Bush 2004 Campaign Pledges To Restore Honor And Dignity To White House
GOP Trying To Kill Academic Freedom On Campus
Damn Hippie Liberal Trees: Environmentalists Are Pinko Terrorist Idiots
Sidney Blumenthal: In Full Voice Against Bush*
GOP Goose is Cooked: Democrats land haymaker as Bush babbles on
What does George Bush have to grin about?
Depleted Uranium Alert! Call your Congressman/woman NOW!
Keith Olbermann - Top 3 Bites ... Video
Don't Read if you find Chappelles Show offensive ;-)
Just got this Pop-up Ad from Bush!
Stand-ins do (Prison) time for rich Danes (a Bush objective for the US)
Safety Requirements at Nuclear Weapons facilities to be eliminated.
DLCer Kerry endorsed by League of Conservation Voters
Matthew R Simmons Rice University Cheney Energy
Father and son guilty of gun racket
I'm damn proud of the 56 Democrats...
CCRKBA Urges 'Final Push' by CCW Supporters in Wisconsin
If this is a private, personal thread.....then
Question/request re: Oscar, Mixed Animal.
IAI delivers first of three Hawkeyes to Mexico
An open letter to the family and friends of Tom Hurndall
CBC repeats "the fifth estate: Conspiracy Theories"
Progressive PAC for 2006 Cong. Races....
Bush 2000 NH: 273,559 vores; total Dem primary 2004: 218,000
Obama banks on credentials, charisma
Kucinich: A ‘long-distance runner’
Anybody watching McCain on PBS Newshour
Anyone else unable to access mediawhoresonline?
Wasn't Saddam Hussien a Republican?
Strange bedfellows? Michael Savage calls for Bush's impeachment
BBV: is there hope the Voter Confidence Act will pass?
Tragedy tomorrow, comedy tonight: Freepers fave moments of "our" Prez
History Repeats itself....Why there's hope for Bush's loss
Where are Hans Blix and Scott Ritter?
Anderson Cooper is calling Bush on his WMD language!
One year ago TODAY - Sixteen words Anniversary
Question about Reagan-era tax cuts...?
Need help re: Republican party offshore call centers
Experts question Kelly "suicide"
FAA Considering Passenger Ban (Humor)
Florida-style politics hits the Grassroots!!!
Bill Maher coming up on Larry King
Welcome to the land of unabashed cut-and-paste journalism
CBC has a good program on the history of the Bush & BinLaden Families
So, when will Bush* parade bin Laden before the cameras?
How Nominate 1st Lady Honduras Nobel Peace Prize?
Is Franz Kafka writing our history?
WMD, politics on Charlie Rose Show (PBS) tonight (Wed)
Bush/Kay Intelligence Lie DESTROYED
SOMEBODY didn't show up for National Guard duty
More anecdotal evidence of Bu$h's "big problem." Bankers.
GOP Trying To Kill Academic Freedom On Campus
Hey how come Crazy Ann has been so quiet lately
If we end up with a Kerry/Edwards ticket in November-
How much of your $$$ would you spend to see GW out of the WH?
11th Hour, PBS Mike Farrell on now
WMD's and the failure of the "Intelligence"? huh?
Freepers upset with their King.....LOL
Anyone else very interested in The DaVinci Code?
"If Saddam Won't Disarm, We Will Disarm Saddam"
STOP the lying about the economy......NOW!
Poll: Was GWBush wrongly informed by intelligence.....
Anyone here ever visit this site?
Dang. My FOIA request was rejected.
Christie Todd Whitman (former EPA head) on tonight's Daily Show
Why would Cheney lie so loudly about WMDs on NPR?
BushCo Has David Kay on the Leash. It's so damn Obvious.
Keith Olberman doing great job on WMD/9-11 stories
Is Florida in play again in 2004?
Depleted Uranium Alert! Call your Representative now!
The TV Media Refuses to Even Address the Possibility the Admin Lied
President Bush Speaks with Nation's Mayors at Winter Meeting
The coming acquital of Martha Stewart will sound death knell for Bush.
Is it possible Bush WANTS to lose in 2004?
The true cost of same sex unions
Homework Assignment For Everyone Here!
Since someone got to Novak, how about getting to Scarboro?
Saddam "bluffed" about wmd? Chris Matthews and Dana Milbank.
Who's your favourite Republican Senator?
Poll: Do you believe that Iraq ever had weapons of mass destruction?
about mel gibson's new movie "the passion of the christ"
Blame the Cheney/Wolfie Office of Special Plans, NOT the CIA...
Analysts Say South Carolina Can Seal It For Kerry
Fat Drivers Worse Than Drinkers
Ottawa Broadens Gay Marriage Question To Supreme Court
Bush Says There's No Doubt Iraq Threatened U.S.
Third Graders Suspended For Tiny Action Figure Toy Guns
Clear Channel sells out O'Hare in traffic reports
Edwards Rejects A Kerry-Edwards Ticket
Mayor Eyes Low Profile for GOP Convention
Florida attorney general questions release of Limbaugh letters
1 in 12 emails carries the MyDoom virus.
Senate Chief Wary Of Fetus Guardian Bill
New Variant Of Email Virus Found, Targets Microsoft
Growing Interest Seen In Bison Meat
Army chief planning large U.S. force in Iraq through 2006 (Denver Post)
Pornographic Spam Must Be Labeled, FTC Says
Polish Leader Treated Like 'Illegal Alien"
Sharpton: I'm The "Show-Me" Candidate
CBS issues statement re: Moveon ad
Bush Assures Turkish Leader on Kurds in Iraq
Bush to seek Big budget increase for the National Endowment for the Arts
The Beneficiaries of Saddam's Oil Vouchers: The List of 270(Big Names)
WP: Rumsfeld OKs Increase in Army Size
Government Sues Kentucky Power Plants
Diane Sawyer - Dean's Microphone Controversy!!!! (see below)
Republicans Warn Bush On Immigration Policy
Re-run of New Hampshire Daily Show on Comedy Central...
Wasn't Space Ghost mentioned here today?
Flash Animation from punkvoter.com! Hahahahaa!
Aliens ENDORSE Joe Lieberman!!!!
Phoenix/Arizona Duers, I need some help
Good corporate rule... give more than you can.... 100%, nothing...
"African Queen" & "The Lion In Winter" on Turner Classics tonight
Prior to the purge, which DUer had the most mod warnings?
Givin' you more of what you're funkin' for
So...I'm reading Ouspensky for the first time
how do you make yourself meditate daily
I'm leaving DU (no, really - well, not totally)
What the hell is going on with I.E. America radio?
more DIY home repair advise needed
How does this sound for dinner?
Joe Lieberman imitates Crazy Guggenheim
Word usage: "Hate" vs "Hatred"
CBS defends policy which won't allow airing MoveOn.org commercials...
