Outstanding piece on moving beyond CFR -- Read it!
Bush State Dept Pol Dir.: Bush ""did not have to go to war against Iraq"
Brooks: The Era of Distortion (Claims Neocons have no influence on*)
Bev Conover: What We Can And Must Do
The Battle Cry of Generation Clark
NOTICE; Attend a taping of Tavis Smiley's new show
Protest Bush in New Orleans 1/15 (planning meeting 1/7)
Astrologers: New Year 2004, on Starlight News
Twin Cities DUers--best pizza in the cities?
Smart Money: Two Different Outlooks, Both Ugly
Compare money supply growth Clinton/Bush - Is flood gate open?
"Thanks to the Labor Movement, life is better."
Islamic group claims Red Sea air crash
Arab ministers: Freedom fighter aren't terrorists
N.M. Supreme Court Lets Gun Law Stand
Which is better, a big mean dog, 911 on the phone or a gun?
Why Dean Supporter allowed to do inflamatory threads?
Israel Army Jails Five Conscientious Objectors
Sarra Checkpoint - A Week of Severe Abuse
Palestinian NGOs reject antiterrorism pledge
Kucinich once a male chauvenist?
Dolores Huerta and Richard Chavez endorse Dean for President
Anyone know for a fact if there are any famous DUers?
Heard on BBC Libyan sanctions will be removed immediately. Can you say...
the *bush* doctrine: Mad Cow Division
West Coast Vets Honor Iraq KIA's
Bush is a big government spender
(John) Buchanan to challenge Bush in NH...
Local Editorial paper ripping Dean
Two positions on which I'd like to see a little triangulation
If you can't do the job, should you get paid for your time?
Who was the rep that said they were about to get Saddam?
Today's assignment: A letter to the President
Cow cannibalism: The cause of mad cow disease?
Neil Bush has Herpes! ha ha ha ha
A day in the life of George W Bu$h 01/05/03 (Graphic Content)
great response to right-wing-nut emails
Bi-partisan group of 200 Mass. politicians endorse gay marriage
LOL... did anybody just see Keith Olbermann?
Do we tend to overestimate or underestimate Bush's chances in 2004?
About this Bush\Hitler thing and Moveon.org...
George W. Bush is Out of Control
Any info on Jennifer Duffy, Cook Political Report? And. . .?
Economy turnaround - war or tax cuts?
Novak on the patriotic White South
Norm Coleman's first year: Marked by Loyalty
Trespass laws for farms get tougher
Should Dean not win the nomination....
How many voters did you register this week DU?
A pro-war Email I recieved (quoting a 4star general) and my response
Kenny Boy Lay? When's he going to be charged?
Debate idea: Bill Bradley should debate Gary Hart or...
Dumb question: What is Google bombing? How do you do it?
Keep an eye on Bush's itinerary....
Mike Malloy .... coming up - keep kicked! :)
U.S. Offers Tips on Avoiding OT Pay
What if Bush v. Gore had been reversed?
Unbelievable headlines in SC paper.
How long before the media or GWB refer to Iraq as "the Territories"??
The next Democratic President must do this:
Bush in 30 seconds finalists!!!
Now I Understand How Economic Crashes Occur
Bush to help illegal alians get jobs! Just on CNN
What are the differences between Democrats and Republicans?
I'm now a facilitator for a Wellstone Book Discussion Group in Cleveland.
It Ain't Easy being Cheesy: On Trash Culture
MoveOn entrants weren't the first to compare other politicians to Hitler
US kids being raised as if they were Muslim women under the Taliban
Californians, wanna give Arnold a poll?(We're losing 2-1)
Canada: Globe & Mail disappears online poll favouring the NDP
Ron Reagan on CNBC Special Report trashing Bush.
Concerning the matter of "dirty bombs" versus "vagina bombs"
First, we must defeat the REAL ENEMY...
Ed Gillespie is right! Bush is NOT a Nazi!
Ohio News Headline: November 3, 2004
Hi Mike Malloy:Let's have the Repukes take the Bush/Reich 101 Quiz...
Nationalizing the Congressional elections.
Are we safer now that Saddam is in custody?
EPA Enforcement Chief Quits for Wal - Mart
Bill Bradley Expected to Endorse Dean
Bush Tells Staff to Cooperate on CIA Leak (but no demand for reporter)
Bush wants staff to help investigators trying to uncover source of leak
Dolores Huerta and Richard Chavez Endorse Dean
Scrtry's Role Eclipses His Title; Commerce Chief Is Close Friend of Bush
Iraq police chief says U.S. army gunned down family
Iraq Council Close to Choosing Federalism
Iraqi cop hurt in Kirkuk rocket attack
Bush to Propose Immigration Law Changes
Wal-Mart approves $7B buyback plan
Feeling Besieged, Iraq's Sunnis Unite
US privatises its military aid to Georgia
Iraqis revive ancient word `ulooj' to insult, greet U.S. troops
Blair urged to counter secrecy in Whitehall (Re: Report on David Kelly)
Army To Expand Order That Keeps Soldiers From Leaving
U.S. Refuses to Lift Sanctions on Libya
Move On.org's response to Hitler
US Soldiers Sent Home for Beating Prisoners of War
WP: Egyptian Democracy Muzzled (due to U.S. props)
WP: "Dean Works To Smooth The Edges"
Labor Dept gives advice on avoiding overtime
US soldiers offered cash to stay
Bush Drops In on a School, in a Crucial Campaign State
3 Top Enforcement Officials Say They Will Leave EPA
Former Mets and Phillies relief pitcher Tug McGraw dead at 59
Syria rejects call to renounce WMD
Bush to propose immigration law changes to allow Mexican workers in U.S.
