Bush's Great Debate -- With Himself (glass house throwing stones?)
Kerry Campaign: Bush’s Unsteady Leadership
bush kicks off his new ad campaign with class
Blumenthal: Bush goes to war with modernity
Mpls Star-Tribune: More than 50,000 attended DFL caucuses
John Kerry: The Hope of the World (Guardian)
Salon: The Passion of Howard Stern
Political ads or exploitation? (9/11 widow criticizes Bush)
Molly Ivins (The Progressive): Not Bright Enough (must read)
Verified Voting: Your Last Chance for A Fair Election -Take it or Leave it
Anybody know what happened over at Smirkingchimp? Nothing there,
military draft -- astrological indications
New DNA chip test targets food fraudsters
India official says high-tech jobs will continue to leave USA
'Singing' mob torches township leader's home - SA
Swazi nurses resume strike for overtime pay
The poor won't be patient forever
The trying job of Angola's 'people detectives'
NY Times: Beirut Gets Its Groove Back
Pew research poll showing Kerry winning big on gun stance
Arianna Huffington takes aim at W&NRA:"Lawyers, Guns And Money"
satirical thread locked ... why?
Thanks for all the stuff yall put up with
Iverson was mocking another thread
Do the same rules for GD about mentioning a candidate name
Question regarding former candidates...continued
The mods are too good sometimes
Thank you, thank you , thank you
Time to rename the GD2004 forum to Kerry2004 soon?
Question about Justice/Public Safety
Don't call this an open discussion on foreign affairs....
A different support (long but hopefully worth it...)
EU and U.K. gave PA $25 million to buy advice
Palestinian boy lies crippled by an Israeli bullet ... (more)
I have to write a paper on the Iraq Invasion
OMG! I just figured out how we can take back the Senate & House TOMORROW!
so where are the new progressive books?
Some help please, what does getting "Willie Horton"d mean?
Where are the post Super Tuesday overnight polls!
Anybody Having Trouble With The Kerry Merch Site?
Check out new news site - good editorials!
Boxer vs. Jones, what do CA DUers think?
tweet slobbering over B* TV ad, calls it "powerful"
Queer Eye beats out Faux News on Super Tuesday
Now that Kerry has the nomination locked up. The media knives are out.
Kerry leads Bush 48-44 in latest Pew poll
Right wing web site makes a Black list
Black Caucus is going to continue talking about Haiti..
The Civil Rights Movement Of MY Generation - Gay Marriage
Political Ads from 1952-2000 prez races " Living Room Candidate"
OK, does anyone else think John Kerry sounds like ...
DU this Focus on the Family poll!
Join the Guardian's electoral college!
my plan to guarantee college for everyone
student-teachers should be paid
Here's why the environment is a non-isse with Rethugs....
Replay:House Int'l Relations Commitee re Haiti on CSPAN2 now.
I believe that the neocon, white male funddies are shocked by the
Condorcet voting - a better way of reflecting the voters' real choices
The new ad -- George and his mommy?
Bill Frist says "Gay marriages are going to spread like wildfire"
The lone guest on the Charlie Rose Show (PBS) is ... Bill Gates
I just had a meeting with a former Repub
Tweety is making me sick tonight!
9/11 Is Nothing Bush Should Be Proud Of
Nice banner on the front page...
Just in case you need more 'Passion' in your life......
Experts Say New Desktop Fusion Claims Seem More Credible
Liquid Democracy Voting System
Not all of country music is repug, or, the times, they are a changin'
The Class of '85/69th Legislature - THE turning point in Tx. politics.
petiton to have Zell Miller switch parties
Anyone notice how nicey nice Bush is being in foreign policy now?
House hearing on Haiti replaying on cspan2 NOW!
Do the same rules about not mentioning a candidate's name
Worst 20th Century President Elected in a Landslide?
ABC Nightline Wednesday: the future of Disney ... and ABC
Anyone remember Bush's 2000 Campaign Theme song?
We have to make bin Laden's (already) captured known, to everyone we know
Letter to Bush- from Sept 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Charlie Rangel on with Tavis Smiley on PBS Wednesday
First Sunday Citizen Marches to take back our democracy!
I question the strategy of voting for Nader in "safe" Kerry states
Fire Fighters President Says Use of Fire Fighter Images in Bush Ads...
The America I Live In: Notes for the Campaign
Please take this same sex marriage poll for Portland Oregon. Thnx.
Bush's first ads uses the deaths of 3000 people to help get himself elected
This is how Duhbya's former HBS professor remembers him!
unexpected reaction to bush and co
A call to DUers! How do we subvert Bush's ads?
Tweety takes off his journalist hat
Canadians (and Americans I guess) - what do you think of this independent?
Is Rove insane or can he put NY and CA in play?
Observation on Fiscal Conservatism
Tonight on CBS 60 Minutes ll ....
Inscription in the Jefferson Memorial. I remember seeing this personally
Firefighters Respond to Bush 9/11 Exploitation Ads!
Joseph Wilson: Leak Explanation Will "Touch People Close to President"
Wednesday's Daily Show: Rudolph Giuliani -- see Jon quickslice Rudy
Ahnuld says Bush can win CA - can he?
We are witnessing the Second Stonewall Rebellion
If the draft comes back, how will it be structured?
If you saw this plate on a car...
Are white American men easily duped?
SHAME on George Bush, a Coward who Betrayed his Oath to Protect & Defend
David Brooks: "Massachusetts is not like America"
Bush intends to overthrow Chavez next - heard it on NPR about an
website owners: fight against paperless voting.
N. Korea Won't Acknowledge Uranium Program
Labour to give Short warning on spy claims
Senate Budget Would Halve Deficit in Three Years With $30 Billion for Iraq
Annan Summons British Envoy on Bugging Scandal
Haitian rebels in standoff with US forces
Man in Terror Case Allowed to See Lawyer (Padilla)
SA's 'security experts' defy the law - apartheid paramilitary in Iraq
U.S. Ties Attacks on Shiites to Jordanian (al Qaeda) Terrorist
Five large explosions rock Baghdad
U.S. Plans Annual Reviews of Gitmo Cases
15 percent of Houston teachers say students have assaulted them
Sarin Nerve Agent Leaks From Ala. Bunker
New York's Laws Said to Support Some Gay Unions | NYT
Gay Marriage Suffers Legal Setback in New York
Supreme Court Hears Online Porn Case (Teddy Olson on his moral crusade)
CNN: Fmr. Senator George Mitchell new Chairman of Disney
Boomers May Be Late to Fight for Rights (The end of the Gray Panthers?)
