Don't count on a truly democratic election in the US
Clark's Gamble: A Rookie's Education (NYT Photo Essay)
Top Bush Scandals of 2003, Part II By Ted Kahl and Bob Fertik -great read!
"Tales from the Time Loop" by David Icke - anyone else read this?
Has anyone here done homeopathic drainage therapy?
Second Guilty Plea In Gay Slaying
Mass Gov Plans End Run Around Gay Marriage Ruling
Georgia Moves To Legalize Discrimination Against Gays
Virginia Tells Congress To Pass Marriage Amendment
This is disturbing...'cause I live in this town for now....
Many guns will still be banned after 9/13/04
Vacancies in the Federal Judiciary
A special 'shout-out' to the mods!
When are the moderators' term up?
Shock therapy and the Israel Scenario
Ha'aretz (Sunday): Prosecutors lean toward indicting Sharon
Twins say their posters lampooned race-based awards
Miserable Failure google bomb and curent results.
White House fears free elections in Iraq
Another way to look at bu$h's "service" in the TANG
If you want to know why gays want hate crime laws
After the debate, our "liberal" media still wimps out on * AWOL
US War on Terror may Spread to Syria
What if we win Election 2004 and lose the popular vote?
Left-wing radio WORKS! Go Mike Webb!
Seattle Billionaire Craig McCaw Won't Pay for Bush's Visit
BBC: US seeks allies for war on terror (Promoting PNAC)
My "favorite" Libertarian still coming down hard on bush*.
Why are there presidential term limits?
Mars Opportunity Live Thread (30 minutes to go)
Their Are No WMD'S There Never Will Be WMD'S. So What The
Was Chirac any more noble than Bush?
Right now, Dick Cheney is in Europe
Rudy Giuliani exploits 9/11 to try to help George W. Bush
Civil union poll is being freeped BIG TIME! Please vote again, and again
Conservative Coalition Cracking up?
What will be the October Surprise of 2004?
What will happen to the Neocons?
What's with the term 'leftist' all the time?
USMC Gen. Smedly Butler Hated America!
Here's a look at what DU has done to help unfreep a poll....Awesome!
60 Minutes will accuse Cheney/Hallibutron of illegal deals w/ Iran & Libya
Second phase of gas pipeline to be launched next week
BBC (Saturday): WMD pressure builds up for Blair
Democrat Edwards Wants Iraq War Case Investigation
Belafonte Continues Iraq War Protest
Saddam's WMD hidden in Syria, says Iraq survey chief
Opportunity Mars lander is about to land on Mars
Kerry Takes to Ice With Hockey Greats
WP: Changes in US Iraq Plan Explored
Queen to Give Knighthood to Bill Gates
I Have Been Gone All Day. What Did I Miss.
Does Joe Lieberman have a background in TV acting
Get this, the kid's name is Wesley Pablo Oviedo Clark
The flu: Nothing that 48 hours of sleep won't fix!
Anyone else going to the Democratic National Convention?
Just saw the latest commercial for the new dennis miller show.
I am behaving myself.................... for now.
Just found some of my old letters to the editor.
I Like TLC's "Junkyard Wars" and TechTV's "Robot Wars"
I'm New Here and a Bush Supporter but
Bay Area DU'ers - who listens to KPIG (when they can)?
Less than 40 000 KM to go!!! LOOK!!!! It's like flying a spaceship!
I really need to log off DU for a while.
Are my sisters normal, or am I abnormal?
Shouldn't the plural of "Mongoose" be "Mongeese?"
About the "I'm new here.." post
the BBC's website is very funny
I'm sitting here with a glass of "43"
The best song of all time: Killing Joke: Requiem
I Suggest Naming your Change when you come back from the Vatican
Anyone have the link to McCain on the daily show??
Somebody Freeped my timeline!!
Personal CUSTOMIZED checks online..
Mr Scorpio is available to solve your most perplexing questions
Okay, I went and saw Big Fish tonight...
God Help Me. I'm getting hooked on Trump's "The Apprentice"
jeez - I haven't been able to buy a good flamewar for months.
T minus 70 minutes til Clark's Argyle Sweater sells on ebay
Here... Sniff. --- What Does This Smell Like To You?
I'm off to chaperone a school dance -- wish me well!
Dubya - Kerry pic - BEGGING a Caption ! - suggestions ?
What should our SONG be for the 2004 campaign?
Anyone else have a Tshirt fetish?
500th post: Fess up - your alltime alchohol horror show
Lounge challenge... How quickly can we name the term for people
Dear Mods & Admins: I have a complaint about whining poopieheads
I Suggest Changing Your Name When You Come Back From Vacation
Looking for some more good workout music
Student selling her virginity on the web
I Suggest Searching Your Name When You Come Back From Vacation
Does anyone else watch Reno: 911?
Ashcroft & Cheney lecture world leaders on fighting GOV'T. CORRUPTION!!
