Meet Karimov....of Uzbekistan...our "ally" in the war against "terror"....
Conservowacko denies Bush Mistreating Veterans
A Dishonest War . By Edward Kennedy
The US has no idea what it has gotten itself into
Bill O'Reilly tries to help the Democrats
Building a Movement of Inquiring Minds from Ground Zero Up
Calling all NYC Grandmothers - New Wednesday peace vigils
Top 10 Open Source Tools for eActivism
CBS screws up again: "Mrs. Dean hates campaigning."
The true reason why W won't attend any funerals for the personnel killed
The Neocons are not Conservatives...
Mrs. Throckmorton takes a turn for the worse.
Bible Experts -- I have a question (especially King James experts)
Northwest Airlines admits sharing passenger data, denied it in '03
An interesting look at gold vs currency
Regardless of Bush: Re: Moon Base, then Mars
I think I was banned for a day for a really bad reason
Please rethink the new thread deletion policy
The Israeli Generals' Plan: War Against a Whole People
Arab-Americans Set to Make a Difference
Sharon admits separation fence harms Palestinians
US stars hail (Brit) Iraq war whistleblower
If WTC 7 was "pulled", maybe WTC 1 & 2 were also.
My encounter with a Clark campaign worker in CA
reporting from OUR Nation's Capital...just drove by the White House
Ed Gillespie predicts George W. will win Iowa in November.
Ayatollah may issue 'fatwa' delegitimizing Iraqi Government
Money to rebuild Iraq still lost in the pipeline
Majority against sending SDF to Iraq (Japan)
Iraq reconstruction contracts on offer at fair
Bowing to the Mighty Ayatollah
Des Moines NBC Station lies about Dean events tonight
The Republican Party, the Northeast and West Coast
Bremer and members of the Iraqi National Congress to meet with UN..
mean-spirited "Stay in school" ads on radio
Who was the Treasury official that Dubya had an affair with?
King wreath laying ... any photos?
Woody Guthrie: "I ain't a gonna kill nobody"
Limbaugh on Headliners and Legends MSNBC
America to cut troops in Iraq by one fifth
On the "Low-Intensity Conflict" in Iraq
CNN has a special on "Democrats" on NOW (11pm East)
DRUDGE & Sully, "Working It" (with MOON)
Another interesting O'Neill revelation
'May Bush meet Saddam's fate': Arundhati Roy
1968: The Year That Rocked the World C-SPAN
Bob Herbert has Katherine Gun Story - she busted NSA plan spy on UN
New Documentary Screened at Sundance
A tough ethical question.....take the test!
"Patriotic" Wierdos boycott Moore- Help Me out with this!
The "Black Hole" which sucks oil -- Now Ken Lay ties in!
Politics Aside, Carters Speech Was Huge Today.
Chuck D (Public Enemy) Is A Man Of The People! He's Down With ABB!
Contact the College Brownshirts AND Contact Their College Presidents,
Carter had higher approval then * at this point in his term,
Rush was married at Clarence Thomas' house????
Bush admits to working towards dictatorship
Does Bush have a "girlfriend?"
Contact these Repuke thugs who Assaulted Joan Jett at an Iowa Dem rally
If you had been in George W Bush's shoes in January of 2001...?
U.S. Eyes Space as Possible Battleground
Afghan Leader Orders Release of Taliban Prisoners
Democrats Trade Insults As Caucuses Near
Bush to Unveil Work Force Training Program for Community Colleges
Thousands March in Haitian Capital to Demand That President Resign
Bush running out on Iraqi women?
Relatives wait in vain for word on Iraqis jailed by U.S.
Lack of night goggles may have led to crash of Navy helicopters
Gephardt Major announcement in 20 minutes
Rallying Cry: Vote Bush* Out of Rove's Office
Germany outlines interventionist posture
Kelly Promises Access for Protesters during GOP Convention
WP: Arms Issue Seen as Hurting U.S. Credibility Abroad
Daily U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 500 U.S. service members have died
Dan Rather: Convention Coverage May Wither
Venezuela moving to decriminalize drug possession
13 hurt in bomb attack in Iraqi holy city
U.S. Finds Annan Ready to Help Salvage Iraq Transition Plan
Timing of Address No Accident, Official Says
Pope to Beatify 'buffoon' who was Austria's last emperor
Negative ads cause Iowa backlash
US beef 'passed off as Australian'
Protesters Rally Against Bush Administration (Casper, WY)
NASA reorganizes to address Bush's space plan
9/11 Panel Unlikely to Get Later Deadline
Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail done in LEGO
Bush's Mission to Mars: It's really about domination, cronyism and oil
The man with the plan to terminate the tyranny of terrorist tornadoes
Satire: Pancake Fiasco Leaves Stain On Dean, Kerry, Political System
FBI-raid-style-jacket that says "Suspect" on the back?
Suggestions on signs to carry in MLK parade tomorrow?