don't throw thongsandyaksandyaksinthongs if you don't have OXY
5 minute poll: What should I do for dinner?
Stolen Conestoga wagon returned to owner
Anyone see the movie rendition of "Bearskin" ?
Just back from an anti Bush protest in St Louis
Life in the burbs---boring, sometimes NOT
LIstening to Michael Savage.....
NBC has no shame -- gives Donald Trump reality show
Should Canuckamok be inducted in to the Baseball hall of fame?
Note to self - don't be ambitious
Tom Hanks should be singing this song on ABC tonight...
Just bought box o beer @ Triple Rock Brewery in Berkeley...ask me anything
"I've been everywhere" where have you been?
What are your thoughts on secondary school administrators.
Kelly Anne Conway, was in the movie "Trial of Billy Jack" ???
Mmmm, handmade fleece insoles, warm
I's got the shakes. I need a fix.
Ok, is this the freakiest news pic of the day???
Custom level grayed out - Techies please help
The horror..... the horror......
Breaking Away! Old indie movie... goes BIG
Just made a post in GD 2004, came here to hide
Breakthrough discovery in small town!
Frank's Red Hot Chili and Lime Sauce. Tastiest. Hot Sauce. Ever.
new Hannity advertiser ehealthinsurance.com
My cable line keeps screwing up...anyone know anything about cable lines?
What does Dean & Bush have in common?
Anyone else's computer screw up..?
Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny.
Obligatory "1000'th post" post!!! Hurrah! (Love me!)
Just re-designed my site. What do you think?
"Ernest" movies that were never made (from fark.com)
"Monday's Get back to Work, Peon", Three Word Thread
Who would be the biggest Castaweenie?
Gentlemen DUers, CONFESS! Who among you has gotten a vasectomy?
What movie/TV family does your own family most resemble?
We have tentatively named our mountain home "Dalat."
Anyone know for a fact if there are any famous DUers?
Ex-Major League Pitcher Tug McGraw dies at 59.
Need help from Native American/Spiritualists
What's your favorite game show?
I just installed PhotoShop...ask me anything.
Magazine Names Honolulu the Fittest City
What State is the most Corrupt?
Should Pete Rose be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame?
Based on the roles they've played, which actor is best qualified 4 Prez?
What's your least favorite phrase seen on DU?
Geography students gasp with disbelief at "almanac alert"
Want to get transported to the Isle of Lesbos ???
Anyone know the scoop with St. Patrick ridding Ireland of snakes
A Glossary of Useful Terms for the GD Primaries Forum
Dolores Huerta and Richard Chavez Endorse Dean for President
2 blogs for Carol Moseley Braun
So was this "sweeping tax reform" Clark's big event this week?
Dolores Huerta and Richard Chavez endorse Dean for President
Correction: Democrats-Debate Story
Local Editorial paper ripping Dean
Dean down 4; Kerry up 4 in national poll
Which is cutest- Elvis's "snarl smile" or Dean's "smirk smile" I say Dean
Anyone watch FOX News' boatload of attacks on Dean?
bush*s 24/7 terra alerts designed to distract US from the Dem primary
The "NEW" theme of Dean campaign on Clark
Dean received warnings about nuclear plant
Why does Kerry continue to lie about Dean?
Advice for Dean, as though he doesn't get enough of it....
Is Dean a hero to closeted gays in Vermont?
OK, now I've gone off the rails for Clark
Clark, Gephardt can "stop Dean"
Story about presidential candidates leading in polls from yesteryear
what IF on the "biggest mistake" question during the debate. .
Still No Contact With John Kerry Endorser
Should Dean not win the nomination....
Clark is hiring! Perl Programer/Support Engineer
Has anyone here actually participated in a caucus?
Who Will Bring Our Troops Home the Earliest? (On Edit: Alive)
Kerry took a loss in tax shelter in 1984 to avoid political fallout
Teresa Heinz Kerry wants to meet Dr. Steinberg Dean
CNN poll switcheroo scandal! We need to take action--Dean Ahead?
Nominate your choice(s) for best Wes Clark grassroots site of 2003!
Does Clark have any Liberal Democratic support ?
Clark won me over tonight. Anyone else starting to sway?
New Polls Show: Dean Downs Other Dems
From Today's Meetup or why I am fired up about Clark
Selling the Status Quo: Is your candidate up to it?
