Manufacturer fears hackers tampered with pizza votes
Sudan: Darfur is World's Greatest Humanitarian Disaster
Cheney on Rush Limbaugh Lies & Smears Richard Clarke
Salon: Banned in Britain! (House of Bush, House of Saud)
The missiles that killed Yasin finished off Abu Ala, not Hamas - Maariv
Krugman: Lifting the Shroud (Risk to people exposing Bush)
Vets from Nam were never spit on suggests studies
Free Speech Under Attack In Florida Legislature
Just saw Media Fund's jobs add, waiting to watch CBS news
03/22/2004 ABC News tonight quite good - Richard Clarke
Dennis Kucinich on Alan Colmes radio show now
Not a single mention of Clarke's claims on local ClearChannel station
Dan Abrams is talking about tossing salad
O.K., I Saw St Mel's Gospel Movie
Jesse Ventura Body Slams Gay Marriage Amendment
Lichen Blamed for Elk Deaths in Wyoming
Malaysian government routs Islamic fundamentalists in elections...
A reminder not all news stories are always as they appear
Current U.S. Gun policies: Believe it or Not
Are posts sometimes deleted without notice?
With the troubles related to the Simpsons avatars...
Was Israel justified in killing Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Hamas leader.
'Sheikh Yassin was killed by American money'
Norway condemns killing of Hamas leader
The Unmentionable Source of Terrorism
Email from Edwards...Dear Friends
bush's ads: what's the split-screen effect of feel-good ads/R Clarke?
Dean was right on when he said, we may have a few dollars in tax cuts but
Do I read this right? The W.H. campaign is on discrediting the messenger
Yesterday, Kerry was on the, Bush has his ears....
Bush interfering with the scientific process.
Should Kerry or an ally run ads with bush joking about his 9*11 trifecta?
Bush sweats and Kerry is on vacation...Gotta love it.
Richard Clarke on Newshour right now
spanish citizens - article by tom paine
Center for American Progress puts the LIE to Condi's lies
Idea for talk show--O'Neill and Clarke
please, caption this chimpy's funny...are they drugged/drunk?
bushco and family dirty dealings!!!
Big sigh, could get depressed about this...
two year enron probe and still nothing?
911 We The People Failed Ourselves
Clarke says that Bush had his finger in his face, intimidating him to....
How many people read "The Price of Loyalty" and were
The Price Of Empire great read
Here's how you will know that * is toast!
Wes Clark on Deborah Norville Tonight (9pm EST), talking about 9/11, NOW
American Deaths in Iraq Surpass Early Vietnam Total (11/03 article)
Globe & Mail: Why sky-high oil prices are no blip on the radar (peak oil)
Would Freepers still carry out their "Ultimate Freep" if Kerry wins
US 'deeply troubled' by Yassin killing
Great site on Bush admin. RESIGNATIONS
our bushie had found peace once more
Richard Clarke on Larry King Wed night...
Rush is a known and admitted drug abuser. Why would the VP of the US
Must Read: Historical Black American Heroes - an updated list
Dan Abrams doing a great job interviewing whore Barbara Comstock MSNBC now
Watts to Ledger: Take gay cowboy role
Change that to Wes Clark coming up on Newsnight in a little while
Administration Officials Respond to Richard Clarke Interview
Of course. Bechtel Foundation is funding AEI and Heritage Foundation.
Barbara Comstock is getting ROASTED
Richard Lugar - Republican Hero of the Week
The logic of the irrational... Condi and the 911 Commish
question for the scumbags who blame terrorism on Clarke:
For the first time in the last two years....
Repeat after me: Bush ignored terror threat, Bush ignored terror threat,
Is the Parliament government system (Canada, UK, Israel) better than ours?
The 9/11 Ad The Bush People Don't Want You To See
I predict that Clarke's new book will be a huge bestseller
trying to post this darn pic for hours!!!
Oh NO!!! Cheney is off the hook!!!!!
Bushbot talking point debunked - Iraq was discussed 9-15 Camp David Meet
Mel Gibsons inspiration for his movie
Barbara Comstock gave a clue as to Bush strategy on 9/11 Commission
Will the 9/11 Commission use Cheney's comment today on Limbaugh?
any chance we can move the 9/11/ forum
More to come: John Dean, "Worse than Watergate;" Woodward, Kitty Kelley
Terry Gross' Fresh Air does Spalding Gray tribute
Do not destroy oil wells! A message from Halliburton
Why Bush 1 is ultimately responsible for the first WTC bombing..
List of upcoming books from the left here
Orange vomit alert: Check this letter from a teenybopper in FL to *
Richard Clarke tesitmony question
Greg Wilpert's Rebuttal to Senator Kerry’s Statement on Venezuela
Paul his own words...Dec 6,2002
Well, I officially live in the State of Insanity (Oklahoma), Terry Nichols
Is 9/11 LIHOP about to break???
9/11 Commission to examine events of that day.
will the bushies brief president kerry on all the bush secrets?
The Bush Crowd came into office with a mindset locked in the past....
Dubya got a good tongue-lashing from Cheney and Poppy after 9/11
Name the Nations ex-President GW Bush can visit.
If Clarke was as incompetent as the WH now contends............
Kucinich about to do Letterman top 10 list?
Why aren't the 9-11 hearings on live, network TV?
If al qeda strikes US in coming months, blood of victims on dubya's hands
Did you all catch o'reilly crying about unfair media bias
Inaugural Music?: GERSHWIN, Rhapsody in Blue
White House Makes Damning Confession
Richard Clarke coming up on Charlie Rose....
Can we trade Lieberman and Biden for Hagel and Lugar?