A must for all Clark-Dean-Kerry supporters!
The True American Patriots - Posted elsewhere but lost I think
Another episode of " DNA " on PBS now.
___________ supporters most likely to....
I should have asked this before...
Saw Return of the King this p.m,--my thoughts--tell me if I'm right
Boycott the Eagles until they get a legitimate wide receiver?
Nice to see the EAGLES CHOKE AGAIN
All these "Have you watched" threads remind me of...
A Horrible Thought: Shrub Will Flip The Coin At Superbowl
Where are all the images from Mars?
Let Us Now Praise Nyquil Multi-symptom Cold/Flu Cough Syrup!
Has anyone ever watched "Waiting For God"?
You East Coasters think you're tough?
Has anyone here been "waiting for Gobot"?
A few words about the low-carb craze
Does anyone have some good sites for eldercare?
Has anyone ever read "Waiting for Godot"?
Top two most memorable movies of all time
Gawd, he looks like such a f***ing DORK
The kind of ad the Dems should run...
Could Panthers vs. Patriot mean Edwards vs. Kerry in the primaries?
Congratulations Carolina fans!!!!!!!!!!!!
F*cking McDonald's commercials...
What's your favorite Apes movie?
How do I stop the slasher cat?
Questions for DU runners &/or old farts.
Super Bowl Widows & Widowers ....
I saw the final Broadway performance of Urinetown!
I was at a toy store the other day
Ghosts in Philly. Don't say I didn't tell you
I bought Pillow Talk on DVD this afternoon--ask me anything!
Respond to this post, and tell me what you're wearing
My kitten is very sick and having seizures, anyone have any advice?
Anyone here invited to join the Bush team?
Okay... Panthers/Patriots. Who's it gonna be?
Which character on "Bewitched" would you be -- and why?
Comments on the California Democratic Convention (I was there)
Edwards rally C-SPAN replay now.
how much cash do Gephardt and Lieberman have?
My bold prediction: JOHN EDWARDS will win Iowa.
I just came in from my run on the track. I live in Dean-Kucinich country.
I could Vote for Edwards any day of the week!
What public statements has John Kerry made about the Vietnam war?
"One of the Bush supporters shoved Jett and she pushed back in anger."
Gephardt Ad Quotes Dean Out of Context
With less than 24 hours to go until the primary officially kicks off...
Interesting Iowa scenario: Gephardt-Dean-Edwards-Kerry
Huge Turnout in Iowa City for Dean!
Multiple choice-a-thon: In a 2-Way race, who do you vote for?
Dean's "negative" press -- NPR's hourly report.
Populism--the Democrats's New Red Meat:.....will it fly?
Clark questioned Viet Nam war while he was at Oxford
Am I the only one who will be glad when Iowa is over with?????
Clark's Loneliness is about to end
I tip my hat to you Jerseycoa, Great piece
Approximately what time will the results be in?
The area Dean campaign coordinator called me tonight. She said...
When does caucusing actually start?
How important is the veteran vote and the military vote?
I need some help here, please.....
Kucinich Draws Attention From Other Political Parties
Despite skipping Iowa, Clark has a strong media schedule this week. . .
John Edwards-"The South is my backyard, and I will beat
The myth of negative Dean press coverage: NPR's adoring hourly report.
Ann Richards Posts to the Dean Blog!
Ann Richards: Dean set the agenda for this election, the others followed.
Okrent Offers Half-Hearted Apology For NY Times' Anti-Dean "Reporting"
Ann Richards Speaks in Concord for Dean
Kucinich to Deliver "State of the Nation"
Can I ask about Candidate Wives? They are all neat ladies....but which
Contact the College Brownshirts AND Their Colleges' Presidents,
Kucinich: Dems Risk Forfeiting Election Over Iraq Occupation
3 lawyers, including Clark supporter, file complaints on Dean stock sales
Forget about privacy Dean, release your records and shut these people up!
Something Al Sharpton needs to do.
Did the Gore Commission recommend CAPPS?
Something tells me we'll be seeing more of this...Howard and Judy!
Do you know how many DOCTORS have been Presidents of USA?
If he wins, his nickname should be The Phoenix
Someone please explain John Kerry and the BCCI trial
Howard Zinn...The Logic of Withdrawal
Thoughts on the Coming 'Discovery' of Bin Laden
A Dishonest War: By Sen. Edward Kennedy (must read)
Pentagon lies exposed over killing of reporters in Baghdad
What spooks told Old Lady about BCCI
9/11 Panel Unlikely to Get Later Deadline :Wash Post
Great home page essays this morning
Howard Dean defended re not-safer-because-Saddam-captured remark LTTE WP
Arms Issue Seen as Hurting U.S. Credibility Abroad
The Question all the Candidates Must Face-Can you make us feel safe?