Rewind to last spring and remember how things got so hot.
Rotten Apples In Education Awards, 2003
Italy was ripe for Parmalat fraud (and the Berlusconi connection)
Georgia: A small pawn in the Great Game
The Era of Distortion (Claims PNAC's staff of 5 does not influence)
It's weird what happens to this story..........
"Who is Howard Dean?"- The Pundits give the answers
Limbaugh Strikes Blow He Can't Take
Interesting LTTE in local paper
"Let's not fall for Charlie Hustle's latest hustle"
Conflicting numbers and a surreal press conference
Wolves In 'Democrats' Clothing
Molly Ivins: Bad news drops into Bush's punchbowl
Avenging angel of the religious right - Ahmanson
TPM vs NYT: Marshall takes on Brooks.
BBC's HARDtalk interview with John Le Carré - Fantastic!
Monbiot: On the edge of lunacy
State website (WI) to promote fur trade
Powerful message (commercial) from Moveon.org
Favorite Moveon ad didn't make the cut - "SERIOUSLY"
GREAT LIBERAL TALK RADIO!!!! listen to Sea Bass live
*SEA BASS* rocking the Palm Beaches w/ GREAT liberal talk radio
Who here remembers an early 2001 Rush quote, something
Are Republicans and Conservatives Zealots?
Stories You May Have Missed Email
The Producers heads to big screen with Lane and Broderick
Who would you rather have in the US--Celine Dion or Ann Coulter
Shareholders' power is the new weapon in fight for workplace equality
2003: 'A watershed year for gays and lesbians'
Heterosexual accepts bishop's post declined by gay appointee
Flagpole for pride flag removed in Ohio
Asian Central Banks try to stop currency losses by buying US dollars
next point of reference appearing - currency controls....= wage/gold price
Human-Caused Tropical Forest Fires Bigger GHG Source Than Thought
Honda To Sell Accord Hybrids In US This Year - Reuters
Top EPA Enforcement Officer Quits - Takes New Job At Wal-Mart
Pacific Island Nations Of Kiribati And Tuvalu Sinking And Ignored
Chinese Government, World Bank Warn Of Water Crisis - Boston Globe
Kansas Groundwater Levels Fall Dramatically For 2nd Year In A Row
Study Unravels Mystery of Double Star (but why does black hole reject mass
Notion of cow-human transmission is tenous?
Hydrogen's Dirty Details - Village Voice
Egypt muzzles calls for democracy
France arrests imam in Chechnya probe...
Firearm deaths down 50 pc(Australia)
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 6, 2004
Why more senior citizens are carrying guns
Hey! Did you know that you can't spell check in "Edit Post" mode?
Is it a no-no to bookmark directly to the forums?
Yo. NHL avatars and UF avatars?
Skinner, I have a confession to make...
I have a question about a thread
Just a comment-kind of silly-regarding a term used on this thread:
Just a heads up about Rush mentioning us on air again.
Weird thing happened when I went to post on thread about Limbaugh
Hey Admins? Can we do this fundraising breakdown?
Spell checker and My Posts feature--COOL!!
I thought if a deleted post appeal was approved, the post was reinstated.
The Suicide Bomber! The Suicide Bomber!
Right, left dismiss Sharon Likud speech as mere talk
Hamas 'contacts' with US officials
Handle with care: words like 'conflict', 'terrorist'
EU suspends anti-Semitism seminar
Israel to Take No Action Against Soldiers
Israel and Turkey agree 'water for arms' deal
Interesting Facts About The Middle East
Ex-Mossad chief: Road map cannot be implemented
IDF source: shootings along fence can't be totally prevented
From Brainshrub: The fish that threatened national security (True story)
Social workers endorse Manchin (WV Governor's race)
What's Dem response to Bush soft-focus upbeat national unity campaign
Kucinich Peace Train Iowa bound
NADER on CSPAN now monday 9AM eastern
Advice for Dean, as though he doesn't get enough of it....
Anyone else's computer screw up..?
If I knew the economy would unravel in 2005...
On April 10, the US Marines kidnapped us. . . . We were students.
Mike Webb LIVE streaming now ... Dumbya and Hitler
Don't you think that Americans will get tired of all these scare tactics?
How unusual is this? Nearly as rare as Mr Feuerstein's generosity
Bush's soft-focus campaign plan echoes Reagan's "Morning in America"
Interview with 9/11 widow about her suit against Bush
fundamentalist missionaries find backlash in Sri Lanka . . .
"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
Presidential Commission on Corporations in American Society
Media loves the "Martha Trial"..forgets "Tyco" and Kozlowski ($600M) trial
Ashcroft thinks he's Jesus Christ - calico cats are demonic
Osama is useless, unless he's in Iraq
Republican support for Bush softening?
Is bin Laden alive or dead? Nothing fancy, just yes or no.
My one qualm with the eventual move-on ad...
