why doesn't labor?
TV Producers are getting seriously interested in Black Box Voting
If I hear "No difference between Democrat and Bush", I'm going postal!!!
Newsflash: Abortion is never a "quick, easy" decision for women!
Bush*s Immigration Plan Hurts Re-Election War Chest (Moonie Times)
Spanish politician calls Tony Blair "a complete dickhead"
BBV: Report on California Voting Systems Panel Meeting
Airline to cancel 364 flights (Alitalia strike)
3.2 Earthquake just occured in SEattle
Plane carrying Georgian defense minister comes under fire in Iraq; no one
House votes to study school voucher bill (New Hampshire)
New light shed on campaign funding
United States to return $20 million to Peru
Administration proposing new high-level manufacturing council
Afghan TV U-turn on women singers
Senate overrides more than $51 million in Romney vetoes
Largest corporate scholarship provider for poor kids dropping out (Fla.)
US blamed for journalists' deaths
MI5 Conman tricked students out of £665,000 by 'IRA threats'
Bush gets booed during his visit to MLK's grave
Duplicate post. Sorry. Bush to Revive Social Security Tax Plan
U.S. pension insurer's deficit triples
New York Times (Friday): US Joins Iraqis to Seek UN Role in Interim Rule
France Considers Iraq Security Role
Bush to use State of Union to revive tax proposals
Consumer Sentiment Highest Since Nov 2000
U.S. December Michigan Sentiment Index Rises to 103.2 From 92.6
O'Neill's "Secret" Document Not So Secret After All
France considering security role in Iraq: FM
Top Kashmir Rebel Leaders Killed by Indian Forces
German cannibal had 204 ‘applicants’
Saddam told his militia to avoid al Qaeda
Sun Micro to lay off about 300 workers (CA)
Globe and Mail: "Bush prefers our pretty boy to his pretty boy"
House Pages Expelled for Chemical Abuse
Cleric Warns of Rejecting US Iraq Plan
Bush Administration Proposes Cutting U.S. Manufacturers' Taxes
Reported abuse of Iraqi prisoners to be probed
U.S. Says May Agree to Some Changes in Iraq Plan
U.S. Army to Cut Back Patrols in Baghdad
Iraq Aide Brands U.S. Formula As 'Hasty'
Highways Marked by Tension and Risk (from trigger-happy US forces)
Stocks Rise on Strong Earnings(despite flat industrial production
Bush Issues Recess Appointment
Bush Finds Loophole and Appoints Pickering???
Conservatives pressure White House to support antigay amendment
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 16 January (#1)
United Recalls 600 Flight Attendants
Jewish group OK's same-sex marriage
Turkish Army Flexes Muscles on Iraq, Cyprus
Democrats' Financing Plan Challenged
Breaking news - Bomb blast in Central Baghdad...more soon
More Boeing Layoff Notices Go Out
Shiite Cleric's Aide Brands Iraq Power Transfer a Bush Election Stunt
Retaliation allegations denied by school board (Texas)
Jewish Groups Join Fight For Gay Marriage
Electrolux To Close Mich. Fridge Factory (2,700 Jobs To SC, Mexico)
Economic crisis, threats of Jihad, and more violence in Iraq
Bush to Revive Social Security Tax Plan
Iraq Insurgents Urged to Lay Down Arms
Industrial Production Up 0.1 Percent
Florida's Harris may skip Senate run
Blair: 24ours in the life or death of a premiership
Gephardt, Dean pull negative ads as undecideds seek positive tone
Legal Group To Offer Gay Marriage Advice
Bush operatives moving to primary states
Groups Urge Probe Of Ashcroft's '00 Bid
John Glenn doesn't think Bush*s space plan will fly
Conservative groups break with Republican leadership
IAEA Says Iraq Likely Source of Material (yellowcake in Rotterdam harbor!)
