Democratic Underground

Archives: January 5, 2004

NYT: The Joyless Recovery

Can they link Saddam to this skull?

The Real Danger Lies Within (Eric Margolis)

This man needs a logic class (LTTE in tomorrow's MKE Journal-Sentinel)

Did Anyone See The Ashcroft Recusal/Plame Story Discussed Today?

My Summary of The Sunday "News" Talk Shows

Why hasn't Novak been indicted for treason?

Quarantining dissent: the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech

In America

36 journos killed in 2003

Why People Fear Guns by John Lott

Cont'd, since you locked my other ATA thread already...

I thought name calling was against rules?

Mods and admins:

Do we have permission to call Ann Coulter the C-word on this board?

After some initial misgivings

Help me understand this, please.

Why was this thread locked?

36 journos killed in 2003

Extremists dedicate Kahane seminary in illegal outpost

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the OT

Israeli MP proposes 'ethnic cleansing'

Clark Panama Article

Long Island turning to the left, what does this mean?

Advice Needed - Setting Up a PAC?

Is this war all about Israel?

Good site for 9/11 timeline

AP (8/22/02): "Agency planned drill for plane crash last Sept. 11"

Behind scenes, Bush campaign arms for battle

Case's verdict shows truth no certain shield for media

No Closure, No Peace

Our right to be left alone

Out of work in WI? Need food stamps to survive? Call India...

Saddam, Bush, and WMD

How much of the party is DLC/Repub lite vs. liberal activists?

Dean as McGovern or Dean as Goldwater?

Bush's P3: the Pentagon, the Press and Proctologists

Banks profiting from crime? "Don't ask, don't tell"

Al Gore has been a total lunkhead...

In how many countries are radical Islamists waging war?

A day in the life of GW Bu$h - 01/04/04 (Graphic Content)

Bush is going to blame the huge deficits on the Congress...

Ghana's Ganja

What is a "Super Delegate" and a plain ol' "Delegate"?

How many senate seats will we lose?

Does our nation need a Democratic House or Senate for balance of power?

A Danger Considerably Greater Than Al-Qaida

Re-reading JFK's 1961 inaugural address.

Drudge is making a huge issue of the issue

George Bush won re-election on sept. 11, 2001...

Could Someone Explain the Etymology of '*'

Repubs: Guys who start fires and run to the rescue.

What state capped MedMal awards and STILL had insurance go up?

NYT, Pentagon & Bogus News: All is Denied

Al-Qaeda: We will destroy New York within 35 days

What really happened to McGovern in 1972

Dear Doom&Gloom Democrats -- let's go back to June, 1992.............

FBI demands Las Vegas hotels turn over their guest lists

Saddam's Capture: deal brokered behind the scenes?

We Democrats are following the wrong strategy

How many seats will Democrats gain?

Who's Behind the Attack on Liberal Professors?

Israel faces South African-style boycott over barrier

U.S. Army Counters Mosque Raid Criticism

Democrat Edwards Stresses Small-Town Roots [Reuters]

Dems Go Adrift on Taxes, Trade in Debate(AP says Dems lie - then lies

Clark says he won't be vice presidential nominee

Bush Bracing for Matchup Against Dean

New Jersey Becomes Second State to Allow Stem Cell Research

Great Clark Endorsement

Clark Discusses Women's Rights, Affirmative Action (Includes Endorsemets)

Can they link Saddam to this skull?

Air travelers face years of delays, official says ...

Britney Arranges Annulment Hours After Wedding

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch [ photo essay]

Sept. 11 attacks likely to shape Bush campaign [Reuters]

Kucinich Ends Two-Day Blitz in Austin (Texas)

Wall set to grab 6% of West Bank

China Suspect SARS Case Virus Resembles Civet Cat [Reuters]

Extremists dedicate Kahane seminary in illegal outpost

U.S.-Iranian Thaw Could Be at Hand [foxnews]

Israeli MP proposes 'ethnic cleansing'

Fugitive Mexican 'dirty war' suspect dies

Troops to stay in Iraq until 2006

WP: Military Split on How to Use Special Forces In Terror War

Libya confirms buying 'A-bomb' plan from Pak

Envoy predicts 'bigger bangs'

Army Outsourcing Put on Hold (Privatization not as good as thought)

Clark Closes On Dean In Democratic Race (UK Independent)

Jeb Bush seeks '04 win for brother

Florida will again be presidential battleground

Quarantining dissent:How the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech

U.S. holds Reuters staff near helicopter crash in Falluja

Willie Nelson Debuts Anti-War Ballad [Kucinich rally, brings down house]

Simon Wiesenthal Center criticises for posting ad

Just picked a bird's nose, ask me anything!!!!!!

can anyone tell where to find the cookie file in windows 2000?

Pat Benetar on Emeril Live.

Proud Dem, are you here?

Watching the best Western movie ever made.

