US needs to match the Chinese in diplomacy
Jonathan Freedland (Guardian Utd): Last of the believers
Baghdad Is Bush's Blue Dress - LAtimes-Scheer
Good piece. Read it and smile! :-)
Tweety just said "Irregardless"...again!
Dennis Miller premiere garners PATHETIC ratings
Utah Anti-Gay Bill Revived And Heads To Vote
Gay Group Sues Cardinal For Hate Speech
About those Log Cabin Repukes . .
Whoever is Democratic candidate should sing this song on and on and on
Asia and US in risky tug of war over dollar
Pentagon Releases Hypothetical On Sudden Climate Change - Fortune
TDF is dedicated to pursuing Taiwan's right to sovereignty and
Chinese immigrants flood into the Russian Far East
Executions looming in Philippines are provoking protest
Mexico, for first time, to allow Peace Corps volunteers
Is this where I post a suggestion?
What? no Official Thread for HAMM supporters and well-wishers ONLY?
Is this board really peaceful tonight, or are the mods working OT?
Most respectfully, I ask why this thread was locked:
Have the moderators been outsourced to India?
Aust donates $3m to Palestinians
Palestinian militant turned peacemaker...
New Poll: Nearly 70% Of Americans Say "No" To Palestinian Arab State
FTW's Mike Ruppert online tonight for anyone interested
9/11 Commission Hears Flight Attendant's Call
NYT: 9/11 Commission Says It Needs More Time to Complete Inquiry
Does Anyone Else Believe Flight 93 Got Shot Down?
Congratulations to the Kerry campaign...
Blair needs to go down tomorrow.
"There is no age exemption from committing murder in the Alabama code"
Scarborough: Politics are bloodsport
Wow......freepers are a sick bunch of people....Argh.....
Meet our new first lady. Theresa Heinz Kerry.
Anderson Cooper/Tucker Carlson make snide remarks
Tweety say: NBC calling race for Kerry...Dean second
H1-B visa = Indentured servitude with corporations profiting.
UPDATE: On the 3 soldiers dead south of Baghdad
All this talk about dumping cheney
MSN Money: "Techs force a pullback; Amazon profit is strong"
Memes and themes that could work
Critique my letter to Congressperson, please.
If Dems take the South, they will win; if they lose the South, they win!
Wars, Lies & Videotape - tonight/tomorrow - Discover/Time
Bob Dole on Lieberman "My good friend Joe"
The Need For Speed: Going To War On Drugs
Saddam killed billions of Iraqis!! Human Rights Watch says...
was the first Gulf War justified?
I just saw a Halliburton commercial
Back In Bush's World 6 More Die In Iraq.
Daily Show - Interview with the Evil One
A Primary schedule that could make more sense-
anyone else just hear *'s "bored as hell" comments on Cooper 360?
How long will Dennis Miller's Show Last?: Official Pool
While the primary was going on, a bombshell was dropped.
LYING AGAIN on TAPE even!: Smirk STILL saying Saddam didnt let us in!
Administration accused of holding Bin Laden until Oct.?
Low-Pay Sectors Dominate U.S. and State Job Growth
FAIR: Dennis Miller's Defense: Ethics Don't Apply to Him
WMD lies: Powell's remarks of 2-24-01, the SMOKING GUN!!!
MyDoom.A worm causes numerous infections
Australian dollar rides high on weak greenback | ABC (Australia)
Poll Indicates Americans Support Economic Embargo Against Cuba
Iraqi Whispers Mull Repeat of 1920s Revolt Over Western Occupation
Goss Tells AP He Approves Kay Disclosure
Adult tremor disorder discovered | Sacramento Bee
Saddam Hussein rewarded his/her "friends" out of barrels for oil...
Florida BBV: 3 most-populous counties push for ballot paper trail
Uzbek Group Blames Crew in Plane Crash
Asia Bird Flu Kills 8, Spreads to China
Saudi Arabia Says Ready for Anything at Haj
Kurds campaign for federal state
Rebels urge Liberia head to quit
Since US war, Afghans back in opium biz
WP: Kay Says Evidence Shows Iraq Disarmed
Flight attendant on Sept. 11 plane calm in tape of conversation with crew
9/11 Hijackers Used Mace And Knives, Panel Reports
ACLU files complaint with U.N. about U.S. detention of immigrants
Wichita plant's future uncertain amid Boeing sale (Carlyle Group buyer?)
Chandler Leads Kerr In Race For Congressional Seat According To New Poll
Each-way gambler Murdoch is backing Bush to the max
WP: Kay Says Evidence Shows Iraq Disarmed (Milbank/Pincus)
Central Baghdad rocked by blast
9-11 Panel: Hijack Scenario Downplayed
McGovern calls Bush a deserter on CNBC
Canadian Army told to quarantine US beef in Afghanistan
Lottery director George Andersen dies day after meeting with auditors
CNN: Bush agrees w/ O'Neill assesment.. meetings were "boring as hell"
new Hannity advertisers Zantac/GlaxoSmithKline, Travelocity
Bush 2004 Campaign Pledges To Restore Honor And Dignity To White House
Anyone else thin Jeanne Meserve looks eerily like Laura B***?
Cool little political music video
CNN just called it for SHARPTON
Is it just me or is Dee Dee Myers hot.
speaking of Glakes and the USN.... I just had to perform a grand
My apologies for a random moment of boorish behavior.
CNN just called it for SHARPTON
I had a wonderful dream last night
primary, schmimary - what's for dinner?
what the heck is the "Mark All" for, anyway?
My face is in a permament state of disgust.....
PRIMAL SCREAM! MEDIA......GO F**K YOURSELF! will the mods lock?
the onion has a great scoop! :)
Return of the King gets ONLY 11 Nominations? I count at least 14!
More proof Dean should join a band
Yes - the bitter cold is staying around!
I love wget, or The Much Misunderstood Power Of The Command Line
My wife just brought me hot chocolate chip cookies... baby...goodbye!
Praise the Lawd... no more 700 club for me
please help...need name of band...
Need suggestions on helping a young guy get a date
And Californians wonder why the rest of the country thinks
whatever happened to Joe Pesci?
Wacko Jacko = Joan Crawford's daughter?
I'm trying to watch braveheart for the first time
All I need is Dawn Welles and a steady supply of coconuts
Can you pass this 8th grade test from 1895?
MS Internet Explorer/XP gurus, please help!
Star Trek related thought I just had
The gods be thanked, I've gotten work!
30 pieces of silver? Or blood money for the Holy War?
Iowa...New Hampshire...Houston!
My lovely luncheon with a racist homophobe.
Can you loan the Gubernator a CAPTION?
Jimmy Page's guitar is out of tune all the way thru "Stairway to Heaven!"
Did Kitty ever do Marshall Dillion or did Marshall do her?
Is Bertha Venation a complete and total idiot?
Would you vote for this presidential candidate?
I feel sorry for Dean supporters..
What's the best site for getting N.H. results as they come in?
Clark same favorability as Lieberman?
As a Canadian, I find the term Liebermania bordering on offensive...
I find it hard not to chuckle and feel bad when I hear the words...
