Babbitt, Hawken, and other enviros throw their weight behind Dean
Guardian: The World Is Watching
Bill Gates: 'The Wealthy Must Give Back to Society'
The O'Franken Factor-- An interview in Newsweek
WSWS -- Iraq troop rotation plan: Pentagon prepares for next war
Zel Miller: Conservative traitor
Shrub propagation question (not THAT shrub)
Minnesota DUers...Gathering on Jan. 23rd?
Astrologers: Pluto is now in Opposition to US Mars - II
Family/Fascist Research Council
Comic relief for the admins and mods!
Victims of terror appoint representation to fence hearings at the Hague
EU warns Israel against targeted killings
Analyzing Coverage of 2004 Race
Did Clark ask congress to decide if Bush is a criminal?
If Saddam "gassed his own people", what does this say about Uncle Sam?
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! The Sh@t's about to hit the fan in Iraq!
Bush is trying to "unite" our nation again...
Neglegence Found In Carnahan Plane Crash
Tweety slaps down Jeanne Shaheen
Helen Thomas on NOW tonight (PBS)
We need a Murphy Brown TV character to take on Bush
Deaf/Mute pResident + Blind/Corrupt Cabinet = Conflict of Interest
General Clark on Bill Maher right now!
Looking for photo of Clark with that blue tie...
An anti-bush ad I'd like to see aired -
Fed Pension insurance program's deficit swells
Shrub appoints Right wing Judge to New Orleans Court of appeals.
Bush* to propose tax-free "lifetime savings accounts"?
From the start, O'Neill rowed against the Bush team
How can Scott McClellan LIVE with himself?
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! The er..doo doo is about to hit the fan in Iraq!
Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown on Dean and Hillary
I've been interviewing 'the guy on the street'..
Rove is NOT afraid of {candidate name here}
Military in Space: Audio links
So with the elections coming up and possible debates
Things ive learned from listening to Mike Savage.. ( Weiner )
ABC Nightline Friday: the Baghdad Blogger (Salam Pax)
'curious george' photo from WH web page (caution: scary) true photo
is "World Net Daily" a RW propaganda site?
Did President Clinton employ "free speech zones" against his protesters?
Driving instructions for the Country
Want to see what the Earth lost on 12/12/00?
Finally! TBTM Radio Gets Their MoveOn!
Please Du this poll. Is the Media Bias?
New Homeland Security film: "Subversives Must Be Destroyed!"- stay alert
Just sent an e-mail to the greatest living U.S. Senator, Rick Santorum
I smell a landslide in November.
Do you think MLK would have been killed if he had stuck to racial issues
Bushler losing true Conservatives in droves!
Nurses in how many other states are required to do Bioterrorism CEU's?
Social Democracy and Socialism
WTO backs U.S. duties on Canadian lumber - source
Despite probe, Cheney's former firm gets Iraq oil contract
Top Democrats deliver "prebuttal" to Bush's State of the Union
Lawmaker Says Intelligence Wrong on Iraq WMD (Rep. Jane Harman-D-CAL)
IRS to audit Nature Conservancy
AP: Military Range Cleanup Plan Sputters (It Could Take More Than 300 Yrs)
Despite Probe, Halliburton Gets Contract
Arizona Judge Rules State's Legislative District Map Is Unconstitutional
Citizenship Civics Test to Change/W.H. wants 'more meaningful' exam
House GOP Warns White House on Budget Plan
Senior Texas Democrat Takes on Republican Incumbent (Frost vs Sessions)
Kerry Redefined by Post-Vietnam Efforts
Scalia & Cheney take hunting trip as Energy Case goes to court.
Hoon admits he may be forced to resign
Guardian Utd: Place in the sun for everyone--except Bush, Coke and Windows
France Calls for 6,240-Strong U.N. Force for Ivory Coast
Candidates Slam Bush on Pickering
When Grand Ayatollah Sistani Speaks, Bush Listens
Bush* Looks at New Health Care Initiative, Advisors Say
Iraqi Oil Gets Its Own Police Force
Parts Manufacturer Negligent in Plane Crash That Killed Gov. Mel Carnahan
Rumors of Castro's death sweep Miami-Dade -- again
45,000 People Quit AARP Over Medicare
Is anybody there? Does anybody care?