Income Tax question

My computer is soooo sloooow

Anyone have an idea for my 900th post?

Cool Google image search terms.

Don't you just love it?

Oops, just dropped my cell phone in a sink full of water and need advice.

Stand and Deliver!

Bwahahaha -- Simpsons opened with the Croc Hunter

Best prize ever seen in a stuffed animal claw game machine?

If you missed tonight's NOVA about the new Mars rover...

Jake is NOT "The Snake"

Favorite Albert Camus book

O.K. Dems, lets stroll down the 2003 memory lane, with David...

Oops - just dropped my drawers in a public fountain. What should I do?

Okay,... favorite "Hong Kong Phooey" episode.

Oops just dropped my blowdryer in the bathtub I'm in, what should I bzzz ?


Does Joe Pesci sleep with the fishes?

Picture-Time from DemoTex! Stand-clear and stand-by!

okay..favorite D.H. Lawrence

Report: Royal dog to see psychologist

Anybody watching the Poker Tournament on ESPN? ("no limit Texas Holdem")

Chat in the DU Chatroom!

Frank McCourt fans

Visited 'Ground Zero' today.........

Does anyone know of a music download sevice that isn't filled with

Man calls 911 to report clerk refusing to return his stolen credit card.

Let me tell ya about a lady at my work.

Make your own South Park character!

The Karl Rover has landed on Mars????

Was that possibly the worst Snoop Dogg video ever? (Sugar Bowl)

Football trivia I can't find answers to

2 rufous hummingbirds have been banded in our yard so far this year

Adult Swim New Years (Repeat) on now

Britney Arranges Annulment Hours After Wedding

HBO "The Wire"

favorite steinbeck novel

As predicted: Denver implodes in the first round

Tonight on Nova: Mars Dead Or Alive

Anybody seen the movie "In America" yet?

quite possibly the dumbest Freeper tagline ever


Should there be a Swingers Lounge here at DU?

I owe a big "THANK-YOU" to Wanna-Jump-My-Scooter!

What kind of car does this look like?

How are you doing on your resolutions?

OU/LSU game thread

Spirit color hi-res Mars panorama possible within an hour or so...

NASA Mars probe - why are they sending b/w pics?!

Any DU Geocachers?

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on NBC

Caption this dubya picture

And this is the man we trust to develop responsible environmental/forest

favorite john irving novel

Caption time

Favorite Vonnegut novel

I have 2 incredibly embarrassing confessions to make....

As each second of the "national champ." game goes by it becomes more and

I'm selling my beautiful little home in the desert

Band Of Brothers is awesome

There will never be a playoff system in college football

Here's a Chick Fil A commercial on drugs - Cows With Guns

NOT a restaurant for vegetarians!

how much is enough to retire (comfortable lifestyle)?

Do You Have A Valid Passport?

Computer Question Re: Speakers

Hooha! Finally got a Nigerian scam email actually from Nigeria!

Techies/bloggers: should I move my blog to Movable Type?

For divorced DU'ers, why did your marriage break up?

Wild Bill Bouchard's Witticisms, Criticisms, Plagiarisms, & HooHaw.

For all Seahawk fans...

Anti-anxiety, anti-depressant medication. What do you take?

Sressed and depressed: I can't even save myself

Most "embarrasing" combo of items taken to the checkout?

What's the best way to put up a political yard sign?

Slots for minorities other than HHS and Education now!

O.K. Dems, lets stroll down the 2003 memory lane, with David...

Dean runs best against Bush in Arizona

What really happened to McGovern in 1972

When is the debate on again?

About Shelton's comment re: Clark

What Kerry Said about Osama in the Debate was stupid

More political cannibalism for Democrats

Why is Lieberman invoking the name of Bill Clinton in this debate?

WHEN, WHEN, WHEN will Gov. Dean give us at least a hint who Veep will be?

Texas Dems Benched for the 2004 Elections?

What happened between Dean and Edwards? I missed the debate.

TV Alert: Clark on MTP 10:00 PM EST (replay) CNBC

It's going to be Dean/Edwards IMHO

Where are the Post and Threads for Dem CNN Iowa Debate? I can't

Zulu victory 2004

Who created this monster called Dean ?

The Dean week - in a nutshell (warning - quasi-humor ahead)

DEAN and the WORLD

Al Gore has been a total lunkhead...

Results of my time-limited investigation of Sept. Counterpunch...

I want to make a pledge!

Clark Supporters look at PEW Research Center Poll................

Jeffords Stumps for Dean (Endorsement next week?)

Synergy? CNN wrap-up is all Dean. Dean is on cover of Time this week.

Bush Bracing for Matchup Against Dean

Dean as McGovern or Dean as Goldwater?

Clark Closes On Dean In Democratic Race (UK Independent 1/4)

Harlem Pastor Scolds Bloomberg, Lauds Dean.

Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards won the debate ?

