Democratic Underground

Archives: June 15, 2004

You've probably never seen these guys laugh

Some Castro to read

US impact on Europe stems from the Cold War, not from D-Day

Young dissident stands out from his high school crowd

Bush's New Focus on Economy May Face Voter Skepticism (Update2)

"A temporary coup" (WH corruption of intelligence) By Mark Follman

The Torturers--Justin Raimondo /

Common Dreams: He Needs More Than a Dad's Love


Elect a hypocrite (in praise of flexibility,)

(Get him!) Did Michael Moore really lie? Debunkers read this!

Brooks: Bitter at the Top (Knowledge Workers(D) vs. Managers(R))

Krugman: Travesty of Justice (Ashcroft plus Siebel Edmunds case)

Tentative list of Protestors at Boston DNC is out

Randi Rhodes caller tonight mentions DU, anyone catch it?

The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science

Top 225 people more wealthy than bottom 2,500,000,000.

Human rights activist says war hurts efforts

Now the gun industry is pimping body armour piercing handguns

12 times more women killed by men they know than strangers

I hate my name. I picked in a rushed moment coupled with a

Can we get a separate "McCain as VP" forum?

So who is seeing Patti Smith in Chicago on 6/24?

Castor campaign gets Internet boost

Aerial Photo: Anywhere in Massachusetts

Another encounter with my 14 year old niece

Check to see if F/911 showing in Ohio

Fundraiser picnic for Representative Tim Holden on July 16th

Houston DUers...

Bush ahead in Wisconsin :(

Mall terrorism....the saga continues.

Once again Paula Zahn whizzes me off!!!

Did anybody else's CNN just switch to Disney during the Clinton portrait

The "Reagan Bounce" seems to have failed. What next?

So when should Kerry emerge from his mass media cave?

Sign the petition BBV

The most ignorant freeper in America

My letter to Regal Cinamas, Re: F9/11

A commercial I'd like to see (or hear)

Irony 101: is selling "The Working Poor: Invisible in America"

Some silly (admitted) questions about our nation & governance.

John Kerry campaign schedule open again, in Columbus, Ohio tomorrow

Here's To HERB

9:40 Good discussion on "Majority Report" about reasons why Dems are

Newspaper Headline from the Future: June 26 2004 -

ATTN: To the DUer to whom I semi-defended Tweety week-before-last ...

i just tried to ....

Saw a "Real Deal" sign in my neighborhood (in Richmond, VA).

Intelligence: The Pentagon—Spying in America?

How much of Mark (Limbecile) Luther would you like to hear

Irish setting up Shannon Peace Camp for * visit.

John Kerry is planning on naming his VP sometime within next 3 weeks....

Intelligence: The Pentagon—Spying in America?

I saw a Wes Clark bookat Borders...

Was Luther on all day today?

Was Reagan buried facing the wrong way?

i just tried to ....

Mass. Dems fighting to deny Romney from replacing Sen. Kerry.

As much as Edwards is my first choice VP pick....

Bill & Hillary will replace Poppy & Babs... hehehehe

Man; my parents' church distributes "pro-life" propaganda

Medicaid Giveth Then Taketh Away - Your home for Medicaid

Please Don't Make My Mistake

Clinton's painting in WH: C-Span replaying at 1:52 am ET

Torture, War, and Presidential Powers (Ron Paul)

Finally got to see the unveiling of the Clinton's portrait at the WH!

Clinton's legacy amongst progressives owes as much to the right

Sibel Edmonds: GET YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE UP and then cry my beloved country.

Will "the Memo" be Bushco's Waterloo?

Holbrooke is on Tavis Sml (PBS)

BBV: League of Women Voters drops support of paperless voting machines

Sick of Bad TV? Watch American Experience tonight

so did 60 minutes run the Sibel Edmonds piece or not?