It's time for... Name My Liqueur!!!
When's that next L.A. DU gathering?
What is the title of this song and who is the artist?
please Google bomb nixon on miserable failure
Poll question: Alternate Ticket for Imaginary Elections
Anyone still watching Smallville?
NOW with Bill Moyers Tonight on PBS
Absolutely Fabulous fans. A new one on Oxygen channel
Ok, I admit. It has been over 10 freaking years......
Who made it into the Clean Plate Club tonite?
New Norah Jones CD February 10th! YAY!
former law students: the wait for grades...
OK, I admit it. Its been 10 freaking years
Yay! The non-stop work period is over!
What is your favorite "Good Thing"
Welcome to DU Member #38,000!!!!
Linux Geeks -- anybody out there have advice for video capture boards?
What's black and white and red all over?
I should just start smoking again.
Watching the South park movie for the first time - laughing my butt off!!
Urgh! Anyone have that "End of the world" flash thingy?
"but we can't make love... because we're related."
Bagdad Blogger is on Nightline
Don't watch Jimmy Kimmel live (insensitive joke)
Anyone on DU have alopecia areata?
Save me! What dissolves adhesives?
1,001 posts, and I want strokes, d--- it!
They're firing people and the rest of us have to work harder to make up
I used my job to fight abuse of power today...and I feel great!
DU chat ready for participants
Remember that poor cat I told you about?
The chronic and obligatory "what are music you listening to?" thread
You know you've watched too much anime...
Looking for photo of Clark with that blue tie...
Panthers versus Eagles Game Thread
I want to go to Italy this summer - anyone know any good airfares?
Here is my tale of woe...and I'd like your opinions.
I have a question, and you are all going to think I am nuts
Google your nickname in here (DU)
QUAD CITY DU Gathering Sat. Night the grand tradition of AriDog.....DubyaCoon
Non minorities - have you ever been a minority?
just had four impacted wisdom teeth removed
Ask Mr. Zomby your TAX QUESTIONS!!!
If Shrub were a shrub, what kinda shrub would Shrub be?
How often do you think about Oscar the mixed animal
Zogby: Dean losing because people are looking for a winner
Is Bushs arrogance propelled primarily by Electronic Voting machines
Alternate Ticket for Imaginary Elections
Edwards coming up on CSPAN in minutes. Check out a well-run campaign...
The election is today and the candidates are as follows.
An "Outrageous" Appointment - John Kerry on Pickering appointment
CanadaForClark asks: If Clark is a Republican (as Dean says), then why..
Gephardt, Dean Pull Negative Ads in Iowa
Would Wesley Clark make a good Secretary of State if....
Dean has the nod. Who gets your vote?
Ed Gillespie in Arkansas/Missouri. Attacking Clark and Gephardt...
Check out to get some straight dope...
How is Clark preparing for the possibility of a Kerry or Edwards win?
A Kerry win in IA changes everything
Mike Malloy blasts the candidates - Right on!
Thoughts on Club for Growth Ad in Iowa?
Why be upset about reciprocation? Fair is fair.
Clark's on Bill Maher...NOW! n/t
If Clark or Kerry beats * because they are a veteran was it right to
John Kerry gets endorsement of The Greatest Band on Earth
Dean "didn't run an active campaign in DC" or did he???
Edwards Kicks Off 'Five Days To Change America' Tour In Iowa
The real question of this campaign
The Democrat Party power struggle in play this campaign year.
There are people who still want Nader????
Braun was paid off by the Dean campaign
James Rubin, Clark FP Advisor, C-Span Appearance Video
Kerry Crowd in Decorah Four Times Larger Than Expected
Poll shows Dean is past the peak
Gephardt snags coveted Michael Bolton endorsement
If Sharpton gets the nod, who gets your vote?
The real problem with the early primaries in IOWA & N.H.?
Clark blasts Bush for Pickerington appointment.
I've decided: I'm switching from Dean to....
A note about the accuracy of polls of registered Iowa voters
How much is the Bush tax cut costing you?
Zogby Poll Math: 1/15, Kerry beating Dean by 19% in Iowa!
