George W Bush and the real state of the Union
Will the media onTuesday compare known upcoming budget facts to Bush SOTU?
CNN "so tired" report on Democratic candidates
W's gone wild! (a work in progress by Steven John Koeppe)
SHOCKER!! Edwards 2nd, Kerry 1st and Dean #3 in Iowa.
Is it possible to be an agnostic gnostic?
Astrologers: Let's look at the candidates
What are the best translations of the Bible and why?
Grim Fire Forecast For 2004 - Drought Continues In Southwest
Swiss Ski Season Shortens By 12 Days In Last 20 Years - Ski Industry
NSF Study - Siberian Bogs May Hold Key To Sudden Climate Shifts
The Northern Pacific Becomes A Sargasso Sea Of Garbage - Globe & Mail
New Toyota Prius Option - Self-Parking
Laws Blocking Mountaintop Mining? Change The Laws!!
Sudden Oak Death Now Prevalent 20% Of California - New Strain Discovered
Numbers Of 24 Common European Bird Species Down 33% In 25 Years
Drought In Nevada Killing Pinon Pine Trees - CC Times
Where was the invincible NRA for Howard Dean in Iowa tonite?
Was this locked in error or were the mods going to move it to GD 04?
I have a question, I can't seem to find the answer...
I can't find nothingshocksmeanymore...have you seen them? :)
How About 'Message Removed'... Name NOT Deleted ???
A clear example of abusive kicking
An honest mistake...instead of "locking" can't the thread just...
The work goes on: A rabbi & a rap impresario raise anew
Soldier 'tried to cover up killing of British activist'
Why lock my thread about being on the Campaign Trail In New Hampshire?
Leaving for the BIG John Kerry Caucus Party in OUR Nation's Capital
A huge turnout for the Iowa caucus bodes well for the Democrats
DU'ers from Guam, Puerto Rico or other US terriitories?
What was the Non-Partisan League?
Yahoo post critical of Cheney has 345 recs
Separation of Church & State: Needed Now More Than Ever
Electoral Math: Louisiana and North Dakota could mean a win
When is the New Hampshire Primary?
MIKE MALLOY is on live --- good to hear some sanity
Do Unions Really Have Any Political Muscle Anymore?
Will Bush include Rotterdam harbor 'yellow-cake from Iraq' claim in SOTU?
Kucinich is in the top 5 according to CNN - That isn't bad...
Stop the taunts! Remember ABB!
What is Kerry's viewpoint on gun control?
Ok, now for the NH Republican primary: Will John Buchanan toast Bush?
the left needs a "religion" to bind its disparate goals
What does Kerry's win mean to you?
Clark supports the School of the Americas?
Bush Will Sweat During the SOTU as War Hero, John Kerry Watches Him.
Another link search. This time: Gep.
Freepers think that the Clintons somehow sabatoged Dean's campaign
Bush at 53 percent in CNN poll - drops 6 points in less than a week!
Martin Luther King on Vietnam:
Michael Savage seems to be giving away lots of copies of his book
The 12 Year Curse. Is shrub a victim of it?
What do we want the Dem response to SOTU to sound like?
Protesters greet Resident Bush's Father
Is Rove using his Segretti Dirty Tricks manual on Dean in Iowa?
New discoveries on how Reagan/Bush I and Bush II cooked the CPI!!!!
Anti Jesse Jackson Freeper Rally -- pictures
The Sean Hannity "funny" photograph
Democrats sell out in California to the Gropenfuhrer
Report from Saturday's IL Senate Candidate Forum
Tonight, I was ashamed of our country
(Newsweek World News - MSNBC) "Raising their voice...
Breaking CNN: 33% Iowa Results
Israel threat to boycott Swedish genocide conference
Australia made UN human rights chair (AAP censorship)
Phony Jaques DeGraf on Hardball now...
Gephradt concession. speech on now 10: 50 pm et
Networks Vary in Aggressiveness on Iowa
Clark Vows to Protect Black Electorate
Bush Wants Increase in Domestic Security Spending
Eleven dead following air raid on Afghan village
E-mail virus spreads through Asia, Europe
Venezuelan diplomats speaking with oil counterparts (OIL for GOLD not $$$)
Kerry Wins Iowa Caucus in 11th Hour Surge
Diplomat Worried of US Plan for Cuba
A post for North Dakota residents, outmigrants, and prospective immigrants
Should I go for this job interview?
W - "On the moon in search of Aliens"
"It's turkey time. Gobble, gobble."
Seems like CMB is into the science fiction
It is safe to say the ignore button...
Anyone want to meet Mahatma K. Gandhi's grandson? (Michigan)
what's all this I keep hearing about the Iowa Dookuses?
Democracy Reality Caucus TV on CSPAN2.
new Hannity advertisers Travelocity, First Horizon, Isle of Capri Casino
What is the proper # of hot dogs to add to a large can of baked beans?
Caucus Coverage, or MTV Europe Music Awards?
MLK show "Citizen King" On PBS tonight
I'm ready for goin' to school tomorrow in Dem primary style!!
Good god, Bob Dole's mother-in-law died....
I'm in the chat room, where the hell are you?
Kerry supports the rights of gays and opposes the rights of Taiwanese...
January 19th in rock 'n' roll history
Official Make the US a Colony of Finland Thread for Revolutionaries Only
The DU servers are flying tonight!
Someone posted a personality test before Christmas
What kind of music do the past and present presidents, and candidates...
I'm a new day rising, I'm a brand new sky to hang the stars upon tonight
Take a break from GD 2004 here ... relax
The most important factor in the Iowa caucuses: The Pitt Factor
So, are there any songs about Iowa?
Ever have a housekeeper turn down your bed?
One thing I've learned about election politics
I just saw all of the candidates on CNN!
Death Cab For Cutie is playing tonight on Craig Kilborne!
In preserving food, how much salt is necessary?
Proof America is going to Hell
Dookus almost won the Iowa prediction contest
GD: 2004 is a depressing place tonight.
And now...some parody. "Draft Wesley Crusher"
OK. Fess up. Who else watched try-outs for American Idol tonight
Paint Shop Pro expert and Jimmy Stewart movie fan needed.
Official Celebration Thread for LAROUCHE supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Well, well...lost 15 pounds since October...
Vain photo restoration question and avoid the following print developer:
Great News.. I am off the atropine completely... vision is much improved
Listening to "An Index of Metals" - so cooooooooool
New issue of zine out (Janeane Garofalo, Howard Zinn, David Rees)
I have never been this interested in caucuses
Anyone know what the aggregate numbers on caucus goers are?
Dean campaign in Iowa providing child care so folks can go to caucus
Are Kerry and Edwards going to make a super bowl bet?
CSPAN caucus coverage is starting
Aren't republicans likely to caucus as sabotagers/spoilers in Iowa?
Kerry is very popular among internet users in Iowa
The Kucinich-Edward deal may make John my second choice
Tucker Carlson on CNN just stated...
Kerry, Clark, Edwards, Gephardt supporters
Martin Luther King Day not made official holiday in Vermont until 2001
Wolf Blitzer just announced that Indies/Repukes can register
This caucus is a fraud! Watch C-SPAN!
