Democratic Underground

Archives: January 22, 2004

Enemies of the State

Bernie Sanders (The Progressive): We are the Majority (must read)

What Bush didn't say in SOTU

Blumenthal: Killing the King

"This Is Not An Endorsement" by The Plaid Adder

Salon: Bad News (Novak and protecting sources)

Kucinich in Maine tomorrow 1/21

Deborah Norville debut on MSNBC was decent.

Is Bush changing the world for the better?: check what Aussies think

My action against the FMA begins with this. Please help.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) denounces SOTU remarks

A gay and lesbian response to the state of the union.

Protesters Arrested at Calif. Labor Rally

China unable to quench thirst for oil

What will Karl Rove say next?

Sri Lankan president casts pall over peace talks

Liberia: Fighters Rape and Loot in Areas Lacking Peacekeepers

Hicks process unfair: lawyer

Guns in the News January 21 2004

Funny: Know what TASER stands for?

I Just Received This E-Mail

Why is someone "ignored" when I have never used ignore?

Poll option?

Man... I Posted This In GD For Thoughtful Discussion, Nothing Else !

I've just hidden eleven "Dean Scream" threads

Duck, it's a pig.

May I suggest a postmortem after the primaries are over?

I'm sure glad you lockall those kiss the admin.ass threads. Aren't you

An extreme inspiration

'It's inciting murder'

New Evidence Halts 9/11 Verdict (German reader help needed!)

Try, try again...

Tuesday to Tuesday Kerry Challenge

Marble-mouth Brokaw....

lock wrong discussion board

SHOCKING new picture of mars. Intelligent life??

Turn On Hardball NOW !!! 'Hunting Of The President' Film !!!

Another Backdoor Attack on Vets

State of the Union 2004 - Steve Bell

Suits Contest Iowa Prison Ministry Program

60 Minutes II (01/21/04) New viruses, the Maher Arar case, more...

Weird, Isn't It ??? - The SOTUS, The Dem Rebuttal, And Dean's 'Implosion'

Bush sells drilling rights on Mars/Dean gets animated during a speech

A Picture Says a Thousand Words


The big dog is on c-span 2

P.M. Carpenter on Clinton-bashers defending Shrub

A GREAT e-mail I received from a co-worker today

Hannity said this on Boortz`s show today.

Did anyone hear about an extened work hours for a week?

Girl, Laura Ingraham is morphing into Peggy Noonan!

Oops - I think I shocked the guy calling to raise money for Mark Dayton

Affectionate nicknames for candidates?

Bernie Sanders kicking ass on NPR

Faith is Always in Fashion.

McCain BEAT Bush 61-19 in New Hampshire in 2000

My first post! And I must pass this along about Bush...

Just want to draw everyone's attention to this...

Anyone know what Limbaugh's ratings really are?

One year from now, what issue should our 44th President attack first?

So, What's the Verdict? (SOTU)

It's working. The truth, if it gets out, beats Bush.

Our gift from Bush: Patriot Act / erosion of liberty

Bush Pushes Plan to Permit Internet Surveillance

Neo-Conservatism or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Republican

Bush & jobs training

See the unexpected applause and booes (and hopefully other good things)...

Tom Ridge to become Ashcroft's boss

Anyone have some big guns? Time to kick the Taliban's ass!

Need links/lists of Bush admin. lies leading to Iraq war.

Jr. in town to promote jobs training....protesters out!

God help Michigan and Granholm

Tongue in Cheek

Kerry on the death penalty

Who Booed?

Comedy Central on abortion...very funny

John McCain: "Did Somebody Tell Bush We've Already Been to the Moon?"

Vote: Bush's Job Performance!!!

Just got back from meeting with Ellen Marinani and her lawyer!

Why do so many march in lockstep ??

Check out Bob Holden's State of the State Speech

what has bush done for his "base"

When they call us the 'Democrat' party, we start calling them...

State of the Union ratings down 30%!

McCain is the ENEMY.

Signs of desperation: White House lawn Radical Right gabfest

Byrd incredibly on CSPAN2 now

Robert Byrd on C-Span 2 right now...

The Ugly TRUTH About Hetero Marriage: Born-Agains Divorce More Than Others

It's Ohio, stupid.

Sorry if this is a dupe, but have you seen this? Conason/Lyons movie

Wow...local Fox station reporting anti-* protests!

Democrats look at half a glass of water and say the glass is half empty,

Explain the DLC to me please.

Franken, Krugman -- and Phillips! -- at joint book appearance!

Why does bush blow off the deficit

Halo picture of Clark

Austin, TX DU'ers, I have a question about your former Govs morality....

The Marcus Dixon story is the topic on Nightline

Average Bush Approval Rating

It's official: Abortion clinic in Austin will not be constructed...

Bush reccomended doubling NED's funding- SOTU

Inflation cooking -- fascinating SUV factoid

NY Times: Engineering Google Results to Make a Political Point

Help me understand, what's the real strategy behind PNAC?

Vote on Bush's Performance! Here.

What would it mean if Gasoline hit $3 per gallon?

Sen McCain on the Daily Show

BBV and Scientific American: Ballot Breakdown

Is the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act really all that bad?

McCain on FOX Ha! This is Surreal!

Anybody else can't stand David Brooks?

A gay and lesbian response to the State of the Union.

CNN: Harkin UN-Endorses Dean!!!

Lt. Gen. James Helmly said changes are needed to prevent a "crisis" in ret

Arar to sue Ashcroft (on Thursday)

Byrd incredibly on CSPAN2 now

General’s orders: Exclusive interview

Risks Seen in Pentagon's Internet Voting Plan

Iran's Leader: U.S. Not Ready for Talks

Drudge Flash- Dean and Judy Steinberg to do interview with Diane Sawyer

Russia returns to the international arms market

Ohio Senate Approves Gay-Marriage Ban

N Korea may have 4 to 8 nuclear bombs next year: Report

British Lawmaker Questions Bush Statement on Iraq's 'WMD-Related Program A

Turkish Leader Warns of Kurd Role in Iraq

Va. House Panel Passes Anti-Gay Marriage Provision

(Venezuela) CNE now studies four electronic vote proposals

U.S. rejects Japan's mad cow test

Heading for the Stars, and Wondering if China Might Reach Them First

Bush* Dines With Baseball Execs

Headscarf ban plan unravels in France (Sikh turbans may be allowed)

Japanese leader under fire over troops for Iraq

Conservative Republicans Push for Slowdown in U.S. Spending

Risks Seen in Pentagon's Internet Voting Plan

Bush may seek billions for Iraq after election

RCMP raids Ottawa newspaper as part of probe into Arar case

Pentagon report throws doubt on defence system capability

Scholar Suggests 'Automated Rituals' To Facilitate Hajj

Democrats Won't Get Justice Memo (on Texas redistricting)

Erdogan (Turkey) Under Fire For Rejecting Common Islamic Market

Bribes Claim Threatens to Bring Down Sharon

Late-night campaign stop turns to potential embarrassment

Ignoring Other Candidates, Kerry Turns Focus on Bush

Lou Dobbs Nails Tom "Bugman" Delay

Cheney says US still seeking banned Iraqi weapons

Edwards' Memo Details Plans To Go Negative

Judge: Taxpayers won't have to pay in sheriff lawsuit

Clark Wins Endorsements From Leading Environmentalists

Lou Dobbs CNN - West Point to replace their guards with

Kerry takes lead in NH, new Herald poll shows

Dean Loses a Big New Hampshire Endorsement

Ex-C.I.A. Aides Ask Inquiry by Congress Over Leak of Name

Dean collects nearly $600,000 in donations since Iowa

CIA officers warn of Iraq civil war, contradicting Bush's optimism

Edwards: Dean, Kerry Will Drag in South

Rolled eyes

Toyota commercial, what are they on?!