Here's hoping the stink has blown over
pop culture events we want to see
when a word/ phrase is just beyond your grasp
read this and try not to laugh!
Al Sharpton's former employer arrested for domestic violence
Jack Parr Tribute on PBS now eom
Has anyone else gotten the pop-up asking which picture was GWB?
All the world's spam is the fault of one housecat
I'm eating a big hot bowl of gumbo.
chat tonight to prove I am not missing
Awesomely Awful Alliteration Thread!
Son. of. Son. of. Worst. Poll. Ever.
so sleepy but can't stop working....
I would like advice from the many DUers who have cared for parents
Help from New Hampshire, please!
Daily Show on Joe Lieberman. Lol
Click here for the worst 'Massive Intelligence Failure' (Caption)
Parasitic. Conjoined. Twin. of. Son. of. Son. of. Worst. Poll. Ever.
Send this to your friend for Valentines Day
I have the posthumusly released Joe Strummer album
Your record of moderator warnings has accidentally been wiped clean.
Anyyone watching the Daily Show?
hey what happened to JKleeb?...haven't seen the lad for a while
Do the Dean people have any sense of humor?
Any Doctors? I have a serous question about testicular cancer
Separated at birth.. Dennis Kucinich and..
Guilty pleasures: Favorite redneck song?
Warning: This web-page is very addicting.
I've invited some local Dems to check out DU
Ladies and Gents, the Godfather of Soul
An Important Election Message From Pete Townshend
How do you generally handle e-mails and PMs?
JIF brand peanut butter is the best. And you can't convince me otherwise.
HELP!!! Anybody here go to Franklin and Marshall (F&M) College?!?
Ask the Millwork Man your window and door questions!
Is there a worse tv show on the air than DM?
Anyone else very interested in The DaVinci Code?
Was Dean campaign run like Enron?
We're sending our military into Pakistan next?
Pierre Omidyar, founder of ebay, Clark supporter
No matter who you support - we need to get the news media to
ABC Coming Clean On Bush Being AWOL
Quiz: Who said this re: 9/11 Commission ??
Potential George W. Bush ad against John Kerry
Anyone seen this article?: "Howard Dean's 'smart ID' plan"
Clark staffers: Please tell them to start another website fundraiser!
Potential Kerry or Clark ad against Bush
Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory: Don't Play The RW Media Game
Kerry endorsements: Carnahan, Eagleton and Slay.
Sorry Edwards supporters, you know I like him... but someone has to say it
During which debate did Kucinich say, "I'm a protectionist?"
Sam Smith of Progressive Review on the "swing voter"
Just got back from a John Kerry rally
Now that ABC "just revealed" the scream was a "media error"..what happens?
Latest Online Presidental Selector - by AOL/Time
Why does Dean have more delegates than Kerry?
What is Kerry's message to the Afro-American voter?
Does Edwards help or hurt his chances in 2008...
I'd like to request another preference poll
I'm still trying to figure what states each candidate is going for
Can Dean Haters be any less obvious??
Who would match up well as Veep on an Edwards ticket?
Do the Dean people have any sense of humor?
If Kerry Puts Away The Rest Of The Field Early, The Attacks On Him Will...
Did Trippi spend too much money?
Al Sharpton's former employer arrested for domestic violence
Kerry not campaigning in Oklahoma ??
Questionable NH Exit Poll question... (about Dean)
Looking for a post where apologies are offered to Diane Sawyer
When Hacks Attack! or Meet Josh Marshall!
Get ready for Gillespie......he's giving Kerry the shiv tomorrow
Howard Dean, You are still the man
I have a proposal for the Dean and Clark camps :
Pacifica Radio just reported that Trippi quit after...
hahahahaha....Doonsbury on dean-supporters....hahahahaha
Clark Supporters, I've got something to say
Is this now the Kerry Underground?
We need something special to beat George W. Bush
For my 500th post, a hypothetical...
Ann Coulter Just Complimented Howard and Judy Dean!
The mistakes of the Dean campaign.
Clark supporters-The Man on Tonight Show (Tonight :)), NBC
Just heard Gov. Granholm to endorse Kerry.
How much money do the various campaigns have?
Dean spent $1.5 million on advertising in the final week before NH
New Dean campaign manager is a former lobbyist
Kerry Supports: Please Respond to Bush in 1st Debate . . .
Kerry raises nearly $500k in one day on the internet
How much cash do the campaigns have left?
A must read, especially for Kerry supporters.
Kerry 'Going in Strong' to Next Round
(thinking aloud) Was anyone else here supporting Dean because..?
I'm shocked that Dean would dump Trippi
So, uhhh, Dean hired Al Gore's campaign manager.......
The media bias against Clark - For supporters and non-supporters.
Kerry Supporters: Who Would You Most Like As A VP ?
United Steelworkers of America endorse John Edwards,75,000 members, MI, WI
Are you a Democrat on issues or just beating Bush??
Dean is getting demolished partly because of the taxes issue.
Joe Trippi got between $3 -4.5 mil from Dean campaign
Would you rather see John Edwards make one hell of a:
How long will it be before the corporate media whacks Kerry's mole?
More info on the Dean-Clark-Kucinch-Edwards alliance ?
Here's your big chance Kerry people... (Wellstone/Kerry?)
Should Kucinich offer Trippi a top position in his campaign?
"The whole bush presidency is a massive intelligence failure."
In the End, Only One Canididate Can Win
Should our candidates appear on RW media?
Who is the Antiwar Candidate -- Dean or Kucinich?
Is CNN biased or just mathmatically challenged?
"You know, Kerry could have used family influence to get out of Vietnam!"
Why oh why did we complain about Diane Sawyer
What Explains the fuss over I have a Scream
Kerry can turn his IWR primaries weakness into a strength vs. Bush
Why are Kucinich and Sharpton still campaigning?
Are we here on DU now a "flea on Kerry's Coat Collar?" To be flicked off?
NYTimes: Trippi "furious at Dean"
Dean Supporters --- Please Check In.
Dean vs. Kerry vs. Clark... help!
Kerry hits bigs: Ann Coulter calls him a "gigolo."
Answering Armstead: The "Long March" of the Progressive Democrats
Forget politics; plow the snow - Coleman's Star Tribune
Leaving Dean (my new 'toon...sorry, Deaniacs)
Minor correction......."The Cost of Tough Talk"
Besmirching the tricolor - France, Taiwan, China
Balancing the books on the backs of the little guy
So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish: A Warhawk Flies the Coop
SA widow tells of hubby's last call from Iraq
NY Times: The Dead Center (MUST READ)
The robbers who work on Capitol Hill
Re "Halliburton Says Worker Participated in Kickbacks"
WSJ today. Who writes this stuff?
