Plaque on Spirit Honors Columbia Astronauts
Breaking News: Scientists figured out Beagle 2 Mars Mystery
Salon: Jumping Ship at the EPA
Destroying the meaning of citizenship
Blumenthal: He Won the Battles But Lost the Wars (Powell)
The New Republic Endorses Lieberman
Don't forget, Mike Malloy is on the radio now
If Larry King is not going to have the candidates and other real guests
Bush's Slave Auction - relates to economics
Liquidator: 6,500 tech firms among 'walking dead'
US deficit may pose 'global risk'
EPA exodus signals aversion to Bush policies
NORML had its first webcast tonight
How disgusting. A threat to contact a DUer's college to "tattle"
What is the correct procedure to appeal the denial of an 'Alert'?
Thank you for finally seeing fit to tombstone "it."
Enough of the inter-party badmouthing. Post your nominee hierarchy.
Kucinich Questions Bush Immigration Plan
Since terror is in the Bible-do we expect 3000 yrs of Bush war on terror?
Kucinich: The Buzzflash Interview
Anybody Else Having Trouble With The DU Software ???
Employer: I'm not cutting your pay, I'm just rolling back your raise.
Your Prediction: Who will be the Dem nominee?
Not All of W*'s Tax Cuts Have Kicked In Yet, Some Expire
Daniel Zwerdling on Iraq War casualties
Religious bigotry in the opposition to Bush's immigration plan
about immigration, so let me get this straight
Why the Guest Worker program won't work (from the DU1 archives)
Did the GOP have an electable candidate in 2000?
What type of conservative do you hate the least?
Katherine Harris leaning on running for Graham's senate seat
John Goodman Character Spouting PNAC on West Wing
must read from Ray McGovern (ret. CIA)
Kittens and Bunnies and Puffy Clouds
In my mind, that was one of the Best West Wings ever
Stopping abortion from inside a warm SUV
Plagiarism on "The West Wing"?
GOP on the Move Against Leftie Internet Sites
Poll: What do you make of the new Saddam Picture...
How will the right wing shills spin Bush's immigration plan?
Hey folks! I think I've finally picked my guy for Dem nominee....
Why does the RNC not attack the 9-11 ads in the Move On contest
What type of conservative do you hate the least?
Saw new Saddam capture pictures in Japanese magazine
And Zell calls the GOP a national party: Lott implicitly attacks Yankees
Is the immigration issue a winner or loser for Dems?
It's time for the Republican challenger to appear -- who will it be?
Revolution Guided by Feelings of Great Love: Learning from Che
Hillary's remark and the backlash?
Anybody have OnStar? Be careful what you say...
Bob Kerrey on Iraq (my old Senator!)
Exclusive!!! Actual photos of Saddam's WMD
McNamara on Hardball right now 1803 CST
They are going crazy! They are going to IMPLODE! (FREEPERS)
NYC Truth Group unveils shocking banner at WTC.
Franco-American Relations Breakdown
Connecticut Gov. Rowland: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry ...
Things you should know before abusing OxyContin
George Bush Sr Is No WWII Hero --John S. McDonald
maher says dems should take advantage ...
500 soldiers lives and $166 billion and this is what they found:
What type of conservative do you hate the least?
If government wasteful spending is wrong (need your input!)
What would be a humane immigration policy?
Do you have to pay back the 300 child credit?
Why shouldn't the rich pay more in taxes?
BBV: Secret Service wants to interview me about VoteHere "hack"
Quick, Turn on 60 minutes 2 on CBS.
Jeez! Ellen Mariani's amended complaint really says it all, doesn't it?
can betty castor beat the GOP FL senate nominee?
Buffalo Soldiers Roam S.C. Trail for Clark
Clark On Immigration Reform: "Too Little, Too Late"
Secrets of navy role against terror to be in book
China Identifies 2nd Suspected SARS Case
U.S. cancels migration talks with Cuba
Why Did Att'y Gen Ashcroft Remove Himself From The Valerie... [JOHN DEAN]
Proposal Illustrates Power of Incumbency
Three Hong Kong reporters hospitalized with SARS-like symptoms
Pentagon Resume Anthrax Shots After Judge's Ruling
For Many Iraqis, U.S.-Backed TV Echoes the Voice Of Its Sponsor
Australia: Passport changes to meet US deadline
Buy-American lobby seizes BSE issue
Ex-Enron Figure Reported Near a Plea of Guilty
Gunmen hijack minibus, kill tourist
U.S. soldiers balk at staying another year in Iraq for $10,000 bonus
Carnegie group says Bush made wrong claims on WMD
Iran, Egypt agree to renew diplomatic ties after 25 years
Katherine Harris of Fla. Plans Senate Run
Italian Il Giornale: Al Qaeda Threatens to Nuke New York on Feb 2 [Debka]
Ex-US Marine and Gulf War Veteran burns his US passport in Baghdad
Drudge Headline: Finalist is Producer of Another Bush/Hitler Ad
Lottery Loser's Shady Past . . .
Lieberman Lumps Democrat Rival Dean in with Bush
I.M.F. Report Says U.S. Deficits Threaten World Economy
New Republic endorses Lieberman (CNN) ...n/t
Will a fan please educate me on Venus Hum?
Anyone else having trouble accessing ATA?
A full moon and a cloudless sky....
Dumbest Photograph you ever took?