If I see one more candidate in a sweater...
Kerry flyer attacks Dean & Gephart Tax plans
Edwards supporters... an unlikely "endorsement"
Survey USA Iowa Tracking Poll - HD 24, JE 22, JK 21, DG 20
Carol Mosley-Braun should get a cabinet post.
If John Kerry is the nominee, who will win the general election?
Yale roommate vouches for Dean on Race
Theoretical VP for John Edwards?
Zogby News: "Again, any one of the four can win this one”
I think its going to be Clark or Kerry, folks.
HardBall: Dean Win Solid. Can Take Voters to Caucus. Kerry People Can’t
Wesley Clark supporters Only -- Write an endorsement for your candidate
Dean's recent slide in the polls will end up being a good thing for him.
What ONE candidate should this group of Democrats vote for?
Iowa and New Hampshire: winners since 1972 (with a morsel of history)
Survival Guide for the Iowa Leaders (Howard Fineman - Newsweek)
'The lies, fears and stupidity of the empire'
Molly Ivins: Giving money to rich people
Calling Bush `disengaged' insults the disengaged....
Iraqi oil gets own police force
U.S. still holds children at Guantanamo
Fresh Recruits (200,000 Stop-Lossed)
Shafer: Richard Perle Libel Watch, Week 45
U.S. Warns of Possible Venezuela Threats
GOP Senators Push To Pass Spending Bill
Bush prefers Martin's Scott to his own
Columnist Charley Reese is mad as hell over Iraq war.
From the people who brought you 'Donkey Cart Missiles'....and now the....
Chinese moon mission changed climate at NASA
Pat Robertson says Vote No on Jesus
Head's Up! Bill O'Reilly Advises Democrats!
New York Times (Sunday): Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins by Wal-Mart
NYT: My Crossover Vote (Conservatives considering rooting for Democratics)
Apache killing video becomes viral news
'04 Election Could Be 2000 Redux(effect of Bush's -50% -Approval)
Bush deficit: to infinity and beyond
End Run for Mr. Pickering :Wash Post editorial
White House Braces For Another Book
What can we do about a totally dysfunctional local party?
Waldman Says Press Gives Bush a Free Ride
The Margaret Cho hate messages
Pat Robertson - Vote No on Jesus
Women in Iraq Decry Decision To Curb Rights
Bush illegal alien amnesty sell out to Mexico to cap rise in silver price.
Should we push to have the wording "Well Regulated" taken out of
Passive agressive name calling
Ill-dsiguised flame bait SPAM-ing in GD-P2004.
How flexable are the new rules?
Appeal - Ayn Rand in Meeting Room
Hey Skinner, found a bug in the front page article
Why was the thread about some Iowans actual opinions...
I think this thread should be unlocked
British detectives won't be part of investigation into death ..
US Warns Israel To Avoid Targeting Yassin
Israeli forces raid West Bank village
Israel's wedge leaves physical, emotional scars
Israel's Sweden ambassador wrecks Palestinian art
Sweden summons envoy to explain damage to artwork
Palestinian workers brutalised by Israel
After three Israeli invasions in Rafah: 75 Palestinians homeless
How many time does it take to get 81 people on board...
Bush's Arab-American support dwindles
Why is Bush tax increase of unfunded mandates and birth tax not in media?
Edit:I moved the thread, please ignore
Interesting article I got from the *other* Republican
Clark Campaign: New National Vice-Chairs
Someone tell Kucinich about this one.
Mitch Daniels... bush anointed... and polling BEHIND Kernan
King takes her musical Kerry tribute to New Hampshire
California Attorney General Lockyer Endorses Dean
How much money will it take for CMB to switch endorsements?
Still Talking: Kucinich Supporters are Mad as hell . . .
Was ignoring Iowa a fatal flaw in Clark's strategy?
Is Peter Freyne a reliable source?
12 GA Democrat legislators endorse Bush!
I posted these lyrics the other day
How important is "security" to you?
New Yorkers: How worried are you about national security?
Clerics whip up support for poll
How much difference do you see between the parties?
God's Judgment on Heterosexuality (SATIRE)
Is the American media biased? This poll needs correction...