Son of a gun. It's an anomaly.
Computer security/firewall question for Gurus
Did any of those plans for a national DU "convention" ever go anywhere?
Gay Pride ORIGINAL Art Store ... Owned By My Cousin And Her Girlfriend
WALMART FREE: For two months now, yeah!!
I just told off a hospital debt collectroll, and I feel GREAT!
cnn...talking heads say it will be kerry, edwards, dean
We need to make a Dean/Clark Clark/Dean Unity website
NH predictions on 'Capital Gang'
Clark just finished speaking at the dinner.
Average of all the polls together
"Next Tuesday is the beginning of the end of the Bush Administration"
New FOX tracking poll: Kerry 37 Dean 19 Clark 13 Edwards 12
Wesley Clark Word of the Day: suasion
How Dean and Kerry should settle things, once and for all:
Clark Volunteers Connect Across the Miles
After the SOTU, Bush-Hating Sweeps America (poll kerry over bush 49/46)
Clark won't give * a pass on being AWOL
About governors and Lt. governors
Conventional wisdom in GD2004 is...
If Lieberman, Kucinich or Sharpton win in NH tomorrow where does that put
Caimpaign slogans that you're sick of?
Why are some gays fed up with the media?
Does Clark's tax plan excuse people from responsibility?
Anyone notice Drudge completely removed deserter referenced Kerry quote?
My experience as an caucus observer in Iowa Precinct 214/Des Moines
Kerry needs to Justify his record
Kerry just said...tall people have a problem
I cannot believe it!! I just received a photograph from Bush/Cheney
Donald Trump donated to Kerry in June
Hillary 2008 supporters and 2012 supporters POST HERE!!!!!!!!
Report from the DFL State Central Committee today
John Edwards favors ending legacy college admissions
Kerry and Edwards will lose in South Carolina....
Clark praises Kerry's record (Clark is a class act)
pictures of Kerry on the ice at JFK stadium...."Political Play of the Day"
What does "Acting Presidential" mean?
According to my calculations: NH: #1 Kerry, #2 Clark or Dean, #4 Edwards
TV Alert: NH Democratic Party Dinner CSPAN1 @ 10:32 EST REPLAY
Gov Dean put conservatives on bench to get longer sentences?
Dean launches new attack on Kerry, Edwards, & Clark
Any DUers in Southern New Hampshire on Sunday?
A quick observation on "the power of incumbency"
Dean Calls a Pause in His Nationwide Ads
New ARG NH Poll: 3 car pile-up for second place
Bush Official Uses Nixon Tactics to Smear John Kerry
Dean is ABB. Are his supporters?
All the candidates say they will make sure we can buy drugs from Canada
It's looking more and more like it's going to be a Kerry~Edwards ticket.
Put your N.H. vote where your mouth is :)
Has there ever been a successful primary challenge to a sitting president?
Capital Games - David Corn - The Nation
In response to NY Times oppo hit piece on Kerry
Good post on Daily Kos re Kerry
Dean and his YEEEEAAAH!!! speech.
"The most closed, imperialistic, nastiest administration in living memory"
Who was the last Washington insider to defeat an incumbent?
Time for a rotating primary schedule...
Newsweek Poll: Kerry 30 Edwards 13 Dean 12 Clark 12
Does a candidate's "looks" affect his "electability?
Report and Pics from the NH Democratic Dinner
What should Clark say to Russert about AWOL Bush tomorrow?
Lieberman Spot Uses Tape of the Toppling Statue of Hussein
Rivals Mine Kerry Senate Years for Material to Slow Him Down
Rivals Mine Kerry Senate Years for Material to Slow Him Down
Suffolk U/ABC poll shows Dean, Kerry, undecideds in dead heat
Who is the biggest 'corporatist' candidate in the race?
If Clark Falls back in NH and Does Not Win Big Feb. 3rd, Will He Pull Out?
John Edwards talking about POVERTY.
NYT: Critical of Caucuses, Dean Demands Changes in Iowa
Interesting article on Howard Dean
Is there a poll asking which candidate DUers support?
**Newsweek Poll** Kerry 49, Bush 46 First Dem Lead Ever!!!!!
Prediction: Dean's Iowa speech will win him the Presidency.
Dean/Clark Clark/Dean Unity Thread
Dennis Kucinich made his best speech I've seen tonite
Krugman: Clark the real radical. Only Clark/Dean dare to take hard line.
Why did Kerry vote against first Gulf War and vote for the second?
Financier full of wit and opinions - US Economy Sucks get rid of Repubs
Palm Beach Post, 1/25: Enron-like education
'White House still insists arms may be found'
The 50 lies, exaggerations, distortions and half truths ....
