Paul Reynolds (BBC): Iraq: Mindset behind intelligence failures
Martin Woollacott (Guardian Utd): More nihilist than nationalist
MYTHS: of the The 2004 Democratic contest - Al Hunt
Salon: Did Bush drop out of the National Guard to avoid drug testing?
Schwarzenegger, alas, puts Davis to shame
Should the Democratic Party be re-named the Progressive Party?
Bush bullied CIA in order to dupe us : Bookman
Bay Area DUers- The Fog Of War
I, too, jumped on the bandwagon (Media Complicity)
Attention Faux puke fest tommorow
What supposedly neutral news anchors and pundits are conservative?
Discussion of the February planets
The exhaustion rate has been above the 40% level since August 2002
Crushed pilgrims 'met their fate'
Syria-Iraq Railway To Resume Activity
Amnesty International Criticizes Egypt's Human Rights Record
Prince Abdullah: No Mercy On Terrorists
Is there a way to alert for posting factually false information
Islamic Jihad planned to target Israel from the sea
Israel shocked over `biased, unjust' U.K. report on territories
Thomas Friedman (The New York Times): A Rude Awakening
Muslim Americans Must Challenge Their Leadership - On Both Sides Al Hayat
vote now on cnn: who should be held accountable for intelligence failures
Dumbed-Down America can't see conflict in Bush* choosing investigators
Quick! Need a photo of * looking mean
As Randi Rhodes Says. We Will Have A October Suprise.
What is your opinion of Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas?
Did the White House knowingly misrepresent intelligence on Iraq? msnbc
A Question I would like to ask Bush*, re: gay marriage
An Apology to Younger Americans
Talking Points Memo....a must read
We need to keep in mind (and tell others) that chem/bio agents are NOT
Weapons Fire sound during b* speech
Someday I will run for President.
Mad cow has home on U.S. ranges
Show your support for the LRA (Leviticus Righteousness Amendment)!
Has Michael and Ron Reagan ever debated in public?
So how - and when - is bushco going to spend all that campaign dough
Newsweek: Conventional Wisdom (You GOTTA See This!)
Gun-Barrel Democracy Has Failed Time and Again
Where do people displaced by outsourcing go?
Falwell Talks About Jackson's chest...(press release)
George W. Bush has done something that no other President...
If they can plant Ricin and Anthrax in the Senate, why not Iraq?
Text of * speech in South Carolina today...
Rummy just said he feels OBL will be caught
Email I just sent to Rep. McDermott.
What a week for Massachusetts!
Massachusetts - 14 straight years of GOP Governors
Should Martha take the judge in her trial away for the weekend?
I'm sure gonna miss Mike Malloy...
Bush and the Ayatollah (This will be good for Bush in November)
All the lies of Iraq and WMD being broadcasted...
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the solar system...
Drudge: Bush* MTP appearance will be "live to tape"
Interesting comment, good idea
Automatic Response from the White House.
Question about AWOL and Bushy.
Colin Powell on "sons of the powerful and well-placed"
Scalia Was Cheney Hunt Trip Guest; Ethics Concern Grows
Nightline doing WMD mess tonight.
Many Republicans have "buyer's remorse"...
Would now be a good time to remind McCain about Rove's campaign tactics?
WTF: Condi can testify in secret and not under oath...
Essential weapon in the gay marriage fight: John Boswell
A new angle on Bush's AWOL scandal...
Great new Mark Fiore cartoon on BBV
Iraq's top cleric survives assassination attempt (Ayatollah Sistani)
BBV: Defense Dept. Cancels Use of Internet Voting Project
Yikes -- look at Newsweek's Conventional Wisdom
I am doing my taxes. Should I give "$3 to the Pres. Elect. Campaign fund?"
Is N. Korea an issue for you in this campaign? Should it be?
Tweety: even liberals have to admit they like Reagan
I read a good chunk of The Price of Loyalty is damning!!!
Tony & Dick & the duck hunt -- Ultimate Catch-22?
Congressional legislative process question - re: energy bill
Awesome audio montage of Bush admin lies about WMDs
Don't be missing the good stuff, gang!
Today's Bush SC speech: Turning his lies into truth..
Iraq has disappeared from the News. Where did it go?
is there something in *'s ear? (picture)
MOYERS - Rolling Thunder - putting the party back in politics, ..more
Bill Clinton as a talk show host
23 SOA activists sentenced to federal prison
Bill Gates to Build World's Largest Propaganda Center (I guess)
A first hand account of being AWOL/AOL
Armed Group Seizes Haitian City; 4 Killed
Crackdown by police is 'driving Muslims to extremists'
Cooper's Attorney's Try To Delay Execution (innocent to execution?)
MSNBC reporting Gephardt to endorse Kerry. 4:30 PST n/link
Sorry. Duplicate post. please lock when you have a minute. Thanks
WP: Competition Becomes Democrats' Elixir
First Lady: Twins May Hit Campaign Trail
Strong quake jolts Indonesia’s Papua
U.S. Plan to Transfer Power In Iraq May Shift Drastically
Bush proposes cutting research on toxins
Guardian Utd (Friday): 'Supermarket' in nuke tech alarms UN inspector
The Temps of War: Blue-Collar Workers Ship Out for Iraq - WSJ
Frist Vows Senate Will Block U.S. Gay Marriages
Moyers and Others Want History Channel Inquiry Over (Lyndon Johnson) Film
US Image Abroad Will Take Years to Repair, Official Testifies
Sheriff named in evidence planting of Kevin Cooper's case
Tenet Admits U.S. May Have Overestimated Iraqi Weapons
Sharpton May Find Local Role Tarnished by Primary Showing
Investigations Multiply for Oil Giant Halliburton
Fox National Anthem..(It's a GUY thing)
Longest you've gone without sex?
Okay, that's it! I'm getting a kitten.