Drudge: Lieberman may "suspend" campaign
Anyone else thin Jeanne Meserve looks eerily like Laura B***?
43 more minutes until the polls close
My ears must be on the fritz - Tim Russert just aggreed
I've got a tension headache - ain't politics fun? I'm dying to hear the NH
Good luck to all the candidates tonight!
Dean releases his travel schedule for the next five days
Kerry-Dean, late afternoon numbers: FOX 36-31, CBS 37-30, LA Times 36-33
Drudge says Kerry wins by 6 - Update - now within 3 points hmmm
MSNBC: 8% Returns In - Kerry 37%, Dean 25%, Edwards 13%, Clark 13%
MSNBC reporting record turnout (Londonderry NH)
Londonberry, NH having ballot issues
8% reporting, Kerry 36, Dean 25, Edwards 13, Clark 13
Interesting tidbit from the Conservative Conference,they're angry at Bush
I think Dean has a 50.01% chance of winning the nomination.
Tonight I am thinking about Howard Dean.
The Polls Are Now Officially Closed
Has the Joementum started yet?
Connecticut Primary Ballot Order Drawn
CNN just called it for SHARPTON
Quick question: how many precincts in NH?
"Joementum"'s secret ingredient -- it's Dick Swett!
Clark versus Edwards: Mutually assured destruction?
Sorry, John, wins in IA/NH don't get you the nominations.
In 1992, President Clinton finished third in Iowa, second in New Hampshire
Hardball: Lot's of Repubs & Independents showed up to vote. Said they
Wolf Blitzer is on CNNI ~ Special Election Coverage
CNBC: Projecting Kerry will win
BREAKING: NH's Largest Polling Location Running out of Ballots
CBS called it for Kerry. 8:20 pm
Looks like it's over for Lieberman
CNN, close between Kerry and Dean
Do New Hampshire people lie to the exit pollsters? (Remember 1996!)
Ridiculous - Hardball calling for Clark to drop out
NOT looking for Flames (Question): Is it now Kerry vs. Dean (Edwards 3rd?)
Faux just called it for Kerry 8:15pm est
Dean supporters congratulate John Kerry
Sorry Howard, Second is not a victory... What do you make of a Second?
There is too much discussion at DU about what happened years ago...
Begala is SUCH a DLC Bush-Lite media WHORE!!!
Winner of what ? It's proportional, no ???
Looks like the Comeback Kid Dean is BACK!!!
What exactly does the Democratic Party Stand For?
So Neither Edwards or Clark get any delegates?
Sharpton supporters congratulate Joe Lieberman
Dean outspent Kerry on Advertising, 2 to 1
Congrats John Kerry - from an Edwards supporter
CSPAN to have live NH Primary coverage starting at 8:00pm EST
71% of delegates to be decided in the next three weeks
Edwards and Clark within 500 votes of another
TV Alert: Dean on CNN NOW 9:07
OH MY GOD is anyone else going NUTS?
Dean on Larry King now ~ 9:00pm EST
For the Clark team: A quote from Wesley's favorite philosopher:
A serious question for Dean supporters
Why Kerry is a Traitor and why I'm not voting for him
Obvious RNC talking point on Clark, as revealed by Dole on CNN
The best thing about tonight's results is...
Why does Dean have more delegates than Kerry if...
just to show how quickly how things can change:
Has any candidate ever won both IA and NH and not gotten the nomination?
Kerry, Dean, Edwards, Lieberman on Larry King tonight - Clark declined
anyone have a Dean vs Hannity transcript?
Clark was hurt by the media attacks of the last couple of days and...
Should candidates who haven't won any primaries by Feb. 4 drop out?
MSNBC: Kerry is more "liberal" than Hillary
How is Lieberman (almost) ahead of Clark/Edwards?
TV Alert: Edwards on CNN NOW 9:16
The numbers are holding: Double digit win for Kerry
Howard Dean on Hannity -- Audio
The biggest story out of IA/NH...
Clark-Edwards..... ALMOST TIED! (UPDATING)
Kerry Victory Speech - Taking Offensive OMG
Most amazing thing about NH: The polls got it right
Meet Theresa Heinz Kerry. She would be an amazing first lady.
Exit polls don't match official results? This on NPR now!
Who do you think will win the nomination?
Congratulations Kerry Folks on a nice victory from a Dean supporter
CNN switching from Kerry speech to Edwards.
ENOUGH already with the "Dean Scream" DUers...
Damn, Kerry looks good up there.
Interesting...Clark has all women on stage
Any wagers on how long Kerry's speech will be? :)
Kerry and Dean are from neighboring states. Is the 3rd place finisher...
Two Topics Karl Rove Fears in 2004: Viet Nam & Iran Contra
CLARK on CNN now!! For real this time.
What DOES second place mean for Howard Dean?
Another setback for Clark - why?
Will Kerry get Gephardt's endorsement this week?
HOW can you say with 50% in, someone wins by double digits!!??
Lieberman sure is a happy guy.
What are the implications of a Clark/Edwards dead-heat finish? eom
Clark in a 3-way race for first place!
The media assassinated Dean and Clark: Who's next?
Geez, Bob Dole is such a jerk sometimes...
First three speeches are good, now comes Dean.....
Crap Like This Is Why People At This Site Shouldn't Link Drudge!!!!
NEWS FLASH: This is only ONE primary!
Lieberman on CNN No clear winner for third place
How close does Dean have to keep the margin of victory?
DEAN SPEECH NOW! Get your popcorn out!
13 running in the Republican primary
Did Tammy Faye make an appearance in.....
Tonight was a VERY good night for Democrats
So Kerry beat Dean by almost 15%, a 45 pt. 3-week swing
Dean supporter holds up sign implying Bush and co. were behind 9/11...
John Edwards is talking about race and civil rights right now! says Edwards is the 3rd place winner
Someone please remind me why IA and NH get to choose our party's nominee
Liberman Claims he tied for third
Joe Lieberman smokin crack? Can't count. Joementum hits brick wall
Judy Woodruf is going on the attack on Kerry
The anti-establishment candidates....
Wait... they pulled the NH returns off Drudge...
Interesting results from my phone work tonight - undecideds win!?
It's utter stupidity to let small "white" states like Iowa and NH decide
Rerun of Clark speech on CNN! NOW
Record broken for turnout in Dem primary in NH, per CNN
Is there something at DU that we need to come to terms with?
Latest Drudge Bash. Target: Kerry
Lieberman on MSNBC "let's wait for the ISG report", sound familiar?
TV Alert: DK on Faux NOW 10:33 Insanity and colmes
No president has won without coming in 1st or 2nd in IA or NH primaries?
Kerry may win tonight ... but Dean has the momentum
I Don't Care WHO You Are For!!!!!
Judy Woodruf just said Dean supporters are "Minions"
Kerry really needs to get himself a message
It will make me sad if one of the anti-war candidates doesn't win.
So what candidates need to win what states on Feb 3rd?
TV Alert: Daily Show will be covering the primaries live tonight.
I've learned to appreciate Dean
Can the Eventual Dem Ticket be two Northeasternrs?
