Democratic Underground

Archives: March 7, 2004

No Hay Banda By Raul Groom

John Kerry: The contender -He's just a Massachusetts liberal

The man who would be King & the man who would not

Dowd finds Kerry insatiable

Kerry’s Foreign Policy Record Suggests Few Differences with Bush

Ted Kennedy's Speech to the Council on Foreign Relations (MUST READ)

Past views on race provide lessons about gay marriage

Democratic Knights of The Round Table

Protest Bush in Houston 3/8

Congress Rep. Robert Ney Blocking a Paper Trail and puts democracy on hold

Integrity is what you have when...

Volvo's `female-friendly' car creates a stir

Peak Oil - How will we continue agriculture? Steam Tractors.

Chen leads Lien in latest poll

Rwanda to free thousands of prisoners

Pro-gun editorial in a liberal newspaper

Why can't US politicians just say NO to Israel?

Sharon tending toward full withdrawal from Gaza

Election 2004 Season Looking UP!!

The Economist... pro-free trade, pro-gay rights... Democrats take note

About Happy Funball Underground, Our Candidate and the General Election

Novak on CapGang "guarantees" job creation will begin soon!


The Health Care Crisis

Interesting Facts From Super Tuesday

For DUers Registered to Vote in Michigan

DU Selectively "Moves" Posts That Disagree...

Domino Affect Won't Work in the Middle East

Your thoughts on website: Perverted Justice

Everyone is wearing the International Climate Symbol!

Put on your tinfoil hats: Corporation hiring spree to elect Bush?

The "New South" - could someone from the area tell me a little more?

Bush eases border restrictions for Mexicans

Send this to your Republican buddies (if you have any... I have very few)

Breslin: "He molests the dead"

The McMansions Which Ate Your Job

Financial Reality check send this to your repug friends

My argument for Margaret Carlson as VP....

What attacted me to the DU...

kerry's website lame? dean to the rescue?

What's with MSNBC? Olbermann and Norville LIVE on a Saturday?

Why are there a sudden influx of self-proclaimed DLCers?

Jimmy Carter and Religious Right Hypocrisy

Minnesota: Pawlenty again balancing budget on backs of the neediest

Zilch. Nada. Zero. Private. Sector. Jobs. Created. Last. Month. WTF.

What do these people have in common?

So what do you think the real inflation rate is?

"F" corporate america! Taking it local...

You recall * demanded the large # of soldiers deaths in Iraq end by March?

Novak jokes about his traitoring ways!

Skull and Bones has been FULLY diversifeid... it's not to be worried about

Flushing corporate america! Taking it local...

Welfare towns

Some pictures of Aristide and what he did for Haiti, for the poor

It looks like I can't vote in 2004

moral relativism -- the right loves it!

Another day. Another Jebbie Florida scandal.

Uh oh, looks like the Passion might be creating hate crimes already

The Michigan Socialist -- Vol. 2, No. 2

It's not about how much you EARN.. It's about how much you have LEFT

Chalabi on 60 Minutes tomorrow

Hugo Chavez supporters, how do you explain this??

I just got this fascist e-mail

Why? I'll tell you why we are so screwed

I Support President Bush Because...("morans" out themselves)

Report from anti same-sex marriage rally in Asheville NC, w/pics

To those of you who support the headscarf ban in France...

BUSH connected to JFK Assassination

If the unthinkable happens in November, will you leave or stay and fight?

The Sale of India : ONGC Disinvestment (Warren Buffet)

Minorities more likely to be searched, data shows (Central Texas)

Afghan Aid Worker Killed by Gunmen

Ex-wife refuses to back down from Hull (Illinois US Senate candidate)

EPA studies microwave popcorn chemicals | St Louis Post-Dispatch

Bush Gives Mexico's Fox Concession on Borders

A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq

Last nuclear parts 'leave Libya' | BBC

Tamil Tigers expel rebel leader | BBC

3 men dead, 1 critical after bloody morning | Nashville Tennessean

(Anti-) Gay Union Legislation Defeated In Maryland | Washington Post

Bush Backs Off Fingerprinting Mexicans (Bush flip flops again)

North Korea looks to ouster of Bush | Washington Times

Tony Blair was 'intimate' with my girlfriend: Foster | SMH

Canton woman wins Web free speech case | Detroit Free Press

Fears of rising violence in capital

New Troops Get Ready To Assume Iraq Mission (Insight to attitude)

War chief reveals legal crisis

Splinter group urges Costello to topple PM (Howard) | SMH

Blair 'misused intelligence agencies'

U-S-backed exile leader says C-I-A questioned Iraqi defectors' credibility

NYC Mayor waffling? (Can't remember what he said about gay marriage now)

Blix: Faulty Iraq intelligence swayed Bush, Blair

In Sweeping Critique, Kerry Condemns Bush for Failing to Back Aristide

Farm group blasts Bush's budget cuts | Billings Gazette


Bush, Fox Settle Short-Term Visa Spat (some details of visit)