Help--My screen just turned green
Need a little help with the draft issue.
Chuck Lewis and Michael Scherer on "This is Hell" live now -- link
Democrats might be thankful that Bush sneaked
Have you seen Tavis Smiley Show on PBS? (not available in my area)
I heard yesterday -- Florida BBV lawsuit filed for printers on machines
Ahhhhhhh..The sweet embrace of the Iraqie People!
"Miserable Failure" warning!!!!!!!
Have your public libraries allowed "Free Speech Zones"?
Executive branch lampooned over Plame leak (in a cartoon)
UH Oh, latest WMD findings may make us look bad
Federal Register Executive Orders Disposition Tables
Was it peggy noonan that said...
Hey, George Will: your patron, Conrad Black, doesn't deliver!
To go with your SOTU scorecard...
Richard Perle Said Clark Was Against War
I guess Michael Moore is gonna wait until AFTER the stolen
Dem nominee should pledge to serve only one term
Will Suskind and/or O'Neill make the talkshow rounds? The book
Bush: "I've done more for human rights than any other President."
Anyone have details re:consolidate all Emergency Communication thru WH?
Is this country better off than it was
A great e-mail I just received, from Spider...
They're Lying to Us About Space
A Little Bit About Judge Charles Pickering
email Jan 20 Peace Vigil in DC Military Families Speak Out
PROOF that GWB rules like a dictator from Mitch Daniels.
Uplifting story - one more convert, maybe two!
Vote yes on this poll-criminal investigation of Bush
'US lied about deaths of journalists in the Palestine Hotel'
SCotUS Refuses to Block TX Redistricting Steal
Al Martin on "The Guy James Show" today at 3pm
If a Dem wins in 2004, he'll be a 1-termer.
profiles are for info- inquiring minds want to know
Where can I find an American death toll count for Iraq?
WH Meeting: "Get me a cheeseburger, will you"?
How many myths can you find in this article: Why Bush is Over the Moon
Meet the new Ayatollah Of Iraq
Mr President, please quit talking. Now.
Will the Bush-supportive media still remain so when he's out of office?
Are we seeing the start of a new cold war in space with Russia and China?
What a stupid reason to die - plastic surgery
CBS Radio News said the "S" -word concerning "Non-Hostile Deaths"...
Viewer Alert: Media Bias Panel at New York Times Arts & Leisure Weekend
Why did George W. only appoint Pickering instead of all of the judges?
Should TBTM or MoveOn start an Ad contest on electronic voting?
Is this book the "Mein Kampf" of the PNACers?
Al Gore: Bush's plan to send astronauts to the moon a "retread effort"
Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins by Wal-Mart - NYTimes
Which canidate had the strongest pro war statements prewar?
Brrring, Brrring...(satire) you wouldn't be able to tell...
Anyone ever read the booc called, Fraud by Waldman?
Could one or more of these cases before the Supreme Court topple Bush?
Question- Would Shrub have gotten his "Iraq War" if he didn't lie?
For those that read the O'Neill book- the facts eluding "airtime"
When a Dem Wins The Presidency in November, the bushies/PNAC will
Excellent Counterspin (FAIR) this week
Military families...can they sue PNAC cabal?
Question for the gay men of DU:
Dixie is a trap for Democrats in presidential race, says Norm Solomon
Trip With Cheney Puts Ethics Spotlight on Scalia (no words)
Question about recess appointments
Idea for a new cable news station: "You decide, We report"
West Point Professors Lecture in Baghdad
Need Help Countering Some Rethug Memes in a Friend's Email
CBS News: New Approval Ratings
Is there anything Bush could do to alienate Republicans?
ARMY OF ONE Ad in Heavy Rotation on cable in New Hampshire til Primary
Smirk killed the Hubble Telescope and it really burns me up.
Now bush* Is Begging the UN for Help. PNAC Plan Toast?
Woo-Hoo! *'s approval rating down 10 pts from Dec. says CBS news
One more NOW with Bill Moyers thread.
How about instead of the Super Bowl
Scalia-Cheney Trip Raises Eyebrows
Has anybody noticed the price of gasoline going up?
Is there any time in history that you could've been a Republican?
Even in Freeperland, aka VA Beach...