Deans not screaming, his supporters are!
So let me get this straight...
Lieberman: Well, the intelligence community has a lot to answer for
If Clark comes in third, here is what the pundits will say.
So, is Dean going to go after Kerry big time? Will Edwards benefit?
Who wants to get on board with my Dean/Clark deal scenario now?
Exit Poll: Kerry scores on beating Bush
Question for Clark Supporter Regarding Ads?
Is Lieberman the millenium Zell Miller?
Was the first Gulf War justified?
Daily Show: Live from NH Tonight?
Anybody besides me toyed with the idea of Kerry/Hollings?
Nice to see Kerry kick major ass
Clark Supporters: Letter & Phone Campaign
Solid Concrete Proof of Joementum
Ironic Circumstances: The Dem Primary is distracting from Iraq
Turnout surpassed 200,000 substantially
after his SCREAM, dean sounded whimpy tonight....towed down
Just Heard That Clark Looks To Be 4th...
What are Kerry's chances of winning the nomination?
Clark and Edwards cannobolizing each other?
repeat post from January'll be a Kerry/Edwards ticket...
Tonight America Spoke in a united voice
Is it all over next week if Kerry sweeps all the primaries?
Brokered Convention Looms. Possibility of top three candidates
Who are Hamm and Vermin Supreme?
I know there is a debate coming up soon, when is it???
one thing I dont understand about the exit polls (re Dean)
Lieberman: Fifth place is great?
What is the next move for Dean, Clark, and Edwards?
Dean leads Delegate Count . . .(?)
ABB....please unite NOW to beat bush*...anyone who has been
If Clark finishes 3rd will he remain a top-tier candidate?
Clark will win South Carolina with the Black Vote Alone.....
Kerry/Hillary ticket - Kerry/Edwards - Kerry/Clark - Kerry/Dean?
Gephardt d. Sharpton, Braun d. Clinton, Kerry(R) d. Bush(D)
Kerry tells 'influence peddlers' in Washington: 'We're coming'
Dean not acting like a loser in his speech and crowd reaction incredible
Dean speaks to the little people
Official Thread for LIEBERMAN supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Official Thread for SHARPTON supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Kerry supporters congratulate Howard Dean
IF Kerry won the nomination, would he give Dean a place in his
Read This Freeper Post .... Fascinating...
Are you offended by 'support my candidate' threads?
Dean needs to come down South!
Was the first Gulf War justified?
Should Dean lose the nomination, he should replace Terry McAuliffe.
Why is Liberman doing better than Kucinich?
What exactly does the Democratic Party Stand For?
John Kerry regarded as the most "electable" by Democrats
Republican Primary Results (heh,heh)
Official Thread for CLARK supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Official Thread for KUCINICH supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Dean and Clark together beat Kerry
Official Thread for EDWARDS supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Which is Better? A nominee sooner or a nominee later ??
Where have all the Clark supporters gone tonight ?
Zogby wasn't so nutty after-all
Clark needs to change strategy
The Right Wing Malicious Assault is in full bloom tonight.
When Clark, Edwards, and Lieberman drop out: Kerry or Dean?
Anyone know how John Buchanan did against Bush in the repub primary?
un-Official thread for HAMM supporters and well wishers only
On a Hopeful Note: 12% of Republicans in NH REJECTED DUMBYA!
Shouldn't people who cover our campaigns know at least as much as I do?
Official Thread for DEAN supporters and well-wishers ONLY
Dean got only ONE vote in Hampstead County, NH
Who here is unhappy with a Kerry win tonight? Why?
OK, How do we get Clark to stick it
Official Celebration Thread for KERRY supporters and well-wishers ONLY
When has Kerry's being a Bonesman affected his service?
Clearly stated: Should Lieberman leave the race?
Democratic Presidential Preference Poll
How could Kerry vote YES for the Patriot act, YES for the war in Iraq....
Time for all us Dennis Kucinich supporters to check in!!!
Will Vice President Cheney be indicted—and will the US media report it?
January 27th 2004. French Bashing, Young Voters and the Newsless
Joe Conason (NY Observer): Bush’s War Stories Simply Don’t Fly
Mr Blair misled us - and now he is looking silly
CBS, Censor Broadcasting System
Waiting for the wealthy to sacrifice in this war (Good Zinni Quote)
Using Fundamentals US Policy to Improve Your Life
Lewis & Clark helped rob American Indians
Morford Rides Again - Damn Hippie Liberal Trees!
Michael Moore enlists with General Clark: the pathetic—and predictable...
Correspondence from 18-year-old soldier before death in Iraq
TIME: President Bush's Naked Envoy, Dick Cheney goes a-wooing
Last of the believers -- claiming an honest mistake will no longer wash
"10 surprises to stretch your thinking"
Will Vice President Cheney be indicted—and will the US media report it?
Secretary Colin L. Powell, February 24, 2001
Kay: 'We Were Almost All Wrong' :wash post
LTR from Congressmen (26) to CBS re: MoveOn ad during S'Bowl
Million Patients March!!!! MAY DAY MAY DAY
PETITION for the Dem. Nat. Committee to Endorse HR2239 (paper record) DRE
Unjustly deporting people! Sign my petition, PLEASE! Let's stop GWB!
House Panel Pushes TV, Radio to Clean Up Shows
Jon Stewart's version of Interview With The Vampire (Perle)
Show your 'support' for Rush: Send Barry Krischer Your Opinion...
Phe's shared thought for the day 1/28/4;
Lesbian softball player settles complaint against University of Florida
Public inquiry to be held into Arar case(US deported Canadian to Syria)
Cleveland Indians prospect asks forgiveness for role in gay porn video
'Japan says to cautiously consider gold in reserves'
How would you improve the job market and national security?
Yukon River King Salmon Parasite Linked To Warmer Water - ADN
Bush EPA Chief Celebrates Clinton Clean-Car Program
Hitler's Chemical Weapons a Seeping Menace
Japan May Consider Sharing Fusion Project (with France)
GM cress could seek out landmines
Bioengineers build scaffold to grow neurons(repair spinal cords)
Conservative Sportsmen Turn Against Bush - USA Today
Destined to change the way people. think
Monarch Butterfly Habitat Deforestation Grinds On, Despite Laws
Toyota Again Boosts Production Of New Prius - 130,000 For 2004
Illinois Takes On The Green Monster - Kudzu!!
Humanitarian reasons didn't justify Iraq war
Paris and Berlin consider military intervention in Iraq
China: Controls tighten as Internet activism grows
Nigeria: N. Korea to Share Missile Tech
Iraqi Whispers Mull Repeat of 1920s Revolt Over Western Occupation
Remember When We Had A REAL President?
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 28, 2004
Casting a movie in the J/PS forum...
What law would you enact to stop any particular gun crime?
Gun Nut "Logic" or Whatever It Is
Is this a way to get rid of posts that you, personally, don't like?
Would I get banned for PMing abuse to someone?
Why was my thread on the mass psychology of fascism
actually, using the header sex sex sex
Can we create a permanent section for poll analysis?
Please! Can we cut out the "NOW" headers?
