Report: Bush Plans New $50B Iraq Spending Request After the Election
CWA: Empty Promises. Workers Face 'Jobless Recovery'
Editorial: Saddam, Osama/Bush chose wrong enemy (* Ignored R Clarke)
YEEEEEEEEEE_ HAWWWWWWW!!! The Onion nails a Freeper.
Goodbye Bill Janklow. Republican leaves Congress.
Top Ten Reasons George W. Bush Wants To Put A Man On Mars
Robert Scheer (The Nation): Give Iraqis the Election They Want
Federal Budget analysis simplified
The energy minister said the liquefied natural gas unit was destroyed.
what does "nt" or "n/t" signify?
I just spent a bunch of time looking for a thread I started
How about a separate forum in GDprimary just for Dean haters?
The ball is kicked and fans are too: Racism a problem in Israeli soccer
Kucinich: Dems Risk Forfeiting Election Over Iraq Occupation
Kucinich: Transcript of Post-Caucus Speech
Kucinich Calls for Free, Direct Elections in Iraq
Kucinich: This Will Go to Convention
Master Pubs and some Dems , often live in a Lie,
CBS News lets the truth slip out (re: Arnold)
Clark and software jobs to India
Tinfoil hatters! Will the 2004 election be Bonesman vs. Bonesman?
One word sums up Neo-con logic ---- Hypocrisy
Anybody Else Having Trouble With CNN Reception ???
PBS - Did I just hear Karen Hughes say Bush inherited the deficit!?!
warning: RNC tool links Dean's "gusto" to panic attacks
Let's remember, it's W's LAST SOTU speech
Do You Think Bush Will Mention Any Enron
This ices it, I'm hoping for a Panthers victory...
Why the Hell was I going to watch the SOTU on CBC?
How many mothers of dead GI's will be sitting next to Laura Bush?
Scorecards, Getcher SOTU Scorecards Right Here!
I won't be watching the SOTU spin tonight. Anyone else?
I wonder if they bothered to check >this< SOTU beforehand?
Official State of the Union Thread #1
A moment of silence please, pray for TelePrompter failure.
Republican Freeper myths: #1-Rich people are better and work harder
I'm SO proud of the Dems! Down with the patriot act!
Who is the dude behind Hillary reading a book?
How many liars have looked you in the eyes
Anybody expect Shrub to end speech with "YEEEEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"?
How many times will the Pundits use the word "Bold" in the next 48 hours?
Let's remember all of the military families that are protesting right
No applauding from the Democratic side of the chamber.
response to media attacks on Dem response to SOTU
Economy is strong???? I just threw up again!!
Sounds like a GD campaign speech@!
I have to say, the willfully ignorant American populace
Why doesn't he say anything about
did bush just say that taking the easy way to succes is wrong?
Where is the "Job Czar" sitting during the SOTU --- they never showed him
listen to the DK response to the SOTU
Attention: If you wish to use Microsoft products, don't pay.
Felon - Faith Based Org Triangle
Congratulations Dubya on the SOTU
State of the Union Address on MSRNC
Democratic rebuttal on cspan at 10:10
The Dems are gonna kick his ass!!!!
Faux News on the feed delay again
How many Official SOTU threads will we reach?
Did I just hear the Democratic side booing???
Bush's arrogance comes out again!!
CSPAN is using a different video feed than ALL the other channels
One Child That Should Have Been Left Behind
Who was that black soldier at the SOTU?
Prepared Text: State of the Union Address [Washington Post]
Democratic Response...first part...we really aren't weak, we really aren't
It's actually a great speech. Too bad it is 99.9% lies.
I missed the speech - how were the Democrats reacting during it?
Talk with Dennis Hastert as soon as the creature finishes drooling
the rebuttal is not ANGRY and it's not paying attention
That little smirk at the end....
Did you heart that 1st caller on cspan...
Reminder: Watch ABC (Clark interview, & others, coming up)
This was the lamest SOTU speech I've seen.
Could someone post that 800 number for congress?
Peter Jennings talking to Kerry about SOTU
BBV:...The Lottary should run elections!! They can determine a winner
Anybody see Cheney dump his water on Bush?
There are a LOT of negative calls coming in on C-SPAN
did your paper run this Boondocks cartoon today?
Wesley Clark on NBC....he's so, so....pretty
Lord God, help us. Look at how many of these idiots believe the lies
John Stewart coming up with Tom Brokaw to give his opinion on the
Holy crap, did you just hear the caller on cspan
Elect a President or Crown a King.
Pelosi and Daschle are conceding to Bush
What's the Bush Poll Bounce from the SOTU?
Did Bush spill Cheney's water all over the place?
ABC has vets on there, they all love Bush...
Yay! I got a call on the Associated Press survey that I took
Wesley Clark on Nightline to discuss SOTU
The Social Security Private Account Myth
Dubya has got his Smirk working in overdrive these days
Did any of you see the Dem. SOTU "rebuttal" with Pelosi and Daschle?
The Poor need Med savings accounts in which to put the imaginary money
What would the SOTU address sound like if Bush told the truth?
Official State of the Gas Prices thread
So which network has interviewed DEAN about the SOTU?
Did it come near to cracking up more than a few times?
Now the Constitution is about LIMITING people's rights?
nice photo from MSNBC of shrub's effort....
paula zahn just said there were 69 applause breaks
CNN: Gallup Poll, Bush recieves little boosts from SOTU
Why not have Gore, Clinton, or T. Kennedy give the Dem response?
To be honest, the SOTU was the most radical, right-wing speech
For the last time: Marriage is NOT an institution.
Buchanan railing Bush on MSNBC
Rep. George Nethercutt's on Fred Ebert now.
Dennis Miller confession: I have hair plugs
Bill Schneider CNN Post SOTU poll results:Unimpressive.
Anyone catch that mispronunciation on Bosnia?
Post your "favorite" part of the SOTU
My list of revealing moments in the SOTU
Bill of Rights doesn't apply to DC?
Decent Rebuttal, HORRIBLE Delivery
Noonan likens Dean to domestic violence husband - Fineman to wounded anima
how about the moment bush started naming all our "allies"
Why don't people vote? I want to know what everyone here thinks are the
The Army is passing out video games to high school boys!
NPR is almost mocking the steroids bit.
Brian Boru's descendant gets it...noone else
Is Bush* a holy roller or a politician?
Will there be presidential debates in October?
Who's listening to Mike Malloy?
What about the State of the Moon Address?
How about Ted Kennedy tonight!!
Please, tell me why I should oppose tax cuts?
Calling all Canadians, question regarding your Public Schools...
just back from SOTU Protest in DC....was there any TV coverage?
Democrats might as well have not responded
Wellstone would have given a better response
Does anyone else feel like something big is about to happen?
do you believe in the Illuminati?
"If judges insist upon forcing their arbitrary will upon the people....."
Outraged gays and lesbians check in!
NEW Video - "Terror is Absolutely Everywhere!" - fear the bearded menace!