As a gay man, I'm very disillusioned with bush....

Record Day for Backdoor 7/Trojan attacks Today

Snaps to VelmaD on achieving 5,000 posts

Bush actually helped me out!

spilled water at the SotU speech -- "I'm melting! Melting ..."

Congratulations Lostmessage! 500 posts!

Miserable failure google bomb being linked to...

Bush rebuts Richardson in Spanglish!

Anyone know Excel and can answer a question?

Why did I wait so long?!

Who I think "Adam" really is on SMALLVILLE

Redheads check in here!

I finally bought "The Iron Heel" by Jack London...

My cable company & Fox news

Do you know where I can get some Democratic buddy icons?

And now, a message from my three-year- old

I'm Sick of the Infighting -- I'm quitting DU...

Is 194 posts since Nov. 1 too few?

I order you all to watch the Cable News Network!

And This Post Makes...

Read the first definition of "superman" at

First in line for textbooks this morning!!

SHOCKING new picture of mars. Intelligent life??

Mad Cow.....

Rednecks check in here...........

What are Bush's post SOTU job approval numbers?

I want to hear "Fiddler on the Roof"

Laptop & GHz...HELP!

What does OC stand for?

YEE-HAW New York Has TWO Basketball Teams Again!!!

ACCKKK. Approaching the 700 club, and have no POSTOMATIC software!

Anybody else watching MXC?

The Daily Show's response to SOTU is better than anybody's!

Great performances in terrible movies

Explain this corporate "save team" logic to me...

20 years ago today, a great singer died.

Happy B-Day to me!

CNN: Chimp Gone Wild

Sleep 'can increase brain power'

BADGERS BADGERS BADGERS on a bad acid trip!

My blue Pikmin keep getting eaten!

You Know you're a Redneck...

McCain on Daily Show NOW!

If the primary was a beauty contest...

Does Dick Cheney remind you of burned rice?

Mr Stabby

I am a lazy slob

Men of DU: DO you like the beard on the ladies?

What is the correct way to use Karl Rove's name as a adjective?

People of DU: Do You Like The Beard On The Yaks??

Join me in a Google bomb: Bush Knew

The Top 8 (non political) morons of 2003

How much is the minimum donation

Animated Dubya doll - OMG, this is insanely funny

Does Cheney Ever Remind You Of Monty Burns?

Just for fun....

Whipping out that "golden lasso."


Does Bush* Ever Remind You Of Frank Burns?

Take my Friend Test!

UNDERPANTS must check this out!!!

From the guys who brought you "Badger badger badger badger..."

Wednesday night movie thread!

I sense seepage!

Not for epileptics...

This is really funny, and is not meant to offend Dean supporters:

I just replaced my hot water heater, ask me anything!

Rock me Amadeus!

Any WinXP wizards care to give me a hand?

The Good Old Days of Computers

Is A_Schwarzenegger Linda Barry?

Margaret Chos "fan mail" just prevented my Dad from voting For Bush

Please Help Me To Caption ....

CBS won't allow to buy advertising time

Congratulations to VelmaD on her 5000th post!!!

My New Shortwave Reciever Is Awesome

Help me decide which bumper sticker(s) to create

Movie Lines .......

Tonight's Enterprise episode

It takes a bow-legged woman

John Edwards claims he can contact the Dead!

wooga booga booga!


Does Condoleezza Rice ever remind you of George Burns?

OK what was that last segment on ABC with Kerry and Clark


TV Alert: Clark in NH Town Hall 7:00 EST Starting soon

Hardball: NY Post has picture of Dean speech (yelling) on every page?

Week old South Carolina Poll

There are 3 'Dean scream' threads on page one, atm

To rabid Dean "supporters" / candidate cannibals - STOP

"The Scream" was not that bad.

For the DNC and DLC conspiracy theorists

When to start complaining about all the 'Bash Kerry' threads

These Are My Thoughts On The Primary, For Those Who Are Interested

if/when dean/ckark quit, ,does the party get the money

Clark has raised over $1.5M, Lieberman $68,000

A friend wants me to ask a question here...

Bush is crapping his pants

I've heard Kerry, Edwards, and Dean all claim to be the underdog in NH

Which candidate mocked Dean's post-Iowa speech?

Teresa Heinz Kerry on MSNBC now!

Anyone recall "Gil Favor" of "Rawhide" fame" ?? YEEEHAWWWW!

Zogby: Arab-American's Oppose Bush, Support Dean

Candidates in the coming debate better not attack Dean for his IA speech

If Dean finishes 3rd in New Hampshire

Clark will win New Mexico I predict

dean brought up IRV(instant runoff voting) in SOTU response

I'm Sick of the Infighting -- I'm quitting DU...

Catch-all response to threads in this forum:

Just want to draw everyone's attention to this...

Teresa Heinz-Kerry on MSNBC now

Dean desperation: Interview with Diane Sawyer tomorrow with wife

John Edwards claims he can contact the Dead!

Clark Townhall on CSPAN now n/t

Could John Edwards do this?

Question to all Kerry detractors regarding IRW vote...

If Dean Gets the Nomination:

Heaven= Clark 4 Prez. JK, JE, JL give hell to GOP senate,

Debate info?

Dean To Propose $250 Contribution Limit (Breaking News?)

Edwards on C-SPAN now.

Clark Town Hall Meeting will REPEAT at 10:45 P.M. Eastern and

At least all Dean did was scream.

We need to stop attacking Dean on his post-Iowa performance

If Gore endorsed your canidate....Admit it, you would have loved it!

John Edwards.... Shades of Clinton?

A clairfication on my post about IWR

Who voted for IWR and Patriot act doesnt matter ....

Clark will be on c-span at 10:45 EST

Busted! Edwards' Memo Details Plans To Go Negative

My My, there's some awfully Cocky people here in GD 2004

Clark stands up for Kerry at a New Hampsire Townhall

Dean's Campaign Alters Approach After Iowa Loss

True or False? Edwards Doesn't Accept Lobbyists Contributions.

Aaron Brown doing Clark segment tonight

If Gore was wrong for endorsing Dean early, Was McGovern wrong

October Surprise redux (was: "si vis coronam, para bellum!")

Has any candidate pledged to hold regular news conferences?

CNN just reports Durkin withdrawing support for Dean in NH

At the rate we are going, Lieberman will be the last Democrat standing..

Just Donated To Edwards!

An Disgusting Tweety Thread

Most important state after New Hampshire?

Message to the DNC: Hire the Daily Show to do your TV spots

I hope Kerry and Clark argue about their military backgrounds forever

There's one way that Clark can get the nomination....

Any links to a video of Dean's speech after the Iowa Caucus?

please Dean supporters, stop all of this nonsnse

CBS article on Edwards Campaign Memo

"Mr. Dean's Army" What it's about.