U.S. spending is out of whack - San Diego North County Times
Scotland Sunday Herald calls on Blair to resign
AFLCIO on 8M people losing overtime
Argentina May Pay Debt Advisers $88 Million
LTWR - Letter to Wingnut Relatives
Rivals Mine Kerry Senate Years for Material to Slow Him Down(the GOP FILE!
David Aaronovich's "Voice of sanity" on Dean's Scream
'Financier full of wit and opinions'...says economy "Sucks"
Our Man in Baku -(Bush hypocrisy alert!)
Meet the Press - Issue Based or Tabloid Based
Please sign this petition!!!!! more........................
PNAC member of the week: Richard Perle
The real problem with Bush & his military absence.
NY Times mining Kerry's 20 year record and it's not pretty:
When I was in college, Sr. Cortona, the president and history prof.
Ladies and Gentlemen, something Really Strange
Skeptics - Ethics - Health: Is it ever unethical to
Tougher gay marriage bans sought in many states, mostly republicans
Anti-Gay Marriage Group Under Federal Investigation, links to terrorism
Pope Blasts Media For Making Gays Look 'Normal'
Top White House aide defends outsourcing
Gold versus silver, what are advantages
An interview with Exxon's Chairman/CEO
U.S. to study placing new oysters in bay
'Spies' names kept from Mandela'
2004: the year of African elections
Call for more African languages in courts
SA rejects US 'land grab' claim
Renowned novelist Abd al-Rahman Munif dies
Looking for a place to light up (joints) legally in London
Pro-Gun Politicians In The News
Gun control is not unconstitutional!
The people have spoken - The Bastards
California ammunition tax bill revived - This is why we get so militant
Still getting the Warning page when posting *polls* in GD2004
What Is the Admins' Position On ...
Moderator eligibility question.
Is there a list of source we can't post from?
Most Americans oppose resettling settlers – poll
Expulsion of Palestinian with son in IDF postponed
Sharon knew of dodgy deals, former aide claims
Arafat can turn to Menachem Mazuz
BBC (Sunday): UN warns over Israeli demolitions
Ha'aretz (Sunday): Incoming A-G: Decision on PM to be made without delay
US Senate approves 2005 Israel aid package
ICJ orders Israel to submit fence arguments by end of January
Israeli commander urges West Bank roadblock rethink
Palestinians' misery self-inflicted by refusal to renounce terrorism
US Senate approves 2005 Israel aid package
U.S.-Occupied Iraq Ready To Cooperate With Israel
Jews are preferred target for Islamic terror, study shows
War of Ideas, Part 6 By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN
Dutch CIA Agent changes sides, reveals 9-11 info & Net infiltration
Could this be a useful campaign point?
Kerry and Clark should form alliance
Bush to Forgo Ky. Special Visit
Republicans choose State Sen. Larry Diedrich to run against Herseth
anyone have a link to the story
iraq police deaths- according to
Bush is a Prime Example of When Credentials (MBA) don't mean nothing
Thanks for the memories - a short Saddam film bio
Pattern here..Powell, Kay admit WMD not in Iraq
If Massachusetts falls, kiss gay rights good bye :(
would you rather have Zell Miller run for reelection?
Just finished The Price of Loyalty
If we could, should we terraform Mars?
Republican 11th Commandment: Thou shalt diss gays/ a Santorum flashback
I want a US president whose policy won't be protested in every hemisphere
CSPAN2 - Ron Suskind - starting NOW! 6:45 PST
Gail Sheehy on Whistleblowers story on FBI security 9-11 MUST READ!
Have 100% of wounded soldiers really survived?
Anyone else having trouble with
Saddam's WMD never existed, says chief American arms inspector
Anti-gay poll loosing ground: 6700 votes overnite, 6200 of them negative.
Why do they call this a jobless recovery?
Bush AWOL: The smoking jet, from
Introducing the next Saddam Hussein
BBC World showing Kelly-Hutton "Panorama" now (11:30am EST)
It's time to wake up and smell the roses
Poster for Repug Nat'l Convention- HOT!
Your thoughts on the Clinton Boom.
Help, please.. I found audio tapes from 2000 NH primary
"The 2004 Almanac of American Politics"
Should the upcoming liberal network give Dean a show?
Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears
Its a GREAT DAY for space loving Democrats!
Bush Job Performance -appears steady at a lttle less than 50% approval
Dem proposals are always followed by the question:
From Britains Sunday Herald Poll: Did Iraq have WMDs.
Are Ralph Reed & Bruce Reed Related?
Heard this morning on CNN: It's all the intelligence community's fault
The view from here in la belle France . . .
Is the media making too big a deal over Dean's controversial speech? vote
How Republican mind control works: the 3rd Party Principle
What's at stake in election 2004?
Dems lie WRT "imminent threat"---talking point that won't go away
INCOMMING Chemical or biological weapons!!
I'm hearing whispers of the draft coming back - true or not?