Internet warnings... about major attacks on the United States
ALERT:Drudge and RNC going two-for-two
Official Guy James Show thread! 3-6pm EST!
What do Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Liarly Have in Common?
Pat Buchanan has been really quiet since his show got canned.
Hubble will die a quick death thanks to Bush
so what was the motive of the Pickering appointment?
Why Didn't Bush Recess Appoint Janet Rogers Brown Instead of Pickering?
A question for all the Buckeyes out there...
CBS news reporting Bush drops ten points in poll(Dem beats Bush 45-43)
Love this Poll! "Do you think Bush committed a crime in his march to war?"
The Administration is in a "slump"....
Did you gain or lose respect for Jimmy Carter when he said that he
"Mother of Tough Questions" Helen Thomas
FTAA Review Gets Heated; City Manager Is Heckled
Does anyone know what the website that posts...
Specs on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle (flipped over by explosion in Iraq)
Why does the Southern Baptist Convetion still exist?
What will Bush say in his State of the Union speech?
"Conspiracy... or Coincidence?" - new educational film for Bush apologists
George W. Bush's Frightening 2ND TERM
Men on Mars? Let’s go for it! (vanity)
I called Kate O'Beiren a media whore
The Michigan Socialist -- Vol. 2, No. 1
Bush's big problem in Iraq (no-one is even talking about it)
Will Partisan Politics Become Obsolete?
Take heart: latest re-elect numbers are very bad for Bush!!!
Gates quietly spends $14 million buying homes near Medina estate
What Bill Gates Says About Campaign 2004
All Liberal Website Owners Read This !
For MLK Day, a flashback from two years ago...
Fellow DU'ers, Join Me Here In Honoring The Great Dr. King.
Lobby trying to limit charter changes
Find truth about police, panel told
Spiritual leader of world's Orthodox Christians will bestow Fidel Castro w
Pastor convicted of soliciting sex from teenager
Perle Said Clark Was Against War
State Keeps Bleeding Jobs-California payrolls fall by 8,400 positions in D
Soldier dies from non-hostile gunshot: US command
Pensioners protest against Blair in London
Musharraf heckled during parliamentary debut
Blood on the virtual carpet: Editor get's thrown out of online town.....
Maine's Michaud faults GOP economic policy in radio speech
FBI agents conduct search chambers, home of judge
Adecco Faces Class Action Lawsuits on Behalf of Shareholders
U.S. lawyers say Microsoft settlement is falling short
U.S.-S.Korea Agree to Pull U.S. Troops Out of Seoul
U.S. Warns of Possible Venezuela Threats
Moderate Muslims define 'jihad'
Minister says Canada's soldiers are 'going to take a rest'
Five killed, 13 wounded in Afghan clash
Guatemala willing to intensify cooperation with Cuba
State by State Breakdown of Iraq Deaths
Hard-hitting ad contest fuels MoveOn's devotees
Missing Actor (Spaulding) Gray Long Battled His Fears
bush* Wants UN to Sweet Talk Sistani
Terror case prosecutor is probed on conduct
Rep. Wexler sues in push for ballot printouts (D. Rep. Wexler, Florida)
WP: Iraqi oil gets own police force
Controversial U.S. attorney to quit (Ga - Bush appointee)
(Ind. Governor) 2004 race set to draw record cash
Military Range Cleanup Plan Sputters
Washington Post: "U.N. Support Crucial in Iraq, U.S. Says"
Cigna CEO Reveals Layoff Plans
Red Flag Raised Over CIA, Special Forces
Bush Seeks Quick Ruling on U.S. Detainees (basic legal/constitutional ?'s)
Afghan TV wins 'woman singer war' (get gov support over religious protests
Another Drop in polls for Bush
Latest round of 80 layoffs is last Boeing will announce
Justice Dept. Won't Appeal Hinckley Ruling
Cheney and Scalia duck hunting-conflict of interest in Chaney's case
No inflation? Fed ...can't find much inflation. Consumers might argue...