Pretty damning stuff, I think

Blatantly anti-Dem bias in the AP primary coverage!

Clark Discusses Women's Rights, Affirmative Action (Includes Endorsements)

What was the deal with Dean's reaction to those laughing at him at debate?

Clark Says He Offers "Higher Standard"

Why is the media "downplaying" Clark's comments on MTP...?

Why Dem primaries?? Let's save the $ and run the front man

Let's Stop Excusing Dean's Gaffes. Shows Inexperience. Not Evil to Say So

How much support will Clark get when other candidates start peeling off?

Dean's Campaign Describes 9/11 As Unpredicatable

Post Debate - Fox was more "Balanced" than CNN

Is Clark a Dino??

This "Dean makes gaffes" BS is just like "Gore lies" in 2000 and the

Civil Rights issues, the courts and the candidates.

My top five choices for Dean's running mate

Ask Dean campaign to please modify tax position.

Kennedy: Brinkley's Tour of Duty reminds me of PT-109

Faking the Grassroots movements, emails, letters, phone calls.

What is Clark's policy and history on Civil Liberties?

mp3 & transcript from Iowa Dem candidates debate (for those who missed it)

Iowa Caucuses are Anti-Democratic?

What are the chances of surprising Dennis wins?

Kerry campaign advisors caught in a bald-faced lie

Meet Dean's Stooge...

For homosexual Palestinians, Israel is their best shot at safety

I'll bet the author of this LTTE is a duer...or should be

Foresight Was 20/20 : Diehl (Wash Post)

Leonard Pitts column...

My first 'toon of 2004

God is not a right-wing zealot

Wives liken deployment to being single moms

Guantanamo Bay, habeas corpus and the Texan who would be king: Some legal

Harley Sorensen: 'The DLC: Wolves in Democrats' clothing'

The S factor explains Bush's popularity


Zell Miller: May Democratic Leaders Get Anger They Deserve

A Bum Steer On Mad Cow Disease

Thoughtful article "What You can't Say"

Analysis: Predicting war's economic impact

Silence on the Hill (editorial about giving powers to Bush) :Wash Post

Trend spotter deconstructs the House of Bush

Phelps to protest at elementary school of boy with lesbian parents

Clark meetup/Clearwater, Florida tonight

BBV - support Representative Holt's H.R.2239 and Senator Graham's S.1980.

If the New York Times is so liberal, then why do Conservatives who

Republican Spin Points Permeate Sunday Talk Shows

Liberals are working to make their voices heard on talk radio (progress !)

CNN and Time REFUSE to report Dean-Bush CNN/Time Poll

Fortune-teller's future involves a date in court

Have you read "the iron heel" by jack london?

Astrologers - Nolle's Annual Report for 2004

Gay-friendly priest takes reins of Episcopal Church in Colorado

Stay Home Uganda Tells US Bishops

Smart Money: 10 Things the Pet Industry Won't Tell You

Question for Gold bugs.... If or when you buy/sell Gold Eagles or

Imminent dollar death - heads up to candidates/supporters

Group outlines Stryker concerns

Creationist Geology Text Now Available At Grand Canyon NP Bookstore

Dynetek to Deliver Storage Systems to Ford for Ford Focus FCV

Toyota To Offer Hybrid Highlander SUV This Year - Bloomberg

2004 Hydrogen Infrastructure Investment Roundtable

Better search results than Google? (Groxis,Grokker ,Vivisimo)

New York to Build Hydrogen HI WAY.

Stop The Presses! Houston (!?!?!?) Debuts Light-Rail System!

New Year Message

The Al-Battar Training Camp: The First Issue of

In Iran's Disaster, an Opening for the Opposition

Suspect in burglary shot in face

GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 5, 2004

Alright, Gun Control Advocates...

Federal gun law does not mix terms

Profanity in quotations in GD


Is it OK to re-register under a different name and...

Are the following terms acceptable

Howdy, Admins!

New little icon thingie?

I just wanted to say...

Why was this thread deleted?

How come I can't use the search function for posts older than 24 hours old

2 observations

question regarding the "calling out other members" and

This thread was locked with no explanation

Breeding grounds for hatred

Livnat says phony Likud activists endanger state

PA finance minister threatens to resign

Palestinian women protest against French headscarf ban

Fence will annex 6% of West Bank

At what point is Israel a liability?

Palestinian Authority Sermons 2000-2003

Fatally Flawed Peace Proposal

Anti-fence protesters detained in W. Bank

Treatment Frustrates Palestinian Refugees...

'The Siege of Nablus'

Assad backs terror, wants to talk - IDF

Palestinian teenager killed, eight wounded (new series of events)

Israel to reject the Hague court's authority on fence

Jordan says will not be 'substitute homeland' for Palestinians

Father of protester wounded by IDF fire says troops lied

Suggested answers to the NH Union Leader 20 Questions for Dem Pres Candida

MO-5: Cleaver Seen as Likely Candidate

South Central Minnesota Clark Meetup tonight in Mankato...