Another day, another allegation against Rowland
Need Nicknames for United States and Canada
John le Carre interview, and his new anti-neo con, anti-Iraq war novel
Novak's racist comment is making me sick
Troops from Georgia being shipped to Iraq.
JOHN Dean Book: Shrub Mal-Admin "worse than Watergate"
More evidence that a draft may happen
Mad Cow...I'm considering not eating meat anymore...
Everyone's notification record has been cleared: This creeps me out!
Attention supporters of Howard Dean
More Army stop-loss orders - 7,000 troops forced into DRAFT per se!
Man envisions Christian nudist colony for families
Good News from the SoCal UFCW Strike!
Bush rally attracts 100 students! Ooooo...I'm soooo scared!
Diana "death plot"...media distraction again....before BCCI trial
Rush Limbaugh is no Nathan Algren....a Last Samari analogy
Strained U.S. Army Offers Fat Re-Enlistment Bonuses
DK is a vegitairian... How does that stand with you?
John Le Carre interview in Globe and Mail - Railing against neo-con junta
RSF: 2003, a black year - 42 journalists killed
Labor Dept. on How to Cheat Your Labor
what does the "neo" in neocon mean?
BFEE Fun Facts to Know and Tell: HINKLEYs and BUSHes
First COLOR photo from Spirit...
Limbaugh Sez You Can Trust Him With Your Wife Or Your Children......
2003 Political Dot-Comedy Awards - Vote Ends Tomorrow
Anti-American Video (North Korean origins)
In 1993 Howard Dean failed to send his aunt a "thank you" card!
Is George Bush an Embarrassment For The United States
Disturbing Photo of Arnold the Gropenator
Can someone help me prove this statement from moveon
CSPAN NOW : The Militia Movement and the Radical Right
A Poll That Just Begs to be Freep'd
Is the Debate today online? And is there a site with debate schedules?
The ugly truth about the Bush family exposed!!!!
Treasure hunter claims to have solved Oak Island Mystery
NPR debate: DK says "living wage" and NPR cues music
Cruel as Usual Mississippi Death Row conditions persist
Isn't it politically incorrect to call voters "stupid" ?
The "Clinton did it too..." Arguments
Need help with the minimum wage.
The "right" (?) Wingers are after TARGET now!!
HELP: I want to find the editorial by JIMROB posted HERE weeks ago,
Bob Somerby Annihilates David Brooks
How Washington Mutual funds Bush and the Religious Right
Boo-Hoo-Hoo, them old mean guys at moveon called me Hitler!
Who else is as excited as I am about the moveon.org ads?
Help me DU this poll - Gay Marriage
Man Seeks Christian Nudist Colony
Need help with the minimum wage.
Where's the spark to bring down Bush?
Move On Controversy / Republicans hate free speech
Will the French Indict Cheney?
Reparation day: A call for $21 billion from France aims to lift Haiti's bi
Why do people here need so much help?
David Brooks: The neo in neocon means "Jewish" and other nonsense.
The coming Economic Crisis that isn't being talked about.
Rush accuses Dem's of having 'plantation-mentality', using black voters..
Terry McAuliffe/Ed Gullespie on today's Crossfire
Joe Scarborough Ad in NY Daily News today
Crossfire - McAuliffe Vs. Gillespie
MOVE ON BACKS DOWN!!!!! Dang it anyway!
Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith - Dual Nationals?
Reposting BOSSHOG's thread: What we respond to
Proposal offers employers tips to avoid paying OT (Must Read)
Is "aiming for the middle" is really just "Winning over the 'S factor'"
Poll: How would you rate the job of the President’s Homeland Security
Comparing President Bush to Hitler is working out Great
Limbaugh Sez He's "An Excellent Role Model....."
Is Freeper propaganda backfiring on itself?
BUSHLER. You heard it here first. My new name for little king george.
End the unemployment insurance tax
Why does the US media openly report Diana conspiracy....but ignores US
Did anybody see the Bush Hitler video?
How should I reply to this right wing e-mail?
AP kills Limbaugh/painkillers story...
google turns up 8,370 references to Hitlery
Happy New Year, fellow travelers!
SOLID :: A (free) book by FreshLaundry
Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces
Lou Dobbs on Cnn "The Selling of America" has been good lately..
So Who's Going to Lay into Rush, FR, et al for "Hitlery" Clinton?
Anybody Watching CSPAN1 ??? Unity '04 - National Press Club !!!
Is America safer? Look at some numbers...
so you think your vote will count?
How do you feel about people like this?
Chapter - II - The Hitler Project
Limbaugh Started His Show With an Attack on "Democrat Underground"
OK, this is the last Nazi reference I want to see, today
Why is the Dem party letting the RW define the terms of the debate AGAIN?
Would the DNC undermine moveon.org?
To which dictator does g. w. bush most merit comparison?
The death of the American Dream and the re-emergence of the caste system
Biography unveils another side of 'The Perfect Wife' (Laura Bush story)
woman claims she lost $162 million lottery ticket
Help me respond to this e-mail on the Clintons!!!