Libya sends US last nuclear parts

Iraqi constitution delay signals waning U.S. influence

London Observer: Shia boycott of signing widens Iraqi divisions

Bush backs away from plan photograph visiting Meexicans (as reported)

Bush Is the Fly in Blair's Ointment

Chinese court sentences British `spy' to life in prison

Egypt refuses to pass on water

Indian army chief to visit US

Kerry Can Be Slow to Decide But Quick to Act

Egypt doubts US threats against Syria

RNC tells TV stations not to run anti-Bush ads

Journalist Novak Poking Fun at CIA Leak

China nixes US congressional trip

D.C. Insiders Ham It Up at Gridiron (Novak mocks Wilson)

Cuba? It was great, say boys freed from US prison camp{Guardian}

Ottawa to send force to Haiti | Globe and Mail

Aristide's Final Hours

GPS Keeping Tabs On Car Rentals...(Yikes...)

Bin Laden sent fax, official says

Thousands of Aristide supporters pour into Haiti's streets (Aussie Rpt)

Ashcroft Funds Under Scrutiny (Pincus, WP)

Haitian Rebels Say They Won't Disarm Yet

Letter From Families of Sept. 11 Victims Supports Bush Ads

Hook and bullet politics: Many sportsmen fed up with GOP (in Montana)

Denver synagogue vandalized

Next Time You Look at the Boss

Music trivia questions for everyone except Night Train

What do I call espresso, with steamed foamed milk, and chocolate?

Slow? Is DU slow tonight?

Why would people vote for Bush?

_The DaVinci Code_... Where does fact end and fiction begin? *SPOILERS*

I've got something to say!

I heard a teenager fart loudly in the corridor outside, ask me anything!

A Late Night Stroll

I just took my shoes off, and it smells like a teenager farted in the hall

Tips For How To Survive In A Horror Movie

Have you been to a Starbucks recently?

Let's bring the back the medieval definition of the word 'bastard'.

A No-Brainer

I got a B!

Just came from GD: 2004 Primary

When was the last time you went to a House of Correction

Computer question: I can't open my Disk Cleanup

You all are damned funny.

Picture of the worst moment in the history of my life!

Pick your favorite non-Christian Organization

most evil desert, from 7th_sephiroth's cookbook of evil

Favorite bumpersticker of old...

My poor little Sarah kitty... ..I have figured out what happened to her

If your first name is Stanley, is it mandatory

To Spokane, WA DUers

When was the last time you went to a House of Knives

And now, let us sing the praises of Cincinnati chili

My new anti-Nader graphic. Help yourselves!

Am I funny?

So this girl lifts her shirt and shows her "puppies"..(pic)

What's that rule for drinking...

Anyone else watching "Frequency"

How do you coax a 100-pound Rottweiler into a bathtub?

I know how to make a bagel

And now, ladies and gentlemen......HE-E-E-E-R'S GRACE!

The day Ch14 Carolina used web-sent scrolls on the news

Music Review - Hell up in Harlem by Edwin Starr

Someone had some fun creating an animated .gif

It's Saturday night, and I'll be on the radio again!

It's 8:44Pm in Eastpointe MI, Ask Mr Scorpio questions if you're unafraid

And God Created Canada - -

I just gave myself a DU title

NYC DU gathering?

Post favorite song lyric snippets

The Girl Scouts of America are making me FAT

Tonight on The Process:

that's what linguistic synergy is all about

Here is the Topper for Lying CEOs

Saturday night ranting: add your own!

The Thousand Fighting Styles of Donald Rumsfeld

When is that group "Nothing currently on air" gonna start playing?

St Patty's day tribute: DANNY BOY by House of Pain

With St Patrick’s day just around the corner,

Nora York on WNYC streaming music now, live (the show New Sounds)

I've got nothing to say!

im so pathetic

I hope I didn't "Alert" on someone

Brag brag brag -- I got digital cable TV installed today..

Funniest (unintentionally funny) URL I've seen in a long time.

Just Paid $825 for three (3) tickets to a basketball game

anyone have a link to the 1992 drunk Bush video?

Favorite Saticrical News Site

You know what's funny?

Drive by Truckers / Southern Culture on the Skids

Cable television is interesting sometimes....


Listening to Widespread Panic's Final Show

DU Old-School Goths/Industrialists check in here...

DU chat tonight

TV Alert... Last Temptation of Christ on Bravo at 10:30 CST

Anybody know unique ways to charm girls?

I'm Having Dish Network Installed At My Home On Monday

I'm not a fan of Incubus,but I have to say that the video for Megalomanic

Does anybody remember Janis Joplin?

What three words best describe you?

Saturday night and trying to remember the general orders...

Would you live in a gated community?

did you ever have a hot teacher in high school?

Astley Alert: A Grievous Insult To Our Lord From Godless Cable TV

Height and Dating

My Freeper coworkers reaction to Martha Stewart's conviction

My little date tonight.