Clark's Tax Plan

Did anyone hear that Bill Bradley

The Impossible Dream? | Weiner Contemplates Longshot 2005 Run for NY Mayor

KY-6: Air Wars Begin in Kentucky Race

SF Gate - How the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech

Bush contrast with hitler in ad

Spirit color hi-res Mars panorama possible within an hour or so...

Newsweek: Intelligence: Who's Fueling the Rumors That Just Won't Die?

Win $1000....tell why your are a Republican!

looking for town-by-town or county-by-county results of the 2000 election

Some Facts on Dean

Why Dem primaries?? Let's save the $ and run the front man

Elton John's sunglasses bring God's curse upon Lubbock, Texas, Phelps says

Biographical Article on Kucinich

TBTM Radio #25: 'A Promise Made Is A Promise...'

LttE slam the 'terrorist with almanacs' jive...

Making a fortune in the stock market is easy

Talk about your whining! RNC Charmain takes the cake!

Why don't we vote on presidents and officials every year?

Stupid right-wing hypocrisy over the Bush/Hitler thing

Ralph Nader on Washington Journal

Nader is on CSPAN now..(et)....I like what he says...

Anyone have any comments on the Bush "Millenium Challenge Account?"

Iraq Occupation: Like Ireland?

Hunters with Cruetzfeldt-Jakob Disease: from beef or deer?

"Warily Searching for Safer Beef" by Marian Burros, New York Times

Bush stifles free speech...reported on Drudge

How should I reply to this right wing bigoted e-mail?

which states prohibit the counting of "write-in" votes?...and will new

Did Adam And Eve ...

Bradley to Endorse Dean

CNN Online poll - to quote Arios..."Torture Wolf" !!

Let go, Gennifer -- just let go

Neo-Nazi group takes message to turnpike (Florida)

So who do you think won the debate?

What I am doing to help

Rumsfeld co-owns NM ranch with......

Bushco & the GOP are on the BadKarma payment plan.

RE: Bush Lies: Are Dems Taking The High Road?

Your Predictions for the Outcome of The Plame Investigation

Will you join me in emailing this *man*

New CNN Poll has Bush and Dean virtually tied! (already)

Did I see it correctly???

The Daily Howler examines who's "hatching" the Faux Dems ...

At what point is Israel a liability?

The Plame Game

another Zell Miller traitor Democrat switches

C'm on Democrats--Anger is not all bad

Saddam: The monster we helped create

They want to protect the sanctity marriage from ME?

Conversion is possible... this is hope.

Laura's call for volunteers at food banks (ugh)

Bush: Proof you can abuse drugs, cheat, lie and steal and become president

Question About War Casualty Count


You're a Republican if You Can Believe Any of the Following…

Stupid Factor Explains Bush's Popularity

Reporter inadvertantly interviews homeless man

What are you guys doing today at 2pm Central?

The horror in the American military hospital in Germany

Is Labor pretty much Democratic?

Castro as Hitler on Cuban front page sparks hunt for mystery satirist

Are people really banking on disgruntled conservatives?

the bushies

Miserable Failure on the part of freeptards!

Are Canadians the new Americans?

Limbaugh Claims The Clintons Own

CSpan question - Should Zell Miller switch parties?

Is democracy in Iraq possible?

An Open Letter to Cnn: Stop your propaganda campaign against democrats

Received an informative email about drug costs (real vs. markup)

Would someone explain this to me please!

Hannity: "We Will Be Climbing a Mountain This Year"

Can anyone verify the validity of this email?

Do the wing nut screamers EVER find new subjects to talk about?

B*sh should be held accountable

Gay marriage

I emailed Wal-Mart about selling Savage's book

Why did FDR say, "You have nothing to fear but fear itself" ?

Mad cow - hype consumption! "Mad cow scare could help U.S. restaurants"

The Ed Schultz show

How plausible is a 2008 Hillary win?

Beef prices stay up today at Tulsa stock auctions, but fewer head brought

Tin Foil Hat Alert: The Hunt for Zero Point

Another right wing hypocrite bites the dust

US Contractors test weapons for kill power - on live Iraqis

E-Ballots: Will your vote count? From PC WORLD

Reminder -- Tavis Smiley Show debuts tonite

Buffoon Arnold to give state of the state speech

Get mad at corporations, not cows and ranchers

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) responded to my letter re: electronic voting

Tinfoil: Remeber that NYC plane crash right after 9-11 that hit a school?

Video Shows Coalition Forces Didn't Desecrate Mosque in Jan. 1 Raid

Is Pat Buchanan running in 2004?

GRRR. Pete Williams of NBC News just re-defined "chatter."

Crazy Xian writes against Wicca in my local paper

Assault on american workforce continues

NBC coddles republicans...AGAIN

The Governator: Food Stamps and car allowances

Bush coming into saint Louis again. Should I go and see?