My emotional disability: I don't get the fury at the Irwin croc incident
What is your favorite Bush In 30 Seconds ad.
On Hitler comparisons: people think Hitler = Holocaust
We need fundraising ideas. Creative ones. Begging only goes so far.
I have a feeling that we are about to capture bin Laden
Latest Black Box Investigative Report
I just heard Kerry say that lobbyists "wrote" the medicare bill. True?
Here's the guy who did the Bush=Hitler Ad
Moveon.org is a front organization for WWP..so say rightie
Why does America have so many gun deaths?
Proposition: The Bush Administration will not give up power in 2004
OK, I am officially a MIHOPer now
What German psychiatrist Karl Jaspers said about Bush=Hitler
"An End To Evil": a new neocon manifesto
What NRA Leaders Are Saying (nasty stuff)
Fighting a fear-governed government... with cowardice?
Hey, David Brooks! Here are your unhinged conspiracy theorist full-mooners
Ed Schultz Show 3-6 pm EST .....Showtime
Radio Sub Rosa: "Pax Americana" and "Emerald Empire" mp3s
U.S. Urged to Properly Approach Six-way Talks (N Korea)
Airline rejects guns on flights
Philippines Isolates 34 at Home Over SARS Scare
Bradley set to endorse Dean, sources say
Syria Warns Against Kurdish Entity in Iraq
Bomb, Ambush Injure Four U.S. Troops in Iraq
Hamas reveals contacts with US
Dean Speaks At Boone Fairgrounds
Brazil's reforms lift emerging-markets funds
17 Canadians in custody in Iraq
Three weeks from coming home, NJ soldier dies in Iraq
Powerful bomb kills at least 10 in southern Afghan city
Soldier had planned to become a citizen when he returned from Iraq
Chief enforcement officer quits EPA (To Work For Wal-Mart)
Alleged Iraq spy: I'm just a journalist
Islamists fan rumor U.S. soldiers raping girls
Race to lead right is far from over (Cdn Politics) - canada.com
Army Discharges 3 in Beating Scandal
Feeling Besieged, Iraq's Sunnis Unite
Three Illinois units called up for anti-terrorism duty
India and Pakistan reach peace breakthrough, - ( oh, - oh )
IBM bribery case sparks SEC inquiry-WSJ
Labor Department offers tips to avoid paying overtime
Missionaries Offer $5,000US Bounty to Bulgarian Muslim Volunteers for Iraq
Iraq police fire on protesting ex-soldiers
17 Canadians in custody in Iraq
AP: N. Korea Offers to Halt Nuke Facilities
Vermont Auditors Faulted Dean Aide on '92 Contract
French nationals killed in Iraq
Accidents cutting down soldiers
Teachers Support Gov.'s Plan to Cut Schools by $2 Billion
Bush aims to dodge tough poll issues
Dean in Newsweek: 'I'm Feeling Like Job'
$162 million winning ticket turned in amid dispute
Bolivian gas referendum for March 28
Venezuelan Government Denies Supporting Leftists and Guerillas
Harassment Forces Gay Dads To Flee UK
B.C. drug raid not tied to federal Liberals, Martin says - Globe and Mail
Archibald Candy selling Fannie May and Fanny Farmer, closing Chicago plant
Delta Flight to Cincinnati, Ohio under military escort.
November U.S. factory orders fall 1.4% & Dec. ISM nonmanufacturing Falls
Embattled governor says he has no intention of resigning;
Army psych unit tries to persuade Iraqi insurgents fight is over
Ex-Iraqi troops fired on in Basra protest
U.S. Official: Castro 'Playing With Fire'
More troops join Iraqi army as insurgents kill two French nationals
Media advocacy group cites Iraq war for surge in journalist killings
Assassinations Send Chill Through Iraqi City
President Bush renews US sanctions on Libya
U.S. frees Reuters, NBC staff detained in Iraq
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 6 January (#1)
Dollar Slide Accelerates; Risks of Rout Increase
Senator Urges White House on Leak Probe (Schumer of NY)
Teachers Support Gov.'s (Ahnuld) Plan to Cut Schools by $2 Billion
Initiative Effort OKd to Allow Bible as a Literature Textbook
U.S. says it will slaughter hundreds of cattle to contain BSE
Kurds pay price for 'Mr' remark
Iraqi police fire on protesting ex-soldiers in Basra, at least four hit
Online Contest Attracts Hundreds Of Anti-Bush Ads (MoveOn.Org on AP)
Britain opens Diana inquest, finger points at Prince Charles
Murata to shut down factory (More job loss in Central PA)
White House Seeks Secrecy on Detainee (please read)
European U.S. Air Bases Likely Going East
USAID awards $1.8B Iraq contract to Bechtel
NYT: Vermont Auditors Faulted Dean Aide on Contract in'92
Job loss is unfair, Guard member claims
Bush plan lets illegal workers keep jobs
Breaking: Air France Flight En- Route to US Being Escorted By F-16's.