Where Is The Line Between An Inflammatory Attack and a Valid Criticism?
Should post #1 on this thread be allowed to remain with out some
Has there been some recent downtime in the early morning hours?
So, when did this miracle of beneficence happen?
So according to this thinking, anyone can slip anything outrageous
Did a mod accidentally bump the lock button on this thread?
Israel and Hezbollah - mutual deterrence
Sharon offered evacuation deal, say settlers
The Likud is dead. What killed it?
Contemporary Islamist Ideology Permitting Genocidal Murder
'The Fall of One Jew, Whether Soldier or Civilian, Is a Great Accomplis
Israel may allow W.Bank police to rearm-officials
UN chief: PA may collapse unless int'l aid sent
EU says Israel's security fence adds to aid costs
Cheney Says Terror Will Not Lead to Palestinian State
Israeli rights groups join anti-fence case
Sweden Should Take Lead To Make Suicide Bombing A 'Crime Against Humanity'
Israel, Hizballah Prisoner Swap Will Encourage Terrorism, Critics Say
"Diagnosing Benny Morris: the mind of a European settler"
Peace near dead end, Qureia says
Eight Palestinians killed in Israeli raid
Iraq Govt. Lifts Ban of Arab TV Station
Kurds campaign for federal state
is ewing 2001's 911 Encyclopedia still available in the internet???
Demolition of the Towers and Building 7 on 911
Okay, so what about this Betty Ong tape?
Hart unlikely to enter Senate race
U.S. border policies divide Senate hopefuls; Kenyan in US Senate Race
Fun demo of Instant Runoff Voting online
Bond has financial edge over Farmer
You Know Why We Need A Change.
mo roca from the daily show on larry king live
Mike Ruppert on KFNX radio in Phoenix now - 12:00am EST Jan 28
Oh my, Bill Schnieder just spoke the truth (CNN)
U.S. casualty rate is higher since Saddam's capture
Is the South becoming the new Rust Belt?
Good News: 15 percent of Repubs voted AGAINST Bush in NH primary
Nightline is showing the MOVE ON ads!
Bush Never Said Saddam Imminent Threat
Word Parsing to Rival the Masters: On Immanent Threat
General Strategy Ideas after Nomination
The Next 'Pentagon Papers' by Daniel Ellsberg
The delegate selection process
"We intend/expect to catch OBL within the year."
Do you think Bob Novak is a traitor?
Al Franken physically assaulted??
Atlanta's one of the highest in job growth.
Could Kerry ask Hillary for Veep?
What sort of anti vietnam stuff did Kerry do
Any updates on the Novak shoving incident?
On line petition to save overtime pay
FYI, you people who speak of Media W----- have it all wrong.
Seems like it's up to you guys
A little progress is better than no progress...
White House Wants 9/11 Inquiry "wrapped up" by May
Record Turn-out in New Hampshire ~ Good news for Democrats
CSPAN2: CPAC on, Ed Gillespie speaking.
Hutton report: Dossier not sexed up
The Mysterious Case Of Iraq's Missing WMD
Dennis Droppings: Ignorant Pseudo-Sahl Quoted at
If you haven't watched the Pentagon's enforced use of amphetimines
progressive causes are alot like acne
Watching the News last night re/the primaries
David Kay coming up on CSPAN3 11AM
What will David Kay's next assignment be?
Juicy: Bush supporter Willis's crush on a boytoy?
More from Jeb's banana republic
A Democratic "Southern Strategy"
My Bush-loving co-worker admits embracing ignorance!
CNN/Wolf Blitzer still talking about the hearing
Has the CIA or FBI ever been accused of partisanship in the past?
do TV stations charge Dems & Repugs the same for ads?
I am concealing WMDs (huge stockpiles)
",,,,For Security purposes, I cannot divulge my location"...
Secret Doc, Shows Bush Adm, Effort to Stop Global Anti-Obesity Ini.
as for now the rest of the world is saying "we don't hate America we hate
Question about fast I.D. of 9/11 hijackers...
Baghdad is Bush's Blue Dress - let's talk of impeachment
More Industry takeover of the government (CropLife America)
Blanquita Cullum
PLay Guess the Region (Beyond Red vs Blue)
Funny Onion Article: Bush 2004 Campaign Pledges to Restore Honor and ...
Is Rudy Giuliani a chicken hawk?
Why did * not hide WMD in Iraq?
Bush won NH with 85% of the vote- what about the other 15?
Who was the FIRST President of the US? Samuel Huntington?
Dems should call Bush's(Kay's) bluff and demand full intel investigation
I can't believe they let this crap into our newspaper:
What we have here is a failure to take responsibility.
I am SOOOOOOOO sick of hearing Saddam's use of chemical
Isn't this about the same time Ashcroft quit flying on commercial airlines?
Wash.Post pro-Bush "tough guy" SPIN
Rush Limbaugh - The new and improved Jesus
Wow! I'm invited to an RNC fundraiser! My dilemma...
Lord of the RIngs: A Republican Flick???
MWO is Especially good today 1/28/2004
CIA/Bulgarian Nurses/400 Lybia children given (?) AIDS injections?
Black life far more rags than riches
Erratum in "Lipstick on a Pig"
I'm searching for the name of the American General who commented last week
Buck Up People - They Will Find the WMD's
anyone know anything about
Why can't RW-er's let Chappaquiddick go?
Al Franken on, listen here
Driving Bush from office in disgrace couldn't be any simpler than this.
I heard a rumor, when cheney left the Pope's presence
In a pre-2000 world, our candidates would have a chance with the media,
Since the words "imminent threat" are in the news today......
The most terrifying film of the year!
What to Make of the Dump Cheney Rumor?
Bush 2004 Campaign Pledge - "To Restore Honor And Dignity To The WH"
'Ghosts' haunt capital --Neo-Confederates want plaques restored in TX
The look on this guy's face says it all.. Yup.. our economy is just peachy
9/11 Commission Says It Needs More Time - (GOP rejects)
Why isn't Bush* calling for intelligence investigation????
I called Viacom, to protest the censorship of MoveOn, and an interesting
What to Make of this Dump Cheney Rumor?
Osama's Back in the News - We're Huntin' Him Down Again
We're sending our military into Pakistan next?
Does anyone have the answer to this question?
I anyone else having trouble getting on MWO
Check out this scary Rush tribute "The Passion"
Would you criticize Bill Clinton if it guaranteed a defeat of the Repub..
Abortion Activist Accused of Cybersquatting by W.Va. Paper
MSNBC just reported that Giulianni may replace Cheney as VP
Record turn-out in New Hampshire ~ Good News for Democrats
today is Randi Rhodes birthday...
Powell called WMD reports "Bullshit" before UN then used em' anyway.
Andrew Sullivan no lefty "say's Bush in deep trouble"
Saudi Arabia has no connection to 911
Leonard Peiltier's anniversary message
THIS is why Bush and Cheney belong behind bars!!
Myth Busting: the rich do NOT pay more into the treasury, en masse than
CNN: "The capture of bin Laden could benefit the President...