Violence, Turnover Blunt CIA Effort in Iraq
Cuban doctors attending gunshot victims (in Haiti)
Senate Budget Plan Could Lift Debt Limit (By $664 billion)
Bush Ads Use World Trade Center Imagery
Kerry Supports Benefits for Legally Wed Gays
Powell and Aide Questioned on Haiti by Panel's Skeptics
Two in San Diego plead guilty in plot to sell anti-aircraft missiles
How Tiny Swiss Cellphone Chips Helped Track Global Terror Web
Flag Vote Angers Southern Heritage Groups
Same-Sex Public School Limits to Be Eased
Judge orders SCO, IBM to produce disputed code
Holy 404, Batman! The Queerduck was stolen!
I forgot how much more laid back BC is
Anybody know how to reduce the size of an animated .gif?
Rick Astley's disciples should include:
Mentally dedicated. My first ASK ME NOTHING thread.
Is there an easy way to get rid of frontpage extensions in a web site?
My Girls Scout cookies just got delivered...
Detective John Corey is coming back...
In retrospect, "McArthur Park" was a million years ahead of its time
Its PeanutButter Jelly Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In retrospect, "Stairway to Heaven" sucks
REVIEW: Stephen King's KINGDOM HOSPITAL (light spoilers)(On Tonight)
In retrospect, "Hairway to Steven" sucks
Seen and Heard one of the funniest things I'll see in a long time.
OK, does anyone else think John Kerry sounds like ...
things that make us look stupid. Cheese is racist now
Racism makes us cheesy. Things are stupid now.
As you are being axe-murdered in your living room, your Spongmonkey..
HELP! Condoms.com send me a message saying I have a trojan!
Which are hugs, and which are kisses?
As you are being axe-murdered in your living room, your Wombat...
Anybody watching Kingdom Hospital?
How do I connect an ipod to my PC?
Where did clicksmilies.com go???
He heard the sound of heavy foot steps. A ghost story.
In retrospect, I wish I hadn't started this thread....
If you were forced into exile into a South American nation...
It might NOT be cancer after all!
Question. What is the address of Mobius' Avatars site?
Why Shouldn't I move to Hawaii...Use Solar Power, Garden, & Fish for food?
I'm bored, bored, bored, bored, BORED!
1956 was a great year for doo-wop!
As you are being axe-murdered in your living room, your dog...
In retrospect, "Beth" by KISS is a masterpiece.
Official Chapelle's Show thread
question about political donations..
I just swallowed some dish detergent!
Look who got enlisted by the Jesus brigade...
TRIO: 11PM ET--Secret Rulers of the World :The Satanic Shadowy Elite?
John Kerry sent me a funny email
You'll never believe what happened to my cactus tonight
What is your favorite thing to do with chocolate?
Has anyone see the made for tv movie "Live from Baghdad"?
Question to gay DUers from an ignorant straight man.
Is it me or is Abbey Road the most perfect album ever made?
a question about "the children"
Brill Frissel Trio live performance on WNYC, internet stream, NOW
I just watched the new episode of the Sopranos...ask me anything
is there anyway to change the visited link color?
George Harrison tribute concert ws on PBS tonight
Stephen Colbert is ON FIRE tonight on the Daily Show!
HELP! Yahoo.com send me a message saying I have a trojan!
Do you have someone at work that makes you crazy?
"Description of a Struggle" - Franz Kafka
things that make us look stupid. Chess is racist now
My roommate has chronic hiccups! (sort of)
Anybody watching West Wing tonight?
Dec 1, 2001: The World Lost and My Heart was Broken Forever
Question for Lesbian DU'ers from an ignorant gay man....
PC Gamers: Sam & Max Sequel Canned by LucasArts!
Most Irresponsible Driver You've Ever Seen???
I am not a number! I am a Free man!
I've got some images that I'd like to use as Avatars, but they're too big.
Any Raymond Chandler fans out there?
Just watched "The Concert for George" on PBS
Thank heavens: Suspect Arrested In Dog Burnings (Denver)
Turn on the Avs Cannucks game if you can!
What's your concert calendar look like?
Here's a quote -- name the movie.
Which Kerry button should I buy?
Hey Skinner! Check out my new avatar! Is this legal-compliant?
Anyone else getting ready for the bloodbath tonight? Vancouver/ Colorado
What is your most creative moment of all time?
Alter a song title with high fallutin English
Favorite Primate-based Nickname for Bush*
If you were forced into exile into a Central American nation...
Movies that end with the villain impaled on a sharp object
After a few months off, I'm painting again! (approx. 170K download)
When will the outright insults and spins against Kerry stop on DU?
So, now that Kerry is the nominee presumptive,
Assuming Kerry's the Dem nominee, who do really want to win?
I gained a lot of respect for Edwards last night
Most surprising campaign of primaries 2004?
Attn: National Press Club about Ethics Committee not effective...
Pre-Iowa, Where did Senator Kerry rank on your list
If Kerry wins, who is most likely to be the 45th President?
My laundry list for the Kerry Administration.
For Now, I think I will give money to "Move On.org." I think so....
Ammiano endorses Kucinich-The Advocate
Transcript of Edwards withdrawal speech today
This post is going to be a little controversial
When Bush says "I know where I want to lead this country"
A most-dedicated Kucinich supporters changes clothes
Does Chris Heinz annoy anyone else?
Clark Folks -- Please Check-in for a Message
Is indexing the minimum wage to inflation a good issue for Democrats?
This Makes Me Feel A Little Better About Kerry....
Wes Clark receives largest % of online voters in Michigan
How do you use custom avitars? the profile page isn't clear
Well...I'm fully On Board Now...I just made my first contribution to Kerry
The Unofficial VeepStakes Thread
How about Joe Lieberman for Vice President to center up the ticket a bit?
How was your Dean meetup tonight?
From The Nation: A List Of Possible VP's
Moveon sends out email asking us to donate to Kerry
O.K. Here It is, taking the fight to them in their own backyard....
This post is going to be a little controversial
I predict Kerry will raise 30 million dollars in the next 45 days
Kucinich in hollywood with sean penn and danny devito pics
Bran spanking new Pew poll, Bush losing again to Kerry 48-44
Does anyone else think we can put 'ABB' on the shelf now?
Dang, I dislike Senator John Breaux. But he may be the perfect VP pick?
John Edwards' Concession Speech:
A Kucinich supporter ponders Kerry.