US Official Says Castro Playing With Fire
Multi-million Dollar Cash Smuggling will be Investigated by Venezuela´s
Breaking: NYC to pay Diallo's family $3 million
Explosion rocks Arkansas chemical plant
New poll: US split 50-50 on many issues
Pilots' Union Accepts Use of Sky Marshals
French nationals killed in drive-by shooting
Pennsylvania Porn Law Blocks Too Much?
Washington still plays Cold War games in Latin America (Venezuela/Cuba)
Crash flight recorder 'too deep'
Bush's Support Building (Clark Ties Dean)
Iraqis use tactics of Afghan guerrillas
Clark's Campaign responds to dean Secret Strategy Disclosure
Bill Bradley Endorses Front - Runner Dean
Dean called 'real Democrat' (attacking Clark)
American troops create 'The Exorcist Experience' in the ancient city of Ha
Army Allows Halliburton to Supply Iraq Fuel Without Giving Price Data
From MoveOn - RNC lies about "Nazi" ads - not sponsored or commissed
China Killing Civet Cats (10,000!) in SARS Scare
NRC says Dean violated federal law
School district agrees to protect gay students
Conservatives launch TV attack ad on Dean (in Iowa)
President Served Personal 9-11 RICO Complaint
"Nightline" to let CIA respond
US officials wary of troops suicide
Sen. Clinton Regrets Joke About Gandhi, Gas Station
Powell says U.S. foreign policy respects allies (Great Pic)
Consumer Debt More Than Doubles in Decade
Reflecting Pools Picked for WTC Memorial
Protests widen over sky marshals
Accounting Problems Found in Major US Economic Indices
US protests fingerprinting of Americans in Brazil
U.S. Army clears Halliburton of overbilling-WSJ
alright, getting ready for Macworld Keynote
Looks like Britney's publicity stunt backfired
Att. Old rockers, help me remember
Does anyone own this movie? "Ninja III: The Domination"?
There may be hope for music in 2004 - a boy band broke up today
Who made the Lewis & Clark expedition a success?
"Leather Goddesses of Phobos" . . .
america- fight bush, but fight the fat too.
Put A Quarter In A Machine And Up Comes A Kid.
The only good thing about the movie "Urban Legend"....Alicia Witt!
I had this weird dream this morning
Pete Rose this....Pete Rose that...I'm sick of it already!!!
Just saw Donnie Darko recently...
What do you think of "Average Joe 2" on NBC?
All in all, my day turned out OK.
new Oxyrush advertisers NextStudent, Cold-Eeze
Can one copy DVDs onto a hard-drive?
"How Arnold won the West" - anyone seen it?
Diana inquest adjourned until 2005
"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
are the Freepers and PABAAH going to launch a Winsor Pilates Boycott?
are freepers going to boycott Slim-Fast
HEY LAAAAADIES !!! The power thong and strength bikini
Shots of my new stomping grounds...pic alert!
stop me if ya heard this one before...
Harassed 'Saddam' Seeks New Name
Anybody's kids get and electric scooter from Santa?
Anyone else notice the heavy Clinton coverage on E! THS lately?
All Men Are Apes! and other classics
Meet the true king of Canada (England etc)
Who else experiences poltergeist?
Jackie Chan retiring from Hollywood?
Medieval fresco on display for the first time in over 150 years
Another good liberal band - Travis
I just moved! Ask me anything!
Not For The Paranoid: Fontify Your Handwriting
I hope all of you have a nice day today. Because mine sucks.
When did the sixties take place?
Did Anyone Have a case of the Mondays today?
Man Seeks Christian Nudist Colony
Wild Boar Breaks Into Apartment - Hospitalizes Man
Origin of the "single digit salute"
OK..The Skipper or Gilligan? Who's hotter?
Singapore May Loosen Law On Oral Sex (Heterosexual)
Man envisions Christian nudist colony for families
A very important announcement concerning Britney Spears
Mystery Science Theater 3000 will air for perhaps the last time on 1/31
Should I apply for this activist job?
OK...Ginger or Mary Ann? Who's hotter?
Hiarcut Poses Problem For Drunken Thief
'Governator' Beer Sold Only In CA
Hatfield's Death Said Caused by Cocaine
RatTerrier: I love your sig-line pic
Ladies, be honest: Do you watch Lifetime?
Nominations for best and worst movies of 2003
Quick, into the attic! What's that smell?
I just got into Grad School! (er, vanity, thy name is northzax!)
Tom Coughlin is the new head coach of the Giants
Stolen Fiberglass Pig Returned To Owner
Testamints : The mint with the Message
How about THIS impressive limousine???!!!!
Latest victim of Bush economy speaks out!
In 1993 Howard Dean failed to send his aunt a "thank you" card!
here we go. Macworld keynote about to start
Did any of you have relatives that kept dishes of stale candy
rabrrrrr.... what the hell are we doing up at 0343?
Cast your primary vote in this voting thingie... Now!
When did the Seventies take place?
Hilarious anti-US video from North Korea
Looking for videos of failed rocket launches...
you lose a $100 bill. I find it an hour later. Whose money is it?