Republicans Rigging Election a Must Read

New Boston Herald Poll - K(31) D(21) C(16) E (11)

Clark supporters Urgent Message!

Yesterday's News

Eventually, unless your canidate wins, we'll all have to switch canidates!

What about the Kucinich people supporting Edwards in Iowa

Kerry's Globe Problem: Some of it may not be his fault

Just back from a long weekend in NH

Two words for Kerry supporters:

Delegate Count: Dean Ahead

One thing I'll say about Gen. Clark

I Find the Comity Among the Clark, Edwards, Kerry Camps Fascinating

So I finally saw The Speech

Lieberman on O'Really this evening

John Edwards can win anywhere in the country.

Yell in Iowa may haunt Dean camp

Any Feb. 2nd Polls out? How is JK going to do down South?

A Plea for Calm, Reflection, Patience, and Perspective

Senators Kerry and Edwards...will you lead the fight on overtime?

Undecideds: what are your top picks at this point in time?

Clark's Independent Status on

Listen to Mike Malloy's take on Dean's Speech

Republicans calling Edwards hardest for Bush to beat.

Kerry - Ending the Era of Special Interests

It's Still the Economy, Stupid - Wall Street Journal

A few questions regarding this "Edwards Going Negative" Story

Clark Wins Endorsements From Leading Environmentalists

A Dean supporter endorses John Kerry. Unconditional 100% support.

Why does Clark assume I grew up with the same values as he did?

I guess it's back to "Fluffy Bunny" politics.

Kerry puts special interests in his sights

Would a Kerry nomination be an electoral disaster?

Clark Supporters: Fundraiser Time, in honor of Hero George McGovern

It will come down to Clark and Edwards

A dennis kucinich SOTU... wow!

Hannity Attacking Kerry: Record of Defence-Cut Votes, Undermining CIA Ops

Howard Zinn is ABB: Says We Have to Be Practical & Get Rid of Bush

Kerry doesn't have what it takes to win

Weird, Isn't It ??? - The SOTUS, The Dem Rebuttal, And Dean's 'Implosion'

60Secs: Arnold "Governator"

An Address Worthy of Enron

Gene Lyons: For once, press acts just as it should

For all those who think: "Canada?? It couldn't happen here/there"!

The Defense Budget Is Bigger Than You Think

Baghdad Journal

Investment boost for

Al-Qaida will do whatever it takes to assure Bush is re-elected

FOR Statement in Response to SOTU

Apache killing video becomes viral news

Probe of Intercepted Messages Focuses on Shelby : Wash Post

Wow! This gives me hope. Editorial in my local paper...

Senate panel's GOP staff pried on Democrats: Globe (WOW)

We're sorry. You were right. by Tony Hendra of original NL

Molly Ivins: Our finances are in a state

Fresh New Watergate Scent...GOP pries into Dems files

Has anyone seen this?

Micahel Moore: Dean supporters, Don't give up

Will Bush play the bioterror card?

E-Voting Experts SERVE Up Controversy

Rosenberg Documentary Debuts at Sundance

A scary ordeal at U.S. immigration

Special Report - The killing fields..(quite long)

Bush’s State of the Union: Threats, lies and delusion

Garrisoning the planet

"How to handle Hecklers" (Dean's "gaffe" is Clark's bon mot)

My letter printed in the Hartford Courant

Madcow letter to Yakima Herald Republic

Dowd: Riding the Crazy Train

Molly Ivins: Ain't Democracy Grand?

America's War For Global Domination {MUST READ}

Minnesota Senate District 60 for Kucinich? 1/22/04

Bush in or closest to Colorado?

Petition CBS to air MoveOn ad.

Another letter apparently rejected...

Sen. John McCAIN on The Daily Show - Video

With much legislative activity on stolen votes via BBV-why no Nat'l Media?

The American Conservative's MOTY: Dick Cheney

Who's Openly Gay in the Bush Administration?

Scalia & Cheney - Duck-blind justice

What's wrong with this retirement plan?

Does anyone here do Reiki?

Has Spaulding Grey been found?

Marine Corps lawyer speaks out against tribunals

ACLU: States' Database a Privacy Threat

Top Saudi Cleric Denounces Men and Women Mingling at Recent Economic Summi

BBV: Supreme Court voids automation (PHILIPPINES)

I'm scared

Spirit Silent...

Bush pro-polluter SOTU - review by League of Conservation Voters

Bush SOTU Silence On Environment Damning - Dems' Response Likewise

To whomever this may concern

In Only His 2nd Speech, Leavitt Headlines Corporate Greenwashing Workshop

On Mars they call themselves "Rock Walkers," Of course

The Earth's life-support system is in peril

UK activist faces Guatemala trial

Holocaust memorial vandalized

BMX bandits terrorise motorists

I can't decide...humor.

Commie gun grabber gun control zealots check in ;)

GUNS IN THE NEWS---January 22, 2004

Shooting outside Mission Valley Dennys Resturante CA

Barbara Lipscomb: MM marcher, gun controller, murderer.

Senators Feinstein and Schumer, pimping for John AshKKKroft?

Carol Moseley Braun: Supporter of Gun Rights

Wisconsin: The Senate Overrides the Governor's Veto

Why do you visit the Justice/Public Safety area?

Timothy McVeigh: NRA Member, Supporter of Gun Rights

Mark Chapman: Killer of John Lennon, Gun Owner

How much is the minimum donation

can't post in the GD forum

Question about the GD rule banning discussion of primary candidates...

Hi Guys! January 22, 2001...I registered to DU!

Are the mods aware that it seems all threads on Byrd were locked?

I'm glad you're doing away with rule #8, I guess.

Obviously the mods are working their buns off

A Question Concerning the "Profiles" List

another new av and suggestion for the DU store

Clearly a violation of the user rules stating we are not to discuss

How do I post images?

Is there something wrong with Search?

Why can't we submit new posts rebutting other posts?

I Want Preferential Treatment

ZOA:Palestinian Arab Violations of Roadmap - January 19, 2004

A Legacy of Betrayal

The dark and bloody ground

Haaretz poll shows drop in Sharon's credibility

Weisglass, Rice meet on W. Bank fence

Column One: Israel's case

Palestinian boy killed, two hurt by IDF fire near Gaza fence

Using the Web to rip off a child injured in a suicide bombing

Fifty-five Arab states can testify against fence

Not our brothers

Sharon vows to stay despite corruption allegations

New bus system unveiled to stop suicide bombers

Letter to Palestinian parents

Arafat orders investigation into PA financial corruption

Anti-Semitism: A Practical Manual

Elementary kid and 911? Point me to the claim?

"Schumer Strength Catches Spitzer By Surprise"

Rendell gives GOP free ride in election for budget votes

Update on Ruben NAVARRETTE

New York DU'ers! Come listen to Hinchey!

For your perusal: Skull and Bones

Even if the Non-Dean D wins the GE in 2004, D's will see their own demise

Day Five without a smoke

What is the status of the Reform Party?

Dean's Phony Meltdown:

After listening to Democracy Now - I oppose Kerry

What's up with Edwards receiving illegal campaign contributions?

Edwards Doesn't Cultivate Jews

Howard Dean is the ONLY Democratic Candidate WORTH FIGHTING FOR!!!

First hand reports from Iowa:

A Dean supporters take on the media


What's all this ABB Nonsense?