Good Luck to ALL Candidates as we start things for real
The Dean campaign is not expecting to do well tonight - their internal #'s
Record turnouts for caucuses is SUCH a good thing...
Official Results Thread - Iowa Caucus
dean 1726; gep 993; kerry 864; clark 854; edwards 836; joe l 556; dk 461;
Will Gephardt supporters back Kerry or Edwards?
Delegate counts as of 263 precints
Entrance Poll: Kerry 31 Edwards 24 Dean 21
Dean and Gephardt not yet viable on C-SPAN precinct
First numbers (8 of 1993): Edwards at 52.3%
Can we avoid poor winning and losing, please?
Quick question, have these IA caucuses ever gotten big TV coverage B4?
Do we need an official thread here??? I'm getting lost in all the threads
390 of 1993 precincts reporting. Kerry @ 36%, Edwards @ 34%, Dean @ 18%
Kerry beats Dean head to head with 1st time voters
Are these caucus reports from rural areas? Any urban reports yet?
We're past the one-third point!..
I'm so nervous. Damn I'm shaking
What's happening: Gephardt is not viable in many precincts
True or False: Dean's chances of winning tonight are slim to none.
Dean and Gep aren't even viable yet in the CSPAN caucus I'm watching.
Since abortion is a single-issue...
Watch for Gephardt's 10-11% to go to Kerry
I'm watching the best reality show ever
From the campaign: Dennis is not endorsing Edwards
Judging by all the Dean threads in here...
Dean getting destroyed. FOX: Kerry 38% Edwards 34% Dean 18%
dubuque county chair having problems
The PEOPLE take back America!!!
Beat Bush, Beat Bush, Beat Bush
Tonight was a victory of the people against the powerful
Does anyone know if the Kucinich-Edwards deal had an effect?
More than half the caucuses are in, and...
Does Kerry Become the "National Security Candidate?"
Does anyone notice how nice everyone is being at the caucuses?
Joe Scarborough (For what it's worth): Republicans are scared of ...
Mike Malloy to address Kucinich/Edwards issue after this break (9:20 EST)
Talking about representation on C-Span now
Could also be an anti-tax vote
Edwards supporters, turn to CNN--he's about to be on.
So much for the vaunted "Dean Machine"
MSNBC: Kerry #1 choice of ANTI-WAR Iowa voters w/27%
Clark reminder - 9:30 pm EST - Larry King Live, CNN tonight
Any Significance To Ted Kennedy Campaigning For Kerry, While...
Do we need a triage operation for Dean people?
CNN, Gep considering pulling out.
how many delegates does Iowa have?
Iowa Caucus, Dubuque County, Precinct 4
Really good analysis of why Kerry is surging by Josh Marshall
stick a fork in Gephardt, he's done
assume Dean loses and continues downwards.
Ya think Edwards is getting the Kennedy vote?
This could actually be very good for Dean
CNN Pronouncing Kerry the Winner
Clark Supporters. Please remain above the fray.
Iowa is not that important in the big picture.
I love the Kucinich guy with the hat and beard!
Who will Gephardts support go to in NH if he doesn't bother to drop out?
Kerry, Edwards senators...what about the 'snake-bit' factor for senators?
So who plays the part of Karene Eades in the upcoming movie?
Who is going to get Gephardt's union endorsements
Two words for naive people who think that Deanies are weenies...
Clark unleashes the SMACKDOWN on Bob Dole!!!
MSNBC: Gephardt dropping out tomorrow in St. Louis
This feels like November 2002 all over again
Dean supporters: Pick yourselves up, dust off and get on with NH. :-)
Clark transcends party lines, AWESOME!
Kerry is now being called the winner!
MSNBC: Gephardt to drop out tomorrow
CNN: Gephardt's not going to NH
Remember! New Hampshire has a history of turning Iowa upside down!
This is so exciting--which station is giving the best coverage?
Breaking News Gephardt dropping out
Can Dean win? Is it still possible? give me hope please
Gephardt will be out, announcing tomrorow
CNN Pronounces Bush the winner
The Iowa Focus Group: Heads and shoulders above those other media
CNN reporting at least double turnout today in IA as in 2000!
Dean essentially conceded defeat on CNN
Kerry: 35.6% Dean: 16.4% Edwards: 34.8% Gephardt 12.3%
(Iowans and Others), Can You Change Parties...
Iowa results: Harkin 76.4%, Tsongas 4.1%, CLINTON 2.8%, Kerrey 2.4%
Iowa means IWR vote not Important
Won't Kerry be pretty tough to beat in New Hampshire?
Dr. Dean "less than performance"-- root cause analysis for Dean supporters
With Kerry now the frontrunner, will he attend the SOTU?
The Iowa results really mean this: There is ENERGY in DEM party!!!
Why would Gephardt supporters go to Kerry instead of Edwards?
Can You Change Parties In Iowa...
The grassroots died (severly wounded?) tonight....
If Gephardt drops out after tonight, who will he endorse?
The DU servers are flying tonight! It's never been better!
Didn't Clinton lose Iowa in 92? I can't remember.
The DU servers are flying tonight! It's never been better!
Boy, Kerry really played "ketchup" tonight
Why are people claiming democracy is dead?
The Iowa results really mean this: There is ENERGY in the DEM party!!
I've already seen a couple of disheartened Dean supporters...
Why is Edwards the only one with a title?
Gephardt to drop out of the race
MSNBC Exit Poll - fascinating numbers
This caucus was about perceived electability, I think
The Semi-Official Caucus Results Analysis Thread by Cryofan
I Know It's Still Early, But A Kerry\Edwards Ticket Would Be Great !!!
Kerry and Edwards should march into SOTU Together!
Hey, alright! Edwards coming in second!
wut wut Dean supporters are more energized
The DU servers are flying tonight!
Reminder/Clark events tomorrow to counter *'s SOTU
Honest question--How much of a bump will Edwards get in New Hampshire?
A word of encouragement to the Dean supporters...
UN-Official Thread for GORE supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Clark just said he outranks Kerry! He was only a lieutenant in Vietnam..
Clark just b*slapped Dole big time on CNN
Uh, people, Iowa does not decide the race.
Clark only 0.2% I thought he would do better
Congratulations, corporate media. You're goring of Howard Dean is...
Is it too late for Gephardt to run for senate?
FOX News reporting Gephardt will drop out tonight
I say it is still Clark v Dean v Edwards v Kerry Who is with me?
Obversations from one caucus goer
What's sad is the media will focus more on how Dean is
How will the media spin Dean's Non-First Place finish?
They're getting tons of calls for bush at the CSPAN caucus!
A HUMBLE question for Dean supporters
With the huge turnout , the big loser tonight is BUSH
Why Should Dean supporters be asked "who are they supporting?"
Will Edwards be the odd man out in New Hampshire ?
How much did Kucinich help Edwards?
Nice timing by Dean--he bumped Edwards' speech off of every channel
The Its Way Too Early To do an After Iowa poll Poll
How much did Dean damage himself with his speech?
why does CNN assign Tucker Carleson to cover the Dean campaign?
1 NH Gephardt Supporter's Point of View
Congrats, John Edwards. But I think you would get chewed up by Rove...