So David Kay says "We were all wrong." Okay, fine, now just what the
I'm guessing that Bill Clinton disarmed Saddam Hussein?
Joe Trippi leaves the Dean campaign....what happened?
So...Bill Clinton brought peace to the Balkins, and disarmed Saddam.
A freeper's tax cut analogy - does this make any sense?
Clinton wrote only two e-mails while in office
Okay, Mr. Kay, so who's the cheerleader for this ugly landgrab?
Influencing people — a personal success story to inspire you
Just how much is B* paying Wolf Blitzer?
Daddy Matcom Weighs In On The Kay Report
Bush Job Ratings -- he has nowhere to go but down
I think Kay is lying to save his life
Electronic voting favored by majority of Georgians
Editorials Question Bush's Role in 'Cooking' Up a War
For Bush*t, It All Depends on the Meaning of 'Imminent'
What do gay and lesbian voters deserve from Democrats?
Props to Bernard Weiner for the "Fog Of War" article this morning
Bag the Southern Stratey...go North ?
Are We Witnessing The Biggest Cover-Up In History ??
It's MORE incriminating if BushCo DIDN'T use the phrase "imminent threat"!
What are the prospects for impeachment?
9-11 Changed Dennis Miller, Did It Change You?
So did your "Local" Clear Channel station mention Botox today?
Ellen Mariani to be on Scarborough Tonight!!!
interesting: Skull & Bones have now won two
Stock market down 150 points. 12:41 Pacific Time n/t
Did anyone else see Bush's guy on The Daily Show last night?
CGES Sees `Genuine Shortage' Of Oil,OPEC Won't Cut In '04
Tucker Carlson on Crossfire: The rich keep this country afloat.
Supreme Court of Canada to release decision on spanking children
My first hand account of Novak's savage assault on a citizen in NH
Is the Democratic Party in Transformation ?
Clark and Edwards Vie for Third — Big Test in South Is Next - NYT
U.S.: Nuclear Plant Cheated During Drill
Mexican Church Attacks Pill Use
Genetically Modified Sperm Is Possible In Humans
Sharp rise in piracy on the high seas
Cures For Health Care: 7 Dem. Hopefuls Would Deepen Gov't Involvement
Australia donates $3 million to Palestinian refugees
Cheney pays a visit to Vicenza (Photo Op with 173rd Airborne)
GOP Asks Supreme Court To Act On Colorado Redistricting
Eight Palestinians killed in Israeli raid
Couple who fought for registry first to sign as domestic partners
Kerry Looks Ahead After Big N.H. Victory
Panel: FAA Downplayed Hijacking Scenario
NYT: Bush Backs Away From His Claims About Iraq Arms
British soldier killed in Kabul suicide blast
Fletcher Tightens The State's Belt
Bush Backs Away From His Claims About Iraq Arms
French Resistance heroine wins Australian government support
U.S. Broke International Law, ACLU Says
Steelcase Closing Two Plants, Trimming Hundreds Of Jobs
Ford Plans To Lay Off 200 Workers At Claycomo Plant (Missouri)
FCC Proposes $755,000 Fine Over `Bubba'/Clear Channel
GOP having trouble finding votes to override gun veto (Wisconsin)
Pentagon Plans Afghan Spring Offensive
Kroger Recalls Roast Beef (Atlanta)
White House to Propose FAA Cuts - WSJ
FAA was focused on explosives, not suicide pilots (They were warned)
Cracks begin to show in US-UK relations
Steelcase closing plant in Fletcher
Will Vice President Cheney be indicted—and will the US media report it?
Jordan and Bulgaria Investigate... Citizens in Saddam Bribes Scam
Only Dean and Edwards have full delegate slates for primary (NY)
Taliban Claim Deadly Afghan Bombings
Second Mars rover (Opportunity) having problems
CSU faces rejecting 20,000 students ...budget cuts force a reduction
Manitoba MP Rick Borotsik quits Conservatives - CPC loses 5th MP - CTV
Schwarzenegger to pay $4.5 million after court rebuke
China Clamps Down On Online Justice
Kay Blames Weak Intel in Iraq WMD Failure (AP)
Prosecutor rebuked over release of Limbaugh documents
Fed Judge Directs Exxon to Pay Damages & Interest re Valdez Oil Spill
Mystery Disease Terrifies Sudan Officials
2 men caught between 2 nations
Chinese President wants more French Investment in China
Immigration opponents move toward taking over Sierra Club
Hutton Inquiry Report Released
Lord Hutton statement NOW (Live covering)
Orange County [CA] to have jump on voting
BBC chairman to quit over Hutton
Kay Cites Evidence Of Iraq Disarming (WP )
Remains of Nine More Women Found in Canada's Worst Serial Killing Case
U.S. to Release Two Dozen Guantanamo Prisoners
Pakistan investigates BCCI role in sale of nuclear knowhow
Lawsuit Seeks Govt Benefits For Laid-Off Software Workers
Congress discusses indecency on TV, radio after FCC record fine
Iranian students call election boycott
Two-way jobs traffic as Indian firms set up in UK
Hutton is accused of a 'whitewash'/The Independent
Father of Pakistan's Nuclear Program Contacts Supplied Iran and Libya
Scouts Seek Help From Gay Congressman Frank
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 28 January (#1)
breaking: .....Rep Clyburn endorses Kerry not Sharpton/Edwards in SC...CNN
Joe Trippi out as Dean mngr, stays w/campaign (MSNBC)
House Democrats claim prayer is 'disrespectful' (Arizona Legislature)
Capital Punishment: Voters To Decide Death Penalty? (Minnesota)
Blair Cleared Of "Dishonourable Conduct"
(Stocks fall) Fed Drops `Considerable Period' Outlook on Rates
Kennedy rips bush a new one ...Kay meeting Congress ..LIVE CNN NOW!
New (M$ IE) Explorer hole could be devastating
1/28 Deserter Lines -- (Clark & Kerry campaigns to investigate AWOL?)
Members of Congress Challenge CBS Decision to Not Run ....
Frist aide put on leave in probe (Dem Memo Leak)
WP: TV Covers the Bush 'Dodge'
WP: Kay: 'We Were Almost All Wrong' (WMD in Iraq)
Bankruptcy bill held up by protections for farmers, abortion protesters
Florida Gay Adoption Ban Upheld
Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 519 U.S. service members have died
CREW Alleges Cheney Leaked Classified Information, Breaking Federal Law
A spring offensve to capture Bin Laden announced.
Judicial Inquiry Clears Blair on Iraq Intelligence Claims
Missouri Gay Marriage Ban Moves Toward Vote
U.S. Government Offers Free Cyber Alerts
Teens arrested for smashing 'decadent' SUVs
If aliens came to Earth and said "Take me to your leader"....
Student's Jeep Stolen Twice In Three Days
lounge dwellers i need your help...a pic of Ali the boy bush* disarmed?
Man Rescues Cat - Cat Saves Man In Fire
134 Cats, 6 Dogs, 3 Children Taken From Utah Home
I'm a player in a Drinking campaign now. Presidents are on me.
I just had the cutest guy show up at my door!