Just bought "Photoimpact 8.5 Pro"
My dream if I ever get to direct movies - Rabrrrrrr's anti-mime dialectic
So I saw this in my little sister's AIM profile
Man pretty sure there's a billing error on his $7,714,510.21 water bill
Link to Willie Nelson's song from Austin
Perhaps my greatest thread ever:
Breaking News: Scientists figured out Beagle 2 Mars Mystery
As noted in another thread, W. Pitt's in love again....BUT.....
one band all DUers should love
Some tasty treats from 1974.....
My searches have been failing, just giving me back script
I Just Listened to "The Mallard of Milmo Maggins"
The downside to Atkins and Sugarbusters..... Hot Baked Bread!
Opinions on a photoshop project please...
I Finally got my tracfone to work, ask me anything!
One, two, three, four, five...senses working overtime.
Where's the official Mike Malloy thread? Is it hiding, or is this it?
The gallery of Regrettable foods
well it's macworld week, and this time al the fuss is about the iPod mini
Should I divulge my address to a Republican Senator?
Any DUers in Australia at the moment??? Fancy a cold one?
new Savage Weiner advertisers SWI Incorporated, Nextel
today's new Hannity advertisers 1/7
Should I have a martini, clean the apartment, or answer my mail?
Where is ATA? (Ask the Administrators Forum)
37,500 DUers! 75% of the way to 50,000!
Who has been to a drive in movie and enjoyed it?
Look What I Found in the Trash!
My sock puppet tells ME what to post.
The wrestler who will break your back like SO!
80's Metal Band You Can Still Stand To Listen To... Besides Metallica
Who here can't let mistakes slide?
Does anybody know if you can plug a joystick into a COM port?
Anybody remember the punk band FEAR?
Song title - chain game thread....
I can't stand Rod Stewart...except for...
Does this f***wit EVER take a good picture ???
So, where can I get some business hammocks?
Who would you line up for a Stooge Slap? (3 people)
Yikes!!!! I am Getting addicted.
WEB GURU HELP!!!!!!! (swore I'd never do that!)
One Hundred People Surveyed ... Top Five Answers Are On The Board
Should the Manloves hook up? (The Sims)
Favorite Jesus and Mary Chain song?
Hold me...I'm scared! Al From and Gingrich on the same show!
Reliable, hotlink-able, photo host?
What's the FUNNIEST show on TV?
I just chugged a 25.4 oz thing of sparkling cider in 2.20, ask me anything
Easternmost and Westernmost points you've been?
Shameless brag on my baby girl....
Which is "better" - Living in the city or living in a rural area?
What plans do you have if Bush wins in '04?
Does anybody here like the administrations new illegal alien policy?
Do any campaign staffers read - and heed - this message board?
Gore only campaigns two days for Dean?
can betty castor beat the GOP FL senate nominee?
Has a President actually done what he said he would do
NYT: Gore and Others Fan Out to Back Dean in Force
How about a "SmearBusters" site?
FAUX news reporting Dean and Clark now neck and neck......
New Republic Magazine Endorses Joe Leiberman
Republican ad bashing Dean-do candidates (not the nominee) usually get
Does anyone have a transcript of Clark at the GOP fundraiser?
Governor Dean's Statement on his Upcoming Tax Plan
Clark supporter says, "Stop Bashing Dean"
Clark report coming up on CNN...Aaron Brown....NOW!
IT'S OFFICIAL! DEAN IS DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do people make things up about Dean in order to hate him?
Tomorrow Morning...Clark.....on CNN at 7:00 A.M. Eastern.
TNR Editorial Board Dissent: The Case for Wesley Clark
Dean Supporters: How long have you been a member of DU?
Your Prediction: Who will be the Dem nominee?
Clark Supporters: How long have you been a member of DU?
What issues do Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman disagree on?
Who will withdraw after IA and NH?
Well, that didn't last too long did it ?
Faux News: If we're not careful, Howard Dean could be our next President
Latest CNN poll puts Clark just 4 %age points behind Dean
Dr. Dean to let out invisible wife
Salon: Why Dean needs to win big now...
Why does CNN feel the need to slander our candidates?
The Second-Place Candidate( Wesley Clark)
Dean's candidacy really needs to be seen as a movement
Why's Clark So Excited?He's Being Attacked By Dean (Flyer Flap-Slate 1/7)
"Dean Intends to cut Middle Class Taxes"-will not release plan 'til Feb 2!
Lieberman now bashing Clark on CNN
For Clark...A Plea From An Ally.........Australia
Aaron Brown: Clark virtually tied with Dean
Seems obvious the insiders(DLC, DNC )don't want
The New Republic endorses....LIEBERMAN!
OMG, Michael Savage Declares He Will Vote Democrat In 2004
Ariana Huffington: Dean unelectable, My Ass!!
Governor Dean's Statement on Immigration
Is Clark now ignoring some candidates like "another candidate" did?
Would they let General Clark wear his uniform during a debate with Bush?
Clark switchers... Coming from USA today
Clark Supporters, tell me why you support Clark
Does anybody beside me REALLY like Clark's new TV ads?
Hey folks! I think I've finally picked my guy for Dem nominee....
Just a story of when I became a dem and how I think it relates to primary
What Clark needs to do to beat the caricature wars
I'm a Clark Supporter, But Now I Love John Kerry, Too
Clark should run as a Republican challenger after the Primary
John Kerry "Bush's policy rewards business over immigrants"
Kerry Launches Ad in Iowa to Highlight Middle Class Tax Cut
The Circular Firing Squad Conundrum: Let's Say Clark Overtakes Dean...