Watch Dean on CNN. See why he's losing.
Dean sure seems happy with 3rd place (live now)CSPAN
Stick a fork in 'im. He's done. (Dean, that is)
Buckle up. Kerry is going to get *skewered* in this forum in the future
Are Most Republican Pundits Still Boosting Dean Chances? Seems So!
Question for Kucinich supporters
Dean already blaming loss on negative ads
What's ironic it's because people crucified Dean
what does this mean for LaRouche?
Kennedy and Kerry on MSNBC NOW
John Edwards post caucus speech was amazing
Dean is keeping his supporters upbeat, the fight for the Democratic
Ed "Jackboots" Gillespie is on CNN now
Congrats to Kerry & Edwards Supporters
Ooo, Ted Kennedy's with Kerry!
Poll for Dean Supporters: Who is your #2?
Phony Jaques DeGraf on Hardball...
What the Iowa results really mean: There is ENERGY in the Dem party!
Woh, Dean's freaking out on CNN....
Will the superbowl decide the winning candidate?
Dean comes in third and there are still Dean "bash threads"...???
Question for Kerry supporters...edited to delete
There will be no reason for Clark to go negative in N.H.
Message: We're Serious. Tell ROVE n/t
We're Coming, You're Going, and Don't Let the Door Hit You On the Way Out
Official thread for social authoritarian administrators
So the right wing media is determining our candidate.....
Joe Scarborough: Dean's newest media supporter or GOP op?
Does every channel have to cut off Edwards for Dean?
Good luck to all the Candiates and their supporters who are
A great idea for Clark, Dean or Edwards
Kerry Supporters - I know it's been said a hundred times tonight
Thank you Iowa. Everything is looking up for our Party.
My experience with two Dean supporters....
Dean is insane! Another candidate's supporters told me so!
I wept, I was lost, but I am firmly behind dean
Iowa --- "new voter registration" all you need to win...?
But...But...Kerry and Edwards voted for the War?
What is the main story of the night?
1/19 ARG NH Poll: Dean 28, Kerry 20, Clark 19, Edwards 8, Lieb. 6
NOW can we stop hearing about those endless polls?
Has John Kerry ever hinted at who his running-mate might be? (nt)
Wow. Kerry's Speech Was Awesome
Two Honest (I Swear) Questions !!!
some things to consider after tonight's results . . .
Kerry's main contributors are lawyers, lobbysts & corporations
Congratulations to Kerry, Edwards, and note to all from a Deaner
Tonight was a huge victory for Edwards
Kerry/Clark would make a strong
The freepers are messing with the "Clark Sweater" ebay auction
Clark will be on Paula Zahn tomorrow
Surprise comeback of the night: Kerry's voice!
To all Kerry and Edwards people from the Clark people
Am I Wrong to Worry About Labor's Effectiveness After Iowa?
Wonderful Thing !!! --- Kerry Has Cleland On Stage For Acceptance !!!
If Kerry wins, what will happen to his Senate seat?
How much did the Gore endorsement help, or hurt, Dean?
Dean supporters - fight the good fight!
Iowa lessons for New Hampshire
Ok, now for the NH Republican primary: Will John Buchanan toast Bush?
To the fatalistic Dean supporters...
Gephardt is giving a very moving concession.
"Tonight we started a movement that will sweep across
Question for those suggesting caucus crossovers freeped the vote...
The System versus Progress - what are your thoughts?
Statement from Dennis Kucinich
Should Dean go Negative on Kerry?
Could it be...? A Edwards / Kucinich Ticket?????????
Dean supporters only - Please write in your second and last choice
Karl Rove -- mission accomplished to slow "Dean"
This tells the story: Only 13 % Iowans said Iraq was most impt issue
Congratulations Order of Skull and Bones! One of your own won Iowa!
John Forbes Kerry, President: If We Can Make It So. Volunteers Needed.
What's happened, from a Dean supporter.
Did Dean predict this three years ago?
For those of you who want to see tonight's "Controversial" Dean Speech
Tough ethical call for NPR: cut to Edwards or stay with Dean?
Congrats, John Edwards. But I think you would get chewed up by Rove...
Congratulations to all Kerry supporters who held on, from Sept.
Instead of fighting, all Dems should be thanking Howard Dean
Something to consider. What was WON tonight.
Iowa is over. Gep is out. Who do you support?
Dean's CNN appearance tonight: The Storm and The Fury
straight from Kalona Iowa caucus
This is how we elect a President?
Official Celebration Thread for KERRY supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Official Thread for GEPHARDT supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Official Thread for CLARK supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Official Thread for EDWARDS supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Don't stab the person in the back that you may need tomorrow....
Official Thread for KUCINICH supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Dean phenomenon created by Media?
hah Hah - Union Leader endorses Joe
My re-emphasis on the importance of party unity once a nominee is chosen
Stephonopolous "The whitehouse would've loved to run against Howard Dean"
Lehane on MSNBC: Seeking release of Kerry's tax and lobbying records
Do Kucinich supports feel they were "sold out"?
I don't like Edwards. Help me!
Dean Supporters - Clark Supporters Welcome You
Official Thread for DEAN supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Those of you who are saying you won't vote.
An ethicist strips off Bush's moral veneer
How to Fix Politics? Believe It or Not, More Politicians.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Caucus
The Fortune 500- Truthout's John Cory rocks the house!!!!
Editorial picks apart Drudge's deceptions...
Scathing - Tolerance Of Treason
Democratic wimps - LA Daily News editorial
Local residents deeply affected by suicide bombing near coalition HQ
The ugliest American alienates the world
Zakaria: An Absence of Legitimacy (Iraq Getting FUBAR)
the Latin Americanization of America
Molly Ivins: It's about money (SOTU Preview Edition)
Conservatives Negative on Bush, Immigration and Shooting the Moon.
This shows how polls get it wrong--The Des Moines Register
Krugman: Going for Broke (SOTU)
Clark Aims to Pull Rank on Kerry in N.H.
"I have a Dream" for peace in the Middle East
A Worker from the Mad Cow Meat Plant Speaks Out
NY Times: An Assault on Housing Vouchers
Kucinich will fix our priorities
Springfield IL DUers, Roe v Wade Rally, Jan 22nd
Toady's Senate cloture vote (Overtime Pay)
State of the Union Drinking Game
Hey look, somebody slipped Chalabi in again
Will media note $4 trillion increase in deficit over 10 yrs in SOTU?
CNN Video - Bill Maher On Wolf Blitzer Reports
the press is not expected to challenge Bush assertions/claims in SOTU
Child's Pay ... Video - ad aired on CNN
Ron Reagan Jr. On HardBall - Video
Aide: Pope did not endorse Gibson film
To Be A Good Republican: Author Unknown
How Do You Know If Your Cat Has Seen You Naked ?