Roy Disney slams Eisner and ex-Senator Mitchell
Mass Appeal (new populism in Dem race)
DU Article by punpirate: The Costs of Tough Talk
Kerry turns to the 'band of brothers'
Jonathan Freedland (Guardian Utd): They'd call it Whitewash
Taiwan's democracy has need of America
The Nanny in Chief - Sullivan's TIME oped
So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish: A Warhawk Flies the Coop
International Child Advocacy Group Seeks Award Nominations Worldwide
Suggestion: mute all SuperBowl ads
May First, Protest for Health Care Reform, May Day!
Liberal Talk Radio Audio Archives!
new editorialists in newspaper
Question about Readers' Digest
Bill Maher on Larry King now (re-broadcast)
Will Novak show up for work today?
CBS Defends Scrubbing Anti-Bush Super Bowl Ad
Has anyone heard of Sinclair Broadcast Group?
Minneapolis St Paul Media Whore watch
Salon: The conservatives are outraged -- about Bush
Fmr. Assitant Treasury Secretary compares and contrasts slavery to today
Usenet post on neo-conservatives.
Phe's shared thought for the day 1/29/4;
Comics' 'Cathy' getting married?
Growing Priesthood Dissent On Vatican Anti-Gay Rhetoric
RW converts to the fact that GLBTs are EQUAL: One At A Time.
HP takes steps to boost employee morale
Update: Time Warner makes 2003 gains, despite AOL drag
Sony sees profit drop on increased expenses
Amazon records first profitable year in its history
Fidelity Investments...Friend or Foe?
Siemens to cut IT budget by $1 billion
White House to Project Deficit of $521 bln in 2004
Southern African Drought Worst In 10 Yrs - Lesotho Crops Total Loss
Hunters, Anglers Blast Energy Bill
Silt may be causing fish to go belly-up
Multiple Insect Infestations Will Change Colorado Forests For Generations
New form of matter created in lab
Frying pan fumes 'kill canaries'
Ma's democratic credentials queried - Taiwan
China's defense advances due to some friendly help
TSU embraces 228 rally - Taiwan
East Timor pushes for new hearing
Taiwan's jobless rate maintains 2-year low of 4.7%
Shiites hold huge protest in southern town to demand local democracy
A history of Saddam in Sinatra time...(Blumrich Flash)
Bill would cancel ban on gun used in self-defense
Taking aim at stereotypes; Gun club arms gays, lesbians
Americans want protected gun rights
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 29, 2004
School Locked Down After Gun Spotted
Hate crime: Tosic, family victims of anti-semitism in Lower Lake
Okay, I confess! I lied about Skinner
Can the Admins give me some advice as to religious topics?
Why was my thread locked as a dupe?
Hey Skinner, where's the Bush Clock
Question about self-nicknaming
Question about registration at DU
Using the DU logo on my site...
For the Q1 fundraiser, could you parody Limbaugh for his Freeper DOS?
How about a room on DU for the praise of media outlets
When Will The "NEW" Rules For The GD2004 Forum..
Question on inflammatory headlines.
My thread was NOT A DUPE... Why was it locked?
... and when the target is reached, he explodes like the Taiwanese whale..
Pas, Shvu get 15-month sentence for weapons-related crimes
Bus bombing slaughters at least ten
Swap today; Hezbollah TV shows Tennenbaum
Mofaz decides against renewing closure on territories
Amnesty Int'l: The killing of civilians must stop
PM aide: Blast proves need for fence; PA condemns bombing
U.S. calls on Qureia to take steps to dismantle terrorist infrastructure
Suicide bomber's family is proud
Israelis better at manipulating media
On Sweden, Israel, art, and assassination - yellowtimes.org
If it's against Jewish law, then why is Israel doing it?
Israel may ask NASA to send Israeli to moon
Telling left from right - Ha'aretz magazine
Suicide attack on Jerusalem bus
Flight 11 on 9-11 - anyone have info on pilot turning on talkback switch
MIHOP! WTC # 7 was "pulled" down intentionally says WTC owner!!
Edwards needs to follow - up to January speech
So Sorry, voters, but you're fired
Bush says Never said IRAQ was "IMMINENT THREAT"-&media doesn't say mislead
Taliban Claim Responsibility For NATO Attack
Two Thousand Ulamas Issue Fatawa Against The Karzai Regime
With All This WMD Mess One Thing Is Clear. For Crying Out LOUD
An open letter to Senator Kerry..
Bremmer as sec of state and Powell
Cheney on Russert: WORD SCRAMBLE
Assault charges against GOPerator Bob Novak...
Woolsey wins the whopper-of-the-day award
Hope to get some help on link to Counter Punch...
Do You Know Anyone Who Went to Jail during Viet Nam????
Whatever happened to former Senator Edward Brooke?
WH Wants Final Say On Releasing Emergency Declarations To Public
9/11 Commission issue is a gift that has been handed to us . . .
Firms Support Revisions In Overtime Exemptions
Another right wing claim about Clinton, what's the whole story?
Who will pay for the Iraq war?
Are democrats more responsible for insane divorce settlement laws?
Bin Laden in custody by Christmas
Welcome to the wonderful Bush economic "recovery". AP news alert.
Is Bush* Above the Law during a 'time of war'? Republicans say Yes!
Republican accuses Common Cause of being extension of Democrats
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
I am so proud to see this article in my local newspaper
If Kerry wins the nomination, who would you like to see in VP slot?
Someone on Malloy made a great point about WMD intelligence
statement from CBS on move-on ad
Whatever happened to the anti-trust laws?
Truth catching up to Bush (Excellent read)
Proof Economy is in the crapper; ALL the toy stores are taking a BIG crap.
So, who can help me refute this?
If an ET Space Craft were to land and establish peaceful relationships
Drudge taking kick backs from Botox pharma corp?
Media Whores OnLine down since early Wednesday Morning.
Republicans showing evidence of support from non-whites
Why don't Dems reach out to Conservatives more often?
How long before the military runs through the 87 billion?
Wanna see a freeper cry? Mention National Endowment for the Arts.
300 Iraqi police killed since May!
Remember the "Clinton was the first President pardoned . . ."?
About 2 Million to Use Up Jobless Benefits
is this true..in SC republicans can vote democratic in this dem primary?
George McGovern>>> Still contributing.
paulthompson 9/11 timeline is gone? was it moved?
How redundant are the terms DLC and superdelegate?
Duct Tape: Good For Pipes, Better for Nukes
9-11 Hearings would be impeachment hearings if a Dem had been in charge
342,000 people filed first time unemployment claims last WEEK
Man charged with smuggling nuclear triggers to Pakistan ordered released
Spectator (UK): Hutton Whitewashes Blair
Will Bush Fool the People Twice?
Michael Jackson, Jesus Juice and Teenage Boys' - by Ex-Adviser
"41" was having breakfast with BinLaden's brother on 9-11 in White House
Thom Hartman on, Talking about the Fed. Reserve- Bush
Outraged with the Blair Deceptions!