Peruvian claims CIA-Montesinos link in arms sales to rebels (Colombia)
State of the Union - great reading
Hack Attack: The GOP Journalist Gunning for Bush in NH
Bush's strategy: Confuse the middle and feed the base
Bush Sets Re-Election Themes in Speech (SOTU)
NYT: Mistakes Cited in Managing Reserve Forces
Two post-Iraq suicides not listed by Army (at Walter Reed)
Indian Parliament Bans Coke and Pepsi from Cafeteria
Bush State of the Union Address.
Defiant Bush says US needs no permission for war, defends Iraq invasion
A Creationist's version of Genesis
Iowa movie tonight -- Silence of the Phones
Reposted for posterity - "State of the...state of the..."
Out of the 700 club with this post.
Dean's speech last night. (disclaimer: this is not a GD:2004 thread)
A toast for Gep. A class act retirement announcement
The latest Advocate is a cover story on Wesley Clark
What's your favourite screwdriver?
Things you'd rather do than watch tonight's SOTU?
Hastert and Laura didn't get the memo
The moof chatroom is open for lemur discussions
God Damn Bunnypants bumped 24 tonight...
Bush wants to extend the patriot act!
One more dumb question: accessing shared hard drive on networked computer
The DU Chatroom is now open for SOTU
Kheph - if you see this please go online
I'm starting to feel really ill watching SOTU
Damnit I'm in the AIM/AOL chat room - why aren't you
PLEASE!! Let's have a weekly SOTU speech!
So, I have a roomie...(on the SOTU)
I would like to thank all those who watched and reported the SOTU
wow, a freeper with at least one functioning brain cell
Just heard a clip from Bush's speech. He referred to....
so how accurate is the summary here?
14-Word Diet Stretched To 200 Pages
Where's the SOTU Drinking Game Thread???
Some help...I need a photo enlarged.
Steroids: This year's red herring
in other news... Wild Bill Janklow steps town tonight in about 2 hours...
Are you in the Daily Show Dean Scream Pool?
Yee-haw! My vote cancels out Y'alls!
Enough about Dubya. I'm watching The Fresh Prince.
John Stewart, 23 million for drug testing ?
Here's why I'm upset about Gephardt dropping out:
On which networek are you watching Our Great President?
If you're with the President's quarterback, you're with the terrorists
ok, i just colored the grey hair on my temples
If You Could Interrupt The Chimp's SOTU, What Would You Ask Him?
Is he wanting mandatory drug tests in schools???
TVC Weekly News: Legislators Introduce 'Holly's Law' To Suspend RU-486
Why won't that 'mixed animal' thread die?
LOL! Reason #281 for the cancellation of Star Trek...
Wesley Clark's album choice was Journey's Greatest Hits?
The (un)official SOTU Venting thread
Can't wait for Molly Ivin's critique of the SOTU Address. LOL!
Pickles going for that Naugahyde look tonight at the SOTU
The official check-in for folks who did NOT watch the SOTU!
Anyone know how this case turned out?
is passing the 7000 post threshold worthy of a vanity thread?
HOO-wah! Feel the burn! 1,800 Calories today!
on a lighter note... bush caught off guard
Why are so many professional athletes right-wing tools?
Does this mean new england will lose the super bowl?
I'm avoiding Dumbo and all politics by watching the Black Adder Series
Does anyone else have "evil" eyebrows?
need help from internet wizards
A good bio ad can make a difference
Need Link To Dean Speech! Help!!!!!!
Who Should the Dem's focus on from here?
Dean's speech . . . an Ed Muskie Moment? . . .
Is there a New Hampshire debate this week?
Clark Ad to Challenge Bush After State of the Union
Kucinich Delivers State of the Nation
I just saw Dean in Concord and I'm re-hooked
How will you react if your candidate doesn't get the nod?
How will John Stewart portray Howard Dean's speech on the Daily Show?
Question: Would you feel more postive about Dean if he showed a little
What happens to Dean if he places second in NH?
ESPN just showed a clip of Dean's speech...
does the Bush in 30 seconds ad run tonight?
Global Stewards voting scorecard
Kucinich is here to stay. He got delegates last night.
Kucinich Endorsed by Navajo Nation Coalition
Where can I get a transcript to the Dean speech?
Restore your faith in Dean. On CSPAN. Now.
Question about Kerry and Gephardt?
Dean's Roger Daltrey moment -- is it preventing coverage of Kerry/Edwards?
If Bush made the same speech as Dean - the pubs would hail it as greatest
Kucinich dropping out (If You listen to the lazy DC local news)
Interesting article about the upcoming primary battles
CBS News has a good breakdown of Iowa votes
I don't know what all of you were talking about
Any of you guys watching the "lies and drivel" on CNN before SOTU
as a Dean supporter, I'm going to
Blast fax: Dean and the anthem.
Watch the broadcast media quickly accelerate
This former Democrat is leaving Clark for the World Socialist Movement
As a Clark supporter, I am switching back to Dean
my repub boss loves Edwards and Kerry!
This Clark supporter Is proud to say...
As a Dean supporter I'm glad I switched from Clark to Dean
As a Clark supporter I'm glad I switched from Dean to Clark last year
Will the NBD supporters come out and admit that they are Greens?
My child-molesting neighbor is for Clark
Ban Steroids and Stop having sex!
I figured out their plan for Dean...They're going to portray him
If Bush pulls out of Iraq after convention/before Nov, who do you hope Dem
Will Edwards and Kerry be at the State of the Union?
My billionaire friend cannot stand Clark and loves Dean
CNN Painting the SotU as the Beginning of Bush v. Dean.
David Corn (The Nation): Iowa: Ten Talking Points
Did any of you see the Dem. SOTU "rebuttal" with Pelosi and Daschle?
Jonathan Freedland (Guardian Utd): In search of a candidate
Jon Stewart will be on NBC on Browkaws special
Brand new Zogby Poll on NBC - Dean 25 Kerry 23 Clark 16 Edwards 7
The Daily Show Nails It - You're Only Allowed to Get Rowdi for Kerry
Albuquerque Tribune Endorses Wesley Clark
Some smart Democrat could champion True tax reform.
Wesley Clark on NBC....he's so, so....pretty
As a Dean supporter, let me say
Wes Clark supposedly made a comment about sending
To people who think "Dean is NUTS!"
What type of bounce will Bush get from the SOTU?
Dean is the next Mahatma Gandhi
The SOTU shows we need a candidate who will call shrub on his lies
Let's take a break from the infighting to go ridicule Dubya!
SOTU Comments by: Kerry , Dean and Clark (short but sweet)
Clark said we have "a new axis of evil"
The Daily Show has a Clear Pro-Dean bias
Dean is the real Cowboy. Bush blah doesn't come close.
Please reward Yahoo by rating this article highly
State of the Union quotes from Clark, Dean
It's discouraging to see Democrats buying the spin
I just saw a political ad for Lyndon LaRouche!!!
Anyone see Warner on Larry King just now? "Democrat Party"
Tonight Show and Letterman monologues - partly about Dean
Clark the next Thomas Jefferson!
Jon Stewart: "Dean Will Be Driving to All Those States in Truckasaurus..."
As a Dean supporter, I'm switching to Clark
I really liked the Pelosi and Daschle replies to Bush
Clark Supposed To Be On Nightline Tonight
Why doesn't Gephardt run for US Senate this year?
What happens to all of Dean's money if he drops out early?
