Power Rangers (by Josh Marshall)
"I Couldn't Stand to Support This Dynasty of Deceit" Phillips Interview)
Salon: The Bush dynasty's dark magic
Clark Supporters: I need your help right now.
FWD: Bring progressive radio to Chicago
Walters Set to Leave '20/20' in Fall
which network news has the least RW propaganda ?
The Term "Homeland" probably comes from here...
Revisited - The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War w/ Iraq
Direct Thermochemical Hydrogen via Nuclear Energy; the Sulfur Iodine Cycle
Algerian massacre site 'erased by police'
Since the republicans are so pro-gun,
You know what would be really swell?
Good grief - Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor here?
I need to discuss something privately with an administrator.
Is there a plan for the NH Primary?
George Steiner's Zionist heresies
Nasrallah the liberator, anointed by Sharon
Ha'aretz (Tuesday): Final prisoner swap list drawn up
Ha'aretz (Tuesday): Arbel: an indicted public servant must suspend himself
(Whitacre D_WI) Announces Withdrawal From Congressional Race
Ousting Saddam 'no cause for war' (Human Rights Watch )
What will be the consequences of the New Hampshire primary?
Did anyone else see Blitzer defend Howard Dean comments about CNN
Tauzin to Delay Exit Until March Primary
Why I am asking you to support Wesley Clark for president
Jennings quotes WH: "Saddam was threat to US.... WMDs or not!"
Any word on the soldier lost in the river and the helo pilots?
This would explain the Iraq debacle...
How important is religion applied to a political candidate?
Targeted: Pineapple Face Noriega History Channel 9pmET/PT
Big Country's "Republican Party Reptile"
Freepers seem to be avoiding Kay report on WMD's
Almost forgot. In case anyone has ingested some poison and needs to
Bush's service records show a year in which there is no report of duty...
Sundance Channel now...An Injury To One...
Um... Did They Pull The Plug On Malloy ???
tweeeeeet with Norville right now
Hypocrite Matt Drudge posts attack on Clark using Democracy Now link
Should Faux start an "Iraq Reality Show"?
Can The United States Be Saved?
Canadians, help a poor ignorant American
Moore/Clark/was w a deserter? Good article in American Prospect
NY Times Book Review cover - wow!
Bill O'Reilly: "I Believe David Kay"
Homeland Security- Feel safe yet?
"President Kucinich? No, we don't think so either" Said the flyer...
Ashcroft a kook or what? Check out the last paragraph.
Pro-Life Democrats Keep Fighting Despite Presidential Candidates
I just heard Ashcroft say "Weapons of Evil Chemistry" !!!???!!!
Jon Stewart doing faux interview with Dean
Is there any way to save Iraq?
Latest spin: Iraqi scientists lied to Saddam...
Why do states keep bailing out corporations?
msnbc now a father of a soldier
can we please STOP complimenting McCain now?
can anyone tell me when we'll know...
This is an AP story, Retreat on weapons stance may be a victory
For the last time people. McCain explained....
Did anyone see Theresa Heinz Kerry on Hardball?
Extensive web-site says that Bush is descended from extra-terrestrials...
How did we know Bush was not telling the truth.....
Five minutes into the first show, Dennis Miller declares...
Prosecutors think they can nail Pigboy Limbaugh for 10 felonies!!
Felony violation of US Patriot Act...Bush & Co. hoisted on own pitard...!!
From RPF: Who is your favorite Senator (not running for President)?
The Era of Conservative Talk Radio/TV
Jane Fonda , Patriot or Traitor?
Is Colin Quinn worse than Dennis Miller?
Would you vote for this presidential candidate?
Powell, 2-24-01: No significant WMD capability
Has Mel Gibson completely LOST it?
The poor (& Middle class) shouldn't have to carry the rich!
"The rich shouldn't have to carry everyone else" - Bill O'Reilly
U.S. now Cuba's seventh trading partner - minister
No humanitarian case for Iraq war, says rights group
Ousting Saddam 'no cause for war'
Daily Look at U.S. Military Deaths - 514 U.S. service members have died
Wyden pushes bill to extend jobless benefits (D-Oregon)
Marines Charged in Iraqi Prisoner Death
Castro seeks out Robert Redford
Cuba's Entrepreneurs Come Creeping Back
Iraqi who gave MI6 45-minute claim says it was untrue
CBO Says ’04 Deficit Will Rise to $477 Billion
Detroit News: It pays to challenge HMOs, Denials of emergency room care
White House to Review Prewar Intelligence on Iraqi Arms
Gay B.C. cabinet minister marries partner after 32 years as couple
Kay Warns Iraq Close to Civil War
Powell Frets Over State of Democracy
Last refuge (for US troops in Canada)
Bush Under Pressure Over Iraqi Elections, WMD
US budget agency: Govt debt cap to be hit July-Sept
Court to consider ending execution of juveniles
Iraqi Cleric's Citizenship at Issue (al-Sistani)
Bush open to new attacks over alleged Iraqi WMD
Limbaugh's pill use not extraordinary, lawyer says
9/11 Panel Faults U.S. for Letting in Hijackers
Loud explosions rock Baghdad (+occupation lackeys in Najaf)
LA federal judge rules part of Patriot Act unconstitutional
Today's Windows Virus - MyDoom / Novarg
California Moves to Ban Smoking in Prisons
Travel companies seek alternative to U.S.-Cuba exchange
Dr Kelly 'did not kill himself'
Cuba postpones tightened controls on Internet use
Whatever happened to CoraRose?
What Did Nicktoons do to Animanics?
I mean OLD Genesis!.... (vanity thread)
Another reason to hate Tom Brady & the Patriots
Attention Hitchcock Lovers: "Torn Curtain" on Turner Classics 8 PM EST
The price of gas is killing me.
Photoshoppers.... a rough sketch of an idea... I don't have time
I've fallen to the Dark Side, I plan to watch a reality TV series.
I'm ditching my City Council meeting!
Lock the toolbars doesn't always work, does it?
Interesting dialogue in The ABC movie tonight
Homer Simpson let loose on US nuclear weapons facility
Neil Bush and prostitutes; a rant
Question about strange cat behavior
Almost forgot. In case anyone has ingested some poison and needs to
Before tomorrow's Oscar noms...here are the Razzies':
The Secret Machines: Anyone heard them?
Wanna see some kick-ass bumper stickers?
Guilty pleasure TV show: "Las Vegas"
Who are you least likely to see at a MENSA meeting?
Poll time: Golden Globes or Golden Girls?
Plastic surgeries gone wrong on Discovery Channel.
If you could "torpedo" a WELL known person, would you?
At long last -- My copies of the 'Uncovered' documentary arrived!