My LTTE on Bush, Guard an "awol" issue
Bob Herbert (NYT): A Single Conscience v. the State
Bush promises the Moon (and Mars) but offers only rhetoric
US stars hail Iraq war whistleblower
Ambassador Wilson in Maine for Kerry
How would you rate Bush? Poll.
Over 100 journos have made recent political contributions
Microsoft wants - Video from MSNBC
Why does the media hide Pickering pro-"anti-miscegenation law"
MSNBC Video - Kucinich And Edwards Have Struck A Deal Of Support
how many times has * joked about being dictator?
E-Prime - Language, Semantics, Thought , Culture , Communication
Top Ten (6) Reasons George W. Bush Wants To Put A Man On Mars
Police probe Hawking 'assaults' (Author of "A Brief History of Time")
Political Astrologers: Chart for Aries Ingress / New Moon - Mar 20, 2004
Mars 'Alien Reactor' started by Gov. Scharzennegger, NASA photo's show
The causes of homelessness in California, the nation at large, and
Bush seeking Supreme Court precedents to dismantle democratic rights
US shows a new willingness to review agricultural subsidies
Hmm, $14 million for "alternative fuel research" in Ohio
When Bush praises his Environmental actions in SOTU, will media note lie?
Birds of a Feather Go Duck Hunting Together
From the Zogby poll numbers 5 and 6
Another racist NRA board member...
NORML rates canditates on Miracle Plant positions
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 19, 2004
Thank you for choosing my article
Will DU add a feature to the search function?
I read the rules and I don't see this part
Inappropriate locking of a thread
How many deletions does it take
Since something I said came up down here
Icon for the Link in the toolbar?
Rabin killer's bid to marry in jail blocked
Husband took wife to suicide bombing
Soldier killed, another seriously hurt by Hezbollah rocket
Organized harassment of Jewish peace activists
Anti-Semitism vs. Anti-Zionism
Israelis shoot deaf Palestinian woman
Israeli jets fly over Lebanon, drawing fire from army and Hezbollah guns
Hamas: Women who shame family can be bombers
Bomber art attack furore spreads
Difficult races for Congress expected (Texas)
Is Corinne Brown (FL/7) running for reelection?
Anyone else hear about this? (Restaurants closed on Mondays)
Stolen Elections: An American tradition..
Dems can only fight each other we cannot put up as strong a fight to Massa
A good read: Intervention Magazine
Today "Poppy Bush" was in town getting $$$ for jr.
U.S. To Give Every Iraqi $3,544.91, Let Free-Market Capitalism Do The Rest
Has there EVER been a commission that really got to the bottom of an
Bill Gates' War Against Education and Everything Else Heating Up
Does anyone have the names of PNAC members who tried to persuadeClinton
Meet the Anti-PNAC organization
Name Presidents who have gotten in the way of Freedom of Speech.
Hoon to meet Iraq soldier's widow
I found this article from 1998. It's hilarious
I just found out that my good friend, will be shipping out.
Check out Chimpy pics on
Local jerk is bashing Europe now
Can local Dem. Committees Not Support the Nominee?
Question: "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world"
Abandon thread! Abandon thread!
You all realize that there is nothing preventing the repubes
What is up with Ed Koch endorsing Bush?
A Dishonest War: By Sen. Edward Kennedy
Do you support Sanctions against Syria?
Who's Delivering the Dem. Response to Bush's SOTU?
WTF... GOP's new weapon- "anticharisma" of Cheney
Health Care Post #5 - Can we accept a less than perfect system?
Journos Donating Cash to Politicos
Helen Thomas is writing a book
Columbia Journalism Review's new site on media reporting is a must see
Martin Luther Kings Birth observed today
Poll: Bush Slipping Among Independents (45% down from 64%)
Who is giving the Democratic response to this stotu address?
Chicago Trib on the possibly bleak future of the US economy
If CNN reports 100K Iraqis protesting...
RNC Ed Gillespie on C-Span this morning
We need to address the Diebold question.
US Stars Hail Iraq War Whistleblower
Death By Slow Burn -- How US Nukes Its Own Troops
The irony of Martin Luther King, Jr. "official" birthday holiday
"9-11 Panel Unlikely to get later deadline" how can we fight this?
"Luxury Retail Business Has Holiday Boom"
SOTU? Nahh...create your own here! "Bush's strong poll numbers"
100,000 new registered voters since 2000 in Iowa
Hey, UK- When will you learn the Blair/Hutton info?
MSNBC question of the day-Can any Democrat beat Bush?
Conrad Black and George F. Will, peas in a pod
Nipping it in the bud - Mars photos are NOT altered
How nice of Mary Matalin... She helped Wolfie
Neocon makes case to arrest & execute anti-war Democrat Congressmen
700+ bases in 130 countries/6000+ bases in US & it's territories
SOTU bush* will ask for privatizing SS & $ to community colleges via....
Students walk out on Jeb Bush MLK Address
Martin Luther King's Riverside Church speech.