AWOL blew off the Guard, now he's ruining it
I think Bin Laden is directing the insurgencies
Sign the DNC Petition against Republicans hacking Dem computers
Stripes headline for Saturday--Commanders: Iraq Insurgency Declines
Freedom of Information Act - Will it be repealed?
Hey, Gillespie: why don't you just ask * to release his TANG records ?
"Government of big corporations...
Evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation
AWOL Press Conference (11/2/00): Sen. Bob Kerrey, Dan Inouye, Max Cleland
Corp. Media wants Kerry or Dean unlimited Advertising money....
The last full measure of devotion
Dennis Miller was booted from SNL ?
Brit Hume should change name to Brit Humus..befits a dirty journalist
scary cheney photo....view at your own risk !!!!!
Terry McAuliffe just told Wolf: Bush went AWOL!
what happened to the Elite Watch site was it deemed a security risk?
Right now - Ron Suskind on C-SPAN2, discussing his book on w/o'Neill
George Bush * Is gay...I wonder why
Bush vs. Dean - Who's more presidential? (film clip)
Cheney dealing in WMD's (again) The Moscow Times
Promoting gay rights by falsely calling our enemies gay is like
TV: Halliburton/Iran tonite on 60 Minutes
C-Span2 replaying Media Bias with Alterman and Franken vs
Christmas season sales data in yet?
Even if a Dem is elected Prez, is Draft needed after what Bush has done?
Hey! You remember that "things you have to believe..." list?
Cdr.Hamilton McWhorter is circulating a
Andrew Sullivan (of all people) TRASHES Bush
Some teens in inner city barter with sex
Finish the sentence: "I believe the CIA is...
How about this- no income taxes withheld on first $30,000...
Dick Cheney Kills Birds Dead (This MUST be read!)
Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum?
Most disgusting freeper thread ever
Newsweek covers bush* AWOL....Vietnam, bush* was 'slipping away'
The set-up reminds me of Lord of the Rings...
So what ever happened to the patient's bill of rights?
MO HB911 -- thinly veiled attempt to teach creationism
Can America become Progressive?
Saddam's WMDs hidden in Syria (huh?)
Republicans have a great first lady. Do the democrats?
Micheal Moore retracts Mumia's guilty statement
Is Nader on an ego trip destined to help Bush again?
Was Clinton only elected because of Perot?
MTP-Brokaw"There are some questions about his (W)time in the Ala. guard"
Special GD-- Seperated at Birth? The Ed Gillespie edition
While we're talking AWOL, let's ask the Cocaine question again!
David Kay: "the intelligence community owes the president...
More good stuff about Bush's AWOL problem
Kevin Phillips-American Dynasty-notes/quotes
Guess Europe can't be trusted either :(
Was Bush going to go to invade Iraq no matter what?
Russert: Moore now admits that his calling Bush a deserter was a joke.
How Bush treated the man who refused to falsify his Air Ntl Grd records.
Palast's take on "No Child Left Behind" — Educational Eugenics
BBC (early Sunday): Iran President calls for free elections
Stress epidemic strikes American forces in Iraq
Computer reportedly seized from Frist's office
U.S. Lawmakers Make Landmark Libya Visit
Kay says some Iraq weapons in Syria: report (DUPE)
Terror Not Suspected In Incident At Plant (Houston). ?????
Fighting For Their Future (Iraqi Women's League)
No Politics Left Behind in Education Debate
Newsweek: The One-Note Superpower
Rivals Mine Kerry Senate Years for Material to Slow Him Down
Operation Cutback, D.C., Veterans Retirement Home (WP)
Bird flu spreads to Indonesia, second Thai province, 20m birds dead
Settlement allows thousands of immigrants to apply for citizenship
U.S. Soldier Dies in Iraq Grenade Attack
Guantanamo Spy Cases Evaporate (Muslim Chaplain Not A Spy)
Mystery Disease Kills 12 in Bangladesh
Size of Military Sets the Stage for Big Political Battle
Loud Explosion Shatters Baghdad
CNN (TV) banner: US Helicopter crashes in Mosul, N. Iraq
Lottery winner dies in accident hours after show
Jobs drought leads to freeze in US interest rates
Army Copter With 2 Pilots Crashes in Iraq
Deadlines: Writing His Book on "Clinton Time"
New loan program with no down payments
U.S. Has Questions on Russian Arms Sent to Iraq
Dean: Iraqi Standard of Living Worse Now
Bush refuses to attend military funerals, bans media from reporting.
Saudi peace initiative: Arab states to absorb refugees (New Peace Roadmap)
Powell hones speak-softly policy toward Russia
U.S. clamping down on Americans' visits to Havana
Clark accuses Cheney of putting politics before security
US Arrests Nearly 50 in Iraq, GI Dies
Recent setbacks don't faze supporters - LA Daily News
Wes Clark won war, but ran afoul of his Pentagon masters and lost his job
Pope Calls on Media to Reject Contraception, Homosexuality
*BREAKING* 52% of Americans DO NOT want to see Bush re-elected!!