'Marriage Is A Union Between A Man & A Woman' Bush To Tell Nation
Canada To Appeal Landmark Gay Ruling
LGBT Athletes Move Toward Forming New Int'l Sports Body
Students fight Seton Hall for GLBT support group
Clark on the cover of the new issue of the Advocate
Far-right group attacks GLAAD media guide
Bribing House members on the House floor-Medicare vote- is a felony
Privacy: The US census department released your information
"I have a Dream" for peace in the Middle East:
Mississippi Latest To Consider Anti-Gay Amendment
High Levels Of Cadmium, Mercury, Lead In South Australian Dolphins
GAO - Cleanup For Old Military Ranges, Bases Will Take 75-300 Years
Mountain Gorilla Numbers Up 17% (!) In Central African Border Region
Ah-nold's "Hydrogen Highway" - LA Times
Ebola Virus Threatens Great Ape Population - Science Daily
Structural Vulnerability of the North American Power Grid
WTO is eager to accept Russia?
Meanwhile, in Central Asia...US Ambassador: Our troops in Georgia forever
US ready to fund pullout of Russian troops from Georgia
From a Scripps Howard News Release On Congress' Agenda 2004
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 20, 2004
Russ Feingold- Supporter of the Second Amendment!
If Edwards wins the nomination will he make a big deal of ...
Thanks, Mods and Admin for keeping things calm in GD2004 last night
Is there a HS age forum in DU?
Inoffensive Post Deleted as "Inflammatory"
excuse my ignorance, but, what is the "Hidden Thread" function and
"I won't vote Dem" already appearing on the boards . . .
FYI, you might want to look at GD
Good morning, GREAT job with GD2004!
Posting entire campaign newsletters is OK?
I think your automatic "4 warnings" system is flawed
How many "members" do you think DU really has???
I thought Progressives of all types were welcomed here...
Please cease those "I am switching to" threads
What if author gives permission to post whole articles?
One thing that gets my blood boiling here is...
Tom DeLay leads the "Christian Zionists"
Israeli soldiers begin operation to demolish outpost
Suicide bombers' families criticise Islamic groups
Israel targets Hamas cleric for 'liquidation'
Israeli jets strike Hezbollah targets in south Lebanon
The Suicide Message Of A Mother Who Left Home To Kill
Palestinians: IDF demolishes 30 homes in Gaza
Israeli Bulldozers Flatten 30 Gaza Houses
The detention of the Refuzniks is arbitrary says UN Group
Israeli ambassador says Swedish press is pro-Arab
As Gephardt bows out, Jews lose a friend in Washington’s high places
Court sentences Israeli Arab teen to 8 years in prison
IDF, settlers clash during removal of W. Bank structure
Palestinian Children Honor Tom Hurndall
"I have a Dream" for peace in the Middle East :
Israel determined to eliminate terrorist leadership
Northrop Grumman buys 14 IAI Hunter UAVs for $16m
PBS Documentary: Silverstein, FDNY Razed WTC 7
NIST WTC Investigation: Access to All Essential Data Obtained
Don't forget to tune in to the "State of The Nation" today:
Today In History, January 20, 2005 ...
Goingfor Broke(SOTU/election strategy—confuse the middle,but feed the base
Here's a question of "primary importance"
Dennis Kucinich Tour of Maine 1/21
Something about Edwards speach. (political implications)
Old Man of The Mountain - a Tribute to NH
Why Kucinich Supporters Didn't Lose Tonight
The DU servers are flying tonight!
Who'll be the first rightwing pundit/writer to reference today's..
I need someone who can help me start a poll, THIS IS IMPORTANT!
Paul Krugman op-ed "Who's Nader Now" proven wrong?
Bush's war damages US credibility
reporting from OUR Nation's Capital....JFKerry caucus PARTY !!!
Please help I need someone to start a poll for me!
Why do DUers hate Joe Lieberman?
What we are doing wrong over at camp Dean...
Most compatible Pres candidates.
please help me with information
Harry S Truman War Crimes Questionnaire
Bush to Portray Libya as an Example
John Rowland's whore: please, PLEASE don't out me!
OK. Fess up. Who else watched try-outs for American Idol tonight
Face it: we already HAVE a draft
I'm Thinking Of Registering Repub, To Vote Against Bush* Twice This Year
60% oppose Cosmo's Moon/Mars mission
Bush's dept of Homeland Domesticity. (Great article)
Wackos, Charlatans, and the new owners of UPI news
Silverstein, FDNY Razed WTC7 (WTF?)
Did you know they're planning to end the foreign earned income credit?
Media giants today. How much free speech exists in the USA?
I just read Kaz Sasaki is not returning to the Mariners next year.....
If Dean doesn't win nomination -- Take Action!
Was it the WAR or the anger that lost it for Dean?
I would pledge $100.00 (another) to the Dean Campaign....
Edwards is negative campaigning IMO
My theory about Dean supporters is becoming fact
SOTU Response: Daschle & Pelosi
Bush wins first-tier Iowa Republican primaries!!!!
How will you watch SOTU tonight?
I just saw the Bush in 30 Seconds winner on CNN!
Republican Excuses Are Getting Old
gen. clark's sweater now at $14,000
MSNBC poll: do any Democrats have a shot at Bush?
Bill Jankow's resignation is effective today
General Discussion of Discussions
Does the IWR give Bush the authority to invade Syria?
Need a little help here - regarding a pre-9/11 Bush trip where the
Moby backs Cho against whacko freepers and their hatemail
9/11 Panel Unlikely to Get Later Deadline
What was the turn-out like in Iowa?
Watch CSpan now..11:45 AM EST - Elaine Chao being raked over the coals
Approval ratings after SOTU - how much bounce?
Coast to Coast 2 nights now has NEWSMAX columnist on!
The George W bush* State of The Union Drinking Game
PBS Documentary: Silverstein, FDNY Razed WTC 7
CNN hints at Bush's "not necessarily funded modest proposals"
where can i see/ hear last night's dean speech for free?
How far off do the Pollsters need to be before we realize they are
Do you think Cheney could be impeached?
It's Jan. 20! Just 365 days left of the Bush Misadministration!
BBC interview with Daniel Ellsberg
SOTU - What Iraqi Council member will be there
Unseen and Unheard : Bush's assault on women
Greg Palast on C-span2 right now
C-Span this a.m. - What's the deal with Tamara Lipper
If Cheney's Impeached, does that make Bush President?
Ugh....I'm just waiting to hear Bush mention privatizing Social Security
For all those pentagon and RW groups
Anybody hear LeShow this weekend? in Tales of Airport Security
The State Of The Union In 30 Seconds - New MoveOn Ad
CBS AND SEATTLE AFFILIATE KIRO no moveon but they luv Rush!
Margaret Cho plugs DU in her newsletter!
Congressional Thread - 1/20/2004
Stupid Question..but what is ABB?
Have you seen this? (anti-Bush ad w/humor)
Kerry and Edwards didn't say a thing
I was leaning Dean until recently and I could still get behind him
Dr. King's Gauntlet: Nonviolence or Nonexistence
Media Research Center's list of 2003's worst "Liberal" quotes
bushgang payback - this time on French pilots
Many auto insurance companies use ChoicePoint to check..
I am now on the Dean bandwagon...
500 dead Americansin Iraq = # of dead in 1st three years in Vietnam
Why is the media so deferential to Bush and his minions?
OxyRush: "Democrats are Raving Maniacs"
We should not put all of our eggs or hopes in one basket....
The George W Bush SOTU Drinking Game!