Has your candidate turned you into an anti-war leftist neo-hawk?
A cruel gesture (Florida - Jeb Bush)
Liberal Michigan Democrats give speech at socialist convention
Liberal Michigan Democrats give speech at socialist convention
The Next War (about Perle and Frums book)
NYT OpEd: One Nation, Under Secularism
Friedman--War of Ideas, Part 1
Molly Ivins: (TX) Gov. Goodhair's (Perry) year in review
The Personal Responsibility Mantra - by Ellen Goodman
Arianna Huffington- Ghosts Of Landslides Past
Letter in Fairbanks newspaper calls for *'s impeachment
After the Empire- Emmanual Todd- book discussion
Stop New U.S. Interference in Nicaragua
TV addict wants to sue cable company
I found where Dick Cheney has been hiding!
Don't ask HOW I found this, but enjoy
What does tin foiler or tin foil hats or some such expression mean and
Parenting question re: potty training
Priests protest language on gays
Nation's anti-bias laws bolstered by court ruling
Will Britney Spear's "marriage" help the gay marriage debate?
Blair wants the UK to adopt the Euro by 2007.
Liquidator: 6,500 tech firms among 'walking dead'
Airline Industry Blames Bush Administration for High Oil Prices
SBA- Broke. Bush spent money. Loan programs halted.
Russia issues new gold/silver coins as legal tender...
US Oil Imports Hit Record 63% Of Total - Reuters
Chinese Beetle Decimating Ash Trees
US energy bill could pass if MTBE dropped-Daschle
Will Venezuela be added to the Axis of Evil?
Iran wants to be treated with respect by US - that'l happen!
New U.S. Interference in Nicaragua!
Virginia Firearms Control Successes
Kansas Democrat predicts this is the year for concealed-carry law
Toilet queuing ban requires tact
Police, teachers train for gun attack
Canada: Pupils Told to Cool It on Snowball Fights
Feingold is "leaning against" renewing Assualt Weapon Ban
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 8, 2004
Why do you hate my candidate??!!??
Can I get a local gathering added...
chiming in with a belated thank you
What's the rule on duplicate posts?
Posting questions from conservative friends
The truth is out there, somewhere
B'Tselem hands out guidelines to soldiers at checkpoints
Sharon Said Not to Put Plan Before Party
Report: Terror groups timed attacks to derail peace process
Israeli Refusniks Sentenced to Jail
Israel: Brutal crackdown on anti-occupation activists
Palestinian killed, 11 wounded in two Gaza raids
Evergreen offers talks on conflict in Middle East
Palestinians will push for one Arab-Jewish state if Israel tries unilatera
"Let's Roll" / MIHOP: Sides of the same coin?
PA: Bork backs Specter's rival in Senate race
Libertarians in court to get party on Ohio ballots
***Breaking news*** Illinois Senate race.
ARPC tacked 6 extra mon onto Bush's Guard commitment - if not for AWOL ?.
Is it more important to beat Bush in Blue states (as Dean does) or to be
Kucinich campaign plans regular webcasts-
The Clinton/Clark vs. Gore/Dean competition ...
Fiction about life in a corporte nation..looks fascinating
Ohio Woman Admits Lying in Lotto Case
Agree with Dean on gay marriage?
Hey, David Cross please read this-
Southern Repuke plantation owners invite "guest workers" from Africa!!
Will you be "safer" after four more years of Bush ?
Savage totally freaked out over bush illegal immigrants plan
Organizing CEO's for Bush....truly despicable
Know anything about a US cargo plane struck by missile in Iraq
they lied about Iraq, why believe them about mad cow?
This will break your heart -- listen to Kadiatou Diallo
50,000 '87 AK-47s, $20m for revolvers & Kalashnicov rifles
Republican mass transit: It won't even go all the way downtown!
Vets have to visit our wounded troops with a bushgang handler
Giving a speech today at a high school. The text, if you're interested
Can Illegal Aliens Be Drafted? Can They Volunteer?
Saddam's presidential secretary ''dies'' in US custody --
DoD Reports up to 22,000 U.S. Casualties
Top story on CNN: Scott Peterson trial location moved. WTF???
Amputee soldier (Iraq vet) denied access to (night) club
Guess whose big, smirking picture hangs at our border crossings?
Interesting reactions to illegal immigrants bill
Neocon neighbor not happy with bush
Clark Supporters, tell me why you support Clark
99 Million In The Bank. So What. It's The Issues Stupid.
You know that orginzation that did the ridiculous Dean ad?
Michael Moore on Conan: Making great points about Bush's Ties to Saudis
News From Iraq...(from mujahideen)
Need links for most up to minute post from Iraq
Equal Justice for Corpulent Pundits
Liquidator: 6,500 tech firms among 'walking dead'
I think that I converted a very simple minded yet very nice repug
Iraqi Families Await Prisoners' Release
Hand-Held Device for DVD Movies Raises Legal Issues
Health Savings Accounts.. Newt says they are Grrrrrrreat!!
Hard Core Gore supporter ,Dean endorsement !
Some ideas for the basis of Democratic ads this year - help!
Moderates seen as key to immigration reform passage
what's wrong with working in a gas station ?
tinfoil: immigrants to work for Pentagon
NPR Segment: Our Wounded GIs Are Hidden Away
How will they divert media attention today (Powell news conference at 11)
Bush Plan for Immigrant Workers Offers Social Security Benefits (WSJ)
Indiana reservist dies after suffering burns in Iraq attack
"systematically misrepresenting" the truth...(i.e. deliberately lying)
NY Times: In an Oil-Rich Land, Power Shortages Defy Solution
Anybody got a transcript of Nightline 6 Jan with Stuart Cohen?
