'Cold War II:--America and Russia struggle for Georgia'
03/23/04 - Disgrace at Guantanamo, by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
Gordon Prather: What do you mean 'we' were all wrong?
Toppleing the three pillars of Bush
Justice Scalia is in the wrong line of work
Naomi Klein (Guardian Utd): Terror as a weapon of occupation
Protectionism Happens to Be Congress's Job - Sen. Ernest Hollings
Salon/Conason: Richard Clarke Terrorizes the White House (Interview)
Action Alert! 3/24/04 Impending US AIDS Disaster
Clear Channel To Move Radio Legend
Giving somebody the finger, and "You're a dick."
New shows at The White Rose Society archives
The Clear Channel Controversy, One Year On
Senate Amendment Hearing Shows Little Movement On Same-Sex Marriage
Gay Rights Not Civil Rights Black Preachers Tell Rally
Salty Sea Covered Part of Mars
Do you think the U.S. does dollar-cost averaging when it buys oil
Dumbing down of Indian Elections
regardless if anyone thinks they should be, are American Idol threads...
I've never gotten even one bumpersticker.
Israelis call for Sharon to resign
Israel barred from using toxic spray
How much intel did CIA have on the AQ plan for 9/11?
I'm sick of the Democratic party
The Clear Channel Controversy, One Year On . . . (referral post)
topic on right-wing radio? Clarke or 4, 5 year-olds bring drugs to school
Refresher course DU...John Kerry------Bob Kerrey
Why is PNAC the third rail of the 9/11 commission?
A few forgotten news nuggets from the past. re: 9/11, Bush, etc.
the most significant thing to come out of today's hearing, imo . . .
I believe we are witnessing the long-awaited implosion...
Anyone got the transcript to the McAuliffe/Gillespie showdown at Cath. U?
Countdown July-September 10, 2001
Clarke on GMA today - "I have a bullet proof vest." A metaphor?
Protect Al Franken on radio. Call your Senators not to increase FCC fines
What Disturbs Me About 9-11 Testimony
New episode of the anti-Bush sitcom Whoopi is on NBC now.Gay wed-
Lets play find the Bush anti-terror policy in the hay stack.
One or two drinks a day prevents heart attacks ????
Godless Americans going to be on Bill O'Reilly
PNAC letter to *, 9 days aver 9/11 attacks concerning Iraq...
All's Quiet on the Plame Front
A DU Classic: Questions For Bush
Armitage v Abrams clarification
Pappy Bush appointed Rove to presidency of College Republicans...
Wishful thinking re: the Clarke testimony.
Geeze I'm POd (book-What Liberal Media)
Did the Taiwanese President fake an assassination attempt to win sympathy?
Does Larry King live in a cave?
Interesting ploy to force gay marriage to the forefront
Get Your Free Kerry Bumper Sticker Now at JohnKerry.com!
Who else here thinks * looked incredibly stupid when he tried to hijack
9/11 Widows on Deborah Norville
White House Blasts Cheney Memoir, Calls Former VP "Disgruntled"
"Al-Quaeda must be eliminated"
anyone remember when bush* gave $MILLIONS to osama in May 2001?
Tweety asks if Clarke is of 'sound mind'
Ashcroft's May 2001 priorities -- What's missing ...
Bye, bye Bushie! Critical Mass: Iraq Charges Against Bush Begin to Mount
HOUSE discussing Iraq on CSPAN now...
Clarke will be on Larry King, tomorrow, Wednesday night
Podhoretz to Bush: "Go on, Mr. President: Wag the Dog....."
Richard Perle on Charlie Rose tonight......
yegggh - repukes looking for mtv votes!
It's really beginning to bother me
anyone remember some of the colossal bush gaffes?
The Black Community and Homosexuality
CRAZY statement on Scarborough Country
Zogby Poll: Kerry still ahead by 2 pts.
Rumsfeld rerun on CSPAN I at 3:20 AM EST this morning
Scarborough slandering Clarke on MSGOP right now
Is DU Banned from Military and Government Internet System?
Why do we have military bases all over the world and other countries
How credible is the "Bush Body Count" website?
God, that www.fundrace.org site is depressing....
I don't care if Tenet briefed Bush every day. What did Bush do about it?
Progressive Vs Liberal, did fear cause the name change?
i began to question the populations sanity
Do you consider this a hate site?
Can we quit talking about "losing" Zell Miller's seat?
Do you expect Zell Miller's repuke sucessor to be better or worse?
Bush Camp made Tape that aired...
Hannity desperate ..want it for free??? I would tear it up and send
Anyone ever heard of the sterile seed?
Can someone post a schedule for the 9/11 commission for tomorrow?
Anyone know where I can get transcripts of today's 9/11 testimony??
NIGHTLINE: 9-11 Families, cover-up (Tuesday, March 23 at 1135 EDDT)
Get this - WFLA in Tampa Bay conducted a poll -- 50% of
Strange!...Bush's Mom & Dad both gave money to his campain but...
Portland, OR area DUers--Film Festival at Reed College this week
9/11 families were incredible just now on MSNBC
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney - The Twilight Zone
James Woolsey...who can stand him??
They're just so warm and cuddly, aren't they?
Who have you helped register today?
Does Bill Richardson ever tell the truth?
What is your opinion of Bush's role in 9/11?
Kerry should NOT be ashamed of his wealth
Gas Pump Prices Hit All-Time High
Jagoff Jeff Greenfield just compared the Clarke bashing to what
Latest AP poll has Bush 46, Kerry 43
Only 2 Million to go - Donate Now
This is why Richard Clarke's testimony tomorrow will be devastating!
First we had Clark vs. Kerry. Now it's Kerrey vs. Clarke.
Clarke: The "enemies" in his title are not just terrorists. In his words >
Nightline EDITS the Bush "if we knew ANYTHING" quote from today
Dick Clarke's comments re Dick and Lynn Cheney
OK, who can cough up references
The Official Osama bin Laden Prediction Thread (Part II)
The big question is, did anybody lie under oath?
If you are or were a freeper fiscal conservative read this!
Well, *An American Dynasty* Has Converted My Father
once again, Jon Stewart nails the lying liars about Clarke,
Should we close our borders to new immigrants?