A bi-partisan cabinet for a Democratic President?

From Michael - Margaret Cho Blog

The Partisan

"Steroids - that must be how the deficit got so big."

This is why I'm weary of Entertainment Industry "liberals"...

Sen. Robert Byrd: Another classic speech

Just finished watching Byrd speech on c-span2. Awesome!!!

The House of Saud and the Bush

Last nights NBC SOTU post-coverage: surprisingly unfavorable

Does Google have something special?

Clinton's looking good!

Time Magazine: "Bush Battens Down the Hatches"

The Nixon scenario and the fate of the Bush Regime in activist times

Today's Boondocks 1/22/2004

The Seattle Times liked George Bush's Speech

$52 Billion of the $87.5 For Iraq Pays JUST For the Occupation

"War is Good": Psycho American General

brian riedl on cspan now

Ayatollah Sistani has a website

Infiltration of Files Extensive (GOP thievery)

Edit: moved to GD Primary

Just recieved an "ALERT" email from AFA re; ACLU

Investigation Reveals“Reconstruction Racket” In Iraq

Imus is just tearing Bush a new butt hole about Iraq

NYT reports former CIA operatives call for inquiry

Has TV media turned on Bush? Are we, finally, at the Turning Point?

Bush to "unleash armies of compassion"...I feel ill...

Repubs hand off the wheel to backup driver; Memory against Forgetting

At Last NPR connects Dresser to Halliburton

Who is ICGN and why is one of their IP addresses hitting my PC?

Apparently there are 3,000,000 jobs which employers just can't fill.

Something I think everyone has missed about Bush...

Did bush mention Osama Bin Laden during SOTU?

DU Home page: "Bush Is Not A Fuck-up" by dbf is a MUST read!

Question about tonights debate

League of Conservation Voters: Seven Little Words (Bush pro-polluter SOTU)

Easy way to contact Senators re: Energy Bill

Human Rights Campaign Denounces SOTU

Why did most of the SCOTUS skip the SOTU, and which one showed?

SOTU: Pandering to the right-wing Base

Ted Kennedy on CSPAN2 now 10:30est


"I don't vote the party I vote the man".....

This Dean speech thing has just completely deflated me

Specter draws fire on Pickering appointment

Finally, Somebody Who Is *NOT* S&B

Dancing with Dean, Coming Home to Kucinich

Ok.....which one of you is playing with the Freeps again?

Ed Fallon's considering a gubernatorial run in Iowa!

Whats O'Reilly got on Clark?

Can somebody explain why free trade doesn't apply to record labels?

Please explain the actual intent of the IWR

Xmas Retail Numbers

"State of the Union/It's not good, thanks to Bush" (BuzzFlash)

I know others asked yesterday: Where are the post SOTU POLLS?

Barbara Bush (twin) rejected for Skull & Bones

$1.5 B for defense of marriage?

Smitten by Clark

Another Lawsuit for Bush* - Arar to launch lawsuit against U.S.

"Cautiously optimistic" after a trip South, and Imus this morning --

Garfunkel caught with pot does Rush want him to do hard time?

What was Bush 1's reason for not taking out Saddam and what changed

Bush/Bin Laden Connections

can anybody give me some info

Instead of whining about repukes, stop them!

BusinessWeek slams Bush's voodoo economics

is anyone here familar with

I Wish John Stewart Could Be In Charge Of Dem Campaign Ads!

Remember the Kiwi charged with sending an e-mail to the US Embassy?

Anyone catch Robert Byrd on C-Span last night?

ABB- You can't go wrong

Why is Daschle still senate majority leader?

Anyone here on DU running for SoS of your state?


Na na, Na na na na,, Hey Hey Hey, Good bye!


Army's new battle: Signing up soldiers With bombs going off, recruiters ha

Isn't this considered subverting Democracy?

BBV Folks: SERVE Security Analysis

Daschle & Co. try to cram more cheap labor into USA with amnesty bill

BBV: David Dill in MIT Technology Review

So where was the Arab-Israeli conflict in Bush's SOTU?

Ohio bans gay marriage

What would Bush say?

West Point turns to private security

Kodak cuts 23% of workforce (15,000 jobs)...Stock is up 10%...

CIA warns of an Iraq Civil War dispite Bush*s SOTU optimistic claims LIES!

Bush's Homework Helper (Andy Card keeping Shrub fed, wiped, and happy)

CSPAN: March for Life

Help! Know anything about rightwing "AAPS" doctor group?

Can anyone tell me what time the debate is tonight.

John Ashcroft sued by Canadian citizen in New York court

Edwards, Kerry, Lieberman no-shows crucial in HR 2673 vote

Dean was "unstoppable." What happened?

Most get little help from latest Bush tax plan

Hilarious! Stupid GOP Poll Discontinued

Ever Heard of The American Empire Project?

A website for the Lady against Woman in your household...

Another right wing conservative hypocrite

The company responsible for the worst environmental disaster in

CBS Censors Winning Ad

Rhandi Rhodes - Andy Card checks corrects *'s homework!?

68% Of Registered Connecticut Voters Believe Rowland Should Resign - ABC

Another Bogus "Universal" Healthcare plan, this time from the Dems

A Quiz - Are You Presidential Material?

When will the PBA be overturned by the courts?

One of the funniest on-line polls ever

Quick Question: Liberal Voting Performance Rankings

Scott Ritter - whatever happened to molestation allegations

MoveOn's Ad Not to Air on CBS's Superbowl

Empower Arab Americans in the 2004 elections

Bush immigration proposal not just for Strawberry pickers

Crossfire thread 1/22/04

Just heard a 'Log Cabin Republican' on MSNBC

WASP Day at African-American School

Anyone want to support Novak

How many killed from _ Iraqi_ military?

Free GiGi on NBC last night

Peak Oil and a Fascinating Email I Received

Perfect 400th Post: Public Urinator Cleard In Court For Medical Condition

Social Security--"Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency" program

The shrub is gonna get pruned. It's in the air after the SOTU.

Colorado DU'ers -- is your Xcel bill outrageous?

From MSNBC: "Wall Street bankers, reelection backers"

The obsession of William Rivers Pitt

Bush: " are on the rise..."

Quick! Need help! What time and where is debate being shown tonight?

Would you support a new Vietnam Memorial?

Do you really think the Pope reviewed Gibsons, The Passion of the Christ?

Fighting for our freedom

Conservative "base" royally steamed at *--check out these FR posts

Got a link to the Real State Of The Union thing that Malloy referenced?

What is the exact expiration date of the Patriot Act?

Forward this email to everyone you know who cares about free speech

Greg Palast on NCLB....

Stop insulting chimps........

GOTST now reporting 9-11blueprints originated from Iran, Syria and

10 CIA officials wrote a letter to congress...

Got this tidbit in an email from a friend....

They've started the military shipments again

Check out this exchange from Hardball's SOTU coverage

Can someone exlplain what went wrong in Iraq?

America's most endangered House Democrat- He need your help!

Dan Rather on CBS news. Semi-negative reporting on the Omnibus

3-star general says Army is too small to do its job

Bush: Don't change leaders mid-war

OxyContin risks downplayed by manufacturer. Will Pigboy take the bait?

"Orange Alert! - Please Stop Ignoring It" - a Homeland Security plea

Cheney, the evil Dick whines about Dem "attacks"

Sandbagging of Clinton economic record on the horizon

What would Eisenhower say about Repub-nomics?