Bush 9/11 Exploitation Ads: Kerry Campaign Response! And Firefighters!
I can't believe the media is doing to Kerry what they did to Gore
Clark Suppoters: One more catharsis--your favorite attacks on Clark
Iraqi women face old, new hurdles
Very funny Toles cartoon (Goreing of Kerry)
In just 30 days, aisle is cleared for gay marriage
NYT Op-Ed : Tom DeLay and the Lobbying Game
Iraq rebuilding contract on hold (Chalabi American Taxpayer Ripoff)
"Bush Orders Bin Laden Caught" (article) - What, finally?
Investigations could make or break Bush
Senate Testimony on "Judicial Activism"
Jeffrey Sachs - From His First Day in Office, Bush Was Ousting Aristide
Discuss Media -Congressional Black Caucus Grills Roger Noriega on Haiti!!!
Novak: Republican malaise (Repugs in Congress hoping Kerry wins?)
Margaret Cho's Letter To John Kerry! On Gay Marriage!!!
Did Canada support a coup in Haiti?
Novak: Republicans losing faith in Bush
California Peace Action: Send Senator Kerry a Message
pResident George Bush and the Gilded Age
An Idea to Bring Gas Prices Back In Line ...This Just Might Work!
Christy Whitman to speak at Princeton today.
Lets all sent Stern a love letter
Twin Cities March 20 Anti-War event!
was Bev on the Today show this morning?
This what happens with a diet of McDonald's
A thought on Bush's 9/11 campaign commercials - He'd rather
Say what you will about Maureen Dowd....
Two gay Republican groups against Bush and the FMA
Kerry Hates Transgender People!!!
House OKs increase in patent fees
An interesting interview with WIPRO chief
Greenspan's Wrong. Productivity Won't Move Yuan (but slight rise coming)
New documentary evaluates psychology of the corporation
Battlestations-Japan Favored Over China in Pipeline Duel
Bush Strips More Protections From Mountain Top Mining Rules
EPA's exposure estimates - wrong
The spots are fading - Cheetahs
ChimpCo Pushing For Expanded Use Of Ozone-Destroying Methyl Bromide
Help please _ specific example of Bush environment record
Blue camp shows its hypocrisy - TW
KMT plan would lead to nation's slaughter - TW
Seeking Subpoenas: McCain v. * - Iraq Intel probe
Osama Lama Ding Dong - Bill Berkowitz
SA wants Aristide's exit probed
Racist John Lott Spanked Over Florida Analysis
GUNS IN THE NEWS--March 4, 2004
Brady Center's pseudoscientific justification for the assault weapons ban
Holy Koresh! MN releases their 2003 CCW report!
Was DemActivist officially unbanned from DU?
I'm asking for my account to be closed.
How do we petition for the restoration of a banned poster?
I have a question about the "letter to DU participants"
I can't believe you used the words
Is it my computer or is there something up with performance?
Is it too soon to start alerting third-party disruptors?
What HTML syntax (if any) is permitted in a sig?
concerning copycat threads in the Lounge
Request to add a minority woman radio host...
Sorry I wasn't clear in my earlier question.
Brava(o?), Auntie Pinko! Excellent analysis.
Is there something in the water?
is there a rule for the length of a non-copy-rited
aren't we getting a little 'tight' with the 'No Sex Threads'?
Skinner, just read something you wrote
Since y'all liked my Limbaugh Thermometer idea so much...
Sign Petition not to fund Gaza disengagement with our $
Israel to Buy Water from Turkey
ICG Report - Identity Crisis: Israel and Its Arab Citizens
Israeli Forces Raid Gaza Town, Kill Boy
Public doesn't trust Israeli PM - poll
What should we do with the current Israeli/Palestinian leaders?
Average wage fell 2.3 percent in 2003
Notes on Anti-Semitism, Zionism and Palestine
Jewish father, son "bombed mosque, Arab MK's car"
It's time to internationalize the solution
Does LIHOP include inviting them over?
Does anyone remember a "5th plane" on the early 9/11 broadcast?
Kerry needs immediate Response calling Bush a Flip-Flopper
Lack of jobs, war wither Bush's hopes - Jimmy Breslin
Looking for Kerry stuff -yardsigns, bumper stickers.
CIGNA study says GOP are liars/wrong - 401k type plans do not interest
How did the propositions on the ballot in Cali fare?
Why Gray Davis = George W. Bush *
Against Bush's $100 million plus
I know almost nobody watches O'Reilly but
A thought I had about the "liberal" label
Did any DUers protest Bush in Los Angeles today?
Charlie Rose of PBS: Is this guy a major MediaWhore, or WHAT?
UCMJ, Other Countries Laws, Military Punishment...
"God Bless America" billboard on fire in SF bay area
Who's the right wing nut sitting in for Bernie Ward tonight?
New pic of Martian "blueberries"... with "stems"?
I heard one report that Maria Shriver was
Remarks By President Bush At Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
is Fred Phelps also anti-Semetic?
Bill Maher Likes "The Passion," Tells Larry King Why
Why can't ONE SINGLE PUBLIC FIGURE explain why we really invaded Iraq?
Guy's Our Guy--"I Am the Chief. My Hero is Pinochet"
"Gay marriage" or "same sex marriage" - what is your preferred term?
An Aaron McGruder Appreciation Thread
Kerry cant let Bush change the tone...
CNN is doing to Kerry what they did to Gore
Senator Hillary Clinton did not rule out Vice President if she was asked
How does Kerry survive next 4 month's of GOP negative "Defining ads?"
LOL Sheeps protest against being compared to Repug Legislators
Karen Hughes is back whoring for Bush
Anyone know Barney Frank's sister's name and how to contact her?
America is under attack, in slow motion.
Wonder how many millions of dollars worth of ads Bush had to throw away?
C-SPAN's Washington Journal ...
Could Bill Clinton become DNC chair?
Reps Conyers, Meek of Flordia, Meeks of New York on Haiti
Attention North FLorida Kucinich Bakcers
What is our trade agreement with India?
BBV - Only 2 co-sponsors on S. 1980 - Holt companion bill
Sen Harkin giving excellent background on Haiti
Thank you George Bush.. Write to him and Thank him
Insurer Warns of Global Warming Catastrophe
Imus is supporting Kerry, says the election in 2000 was stolen
Politicizing 9-11? How about SELLING 9-11?Lest we forget the photos $$$
Congresswoman Maxine Water's Statement on Kidnapping of Aristide
You say you want to end these Hate Amendments...here's how!
This year, the Revolution begins in earnest.