Floating the prevention of 9/11 talking point

Bush Knew

Do you believe the 2000 Election was Stolen?

Dulce Et Decorum Est

Another sign Bush will lose (amazon bestseller list).

Principi proposed a $1,500 deductible for veterans

Back to the transcripts (NJ Newspaper columnist ?'s FAA 9-11 ATC Response)

How much do you make?

Moments ago Rush Leary said this (HUGE puke alert)

Beating Bush: Reason for Optimism in the Numbers?

gay marriage = sexist, one of the worst arguments yet

Gay marriage

Take Back the Media one of 15 Finalists in the Bushin30seconds contest!

David Horsey thread #2!

BBV: Research project - will someone help please?

A THIRD David Horsey thread!

If an organization had attempted to expose Hitler

Time for some David Horsey!!!!

Ed Gillespie on CNN crying about the Bush=Hitler ad

Will "Appearance" of Roaring Economy Re-Elect Bush? Think So?

America is cheezy!

Nader coming up live on Crossfire

MoveOn Ad contest finalists announced (Bush in 30 Seconds)

Supreme Court could bring Ashcroft down....

MWO is back! Vote for Whore of the year!

This Article Best Explains Our Present Economy

Night on Tinfoil Mountain: Some thoughts on conspiracy theories

More Tinfoil: What about the bombing at Yale; what was that about?!

The Good News Is That The Stock Market Went UP over 50%... FIFTY Percent!

Disturbing analogies: George B. and Adolph H.

I made a killing in the stock market today

If you hold blank protest signs, can they confine you?

Best "Bush In 30 Seconds" ad (

Show us whether you believe every child could learn...

How long will it take to "Finish the Job" in Iraq?

I Give You The Dead

Health Care, Post 3: Why the free market doesn't work here.

In how many countries are radical Islamists waging war?

Nader getting beat up on Crossfire

DA slams Mbeki's 'disastrous' trip to Haiti

A New Episode of 'Friends'? No, Just Democrats Debating

U.S. Troop Handed to S. Korea Under Deal

Court Looks at More Terror Plan Challenges

Bush bracing for matchup against Dean

U.S. Troops Hurt in Raid in Afghanistan

Arab TV airs new "bin Laden" tape

Conflicting numbers and a surreal press conference

Explosive Vaginas

UK troops seen in Iraq until 2007

Castro as Hitler on Cuban front page sparks hunt for mystery satirist

Poland, Israel Sign Missile Deal

Dejected Iraqi Ex-soldiers Protest Poverty on Eve of Army Day holiday

Oslo court frees 'Iraqi militant'

Analysis: Predicting war's economic impact

'DVD Jon' Seals Victory as Police Skip Appeal

Blair: Iraq war was test case

What to ask the Presidential candidates (with my suggested answers!)

Beef Bones Linked to Mad Cow Recalled

3 soldiers discharged for prisoner abuse

Ex-HUD Chief Files for Fla. Senate Race

Wham! Blair bungles Iraq speech

White House says Kurds can remain semi-autonomous

Military Split On How to Use Special Forces In Terror War

'El Rushbo' gets El Break from El Court [UPI]

Price of AIDS drug soars fivefold

Spain and Morocco agree to rail tunnel under Gibraltar strait

DEBKA: Iraq’s WMD located in three Syrian sites

Dean on Economy: Wall Street Roots; Main Street Talk (WSJ)

Bush to Defend 'No Child Left Behind'

Martinez Files to Run for Florida Senate Seat

President's Interpreter in Fight on Cuba Ban

U.S. Discharges Troops for Abuse in Iraq

485th military death in Iraq is 1st Female Pilot on Jan 2nd

Iraq Police Chief Says U.S. Army Gunned Down Family (Frthr descrepancies)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 5 January (#1)

U.S. Frees Iraqi Workers for Reuters, NBC

FDA has yet to close loopholes in mad-cow regulation

Letter bomb explodes at EU parliament

Kozlowski purchased $5M ring with loan (Tyco)

U.S. Army Counters Mosque Raid Criticism

Ford, Chrysler U.S. sales off 4% in 2003


Rochester NY Mulls Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses

Ex-S.D. Rep. Thune to Challenge Daschle

Foresight Was 20/20 [WP... bushco knew how Iraq would turn out]

Principal at drug-raid high school in S.C. resigns

Army Expanding 'stop Loss' Order to Keep Soldiers From Leaving the Service

Gunmen Attack U.N. Office in Afghanistan

Robber threatens to kill Hillary Clinton

Longtime listeners, first-time players: Dems find radio voice

Census: In Alabama, cities plagued with poverty

And then there was Murdoch (part one)

Billboard advertising white supremacist group to remain in Sumter

Gold captures 14-year high (dollar continues to plummet)

Portugal refuses US request for armed guards on flights

Judge: Limbaugh medical records off limits for now (15 Days)