Industry (Halliburton et al.) hopes soar with space plan
Serious Voter Fraud Charges in SF Mayor's Race
Frost to challenge incumbent Sessions for U.S. House seat
Three Lawyers Demand Dean Stock Inquiry
Bush prefers Martin spokesman to his own
NASA Cancels Shuttle Missions to Hubble
Ex-Enron chief Lay eager to talk, his lawyer says
Sheryl Crow, Dixie Chicks Rock The Vote
U.S. to Ask for UN Fact-Finding Team in Iraq Dispute (direct elections)
Gore Calls Bush a 'Moral Coward'
Bush Approval Slips 4 pts in latest NBC/WSJ Poll
White House Opposes UN Report on Obesity
Pentagon Withholds Cold War Medical Data (WMD use on our troops)
Bush Names Pickering To Federal Appeals Court
Kansas preacher tries Twin Falls for anti-gay monument
Court Won't Block Texas Redistrict Plan (Supreme Court refuses)
Bush to Offer Defense of Iraq War in Major Speech
Evans to Unveil Plan for Manufacturers(cut taxes to "save jobs"- surprise!
new Oxyrush advertisers Fry-Wagner, Research Medical Center
Today's "Treadmill Movie": Oliver Stone's "Talk Radio"
Welcome to the Lounge Nostradammit
Question for UW Stevens point alumni.....
"Sex And The City" with lesbians - BRILLIANT!
I found out today that my CO is nondeployable
The X-Files Writers Great Prophetic Moment....
Florida man drove his pickup truck through house before landing in pool
I am pretty new here.... some questions.
looking for photo album/slideshow software
Ooh what fun.. Let the guests decorate the wedding cake
Streak of Bad Luck for Streakers
There was just an earthquake in Seattle
Send Back Liberty (look who they want to replace her with )
Boston workers, take a cab to work, if you usually walk
-114 degrees in Mt Washington (with windchill :P) this morning.
ok Mother Nature I GIVE I GIVE!!
Whats that i see, why its a Newbie!
I had the weirdest dream about babysitting the Clinton's other daughter
brave minyata, we hardly knew ye
what's the deal with the rising cost of bread???
Anyone still have a set of those Dr. Laura photos from a few years ago?
I am so "Rico Suave!" - Ask me anything.
Woman To Face Trial For Hoarding 196 Cats
CAPTION the Atlanta cops protesting W
DOH!! Man Tosses Bag of Pot Into Courthouse Security Tray
Is Peter Wyngarde still a gay icon?
The Glide House.. (a new way to pre-fab)
I just ordered Price of Loyalty and American Dynasty from BAMM
LIVING Darwin Award Goes To THIS Man!
Anyone else have a favorite Pet Shop Boys song?
I was banned this morning, ask me anything!
The Official GOPisEvil/Matcom Thread...
Worst thing to find in your SO's browser history
QOTFD!! (Quote of the Friendly Day!)
Hey! Come here! --- Pull My Finger...
Rusty, the Martian spy, says we are driving him crazy
I wasn't feeling sick until I came to the Lounge
Cambridge Study: 99.99% Believe Anything E-mailed to Them.
I want to learn web design and maintenance...need advice
Pats have gone from fluke to favorite!
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
A boquet of CAPTIONS for meeeee!?!? How thoughtful of YOU
Enough with the cat threads already!
How do you tell a person that you don't care about their god/religion?
Buy Saddam Sand. (This is not a joke)
Any Fans of the Silence of the Lamb?
Any fans of Lamb : The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal?
Caption this picture of Jerry Falwell
What Does This Mean? Someone Translate Please?
I'm watching 'Scooby Doo, Where are you?" ask me anything?
2010 - Ordering Pizza in a post-Bush administration world
new Oxyrush advertiser St Clair
What should Marvin the Martian say in the State of Mars address?
Seperated at Birth? The Frank Burns edition
Cartoon characters caught on tape - from FARK
Any Lambda Lambda Lambda's here?
Anyone want to design my business web page?
Why is it called "the pork barrel"?
new Oxyrush advertiser Maui Visitors Bureau Inc
"The Passion of The Christ" by Quentin Tarantino
This is a RAVE! I made it through!
Am I a democrat or republican?
Your guilty musical secret...?
Our Howard Dean Song Is Now Online
I agree...we need to establish a base on the moon
Bush and the Wizard of Oz (An Amazon Review of "Wicked")
What are the saddest thongs worn in the last 15 years???
I.a.s.* - Convection oven - regular oven?
So you're a frequent customer at CompUSA
What if I were Romeo in black jeans? What if I was Heathcliff...
Mystikal sentenced to 5 years for sexual battery, promotes new CD
I need a good book on learning Java
Does anyone know any good jazz clubs in NYC?
Hope you didnt miss the all network coverage of Michael Jackson's
ha, what my friend said about Lieberman
after a couple of weeks off.... it's TOON time again!