PLEASE! Unfreep this poll: OK for W to use 9.11 in ads?
What was the name of the nitwit who asked John Kerry...
Bush galvanized our dissent. What will Kerry do?
kerry supporting ministers and priests
We now have a huge mess on our hands - Senator Chris Dodd
The audicity! CT Gov Rowland blasts impeachment panel
Another Repug caught with his hand in the till
Post-primary media hatchet job on Kerry begins…
If all the DLC people bolted and became republicans....
Press Release from Congresswoman Barbara Lee on Haiti
Help on Republican war profiteering
why is Ted Rall gone from the NYTimes Cartoon page?
Why did Bush go to Australia in summer 91 and remind them of obligation
The NY Daily News wants to here from you re: 9/11 Bush ads.
I need a good website on globalization
Emails to CNN on Bush's using 9/11 were scathing!!
How About Bush Smirking Over A Casket?
Is the new radio network up and running yet??
Harkin speaking on Haiti on CSPAN2 now 9:00am central
I've been FREEPED.....help me debunk this
Can One Listen to Howard Stern Online
CSPAN2: Kennedy & Dodd ripping the current admin on jobs policy
Orrin Hatch in a temper -tantrum
Ladies and gentlemen, the revolution has begun...
If a Dem said 9/11 wasn't a tragedy....
There's a Horrible Stench in Colorado Springs This Morning
AP: Roe v. Wade almost overturned in 1992!
Georgia Emergency Action Alert Today: Voter-Verified Ballout Printout
Need feedback on same-sex marriage FAQ
Poll at NY Daily News on Shrub's 9/11 ads
9/11 Money-grubbing scumbags! More fun at Freerepublic...
We Have Univ. Health Care! Tommy Thompson says so!
Question (re: citizen suits against federal government)
How you can cost Bush's campaign $
Kerry-48% bush*-44% Pew Research Center for the People & the Press surv
The Bush ads show how much he is out of touch with reality....
Who Else Believes Trying to Mess with the Constitution,
The Freeper Response to the Outrage of 9/11 Ads
I'm hoping the Repubs try to do the "culture war" thing at the convention
I'm a Google moron today, help w/soldier deaths?
bushgang thought pigeon droppings were WMD in Iraq
What did the WH know, & when did they know it? - TPM on Senate memo theft
Democrat-Friendly Streaming Talk Radio
What should the first Kerry ad say ?
The Bush ads: "Uplifting"? "Upbeat"? Hardly!!
Help! Freepers trying to cover *'s Ass on this poll.
Looks like "Slate" has come out on the Dark Side
Dangerous precedent that could be set by Marriage Discrimination Amendment
Latest obesity reseach initiatives from the CDC....
Christian related Site Informedchristinas.com (very interesting)
American Anthropological Association on gay marriage
9-11 Tragedy. Anyone answer this question?
new meme: Republicans "hate our freedom"
Georgia Emergency Action Alert Today: Voter-Verified Ballout Printout
Rush Limbaugh's Misguided Memories of 1960
i have been out of touch for a while......but
Wash., D.C. lead in water problem HUGE
Do the Same-Sex Marriage Rights Include Adoption Rights?
Has anyone seen any news about the Coup in Haiti in their local paper?
Image from the Bush ad (Link too)
Bush unemployment below average for past 30 years.
What would Ronald Reagan do? (re: exploiting WTC/9-11)
anti-DWI Republican representative arrested for...wait for it, wait for it
Russ Feingold sides with NRA on Gun Ban
Preemptive Information to Wake the Sleeping Public
Howard Stern literally brought tears to my eyes
Should Corporations be allow to give money to political candidates?
Dept. of Homeland Security and Ossama Bin Ladin
Karen Hughes~"9/11 was not a tragedy but a shared experience"
Corporations Need Treatment, Documentary Argues
Don't the Democrats have some 9-11 imagery they can use
Does Filegate Extend to the White House? -Wash Post
hey i need an essay on fear, someone kindly help?
My letter to Stern regarding Clear Channel
I have a hunch I'm going to get flamed here.
The 9/11 families are a huge trump in this election!
The Unelected Non-President Does/Doesn't Hold A Conversation
Hope this isn't a dupe - Republican spy: I did nothing wrong when I hacked
Microchips in new $20 bills explode when you microwave them
anyone know what the right-wing militia crowd is up to lately?
Please rate this Yahoo story (outrage over Bush ads)
Do you know when you are being deceived ??
Any University of Texas students around?
A terrific Picture of a High Priced "Media" Whore!
The myth of Karl Rove's genius
Bush wants same sex classes and schools
I was just privy to a discussion about *.
We want the keys, please - we're taking over
Congressional Black Caucus's Ties to Aristide Questioned
Anyone else watching Crossfire?
Sept. 11 Families Disgusted by Bush Campaign Ads (Reuters story)
10,000 Iraqi civilian souls "liberated" from their bodies
"If Chavez is toppled, I will..."
has anyone seen a Bush approval poll this week?
9/11 freeper widow on MSRNC vs Andrew Rice (peaceful tomorrows)
Howie Carr on-line poll - Bush* 9/11 ads
If Flight 93 crashed into 3-Mile Island, what whould've happened?
Stern Feels Bush-Whacked End Is Near
Smirk wants to use $1 mil transition money - thinks he will win in Nov.
Why the party needs Howard Dean Democrats. . .
Joe Lieberman needs to keep his advice to himself
Xfire discussing B* 9/11 ads.....Pug gasbagger disses firemen!
US Rep Cole-R-OK Claims a Vote Against Bush Is a Vote For Hitler
My mom (former fence-sitter) is registering as a Dem!
Get Mike Malloy to be a guest on the Howard Stern show...
Bush Puts Giant Sequoias on the chopping block
just got this from my friend who works for doggett re: tom coles
A Dem ad?? ....reverent , but appropriate
Rate the Yahoo story on 9/11 ads a 5 to keep it front & center
Before people get really upset about that poll with Nader at 6 percent
Call Tom Cole and tell him what you think of his statements
Steven C. Day courtesy of Buzzflash....ya gotta read this!
McCain and Bush clash on powers, scope of intel probe
Man Dressed as Satan upsets Theatre and Town!
Anyone heard Howard Stern lately?
whats the deal with 527's ? Has a ruling been made?
911 or no 911 in Kerry's response ad?
CBS News Talking about the Bush Ads
Daschle [finally] calls for Rollbacks on Media Ownership FCC Rules!
Received this from the Kerry campaign...