DNA evidence allows man to walk away from SCI-Greene
Israeli ambassador to Sweden vandalises Palestinian artwork
CNN Breaking: 5 servicemembers killed in Iraq
3 U.S. Soldiers, 2 Iraqis Killed in Bomb Attack War Death Toll Reaches 500
Planning on Cuba urgently needed, U.S. told
Bush pledges steps to spur jobs, business
One in 10 Kansas households goes hungry
WNC soldier: Iraqis haven't grasped meaning of freedom
Musharraf Heckled during first parliamentary address in Pakistan
Bolsters Bush on Terrorism-Finds Doubts on Economy(unnamed Dem wins 45/43)
From Nearly Every State, Death in Iraq (500 dead in Iraq)
Bush Seeks Quick Ruling on U.S. Detainees
Official: U.S. to Reduce Troops in Iraq (no increase in non US troops)
bush* Pushing Agenda in State of The Union
Activists call for actions against US companies
Hubble's doom in the stars: NASA to retire its telescope
Poll: Bush's Approval Sinking (50% approve to 45% disapprove)
Mom Accused Of Injecting Human Waste Into Daughter
Cheney Hunting Trip With Scalia Raises Impartiality Questions
Harris: I won't run for U.S. Senate
City to pay protesters $250,000 to settle WTO suit
Families stunned, angered by units' deployment extension past one year
Grouches of the world unite...
I bought the most amazing compendium of pornography today
Man tosses bag of marijuana into security tray
My Mexican american lady wonders
Nathan Lane is awesome on Conan
I'm happy to report that my cat has forgiven me
Well, Johnny's in the basement, mixin' up the medicine...
Just finished "Alice's Restaurant"! It was the first time for me.
This is what I want to hear as the State of the Union Address
FACT: Bush was a cheerleader in a prep school
Damn, Gary Mule Deer on Letterman
rightwing news top 10 worst (best DU quotes)
Last Michael Jackson album you bought?
NOOOO! They're killing off the Hubble!
I see there are no "I'm drunk: threads tonight..".
heat wave...having a heat wave...temperatures rising...
Police have surrounded the building
"Warn Out" as depressing a post as you might ever read
I've been in Des Moines today with the Kerry campaign
The Barenaked Ladies are hilarious!
So, it's Friday night, you're a little bored, and you have broadband...
Have any DUers heard about any of those who lost their homes
Northridge Earthquake, January 17, 1994 (pics-60kb)
'Hole in Bush's head' amazes no-one...picture too graphic
Who else is wearing five layers of clothing?
new Oxyrush advertiser Bordner Roofing Co
Anyone here know anything about steelworker's pensions?
It's hard to post a response on GDPrimary. Is it that way in other forums?
27 Live Action Weta Workshop Produced Designs For EVANGELION
Today's Boonedocks--not for Gephardt supporters, but still cute!
If we send a manned mission to Mars
Yahoo!! Catfish and I are crossing over our 500 post mark!!
in a thoroughly wrecked house, what would you want cleaned first?
Life on Mars (well, it's dead NOW)
Streakers in restaurant watch as their car is stolen
Help--My screen just turned green
Random thoughts from Ellen DeGeneres
Some of my braincells died yesterday
Has anyone seen the show "Worlds Apart" on the National Geographic
Tigers offer Pudge Rodriguez Florida deal-breaker
Have any of you tried the South Beach diet?
Oh what a life of luxury......
Well, I didn't get laid off yet
Beautiful Street Paintings for your Saturday enjoyment
I think there's hope yet for our great country!
Need some help ffor dmolishing a Freeper-type
Anyone catch the series on PBS about the Reconstruction?
Seeking your advice, please. Help?
*snarf*Someone called my local papers 'speak up' section and said....
If you laugh at this website, you will be reported to Homeland Security
'Hole in sky' amazes scientists (w/ very neat picture)
How about a DU gathering around the DNC convention?
Share your local Democratic website here
Darn, we nearly lost Tom Cruise!
Only a guy would come up with this...
Should I go to best buy today?
Picture: Rumsfeld with Sadam (handshake)
Visited Freeperworld for the 1st time
Here's to YOU Mr. Really Mad Internet Sports Fan!!
OOPS, accidently did a double post, ignore this one, sorry...
It's Saturday and I'm in a chemistry lab, ask me anything
Just out of curiosity, who is in the Lounge this morning?