My Karma ran over your Dogma

What is your favorite evil sounding music.

Drank 'Caucasians' while watching "The Big Lebowski" tonight

Your favorite Beatles songs?


Arwalden, you might want to read this

Fear Der Kittens

A nice, light moment with Kerry, some oranges, and NPR

If Kerry is down by 10-15 points in June, would he ask Hillary to be VP?

Anyone watching the CNN Intl. special on the Dean Campaign now?

George Bush refuses to show compassion to the victims of 9/11

Interesting Facts From Super Tuesday

The Democrats Secret Plan to Neutralize Nader

O'Reilly: Double standard holder definitely, Racist Maybe

What do these people have in common?

Kerry: stop harrassing people who aren't 100% behind me...

Daily Telegraph says Kerry asked for 12 month draft deferment

"Houston, we've got a problem." Kerry speaks in Houston today.

Donating to the Bonesman!!! Kerry!!!

I'm just as sick of being accused of telling people to 'fall in line'

MoveOn members now outnumber the Christian Coalition at its peak

Dowd: J.F.K., Marilyn, 'Camelot'

Warren Buffett Says Bush Tax Cuts Favor Wealthy

The Best VP Candidates Nobody Has Mentioned

kerry's website lame? dean to the rescue?

Harvard Crimson: John Kerry sought deferment to study in Paris

!!! Send all your money to Kerry NOW !!!

Kerry Supporters, please check in...

I just requested a FREE BUMPER STICKER from John Kerry

Senator Kerry’s First 100 Days – Complete Action Plan

How Pathetic Does Bush Sound Saying Kerry Will Raise Taxes?

Who and where is the power of the Democratic Party?

New Republican attack ad at Kerry, really really hypocritical and low

Kerry's San Antonio rally was a spectacular performance

Senator Kerry’s Plan for Winning the Peace in Post-Saddam Iraq

The bloody shirt (that Bush is waving)

Steve Bell: Bush On/In Gay Marriage

Another inciteful column from Margolis about Kerry vs Bush

Bill Maxwell (St. Pete Times): Bush and the Myth of Great Leadership

Clinton Should not be blamed

Bush and the Myth of Great Leadership

In Meeting, Kerry Emphasizes His Strong Support of Israel

Outsourcing the Friedman

Think You Voted in Md.? Think Again (BBV)

Vote your hopes...

Racist LTTE in Green Bay Paper...

Think Again:Never Aopogize, Never Explain-Eric Alterman

To the major parties, dissent is a nuisance

Oliphant: Bush campaign launch stumbles

Ventura on Gibson's erroneous "Passion"

Niman: Terrorist Teachers and the Tragedy of Haiti

Birds Do It, Bonobos Do It

Glamour mafia selling unhappiness and liberalism to American women

Uncle Sam wants you....Dead

Thomas Friedman (The New York Times): The Secret of Our Sauce

Wash Post: Guidlines for Reporting

Total Recall 9/11...

Rudy Giuliani proves his hypocracy on "Meet The Press"

**Khephra's MASSIVE Upcoming/Recent Books You Might Want To Get List**

Gay and Lesbian Kids in the crossfire

It's about sex (the actual article title, not mine!)

What Does Gay Mean? How to Talk with Kids about Prejudice

Lesbian newlywed breaks barriers just as her parents did 50 years ago

Falling Into Alternative Minimum Trouble

Let's try to understand the housing bubble

Butterflies in Danger After Calif. Fires

Whites using 'swart gevaar' tactics - Mbeki

Australia probe 'looting' of Boer War graves

Zim anti-corruption head 'gets death threats'

Malaysian Islamic leader promises heaven

David Crosby busted for weed, knife and gun

Knives in the News

Why is DU trying to get bush elected?

A thought about the (fictional) Great Purge...

I still don't remember my damn password!

I know you chaps are busy, but I have to ask...

Donating for somebody else, times two...

Why is the membership not entitled to respect?

Something very strange just happened...

Question about Amber Alerts...

Is getting a terrorist worth the life of a child?

Al Quaeda= Orwellian "Emmanuel Goldstein"?

Tanks sweep into Gaza camps

Influential Arab journalist: Arafat must make peace

Written word fails to describe horror

Suicide terror attack foiled in Jerusalem

Numerous Purim Attacks Thwarted

Israel spurns Ugandan Jews

Bush, Kerry Eye Jewish Vote

Picking one home over another

Sharon: Gaza settlements will be destroyed

Fear rules as authority faces collapse

14 dead, 80 injured in Israeli Military Incursion in...(Gaza)

Angry Palestinians bury raid dead

No Arabic at McDonald's Israel

Three Gaza Terrorists Killed, Tel Aviv Attack Thwarted

At Least 14 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Raids

Politics1's Ron Gunzburger supported Dean... now Kerry

South Carolina Progressives

Politics1's Ron Gunzburger supported Dean... now Kerry

The letter from the "Sept 11 Widow"

Californians' experiences with electronic voting in LA TIMES Letters

news conference?