I bought TAXI DRIVER on DVD yesterday, and I have a question for you...
Thursday My Mother Was Jury Duty Picked.
Watching Pitch Black on the Sci-Fi Channel.
if I sell my "strength" then I sell ANGER
a fundie argument for pro-choice!
Baby Steps! (more Republicans are mad as hell)
My Saint-Germain-Des-Prés-Café IV came in today. Oh JOY!!!
Why I want Kobe, Martha, Michael and Scott to all be acquitted
I take one... cause you left me and
Are there any free versions of Power Point?
Belinda Stronach secret interview leaked
Need help for an editorial topic...
Waaaah.. The computer sank all my ships
I only watched 10 minutes of Dennis Miller's show....
Shameless Appeal for Adulation
A Very Rude "ERROR 404" Message
Hey Folks, here's an opportunity to throw gas on Yahoo's fire
Man Lives with Dead Brother for 18 Months
Funny comment. Use at will. :)
The Obnoxious Fiance cracks me up
Francis Coppola wines - anyone else ever try them?
How Do Strangers Greet Each Other on The Street In Your Town?
Pink stuff...nose drops...eye drops... I have been bitten 4 times tonite
I got a "returned email" that I didn't send out...does this mean my email
Daily Show is on!!!! Gotta go!
Hah! * visits the "Sticky Fingers" restaurant.
"Everyone knows, it's Butters!"
William Melvin Hicks was the best comedian ever.
Should I rename the dog I am about to adopt?
How does a Blow job compare to starting an Illegal War
You know who is not funny in the least?
When did you think Dennis Miller became a right-winger?
Reese's white chocolate peanut butter cups
Best Juice to Mix With Cranberry?
‘Battlestar Galactica’ may be back
I'm eating Bryers Reeses ice cream with Reeses minis in it, ask....
Australian, American, Canadian, and British Differences Explained
I'm so mad I want to scream!!! photoshop contest. Theme: "Wardrobe Malfunction"
The Bush Conspiracy Theory Generator. LOL!!!
Fellow Mac Addicts... Should I break down and get Panther?
Fellow homosexuals: Anyone else seeing the X-Men movie parallels?
Would somebody pleeeaasse Feed me??
The New Priceline commercial... Saw it for the 1st time and LMAO!!!
Where have you gone, ZombyWoof?
The tale of a lesbian working in a decidedly male world.
Let us all now praise Trader Joe's.
Arggghhh anybody else stumped by Valentines day????
Favorite names for dogs, cats, and other pets
Oprah, the party that shot her credibility to s**t.
What are the best exercises to do to firm up?
What's your favorite thing to eat from Costco?
coffee drinkers--how do you make the best cup of coffee?
Why does Massachusetts have a republican governor?
Did I Miss the RNC Memo on Kerry?
Any Kind of Deal beats the Raw Deal of George W Bush....
Issues we can win conservatives on without compromising
Mitchell Research & Communications Inc-Michigan Polls
you can take it to the bank, being in the Gay community
If you were voting in your states primary this week, who would you choose?
TV Alert: Kay on CNN with Paula Zahn 8:06 PM
Survey U.S.A. Poll - Tennessee
Let's assume, for a moment, that Kerry wins the nomination-
Have Edwards and Clark gotten a bounce as a result of their victories?
Warning - Rove/GOP has fake Veterans Against Kerry website up
Clark Suppporters a Poll you can vote in!
"This can happen" - Elizabeth Edwards (from JRE blog)
Clark has more delegates than Kerry?
Just got polled by CBS re: Mich. primary, ask me anything!
Dean spending it all in Iowa and NH wasn't a bad gamble
Elizabeth Edwards looks like most women her age look. Unfortunately, it...
A Fragile Democratic Base - Al Hayat
kick me off the board now Skinner
CNN: Virginia Gov. to endorse Kerry next week.
Why unite fast once we know nominee? Guess what RNC is already up to....
What are the chances that the positive article: "Dean Raises
If Dean drops out, who will you support?
What could happen if you don't vote for the nominee in November
What is the Democrats' plan for when Osama is captured?
Who would make the best anti-Kerry - I hope and pray it is Gov. Dean -
Clark will be interviewed on Arron Brown soon. 10:05 est
CNN Aaron Brown~ Wes Clark tonght? 10pm EST
Elizabeth Edwards will be on Charlie Rose tonight...
I just got polled by CBS News, ask me anything.
So their is no doubt this lie stops here!
Solution to the Gay Marriage Election Issue
Clark Campaign Response To The Edwards Excuses
Kerry:"I oppose gay marriage and disagree with the Massachusetts decision"
Question to Edwards supporters
do DUers ever spontaneously contribute to any non underdog candidate?
MSNBC getting paranoid about ignoring Clark....
Pentagon Cancels Internet Voting System.
I put up my Edwards signs today!
Roy Neel on CNN on American Morning,
Email I sent to Rep. McDermott
"Dean has no chance in Wisconsin" - Dennis Miller, CNBC, 2-5-4
Archbishop Burke would refuse Communion to Kerry (Re: Abortion stance)
Clark on CNN's Newsnight with Aaron Brown!
What happens to a person's delegates if they wind up droping out.
Will we ALLOW Dean to stop? Are we sending him a message today?
I am doing my taxes. Should I give "$3 to the Pres. Elect. Campaign fund?"
If gays are so bad for our party
Of Lieberman, Bayh, Gephardt: who would you like as VP?
Sen Grassley(R) - Dems have better chance w/Edwards
Kucinich or other cand. supporters.
What happens if * prances out Osama Late September early October?
Who here is opposed to gay marriage?
Question: Do celebrity endorsements make any difference?
Is Teresa Kerry African-American?
Is it just me or does anyone else notice increased rancor toward Edwards?
