Friedman: War of Ideas, Part 4
Guardian: The Overruling of the President
London Observer (Sunday): US stars hail Iraq war whistleblower
Deadliest Attacks in Iraq War So Far
We're winning, says Bush, as three more soldiers die
Bush crew practicing to jack next election?
NY Times Editorial on Electronic Voting and Partisan Gerrymandering
Wes Clark for President - in the Deepest South.
3 ways in which you can support our troops
1/29 - Protest Bush in Greenwich, CT
A very interesting event in NYC
Al Franken upcoming radio show discussed on "Fox News Watch"
Pastor To Be Tried For Being Lesbian
Pickering: Concerns about his handling of hate crimes, anti-gay position
Do the moderators respond to appeals?
thanks again to all the mods and admin
Mountain of Israeli-Palestinian friendship
Thomas Friedman (The New York Times): War of Ideas, Part 4
The Use and Abuse of Martin Luther King Jr. by Israel's Apologists
Dark and bloody battle fields - In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King
* is sinking like a slimy, moss covered stone
Question about the California primary
Fred Barnes said tonight once Dems. choose candidate, rightwing will tear
What happened to that threat that New York would be nuked in 28 days?
Will Iraqis try to damage Bush in 2004 election
So Bush Is Having A SOTU Tuesday. How Long Do You Think His Nose
CNN "Seeds of Terror" with Arron Brown.
are the state's delegates based purely on population?
New video on - "Get Stupid" parody
Used car salesman running for state rep as a "conservative"
Gore Vidal: The war against lies
IBM: 15,000 New Hires...3,000 of them in "Developing Nations"
When will the labor market recover?
Social justice, poverty - Europe and the USA: a poll
The Iraqis appear to have advanced Russian shoulder-fired missiles
Mayor aquires $1,000 bill for face value (legal theft)
TV Alert: Proof Nader is a Republican plant
Venezuela Decriminalized Drug Possession, Any US Media Cover It?
The person that can offer an antidote to the hate and partisanship....
Kevin Phillips is a Great American
World Social Forum to plot moves against US
I've heard that gas prices are high because Bush is filling the strategic
LIBERALS IN SPACE: A Modest Proposal
I need your help, Re: Flame war with conservative
My ten seconds of fame on faux.
BBV: Lead Sunday NY Times Editorial Has All Guns Blazing!!!
Ask Ralph Nader not to run this year. (Easy form).
'04 Election Could Be 2000 Redux(effect of Bush's -50% -Approval)
Clerics Urge Shiites to Protest -
Film Producer Ray Stark Dies at 88
State of the Union speech: Top aides hone themes of U.S. progress, unity
Journalists Not Loath to Donate To Politicians
Seattle to Pay Protesters $250,000 to Settle WTO Lawsuit
UN Prepares for Meeting About Iraq, Wary of US Motives
College, Military Records Clash With Writers' Guild President's Statements
Dean Leads 'Superdelegate' Count
US stars hail Iraq war whistleblower
Schwarzenegger Budget Denies Some Health Care
Al-Qaeda launches online terrorist manual
O'Neill Says Bush Was Set on Cutting Taxes, Too
Study Says Iraq Insurgents Use Advanced Weapons -NYT
WP: (More) Confidential Passenger Data Used for Air Security Project
US stars hail Iraq war whistleblower (Katharine Gun from GCHQ)
Critics Say Park Service Is Letting Religion & Politics Affect Policies
US sugar barons 'block global war on obesity'
Hopes for Civility in Washington Are Dashed
(SOTU) Address Will Depict Bush as Above Politics
Clark Hints at Bush's Military Service
Democrats Plan Fence-Mending Session
Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins by Wal-Mart
A Poor Cousin of the Middle Class
Facing Questions, Clark Backs Army School
I noticed a Movie at Hollywood Video called "TimeQuest"
PC Card experts...a question...
If it bleeds, I can kill it...
I am WAYYYYY drunk, but I want to do a DUer
We're going to need a bigger boat.
I am sorry, they locked my post... Please forgive me...
Recognize the police captain on "Monk"?
So what's the best movie review you've ever read? (warning, pertains to...