Dem Primary season and affect on November (not a candidate push)
An assumption that must be made or everything falls to pieces....
What is more important to a Republican ~ Money or Power
Senate voting now on the Cloture Motion on the omnibus appropriations bill
New Hampshire leans toward the more independent candidates....
Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) for Senate Democratic Leader
Karen Hughes on CNN: "somewhat in jest"
Buzzflash: Masterful Machiavellianism
What is more important to a Democrat ~ Fair distribution of wealth
Big announcement for tonight... Social Security reform?
Iraqis want Saddam AND his "American helpers" on trial -- Reuters
What the Democrats should say after the SOTU
The Pickering nomination : Was it careless timing or deliberate gesture to
Rush Limbaugh's show has a 2.8 rating
Haliburton supplying gasoline in Northern California?
yet another FDR/Reagan dime poll
Yikes! NYMEX crude oil is now $36.20 a barrel
Drudge: Young Voters Said To Be Trending Toward Bush
What country will Bush threaten with War in this SOTU?
Quick please - need quote from
Kerry raised $300,000 ON-LINE today.....(link) come join us as we
why do the 'pro-life' states have high abortion numbers
What happened with the cloture vote on overtime pay today?
yo, Tucker Carlson: "Who the F**K cares if you ride in a bus for news?"
MUST SEE TV [Palast] Choicepoint, Diebold, Harris etc.
How about a Bush Administration FAQ page?
George W Bush and the real state of the Union
Bush Better Enjoy Tonights SOTU. Because It Will Be His Last.
F*** the Nazis, says Churchill's Parrott
Addressing Bush's State of Disunion
Gay Activists Responsible If Same-Sex Marriage Becomes Election Issue GOP
What if Homeland Security shuts down Dem Convention due to security
CONSIDER THIS: This Is The LAST State Of The Union Speech For Bush*...
Bush once again drops under 50 percent in Zogby poll!
A Worker from the Mad Cow Meat Plant Speaks Out (for real)
instead of watching the SOTU...
Interesting results on Wolfie's poll today, not sure what to make of it
That Democrat guy sounds too intelligent, I'll vote for Bush!
Why Joe Average doesn't trust "Elitism."
After losing the Nov election bush* still gave the Jan20 SOTU in crawford.
Young Conservative Is the Toast of Talk Radio
WHich of our candidates is most sound-bite repellent?
GOP Students Claim Left-Wing Bias at U of Colorado
have you seen the AOL poll on * ? (very UGLY indeed!
Poll--Will you vote to re-elect President George W. Bush?
stupid Buchanan lady on CNN said"Bush has terrific record on nat. sec"
How can one not grant an extension of the 911 investigation....
Daschle - Pelosi will issue answer to SOTU
Military families protest SOTU....join us in DC at Capitol Bldg, 7:30 PM
Clear Channel hires a Liberal Talk Host!
Standing ovations for * will be hard to watch, alcohol necessary
Bush's disdain for Martin Luther King
"President Bush Is Robin Hood"
Atlanta area folks - McAuliffe's going to be at Manuel's tomorrow evening
Proof that rightwingers are mentally ill.
Will the SOTU give * a big poll boost? Is that whey he......
NASA study used *census* information for terror profile
VOTE NOW - Bush "re-election" poll
Making A List Of Scandals The Shrub Has Gotten Away With
RNC Head Gillespie Admits "Clinton Death List" Was a LIE
Does this sound like a definiton of "Republicanism"?
It's not the SOTU that I'm dreading
Need help on Bush State of the Union Drinking Game
A Progressive View of the State of the Union (SOTU-P)
Would you vote for this Democrat or that Republican?
"The unseen pillars of civilization..."
Tom DeLay REALLY gives me the creeps
Treasury reneges on bonds. This can't be good
Democrats have conceded to Bush* on the issues on which he'll campaign.
Let Us Celebrate Bush's Final State Of The Union Address
Earth entering "Uncharted Waters"
Bush gets a 63% approval rating in Michigan!
Davos Meetings: Secret Agenda and Participants
Help please! Need examples/articles of BushCO rewriting history
have we made fun of this photo yet?
Bush's SOTU speech will not be his words....
Can someone tell me what Hezbollah is?
affirmative action -- race or class??
Andy Stephenson Needs funds for Campaign Meeting
Anti-choice "person" looking at 6 mos. in the slam
Is there, truly, nothing we can do about the state of our union?
Vietnam to kill all poultry in bird flu-infected areas
Japan Minister Says Worried About More BSE (Mad Cow) in U.S.
Insurers to Get 10.6% Increase From Medicare (From Bush Admin)
US hires mercenaries in Kerala
Iraq Says Saudis Ready to Help With Pipeline
UN chief seeks more time for Iraq return
Iraq's Ex-UN Envoy: US Sowing Chaos
Weapons Experts Setting Up Bases in Libya
Iraqis Welcome Prospect of UN Return
Crude oil price rises to $34.50 a barrel
Shiite Muslims March Thru Iraq's Capital Demanding Execution of Saddam
Senator wants Idaho terrorism law revamped (D. State Sen. Burkett)
Convention 'nightmare' possibility for Dems......
GOP leaders talk tough before Senate showdown on spending bill
Domestic Issues Hurt Bush in Poll (Tied with Any Democrat!)
Bush Escapes from his Handlers
Do you wonder that Cheney has the grip over Scalia?
Overtime Bill Today at 3pm EST
Iraq Oil Output Back To Prewar Level: Coalition Official
Molly barred from USA (Molly Meldrum; journalist visa)
Greg Palast on c-span2 right now
AFL-CIO to Intervene, Ratchet Up Market Strike (CA supermarkets)
Bush (SOTU) to: Urge Health Care Improvements, Asks to Stay the Course
Iraqis want Saddam's Old US Friends on Trial
A Raid in Iraq, And a Glimpse Into the World Of (Foreign) Infiltrators
Air France pilots and crew get close scrutiny from America because of thei
Arms Issue Seen as Hurting U.S. Credibility Abroad
Davos Will Brainstorm on Iraq, Dollar (cheney sighting)
George W Bush and the real state of the Union
Venezuela army chief backs Chavez
Iraquis want Saddam's US friends tried
Nuclear wishlist is heart of carrier deal
Pope 'Never Endorsed Christ Film'
Iraqis Want Saddam's Old U.S. Friends On Trial
Iraqi Shiites rally to support ayatollah
Bid To Impeach Judges Over Gay Marriage Fails
Iraqis Want Saddam's Old U.S. Friends on Trial
Teen Fights To Keep
Candidate pulled Oregon resident from Vietnamese river
French Minister Blasts Certain U.S. Ideas
bush* Meets With Leaders of Iraqi Governing Council
Two More U.S. Herds Quarantined Over Mad Cow
UN mulls Iraq return as Shia protest again
Former Saddam Loyalist Surrenders
Lawmakers See Passage of Compromise TV Cap
Loud Explosion Heard in Baghdad (late Tuesday)
No oNe expected this, says jubilant Edwards in Iowa
Judge orders Peterson trial moved to San Mateo County
Bush to Set Re-Election Themes in Speech (advance text)
Globalization Begets Insecurity Begets Violence
U.S. Says Airstrike Killed Five Militants (Not 11 Civilians)
U.S. uses 1800s law to target Greenpeace
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 20 January (#1)
Watchdog groups question Cheney, Scalia hunting trip
Resistance to Patriot Act Gaining Ground
Buchanan to Bush: 'Re-Write or Resign'
North Koreans want talks with South to form anti-US alliance
McDonald's Heir Leaves Salvation Army $1.5B+
British woman faces jail over airport 'bomb' joke
Corporations Need Treatment, Documentary Argues
Abortion Battle Rages: Bel Aire, Kan. Becomes 1st US City to Outlaw Graphi
Gephardt Drops Out of Presidential Race
Output close to capacity, says Opec head
US Rep Costello pushes impeachment hearings on Cheney
Venezuelas confirm US involved in Coup d'etat
HealthSouth Fraud Larger Than Estimate
Dean Tones Down 'Red Meat' Rhetoric After Iowa Loss
"Zero Down Payment Plan Proposed" (bush* idea)
Turkey’s shame: Sexual violence without redress
Cannabis killed regular smoker, inquest finds
France Adds Beards to List of Taboo Religious Signs
MSNBC's Jerry Nachman Dead at 57
Israeli planes attacking south Lebanon...just breaking cable news...