Is CSPAN bias or ignorant - specifically what they're airing on Taiwan
Antigay language tweaked in Federal Marriage Amendment
Pessimist - Optimist - Realist Poll
Josh Marshall TPM needs combatting Bush spokespeople lies
The Dichotomy of Cable Network News
Open-source voting consortium to demo software, San Jose, 04/01
Castro's Latest Victim: Himself
TV Alert: Richard Clarke on Charlie Rose
must listen: Bush's 9/11 at the classroom, in song
Wes Clark coming up on 9:19 PM CST
Looking for link/ US to maintain control in Iraq (today's headlines)
How do they do it? "White House Fights Back"
If LIHOP is true, and it comes out in detail,
Heavy hitters against Iraq war.
They Expected a Hijacking, They Got 9-11....
Need help/suggestions for answering this!!
Walter Cronkite: In Defense Of Liberalism
must see TV! Bush rally on CSPAN II......without the sound....very funny
Give your 5 Cents Worth - A Nickle a Post to The Kerry Campaign
British soldier on fire in Iraq ...that Kevlar plastic no doubt melts
Kerry Attacks Venezuela's Chavez
I didn't lose my cool, says Latham (Aussie)
Supreme Court to Decide Mandatory ID Case
Judge denies woman's request to grill Schwarzenegger over 'defamation' [DR
Human rights group says Haiti's new leader in 'unholy alliance' with rebel
Bottles, fireworks hurled into U.S. Embassy compound
Bush administration ``deeply troubled'' by Israel's killing of Hamas leade
Bosnian mosque attack raises new fears
Kabul sends troops to curb disorder after killing
Labor bus tour highlights plight of unemployed, weak jobs market
J.P. Morgan, Citigroup Sued by BayernLB, Other Banks Over Enron
Norway condemns killing of Hamas leader
Excerpts from "Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror" by Ric
3 Federal Judges Are Sued Over Ethics
Man throws Molotov cocktail at US Consulate in Rio
Stocks Sink to '04 Lows on Security Fears
Chris Matthews On With A Nut Case = PST
Guantanamo Chaplain Found Guilty of Adultery
Kronkite urges Kerry to be a proud liberal
Spotlight to shine on Bush terror strategy
WP/Milbank: White House Counters Ex-Aide
GOP Exposé: Kerry, Closet Frenchman (Uh oh)
Industry giant blacklists workers over ideologies
Australia govt lags in polls as terror fears grow
Indian students 'spied upon' in UK
Judge speeds up suit aimed at adding paper trail to votes
WP/Pincus: The Book on Richard Clarke
‘Ownership society’ is Bush’s aim (OMG!)
Kerry Gets Boost from Surprising Sources
Four-year-old brings crack cocaine to school
A day when the White House reversed its stand on Israel
US helped Qatar arrest Russian agents
Guantanemo chaplain found guilty of adultery
McCollum wants to send undercover agents to Cuba (Republican)
When I nod my head, you hit it.
Has anyone heard of Dan Reeder?
Any opinions on Robert Rankin?
Did you ever? See an invisible fish.
The moment of decision is at hand!!!
I have twenty posts to my 1000!
Well, a nickel is a nickel, a dime is a dime
Not a pressing issue but I'd like to know
jbm is donating 5 cents to Kerry for every post in the thread over
Tonight at 10:00 EST: a Daily Show special, "Race from the White House."
I was right! Novell Linux... (aka SuSE)
Dennis Kucinich on Letterman tonight...
Have you ever fished an invisible sea?
Pardon my newbie ignorance, but......
You can send an e-mail to "Name Removed"!
To The World: From The Secret Masters
East Coast PBS (NC) JT singing now
I have decided to become a freeper.
Any SoCal DUers feel the little earthquake tonight?
Stan and Yosh Shmenge, the Shmenge Brothers.
Worse spam email 'subject' line
Should Big Dog's Memoirs wait until 11/03?
Anybody familiar with VOOM HD Satellite system?
I wish our local paper had The Boondocks!
why would I lose audio from my computer?
I have a henna pack on my head
Movies you saw while medicated that were only good when medicated?
Has anyone ever been an executor before? Need advice please.
GOPisEvil's musical bacchanalia 2004 - A SXSW review
Star Trek fans: New CGI, 3-D model "trailer" ...Archer, Kirk, Picard...
What is your favorite Italian meal?
MY dream and HER dream - SPOOKY!
I spoke to my mother today. Ice is warmer.
Stockhausen's "Helicopter Quartet" - love it or leave it?
Is it against the rules to place a curse on a fellow DU'er
The Matcom Birthday Gift Registry Thread!!
"This Household Supports President Bush"
please, caption this chimpy's funny...are they drugged/drunk?
"Passion of the Christ" beaten out of #1 by rising from the dead story...
After LESS Than Two Weeks, I'm Canceling My Dish Network...
Stars you think are dead that really arent?
BEST NUMBER 2 HIT of the LATE 1970s? (Part 1 of 2)
The Thread that never dies (can you be the last to post?)
Did Kerry Actually Say "More" Leaders Instead of "Foreign" Leaders?
Kerry to Study Bush Aide's Critical Book
Former Nixon speechwriter donated to Bush and Nader. How quaint
Is the Bush Administration making Americans Safer?
Has anyone heard anything about any efforts to get Nader on the ballot?
IS GD2004 In For Kicking the Nickle a Post thread?
Time to cluster punch Bush!!!!!! Calling all whistleblowers!!!!
Watching Braveheart, reminds me of what we're up against
Where is Kerry's first apperance
Mark your calender! Richard Clarke will be on Larry King on Wednesday!