Reflecting Pools Picked for 9-11 Memorial
BC Pot for Coke Affair Update - Police looking into Liberal funds.
Bear with me .."George Bush Action figure"
Bush Immigration Plan: an attempt to spin unemployment numbers?
Have O'Reilly or Rush commented on the immigrants plan yet?
If you want to really learn how you are paying taxes to help the wealthy..
Do Democrats want US border closed to Canadian beef as an election issue?
?'s about being a "CITIZEN OF THE COALITION"
Tech Firms Defend Moving Jobs Overseas
"Systematically mis-represented" WMD threat
"if this Democratic Party ends up being a pathetic mimicry of the GOP"
Heads up: ("An End To Evil") Perle and Frum on NPR's "Fresh Air"
TBTM Editorial: 'Manufactured Outrage - The Whining Never Stops'
Byrd Watchers Heads up 1/8/04 ....7:30pm EST C-Span 2
It's is sad what has become of The New Republic
Pro Business is no longer Pro Jobs..
ILLEGAL to give internet or email advice on health?
BBV screw up in last Tuesday's South Florida election!
2fer: Wingnuts Control Media with Accusations of "Bias"
Pete Rose compares his compulsive gambling to the behavior of Bill Clinton
What do you think about Powell's continued response . "I serve at the
was Reagan more popular than Jesus in 1984?
What?? A "conservative" criticizes Ann Coulter?
Is the news media getting ready
Good morning I just got out of bed
Cruella D'eville, I mean Katherine Harris, U.S. Senator?
CNN is showing Joe Gibbs return press conference live?
Need list of top Republican donors
U-Haul Forbids Rentals to Explorer Drivers
Addicted to cable? Sue the cable company!!!
Senator Landrieu and the Patriot Act
Bush's latest headache: his twins
Central Arkansas DU'ers (am I the only one?) Repub under fire on AM920
Why is Matt Drudge still so damn popular!
Is the History Channel a loudspeaker for the Bush administration?
Is Friedman Right (so to speak)? Does 9/11 Amount to WWIII?
The Death of José Couso in Baghdad - journalist
Terry Gross exposing neocon hypocrisy
Some of our adopted soldiers may be leaving Iraq soon..
Top 10 Ways to Play With Your Ann Coulter Action Figure
AL Franken under attack from
Washington State Feed Mills Violate Mad Cow Rules
Has Whistle Ass even mentioned condolonces to dead soldiers today?
Limbaugh Claims He's Sufferring From Fatigue Today
Jan 12 National Day of Action : support FTAA protestors
I know Howard Dean is the best candidate.
Religion and politics on Crossfire now.
What is the "Don't shop Day" all about?
Model for BushCo "guest worker" slavery plan - The Marianas?
Is the Max Cleland/bin Laden ad posted on the web?
The "anti-Semitism" smear : DU has also been targetted ( reviews)
Uncharitable Care: How Hospitals Are Gouging & Arresting the Uninsured
Looks like Canada's going to say yes to the North American Missile Shield
Randi Rhodes shares that shrub knows that "slavery is in the Bible"
I need an economist to explain this to me! This COULD beat Bush
Iraq went on high alert hours before the 9/11 attacks
Bill Clinton's Book due in 2004?
Crossfire thread 1/8/04. Jesse Jackson and Jerry Fallwell
How come DC does not have two senators and a house rep.?
Is Bush's new Immigration Reform bigger than it looks & Great for Corps
Helicopters That Keep on Killing
Partisan response from right wing shills at local rag (Dean)
Powell Refutes Think-Tank Report on Iraq
Neal Bush cashes in on IRAQ. Owns Crest Investment, and
Coulter serves a very real purpose..
Bush administration angers U.S. soldiers
Who is your favorite political figure?
Wolf's CNN poll: war worth it even
Are our Democratic elected officials stupid?
during the Iran-Iraq war, were the Iranian troops greeted as "liberators"?
CNN Poll - 53% Against the war in Iraq based on NO WMD's found !
Can anyone tell me how Iraq is "fighting the war on terror" ? Anyone ?
did anyone just see dan abrahms ream chimpy just now????
Please! Vote In This Wolfie Poll (Quick)
Poll: (immigration issue)
On Lou Dobbs: "Real wages have declined for the last 30 years"!!!
Can you respect Carly Fiorina?
Liberals face greatest challenge on the left (Canada)
Canada's NDP makes a stand against missile defence - here's the website
Bolting For Bush (Ed Koch endorses Bush_
The Stock Market and Republican Talking Points
Mind-altering prescription drugs for African American children: another
Beef Eaters: How has the Mad Cow Scare Impacted Your Meals?
Richard (the raccoon)Perle just said, "wars are started by dictators who
Bush? He started his final descent today. Gallup is bogus.
Hypothetically…. If you were a programmer with access to the voting machine
CEOs and their families should have live in the countries to which jobs
For anti-immigration folks: when did immigration become evil?
Were getting BS with this Immigration Story -- saying US doesn't have the
The bottom line in health care, taxpayer’s money and conservative illogic.
A Poll for those who go to Church and Ann Coulter
How global warming will cause extinction of a million species
I have a new proposal about wages
Help me out with my letter to O'Really.