Ohio Suburb Can't Claim $1.4M Lottery Tax (yeah THAT lottery ticket)
"Belinda Stronach makes it official" (Canadian Conservative leadership)
U.S. sets off furor in anti-obesity fight
This week's NEWS QUIZ (poll form) and a Correction
I just put my DU Bumper Sticker on my car!
meet the new member of my happy family...
We need to get behind our front runners
Now I know why I stay out of GD 2004
Canadian Trivia with a touch of hockey
I am dying to see the Clark/ Dole CNN squabble.... Any ideas?
let's leave politics out of the Lounge...can we...?
It's 3:30 AM and I'm covered with blood. Ask me anything.
So, what was the best Rock recording released in 2003?
Now Poodle is coloring his hair a la Rita Hayworth....
How much pressure can a man take?
need help finding Oxyrush parody mp3
what is order of skull and bones?
Now I know where my pipe went!
Need a good laugh at freepers' expense?
the funniest thing about the Freepers
Anybody from the Netherlands? I have a question.
Man Leaves French Cognac To Toast Poe.
Post your favorite sweeping generalization about yesterday's primary
only ground beef I have is very lean...
more music fun . . . One Hit Wonder Central . . .
That IDIOT sports guy on Imus is making fun of Stephen Hawkings
Who's watching The Barbarians?
Football Season is over and I'm invading GD2004
This just in: 63 % of Michigan's population is illiterate and .......
You Might Be a Technician if...
I just read Kaz Sasaki is not returning to the Mariners next year.....
DU Chat room will be opened up for SOTU
Eagles Fans are like conservatives..........
12% of Americans think Kucinich would make a good President
How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck....
where can I download Kazaa lite?
Anybody watching the Barbarians specials on the History Channel?
Not enough hot question
The George Bush SOTU drinking game
Commercials that make you tear up
Berlin, together again, for one night! Remember riding on the Metro?
So Edwards eats Butterburgers. He can't be all that
Bush gets a 63% approval rating in Michigan!
Where are some unflattering pics of Bush?
I have a January 27, 1997 newspaper in front of me.
SEPERATED at BIRTH?? the shaved down Ewok edition.
Hunter S. Thompson on the beating absorbed by the Indianapolis Colts
Caption: Junior checks out the new bi-focals/blind leading the blind?
OK, I'm going to ask again...very nicely this time...PLEASE...
Please send good karma, prayers etc.
SEPERATED AT BIRTH?? the Batman edition
What proof should my liqueur be?
Let's imagine they make a movie of Dem Campaign 2004
'PURE FUNK' is the best CD I've bought all year
Why you should never talk politics with someone with ADD and a computer...
Russian Army Joins Struggle to Save Beer
I'm just glad that a Democrat won the Caucus - I don't care who
Is anyone besides me NOT going to watch the SOTU?
Drudge claims Bush popular among the young
Aussies outlaw "Beer Wenches" at Cricket matches.
I burned 1600 calories on the elliptical machine last night!
Little known vampire problems. (cartoon)
Johnny Rotten will be in Reality Show
why is running news from early NOV 03?
anyone what to look at maps? (electoral)
Shucks - Missed Iowa - Instead Saw David Bowie
Some interesting Bush figures from the UK press
PHP gurus - what is the best free photo gallery
going anywhere during spring break?
Just did my taxes, getting $5174 back, ask me anything!
Priceless bungee jump......a must see
OMG! OMG! the cutest little dog i have ever seen ...Tiny Tim 3 inches
Breaking: Otto Heimlich hired as Eagles Prez./Football Operations.
Hey, have there been RWers who believe that "The Two Towers"
I Confess!!!!! I watched "Long Island Lolita" on TV Sunday Night
Fellow Patriots Fans - I need good Tex-Mex recipes....
What's in the Oak Island Money Pit?
Tonight for the State of the Union
Appreciating modern pop art music through Radiohead
Wanna take a cruise for and of the damned?
Married DU Women. Did you take his name?
I'm pulling the lungs out of 70 mice today. ask me anything.
How about some random facts about your pets and/or children
Jazz lovers...ok...I'm starting to get into jazz. What are some...
What the worlds thinks of George's Mars Mission
Ok, I need some advice on a woman
Please Type Slower And Quieter...
If you are a Christian, what branch do you belong to?
need math help here: .....what is 400% of 100?
The TSA searched my checked bag!
I just posted my 666 post. About SpongeBob no less. Discuss...
Recycling Dryer Exhaust Heat...
Need help on writing a letter to our local Greens
U.S. To Give Every Iraqi $3,544.91, Let Free-Market Capitalism Do The Rest
*Happy Birthday, Democratic Underground!*
Teachers - can you relate to this story?
What were these BAPTISTS thinking? Real church sign, our town
Eagles succumbed to the Curse of Ed Gillespie
VOTE! It is your responsibility as a DUer!
SOTSU address tonight, What R U going to DU?
Make your own Bush speech for tonight
Time to fess up... Did you ever own a pair of wear acid wash jeans?
The Gods smiled on me today. I found a new job! Yea!
Things People Actually Said In Court
Photoshop experts... Let's get to the bottom of this Hillary pic
Top Ten Slogans Being Considered by Viagra
Perhaps I missed it, but is there a SOTU drinking game
Wow! Who ever knew the secret ingredient in Krabby Patties woud be...
OMG! Tony has been selected to recieve an award for valor!
Caption the Hungover Heap of Hubris
OoOOoOOOOoooooOO000oooOOOooOO Once Upon a Time In Mexico
McDonalds gave $1.5 billion to Salvation Army
Twin Blades... Mach Three... Mach Three TURBO... and now: QUATTRO!!
Bully On the Playground: Stand up to him, or back down?
how to have the IE windows open maximized
Vote here and make sure you vote for the tenth entry!
These are the 10 winners of this year's Bulwer-Lytton contest
Microsoft: We took MikeRoweSoft too seriously
ATi Radeo 9800 Pro - how's that heatsink?