Are we in an Alternate Reality?

Those 21,000 Jobs were Government Jobs not private sector

The Carlyle Group = S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

NASA report on global warming: A Chilling Possibility

FOX poll has bush* at 52% favorability, down from 56% previous month

I just sent this to John Kerry

MSNBC's article on * and Fox - LOL

Will Bush exploit the Saddam trial to win the election?

Kerry bio timeline

From Iowa to Super Tuesday...

What was up with Bad Boys 2 and the Cuban drug connection?

Outsourcer Wanted - Here's Your Opportunity To Outsource American Jobs

Priority for November

did they change the 9/11 bush ad?

Bush couldn't do a worse job running this country were he drunk!

more free advertising for bush campaign??

Why I am not a Republican.

c-span 930am et - les gelb

Harvard Crimson: John Kerry sought deferment to study in Paris

If Bush* gets a 2nd term and connives to revoke more freedoms...

MSU wants to play basketball on aircraft carrier- * Campaign event?

To sign or not to sign. That is the question.

Rolling Thunder/VP Debate Road Show???

Bush opens his mouth and the troops stop dyin'...

Shocked at my initial response to news of Ashcroft's pancreatitis

Address to the People of the United States By the Anti-Imperialist League

**Khephra's MASSIVE Upcoming/Recent Books You Might Want To Get List**

Why did Bush* lie about not using 9/11 for political purposes?

How Tall Is Kerry?

Kerry on Bush: Houston we've got a problem!! ROFLOL

Norman: Anti-Dean ad sponsor's details revealed

Those 21,000 new Februrary jobs were ALL government jobs!

Chalmers Johnson on C-Span2..

Kerry leading Bush in Florida polls.....

Daily U.S. Casualties 3/7/2004

Latest koRn Video - Blasts Big Media - Record Industry

RNC tells TV stations not to run anti-Bush ads

"This was a revolution that never was. A stage-managed coup d'etat"

America does not want to live in fear...

I would like to see Snoop or Ludacris on Mahr

I sent Kerry $100

Wes Clark on CNN now. 12:27 PM EST

Josh Marshall's observes the morning talk shows lack of "balance"

New Poll shows Kerry kicking Shrub's butt in Florida

Would the Taleban have surrendered OBL as they claimed they would?

Right wing wackjob alert.

This Week

Unfreep this poll regarding Bush's explotation of 9/11 in ads

When have the VP tickets usually been announced? Convention?

Did anyone just see what happened in L.A. on CBS Bob Schafer

US is moving its forces out of Iraqi cities into walled-off garrisons

Who Mugged Howard Dean in Iowa?

Ah, Go Ahead No One Cares!

I have encountered my first on-line add for the republicans

mary matilin looks just awful

Transcript: Bush staff went after ambassador(Wilson-before Cheney/Novak)

McCain Says WMD Commission Needs Subpoena Power (But we forget 911?)

May 15 2003 The Black Commentator - Haiti

Delay's Redistricting Fight Takes Toll on Texas Gov Perry's Ratings

The Flaws In The Nomination System

Can you guys help me? About Iraq

Which political leader is better:

Iraq's Real Holy War

GOP goons busted on tape

Should Scotch-Gard be allowed to use images from the Lewinsky

Arnold Classic throws out Girl Scouts

You're an ignorant low-class opportunistic man

Anyone watching C-Span 2: Sorrows of Empire: Chalmers Johnson!

Should GM be allowed to use images of the dead from 9/11 to sell cars?

Journalist Novak Poking Fun at CIA Leak

Can Simple Pictures Demolish Bush?

Gas War

Cuban Democrat Check-In

Today's mass included a quip on gay marriage

Rendell says he's not a good fit as Kerry's veep

He Molests the Dead

The Bush 9/11 Campaign Ads

Driving through southern Georgia Friday

Streetpreachers in Atlanta's Little Five Points

OK - Kennedy Up Next On CNN (1:20 PM)

where's the letter?

PNAC surfaces in Belgium

The Liberal/Progressive enclave concept

Wolf blowing Cheney right now: 12:05PM CST

CNN poll: Is it OK to use 9/11 images in Bush ads?

Hillary: A Couple of Funnies

How Conservatives Become Instant Liberals

will Ashcroft become a junkie too?

Great Bush Achievements...Let's get the ads on TV...

Help Me With Sharing Liberal/Moderate Viewpoints!!

Can't donate to Kerry again?

Bush never flip flops! He says what he means, and DOES IT.

Who will be John Kerry's Newt Gingrich?

The key questions of the 04 Presidential Race

Granny D: Progressive Coalition of Kucinich and Dean?

There's a vote tomorrow!

BBV: Heads Up! CNN Monday

Another man wrongly convicted

Al Qaeda worked for CIA, Halliburton!!!