Female GIs reporting rapes by U.S. soldiers
Spirit Mars Rover Update -- On the way to normal recovery!
Ehrlich (R-Maryland Governor) Sued Over Aid to Poor
Syria Scoffs at US Claim it Has Iraqi Weapons
Powell: Possible Iraq Had No Banned Arms
Venezuela Upbraids U.S. Over Terrorism Complaint
Dennis Miller to Give Bush a Free Pass
Eiffel Tower Illuminated in Red to Honor Chinese
Lieberman Spot Uses Tape of the Toppling Statue of Hussein
CNN: McCauliffe just said Chimp was AWOL, but not a deserter.
Sharpton's Bid Aided by an Unlikely Source
Liberals Turn to Entertainment to Batter the "House of Bush"
liberals and pizza: the growing conspiracy
Mr Scorpio's CD of the Hour: Madlib/Shades of Blue (Blue Note)
Is salin a salinite or salinese?
Envision Bush as Harrison Ford on" Air Force One", the movie
The Process Gothic/New Wave/Punk Webcast, Now with 30% more hate!
Oh dear, - - I got a new addiction - - - Bill Maher's "Blog"
What's your credit card number?
How big is your . . . er . . . umm . . .
I preordered Red Dwarf Seies three today! Ask me anything!
Who's old enuf the remember the Ghoul, Froggy and antics w/Cheez Whiz?
Great Moments in Republican Mis-speak History
ever seen "Don't Look In The Basement" ?
Bwahaha! I always thought they were like
What color is the lilie on a Lilie livered coward ?
Katilyn, Dean volunteer -- you're cute!
Mr. Ed or Francis the Talking Mule--Which is your favorite?
ESPN Classic - Michigan v Seton Hall
Everyone said the baby looked just like his Mom
Opportunity Lands on the other side of Mars
21st Century jobs......He said so himself
what are the signs that your cat...
And now...a wine that men will want to sink their teeth into.
I confess.. The Iraqi WMD are buried in my back yard
Is it weird to dream about New Hampshire?
I was out Saturday, what did I miss fun on DU?
boyfriend punched bagger at harris teeter, ask me anything
what is there was a Rush Limbaugh or Savage Weiner board game?
I finally got to break "A Mighty Wind."
Ok, which Duer wrote this LTTE?
"America just wants to be friends" who CAPTION
what if there was a Rush Limbaugh or Savage Weiner board game?
Tune in to PNAC 's Sci-Fi Channel?
If U say, " I can forgive but I can't forget"
What's your daughters phone number?
Who wants to diagnose my hypochondria?
Sheeez. what a bunch of lame photoshoppers
Another Life Long GOP'er Dies Loathing Bush
I finally got to see "A Mighty Wind" ...
Dishonest Dubya Action Figure.
Do firewalls stop viruses and worms?
Highlights For Kids Magazine (Hidden Picture Search)
Who here likes old time radio?
I'm posting #350 here! Thank god for the lounge for pressure release!
Another rover makes touchdown on Mars
PG-13 movies with visible nudity in them
Question for all the black DU'ers
Any David Spero Peligro fans here?
Since I was 13 I've been waiting and last night it finally happened
I finally got to break "A Mighty Wind"....
OK, who do ya got for the big game next sunday?
My latest response from the Freeper.
OK, who has kidnapped MagicRat?
Land a'goshen, it's snowin' fit to beat the band!
Which is more powerful, can of whoop-ass or case of red-ass?
What is the last CD you listened to today, yesterday, etc.??????
The Great Adventures of Bush and Rove
Which Brady Bunch character would you kill off?
Have you ever eaten Fettucine Alfredo?
I have a question for people who know a lot about cars...
BRRRR, 28 Degrees Below Zero in Watertown, NY this morning
I'm Going To Atlantic City In Two Weeks & Need Roulette Advice
Who will win the NBA title this year?
Just got back from Argentina...ask me anything...
Too much time and too many Legos
Top 10 tips to attract a man: Which one of these works the best?
OMG! I've just passed 2000 posts!
who else doesn't like any music made before they were born?
How long have you been on Free Republic...
Tax Question: Can I deduct mortgage interest on my small farm business?
How do you get back at a coworker that hates you?
Good News: It's Just a Worm in your brain.( .not for the faint of heart )
Dennis Miller was booted from SNL ?
Do You Have A Favorite Board-Game?
Groan...I think I've lived in Wsiconsin too long........
The most intelligent U.S. president ever
Has anyone noticed the Gropenfurher is on every day
Hey, blues fans: want a good laugh?
This is not a post fishing for sympathy
Where would you like to send AWOL, other than prison?
if have_seen_still_standing_on_cbs == TRUE {
Dogs have masters, cats have STAFF.
Help with a Wi-Fi network and a Mac
How do you want your hamburger done?