What is the sexiest thing to you on a woman or man
Have you played with your tamagotchi today?
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Joel or Mike
Is this image supposed to be a subtle hint?
What DID David Kay's team find in Iraq?
GREAT NEWS FOR FINNFAN! New Finn Brothers CD due in May/June!!!!!!!!!!!!!
notable indie videos on beavis and butthead
My cat is old and smells bad around the mouth.
Anyone want a "flip the bird" cursor??.. I found one
Celebrity vanity..(Disastrous plastic surgery)
Today a kid wrote White Power on the whiteboard and drew a clansman.
What's your most hated ST:TNG episode?
Do You Want To See A Really Bad Boob Job.
Bikers have some wild get-togethers, don't they? They have a Catwoman too
World Wrestling Entertainment and Howard Dean.
A little late, but it's time for the Daily Show
Whats the first thing you think of when you see this?
A really good friend of mine died on Saturday.
DU Newbies Standup and Be Counted
Symantec offers free download to fix new Beagle virus
Austin DUer's: Esther's Follies...
and the 2004 "Dumb and Dumber" Award goes to . . . (fanfare) . . .
Fun Poll. How often did you use the word "gaffe" before the media
What is your favorite euphemism?
What movie monster scared you most?
How many Lounge members does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Come on -- let's get catty. Golden Globes Fashion review coming on
What non-human thing would you be??
"The Ring"..can someone explain the end to me please??
Slate helps you pick most electable Democrat!
Candidates invited to debate in Missouri Monday night ( STL Feb. 2)
Dishonor Guard (Bush, Moore, Clark & Dissertion) American Prospect 1.26
After year of reporting on Dean, Mara Liasson has been switched to Edwards
Will Syria allow US to plant weapons there in exchange for no
Today's media lies and spin about Clark's supposed mis-statements.
Are there any political message boards affiliated with NH papers?
Treasure Trove Of Clark's POSITIVE Media Appearances To Download :-)
Zogby on CNBC: Kerry trending up Monday (Dean #2 / Edwards #3)
Resource for Dem campaigns: Military deaths in Iraq
Tomorrow, no matter what, it will be a Dean victory
WMUR/University of New Hampshire Final Poll
One of our wonderful Clark supporters in NH (pic)
What's The Town\County In NH That Votes At Midnight Tonight, And...
RPF113's poll: Whom do you currently support?
With Arkansas Swing, Bush Targets Democratic Rivals (Edwards dump)
Faux just announced Clark "pretty much through"... :)
The Most Important Part of Today's Howard & Judy Show
LOL! Holy Joe just said he'd be happy to come in 4th in NH!
Democracy Now!: Wesley Clark Admits Targeting Civilians In Yugoslavia
Did anyone else see Blitzer defend Howard Dean comments about CNN
Dean and Edwards get the most response from their stumps
did anybody else see that 20 year old talk about Clark on C Span?
Good luck in NH Tuesday Guys and Dolls!!!
As a Clark supporter I hope he loses in NH
Unlikely leader (Dean meetup infiltrated/taken over by GOP)
I've not said this before: I agree with Dean
Clark Supporters, O'Lieley just pronounced Clark's campaign bid Dead
Wes Clark Jr. on msnbc right now est.
Three words why I cannot support Kerry ...
Since there are more Independents than Democrats in NH....?
O'Reilly again claims that he came from a poor background
Was Biden campaigning for Bush?
I'm not a democrate or republican or independent ... I'm an AAB
CSPAN - Dean rally in Portsmouth NH........LIVE...ON Now
Why I am lucky enough to miss the Dean rally but catch all of Lieberman's?
Dean is more interesting talking about other issues besides war. I heard
LOL--everyone's the underdog in this one
we're going to SC and OK and AZ and ND and...and...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Voting starts in 100 minutes!!!!!
candy crowley makes me ill and
Brand New ARG Poll Kerry 35 Dean 25 Edwards 15 Clark 13 Lieberman 6
I'm sorry...Dean looked insane on the Daily Show
Kerry says "If you think I would have gone to war, don't vote for me."
C-SPAN is a Godsend during the primary season
It is time for our more "genteel" candidates to lay it all out Re: Chimpy
Everybody tuned to C-Span? Dixville Notch 11:35
I was more confident before Iowa
New Hampshire Local TV On C-Span Now !!!
Here's why I hope the primary is VERY, VERY close.
This Dean supporter is cautious about New Hampshire.
Kevin Phillips/"American Dynasty" - Clark and Dean can indict Bush.
Final Suffolk University Poll results are in too!!
"...and I approved this message,"
New York Times: With the Race Changing Fast, Clark 'Adjusts'
What time do the polls close tommorow for the primary
Local and other county officials in California
Did I hear Joe right tonight? "I thought we needed to go to war in Iraq
We the People of the United States
Thank you Clark, Dean, Kucinich, for never caving.
Clark at Dixville Notch turn on C-SPAN n/t
Heads up, Dean people. Check out this cool Woody Guthrie-like audio clip
I just can’t choose between Clark and Dean -
Voting starts at midnight in NH in small towns
I'm a N.C. Democrat, Edwards Disappoints
Kerry declared winner of the New Hampshire Democratic primary
Who's more presidential? ... A fair and balanced comparison ...
Clark supporters and Everyone Who's Interested in a Real
Jack the Sound Barrier. Bring the Noise.
What do Wes Clark and Ralph Nader have in common?
When will they report the Dixville Notch results?
You Say Deserter, I Say More Dessert... by Michael Moore
I'm a Skull and Bones guy but I'M voting for General Clark!
CNN Shiils for Bush Vis a vis poll numbers
They're voting in Dixville Notch now. On CSPAN. General Clark there.
We know that the Dean campaign has been the victim of dirty tricks
Is Edwards pretty much assured a spot on the ticket?
Why I'm Switching From Clark To Edwards....
Falling for Dean after speech tonight . . .Dean supporters . . .
Do Edwards supporters support the War in Iraq
Who's Talking About Institutional Racism?
Neatest Conversation- Kucinich related
Edwards just handled O'Reilly, and won respect and votes.
Predict Dixville Notch NH primary results and win!
John Kerry & Iran Contra - Information Wanted Please
Why I chose Clark over Edwards
Dean is still spinning tall tales on the issue of race
Edwards just blew it for me on O'Reilly
Clark supporters...want to light a candle of hope and support
Announcement - Dean will Win NH
The League's Extraordinary Gentleman -John Kerry
Those two kids have really got Dean's number. A great new episode of
Never was a statement more true than this and in this case:
New Hampshire forecast aside: some campaign givens
the newyorker's take on the SOTU
The Happy Populist (Edward's Two Americas theme)
Clark Caught in Bind by (Uniform Code of Military Justice) UCMJ !