Any advise on child's career path?
What's your sleeping position?
Favorite "Epic" Movies? (3+ Hours)
Huge Thanks to my Friends here
and the freepers whine about comparisons to Hitler?
If you could only watch ONE type of sports on TV, what would that sport be
What job would Bush have if not for Pappy?
Who did this to me?! (Was it SoCalDem?)
Have You Ever Served On A Jury?
Guess which candidate this guy is supporting.
Wash. Post Entrance Poll results - VERY interesting!
Is it too late for Edwards to opt out?
Clark Takes Aim at New Rival After Kerry Victory in Iowa
Let's talk about "insiders" and "outsiders" shall we?
Clark team "confused" on how to attack someone other than Dean
So, I just watched Dean's speech
Cash on Hand --- Clark and Kerry (update)
Bill Maher on Wolf Blitzer reports
I think im switching from Dean to Edwards
Caucused for DK last night- then Edwards
Kerry's Surge Could Prompt Shift at Bush Campaign
Were any undecided DUers converted to Dean's camp by last night's speech?
How do you feel about the strict new GD:2004 rules?
Limbaugh Thinks Edwards Can Beat Bush
Kerry's Surge Could Prompt Shift at Bush Campaign
IWR should not be a defining issue
------ ALL Dean supporters check in.....thank you -----------
My mom just called me regarding Dean's speech
What Each Candidate Needs in New Hampshire
personally I'm enjoying the fighting. who ever ends up being the
Campaign $$$ = a question for Clark/Edwards supporters?
Dean speech coming up NOW on CSPAN 12:18 EST
ARG latest poll, before Iowa caucases. Dean 28%, Kerry 20%, Clark 19%
The media's mission this week: Tear down the front-runner, Kerry...
Dean's speech sounded like he was a WWE wrestler
Are things really so bad for Dean in New Hampshire
Gephardt for Secretary of Labor!
It feels good to be a Democrat!
Clark supporters - George McGovern coming up on CNN.
What were the turnout numbers in Iowa tonight?
So lets look ahead to next week
Oh great, Drudge now claiming "Dean goes nuts!"
If Dean is third or fourth next week in NH, what does he do?
Who would you rather see on the ticket?
Edwards' stump has really improved!
what happens to campaign money after a dropout?
Why Dean/Gephardt lost and why Kerry/Edwards won
Could this have helped Dean in Iowa? (Poll)
Who stands the benefit the most from Gephardt dropping out?
What Strategy Does Clark Need to implement?
Bush approval down: 53% gallup, 50% CBS
Deconstructing the IA caucus debacle
Participant at a caucus paints the picture perfectly
Would it be better not to chose a candidate...
Kucinich supporters: Are you glad Dennis ganged up on Dean?
Will Gephardt endorse a candidate?
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
New NH ARG 1/19 pre-caucus Kerry up Clark down Dean flat Edwards flat
Support anyone but Dean, fence-sitters told
Over 800 Dean supporters Show up for Dean at 2AM!
With Gep out what becomes of all of that union suport?
Kerry rally live on CNN in Manchester NH
Arizona DU'ers! Your state holds the first true test for Democrats
Did tonight's vote prove that standing up to Bush doesn't work?
anyone else really disappointed by the process from Iowa?
Before I go to bed, you down with ABB?
Braun out, Gep out. Are Unions and Fem Organizations losing relevance?
I'm bothered by the caucus results...was the caucus freeped?
Lieberman Fundraising Versus Clark Fundraising
Chris Mathiews on Imus never even mentioned Clark re: New Hampshire
Something to consider about the caucus... "Huge turnout"
Here's what I don't get about Clark support on DU
Shaheen: Kerry still faces a tough fight for NH voters
Clark gets a Key Arizona Hopi Indian Endorsement....
Can someone explain what Dean threw into the crowd last night?
Consider ending the GD:2004 primary rules
Middle Class Tax Plans for All to See....
main result from Iowa: pundits know nothing more than you & me
Odd how news becomes old in just a coupla days. Here's the future layout
Kucinich Calls for Free, Direct Elections in Iraq
and the media tries to crown our nominee again.
Question for Iowa Caucus participants
Dean is going to do fine in NH ..... Kerry/Edwards have the pressure now
Did anyone hear Dean scream last night?
Did Kucinich put too many eggs in one basket (Iraq)
Is anyone else sick to death of the 'Dean anger' stories on TV?
Six weeks to the Ohio Primary, and I'm torn between Clark & Edwards
I didn't realize Kerry had at one time prostrate cancer. When was this?
The 2 Greatest Things about the Iowa Caucus
WTF why are people still bashing Dean?
Did tonight's Iowa vote put an end to IWR as an issue?
I spent the evening with Kerry Volunteers in DC tonight...
questions about volunteering in NH
For those of you who watched the CSPAN, the lesson about politics:
Let's not give up Deanies--it is going to get interesting now
Hey Howard Dean, I got something to say to you........
When you feel the urge to make a big generalization about yesterday...
Undecided Before IA: Now Leaning Towards...
There is a difference between anger and passion,
Kerry, Clark, and Edwards are all great candidates!
Kerry's "Magic Dragon" 'toke': The Cotton Mouth and The Munchies
Edwards said something that resonated tonight
Gephardt's supporters -- where do they go now?
Joe Lieberman Continues to Impress Voters That Will Never Vote For Him
A Kerry-Edwards or Edwards- Kerry ticket........
Clark campaign email - 1/19/04
John Edwards is going to catch fire
Dean Live on CNN International...12:10pm EST
A Requiem for the Iowa Caucuses
Do the candidates have security
Personal charisma - who's got it?
Wesley Clark is uniquely qualified to lead the nation
The Climate is good! (Or, how supporters take cues from their candidates)
Democratic Debate on Thursday--Clark will be participating
Tom DeLay REALLY gives me the creeps
Hypotheticly if a Kerry/Edwards ticket develops where will your vote go?
Clark challenges Kerry’s, others’ openness
What the worlds thinks of George's Mars Mission
If by chance Clark does not get the nomination...
Carville said the best stump speaker he had ever heard was/is:
Dean Supporter Secretly Glad Dean Didn't Win Iowa
Casting his opponents as pro war is a tactic that will work against Dean
Be honest: Did Howard Dean scare you with his speech last night?
If Dean doesn't get nomination -- Take Action! ad aired on CNN just now
I'm a Dean supporter, but after watching his concession...
I simply cannot fathom the number of "....or Green!" posts
Any post-caucus New Hampshire poll numbers up yet?
Union leadership loses control in Iowa, influence diminished
Did Kucinich do Jiu Jitsu on Dean in Iowa?
How much did Clark not running help Kerry?
A History of Winners and Losers in Iowa (revealing data here)
Howard Dean's very bad night - Slate
Jerry Nachtman died last night: MSNBC
If Dr. Dean wins in NH, will he become 'The Comeback Kid'?
Eric Alterman on Iowa results etc
If we really need a candidate with a military background
Clark headquarters watches Iowa results and waits their turn
Bob Graham was smart to back out when he did
Kerry / Clark split the "military vote"....and that's good for - Dean
Some words of support (and caution) for Dean folks
It wasn't just the fact that he lost that's devastating for Dean.