Movies about Lyndon Johnson (and his admin)?
Question about the rock group 'October Project'? My memory is fuzzy...
There is a thread in ATA about adding Avatars.
Sleet, snow and freezing rain, oh my!
Me and Kerry at his birthday bash!
Hey DUers: Post a pic of the city you live in!!!
What is your social security number??????????
What would you do if you could have two " World X"s
First Christianity-themed nudist resort to open in Florida
What's in a Name?? Movie buffs will love this one
Which recent republican president is the worst
Why are there presidential term limits?
T minus 70 minutes til Clark's Argyle Sweater sells on ebay
CT, Mass DUers: You can see Edwards, Clark, and Kerry in Nashua
New CA Poll: Kerry 31, Dean 26, Clark 14, Edwards 12
Things are heating up on the Clark Blog.....
I missed the democratic dinner tonight can someone fill me in?
John Kerry on cspan, ice hockey
Honest question 2 Clark supporters only!
Boston Globe Poll: Kerry 38, Dean 15, Clark 14, Edwards 12
Have Kerry/Edwards addressed their pro-IWR votes since Kay's comments?
Dean sour grapes about Iowa comment
Brand New Boston Herald Poll Kerry 35 Dean 23 Edwards 14 Clark 12
Momentum -- Will states disagree less due to the internet?
I've Never Endorsed Dean, But It's Unfair!
Josh Marshall in Talking Points Memo on last minute negative mailings
Dean lost Iowa, remember? It's not just the Yeaaaaaaaah that did it.
McCain was trailing Bush in Polls then won 48% to 30% over Bush
Why is Dean compared to Jack Layton?
Edwards calls for Iraq War independent commission inquiry
Any Democratic 'nominee' will poll well against Bush
Good morning! Edwards on C-SPAN now.
Which candidate is the Hunk? Women and gay voters only.
The I's have it in New Hampshire
Lieberman on CSPAN NOW! 6:30 EST
Which is "worse" -Bush crying - several times on TV - or Dean's Victory
Clark's view on the Attack on Iraq...
Death by Negatives - the latest from Dick Morris . . .
Kerry 2nd firing in two months-C-span now-fired political manager
What are the candidates theme songs?
Patriot games for Kerry and Clark in New Hampshire
Clark in Documentary on Fall of Milosevic
Why Dem activists applauded Kerry at "teacups" event.
A Hawkish statement from Kerry on March 18, 2003
Gov. Dean's brother on C-span now - looks and sounds just like his brother
The last time the country elected a Democratic Party two-senator ticket...
NBC tracking poll: Kerry 30%, Dean 23%
Suffolk University Tracking Poll results for 1/25/03
I think most of us can agree on one thing...
Clark NH event from this AM repeating on C-Span now
The Internet versus the Rove Machine--- The Internet will win!
If Edwards will take second what does that mean for Dean and Clark?
Gert Clark on CSPAN taking calls next
I thought Kerry could not win, I take that back
I know what Dean's secret weapon is (from onebigbadwulf's thread)
Good news from Zogby, regardless of your candidate
AB(someone other than Bush)--what is wrong with you people?
Media bias compare *bush vs Dean speeches.....
Will Dean try a third party run?
Have you ever eaten Fettucine Alfredo?
When was the last time a senator was Prez - from either party?
Josh Marshall finds unlabeled Kerry attack flyers at Dean NH HQ
I just donated $100 to Gov. Dean's campaign - feels soooo good.
Kerry, Dean aside. The huge story is the TURNOUT!!!
Something is bothering me about Clark (not what you think)
Russert: Clark planning campaign events with Kosovo war connections...
60K surprise just broke on MTP. Dean to release 120K copies of interview
Does Edwards deliver North Carolina in the General?
Kerry sure wimped out on Crossfire, didn't he?
The one really, really good thing about Dean's scream
Clark coming up on ABC "This Week"
Dean unleashing a secret weapon tomorrow
Edwards Campaign Town Hall Meeting on CSPAN at 12, Kerry at 5:30
Colin Powell, David Kay promote our candidates
CSPAN Schedule: Edwards, Clark, Kerry
AZ Primary: The Democrats you know (and don't know!)
George Will: Its not the L-Word its the M-Word
was browsing Dean's blog, seems to be a lot of NBD sentiment
John Kerry says Bush was elected by supreme court by 1 vote
why should being linked to michael moore.....
Which Candidate combo would be best for America?
That Home-Run everyone was waiting on....
the ebay presidential predictor
TV Alert: Edwards, Lieberman, Ted Kennedy on CNN w/ Wolf 12:00 PM EST
Does anyone have a link where Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf backpeddled
If Kerry or Edwards is the nominee
Maureen Dowd's latest on Dean and Judy
Why this conservative Libertarian backs Dean
Blitzer poll - Re media stupidity, i mean overduing Dean speech
Dean makes it clear what this campaign is really about: the triumph
Kerry Is Impatient With Democratic Oratory About Stolen Election
Kerry PRO War/Pro Censorship/Pro Corporation/Bought & Sold
Overflow crowds at today's rallies.