In a Capitalist Democratic Republic, which is most important:
A question for Clark supporters re: Clark merchandise via DemStore
How many of you have given to Dean in past 24hrs to protest Kerry?
Can we all agree to bash La Rouche?
Kerry Ranks Near Bottom in Senate on Money From PACs and Lobbyists
We did it ! $711.595.03 For Dean in One Day ! Congrats Deaners !
Wisconsin - June 2003 Dem Party Straw Poll Results - Dean
Governor Dean on CIA Dir. Tenet's Speech
Has Kucinich ever been bashed here on DU?
I Know Dean Supporters Hate Being Wooed...
Only DK supporters have the right to be "outraged" at Kerry for gay stance
Could a candidate win the nomination without winning a single state?
Pro Dean 527 puts out radio ads during drive time in WA
If Dean drops out before Kucinich, I will support Dennis.
Latest Survey USA Poll - California
Broder's WPost column has + things to say
Which campaign covets Dean supporters most?
Who would be the best VP choice for Kerry?
What's the Washington State Kucinich/Edwards Deal?
Any numbers from Washington state?
It has been nice to learn so much about Kerry
DEAN raises over $684,000 and counting...just today!
The Truth about the Democratic Party and the DLC
Dean calls latest email a "brilliant ploy"
Will Edwards lack of experience and backing*Bush with votes, hurt him?
3 candidates fund raising - Which one conceals individual donor amounts ?
No one has yet to dispute this argument.
New rumor-Kerry may pick Evan Bayh
Herbert: Tuning Out the G.O.P.'s Siren Song
A Tragedy of Errors (Re: NEOCONS)
Why Bush Isn't a Shoo-In (Joe Klein a good read)
Bully in the Pulpit: Ashcroft and Patriot Act -- Philadelphia Inquirer
We Import Cars and Stereos, So Why Not CEOs?
"Bush Feels The Heat" - MUST READ CBSnews editorial
It's report card time and we flunked Iraq
Boston Globe Editorial: Bush*s Service Record
Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel...appeal
The Future of America under the American-led Empire
Neocons Busted! (w/ interesting rumor)
Political cartoons - bad news for *
Robert Novak named a source three years ago - NY TIMES op-ed.
Did David Hasselhoff really help end the Cold War?
Scott Ritter: Not Everyone Got it Wrong on Iraq's Weapons
HOW did we all miss THIS? (Or did we? Neuharth editorial in USA Today)
Local Newspaper Article on Roy Moore- '10 Commandments' judge
WHAT PUNDITS LEFT OUT..............shhhhhhh by C.McClendon
Duck-blinded ethics - San diego Union Tribune
Ray McGovern: Still Smoke and Mirrors
A Political Battle for Planet Earth
The Lie Factory - Mother Jones - Really Good Read
Calling all Manhattan Kucinich supports! -or tourists to the Big Apple
Electronic Voting: Is Your Voice Being Heard?
This is why you shouldn't trust the Media.
Jim Hightower on NOW with Bill Moyer's this week
Russert 's Bush Interview: "Recorded live to tape" ?
Book news! "Price of Loyalty" now 30% off at B&N...
Phe's shared thought for 2/6/4;
Looks Like Science is Going to Confirm Another Folk Wisdom Nugget (beer)
Immortality!!! We want it so bad we have deluded ourselves
Tech firms blamed for aiding censorship in China
Young Americans Show Overwhelming Support For Gay Marriage
Bush will support FMA, conservatives say
House votes to extend unemployment benefits(DOA in Senate)
Guesses on Fridays jobs number?
Let's talk about Bush's Fed Appointee Bernanke
One Quarter Of Ireland's Rural Wells Polluted By Sewage
Toyota On Track For Record Annual Profit Of One Trillion Yen
Daimler-Chrysler Will Build Hybrids "In Near Future" - Auto Week
Malaysia Plays Key Role In Indonesian Deforestation, Illegal Logging
Hubble Shows New Images of 'Black Eye' Galaxy
Shanghai may slip under the sea
Nature - Mercury In Seafood Affects Brains Of Adolescents
Sea Otters' Disappearance A Mystery - Reuters
Suicide Bombers Celebrate On Tape
This Is How Bush Supports Our Troops
Syria Said to Send Arms Again to Lebanon Guerrillas
Iran 'has secret atomic bomb project'
Pro-gun has Mary Rosh the Antis have Mr. Bellesiles
GUNS IN THE NEWS--February 6, 2004
I thought outing DU'ers was against the rules
Are you aware that there have been problems getting on DU this morning?n/t
why don't you use the Dirty word filter
I got a message from what?
"hidden thread"? Two: my own thread also vanished:puzzled
When will you implement the rules for criticizing the nominee?
I don't think my post was inflammatory
Something important is happening in the PA...
PA Territories CPJ condemns attacks on Palestinian media outlets
Zaka to display bombed bus at the Hague
Human rights and the new anti-Jewishness...
'Women, Politics and Israel' - Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
Suicide Bombings are Legitimate Even if Children Are Killed
Palestinian malnutrition at African levels under Israeli curbs, say MPs
Other families flown out with bin Ladens on 9/11
9/11 Tort Litigation: General Court Conference today
10,882 Dean supporters chip in $752,000 in less than 24 hours
And then, if it's Sunday (From the ABCNote):
Push-polling the "defense of marriage"
Dean providing a pretext for Nader?
Will this bring North Carolina into the Democrat Column
Another salacious SuperBowl controversy, Canadian style (with video)
Is the Washington Post a racist newspaper?
Check out some of these posts...
Report from Occupied Iraq- "We Don't Want the Army USA"
Alaska Senate Race: We Decide, You Report
yikes america. what's up with you?!