Richard Clarke is a registered Republican!
Wes Clark coming up on Deborah Norville NOW! n/t
Anyone think that Bush might try to "Wellstone" Kerry before the election?
Does anyone have a copy of Kerry's letter about military housing?
Howard Dean on Real Time w/ Bill Maher
Is Larry King f'ing clueless or what?
Kucinich Presents Top 10 List on Letterman
Post your inspirational "conversion" stories here...
Why Clarke's book now? Did b* expect . .
So does Zell Miller really go to Boston for the convention?
Vietnam Vet using 100% of book royalties to get Kerry elected.
Anyone still think Wes Clark is a republican.
How should Kerry handle the Richard Clarke situation?
Anyone else starting to think that Kerry may have an insider in Bush's camp?
Where the heck is John Edwards?
Jeanne Shaheen catches Lou Dobbs being the usual Bush suck that he is
Kucinich not invited to unity dinner
American power and the 2004 campaign
The 1,776-Foot Target (World Trade Center new building)
Was wrong to go to war, says former (Canadian) UN ambassador
C-Span Networks are not out of the woods yet.
Now tell me who dropped the ball on 911 and terrorism
FEDERAL JUDICIAL SYSTEM: 3 ousted in shakeup at Bankruptcy Court
Copywrite reminder for posters to Editorials and other Articles.
Supreme Conflicts of interest -- Rehnquist role in Scalia situation
Editorial: Did Bush ignore warnings?
U.S. OK’d plan to topple Taliban a day before 9-11
Outdated tactics cloud United States policy on Cuba
President’s budget threatens the future of Social Security
Slate 03/23/04 - Bush's Catastrophic Allergy to Clinton
"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"
Friday 3/26 Richard Clarke speaking in Indy
old american century's "BIG PUSH" effort
Head's up Arizona and New Mexico - Idiot Usurper coming on Friday
Austin, TX Duers Police Oversight Fax Action via ACLU
Did Lou Dobbs mention the Chimp campaign merchandise being made
Screenwriter 'disturbed' by Passion bloodfest
Re: Hardball 3/22/04: Was it deliberate that the sleazy little deputy sec'
Condolezza Rice shames herself by spinning the Clarke allegations
Name the spaceship contest... (There will be a prize)
Who wants to join my Clark Group?
How do you clean glass doors to wood burning fireplaces?
Not a pressing issue but I'd like to know
Lesbian minister's congregation celebrates her acquittal
Ministers due in court for same-sex marriage charges
Log Cabin calls for orientation info to be reinstated on government site
Questions about Homosexuality and the Bible...
King Tut Was A Red Wine Fan - Science Daily
An Update on ShellRD P/R at Ormen Lange
Exxon's Cover Up of Long-Term Harm to Wildlife, Workers (Valdez oil spill)
Amnesty calls for Chinese death penalty moratorium
The Third Force - The opposition movement sweeps Iran
Rape of British women was newspaper fantasy
NYC busts shop owner for ashtray
Supreme Court hears privacy case
GUNS IN THE NEWS - March 23, 2004
I just heard that windansea got tombstoned
TheInfamousThey--A freeper idiot who thinks he has us fooled!
I would like to submit a formal complaint.
Rule clarification: is it acceptable to call for revolution?
Question re. locking "dupe" threads where reporter is important -
DU gathering in Southern California...
A suggestion for tomorrow's hearings threads, PLEASE...(edit inside)
Great job, guys, with the mini-invasion.
Israeli go-it-alone plan looks inevitable
Israel to continue 'liquidating' leaders
For Israel, a symbol of Islamic terrorism
US expects Israel not to harm Palestinian leader Arafat
Palestinians urge UN special session
Amnesty International strongly condemns the assassination of Sheikh Yassin
Israeli Arab community observes day of mourning for Yassin
Major terror attack foiled, two soldiers hurt in W. Bank
Mofaz: Israel will target other Hamas leaders
Israel Seeks to Kill All Hamas Leaders
Peres: Assassination harmed Israel's image
Israeli Naval Gunboats open fire off Gaza Shore
Two Palestinians Killed in Israel Strike on Lebanon
Iraq Shiite cleric (Sistani) slams Hamas killing
Senior Hamas official says Rantisi named acting leader
'Israel has opened the gate to hell'
Was it right to assassinate Yassin?
Revenge attacks feared on hospitals, schools, skyscrapers, VIPs
Killing Sheikh Yassin was a mistake
UN Security Council to meet on Yassin assassination
Panel: U.S. Made Effort to Stop al-Qaida
Bush proves he could care less about unemployed workers.
Vietnam Veterans against Kerry
AP Headline: 9/11 Panel Cites Clinton, Bush Inaction
My Right-Wing Argumentative Bush Supporting Friend Has Seen the Light!
what would happen to Tom Hanks if he endorsed Kerry?
Mike Webb back on KIRO-AM at 10:00 Pacific Time, and streaming
Anybody know when Richard Clarke will testify to 9/11 Commission?
Bush's Waterloo: the Buckeye State
WOW Look what I just got when I replied to a post
Richard Clarke is the turning point
Alright, Let's All Admit It...It IS Clinton's fault.
Norville Show w/Dan Abrams rerun now: Wes Clark on + Comstock humiliation
War in Iraq a mistake? (Richard Clarke)
there's this amazing documentary on PBS about the development
Some space shuttle gears were installed backwards.
UK Guardian: The battle of the airwaves
Ex-Iraq WMD Hunter(David kay) Fears U.S. Credibility Erosion.
He's retired, she's working, they're not happy
Looking for pictures of Iraq war
The truth about David Evans , Jr. ' death (Iraq death/977th MP Co)
Condi Rice: Can we tell if she's lying?