Did I miss the Austin - Curra's breakfast? Doh!!!
Funniest Kucinich story I've seen so far.
If you could own one classic car, what would it be?
WHOHOO. Best buddy from college just became a "psychotherapist"
new Savage Weiner advertiser Furniture Medic
I found a friendly cat in the middle of the dessert
How many televisions are too many?
Do you ever wonder where snow cones come from?
"Lost In Translation": best opening shot in a movie ever?
Meetup for United Kingdom DU'ers Feb 9th?
Bert and Ernie moved to the hood
How can I identify the new virus?
Question for classic comic fans, Re: Doom Patrol:
Erratum in "Lipstick on a Pig"
E-Mailer virus hits the USA hard - (changes home page)
Grammy Award R&B singer arrested in GA on possession charges
Does anyone around here have a sense of humor??
Man, My company is opening late, I am here
Local paper - classified ad... heee-heee-heee
So when will we hear the tales of Matcom's Mexican Adventure
Who is looking for a CUTE puppy to adopt?
It Is Currently Negative 14 Degrees Fahrenheit
Does anyone know a way to keep deer from eating all your bird seed?
Dryer lint, what is it good for?
Anyone else just hear about "College Hill"?
Fingertip Mysteriously Missing From Hospital (Was To Be Sewn Back On)
OWWW! My braces freakin' hurt!!, and other tales from the CanuckAmok Files
What will David Kay's next assignment be?
I found a friendly cat in the middle of the desert
Someone PLEASE Whisper To Mr. Kay... LICK YOUR LIPS!!
Streisand MAY play Ben Stiller's Mom in "Meet the Fockers"
Who owns your local Hate Radio station?
This is what we're up against!
'In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, Part I' on Bravo now
Oh, VOMIT, there's a Bush banner run on my Opera browser.
Judge Shoots Boy For Throwing Snowballs
..."So.....Then it's POSSIBLE that leprechauns.........."
Jury Rejects Claim That SOUP Drove Man Nuts
Bush 2004 campaign promises to restore honor & dignity to WH
REALLY bizarre dreams you don't want to analyze
Jail "Stand-Ins" - You Do The Crime, THEY Will Do The Time
which musical DUer can I blame?
And for my 1000th post.... Ask Me Anything...
CNN Newsflash! Important Breaking News seen on CNN Screen Crawl!!
Halle Berry Fine After Catwoman Accident
I'm a player in a Presidential campaign now. Drinks are on me.
I'm feeling selfish, so give me $5.00!
Scarlett Johansson showing off her Dean support!
Heartfelt congratulations to Joe Lieberman on his placing third in NH
Something is wrong here-what are these blacked-out areas
What does the back of a smiley face look like?
Man ordered to keep clothes on when outdoors
I got this in an e-mail from a friend that I thought was a Bushketeer
President Bush Speaks with Nation's Mayors at Winter Meeting (photo)
Anyone else ever drive a Corvair?
Have ya ever tried to burp and farted instead?
Greatest coach un University of Utah history resigns. =(
What is the worst officiating you have ever seen...
These car posts.... Did you ever name your car?
Acrylic fingernails: anyone had them?
'The Butterfly Effect' is not a bad movie
Have ya ever tried to fart and peed instead?
John Stossel says the media is "Leftist" so he must be right.....
Whew, I've been gone for a while- what's been going on?
A radio-show just asked me to apply for a job as Assistant Producer
Moderator warning records have been cleared. Interesting.
What movie have you watched the most times?
DU wipes our wrist slap records clean Woo Hoo
How do you put someone on 'ignore'?
Well, screw that, I'm taking the day off.
LOL! Everyone Get's A Free Pass! Mod Warnings All Deleted!
caption this cherie blair photo
Moderator warnings cleared as a Job Action against DU.
I heard a rumor, when cheney left the Pope's presence
Have Ya Ever Tried to Burp.....
Okay, who else has seen "Whale Rider"?
The most terrifying film of the year!
The most terrifying film of the year!
Scary nightmare that woke me up this morning
Breaking: New Kucinich press secretary defects to Kerry camp.
Looking for an old thread, search function not working for me
Do You Make Up Your Bed Every Day?
WWJD? (What would Jim do? - Ask me anything.
If you don't have a strong stomach, don't read this.
I'm watching 'Canadian Bacon' ask me anything!
Let's play the "related program activities" game!
I Have A Question. When You Send A Money Order Do You Sign The
Fun with Madlibs: Science Fair Project
I got another 23 minutes in this office. Ask me anything!
Computer toolbar is now located on the right side of my
WTF??? Twisters in Hawaii?? Yesterday, about 10 touched down
How do you plan to get your first moderator warning?
what car did you learn to drive in?
Breaking: Will Pitt is new Dean campaign manager
Victoria Secret or Fredericks of Hollywood
Mmmmm.....greek salad with feta cheese.
I am officially 14 posts shy of the 4-digit mark.
Protect your cat from Right-Wing mind control!
This is my one-thousandth post.
Just checked my mail, and 3 people tried to give me a virus
Cheesier Gift: Chia Pet or The Clapper?
So I met Melrose Larry Green from Howard Stern
1.75 Million AFA Emails Get $755,000 Results at FCC (and now we're broke!)
Is it possible for a Aztec to be even uglier?
Acrylic nails: who's had them?
Hmm, so I guess calling in was a bad idea
If I Go Ahead And Do It, Will You TOO?
Should I change my avatar image?
What's going on with my eye??? Really.
Cure For Cancer: 72 Hours Of Sex!
99th episode of Angel is on tonight!
XP experts unite. Need to change a name
Anyone have any good vacation ideas?
this may well be the worst toy ever conceived . . .
To those of you who are married or who were married before
I think I'm going to adopt another cat
LA Du'ers: Wanna hook up for a mini get together?
What do you say during a roll call?
By the way, did y'all see this? (Another DU goodie)
I'm building my first website...
What fun things have you been called on message boards?
Just back from Bowie Concert - first row seats! Ask me anything...
I just paid $ 3872 to the orthodontist. Ask me nothing!
Urinal cakes, What are they good for?
Who wants to see what PopulistMom's hubby looks like: get this description
Photo: Is Bush's suit padded or is he wearing kevlar?
This week's sign of the apocalypse
What do you mean the CAPTIONS never existed???
What's the legendary movie you've inexplicably never seen?
Not All Americans Are Stupid: Take the Quiz and Find Out How You Rank
My 2 year old does a John Kerry impression
I make my Cat Mr. Streets say his prayers every night
Now my cat's a murderer: the Mika saga continues
The Extravagence of College Football Recruiting
Which musical duo or group has the best harmonies ever?
How to make money off "morans" on Ebay
I give up - I'm staying in the Lounge
James Brown Arrested on Domestic Violence
I'm feeling generous, so ask me whatever you want to know about me!
OK, I have definitely missed something here:
I can't stop listening to.........?
Anybody In The Know RE: Dems Rally Music?
I'm really sad. I just put my dog to sleep :(
What Will The Pig's Next Costume Be?
Are you going to boycott the Superbowl?
What movie do you wish you had NEVER seen?