Draft Exemptions in modern DRAFT law

F911 tix on sale now for NYC. New theaters were added today,

Congress inquiry links Cheney aide to Halliburton deal

Here's a question for the doubters: Why help elect Bush?

Electoral College survey averages

for all the moaning from the right about Kerry delaying his acceptance

A RW disk-jockey on my Oldies station, said that Martha is going

Is Nightline worth staying up for tonight?

CNN: Michael Moore on Howard Dean ... "He's a good guy"

Pancho Villa's skull missing? George?, Sen. Kerry?

LANDSLIDE! latest state polls(adj): Kerry 355 EV; Bush 179

Since "under God" was added in '54 in reaction to godless communism

Clearly, the solution to war resolutions is an automated draft

c-span2 House Armed Services--unbelievable GOP resistance

Why do we allow the cultural issues define "liberalism/progressivism"?

Jebus! I just saw a commercial for Fahrenheit 9/11 on TV!

Need to resume a job search.

Tell me this article is not really true. I want to think it is not true.

If your state could secede & join the EuropeanUnion would you vote for it

John Kerry's CORONATION???

Make the Dread go away, & get it off my shoulders

This is certainly out of the box thinking

As A Vietnam Veteran Who Saw Alot Of Death, I Have Things To Say (GRAPHIC)

Arrogance, Narcissism, Greed: What quality most describes Wash. insiders?

So are we still on the verge of a major attack in the Homeland?

NYP: For U.S. firms, back to business as usual with Binladen Group

My GOD O'Reilly is a douchebag.

Robert C Byrd has a book coming out

Is there a possibility someone other than Kerry...

Stripping Prisoners of Their Clothes and Dignity

Bush Pressured the Pope to Go after Bishops to Deny Kerry Communion

Thoughts about US military/ police talking like kindergartners? (bad guys)

Playboy: Michael Moore on Howard Dean: "kind of a prick"

I'm crying

Please help me refute the email below........

I just saw the trailer for Fahrenheit 911

anyone watch tweety

Should Selective Service be abolished?

This election is about the 10% in the middle.

Did Scarborough the Rat Face just threaten Moore?

9/11 Action Alert - Expose The 9/11 Commission Whitewash

No question: Ashcroft is the worst attorney general in history. (KRUGMAN)

More Blacks Run As Republicans in South

911 Commission Final Hearings - Action Alert for DUers.

There are 2, TWO candidates for president, right now.

Nader vote as phallic symbol - the tiny winky theory.

O.J. Simpson - 10 years later, MSNBC. Flamefest: he didn't do it.

Annan calls for lower trade barriers at UN conference

Activist Faults 'Dr. Phil' Disclaimer

Women Voters Drop Paperless Vote Support (BBV)

DeLay to Be Subject of Ethics Complaint

Accused Contractor at Abu Ghraib Says He Told Guards What to Do

Pakistan Arrests Al-Qaeda-Linked Leader in Karachi, AP Says

i just tried to ....

Bilingualism slows cognitive aging

You don't have to be poor to work there (Iraq), but it helps


U.S. vows to improve Afghan military prisons

Court Rejects Effort to Sue Former President Clinton

NYC Weighs a Dozen Bids for GOP Protests

CIA Declassifies Most of Senate Iraq WMD Report

Congress inquiry links Cheney aide to Halliburton deal

Woman's lawsuit against pastor to proceed

Wasserman Schultz to give DCCC $100,000

Environmental Groups Lose Case Over off-Road Vehicles

Bush rejects calls from Nancy Reagan, John Kerry to relax stem-cell policy

Martin, Harper draw most fire in French-language leaders debate (Canada)

Attacking west a sin, say Saudi clerics

Reaganite by Association? His (Reagan's) Family Won't Allow It

I-88 goes one for the Gipper

Falklands para dies in Baghdad suicide bombing

Reaganite by Association? His Family Won't Allow It (Ron Jr's Eulogy)

