She's not a reporter -- she just plays one on TV (*'s Medicare "news" )
Iraq War: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Iraq War (Guardian)
One year on: Blair told it’s time to quit
MoDo is pretty good in tomorrow's NYT
Blair Lays Low During Iraq Anniversary
Credibility is the thread that ties this whole election together.Josh M.
Russell Shorto (NYTimes Magazine): Al Franken, Seriously
For Black America, The Thrill of Powell and Rice Is Gone
Devastating: Soldiers' last letters home
Watching Fox News NYC 10AM EST Saturday
Massive Medicine Wheel Set for May 8, 2004
Pennsylvania Legislators consider extending assault-style weapons ban
Moderator has gone Thread-Lock crazy
I know you guys have a lot to DU around here...
Police arrest soldier in Jewish terror cell case
Learn how to attack Gaza as the Israelis do … from the army itself
One of the many reasons they hate us.
Do you support the war? Newsday poll hosted Kris Kristofferson in Austin today
Clarke says Bush demanded 9-11 Iraq Connection
WTF is going on with these moderators????
"They seemed normal but plotted to kill thousands..."
World's First Publicly Traded Marijuana Company....(medical)
Crooked Campus Politics - We're training them young.
Oliver Stone and Fidel, HBO and CBC
GW (Bizzaro Robin Hood) Bush, Steals from the Poor and Gives to Rich.
Ex-Aide Says Bush Doing 'Terrible Job'
Bush campaign item made in burma (who we are banned from doing trade with)
News coverage of protests against war is awesome
Good Mark Fiore, No Jobs Recovery for the Evening here on DU
A Profile in Courage:Karla Drenner
OK - so what happened to "Al-Zawahiri is cornered?"
Just got back from my first protest.
It's happening all over the place...the end is near...
War has made them advocates for peace
world and home protests against slime ball
I know why the terror alert was raised to orange today.
Bush might be better off if he goes back to Crawford.
Where Coup Plots Are Routine, One That Is Not
*PLEASE* DU this poll!!!
Question: Prison as alternative to Draft...
Is it time for a debate between Bush and Kerry ?
Clarke says Bush demanded 9-11 connection
Garner was sacked after opposing privatisation in Iraq
Peak oil - is it a distraction set up by republicans?
Govt. trying to stop testimony about Aryan Republican Army in Nichol's case
FYI: John Kerry on Meet the Press
thank you DUers for inspiring me!
Sentimental Journey - Howard Dean Nostalgia
Freepers shouting out their truck at me
wore a kerry button at a street festival and got great reaction (in AZ)
Maybe I need to take a break from following politics
Constitution Restoration Act of 2004...anyone read this?
You Can Find It on eBay: Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction
U.S. agency subpoenas airlines over loan board
Bush `Ignored Terrorism for Months,' Clarke Tells `60 Minutes'
ABC: Ex-Aide Says Bush Doing 'Terrible Job' (More from Richard Clarke)
CBS: Did Bush Press For Iraq-9/11 Link?
U.S. Chopper Attacks Pakistan (!?!) by Mistake, Wounds 3
Guantánamo Detainees Deliver Intelligence Gains
China blocks Li Peng's memoirs
Thai leader says he's closing in on militant leaders
Crisis in Haiti: Hundreds of bodies pile up in morgue
US Afghan allies committed massacre
Businesses Point Workers Toward Ballot Boxes (GOP sees as boon)
Spirit Switches to Airbus Fleet
McVeigh Evidence May Be in Nichols' Case
2 Million Miles, Makeshift Armor and No Fatalities (VA Guard Unit "Lucky")
(UK's) Iraq war chest 'will be empty by July'
US professor faked anti-Semitic attack
Eisenhower Planned Emergency Government
Pakistan hedges on ID of ‘high-value’ target
Blair bans Labour Party delegation from flying to Join Kerry's coronation
They seemed normal but plotted to kill thousands (right-wing terrorists)
Engagement Is a Constant in Kerry's Foreign Policy
Fresno Sheriff arrests Peace Fresno Officer who called the police
Ex-Aide Says Bush Doing 'Terrible Job'
Watching City Confidential - RIP Paul Winfield.