“Why Christians Should Not Vote for George W. Bush”
Democratic Stronghold States (ranked)
Can we come up with some anti-Bush sound bites?
What would you do in this hypothetical situation?
Tom Toles cartoon on Bush, new Overtime rules, new immigration policy
Anyone have an abortion... and regret it?
Ha Ha! PETA gets Internet Site.....
Probable major fuel for Bush tomorrow
I decided this thread by Truth Is All is TOO good for the archives
Here are the NEW online chapters of Black Box Voting
The 2nd Amendment, Again.... A FROG's perspective
In an Oil-Rich Land, Power Shortages Defy Solution
One killed and 34 wounded in mortar strike on US army base in Iraq
Iraqis Are Bitter Over U.S.-Held Prisoners
US to release hundreds of Iraqi prisoners
Sudan Wealth-Sharing Deal Signed
The soft underbelly of non-proliferation
Glaxo has $5 billion at stake in IRS row
U.S. Reasserts Right to Declare Citizens to Be Enemy Combatants
Staffers for Front-Runner Dean Seen Chasing After Clark
Alaska Nepotism Flap Fuels Senate Election Move
Christians to bare all in Florida
Families of Iraq prisoners wait outside prison ahead inmate release promis
Warming May Threaten 37% of Species by 2050
Dispute over proposed cuts in Medicaid payments (Florida, Jeb)
Interruption of Effort to Down Drug Planes Is Disclosed
Taxpayers help pay for Conan's TV tapings in Toronto - Nat. Post (con rag)
Conduct Commission Probes New Charges Against (Miami-Dade Rioter) Spargo
Briefcases, Golf Bags Helping U.S. Stay Safe
Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 484 U.S. service members have died
Made in America a prime goal in helicopter competition (*Bush chopper)
Enron Figures in Plea-Bargain Talks
Air bags snarl Spirit's progress on Mars
Dean Says Faith Swayed Decision on Gay Unions
Government Suspends Small-Business Loans ...
Snag in Enron case plea bargain
U.S. Backs Out Of Talks in Cuba On Immigration
Think Tank Report: Iraq WMD Not Imminent Threat
3rd Brigade heads to Mojave Desert (Training for N Korea?)
Militias said to represent threat to civil order but fill a power vacuum
Miami federal court has 'secret docket' to keep some cases hidden from pub
Pentagon Auditors Set to Clear Halliburton (surprise!)
Snow: Economy Will Help Slash Deficit
Poland in talks on hosting U.S. military bases
Hip-Hop Artists Work on Voting Drive
Ohio Woman Admits Lying in Lottery Case
Ousted Ala. Justice Seeks Reinstatement (Moore's Back!)
Joy, Tears and Chaos as U.S. Frees Iraqi Prisoners
Pulitzer Prize finalist resigns from USA Today
Experts: U.S. Military Overstretched, Morale Risked
Newsom says he'll rock the boat at City Hall
Gary Hart Said to Be Mulling Senate Bid
(Democratic Convention) Delegates to ride in GM style
PETA Collars Internet Site
American invasion plan stirs fierce Saudi debate (IHT)
Judge Approves Lea Fastow Enron Plea
9 officers cited for contempt in pot case
Four people found dead, three young girls missing and believed kidnapped
Dean Says Faith Swayed Decision on Gay Unions
Airline Industry Blames Bush Administration for High Oil Prices
White House 'distorted' Iraq threat
U.S. Could Lose Technology Dominance, Executives Say
US Drug Subsidy Benefits Employers (WSJ)
Threat analysis prompts US alert [BBC]
Iraqi resistance attack on U.S. base
$18 Mill. Lawsuit: (Atlanta) Fulton finally settles suit by 8 librarians
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 8 January (#1)
Dean Considers Middle-Class Tax Help
U.S. Plays Down Withdrawal of Iraq Weapons Team
Wesley Clark Seeks Renewable Energy Standard
In Shift, Dean Starts Watching His Words
To Endorse or Not to Endorse? An Iowa Power Broker Is Torn
U.S. C-5 Jet, Hit by Groundfire, Lands Safely in Iraq
Time for Bush to Check Israel's Nuclear Facilities
Missile may have hit US jet over Baghdad-official
Drudge Madonna Urges Others to Support Clark; 'Future is At Risk'...
Governor (Arnold) to annouce $2billion school deal
Powell Refutes Think-Tank Report on Iraq
No WMDs, so American team pulls out of Iraq
Schwarzenegger Pushing to Raise College Fees 10% to 44%
Global fears as US goes into the red
Guard mom must leave infant behind as she heads to Iraq (3 months old)
Pa. Boy Faints at Sight of Cadaver's Arm ...5th graders
Gephardt Aide Accuses Dean of Caucus Fraud Plan
Wal-Mart Sales Up 4.3% in December
Clark closes in on Dean's lead as many consider switching votes
138 flawed ballots muddle political consultant's 12-vote win in state Hous
US Energy Bill Could Pass if MTBE Dropped-Daschle
Blackhawk helicopter down in Iraq -- 8 dead (update)
Report says Iraq didn't have WMD
NJ. State Senate approves bill giving legal rights to same-sex couples
Bush Acts to Reward Companies Who Cut off Seniors' Drug Coverage
US Oil Imports Hit Record 63% Of Total - Reuters
Saddam’s Secretary “Dies” In US Custody
Grand Canyon made by Noah's flood, book says
WI Bishop Tells Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians: Change or No Communion
CNN "Women Whistleblowers" of Enron endorse Clark
Al Gore to Expose Bush on Environment, Global-Warming
New Claims for Unemployment Benefits Rise
Toxins in Farm-Raised Salmon Pose Health Risk
Bush Twins Unhappy About Limelight
So, does Darius REALLY call his mom
Uppermost and lowermost points on earth you've been?