Anybody else pissed off at CBS? First, it was the Reagen movie. Now, it's
Heil Hit-Slur! - RW's comparing Dems/Clinton to Hitler/Nazis
.."He gassed his own people"..
Jack Trice: A different and little known hero (on MLK Day in Iowa)
Help! Human Rights Defender Bruce Harris on Trial in Guatemala Tuesday!
Get it Here folks! Your SOTU Score card
We need a new lexicon to counter the repugs
What rightwing/conservative books have you read lately?
"Coalition" vs. WMDs, score tied 0-0
is there such a thing as a govt animal services agency or
Another Media Whore. Joe Klein. What Is Up With This Brain-less Twit.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says Israel must give up nukes
shrub has been "practing the SOTU" since friday -does he have it down yet?
How wide will the spread have to be in the BBV states for the Democrat to
My local talk host wants to know why its going to take 5 yrs to go to moon
Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War
WTC lease owner: WTC 7 'pulled' (intentionally demolished) on 9/11
NASA Snooping: Secret 'Data Mining" of Travelers' Records
Anybody with some time and facts
My ignorance is showing but MoveOn is not saying anything about
No one Hates like Rush. Today (yet again) proves it.
"Smart Dust"..DARPA is very involved and we are screwed twice
Kind of a dupe but really, GO VOTE IN THIS POLL!!!
A funny thing happened to me on my way to DU on Saturday
Al Franken & Ben Stein on Wolf Blitzer today at 5pm et
The causes of homelessness in California, the nation at large, and
"Odin Fought, Christ Won" loses (I guess Odin wins after all)
Why aren;t we trying to take the House?
"The Courage of George W. Bush"
Will Speech Lack Hyperbole That 'Justified' War?
Caucus coverage: when/where? I almost never watch the tube!
The NY Times "Mea Culpa" to Dean supporters
If anyone posts at feeperland please ask them if they trust machines or
Was prayer/Bible ever in public schools?
O'Neill to Discuss Book (For Gilda's Club cancer support center)
ben stein/al franken on CNN now
Could BBV scandal actually keep Bush in office?
Should O'neill and Wilson show up at the State of the Union Address?
I can't stomach "Crossfire" any longer.............
Democrats do not need to applaud Bush's SOTU speech...
Big Labor's organizing Muscle?????
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his own words:
This has been a most excellent day for Democrats across the country
Plans for the Republican Convention, August 30th-Sept 2nd
Fun "debating" a moran - How much longer should I play with this twerp?
War breaks out on the streets of Des Moines!!!
Video of Lieberman promising to Take Back the Media to Me
Quote of the week from the DNC
CBS story of teenager getting 10 years for charges of rape
We all should watch the State of the Union Address!!!
First step in restoring America: admit a coup d'etat took place in 2000
Tell us your memories of Dr. King
Lou Dobbs reacts to IBM: "That is absolutely chilling"
What will the Bush Junta do if they are losing this fall?
Think FR isn't the GOP mainstream? Check this. Bush threw a baseball!
Let us tell our democratic congressfolks to boo Bush tomorrow--
Cheney describes himself as "evil genius"
Bush to offer $120million in job training grants in SOTU
"Majority Leader" Bill Frist [cat killer] on CNN whining
The Pubs are Desperate:: They come to seek answers and solutions
Reducing the number of abortions
American just make too damn much money.
Tallahassee local station news just reporting that dozens of FAMU
Art Bell and guest talking about massive recession coming
Has anyone ever "Heckled" the SOTU?
BBV: Watching Bev get interviewed by major news outlet...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his own words:
BBV- A NYT Landmark Editorial: the Establishment has concluded * must go!
Did you know that General Custer has a big fat monument at west point?
*democratic discourse* about abortion
Any more people pick up Paul O'Neills book ??
Welsh star [John Rhys-Davies from LOTR] in race row
Who will watch the State of The Union address?
Robert E. Lee statue vandalized in Richmond
Refuting GOP Talking Point that Clinton Avoided Conflict with Iraq
We need a new term for neocons -- I suggest "corporatists"
Help needed -- list of Bush propaganda catchphrases
churchill's cursing parrot, age 104, found alive
When did you become a Democrat? Pre/Post Bush analysis.
Other brilliant ideas Richie Perle and Ollie North had
Go beyond resisting Iraq war, says Arundhati Roy (WSF 2004)
WP-Iraqi Protesters Demand Polls Ahead of U.N. Meeting
Shias march in Baghdad to demand polls
U.S. Soldier Dies of Wounds From Bomb Attack Friday
Three U.S. Soldiers Wounded in Bold Attack on Base in Southern Afghanistan
Iraq Attacks Complicate UN Roll Plans
Bremer to ask UN for help in Iraq.