"What do the five fingers say to the face?"
have digital pictures from the Santa Fe protest
ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to the Gay and Lesbian Business Expo today. Ask me anything!
Wow! Alabama's beating Stanford
*It* was in my mail today, I just got back in from getting the mail.
I'm watching the first season of Starsky and Hutch
Anime and psychological thriller fans
Self-appointed authority: "Musicians don't know shit about what's good."
Are you bothered by commercials which humanize inanimate foods?
Big, giant thanks to rainbowgrrl24 (re: march in Fayetteville)
MTV's Spring Break will be broadcast all week...
Which lower-seeded team has the best chance of pulling off an upset Sunday
Yippie! I know how to build a tire!
If you were casting "Gunsmoke, the movie"
What does a person need to do to get more DU bumper stickers ??
Are you bothered by commercials which animate inhuman animals?
Big-ass update to my 1960s Soul Music webpage
I grilled a top sirloin steak today. Ask me anything
My boy dog pees like a girl dog
Jet streaks in the Orlando sky! Re: Bush's visit.
Did someone take a DU logo and put it on a credit card?
I like George. Do you like George too?
Favorite Cover of "Light my fire" - These boys are sick!!
Don't be a good neighbor f***er! (Blue Velvet fans check in)
Breaking: Fox is about to discuss possible new Osama:Saddam link
Brand new news from 1998! Ronald buys a sombrero!
I soooooo don't want to be at work right now!
Who was the best college basketball player of all time?
The Jimmy Kimmel Show isn't worth not having Bill Simmons
If your boss tells you to write down everything you do and send in a
Hey, who was at the Children's Museum today in the "ABB" T-shirt?
Is it OK to stay home on a Saturday Night?
Hey, your mom called...she said "MOO!".
Got my DU bumper sticker in the mail today.
Anybody else thrilled that both Stanford and Gonzaga lost???
What trade magazine is in your bathroom at your place of employment
Daeling with Car salespeople is like:
Somebody has hijacked my screen name
My on-line marriage proposal to HEyHEY:
I'm starting to look less like John Cusack and more like Joe Strummer
Which movie should I watch tonight?
Mozilla Firefox 0.8 & Thunderbird rawk
Sunday is demolition day for The Vet
Well, what do you think? - (please leave coments)
have you ever seen Peter, Paul & Mary Live in Concert?
Listening to Roy Orbison for the first time
You know what sucks? Apple pie.
Is it just me or does every women feel self-conscious about her body?
Sammy Hagar to rejoin Van Halen?
Are you an Anglophile? Are you more of an Anglophile than me?
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me!
Diner serves Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam...& Spam
Is it wrong to like Jimmy Buffett?
Air America to begin broadcasting March, 31.
The official nurse appreciation thread
Which team that has made the Sweet 16 as of now has the best chance
PC Gamers: What are you currently playing?
Since Doctor Who is coming back to the BBC...
Bush Calls Incumbency Key Issue Of Campaign (the Onion)
I love Bush spending lots of money
Which Gore states are vulnerable this time around and vice versa…
Let them know you are out there...
About Bush's campaign spending: the Kerry rope-a-dope strategy
Unemployed in California? Nader needs a state coordinator.
Kerry hits the slopes, shrugs off assault
I want to see a Bush as Yale cheerleader commercial.
RNC spoofs Kerry as Austin Powers in new Web ads
If Kerry picks Clark as his running mate now...
$10 million in 10 days lagging....
"Dem primary w/out Dean & Edwards - no spine, no soul."
today it's John Lewis on Kerry's site request for campaign funds
We're taking over the local DFL
Which are the most solidly blue and red states, in your opinion?
Thank you to those who went out and protested the war today.
Dean will be on Face The Nation tomorrow morning
Ex-Aide Says Bush Doing 'Terrible Job'
Alabama Democrats optimistic about Kerry's chances
A personal message from Dennis.....
can John Kerry/Howard Dean ticket win ?
Could someone tell me what idiot told Kerry to go on a ski vacation?