Lets all sent Stern a love letter
True or False: The real political battle is between the conservative and..
BBC World News just showed a Moveon.org ad
Just went to Bush's site to watch his new ads.
Anyone else find Governor Gropenfuhrer's Orange Raygun Hair disturbing?
Protest coup in Haiti pictures from SF
An even better Kerry response ad... that you can see right now
Aaron Brown - A One Trick Pony ??
I'm digging the hell out of Lou Dobbs
Salon: Stern Fired for Criticizing Bush
How the US should surrender Iraq to the UN
911 widow: "When I look at the ads.....I know.... that...* failed those.."
Here it is: TBTM's version of Bush's ad!
Repubs cannot win if the contest goes negative...
Stephanopoulos: "They have no intention of taking the ad down."
Wingnut Congressman says a vote against Bush is a vote for Hitler
Maybe Bush actually does think after all. Ewwwwwwww! Hide the democracies.
Does anyone here honestly think Nader will get 6%?
Illinois Gov's sister-n-law arrested at gay marriage protest in Chicago
Haha...I just called Cole's office in Ok. about his statement
What's the deal with the Michael Eisner bashing @ Disney?
Ha! aWol* Exploitation of 9/11 Backfiring Already!
9/11 Families to Be On...... Tonights News Programs
Sean Insanity is doing a copycat contest
Gallup Poll: Gender Gap Alive and Well
HELP!!! I'm being TERRORIZED by GWB and Cheney!!!
Voter Verifiable Paper Trails-Have YOU Done Anything Yet?-Act Now! Its EZ!
Bush is now more annoying than Snyders tire commercials
History of Haiti from Uncle Noam
I have a serious question about a
Will the Blue Flu hit the Repug Convention.
Do you think terrorism can ever be stopped?
If you could eliminate one wingnut talking head
Halloween X: Follow The Money (SCO is being funded by Microsoft)
What Amendment Would Best Protect "The Sanctity of Marriage"?
It doesn't matter if Osama gets caught before elections
They get what they deserve: Ppl who get drafted who vote for Bush or Nader
Who else here is angry over Utah oil lease givaways?
California county to ban biotech crops, animals
Australia’s richest man profits from Solomon Islands intervention
So what happens under the Marriage Amendment if...
Where is Kerry rapid response - yesterday was all Bush all the time
dennis miller dead last in ratings
I think I'm gonna donate to the Bush campaign.
Just heard on AM Radio news that Bush* is going to pull his 9-11 Ad
New Mexico lawmaker arrested for DUI after ceremony
Do we really care about the environment?
Should drinking and driving be illegal?
Will You Commit to Being Part of the Revolution? Please Help.
Sexism and contraception: Are women getting shortchanged?
Worldwide 9-11 Phone, Fax, Email Compaign
Remember the young lady and her photo journey through Chernobyl?
A Canadian AlQueda family speaks - RealPlayer video - CBC
2004 may be the last time I vote Democratic...unless changes are made.
Bush intends to overthrow Chavez next - heard it on NPR about an
Racist email circulates among NSW police | ABC (Australia)
Political ads or exploitation? (9/11 widow criticizes Bush)
Honda recalls Civic, Insight vehicles
Fire Fighters President Says Use of Fire Fighter Images in Bush Ads...
HK poll shows lack of confidence in Chinese leadership
Arab League challenges US Mideast plan
CARACOM decides not to recognize the US Coup in Haiti-
GOP Groups, Fannie Mae to Pay FEC Fines
Harvard gives access to new stem cell lines
Study Warns US Faces Asbestos Disease Crisis
Prostitutes bound and thrown to crocs drowned: police | SMH
Official Tells of Investigation Into Mad Cow Discrepancies
CARICOM demanding inquiry into Haiti ouster
AP: Europeans Say Iraq War Raised Threat
Prosecutors take on Genoa police
U.S. Requests Exemptions to Ozone Pact for Chemical
Benign virus may guard against AIDS spread
Shell's Top Executive Is Forced to Step Down
French Government Criticized for Keeping Bomb Threats Secret
U.S. Soldiers Arrest Suspected Iraqi Extremist Leader
Albright Says Bush Goes Easy on Putin
9/11 prisoner wins German retrial
Chinese Democracy Activist Released on Medical Parole, Heads for U.S.
new filings for jobless benefits declined to 345,000
Mich. to Charge Confessed Serial Killer Who Is Scheduled for 2006 release
Most Canadians dislike Bush: poll - Toronto Star / Ipsos Reid Poll
Pakistan may make Nigeria a nuclear power
Furor in British Columbia grows over bribery probe - Globe and Mail
Iraq militants claim al-Zarqawi is dead
Violence, Turnover Blunt CIA Effort in Iraq
OPEC to Consider Raising Output If Prices Stay High
Venezuelan Bonds Recommendation Raised by J.P. Morgan
AP: Europeans Say Iraq War Raised Threat
Grady Memorial Hospital to make 300 job cuts (Atlanta)
Kerry To Chop Clinton Buddy (Terry McAuliffe)
SFChron: S.F. magazine is banking on NASCAR fans
Panel votes for heftier fines for indecent programming
Government, Troops Get Tentative Grip on Haiti
Cancer Patients Brace for Medicare Changes
Alleged Statement Claims Al-Zarqawi Dead
Local gay couple files for license to marry (Michigan)
Kerry E-Mail Move Irks Privacy Experts
Australia opposition leader would win election, says poll
Iraq militants claim al-Zarqawi is dead
Deadly Bomb Attacks in Iraq Since War Began March 20 (AP)
Arab Leaders Seek to Counter U.S. Plan for Mideast Overhaul
US will not refer Iran to Security Council for hiding weapons: official
New York City Rejects Gay Couples Seeking Marriage Licenses
Powell and Aide Questioned on Haiti by Panel's Skeptics
Senators review Judiciary memo report
Kraft executives are part of mass company layoffs
Kinky Friedman to run for Texas Governor
Iraq Council Head Chides U.S. on Security After Bombs
Impeachment Panel to Subpoena Conn. Gov,
German court tosses world's only Sept. 11 conviction
South Africa: No Formal Asylum Request Received From Aristide
Top BBC resignations astonished Hutton
President Talks Up Economic Leadership
Ugandan king sues Britain for a trillion pounds
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 4 March (#1)
Haiti: Ex-police chief back for old role (Dany Toussaint)
Baghdad Attack Leaders to Return to Iraq (3rd Infantry Division)
Daughter Of Chicago Alderman Arrested At (Gay Marriage) Rally
Man Sells Garage Sale Painting for $1M
Europeans Say Iraq War Raised Threat (we're not safer-USMedia faints)
As losses mount, US military unveils new high-tech gadgets
Iraqi Civilian Casualties Unlikely to Hurt Bush Election
ZDnet: Open-Source Guru Claims Proof of Microsoft/SCO Link
Working Poor Face Higher Obesity Rates
Gun Votes Now Part of Political Agenda
Web file-share firm ordered to face the music - Kazaa
Bush can 'go to hell', says Zimbabwe minister
Dell's Founder Surrenders Chief Executive Role
Senate Mulls Move Against Job Flight
SFChron: Frist wants 'wildfire' of marriages stopped
Church World Service Providing Emergency Food, Medicine to Haiti
Text of Aristide letter upon leaving Haiti
South Africa wants Aristide's exit probed
Press Release from Congresswoman Barbara Lee on Haiti
GOP Contributor in New Mexico Gets Leeway for Oil Drilling
9/11 Victims' Kin Angered by Bush Ads
Frist draws GOP fire for handling of gun bill
Lieberman Calls for Kerry, Bush Restraint
Bush admin: Some Mexican immigrants won't be fingerprinted.