John R. MacArthur on the Media Heathers
No Stinking Empire - Charley Reese
What a fair trial for Saddam would entail. Noam Chomsky
Good piece by Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon papers author)
Campos: CBS' eye just got blacker
Washington Post editorial 1/27) The Jobless Recovery
BBC on the U.S.: Age of Empire
Teacher arrested for carrying weapons of math instruction
Conason - Kay's conclusion is clear. The war was unnecessary.
Unemployment Could Bite Bush in the Butt
Laat ditch effort to save overtime pay
Info about Washington State Caucus 2/7 10am
San Antonio DUers: The FCC is in town TOMORROW (Jan 28)!
Google Sells Out. (Hutton Inquiry)
Scott Ritter Interview Coming up Around 11:03 a.m.
Judy Woodruff: Fair And Balanced
Republicans: Majority Whiners & Self-Serving Hypocrites
Phe's shared thought for the day 1/27/4;
The Astrotest - A tough match for astrologers
Gay Dropped From Cabinet Hours After Announcing Marriage
Gay Democrats To Meet In Providence
Human rights panel agrees to air complaints of hate crimes,...
AIDS Quilt Creator Can Keep Benefits
Quebec Could Become Third Canadian Province To Legalize Gay Marriage
No Gay Clubs For Downtown Las Vegas
Gay Democrats To Meet In Providence
Gay Dropped From Cabinet Hours After Announcing Marriage--BC
U.S. to Start Airline Background Checks
Democrats Launch Major Gay Voter Drive
Same sex marriage and the evolution of "family"
Alien rats 'gobbling up Africa's grain'
DVD Hacker Asks Compensation in Acquittal
Now here is a company that puts Walmart to shame. A real little gem!
"Black Hole" in US Economy (UPDATE) -- FTC Complaint Filed
DVD Hacker Asks Compensation in Acquittal
Chemical Industry Given Private Access to EPA(Pesticides versus of Wildlif
Louisville will sell sewage sludge as fertilizer
Did SA sell riot-control gear to Haiti?
25 rebels killed in northern Uganda
No profit for banks from repossessed homes - SA
Iraqi Caucuses A Long Way From Iowa...
'Globalisation does not work for the poor'
Another NRA Bigwig in the News
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 27, 2004
Defensive Gun Uses - January 2004.
Boys Suspended After Tiny Toy Guns Brought to School
Defensive gun uses for the month.
Please take a look at this thread lock!
Will mods start one central Vincent Hamm thread for the voting later?
Considering how angry GD2004 has been
Your anti-Hamm bias is so totally obvious
Does the "nickname rule apply to the other forums?
We need a thread category for truly stupid stuff.
Receiving an error on some new threads (can't go to Dookus', for example)
bad image."don't look at this picture" thread in DU gives me "fatal error"
Info on fatal errors: turn off sigs!
New England knows nothing! Only the South can pick the President!
Just a comment on "ATA" threads
5 IDF troops suspected of taking bribes from Palestinians
Father caught between Israel and Palestine
Two-State Solution Again Sells Palestinians Short
Israeli armoring company awarded $1.1 million contract in Iraq
Olmert: Disengagement plan to begin in June
Arab League calls for IAEA inspections of Israel's nuclear sites
John Kerry: Israel lacks viable partner
Hizb Allah leader says Israel tortured him
Thirty wanted militants said holed up in Muqata
MK Steinitz calls on State Prosecutor Arbel to resign
Sharansky: Israeli 'Nazifiers' are traitors
German Trial Hears How Iranian Agent Warned CIA of Impending Al-Qaida Atta
Zakeri says he told CIA in BAKU & Osama's Son told Iran of 9/11 before -
Why do I get the funny feeling
Does anybody know something about crispy´s Anti-No-Boeing-Website?
The Tora Bora Cave Systems of Al Qaeda
What Happened to the videotapes of the hijackers?
9/11 Commission: Hanjour Most Experienced Pilot
McCain campaigns for Bush in N.H.
Shameless promotion (and a question)
Would the Dem nominee for prez keep any Bush cabinet members?
Anyone hear of 2 CNN employees dead Iraq today
Ashcroft: "Evil Chemistry" and "Evil Biology" Justify War
Where was the OTHER George on 9/11???
US, UK IT professionals seek jobs in India
We may be the left. But we are right.
Janeane Garafolo on Mike Webb's show now -- link
Honoring the Fallen, Quietly (a soldier's story)
Break dancers perform for Pope (surreal pic & video)
Part of Patriot Act Ruled Unconstitutional
Stress epidemic strikes American forces in Iraq
merell streep golden globe speech?
Spy Chiefs Warn PM: "Don't Blame Us For The War"
Limbaugh lawyer denies any talk of plea deal
Limbaugh attorney spin is making me dizzy
For undecided NH voters, it may be important.
Amnesia of the Greatest Generation
Chess cleared of satanic links
I just heard a discussion at the local diner
Conservative Political Action Conference attendees outraged at Bush
The Tigris: Iraq's Bermuda Triangle?
More disturbing hints of right-wing slide for Canada's Liberals.
What's with all this crap about Clark and Sun Tzu
Hidden ways Corporations/Republicans finance elections
c-span caller: criticizing * is killing the troops
BBV: Need urgent help in Michigan
I am the new Youth Services Director for the Hoosier Hills chapter of the
Does it bother you that bush* gives the same speech
The American Media Covers for Bush* and Polarizes America
David Kay floats meme on WMD this morn on NBC
Isn't anyone watching live coverage of 9/11 hearings on C-span2?
911Committee Hearing C-SPAN2 now
3 more U.S soldiers blown to bits today, My sig line is obsolete!
Anyone else watching chimpy lying his ass off on TV right now?
Neil Bush's Divorce Produces Disclosures
Wal Mart - Bigger & Newer than ever before
Poor MSRNC.. They are having a meltdown..
A WarHawk Flies The Coop (repuke leaving repuke party)
Just saw the smartest Dem candidate tear apart Blitzer
Berlusconi and Bush--Messianic Leaders?
Hilarious: Cheney presents Pope with glass dove
The real losers in 2004 is Al Gore and Bradley
are the N. Hamp. people voting on the riggable touch screens?
What is it about rebublicans Turns into a Rant
Bush's photo op with Polish pres turns into WMD Q&A
Keep up the good work, Democratic C-Span Callers!
Drema's Dems aim to keep party's traditional values
Freepers joke about CNN employees just murdered in Iraq...
BBC buys up 'Hutton inquiry' Google links
Will Gen X/Gen Y presidents need military service?
CSPAN live press conference now...all about Iraq....Scott said..