Why is Kerry pandering the Lieberman crowd more than Dean's antiwar crowd?
Need help! I need to create a humorous Top Ten List for Why one should be
Condi won't testify because 9/11 was her fault.
Are bland boring moderates hurting the cause?
I googled "How Bush tried to prevent 9/11". This is what I found..
When Do The rePublicans Start 'Jumping Ship' ???
Black Clergy Rally Against Gay Marriage
Kerry rebuffs Chavez and Zapatero after both indicate support! What?
Richard Clarke EVIDENCE urls at CFAP
The gig is not up, the shit hasn't hit the fan and Bush* isn't toast
The Clinton/Gore team on Terrorism.
Interesting ploy to force gay marriage to the forefront
We'll Bring Troops Home, says Latham
AP: U.S. Sets Up Base in Afghan Mountains
U.S. Warns of Heightened Threat After Yassin Killing
Convicts Rule Haiti Town, Executions Plague Another
Canada's Budget to Boost Border Security (secuirty gate)
Democratic Spending is Team Effort – Groups' ads level field for Kerry
Bush administration eases logging restrictions on old-growth forests
breaking: 3 huge blasts in baghdad
We'll wipe out entire Hamas leadership, says Israel
More Penrose Hospital Employees Losing Their Jobs (Co. Springs)
Powell slips, 'crusade' re-enters US lexicon on war
Caricom's decisive Haiti stand
Fla.'s Jeb Bush: Haiti needs our help
China storms out of rights talks with U.S.
NY Times: For a Day, Terrorism Transcends Politics
Blair and Charles at Madrid Bombing Funeral
WP: Blame Game Goes Largely Unplayed
Bush and Clinton Aides Grilled by Panel
Foreign aid at risk as US Congress faces deficit
Rumsfeld Says Early Strikes Wouldn't Have Stopped 9 / 11
Postal Service Finances Bleak | Washington Post
SuSE 9.1 to come out in early May!
One or two drinks a day prevents heart attacks ????
I'm really sorry, but, it's the American Idol Thread
Here's some fun links for you....
If I move to Mexico. wheres the best place for an expatriate to go?
Official T-Wolves/Spurs game thread
flame me if you must, but Paula is looking hot tonight!
Man From Snowy River on AMC right now.
Try having a civilized debate with a Freeper
tried to watch 9/11 citizen press conference on c-span error
Imagine my surprise when walking down the road there he was….
Where can I get one of those "W" stickers ('W' in circle with line through
Freeper think All Lesbians are UGLY
anyone having any problems getting onto AIM or Yahoo tonight?
I just had my 1st book published.
Ok help me compile top ten ways to torture a ditto head
another post about "Less Than Perfect"
Neil Bush had sex with OBL's sister!
I think some right-wing dj's are backing off of Bush.
I feel like chunneling tonight.
I feel like channeling tonight…
What THEY didn't tell us about that "Eye of God"
Anyone been keeping up with "The Shield"?
Woo hoo! Got the "free" DU book today! ("The Book of Spiral")
Anyone craving Malloy tonite? - Come & have a drink w/me in the lounge
I weaned another person off AOL
Anyone want a DU bumpersticker?
Can anyone help me resize this so it fits in my sig line?
Somebody smack me: It's the insult Droopy thread
DAWN OF THE THREAD! (spoilers) Favorite Scene?
Last astronomy picture-- Moon And Sun (composite)
'Covey leader to Raven. Come in, John'
Bad American Presidents( *) commercial mp3- from H. Stern
what's your screen resolution?
Someone's in the kitchen with scallops
Pink Floyd's..."The Division Bell"...
What's the most mind-blowingly bizarre piece of modern "classical" music?
This is the "Ask ZombyWoof to write you a poem" thread
Why is it , Womens Breast posts get over 300 replies and..
Dentist tomorrow -- first time in five years.
Most over-the-top performance in "The Shining"?
DU cooks and chefs: What have you learned over the years??
Dr. Frankenbike has been body snatching again....
Spam is getting sillier all the time
Top 5 Funniest Movies: What's yours?
OK. Guess the city by these cleverly edited titbits from the civic website
How do you move your operating system to a new drive
Is it childish or immature to play with silly putty
Next big consumer product! Get in on the ground floor!
Post something about yourself that you would otherwise think is silly.
Just got my DU bumper sticker. Do I risk my Intrepid?
BEST NUMBER 2 HIT OF THE LATE 1970s? (Part 2 of 2)
Check this out! The Freepers are going on a Cruise!
How many remember their first meal in the service.
What is the MOST ANNOYING song you ever been subjected to?
I just got a $286 speeding ticket, ask me anything...
Is Adobe starting to flee Apple's sinking ship? (this isn't bashing...)
Bush & Rove ... Laurel & Hardy ... dance
If....*.....was a girl....what would he look like? Find out here....
When Bush's TV/Radio commercial says that Kerry "would have put off
Kerry plans to campaign Friday in Michigan
Chief Justice Rehnquist Hints at Retirement:
Anyone know what time Kerry rallies generally start?
Sierra Club Ads Target Bush, Toxic Waste
Republican Voter Drive Heads to MTV
Gay wedding at a Bush Re(s)election campaign gathering...
Nightline topic is 911 commission.
Tennessee Poll: Bush 52, Kerry 41 (Survey USA)
Hillary advised Kerry to vote YES, from Newsweek
Message now coming from Edwards
My mother Thinks Edwards would make a great VP
Senate? Maybe a silly question.
How much has DU given to Kerry so far?
Should The Green Party Run A Candidate For President? A Radio Debate
Do you think you are part of the Democratic base?
I'm worried it is too early for all this to be breaking
Which is the most important demographic to get in 2004?
Who have the Dems betrayed besides antiwar lefties?
Nation can learn from McNamara's missteps - Daily Breeze
Kristof: Ethnic Cleansing, Again
350 Tax Increases? Bush applies Powell Doctrine for re-election. (Kinsley)
Asteroid Nearing Earth Identified As Bill O'Reilly's Ego
Cohen: Bush, Clarke, and a Shred of Doubt
Iowa Senate rejects gay marriage ban
Four 9/11 Moms Watch Rumsfeld And Grumble
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin Editorial: Troubling allegations
Rush is a big fat drug addict and child predator.