Good Night, y'all, I will go to bed now with LOTS of ...
My sometimes annoying friend, Linda
Does anyone know if Oscar has been DNA
Test posting. Feel free to ignore it.
Remembering what the vision thing is all about.
What's the difference between Chemtrails and Contrails?
Popeye . . . one buff 75-year-old
Tonight on "THE PROCESS": Three hours of the Dark Side of the Eighties...
This seems like a good time: Tell us the most embarrassing thing...
Howard Dean spoof on SNL right now!
Many have asked for my picture. Here ya go.
Another use for duct tape. Remove your warts. Who would've known?
Ok, I give up, I'm taking out my belly button ring
Famous political quotes with underpants
How are you going to celebrate the day Bush leaves Al's House?
Need opinions re: Lasik surgery
I just finished watching PART I of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA...ask me anything.
Kucinich's Date gets someone else
Man, these candidates are working their butts off!
Internet voting in the Michigan caucus
Bush As Hitler? Dems Could Learn Lessons From Keynesian Hitler
Michael Bolton singing for Gephardt on CSPAN NOW
Stealth Negativity? Recording Reveals Kerry Operative Dissing Dean in Camp
Michael Bolton on C-SPAN for Gep now.
Clark, Kerry Camps Squabble Over Campaign Brochure
Under Attack, Kerry Appears to Build Momentum
Which candidate has the most "governability"?
Analysis on latest Gallup poll of Wesley Clark
The Truth about Carol Moseley Braun
What happens if Un-Decided Wins?
Two Waves of Change; Dean and Kucinich (Long)
Michael Bolton singing at a Gephardt rally on CSPAN right now
Can Edwards bring together both Dean and Clark supporters?
Anyone watching Kerry on CSPAN? 9:45 pm EST
How Our Nominee is selected nationally?
Thoughts on the Des Moines Register Poll
Iowa Clark supporters to back Gephardt? Kucinich a spoiler?
I didn't know this: if your 17 now but 18 in November you can caucus
What if Dean doesn't get 15% in Iowa?
Howard Dean's sealed records: supporting view from an "opponent"
Recording Reveals Kerry Operative Dissing Dean in Campaign Call -J.Tapper
Michigan - The Other Perfect Storm...
Dean went from frontrunner to running scared in the final week before Iowa
First lady contender Teresa Heinz Kerry brings candor to campaign
Isn't a 4 way tie in Iowa the ideal for Wesley Clark?
The Fury of the Democratic Convert (Wes Clark)
Dean's in 3rd place, behind Kerry and Edwards?
Is Dean going for the sweater vote now?
are any candidates running ads AIMED at March 2nd states?
Clark explains: preemption vs preemption:
SNL Just Trashed DEAN in the Opening
Clark answers questions on School of the Americas....
New Des Moines Register Poll: Kerry opens 6 point lead over Dean
New poll shows...oh, who gives a crap.
Dean Campaign Rocks for Caucus of 3,500 strong on the ground!
What does everyone think of Super Delegates?
Iowa: Potential Winners and Losers (oh... and GEPHARDT's dead meat)
Concord Monitor in NH endorses Kerry
I'm extremely proud of John Kerry
In S.C., Edwards Talks Job Growth - State Wants Hope
Iowa Worries About Losing Its Franchise (Or Why Harkin Endorsed Dean)
Our candidates in Iowa are doing us all PROUD!
Clark Makes His Move (US News)
CapGang Outrage of the week: Dean's Selective Condemnation of IWR
Dean, his numbers, and what they don't mean
I saw Michael Moore at the Clark rally in NH today
Predictions on Tomorrows Des Moines Register Poll
Clark lines up support of Clintonites
New CBS poll: '04 Election Could Be 2000 Redux
Stop Dean Steams Full Speed Ahead in Iowa ...
I am pulling for an Edwards win on Monday.
They just showed a Dean skit on SNL
John Edwards: From long shot to serious contender
If Dean defeats Kerry in Iowa, will Kerry Supporters & Dems Rally to Him?
New ARG 1/17 Kerry up, Clark down, Dean level, undecided up
Clark suggests questions remain unanswered about Bush's military service
If Dean wins because he drives people to polls, and Edwards goes up
"For John Kerry": Concord-Monitor Endorses John Kerry
I just met Janene Garalifilo and Joan Jett at the Dean Camp/Iowa.