Agenda for 9/11 Commission Hearings Tuesday and Wednesday
Listen to Bernie Ward talk about Clarke right now,
Great resource here for video clips and speeches
Watch Condi ..July 26, 2001.. speech at the press club
Is the Bush claim that Saddam tried to assassinate Poppy another LIE?
Miller in NYT versus Gellman in WaPo on Clarke
Damn Kerry 's a snowboarder? That is kinda cool.......
Trudeau's AWOL Bush prize money goes unclaimed
Does Clarke or O'Neil ever mention each other in their books. Anybody know
Should Iraq be allowed to have elections right now?
Invasion of the Low-post Clinton snatchers..
Clarke? 9.11 comission? Nope. it's HAMAS WILL GET YA in papers!
To everyone: There's an "E" in it!!!
Why are Republicans incapable of telling the truth?
while the media point fingers no one talks about policy changes
I expect that Arafat will be next. Here's why -- yesterday, the
Clarke on CNN: "The book was finished last fall ..."
How did your local daily papers treat the Clarke revelations?
911 Irony : The pre-emptive strike : Bush sons v. Saddams sons
Who else has read "The Price of Loyalty"?
"Condi wasn't a housewife from Fresno"
Laura Ingram wants to know why we didn't react in the 1990s to terrorism.
Richard Clark on GMA in a few minutes..
9/11 Commission on C-SPAN now 9am LIVE
Daily U.S. Casualties 3/23/2004
My impression of Imus in the morning.
even in the mistakes, whats good 9/11 comm
9/11 Commission Hearings - Gavel to Gavel on Pacifica Radio...
Is it against the rules to place a curse on a fellow DU'er
How many people have bailed out of this sinking administration to date?
Dishonesty of RW columnists: mentioning ALREADY DEBUNKED hoaxes as truth
Hand-written letters to family by US soldiers who were killed in Iraq
July, 1996--Clinton's terrorism measures a "phony" issue--Orrin Hatch
Pakistan played Powell and Bush for fools...
WTF...they are using the 9/11 panel to link to Iraq
Tuned in Dennis Miller's sorry excuse for a TV show
Fifteen Fijian men missing in Iraq
At this rate, Bush will be mush by the summer.
White Mans Burden/the sorry state of foreign policy
March 20 Protests - Seeking More Pictures
Genocide of Muslims and Arabs goes unchallenged in the world.
Ann Coulter voodoo dolls for rent
Into the absurd. Richard Cohen nails it.
The "Little President" toots his horn! - Feel the power Jim?
9/11 Commission hearings gavel to gavel c-span beg. 9 AM
Hey, Karl! Have I got an ad slogan for you... get Karen on the horn!
All thequestions being asked are designed for really hard,
Anyone else feel this 911 questioning is a game of Repug softball?
Did the Bush admin ever mention terrorism publicly pre 911?
Is the Pakistani strategy falling apart?
Powell on now...critical of Clinton administration...But the POINT IS
doesn't DICK Armitage look like Uncle Fester from Addams Family (c-Span)
Family-values group mired in a divorce, (SAY WHAAAT?!?!?!)
Like Waffles? Biggies served at Bush Waffle House
Kerry's FBI File--Who does it benefit?
Something that is driving me NUTSO re: Clarke
6 Numbers Every American Should Know
Why haven't there been any terror attacks in the US since 9/11?
(911 commission) was Kennedy right afterall?
White House briefing live on C-Span2 now! Scott taking...
Powell: 'We wanted to destroy al Qaeda'
Fortuitous Coincidences, part deux
Faux doesn't seem to want to show too much of the 9-11 hearings
(911 commission) was Belafonte right afterall?
Did I hear Powell say the "C" word? "Crusade"
Rebut this: Balloons And Politics
White House press secretary Scott McClellan is a DICK!
The REAL question is what happened ON 9/11...not BEFORE 9/11
I could stomach Wolf Blitzer....
I didn't think I could get sick again
Bush did everything to harness the Taliban? I don't think so., Read this
WH briefing on CSPAN 12:50pm EST
March 23, 2004: the day democracy died
Good news for Sharon: Arab League will "avoid" Palestinian issues.
Situation Room v Situation Room Complex: splitting hairs, Mike McC?
heads up: 9/11 widow coming up on CNN
Clarke saying that his book could have come out last year but WH
CNN Poll: Could the US have done more to prevent the 9/11 attacks
Who is carrying audio or video of the hearings online?
Oregon County stops licencing marriage licences to gays. . . and straights
Neal Boortz says he wishes women weren't allowed to vote
Solidad borrowed a set...for 3 seconds
My e-mail to Jack at CNN re: "Under God"
History is being made this week.
Paul Krugman- A must read today
Bush campaign falsely accuses Kerry of voting 350 times for tax increases.
We MUST Pressure the 9/11 Commission to Reveal the Truth!
Its not about Clark or who he is, its about what he said. Its the Message
A Question that Needs to be Asked
I can't believe that Cable News Nazis
Can you believe this X-Files crap from Bushbot Jim Wilkinson?
Powell FILLIBUSTERING on 911 commission
Drip, Drip, Drip: Not Good Enough
Bush spent $87 Billion attacking Iraq and gas is still how much?
Any software geeks here visit (INSANE FREEPER ALERT)
So Hannity has been lying about Sudan giving Osama to Clinton
Article of note from when Clarke left Bush administration.
Hey Check this out , Center For American Progress
Antidepressants not much better than placebo?
Won't this mean either Powell or Clarke will have committed perjury?