A friend listed me on his e-mail to RW friends, who e-mailed me back
Banner Ads We'd Like to See (Humor)
The Bush Doctrine: Preemptive invasion of
Northern Ireland loyalists turn to race violence
Job Growth Weaker Than Expected
Scott Ritter, confronting the theocracy of evil
UK cabinet minister sees the real reaction to Hutton
Ohio execution delayed: Can't find a vein...
Ted Rall says Bush should be warming Prison Cell and mentions Protestors.
Book Dishes Nasty White House Dirt
One Oregon School District After Measure 30 Failure - Eugene Register
Why the left is pissed/A Retrospective
Bush's 47% approval is the same as Bush1 had at this time against Clinton
I Pray For The End of The National Prayer Breakfast:
Real simple explanation of current economy
Chechnya and Russia... Does anybody care?
Noah Feldman, Bremer shill on C Span
On C-Span, Brian Lamb's interview with a Saudi reporter -- bombshell?
Why did it take over 24 hours to issue an amber alert
The reThugs are cooking the unemployment books.
C-SPAN Enviromental Policy now
TPM/JMM update on Plame -- Hannah, no target; Libby, likely
Did George Magazine "debunk" claim Bush was AWOL?
Is it possible, Clinton as VP?
Nice, concise summation of the Bush Family and world problems...
"Imminent Threat" In Bush administrations own words
Does it get any more bizarre than this?
Anybody have a good photo of Smirky Smirking??
Cigna Cuts 3,000 Jobs, Membership Shrinks
More Jobs Lost to Outsourcing 500+
Tired of The Traitorgate Teasers (I know, patience)
Rocky (Salt Lake City mayor) to boycott Marriage Week USA
What sort of emotions does Smirk feel...
Did Saddam really starve his people?
Conservatives driving division..
Meet the Press transcript 2/8/04 with Russert and Bush
What does anyone know about
shrub photos near Ft. Sumter (confederates started Civil War here)
MSRNC LOW.. "Demo Derby"
What exactly is the Flat Earth Society?
Tom DeLay a Hooters fan: family values in action!
The debate has shifted to AWOL
Baby with two heads: Does the second head have a right to life?
so who is more dangerous to *... tenet or kay?
Could some of our writers script tomorrows Meet the Press w/W ?
Alert: Peace activists now being targeted with anti-Terror "Laws".
Right-wing "Bush Took My Job, Killed My Sons" (blame Clinton)
"Putin blames Chechens for Moscow bombing"
Did Cheney get his wife pregnant to avoid the draft?
"The liberation of America was an act of justice......"
That was a great article on Bush and the Republicans.
Bush to answer commission members now.
Bush to Go to Daytona 500 in Florida...Drat
new U.S. foreign aid body - Millennium Challenge Corporation- ColinP.
Tim Russert, why didn't you ask Bush about this?
Very interesting about Al Sharpton
First Lady: Twins May Hit Campaign Trail
Pentagon scraps internet voting due to security
McCain and Intelligence Commission
Police "After Action Review", Miami FTAA demonstrations
It should be spelled aWol with the emphasis on the W.
Will these young Republicans be drafted?
CNN says Bush will speak in 30 minutes (half past 1 EST)
Proof that Iraq is *NOT* Vietnam
The new co-chair -- Laurence Silberman
Petition for independent investigation
Just get over it already... We lose - it's over....
Laura Flanders on Your Call Radio with a great line...
Anybody want to know who's getting kicked off Survivor next?
Online voter registration wizard?
Imminent , Shimminent: Did you argue Iraq posed a threat, Mr. Resident?
Des Moines protest for the peace protesters
Stating that Bush argued that Iraq was an "imminent threat" does NOT...
Olberman had a good one on W's AWOL problem last night,
Ricin find lifts Al Haig's company
Anyone else not able to vote online in Michigan?
WH using taxpayer money to fund ad for Medicare bill! How to protest.
Against Gay Marriage (Sen. John Cornyn, R. Texas)-C-Span2 10:57 a.m.ET
Senator Durbin questioning Judge Myers C-SPAN
Vietnam, Chuck Robb and George W. Bush -- a question
Josh Marshall also takes issue with Silberman leading commission
Billy Tauzin (R-La) to make 2.5 million a year off Medicare Drug Bill
Did Russert agree to let the WH approve the final version
Mississippi Woman Jailed for Selling Drugs
Will Russert ask Bush about AWOL?
WMD Intelligence Panel - Individuals Research Links
When McCain is tapped to replace Cheney should we replay comments
Saw Kerry, Levin, Stabenow, Granholm and Cleland gave me a hug!
Are the PNAC'ers trying to restart the Cold War?
How optomistic are you that we will win?
Ouch, an nasty question/thought - Would a Repuke admit that
The Bat Approaches One Million - In only 2 Days
Will Russert ask Bush the tough questions? (poll).
How to beat the Republicans on gay marriage
how i nailed a wannabe RW'er this morning...
Laurence Silberman: jurist, partisan, pig
Janet hands TiVo owners a clue about their privacy and viewing habits
Have You Ever Signed a Petition That Was Successful?
Multiple Corporate Personality Disorder - 10 Worst Corporations in 2003
Write to Tim Russert about the Bush* interview.
"If some Wash pols had their way, Saddam would still be in power" (Bush)
Do we have an"Ongoing Scandals" list?
Conflict on Bush's new commission? Silberman at work.
George Bush charged with Terrorism
The Facts on That 112,000 Jobs in January !
2nd Infantry Division seeks to curb lap dancing at clubs
Saddam @ 20ish hired by CIA to assassinate; Osama @ 30ish trained by CIA
"The Lion in Winter" remake...Stars
Fox poll has Bush at 53 percent, while everyone else has him under 50
Before the 02 elects the republicans wanted WAR TALK WAR TALK!
5 random musings from a_random_joel
Begala rips into The WMD Commision (Crossfire)
The History and Significance of Reaganomics I, II, III, and IV
Open for opinions on David Kay
I feel for the little girl in Florida, But...