Anyone have the email address of one Majorie Williams of the Wash Post

Did somebody post the newswire story that Bush won't pull the 9/11 ads?

Novak Mocks self at DC Media Bash

What Is Wrong With Paper Ballots and Pencils?

Hugo Chavez: Yea or Nay?

CNN NEXT just reran Aaron Brown's BBV story from mid-week

I Got To Talk To KERRY LIVE at a rally!!!!!

Charlie Cook's sister is a Freeper

Aristide Update In LBN - Not Good !!!

Kerry's Needs a "Hail Mary Pass" Strategy to Snag GOP Voters

Watching Matthews this AM

A New Tax Proposal

High school DUers and parents - Community Service Requirement

Name one thing Bush did to fight terrorism before 9/11

Think we have problems with the press?

Plame subpoena list!

Stonewalling 9/11: A Primer

Hey, there is a karma after all!!!

Somewhat simple political quiz...

Bush kicks off drive to stop bullet train plans

Big Business Sends Jobs to Countires w/ Universal Health Care

So, who did fry all those car locks in Las Vegas?

Which side are you on? Zimbabwean land reform or post-colonialism?

KPFA (Pacifica) now: forum on "The Fog of War" with MacNamara

Which side are you on? Chavez or the US State Departments?

Democratic Judiciary Committee staff memos

Clark wolfs cnn appearance today - transcript up.

Which side are you on? Aristide's or the State Department's?

freepers working hard to smear Theresa Heinz Kerry

Bush at Harvard: "people are poor because people are lazy"

Cheenee's Guru, Victor Davis HANSON, on C-SPAN 1:30 ET

Fox News Boycott

Any news on Asscroft? It must be serious to be in ICU so long.

Robert Mugabe: Yea or Nay?

The Pub Masters are rethinking their Bet on Bush. Many of the Pragmatic

WHO does this chimp think he IS? "Bush won't walk out" on 9/11 questioners

Bush ground zero ads...what's the fuss?

If Bush is 6 feet tall, then Fox (of Mexico) must be 10 feet tall. Bush

Sanctions: Zimbabwe tells US to 'go to hell'

Iraq blast injures 3 Americans

China denounces unilaterism, external interference in its internal affairs

RNC tells TV stations not to run anti-Bush ads

Bush ratchets up international charm offensive with eye on November

Iraqi Councillor says constitution deal agreed

Limbaugh cites judge's case in claiming prosecutorial bias

Iran Says Time for U.N. to Finish Nuclear Probe

Florida voters leaning toward Kerry

Global Energy War Looms in

Ideology trumps science, critics say

Blair exaggerating terror threat - Blix

Warren Buffett blasts mutual funds, CEO pay

SEC Targets More Fortune 500 Names

Florida voters leaning toward Kerry

S. Korea Protests Handling of Journalists

Falling Into Alternative Minimum Trouble

Right zooms in on Heinz grants

Iraq contracts coming to pals

Iraq Shi'ites strike constitution deal with cleric(Grand Ayatollah Sistani)

Italian Pilots Face Trial For Refusing To Fly In Iraq

SA weapons sent to Haiti

Power Shift In Haiti Puts Rights at Risk

Before fall of Aristide, Haiti hit by aid cutoff

Right zooms in on Heinz grants Heinz Kerry's foundation work provide grist

Howard Stern predicts his broadcast demise

Bush With 9/11 vs. Kerry With Vietnam

Edwards' message endures

Thousands of protesters demand trial for Aristide; Marines guard against..

Gay marriages United in legal limbo | The Oregonian

54 percent in Oregon oppose same-sex marriage, poll says

Bush Avoids Facing North Korea Nuclear Issue

Walker's in, the race is on (Utah Governor) | Salt Lake Tribune

'Traitor' lifts lid on US glamour mafia

Richardson endorses Holden's re-election | St Louis Post-Dispatch

Blanco to launch special session today | New Orleans Times-Picayune

Aid worker killed in Afghanistan

Gay couples here (Seattle) given 'marital-like' divorce rights

Same-Sex Marriage Blurs Lines on Both Sides of the Political Aisle | NYT

Runway Accident Cancels Flight Carrying Troops to Gulf

US detaining 10,000 Iraqis

Greek opposition set for victory | BBC

Joerg Haider's party wins re-election in Austria | Globe and Mail

Aceh martial law could end by May | BBC

Bush's space plan stalls | Orlando Sentinal

Theories plentiful on killings | Nashville Tennessean

Haiti: 'rebels' used to break union at Grupo M (Levi's) factory

Role of Islam dominates Malaysian election (promises of heaven to voters)

(SF Bay Area's) white-collar job loss could become worst in nation

News Release from Haiti Support Network and International Action Center

US agents ignored doubts on Iraqi arms | Sydney Morning Herald

US gave bomb grade uranium to 43 countries

Romney's scholarship plan favors richer school districts | Boston Globe

Iraq War Amputees Get New Life and Limbs at Walter Reed

Pope raises prayer for Africa

Is This the Insurgency's Mastermind?-U.S. officials exaggerate Abu Musab Z

US Confirms Military Activity in South Algeria

Haiti’s brutal history largely of our making

McCain Says WMD Commission Needs Subpoena Power

Jewish Texas Cowboy Bids For Bush's Old Job

Insurgent Attact injures American in Baghdad.