And you thought there was no food stranger than a Japanese pizza....
What should I write my editorial about?
Does anybody know what movie Nicolas Cage ate a roach in?
Crap! I can't listen to the Ed Schultz show.
Could you please, PLEASE use the DU Spell Checker before posting!?
Worst Story contest----tommorow we will vote on the worst one
Do you think the Nasa guy who says "lift off" at space launches....
What is this painful, swollen spot on my gum?
Caption Smirk's latest photo op!
I HATE the new-year's-resolutioners!
First Images from the Crawford Ranch
LA DUers -- Have we decided on a date and place yet??
Hold everything THIS is the guy who married Britney????
Who else experiences Coultergeist?
Luring pre-teens with red meat
regarding who is really # 1 in college football
First COLOR photo from Spirit...
Lieberman discusses his "Bob Dylan" phase
Hall of Fame - Molitor and Eckersley in, Sandberg gets JOBBED
CAPTION a fake president and his fake supporter
In the Jungle, the Quiet Jungle, the Lion sleeps tonight
Bob Dylan discusses his "Joseph Lieberman" phase.
Can someone please convince me that there isn't a dead muskrat
How much will it cost to send a probe to Uranus?
Is email a good way to tell a girl......
What Words Do You MIS-Pronounce (And Don't Give A Damn If You Do)?
I got my hands on some CDs (and now I love the Replacements)
The Tony Montana Insult AND Wisdom Generator
anyone see the daily show's interview of Al Sharpton?
Any DUers own a 93 or 94 Toyota Land Cruiser?
today's new Hannity advertisers 1/6
Snow in Seattle! The city is effectively shut down!
Mapie's Funny Movies and foreign commercials
Photoshopping is not a "new" phenomenon
CNN FLASH: No problems on Delta 43.
how about a law that says only freepers can get drafted....
Who's got media interview tips for a Dingbat?
The first DUer to correctly guess the temperature in Grand Rapids
What's the REAL reason Britney Spears got married, and then annulled it?
I typed in www.startribune.com and...
Do any of you have relatives with Cystic Fibrosis? Do you monitor
Scatological Terror Set to Increase Excrementally
Snow Squalls! Get Your *$&@%# SNOW SQUALLS HERE!
Am I The Only One Who Thinks NASA And Space In General Is A BIG
I'm sad....I wanted my 1000th post to be "special" and I slept it
Is this the ugliest car you've ever seen?
I'd like to introduce you to the newest DUer, chavezspeaksthetruth!
Automotive Front end question-any specialist here?
TV Alert! That's My Bush mini marathon showing NOW on Comedy TV
WOOHOO....I found out where Freepers get the names they use for Liberals
Yay! I just received 87 cents in a lawsuit!
If I lose my job, what do I do first?
Ohio Woman Claims She Lost Winning $162 Million Lotto Ticket
who the F*CK answered the latest CNN POLL??
My Idea of Fun...self-imposed "snow day"
anyone heard of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds?
Is there an actor that u like so much you'll sit through a bad movie....
Which state is the LEAST corrupt?
Share your Northwest snow report.
Fondue recipes?? What's your sign???
Puddle Of Mudd: "CNN Bullsh*ts You"
Help: Popups are back on my computer!!!
Isn't it nice when a man has a picture of his wife in his office?
CONFESS!!!!!! What one odor offends you the most
Why can't Mail Call's "Gunny" pronouce Vietnam?
Anyone going to NAMM show this year?
WOOF!!! 15,000 Posts of ZombyWoofness!!!!!
What book would you place beyond the reach of Hollywood forever?
Describe Your Driver's License Photo...
How do you react to the lives/emotions/spirits of animals?
I just survived a terrible car accident! Ask me anything
having a party January 30th-all DUers invited!
Milwaukee (and people who are willing to schlep) DUers: Get together?
I'm having a fight w/ a fellow eBayer. HELP!
A Contest---Who can write the worst opening to a story?
OK San Diego area DU'ers..last call for Saturday night with Prolesunited!!
Does winning a debate change your choice of candidates?
What should Dean's response to the GOP attack ad be?
"Piling On. ...while Wesley Clark takes the high road.
Al From & DLC 'agent provocateurs'
Controversial theory: "Dean's gaffe" coverage helping Dean
Clark's Brillant Strategy Re: Karl Rove
Clark meetup/Pinellas Cty Florida
Book recommendation: "A Citizen's Guide to Howard Dean"
NYT- In Democratic Pack, the Race Is on for No. 3 and Maybe No. 4
A question for International DUers
NYT- Clark and Kerry Offering Plans to Help Middle Class
Dean "gaffs" or brilliant political strategy?
Jesse Jackson disappointed in candidates' "Mad Dean Disease"
Kerry - American's with Disabilities Plan
Who is best at Dirty campaigning?
Dean Hasn't Got a Prayer in Dixie
Can Clark beat expectations in Iowa without officially campaigning there?
Lieberman Support an Urban Legend?