05-2003 poll: "Housing a higher priority than tax cuts"? Yes!
ALERT: I hear Kevin Phillips is on NPR's FRESH AIR...
Kobe's wife about to get another big rock
Kevin Plillips coming up on NPR.
I feel sorry for Martha Stewart
Ashcroft: Bush would veto bill scaling back Patriot Act
Trying to find video link. Help.
The fundamental difference between cons and libs on foreign policy...
The original CNN poll got changed--Vote on this one about WMD
The reason why Bush knows for sure
Military in violation of Congressional approval?
CSPAN>>> RNC winter meeting 1:30 pm eastern
Does Bush have an opinion on WMD's??? Isn't he outraged???... naw
Maureen Dowd: Way Off-Base about CIA?
Toll free Capitol Hill Switchboard Number 1 (800) 839 - 5276
Proof - Get rid of Bush Tax Cuts = end of deficits
Congress violated the Constitution by giving Bush the power to invade Iraq
7 GI's killed in Afghanistan today.....news to come
If Bush cheats again in 2004 will the asterisk be appended?
did commodity traders know about mad cow first?
* admin 'pressure' on CIA, etc. isn't the point
Pelosi rips GOP lawmaker on job offer
list of intelligence agencies/dates telling bush*: "NO WMD in Iraq (link)
why would any woman vote for a man who
No...O'Reilly caught in another LIE???
Ways in which American "capitalists" oppose it when it violates interests.
MIHOP! WTC # 7 was "pulled" down intentionally says WTC owner!!
Japan is paying Iraqis to protect their troops in Iraq (for real)
"I am a Dem who voted Gore 2K and will vote Bush 2004?"
NH citizen gets under Novakula's skin....
When is bush* going to do something, catch someone to divert
a local repuke has been attacking Democrats in editorials for far to long
Frank Gaffney is Perle's tool and a PNAC signatory
Black & Decker will announce later today they are closing two plants
Voter passion and turnout--Favors us?
Socialist Equality Party announces US presidential campaign
CBS' censorship of MoveOn ad; Some Reps wade into the fray
I had to e-mail my Senator today....
It seems to me that I hear FEAR in Republicans who speak about Kerry
Whatever happened to the missing helicopter pilot(s) and soldier(s)?
Another case of superb parenting...
Here is a chance to vote your conscience. Go on, it's good.
Will US and Britain ever be held accountable...
Guess How the Grocery Strike in CA is Gonna End?
My GOTV results from last night
Yesterday for the first time I saw the "PANTS ON FIRE MOBILE"
500+ boots in Chicago - 500+ crosses on the beach in Santa Barbara
Stumbled on this - I love scared conservatives - they're so cute!
Blessed are the home health aides, for they shall save our economy
Young inmates caged, drugged, state study finds
How about a room on DU for the praise of media outlets
Sweet Tea Democrats is Back Online
The State of the Union Drinking Game -- Now Available for SOTU Reruns
Japan paying Irakis protection money?
I love it when a Repuke says "Anybody but Bush"
Our soldiers are not "fighting" in Iraq...
Flight 11 on 9-11 - anyone have info on pilot turning on talkback switch
Matt Lauer's Interview of Condi re: WMD
Richard Schmidt letter: President Bush an honorable man
Why can't I recall my Governor? - Rowland And The G. Fox Deal
Sen. Lindsey Graham "Minuteman of the Year"
Coincidences. Confessions of a Tinfoil Hatter.
The Hamster gives us the truth about the Al Franken incident
Is "Dr." David Kay a scientist? Ask one who IS.
U.S. Military 'Sure' of Catching Bin Laden This Year
Has George W. Bush visited Saddam Hussein?
After all the crap Clark got for promising no new attacks...
can someone supply an update on the BCCI trial??
The Dead Center.........by Robt Reich
So.....are the DLC "Establishment for Kerry?" and if so, does anyone hav
More Pain for the Unemployed-CBS
Next time a Conservative calls Liberals perverts...
Anyone watch Lou Dobbs tonight?
Rice: we may never know about WMD's because of looting....
Cannabis downgraded in the UK TODAY !! Hip Hip Hooray!
What's up with the Reagan dime?
Why I would discourage Republicans from voting for a Democrat for Pres
I refuse to tolerate "Tax and Spend Liberal"
Condoleeza Rice: Saddam defied world by not admitting to non-existent wmd
So Let Me Get This Straight. You Impeach A President For A Lie About
Silly me, I thought Rice was talking about Bush...
Why should I be against school vouchers.
Mike Bloomberg Plans Snub-ya to Dub-ya
Paging Mr Soros.. Paging Mr Soros
Anybody know whether David Kay is a PNAC member?
Iraq war contracts handed out two years ago!
What 's the first scandal the newly elected Dem president faces?
A sure sign the apocalypse is coming
D'oh! Colin Powell denies WMD in 2001
Carville makes Tucker's voice 4 octaves higher. Crossfire 1/29/04
Are Unions special interest groups?
Haven't seen too many "Bush/Cheney" bumper stickers lately
Everything Changed Last Night - It's Over
Leaders from Hell. We all know a few from the past and how their
Hey, British DUers! A few questions...
What's The Mood in The White House? Nervousness? Panic? Blind Arrogance?
O'Reilly owes America an apology--and you can help!
Camejo to debate Solomon Sacramento today on KPFA democrats should listen
Google ad title "The Left Hates America" - don't they ban anti-Bush ads?
MUST READ! Foreign Grad Students and the Silver Ring Thing (HHS supported)
Randi Rhodes - send Congress a message about 9-11 commission
MoveOn is all over Peter Jennings and Bush's military record. Here is
Research Challenge (Lexus/Nexis anybody?)
Republican message boards to go to and laugh at?
Proof that not all freepers are brainless
Have you ever met a confederate sympathizer?
"I'm A Republican and I Won't Be Voting For Bush"
Is anyone else amazed that an extra $18 m to the Arts gets so much press?
Bush: "There's excitement in our economy!"
Predictions for: "We've Got Osama" Date
Nigeria says N. Korea agrees to share missile technology
San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzalez just had a stroke (TV news only - no link yet)
NH citizen gets under Novakula's skin....