Molly Ivins: "Bush is a nice guy"... Some thoughts on civility

Students disciplined for posters on King Day (African not African enough)

Who uses all the gasoline in the U.S.?

Philippine Supreme Court Kicks @ss on Black Box voting

Bernie Sanders: We Are The Majority

GOP students launch complaint Web site

If I hear "torture chambers" and "rape rooms" one more time...

Bev Harris -- Looks like Howard Dean is "outing BBV" for you

Bush is visiting Rosewell, NM

Opinions of Hillary Clinton?

The gay marriage issue is a disaster waiting to happen.

Poll for Canadian / UK DUers - The American Revolution - which side?

i love the british parliment

The Sack of Washington (essay, long)

Need North Korea Chronology

GOP Was Stealing Dem Files for a WHOLE YEAR!

Bin Laden surrending Bagdad....

Is Communism still a threat? Was it ever?

Veterans Blast Jacko's Medals as "mockery"

NBER: Recession might have started in 2000

GOP spying on Democrats

What would happen on earth if Life were discovered elsewhere?

Taking Back The Media, NOW! (Please read and comment)

Homosexual marriage shot down in OH. New England should secede.

37 states banning gay marriage; Coming up on MSNBC at 12:17cst

Last nights Daily Show headline coverage of SOTU now online

Universal insurance general questions and ideas

Rowland is FAR WORSE than Grey Davis - should we be able to recall him?

Racial inequities becoming WORSE in U.S. Why is this? What can we do?

the last word on Democrats and the south

Have you picked your two corporations yet? Join the Resistance!

I know there are some intelligent people who are republicans , do they

"eighteen thousand people die every year in America because

"500+ dead? What's the big deal?"

Reported this morning on NPR: Military internet voting close to reality

THE WHISPERING CAMPAIGN - Stealth Activism To Wake Up The Nation

500 pairs of boots in Chicago

Abortion and the Old Testament (Happy Row v Wade Day!)

Hicks lawyer lashes Government (US & Australia)

Canadian police seize reporter's files in suspect's deportation (Ashcroft

Senate Panel's GOP staff pried on Democrats - Infiltration

Senate to Vote on Ending Spending Delays

Paris rolls out,red Eiffel Tower, Champs-Elysées for Chinese new year

Guerrilla Attacks in Iraq Sunni Triangle Kill Nine

Seven dead in Iraq attacks

Federal Online Voting System Called Unfixable

Coroner could hold new Kelly inquest

Homeless man saves paralyzed pal in fire

Democrats push for KidCare (Florida, Jeb Bush)

2 Senators Counter Bush on Immigrants

Bottom Lines from Trent Lott (calls Hillary "butt ugly")

Children's rights activist faces defamation trial in Guatemala

Ohio Poised to Enact Sweeping Same-Sex Marriage Ban

These 'polls' are completely unreliable

NBC Offered Jackson Deal to Pre-empt Documentary Criticizing Him

German Prosecutors Claim Iran Knew of 9/11 Plot (Wall Street Journal)

bush* Used Selective Data in His Address, Critics Say

New Claims for Jobless Benefits Fall(but 17,000 increase in total on rolls

Leading Indicators Up 0.2 Pct. in Dec.( Nov revised to down by 0.2)

Kennedy to propose universal health care(based on federal workers plan)

Dollar lifted by rumor of Bin Laden capture

Scott family sues Janklow...

Mortar Attack Kills Two U.S. Soldiers, Wounds Another

Probe of Intercepted (9/11) Messages Focuses on Sen. Shelby (Ala.)

Ex-C.I.A. Aides Ask Inquiry by Congress Over Leak of Name

Pentagon's Online Voting Program Deemed Too Risky

Algeria Blast Sends Oil To 10-Month Highs - Reuters

Poll: Kerry Sails Past Dean for New Hampshire Lead

Three US soldiers killed, four Iraqi laundresses mown down

We're screwed!!! HR2673 passes in Senate

Bush, on Campaignlike Swing, Promotes Job-Training Initiative

Micahel Moore: Dean supporters, Don't give up

Marine lawyer: Tribunal fundamentally 'unfair'

GOP Clears Way For Spending Bill Vote

President renominates Allen for 4th Circuit (Court of Appeals)

Shell's payment for '99 pipeline blast to be negotiated (3 dead., $250k)

Jurors find no discrimination in flight attendant's rhyme use

Ex-Pat Voting System Excoriated (or how to steal an election 101)

U.S. Agent Orange study finds raised cancer risks

Doubt over N Korea's ability on nuclear bomb commentator (and founder) Calandra resigns

is Dean headed for 3rd place in New hampshire? (ARG)

Powell Rebukes Dems for Criticizing Bush

U.S. GAO reports on OxyContin abuse

Senate E-Burgalry Extensive

Republican Janklow faces sentencing

Kodak to Cut Up to 15000

Low-Pay Sectors Dominate U.S. and State(CA) Job Growth

Outburst Interrupts Mo. State of State

Economists Say Recession Started in 2000

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 22 January (#1)

Students Disciplined for Award Campaign

U.S. Rejects Church Leaders' Bid to Visit Guantanamo 

Infiltration of files seen as extensive

No. 1 qualification: Ability to beat Bush

FDA Takes Steps to Shut Down Company Importing Drugs From Canada

Smithsonian's Renaissance man admits feathering his own nest

First Lady plans more involvement in presidential campaign

Ex-CIA Officials Urge Name Leak Inquiry ( letter sent to congress)

US Official: No Truth to Rumor Bin Laden Captured

bush* to Propose Sharp Cut in Budget Growth

Dean Says Voters Will See Through Flaws

A Somoza is sentenced

EU criticises Colombia on rights

Wars 'useful', says US army chief (focusing opportunity)

Senate Approves Landmark School Voucher Plan

9/11 widow in N.H. talks about her lawsuit against the government

Iraq May Be On Path To Civil War, CIA Officials Warn

Iran initiated 9/11 attacks

GOP students launch complaint Web site (Univ of Colorado)

Countries Pile Fees, Red Tape On U.S. Tourists

Report: Rumsfeld considers striking Hizbullah to provoke Syria

Janklow Sentenced to 100 Days in Jail

CIA Warns of Iraq Civil War, Contradicting Bush's Optimism.... SOTU

Mars News: there has been a "very serious anomaly" on the rover.

"Infiltration of files seen as extensive"

Ann Miller dead at 81

Canada not a police state: PM (Politics Watch)

Arar launches lawsuit against US government

BBV:Pentagon e-voting plan 'flawed' (Pentagon is standing by the system)

Moving jobs abroad: Corporate America takes interest, notes...

Ohio Set to Enact Same-Sex Marriage Ban

(CBS) MarketWatch's Calandra Resigns Amid Probe

Kodak to Slash Jobs by 20 Percent

HR 2673 passes in Senate

US 'downer' ban hurts cattle producers -lawmakers

Venezuela’s Electoral Authorities Condemn Attempts to Discredit Them

Castro greets head of Orthodox Church

States continue push for Canadian drugs

Sick and twisted love story

Is Linda Barry Governor of California?

Hold your hats - I'm saying something nice about Bush

Central, Mountain, + Pacific time zone, JimmyKimmel has dean impersonator

The Apprentice: Whooo Ho ! Sam was kicked out!