CNN BREAKING: 10 explosions heard in Baghdad

The Long, Blinding Road to War (Gen. Petraeus)

First Independent Human Rights Organization in Saudi Arabia

Shots Fired at Haiti Protesters Kill 5

Ohio likely to put doubts into teaching of evolution | Cincinnati Enquirer

Chardon Wife Wanted Call Before Husband Died In Iraq

Recruiters blame Iraqi war for drop in Guard sign-ups (Well, Du-uh)

Scientist 'gagged' by No 10 after warning of global warming threat

World exaggerating global threat, says Blix

AP: Pakistan Knew of Nuclear Black Market

In Illinois poll, Kerry's cruising

U.S. Soldiers Raid Baghdad Dairy Processing Plant

New Marketing Coup: Churches pay to run TV ads for "Passion"

500,000 march against Chávez

Basques march for banned party

Godfather Colin Powell, The Gangster of Haiti: Kevin Pina's Notes on the "

Patrick Stewart blames Hollywood for violence on women

N.Y. Rep. King Criticizes Muslim Leaders (85% of US Mosques Terrorists)

Kraft Execs Raked in Big Bonuses

7 British Soldiers wounded in Battle with Badr, Demonstrators in Amarah

New Mexico's Richardson Says No to Kerry's VP Job

Thousands March in Haiti for New Leaders & Army (Rebels with US Marines)

Bush brothers are two-for-one punch

Revealed: how 'war hero' Kerry tried to put off Vietnam military duty

Ugandan Jews' prayers ignored

Savings fear as Argentina defies world

John Henry Williams, son of Ted Williams, died today of leukemia

Newsweek: 2004 Campaign: A 'Shocking' Stumble

Kerry's Possible Running Mates Unenthused

Kerry Says Bush 'Stonewalling' 9/11 Probe, Intelligence Inquiries

Gay Bishop ready to officially take over | CNN

Delegation Supportive of Aristide Blocked From Visiting Or Speaking With H

Bush brother Neil marries in Houston

Foreign Counsel - A Bush defector in Kerry's camp

Director of Venezuela's Symphony Orchestra tortured

The Pentagon's Secret Scream

Headbangers ball appears to be on MTV 2.

anyone ever watch Star Search?

My SO is here! YAAAYYYY!!!

The future of drinking water?

Pulp Fiction is on HBO :)

I've got 7 and half days of music on the iMac - Ask me anything

Name the artist and work or art (can't google this)

Austin DUers...late notice but how about brunch tomorrow

Are you there God? It's me Princess Margaret.


Could someone test a link, please?

Kleeb is drunk

Battle of the Bands: Jane's Addiction vs The Cure

So there's this man I like at work ...

Scott wishes he was drunk

It's after midnight so officially

"People's Republic of Vermont"

Need help with a writing project

Is it a small world?

31 on MiniPutt2

Kleeb is NOT drunk

What movie should I rent?

What should I drink tonight when I get off work?

Name my unborn child

Share the Land

Ok so besides kleeb who else is drunk

So is LastKnight Drunk?

3-Headed Frog Found

Spend some time at the Inn

Just now on "Pulp Comics", Comedy Central,

I need some names for two new snakes.

So is Kleeb Drunk or Not?

I am of a victim of a Hit and Run, Ask Me anything!


I'm drunk and on the radio...ask me anything!

Ok Some Ideas and more help needed

seems im not the only lovestruck soul seeking advice tonight...

Oh my God, are you DRUNK???

Whatever happened to...

Thanks for killing my confidence.

Senator Kerry on crack?

Looks like a Lounge Member after a bad Friday Nite

International Women's Day tomorrow:

OK Janet Jackson one more time...... Doonesbury

What a lovely Easter gift (sarcasm alert)

What's your height???

It wqas so hard to get here

Top this cookie gluttony, Zomby (or anyone)


There seems to have been a lounge-wide drunk last night

Oh great! I just got a email saying my card had been charged for Viagra!

Important advice, for women who listen to country music....

So there's this girl I like at work...

Is Mel Gibson a faux Christian?

Is Kleeb a Dictator?

Which Sealab 2021 character are you?

It's time to rewrite Bush's own quotes! Fun for the whole family!

I boiled and ate a whole mess of crawdads last night! Ask me anything!

You know you're living in 2004 when...

The mistreatment of Vincent Hamm

I'm moving and it sucks

I hear jamming is good

Why do people come to the Lounge and brag about being drunk?

Best Jesus Movie?

Thank (Insert Diety of Choice), Spring is finally here!!!