The biggest Clark photos (& GOP satire) website is calling you -NOW!
Wesley Clark's Argyle Sweater On Ebay! Bid Now To Benefit Liberty House.
Knight Ridder: Nov. election offers clearest choice in at least 25 years
America Votes | The art of democracy, in peculiar Iowa style
The Democracy Dream Team goes to Iraq!
delicious new product from gitmo foods: concentrated CAMP
Aussies shot first, to pre-empt Iraq War
Frank Rich: Chutzpah and spiritual McCarthyism
Administration All Around (parody; apologies to Maurice Sendak)
Scalia trip with VP raises eyebrows:Justice to hear case of energy task fo
An ethicist strips off Bush's moral veneer (does talk about morals=moral?)
WP great review of anti-Bush AMERICAN DYNASTY by Kevin Phillips
Excellent reply to "Time to stop hurling Hilter insults".
Iraq should teach Bush preemptive war's limits
The Bush Ongoing Assault on Women!
Ex-spy (Richard Steele) raps Bush, intelligence
America's War for Global Domination
Uh Oh--Is Dean A Closet Atheist?
Any protest actions in DC on the evening of the State of the Union?
You just have to laugh - I was used as an example of "liberal confusion"
No surprise here: A "Bush/Cheney 04" bumper sticker
Reality vs. Fantasy - Perle and North (in Loonyland)
PNAC member of the week: Donald Rumsfeld
Bipartisan Move To Ban Gay Marriage In Illinois
Please go watch Al Gore's speech on the Greenhouse effect.
Another perspective on the manned mission to Mars:
Germany, France linked as never before in crisis-hit EU
"Zogby American Values Survey 2004" = pro-fair issue CCW!!!
The LA Times- "Call it Reefer Madness"
New Mexico State Supreme Court Upholds Concealed-Carry Law
Regarding The Calendar Feature
Why did I have to download Hebrew text support just now?
Deleting the flame bait threads instead of locking was a brilliant idea
Would you still enforce the GE candidate rules if Lieberman gets nominated
Ha'aretz (Sunday): PM weighs changing separation fence route
"The Roots of Hatred" (new article 1/18/2004 newday)
Death toll in Haifa suicide bombing rises to 21
Silverstein, FDNY Razed WTC7 (WTF?)
Dean, Clark Lead in New Mexico
Rendell pushing for early 2008 presidential primary for Pennsylvania
Boxer in solid spot for Senate re-election race
How do we get Media to report the Truth about Bush's Unpopularity
BBV--don't forget caucus platform resolutions.
Do you support Gephardt, Lieberman, or Sharpton?
Just saw Dr. Meg Jamison (sp) on a "We Have a Dream" clip.
Gore supporters and other Dems, please join us!
Racism trumps Patriotism in Florida
Who will Bush pardon if he loses?
New Blair Accusation of war crimes in The Hague
Nader again puts ego ahead of his key issues
Other highly recommended 'Daily Show' clips....
Meanwhile, in Iraq...Surging Shiite Demands Put U.S. in a Bind
Iraqi Politics Pose Dilemma for U.S.
Help please for finding numbers concerning Reagan
My daughter has to do a paper on bush, name some accomplishments
Bombing rocks Shia holy city in Iraq
Should we push to have the wording "Well Regulated" taken out of
Saddam's Ghost Ships - did we ever find them?
What's the difference between Chemtrails and Contrails?
O'Neill book drives tonight's Nate Clay Show LIVE now -- link
Bush Tells Canadian Prime Minister's Scott that He has a Prettier Face
Check this out regarding former Prez Bill Clinton on the South Beach Diet
State of the Union preview, why bother watching it.
"Your Scott is better looking than my Scott"
I know when the violence will end in Iraq
Funny salon article about the Onion, Satan, and freepers
ignorant people against Bush: good or bad?
The next time Bush pops up, it won't be a poll; he'll pop up toasted
Turn CNN on now - Live feed from a huge bomb in Iraq
Bush doesn't want REAL democracy for Iraq
As a Christian, do you put your arms up when you pray in church?