URGENT! DNC FLASH AD SUCKS! WE WILL LOSE if this isn't fixed immediately!!
The Year of Delusion (Sydney Morning Herald)
President's political dream scheme is becoming a nightmare (Medicare)
Texas: Health cuts hurt children as well as families, many say
Nation-Building Exposes GOP's House Divided
Weapons of Medicare Destruction
Saddam blinded W to Osama - Ex-aide slams Bush
Ralph Nader: A traitor to himself?
Hero du jour: Karen Kwiatkowski (article archive)
The bad math of mercury - good points on the far Christian right
Victory at any cost (Medicare-Opinion- BaltimoreSun)
Spinning the Past, Threatening the Future
Virginity vows: back to the '50s
The Smell of a Real Scandal (Medicare- Jonathan Alter)
Bush* Critics Are Missing True Enemy
Pictures from Los Angeles protest march
Report: 9/11 Truth visibility rocks the March 20th demo in NYC
Fears Impacted U.S. Reporting on Iraq
Will the 9/11 hearings this week
Calling in to the Guy James show.
Kennedy lays down the law to Cheney and Bush...with Russert
Gore Vidal on Real Time With Bill Maher - Video
What's the name of the new liberal radio network?
How do planets get their names? (BBC)
Please sign the Defense Of Pluralism Act Petition
NYT: Managing the Deficit with Plans to Spend
Uchitelle in 03/21 NYT: Managing Deficits through Spending
Commentary: The death of the consumer is greatly exaggerated
Greenspan's Treason- What they are doing behind closed doors
Planet Panorama: See Five Worlds at Once
Angelina Jolie Donates $50,000 for Darfur Refugees
LAT: Nation-Building Exposes GOP's House Divided
Left Takes First Round In French Election
Skinner, clarification on one of your comments here please...
Why does DU allow pictures of naked black children to remain on the boards
THINKING BIG: Making the DU INDISPENSABLE In National Politics
I don't know where the alert button is but Post #5 bears looking at
IDF troops kill six Palestinians in Gaza Strip
Sharon pitches go-it-alone plan
More than 25 hurt during anti-fence protest near Dir Kadis
Hatred at Faneuil Hall by Alan Dershowitz
Philip D Zelikow - Executive Director 9/11 Commission AND
What would be most likely target of Al Qaeda nuke?
The "Fox News Democrats" - Joe Lieberman, Zell Miller, Dick Morris...
Funny show on c-span, comics on political humor, Colbert. Trudeau, Carey
Hilarious anti-Kerry freeper gibberish
It has been pretty slow here lately. Why that is a really good thing...
Cleaning up the mess from this war will take many years
Websites to track political money...
Na, there is no Global Warming? "3rd warmest December-February on record."
Businesses Point Workers Toward Ballot Boxes
Fayetteville Online coverage of our antiwar protest
Microsoft Deletes 2 Characters from Office Font
US Unloading WMD In Iraq- what do you make of these stories?
Once Again - The Daily CNN Poll
What ARE these people looking at?
The right decision at the right time in waging 'war' on terrorism?
Why, when mentioning the protests yesterday, do they refer to the
If the election is close and goes to Kerry?
Will Tony Blair win a third term?
Even with Bush's "great" week, his approval still 48 percent
So Condi Rice won't appear before 9-11 commission??
Poll: Can Bush convince allies to continue support?
Even with Nader in mix, bush* is only 2 points ahead of Kerry
Matthews is really going after Kerry
The 9/11 Family Steering Committee: 23 questions for Bush
Media coverage of protests this morning SUCKS
Enjoy a (B)ush (K)new Whopper while watching 60 Minutes tonight..
"Thousands Cheer As Bush Mocks Kerry"
What can we do to ensure that the "liberal radio" forum is
Daily U.S. Casualites 3/21/2004
Shun U.S. race, Blair orders colleagues
News on Moore's "Fahrenheit 911"
Richard Clarke also drew up the plan used in Afghanistan
Philip D Zelikow - Executive Director 9/11 Commission AND
MTP: Question about troop support for Iraq War
something that should be looked into
Smirk has paid Vance International $750,000 and climbing
Bush...India callers making fundraising calls...?