A nude model, five bodies and the Mormon assassination plot attempt

A Recollection of Early Questions About Reagan's Health

British Troops Face Abuse Charges

Labour gives up its pretence to face the real prospect of defeat

U.S. missed need for prison personnel in war plans - USAToday

Signals Are Mixed as U.S. Retail Sales Rise (Inflation concern grows)

Whistleblowers ask federal workers to come forward with 9/11 evidence

Judge: Skilling can get interest from seized millions

WP: Al Qaeda May Have Delayed 9/11 Attack

WP: Rage Explodes After Another Baghdad Blast (Page A01)

Groundbreaking: Walmart employees seek union representation

Hindus smash up cinema after Bollywood breaks lesbian taboo

Heinz Kerry says she joined Democratic Party out of anger

Fox News censured for rant against BBC

League of Women Voters Drops Support of Paperless Voting Machines

U.S. Trucks Carrying Radioactive Materials Intercepted In Iraq-Kuwait

Masterpiece Theater (Foyle's War)

Will Pitt just reposts articles.

15 year old Roy becomes prima donna

15 year old goy becomes perm donor

15 year old boy retains perma-boner

Very funny photoshop in another forum here... needs no Caption

Just a couple of cool dudes, relaxin', hangin'. No biggie.

15 year old gay becomes porn director

15 Year Old Joy Becomes Perm Toner...

15 year old Goy becomes firm director

Will Pitt just repo'd bicycles

15 year old sperm has been found......

Root Beer Float Bars - Blue Bunny

15 copycat threads make pom-poms dwindle.

15 year old sperm becomes boy donor

15 year old gal becomes Peruvian dictator

we have to elect Kerry so hubby will stop saying

I love lechers - they change wives! - tell me your best lecher story

15-year-old joy from Rona

15th 15 post

15-foot whale engulfs Jonah

15 year old wine becomes goner.

15-year-old wolf becomes loner

Pimp my ride

Lost Cable in Storm - Can't watch Hannity - THANK YOU GOD!!!!

Thoughts From Within - Woody Harrelson

Is there a dial up ISP with unlimited hours for $10 or less a month

you smell nice. i think i like you.

Anyone seen the Japanese horror movie series Tomie ?

15-yr old Donut Thrown Out

DU Phishheads:

BBV Update

Enough with the coke addicts, nuns, & the willy sniffing of another host

John Kerry just called me!

Look! John Grisham is one of us.

Gene Simmons, Asshole

Just what is a gipper anyway?

Which picture looks like it has more accurate detail?

Listening to Fela Kuti! Life is sweeeeeeet

Anyone gonna see Patti Smith in New Orleans tomorrow nite?


Enough with the smoke objects, the fun, the really sifting of another post

we're all gonna dye! ( a thread for the colorful DUers here)

DU bloggers/Web masters: What's your weirdest hit?

And now, the final joke of the Reagan era

So many of my friends are breaking up

The only thing that cheered me up today was Culture Club!!

Echo from the gorge today: "Here she is-is-s! She is alive-live-ve!!!"

Amanda Peet.

DU Chat...

Advice please for my wedding this Sunday....How much do you

I miss Mondays in the Underground....

I have to share this call from a wingnut on the radio this morning.

We're all gonna die ( a serious thread for those who dont like jokes)

I love Teachers - they change lives! - tell me your best teacher story

the incontinent flashback of all CAPTIONs

Me thinks she needs to change her name....ASAP....

Here's your sign:

Shame on you all! No one conforms to my standards around here!

I'm back... what'd I miss?

What program do I use to burn .Avi to dvd?

Young man

New Uniform

So my 7 year old daughter comes up to me....

nice pic of Natalie Portman and Women for Kerry button

Survived the storm - But Bush, Cheney and a lot of short guys are here.

This website is something else

We're all going to fly! (an uplifting thread for LSD users)

Question regarding "Tour of Duty-The First Season" DVD Set

Thunderstorms bearing down on MikeG - where should I hide?