Anyone watching the Canucks/Tampa Bay

Conan's State of the Show address...


Re: Medicare Rx plan & my grandpa (who's 95)

Song that brings a lump to my throat

It's frikkin' COLD!!!

Okay, DAMMIT.. Who's got the most "zero reply" threads??

Anyone know...are weebl and bob Canadian?

OK why do I have no sound on my PC?? I can hear my mouse click,

new Savage Weiner advertiser Commercial Federal Bank

Conversational cheap shots

Congratulations on 7178 posts Rabrrrrrr

Howard Beale = Howard Dean?

Dialogue in an American home

Which Democratic candidate would you least like to wake up next to?

So Far... No New 2004 Coins Have Reached My Pockets...

Puerto Rico: Anybody lived there?

As a contractor, how long would you work without payment?

Is it vain or smart?

Neighbors can be so irritating

Has anybody watched "Believer?"



The recruiting of Willie Williams: no damn farmer girls or plant food


google searches DU pages now!

The Beer has been SAVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went to a Job Fair in Albuqueruqe yesterday.

If Eminem was a politician would he be a democrat or republican?

Badger craze hits UF

Dean speech music remixes

Chappelle's Show

Which sci-fi is better?

Anybody ever read Heinlein's "Revolt in 2100"?

Greatly relieved. Sleeping better now.

Anybody have an Alexa browser?

Matcom or GOPisEvil: You decide

People, who need people, ARE the luckiest people in the world.

I need hugs! Lots of them!

Who is ICGN and why is one of their IP addresses hitting my PC?

Reasons Bush* is going to Roswell NM?

"Want a bipreciousgger peninceptionis" (re: SPAM)

I am not a threadkiller....

More fun than smacking penguins: Writing a Dubya Speech

The truth pet owners have always known



Today's Boondocks Featuring Bush's Moonbase Plans .

What are you going to do the second Bush gets kicked out?

Is anyone having problems with DU slowdowns? For about 2 hours

I'm switching from Rabrrrrrr to GOPisEvil

Art Garfunkel charged with speeding and pot possession

Isnt it weird watching Ronald Ray-Gun in movies

LOL...Ronnie Reagan is on Turner ClassicMovies right now

the extemporaneous CAPTION

need help with song from 60's

The FREEPER in Wonco(100+post)

Holy Cow! Kerry comes right out and says it!

Dean Graphic, I scream, You Scream, We all Scream ...

Boy K-Mart sure can align itself with the right people huh?

I should have stayed in bed this morning.

Gentlemen: So a girl gave you her phone number

A heartburn-related question

CAPTION the giant sucking sound

Bush in Roswell NM - Mars Spirit goes Loopy , Draw Your Own Conclusions

Got this one again.....what's a good rebut?

The State of the CAPTION

Mini Skirt or Pants?

this gave me a chuckle in my school paper

Is this Dubya's lucky year?

Have you ever done drag?

Curses! Foiled again!

Well, 3 years and my fourth reorganization....

All right! It's finally on DVD!

I visited Ann Arbor and Detroit over the last few days, ask me anything.

Tried to start reading Moore's "Dude Where's My Country"....

"Real Genius": why don't they make 'em like this anymore?

Help preserve the sanctity of CAPTIONS

Why? oh why? does McCain have to be a repuke?

Did Deans scream effect the Mars Rover?

How often should I change the air in my head???

Gung Hey Fat Choy (Lunar New Year recipes, please?)

How Often Should I Change The Air In My Car's Tires?

Congrats DUers!!! The ultimate poll killers!!!!!

Which addiction is hardest to break?

Dean's Dance Mix

Hey Rabrrrrrr, if your so good at killing threads....

What's up with the "Monkey's Thing" on Google?

WARNING: Dennis Miller to appear on Leno show tonight.

This is just a funny picture of my dog.

Comic strip disses the Chimp

It is so bloody cold in Minneapolis.

What is the strangest movie you've ever watched?

A Love Story - Flash Movie

Realistic Internet Simulator

Tax time.. Don't forget to report your illegal income and kickbacks

pic from the vault funny early pic of Raygun and chimpy!

Hats off to: Edie Falco

Have the icons shifted to the left?

My 700th post! Well, smellllllllllllll meeeeeee!

Who owned or still owns Disco Clothes?

Crossing my fingers, hoping they revive Spirit

Need help finding some pics. . . .

I'm switching from the Democrats to the People Who Hate People Party

A Major Rant About Holding Doors Open For Strangers!

180, the accidental streaker

Does my son need a permission slip....

"Bloom damn you, bloom!"

Just to show we Eagles fans can laugh at ourselves...

I'm on CNN!

I am tired of being anonymous...My first name is Michael.

I talk politics, read and do intellectual stuff all day, then go home ....

Back from the belly of the beast (DC anti-choice rally)

Cute idiosycracy or sign of mental illness?

IRATE!!!! Ads to appear on dollar bills!

as you all know... cbs wont air comercials...

Just got this e-mail from Andria Cavallo

CNN Must Fire --Bob "No Facts" Novak--

Mostly unnoticed albums that you want recognized


My Dinner With Hitler

Black lab puppy, name him for me..

My cat Logan has a thing about water.

The History of the Universe in 200 Words

Does anyone want to read the news about the Ben Affleck and J-Lo breakup?

How much does your household make?

Lest we forget our fallen Patriots...

On Mars they call themselves "Rock Walkers," Of course

Dean should join a hardcore punk band!

Please check out post #6 on this thread:

Yay! Tomorrow I get my stitches out....also request for good karma!

I need a little bit of support for a minute here

A good "little known" horror film is on Sci-Fi tonight

When it is not an election year, what do DUers talk about?

Caption this

The SOTU pic we did NOT see..(It was for the "kids")

Interesting psychological test

Joan Crawford's Daughter.. ???

Bumpersticker alert....

"Songs about masturbating" thread!

I'm really starting to bond with our new puppy.

Why is it so damn hard to get a human on the phone?

Haha, a moronic freeper bashes me on his blog

Women, what is the big deal about a vacuum for your birthday?


Would You Make A Good President?

Mad magazine artist Woodbridge dead

I get so confused with things with similar user interfaces



You Know You're Driving In Austin, Texas When.....

Dancer, actress Ann Miller dead.

McDonalds and Wal-Mart aren't the only low wage jobs (a rant)

Do you own a baseball cap?

What has your winter been like so far?

Actual CNN screenshot ... see the "crawl" at bottom!

Who decides pot laws?

Got back to Dallas last night and found myself banned at DU!


Thank you DU

Hey, I just went over 700 posts, and forgot to say something clever

Gong Hay Fat Chow!

the truth about churchill's parrot

Coolest wine label EVER!

Blue boobies

There are lots of stupid people in the world. Most work for Comcast

One of my cats has been sneezing like crazy

SOTU behind the scenes........................

Post the worst right-wing blog you can find...

Mods and admins need some appreciation!

Worst Joke Contest. I'll start.=3 cowboys were sitting around the campfire

Happy Chinese New Year! What's your Chinese sign?

This is an interesting way to burn 15 minutes...

I love Marianne Faithfull, but sometimes she sounds like Snoopy.

Oh my... Long-legged woman is waiting to be spanked

OK, this whole Skull and Bones thing.