Must read: US stars hail Iraq war whistleblower
What does this mean? Just saw an interesting blip on the bottom
Imagine Chimpy trying to give Gore's environmental speech..
The Democrats should sit on their hands during Dubya's State of the Union!
I Do NOT Like The Eagles BUT I Would Like Them To Win For Two
NY Times Book Review: 'American Dynasty': Family Lies (Guess Who?)
Dick Cheney long profile in WP -- mum's the word
We're handing the election to Bush!
"Perception lags reality"-Ari Fleischer
Michael Moore = Freeper Tool...
Tom Brokaw on MTP just gave plug to "Clear Channel" said....he used to
Can someone please explain to me
"Fixing Democracy" great-please spread to boards where both Republican and
was I on the right track in my reply? (income taxes)
Schwarzenegger budget to slash health and education in California
O'Neill story being put on back burner....
Moon over My-Hammy...........good story for a Sunday morning
Kevin Phillips on KPFA NOW (1:15p EST Sunday)
Jan Mickelson ridicules people who meditate for peace
Red Cross is upset over Gitmo - thank goodness
Bitter Sweets - The Labor Woes of Fannie May, Fannie Farmer Candies
Military casualties are way over 500!
Live satellite and radio broadcast for Iran Regime Change?
"No President should fear public scrutiny of his program".
College GOP Brownshirt assaults rock legend Joan Jett
Direct-action DUers: Is a squirt gun "assault"?
Al Franken will be on c-span2 in a few minutes
Al Franken, Eric Alterman, Tucker, & Ingraham (Replay) 1pm Sun
Quotation about First Amendment - source?
Young Rethugs Try to Break up Dem Caucus Rally
One of the best quotes I've seen...
Bush White House Overnight Guest List 1/20/01 to 5/1/02
"You are one monkey head used Lipton tea bag." (Margaret Cho's blog)
If Cheney will betray his own daughter for his $pecial interest$...
Who determined 'red state' is republican and...
Leaving a mark on some rightie's (Education)
Al Franken, Eric Alterman, Tucker, & Ingraham on NOW (12 AM ET Sun)
Who amongst you is registering new voters....
I'd love to see Roy Moore become a governor or a senator...
Aren't you glad you're not a gay Moonie?
DU is a depressing place for progressives (somtimes)
Has this been reported here? Queen and Blair get into it over Iraq
The Recruiters///Lying to our kids in every town in the USA (Liars)
Just had a repug tell me that the US never signed the Geneva Convention
Website row pits B.C. teen against Microsoft
Why do polls show more Americans trust Democrats with the economy?
Window on the Repub mind: "Ask America" survey
Memories of the Draft in Peace Time and In War
Ed Gillespie said (ABC) that * inherited a recession. not true, right?
MRS. O'Neill's Bush observations are intriguing
Cheney and Scalia are duck hunting together
Bush will wipe Iowa off the map with SOTU address.
Freepers to protest Jesse Jackson on MLK's Birthday! Tomorrow in LA
Divided We Stand (Clinton v Bush Culture War)
What caused the 180 from Republicans on civil rights?
Iraq Dead Exceeds First Four Years of Viet Nam
Could Iowa overshadow Bush's SOTU speech?
Will Bush propose a "Universal Healthcare Plan" in the SOTU?
U.S. Eyes Space as Possible Battleground (Reuters)
My theory on why Gore didn't go after Bush's hazy military record
What is the US had an AWOL President and a draft dodging VP?
BBV: Fixing Democracy (NYT Lead Editorial)
Academia, that bastion of inclusion.
CBS/NYT Poll has Bush* down to 50%! Negatives at 45%!
Put a fork in him: Evangelicals call Bush evil...
Professor protests U.S. fingerprinting policy (refuses job)
Zell Miller: What are the rules if any for party ouster?
5 MILLION World War II aerial photographs to go on the Internet on Monday
Military Families to Hold Candle Light Vigil During SOTU
You have GOT to see this video clip!! Pres. GW Bush vs. Gov. GW Bush
Football Fans: Don't forget to BOYCOTT COORS
Margolis article exposes Guantanamo Injustice
Yellow Journalism - how come noone is using this term?