Enough with the toke subjects, the funs, the silly spliffing of posts

The Daily Show is new tonight!

I'm sure you just saw the preview for F911

This guy keeps sending me viruses

What country would the Repubs move to?

Ever make your own potato chips ?

MikeG you are right! Post 701 and the storms have been

The local psychic

U.S. Vehicle Carrying Radioactive Materials Intercepted

I just made this really cheesy caserole.

16 days and counting for Spidey II- some pics to hype ya (warning 56k'ers)

9 post till I hit the 4 digit club.....ask me anything!

OK, don't send the "Nickelback sucks" link to Nickelback fans

I'm thinking of getting a new puppy

Have you seen this horror movie?

Repugs get new party emblem

Did OJ do it?

Medicare Card Test Drive of all CAPTIONs

Listening to Led Zeppelin II. Ask me anything.

Talking about Ray Charles on Charlie Rose now.

I love REdiscovering bands!

Tuesday night Laker-Piston game

Fill in the blank: Are you _____ing? Wow!

The little fuckers have to die!

All-time favorite commercials?

Go to bed! It's late and you know you have things you need to

You'd think that people would've had enough of silly love songs...

Need suggestions for songs to put on a CD for my wedding

employment advice?

If I Say "Bette"...

Dog Penis!!!

How do you like your gippers?

Slugs. Life Or Death?

This is MY Lounge! All MINE!!! Look at me!!!

Are you a short woman? Read this

True love in a nutshell

Am i strange because i brush my teeth in the shower?

TXLib and KCDem, how was the party?

Enough with the yolk subjects, the nuns, the silly sniffing of other posts

I just saw Battlefield Earth on TV. I am speechless.

15 year old boy becomes sperm donor

Enough with the joke subjects, the puns, the silly riffing of another post

The coolest calender clock. Post your cool stuff

the new manager on American Chopper?

Listening to Van Halen's Women and Children First. Ask me anything.

15-year-old song "My Sharona"

vandalized bumper sticker

Did you know a prctologist...

Well, I don't need to do that again (In 'n Out burger).

Fill in the blank: I love the way your _____ grabs my _____ during _____.

Need suggestions for songs NOT to put on a CD for DebJ's wedding

What non-traditionally good-looking men do you find hot?

We're Two Years Smoke-Free Today

Does anyone else have a problem with their dog & loud noises???

Favorite BAD Movie...

OK.. I saw Madonna in concert last week... ask me...

SE Pennsylvania DUers! Come see my band this Friday night! Seriously!

That thing on Edward's lip - should it come off?

NYC Weighs a Dozen Bids for GOP Protests

Anti-Bush campaign is stripped to its bare essentials

In Michigan, voters focus on the war

Virginia Congressman Fighting Challenge

Kerry Campaign Says Middle Class Hurting

More Blacks Run As Republicans in South

Heinz Kerry Says Why She Joined Democrats

Bon Jovi Hosts $1M Fund-Raiser for Kerry

Kerry to Discuss Plan to Build a Stronger Economy for America's Families

A Low-Key Iowa Governor Receives the V.P. Treatment

does anyone have a list of states Gore competed for in 2000 ?

Taking it to the streets - Boston

Kucinich ranks first in repeat donors

Kudos to Howard Dean

When there is nothing left to say

Church and State, by Neal Pollack

Reporters in chains

The Anointed, the Media, and Ronnie

Roy Hattersley (Guardian Utd): The failing that could prove lethal

South African Man Kills Designer for Criticizing Home

Thank God

Light Bulb Joke

So, being the good guys means we can torture?

High Court Ducks Hot Potato Case

George Orwell... meet Franz Kafka

Salon: Abolish the terror tax

Moral Relativism: It's Not Just For Liberals Anymore

New Labour: Threaten the left, brownnose the right, forge stories

Gary Younge (Guardian Utd): Somewhere else to go

Death was the Gipper's co-pilot

Counterpunch: John Kerry, Political Placebo

Bitter at the Top (leadership style war - Knowledge or focused management?