TV Dinners

As A Child... Were You Taught To Say "Sir" and "Ma'am" To Adults

For those married 10+ years

Why do only Dems have "Muskie moments"?

RIAA filing new suits against illegal downloaders: "Foofee" Mozart target

Prayer request for my mom; my dad died yesterday

While he is waiting on Card to get his damned cheeseburger, CAPTION

Boobs may explode in the jungle

Ice cubes, What are they good for?

My last night with Dad, dying of congestive heart failure with Altzheimers

Threads that never should have been born

Some bad news.

If you could re-live your life, what one thing would you change?

Guys, do you think Mrs. Dean is pretty?

My new little Democrat came home from the hospital {It's a boy}

Do you remember these shoes?

Still looking for a CD by "Church of Secular Atavism"...

The only kind of music allowed at Liberty or Bob Jones University

John McCain: "Did Somebody Tell Bush We've Already Been to the Moon?"

What is the correct way to use Karl Rove's name as a adjective?

Vote: Bush's Job Performance!!!

Dean Revives Outsider Formula for Crucial Jan. 27 Vote

Central, Mountain, + Pacific time zone, JimmyKimmel has dean impersonator

Which Democratic candidate would you least like to wake up next to?

Dean Bumpersticker Suggestion

Boston Herald endorses Kerry

Coach Dean

Clark past $1.5 Million Mark on the way to $2 Million before NH primary

What happens to superdelegates when a candidate drops out?

Anyone want to debate tax policy, race after Iowa?

You know, we could make a good cabinet

Is Sharpton going to be in the NH debate tomorrow?

BBC: Democrats vie for New Hampshire

Missing It

Howard Beale = Howard Dean?

Boston Globe Endorses Kerry

After Dean Speech: I Am More Inclined To Support HIM

It's Ohio, stupid.

All hail joefree1

Some weird repub comments I should share with everybody

Wussie media can't take a little Dean passion? (+ new Dean logo)

Who is more qualified to be Pres. than GWB?

Face it: All our candidates will be "gored" by the media!

Don't give up on Dean, if you do, you are letting THEM decide your vote.

The Globe- Kerry's gains ignite cash-raising push

Surging Kerry Gets Personal With Voters

No. 1 qualification: Ability to beat Bush!

Are we in for a LONG SLOG now until the nomination?

An Instructive Timeline

The Real Story - From the Dean Blog

Since Iowa, Dean has raised more than $1MIL from net

Other candidates can use Dean speech WISELY

Multi-term gov...1000's of appearances tried before/after Iowa

Do Poll Results Influence Voters In Primary Elections?

Are polls accurate?


Dinkins Supports Wesley Clark

Boston Globe Endorses Kerry

Boston Herald Endorses Kerry

Howard and Judy Dean to be on Primetime Thursday night

An Opportunity For ALL Candidates

BBV: South Carolina, Pentagon Internet Voting In Your Primary

delete --

What is the correct usage of the name karl rove as an adverb?

Trippi speaks about Monday night

Can you see ? When you battle bush -you get the repug media (Dem idea)

Omfg.....there's a developing story on Drudge that

Mark Steyn slices and dices the candidates and the campaign

Philadelphia Weekly cover story on Dean campaign in Iowa

What's wrong with Lieberman?

Sharpton Battles Electability Issue in S.C

Not only are we going to New Hampshire...

What happens to campaign funds when a candidate drops out?

Does anyone here share my sentiment with regard....

Dean collects nearly $600,000 in donations since Iowa

Commie gun grabber gun control zealots check in ;)

Clark...James Rubin coming up on C-SPAN

Where's the empathy at?

Who will look like a garden gnome with Kerry and Chimpy on stage together?

Did out of state volunteers help Dean in Iowa at all?

What Dr. Dean needs to do ASAP

To Edwards and Kerry Supporters - Welcome

Question about tonights debate...

Every Democratic President since Polk has had 2 first names.

Dancing with Dean, Coming Home to Kucinich

Has Anyone Won Presidency While Losing Iowa and New Hamp?

USA Today: Dean scream gaining cult-like status on Web

Expert Advisor Is Handyman in Kerry's Camp

AP: Campaign Stop Comments May Embarrass Clark

When is today's debate?

New Hampshire casts a critical eye on Howard Dean

I have one thing good to say about Kerry

Detroit Free Press Smears Dean

Kerry: what went wrong? webiste gives us 515 reasons to organize for this election

Iowa and poll trends indicate Dems are leaning toward...

Did any of the Dem Presidential Candidates support Bush's tax cuts?

Village Voice : Kerry Stumps Poorly, Clark Brags About His Fastball

Might have missed this one-Have you see this video?

The "Dean Scream" flap

Edwards Criticizes Bush's Iraq Coalition

Repubs Attack Kerry as "French." Mon Dieu! On Iraq French Were Right!

the "crowding out" effect - when the oxygen gets sucked up

I scream. You scream. We all scream for Howard Dean!

Holy Cow! Kerry comes right out and says it!

Our candidates' horrible, horrible gaffes

Dean's Dance Mix

MSNBC/Zogby Poll: Kerry 27 Dean 24 Clark 15 Edwards 8

Why are we worried about the South?

ARG NH Poll Jan 21

May I offer what could be a seminal talking point?


I don't think Dean taking third was all that bad for him

You gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em....

Jan 22 Zogby only gives Kerry 3 points

Terrible picture of Clark.

Dean Says Voters Will See Through Flaws (AP Story)

Daily Howler's daily skewering: Slate's Weisberg, Plotz and Suellentrop

What happened in Iowa...??

A democrat's identity crisis: staying or leaving?

Wow, Conan O' Brien is pretty tough on Kucinich

Have you ever noticed that CNN's "liberal" commentators

Dean hits repugs on "Black Box Voting" -- (Bev Harris would be proud)

Kerry people $800,000 - $200,000 to go!

Tonight's Line up for Dean: Debate, World News Tonight & Letterman

Only As Sick As Their Secrets? Kerry And Skull & Bones.

Clark Wins Endorsement from Leading Environmentalists

Time for Dean to go on 60 minutes!

Before the other-than-Dean supporters burst from glee, remember

Dean People: If you have your Halloween button, wear it now!

For Dean, humility can refuel campaign (Boston Globe)

Smitten by Clark

Edwards beat a Southern Repub Incumbent before

Counterpoint: Clark's testimony before Congress

For Dean supporters - a good showing at the debate + TV coverage = rebound

Dean is finished, why are democrats trying to revive him?

John Kerry on the 31st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Drudge Hit Piece on Edwards

"No more Bush! No more Bush!"

Great Kerry campaign event in NH. Bruins/fire fighters/hockey

Where can we view the debate on the West Coast?

Dem. Clark Supports Abortion Rights

Drudge puts up an article finally about the "edwards scandal"

Edwards Precinct Captain Packet explains how to attack other Dems

It's everybodys fault but Dean's.

Dean: "I lead with my heart and not my head."

It makes me want to SCREAM.....

Dean's Statement on Roe vs. Wade Anniversary

Fox News just posted new NH poll numbers

I think we should all start getting to know John Edwards well.

Sen Hollings of S.C to endorse Kerry

How accurate are NH polls?

*PLEASE* don't jump on the GOP lawyer hating bandwagon

Just a matter of curiosity but what was the voter turn out in Iowa?