Feedback on Democratic website requested
Rapture Letters: Bug Your Atheist Heathen Friends After You're Gone
Any DUers play Neverwinter Nights?
A question about Japanese radio style....
After an Unfortunate Absence from DU...
CATWOMAN is going to stink to high heaven! (New picture)
Before buying a DVD, ALWAYS check out these sources:
Brewers for sale! Hope reigns anew in Milwaukee!
6 Topics I Never Want To Hear About Again From A Reporter
Apple has transcended self-parody
It is only 1:30 here & I'm already drunk.
Is "Big Fish" any good? I didn't like "Cold Mountain" and passed LOR's
I'm bored, here is proof... (mspaint, fun with)
Ask me anything about pelicans!
Californians, are you proud of THIS man?
Who did that song "Rollin' down the Highway"?
Are there any movies today that...
Do you think this NFL weekend will be as good as last weekend?
Is it true that girls just wanna have fun?
I need some help with something here....
Why Sarko's just a big girl's blouse( or Paris Morals Squad activity)
Short list of people who can kiss my rosy red.....
What's Your Favorite Salty Snack Food?
Is There A Frank Zappa Fan In The House That Can Answer This Question?
Kucinich's Date gets someone else
Please Help Me DUers. When You Want To Write A World In BOLD
Cat Story #1: The Cat Ejection Seat
Do Your Co-workers Like You and is it Important to You?
Which Super Bowl matchup would you most like to see?
Great moments in primaries past
The Delta Uniform Alpha Bravo Charlie Thread
-__ ---- ___ A _-_- -_ _- A -_- - -_ _-- A __ ___ -_- --- - A _-_- ___ _--
I think Chistiane Amanpour had a crush or
Does anyone else have a problem with self esteem?
Question for the gay men of DU:
Sights of San Diego — An Assortment of Pictures
Question for anyone who watched SMALLVILLE on Wednesday!
All Liberal Website Owners Read This !
they blew up the hitler building!!!
Come watch the sun rise and set over San Diego
When should i tell my parents??
Who here does not drink tap water? Where do you live?
Benjamin Franklin born January 17, 1706
What will others say at your eulogy?
and for my final post tonight - the gift
Do anything interesting today?
Sure! I Want To Earn Millions In Real Estate...
Animals of San Diegos zoos, including koalas, pandas and penguins
Want a new digital camera that functions like a real 35mm
State of the Union Drinking Game: Your Picks, 2004
Brokered Convention: the nightmare scenario
NYTimes: Kerry behaving like a man with the wind at his back
How does your support level break down for the candidates?
Rivals chasing Kerry in Iowa; Pace picks up as caucuses loom
Iowa predictions - general poll
Clark supporters: A Kerry win may be bad for the General
Dean and Harkin - Slopping the Media Hogs
What's Sen. Kerry's position on marijuana decriminalization?
Dean's army of storm chasers launch assault for presidency
Tonight, I Shook the Hand of a Great Man, Dennis Kucinich
Shaheen: Kerry has Dean in his sights
Election 2004 will be about BUSH, not Dean, Clark or any Democratic
Looking for photo of Clark with that blue tie...
Have you lost or gained respect for Wesley Clark after learning...
How accurate is the polling in Iowa?
NOW Salutes CMB's Historic Bid for President (warning postive stuff)
Richard Perle's and Wesley Clark's Congressional Testimony
Dean, Clark in tight race in California; Clark does best against Bush
Does Gephardt withdraw if he comes in third?
Clark Statement On The Republican Gun Rider
ARG Tracking: Kerry closing the gap on Clark, Dean up by six
Former Michigan foes unite behind Kerry
If 9/11 had never happened, what would the past three years be like, and
Who serves, and who is served?
Once-Warm Relationship Between Dean and the New Media Sours
Which superdelegates are pledged, and which are not?
Kerry Doesn't Hesitate to Woo Those Who Do
Kerry's Veterans Brigade starts to arrive
Brooks on candidates / response
Clark would lift stem cell restrictions
Bill Richardson for Secretary of State?
KERRY Leads Undecideds in Iowa, Highest Second-Choice Total
Wes Clark Jr. Is a Force of Nature
Dean backers happy to be 'left-wing freak show'
Anyone catch Carville on NPR show, Waddya know?