Nonstop GOP documentaries on Biography Channel Canada
83 year old votes Democratic for the first time in her life. . .
Just sent this email to Tweety is linked to the Drudge Report
What time is it? How about TIME FOR TRUTH
Police remove people wearing anti Bush tee shirts
Late edition CNN Wolfie NOW 11:15AM
Watch Out Hollywood a wolf in sheep's clothing coming to your gardens
Take this Poll: Should we have gone to war in Iraq
Santa Barbara National Guard Armory Vandalized!
Bellingham, WA protest yesterday.
Wierd MTP with Kennedy - but he zings Russert at the end
Disarming Iraq - Hans Blix coming up on C-Span 2
Bush* vs. Kerry- It's like watching a train wreck
"God loves you, and I love you."
I must ask again: Why did Bush do nothing about the Cole bombing?
Mrs. Venation's Response to an Ignorant LTTE
Why wouldn’t voters reject Nader for the USSC appointments alone?
Are there any threads from pitt or anyone else who attended the ny protest
We made a difference in our paper's "Astroturf" LTTE policy
Henry Waxman on George Stephanophilis
I have a solution to troop shortages
Bush is for moral clarity, except when there is buck to be made.
letters from soldiers in iraq - nytimes
Dear CNN/Wolf - Trump is not news
Serious question for DU econimists...
Bi-Polar Extremism: Old Muslim woman in mall tells young girl to wear veil
The whole world's laughing at the U.S. -- in more ways than one.
Noam Chomsky's Vancouver Speech
Daniels'(R) Kentucky joke a compliment, he says
June 10....Jesus Day in Iraq? Bush had it in Texas
Cheney--5 deferments draft dodger deluxe hit on him
A Will Pitt blast from the past: The Terrorists Flew and Bush Knew
Let's hook up the entire country to a lie detector...
Doesn't it piss you off that drunken, cowardly Bush* is mocking Democrats?
Party pooper - Just what kind of Democrat is Max Baucus, anyway?
Boy king campaign reaches new low regarding Kerry's service
Gore Vidal said,"I was in WWII and the Iraq War was no WWII.."
Will pollsters bias their sampling universe to keep Bush at 49%?
Polling fraud is a required prerequisite for BBV voting fraud...
For everyone freaking out about Kerry's chances...
Should Tenet be fired as the first act of the new Kerry Administration ?
Anyone notice the new Army commercials for the NCAA tournament?
Did You Happen To See David "Axis-Of-Evil" Frum On Bill Maher's Show?
Did the US appease Al Qaeda by leaving Saudi Arabia?
Let's get our war chest ready for the freak invasion that is sure to come
How Much Violence With There Be In New York?
9/11 Truth visibility rocks the March 20th demo in NYC
Doonesbury back on the AWOL chimp...
operation Catcher's Mitt -- ever heard of it? Ashcroft squashed it.
Bush has put Kerry on the defensive this week....
Help me shoot down this FREEPer mail...
What is Kerry's foreign policy?
Did the Dems object to Bu$h's bypass of the Constitution?
effin' criminals: watch 60 Mins. tonight: Read this from TPM ---
the rally I went to in Olympia WA w/pics
Peace march in Toledo Ohio w/pics
DEMOCRACY 101: how hard should it be to reform the Constitution?
Chicago M20 report: Lots of good pictures of police, protesters, freepers
Did anyone videotape the Saturday Bush Florida rally from C-Span?
In the News: Wesley Clark, Richard Clarke, Victoria Clarke
Local News in Detroit giving Clarke story good play
State Department "warns" Americans abroad
What BushCo is all about: It's the War Profiteering, stupid!
Storm Warnings: Bin Laden was a threat but Clinton never pushed it.
Got back from a Democratic candidate fair in Denver. Ask me anything.
Richard Clarke? C'mon, Bush was on vacation so much he didn't do ANYTHING!
Blast from the Past: The BushCo Conflict of Interest Encyclopedia
Al-Qaida No. 2: We Have Briefcase Nukes
Reminder: Watch 60 Minutes tonight !