Hey Mediajerks: John Buchanan (Rep.) is running AGAINST Bush....
When does MTP re-air on the East Coast?
"The last thing that the Bush administration wants to do is...
I agree with Bush, I agree with Bush...Help!
If John Edwards is the nominee, how will he respond re natl security issue
Edwards event on CSPAN right now.
Lieberman propping up bush*s failed Iraq policy on CNN!
Today on This Week, I heard something I hadn't considered before-
Sunday talk shows: Where's Dean?
Is the four-man race good for the party's prospects?
Do these issues deserve to be part of the debate?
What is the difference between AWOL and Deserter ala Bush?
First time I saw Cate Edwards on the campaign trail with her dad
Quick question for the Kerry supporters
Josh Marshall: Will Kerry be sitting out some Feb. 3 states?
Kerry makes switch, hires Gephardt's staff chief
Ahead in N.H., Kerry Defends Record Against G.O.P. Attacks
Dean LIVE on CSPAN right now....10AM EST
Edwards eats Club Sandwiches. Kerry eats Fettuccine Alfredo
Cambell Brown says Reps want Kerry
Does it matter which Democrat wins the nomination?
Clark ad running in Wisconsin advocates NATO in Iraq. . .
Wolf asks, "Is the country ready for a Jewish President?" re: Lieberman
President Bartlett to appear in Bartlett, NH
I have a question from Kerry supporters: what is the deal with Kerry's war
Right-to-Lifers = Taliban but Bigots = Potential Democratic Voters
Dean being hypocritical again.....
Even worse: Will Independents Pick the NH Winner?
Where are all the Clark Supporters on this Forum
Why are the media refusing to comment on Clark's comments about..?
Which candidate do you support?
Dean wants to see speech regulated in caucuses:
Did MTP prove a Rove decision has been made between
Does anyone else find Kerry to be ...The Hollow Tall Man?
The "We Have A Secret Re: John Kerry" Thing
Dean aid refutes 3rd. party phone calls
Clark adapts to superior officers (very nice Clark article)
Is the spine implant Kerry has received from the good Doctor temporary
I'm curious why Kerry can still have his "war" medals if he tossed them
Attacking Kerry's Liberal Credentials? Shame, Shame, Shame.
Blitzer poll "Is the media making too much of Dean's controversial speech?
alert fox...why was clark fired...coming up 2:20 eastern sunday
IOWA: Did Republican operatives tilt the balance to Kerry?
Dean and Clark as John the Baptists?
CNN/Gallup NH tracking poll Kerry 38% Dean 25%
Edwards Thinks National Security Is "More Of A Background Thing"
Lieberman going for the Captain Kangaroo fan voter
Why hasn't Kerry condemned Hollings' troubling statements?
Zogby: Kerry 30% Dean 23% Clark 13% Edwards 9% Joe 9%
Newsweek examines why Clark was fired
On a lighter note... Dean photo retrospective
Apologize for my earlier mistake. I stand corrected
Terry Mcaulliffe WHACKS * with AWOL stick on CNN!
Terry Mcauliffe calls bush AWOL
Did Kerry ever declare his thoughts on the Cape Wind project
Have you changed your choice for the nomination since Iowa?
Kucinich: New Hampshire Schools Need Change
Clark wants to eliminates taxes for earners with less than 50K earnings!
Clark and Kerry aren't the problem. Kornblau and Lehane are.
Did Kerry and Edwards know before their IWR vote
11 year old Max endorses Wesley Clark (Must see Quicktime video)
How will weather/snow affect the New Hampsire vote?
Clark NH Rally on CSPAN - NOW (3PM CST, Sunday)
"John Kerry, The Chameleon Senator"
Edwards throws down the gauntlet
McAuliffe nails Bush, defends Moore
Ouch !!! --- That's Gotta Hurt ! --- David Podvin On John Kerry
Clark/Edwards or Edwards/Clark
Do You Think The Best Man Will Win The Nomination?
I swear to God, if I hear the word "Joementum" one more time....
Is Clark's team turning him into another Kerry?
Nashua - John Edwards makes people smile
Did the Pub psyops hurt Dean who is no longer Front Runner??
Adam Felber rallies the troops in New Hampshire
I want Judy Dean as my doctor! I'm as impressed with her as I am with Gov
Hey...PSSST... I Have A Deal For You
Moved from undecided to Edwards. Here's your chance to talk me out of it.
I won't kick candidate threads that are no more than snarky smears
Jon Stewart to have Governor Dean on The Daily Show -Monday night!!!
Question I was asked - Can anyone name a piece of legislation ....