"Belinda Stronach gave Paul Martin $55,000 for his leadership campaign,"
Bush: with a resume like this ...
"...a grave and gathering threat.."
What other person in our history received a commission after three weeks
When the deomcrats win '04 will we finally get real investigations?
By not resigning, Is Gov.Rowland costing CT.Tax payers$$?
Dennis Miller claims Fox News owes him back pay; may sue
2004 Repug ticket: Cheny out - McCain in as VP. Could that be
I can't believe that they're trying to blame the CIA for bad intelligence
Focus on the Family will not take faith-based government money
What's up with MWO and Howie Kurtz?
Rove calls WH press "weenies" and other goodies on the bushgang
The real reason why Dennis Miller sold out (E! Online Oct 2003)
anyone see the cheney 'haliburton' commercial on CNN?
I Wonder. Will We Ever Have MORE BLUE STATES.
The CIA owes the White House a big fat "I told you so!"
Consumer confidence at highest level since 2002? (Hmmm)
Ted Kennedy on C-2 NOW...trashing Bush on the economy
What do you guys think of Bill Clinton?
Dick Durbin is talking about CBS rejecting MoveOn add! Dupe
Bush admits misleading on WMD-Iraq has zero? most lethal weapons?
3 more soldiers dead, no WMD's... let's VOTE HIM OUT.
Howard Dean on Rolling Stone cover
Listening to Local Texas RW Radio Show
Anyone else watching the CPAC on CSPAN2?
photo of cheney on his european tour (caution: major hypocrisy)
How U.S. Intelligence Failed - Compromise Of The CIA Analytical Division
CNN: "How Bush gets his way on the environment"
How Come They Can Find Out Martha Stewart made $40,000 off a stock deal,
Northerner Presidents vs. Southerner Presidents
Did anyone see the trucker patch on panties...
Powell actually SAID they expected Iraq to prove a negative!
Did AL Franken really tackle a Dean Protester?
Howard Dean is Making Mincemeat Out of Sean Hannity
Blair won his vote (education bill) today. This is a huge relief and a ...
Great article on Dennis Miller's show last night...Great Stuff
Local National Guard unit looking to fill 48 open positions
Sell me on your RFK assassination theory.
Iraqi Famil Care Package people.. It's been too "dangerous" to
Middle Class Says: WHAT RECOVERY?
Fire Tucker Carlson now.....please.
the WMD threat ended on May 1!
FBI: Just 200 hard-core Al-Qaeda (July 27th, 2002)
I need at least 25 Duers- Lets get on MTV message boards!
Will Giuliani replace Cheney in ’04? (MSNBC gossip)
Bush obtained new driver's license # in 1995
Newt broke 9 of his 10 items with his CONTRACT WITH AMERICA
If you're considering Law School...reconsider. Can you say "outsource?"
Questions for Stabenow or Levin anyone?
Dr. Dean made a "house call" on Sean Hannity's show & owned him !
Arnold commits (another) felony
Sell me on your JFK assassination theory.
How Bush Missed the Opportunity to Get Bin Laden.
Poll on MSNBC: "Can a Dem beat Bush?"
MSNBC -- Students suspended for bringing a gun to school
The truth uncovered- excellent exposure
need ammunition against republican friend...help
dang, CNN playing some of the 9/11 fight attendant call...
Dobbs On Tweety...CNN report on MSNBC...
Some more encouragement to throw at you guys
I just received an RNC "census document"...!!!
Lone Dolphin Pining Away In World's Largest Shopping Mall
United We Stand--A better poster?
Bush Not Popular at this Year's Winger Convention
BBV: Ohio counties using DREs in 2004 GE (official list from SoS)
Read Perfectly Legal: It could hold the key to a democratic victory in 04
Sell me on your MLK assassination theory.
Bush is NOT a southerner.. He's a Northeasterner.. Let's USE that in ads
Kucinich disavows LIHOP on Hannity's radio show
Are we DUers the real "conservatives"? Let's list the ways
Report of Cheney's visit to Caserme Ederle, Vicenza, Italy today
Does it bother you that Bush* was warned of 9-11 and did nothing?
I finally get the Bush Administration's thought process. (Seriously)
"weak, inarticulate, dangerous, liar, speechless"
Michael Moore stands by his "deserter" remarks!
Tony Blair Democrats? Give me a Break!
CSPAN - Dick Durban NOW NOW NOW on the floor of the US Senate
What percent of taxes (income) do the top 1% pay, top 5%,
Propaganda creates reality: Why Bush will win.
Eugenics in the US. 19th Century inspires Nazis
Lincoln - new early photo! Fascinating for history buffs!
Iraq Bombings Kills 6 U.S. Soldiers Today
Did Clinton help China acquire ICBM technology?
Bob Novak assaults man who calls him a traitor
a reminder concerning war (with links)
The Democrats are out to get you
Request: whereabouts of 9/11 "Lone Gunmen" pilot episode
Death penalty for juveniles: Should U.S. maintain or abolish this policy?
"Fancy Inflation Hacking Which Sells Cars".
OSP "Office of Special Plans" presented BAD intel NOT the CIA!..must read
BBC (Tuesday): Blair preparing for crunch 48 hours
Blair 20 votes from safety | Guardian
Conn. Governor Impeachment Panel Gets Unanimous OK
20 Iranian pilgrims 'kidnapped' - in Iraq
U.S. Threatened with Iraq War Crimes Trial
Suicide bomber kills peacekeeper (in Kabul)
Museveni marks 18 years in power - Uganda
Among Voting Veterans, Military Experience Sells
Bush Hails Al Qaeda Arrest in Iraq
White House's WMD retreat weakens Blair
British team makes last-ditch attempt to reach Beagle 2 on Mars | CBC
Second Thai boy dies of bird flu | BBC
South Koreans Ponder Just How Far Corruption Reaches | LA Times
Clinton's Gift to Internet Age - Only 2 E-Mails
Britain Faces ICC Investigation Into Use of Cluster Bombs
Guards at Plant Tipped to Mock Attacks (nuclear weapons)
No humanitarian case for Iraq war, says human rights group
High hopes as congressmen meet up with Gaddafi
Iraq's Saddams queueing up to get rid of 'rubbish' name
Penalties for all illegal drugs under review (in the UK) | The Guardian
Annan to Send Election Assessment Team to Iraq
More details of Army's abuse probe surface (Female Iraqis clothes removed)
NZ accepts asylum seekers from Nauru | ABC (Australia)
New Hampshire forecast aside: some campaign givens
EU's Mind "Made Up" On Microsoft
Scientists Explore Lakefront Property, in the Sahara | NY Times
Iraq to Probe Alleged Saddam Oil Bribes
Iraq War Not Humanitarian, Group Says
U.S. will wait for report on arms -- New White House position evolving
US Auto Loan Racket -- FTC Complaint Filed 01/27
X-Rated Filings In Bush Divorce
Private-sector health role supported by Stronach
U.S. Casualties Feared in Iraq Blasts
BBC (Tuesday): UN to rule on elections in Iraq
Iraqi who gave MI6 45-minute claim says it was untrue
Cheney watch: He just finished reenlisting 4 soldiers in Vicenza, Italy
Judge says Arnold broke campaign laws
'Solemn journey:' Impeachment panel wins OK (CT Gov. Rowland)
More Troops Needed in Afghanistan, Senator Says; Bomb Kills Canadian...