King Jr.'s Widow Pleads for Nonviolence
France Telecom to Cut 14,500 Jobs
Questions cloud (WA State) medical-pot law | SeattleTimes
Iraq's top Shiite Cleric Shows Influence
Bush popularity rate dips to 50 percent, US electorate split
Judge scolds Bush immigration panel
Annan Asked to Send Team to Iraq on Elections
BBC (Monday): UN 'to explore Iraqi elections'
Iraq Liquor Store Murders Raise Concerns
Suit over WTO arrests settled | Seattle P-I
A joyful reunion for woman who escaped cruelty of sweatshop | Seattle P-I
Baker Continuing Bid to Ease Iraq Debt
Afghanis Say U.S. Copter Bombing Kills 11
Lobbyists clamor for a good word in Bush's address
Bush Strategists Hedge Bets, Prepare for Dean Loss
Cheney Says It's Too Soon to Tell on Iraqi Arms (O'Neill Remarks)
Ex-Astronaut to Lead Moon-Mars Commission
Iraq Shiites Demand Elections in Protest (100,000 protesters)
Pope never commented on Gibson's 'Passion' film, says papal secretary
Dominicans continue to make dangerous covert trip to Puerto Rico
Anti-Gay Episcopalians Forming New Organization
Daily U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 501 U.S. service members have died
US Senators warn free trade may up Australian drug prices
New home test boosts anti-smoking case..Detector measures passive exposure
Presidential Peril? Bush's Popularity is Narrowly Based - ABC News
Reclusive twin brothers bidding to control Conrad Black's press empire
Software giant threatens mikerowesoft
Dean To News Media: Get A Life
King Day Marked With Protests Against War
U.S. bomb said to kill 11 Afghan villagers
U.S. says it pinpoints insurgent cells in Baghdad
Black Students Walk Out on Jeb Bush Speech at Florida A&M
Three-fifths of Americans oppose Bush's mission to moon, Mars
Indian BPOs scale Wall Street (MBA's PhD's jobs next to go)
Edwards, Kucinich agree to share support in Iowa caucuses
Clark campaign hires former McCain adviser
Different Cheney Set to Campaign in 2004
Exorcism Suspected After Girl Found Dead
Paper: Police Probe Assaults on Stephen Hawking
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 19 January 2004 (#1)
Coalition uses 1918 British report on tribal system LOL
IBM memos detail overseas jobs savings
Belgium joins French move to ban Islamic scarf in schools, offices
Expat Americans launch vote drive
Inspired by Alabama Jurist, Winston-Salem Official Places Ten Commandments
Four More Cows Located From Canadian (Mad Cow)Herd (23 of 81 now found)
US Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Claiming Venezuela Financed Al Qaeda
U.S. Actions Toward Cuba Worry Envoy
"Sell oil for gold", Mahathir says (frm. Malaysiam PM) tell Saudi's
Mars 'Grand Canyon' snapped by Beagle mother ship
"Cold Case" Watchers - Check in here
Has anyone ever "Kneeled Before Zod"?
Wow - 100 new members in just about 48 hours
For Cthultu boys. The perfect home accessory...
What ever happened to Bob & Margaret?
Help! My email in IE 6 doesn't work!
Aargh! My Bowie concert's the night of the NH Primaries
family tree/geneology -- just have to share this
Schooner Fare's bassist Rowe dies
John Mellencamp to play soccer at Indiana University
I have a stupid question about DSL & Phone lines
Some words for today from one of America's finest poets.
From the Too Much Time Dept: Monty Python Scene in Legos
Who said Carolina didnt have a chance???
My new volunteer position: Helping homeless kitties find homes!!!
what's Condi thinking here........?
Clark's Argyle sweater at eBay- benefit Liberty House, veterans
shucks, did u know condi sang hyms as...
any way to get the mouse to work in safe mode?
Andy Reid - you lost your third straight NFC title game
Today's Boonedocks--not for Edwards fans!
What's the deal with cooking on a gas BBQ? I just got one and
Bush at MLK Jr.'s Grave: "Drive-By Wreathing"
is there anyway to use CDROM drives in windows 98 safe mode?
good people of the lounge, i need your help on a sensative issue.
I apologise for the "Democrats worse than Bush" topic...
Chopped up Barbies make beaaautiful jewelry!
Where can I get Boondocks Apparel?
Name your favorite Comedy Central Show?
Cat Owners: Has anyone used this product - Soft Paws
Wheeeeeeee.... Giraffe tossing is fun
State of the Union Drinking Game
Panthers beat the Eagles, Patriots next
anyone else spending lunch hour with Godzilla?
Rumor: Jim Kelly coming out of retirement to replace McNabb.
I have discovered evidence of life on Mars
Spelling Bee turmoil update...
Hey, let's combine cats and football! Then we'd cover 90% of the threads
In all honesty - what would you do?
Colleague of mine disses MLK ("communist, "no respect for law and order")
I want a bumper sticker that says
REAL evidence of LIFE ON MARS!