Question on Media reporting Entrance Polls

What has George Bush ever done???

Kerry on Roe v. Wade Anniversary

Edwards taking calls on CSPAN right now.

Disgusting AP Bias--deserves a little DU response

Another truly spacey candidate

Anyone consider that Dean may have lost Iowa due to Caucus rules?

there is no less democratic organizations in the US than the military

NH ARG poll -- Kerry 29 -- Clark 21 -- Dean 17 (Clark +3 Dean -7)

Now that Clark is behind in the polls again...

Will Lieberman go after Dean tonight?

What time/channel is the debate?

Does anyone else hear Lieberman's voice ....

Clark lists merits in New Hampshire Retired general says he's 'all in one

I come in peace to offer a olive branch

Breaking: Hollings Endorse Kerry. Southerner's Southerner, Just As Ordered

The Timeless Art of Dodging a Question

I honestly think Dean can survive a second place showing in NH

Dean on Cspan now

I must have heard the term "decorated war hero" 50 times this morning...

Dean's success or failure depends on his supporters...

How many think Newsweek's cover "Doubts About Dean" affected Iowa?

Screamin' Howard Dean to be on Letterman tonight !

Kerry's mettle will be tested tonight...

It's not just NH: Most Recent Polls from Feb. 3 Primary States

Newest NH Poll results

Howard Deans Speech on inside edition WTF?

West Point Debate Captain ready to rumble

SC Senator Fritz Hollings endorses John Kerry

Clark - Honoring Roe V. Wade

CNN parent AOL TimeWarner 3rd highest contributor to Kerry campaign

Boston Globe Kerry Endorsement

anyone else just see bush with a beer on cnn?

Dean supporters: John Nichols says, "On, Wisconsin"

ABB- You can't go wrong (in the right forum this time)

Dean Fans, DUers: What Kerry V.P/Cabinet Could Excite You re Victory 2004

Betcha Clark bows out March 3.

We Are the Majority ( a great read...taking back america is NOT an option)

The only one who can beat Bush,

Dean TV schedule TONIGHT

Dean on CSPAN finds new strength in Town Hall format!

Novak: Dean's senior advisors told him to 'give em hell' Mon. night

Latest Delegate Count (Dean 105, Kerry 75, Gep 41, Edwards 34, Clark 29)

Trippi said spread the word, so here it is.

Now Open: Clark's Online Reading Room

The Phony Dean 'Meltdown' ( a good read -

MWO: Reason #1 to Consider a Vote Transfer Come November

Why isn't Edwards getting much of a bounce in NH?

IF you are not "passionate" about taking back America -(HR2673 passes)

Kerry picks up endorsement from sizable Michigan union

Why John Kerry Matters

Rep. Markey on Dean Scream: Expressing Collective Anguish of the Pundits

Will the Debate be carried live anywhere over the net?

Kerry reaching out beyond New Hampshire

Does anybody have the most recent polls from NH?

When Kerry said "There are good parts of the Patriot Act" he lost my vote

Wish we could submit new post rebuttals to other posts.

Gotta be there for years, do we?

Screamin' Dean t-shirts a fad is born

Great band in Davenport who entertained at Dean rallies - the

AOL straw poll

the landslide talk has subsided

What will Dean do if he doesn't win the nomination?

Why do most of the candidates have 2 first names?

Slate's Jacob Weisberg on the difference between Edwards & Kerry

Anything is possible

When in doubt, go with seniority (Kerry)- why not?

Hollings to Endorse Kerry

Kucinich: Guard and Reserve Stretched too Thin

Who is still in the Race on March 1?

Any DU'ers from NY or NJ going to NH this weekend?

Brokered Convention: 4 way deadlock

Before you count Dean out, remember Clinton in 1992: 5% in IA, 25% in NH

Vermonters see one Dean; nation quite another

John Kerry electoral college strategy?

Why is Dean a "centrist" and a "moderate" but not DLC?

Fire fighters to escort Kerry in march to debate.

Kerry and The South

Kucinich: Guard and Reserve Stretched too Thin

How Dean supporters could counter the "crazy speech" spin

Exact Quote: Wes Clark bellitles Kerry as "junior officer" in military

Kucinich proposes public works program

Dean Jokes About 'Screeching' in Iowa

Little Things: Electoral Votes of Home States

why believe any poll numbers??

Edwards campaign announces surge of South Carolina endorsements

Puerto Rican Sen. McClintock Commends Clark on Statehood

Dean leads post-Iowa fundraising

In response to the "Kerry is weak in the 2/3 states" meme

Now might be the time for Clark to show what a HERO he is!

Clark's Air Conditioned Office in Bosnia

Gephardt Camp Joins Clark Campaign in New Mexico

ABC NEWS: Dean Diane Sawyer interview highlights

How does Kerry's piloting a boat in 'Nam make him strong on nat. security?

Dean Supporters: Question re: What's your breaking point?

Dancing with Dean, Coming Home to Kucinich

The Kerry v. Weld Debates

Debate info needed

I finally got a good look at the infamous clip and

Kerry's new newspaper endorsements Kerry's been surging since before Iowa

I am going to contribute to Howard Dean

"Chafee Says Republicans Fear Wesley Clark the Most"


New ARG NH tracking poll - Kerry leads

Clark, Edwards, and Kerry supporters, please vote in this poll.

How do you feel now about Dean's Electability?

Dean Has Lots Of Cash For A Long Campaign After Big Iowa Defeat (1/21)

The repubs will use this on: Kerry...

Kerry's off the cuff millitary reunion

Democrats and the South

I'm finding reaction to the Dean speech to be a wash....

Kucinich's letters from Iowa.

Clark supports abortion rights with limited restrictions

I find it very humorous to hear the media declare dean finished

Dean on the cover of the NY Daily News

Is there a non-DLC option w/o Dean?

List your enthusiasm for top 4 candidates & all dem nominees since '84.

CNN- Dean Out Of Money After NH?

To ABB, Or Not To ABB... That Is The Question !!!

I haven't posted much in this forum as of late

What the Republican caucuses were like...

Good news for everyone!

Dean was "unstoppable." What happened?

DU's own Editorialist Plaid Adder expresses doubts about Clark and the SOA

Our approach to the primaries has failed. Would you support this approach?

Criticism of Edwards' legal tactics and ploys

Will you view Kucinich differently at the debate

Clark's war stance as early as 11/12/02

What about Kerry's thrown medals?

Clark Supporters and Kosovo?

31 Years after Roe v. Wade: What does your candidate have to say???

The NBD people are just as foolish as the ABDs are......

Did Clark go from 4th to 2nd today?

Republican Games for Democratic Primaries

Health Care: whose plan do you favor, and why?

Non-US DUers: Whom would you PREFER to win the Democratic nomination?

Dean supporters yell "recount!" after Dean loss to Clark is CA strawpoll

Developing ... approx. 30 Gephart staff to join Clark campaign

Tom Harkin said before you count Dean out remember Dukakis lost Iowa

Special Anouncement For Clark in New Mexico at 2:00 MT

Why I support Doctor and former Governor Howard Dean.

Clark Opens "Online Reading Room"

I Will Not Vote for A Candidate Who Voted for War in Iraq & Patriot Act

Kerry's Russell Trust No Big Deal? How S&B Funded Hitler