Transcript: Clarke Praises Bush Team in '02
Misleading the press corps : Alterman
Transcript: Clarke Praises Bush Team in '02
Richard Clarke: His Case is Deep, Compelling
A Briefing by the Former Press Secretary (Ari's response to Krugman)
National Security and Intelligence
9/11 Commission a whitewash? (Gail Sheehy)
Another Great Gene Lyons Column
03/24/04 - Brand new "Get Your War On"
Richard Clarke: American Patriot?
Oliphant on Rice and Clarke (heh heh0
Tom Toles cartoon: Spinning Clarke
Conason: Clarke's Book Shows Why Bush* Fears Truth
President Bush may actually believe his own lies
Clarke - Guardian Interview - 9/11 Hijackers Could Have Been Stopped
Kerry Meetups Everywhere, Thursday, March 25th, 7PM
storyboards for MOVEON ad based on Clarke revelations
Don Imus and Rush Limbaugh prove thier cowardice and Bias
Nightline: 9/11 Com. Can't Ask Certain Questions - Kean Pissed
I just e-mailed CNN with a complaint
Kerrey on Faux News - "Occasionally Fair and Balanced" - Video
MP3 of "Chimpy Dance" by the AWOL Cowboys
mp3 of Richard Clarke's 9/11 Commission testimony here
I'm looking for meditation tapes...
Why are good political screensavers so hard find?
Phelps Clan Plans New Paltz Protests
Battle over rights for foetuses
Barney Frank gives antigay senators an earful
Bush tries to destroy professional responsibility ethics of Actuaries
Bush Allows Gays to Be Fired for Being Gay
Oregon County Bans All Marriages - period
Latest RWTP: The jobless "recovery" is a result of stopping corruption!
The SS/Medicare tax rate could be cut under the easy solution below
Marriage penalty relief DECREASES after election - anyone care?
New Bush/GOP tax cuts going through Budget process
Gas just went up 20cents per gallon in Chicago
Why is Bush's IRS chasing working poor Earned income credits - EITC
NYT: Record-high gas prices, campaign, and energy policy
Someone's forgotten the lessons of Dr. Seuss....
Alleged smuggler facing death row in Jakarta
Rummy wants to save $ by closing bases
Day by Day, Death by Death - US troops.
Kansas: Panel endorses concealed weapons bill
GUNS IN THE NEWS March 24 2004
Man who killed wife in restaurant was on probation (CA)
Clarifying my position & also the UK law.......
GUNS IN THE NEWS--March 24, 2004
Tutu visits Texas death row inmate
Gun toters HALT robbery attempts
Ever feel like blowing up a cow with a rocket launcher?
History of mental illness doesn't prevent gun buys
Sorry to bother you... but this is VERY close to a personal threat
Why is starting a poll in the I/P forum not allowed?
OK to Dupe Kerry Fund Raising Posts?
Just a small rant not directed at Admins or Mods.
Editorial cartoons moved from editorial forum??
Just a small rant not directed at anybody
What the record for most posts on a thread?
why aren't the posts following the hearings appearing on the "latest" . .
This thread was locked and for good reasons
Has the warning system changed?
Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations
Arafat Opposes Attacks on Israeli Civilians
UK freezes Hamas leader's assets
Israeli teenagers who stand for honesty, decency and sanity
Israelis stop teen wearing bomb vest.
"It is worse than a crime, it is stupid!"
March 27---------Emergency Response Rally----------Los Angeles, CA
Jewsish reform movement challenges settlements
Israelis stop teen wearing bomb vest.
Hamas Says It Will Target Sharon, Not U.S.
Security Council fails to agree on statement on Yassin killing
Soldiers catch Palestinian boy, 12, wearing explosive belt
Hamas political chief: PM target for assassination
Muppets Bringing Peace to the Middle East
Soldiers catch Palestinian boy, 12, wearing explosive belt
REALITY vs. the Richard Perle FANTASY
Karen Kwiatowski in Hard Target on The History Channel? Help?
I need some help on a bit of 9/11 research
An easy solution to Social Security and Medicare Funding w/o benefit cuts
Murkowski could face primary challenge
I thought up a creepy prediction on LIHOP 2 tonight
why are conservatives so against the Fairness Doctrine?
Albright acts as if * admin is a legitimate WH who "just made mistakes"
It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry. - Thomas Paine
U.S. says shooting of cameraman was justified
would these come in handy for anyone?
What time is Richard Clarke's testimony?
If Clarke was so "out of the loop", then why did Condi...
Flashback to the first "Bush Knew" stories (May 2002, WaPo)
Air America Will Displace Black Talk On WLIB
Have you looked on the dark side lately?
Jimmy Kimmel Live at anti-war rally, hillarious. C/MT/Pacific time headsup
Easter is on the 11th of April.
Greg Palast coming up on Mike Webb! n/t
Very Interesting Conason interview with Clarke
What are the possible end results of the 911 Commish?
'The O'Franken Factor' premieres Wednesday March 31st opposite ...
10,000 troops in Afghanistan, 160,000 troops in Iraq. Proof of priorities.
pics of the soul-less Bushies on this historic day
Frum is a moron implying that raising the bounty for OBL to $50mm
Ray Taliafero is going to have Howard Zinn on tonight/this morning
Dean is to Nixon as Clarke is to Bush
People act like if Osama had been killed, 9/11 wouldn't have happened
The White House SAT on Clarke's Book for months
Warning: “I don’t know where bin Laden is…” Quote
Clarke resignation letter to Bush (Smoking Gun)
Colin Powell Slips, 'Crusade' Re-Enters US Lexicon
Should Vegas take book on Supreme Court decisions?
Who said this and when did they say it?
Just watched the end of Spanish state funeral for 3/11 victims.
Another great book: "MoveOn's 50 Ways to Love Your Country"
TV Alert:: Tenet testifying live 9:16 am EST on CSPAN 3
Richard Clarke Testifies On CSPAN3 @ 1:30 EST
transcript of Rumsfled on cspan 3-23-04?