It's official. 9/11 is clinton's fault!
Republican myths. I will start with one.
Sec. of State of Fl. Glenda Hood picks up where Harris left off.
Jeb will be Mad -- Unions Gaining Florida Workers
Arlen Specter....spinning in the wind
Enron still the top career patron of GWB
This is rich!!!! Col. Campenni's letter to the Wash Times defending *
A blast from the past: 1980 presidential debate
Get Your Free Kerry Bumper Sticker Now at!
I got a personal email from a DU lurker!
Free Republic flashback...Anti-American Leftists list.
How I Urge People To Watch 60 Minutes Tonight
"How do I hate thee, let me count the ways": Bush vs our troops
This is funny: Freepublic's version of a "I'm leaving DU" thread
Why does it seem Michael Moore died?
Great Letter in My Local Newspapter, Under 200 Words
Is anyone still being taken in by Bush’s “aw shucks” image?
LIHOP & MIHOP DUers: How will Bush spin Al Qaeda has suitcase nukes story?
John McCain and Chuck Hagel say that Kerry will be strong on defense !
"Another mysterious accident solves a Bush problem."
MUST, MUST READ: 9/11 and BushCo: Compelling Evidence for Complicity
URGENT PLEA TO DU: Please Create an "Advice To Kerry" Forum ASAP
CSPAN Now...Kerry replay of 1971 testimony to Congress
Congratulatory thread for American Pro-Peace Patriots March 20th
DEMOCRACY 101: what should be done about all those non-voters? maniacs mock all environmental concerns
This time the protests are coming from the heartland
Why do Americans relish ignorance and stupidity?
What is the deal with the leftist Nader extremists? Why is this an issue?
God spoke to me and told me Bush is an idiot
Families Demand Exec. Director of 9/11 Commission Resign!
Oh jesus the army just called me help me DU please read please read
AWOL solider pledges to wage no more war
My response to a RW post on another web forum about the protests
Karen Kwiatowski on History channel right now spilling the beans!
How Elections Should Be Conducted: Public Hand Counts
sorry, but some of this IS funny. caution
Operation Black Eagle--Ollie North
What if the Dem states seceded?
We have to dispel the "liberal media myth".
"All things being equal, we are a lot better off with saddam hussein
Vance International -- Shrub/CHEENEE's Stormtroopers
Fox: Desperate WH trying to defuse Clarke 60 Minutes interview!
Official *Bush White House Scandal Thread #2
Here is a no child left behind analagy that will help those understand t
"If I see you or any of your comrades from Dem Underground ..."
Reporter following trail of corruption in EU arrested
Ex-Adviser Says Bush Ignored Terror Threats
Sources: Two Israelis suspected of smuggling weapons to Iran
Ex-Nicaragua Chief Aleman Taken to Prison
Iraq pullout all but inevitable for Zapatero
No proof Kosovo children were drowned by Serb attackers: UN
'Two large rockets hit U.S. compound in Iraq' - *Link*
Centcom: One Soldier Killed, Two Injured In Vehicle Accident
NYT, p.1: Concerns Raised Over Consultants to Pension Funds
Bush Turns His Back on Fight for Patients' Rights
G-P (Georgia-Pacific) offers voluntary exit before layoffs (200 jobs)
Henry Waxman on George Stephanophilis
Iraq: Blair and Bush seek new UN backing
Congo Authorities Seize Illegal Uranium
Bush campaign gear made in Burma
LAT: A Source of (qualified) Optimism (Iraq's oil, a year later)
Cheney, energy and Iraq invasion
Kerry seeks balance, Bush readies barrage
Two Israelis suspected of planning Iran arms deal
Haiti's interim chief praises gang leader
Pakistan Army Hunts Militants, Elders Urge Truce
ETA want to talk with Zapatero - report
Two U.S. soldiers killed in Fallujah attack
Stocks Set to Churn as Attack Fears Hover
Arrest mars Fresno anti-war rally (Fresno Bee)
Free Republic Targets Peace Fresno - Key organizer...arrested
Rebuilding Iraq a lucrative job
Current Iraq news related to casualties and wounded
Gov. Bush fills another post with another lobbyist
Liberians stranded at border amid coup fears
U.S. Denies That Airstrike Took Afghan Civilian Toll
Concerns Raised Over Consultants to Pension Funds
Secular Government Wins Malaysia Election
LAT: Kerry Challenged by Harsh Campaign
In Louisiana, a Pension Official Blows the Whistle on Adviser Conflicts
U.S. Will Retain Power in Sovereign Iraq
U.S. said to train Saddams officers for new army
Afghan Minister, 50 to 100 Others Killed
US directing operations in Pakistan border battle
Plenty to Blame for Terror (says) Republican Lawmaker
Annan seeks iraq "fraud" inquiry--Cheney profits from oil for food.