What do the feds do to enforce antidiscrimination laws?
Should Democrats talk to Mary Cheney about GOP gay bashing?
Saginaw citizens fight J-ROTC program in schools
Sen. Warner supports Gov. Warner's tax plan (VA)
Retiree group launches attacks against Bush medicare BS
What is the difference between "true crime" and mental illness?
Who is more conservative: Bush or Clinton?
Just figured out why they want the twins to campaign for Dumbya
Bill Moyers Lifetime Achievement Award
Ex-Sen Robb (VA)- wasn't he a Democrat?.
How industry hijacked 'sound science'
How the DOMA could end up being a GOOD thing for the GLBT community
Laurence Silberman's wife "co-founder" of IWF, says David Brock
Senator McCain: already Biased
Laurence Silberman: Neocon Bush pick for Intelligence Investigation
Don't look now but GOP worried about losing Ohio
Will these Young Republicans ever get drafted? (Part 2)
Guess Russert's questions -- here!
Paul O'Neill Posts Bush Admin. Documents on Website!
Janet gives a gracious apology, absolves MTV and CBS, but Justin
who is the democrat on the panel? Charles S. Robb
Krugman detects revisionist history in the making
Commander recants AWOL assertions (Hannity)
Do you oppose the death penalty?
CNN Crossfire 2/6/2003: Begala's question for Bush
Are you active in your local Democratic Party or for progressive goals?
The Day Cheney Was Rocked To The Core
Another attack on American Democracy
How Will Bush Get Through An Hour on "Meet The Press"?
George Bush can easily answer the AWOL question
Republican's Outrage - Warning - Graphic Picture
Pushed a Republican over the edge yesterday
IMMINENT THREAT: All The Admin Quotes You Need To See
..."Mr. Bush would be filling the air with the f-word ..."
A medical error, a life of pain: Why tort reform is a horrible idea
Top 10 reasons why thinking people knew WMD claims were bogus
Mel Gibson's The Passion: A Jewish perspective
Who is Laurence Silberman? A primer...
Married DU'ers did the Federal govt. sanction/approve your wedding?
Americans to Build Skyscrapers in Moscow
Drudge: House and Senate Fight for Witnesses for Broadcast Decency Hearing
MSNBC - Explosion hits Moscow metro, casualties reported
Former Yukos-Moscow CEO ruled guilty; but freed on the spot
Court OK's Sale of Portland General (Enron's largest remaining asset)
Duma to consider prolongation of presidential term (to 7 yrs)
$225 Million to Settle Fund Case
(Moroccan) Man Acquitted of 9/11 Charges
Ethics Panel Investigates Medicare Vote
Shell Chairman: "I will not resign".
Commission probes Bechtel's Romania job
CIGNA May Hint At Size Of Layoff
Deutsche Bank Merger Talks Temper Signs of Optimism
Finance Chiefs to Chide Bush on Deficit
Report: Carlie's body found in Sarasota
UPI: Cheney's Staff Focus of (Plame) Probe
GOP Slams Bush* Policies at Retreat
Martin defends choice of ex-sovereigntist - Globe and Mail
Pakistan opposition wants nuke scandal probe
Dean: It's win in Wis. or quit - maybe
McCain Picked for Iraq Intelligence Probe
BBC (Friday): Kay queries White House war talk
UN watchdog tells of nuclear 'supermarket'
Baby born with two heads readied for surgery
AP Poll Notes Decline in Support for Bush
German man teaches dog Nazi salute
U.N. Says Vietnam Pigs May Have Bird Flu
Australia Doesn't Plan Weapons Inquiry
(Joe) Clark blasts Stronach Candidacy (Toronto Star)
(Paul Martin's)CSL dodged $100M in taxes, Bloc MPs claim - CTV
Iraq threat was limited, (Aussie) troops (were) told
Bush cuts money for decontamination research
U.S. Hopes to Gain From Pakistan Pardon
[German Chancellor] Schroeder quits as party leader
Bush Calls Putin About Subway Explosion
Soft Job Market Seen Postponing Fed Hike
Reichert runs for Dunn's seat (WA-8) | Seattle P-I
Mars rover goes for a drive as NASA wraps up repairs on its twin
Governor Schwarzenegger goes fund raising despite pledge of reform
Saudi Man May Have Mad Cow Disease
Gephardt Endorses Kerry for President | LA Times
Survey: most state officials believe new rules will increase pollution
Ohio Gay-marriage fight won't end | Cincinnati Enquirer
Australian music industry raids Kazaa offices
Kosovo refugee reunites with man 'who brought peace' (Clark)
U.S. Adds Fewer New Jobs Than Expected; Jobless Rate Falls | NYT
Annan: Date on Iraq Power Transfer Can Be Changed
Hatch (R-UT) under fire for stand on files leak | Salt Lake Tribune
Detroit Cardinal Maida believes 63 clerics hurt kids | Detroit Free-Press
Sharpton continues Detroit campaign | Detroit Free-Press
'Evolution' back in teaching plan | Atlanta Journal-Constitution
(nuclear tech) Leak not Pak's own matter: India
Putin condemns 'Chechen' bombing | BBC
Rumsfeld has called for an inquiry into women soldiers in Iraq being raped
US blamed for Sept 11 acquittal as German prosecutors appeal
Bush took FBI agents off Laden family trail
Mass Gov Romney urges states to define institution (marriage)
AP poll notes sharp decline in support for Bush
Rumsfeld: 'I Don't Regret' Europe Remark
Rumsfeld says he does not regret remark about Europe
Senate Republican leader defends new Medicare law, rejects changes this ye
Powell says nuclear ring broken - BBC
Rebels seize Haitian city | Globe and Mail
Bush Names Iraq Panel | Washington Post
Finneran seeks to delay start of gay marriages | Boston Globe
Kids say school took shirt off backs | Chicago Tribune
Did David Hasselhoff really help end the Cold War?