Stonecipher's Visit Takes On Higher Profile (Boeing Wichita Sale)
Soldiers battle anguish as Iraq tours are extended again
U.S. Troops Discover Car Bomb Near Iraqi Governing Council Office
Eugenics in the US. 19th Century inspires Nazis
Kurtz will be fired! Charges of Personal Influence Peddling at Wash Post
Brown hints at Blair's resignation in interview
Iraqi Kurds Threaten to Force Turks Out
Suicide Bomber Strikes Convoy in Afghanistan, Kills Canadian Soldier, Afgh
Speedy Worm Invades Email Inboxes
Experts question Kelly 'suicide'
Iraqi exile group says WMD intelligence it gave Britain could be false
Iraq to Probe Alleged Saddam Oil Bribes
Three U.S. Soldiers Killed West of Baghdad
U.S. Official: New Iraq Contracts to Be Open to All
WP: War Issues Cloud Cheney Trip, Questions on Intelligence Persist
White House split on how to restore Iraqi self-rule
Defector: Bin Laden son "Forwarned Iran of 9/11"
Bush Backs Away from Iraq WMD Certainty
Mexican Authorities Find 11 Bodies Buried at House Near U.S. Border
9/11 panel's report critical of FAA-discounted idea of suicide strikes
War Issues Cloud Cheney's Trip
exit polls: Kerry 36; Dean 31; Edwards & Clark 12 each
White House brushes off Kay WMD comments
The Economy Takes a Ribbing and Other Bush* Reruns (Milbank)
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 27 January (#1)
Bush Defends War Decision With Iraq (Ashcroft stunner)
FCC proposes $755,000 fine against Clear Channel Communications
National Review Online: Early Results: Kerry 36%Dean31%Clark/Edw 12%
Study: That Neanderthal was not your grandfather | CNN
Ohio Co. Admits Overbilling Blacks
Indiana Gay Marriage Amendment Dies
Stacking Bodies: Three U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq Attack
Vote for Second Discussion of Tuition fee bill about to be announced
U.S. to Start Airline Background Checks
LaRouche supporters disrupt Democrats
Court rules Quebec gays should be allowed to marry immediately
UN to assess Iraq poll plan, six US soldiers die
Judge doubts Hatfill suit will harm anthrax probe
Dean Accuses Rivals Of Anti-Gay E-mail Campaign
South Korea holds IOC vice-president | BBC
Feud in Polygamist Town Has Authorities Worried About Violence
Critique of Bush's speech needed an injection of reality
Mutual Fund Whistleblower Tells of Beating
Ashcroft Praises Austrian Police Unit
Budget Office Deepens Fiscal Gloom for Bush
CNN: Cheney, pope meet at Vatican
State layoff impact still under wraps (California)
Official: Libyan nuclear material in U.S.
O'Neill Stands by Bush Criticism in Book
Kraft to Cut 6,000 Jobs, Close 20 Plants
Arizona Girl, 3, Survives Days in Wrecked Frigid Car (w/dead mom)
Two CNN Employees Killed in Iraq
Memo-Leak Probe Expands to Frist's Office
Defector: Bin Laden Son 'Forewarned Iran of 9/11' (and CIA)
Three Iraqi Guerrillas Killed in Raids
Union Confirms Layoffs At Local Ford Plant (Kansas City)
Justice Dept. Finds No Patriot Act Abuse (Zero out of 1286 complaints)
(Schwarzenegger) broke campaign law, judge rules
Schwarzenegger Calif. Campaign Loans Ruled Illegal
9/11 Panel to Ask Congress for 60 More Days
US denies 'imminent' threat warning.
Blair wins key top-up fees vote (BBC)
Colorado GOP Asks for Redistricting Stay
Rove Teases Press Corps "Weenies"
UK TV: Hutton inquiry conclusions leaked to Sun, "BLAIR CLEARED"
CNN Breaking: Tape of 9/11 Flight Attendant Reporting Hijacking
Congressman under fire for job offer (Medicare Bonus)
Six U.S. soldiers killed in attacks in Iraq
2 nurses charged with murder in Miami juvenile jail death
Teenager's Conservative Club Causes Uproar
High-speed rail system best for state's (CA) travel needs - AP
Will Giuliani replace Cheney in ’04?
I just can’t choose between Clark and Dean -
new Savage Weiners advertisers 01/26
Photobucket.com . . . an online place to store your photos for free . . .
If we're supposed to have "perfect" boobs, how about this?
Why Hamm when you can have Pork-Chop
The Media is pushing Vincent Hamm
Do You Want To See A Really Bad Hand Job.
You can sing "You Don't Mess Around With Jim" over the Sesame St. theme
Are there any pro Factory-farming websites? (HELP)
You know how I found out about Hamm?
Here's a riddle...straight from today's headlines
GD 2004 is hamming it up better than the lounge tonight ;-)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! The mods are on a rampage!!!!!!!!
DU late night chat (free Hamm jokes, ham sandwhiches, and ham)
All this Hamm stuff makes me want to run for Pres.
Trekkers: How is 'Enterprise' doing
Stopping Hamming this message board!!!!
"Joementum" - the new fragrance for men
Does anyone know if Hamm went to Yale?
Anyone else getting a ton of Hamm spamm?
Child porn Web sites up 70% in 2003: report
The Freeper argument goes on. Will this guy ever give up?
Is anyone else sick of the cold?
Chess cleared of satanic links
Check out this link to see why Ontario is such a great place to live......
Ever look outside and based on the weather
I'm sick...Not for the squeamish
Now this movie just looks screwy.
remember the old text games from outfits like Infocom?
Jury Clears Cow In Car Accident
Tony Blair's voice = Terrance and Philip
Mississippi To Ban False Fingernails
Cell Phone Explodes - Burns Man's ASS
George Bush vs a box of Tic-Tacs
Kentucky Fried Fish? - Bird Flu Took The "C" Out Of KFC
Anyone experiencing problems with the Internet?
just took montana to vet.... ask me anything
Coachella Festival to include the Pixies and Radiohead
Librarians...What course of study does one follow to become a Librarian
Need an update...apparently missed the whole "Hamm" thing
Has MrsGrumpy finally gone round the bend?