After two donations and a month
Help me find a deranged website...
Woohoo!!! 500 posts at last!!!
Walt Whitman . . . the video . . .
I think the Beatles have taken me hostage...
Liberty Medical running ads during the 700 Club
You Want To See A Goddess. Look At The Cover Of The Latest Town
new Oxyrush and Savage Weiner advertiser General Sport Shows
SCD's Late Night Fun & Games Room
Power Outages Follow Northwest Snowfall
Police Stop Bank Robbery By "Drunk Dracula"
I just asked you anything, ask me anything
Stupid Guy sues cable company because he's a lazy bum....
Attention Fargo/Grand Forks/Red River Valley DUers!!!
Is it better to appeal a moderator warning....
The absurdity of Britain's television licencing fee...
Russian may have solved great math mystery
Deep Smirker - My new "Secret Agent" name
KKKonservatives stifling art and artists since 1945! (Red Baiting)
Key West Barber Hired To Trim Chicken Population
Happy Birthday, Stephen Hawkings
Boondock hits the BULLSEYE: Bush & Mad Cow Disease
'Historic find' is old garden patio
Michigan City Council Makes Beard-Growing Optional
Man receives water bill for $7,714,510.21
Book: Bush twins see 'themselves as victims of daddy's job'
Need help fingering out the right CAPTION
I just got back from a sale at Hastings.
"Go blow it out your ass Howard"
Marvin the Martian clips..(others too)
Cheap Thrills - Having Fun on a Budget
I tuned in to "Scarborough" last night
Divers Probed For Giving Fish Champagne
More info from Monkey Boy's trip to England.
Time for an Ahhhhhhhhh. moment..... Ahhhhh!
Ohio Lady who lied about the lotto ticket is a Buckeyes fan.
Would you post good things about a candidate you hate for money$ ?
astronomical anamolie---Jupiter
I need a photoshopper to PM me here at DU
The best book I've read in a long time
DANG! I'm a good speller! Haven't had one hit on SC yet. But
For your Thurday afternoon viewing pleasure:
Help! Some freepers argue that Clinton was AWOL in the 70's
Need BC Duers for Canadian Federal Election Project.
CONFESS!!!!!! Do you have a childhood relic that you hang on to??
looking for opinions/advice on broadband/dsl connections
"We Polled A Recent Studio Audience And Got The Best Response To This..."
Microsoft-Utility to remove hidden Information
Any other Susan Tedeschi fans out there?
Awwww after that report card someone needs a CAPTION
Please look at this inspirational post
Rose Lays Blame for His Troubles in Book
Does anyone know how to get someone served in DC?
Letterman's Hall of Fame Top 10...
Ooo, boy. WHITEHOUSE.ORG nails El Presidente!
Man Survives Nail To Head (with video)
Damn It! My "word" or "phrase" didn't make CNN's newscast
Top 10 Ways to Play With Your Ann Coulter Action Figure
Foud it THX ( Anybody remember that Sci-Fi TV show? )
Well, they finally did it. They came up with a Reality Show for me
Just shot 34. Go...............
Are you disappointed when a CD doesn't have liner notes?
It the upload/posting page up again?
Are you disappointed when GD doesn't have footnotes?
My website is now online!
What's your favorite work of philosophy?
A Freeper Harry Potter Forum (and a big one)
Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Gets Green Light
Ever Call Those "How's My Driving?" Toll-Free Numbers?
Spaghetti-Os Discontinued As Franco-American Relations Break Down
Michael Jackson sneezes in court
Going to see Bette Midler tonight in Pitt. Heard she whacks Bush
Bat Boy Led Our Troops to Saddams Hole!
It's Finally Here!!! George W Bush Pinatas!!
Caption the one who got Left Behind
Computer peeps, Hotmail/E-card question
And you thought DU was full of tin foilers..................
OH GOD! David Arquette is BREEDING!!!!
Ever Been Face-To-Face With A Hamster That Was Ready To Strike?
Ever Been Face-To-Face With a Teamster That Was Ready to Strike?
"Black and white was the question that so bothered him...."
US weekly didn't get the loop out when they ran THIS picture...
Is it strange to have a bag of your own hair?
I need some technical advice about audio equipment
Eight Million Americans Rescued From Poverty With Redefinition Of Term
Ever been face to face with a face that was ready to face?
Can anyone here WRITE in ARABIC?
Shameless brag on my baby yak....
Kobe update: Pam Mackey can't be happy about this
What is your favorite recent release SHORT FILM, Animation, PSA, ect?
ATTN: Texas and Jersey Dean DU'ers
Where can I get one of those Howard Dean paint-by-numbers kits?
Hey Gearheads! Want 7000+ HP *per cylinder*?
Ever Been Face-To-Neck With a Vampire That Was Ready to Strike?
Ever Been Face-To-Face With a Batter Who Was Ready to Strike Out?
Ever Been Face-To-Face With a Bowler Who Was Ready To Strike?
Ever Been Face-To-Face With An Exhibitionist That Was Ready To Streak?
I'm choosing between chocolate and peanut butter. Close the deal.
Ever been face-to-butt with a skunk that was ready to strike?
Ever Been Face-To-Face With A Prankster That Was Ready To Strike?