Iowa Losers: Unions, Party Big Wigs, NOW, Gore, Harkin, Carter, etc.
I think Edwards can become the new "Clinton" and do a lot of damage
333 of 4322 delagates pledged to date - so why is anyone out of race?
Will whoever wins NH change who you support?
As sad realization as I drove yesterday
Can Howard Dean REALLY beat Bush?
My heart bleeds for Gephardt today.
Is The Force With John Kerry? Can the "Zen Master" Do it Again?
For New Hampshire, All Bets Are Off
BBV? An Iowa caucus, a late-hour turnaround...
This campaign is not just about "Who can beat Bush"
Anti-War Left Isn't Going Away
Kerry's grassroots: Veterans, Firefighters, Unions, the middle class
What was so bad about this Dean speech?
Perspective on Iowa from my own accidental focus group
Was Bob Dole an Anal Meatus Last Night?
RW-ers gloating over Dean loss
link to Dean's post-Iowa speech
I was leaning Dean until recently and I could still get behind him
The Delegate Count After Iowa (Kerry takes lead, Edwards jumps to third)
The "Last Angry Man" thing may be backfiring on Dr. Dean.
What do you think of the primary season layout?
A few real problems with the Iowa Caucus
Kerry has already raised $300k today
We must address our weaknesses, but in a positive manner
Dole calls Clark a "colonel instead of a general." Clark blasts him...
Is there video somewhere of Dean's comments last night?
Kucinich State of the Nation Speech
Kerry/Clark supporters: Kerry/Clark ticket?
Dean supporters - this might help you answer one critique
Since people are worried, let's take an oath.
I'm glad Gephardt is out of the picture. Now after NH...
Did Dean sound like a WWF wrestler at the Caucases
Is there a Dem debate before NH ?
Kerry and Edwards didn't say a thing
"EDITORIAL: We endorse Clark for New Mexico's caucus"
Things are gonna get nastier down the road
Each one of the four front runners is very electable.
Why did Iowa go for "pro-war" candidates ?
Are in a swing state & are you ABB?
My Prediction- Democratic Primary is still a two man race- Clark and Dean
Randi Rhodes: "Democratic party will never get behind Dean now...
Is Kerry finished if he finishes 3rd or 4th in NH.....
Will Dean be finished if he doesn't win NH...or comes in 3rd?
Will State of Union slow Kerry's momentum?
John Edwards' Thank You Speech
1 year from today: A new Democratic president will take the oath
Dean holding steady in NH, Kerry overtakes Clark for 2nd
I'm sorry, but NBD is a ludicrous position and points to the real problem.
How Many Times Have You Changed Which Candidate You Support?
PR wise Dean is a dead man walking
2 weeks until my caucus and I'm still undecided.
What was up with Dean's bizarre behavior?
I have a suggestion (post IA results)
You can vote more than once in the Bu$h re-election poll below
Dean sounded like a madman (no, not angry: crazy) last night.
Who will Dean supporters support as their 2nd choice?
Could we please stop "piling on," with all the Dean posts?
have any media people asked Gephardt if he will endorse?
Dean's future if he doesn't get the nomination
The Dean "movement" is a machine that lacks the human touch
Curious : has anyone compiled Kucinich's *first round* numbers in IA?
Grass-roots Group to back Kerry in New Hampshire
We're finally in the primary season! I love this; am I crazy?
'Tapped' comments about Dean and Gephardt IA campaigns
Kucinich Supporters: How do you feel about your guys throwing in
I'm real tired of the "Kerry didn't care enough to vote on Medicare"
My "rock-solid" Repub brother very impressed by Kerry and Clark
Poll: Dean, Nontraditional Media and Iowa
Does Clark being raised poor and Kerry being raised rich matter?
WSJ's Taranto, gasp, can imagine Kerry as a president
Kucinich hoped to beat low expectations
OK--I have something I want to ask the Clark supprters here
Enough about Dean's speach and his anger
News Flash: Dean doesn't own the anti-war vote.
CNN analyst compares Dean to Hitler
Writing letters to undecided voters...
IF ...Kerry loses or comes in third in NH - who will you vote for?
Kerry planning to go negative ? (Yahoo story)....advisors planning
NH today: Dean 23, Kerry 20, Clark 15, Undecided 26
Clark on the cover of the new issue of the Advocate
Which ticket would you prefer? Clark-Dean or Kerry-Edwards?
Will Edwards be finished if he finishes 4th in NH..?
Similarities between Kucinich and MLK
How did Kerry beat Dean on anti-war, college, and internet demographics
I really hate and despise *, and I know all of you feel the same way.
The Dean speech is being blown out of proportion
OK, Dean folk, it's a brand new day and NH awaits us!
How does Dean's 3rd place in Iowa reflect on Al Gore...?
Where do they need to finish in NH to stay alive?
Will Dean forgive everyone for this ridiculous BS
Finally heard "the speech"...much ado about nothing...
People who could care less about "the speech" sign in.
Truth from today's stockmarkets. Some know Bush is going down.
John Kerry in Vietnam photo used in campaign ad and Al Gore
Dean to take "well-deserved and most-needed" day off tomorrow
So, does Geps withdrawl put the unions in play
What would you think of Max Cleland as Vice President
Bush SOTU Speech To Feature 'Dean-Like Jurassic Screech' (Stab At Humor)
Dean Mercilessly Ridiculed on L.A. Radio Station KROQ
The Utter Hypocricy of the "Anti-War" People
For Gephardt and Mosley-Braun supporters.
LaRouche supporters unfurl Confederate flag at Dean event in NH
Our Caucus was packed with people!
Heads up Wes Clark on CNN for 1/2 hour @ 8PM ET
Dean's Problems from a former supporter
Elections haven't even started and already I feel like my vote was stolen
What will be Clark's next move if he finishes 3rd or 4th in NH ?
The true indicator is next week in NH... It certainly wasn't Iowa
Suggestion for a different use of words for Edwards
So will Kerry come under fire...
If I were Dean and I watched the news channels and visited DU
Dean's "out of control" outburst was wisely calculated.
Bill Maher on Iowa: "The democrats got it right"
Kerry raised $300,000 ON-LINE today.....(link) come join us as we
Is Edwards unapologetic about the IWR?
In another close election losing the LEFT means losing the election
What we are doing wrong over at camp Dean...
Clark Aims to Pull Rank on Kerry in N.H.
Edwards Supporters Question: His position on gay marriage?
Question for Anti-War Kucinich Supporters
Kerry from an Iowa Caucus Goer
A Stunning Victory for...Television.
Who is the most liberal of the top 4?
Missouri Primary Feb. 3; Wide-open without Gephardt
Clark Moves to Pick Up Gephardt Supporters
Memo of Great Caution to All the Joyful Democratic Opponents of Gov. Dean
Why I am anti-war, but will still vote for an IWR candidate
Noam chomsky to endorse Kucinich
Question For "Non-Transferable" Dean Supporters
Kerry or Clark, Kerry/Clark: The Only Credible Options? Deal! Fight Bush?
For those with Dial-Up who couldn't hear Dean's Speech/C-Span Link!!
Is the DLC killing the Democratic Party?