Kucinich is here to stay. He got delegates last night.
They went so far just get some of that Tom Brady magic to rub off on them
Congressman Luis Gutierrez swtiching endorsement from Dean to Kerry
Does anyone here actually dislike John Edwards
Carville to Dean: Win NH or go home
The Advocate Interview with Gen. Wesley Clark
Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn's focusing on bashing Kerry, no Dean.
I'm sorry, but this is another 'Dean Speech' thread
A call to my fellow Clark supporters – let us emulate our candidate!
Two levels of trouble for Dean.
Kucinich Town Hall Meeting on live webcast now
Any returning Iowa "stormers" out there - wanna talk?
After the State of the Union Address, is anyone more committed than before
Tinfoil hatters! Will the 2004 election be Bonesman vs. Bonesman?
What states would Kerry pick up that Gore lost
Harvey Wasserman (Mother Jones): Free and Green
Member of Broward County Judicial Nomination Commision asks curious ques..
NY Times: State of the Union at Home
NY Times: State of the Union Abroad
Kerry, Edwards lead in first contest of Democratic presidential campaign
Bush cites terror war’s progress; is mum on casualties, failure to find...
NY Times: U.N. Help for Crime in Guatemala
Old hawk rethinks roles in Vietnam and WWII-Robert McNamara
State of the Union/It's not good, thanks to Bush--MinneapolisStar Tribune
State of the Union: Long on Long, Short on Lofty (WP)
Two post-Iraq suicides not listed by Army (Mental Illness among Vets)
Jonathan Freedland: Bush won't lose sleep over John Kerry
Not His Dad's State Of The Union
WP: How to slap a happy face on misery
The Daily Misleader on Bush SOTU
For once, press acts as it should
David Corn (The Nation): Bush's Defiant State of the Union
Labor Secretary Has Her Hours Cut
real State of the Union Independant/UK
SOTU: A Reactive Tone Shows His Ears Have Been Burning (WP)
Howard Zinn on Withdrawal from Iraq
Tom Shales on SOTU: Long on Long, Short on Lofty (Scathing!)
David Frum & Richard Perle call out the Democrats
CATO Institute Review of SOTU...not pretty
Good article about the BFEE by Kevin Phillips
"Dean's loss was not a loss for the left or the progressive movement;"
Contact the LCR and let 'em know how you feel!
Jon Stewart - GepHart gave up ... Video
SOTU: Republicans Cheer For terrorist threat
I am not even past the forward to
Atlanta DUers! Come check out my band tomorrow night!
Maybe a little over the top - or my paranoia is in full swing
Does anybody here do cross-stitch?
Be still your bleating heart: Haggis factory's coming
CARTOONS! The "Chimp Gone Wild!" Edition
AMC Fans: Who do you think killed Michael Cambias?
GOP students at University of Colorado launch Web site for complaints abou
NY Times: In Gay-Marriage Ruling, Boom for Provincetown
Gay Cubans fight own Aids battle
Episcopal Dissidents Agree To Campaign Of Anarchy Over Gay Bishop
Erica Jong-How women are losing the hard-won right to choose
Don't Mess With Marriage Bush Warns Judges
From Top Student To Prisoner: teen gets 10 yrs for sex w/ another teen
Log Cabin Republicans: A culture war is a recipe for defeat
This is a dark day for gay rights.
Will renewal of the 10% bracket for 05(not needed until 05) allow Tax gift
Public input on Closing of Brecksville Ohio VA hospital
IMF says global economy set to beat forecasts
Can anyone help me with investing in foreign currency?
Salon: "The No Jobs President"
Philippine Agriculture Chief Seriously Worried By Water Shortages
Congress Cuts More Than Half Of DOE Hydrogen Research Funding
Sukarnoputri Calls For "Action Not Words" To Stop Indonesian Deforestation
bu$h didn't even mention the environment in the SOTU
Shell To Build World's Largest Solar Power Plant
I can barely bring myself to browse this forum
Bush "leadership" vs,a return to 'dangerous illusion' that threat is ended
Suffer the French Schoolchildren
Powell: French Annoy Him But He Annoys Them Too
What’s Bush Hiding From 9/11 Commission?
Lie-detector glasses offer peek at future of security
And yet another racist NRA board member.
4 policemen go free after witness lies
Wilmette Village Board Gets Barrage Of Criticism For Handgun Ban
Just posted in the wrong forum.
I can't find the LaRouche Avatar !
Tree House / Clubhouse Mentality
I think I'm switching from Skinner to EarlG
Did we get all three of our "gifts"?
may we have a black triangle avatar, please?
Question to be answered at leisure
About my suggestion on the "keep the rules or not poll"
Why is this thread not locked?
Just had to give a toast to the admins and mods
I believe the "republican lite" label being attached to moderate dems
GD:2004 Primary rule clarification.
Do the membership rolls include
Two soldiers injured at Tapuah Maarav
Knesset rejects three bills to alter route of separation fence
Palestinian boy injured in Israeli army operation in Gaza Strip
Boy hurt during Rafah operation; Qassam hits Gaza settlement
Israeli Soldiers Kill Woman, Hurt Boy
Israel orders land seizures in Gaza
Israeli Charged With Bribing Sharon
Israel pursues relentless debate on ethnic cleansing of Arabs
Inner cabinet to discuss fence changes
N.Z. Herald covers up reasons for sacking anti-Zionist cartoonist
Question: when does 9/11 incompetence become 9/11 LIHOP?
Toomey will not seek support of state GOP in primary fight
Durbin lends help to Renner's run for U.S. House seat
Collins, Isakson praise Bush, spar with each other on issues
Deans much heralded "organization"
Jindal moves to Jefferson Parish as he eyes run for Congress
Nightline-Penetta "flaming on shrub" for SOTU--$3Trillion cost to tax cuts
Didn't Pubs say this about the Patriot Act:
Note to Georgie Boy: How to save marriage
Clark on SOTU: "bus fare, lunch, and coffee"
I'm gonna get flamed for this, but...
* has now set another new record
Implications of a 4-Star Command in Iraq
Key Points in Bush SOTU Address
An interesting Write up on Jimmy Carter.
Can somebody tell me why there are gay Republicans?
Can a male buddhist asian-american be elected for POTUS?
Mike Webb is on fire tonight! (PLEASE LISTEN)
I'm watching the rerun of "Real Time", and Rev. Al is tearing
Who was the ugliest cabinet member at the SOTU?
Did you see Ashcroft when Bush called for Patriot Act permanence?
Relatives wait in vain for word on Iraqis jailed by U.S.
Imus just said he could vote for Kerry in a heartbeat. n/t
Why was Bush taking the HARDLINE in the SOTU?
Now why didn't I think of that ????
Has anyone tried a calculation /??
A few weeks ago a friend of mine didn't pay attention to what
Can America survive another four year of Bush?
FYI: Washington Post - Bush approval/disapprove chart
so according to bush we killed 40,000 innocent iraqi's NOT for WMD's .....
I have something good to say about the bush's SOTU last night.
cheney looks like death-warmed-over (pic)......
How was the Democratic response?
What galls me more about Bush's wanting to preserve the...