Clark announces tax reform plan

Kinks star (Ray Davies) shot in New Orleans

Secret police force to be set up in Iraq (funded by CIA)

U.S. to Destroy 450 Calves in Mad Cow Probe

U.S. starts fingerprint program

Former Gov. & Attorneys General Urge Mass To Enact Gay Marriage

Star Wars Maker Looks to India

Experts: Bin Laden Audio Message Likely Authentic

Study: Professors Favor Donating to Dean

Japan Says U.S. Mad Cow Safeguards Lax

U.S. Wary of Cuba's Support for Leftists

U.S. Frees Iraqi Workers for Reuters, NBC

New Carnegie Report on WMD in Iraq; Clarifies Iraq WMD Story (PR Release)

Conservatives simmer as spending mushrooms under Bush

Bradly Endorsement of Dean Expected This Morning

Brazil anger over US security checks

What are your thoughts on the BCS?

Anyone buy one of those handheld steam cleaner thingies?

Is anyone else watching 'Birdman Attorney at Law'

USC is #1!!!!

How often do you get a massage?

Alternative country song about the neocons...

Important: Need links for draft and 87 billion budget for Iraq

Mesmerizing toy

"Take care of my BABY! He's my firstborn SON! *SOB!*"

kid gets trapped in "grabber" game . . . film at eleven . . .

Internet moving images archive...lots of odd things here

Dickless Cheney...

The Daily Photo Project


News tidbits

My beloved University of Michigan gets Farked (not rec'd for dial-up)

Anyone else play HSX (Hollywood Stock Exchange)?

Kodi is going

I can't access any blogspot sites!

Why Is There No Closed Captioning On Porn DVD's?

I just blew my whole neighborhood!

Al-Qaeda: We will destroy DU within 35 days

A game of Global Politics

A new lounge feature.... Today in Vietnam History... since we


Where do you live?

My brother has to go back to school today, and I have another WEEK!!!

Any other Damon Runyon fans out there?

wwweeeeeeeeeee ICE STORM ... Good (Monday) Morning DU!

Glass Eye Theif Caught On Tape

Dead Man Comes Back To Life At Funeral Home

Deanies or Techies, HELP ME!!!PLEASE!!!

Dog snout update: didja know dogs can get hives?

Wanted: New, standardized LOL.

Which is worse-Irwin or Jackson (not the sex stuff) for child enlargement

need help : pussy gone missing !

What you can't say


How many continents have you visited?

Regarding countdowns...what does the 't' stand for in 'T-minus..'?

back from break

Why is the croissant so elusive?

Did Adam And Eve ...

Anyone enjoy the Michael Apted "Up" documentaries?

The Farrely bros. are making a 3 Stooges movie - who'll play who?

Little Stevens Underground Garage

When did this My Posts feature get inaugurated?

What happened to the poster called "one eighty"?

This one's BEGGING for a caption....

Did OxyRush get busted for doctor shopping?

Well, I introduced Sebastian to the Great Spirit yesterday

is there a web site...

GOPisEvil. I have an announcement to make.

What is your name? What is your quest?

I'm Speechless. --- I Absolutely Don't Know What To Say....

Where can I get the current tax tables online?

ack! idea needed

Everythingsxen Update: He's here!

ZenLeftyGirl has admitted to betting on hockey

Uh-oh... another timewaster....

I'm on an FBI list!

Yet another suicide attempt

100 Most Annoying People of 2003

Confession - relating to Archea's Pacific Northwest thread

Classic Neo-Con theory about libraries

Canada-USA WJHC final starts in 15 minutes!

Things...or find curiously erotic.

Anyone else burned out from the holidays?

Which AntiVirus Software Is Installed On Your Computer? And...

Can you help me identify the owner of this photo?

Whats your lucky number?

Proof that there is no life on Mars!

Another installment of "Separated at Birth"

Hey Boomers! How PO'd are you at the Gen Xers!

anti-Confederate flag bumper stickers

Twelfth Night starts at sunset tonight

The New Kazaa Sucks

"The Love Below" is the funkiest and coolest album I've heard in years.

Does anybody like my signature line?

A reality show I would watch...

There are little basketball birds in my yard!

I need help with a New Years resolution.

Did you have a good new year?

A `claahs struggle' with `tom-ah-tos'

SEC WEST - 4-0 in Bowl Games

ZombyCoffee WINS National Championship!!!!!!

Wanted: Cubit-Engish, Cubit-Metric conversions, Ark Plans

Send me jokes please. I am so sad

Britney Spears Married Jason Alexander??? Who Woulda Guessed?

What do you guys think of the Stilton sisters?

Have you ever called the police to tell your neighbor

best case scenario in Britney Spears situation

Labor law question: can my boss do this to us?

If you want to know what time it really is...

Happy Birthday, GrandmaBear

Mad ESP strikes again!