What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican?
How do we stop corporate america?
The President chuckled. “Well, you got a pretty face..."
Do you support Gephardt, Lieberman, or Sharpton?
Hollinger International Sues Conrad Black for Damages
(State of the Union) Address Will Depict Bush as Above Politics
"A Dishonest War" (Ted Kennedy Op Ed in WaPo)
We're winning, says Bush, as three more soldiers die
Oil spill reaches Bonneville Dam
Bomber Kills 18 Near Coalition HQ in Iraq
2 Killed in Tikrit Car Explosion
Execution Pace Slows Amid Death Penalty Shifts
Musharraf vows to strengthen nuclear capability
Will Sierra Club get anti-immigration agenda?
Boxer, Dean's spirit take center stage
U.S. Eyes Space as Possible Battleground
WP: Bush Ad Scripts Test New Law and Tough Approach
Carter praises Dean's 'courageous and outspoken' stands
Dramatic divisions mark this election
Roy hopes Saddam's fate for Bush
Apparent bomb threat diverts Delta flight
Two Iranian state TV journalists briefly held after Baghdad bombing
Newsweek: The Syrian Connection (Company named Tatex to 9-11)
Car bomb rips entrance of US-led coalition HQ in Baghdad
U.S. School Segregation Now at '69 Level
U.S. toll in Iraq over 500 Count matches Vietnam in 1965
Woman is carrying first cloned embryo, claims doctor
Journalists Not Loathe to Donate to Politicians
Dean luring newcomers to politics
Inmate’s threat to Bush followed therapy - (used anger-management journal...
Surging Shiite Demands Put U.S. in a Bind
Keene (NH) Sentinel endorses Dean.
Clark wins endorsement from McGovern
US military will stay in Georgia
New Zealand Greens see red over missile plan
Danish Army: Iraqi Shells WMD-free
Newsweek: How the '20th Hijacker' Got Turned Away
Shame is gone from politics of pork
CBS Cuts MoveOn, Allows White House Ads During Super Bowl
(Wife) Judy Flies In to Boost Hubby Howard (Dean)
Coalition uses 1918 British report on tribal system
Will Sierra Club get anti-immigration agenda?
Political Rallies End in Brawl (GOP College Blackshirt assaults Joan Jett)
Do you support Gephardt, Lieberman, or Sharpton?
to pick a nit it is anyway not anyways
Picking more nits: The word is "Republican" not . . .
Someone with photoshop skills wanna play?
Right now my husband has a chainsaw in the backyard and he's
Can you believe it's been 40 years?!
Kerry-Patriots' logo...separated at birth?
I've looked at clouds from both sides now......
I'm willing to make an embarassing wager on my candidate.
What was the dumbest argument you ever had over the internet?
doesn't Blink 182 have the best lyrics ever?
Anyone up for a late night chat
Congrats on 300 posts Limbought
How do you cope with DU withdrawal?
Yeah! Patriots Go To The Superbowl!!!
Oh no! I like a Blink 182 song! AHHHHH!!!!
Today's Boonedocks--too true, too true!
Mute Buttons Are A Wonderful Thing. You Can Save Alot Of Anger. Push
LOTR Return of the King is awesome
Eagles vs Panthers game thread w/ pregame!!
Mars Lander discovers low life!
Pancake Fiasco Leaves Stain On Dean, Kerry, Political System (Humor)
I Do NOT Like The Eagles BUT I Would Like Them To Win For Two
How smart is the average person who supports *?
Does anyone else remove dust jackets with Bush's picture?
What's going on? Cops upset me to no end.
TSA: In the Pocket of the powerful camping stove lobby
NFC Championship: Giants vs. Vikings thread
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really like Tom Brady!
Today is more ice inside the windows for me
Here's another anti-war picture from last year
strange place to hold a caucus
I should find out if I get a raise next week
Let me take you down b/c I'm going to
No offence to shortbuspresident but
I'm a locked thread rubbernecker
Can you name the 2 people in my sig picture?
Does anyone know the economics of postal reply envelopes?
Anyone know where I can BUY anti-War photos?