The General: Did Clark Fail to Salute (Clark followed Sec of State orders)
The interview is supposed to be about you Sen. Kerry not Gov. Dean
They're playing "Get Up, Stand Up" at the Clark event.
Does Clark have to confront the AWOL issue?
Clinton: ALL of the nominees added in a meaningful way to my Presidency.
Clark supporters chanting "USA. USA, USA!" at rally-Good for them!
My reasons why I refuse to support Kerry
True or False: C-Span callers-in are idiots
Kerry working hard today in NH; pictured canvassing with supporters...
Did anyone see Lieberman on CNN about 45 minutes ago
Latest ARG numbers: Kerry cruising with a 21 point lead
I donated $100 to Clark last night, and I'm damn proud to say so!
Unofficial Clark Rally Thread: On C-Span now, LIVE
The media is going after Dean and Clark
I want to know WHY Wes Clark has to confront *'s AWOL instead of *
Clark accuses Cheney of putting politics before security
Edwards is doing something Bush did, and it's going to...
Blogging of the President radio Show/also online/9PM Eastern/8 Central
John Kerry coming up on C-Span
Clark: Bush was warned about Al Qaida and didn't pay attention! over years some candidates positions have changed....
Which candidates have the $$$ ?
About to give my first political contribution ever!!!
Clark supporters, let's talk campaign music.
Gail Kruzel - who credits Clark with risking his life while trying to ...
Former subordinates campaign with Clark
Albuquerque Tribune Endorses Clark
Candy Crowley (CNN): "The Dean campaign will go on"
John Kerry and Teresa acknowledging supporters at a rally in Nashua...
Did Dean scream your state? Are you happy about it?
Kerry Revs Up N.H. Campaign, Says Dean 'Flip-Flops'
Heard Lieberman tell a crowd - that his campaign had moved to 3rd
How important is it that our next President be a "uniter" ?
What does the GOP think of your favorite candidate?
Kerry hurt investors ability to sue companies for investor fraud
Kerry Rally in NH on C-Span NOW
I hope all the top candidates campaign for the eventual nominee
FOX News Bashing Clark, criticizing Dean, calling Kerry presidential
Is Kerry a Leader or Follower?
Bush Official Uses Nixon Tactics to Smear John Kerry
The ARG Poll: Clark supporters see it drop each day and say "ARG!"
A Challenge to Non-Kerry Supporters: Watch C-Span Event Then Comment
Gun control as an election issue; we should:
John and Teresa Kerry on 60 Minutes - CBS- TONIGHT - 7pmEST
Kerry says he will fight for us, but............
Do you want to reduce child abuse and neglect and sexual abuse?
Wellstone mentioned Clark in his speech
Would Kerry / Zell Miller Ticket give us the southern vote?
How does Clark cut taxes for single people?
Dean went negative on Kerry yesterday
Dean Supporters ONLY: Which other candidate would you most prefer
Kerry Takes the Lead in Arizona Democratic Primary
Dem activists stood and cheered Kerry's words. Internet boards twist them.
Wow. SC ARG poll...Edwards 21% and Kerry 17%.
Clark Did Not Back Down on Meet The Press, Stayed in Total Control
Clark: a disappointment on Meet the Press
Clark: DC lobbyist, raised money for Repubs, voted Nixon, Bush, Reagan
NY Times mining Kerry's 20 year record and it's not pretty:
AWOL Press Conference (11/2/00): Sen. Bob Kerrey, Dan Inouye, Max Cleland
Fears about Kerry, and remembering the tactics of the past.
Does John Edwards have any flaws?
Did Jennings unwittingly help us???
Dean will probably get in trouble for this
The Past few days I like what I have seen from Kerry....
Talk me out of transferring my support of Gephardt to Kucinich
When did we get so many Kerry supporters?
Rank the Candidates. Pre-NH Edition
The first I've seen of Clark's language skills! He just had a
How many posters here still have Kucinich for first or second choice?
Images from the "Every Woman Counts" forum
Clark Said: "I won't be Dean's Cheney." Could He Salute to Kerry ?
Memo: Voting for Dean will not prevent the war in Iraq
The "other" 4 star generals who do not support Clark
"Stop Crying in Your Teacups" or why I won't vote for Kerry.
I am 95% pro-Clark....convince me otherwise
Kerry: Bush Rush to War Ignores Vietnam
I'm not looking for a Messiah, I'm looking for a Moses.
Kerry: He's on His Side! An anti-frontrunner linkfest. (Kaus)
General Clark Brought Honor to His Country. Kerry was In His Corner .
Clark People, Less than $100,000 to go on the train!!
Is Kucinich telling the truth about Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Kosovar Refugee Thanks General Clark for his Freedom
Why I am afraid of Kerry getting the nomination
Kucinich: 5 Dem Candidates Promoted WMD Claims
Kerry Folk. Let's leave Gratuitous Attacks to others. Let's give thanks