Want to have some fun and help me in the process???
Lets tell our stories: How Bushwhacked have you been in life?
Democracy Now . Haiti . Black helicopters
Has anyone else noticed this about Bush's gestures?
Federal budget eliminates family literacy, other efforts
Listen to this...abominable!!!
Interesting Counterpunch Article on Spain
Respect for the Commons: an antithesis to an 'ownership society'
Awwwwwwww W Va governor doesnt like Abercrombie shirt
LOL while serious this is funny... Did you check the telephone book John
9/11 Commission Hearings Thread 2
So... what do you think Tony Blair is thinking these days?
Seriously, is Clinton a sex offender?
Listening to Lynn Cullen for the First Time. She's GREAT!
Limbaugh: "Those Two Million Who Lost Jobs Aren't Unemployed"
Cohen pre-empted by Bush saying nothing but self promotion.
Kerry is reading Clarke's book
911 Commission Results: Vote on CNN Headline News Poll
The R's are terrified of the Clarke story taking hold...
9/11 Commission Hearing on NOW (1:30 pm) C-Span 3:
I have a question regarding a possible upcoming draft:
uh oh, Rumsfeld just predicted new terrorist attacks
I need a link to the Commisions statements
did anybody else hear, "LIe, lie, lie lie," while they left the WH brief?
Stern beleives he only has about a week left on the air
"depleted uranium round"....."turns you into a handful of mush.".....
Isn't this use of toxic spray terrorism?
Has Bob Kerrey been threatend or bought off?
For ONCE Rumsfeld is telling the truth
Three weeks before 9-11 Ashcroft sent his budget request to Bush*
Don Rumsfeld on deck 3:33pm EST on CNN
Is the 9/11 comission missing the point?
Clinton did nothing about terrorism - MY PATOOT!
Live! Alternate Universe Bizzzzarro World Rumsfeld 9/11 Simulcast
9/11 commission today: Bob Kerrey laid into the Clinton Adm. for
please stop rumsfeld from saying Bin LAYDEN
Nightline Tue - 9-11 Widows from New Jersey and 9-11 Testimony
Rummy just confirmed the truth of Clarke's book while under oath!
Rumsfeld - thread 2 - mods - please don't lock - dial-up!!
will Tenet FINALLY get fired??
OK: I'm already tired of "stovepipe"
9-11 Hearing Rebroadcast Schedule (C-SPAN) for tonight
Iraqis express outrage at Hamas leader's killing
The media will replay the "what the hell.." line
Are you guys listening to the audience reaction
Diplomacy Over Military Action Let Osama Go...Uhhh...
How Many References Today To Clarke and His Book?
I got another email from a mom who lost her son in Iraq
Call me DimWitted...But Bush Co released the Predator Drone Tape
bush defending self against clarke (cartoon)
Bush said he wanted a "new plan for the war on terrorism"....
9/11 Commission Hearing (afternoon session) thread 2:
Remember, The Marine barracks Bombing attack happened on RayGuns watch!
Are you better off today then 4 years ago.
Best Example I Have Seen That Bush Is In Trouble
"The fact that I may not have known something... not unusual"
Help. What were the circumstances behind
How much do you think the Bushies are tired of speaking for Condi?
Limbaugh was pushing the kerry as murderer story
Have we already done our damage to this poll?
A hypothetical : If a Democrat is elected and a terrorist attack happens
The 9/11 hearings are a threat to Bush's re-election campaign...
Letter to the editor help - reply to Condi's column
CNN says Clinton missed Osama 3 times, but do you know what Bush
*bush is really scared.....Pre-empting the 911-Hearings
Progressive Christian web resource and discussion board.
Has it Ever Been This Bumpy for BushCo? (Post 9-11)?
would cleland have a libel case against ann coulter?
Scotty's up on CSPAN (White House Briefing) 3:35 PST
W: Tenet briefed me daily about terrorism (confirms Clarke)
Bush and Rice try to blame everyone else for thier own failures
Condi: Lie Down With Dogs, Get Up With Fleas
9-11 Profiteering: A Framework for Building the "Cui Bono?"
Does anyone else feel a little queasy?
The List of What Good Works Are Being in Iraq
Lou Dobbs Poll on Outsourcing:
Woolsey on CNN saying there was a link between Iraq and Al Queda
Yet another reason to be ashamed to be from Ohio
Wolfowitz said going after Al Qaeda in Afghanistan would do no good
Which NPR Employee most desperately needs to be "refreshed"?
Croatia backs out of iraq committment!
Life of Brian coming back to theaters
Everyone please READ Clarke's book
Heads up for New England DUers: I'm on NECN tonight re: Clarke
Ann Coulter Calls Richard Clarke A Racist!!!
Bush says workers can be fired for being gay.
Is anyone going down because of the 9/11 commission?
Breakthrough video for 9/11 Truth on C-SPAN!
Sander Hicks interviews know Hicks
World is falling apart at the seams: we need a Peacemaker
GLBT DUer's...when do you plan on leaving?
Official US documents support Richard Clarke's argument -- LINKS
transcript/video: bush* pre-empting 9/11 hearings today....sad, real sad
Help: Clear up the Bill Clinton was offered Osama story
Editor needs a talking too -- says OBL fan of Kerry
WhAAAAT is Bob Kerrey all about!!!
Do the Pubs have a school where they learn how to BS?
Topics in Democracy 360: Should Neo-Cons Have the Right to Vote?
Rummy asked about Clinton's daily principles meetings.
Can the Fairness Doctrine be brought back by executive order?
I'm confused, is being straight a life style choice?
AIDS dents world population growth
Is the right wing responsible for not getting Osama?