Got this from my father via e-mail
Growler, Heinz, and Old George, we've been adopted
It looks like DARK SHADOWS is coming back (Joss Whedon surprised by news)
Rib Tickler for this IA Caucus Morning
I can't "manscape", so I decided to name my chest hairs
Who's preventing me from working today?
What do you call motion pictures?
Funny, you don't look kleptomaniacal....(DUers...hey, where's my pen?)
Have you ever had nuclear war nightmares?
Gay rights=civil rights Keep The Dream Alive!!!
Couple found walking down street nude in below freezing temps...
Nobody Screws With The Giant Magic Orchid
I have a new job, and I have access to the internet! Ask me anything!
Super Bowl XXXVIII Traffic Rules (Houston)
Hey kids! Create your very own SOTU address
For the cat who has everything: A Wardrobe
"-Bush earned the vote of everyone in a uniform"
Uh Oh - Has Clark dis'd the NC Vote?
I'm not a Christian (skeptical ex-Catholic) but THIS enrages me:
Create your own George Bush conspiracy theory!
What ever happened to Jiacinto?
Has anyone ever been to the movies alone?
Does an apartment's "NO PETS POLICY" apply to ALL pets?
Anyone following the Australian Open?
You have exactly 1 hour to harass me for the Eagles Loss....
I'm waiting for the "Funny, you don't look celtic" post. Oops-that'd be me
funny, you dont look liberal...(DU liberals check in here)
GD2004 needs a time-out room or
Funny, you don't look like a Hippie. Ashevillians check in here!
funny, you don't **WHACK** - any agnostics out there?
Anybody who can post at Freeperland, do you want to mess with
why shouldn't you have two wives or two husbands if you wanted to?
Funny, you don't look like a Freeper (all Freeps check in)
NYT: Atkins Advises Dieters to Eat Smaller Steaks
That's funny, you don't look Druish...
I've been nominated for a Grammy. Ask me anything!!!
I'm about to fill out a job app. Somebody stop me, please!
Your one-line pearls of wisdom- worldly knowledge thread
Microsoft wants
microsoft threatens legal action on 17 year old kid
I'm so PATriotic I can't stand it today.
Anyone a subscriber?
Yellow cake in tomorrow's SOTU address
How Nasty is it going to get here tonight? (Poll)
While we wait for the IA results, a couple of pictures of young Dean
CONFESS!! Do You Own Anything From "Franklin Mint"? Anything at all...
I'm jones'n for my Monday in the UGRR fix!!!!
2003's top ten words, based on your online lookups - Merriam-Webster
what's the very best degreaser?
Any good talk radio to listen to on the internet?
Tawk onry rike Tom Brokaw in this thhread
I wrote this, tell me if you like it and thanks for any feedback
Well, I'm going back to the gym tomorrow. After a LONNNNNNG layoff...
Religious Question: Am I a Christian.
The old "joy buzzer" prank never gets old
OK Philly fans: you need a new coach...!
so I want to buy a real nice wireless keyboard and mouse
Interested in Slang origins? Post your faves:
I'm an S so I hate alphabetical listings
Yikes! Dogs VS Smelly Skunk-HELP
Gosh, freepers think Shrub is hero for BRAVELY throwing baseball
Funny, you don't look like a wanker. All wankers report in.
Just finished Pillow Talk--poor Thelma Ritter!
I'm baaaaaaack! With good news, too!
Funny you don't look Deutsch(German DUers check in)
radio free austin......pirate radio in austin, tx
Heading out to Des Moines precinct 68
Midler May Withdraw Grammy Nomination
What was your favorite Bewitched episode?
Ever been a hero, just for one day?
Are there monster truck rallies in Europe?
I would rather (insert answer here) than be a GD2004 Moderator tonight
Funny, you don't look Atheist... (DU Atheists? Check in here)
Thinly disguised reference to DU
So I Heard There's Some Big Shindig Tonight, Did You Think I'd Miss It?
caucus wagga caucus wagga caucus wagga caucus wagga caucus wagga
funny, you dont look like you're from FL...(DU Floridians check in here)
I need help on making a decision on a job offer
A touching experience of Life after death
How about some random facts about YOU?
what do you do with your used freepers?
Should the Eagles be banned from future NFC title games?
A friend's husband was killed in Iraq
Funny, you don't look Jewish... (DU Jews? Check in here)
Getting Married and Need Advice Re: Name Change
I did my good deed for MLK day what have you done?
Civ 3: Conquests totally r0x!!!
Churchill's parrot alive at 104
I have a dream: Martin Luther King Day, 2004
New England Clark Supporters! Must Read!!
Clark, Kerry Camps Squabble Over Campaign Brochure
Raise your hand: Think other campaigns don't have delegate-swap plans?
While we wait for the IA results, a couple of pictures of young Dean
When do precincts close tonight?
Where is Joe Libermann at ? .... Where will his votes go....?
Edwards' strengths and weaknesses
Things don't go so well for Dean at MLK event
SOA Protesters Confront General Clark in Wisconsin
Lieberman on MLK, quite eloquent.