DU tech experts, I need a suggestion
Barbarians...What course of study does one follow to become a Barbarian?
Ways To Annoy Bathroom Friends
Buying books!!! (Suggestions Please!!)
Anyone remember the 1984 BBC TV Movie "Threads"?
Midwest we are getting WHACKED again with snow
Please Consider my book about baseball great Bob Feller.
I received a weird email with an attachment
Twenty-five E-mail Subject Headings You Don't Want to Use in your Office
Was the movie called "Special Report?"
can you help w/ reading a file extracted from winzip?
Trekkers: How is 'Enterprise' doing
Looking for Bush photo-morph URL
Winners of the Wacky Warning Label Contest
Satan, Pope square off in Final Conflict
I thought of a great invention for web designers!!
Anyone need some funny Shrub pictures to spread around?
80's randomness continues: TV show about a little robot girl...
minus 54 degrees in Calgary!!!
"GIGLI’s a Really Big Hit…with RAZZIE® Voters!"
Anyone remember the TV Movie "The Day After"
The Underground Kingdom of Light
Have you heard the new Dean remix?
Boston/Cambridge/Cape/Metrowest DUers - Snow Coming
How about a sent folder for PMS?
My head hurts from beating it against a wall.
Wax fruit... What is it good for?
Dirk Pitt? Not Matthew McConaughey!
Remember the penguin/yeti game? I just got 1200!!
Have any women here taken a R.A.D. course?
Is anyone else getting a "Fatal Error" while trying to open some
The Oscar Nominations have been announced
I have a crush on Naomi Klein.
Should Be a 10th Circle of Hell for Spammers
"So, you still call yourself a Republican?" (Gimme some input, DU)
Just listening to Kilimanjaro by the Teardrop Explodes
Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss
1 billion seconds ago it was 1972, who did the math and came up with
The Gallery of Regrettable Food
Creative Ways to Dispose of Dennis Miller's Books
50 car Pile Up here near Ionia MI geezus!
Did anyone see the trucker patch on panties...
Anyways,I have this little muscle twitch in my eyelid. It's been going on
Bush 2004 Campaign Pledges To Restore Honor And Dignity To White House
That's IT! I'm on STRIKE again!!!
I'm Getting A Intestinal Gas When I Click A Thread
Happy Birthday Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!
So I "braved the cold" and went to a local library today
People who back in to parking spots...
If this has been here before--Sorry--Create your own conspiracy...
Highjackers Suprised to Find Selves in Hell
I got carded while buying vinegar today.
YOU decide Tucker Carlson's Fate! HOW Should He Spend Eternity?
Bush 2004 campaign promises to restore integrity to white house
Oooo My very own Nigerian Bank scammer is falling for MY bait..
Anybody else watching "My Really Stuck Up Humorless Fiancee"
Al Franken bodyslams Dean critic
Book recommendations--National Security State?
Sunday afternoon-Golf? the Bob Hope Classic? No a 700 Club Telethon!!!!
Anybod know of a good, small scale for weighing food?
Anyone else getting Republican ads on Opera?
Now this guy knows how to moon ya...
who will be voted out tonight on democratic survivor?
Want to make BIG, Looooong URL Links.......tiny? Here's how.
I'm getting a fatal error when I click on a thread.
Today's Poll: Who is your muse?
If you're happy and you know it bomb Iraq
OSCAR nominations - complete list
A Church / State Question for Fellow Atheists
IF you think I'm sexy, AND you want my body...
I was looking for a picture to caption...
Ok, so what's the name for this particular style of humour
Hack! Sneeze! Ache! Groan! (Thanks, Paddy!)
CAPTION Cheney offering a false idol to this guy
You might be a Republican if........
Aint no GLakes boots in my company
Is my primary use for DU to post complaints about my husband?
Momma's got a squeeze box, daddy never sleeps at night
How NOT to get a car out of a snowdrift
What the worst episode of Star Trek: Voyager?
I saw something distressing on the mars rover site...
My fairy tale about ZombyWoof and GOPisEvil in the land of Kef's closet...
CAPTION-The WMD information was off by thaaaaaaat much
Is this worthy of being called a joke ?
Which Starfleet Captain are You?
Anyone have a cat that doesn't vomit enough?
This is the funniest thing I HAVE EVER SEEN!
New Hampshire Upset: Grover Sweeps Primaries
A co-worker just told me why the repugs are interested in Mars...
I feel sorry for Dean supporters..
Do you believe in ghosts? My ghost story
is anyone else listening to the morons calling into CSPAN this morning?
10 most dangerous intersections & photos. Do you live near one?
Republican Mensa IQ test ....You have to take it
Who is your favorite superhero?
Plsu, Oy'd yo,r gpt s etpmh lru [pdy...
I find the Hamm threads rather rye!
Just another attempt at a GOOOOOD MORNING thread!
For those of you interested in NH results (thus far)
No wonder they call it Dixville.
Results from Hart's Location NH
Clark leads NH in early returns
George W. Bush never visited New Hampshire in this primary cycle
Hamm ties Lieberman in early voting!
Do you think Vincent Hamm's campaign is good for DU
Drudge has a link on Clarks Early wins...
Will Clark get a bounce from winning early?
I do not like that Vincent Hamm. I do not like him Sam I Am.
Why Hamm when you can have Pork-Chop
Hamm says he's most delectable
Is Vincent Hamm an Islamophobe?
Did Hamm get endorsed by the NH Muslim population?
Joe Lieberman reportedly upset at "Jews for Hamm" campaign
The Media is pushing Vincent Hamm
Fox says put a fork in him, Hamm is done
Vincent Hamm indicted for port barrel policies.
DRUDGE REPORT flash: Vincent Hamm's sordid past comes back to haunt him
Exil Polling and when we will know the results
I'm volunteering in Nashua, NH tomorrow for Clark
Who the bleeding Christ is Vincent Hamm?
Clark wins in Harts, New Hamphsire!!
I support Don Lautenbach, Emperor of America
Breaking!!: Porky Pig announces MAJOR endorsement for Hamm.
Dean just said that he never offered Hamm the VP slot.
Rumors Hamm may offer VP spot to Sun Tzu
Was Lieberman in Skull and Bones?
What a brilliant move by the Clark campaign
My new dream ticket: Vincent Hamm and Mia Hamm
it's nice to see a little congeniality and humor here....
Babe's endorsement sparks fury.
The official Dixville buzzkill thread
Hamm can't cut the mustard in Dixville Notch.