Got an email from Michael, and yes, hes being harassed
Religious Preference vs. Sexual Preference
Richard Ben-Veniste Oughtta read this
NORAD issue addressed!!!!!! (HUGE!)
"George Bush Wants to Run on 9/11..." - a trifectastic commercial!
Bush cancelled Clinton's antiterror directives on 2-13-01
Should the U.S. support Taiwan's right to independence?
Bush: "had my administration had any information..."
My Letter to the Editor Re: Bush on 9/11 Was Printed!
Former Governor John C. West, D-South Carolina, dies at 81
Scott McClellan is not human...
Do the activists sometimes hurt the cause?
List of political prisoners and missing persons in Chavez's Venezuela
Hundreds of rebels killed in attack in central Nepal
Top Shiite Cleric Warns U.N. on New Law
9/11 panel holds public hearing Tuesday (3/23/2004)
Interview: Richard Clarke ---- Guardian newspaper UK
Anti-war soldier defends choice to flee to Canada
CNN Tuesday AM (Growing Protest In Ramadi, Iraq)
NYT: U.S. Aiding Pakistan's Hunt for AlQaeda
Policy paralysis over Roh's impeachment
Peres: Assassination harmed Israel's image
Koizumi haunted by Aznar's fate
Looters teach Haiti a harsh lesson
Newmarket confirms September release for controversial political movie
Labor to assail Bush's record on jobs
Ex-Iraq WMD Hunter(David kay) Fears U.S. Credibility Erosion.
Charlotte Observer:State party leaders favor Edwards as VP
Putin Calls for Pooling International Efforts in Combating Terrorism
Israel Says All Militant Leaders in Its Sights
9/11 hijackers could have been stopped, says ex-aide
Bumiller/Miller: Ex-Bush Aide, Finding Fault, Sets Off Debate
Kerry gets boost from surprising sources
Death row woman's daughter asks Blair for help
Backers Revise Amendment on Marriage
Police, former rebels clash in northern Haiti
`The Body' has eye on tackling White House in 2008
Returning soldiers not getting help
Insurgents kill 11 police in day of unrest in Iraq
UK Led Mercenaries Ordered £100,000 Weapons - Court Told (Equat. Guinea)
Croatia Backs Off Iraq Troops, International Court
AAA: Gasoline Pump Prices Hit All - Time High
Croatia Backs Off Iraq Troops, International Court
Powell: 'We wanted to destroy al Qaeda'
Ottawa to sell Petro-Canada stake - Breaking News CBC
The sting: did gang really use a laser/phone/computer to take the Ritz for
The Karbala connection: where bombs, Afghan heroin and Islam meet
Shiite Ayatollah.. Warning UN Against.. Charter Endorsed by US
Bob Edwards forced out of Morning Edition job
'Choose life' car tags get Senate OK (Georgia)
Medicare Seen in the Red in 2004
Report Says Medicare to Go Broke by 2019
U.S. OK'd plan to topple Taliban a day before 9/11
Priest dies at Passion screening
We'll bring troops home, says Latham (Australia)
Credit Card Delinquency Hits Record High - AP
(Craig Unger's book ) Banned in Britain
14 `enduring bases' set in Iraq
Albright Says Clinton Administration Tried to Kill Bin Laden
Nassau University Medical Center to layoff another 200 workers
Israel Seeks to Kill All Hamas Leaders
Clinton Administration Made Futile Attempt to Get Osama Bin Laden
Some charges against 'mercenaries' dropped
Data Dispute Bush's 'Rich' Label for Small Business
Republicans Alter Gay-Marriage Amendment to Allow Civil Unions
Medicare to Go Broke by 2019, Trustees Predict
Supreme Court dodges major ruling in Everglades pollution case
Suspicion Over Zimbabwe Arms Sale to 'Mercenaries'
Snoop program puts pasts in the present
Sistani says Iraq constitution a 'dead end'
Outdated tactics cloud United States policy on Cuba
Bush, Uribe Discuss Narco-Terrorism War
President Says His Government Does Not Regret Taking Part in Iraq War
Aristide's ex-security chief faces drug charge
Associate says Aristide not interested in Nigeria's asylum offer
On Mideast, U.S. Response Conflicted
Clarke denies playing election-year politics
Man Surrenders in Millionaire's Slaying
Fresh violence erupts in Haiti
Two Palestinians Killed in Israel Strike on Lebanon
Judge Permits Testimony About Fetus Pain in Abortion Trial
Israeli Naval Gunboats open fire off Gaza Shore
Iraq Shiite cleric (Sistani) slams Hamas killing
Cabinet Mtg. Bush Speaking CSPAN
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 23 March
Sony raises forecast for restructuring costs (20,000 Japanese jobs cut)
French Embassies Get Letter From Mysterious Group in Second Wave of Threat
Clear Channel execs donate more to Bush
Commercial foreclosure postings up 39 percent (Dallas)
Venezuela’s Recall Process Allowed to Continue With Supreme Court Ruling
Nine police trainees gunned down in Iraq
Four-year-old brings crack cocaine to school
School District Closes as Dozens of Students Fall Ill
US to increase African military presence (BBC)
Ex-officials head for Iraq, Army on alert (hiring Indian ex-servicemen)
Clinton, Bush Inaction cited: 9/11 panel
Statement of Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
InsiderAdvantage Poll Shows Bush Leading Kerry
Kleenex Maker to Raise Prices in U.S.