Young Americans deceived into dying for unjust causes

Governor Dean and the DFA grassroots get some nice media!

Docu derby (list of political movies due out before 11/04 election)

Please vote No on this poll

Help create the Democratic Platform

Terror, terror, 8 month old mall bomb plot foiled

Bill O'Reilly... Fear-mongerer.

The Peoples' Media

Letter to Roger Ebert demonstrates media failure

Holy conservative cow-irker, Batman!

100th Anniversay of the General Slocum Disaster

Today's Thought

SA boozers top of the tots

Arrest warrant issued for former Symbol CEO

Black Helicopter Theories Whir Through Markets (silly plunge protect team)

How will the American labor market survive in the global economy?

Malaria, Dengue Rage After Haitian Flooding And Landslides - Reuters

Protecting Oceans Far Cheaper Than Subsidizing Fishing - Reuters

Hydro plant gets thumbs-down - Namibia

Total Area Of American Pavement, Buildings Equals Size Of Ohio

Receding Lake Mead Reveals 1930s Construction Complex

Kaohsiung wins bid to host World Games 2009

Nationalist faces reformist in Serbian poll

Lithuanian election heats up as nation readies for run-off

Bangkok in difficulties over southern region

Academics speak out against arms purchases - TW

"The Army Is Voting With Their Feet"

Madagascar reservists unhappy

Zimbabwe stocks up on jets, arms (Wash Times)

China's trains struggle to keep up

Federal hammer falling on convicted felons with guns

Swords: They're not just for killing anymore

Civilians Teach Army at Camp Bullis

Anyone get Canadian TV?

Great picture from Ohio Newspaper.

Ask Auntie Pinko and Bob Boudelang...

Are pro Nader anti-Democrat posts allowed?

"member since" date

So I present you with a solution

Why was my thread locked?

Locked thread...kind of nutty...

Withdrawal for Lebanon has new lesson for Israel

Israel Could Shift Gaza Settlers to West Bank

Making More Refugees

Report: Syria to cancel prohibition on recognizing Israel

IDF: Hamas tried to carry out 6 simultaneous terror attacks

Mazuz decides not to indict PM in Greek Island affair

Could Fighter Jets Have Stopped 9/11?

Governor takes budget battle to the people

Is anyone going to the Chicago Meetup tomorrow?

Clock ticking for Martínez camp

Deutsch fires up his campaign for U.S. Senate

Church gives pre-election scorecard

Romney administration calls for Kerry to resign

Fahrenheit 9/11 Theatres

State says it wants more money from Wellstone settlement

Hey guys! was wondering if there were any DU get-togethers planned.

Anyone here work for the Richard Morrison campaign?

Email from the Morrison Campaign--The Hammer Gets Nailed

Heads Up Convention-Bound Texans!

Anyone read the Isthmus last week?

Press Release: Mark Green Campaigns on Your Tax Dollars

Kerry needs help in G.B.!

I'm thinking of getting a new puppy

Can Stem Cell and Medicare Reform Help Kerry?

Fallon NV Cancer Cluster and the Dem's chances to turn Nevada Blue

Who has paid for the Holocausts that have occurred?

Kirk Kerkorian: GOP power magnate

The rest of the year in Unilateral America-- the EU wishes us well.

Didn't anyone notice that A$$Kroft's latest press release doesn't

Reagans not crazy about W...

Hilarious Audio Clip: 'American History'

Claims vs. Facts

Damn folks, get rid of Bush and worry about Kerry later.

This week's Fareed Zakaria: "Tackle the Nuke Threat"

The Allen Plan . . . a quite reasonable (I think) alternative to the draft

I'm crying

Take Action if You Haven't Yet! (Fahrenheit 9/11)

Cheney again asserts that Saddam had ties to al Qaida

Another US Success in Iraq......Fallujah is now "Little Saudi Arabia"!