CSPAN Wednesday AM — Use of "under God" in pledge. Your opinion?
Justices appear split on HMO issue (Check out Scalia's comments)
30 Minute Alert on 9/11 hearings. C-span 3
Zahn is a bleeping bleep!!! (edited per FCC guidelines)
Clarke has a little different view on the fall of the Soviet Union
Did you know that 18 of the 19 9/11 hijackers arrived after April, 2001?
Lib Oasis made some good points today...
Has FR banned all posts dealing with casualties in Iraq
Daily U.S. Casualties 3/24/2004
Ugh....Couric and Russert this morning...
Morning news gave me the blues
Official 9/11 Investigation thread (#1)
Official 9/11 Investigation thread (#2)
A Question for My Fellow DU'ers
The right-wing, dittoheads, etc, pushed Bush to do away .......
BBV - Demo of Free Software Voter-Verifiable Voting
Bob Woodward, in his book, disagrees with George Tenet..
When right wingers talk about "activist judges"...
Regarding NASA, Poverty and the beauty of rethinking an idea
Jamie Gorelick, 9-11 commish, is on C-Span right now 6:33 am. cst
Well, add David Kay to the "bitter & delusional" list...
Headlines from around the country: Post your paper's headlines here
If you're not with us, you're bitter...
I sure hope that Clarke remains stands tough
Max Cleland: "The White House Has Played Cover-Up"
Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial jets on July 26, 2001?
Who cleared the bin Laden family to leave the USA soon after 9/11?
What about "Arbusto Oil Company"?
Bush agrees to come here (in France) for the D-Day anniversary.
Help! Need online radio sources!
Did Sandy Burger just say, 67 lives were lost
"Your testimony here will be assymetrical..."
If it really hits the fan, should we be nice and give Bush and company
Support The Labor Movement In Iraq!
Ludicrous allegation coming our of right wing media, gift of right wing.
Why accept that attacking Afghanistan...?
"160% more Gay marriages end in divorce than Straight marriages..."
"Soldiers, don't give yourselves to brutes!"
They are trying to re-frame the debate to focus on the USS Cole
Berger: Rice was told about 'urgency' of al Qaeda (CNN)
British DUers: Is there a plot within Labour to ditch Blair?
Political hilarity on late-nite TV
The Official "Media Spin" on Bush/911 Thread for Wednesday 3/4
You thought "Peak oil" was bad, well what about generational war?
Clinton Admin statement of December 19, 2000 regarding Taliban and
Progress Report for 3/23 | This is our new 'War Room' !
Osama Bin Laden is "Irrelevant.
It looks like Bush is going to run ads during these hearings....
I called * "the antichrist" and got the Principal's office in my 40's!
If Okla city happened on Bush watch, what would his response have been?
It's true - I'm ignorant! What does LIHOP mean?
'Political Attack Dogs' Add Color to US Presidential Campaign"- Oh please
Question for the break: CIA did not understand hit order on bin Laden?
9/12/01: CIC Dubya's untimely and bizarre Iraq fixation--Clarke...
Army to run out of money in September
Wingnuts say Clinton led Ossama get away, what excuse does Bush have
What should happen to Bush when he leaves office?
Remember when reporters like Nic Robertson used to do live reports...
Clarke's book appears to be #1 at Amazon
When it comes to National Security, who would you trust?
Clarke is Apologizing to the American People
Pledge of Allegiance poll on CNN Headline News
Should Presidents Bush and Clinton testify publicly? msnbc poll
Has the US EVER declared war on an INDIVIDUAL??
Where is Cynthia McKinney? (Double Standards and 9/11 Inquiries)
Clarke providing cover for intelligence agencies.
Does anyone know what time Clarke is suppose to testify
Here it is again - Powell used the word Crusade in his testimony
Clarke --- in the loop or out of it?
Official 9/11 Investigation Thread #3
Lehman digging BIG HOLE for himself right now
Can a few of you just hit the highlights of the 9/11 Hearings?
Joe Conason interviews Richard Clarke! (a must)
I admit i never really listened to Rush Limbaugh before.
Will ONE Bushie accusing Clarke of lying file libel charges against him?
Blair bans Labour Party delegation from flying to John Kerry's coronation
Thompson just pulled out the 2002 Time piece "which is true?"
Richard A. Clarke for President!
TIME Mag story in Aug 2002 - Contempaneous refutation of WH/FOX
question regarding newspapers in small/ medium-sized towns
Richard Clarke could say he'll donate
Is it just me, or is the stock market taking a dive as Clarke
If Larry King takes calls for Clarke, this question must be asked
"By invading Iraq, the President has greatly undermined..."
Congress better start an official investigation
Why The Name of Barry Mawn Is So Important For All DU'ers To Know.
Did you know outsourcing overseas is because of crappy schools?
I think Howard Stern took my advice. He put up a link to support Joan Ruff
OK, so what's gonna happen today to distract us from 9/11?
Do we have PROOF that Bush went soft on the Taliban ?? ..
So how is Clarke going to handle the charge he contradicted himself?
Official 9/11 investigation thread #4
Kerry Heckler Convinced Kerry is Out to Destroy Him
Ben-Veniste just said he'll "cede his time...
Clarke just cleaned Thompson's clock!
Someone needs to send this to the NY Times ASAP
Clarke just hit another out of the park!
Bob Kerrey just lit into Fox news...
DAVID KAYE says bush admitted that he knew about 9/11 prior to the bombing
Clarke appearing in a few minutes. CNN for sure
**Wed. Clarke on "Fresh Air" (NPR)
Misleading headline on CNN.com
Rate this photo of a Bush - 9/11 Dollar Bill!!!
How are the Bushies gonna handle Clarke?
Would You Mind If Clinton's Legacy Is Destroyed If Bush Gets Destroyed Too
The media outlets jump immediately to discrediting Clarke.
Send Fox News a little note: comments@foxnews.com
Bush Administration Summary of them on 9/11 panel
How much did chasing Clinton's penis take away from our fight on terroris
Jon Stewart......are your boys taping this?
Official 9/11 Investigation thread #5
Anyone know about/been in Civil Air Patrol?