Anyone else think the SOTU will give * a 3 point or less jump?
Shuckin' and Jivin' at the SOTU Ball
Funny screen shot of CNN SOTU coverage.
Do you think Cheney really believes his lies, or is he insane?
Another terrible review of the SOTU - From the Philadelphia Inquirer
Right Wing Media & Their Successful Manfactured Outrage Memefests
Will Daschle ever grow a spine?
Kevin Phillips on BFEE and bin Ladens and 2004 election
Bush Family as a Tapeworm; Piratization; and Catherine Austin Fitts
SOTU: "Congress was right to return people's money"
SOTU best lines: "schools...are an invisilbe pillar of our society."
What is your personal take on the economy? It looks bleak to me...
The 10 Commandments of a Politician
"Republicans Abroad": Brownshirt alert!
Will Bush*s SOTU Speech Backfire On Him?
Anyone know where I can find casualty/injury lists.
Associated Press uncovering the big stories again!
The SOTU in 5 minutes - with a little more truth
a yahoo CSpan just said, "1 man, 1 women has been the law for 6,000 years"
Press Herald SOTU Poll (Maine)
I've changed my mind about Bush
Al Franken's audio response to the SOTU
A surefire way to protect the "sanctity" of marriage without an Amendment.
Will UK pay for Bush war crimes?
Accomplishments omitted by the President in the SOTU...
Local group proposes tent city for homeless
A question: 11% fewer children are now using drugs than 2 years ago..
Every man, woman , and child will pay $20,000 more in taxes over next..
Very interesting program on the History Channel right now...
What to do with kids like these?
Is anyone familiar with
Bush To America: 'I Hate The Gays'
ok we all agree that the SOTU was BS now i wanna know who was the women
Bush (SOTU): "The forced jollity of a game show host"
UK cluster bombs may be war crime
Bush in Toledo Ohio on campaign trail....
2 questions....Why was only one Supreme there last night?
"private medicine that makes America's health care the best in the world"
Let’s preempt a possible Rove strategy right now….
Make this bush's "LAST SOTU Speech". SAY IT OUT LOUD.... to every freeper
The SOTU Speech WTF Is Up With This?
My take on the SOTU: In simple words for Republican Lurkers
Bush and his wars: a bad Elephant joke revisited.
CHINA is now the largest consumer of oil, and COINCIDENTALLY this is where
After the SOTU - Chris Matthews
WP slams the shrub.....hits him hard....shows everyone what a
I'm beginning to like the British system better.
6% more americans are in poverty ad denied Super Bowl spot and yet ....
fresh air- npr- has right march founder on now's Eli Pariser and Wes Boyd on NPR's Fresh Air today
"America must be a light to the world, not just a missile." Nancy Pelosi
How many refused to watch the Fuhrer's speech?
BBV: Open-Source E-Voting Heads West
Insightful and provocative interview with George Soros on TPM
Democrats take aim at Rep. Harris
Okay I've heard about how Bush* did but how did Daschel/Peloise do?
Actual screen capture from SOTU on CNN last night (from Atrios)
Iraq Is "Liberated" What Is Next For Iraq?
Sen. Byrd on the floor C-SPAN now
Anyone see Dennis Miller's crazed appearance on CNBC last night?
NYT Lead Editorial on SOTU: "rings hollow"
State Of The Union: Long On Long, Short On Lofty (Shales)
Mad Cows and Republican Deregulation policy
Need help re: Gore vs. Bush media coverage
Government vs. private bureaucracy
Moon alert! - gets $60 m to sell cars to N. Korea
Did the end of the SOTU scare you too?
Protestors in Ohio, shrub goes to local college with PNAC banner
My letter was printed.Thank y'all who helped with info.
Why Aren't We Getting Updates on how the Afghan pipeline is coming.
How will PNAC solve the Shiite election question?
Oreo Cookie flash animation by Ben Cohen of True Majority
Framing the Gay Marriage Issue: A Gift for the Dems From Old Beet
Can someone explain Bush's list of Coalition Nations? Seemded like a lot
State of the Union Viewers' Guide - Excellent
Newt Gingrich Hypocrite of the Highest Caliber
What can be done to finally hold the Bushes accountable for their actions?
Now's Your Chance--Tell It Like It Is
Are Daschle and Pelosi the best we can do as a party?
Nader telling what should be covered on the news - "Gated" Debates
Candidate proposes new movie rating: "T" for treason
Florida DUers: do you know anyone who voted for both Gore and Jeb?
New Independent Presidential Candidate - Mark Twain
Hypocrisy of 2000 Nader-bashers/2004 Dean-only supporters?
GOP Chair Claims Clark Supported War; Transcripts Show Otherwise
Democrats are trying to save overtime for 8 million employees...
War 'making world safer' (Guardian report on SOTU)
Is this trouble for Bush? - "Fiscal Conservatives Grumbling"
Why Dean is the only one that can help me get my coutry back...
Hate to admit it, but the chimp was right about one thing
Massachusetts couple sell home of 25 years: "No Jobs"
McCain on the Senate Floor C-SPAN now
There have been 23 US military deaths in Iraq so far this month.
I just had to inform my Repub. boss on who owns the Wash. Times
What ever happened to "we know Saddam has wmd?"
Anyone familiar with the struggle of Percy Schmeiser with
Terrorism: A double edged Sword for Bushco
Donna Brazile: Front runner par excellence
Want to read my message to the Bush pyramid scheme?
WOW !!! photos of SOTU protestors....CBS news photos.....
McCain is ripping Bush now on CSPAN
Ted Kennedy on CSPAN2 LIVE now -- the worker overtime take-away
Question for those who will not support Dem nominee if he's not 1st choice
What percentage of the Republican Party is hard-core?
Last Years SOTU and the Steroid Reference
Bush wants to run on the gay marriage issue.
Colorado University Republicans
Help NORML Stop Super Bowl Marijuana Propaganda
A Plaidderian Response to the State of the Union Address
Pleasantly surprised by a Wall St. Journal Poll of SOTU
Did anyone get a screen capture of Ted Kennedy last night?
Anniversary Roe v. Wade, petition
Okay, I hate polls too.... but I'm curious...
Won't they laugh when Bush asks for more from his home in TX?
Interesting take on predicting the president
"BonePhone" resonants calls directly into your head via your skull or....
Could this possibly be who Bush is the re-incarnation of...
how can ANYONE believe that we are safer with Saddam gone?
Judge Charles Pickering: I need some good unbiased sources....
Bush Hitler ad gets competition
Question, what if Bush had....
Anybody else notice how * gave credit for the
Michael Moore: Dean Supporters, Don't Give Up
Rove and Cheney did Hannity this after SOTU
In just three years Bush has increased federal spending by 24%!
I'm fairly new to politics. Have the republicans always led the Democrats
A silver lining or dark cloud; the gay marriage debate.
Dick Durbin on the Floor C-SPAN now
Last Year it Was SEX SLAVERY, This Year it's STEROIDS
If a Republican gene were discovered would you vote to require abortion .
Superbowl Quarterback Tom Brady at SOTU last night
A question of fear: Why so damned much in America?***
WOW! ABC News Terry Moranz blasts Bush on First Amendment Zones!