CONFESS!!!!!! Celebrity Crushes you had when you were a kid!!!!
Democrats battle Republicans in new forum...
Here's the vote count for all the candidates
Is the Lieberman campaign the worst ran operation ever?
Will there be any more debates before Feb. 3rd?
Question for former "Stop Dean" and/or "Stop Clark" Democrats
1/27/04 South Carolina SurveyUSA polls, and some other key states
What if Edwards, Clark, Kerry, and Dean all win on 2/3?
Campaign Strategy! Where I think each campaign should focus
How difficult would it be for candidate's supporters to conduct their own
Seriously, I have a message on my answering machine
I can tell you when Kucinich will be elected President
Is Lieberman smoking some joecrack?
I think Dean getting 4th in 3 or more of the Feb 3rd primaries is likely
Wasn't there a Repuke primary tonight?
WE out number repubs 3 to 1 already
Interesting Analysis Of Dean And His Fortunes !!! - Very Hopeful !
An individual praise for each candidate...
Who saw Dennis Millers new show
Best nomination fight ever. Even beats '84. EVERYTHING is in play now.
Question about the Iowa strategy
did dean lose when saddam was caught ? wasn't that the real
Why are Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich and Lieberman still in the race?
Dean got more votes than Clark and Edwards combined !
Current DRUDGE idiocy... "New and Improved Kerry..."
I hope Kerry doesn't expect to win South Carolina with this kinda quote.
Dean plans to skip Feb. 3rd primaries and focus on Michigan and Washington
Kucinich supporters, let's make a deal.
Charge: Kerry opposed the First Gulf War
Scarlett Johansson showing off her Dean support!
Question? Does PA matter at all in the primary?
How do they have delegates before elections?
On t.v., they asked where all the Dean supporters will go & do.
What I've learned about politics
Y'all know what this means right? We all have to donate to our candidates
IWR, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Tax Cuts for the Rich
Willy Brown just said this about Kerry...
How fun must it be to cover the Lieberman campaign?
Dean supporters only I have an important question for you
How does Edwards win the nomination?
Dean to appear on all morning shows, ABC, CBS, NBC
Dan Rather on Charlie Rose: ..."and the 'young' John Edwards...."
Why at 7:45AM EST, are they still reporting only 97% of precincts?
Who might run again in a future election?
Bush gets only 85% of NH Repub vote! Dems get full 100%!
97% in and Edwards has closed to 700 votes of Clark!
I wish the non contenders would donate their campaign money.
Holy Coffee Beans !!! --- Was This Intentional By MSNBC ?
As a Dean supporter, who should I support now?
"We intend/expect to catch OBL within the year."
Am I the only undecided one in DU?
Since when are career politicians "unelectable"?
Top Ten Responses To -- "I Love Kucinich But He Can't Win"
112 people wrote in Bushie in NH
I need a list of the primaries in order and by date
I like Kerry but his record is a treasure trove for Rove...
What are you prepared to do for John Kerry if he is the nominee.
Can't they get the last 3% counted?
Who Was Tuesday Night's Biggest Loser?
It could be down to Kerry vs. Clark after next Tuesday
Kerry is only third candidate in history to win both IA and NH
John Kerry Is Now The Prohibitive Front Runner
Kansas City Star Poll, Kerry leads in Missouri
Who really Believes Kerry can win?
Okay, after tonight is there anyone at all who does not see who the
Arizona, Oklahoma, and South Carolina -Todays ARG POLLs
Only 1.5 % of the delegates have been chosen at this point
Official Thread for LAROUCHE supporters and well-wishers ONLY
This is what we're up against!
Um, did we know that Will Pitt is now DK's press secretary?
The Persistance Of Joe Lieberman's Campaign Is Like:
Hold the presses.....Dean still leads in Delegates!!
Analysts say S.C. can seal it for Kerry
Who is right about Iraq since Saddam fell: Bush or Dean?
Dean in the lead with most delegates
Someone please explain how delegates
Total number of votes and delegates selected in primaries so far
Clark supporters: write Rangel, write Dinkins, write Sharpton. . .RE: S.C.
Clark endorsed by Washington Blade (DC gay paper)
More NH Info than you could possibly want
Dean's 'victory' speech last night.
217,962 people voted in the Democratic NH primary--
Fashion Police for Dem Candidates...
What sort of anti vietnam stuff did Kerry do
Clark on Leno Tonight! - (On Edit: Taped Piece...
Kerry/Clark/Edwards supporters - your guy's position on the Iraq invasion?
In the upcoming primaries, think of military bases and dependents....
I underestimated Kerry. He has proven me wrong.
BREAKING:Kucinich spokesman goes off on non-covered news stories
Not to steal a line from past posters here, But...
AZ Clark supporters/DUers-wndycty is coming to Phoenix for Clark 2nite!
Has a divorced man ever been elected president?
How Much Did the Club for Growth Ad Hurt Dean?
Joe Lieberman - "I am the one mainstream candidate in this race,"
Edwards says no interest in running on Kerry ticket!!!
What if Dean doesn't win a state but continues to lead in delegates?
Latest Arizona and South Carolina polls
New Zealand Headline: "Kerry wins Vermont primary"
What happens to Dean's passion if Kerry wins?
Which democratic candidates have children? grandchildren?
League of Conservation Voters endorses DLCer Kerry
Kerry's EXCELLENT Animal Rights Record
March 2 primary win could be vital
Obituary for Dean's campaign (2002-2004)
Clark vows a tough fight from a determined soldier
Stop it! Stop it! We need to unite! Don't be sour if your guy's out.
My Frozen Dean Volunteers Report
How Did I Get On Edwards' Email List?
if first primary were in Tennesse...
Egads....Kerry Profile On Democracy Now This A.M.
Dean supporters: Good, positive article on yesterdays vote
Urgent -- Call 2 Action for Clark Supporters --Urgent
What is the delegate count right now?
Dean's campaign is repeating Clinton's 1992 campaign
Who voted for John Edwards yesterday?
Has any candidate ever won both IA and NH without winning the nomination?
Survey: Missouri Up For Grabs In Primary
Josh Marshall says Iowa and N.H. carry good news for all Dems
Hey Edwards supporters: my mom's with ya!
Does Dean want Kerry to win South Carolina?
CNN: Clark stakes claim as top-tier candidate
How much money do the candidates have after NH?
How will Edwards do in the upcoming primaries ?
Suggestion for Edwards to do better in California
Dean is better in the South than Kerry in the GE
Clark has the winning message for the Democratic Party in the South
Dean built health care plan for Vt. piece by piece (Charlotte Observer)
Close your eyes.. imagine it's the future.. Bush vs. Kerry debates..
St Louis DUers Kerry is going to be at Forest Park Community College
I'm concerned about Kerry and the South
I used to think politics was a game.
Kerry/Edwards - is this our ticket if Kerry is the nominee?
Dr Deans record on Prescription Drugs - record of accomplishments
I trust Dean to deliver health care for America --43mill. have no coverage
Two things. One today's headlines should have read...
Where do the candidates stand on foreign policy?