Damn. Ray Davies of the Kinks got shot in New Orleans

Ahhhhh I just hit 666 posts.....

What are your NFL playoff Picks for next week?

Cold Mountain looked awful!

My wife just quit her job ...

Tune in to the Ed Shultz show - on until 6pm...

Your Favorite Lesbian...

Where's our Condor?

a Spotty CAPTION please?

the ethics of kicking

source of Spam revealed!

Pete Rose has admitted to betting on baseball

My mead won a gold medal!!!

Hey POd are you at the boomers?

Let's talk about Seattle sports teams

OH my. Just watched Giada De Laurentiis squeeze fresh sausages!

* in 30 seconds: the 15 finalists

Fitness question

Went to see LOTR/ROTK for the second time, last night with my daughter

YAY! shortbus made breakfast! Sausage, eggs and.....Pepper spray

Need help with Hitler quote - Mein Kampf

Yesterday, it was 69 degrees here. Now it's 34.

Which is worse?

MWO is back!!! Finally!! Sorry if this is a dupe!!

"Neuticles" give castrated dogs virtual virility

Why "Speed" was a brilliant, insightful movie

"OK, I'd support your candidate IF...."

Oh my straight stars! Birth control advice, please.

Has there been a recent National Guard mobilization?

My Ass Won A Gold Medal!!!!

Someone Please... KICK MY ASS (THAT Should keep me out of GD 2004)

Anyone have a poker night?

the US-VISIT program.... making America MORE safe?

only 34 more shopping days left till el-queso destroys NYC..

What Books (if any) has Dubya read


Been anywhere cool?

For once MrsGrumpy is sitting here wishing the kids had a snow

"Dean just freaks out and kills everyone--it was totally sweet"

LSU and USC suck *almost* as much as a Macintosh computer


What Hotels Do You USUALLY Stay In While Traveling?

They are going to show the 2005 Mustang on ABC news

COngrats Team USA WJHC champs

Weekly Dispatch #2 from President Bush to disloyal, unAmerican DU people.

Did anyone bookmark the DUer pic threads?

If you became a vampire..who'd you kill first?

You know you live in a small town when...

A shameless plug

How high have you walked/climbed?

Buckeyes and Hurricanes rank in top 5 of polls (Again)

The Official NCAA Football National Championship Poll

Depressed people check in

What do you guys think about the Hilton Sisters?

Feel Safer and be Saved.... Announcing the Amazing...

You know you're from the Pacific Northwest...

matcom debuts in very own comic book!!!!


Is this car FUGLY or what???

Would you be a contestant on a reality show?

Is depression a disease of affluent societies?

NFL Playoff Predictions

ATTN: WWE this Republican Superstar...

"Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior & get a free PlayStation 2!"

Ladies...I need advice from fellow females

Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad (2004 Beginnings) - January 05, 2004

Harry Potter and the PHILOSOPHER'S Stone?!

Are You Related To Any Homosexuals?

Which is your favorite Britcom

Man, this is going to be tasty!


What Household Chore Do You HATE The Most?

You know you're from NYC when...

It's very very cold here in Minnesota...

Why do these people have such hatred of Hillary?

NADER on CSPAN now monday 9AM eastern

The Press in Disarray

The Quiet Leader...

"George W. Bush is the frontrunner...

I think Braun did exceptionally well in the debate

Has participating in the GD 2004 primary forum increased your...

Dupe please lock

How should I reply to this right wing bigoted e-mail?

meet the press rerun on NBC now

Could the media actually want a Bush-Dean horserace?

Did anybody keep count of how many question/barbs were directed at Dean?

For NBDs: How many smoke marijuana on a regular basis

Should We Judge by Size of State Population or the stars a candidate has?

Kucinich finally gets substantial favorable mention in NY Times

Joe Lieberman, unwitting Republican operative?

Wes Clark's Achilles heel.

Howard Dean's Achilles heel

looking for town-by-town or county-by-county results of the 2000 election

Is there any chance that Senator Snowe could endorse..

Clark Loses No Ground in N.H. after Touring the Entire South! got a face lift

Some Facts on Dean

Democrats turn unfriendly fire on rival Dean

Biographical Article on Kucinich

Dean to make surprise visit to N.H. | Bradley endorsement expected

What is this monkey business that Freepers are claiming

I thought Clark was "The New American Patriot"...

Possible Bill Bradley endorsement for Howard Dean

Dean's gently blunt talk about race

Clark's absence at Dem debate not good for his media coverage

I sure wish Bradley had announced for Kucinich...

Dean's media problem

Clark on Hardball Tonight

Clark Remains Very Much In The Hunt For the Dem Nomination

Rasmussen national poll - update from December:

Slate article on book about Dean

Clark gets better ratings as he skips Dean-bashing

New ARG numbers for NH : see analysis of undecideds

Is it true that Kerry is losing in Massachusetts?