If you're "high maintenance"...
Who else loves the album "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway"?
Playboy can pursue charges against Excite and Netscape
An infallible, guaranteed insider's prediction on IA
What is your favorite variation on typing "Republican"
Check out the pick of Ashleigh Banfield
as articles go, this one needs a little more attention from the editor...
I love this Poem. The Cremation of Sam McGee.
Time for a really bad, corny joke from Battleknight24... here it goes...
Post your favorite Monk line/scene here
1974 - the death of the liberal revolution?
Alright enough war, everybody kiss & makeup
When the tinfoil hat just isn't gettin it.
1974 - the end of the liberal revolution?
WhaddoIlooklike, a sucker or something (long)?
ARMA MORTAL - Giant dinosaur claws from Argentina
Does protest music exists anymore?
I just made 100 posts! YAAYYYYYY!!!!!
I just had my first message deleted...
Yay! 500 posts I can't wait for my name to have 1000+ next to it
I hate using sick days when I'm actually sick
Why do Retardicans always want to deify their presidents?
Why Lambaste DU with Lamb Posts?
"Who forgot to brew the coffee today!!!!"
*New and Improved* with 20% less dingbat!
I wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana....
What are the saddest songs made in the last 15 years???
i've never really been gone, but i'm back! anyone miss me?
Today's Oprah: Women of India killed by their husbands when they can't
$260 for "affordable DIY" wire shelving?! @%&!%(*!!!
Superfly- Ron O'Neal dies at 66
The Most Definitive Poll of All:
Cthulhu supporters: Where are you located?
What's your favorite kind of Lounge post?
Attention Maine DUers - Are you going to your caucus?
So I am thinking of starting a weblog
Carol Burnett Show Marathon All Weekend!!!
Just when I think Bush couldn't possibly disgust me any further....
Hugh Jackman/Horror Fans --- The VAN HELSING Preview is up
Listen up, DU...I've had enough.
here's an addicting Japanese game . . .
You have the ability to make one person get a haircut. Who?
Whatever happened to all those January sweepstakes??
FAMILY GUY creator confirms return of Stewie and family
Who Do You Think Will Lose This Poll?
what do republicans and sperm have in common?
Time for the gratuitous "Ghostbusters" quote!
Life insurance policy tax question.
Drinking Coffee, listening to Loverboy and Alice Cooper, chatting on DU...
A classic - The 5 States Of Drunkeness
I'm torn, and a little mad. What are your thoughts?
So, is Harry Chapin's "Taxi" the saddest song in the world, or what?
What if Bill Cosby had died in 1987?
What's the trait or characteristic you like most about yourself?
Who has heard of Romanovsky & Phillips?
Do You Have An All-Time Favorite Bush Quote??
I'm back from San Diego. Did I miss anything?
"Miserable Failure" warning!!!!!!!
Goodbye DU. I will not be posting after tonight
a small rant on Republican bashing
Atkins, carbs, Walmart, and beer on the wall
I must pick a nit - the book is "Revelation", singular, not "Revelations"
How do gay people, minorities, immigrants STAND IT ???
Your ship is sinking! You only have time to save one....
Gentlemen...when is a date really a date?
Theme Song Lyrics for TV Shows
Nostalgia for early to mid 90's "alternative" music......
TV Alert - Paul O'Neill Author- Ron Suskind on in minutes on PBS NewsHour
Poll: 3-way tie in IL Democratic US Senate primary race
Dean Back On Top of Zogby Poll in IA
It's the fence sitters who will decide this election
my attitude towards all of the candidates has changed..
Clarification needed: Dean remains steady in the National Polls
Is the US a secular state? Or a Christian republic?
Undecided: Here's 3 Good Reasons To Vote For Dean.
kucinch target of yet another late night monologue jab
Is it standard fare for candidates to deny accepting a potential VP slot?
google news counts for candidates
daggummit. my first choice for candidate dropped out....
I'll admit it: I have no ideas how the primaries will play out
Running voters ragged in the Hawkeye State
KCCI-TV Poll finds Kerry and Edwards Surging in Iowa
Are the 13% Iowan undecided potential no-shows?
Did John Edwards seek help to curtail excessive blinking?
Dean Details Treatment for Anxiety Attacks
1 thing you need to know about General Wesley Clark
Carole King for John Kerry on cspan now 1:10 am eastern
A FOUR WAY Statistical "Dead Heat" in IOWA would be Delightful!