Stopping "terrorism" should be easy.

when the next attack occurs, I already know who to blame

US cannot find other defendants to testify against Saddam Hussein....

War in Afghanistan the correct policy?

My little delayed tribute to St. Ron.

Today's (Tue.) Doonesbury is great! (Spoiler)

Can you actually believe anything this Administration says ?


Church gives pre-election scorecard: Should we revoke tax-exempt status?

I think the most incendiary words in the English language are

Bill O'Reilly replaced - toon

Homeland Security cracks down on foreign journalists

F/9-11-----Turnabout is fair play--Move America Forward

Holy conservative cow-irker, Batman!

bbc: Iraq abuse 'ordered from the top'

A somewhat positive review of Fahrenheit 9/11 from Fox News?

A Hot and Humid Day

The U.S. government used her as a hostage and then killed her

Does anyone know of a "Howard Stern for Kerry" bumpersticker? ...nt

Ark. Gov. Huckabee has cellphone "talk" with God at Rep. meet (no joke)

dupe delete

Which air america shows take the most calls?

Daily Show coming on now...really good one

You can pre-order the latest "How to..." political book NOW!!

I've a hunch we'll see more "foiled terrorist plots" in Battleground...

Abu Ghraib General Says Told Prisoners 'Like Dogs'


If you don't think America has a Taliban, think again!

C-Span-2 9:40 a.m. House committee report on prisoner abuse

The "get to know them" question I'd like to ask at the pres. debate

My Republican relatives are now anti-W!

Does Anyone Have a Link?

Robert Novak is a slimy, nasty POS.

About the Taliban

Patriot Act Casualty: Freedom of the Press

Reaganite by Association? His Family Won't Allow It

Powell: "...nobody can get away with that now..."

"U.S.’s critics ignore real torturers"

TED KENNEDY now on C-Span 2 now (10:44 a.m.) n/t

How would you design this poster

C-Span - House debate on OIL

Columbus Ohio "Terror Plot" Revelation Related to May Ohio poll?

Lying Limbaugh - again

Ignorance can kill your dumb ass

What is going on here? Lobbyists? Scorecards?

BBV:Paper Trail Endorsed - National Science Fndtn & Kennedy School of Govt

Touch-screen voting could be hacker's heaven

Has anyone heard a rumor that....

Arrest Rumsfeld to Challenge Bush's Policies

All AOL users. Go vote in this poll.

Ex-Workers Hit Halliburton cost- ditch a new truck because of a flat tire!

C-Span2 - Repubs want MORE Nukes for BushCo....

Kerry: 'I'm Running for President Because ....'

Who is this jerk urging Kerry to be even MORE Bushist in Iraq?!

Cheney Claims al-Qaida Linked to Saddam wtf?

All AOL DU members: vote KERRY now!

Steve Kurtz - Bio Terrorism - trial / protests in Amsterdam etc.

Does anyone have a pic of the Clinton portrait they can post?


AIER Cost of Living Calculator, 1913 - Present

anyone have a link to the article that had the picture of

So what exactly is transfer of sovereignty

MUST READ: Conservatives use of language in politics

Dupe...delete please.

update: daiLy LocaL posting responses

do you think a lot of these senator jerks have 'something on' each other?

Kerry is...

Wolf Blitzer is such a putz...

Open Letter to John Kerry from Venezuela's Bolivarian Circles -- USA

Check out this Bush pic I found on the PABAAH site...

Is it time for the Roman Catholic Church to lose its 501(c)(3) status?

Michael Moore on Letterman Friday

I cannot believe that Franken had not seen the * 9/11 snippet reading the

Good News Hawaii: Air America Has Landed

Snippet from Franken's interview on Hardball last night:

"Unto every thing there is a season...."