Clark domestic policy speech on c-span2 - 11:23 am EST (app)

Dean Untarnished By Rivals' Critiques

Wesley Clark tax plan...promoting right wing family values...

This is Clark's big news?

What to ask the Presidential candidates (with my suggested answers!)

NY Times on the debate & laughing at-- not with--Dean, etc

More pundit opinion on the debate

Dean vs Cheney... secret energy meetings.

Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) will NOT accept VP nod.

Is Congressional experience an asset or liability for a candidate?

How could Dean let down Ellen Mariani, in her lawsuit vs Bush!

Candidates and Advisors

Heads up: Clark's tax speech - repeat at 3:45 PM EST

Howard Dean made the cover of Newsweek, Jan. 12 issue

I admire Fritz Hollings for being honest about his war vote. Courageous.

Did Anybody Else Even ASK For These Endorsements?

How much will proposal to roll back all the tax cuts hurt Dean/Gephardt?

Dean misrepresents legal position on releasing public records in debate

Why I support Clark

Faster Politics

Working Poor - If it's not a campaign issue, it should be

Howard Dean to be on the Ed Schultz show (4 PM ET)

True or False: Deanophobia Leads to Punditophilia

When you're holding worthless cards, put up illegal campaign signs?

TNR article on Dean House Parties

How Terry McAuliffe and James Carville created Howard Dean

O.K. Middle Class - Time for You to Decide!

The soundite of the day: So if Karl Rove is watching today. . .

live chat with Vanessa Kerry on women's issues at 5pm eastern

Dean adds to Arizona campaign staff

Strategy Question for Dean Supporters

dupe -----Wes Clark on FOX at 5pm and MSNBC at 7pm n/t

Clark & Military Spending: Ever take your car to a mechanic?

Update on our sharing of the Uncovered movie on Iraq.

Kerry Face the Nation transcript 1/4/04

On the assertion that Clark's tax reform plan descriminates against gays:

HardBall Tonight Is A New Show - Clark On At 7 pm ET

Bradley to Endorse Dean

NPR : you can send 1 question for 1 candidate,tomorrow's radio debate.

Kerry DOES Support a Trial For Saddam

Gays funded Howard Dean’s Early Campaign

Faux News Report

John Kerry announces comprehensive plan for American Workers and economy

My Political Science Professor's Primary Predictions

Should every candidate for the nomination open their records?

Msnbc: Kerry proposes bailout for states

No Child Left Behind: The Biggest Broken Promise in a Generation

Dolores Huerta, co-founder of UFW union , endorses Dean

Kerry Calls for $25 Billion to Aid States

Dean's spooky little smile at the end of the debate--what gives?

Newsweek: Clark is a Quick Study

Clark's tax speech-CSPAN tonight at 8pm EST, & Edwards, Gephardt, Kerry

Clark scheduled to be on FAUX @5:00 EST and MSNBC @7:00

Deleted message

What was so wrong about Lieberman's question to Dean?

With all due respect, Kucinich was god-awful tonight

Records Sealed To Protect Gays Dean Says

Dean Won Five Back-to-Back Elections? False!

Howard Dean gets a mental checkup

Cognitive Dissonance - Don't Catch It

CNN finally shares the Dean/Bush poll results.

Clark Looking for a Female VP

New CNN Poll has Bush and Dean virtually tied! (already)

Iowa: veterans, firefighters and undecided wonder about Dean's viability

New national poll - Dean -4, Clark +2

The Dean Campaign printed up my newspaper idea for all of Iowa!

Kerry Barnstorms into 2004!

Clark is the one they really want....

ARG daily NH tracking...Dean gains, no traction for Clark

Check Kucinich's rise on the QC poll....not too shabby!

Nader voices support for Kucinich !

February Contests Shape Up as Pivotal

Two Words: "Bush Knew." Which Candidates Will Speak The Truth?

Can someone post transcript from MTP roundtable yesterday?

Clark to Rove: "I dare you"

Info on Dean's tax plan - O'reilly Lies again this afternoon....!!

I Am Unmarried Without Kids, Yet I Love Clark's Revolutionary Tax Plan

Can anyone explain to me why Kerry is losing to Dean in Mass?

An email I got that Dean supporters (and everyone else) will like

Is it just me or was this a brilliant political move?

Kerry Petition - Reopen the WH Women's Office

Wes Clark's Families First Tax Reform

"Politics is not an expression of your moral purity"

Another Democrat for Kucinich!

Watch the press try to destroy our candidate...again

Edwards falls short for Rhode Island's primary

Will Dean give a tax cut to people with no kids?

New Poll - Dean does better than Clark vs. Bush again

I adore Dean, and admire his organization. Then Clark appeared!

Ins. Politics: Dean Campaign sends out mass mailings attacking Kerry

"Brothers in Arms." Will You Watch the John Kerry Movie?

Braun, Sharpton, and Kucinich, Dean's Nader Group