What Would You Have Done IF We had Web-casts For Watergate
Anyone watching closely notice a change in the past
Holy Shit! Ben-Veniste just mentioned the Aug 6th memo!
Uncle Fester (Armitage)is now up before the 911 Commission
Zell Miller's on John Kerry (March 1, 2001)
Interesting dichotomy(re: 9/11com) Where we see good, Freepers see as bad
ooooooooohhhh, Thompson doesn't learn! what an idiot!
I just got a detention for calling Bush a moron.
The 9/11 families rushing toward Clarke --
List of Leaders Who Are So Bad Its OK For Bush to Overthrow Them
The Right-Wing Echo Chamber Media will have to go back to...
MSNBC is already chopping Clarke's response to Thompson
Fox "News" barf alert: Jim Angle, who disclosed the 8/02 Clarke "background"...
Does anyone think rice and rumsfeld days in govt. are numbered
As much as Ben-Veniste is laughing...
New MoveOn TV Ad Uses Clarke quote
Richard Clark on Larry King Live tonight @9:00 pm EST n/t
anyone find it odd that a bomb was supposed to go off today?
One Nation Under God........ PLEASE!
Armitage is being interviewed right now! Here we go!
About Clarke's "background briefing"
Official 9/11 Investigation Thread #6
fox news: "Fair and Balanced OCCASIONALLY", Kerrey....
oooooh - 911 Panel just slammed Fox News!
It ALL depends on how it is reported but Clarke did well today
$1.9 Million To Go - John Edwards Thinks You Too Should Contribute
After Clarke's testimony today
Iowa Senate rejects gay marriage ban
The ugliness of the right wing people who back Bush
Uncle Fester yukking it up with 911 panel
Will Bush feel the heat to apologize for 9/11?
Dick Clarke: Bush security officials quitting in disgust
Dishonest Dubya: Lying Action Figure
C-Span 9-11 Hearing Rebroadcast Schedule
Richard Clarke's resignation letter
Administration Quietly Admits It Needs Gays
A history of the numerous changes to the Pledge of allegiance
They can't decide if it's a circle jerk or a mutual masturbation club
Google's latest "Clarke" headlines... enjoy
Set Your Clocks For the Unity Webcast - Hosted by Howard Dean
FDA Approves Generic Oxycontin
IF/ WHEN Kerry wins the 9/11 families will ask 4 another comission on 9/11
WH Classifies Richard Clarke As Terrorist; Invokes Patriot Act To Arrest H
What questions will Larry King ask Dick Clarke tonight?
Is anyone listening to Hannity?
Who will hold the presidency first?
Oppression of Atheism in the courts
based on Armitage's crazy 'mission from god' bit, his closing stmt
Howard Zinn on Pacifica Right NOW
I thought I heard that Clarke will be on Larry King tonight.....
Fox's 'Gretta' Poll on Condi refusing to testify: Please vote!
Clarke A Registered REPUBLICAN? Did I Hear That Correctly?
anybody listening to douchebag downing on msnbc
Clarke wants to sell books....
Rice will Be On Hannity TONIGHT!!!
you've heard it before many times, but is this finally IT?
What is PNAC, and who all are involved?
Yikes! Roemer talking about the planeload of Saudis leaving 9/12
Analysis: Iraq Charges Against Bush Begin to Mount
Richard Clarke: "Your Government Failed You."
When will the media "finally" turn on bu$h and try to earn back integrity?
media hoes HAMMERING clarke's cred, more than other points
How are the gestures of patriotism in your area? Flags on cars, in yards,
Who will be the next Bush administration figure to come in from the cold?
Hey, there's somebody who lives in San Diego and posts on DU
Stupid Question: Who is Kitty Pilgrim?
kudlow and cramer on CNBC ripping bush on "deceit" of Medicaid and WMD
103 Reasons To Have a REAL Investigation
condi calls Clarke's testimony "SCURRILOUS"
PNAC'er Frank Gaffney coming up on Lou Dobbs :puke:
They didn't lay a glove on Clarke----agree or disagree?
From 'Above The Fold' on Outsourcing...
The problem with conspiracies....
Now they're looking for reasons to hang Clarke...
ABC leads with Clarke story too
So what's the schedule for the 9-11 commission.
A Thousand a Day to be arrested at NYC RNC convention
Rice talks on TV. Remember she's not under oath.
Rate these Yahoo stories NOW! They're getting freeped!
PBS/Lehrer replaying highlights from Clarke's testimony
The "Silence" was deafening...
Dan Abrams just asked if they're going to try Clarke for the P-word
Kerry is skiiing and having fun while the Bush burns.
CBS leads with Clarke apology to families! What about NBC, ABC?
Hallallulleah!!!!!!!!!! The Silver Bullit Has Just Been Fired
9/11 Commission Highlights Thread--Please Post Today's big news!
Has Bush* ever apologized about ANYTHING
The Commissioners are holding a LIVE news conference
Will Condi Be 'Forced' To Testify Before The 9/11 Commission?
Bush criminals are wetting themselves...
TRANSCRIPT of Clarke questioning by Jim Thompson (R-IL)
Roger Cressey...MSNBC analyst...
FOX News: Breaking about Transcript
White House: Intelligence Panel's Finances Will Stay Private
Dadcom Just Called Me - Re: Clarke Testimony
Yikes...Satan himself on MSNBC now...
tell me, what does it do to one's soul to LIE from dawn til dusk?
Urgent: Spread 9/11 and Iraq Revelations
What about the $43 million that Bush gave the Taliban in May 2001?
Daily Show Decimated Scott & Condi Last Night....WOW!
BushCo | They Can't Handle the Truth!
BBV: 6,000 ballots missed in Napa County
Anyone hear John King and Wolf "Tag Team" Clarke? Saying he
Stupid question - why is Laura Bush called "Pickles"?
I came across this while looking for something else
Paul Harvey is a right-wing jack-ass
Hey. Ain't Ashcroft Well Enough Yet to Get his grilling.
Foxnews.com Says - Clarke: "Your Government Failed You"
Who here loves Dick Clarke even though he is a Rethuglican
What is your view on the Pledge of Allegiance?
What happened to Lt Colonel Karen Kwiatowski?