Rumsfeld orders probe of rape reports
Maine Dems gear up for caucuses
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 6 February
Democrats eyeing a novel target: VP
bbc: Kay queries White House war talk
AP Poll Notes Decline in Support for Bush
U.S. January Payrolls Rise 112,000 (expected 175000)
Report: Excessive speed blamed in crash (of Maine Governor)
Microsoft Lawyer to help set policy on Antitrust oversight
U.S. Embassy in Iraq to Be the Biggest
For Some US Soldiers, Ousting and Capturing Saddam Justifies the War
Now it's a battle for the truth
Fourth peace activist in D.M. ordered to testify
U.S. soccer team hears Osama chants in Mexico
Thousands of Hondurans protest U.S.-led war in Iraq
Snow: O'Neill Given Classified Documents
Job Growth in January Disappoints
Big Investors Would Gain in a Change at Big Board (NYSE)
MSRNC: Pentagon opens probe into sexual assaults in Iraq...
Scientists Say 1918 Flu Is Birdlike
U.S. backtracks on (Arctic) climate change proposals
Billy Tauzin (R-La) to make 2.5 million a year off Medicare Drug Bill
Bush's Guard service: What the record shows
Three times, Kerry nominations coincided with campaign donations
Bush seeks backing for 'greater Mideast' plan
Bush plans increases, then cuts, in programs he plugs
Out-of-touch Hoon's losing battle over 45-minute claim
Schwarzenegger Pitches Props 57 and 58 in San Jose
Democrats on FEC Block Action on Spending (Dem 527's ok till 2/18)
Gore Says Bush Abused Trust, Played Politics of Fear
Bush administration: No outsiders helped energy panel
Body believed to be missing girl's found - CNN
Colorado Ranks Last In Child Immunization Rate
Catholics Attack Kerry on Abortion Stance
Officials Expand Search for Ricin Source
Bush Did Not Manipulate Iraq Intelligence - McCain
Casualties Reported in Moscow Explosion
Did Bush drop out of the National Guard to avoid drug testing?
Australian scientist warns superflu pandemic 1,000 times worse than SARS
U.S. Judge Rules Lethal Injection Not Cruel
Gov Blagojevich (D-IL) aims to please both sides of gay debate
John Edwards delivers a top-ten list on Letterman
Ok, I am PISSED. Lennox Lewis is going to retire while he holds the belt
Is Nightline worth staying up for tonite?
Ugh, this is disturbing, preteens rape girl in elementary school
Where Is President David Palmer When You Need Him.
There are 10 kinds of webservers on the internet
Go ahead and laugh at yourself DUers!
Is it me, or is Dave Barry unbelievably unfunny?
Historians....check this out! 1775 Map of Boston and its Harbor
Student Will Not Be Given Credit For Job At Hooters
Qualye Chess Set - from
What is this? Site crash every ten minutes, day?
Has any one had "Connection Refused by Server" appear when accessing DU?
Anyone ever feel like they kill every thread they touch?
For anyone who enjoys vomitting
Banner Ads We'd Like to See (Humor)
I involuntarily helped a freeper make a complete ass out of himself!!!
You Have Just 3 HOURS LEFT To Bid On The Scotch Flavored Condoms On EBAY!
Bush, Bin Laden, Hussein, election 2004 limerick
Women--wear red today. Here's why:
Jefferson's "Wall of Separation" (church and state)
23 dogs, 3 cats, and ........... A CHICKEN?
Al-g'bra suspect stopped at JFK
FARK does the bust of Dan Quayle!
Thieving liar Maurice Clarett ruled eligible by judge to play in NFL.
Slippin' and a-slidin' (on the road, that is)
Police Intercept Street Hold-Up - Find Blind Assailant
Please read this email I just got
Finally - a night of normality
1933 NYT article about Nazi Concentration Camps.
How do I fix the link in my sig?
Interactive Dubya Comic Internet Gag- it's fun!
Policy issues exhausted, what about ridiculous memes?
Pay phones here on campus have a sticker that says THIS PHONE IS TAPPED..
Democrats Somehow Lose Primaries (The Onion!)
It's the Dishonest Dubya Action Figure! Play with it!
Carlie Brucia found dead. How should her murderer be punished?
Maddox hits the nail on the head again!!!
Yikes! Legion of Doom holding annual meeting soon!
yay! yesterday I got my DU shirt!
Geez..(scratch, scratch)..What do you call......
Time for some fun writing the Tim/W Meet the Press script for tomorrow!
Question about tipping................cows
I just got a Nigerian-scam email with a twist!
Anybody have a good photo of Smirky Smirking??
I just hit 200 posts....don't ask me anything!
* to announce members of intelligence commission
Reznor working on new NIN album in LA
It's " Their " money, really ?? !!!!
Yet ANOTHER annoying timewaster....
Pixies reunion tour press release
New Beastie Boys cd this summer
Anyone think the missing girl, Carlie, will be found alive?
Anyone else sad about who was voted off Survivor last night? ((SPOILERS))
Family distressed after organ bank tosses son's donated organs
Does anyone know of a website that matches you with your ideal car?
Anyone know anything about America's Debate?
Milwaukee-area DUers: Anyone catch the new Fox 6 Morning ad?
What are you doing during election day (and a day or two after)?
The No-Time-To-Say-Hello-Goodbye of all CAPTIONS!!!
Story about a nice old man anyone?
Feb. 6: This day in African-American history (musical footnote)
Have a Death Penalty confession?
The Emperor Has No Clothes (more Bush doll stuff)
Anybody want to know who's getting kicked off Survivor next?
Bush appoints 7 of 9 to Commission; pics please
Will be going on vacation sometime soon
Paris Hilton tries to take goat on plane
The "Post What You Look Like" thread has convinced me of one thing...