Who is going to the Super Bowl ?
What happened to (SNL comic) Chriss Kattan?
Bush*.......changing the Republican Party emblem to a condom ....
Skittles, Where Art Thou? "Valley of the Dolls" on Oxygen Channel NOW!
Help! In Search of A Responsible Area Rug
The Notorious C.H.O. - Margaret Cho
Whitey on the Moon by Gil Scott-Heron
I am assembling a huge ikea closet system...How long will it take?
Anybody hear James Carville on NPR?
sinner, you better get ready . . .
Anyone here know of the singer/song writer Lynn Miles from Canada?
I have a nit to pick too, it's called "Democratic" not "Democrat" although
I just found my letter from Jimmy Carter
Today, I'm one year cigarette-free.
Important, hard-won lesson for the day:
What would you take for appraisal to "The Antiques Roadshow"?
Clarks sweater hits $1500.00 on Ebay
Fried bologna, scrambled eggs and grits
I must pick a nit--it's "Revlon", not "Revlons"
My #$*%%$ Repuke brother-in-law
Colts vs Patriots official game thread w/ Pregame show
Best National Anthem Singer of the day
I've just loaded 2 days worth of songs into my iTunes
What is it with trolls and Sundays?
Today it's barbecue by the swimming pool to me.
while roadtripping, do you deliberately not stop in red towns?
Troy Aikman is on Fox right now, and I have a question....
Why you should support small business -One Duer's story
What's your favorite chicken part?
so . . . any Clay-Moms in the house? . . .
anyone lucky enough to be in a city where "Monster" is playing?
Dammit! Ruben Studdard is singing the National Anthem!
Office Space on Comedy Central....
Modern singers and the National Anthem (a rant)
Spam ads for 'male enhancement' just toy with men's egos
Latest poll I just made up in my head
What's to eat for the games today ?
I finally have internet at home again!
As a Christian, do you put your arms up when you pray in church?
More picking of nits: It's Donna "Summer" Not "Summers"
Who's got a single friend they wanna hook-up with HEyHEY?
What are you boycotting?And what should we be boycotting?
check out these awesome sidewalk chalk drawings . . .
. . And God Created Canada . . . .
I need good-looking head-shots of all the candidates.
If Kerry Pulls Through It'll Be The Biggest Primary Comeback in History
Howard Dean is King of the Universe.
Latest Des Moines Register poll
Gephardt and Michael Bolton on cspan now
Kucinich running second to Dean
OMG!! New Iowa poll shows (in order) Kerrey, Edwards, Dean, Gephart
Should the Senators and Reps in the race attend the State of the Union?
Primary challenger to Lieberman in 2006?
Is Jimmy Carter going to pull an Arnold and endorse Dean?
Kerry, Gephardt blitz hits area
Should we have a national primary instead of state by state?
Dowd's column on Dean and Dr. Judith Steinberg is
Kerry, Edwards surge (Des Moines Register, Sunday)
It pains me that the right has affected the way I consider candidates...
Everyone should take a deep breath and calm down a minute.
For those that haven't noticed. There is a bombing in Baghdad.
Elizabeth Edwards on C-SPAN now!
Edwards on Face the Nation now.
Clarks sweater hits $1500.00 on Ebay
Concord (NH) Monitor endorses Kerry
I'll try to be as innocuous as possible. RE: Luring new voters
Why Media Calling "Statistical Dead Heat" When Kerry/Dean Beyond MOE
Will you ever vote for someone who initially supported IWR?
how badly does Lieberman have to do in NH to drop out before Feb 3
For dreamers of a split convention.
If Gep is knocked out on Monday, who does he endorse
Zogby 1/18: Kerry 24, Dean 23, Gep 19, Edwards 18
New Mexico: Dean, Clark in statistical tie; neck and neck in California
So, any predictions on what devastating news will break on Iowa eve?
Lets pretend the caucus results folow the curent polls
My One Prediction About Tomorrow (Like Anyone Cares... ;-) )
Why should we nominate Bob Dole?....(Kerry, Gephardt) IA predictions up now
Kerry calls Clark on lobbying/Republican support
Edwards could attract second-choice caucus vote
John Kerry: the most searched person on google last week
ARG New Hampshire Tracking: Dean 28%, Clark 20%, Kerry 19%
Washington Journal- I feel sick.