Ever been Ass-to-Alligator That Was Ready To Strike?
Leave the Minnesota Twins Alone!
How can I get rid of "Runtime Error: Do you wish to debug" popups??
Leave the Olsen Twins alone!!!
Leave the Twin Bushes alone!!!
Leave The Doublemint Twins Alone!
Leave the Minnesota Twins alone.
Ever been face-to-face with a freeper that was ready to strike?
Ever been face to face with a Pike that was ready to strike?
today's new Hannity advertisers 1/8
Rate this picture a 5 on yahoo!
I'M In Pain. Today I Took A Tumble On My Pedal Bike. My Front Tire
The misinterpreted irony/sarcasm bug--who's suffered from it on DU?
Does anyone have a good or unique "Buffalo Wing" recipe?
Does anyone find the plethora of copycat threads annoying?
Someone posted a link to a photo gallery site
Does anyone find the fedora on sloppy cats spreads annoying?
Ever come face to face with a moderator that's about to lock your thread?
Happy Birthday, Soupy Sales!!!!!
Does anyone find the word 'plethora' annoying?
You can't get anything by NothingShocksMeAnymore in a music thread...
Where(regionally) is the soda "Mello Yello" available?
Does anyone find the Pia Zadora annoying?
What kind of ghost would you be?
Anyone see that new M&Ms commercial w/ Judy Garland?
Lines from movies? How about lines from plays?
What kind of toast would you be?
On NBC News tonight...NO SMOKING GUN
Let's compile a DU list of 'subjects it's not a good idea to post about'
Happy Day for the Skins fans........
I'm hosting a schoolgripe-a-thon
What jerk locked all the twins threads?
Thoroughly Modern Millie--the movie, not the musical--anyone seen it?
Freepers banned me after one post!
I may be putting Belize on hold. Need AZ DUers input.
"Valley of the Dolls" Fans: It's On Oxygen Channel Tonight at 8 PM EST!!
Urinal.Net - View The World's Top 10 Most Fascinating Urinals!
Anyone ever voted Republican and regret it?
Clark's favorite salad dressing
What are your top three reasons for appreciating the DU Lounge?
Why can't the DEBT COLLECTORS be outsourced along with everyone else?
Wow, the feds must love me by now...
"Then Pizza's gonna send out for you!"
Happy Birthday, David Bowie and Elvis Presley! 1/8/04
Tell us one thing you did today.
Favorite SCTV moments or characters.
Does Dick Cheney have bedroom eyes?
Ever Been Face-To-Face With A Rattlesnake That Was Ready To Strike?
Does anyone find the plethora of cat threads annoying?
If you had a hot tub party, and could invite anyone...
Just another GOOOOOOD MORNING thread
Austin DUers...Super Bowl Party
What should Israel do about terrorism?
Loyalty Oath Thread. Will you support your candidate to
Posts that could improve campaigns
A question for Clark supporters...
Dean will defeat Bush with: NINJA POWER!
i saw text of the flyer. its zzZZzz
Clark's Proposal for a Civilian Reserve
Michael Savage hates *, likes Clark.
NH Letter: Clark gets firemarshal, other campaigns use Clark for crowds
Hard Core Gore supporter ,Dean endorsement !
Lieberman lumps Dean, Bush; steps up criticism of Clark
Clark will be on CNN...American Morning 7-9:00 A.M. eastern
What is the meaning of a tin foil hat?
My hold-your-nose candidate (not who you think) is...
The Second-Place Candidate: Wesley Clark plants his flag in New Hampshire
Women Working for the John Kerry Campaign. Join Women for Kerry today!
Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Candidate for the Dem. Presidential Nom.
Dean Meetup Check In: How'd Yours Go?
Clark: I Am Not in Favor of "Free" Trade
Clark's favorite salad dressing
Pete Rose compares his compulsive gambling to the behavior of Bill Clinton
You know that orginzation that did the ridiculous Dean ad?
David Frum on NPR reveals Bush's "fear" tactic
David Frum on NPR reveals Bush's "fear" tactic (DUPE)
Dean: "No Child Left Behind Should Be More Than a Slogan"
Anyone here who's NOT been attacked by Lieberman, please raise your hand
Regarding the "Stop Howard Dean" movement - The Pudding !
Wanna use David Brooks as a source
Who would Kerry and Gephardt endorse?
Explaining Support for Dean in a Nutshell
Anyone Else Tired of Constant Loyalty Oaths?
If bush was polling at 20% and ANY Dem would beat him...
Madonna is on the front page of Clark's site
Families First Tax Plan is FOR CHILDREN
Somehow, today's "User Friendly" cartoon seems very relevent...
ABC WNT's profiles of the Dem candidates (very good)
Dennis Kucinich interviewed on Buzzflash
Howard Fineman the Media Whore says Dean is Ahead in Iowa
Interesting TPM RE: Potential Clark endorsement in Kentucky
Meek,mild,apologizing Dean is BORING! Firebrand Dean=Front Runner
Take the pledge "I will continue to support DU, whomever Skinner chooses!"
'No Child Left Behind' should be more than a slogan -- Ed By Howard Dean
The Case For Howard Dean: Moral Center
I just Donated $10 to Free Republic
WSJ (Op-Ed...1/8) Discussing Clark Tax Plan...
Is CNN backing Dean? AOL Time Warner is one of his big...
NH Daily Tracking Poll: Dean Down, Clark Up, now 6 up on Kerry
Clark is the 'perfect anti-Bush'
Fighting the Bush Disenfranchisement Machine
If you live in NM, ME, MI, AZ, you can vote now!