Papers: Roe V. Wade Was Almost Overturned
US fruitcakes take Afghanistan by storm, military says
Kerry VP talk includes a Clinton (Nit-Picklering!)
Bush Administration Worried About Gasoline Prices
Bill would let voters, not Romney, fill Kerry's senate seat
About 4,700 Democratic Files Improperly Obtained
Rep. Maxine Waters Says Aristide Is Being Held Like a Prisoner
Insurer issues global warming warning - world's second-largest
Judge Rules Against Gay High School Students
Ex-Minister Short Blasts Blair on Iraq 'Deceit'
AP- Labor Dept. Probes Teachers Union Reports
Jerry Springer to help Democrats
September 11 families disgusted by Bush campaign ads
'Aristide to live in CAR until SA election'
Bush Campaign Defends Ads With 9 / 11 Images
Kerry Lags Behind Bush in Fund Raising
Iraqi Casualties Unlikely to Hurt Bush Election
Families of WTC victims angered at Bush campaign ads (Exploiting the dead)
German court overturns world's only 9/11 conviction - Globe and Mail
AP Poll Finds Bush, Kerry Tied in Race
Autism - MMR vaccine link 1998 study retracted
Battle for the White House boils down to select states
Venezuela opposition takes hope from Haiti developments
Longtime Bush* Advisor Takes Jab at Kerry
Nato urged to ban troops from brothels
Police executives: Budget cuts would be devastating (W's budget)
France Bans Head Scarves In School
Venezuela's UN Envoy Quits to Protest Chavez Policies
O.A.S. Seeks Peaceful Solution to Tense Venezuelan Impasse
Documentary: Bin Laden Loves Volleyball But Not Ice
How quickly can you guess what my nickname means?
I'm a little tired, so quit bugging me!
I can't believe it.. I voted today, but not for whom I thought I would.
If George W Bush were a hockey player...
If George Bush were a baseball player
Buchanan asks a PRO BOXER if the Passion was "too violent"...
If George Bush were a comedian
Next time someone tells you to go to
I looked at this woman's website.
Ted Williams Is Frozen In Arizona And His Son John Henry Williams
New Driving rules! Just in time for rush hour!
'Polite Robber' Not So Polite After All - He Punched Police
Another good thing about losing weight: FINDING MONEY
Wife Throws Grenade At Husband During Argument
so the godhatesfags crew are coming to my friend's town
small print at the bottom of spam
I just saw the stupidest commercial disclaimer I have ever seen.
Maryland: 'Geoffrey the Giraffe' Owes State Taxes
On NPR this morning. Did the announcer say resident bush
My Midterm Exam Is This Morning at 10:30AM......oy vey.....
Who to Hell cares about Princess Diana?
Woman Steals 450 Library Books - Gets Probation
The Onion: Jesus Demands Creative Control Over Next Movie
Do people on cell phones think no one can hear them????
Everybody duck! It's a drive-by!
The sun will shine out of your crotch!
Just for the record, I don't REALLY hate marriage
so how's your hand-eye coordination? . . .
Howard Stern just said Al Franken is going to be on. I think he meant now.
I have it -- the John Duffey avatar!
Does your city have "reverse" traffic lanes?
McDonald's Contest You Have NOT Heard Of!! - Walk In Get $1 MILLION
OK Are You Sick And Tired Of The News Ticker That Has Taken Over
Is anyone else going to watch "Mad, Mad House" on the Sci-Fi channel...
Bush Campaign announces NEW slogans
Ok, fine, obscure movie quote: round 3
Why oh why did I eat White Castles last night before bed???
Wardrobe Malfunction Waiting to Happen!
What will General Discussion:2004 Primary turn into?
Spielberg Dodges 'Passion' Controversy
One Gripe About The DVD Movie Format...
It's the Stupidity, Stupid! Re-defeat Bush! Favorite bumperstickers!
J.K. Rowling Hints at More 'Harry Potter'
ARRRGH! Chuck Grassly is using that meme!
You know, Italian opera just isn't interesting
I know there has to be others DUers with Herpes, so I have some questions
What will the next Harry Potter book be called?
Anyone ever use Interland for webdesign/hosting?
Bill Maher Likes "The Passion," Tells Larry King Why
This is 4,999. What should I post for my 5000th?
Would you put this bumper sticker on your car?
What is Dubya doing to this poor old woman?
This Board DESPERATELY needs a Superman thread...
What is the accuracy of "plagiarism programs"?
Transcript of President Bush's Remarks To Lurch Dukakis!
I just got a dim son pop-up ad while surfing the net.
Woop! I'm getting my own star...
Gary Oldman has signed on to play Lt. James Gordon in Batman Begins
DU Atheists: Great song in defense of atheism.....
Anyone have a spare Kerry button?
Would you like to earn credit at the Univeristy of Georgia?
I'm Going To A Clay Aiken - Kelly Clarkson Concert Tonight
The Cenacle | 49 | October 2003
How many hours a week do you work?
so I just acquired the Grey Album
What's your favorite Wonder Twin form?
Terribly rude parody song "Candy Crowley" sung to the tune of (guess!)...
Is there a figure from book, film or the theater that you identify with?
Chernobyl today, a photo essay by a local motorcyclist
I am so friggin tired of this snotin
This board desperately need some Thong-wearing yak-loving memeing hugs
I'm on vacation next month...have no idea where to go...