Dean edges Lieberman, Clark in Florida, South
Wesley Clark lobbed "Dean Tapes" grenade into Iowa
The lie of positive media bias for Howard Dean
NYT-Iowa Hopefuls Wrestle With a Great Unknown: The Choice of the Undecide
Clark says Congress should determine whether Bush's war decisions criminal
If Kerry wins Iowa, what do you think will happen in NH?
This current all around change in Iowa numbers has done a few things..
Clark - "I'm Karl Rove's Biggest Nightmare - I will outpitch George Bush"
Knowing Her Mind, Mrs. Edwards Speaks It
Forget the candidates, it's really Paul Newman versus Madonna
I'm rethinking my first hunch last summer
Proof Positive that the GOP is darn scared of Clark
Elaine Kamarck (one of the founders of DLC) Endorses Dean over Clark
Robert Kuttner of American Prospect: Convention battle to Clark?
Study - Network news criticizes Dean most
Kerry, Edwards Claim Surges in Close Race (Wash Post)
New ARG NH numbers - here comes Kerry!
The Survivor Script applied to elections
Those questioning policies, honesty & motive vrs, those that just Q policy
4/10/03 Clark-authored article praising Bush, war - what gives?
Democrats Wrestle With 'Electability' /Kerry, Edwards Claim Surges
Clark called for a criminal inquiry of Bush admin long before yesterday.
MoveOn knocked out of Super Bowl
Big campaign promises are in for a test
CLARK Comes Out Ahead at the L.A. County Young Dems Endorsements!
Guest corrected on Dianne Rheim show on Dean supporters
CSPAN Jamie Rubin on Clark 10am EST
John Kerry was great on CNN and FOX news
Dean on Abortion past statements agreee with recent ABC interview
Once again, Gephardt's fate depends on Iowa vote
"Dean TV" great points about education and other issues
I predicted it! O'neill deleted from Clark quote - Orwellian drudge -
Dean slips, Clark gains in N.H.
Joe Lieberman feeds from Drudge too
Krugman says Clark and Dean "get it" - I say Clark/Dean in 04!
Who likes the opposing candidates more than they did before?
Ann Richards Endorses Gov. Dean. I remember when Dean was unknown she was
It's been about a month - how is the sentiment here RE the Primary?
NH ARG Poll: Kerry, Edwards gaining, all others level or declining
Kerry takes lead in race for Democrat nomination
LAT: Pentagon Defeat Fired Up Clark for White House Fight
No Matter What Happens on Monday We Must Be United!!!!
Dems Finally Get A Spine=Victory in 2004
Teresa Heinz Kerry on CSPAN at 12:00 pm eastern
Breaking: Clark praising Bush as recently as November 2003!
Dean In 1st By One Percentage Point in new Iowa Poll
New NH Poll Shows Dean Leads Clark by 9 pts....
Clark challenges Bush to open the government
Zogby 1/16: Kerry 24, Dean 19, Gep 19, Edwards 17. Iowa.
Got off the phone with a 2000 Bush voter (elderly woman)...guess what!
Perle's comments on Clark's testimony regarding Iraq (from TPM)
Great Endorsement for Dean on the front page
RNC finds the same stories, same day as Drudge - remarkable!
Will Bill Clinton Endorse....and if so when
2 Great Things: The Return of Bill Maher, and Wes Clark his 1st Guest
Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13) endorses Dean
Who Gets the "Three Tickets" Out of Iowa?
Braun to Support Dean in Primary States
What exactly is a caucus as opposed to a primary?
Edwards supporters -- Where are you located?
Iowa Dean supporters are out canvassing and volunteering for the campaign
Wes Clark and Al Sharpton on Bill Maher tonight
The Iowa caucuses, a Canadian perspective - (CBC RealPlayer video)
Candidate Reviews, Self Promotion, and Tax Reform
If Kerry continues his surge, will there be a ABK candidate?
Dean in denial: "'not much is happening in the polls"
Kerry Redefined by Post-Vietnam Efforts
Very Much Concerned By The Next OPEC Meeting
Cthulhu supporters: Where are you located?
Hey Skinner! Are we doing better now?