Bush sanctioned gay bashing begins:Gays Just Perverts Cardinal Declares
Where are the SOTU overnight polls?
GWB America: GOP "Students" Keep Blacklist Of Liberal Profs
Bush's position on gay marriage: An international perspective.
I think displaying dissent in the SOTU is great!
CBS News: $500 billion deficit
Quarantining dissent How the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech
LOL !!! - Finally Getting To Listen To Malloy's Coverage Of The SOTUS !!!
Will Bush use Defense of Marriage to enact judicial reform?
Did you know that pot can kill you? I didn't!
There must be something psychotic about this country.
What was your opinion of the Democrats sitting on their hands.....?
History Lesson: The Presidents and Jews
Rich Fat Bastard's Fun with Social Security
The State of the TOONs Address (new edition posted)
Some reasons Bush* is NOT like Hitler.
For those who were alive for the Vietnam War please help me understand
STEAK OF THE ONION ADDRESS (Voter's Digest 'Condensed Milk' Version)
From the SOTU "We will double federal funding for abstinence programs..."
I support protecting the institution of marriage.....
Message to lurking freepers: You're either with us.....
The Color of Bush's Sky (my SOTU report)
Time to plan for March 20 rally Global Day Of Action
How would zealot-us Republicans and Conservatives react if Terrorists...
(BBV) NYT: Report Says Internet Voting System Is Too Insecure to Use
BBV: Additional Co-Sponsors for H.R. 2239 (1/20/2004)
Bush is on the defensive (SOTU)
how many fronts in the war against the neocons?
"Twenty-eight months have passed since September 11th, 2001...
Democrats must not use term "war on terror."
Do you agree with the Bush* Doctrine of 'preemptive/preventative' war?
Say...did I ever mention my idea for a commercial?
Did anybody else hear boos during SOU?
The 9-11 Commission needs your help NOW!
Reagan/Bush changes to inflation -- really 300 percent higher
"protecting the sanctity of marriage" by outlawing gay marriage is like
BBV: Call your Congressperson and Senators for Voter Confidence Act
Top Court Rules EPA May Overrule States
9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable
Bush Vows Guerrillas Will Not Stop Iraq Handover
Israeli Charged With Bribing Sharon
For bush* , Impressions of Gaining Economy
From PR Web, 1/20/04. Refuting the State of the Union with a deck of cards
Arms trial begins for spymaster on air drops to Colombia rebels
Bush is on the defensive (SOTU)
Euro zone calls for “responsibility” regarding US dollar
Qatar Agrees to Waive Iraq Debt
Sharon facing corruption charges
'Kurds turn against US after losing control over oil-rich land'
Cuban Orthodox Cathedral Near Completion (Havana)
Human Rights Campaign Denounces Remarks...As Divisive And Discrominatory
Iraqis Want UN Verdict on Elections
bush* Chided for Ignoring Peace Process
Huge spending bill blocked in Senate
Broadbent wins NDP nomination (Ottawa Centre) - Globe and Mail
Housing Construction Up in December, Helping to Make 2003 Best Year Since
Guardian Utd: US set for Iraq election retreat
RCMP raids Ottawa newspaper as part of probe into Arar case
Gays Just Perverts Cardinal Declares
USDA's Veneman Uncertain about US Beef Trade
McCain is ripping Bush now on CSPAN
Ohio close to passing gay marriage ban
Dean calls for further limits on campaign contributions
Bush* Pushes Plan to Permit Internet Surveillance
Execute Saddam, Chant Protesters
Log Cabin responds to State of the Union address
Space Station's Future Is Murky as NASA Turns to Moon and Mars
Unveiled Women anger Saudi Cleric
Agents told to be silent on details of border plan
Democrats Reject bush* Picture of US
Bush May Seek Billions for Iraq After Elections
Supreme Court sides with EPA in clean air battle (5-4)
Saudi prince claims government kidnapped him to force silence
US set for Iraq election retreat (caves to direct elections)
Court Backs EPA on Anti-Pollution Rules
US brands defy association with foreign policy
Blair: 'No doubt' Iraq had WMD
Military lawyer brands Hicks (Gitmo detainee) trial process unfair
Kurds turn against US after losing control over oil-rich land
(Powell) Advises Muslim countries to teach children more than religion
Dean calls for further limits on campaign contributions
Three Stryker soldiers injured in roadside blast
House Panel Backs Disaster Election Plan
Bush May Seek Billions for Iraq After Election
Donations pour into Kerry campaign after Iowa win
Yeltsin: I had five heart attacks
Michael Moore: "Dean Supporters Don't Give Up"
Canadian citizen bringing lawsuit against Ashcroft in US courts.
Dean Disarms Hecklers with National Anthem
Local group proposes tent city for homeless
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 21 January (#1)
Gephardt's SC State Director/Clyburn Aide Joins Edwards Campaign
Dean Puts New Face on His Candidacy...WP
Record numbers of Puerto Ricans fighting for U.S.
bush* Says There Are "Troubled Times" in Parts of the Country
New evidence halts 911 verdict (witness"I told Bush/US of 911 before 911")
Congressman: Details of Iraqi WMD 'years away'
Dead British Expert Believed Iraq WMD Posed Threat
Philosopher President - Davos, Khatami and Clinton
CNN-Medical cost of obesity $75 billion...( we go )
Military Lawyer Slams U.S. Terrorism Tribunals
WMD not ready in 45 minutes: Kelly
Bush Falls Off Mark With Speech
Notice to Army Reserve members: don't count on continuing to avoid mobiliz
Edwards says his coattails better than Dean or Kerry
Gov. Bush proposes tax cut for wealthy, $1 billion more to schools
Minnesota Man Indicted for Alleged Al Qaeda Link
Spy chief sold guns to rebels, court told (CIA and FARC)
No Foolproof Way Is Seen to Contain Altered Genes
Fiscal Conservatives with Ties to Bush in Revolt
US expert doubts N Korean bombs
Venezuelan dissidents seek asylum (Wanted for embassy bombings in VZ)
Whistleblower Coming In Cold From the F.B.I. (new 9/11 scandal)
Chao Refuses To Delay New Overtime Rule - WP
music fans . . . this is really cool . . .
SotU Address: The TXlib Response:
I'm gonna get flamed for this, but...
Whats wrong with my Refrigerator?
Wonder how fast it can do the Castle run ?
Exactly one year from now we will have a new president
I dunno if anybody saw this on Sunday
Who says Hollywood types are Dems?
Great message in Yahoo Message boards!
DU MACers: ever changed an OS?
Robert Anton Wilson fans check in.
DU chatroom night is still young :)
anbody need a laugh at bush's expense?
Would you vote for a candidate named Annie Bawdy-Buttbush?
OUCH! I played the SOTU Drinking Game with Ulex, Effie, and Xen...
The Social Security Private Account Fraud - and How To Explain It
Can I just post that I love Ramsey and Khephra???
BOB DOLE-What else are you up to these days?
Does anyone know of a site that has pics and bios of the soldiers
Would YOU Pay $9.95 Per Month For Streaming Video Access At CNN.Com?
Here... Have a fun little musical toy
Today's State of the Union cartoon
What TV Game Show Would You Be Most Likely To Win?