Kerry rapidly closing the gap in NH - down by only 10 - Clark slipping
Kerry charges 'smear' effort, defends farm record
Was ignoring Iowa a fatal flaw in Clark's strategy?
As Iowa Caucuses Near, Crystal Ball Gets Cloudy
CSPAN replay of Dean interview 1/14 on now~ 4:10 EST
How does Braun getting a $20,000 "retainer" from Dean impact endorsement?
Appealing to independents: Dean v. Clark
Gephardt Ad Quotes Dean Out of Context via
Clark statement on repuke & NRA gun sneak
If there's no clear winner in Iowa, Clark will benefit
I got a letter from Gephardt, bashing Dean.
Wes Clark holding a huge rally in New Hampshire
I'm feeling very different all of a sudden. Blame Iowa
Close scrutiny: Which candidate handles it best?
C-Span must look like the Horror Channel to Karl Rove
IOWA POLL 1/17: Kerry 23% (-1) Dean 22% (+3) Geph 19% (+0) Edw 18% (+2)
Should U.S. territories be allowed to elect presidents?
Is it likely that Howard Dean will have Carol Mosely-Braun for VP?
If Wellstone were still alive, whom do you thinh he would have endorsed?
Campaign 2004: Columbia Journalism Review Launches Media Watchdog Site
Can Dean challenge * on the war on terrorism?
When will we know the nominee?
How the Iowa Caucus Works (Must Read!!)
Question for Clark supporters re the SOA
Kerry in Iowa Boosted by Vietnam Past
Kerry supporters: Kerry is about to speak at an Iowa rally
I'll Be Voting For Wesley Clark/Good-Bye Mr. Bush - - by Micheal Moore
Dean leads Sharpton among African-Americans in SC 27-16 (poll)
CNNs Candy Crowley reporting on Dean
I already know who ONE winner in Iowa will be... Not a candidate.
Kudos to Trippi from a Clark Supporter
Drudge has one aim: To defeat Democrats...
He's not running in Iowa, so please dial it down for a few days.
I just heard something about a Kerry endorsment. Who was It?
Dean in June '03: I tend to believe President on Iraq.Saddam had weapon
Are you amazed people are still posting Hit & Run Attacks?
3 GIs were killed today in Iraq that would still be alive if not for IWR
Kerry - Endorsement of Del. Donna M. Christensen of U.S. Virgin Islands
ALL candidates should open ALL records as Clark has done
Are Populists Made and Not Born? (also Kucinich vs Dean & faux populism)
NY Times: Peace, and Kucinich, Gets a Chance
Is there an unspoken affinity between Dean & Edwards supporters?
Are you positive that Clark isn't just all rhetoric?
Can Clark challenge Bush/Cheney on ANYTHING?
where will the iowa results be posted real time?
Kerry wins poll of waiters, hotel workers, bartenders in Des Moines
I'm now undecided, please help me
On the edge with Dennis the Menace
NYT-Dean and Gephardt Camps Turn Their Attacks to Kerry
Iowa State Representative Wayne Ford Endorses John Edwards.
Rank the Presidential candidates in order!
Why is Clark not credible to so many Democrats?
Facing questions, Clark backs Army school
Biden on Gore's endorsement of Dean
John Kerry supporters Only--- Write an endorsement for your candidate
The General's Henchman - Michael Moore Smears Kucinich
Drudge: DEAN LEAVES DOWD WAITING BY PHONE (all caps as cut and pasted)
The hypocrasy of the military argument regarding Clark
Ok, I'll finally commit, I'm voting Kucinich.
Howard Dean supporters Only -- Write an endorsement for your candidate.
If Kerry defeats Dean in Iowa, will Dean Supporters and Dems Rally to Him?
Great new Edwards ad: "YOUR Time is now."
New tax rules, energy sources are Kerry's goals
Kucinich: We Must Support Our Troops
Kerry saved Green Beret's life while under fire, earned Bronze Star
Who can challenge Cheney on Energy meeting records?
Can I ask a question of Dean supporters?
Just who do you guys think Karl Rove is, anyway?