My take on the "Dean or Clark" dilemma
Joe Trippi to be on Inside Politics today
Dennis on ABC World News Tonight Jan. 8, 2004, between 6:30 and 7 p.m. ET
ABC to profile Kucinich on World News Tonight with Peter Jennings
Crossfire today -- Jesse Jackson vs Jerry Falwell
Agree with Dean on gay marriage?
dupe -----ARG Tracking Poll NH: Clark continues to rise
"Candidate X doesn't have any foreign policy experience."
Some of my thoughts for Dean and Kucinich supporters
Dean - IMF Report Confirms Bush Policies Danger To U.S., World Econ
Kucinich on ballot in 35 states
Clarks plan to close corporate loopholes
Big shock! My local afternoon paper buries Iraq crash story inside
How Objective Are You About The Primary?
See How the RW Is Foaming at the Mouth Against Clark re: Abortion
Dean's subtle "state's rights" subtext will slowly move to the forefront
How Attached Are You To Your Candidate?
LaRouche gets $800,000 in taxpayer money
Rush Limbaugh: "I'm getting worried. I don't want Clark creeping up...
What is the "Don't shop Day" all about?
Dean Says Faith Swayed Decision on Gay Unions
Dean shared his views on the "media" - and you wonder why he is attacked?
David Yepsen, Des Moines Register: Buyer's Remorse regarding Dr. Dean?
Dean attacking Clark may help out Kerry
Did Dean really say "Bush is doing a fine job on the war on terrorism"?
My first Dean Meet-up, huge turn-out - Photo Proof
so where are all the polls which proves Clark is stronger than Dean?
During Wartime should we only elect Military Men/Women?
CNN Gives Free Airtime for Arlen Specter's Opponints Ad attack him with
Dean Supporters:: Daily Dean Photo Gallery
Madonna on Front Page of MSNBC
Dean Supporters: Your opinion on the Newsweek article on Dean this week
Tune In: It's Gephardt TV Tonight!
Dean dropped 13 points in new Iowa poll!
Kerry Demands Administration Restore Largest Small Business Lending Progrm
Denying college aid over drugs faces fight
U.S. Could Lose Technology Dominance, Executives Say
Interesting link. Clark's proposed electoral count vs Bush
The New Yorker Low Down on Howard Dean
Kucinich Exit Strategy for Iraq
Limbaugh Upset with Clark's Momentum
I'll still be a Dean Supporter, but I'm going back to ABB and have a plan
Staffers for Front-Runner Dean Seen Chasing After Clark
Kucinich on ABC World News tonight 6:30-7:00 Eastern
Iowa Clark supporters: Watch out for Kerry
I have an idea for Clark in NH.
Medical evacuations from Iraq near 11,000 (as of Dec 18)
Dean Campaign Admits Attacking Clark: Jay Enright, Ultimate Hypocrite
My problem with all of the candidates
Would a Dean/Clark or Clark/Dean ticket win in November?
Question: has Clark ever been elected to anything?
How would the Mediawhores pigeonhole Clark?
Dean Leads in New Iowa Poll.....
Was the Gallup poll the outlier? New Rasmussen show Dean best vs. Bush
Clark 's Kosovo stand receives high praise
Clark supported the continued bombing of Vieques PR
Kerry - Worker's Bill of Rights
Dean/Clark brokered convention
Late-starter Clark begins to mobilize crowds, polls
Dean is now being "handled" like misspeakers W. and Dan Quayle
Tale of the tape on Howard Dean
Guess what! AFSCME members did NOT endorse Dean.
Is Howard in trouble? It's an honest question.
Wesley Clark Issues - One-A-Day
Who would head your ideal administration?
I have to go with Wesley Clark
Gephart says Dean planning fraud in Iowa caucus
One thing you must admit about Dean...
It's '84 again: do we want Glenn or Mondale?
Read it and and weep, Kucitizens and Progressives.....
can we start the "grown-ups party"
Guy who called Clark "perfumed prince" now an unabashed Clark fan
ALERT! ABC report on Kucinich on thier news report in a few minutes!
We need to take a deep breath and relax about attacks...
Who Here at the DU Will Be Excited About Either Clark/Dean or Dean/Clark?
A question for Dean supporters, and please don't flame
Weed Watch: Democrats on drugs, part II
Did Clark really say bombing journalists is the same as bombing an army?
How is Clark/Acxiom different from Cheney/Halliburton?
What does everyone think of a Dean/Clark ticket?
Dean Will Trounce Bush And Critics
How liberal is Wesley Clark? On women's right to choose he's completely
College Tuition Issue: Clark vs. Dean
What we're up against (take a look)
Is the Club for Growth ad anti gay?
Ok I would like to have a second choice as far as candiates go
I'm choosing between Clark and Dean. Close the deal.
I know Howard Dean is the best candidate.
"if this Democratic Party ends up being a pathetic mimicry of the GOP"
What percentage of the vote will Kucinich get in Iowa?
"Fifty percent of the budget's taken up by defense"
Kucinich: "It's our obligation that people in this country have work"
The Official Kucinich ABC News interview thread
Iowa DUers - roll call - who will you caucus for?
Dean doing better "since Dennis spoke to me"
Did Dean really support the same war resolution that Kerry did?
The pie-chart on the radio crap-
Just got an email from Madonna. Support Clark.
Clark discusses women's rights, affirmative action