And now, for something completely different:
I'm helping for a Democrats Abroad Group in the UAE
OMG Howard Stern's got a song parody of the Dean speech
The Mr. T Experience is probably the greatest band ever.
HOLY SHITE! Only 7 MORE Posts Until 5000! Ask me anything!
Who else can't wait for Dennis Miller's CNBC show to tank?
Mr. Bill Tapped to Help Save La. Swamps
Anyone else laugh their bag off at John Stewart with Tom Brokaw?
The How's and Where's And When's of the Franken Factor
'Pray for the web porn browsers'
We all live in a yellow butter bean
The ultimate Cure show set list site
Now here's a political party I'd join!
Does anyone have a mini-schnauzer male I can borrow?
How do you do that google link thing? I want to add 'hate speech' to page
You're on a Island with Ann Coulter and 2 domestic turkeys
HH's NFL Power Ratings and prediction...
Leaving the country because of ShrubCo.?
Shop woman fights off raider with pastry
Should I rent my home to visiting Super Bowl fans?
Tongue Twisters......wheeeeeeee
Hard Science...The Easy Way.. Very cool site...good for students too
New Reality Series: Amish in the City (I wish I was joking about this)
Where were all the young voters in Iowa?
Anyone know anything about investing in foreign currency?
Franken Factor! Custom Made for Your Edification!
How about a Dean/Iggy Pop National Tour?
Clark's Derided Argyle Becomes an Asset on EBay
How Can I Recycle All These Static Shocks I Keep Getting??
Tax return software........opiinions on which one is best
I could use a laugh...could somebody help me find a series of captions..
No-holds-barred look at the low-carb craze, GameSpy style
Britney Spears weighs in on the coverage of her wedding
If you think Bush's speech was so bad - then write one for him
a CAPTION, a Clue, and a Plan (envelope please)
Plenty of room still available for a CAPTION or a thought bubble
Microsoft co-workers fight over a woman
I'm not taking a shower until after Tuesday's NH primary
Please help me name my new website!
A " " walked into a bar and.....
Psst--Wanna waste an hour or so?
How would you have written this line?
Great moments in Super Bowl History- Super Bowl XXVII in 1993
Any fans of The Mavericks? And Kostas?
George W. Bush or Max Headroom?
How observant are you ? - (look closely)
Daytime TV - no wonder this country is so screwed up.
Anybody have a good recipe for cat?
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress coming to theatres?
JCCyC = snake. Ask me anything.
Molten Lava: Love It or Shove It?
Not creative when angry: What to put on an FMA rebuttal bumper sticker??
Heads UP weather: Michigan DUers we gonna get whacked again
Grrrrr. These cops are a disgrace to the uniform that they wear!
Super Bowl : Late rally lifts Panthers to simulated title
Who do you want to see nominated for an Oscar?
new Hannity advertiser Champion Chrysler Jeep (also an Oxyrush advertiser)
Saddam does Outkast.....hilarious
An update on my friend from yesterday.
Anyone else down because of the cold weather?
I Finally Reached 100! (Don't ask me anything!)
Who do you want to see nominated for a Razzie?
Best/Favorite BOOK that you didn't want to read
10th Anniversary is tin?! What can I get? I need ideas.
GOP convention..Im me find a cheap Hotel/Motel
Should the Grumpys get another dog?
Not getting fact, single; advice needed.
wow ..I just learned something about Leonardo Dicaprio
Greatest Al Pacino movie quote!
A *priceless* funny (Not for wee eyes)
King Arthur movie due this summer
What was the first Movie that you went to see at the Theater?
The Movers Will Be Here Any Minute Now
whatever happened to fiona apple?
Greatest Robert De Niro Movie Quote!
Wilbon (ESPN, Wash. post sports writer) Says
Let Me Get This Straight. Bernard Goldberg Writes About Bias In The
Update: (Steaker Story) Stolen Car Recovered, But Clothes Still Missing
Young man, there's no need to feel down.
What color font do you use on DU?
Looking for opinions on the new Ryan Adams album - Rock n Roll
Al Franken's thoughts on SOTU: downloadable MP3 file
This is my nine hundredth post.
Update on Tantris, my chow chow.
Anyone see previews of the Garfield movie?
Contact the LCR and let 'em know how you feel!
Best Marcel Marceau Movie Quote
The rescue succeeded! The rescue suceeded!
Who will be President when this thread dies?
As a gay man, I'm very disillusioned with Bush, but what about the LCR?
WTF is up with all the "3rd party" posters? Not the Greens--
Your favorite 70's appliance color.
Are the tabloid news channels being sued by Gary Condit?
Nobody flamed me today! Ask me anything!
How does Marcel Marceau pronounce "mime"?
Penguin/Yeti baseball, anyone? (superb timewaster!)
Create a better caption for my new sig. line!
Well, MY biggest surprise at the SOTU....
Anyone did Carpet Shagging back in the 70's?
Yes, about to hit 1000 ask me anything...
It is, how should I say... Colder than a witches tit out here.
Toyota Totals Tenement -- Unbelievable Pictures!
Ok, I know you've gone over it 100 times, but
Confess! Did you watch American Idol this week?
gack! I missed 24. Can you fill me in?
I just became a member of our town's democratic committee today!
Is 1036 posts since Dec. 18th too many?
New Book! "The Private Messages of Lord William Rivers Pitt"
Who should play the Garfield voice in the upcoming movie?
I am Threadkiller. All bow before my thread-terminating might!
Is there any reason I shouldn't take out my own stitches....
See any good movies lately? Favorite all time?
Greatest Jack Nicholson movie line?
Any Deep Purple fans...I have an extra ticket to the NY show
Women of DU: Do you like the beard on the fellas?
More bad news about the kitten, he has FIP, not FIV, blindness permanent
How does one pronounce "meme"?
Attn Chicago DUer's: Ray Rayner has Died!
o no, oops! embarrassing apology here:
To WillBowden & Thread killers everywhere
sorry, this is not another "Armstead speech" thread
Favorite LIVE album (the context, not the band)?
Attn: February and March babies!!
I'm switching from matcom to GOPisEvil
Men of DU: Do you look absurd with a beard?
absolutely no CAPTIONS needed (new TOONs!)
Letterman: Top 10 Howard Dean Excuses
CONFESS!!! What great sacrifice would you make to get Bush out of office?
Israeli comedy screen at Boston's Coolidge Corner Theater tomorrow night..
My Democratic dream ticket: Jack Kemp(p) and Trent Lott(vp)
Question re: DU etiquette/welcoming a newbie
Are you new to DU....or fairly new?
Random Questions (GOPisEvil & Kleeb-friendly version)
Who's the oldest person in DU?
Atlanta DUers! Come check out my band tomorrow night!
Milwaukee-area DUers -- Primary election night gathering?
Argh! My grocery store has succumbed to Atkins mania!
I'm switching from regular to decaf!
Your favorite underwear color!
Do you want to know who the REAL threadkillers are?
Anyone own Shag Carpeting back in the 70's?
An update on my rambunctious retriever
I am SO bummed! I just looked at my posts and noticed a disturbing trend!
A little something from our interdepartmental mail
I don't know why this cracks me up so much....