WP: Thousands in Manhattan Protest War, Urges U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq
The Bush doctrine has been turned on its head
Blair lays low during Iraq anniversary
Missionaries murdered - Uganda
Afghan Aviation Minister Assassinated
Mother's grief turns to anger over war
Ballot fraud charges investigated (Miami)
WP, p.1: Engagement Is a Constant in Kerry's Foreign Policy
CNN ends up with much egg on its face (Aaron Browns high-value target)
US decency campaign homes in on new target: radio knitting show
Kerry Studying Clarke Book on Iraq
Haiti paying dearly for revolt
NYT: A Bush Surprise: Fright-Wing Support (Vomit alert - GOPunks)
53 journalists killed in 2003 (15 in Iraq)
Al Qaeda boast: We have suitcase nukes
LondonTms:DNA Test on Corpse Will Reveal If It Is (al-Zawahiri)
Kerry Accuses Blair Over Ulster Report
El Salvador Casts Ballots for President
FRANCE regional elections: The Left wins !
Iraqi Child Struggles to Adjust to Losses
Families Demand Exec. Director of 9/11 Commission Resign.
Abourezk can sue Web site ( put him on "traitors list")
Alleged mercenaries hit with 6th charge
Kerry Campaign has $2.4 million on hand
Insurgent Attacks Kill 2 U.S. GIs in Iraq
Gee, look who's 'outsaucing' | Times of India
C-SPAN now. Politics and comedy.
Tonight, I dissed Bush live on the radio.
There is no dark side of the moon really.
Oh man, please tell me this isn't real
The ultimate #2 hit song of all time
Post your bad advice horror tales
*sigh* Still counting the days, since you left me
Is everyone pissy/in a Blue Funk today?
Your contributions to The Bush-to-English Dictionary?
When is it appropriate in a relationship to discuss finances?
100 Most Often Mispronounced Words and Phrases in English
Can someone recommend a digital camera......
If Red and Blue states came together
Tax breaks for the rich working.
I just discovered Celebrity Playlists at iTunes - (Tom Petty)
213 things never to do in the Military...
When in a relationship should you discuss the relationship?
10 beers later. Should I call it quits now?
Austin, Tx area DUers, know of any good fishing guides ?
What ARE these people looking at?
"It is not I who am is I who am mad!"
It's the end of the world as we know it
Tonight's SNL: new or repeat? n/t
Hot diggity, now we can get Americal Idol perfume!!!!!!
Audioslave working on new album.
What do you do when some burglars enter your house?
The Taylor, Tx Rattlesnake Roundup is in 2 weeks.
The Latin Words "Id Tenendum Verum" Appear On The Stage Riser
Was Bush wearing a bullet-proof vest today?
My Silly Solution for Stress Reduction
Okay...we have "most mispronounced" about most misspelled?
Do you really want me to continue the #2 Hits polls?
Battle of the Bands: Oingo Boingo vs. Was (not was)
What's Tommy's birthday? (Another Who thread...)
I found the perfect theme song for Dubya Bush!
I think I may have given myself a concussion last night.
Today sent a message to the world
CAPTION W showing what he thinks of those not on the right
CAPTION the strange blurring of patriotism
Lil' ol' Nevada busts into sweet sixteen!!!!!!!!
Food allergy vs food poisoning symptoms
Xavier's close to pulling the upset
DU AZ with Zombywoof. This is your last warning!