US Army May Keep Forces in Iraq Through '06
Bush* Scaling Back Dollars for Third World
Exxon is ordered to pay $6.75 billion, but few expect money soon
Ex-Arms Monitor Urges an Inquiry on Iraqi Threat
FCC to hear about public interest at San Antonio hearing
New Hampshire Exit Polls Present Warning Signs for President Bush*
Japanese top official maintains Iraq has WMD
BBC Director General Greg Dyke resigns
GOP Goose is Cooked: Democrats land haymaker as Bush babbles on
At least 10 dead in Jerusalem suicide bombing
Suicide Bombing on Jerusalem Bus, Casualties Reported
Arab, Israeli Prisoners Leave for Germany
James Brown Arrested on Domestic Violence
Roadside bomb in central Iraq city wounds five civilians; large Shiite pro
Stronach might have conflict, rivals say (Cdn Tory leadership) - T.O. Star
U.S. planning al Qaeda offensive in Pakistan
Safety of Americans Less Important than Politics
Bush Preps for Possible Run Vs. Kerry
Bush Is Said to Seek More Money for Arts
Blast hits Iraqi Security Forces (1/29 0118)
Kay Admission Fuels WMD Political Fight
Protest staged over KMT assets
Higher Prices, Tax Gain Lift Exxon Mobil (Thanks George)
Gay Men Lose Challenge to Florida Gay Adoption Ban
Former Iraqi Officers Angered by Police Crackdown
Morocco: Police break up anti-US demo
Bomb kills British soldier in Kabul
Charlotte Observer:Democrats have more testing to do
Two Vancouver police officers fired over assaults
CBS Defends Scrubbing Anti-Bush Super Bowl Ad (despite objections)
Area dairy farmers fear the fallout from scandal
The following is a transcript from Senator Durbin's speech on the Senate f
About 2 Million to Use Up Jobless Benefits
Rallies for Ku Klux Klan, Democrats planned here same day
Pelosi rips GOP lawmaker on job offer
DEP chief will join company he helped
U.S. general: Capture is 'strong proof' al Qaeda in Iraq
Blair's Vindication Provokes Media Backlash
Senate Passes Pension Relief Bill (Defunds Pensions By $96 Billion)
Pakistan Bans Anti-al-Qaida Operations
Ottawa promises inquiry will get to the bottom of Arar case
Blix: Diplomacy forced Libya to give up WMD
Iraqi officials probe 'illegal jail'
Doctors question Kelly 'suicide'
Mars Spirit Rover update (January 29) Back at work early next week!
Ashcroft: Bush Would Veto Bill Scaling Back Patriot Act
A Drug Used For Cattle is Said to be Killing Vultures
Soros prepared to dig deep to oust Bush
$161-million CSL 'error' puts Martin on hot seat (Cdn PM) - Globe and Mail
Chirac sold out to PRC for commerce, says Lu Taiwan VP
7 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan
13-year-old boy released from Camp X-Ray
Bush Budget Raises Cost of Medicare (From 400 bil to 540 bil)
U.S. military 'sure' of catching bin Laden this year
Bush Seeks to Deflect Calls for New Iraq Inquiry
Berlusconi needs more than cosmetic surgery
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 29 January (#1)
Iraqi Minister: Bribes by Saddam Routine
Inmate executed; in last words, he claims part in other killings
White House to Project Deficit of $521 billion in 2004
U.S. general: Capture is 'strong proof' al Qaeda in Iraq - Link
Topeka Company's Closing To Leave 790 Out Of Work
Blix dismisses Bush claim that Iraq war forced Libya to give up WMD
Turkey PM: U.S. Should Stay in Iraq
Five Saudi Agents Killed in Shootout
More head injuries in Afghanistan, Iraq push improvements in protective ge
Sudanese jets bomb Chad side of border town, killing civilians
Workers' Wages, Benefits Tick Up 0.7 Pct. (WE'RE RICH!!!)
Venezuela Reports Clash with Armed Colombian Group
Afghan weapons cache explosion kills seven U.S. soldiers, injures three
AP: U.S. in No Rush to Privatize Iraq Oil
Demands grow for inquiry into the case for war as Hutton is accused ....
Dean Skips Airing Ads in 7 Primary States
Thar she blows! Dead whale explodes (MSNBC)
Campaign Ads With Bush Count As Donation
INCREASING PROBLEM: Swedes have more and more animal sex
Iraq Minister Says Saddam's WMD Carefully Hidden
Rice rejects outside probe of Iraq intel ("current reviews sufficient")
Washington Mutual plans layoffs in Cobb (Georgia)
GOP may not help Majette in re-election bid
Iraq Commission Could Pose Serious Threat to Bush
'CtrlAltDelete' Inventor Restarts Career
U.S. has quietly expelled dozens of Saudi diplomats
Bush Budget Raises Cost of Medicare (drug bill cost up 33% over
Youngest Guantanamo inmates freed
Powell Assures Turkey on Kurdish Issue
Navy Commander in 1968 Spy Ship Case Dies
US judge clears bail for Israeli accused of nuke exports to Pakistan
Military stint may cost Boeing workers overtime
SF Chron: Clinton and Senate Democrats meet on agenda
U.S. Acknowledges Some Flaws on Iraq Intelligence
Ford to lay off 1,000 workers at St. Louis-area plant
Job Market Sends Mixed Signals
Exxon Mobil Corp. set record profit in 2003: $21.51 billion US
Companies Suppress Antidepressant Data
Florida Court Upholds Ban on Same-Sex Adoptions
Republicans Warn Bush Budget Won't Cut Deficit | Reuters
Bush Seeks Increase in Arts Funding
Supreme Court won't issue stay in Colorado redistricting fight
BBV: Security Poor in Electronic Voting Machines, Study Warns
U.S. Releases Juvenile Prisoners from Guantanamo Bay
Contractors may write own nuclear site rules
Georgia Senate Votes for Zell Miller Statue
U.S. Man Hits Brazil Baby With Water
U.S. Military 'Sure' to Catch Bin Laden
Michael Moore prepares provocative 9-11 project (AP)
Vatican condemns AIDS drug firms
New Poll Reveals Parents Favor Abstinence Education
Georgia May Shun "Evolution" in Schools
Begs someone to make this poll
The South Pole is warmer than North Dakota.
OK Look. I Want A Democrat President So Bad That I Would Walk From
LMAO, I'm reading only Tom Tommorows
I just dug my car out of two feet of snow. Ask me anything.
I'm Drinking a Bottle of '97 Cakebread Cellars Benchland Select Cab
the U.S. Emperor... Emperor Norton 1, a history lesson...
Hamm Supporters ---Please Check in---
I just bought an FM transmitter!!
Today In Twisted History (3/4 Bush*-related!)
Clinton sent only 2 e-mails as Prez
James Brown's latest mug shot on "Smoking Gun"
Elroy "Crazy Legs" Hirsch passes
The smallest PC in the known universe?
Good Morning from North Bay Ontario - Brrrrrrr -22 Celsius
The World is a safer place: Judge orders R.Kelly to avoid M.Jackson
OK. John Edwards. Sam Neill in Omen III - ever see them together?
CONFESS!!!!!!!!!! Who let the dogs out???
Spelling mistakes & E-Bay...buyers paradise?
holy chit - it's 49 degrees in St Pete, FL this morning!
Hedonistic Head Stone Planned For Lottery Winner
Fake boyfriends/girlfriends booming on eBay,
No More Public Urination For Minnesotans
Calling all Columbus GA Democrats!