Best cities in a Beach Boys verse:

wioooowheee! I'm drunk1!

noooooooo! im in the 700 club!

RED SOX vs YANKEES 1:00 pm - Tickets On EBay - $500.00!!!

Cracked pots


I take my driving test Tuesday...and I'm nervous as hell

I am eating some hot chili which I just made

Bush Mosaic - Hilarious!!

Questions about iTunes and its competitors (Windows user)

Is Newark the greatest city on the planet?

The Next Time You Purchase Something

Deep Space 9 anti gay?

When you see THIS picture, what comes to mind?

im gonna sing the doom song now

Whatever happened to the American Patriot comic

Who in the world is Serge A. Storms???

Any networking gurus on right now?

Right Wing News - D.U. Post Of The Day

Bird died. Ask me anything, Wagga. My 'Passion' Review. Cat pics inside.

Best Cities in the Alternate Universe

I'm enjoying a Coca-Cola, one of my last for a while. Ask me anything!

Paper or Plastic?

For the fantasy nuts we have here

Anyone know the status of the MoveOn ads?

Where do you find the worst writing on the web?

Our house is over run by democrat bugs

At bedtime I become like Adrian Monk (Obsessive-Compulsive)

Anyone else grossed out by Bloody Pingu Throw?

Just exactly how adorable is this picture?

I Love Pornography.

Now here's a real homeowner's nightmare!

I Touch Myself

There is a house in New Orleans...............

Superman Fans! Look what I just got....

Look at all that grammar nazism

OK I have to vent about a movie I am watching.

Favorite Brady...

Any Lo-Pro fans here?

How shall we describe Leader's Kleeb's demise?

dammit whitacre

Why is everyone picking on young John Kleeb?

Wow, why are so many DUers cranky today?

Kleeb Jokes thread

Next person to kidnap Kleeb?

Football's over, NCAA BB tourney hasn't started,

anyone else here love Tenacious D?

Too-Young-To-Vote? Check in here...

Kleeb People Finish First

Kleeb has been dethroned

I'm annoyed at the flames at various members

How can I cope with senoritis?

Best State in New England

What are your favorite non-politics message boards or forums?

oops wrong forum

I am a Red Sox-Yankees fan

2005 Mustang - I want this car


Anybody see the end of the Doral Golf Tourney?

Too-Not-American-To-Vote? Check in here:

Anheuser World Select lager beer ...

For lucky best wash, use Mr. Sparkle!

Do you like "the vinyl cafe" ?

Kinky Friedman (of the Texas Jewboys) Runnin' Fer Guvna of Texas

Kittyzilla is back

Red Green Show: Who is your favorite character, minus Red and Harold?

OMG! Look at these claws!

I ate four kinds of freaky meat last night

What title should our (former) Leader Kleeb have taken?

How much PROFIT will Mel make from the Passion?

Best cities in the multiverse!

Shocked at my initial response to news of Ashcroft's pancreatitis

Lifeforms. Those tiny little lifeforms, Those precious little lifeforms...

Best Canadian province/territory

John Lennon

What do you do when you see one of minibrain's ads on TV?

anyone familiar with "quark"

My Kitty Thomas May Be Dying

Should Scotch-Gard be allowed to use images from the Lewinsky

My fingers are on fire

So what is John Aschrofft doin now

If you buy a used car with onStar or GPS, are you "monitored"??

DHS, the series

Gawd am I drunk

Why is there suddenly flaming in the lounge?

Mark Russell: What do you think of him?

The lady who sits atop a newspaper vending machine

Read the short "story" in the March issue of Playboy?

High school DUers and parents - Community Service Requirement


I think I might be evil


afternoon chat DRUNK KLEEB

Do We Spend Too Much Time in Our Cars?

Laura Bush's saving grace

Forgotten '80s pop stars: JUICE NEWTON

Kiss or Nirvana: Which is more overrated?

I am back -- with an update.

Who's your favorite (famous) Poker player?

If I hear about "the passion" one more time i'm gonna explode

The "Bewitched" Darrin Stephens Preference Poll

For Doctor Who Fans: Who was your favorite Doctor

Best Cities in the Universe

Best city in the Midwest

Caption this!!!

Uh-oh, Britney Spears just went to #1 on the UK charts.

Do not try this at home. Remember, this is a professional caption.

I almost bought some Simpsons merchandise today

what are you having for dinner tonight?

What? No Sopranos thread???

OK Photoshoppers and others

What's the deal with D.C.?

Do Women like jerks?

Greatest city on Earth?

Let's name a bunch of crappy cities

Underappreciated bands?

WP: Kerry Can Be Slow to Decide But Quick to Act


Kerry should challenge bush to come out and fight like a man

Criticism of Kerry was disingenuous

Are you seeing this mock meet the press with Edwards on SNL?

Did Kerry vote for any tax cuts in the last 3 years?

Josh Marshall will be quite effective for Dems in 2004/ Here's an example.