Is there any reason I shouldn't take out my own appendix?
Spys report, Matcom spotted in Mexico.
Thread Killers: A Scientific Study
Just back from Des Moines, Iowa
The Democratic Candidates: The true party leaders.
Formidable Dean May Not Win, But Honey, He's Going To...
do you "pray" or other religious type things for your candidate ?
Gay/Lesbian Du'ers: who is your candidate?
On Behalf of All Dean Supporters: Lock All Loyalty Oath Posts, DU!
Dean Supporters, Don't Give Up ... from Michael Moore
NH Union Leader: 'Dean's meltdown: His temper is now a serious issue'
I'm impressed with Edward's respect for Kucinich...
it took quite awhile, but i've finally decided who to back
Dean as professional wrestler? Good or bad-- you decide
How do you think the mainstream media is treating Dean?
I just came from our local Kucinich meeting
Equal Time Speech Critique: Conason Says Kerry is Longwinded, Muddled
This is about the MOVEMENT you fools
Kerry's Iowa win proves blogs are fun but they don't matter
Clark on Nightline - Discusses SOTU - Now
If Kerry gets the nomination, I would strongly suggest in the debates
A Dean supporters response to Moore letter
Reminder - Clark on Wednesday Today Show Jan 21 (today)
Clinton secret power behind Edwards?
Some late night humor for everyone
Are Dean supporters frustrated by Kucinich?
the more I see the tape of Dean, the more I like it
An exuberant Kerry starts his N.H. charge
Dean fans, are you Dean or Green?
Governor Dean on the State of the Union (Dean's delivered - Bush has not)
Kerry, Edwards Capitalize on Iowa Results
Imus just said he could vote for Kerry in a heartbeat. n/t
Thank you Dean Machine you all ROCK and we all need YOU!
Democrats now fight for underdog label
Village Voice: Edwards is DLC candidate
Let's End This Misconception Once and For All
"Doubts About Dean - Vote Kerry"
Cspan..bostn globe poll shows kerry lead?
I just heard Kevin Phillips say it on Bernie Ward's show...
If Lieberman Had Never Entered The Race
Anyone else notice Kerry swiped Edwards' "Two Americas" riff last night?
Dean experience "affordable health and drug coverage"....he has done it
Krugman asks why media allows RNC to lie about Clark
Gov. Dean -- Stood up Against "No Child Left Behind" (experience...again)
IMHO - Thrusday Night's Debate will decide the NH vote
Buck up, Dean folks. Kerry was declared "finished" for months
Dean is taking the right stance--focus on issues (Healthcare, Educat, Econ
Lieberman says he won't drop out after New Hampshire
Sen. Kerry’s Surprise Win Spurs Interest in Presidential Race
Clark on Today Show right NOW.
Dean's speech with the Rocky theme song sounds so cool.
Press Herald SOTU Poll (Maine)
Kerry ad at Kucinich's sotu viewing, boos and hiss at ashcroft and cheney
Plaid's "This is Not an Endorsement" on FP is a Great Read/ Electability!
TV AD: "I'm Wes Clark And I Approved This Message..."
Rasmussen Reports national survey - Jan. 20th
Are the Iowa caucus and N.H. primary closer together than before?
Now's Your Chance--Tell It Like It Is
Kerry's Victory Lap (TNR Campaign Journal)
The culling begins - San Diego Union Tribune
Please help me find the "Stop Dean" thread
The Truth about Dean's Health Care Program
Will the GE 2004 be a clash of the Bonesman?
Dean Has Successful Record of Executive Experience
Dirty Tricks in NH: All rival candidates are treated to variety
Zogby 20 Jan... Dean 25, Kerry 23, Clark 16, Edwards 7
JK in the lead in a New Hampshire Poll - but Dean still within MOE
Zogby: Kerry Catches Up To Dean in New Hampshire; Clark Slides to 16 pts
Conspiracy Theory #9867234 - Would NH Dems throw the primary?
Sen. Kerry’s Surprise Win Spurs Interest in Presidential Race
Bad news for Edwards -- I just contributed $100 to his campaign
John Kerry's Top 10 campaign donors
Figure Out Who's Best--and Nominate Him:
Political Alchemy: Caucus Winners Turn Votes in Iowa Into Gold for NH
2 Largest Voter Issues (WSJ 1/21) -- Economy 29% , Heathcare/Medicare 28%
Michael Moore and Dean, etc. (sorry about the dupe!)
Reckon who the Republicans will give us permission to be our nominee?
After Iowa, New Hampshire Just Doesn't Look the Same
Liberman and Kerry missed Medicare Reform vote to campaign
How do Dems Answer Perle and Frum's Rant about Terror in Today's Times?
Missouri voters will be courted after Gephardt
Rivals rush to snap up Gephardt’s ex-backers
Clark contrasts his, Kerry’s military careers
YO, the term "electable" is straight up XENOPHOBIC...
Clark: "we've got a new axis of evil"
Dean on the spot in Thursday's debate (presidential stature -not anger)
Kerry's new ad, a montage of New Hampshire supporters
How can Clark or Edwards compete against Bush when they have
The Edwards is inexperienced meme
What happens if Clark gets only third in NH?
Dean proposes increased federal matching funds
New Zogby Poll: Bush job approval down to 49%, Re-Elect down to 41%!
Poll Shows Kerry Surge in New Hampshire
The coveted Ashton Kutcher endorsement goes to Edwards
I want to like Edwards. Help me
Kerry will be interviewed on Inside Politics at 3:30 EST
How about a Dean/Iggy Pop National Tour?
We Clark supporters owe Dean supporters a debt of gratitude
Dean in Good Shape as Rivals Seek Funds
Robert Byrd is on c-span now - ranking junior and the party
ARG 1/21 Kerry up Clark down Edwards up Dean down
Latest CNN polling data has Kerry ahead of Dean in NH
Clark's Derided Argyle Becomes an Asset on EBay
Lieberman endorsed by Union Leader (Boston Globe Story)
With 1 day of post-Iowa polling Kerry pulls within 2 points of Dean in NH
A friend's insight on the sorry state of the Democratic Party
Dean: "Taking Back Our Democracy"
Dean's message: Delivering results
Did Kucinich's and Edwards' vote-sharing plan help Edwards in Iowa?
Wesley Clark Remains Cagey on the Stump
Is there protest news from Ohio appearance of * ?
What's the Media's Game now, as of Jan 20th?
Can you remember a more exciting Democratic
Iowa has spoken --- and it favors Dean ....Iraq war not a "top issue"
The NH Primary is bad for my bandwidth
why was turnout in iowa higher than usual
Donations pour into Kerry campaign after Iowa win
Could Dean use this to his advantage?
Bill Maher's thoughts on Iowa/Dean speech, wolf-Blitzer-reports transcript
Does anyone know how many delegates Kerry and Edwards won?
Why Dean will win New Hampshire...
Where are our bold Senators right now?
I'm fairly new to politics. Have the republicans always led the Democrats
Uh oh - Dean's speech just deemed the "Ed Muskie" moment
Just told by SS agent that DEM candidates aren't protected yet?