Does this look like an old man who knocked wife to the floor? or sings for
Anyone ever go to Hot or Not.com?
Wow...I just had someone do something VERY nice for me...
I told off the local Repug Rush WannaBe! Ask me anything!
Right Wing critique of Chomsky
OMG! James Brown being held by.........MIKE HUNT!!!!
How do you pronounce "grocery"?
It's 3:45AM...why am I awake???
It's f*cking 55 above here....
Sometimes cops are devilishly creative...
A short story that I hesitated to post....
Smart ass comment on lost moderator warnings
Favorite 10,000 MANIACS number
Any last minute suggestions about my insurance policies I'm about to get?
Disgruntled Customer Releases Deadly Snakes in Bank
It's f*cking 30 below here....
New Flash Animation: Saddam Hussein.
Hahaha.. The Dis-Associated Press .. too funny
Question regarding books on puberty
Ceremony honoring return of soldier'sbody - live now on CBC (10:30am)
Word games from 2003 - WP 2003 style section winners - new 2004 is now!
And you thought YOU had a bad day at work?
Vegetarians/Vegans and anyone wanting to try something different...
Clean the ice off your freaking car, you lazy asshole!
Another guy who had a bad day.
Is your date just a little to ugly? Solution right here LOOK!
Why isn't my pop-up blocker working? This is the third time that Bush
You just never know.. Live EVERY minute..
Any fans of "The Critic" here?
Daddy Brag: My Daughter's First Parody!
Did any one hear ever attend Savannah College of Art/Design?
That's IT.. I'm taking a break.. Entertain me
Who will be your Father Figure (put your tiny hand in mine...)
Guess Who this is: What famous person died on this day in 1977
Ughhhhh...I have to have a colonoscopy
Help! I need a link to an article from earlier this week
Anyone have a favorite online mortgage place?
A shameless but worthwhile plug for George Harrison
I have been Cable & TV free for 3 weeks now....ask me anything
Antipodean DUers: Remind us of what summer is like!
This sunshine DAY after DAY after DAY after DAY is just RELENTLESS.
What is it with some new college grads???? semi-rant
Fun game to play while snowed in for 5 days
CAPTIONS can help to shield your eyes from the awful truth....'kay?
Marriage, Part 1/2/3 and 4.... for all the married women here at DU
Some kid's website, MikeHuntSoft.com, being sued by porn company
Help! My feet have been cold (no, freezing) for 6 weeks now.
F*ck all y'all... I'm from Texas!
Super Troopers quoting thread...
Two boys are suspended for bringing tiny GI Joe guns to school...
Uncle Richardo's Review: Zellweger saves "Cold Mountain" (no spoilers)
How is Vancouver this time of year?
neighbor's barking dogs...what to do?
I'm not at work(school) because I am sick. Ask me anything!
Ya know how the repiggies love that crybaby graphic?? Here's one for them
this cute girl sitting next to me in the Pc lab is talking to herself
Why Does My Picture Only Show In My Posts Half Of The Time?
This is why jobs are being sent over seas.
Default Block Network Trojan Horse
In a road rally from Agusta, Maine to San Diego, California, Who'd win?
Statue of Yoda worth $20,000 is stolen
Caption this photo of Saddam...
You bluegrass musicians on acid will LOVE this....
Austin DUers...dinner before BBV meeting tonight (1/29)
Does anyone remember "Brew 102?"
I will write in Hamm before I vote matcom
I've just discovered some great pre-prepared food
My 300th post is coming, ask me anything!
Ivan Rodriguez on the verge of agreement with Detroit Tigers
hahaha...Remember this J-Lo blowjob incident on Faux?
I'm happy about 2 votes for GWB--here's why:
Robert Rodriguez to do "John Carter of Mars"?
How many times are they gonna show the monkey riding the dog??
What do you call a Boer who's not racist?
Who knows anything about digital pianos?
Anyone see Colin QUinn on Leno w/ The Queer Eye guys?
Cast Set For "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy"
Do You Think Les Moonves Had Everything To Do With Killing The
Childhood crushes today? I had a huge crush on Terri Nunn of "Berlin" as a
Missing tortoise update: Rosebud has been found!
ULTIMATE Poll: HOW MANY Stairs Has Matcom's Ass Climed Over The Years???
Help with an unruly boy! (please help)
Rick Berman possibly out of Star Trek? (rumor)
Please help me celebrate my 300th post!!!!
Why am I DUing when I need to study Genus names for trees?
Court Says Cop Wrongly Fired For Masturbation Video
For those dealing with parent care.
From ATA: A request for what would be the world's smallest forum on DU
My fellow cannabist, please explain this small point
Victor Petrenko Charged with Driving Drunk
Randi Rhoads just smacked a Bush-supporter on the radio.
Here's a fun little "retro" site
Did anyone have trouble in High School?
I had retinal laser surgery this morning . . . thanks DU Lounge
My wife tried to poison me last night...
perplexed in New Hampshire CAPTION
QUESTION: When Clipping A Cat's Nails...
Anybody else starting to get cabin fever?
Thar she blows! Dead whale explodes (MSNBC)
Thomas Paine born January 29, 1737
Close calls..yours or your kids..
60-Tonne Decomposing Whale Explodes On Taiwan Street - Many Injured
Play the piano ONLINE.. you can even record and play back..funnnnn
Insomniacs check in! I've got some bad news!
That crazy Aussie is at it again!
PACKRATS! What are the strangest things you save?
more reason to boycott the Super bowl
Am I a pervert? I think "The L Word" is one of the greatest shows ever!!!
Has anyone read John Le Carre's apparent about-face novel?
Were you breast fed as a baby?
Please request Incubus anti-Bush/war video on MTV- link
What movie can't friends believe YOU like?
If you want to eat INSANELY TOO MUCH of something, see that it is sushi.
What classic/popular book have you somehow never read?
QUESTION: When Clipping A Dog's Nails...
I lost my winter gloves can someone help me find them
Anybody seen the ProfessorGAC lately?
What song makes you turn the radio up every time?
political gear for snooty aesthetes?
What Song makes you change the radio station everytime it comes on ?
the spelling and grammar nitpick thread
INCREASING PROBLEM: Swedes have more and more animal sex
Stupid military question - what is an RPG?
so what states have you visited?
Artists and Artistic types in NY and New England Area: This weekend
what are the ratings of Dennis Miller's new show?
Why are so many DU Kerry supporters STILL attacking Dean ?
Were Dean's Trippi-produced ads really that bad?
Where did Dean's $40 million go? - good extensive Dan Conley post
This is "Democracy"...2 States down and the "Media" crowns Kerry???
Which was the nastiest primary season ever?
A Windsurfer in the White House?
Yankee Kerry is on a roll, but the South awaits
Why am I starting to feel disgusted and bad about this year's election?
I KNEW IT!!!! From a totally ticked off Dean supporter and contributer!