Kerry keeps giving South short shrift
If Kerry wins, how long will it be before we will have "buyer's Remorse"?
Hey, Let's Stop Worrying About Kerry So Much
Does anyone give a damn about Kerry's shady "connections"?...
why you should support Clark over Lieberman, Kerry & Edwards
OK, here's how I see the primaries going. Kerry vs the anti-Kerry
Got a pleasant surprise from Clark supporters yesterday...
Why we're ALL winners after last night
Bush Secret Weapon has Kerry ties
the Dean bat keeps growing - How 'bout You
Kerry Will Fight For Votes in every state
Get ready for more 'Dirty Tricks' from the Kerry Campaign
Dean Called For Microchip ID Card to Use the Internet
Who Here Has Switched to Kerry or Edwards Since Iowa?
Newsweek - don’t count out Howard Dean just yet
fell asleep...woke up to third!!
Well, I'm glad I don't have to vote for Kerry...
Here's a campaign slogan Dean should use! Free of charge...
"Clark is Done" said Joe Scarboring, Tucker Carlson,
Why can't Lieberman face reality?
Democrats/progressives/anti-war people will all vote for Kerry in the GE
NH Among Few States Using Paper Records for Voting. Hope it spreads!
Its Time To Rally Behind Kerry
The Appeal of Howard Dean -Why he could be Bush's more dangerous opponent
Kerry's latest gaffe .. read on
Kerry Is Winning Fair and Square
Health and prosperity at heart of Dean campaign (Fin. Times 1/28)
Interesting data from exit polls:
Breaking: New Kucinich press secretary defects to Kerry camp.
Michigan may be last chance for pursuers to derail Kerry
How open is Kerry to the "no moral center" attack?
Bad timing and unfortuneate camera angles.
Another Vote for Hope Over Anger
Dean Supporters -- Make Yourself Feel Good
Great Quote in the Boston Globe:
Dean Vows He Won't Scale Back Campaign (AP Story)
Kerry Way Ahead in Missouri at 25% to Dean 6%
I'd Like to Know More About Kerry's Position on School Vouchers
Something to keep in mind if media is brutalizing your guy:
Breaking: Will Pitt is new Dean campaign manager
CNN says that moderate Dems went overwhelmingly to Kerry over Dean
And the media bias keeps rolling on...
I Am So Proud to be a Democrat Today
Make-up, air-brush tanning, a haircut and botox
Easy way to throw cold water on the "Kerry is establishment" stuff
Cheap shots and innuendo define the posters more than the candidates
Congradulations to Kerry and Dean from a Clark supporter...
4% of the NH voters were Repubs. Here's who they voted for:
why it will come down to Kerry v. Clark . . .
Blitzer making sure Kay says war was still justified on CNN
Say hello to the new front runner
Gore has derailed the Democratic Party.....
Has Kerry commented on the Mass. Supreme Court gay marriage ruling?
Carville in the CNN war room with Begala
new SUSA poll of South Carolina: Dean tied for lead of African-Americans
Sam Donaldson: People didn't vote FOR Kerry, they voted AGAINST Dean...
Sen Kerry/Kerry supporters: I salute you
North Carolina resident comments on Edwards
Morning Show of Dean saying Deficit Comes First?
BREAKING! Trippi joins Lehane in Clark campaign! New dynamic duo!
I think it might have been "Big Mistake" for Dean to focus on IOand NH
Cute Kerry Supporters at last night's celebration
Has Terry Mac ordered candidates to drop out if they don't win on 2/3?
I guess Kerry must be doing something right ...
Santorum = Forrest Gump with an attitude
Which candidate has the best chance of becoming the alternative to Kerry?
Clark/Kerry campaigns to investigate AWOL claims
Is anyone sharpening up pencils for Write-ins on Nov. 2nd?
Anyone know history of dem nominees given iowa and NH?
Stand with Dean --- he's the one who can stand up to Bush
Post for Kerry supporters - A happy man. photos enclosed
Pardon me, I'm a little confused about Kerry
Why are you afraid of Dean? Kerry is the voters's most "safest" choice
Final NH results 100%: Clark takes 3rd
How Did Novac Know Dean Had Money Problems
Maybe Dean trails Kerry because voters actually prefer Kerry.
'The First Lie: Congress never voted for the Iraq war' aka Kerry/Edwards
What part of ......................... don't you all understand???
a suggestion re: other candidates' supporters
Electability math: Kerry + Edwards + Dean = Clark
Although I'm softening on Dean, re his new manager, Roy Neal
Kerry wins key SC endorsement (Clyburn)
More "Max on America" - this kid kicks serious butt
Let's give Kerry credit -- he kicked butt in Iowa and NH !
Lieberman In Fifth; Vows To Press Ahead
A lobbyist!?!?! This Dean supporter is thoroughly disgusted.
How do you feel about this year's Primary schedule?
How are Dean supporters taking Trippi being pushed out?
Clark is best chance for us -- and for our country
Is anyone other than me keeping analyis on the primaries
If Dean doesn't win ANY primaries next week?
I don't understand the delegates
General Clark and the Media Whores
ABBers: Is there a leading candidate you would support
Virginia AFL-CIO president throws support behind DLCer Kerry
In what month is your state's caucus or primary?
Clark, Edwards stressing Tennessee
Progressives fighting a Two-Front War. Can we resolve this?
Trippi out as day-to-day manager for the Dean Campaign.
Candy Crowley: Trippi "flipped out" when he got the news...
Can some candidates be staying in the race to pay off debt with donations?
Will Pitt . . . Repub refusal to grant extension to 9/11 Commission . . .
ZW's Daily Democrat: Positive Attributes of All the Candidates
Koppel on now, suggesting that the Dem "establishment" has seized control
Will Kerry be able to survive being put under the magnifying glass?
Why I will not vote for Kerry....
Our last two Presidents both finished runner-up in New Hampshire
He may be a BONESMAN but he doesn't belong to AEI
It's far too soon to ask me to support your candidate.
Watch what is happening today people!
Rollcall of Febuary 3 state DUers
Clark could win the primary with a western strategy
Son's report of his IA caucus + views of DK, Dean, Kerry, and Edwards
Is Kerry a true voice for change or simply "nudging things left"?
I will not get on this ridiculous Kerry bandwagon.
Who is responsible for Kerry's rise?
ABC News is about to come clean (I have a Scream)
Will big business support Kerry to stop Dean universal health care?
Where will Dean beat Kerry on Feb. 3?
When will we know the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee?
OK - Does anyone else find Kerry MAGNETIC ?
Who Is Responsible For Howard Dean's Slide?
Anyone else really worried about Kerry as our nominee?
Kerry Likely to "Swoosh" Past Edwards and Clark in S.C.: A Secret Weapon
Kerry Won With His Gut. "Establisment" was Dean/Clark. Kerry Dead & Buried
My civil liberties are important to me Kucinich has a new press secretary
Let's address Skull and Bones fears once and for all
Say hello to the Press Secretary for the Kucinich for President campaign
Odd pattern in NH. I'm just reporting the numbers here.
BCCI trial heats up in England. BushInc. will work overtime to get Kerry.