Anybody seen Riki Tiki Tavi on DVD?
What trick should I teach my puppy?
Poll on the reinstatement of Pete Rose into baseball
Favorite nude scene in a non-porno film?
Should I donate to DU ? (Poll without choice)
I had 3 viruses and was DUless for over a day! Ask me anything!
Don't you just hate copycat threads?
Am I the only person alive that doesn't have instant messaging?
Copycat threads don't hate, just you
What Rick should I teach my puppy?
My cat copies all hate threads
Don't you just copycat hate threads?
My hat copies all Cate threads.
My hate copies all cat threads
A Fine Member of Mel Gibson's Target Audience
My threads copy the cat in the hat....oh forget it.
1/2 Way To Glory ... Post 500 WHoo hoo
Copy of the "I hate cats" thread
I see "Message removed by moderator" and I'm juiced!
Did William Burroughs father at least 50% of the DU membership?
Favorite Porno-Scene At My House?
Favorite non-porno scene in a porno movie
Was there a Christ Conspiracy?
The Wanking Monkey of all CAPTIONS!!!
You know what all this ado about "Passion" reminds me of?
The Burning-Fingers of all CAPTIONS!!!
SIGN THE PETITION NOW: For Underpants to put back on his underpants...
There are no CAPTIONs before thee
I hit 5000 posts -- 38 posts ago
the death of the pillsbury doughboy...
UPDATE On B'Day Boy Who Stole Plane - "I feel lucky to be here..."
Favorite porno scene at Paris Hilton's house.
How do you know if you're being lied to?
If your are CAPTIONing and you know it clap your hands
ABC Gets Ratings Boost from 'Kingdom Hospital'
Copycat thread you're most indifferent about?
Feeling disenfranchised? Then...CAPTION
Today is my day off - Thank God! - Ask me anything.
Poll - Are copycat threads....
Favourite nude scene in a porno film?
How to Save Straight Marriage -- Humor Alert!!
These guys just blew off 2-3 grand.....
Favorite Jeff Buckley non-cover song
Kitty name suggestions, please!
What have you been listening to lately?
Melee breaks out at Florida retirement home salad bar...
NFL Free Agent News: Terrell Owens a Raven
Favorite porno scene in a non-film?
President Kissyface Courts Your Votes!
The poll results are in. My 5,000th post: the next congressperson from SD
'Masturbating' Lingerie Advertisement Banned
A friend received a Bush/Cheney solicitation, what should he do?
"Assembled in Mexico of United States"
new bush* ad... stay the course
He he...he he he....HAHAHAHAHA!
I just got a reply from the White House
Request advice from DUers with web sites
Tell me about this sex, what is it and where can I find it?
Is this just too tacky to be an avatar? Have I blasphemed?
Favorite porno scene at the White House?
Who Says Bush is Out of Touch With the People?
White singers I originally thought were African-American
Doggie Owners: Preferred Method Of Yard CleanUp?
what is the greatest movie of all time
I overslept through class today...
Have you ever noticed that any mail you get that says...
if you're too slow to realise, then Gammadion will rise!!
YIKES!! I just got a invitation
so help me, I like The Apprentice on NBC!!
Stern is relentlessly, relentlessly slamming Bush, his ads....
A week ago 1 foot of snow, now it's time to go topless!
Take this college basketball final exam
Man charged with public masturbation
WTF??? A Model of Billy Carter's Pickup?
Ancient Mars: Renderings Show Raging Floods, Vast Oceans
Forcing someone to sign - what's it called?
Favorite Whole Number Between One and Ten
Where can I get a "Re-ReJECT Bush" bumper sticker?
From the endless goodness that is memepool check this out
Here is an exact quote and a reason why movies like the Passion
Warning: This Photo May Bring Lump to Your Throat
To all the DU ladies: we LUV ya so HELP US!
About Happy Funball Underground, Our Candidate and the General Election
Osama bin Laden Capture/Kill Pool -- please, no wagering
What female jazz singers should I check out... past and present???
The POed one just hit 1000 posts!
Who's the daddy of the boy in the middle?
So many CAPTIONs so little time
Favorite computer solitaire game
How many marriages is too many?
*really important*-----unfreep this story!
For all the DU guys...we luv ya so read up
It's the Giant Roadside Attractions Thread. Post the worst, oddest, best.
OK.. Sell me on a new TV drama
Howard Stern: I was fired for criticizing George Bush (Salon)
I saw the PAssion... last night
just heard one of my best friends is getting a divorce
"Bush campaign plans 'Blackhawk' landing at Ground Zero" (!!!!)
When peak oil is realized, what will happen?
Dookus' Day: A Diary of Unemployment
I'm going to take this oppertunity to say goodbye.
Texas zoos to feed live strays to lions. Please take this poll.
Husbands making significantly less than their wives
This place needs a thread about Muddy Waters
There's a Horrible Stench in Colorado Springs This Morning
To atheists: Don't you need "faith" to not believe in god?
CONFESS!!!!! What's the craziest thing you've done for love
Alter a song title with high fallutin English - Thread Two.(Credit Fenris)
Inspired by another thread ...GREATEST EVER DANCE NUMBER IN A MUSICAL?
Ten Random Questions (about sex, but don't tell Skinner)
A photoessay of George's day out (CAPTIONABLE)
Ya think Kerry would have the balls to run this ad?
Niccolò Machiavelli, ever heard of him ?
More conversations with my fundie friend
Question about battered wife defense in murder cases
Janet Jackson to appear on SNL
Who's your favorite obscure 60's band?
Tweety is making me sick tonight!
Stark contracts for fall classic-Kerry, Bush bring different styles,issues
Voting for the Bonesman!!! Kerry!!!
Let's End The Two-Party Duopoly (The Nation)
Not-So-Super Wednesday and Market Gorillas
Is Bob Graham still open to the VP slot?
Some thoughts on the VP question
Who do you think will win the U.S. presidential election in November? Poll
Poll::!!! Yee Ha: DEM 52% Spanks: PUKE: 47%
Can(should)Kerry campaign push for exposure of Bush/bin laden family ties?
What's a more important quality for a VP candidate...
Sharpton insults Indianapolis voters
Kerry cant let Bush change the tone...
how about if kerry says 'i don't need $100 million for ads...
Am I evil for enjoying the backlash Bush is getting from his new ads.