A campaign program you should know about

Note to John Kerry:

...One Nation, under bush, with Liberty and Justice for None.

Karpinksi's latest comments this AM on the BBC

What are FDR's descendants up to?

mediawhoresonline and David Brock

All hell is gonna break loose after the "turn-over"

FINALLY! VIDEO!!! of the G-8 Press conference with MANIC Bush*!

Dames Demanding Democracy baring much more than usual........

GOP refusing to allow testimony on Halliburton spending

What ever happened to Mark Russell

First draft of letter to NPR on misleading segment Sunday AM

Are you listening to the kid on Al Franken? He is A-OK.

Why do * supporters still support him?

Signal Orange: Representing Iraq War Dead on Bodies of the Living

The International Good Will That George W. Wasted

great quote from Bertrand Russell

Two startling revelations about the GOP "drug discount program"

DU this poll

Deleted message

Can the Dems get back the House in November?

Question about Vietnam Draft

Smirk whined about having to answer questions in 100 degree temperature!

New HR Policy at my company...This may go national!

Question: Who is the WH correspondent he calls "Stretch?"

What's up with the White House press briefings?

Why can't people see the dollar signs in their eyes?

"Thanks to Bush...the world is a safer place."

Howard Stern, not upset that he wasn't invited to Bon Jovi/Kerry party

WaPo Live Online Weds: "Bush On The Couch" author

God & *

The truth about Reagan tax cuts

"Dudant wanus"

Fox News Gives Farenheit 911 Thumbs Up

I pray of you: Watch these two Videos: G-8 and Karzai *'s conferences.

A "virtual interview" with the schizophrenic American public

I just sent this email to each group on the MoveAmericaForward site

Read Howard "Stop Michael Moore" Kaloogian's insane blog

Cuomo donates $2000 to Kerry

Rove: Yucca won't be an election issue

ACTION: AAR - Unfiltered asks us to write PBS re: F*er Carlson's theft

Bush hates that Saddam was not killed when he was captured....

Who are we to cheer for in Chechnya? In the Balkans?

Fr Greeley says Catholic Church is NOT Rightwing

Hardball preview: Franken on ‘Air America,’ Reagan and Dubya tonight!

Tenet's Perjury & how his Resignation dooms Bush

Has anyone else gotten hung up on when on hold for AARadio?

The Asinine Press and their recycled "Zarqawi Letter" story.

You don't suppose those few gay marriages are already having an impact??

Practice for the October Surprise? (Ohio mall plot)

Bush's Belief in His Own Unlimited Authority Is Unprecented

Stop the madness!!! Frozen french fries are "fresh veggies"????

New Army Uniforms--terrible!

Idea for all DU musicians: Free cover at your gig with a F 911 stub!

major announcement with Mario Cuomo regarding Fahrenheit 9/11

Cut out the middleman to make health care affordable?

David Gregory, Howard Dean, Dee Dee Myers at Broadcasters' symposium.

"I'd rather fight them over there than over here...."

Wouldnt it make sense to pull out the October Surprise a bit early

You have to see this email I got from Wayne Madsen re: Plamegate

Patriot Act Definition of Terrorism: Got a Problem with It?

I need some links regarding Reagan's actions in south America

Response from Kerasotes regarding screening in Northwest Indiana

Bush Press Conference: Complete Evasion on the Plame & Torture Questions.

Al Sharpton guest hosting Crossfire 4:30 EST

Daily Kos has a new candidate on the Kos 8

Clothing label apology

Inflation up at a rate of .6% this month

John Dean's take on Bush retaining a lawyer

More Bush favoritism for The Halliburtons and the rest of his cronies

A Vets Resource Clearinghouse: "POLITICS AS USUAL (BUSH)"

*URGENT* Senate Hate Crimes Vote today - call now!

Molly Ivins: Is this what we have come to?

Will the mainstream media EVER admit that Bush is cracked?