FBI: Big Arrest in Domestic Terror Fight
Russian Nuclear battle cruiser may explode
We'll bring troops home, says Latham
Nuclear battle cruiser 'in danger of exploding'
Bush Had Plan to Overthrow Taliban if They Failed to Turn Over Bin Laden
Powell: Early Action Might Not Have Stopped 9/11
Thought-Controlled Arm May Work in People-Report
03/23 - Dems: Bush Abuses Power
Venezuela Government and Opposition Accuse Each Other of Political Firings
Kindergartener caught sprinkling pot on friend's lunch.
Cohen: Clinton debated killing bin Laden three times
U.S. Issues Travel Warning for Iraq
Democrats Say Bush Abuses Power in Slamming Critic
Taiwanese President Agrees To Recount
Nasa: evidence of shallow sea on Mars.
Iraqi violence continues unabated - Japanese female soldiers in Iraq
Analysis: Iraq Charges Against Bush Begin to Mount
New revelations will clear Chalabi of Jordanian fraud charges: spokesman
03/23 - Clarke rebuffs Admin Attacs [more damnation]
Military Deaths in Iraq - 582 U.S. service members have died
Panel calls for Condoleezza Rice to appear
AP: Medicare Heading Toward Bankruptcy
U.S. Army Adds 30,000 Soldiers in Iraq
Pines couple charged with enslaving teen after smuggling her into U.S.
Widow of Soldier in Jessica Lynch Unit Blasts Bush
Court Delivers New Setback to Venezuela Vote Hopes
UN official slams French ban on Muslim headscarf
Clarke Praises Bush in Resignation Letter
Bob Edwards forced out of NPR post
US administration in the spotlight over September 11
Anti-Bush Books Continue to Be Big Sellers
Black Clergy Rally to Dispel Comparisons of Civil Rights and Gay Marrige
Kerry calls for reopening El Toro military housing
Who wants to join my Clark Group?
Just got back from a 15.5 hour day--ask me anything!
Stars that you think are alive that really aren't
San Diego Zoo..."baby-animal" cam..( so sweet, you'll get cavities)
So I just image-Googled "Bush" and...
Ever hear of benny benassi?? (Hot chicks with power tools)
Want to join the Japanese Navy?? Here's their ad
So...I just did a google image search for Pert_UK.............
Not a pressing issue but I'd like to know
These people are effing nuts...
Mike Malloy: My Last Email From Him
Ever Been To This Web Site. I Love It.
My obsession with Buckwheat Zydeco
The caption says "...his 'room' aboard ship."
Q: How many presidential candidates does it take to change a light bulb?
Bengal Tiger Pounces On Picknick - 5 Dead
Schoolgirl Reels In 400kg Tiger Shark While Fishing
I just posed naked for a magazine!
Happy Birthday Chaka Khan !!!!
So how does one recruit more DU users, to have over 60,000 by
Racehorse Loses 106 Straight Races (is cult hero)
Can somebody give me the link to Democracy Now??
Cobra bite kills Thai 'Snake Man'
Anyone ever moved from the U.S. to Canada?
Anyone have a link to the Valerie Plame story?
Okay, you're dumb enough to go roadtrippin' with me...
TIME-10 Questions For George Carlin
How much does money mean to you?
Any authors of any style should check this site out
Pants Catch On Fire Aboard Train Due To Haiclip
Singing dingo wins trivia award
Cartoon:Bush has made the world safer?
I saw one heckuva pimp-mobile on the way home yesterday.
Should this man be forced to cover his breasts?
"Being John Malkovich": Whose portal would you like to enter for 15 mins?
Caption: proper potty training could have prevented this.....
London Science Museum's new exhibit......1930's vibrator
Monsters from the deep with the sex lives of vampires
Will Ferrell to play Darrin????
Suggestion for a Lefty Entrepreneur: Soft-Cover First Editions
Should I vote Republican or Democrat in my local DA race?
Hey, this coffee is cold!..Lets bomb Iraq!!!!!!
Kindergartner Spinkles Marijuana On Lasagna Of Classmate
(It's been hot over here)Valley may be in for 5th day of record heat
YEAH!!! This is my 1000th post!
Name the Unidentified Live Band and Year - #4
E-mail question....please help!
HAIKU TIME!!!! Subject: George W. Bush's lifestory
300 hundred posts and nobody got it.
Classic spaghetti or spaghetti squash?
Classic home grown westerns or spaghetti westerns?
Battle Of The States: Round One (which is better)
"Give me liberty or give me death!"
Would you do something like this?
Battle of the States: Round Two
GDubya Authors Book on Public Speaking!
Should Matcom be forced to cover his ass?
Best film beginning of all time
Should Dr. Weird be forced to cover his breasts?
Dingbats for Kerry - another fund drive thread
Chick strip or Ron Jeremy flick?
You must admit these Hamas guys just look frightening
I'm seriously thinking of cutting off cable for satellite, recommendations
If I hear this stupid ass excuse any more, I'm going to hit someone!
Name this Sacred Ground..........
When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?
Can allergies trigger an arthritis flare up?
Name this City -- WINNER: felonious thunk
Should GOPisEvil be forced to cover his golf cart?
"Life of Brian" to be resurrected in wake of "Passion"
Miko-Miko-Nurse..(those wacky japanese flash makers again)
I've got the Redsox/Tb game on and Johnny Damon
What should I bring to the Boston Gathering on April 3rd
The dilema (Delete will post as poll)
Michael Jackson wanted to play car in movie. Ridden by a boy.
This is my 600th post. Ask me anything!
Does anyone know of a good online trivia game?
Confessions of a Welfare Queen
Thanks to all concerned, I'm alive, but barely! haha!
new Savage Weiner advertiser Molle Automotive Group
I Read Of A Man Who Stood To Speak At The Funeral Of A Friend
Videos-Cop hit by a car, and a Freeper.