There is no joy in Dixville...
CSPAN NOW: Sen. Joe Lieberman, demonstrating Joementum
Hamm got 22 votes in 2000, what will he get this time?
Don't Forget Political Compass
Boston Globe Poll - Kerry has 17 point lead, Clark battling for 4th
Will the Dems carry the * AWOL states of Texas and Alabama?
Can Vincent Hamm win in the south?
Go shopping for a president on Amazon. Gov. Dean Leads donations
I've made my choice. I'm NBVH.
Does anyone have the link to Vincent Hamm's site?
Ah, screw New Hampies! This is what I'm obsessin' 'bout now. (new polls)
MSNBC webpage shows no respect for Clark!
ONE thing ALL supporters should pray for tomorrow (EVERYONE)
Undecided, and Out of Time in New Hampshire
For all of you Naysayers who think that Clark's Win is a joke....
My prediction: Kerry wins NH by more than 10%
From RPF: Who is your favorite Senator (not running for President)?
What do you guys think of Bill Clinton?
Suffolk one-day Jan 26 poll, Kerry up by 18
Is it significant that none of the "Independents" voted for Bush??
So, does anyone have any exit polls yet?
UK government aide on the NH primary
Dem candidates make last push in New Hampshire, Clark wins first votes
UK Guardian on the candidates hair!!!
Kids....I'm feeling pretty good
Lest we forget our ultimate goal: three years ago today...
Clark Wins First Votes in N.H. Primary
Kerry Lead Shrinks to Three Points in New Hampshire
DU Newbies Standup and Be Counted
Howard Dean's Super Duper Not So Secret Weapon To Win The South
Any Word On Turnout In New Hampshire (Not Exit Polls Just #s)
Enough with the debates.. Sheez.. c-span said 2 or 3 more debates
Question about Kerry & Independent voters
Why I Think The Media and the RW Don't Want Clark in the GE
Oscar nominations obviously a Karl Rove distraction tactic
Dean and Lieberman up next on CNN (9am)
In New Hampshire, Health Care Is On Voters' Minds
But in all serious, I got an irrelevent question about Dixsville & Clark
Freepers support JOE LIEBERMAN
Does Clark drop out if he finishes 5th?
The Media have been an "utter disgrace"- and the people get con'd again
What would be an appropriate exclamation to make if Dean wins today?
Clark Supporters: We will finish first
Half of NH voters have seen Dean's "Scream" speech 5+ times
The compressed Primary Schedule - March 2nd should determine Candidate
Noonan - Republicans are scared of Wes Clark
At this late stage, is it still possible to like all the candidates.....
Is that earthquake indicator in NH Franken slamming heckler?
I had no idea there were so many presidential candidates
AS a newly anointed member of the 700 club
Let's all pray that "JoeMentum" comes in 5th!
Clark's new positioning strategy: "I grew up poor"
Anyone see Edwards on O'reilly last night?
John Kerry greets supporters outside polls at Jewett St School, Manchester
Question for Deanies from a Deanie
The Media : If you know who they support, they are biased..
Is it "Fair and Balanced" to say a candidate is "through" before one vote
Clark Wins Inital N.H. Primary Votes
NH speaks! The winner has been declared......
"He speaks to issues that mean a great deal to us."
The Only NH Surprise (another lame prediction)
Comic relief: Dace Barry's been following the N.H. primary
Crowds Size Up Edwards (Wash Post)
Can Republicans in NH vote in a Democratic Caucus?
Who will finish third in the New Hampshire primary?
Why Plato hated democracies . . .
Gephardt endorsing Kerry tomorrow?
Can Kerry excite the crowds like Clark, Dean and even Edwards?
Did Wes Clark really read Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" seven times ??
When You See Your Candidate Attacked (here on DU) Do You....
Lowry claims Edwards is too Successful to be President
Where the hell is Josh Marshall TPM ( He's been reporting from NH)
What time are tonight's results expected at?
Bugger CNN -- Tucker Carlson doing primary coverage this AM??
has anyone else suddenly appeared on Edwards' mailing list?
Dean stiff Iowa deli to the tune of $900
How will Lieberman do tonight?
Dean and Clark --- Both anti-privacy?
The candidates name is Joe Lieberman...
Why is Deans post-Iowa speech referred to as a "concession" speech?
Any other Deanies almost ready to remove their bumper stickers?
Under-30's are NOT Pro-Bush; That's Media-Whoring
IF Kerry wins...it's becuase the repugs supported him just like they
Presidential Candidates with "problem" siblings
Anyone see The Daily Show's take on "Joementum"?
Democrats just want to beat Bush - any Dem who can will do
Joe Lieberman you are a great Democrat!
Strategic Voting: Have You Ever Done It?
Clark Caught in (Uniform Code of Military Justice) UCMJ Bind!
Bush wins in NH!! read this caption (not mine) carefully
L.A. Clark Supporters: NH Results Party at The Knitting Factory Tonight!
Message to my fellow DUers on the eve of NH - from a Kerry Supporter
"G W Bush did not do everything he could to protect America..."
"...Clark going down like the Hindenburg.." On FOX-TV
what time do polls close in New Hampshire?
Fox News: Edwards, Clark vying for third (in contradiction of
Democratic Candidates Photo Unity Thread
Wolfie's badgering of Wes Clark re "viability"question makes me livid...
Bush Better Than Clinton on Iraq, says Kerry
We who work in the news media owe Howard Dean an apology
Why do 54% of the UNDER-30 voters support Bush ?
At one point do we start pulling together behind one candidate?
I fear Dean will win NH because of Bush-supporters voting for him
Good luck to all candidate supporters tonight
And on Tuesday's the Dems collectively hold their breaths
Is NH going to be slammed by severe weather tonight!?
Ok, can someone tell me how New Hampshire divides delegates?
"Kucinich's message of peace draws young volunteers" 1/26/04
Kucinich's compassion for a homeless man
If Kerry wins the nomination, who should be his VP?
Anybody have a way of getting exit poll #'s?
Daily Kos: 1 PM Exit Poll Reports
Kerry vs. Edwards (on the issues).
The Pubs job at this point is to Confuse us Dems. They come to stir
I want to go to the debate in SC
Edwards makes it to the editorial cartoon page
St. Louis DUers - Kerry will see you in St. Louis
Fox News & Brit Hume hate Clark on a visceral level, which I find
I've got to give it to Howard Dean-
At least one Kerry staffer must think we're very dumb
Dennis Kucinich: Candidates Tiptoeing Around WMDs
Ted Kennedy on C-2 NOW...trashing Bush on the economy
Well if Lieberman does moderately well, we know why
Are New Englanders out of touch with "electablility" reality?