Harry and the Hendersons is on AMC
Blues Musicians Get Help Overcoming Hard Times (NY Times)
What kind of Doctor should sir_captain become?
We're going to Fort Lauderdale (Pembroke Pines)
Warnings Or Pat Advice Your Mother Gave You .....
Bargain at't Miss Out !!
DU Techies: (Another) firewall question...
Rate our Bush Protest Puppet on Yahoo News Photos
1000 Posts and only one thing to say. Donate
Any fans of the mini-series "Fresno"?
What the heck does your DU buddy list do?
Saving for retirement sucks...
Who loves the Allman Brothers?
2 reasons for an upset stomach today...
Check this out - Does Bush know his left from his right?
Just got back from the Dances of Universal Peace, ask me anything!
Congratulations Feanorcurufinwe!! 10,000 posts
Entertainment question about "Miss Saigon"
What do (some) women want? ... A Microsoft Man
what are you currently eating?
What do you think of these wallpapers
Rationales on drinking, OK or NOT ?
Coddleston, Coddleston, Coddleston pie
two pictures of my mini dachshund
i'm so tired. Ask me nothing....
Found in John Hinkley's Mail...
I read this article about Laura Bush in the Chicago Tribune today.
Have you used any good firewall testing sites?
Got protest pics? Please link us up here!
All right. Who else got the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign mailing?
What do you REALLY want to do for a living?
Dawn of the Dead is an incredible, political movie.
What’s your favorite fruit????
Donors to the John Kerry campaign check in here
Favorite John Lennon (solo) song?
Looks like it's another second place for DENNIS!
Just saw a Bush ad from 2000...
Kerry and Bush: Vacation photo comparison
Anyone else experiencing media whiplash?
DK coming up on fox and friend this hour 9am eastern sunday
Great site for tracking the money race
Some free advice for the Kerry campaign
Do any DUers who voted for Bush in 2000 plan to vote for Kerry this year?
I wish JK had chosen Colorado instead of Idaho as his Skiing destination
Did Anyone See Dean on Face The Nation?
15 mistakes made by Bush this last week
This year's "Al Gore is a Liar" mantra is....
Have you noticed that the people who demand the right to criticize Kerry...
How to improve Kerry's chances
Hey Bush*. "Name names." Good piece by Gene Collier,
Why I can't see Guiliani as *'s running mate
How is Kerry doing among independents?
In the Months Before 9/11, Justice Department Curtailed ...
Kerry has $2.4 million cash on hand - Bush has $110 million
NY & CT Democrats: We can topples Chris Shays!
The caucuses in MI, WA, and ME were horrible (memo to Kerry delegates)
come on guys, $10000000 in 10 days!!!
Kerry Campaign has $2.4 million on hand
Kerry flip-flop? What about the NRA?
Lieberman: "No Basis For" Richard Clarke's Charge Against Bush
Kerry 1971 War testimony on CSPAN tonight.
Kerry & Bush urged to tone it down?..... Fck that!
I just donated $30 to the John Kerry campaign
Maybe it should be Bush-Lieberman 2004!
For everyone freaking out about Kerry's chances...
I hope the Kerry campaign is prepared to go on the attack after 60 minutes
Is Kerry going to announce his VP choice after his vacation?
Republican Chuck Hagel: Kerry not weak on defense
New Polls: Bush Now Leading In Michigan and Nevada
I'm sending $10/month to John Kerry
Blair Bans Labour Party Delegates From Flying To Kerry Coronation
Nader swings through Texas blasting GOP
Rasmussen Poll March 14 -16 Michigan Kerry 48% Bush 44 %
Is it Presidential for Bush to make this car-wash crack?
Memo to Kerry: Get the Hell to Work!
Kerry Campaign Manager, Mary Beth Cahill, Better Be Damn Good
The worst personal attack on Kerry so far.
Can someone tell me what idiot comes to a Democratic board to insult Dems?
"When Dems lean right, they lose"
Chomsky *DID NOT* endorse Kerry!
Should I donate $50 to John Kerry?
The Sunday DU Kerry-a-thon - Let's raise $500
Bush losing support among Cubans