Mom just called. Fired up to go Caucus for Dean
voter registration -- Massachusetts
I'm voting at my Iowa caucus site tonight for the first time - for Kerry
Which candidate does this quote belong to & reference to to what?
I thought Judy Dean was much prettier in action than in snapshots
When will our GE regional strength change again?
Here's An Easy One: Who's Gonna Be Watching The Returns Tonight ???
Carville: Bush can't stand on a stage with Kerry.
Message from Governor Dean (And the NEW Channel Dean is Up)
Looks like the Dean exodus is almost complete
Establishment vs. Anti-Establishment.
Are Repubs disappointed that Dean might not win nomination ?
An important message to all Dennis Kucinich supporters
After all the polls and pundits declaring Dean in decline or dead...
When Will We Hear Results on the East Coast?
John Edwards statement on Martin Luther King Day
Dumbest Wolf poll ever today: Are the Iowa caucuses
Edwards' Meetup numbers rising
MLK Organizer in Iowa DID Know Dean was coming..
Who will have the best coverage of the Caucuses?
The Republicans should not want to tangle with any Dem candidate.
Sharpton, Clark call for removal of Confederate flag
Kucinich supporters, please read-
Real-time caucus results tracker link:
I just heard on CNN thar Bill Clinton...
Did anyone here see what Carville and Tucker Carlson said about Edwards?
I'd like to wish every candidate good luck tonight...
How DU is preparing for caucus night.
Breaking: CNN: Dean punched a reporter.
Kerry Carries Water For Top Donor
Gotta love that Mara Liasson on NPR. Not!
Howard Dean chose a Republican for Chief Justice of Vermont
What time do the Iowa Caucuses start?
What are Kerry's strenghs and weaknesses?
New NH poll, Dean 25, Clark 19, Kerry 19
Hot Link: "Desmoines Register Caucus Night" for the Lates Scoop!
The New York Times has a nifty caucus tracker going
Edwards strategy: should he forget about NH and concentrate on SC?
Neutral Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack on the media's MLK misadventure
Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?
Does anyone see the Kucinich/Edwards deal as a slap at Dean?
Latest Poll on candidates in Florida (Tampa Bay News Channel) - Dean ahead
The Non-Official Iowa Caucus Result Thread: Positive Vibe & Analysis Only
Can republicans change their party affiliation
Dennis Kucinich hasn't been able to BUY press coverage.
When will the results start to come in?
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1-The Primary Has Started! Good luck everyone!
A must for all Clark-Dean-Kerry supporters!
General Clark has been molded by his military experiences....
Stressed out by Iowa? Read these Dave Barry columns about
Dems can only fight each other we cannot put up as strong a fight to Massa
In general, I'm VERY excited about tomorrow!
Could the caucuses get Freeped, altering their outcome?
Who will Gephardt endorse when he drops out?
Why not have one of the candidates rebut the State of the Union address?
CNN just commented that John Kerry seems to have found a voice...
4-way race til the end of the primary season?
I still question Clark as a Democrat
NYPost: Soured on Howard For Being 'Like Bush'
AP Headline on Yahoo: Carter Backs Dean on Eve of Iowa Caucus
Looks like Wes Clark will comment on the State of the Union speech.
can comeone explain the election process to me?
Flagging Dean goes in search of Carter magic
I-Day, Minus One: A Final Trip to the Podium, a Few Last Hands to Shake
What is up with Ed Koch endorsing Bush?
Final Zogby tracking: Kerry 25%, Dean 22% Edwards 21% Gep 18%
When Iowa results are in, can we trust them? I.e., BBV? polls?
FYI: an e-mail from a friend of mine
NY Post finds 5 voters who don't like Dean and interviews them!
Four way dead heat in Iowa! Who'd of thought it? How exciting!
With Hopes Up and Elbows Out, Democrats Give Iowa Their All
I just got back from campaigning in Iowa
Democratic candidates' favorite vacations, prized possessions
Any other undecideds enjoying this last minute horse race?
Good luck to everyone's candidates tonight!
This site may have 'real-time' caucus info Monday.
Democrats Hope to Speed Caucus Results
I just saw Gephardt's interview on CNN
Final Zogby: kerry 25, Dean 22, Edwards 21, Gep 18
Wes Clark's Presidential election votes - historical precedents
Clark's Argyle sweater at eBay- benefit Liberty House, veterans
Columbia Journalism Review's new site on media reporting is a must see
Katina Tsongas , daughter of the late Paul Tsongas, endorses Clark
CSPAN~ Edwards at Harkin's Presidential Forum 10:35 EST
Have I been too hard on Clark?
Surprised to learn that Al Sharpton is the youngest candidate
Are there any Democrats who would be worse than Bush?