Senator Kerry on Seniors

Senator Kerry on Small Businesses

Dean is coming to Seattle on March 18 to unveil his new grassroot org.

Dudes and dudettes, you really oughta be watching SNL tonight.

New FL Poll: Kerry leading Bush 49 to 43, yes in Florida!!!!

From Iowa to Super Tuesday...

How did Jeb win in '02?

I have a question about the legality of the ads

Right wing media types on CNN now.

Kerry bio timeline

In the Land of Lincoln Kerry beats * 52 to 39!

Dean speech on C-Span...

Senator Kerry on Fighting for America’s Veterans

The mistreatment of Vincent Hamm

Late Edition lineup looks awesome today!

Kerry is everything George Bush is not - MUST READ


I'm joking! Should Kerry be force-fed to gain some weight?

Kerry beat Bush 49-43 in latest Miami Herald/St. Pete Times Poll!

Senator Kerry Foreign Policy Plan

Thanx to the Mods here at 2004 Primary...

I think MO Dowd has a crush on Kerry....

How was the Dean documentary on CNN last night? n/t

Bush and his poor taste, 9/11 Ads VOTE now!

Cause for Concern? new buzzwords from the right

Ted Kennedy will be on CNN to talk about campaigning for Kerry (1pm et)

E-mail CNN to have more of Clark. Also vote that Bush 911 ads wrong (poll)

Does Anyone Know The Mortality Rate Of PT Boats on The Mekong Delta?

Bush admits his administration won't solve US problems

"Rise and fall of Dean Campaign" on Wolf Blitzer in few minutes.

Bob Graham doesn't help Kerry in Florida according to today's poll

Laura Bush Vs. Teresa Heinz

The Remaining Primary Schedule

New Poll shows Kerry kicking Shrub's butt in Florida

Deleted message

If Kerry chose Ted Kennedy as VP would it counter Bush's Cheney Choice?

How Tall Is Kerry?

Is there a certain degree to being wounded?

An idea for Kerry fundraising (I'm not asking for your donations)

Kerry Should Emphasize That We Are Fighting War On "Stateless" Terrorism

Please add to this Bush Flip Flop list

Kerry marks ``Bloody Sunday'' anniversary

The only ad Dems will ever need

How does one find out

Can't donate to Kerry again?

Jerky's Top Ten excerpts from Kerry's speech:

Are Freepers thinking about Freeping anti-Repug convention rallies?

Proposal on 2008 Primary Schedule

John Kerry campaigning today in Mississippi...

Dennis J. Kucinich Day in Alice, Texas

State requirements to get on ballot with Nader's goal numbers

BREAKING NEWS!!!! Kerry beating Bush in Florida by 6%!!!!!

Well designed VEEP poll

How can Bush attack Kerry as a liberal while simultaneously

The Clinton hate crowd has plastered a bullseye on Kerry's forehead

Would you guy's forgive Florida if Kerry beats Dubya in Florida?

How 'red' is Florida?

Saudi Arabia to Figure in US Election Campaign: Expert

OK, FL Dems, tell us how you're going to stop them from stealing it in '04

Clark is on CNN now!

SD: History not on Kerry's side, but state Democrats ready to try

I sent Kerry $100

Why is no one challenging Bush's 'great wartime leadership?'

Richardson is out

Are there any good Kerry smear defence sites?

Barbara Bush vs Teresa Heinz-Kerry

John McGlaughlin is smarter than everybody else.

Should Kerry's VP come from { Edwards, Clark }?

Senator Kerry on Trade

Senator Kerry on Immigration

Senator Kerry on Protecting Americas Workers

Senator Kerry’s Plan on Restoring Jobs and Rebuilding Our Economy

St. Ralph is still saying no difference between GOP and Democrats

9/11: Bush* ran and hid in a hole!

Senator Kerry on Crime

Who are the most liberal senators and representatives in congress?

PIck Kerry's VP for him

Why is DU so *different* than democrats everywhere else?

Hey Chicago DUers! Support John Kerry on Tuesday (keep this kicked)

Missed one-two punch on the jobs argument.

We need Florida as insurance in case we lose Iowa and Wisconsin

TIME: Kerry will "almost certainly" send his own team to Iraq..

If you haven't voted/caucused yet, don't do so for Kerry.

Analysis: Population shifts may help Dem. in electoral college!

Kerry Condemns Bush for Failing to Back Aristide

Senator Kerry's Homeland Security Plan

Senator Kerry on Education

Senator Kerry on Women's Issues

Who Mugged Howard Dean in Iowa?

Senator Kerry Energy and Environment Plan

John Kerry is NOT ELECTABLE.

Senator Kerry on Health Care

A question for the " My vote is nontransferable" crowd.


Senator Kerry on National Service

Kerry/Clark is DU's landslide choice for President/VP

Please contact the DNC about their convention in Boston!!

Senator Kerry Policy Plans - All in One