Karl Rove's Propaganda Pack of Ideas Against Kerry
Must Read: Mo Dowd Nails Bushco today: "See Dick Run"
Be thankful for Kerry being the nominee, it could have been MUCH worse
Does Lieberman sound like he is thumping for Bush or is it me?
There's talk about Bill Nelson of Florida being VP
Wesclarkdemocrats.com knocked off line
Kerry's Candidacy Gaining Strength as Democrats Unite, WSJ Says.
Did Al Gore make the biggest mistake of his life not running this year?
Answer is unclear if Bill Clinton could be Vice President
Senator Kerry in New Orleans tomorrow
Kerry should ask Dean to head the DNC
CNN is doing to Kerry what they did to Gore
Bush- the clown prince vs Kerry
unofficial disapointment thread
Go Clark! Clark for President. We don't have a nominee yet.
What is the raison d'etre of the Kucinich campaign?
Kerry Lags Behind Bush in Fund Raising
Kerry beating Bush in Michigan 49-45
Attributing a Donation to Kerry from a Clark Supporter?
Missourians for Kerry.....Check In
my letter to John Kerry: why he should choose Sen. Edwards
9/11 Victims' Kin Angered by Bush Ads
Drudge does find the worst photos of Kerry to put on his website
a graceful exit by JRE--in his own words
SLATE......... Could Kerry Pick McCain for VP?
Help Me Combat Republican Arguments
do we need a VP from the south or the midwest?
Bush running scared - Dynasty crumbling
Is the base of the democratic party "moderate" or "liberal"?
Are there folks here who want to cancel the remaining primaries?
Kerry will leave 'Bush man' Blair in the cold
Kucinich staying in presidential race
I'm waiting for this Bush* TV ad: I ran and hid in a hole. So what?
Gadflyer's Waldman on Bush ads
Mary Beth Cahill's (JK's campaign manager) letter asking for our help...
Tom Harkin is a lot better than Evan Bayh
Why are there so many "Parents" on here
Why we can't just defeat Bush, we need to humiliate him.
Bush campaign to revolve around the trauma of September 11, 2001
Anyone know where the John Kerry offices are in the Detroit Area?
Senator Hillary Clinton did not rule out Vice President if she was asked
Bush galvanized our dissent. What will Kerry do?
Should Kerry show the body bags of 540 soldiers coming home?
Today was fun, I became Mr. Kerry for President bumber sticker guy
What Do You See More Of In This Forum?
I am going to play nice and I invite others to join me
How would you fix the nomination process?
How many delegates are up for grabs next week?
Do you think John Kerry should start attending funerals
Has this been reported re Bush's re-election ads using 9/11?
Anyone getting weary of all the whining 'round here?
A New Slogan For Campaign Kerry?
Kerry guys please stop the hard sell
"Unemployment Is Lower Than The AVERAGE Of The PAST THIRTY YEARS"...
How many elections and/or primaries have you been through before
Check out Judy Woodruff on CNN-Inside Politics NOW
True Believers: Life Inside the Dean Campaign
Could Howard Dean fit into a Kerry Cabinet ?
FAUX NEWS: Is it giving SHRUB deals!?!?
Bush Would Be Worse Than Kerry
Which states are running Bush's ads and when will Kerry
When Should Kerry Announce Who His VP Will Be?
Fractured in Party Not in Purpose
Suggestion for pulling independents and Democrats together
Yes, Kerry will change the direction of the country (Bush ad)
Does anyone else think Lloyd Dogget would make an interesting VP?
Tom Cole: If George Bush loses the Election, Osama Wins!!!
Does anyone have any info on the supposed 236 tax increases
Boy are you guys gonna be surprised when Kerry names Dean as runningmate!
"Washington Crowd"? What does that mean?
Received this from the Kerry campaign...
Question for Dean supporters ( about meet-up)
Is a draft really likely under Kerry or Bush in 2005?
Bad news for Bush CBS lead tasteless Bush ad--NBC- High Gas Prices
Thank You All For a Spirited Primary Debate. The Struggle Continues
When you come to a fork in the road, take it!
Urge Sen. Kerry to support a new foreign policy
Kerry Still Needs More Than 600 Delegates
What should the first Kerry ad say ?
Would someone please "fix" John Kerry's website!
Lou Dobbs-Laid off workers unhappy with both parties
The reason the election will be over by this summer
Is Bush going to bring the troops home this summer?
Hoyer: Comments by Cole Are Outrageous, Wrong, and Should be Repudiated
Kerrry should choose a governor for VP
Presidential Preference Poll (3/4/2004)
Would Everybody Please Just Agree On Everything?
John Kerry is a waffler and other tired GOP retreads
If Kerry really wants to win over Dean supporters
Clark would make a great Secretary of State...
The vp does NOT have to be the future president. Don't decide that way.
Morris : Bush can end the election before it starts
Could Nader actually help the Dems?
Press Release: Cole Corrects "Inaccurate Potrayal" of Comments
What do we do when Bush steals the GE?
A View of the Democratic Convention! Thanks to Rall......A good chuckle!
Kerry Outlines Civil Unions Platform
Kerry needs to reach out to Dennis Kucinich if he expects his support
Kerry's World: Father Knows Best
The enduring myth of why Michael Dukakis lost . . .
Donate to Kucinich today to get matching funds!
What they say vs what they mean
Kerry was right , time to get over it
Gov. Dean To Meet With Kerry Next Week
This is why I don't support Kerry...
Progs, Greens, Socialists(?): For your consideration...
I can't think of a good title for this, so please just read it
Poll with 3 candidates: Bush 46, Kerry 45, Nader 6
I'm So Glad I Had Kerry Sign My Book To DrFunkenstein
An open presidential poll for those that haven't had a chance
I don't honestly believe Kerry will want Clark in a visible spot
Can Kerry break the mold and excite us all?
Dean scream (& Kucinch)... the Corporate Media Manipulation
Naders Biggest Impact: His 6% in Poll Destroys Kerry Image as WINNER.
I got this email today about John Kerry. Outrageous.
And now, the great balancing act begins!
DK supporters...message straight from the Kucinch campaign....
The time for unity has arrived
This is STILL a THREE-man race
Revisiting Kerry: Kerry supporters please post here why you support JK.
DNC is now fundraising for Kerry
Betraying Dennis, funding Kerry, no more primary $
Some here want Bush to bury Kerry. Why?
Apparently some don't realize Kerry is our nominee
More moronic words of wisdom from Pat Buchanan
Edwards for VP-let's think ahead
Why a multi-party system would benefit the Democratic Party
A Case for Continued Support for Dennis Kucinich thru the Convention