Detroit Free Press: Kerry, to Win
Ralph Nader may be getting closer to joining the race tonight.
Campaign Manager in Spotlight as Kerry Becomes Frontrunner
Howard Dean car alarm goes on market
Going door to door for Dean this week - does anyone have a better flyer?
The upside and downside of running several candidates for President
Clark People: Bill Maher Stood up for Wes on Larry King!
Mayonnaise Supporters ---Please Check in---
Winner Drew Strength From Study of Weaknesses
Hamm Supporters ---Please Check in---
How do you think Al Gore is feeling tonight?
Thank god, Dean is getting a new campaign manager!
Honest Question: How can we trust Dean to balance the budget
An open letter to Senator Kerry..
Make Your Voice Heard NOW, Before Feb. 3rd!!
Assault charges against GOPerator Bob Novak...
Kerry mortgage house for campaign-ok; Arnold borrow money for campaign
Was Trippi Moved out because he Dissed Gore? Gore was needed in NH!
I will write in Howard Dean before I vote for Kerry
Clark is coming to Houston Feb 11th. Houston Clarkies, PM me for info
McAuliffe Wins Big in Iowa, NH
What are Kerry's skeletons in the closet?
NYPost--'Clintons Seek To Right Dem Ship'
Is Kerry the only liberal Skull and Bones member?
TN: Kerry has longtime supporters here
Weird... Public Enemy #1, Joe Trippi, bilked 10's of thousands of millions
Candidates on Tonight Show : baby-kiss test...uh oh, Dean
Forget the south... for just a second.
I just finished my 200th letter to primary states for Edwards
Bill Mahr on CNN: Shrub was AWOL Attn Kerry & Clark people
Dean may go on, but the campaign is effectively over...
Why didn't Dean shake up his campaign before IA?
CNN: All African-American voters should vote as does South Carolina
Dropping out of public financing
What do Kerry/ Dukuakas (sp) have in common? They both come across as
Is it true Teresa Heinz Kerry can . . .
Dean asks staff to defer paychecks for two weeks
CALL IN CSPAN>>> the media coverage of the dems!! 8:41 am est
Arizona Republic endorses Lieberman?
Dean supporters to flock to Clark?
Edwards Says South Carolina A Must-Win State
Baiting among attorneys at my law firm. Sheesh.
How much money did Joe Trippi make?
CBS News: John Kerry's Contradictions
Why does DU look more like Free Republic tonight?
"Frontrunner scrutiny" is another way of saying media "hit list.." .
Wonderful Huffington piece on Judy Dean -- my 1000th post - Yippie
Great turnout for Edwards event in MO:
Data from New Hampshire does not bode well for Chimpy
Remember how dead Kerry's campaign was last November?
The media - Dean's "scream" = Gore's "sighing?"
Post-Feb. 3 Primary States: What will the ballot look like?
CSPAN CALL IN>>>> 9/11 comission 9:43 am
The implosion of the Dean campaign
Dean supporters only, who would you support if Dean drops out?
"You Say Deserter, I Say More Dessert..." by Michael Moore
Dean team - take a look at Delegate Set-up - March 2nd will be the key
If Dean doesn't win on 2/3 is it over for him?
Clark Supporters....Do you know where Clark is campaigning today?
I kinda thought Joe Trippi was the man...
Dean supporters. Is it Dean or nobody else?
There has never been anyone like Bush in 200+ years of American government
Party Leaders Express Relief at the Emergence of DLCer Kerry
I think the Kerry campaign used a classic "rope a dope" strategy to win
Either Dean or Clark can still win big
Kerry and Bush have Iraq problems
What time, channel is debate today?
Dean may lose, but what he's unleashed in us will live on
Bush, Kerry Both Have Iraq Problems
I'd like to thank everybody who responded to my Clark post the other day
That's it, I'm saying it: if Dean does not win I'm voting for Bush.
Should Clark focus resources on just 2 states to insure at least one win?
Delegate Count as of Wednesday, Jan. 28th
What would the Dean campaign have to do in order to get your vote?
Drudge: Kerry's "Before" and "After" Pix
Why the right-wing is afraid of Kerry (CAUTION: right-wing source)
Dean Team - Call CNN - alert them to ABC disclosure on Iowa Scream
Collecting Delegates (a service of this link!)
Is Bush terrified of John Edwards?
Did Kerry "smear" Dean with "Osama Attack Ad" 12/17/03 ..... forget Kerry
VA: Kerry lines up local support in preparation for primary
anybody have a link that shows the upcoming state prim. / delagte count ?
My prediction for the "Final Four."- Hint: the winner is not Kerryor Dean.
Why do Dean supporters retaliate with RNC smears on Kerry's record?
Paul Begala calls me a "Conspiracy Theorist" and the Left Faction of the
Kerry Web Ad Campaign Launched By Voter Interactive
Claims that Kerry ran a Bush/South Carolina smear against Dean are false.
Discussion of Dean alternative is waaaaay premature for Dean supporters
John Edwards and John Kerry voted AGAINST Ashcroft
Once again, Dean takes the spotlight away from Edwards
Which Pres. Candidate best suits you? How to choose
Kerry in the crosshairs (RNC speech drops anti-Dean comments)
Myths and Legends about John Kerry: True or False? A compilation!
Stand with us: Dean's remarks in East Lansing, MI
The DEBATE tonight...When and on which Network?
Gillespie: "Kerry voted to cut intelligence budgets in the past"
Edwards and Kerry are LOADED!!!
Furthermore, about voting Democratic...
somehow, I convinced my freeper-like friend to vote for Kerry
media confessions- can we have a link???
CSPAN>>> RNC winter meeting 1:30 pm eastern
Dean to Focus on 7 States After Shake-Up (AP) (new strategy)
Apologies to Kerry/Edwards concerning Ashcroft, head in sand
had to come back and post 1971 Doonesbury
The Social Psychology of Dean's Plummet
"Knocking down Kerry now, they say...
Looking for candidate platform comparisons...
Presidential Aspirants Offer 'Pledge for the Arts'
Why hasn't "electability" worked more in Clark's favor?
Anyone else feel a kind of sadness today about the primaries?
Longer primary campaign may help Democrats
A comparison/analysis of each candidate's healthcare plan
God I'm sooo tired of this insider/outsider crap!
what do the Kerry supporters think of.....
If Kerry wins SC on Tuesday will people stop sayin "Kerry hates the south"
Edwards Denies Botox Treatment
I'm watching Kerry's Biography on Democracy Now!
Edwards Supporters: Anyone have a link to an article on his history?
Dean Skips Airing Ads in 7 Primary States
What Do You Hope To Hear The Candidates Say Tonight?
Dean's Speech, "Stand with us!"
Dear Mr Blumenthal - smearing Clark with dead issues
Edwards/Kerry/Clark/Dean donor demographics
How do you expect us to vote for the DLC?