Post your car names--and pics if you've got 'em.
Maddox reviews Dawn of the Dead
Gentlemen Only - Don't say I never did anything for you - I give you Rudi
Where Is This (Part 9,412)? (Warning: Large Graphic)
Who here has a government job, and posts on DU all day?
Battle Of The States: Round Three
Name the City #3 - (Contest ENDED -- GOPisEvil won!)
In 90 minutes I'm going home to cuddle my kitties
CAPTION and the world smiles with you
Battle of the Network Stars: Round 2
Didn't your mother ever teach you!?
CAPTION the face of a happy chicken!
Can someone summarize the plot of the Planet of the Apes movies?
Ask me anything until 4:10 PM Central Time.
How do I change the size and font in my sig line text???
thinking of moving need a job running out of retirement funds
How do I start a new line in my signature.
The Cathy's Clown of all CAPTIONS!!!!
The Captain Smirk of all CAPTIONS!!!! (Trekkies welcome)
Battle of the Network Stars: Round One
should I be forced to cover my stair-walking ASS?
YIKES! I forgot to pay in CASH for the Clarke book
What is the most luxurious luxury you've ever treated yourself to?
When is the national secretary day?
We have an Asian Turner. How about one for turning Europeans or Africans?
I'm wondering: What was the name of Nazi Germany state radio???
"Photoshop Bill O'Reilly doing something unlikely" (pic heavy)
Who here has a government job?
New WV Tee Shirt: "Its All Relative" - Govenor Up In Arms
Most disappointing American cultural trend
How would Beavis and Butthead vote?
Whose Movies Are Funnier - Monty Python's or Mel Brooks' ?
Ooooh! My new toys have arrived! This will be fun!
Does anyone want to Employ me?
Car audio experts...speaker recommendations?
I've got two new games coming in today...
Corpse of monk in lotus position who died in 1723 found in Vietnam
I'd LOVE to know the story behind this (LINK to horrifying picture)
Can I tell you why I love Atkins?
Free Republic makes it official: Freepers are insane
scariest member of the bush adminstration
What's your level of computer-ease
A new game. For the musically inclined.
AZ DU'ers... (Phoenix, specifically)
Raise your hand if you went to a protest somewhere last Saturday
Al Franken on Lettermen tonight!
CAPTION the most unexpected peace protest ever
OK, who slipped the Crystal Meth in the DU water fountain?
How tough are Buddhist Monks? (Pics)
Dallas Mavericks are weak and gutless. They are done.
Has anyone watched "I Wanna Famous Face" on MTV?
In 60 minutes I'm gonna go play board games until I drop. Ask me anything.
Did you know this about our “Pledge of Allegiance?”
Battle of the Network Stars: Round Three
Cleveland Classic Rock station can't play Pink Floyd's "Money
A friendly game of nonsequitur
Let's try limericks too...Chimpco limericks...(thanks for haiku thread!)
Should mods be forced to lock that damn thread?
Name the spaceship contest... (There will be a prize)
Your Craziest Drug Experiences
Which historical villain gets a bad rap?
DU Gathering for Southern California
Clarke is partisan for associating with Rand Beers? PLEASE!!!
Polling in Perspective(Historical Charts inside)
Chimp already lied under can't we PLEASE impeach him??
Question for the supporters of General Clark
An important thing being forgotten in the presidential talk. . .
I'm supporting Kerry because he's our man now, but...
The Department of Remembering Things
the rest of the world prefers Nader for U.S. president
Bush Camp Attacks Kerry's Spending Plan(but same logic works against Bush)
FBI Shadowed Kerry During Activist Era
just one day before 9/11 he proposed a reduction in counterterrorism funds
"I went to Vietnam, yadda, yadda, yadda" (Holt on new Kerry ad)
Kerry Gets Boost From Surprising Sources
LIVE on C-Span NOW, 9AM September 11 Commission Public Hearings
YEAH!!! This is my 1000th post!
Ann Telnaes surpasses herself again!
I don't think anyone should fool themselves. If it comes down to it,
Ventura Wants To Run For President, in 2008
Carter savages Blair and Bush: 'Their war was based on lies'
When will the Kerry items hit the DU store?
Powell: Early Action (from 1/20/2001 to 9/11) Might Not Have Stopped 9/11
Another Adventure in Conservative Bizarro World
What if Kerry Lost the Popular vote but won the electoral college?
Bush's pledge "gays have rights" but Federal Times says actions say no
State party leaders favor Edwards as VP
Your favorite Democratic President of the 100 years
Maverick McCain will give a boost to Kerry's campaign
Howard Stern and Robin Quivers to donate to Kerry
Data Dispute Bush's 'Rich' Label for Small Business
I am VERY impressed with the intellectual capacity of the Clinton ...
AP Poll Shows Bush, Kerry in Close Race
Anyone have a video of Kucinich on Letterman?
This toon sums up the campaign so far
Worst Republican President of the last 100 years
A Message from Hillary Clinton
9-11 Hearings Rebroadcast Schedule (C-SPAN) Tonight
Dean to be guest at Kerry rally at GWU?
Clark on Kerry homepage with fundraising message!
Was Richard Clarke on Charlie Rose tonight? Did he vindicate Dean?
The Bush White House must be very afraid--setting the bar this low!!!
Could legalizing medicinal marijuana be a winning issue for Kerry?
Kerry Attacks Venezuela's Chavez
How the Hell do I respond tho this????
Research for Kerry Needed on National Guard, Veterans, Reserve Issues
Persuade John Kerry to change his mind about Chavez and Venezuela
How do you think Kerry has been doing so far