John Kerry lost his voice. John Kerry lost his voice. John Kerry lost his
CNN: John Kerry lost his voice
Des Moines Register Op Ed (1/19): Organization will be key to victory
Edward's and Kerry's voting record
OK Canadian DUers (and any other non-US folks) - Iowa. Who do you choose?
John Kerry Kicks Off Caucus Day on TV.
Forget the polls - Its cold in Iowa - What is the effect?
If Kerry loses his voice in January, How could he beat Bush in Nov??
Bush is dumb and he has never lost his voice.
Where is Al Gore? Always though his endorsement of Dean was bad for
Kerry belittles Edwards, then takes it back
Yepsen: In the ninth inning, Kerry looks to be a strong closer
How Can I View the Results? CNN? Network Updates?
Will having skipped Iowa hurt the Clark campaign in NH?
Approximately what time will we get results from Iowa?
Put your money where your mouth is! :)
The McGovern Endorsement of Clark
THE COMEBACK: Kerry camp was sure of upswing ahead
I'm changing from Dean to Edwards and Kerry
'Nother question: How will Iowa results be reported?
Q: With Lieberman & Clark supporters backing others in IA
My tinfoil hat theory on Dean's declining numbers and his endorsements
I think it is going to be Clark or Kerry for the nomination.
Kerry - Edwards - Dean - Gephardt
My predictions for the ticket come November, either Kerry...
Statistical dead heat? Yea, only when Senator Kerry is leading the polls
Congratulations to the authors of the candidate endorsements
IF Kucinich decides to supports Edwards + Braun w/ Dean , I'm 2 for 2
TIME: Dean disingenuous about Carter invitation, Dean invited himself
I believe Clark and Kucinich supporters will make the difference tonight
Field Report from the CCN: Door to Door with Mo Rocca and the Today Show
I think the press/TV journalists are scared....there's a new way -not them
Anything Can Happen. Everyone is Optimistic.
Kucinich will fix our priorities
I believe that Kerry is the only candidate who can beat Bush.
Anxious Broadcasters to Test New System in Iowa
The Albuquerque Tribune Endorses Wes Clark
I am so damn excited for tonight
Breaking News! Kucinch Campaign to make deal with Edwards
ARG tracking poll results: No Change, but...
After Iowa and New hampshire, I predict....
"Clark campaign hires former McCain adviser "
NH: picture of a race tightening up
Has the pubs been to the cauces this much in the past? Or is because they
RNC chair is either scared of Edwards in Iowa, or sweet on him. :)
Forget the polls, predict the COH
A personal story for Dean supporters
Washington will star in second surge of Demo White House voting
Anyone see Dean's interview on 'Faux & Friends' this morning?
Personnal observations from Iowa (Kucinich supporter)
Dean Joined by His Wife to Cap Iowa Campaign
for you poltical junkies -- listen to randi rhodes 3-6pm --- I'm sure you
Ron Brownstein(LAT): Edwards, Kerry copy Dean. Dem A game on display in IA
Only Kerry and Dean will be able to match/surpass Bush in fundraising
Worst case scenerio: Edward folk need not reply :)
John Kerry apologizes to John Edwards
Dean's Statement on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday
Rasmussen Reports....HD-24, WC-14,JK-11,JE-10
Candidates shouldn't "endorse" the primary winner
Why is this day going so S-L-O-W???
Jerseyans like Dean but like Bush more
Clark and his New Hampshire Only Strategy.
"He's a leader. With low-key style and image as political outsider, Clark"
son in IA reports on the candidate blitz - plans to vote Dean
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. stirs up support for Dean in Iowa
Regain power with Dean - By Rob Reiner and Martin Sheen
Huge demand for Clark Bars causes shortage
The Dean movement is a "media by-pass" can't stand it
Ohmygod! Thank you DU. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Now the theme from the media is "Can Dean Recover?"
when did all the autograph signing begin?
Kucinich Deal with Edwards. Is Kucinich mimicking Dean w Deals?
Probably an important clarification on the Kucinich/Edwards 'deal'
Don't miss the great endorsements on our homepage!
Dean To News Media: Get A Life
'Big bo' rumor raises eyebrows
Carville: "Don' bury Dean yet"
Ako Abdul-Samad Gets Out The Vote For Kerry
My Op-Ed - The problem with Iowa is not a problem in New Hampshire
Kerry doesn't back down, by Edward M. Kennedy
"I want to get a plan passed that will cover everybody": Dean on CSPAN
Will the winner of the IA caucus change your support?
CSPAN will air two caucus meetings tonite.
Staunch WTO-NAFTA-Globalization Opponents Only - Who Do You Support ?
Dean, Clark Lead in New Mexico
How do DK supporters feel about "the Edwards announcement"
You know Dems,,, If you buy into the hype about Deans anger, Rove wins!
Dr. Dean's Foreign Policy Team: A Clark Backer's Perspective
Boxer, Dean's spirit take center stage
State Democrats favor Dean (Michigan)
You know...I don't know a single person who likes George Bush