American voters in Canada (and other nations)
Dean Campaign New Theme - I Hope
Latest ARG - Oklahma, Arizona, South Carolina:
The Curious Case of the Missing $40 Million, or, How To Get "Free" Media
So I saw John Edwards in person last night,
"There Is No Difference Between Gore & Bush" - Ralph Nader, October 2000
Question for people who support Al Sharpton or find him favourable...
Some possible VP picks for Kerry (Southern women)
Trippi's Gone, the $41 million's gone. Is this Howard's End?
The view from New Hampshire - John Kerry
Arizona Primary & Diebold Voting Machines
Arizona Republic endorses Joe Lieberman
Does Clark have to win at least one state Tues?
What legislation has Kerry authored as senator
Clark supporters, check in. Any other interested people, welcome
So, let me get this right about the Dean Scream.
The view from New Hampshire - Howard Dean
How Clark or Edwards can get Kerry: Say I'm electable in the South
Kerry folks meet our new endorsers in South Carolina, Missouri, Arizona
The view from New Hampshire - Wes Clark
New National Poll: Dean inching his way back up
preview of Bush's campaign against Kerry?
Is it all going to be over Feb. 3rd?
DailyZomby #2: More Positive Qualities of the Democratic Candidates!
Why would anyone vote for a man who belonged to a secret society?
Enough with the Insider/Outsider mess already.
Arizona Deaniacs: Dean in Tucson on 1/31/04
The view from New Hampshire - John Edwards
Kerry attacked Dean before... TomPaine.com (Kerry will not be my leader)
Veterans may be ace up DLCer Kerry's sleeve
Kerry supporters: Who is the most formidable challenger to Kerry?
Alterman-Is Bush a 'Deserter'? It Doesn't Hurt to Ask
Ralph Nader will run if Dean doesn't win!
What does Edwards have to do to survive 2/3?
We are going to war in Pakistan in the Spring before the election
Democratic Debate. When and Where will it air?
Now that Clinton has come out supporting Kerry, we better all fall in line
Dean: Doesn't Need to Win Any State Tues.
Clinton did not endorse Kerry per se.
So no one has dropped out after NH?
How many states will Kerry win on Feb 3rd ?
Begs someone to make this poll
Anyone know a link for streaming tonight's debate for we who are TV free?
States Kerry will win on Feb. 3rd (including confidence level)
What time is the debate tonight?
Neither Clinton has endorsed ANYONE
Clark hits on patriotism, faith, values in Arizona
5 days; $1,000,000.00; 15,880 people; $56.32 average contribution
GOP and Kerry playing the same Low game on Clark!
Kerry calls for firing of Tenent... deflecting scrutiny of WH?
How will Kerry deal with Bin Laden capture?
Clinton could not have endorsed Kerry - but he did endorse Dean.
Dean people who may be looking at other candidates
Dean is paying Car. Mosely Braun 20k per month, but staffers nothing?
Kerry is paying Kennedy 20k per month, but staffers nothing?
Dennis, Al Called It on WMD; Other Demos Bombed
There won't be a woman on the ticket this year
At what time and on what channel is the SC debate tonight?
Msnbc Poll with good results for Kerry
"The land mines awaiting John Kerry" - Joe Conason
My thoughts on tonight's debate
If Al Sharpton WINS South Carolina, How Seriously Would He Be Taken?
Debate reminder...I just received this email.......
Who would be the best VP choice for Clark?
Anyone else have this dilemma? Kerry or Clark ??
Kerry Support Found Across Wide Range of Democrats
Kerry's 2% finish in New Hampshire.
How will Kerry deal with the Bin Laden capture?
Tonight's Debate...Circular Firing Squad or....
Poll: Who do you support of among the three most likely candidates?
Will Clark win any of the states on Feb. 3?
Kerry's front-runner status turns up online dollars
Forget the south? Are you kidding?
MSNBC Presidential Debate Thread #1
Please Forgive If Repost: The Scream Wasn't a Scream
Tom Brokenjaw is hosting the debate - here are his questions!
My response to the Kerry is Bush-lite meme
Who will take credit for the Osama/ Dean TV smear in Dec. - Before Iowa
How many non-Dean supporters are sickened by his media 'assasination'?
Out of the top three candidates, who do you support?
Quit a bad habit for the good Doctor Dean.
If someone besides Dean gets the nomination...
Kerry is calling for Tenet's resignation?!
Packed '04 Dem field proves Dems know Nader helped them in 00?
Has anybody else fallen in love with Al Sharpton?
Dean supporters who feel "shafted by the Media / DNC" - 3rd party..IF he
Kucinich Question: Why was he so certain about WMDs?
Kerry's 2% finish in New Hampshire.
I have to say it: I'm anybody but Kerry
Clark supporters, Can you please do me a favor, Puhleeeeezzzzz
Dean's comeback bat - fast approaching $1M - will hit it in 20 min!
Among those not in the race, whom would you support the most?
I thought I was ABB until Kerry came out ahead
Will Dean attack Kerry at the debate?
I think the perfect song for the Dean campaign should be
Kerry won majority of young vote and anti-war vote in IA and NH
Stop Trashing Us Dean Supporters over our support for Dean
A serious question: WHAT are John Kerry's national security credentials?
Michigan Gov. Granholm to endorse Kerry in presidential race
Juicy Wesley Clark/Peter Jennings gossip!
Kerry defends defense record- "flattered" by GOP attack
Who would you rather share a bomb shelter with?
Delegate reminder: Dean still leads
"I'm A Republican and I'm Voting For Kerry!"
John Kerry: "An Unexpected Powerhouse," by WP Harold Meyerson
Here's a stress-breaker--beat Bush today
Some thoughts about Carol M-B's weird candidacy.
Does the far left have to win more elections to prove they are right?
Keep supporting your candidate - but be prepared to FALL IN LINE!
For those who stand by the IWR litmus test + won't vote "pro-war" can
When was the last time an insider defeated an incumbent president?
Why are you or aren't you ABB? (Anybody But Bush)
MSNBC...CLARK...gave speech to group with terrorist ties??
so who is running as a delegate to the national convention
What are your 2004 Dream tickets?
Things that irk me about the race and DU at the moment...
DU Kerry Support Poll - If the Dem Primary were held tomorrow ?
Robert Reich (Who Works For Kerry) On Moderates And The DLC !!!
Astounding example of Kerry Doublespeak
Edwards Supporters: Convince Me
Calling all Kucinich supporters
"I will defend any candidate against media assassination"
If Kerry wins the nomination, who would you like to see in VP slot?
Is Gore Taking over Dean Campaign to Do a Dignified Merger w Kerry
Order of preference on remaining candidates?
I've looked at the candidates again.........
PNAC Project Director Contributes to Kerry
Dean Folk: Should Trippi Join the Kerry Campaign? Or off to Bahamas?