Dean's tax claim called a "huge stretch"
NH Tracking poll Clark 14 (+2) , Kerry 14 (0), Dean 37 (-2)
NADER on CSPAN now monday 9AM eastern
Why are all the "old Dems" so anti-Clark?
Kerry Campaign Finding New Life in Iowa by AP's Ron Fournier
Nader getting beat up on Crossfire
Debate idea: Bill Bradley should debate Gary Hart or...
Poll: Dean starts 2004 leading Dems - Has This been Talked About Yet ?
Confusing Polls, now Bush beats Dean by 14?
History Shows Jan. Front-runner Often Does Not Win Democratic Nomination
"Dean on the Rise" 5% story suppressed by Time/CNN. Graphic proof!
Attention supporters of Howard Dean
How the Reich Wing articles are listed first on Google News
DK is a vegitairian... How does that stand with you?
Clark Working New Hampshire and Feb. Primary States Hard...
David Brooks on neocons today / response-edit
where the hell is there an acurate, official primary calandar
Bradley endorses Dean (CNN 1/6)
I am skeptical about the Dean "inevitability" argument
Kerry Blasts Labor Department on Overtime
Clark's Tax Reform- LATimes Lists ALL Candidates' Tax Plans
Dean going to do hard time in Leavenworth now?
Dean considering cut in payroll tax!
Letters to the NYT re: Kucinich profile
Autographed guitar for kucinich
Conservatives launch TV attack ad on Dean
On John Edwards and the Patriot Act
CNN just debunked their own poll. Baloney to them.
So if Dean opponents think Bush will be better at attacking Dean than they
So, how long before Dean announces his "tax fairness" plan?
McAuliffe mentions the CNN poll with 5% factor, Novak acts silly.
Link to photos from today's NPR Debate
Just on Jimmy Kimmel, Kerry making the 'toke' sign
Clark's Tax Plan And Single People
Wesley Clark, no-show at first 2 debates of 2004 - why?
Associated Press admits having erroneously quoted Howard Dean
Does anybody know if the Dean NRC issue is making the news?
Explain to me why calling people at work instead of home .....
Kerry, Clark now tied in NH poll...
Since Dean's 'Ameirca is not safer' comment
Over 800 turn out for Dean on sub-zero Fargo evening
Statement on Stop Dean Movement
Mary Frances Berry Endorses Clark!
Who do you think did the best job on the NPR Debate?
Charlie Rose (et/ now) show has a panel discussing Dean...its interesting.
Kerry: I'll back Dean if he gets Dem nod
Rumors that Kerry people are spreading rumors that Dean people
Clark says Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated
If all of us had "ABB" bumper stickers on, we'd scare the do-do out of 'em
Gallup: History Shows January Front-runner Usually Loses Nomination
Which candidate will get the Bill Clinton endorsement ?
Wesley Clark - now more than ever (part 2)
Does Clark's tax plan make him more liberal than Dean?
Rumors that Dean people are spreading that Kerry has cancer recurrance
Gallup yesterday had Bush beating Dean by 5, now he beats him by 22!
Dean's new ad in Iowa...anyone know anything about it?
For Dean Supporters: A Daily Dean Photo Gallery
Good for Dean, this is how to campaign. Now, CNN, defend your poll.
Dean's largest campaign contributor is CNN parent AOL/TW
Transcript of Bradley's remarks on Dean
Clark Campaign Responds To Dean Secret Strategy Disclosure
John Edwards assured Bill O'Reilly Dems wouldn't give Bush "a hard time"
Kerry on Hardball Tonight; Teresa Kerry on ABC's Good Morning America 1/7
Clark hasn't explained why he thinks DU is OK
Does anybody have a run down of the 1992 primaries (dates and results)
One highlight of Dean's pattern of misleadingness in debate
Dean Plans To Go On Offensive Against Clark
Inside Politics: new national poll
Who will stop the upward redistrubution of economic, political & cultural
Clark calls to reduce or end taxes for lower, middle class
Francis Schuelka endorses Kerry
Lawrence O'Donnell: Worries that Dean could alienate the whole country
Why I decided to support Howard Dean (long)
Why Dean and Clark(and their supporters) need to blacken each other's eyes
The debate really illustrates why Dean is the frontrunner.
McAuliffe mentions the CNN poll with 5% factor, Novak acts silly.
Iowa AFSCME local 231 President Sarah Little endorses John Kerry
A first step towards fair trade.
Whose Tax Plan is better for you?
Kerry Spreads His Populist Message
Something for Kucinich supporters to ponder - Zogby on Kuninch
Nationalizing the Congreesional elections in 2004.
How Terry McAuliffe and James Carville created Howard Dean
Is Your Candidate Lying About "Free Trade"?
Poll: Which rivals will candidates throw support to when dropping out
Dean: "Always seemed ready to abandon his cause...."
Dean fails to mention credit for his ghostwriter in his book.
The campaign mistakes of Kucinich and how to set him right
Wow! What a gender gap? Or is it a gender chasm?