A DLC Founder Endorses Howard Dean
What do the DLC, the Washington Establishment, and Rupert Murdoch all
Bush just Installed Pickering - Unity Thread for Righteous Indignation
Caucus question for fellow Coloradoans.
Dean supporter’s take on tightening race
BBV/EVM status in Iowa and New Hampshire?
Where do they have to finish in IA to stay alive?
Edwards supporters by location:
Exeter (NH) News-Letter Endorses Clark, Pans Dean
How will Clark, Dean, Kucinich etc. beat this really real Rove scenario?
So, who here voted for either Nixon or Reagan?
Are Kerry's Iowa numbers pumped up in Iowa because wouldbe Clark...
Clark's Rivals Irked by Campaign Aide's Tactics
I Can't Wait for Iowa to be OVER
NEW POLL: Dean-24%, Edwards-22%, Kerry-21%, Gep-20%
Is it true Kucinich is/was pro-life?
BREAKING: Kerry: Get rid of the Agriculture Dept (' 96)
4th place Dean finish in Iowa- what would it do to his campaign?
Iowa Undecideds begin deciding, Kerry surges to 5 pt. lead... Edwards up
Breaking: Kerry comments on Dept. of Agriculture Iowa Poll: Dean 24%, Edwards 22%, Kerry 21%, Gephardt 20%
Candidate representative night at my local democratic organization
Moore: "Lieberman in the wrong party" and why Clark is the man on CNN.
Questions About General Clark's Military Records
Arlington man pushes Kerry’s gay appeal
Prediction, Shocking Upset in Iowa
Clark & Sharpton on Real Time tonight
Looks like I was wrong. Dean appears to be on the decline
Rabid right wingnut anti-Dean site--contains link to "Stop Dean"
Clark's doctored Iraq testimony purged from RNC and Drudge sites..
How does Edwards win the nomination?
Vote for me! I'm not a Republican!
USAT: Did Dean Go Too Far Blasting "Washington" and Poking Clinton?
Study: Network News Criticizes Dean Most
If you're a reg'd Dem now, have you ever been reg'd anything else?
About 700 in MI vote for Democratic presidential candidate over Internet
Should we really trust Zogby as an indicator for Iowa?
Clark could be Plan B for me only if---
Why doesn't Edwards get attacked as much for voting for the IWR?
The torture continues for this Kucinich supporter....
I'm uncommitted--- convince me to vote for your candidate.
TNR on Kerry surge (also anti-Dean & Gep tax flyer)
Clark challenges Dean, other rivals to release records
If nominated, how quickly could Edwards build up his internet support?
How much impact will guns play in this election?
Everyone: When did you first register as a Democrat?
Dean Wins Braun Backing in Iowa, Gephardt Attacks
Clark: Registered Dem in 2002 - independent prior to that
John Edwards - Pickering Appointment is "an Insult"
Clark vows leadership on gay, AIDS issues
Which candidate will appeal the most to bush supporters?
Howard Dean and the allocation of the tax burden.
It's time for Dean and Kerry supporters to get together.
Have you read the new GD:2004 Primary forum rules?
Iowa DU'ers: Meetup this weekend in Des Moines?
If Kerry win Iowa he wins the nomination
Dean wins primary with 43% in Washington D.C., which is 60% Black
Fellow Clark supporters: Should we root for Kerry or Gephardt in Iowa?
Your favorite among the four major Iowa Caucus candidates?
Teresa Kerry On C-Span: IMHO She Out-Shines Mrss Dean, Clark, Edwards and
Kucinich: Bush Administration Could Precipitate Uprising in Iraq
Take PBS quiz on candidates' stand on 14 issues
Carole King re Kerry: "I'm Coming Up, You Better Get This Party Started!"
Slate: "Edwards has aura of winner"
D.C.'s White Voters, Not Black, Made Difference for Dean
Kucinich says slow and steady will win the race
Richard Perle Said Clark's Testimony Anti-War!
TNR: Why Dean Is Right on Taxes: Tax Evasion
Email C-SPAN to get Clark's rebuttal to Bush's State of the Union on LIVE
Dean's Lawyer Actually Seeking Executive Priviledge To Keep Records Sealed
We're looking for articles in support of all the candidates.
It's January, 2007. There's a Democrat in the White House. Who is it?
Kerry "Zen Master" Keeps Going. Calling Dean, Clark DUers: Salute Him!
Dennis Kucinich Supporters Only -- Write an endorsement for your candidate