Can we get Imus to not support Kerry?
Bob Kerrey broke the big story of the day...
September 11 Should Have Been Stopped
9/11 Commission is a Joke and Dangerous to Democrats!!
Anybody Else Had Their Guts Punched By This Photo ???
A great letter about same sex marriage (from the civil union debate)
Would you avoid my threads based on my name?
ON CNN now:Rice " Clarke's testimony scurilous"
Chronology of U.S. Military Fatalities Since 'Mission Accomplished,'
Look at the photos of 9/11 families with Clarke
We Want Condi! We Want Condi! We Want Condi!
I must say this at the risk of being either banned or flamed
You won't believe this post at Military.com!
At least Daschle is sticking up for Clarke
Anyone besides me miss Mike Malloy?
Hannity: "Zell Miller is Starting a 'Democrats for Bush' Organization"
Just Received my copy of “Worse than Watergate” by John Dean
Email Response from Rep. Pete King
TelevisionArchive.org - 9/11 Video Archive Site - Down for weeks.
Donate To Get Clarke's Word Out
"People are poor because they are lazy"....... check this out!
Was Poppy using CIA to undermine Clinton in the 90's?
Time bomb rocks southern Thai city
UN prosecutors demand arrest of Indonesian general
China leaves human rights talks
Blair in Historic Trip to Libya for Gaddafi Talks--New World Media Watch
Possible rescue attempt has Harare on edge - Zimbabwe terrorists
Four Afghans Killed, Americans Hurt in Arms Blast
A solution in Bangkok to house the homeless - 1/2 billion in slums
Richard Clarke: His Case is Deep, Compelling
WP-Overtime Pay Battle Threatens Trade Bill
Insurgents attack U.S. convoy, three civilians dead in battle
National Urban League: State of Black America, 2004
Israelis call for Sharon to resign
'Specific threat' closes U.S. Embassy in UAE
Mother lambasts PM's Libya visit
Clarke Praises Bush in Resignation Letter
US army adds 30000 soldiers in Iraq
Cohen Criticizes "Wag the Dog" Characterization
Ex Counter-terrorism chief haunts hearing
End of an era for Antigua dynasty
Anti-tax figure adds heat to debate (Norquist)
UK to offer Libya military help
NYT,p.1: Medicare Costs Expected to Soar in Coming Decades
Richard Clarke Testifies On CSPAN3 @ 1:30 EST
NYT: As Gasoline Hits Record Price, Bush, Kerry & Dems Spar...
War not Realistic Option Before 9/11
Arafat Opposes Attacks on Israeli Civilians
(Maine) Senate endorses Patriot Act 'review'
Mass. officials say they were NOT TOLD of terrorist threat
Widow of Soldier in Jessica Lynch Unit Blasts Bush
Baghdad Safe Area Is Becoming Less So
BBV - Demo of Free Software Voter-Verifiable Voting
Insurgents attack U.S.-led coalition convoy, three civilians dead
UK freezes Hamas leader's assets
Three Iraqis killed in US operation in Fallujah
UK's Houses of Parliament to get walled in
Blacks Still Lag Behind Whites
Bush attack on Kerry defense record fails to win lead
Oregon County Bans All Marriages - period
Zimbabwe film maker arrested - Torture Camps
Schroeder meets new Spanish leader
Soldiers catch Palestinian boy, 12, wearing explosive belt
U.S. Military Frees 272 Detainees in Iraq ("I just came out of hell")
Military was sold lead-tainted fabric for tents
WP, page 1: 9/11 Panel Critical of Clinton, Bush
Transcript: Clarke Praises Bush Team in '02
Leon still waiting for response on Haiti arms
Bush briefed al Qaeda threat before taking office
Hamas Says It Has No Plans to Strike U.S. Targets
Brain waves control video game (BBC)
Clinton approved killing bin Laden
Oregon county bans all marriages
Nowhere Is Safe in Iraq: Polish Envoy
At the end of the day tops cliche list
Postage Stamp Prices Could Rise Sharply
Michael Jackson's Children's Foundation Now Virtually Defunct
Transcript: Clarke Praises Bush Team in '02
MSNBC.com Headline "Your Government Failed You"
2 soldiers hurt when rocket explodes near theater
Israelis stop teen wearing bomb vest.
Arab leaders killed by Sudan insurgents
Transcript of Interview Clark gave to Fox News (contradicts himself)
National Security and Intelligence
U.S. Pushes to Boost Use of Ozone Damaging Fumigant
NYT: Bush Critic at Center of 9/11 Debate Testifies at Hearing
Central America Pushes Congress to OK Trade Deal
WP: Charity Tied to DeLay Is Questioned
Annan condemns killing of UN staff in Kosovo
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 24 March
Gene mutation said linked to evolution
Brent Crude Oil Rises to One-Week High on Pipeline Fire in Iraq
Blair's majority could be cut to only 30 MP's
Blair lends his backing to Bush
Clarke to 9/11 families: Your government failed you
Credibility at stake for Bush, Clarke in Sept.11 testimony
Former Official Clarke Warned of 'Hundreds Dead'
Former anti-terror chief says US failed families of 9/11 victims
Berger says he warned Rice about al Qaeda
Union urges Democrats to switch parties for Specter in GOP primary
Madrid bombmaker identified by police
Spanish separatists ready for ceasefire
King's widow gives her support to gay marriage
Pentagon finds Iraq deals riddled with problems
U.S. Temporarily Closes 4 Embassies Due to Threats
Powell kept waiting to meet Spain's Zapatero
Unmarried Parents May Be Forced to Split
Gas Prices Taking Priority in Campaign
Kerry to visit job loss wracked Michigan
Israel's killing of Yassin puts U.S. in line of fire
Convicts Rule Haiti Town, Executions Plague Another
White House in row over September 11 evidence
EU fines Microsoft over $600 Million Dollars
Ga. Sen. Zell Miller blasts Kerry at 'Democrats for Bush' rally
Pakistan's flames of war spread
Survey: Iraqi Doctors May Have Tortured
Tech group's study defends outsourcing
Pledge of Allegiance, `Under God' Backed at U.S. Supreme Court
DOJ Asked FBI Translator To Change Pre 9-11 Intercepts
DAMMIT I missed Monday's Daily Show
Who were the chumps ripping of Clash on Kimmel?