Let me enlighten you, even if Kerry wins NH,he FAR from the sure thing
A reminder of what's at stake in 2004
Kerry 37% Edwards 23 Dean 22 Clark 11 Lieberman 5 Kucinich 2
So now they're pushing exit polls?!
Clark Caught in Bind by (Uniform Code of Military Justice) UCMJ !
universal healthcare and domestic violence.
Will tonight be as bad as last week?
Kerry has huge lead in Michigan
Kerry Launching TV Advertising Blitz
My ranking of the candidates, and why.
Kerry launching multistate advertising blitz Wednesday
Wes Clark will be on Wolf Blitzer.
Northerner Presidents vs. Southerner Presidents
Concerning candidates that oppose bush on war
Dems waste time in New Hampshire while Bush campaigns in Ohio
MSNBC first exit polls released at 4 pm eastern
N.H. freeze no match for San Diegans supporting Gen. Clark- SDUT
1/23-25 Arizona poll: Kerry 24%, Clark 21%, Edwards 15%, Dean 10%
Any news on the Puke exit-polling?
Why did Dean give Bush a pass when Kerry was willing to criticize him?
Kerry will give the White House to Bush
record turnout- music to my ears
KUCINICH on Hannity right now!
kuch coming up with wolfe on cnn
Sean Hannity just announced that Howard Dean is on his show this eve...
The boy at Dixville Notch, John Kerry and electability
is the threshold for delegates in NH 10 or 15%?
My letter to NPR Ombudsman re recent campaign coverage:
Why no Exit Polls? Is Clark Moving Up or something?
CNN: Anti-Kerry Attack flyers has been Flooding NH. Who Takes Credit?
Clark with Blitzer - Comming on Now 5:12 PM Eastern
Fellow Dems, I have a great idea!
WMUR New Hampshire ABC outlet has some interesting articles
Drudge flash: Kerry and Dean in a slugfest
Drudge: Lieberman contemplates suspending campaign
What do you think of DU members who disagree with you on the primary?
Can Someone Justify Dean's Attack on Kerry for Voting Against Gulf War?
Watched Dean, Kerry, Edwards & Lieberman on Democracy now:
In one ward, early signs point to Kerry
CROSSFIRE: Kerry fake hockey game good, Dean honest about Iraq bad
I'm hoping all the candidates stay in the race thru the next primaries ...
LaRouche groupies endorse Kerry?
Did Clark Skipping Iowa Hurt Him In New Hampshire?
Question about Teresa Heinz-Kerry from Hardball
The Democrat Party is alive and well in Peterborough, NH.
"Some People Are What the Times Demand"
For those Politicians who support the War! Six more troops died today!
Fun test to find your presidential candidate soul mate
In small states, how much are Newspaper endorsements worth?
Clark Supporters: How would you respond to this?
Is Howard Dean making a comeback? John Kerry thinks so!
NBC reports that Clark has already left NH for SC
MSNBC's exit poll numbers coming in minutes
Just in: One of the largest turnouts in NH history!
Dean says that Kerry should quit "whining"
Populist tax plans: Edwards vs Lieberman
Edwards not on ballot in some states - going to court to find out if can
Survey USA-SC: Edwards in first, 32%, 15 points ahead of Clark in 2nd.
Dean on Hannity...Kerry and Edwards on O'Reilly....I like this
Wow! Another cliffhanger! Is this exciting or what?
The Networks Go Around the Bend, or to say it another way
St. Louis DUers - John Edwards to visit Blueberry Hill
Primary Coverage: Which Network Isn't Freeped?
I would like to congratulate the winner in advance - whoever he is
On Fox: Dean Supports Aggressive, Interventionist Military Policy. OKaay!
Delegate Counts - why does Dean have more than Kerry?
Is there a more bunch of miserable people than those on Hardball?
Here's why Kerry can still challenge Bush on the war
CBS: Bad news for Bush (Polls from NH)
Dean demonstrates what he will do to Bush if nominated
Howard Dean is Making Mincemeat Out of Sean Hannity
OK...Beat the professional pollsters. Give us your percentages...
Will Edwards win the spin tonight?
Stop it! Stop it! We need to unite! Don't be sour if your guy's out.
I said a prayer for Gov. Dean this morning.
Now I understand what a leader is.
The very unofficial NH predictions thread:
Quotes about, and one from, Wes Clark--copied from the Clark blog
New Hampshire exit polls hold out hope for November
Clark supporters - raise a glass
Young Clark Supporter banner (cute w/adult language!)
Our plans for the New Hampshire primary
Dana Milbanks spills the bean's GOP afraid of Clark
By These Issue Stances - Can You Figure Out Which Candidates I'm Comparing
I, for one, will be sorry to see Lieberman go
Wall Street Journal: Corporations are Scared of John Edwards
Links to tracking the New Hampshire returns:
The Tension is so bad about NH Vote......I had to turn the TV OFF!
Right hates Clark because he was said to be Clinton's Man
Would any Dean supporters have supported the UN removing Saddam
Can Republicans in vote in a Democratic Primary?
Peggy Noonan declares GOP fear of General Clark
Clark gives in to Wolf Blitzer
Didn't the Entire Collective Media Declare Howard Dean Finished Last Week?
Final Zogby poll for New Hampshire: Kerry 37, Dean 24, Edwards 12, Clark 9
Final Polls lost of em' for 1/26
Very cute, very telling take on Joe Lieberman
My God! Wolf is really trying to screw Clark!
Will Edwards drop out if he loses SC?
Tucker Carlson is declaring Clark DOA on CNN as we speak
Has DU always been this far right?
Fellow Dean Supporters- A Plea for Restraint
Dean campaign printed my idea for a newspaper (must look) -The Dean Times!
Taking the rock out of your shoe, or Joe is done
Which candidates are ready to pull the us out of Iraq NOW???
Sen. Jon Corzine endorses Kerry
Just saw the smartest Dem candidate tear apart CNN's Blitzer
Why do DU'ers dump all over the South and not the Great Plains States?
I just heard the most hilarious bit on the local radio @Howard's Scream
Good luck to everyone tonight and congratulations/condolences...
First Exit Poll Kerry 36 Dean 31 Clark 12 Edwards 12
Al Franken knocks down Dean Heckler
Fox Dayside Sliming Kerry re. 1971 Senate Testimony Against War.
How can Kerry challenge Bush on the War should he win the nomination?
When the cameras are not on Kucinich--
ABC sneakily employs push poll against Dean
Democratic Candidates Photo Unity Thread
What part of "A northeasterner can't get elected" do people not understand
Don't yield the weight of unified voices - Kucinich is the Party's soul
Clark not Edward is the Better V.P. for Kerry. Synergies are Powerful