Live Edwards rally coming up on C-SPAN.
Is the Clark/Dean 2-man race over?
Wouldn't it be wise at this point if people just waited
Clark puts his argyle sweater up for auction on Ebay
Will you vote for someone who voted for the IWR/Patriot act?
Small nitpick with Edwards from "Face the Nation"
Iowa Electronic Markets (Dem nomination betting) - Dean 2-1 / Clark 5-1
Do you support Gephardt, Lieberman, or Sharpton?
Question about the Iowa Caucuses
Is Clark too liberal to get elected?
Excerpt: Gen. Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars
Excerpt: Sen. John Edwards, Four Trials
President Carter commends Dean for "Early and consistent opposition"
Excerpt: Rep. Richard Gephardt, An Even Better Place
Gephardt supporters Only -- write an endorsement for your candidate
Excerpt: Gov. Howard Dean, Winning Back America
List of Democratic Candidates' Foreign Policy Gurus
Extremely massive information dump on Gov. Howard Dean, M.D. (v2.5)
"Issues of character and integrity"
Behind the Clark surge - How did it happen?
How much money will Kerry have after NH?
Faux News Alert: Mrs. Dean to join the campaign trail
Even with the nomination not decided, I give Wes Clark a 1 in 4
Nader again puts ego ahead of his key issues
Lots of Clark video including Moore interview on CNN>
One day before caucus and the only news channel covering it - Faux
Clark internet fundraiser past $1 million mark
Davenport DEAN rally on C-SPAN now
Is Gephardts voting record in the house this bad?
In an alternate universe: Who can be the "stop LaRouche" candidate?
Will Dean people vote for Kerry if he wins the nomination?
"Clark Backer Questions Bush Guard Service"
Force the candidates into a progressive populist bidding war?
Adventures in Canvassing: the Media are Largely Right for a Change
Will Dean's appearing with President Carter help in Iowa?
Why doesn't Dean unveil his tax cut plans before February 2nd?
CLARK Wins the California Young Democrats' Straw Poll!
Edwards, Kerry edging Dean in Iowa
Words and a challenge from Bartcop (2004 primaries)
C-span 1 Event with Both Dean and wife Judy coming up
Dean and Clark supporters -- are you submitting group endorsements?
College Republican stormtroopers disrupt Democratic rally
Kerry is getting majority of "undecideds" near end of campaign...
McGovern to endorse Wesley Clark?
Bush and Dean seen as farther away from average voter
Who will drop out of the race next?
Now that we see the present, did Dean peak too soon?
Local gun owners consider Dean
Question for Dean supporters re: NRA
What is the projected turnout for the Iowa caucuses?
Clark attacks Bush's secrecy (and so does Lieberman)
Clark and Gep on Larry King tomorrow
Excerpt: Douglas Brinkley, Tour of Duty (John Kerry bio)
McGovern's Clark Endorsement Speech
Question about Clark and the DLC
We cannot have a nominee that supported the War on Iraq.
Elizabeth Edwards on C-Span right now..
Anita Creamer: Primary objective -- Bash wife of candidate
Which candidate is the most centrist on economic issues?
Great NH newspaper endorsement of Howard Dean
Second big newspaper endorsement for Kerry in New Hampshire!
ARG: Dean's support eroding among independents
Investors Point to Iowa Winner (Dean)
How important is IWR/Patriot Act vote to you?
How about some support for the troops in Iowa - Go get 'em Iowa Deaniacs
Carter's son says Dean can win in South (endorses Dean)
Kerry on ABC: "The Stock Market is Not the Economy"
Kerry also leads in 2nd choicers, undecideds in Iowa
NEWSWEEK: Wesley Clark Lobbied Bush Administration for Contract for Acxiom
Questions about Clark and Kerry
If Dennis Kucinich had Hired Joe Trippi....
Dean says Carter invited him to Georgia. Carter says he did not
I am still very wary of Wesley Clark. Can anybody here relate?
Dean vs Kerry: Any Other Advantage Dean Needs, for Folks to Credit Kerry?