Heather Graham's blog --- strange hangup she has
another impossible poll from CW bluebell vs ben and jerry's
so . . . is everyone up on "Tunak Tunak Tun"? . . .
My Computer Has Had A Change Of Heart! It's Decided to Work Tonight!
How do you add someone to your ignore list?
most emotional you have ever gotten because of a video game?
Kan. Offers Free Land to Lure Residents
Too much beer and cash at the polls
What is the maximum size for an avtar file?
Does anyone know anything about the story of Sardis?
Hey tech types - picking a Linux distro
So I was hanging out at the White House
Negative campaign = low voter turnout, esp. among young Americans?
Here's a game that Tom Delay could win
Woman Reports Marijuana Plants Stolen To Police - Charged
Man Hooks World Record Big Mouth Buffalo
"World of Darkness" players/fans important news.
Happy 21st Birthday To.........ME!!!!!
I could be coming home to more gore than found in "The Passion"
Caption: hope she's had her anti-rabies shot.....
WH smear campaign against Clarke: How Low Will They Go?
This pic is just SCREAMING for captions and photoshops!
Good thing there is a Clark and a Clarke
Most encouraging American cultural trend
Asteroid Nearing Earth Identified As Bill O'Reilly's Ego
Caption: What's that smell at the 9/11 investigation hearing?
Plucky Racehorse Preserves Losing Streak (106 in a row..)
You want to do what with my Touchmate memory stick?
Caption: Miow, where's my dinner?
Mythical Monkey King Steps Up To Bat For Baseball
Caption: another bad smell....
I'm calling out Magic Rat to a bet: Phillies will do better than the Mets
Magazine says Philly ranks low on looks style and personality-SORRY Lynne
Cube dwellers: How daring are you about your political ideologies at work
Cartoon: Steve Bell on 9/11 hearing
What the well-dressed Republican wears
It's hump day...share your "my boss is a jerk" stories.
My new idea for clergy appointments
On the eve of Ladyday, 25 March:
"Unspeakable" -- A new movie...
Had the weirdest dream last night
Republicanism shown to be genetic in origin
Daily Show last night...Condi/McClellan parroting each other on talking
Man Found Guilty Of Chasing Down, Killing Horse With His Car
Is it just me, or does it seem the White House is now on the defensive?
The designated hitter rule and artificial turf must go
Alright, is WillBowden even SEEING my posts in his threads???
Ask Not For Who the Cowbell Tolls
Astronomy Buffs: Chance to see 5 planets at once now!
Teacher Accused Of "Pushing Pro-Gay Agenda"
How many domain names do you have?
Ever have a day where you just don't ever wake up
Alright is anyone even SEEING these posts?
Man On Trial For Decapitating Mother With Sword
Why are the idiots always "in charge"?
Calling all worm owners! I need help. I just watered one of my.....
Oh my, they've found the Martians and they look like rabbits (seriously)
Where's my free giant shrimp, dammit?!
'Catfight Girl' (Miller Lite Commercial) Sues Over X-Rated Video Games
If you had the power to change W. Bush and his playmates......
My mom is coming to stay for 11 days, I'm gonna need major prayer
Is the Israel/Palestine Forum a worthwhile part of DU?
Belly up to the bar lounge lizards. This ones on me.
If Matcom didn't post for a day would his butt keep walking up and down
I made a coworker laugh with my "WMD" joke
"Real World" Returns to Philly
Just got one of three tee-shirts I order YES
Bushie might throw out the first pitch at the Cards home opener...
Google toolbar just blocked my 1000th pop-up
E-mail experts: HELP! I sent out an important e-mail and it got kicked
Pizza Overkill - This is crazy.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: R. Lee Ermey (aka Gny. Sgt. Hartman in Full Metal Jacket)
Current MLB players who spent their entire career with one team
Farkers have fun with O'Reilly
Attacker Gets Probation For Setting Homeless Man On Fire
I'm in Ontario--ask me anything, but make it something warm!
How do you INTERPRET the :mad: and :grr: smilies?
How do you USE the :mad: and :grr: smilies?
I got tombstoned! G-dammit all to heck!
Good free software now available.
I am thinking of applying for American Citizenship
Caption: even the backing vocals look pissed....
Veg-O-Matics Live On In Kitchens Everywhere
At the end of the day tops cliche list
Eternal ________ of the ________ mind
Der Groppenfuhrer needs a caption
Sean Hannity Stand In for Hugo Weaving in Priscilla Queen of the Desert
GET EXCITED!!! DU banner ordered for March for Choice in DC
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
What Right Wing Causes Are Stuffing Our Conservative Neighbors' Mailboxes?
Which Bush mannerisms do you hate the most?
No No No Make it stop!!! (Mission Impossible 3)
How Often Do You And Your Spouse (or b/f - g/f) Get Into Fights?
How Often Do You And Your Spouse (or b/f - g/f) Get Into Flights?
Discovery of GOP gene (found on Usenet)
Okay, Lets Settle This Now - The 2004 World Series Champion Will Be...
Who are the real zeroes of history?
Anyone ever go to SeattleSucks.com?
Lederhosen Subsidies Axed as Germany Tightens Belt
"Imagine if 50 Cent got super-powers."
I saw shattered glass last night
CAPTION the 3 Faces of Eve (Tenet)
How can you be proud to be an American?
For Plaid Adder: STANDING OVATION, please! Brava, brava!
Are Republicans funny? Creative?
For the cause: I need some simple script help for my county Dem site...
Post some cool architecture photos here.
A thread NOT about Kerry slamming Fox!
OK, now we have a Kerrey and a Clarke.
We're being fiddled, say violinists
Man Uses 8 y.o. Daughters Identity To Get Phone Service
Who are the real Neros of history?
Richard Clarke truly distinguishes himself...much to the horror of Bush
Boston Street closings tomorrow as Bush collects funds from the rich
Mr. Right Ain't Good Enough Anymore
CONFESS!! How Many Products Did You Ever Buy From RONCO?
Wolf is interviewing P-Diddy on CNN?