Bill O'Reilly-Such a compassionate liberal.....
Highly recommended documentary
Anyone here ever have a crush on Hawkeye Pierce?
Anybody else watch The Apprentice? (possible spoilers)
Does anyone have Rimjob's "official policy" on George Bush?
Why do some people have to be jerks?
Update on the guy who nearly hit me.
*The Ronald Reagan 93rd Birthday Celebration Thread!*
How come this isn't a "frivolous lawsuit" the RW's always whining about?
Poll: Which would offer the best constructive debate?
Ashcroft Detains Janet Jackson's Right Breast
A friend is extricating herself from an abusive relationship. Any advice?
Oooh.. Evil GOP Bastards..( fun place)
need to get a lady a gift for VD?
"The Lion in Winter" remake...Stars
WOOHOO! My KitchenAid Stand Mixer Arrived!!
TIme and place besides now? If you had a time Machine.
Probably been done here before but:
I bought an ebay item in June and still haven't gotten it.
So I totally rawked on my prelims.
YOOHA news photos.. Bushtravaganza
Confession: I Fund & Support Terra
CAPTION the tin man or the straw man whichever
How often do you use the spell check feature?
Wonder if PITT is sipping espresso with Frazier & Niles at Cafe' Nervosa?
Wedding Guest Cow Wanders Into Bank
What do you call that sandwich?
Are there any cools scenes I'm missing right now?
OK, does THIS picture scare you?
What should Lynne order from the Martini Bar tonight?
hardest day in memory... LAST trip to the office...
Great science and adults
Question regarding "Don't mess with Texas"
Dean Challenge Game - Everyone has to watch
Would you like to help write a country song? I have the title . . . .
Why settle for the lesser evil? SATAN for President!
type "miserable failure" on google and see what you get
Rumor - There's going to be a lot of Rumors about VP prospects
"Many miles away, something crawls to the surface..."
Town Prepares to Shoot Hundreds of Crows...
Ahhhhhhhhh, hot chocolate with cayenne
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan! turns 93 today
Did anyone watch Frontline last night on PBS? It was about porno
Psssst! Peek into my server logs!
In case nobody noticed it, here's a pic of me.
Important question: Colonel O'Neill vs. MacGyver.
A question about tipping tripping strippers.
what are your favorite online news sources?
Hallelujah ..The Pope goes bowling
Get your ABB badge of courage here!
The best/worst advise you ever received. Mine was both
Heh...Set Phasers on "Tide Turning"
Imparh....imparsh...bipar...bipartis.....oh just CAPTION
Toilet paper, or coffee creamer?
Can any one recommend a good (and inexpensive) domain registry?
post from another board about Janet Jackson's breast
American icon comes to life- UGRailroad, did you see this?
If Bush were a super model (warning, disturbing images)
Janet Jackson inspires new bakery delicacy.. recipe follows..
Vote for the worst #1 pop single of the 1960s
Aerosmith & Cheap Trick coming to town; am I back in high school again?
CAPTION the Clean-Living Führer.
Banned from - listed Baptist minister molesters
If I wanted an open forum to debate RWers, where would I go?
Irish? How Much? Where is your family from?
Why do some people have to be Irish?
Chastity belt sets off airport alarm
Recommendations/Pans for DVD Rentals - Your Opinion Welcome
What was your latest act of random kindness?
What do you think is your best physical feature?
Life is hard sometimes, but here I still am
There's no such thing as a happy marriage.
Which way does the toilet paper go?
Anyone interested in a Dr. Who DVD trade? I offer The Three Doctors
If Ramsey and I throw a party in Philly on April 24th...would you come?
Isn't marriage a religious concept?
British band endorses Wes Clark
Why are there no debates on the public airwaves?
Deans at 740k now !!!! Head Onward
Teresa Heinz Kerry wants Edwards for VP
WOW! L@@K how well Clark did in this WI Poll
"What would Dr. King be doing in 2004?"(Sharpton)
We need Deanies! Dean and Deanie Tribute.
On Bush's millions, or how can the barrage of deception be countered?
BBC compares Kerry with Al Gore
AP Poll Notes Decline in Support for Bush
Job Growth Weaker Than Expected
Calling all Clark supporters!!
When TV ads don't translate into votes
Kosovo refugee reunites with man 'who brought peace
For Campaign Volunteers Coming To Tennessee
Who Will Be The Next Dem To Drop Out Of The Presidential Race?
The nightmare that is key to Kerry's dream
Southern dems would not ONLY make splitting the south possible
Looking Forward (Apologies to Edward Bellamy)
Is your primary vote influenced by how the race looks when you vote?
While Detroit crumbled, Kerry diverted Michigan tax dollars to Boston
Will our new Dem president appoint an independent prosecutor
As of 1/30/04 Kerry leads Va. with 32% Clark and Edwards at 17%
Wisconsin or not - Dean's not quitting
Kerry begins day of Michigan campaigning with appearance at Detroit church
What would it take for voters to perceive Kerry had lost his momentum?
Has anyone ever been elected president using an anti-war platform?
Kerry Ranks Near Bottom in Senate on Money From PACs and Lobbyists
This will be a 2 man race - - but not Kerry v Edwards
My In-laws went to an Edwards speech last night...."He's like Bobby"
Kinawa Michigan student to interview Kerry
* approval numbers tank to new low of 47%!!
Michigan turning into race for second place
Did anyone here what the commision decided on 527's?
Anyone know what's going on in Maine?
Why this Clark supporter might just vote for Dean in the CA primary
Fellow Virginians, do you believe this?
Last dems standing-From the heart of downtown Detroit
Judy Dean comfortable with role
let's brainstorm some unconventional ideas for a VP candidate . . .
Does anyone know how Dean is polling in Wisconsin?