How can some people here be Shocked! Shocked! by Dean's speech
Poll: Vermonters say no to Dean for president
Bohemian Mix? Young Digerati? Do you fit in with your candidate's base?
Three Days in Iowa (truthout report from Des Moines)
Great Dem quotes re SOTU made just pre and then post address.
Dean NEEDS to go on letterman and leno this week
Election scoreboard - Media 20 , Dean 10, People 10 (pro Dean)
NYT Safire (BIG R): a Vote for Dean WILL re-select bush* (link)
Misleader: Bush talks, but cuts funds
NH Daily Tracking - Dean 26 Kerry 24 Clark 18 Edwards 9
Kerry IWR Vote Right. IWR=Pro-War Is Bogus . Kerry is OUR ManOfPeace.
What's the Deal with Clark's Proposal to Ally with Saudis against Terror?
Dean needs to talk to both Letterman and Stewart no later than to day!!
Bookmark this! IWR timeline with sound/links
ABBers - Will you vote the Dem nominee if it's LaRouche ?
Howard Dean's fatal system error - "the air of a cult"
Kerry calls for new efforts on prescription drug costs
Its OK for Kerry to curse during interviews, just dont get angry like Dean
Prediction: Edwards WILL win the Primary if he finishes 3rd+ in NH
Kerry "Carries Water" for Top Telecom Donor
More revelations about Kerry Campaign Skullduggery
Tangled Web (TNR on Dean Blog)
Kerry supporters: A question..
I am sickened beyond belief at the disgusting attacks on Dean's character!
Dean is Subdued (New York Times)
Kerry would be richest president in over a century
Will Dean be damaged in NH primary by all the negative publicity?
An Open Plea to the People Who Are Strictly NBDs,NBCs,NBKs,NBEs, ect
More than 600,000 Online Supporters!
What Is Kerry's Position on Media Consolidation?
How can someone be TOO ANGRY about what this Administration is doing?
Something neat on the Edwards site
To Kerry & Edwards Supporters:
Remember David Zephyr's Memo: Your Candidate Could Be Next
Howard Dean's fatal system error
This column is a preview of what the media will say about Clark
So I was talking with a conservative friend of mine...
Wesley Clark to get nod from David Dinkins
Campaigns To Remember --- Best???
I Vote for Howard Dean Tomorrow
Who out of my top 3 would you choose for President?
Timing the surge....why Kerry may be the luckiest one of all...
Who thinks Dean should have campaign song "Rebel Yell"?
Earth to Dean go on Letterman and The Dailly Show now!!!
Thank you, Dr. Dean. It will be Kerry or Edwards (sorry, Gen. Clark)
Did you see Clark on Larry King?
God Dang it....I hate agreeing with W. Pitt on his Dean thread today!
'Insane' scream a bit of fun: Dean
Overtime is Going Away - Are you "angry about it"...or not?
Max Cleland on the "F" Channel
Is John Edwards Against Renewable Energy?
What happened to the Dean $$$ Bat??
What's this about Dean's scream?
Rove will run the same campaign against Kerry that he would
Lieberman says he is in the race to stay
I have changed my avitar but not my candidate
Mike Ruppert's (rather positive) take on Howard Dean
Kerry may move ahead of Dean in N.H. (and very soon)
Does Edwards put trade ahead of secuirty?
What is with Corporate Pravda calling Dean supporters "fans"?
I think it's good for Dean if commedians make fun of him
Boston Globe - Ideology isn't enough ( Kucinich)
Uh-oh, Communist Party Called for Support of Kucinich
A Question : Should Dean be low-key or his "normal" self for tomorrow's
It's already started, Kerry's Woes are soon to begin.....
'Insane' scream a bit of fun: Dean
Kerry takes lead in NH, new Herald poll shows
Sorry I have to ask this stupid question
Supreme Allied Commander, now thats impressive
Crossing Over: As Trial Lawyer John Edwards "channeled" victims
My did you see the segment on ABC on Bush's
Is * hiding evidence of WMDs, if there is any to begin with?
I'm really frighten by all of the nobody but dean, or kerry, or whom
Why are some Dean supporters blaming the DLC for Iowa?
When should I start complaining about all the 'Bash Kerry' threads?
Why I support Howard Dean...he is in it for "the little guy", like me.
Edwards IS "the Man:" Word From Top. Media Covering Him Morn to Night
Non-political people are telling me they liked Edwards
When will the DLC start ripping Kerry?
I heard a late poll on CNN....
Deaners: An Iowa Survivor's Story...
Dave Ross: (CBS Radio) "Oh That Dean! It's not anger, it's energy"
A veteran's Kerry vs. Clark quandary
Can Gov. Dean simply force the other campaigns into bankruptcy?
How Dean Can Overcome the Bad Effects of "The Scream"
What is Edward's military/draft record?
These are the reasons why the Democratic Party needs to nominate Clark
Clark's 2002 testimony shows he got Iraq one hundred percent right
Are Dean supporters insulted by Mike Moore spam letter?
Please actually watch the Dean speech in IA
Why I'm supporting Edwards (repost from sinking thread)
You Should Know this about Dean Supporters
Edwards supporters' bully tactics
Dean Supporters Only - Day2 - Positive Threads Only
Dean supporters - What do you want to see Howard Dean do
NPR coverage of Dean this morning:
If Edwards is for the "Little Guy"
Bush/Dean: Yucca Mountain as a campaign touchstone
Where does Gephardt's labor support go?
Check out the last two issues of "...Cowardly Tom and Bully George."
Cartoonists describe Dean in Iowa
GREAT Kerry photos....shows why Kerry WILL beat bush* (pics)
Clark blasting Kerry on Larry King - Was it as bad as they say ?
IWR: Why did Kerry vote against the Levin/Byrd amendments?
A letter from Michael Moore to Dean supporters
Why the media tried to declare Kerry's candidacy dead for months:
A must- read DU Front Page article on "Electability"...
The Political Assassination of Howard Dean
Latest ARG NewHampshire Tracking poll: Dean-2, Clark-1, Kerry +4
Kerry uses Zell miller as an endorsement?
Team Kerry: Who Could Help Beat Bush? Clark? Hart?Nunn? Graham?Kennedy?
Labor Unions Examine Political Operations
Kerry nows says his IWR vote was "right for the country."
Dean still has what his media critics who mock him lost long ago: a soul
NON-US DUERS ONLY - Who'll be the Democratic Candidate?
Dean supporters - do not post on Dean flamebait threads
Dean supporters should take a fresh look at Kerry
Preliminary NH predictions for fun thread
Kerry IWR Vote RIGHT. IWR=Pro-War Is Bogus. Kerry is OUR ManOfPeace.
Calling Kerry supporters please
Should the Greens or any third party front a presidential candidate?
John Forbes-Kerry - BCCI, Skull & Bones, and the Iran Contra Coverup
For Labor, a Day to Ask What Went Wrong
Dean on donors: "they do get access — there’s no question about that"
How the media muted Kerry's attacks on Bush in 2002.
Dean's 'I Have a Scream' Speech
OH GOD no- Kerry's gun control positions
OK, Kerry Fans. What's JK's "Excuse" for Voting for the Patriot Act.
"Make us to choose the harder right over the easier wrong." about Clark