Who were the well-hung villains of history?
Name the spaceship contest PART II... (There will be a prize)
posted with apologies to Dr. Seuss
I think my dad is right:" Don't expect anything"
Beavis/Butthead vs. */Cheney 2004
CAPTION the White House employee of the month? or disgruntled worker?
In Your Next Life What Would You Like To Be?
How well do you know your 80s song lyrics?
Who were the well hung heroes of history?
Would you have a professional maid/housekeeper?
Anyone have the Franken "Mission Accomplished" photo?
SOme dink - real estate agent came in to yell at me....
new Hannity advertiser Kendallwood Hospice
"Family Values Fox Network" promotes a book..
Need Networking Guru Please!!!!
Someone please tell me why I shouldn't chew out these anti-choicers?
Venting about Health Insurance
Poem: Amending the Constitution
who's the DUer who just called Randi Rhodes?
I Saw Something Where Don Imus Called Lesley Stahl A Gutless Lying
If Bush Loses, what will happen on DU
It's been awhile since I've posted a thread, so hijack this one!
I use hyphens, ellipses, and semicolons too much
Pacific Northwest morning, it's raining gently (big news)
I'm throwing the gauntlet down! Who wants a rumble with the Freepers?
In honor of our first hockey playing President
Tell me what a loser I'd be if I went and got cigarettes
Hey, there's somebody who lives in San Diego and posts on DU
If Bush wins, what will happen to DU?
Saint huddles with Republican Inner Circle
Name a prank that you would love to do, but cant
Who are the real Zorros of history?
Veritable slugfest in GD over Newdow! Calling TXlib!
So I go to msnbc.com looking for an address to bitch to
Republican Change Their Emblem
If I Obey My Spam And Become An Ordained Minister - Will YOU Let ME.....
Welcome to Dingbat Labs, where the Future is being Made Today!
Feeling down??? This will perk you up !
How are Microsoft Outlook Express and Microsoft Office Outlook different?
I Am Annoyed . Ask me ANYTHING!!!!
When did your favorite MLB team last win the World Series?
What was the first song you could sing all the words too ?
The Oopsy-Daisy of all CAPTIONS!
I've spotted a whole bunch of lurking freepers on DU...
Dogs Are "People Who Have Misbehaved In A Past Life"
Whoa, Condi!!! Can we get a caption with that scowl?
Has Canada ever truly apologized for Bryan Adams?
Favorite old-timey bluegrass number
DU Ladies - The Kucinich Sex Appeal - Please Explain
Paging HeyHey.... Hey, HeyHey paging HeyHey...
BEST NUMBER 2 HIT of the EARLY 1980s? (Part 2)
I need your help finding political t-shirts
Repo Man fans: any favorite quotes?
Who is your personal hero, and why?
Only 51 posts till I hit 3000.
What scares you the most about driving?
Who are the real heroes of history?
If WillBowden Posts A Thread And Nobody Replies.......
I'm a HORRIBLE daddy! I peed on one of the OTHER cats this time...
Listening to Beethoven's "Emperor" Concerto...I feel kingly
Which historical heroes are overated?
What's the nicest/kindest thing you have ever done for someone?
What is the worst/meanest thing you've ever done?
What is the dumbest thing you or someone else has ever done?
"Monty Python's Life of Brian" to return to cinemas!
Inside view casts new shadow over Bush re-election hopes
UK Guardian: Women of the world unite against Bush!
Where can I watch or hear the 9-11 hearings today?
Can Condi be put under so much PUBLIC pressure she has to
LAT Brownstein: Bush approval #s indicate very close election
Just saw GW ad using Kerry's "voted for it before i voted against it" clip
Two more days, two more million dollars
Will ONE Bushie accusing Clarke of lying file libel charges against him?
Why are Bush and Tenet still employed?Clinton exonerated/Bushcover up cont
DK: ...That Administration Manufactured Crisis to Invade Iraq No Surprise
John Kerry Is Smarter Than You Think
Rasmussen tracking poll - Kerry 47% Bush 44%
I am impressed AGAIN with the intellectual capacity of the Clinton ...
which group is more unreliable
ok how we can expand the base to include lefties and old school cons
About Richard Clarke's 9/11 testimony today...
Should campaign contributions be tax-deductable?
Clarke says, under oath, he will not
Clarke= Shrub's worst nightmare
If I have to listen to one more Bush "sincere and serene" campaign ad
Let's start the NonWhore Award of the Week!
Medical Alert - Clarke summary
Richard Armitage / Rod Steiger
This must be decided ONCE AND FOR ALL
C-Span 9-11 Hearing Rebroadcast Schedule
The anti-Kerry people are off the deep end.
Together we will build one America!
Hypothetical: Dem Party candidate. Please read before voting.
I almost never say this: we should e-mail CNN to thank them.
Bush Campaign officials are idiots
Wow Bush only has a 4 point lead in CO(in a republican poll)
CNN's John King: "Essentially Bush was asleep at the Switch" on Al Qaeda
Did anyone ask Condisleeza Rice THE question?
Democratic Senator Blasts Kerry at Rally
Kerry Ends Vacation, Set to Unite Party
Bush Attack on Kerry's Defense Record Fails to Win Lead in Poll
I wonder if Kerry knew this Clarke stuff was gonna hit
What will Kerry do with Guantanamo?
So... Clinton had to testify about his willie, but * doesn't have to
Rank the 2004 Presidential candidates.
Your Time is Up, Mr. Bush (A message from Wes Clark)
Howard Stern's "bad american president" Budweiser spoof mp3
Hypothetical: Third Party candidate. Please read before voting.
Kucinich congratulates Maine lawmakers for challenging Patriot Act
I voted for Kucinich, but now I'm trying to help John Kerry.
One Day Left to Hit 10 Million - Have You Given to Kerry Yet?
A sudden sharp turn in the Rasmussen poll Kerry 47-44
Dayton Democrats to Protest Cheney Visit. Theme: Baloney.
From the DK Camp: A message from our Finance Director
Nader has 7000 volunteers nationwide now! *gasp*
Should Kerry Have Different Positions on Chavez And Aristide?
Texas Democrats want Edwards on ticket