Why I think it is a honest mistake to vote for Kerry
Clark stops Edwards from stopping Kerry.
MoveOn's ads responsible for Bush's plummeting approval?
Did anybody catch this graph on favorability ratings of Dems v Repubs?
Article about Muslim vote and Kerry, Dean and Kucinich
Family member - lifelong Army, Vietnam Vet - says he will vote for Kerry
Kerry's momentum vs. Dean's organizing in Washington State
WM Exclusive: 436,367 People Kerry Did NOT Nominate For Any Position(humor
The Repubs do want all of Edwards
Every Clark supporter should read the "top ten lies about Edwards" post
Underdogs hope for win in Washington State caucuses
Can someone please tell me when Kerry won the nomination?
Kerry presidency seen a boon for U.S. markets
Did the media "disappear" Dr. Dean? Globe and Mail...Salutin
Campaign Roadkill: Pay-To-Play Formula Steamrolls Underdogs
We were ABB in 1992, why can't we be ABB this year?
Dean may be out....but it would be stupid to forget him as VP
How much money have you donated to your candidate?
Kerry finds support in Maine- Injured Baldacci backs (Kerry's) campaign
Bush Covert Operative Takes Over Al Sharpton's Campaign
Is Kerry related to Steve Forbes?
Kerry giving appointments to his contributers?
Watched Bush's "speech" and Kerry's speech afterwards
Saw Kerry, Levin, Stabenow, Granholm and Cleland gave me a hug!
I hate to bring this up, but,..Kerry's health may be an issue
Mark Warner as VP for Kerry or Clark?
dean contributors- e-mail tucker carlson
Public Citizen Slams Kerry on "Big Money Bundlers"
Kerry: Already on the GOP Firing Line
My take on why Edwards supporters are Edwards supporters.
How much money have you donated to your candidate?
How concerned are you about the health and integrity of the democracy?
Clark’s straightforward style appeals to gay liaison
Question for Kerry & Edwards Supporters:
Clark accuses Edwards of voting against programs to help military veterans
Has this Edwards funding issue been resolved?
Clark Says He's in for Long Haul
Wes Clark an instant millionaire with no personal risk - start spinning!
Why settle for the lesser evil? SATAN for President!
AP Exclusive: Three times, Kerry nominations and donations coincided
Rumor--Kerry to pick PA-Ed Rendell
Is boring necessarily bad? Gephardt as Kerry's VP makes sense
Bush is evil, but Kerry/Gephardt is a Betrayal
MO Democratic Primary: Record Turnout Afterall; Up 58% from 2000
Don Imus endorses Kerry. For President. (whoopee)
Kerry's Elegy For Matthew Shepard
Is Deans fundraising ability indicative of anything
This morning on KIRO-AM, Seattle
I do not have to like a Kerry/Gephardt ticket
Again Evan Byah mentioned as possible Kerry VP pick
Nicely reasoned Clark endorsement - Kalamazoo Gazette
As Nominee - Kerry VP Pick Prediction
Is Dean Talk Of Wisconsin An Attempt To Cover Expenses?
Kerry beats Bush in Washington state by 12 pts
Fox has Bush at 53 while other polls have him under 50
Edwards: I worked on the Patriot act - press release (+ campaign lit)
Proof that primaries can be Freeped
Are We Actually Gonna See A Don't Vote For Kerry Movement?
Hey! Howard Dean called my voice mail today!
[Question] Is Kerry a DLC or Moderate or Bush Lite or liberal?
Our most vulnerable Blue states - which states can bush poach from us?
Dean supporters only, please. Letter to Terry McAuliffe (Petition)
lineup for tonights "real time: with Bill Maher"
(For non-haters) Howard Stern says Edwards is starting to look very good
Have you *ever* paid this much attention to a primary race before?
Kerry Wins the Nomination. Vacates Seat. Republican Appointed.
The Repubs don't want any of Edwards!
Crossfire (2/6/04) Can anyone derail Kerry?
Why I will vote for the Dem. nominee
Would you deny the right to vote to "uninformed" people?
Leno, Letterman, etc., on AWOL Bush vs Kerry, and on other candidates
Heinz Kerry tells WA crowd U.S. voters must reject politics of cynicism
How many 2004 presidential candidates have you contributed to?
Could someone explain why Kerry called for Tenet's Resignation?
Does Kerry think the benefits of Iraq outweigh the costs?
No-show candidates disappoint Detroiters
Kerry is visiting a conservative school in TN
Clark Supporters - Calling Voters Delivered Oklahoma
Just saw John Edwards' wife on Charlie Rose. WOW!
Kerry/Dean Ticket Promoted on CrossFire. Dean Rep. Says Very Viable!
Kucinich Supporters backing Dean?
What percentage did Kucinich need in Iowa...
Lefties, Progressives... check in here
Dean withdraws from Virginia Democratic fund-raiser
KERRY SUPPORTERS ONLY: Did you back Iraq war?
Why Kucinich supporters would never support Dean in a primary.
Clark Supporters: Keep Fighting!
Michigan Caucus Sites and Info
Edwards smacks down Bush supporters. This is how you do it.
Who would be the best VP choice for Kucinich?
If Kucinich had as much $$$ as Kerry, would he be the frontrunner?
My problem with Kerry (maybe it is personal)
Toronto Globe and Mail: "The Media Disappeared Howard Dean"
Look who is paying for the DLC and the "New Democrat Network"!
Why John Kerry Will Win The Presidency. (Part 1)
Why is Dennis Kucinich still in the race?
Should this be the "Litmus Test" for Democratic nominee?
here's an interesting analysis of the Dean campaign . . .
Whoever the nominee I'm dreading the VP announcement..
Kerry Ranks Near Bottom in Senate on Money From PACs and Lobbyists
Wisconsin Poll - University of Wisconsin