If you missed the Bush/Karzai press conference this morning

Greenspan says the reason for the wage disparity is that we're too stupid

What if * loses the popular vote again..........

Wes Clark will be on Wolf Blitzer

So the Admin is rolling out Zarkawi as the al Qaeda connection to Iraq?

O'Liely quip RE Joe Lieberman last night

John Yoo sounding like Stalin

Are You As Sick Of Dems Whining About Kerry As I Am

Cheney is a robot!!

Did Randi just say Kerry is not running to win?

Read George Orwell's 1984 Online

Link to Karzai/Bush news conference..Watch and Groan...

New Hampshire attorney general (R) resigns over sex accusation

Remember how * decided AGAINST to burn Afghanistan's opium fields?

CBS News: Teresa Heinz Kerry interview coming up

Why do so many suffering economically vote Republican?

Har Har Har...a look back at Ashcroft's Libertarian days...

Repost, but still worthwhile: FaithfulAmerica ad

Who is responsible for all the violence in Iraq?

the Democratic party was the party of the south and enforced slavery.

Rep. Ros-Lehtinen is a moron.

So Cal Du'ers\ quake

Do you think RFK was murdered as part of a conspiracy?

Latest RW bullshit talking point: Kerry is too gloomy

How will the media ho's react when Kerry is elected?

Accused of being difficult when questioned by police.

Should Paul Krugman replace Alan Greenspan as head of the Fed ?

Who speaks the best for YOUR Democratic Party?

Don't forget...Al Franken will be on Hardball

contact info for UN president.....

Bill Press on Hardball

WOW! Democratic Party Commercial in Spanish...

Neil Boortz on Kerry

check out duncan hunter on c-span bashing kerry, praising reagan

god DAMN it!!!! Holbrooke on tweety now, unannounced!

Forcing Prisoners to Go Naked

So where are these e-vile terrorist websites posting videos

Oops. Dean is after the media again. Uses "murdochization" of cable news

BBV: Why does NYT's KATHERINE Q. SEELYE hate democracy?

Deleted message

So the Admin is rolling out Zarkawi as the al Qaeda connection to Iraq?

Richard Holbrook must read my posts on DU!

Explain to me why the Bush's Boogeyman isn't on the FBI's most wanted list


If Bush and Cheney are indicted by the Plame Grand Jury,

Fundie callers on CSPAN are out in full force. Aaaaaargh!!!!

How do your political views relate to those of your parents?

Tom DeLay Don't Get No Respect!

We just had an earthquake in San Diego!

How does Jeb know who is african american?

David Brooks' dumbest column since his bogus Red State/Blue State analysis

Ques: Who, exactly is getting payment for Iraq's exported oil?

Al Franken next on Hardball!!

Book Recommendations Wanted

New York and Arkansas DU'ers: Hunting of the President starts Friday...

Have Wisconsin Theaters decided Not To Show Fahrenheit 9/11?

Right Wing Thinking in Decline

My entry into the DNC Kerry ad contest....

McCain votes AGAINST hate crime definition for gays/lesbians

I'm so sick of these staged hostage takings...

Bush's Christian Nation

Rudy-Julie on Tweety right now ...

O' Christ, we beseech Thee, hold sway over Your zealous devotees

Heard a numbskull on Hannity say...

David Ensor - legitimizing info obtained through torture...

GOP was ready to chuck EC and call popular vote 'will of the people'...

Why is Cheney nicknamed "Crashcart"?

Torture, murder, child rape before moms - kids stuff in comparison

This is amazing..

Is America's public schools anti-Christian?

Retired Officials Say Bush Must Go

Your help needed my friends

WHY Are They So Evil?

Ok, I need some help from the creative brilliant DUers out there.

It's the Reverend vs. Tucker on Crossfire

Ron Reagan, son of the late President, blasts bush!! Whoa....

Lutherans Oppose Anti-Gay Amendment (way to go, Lutherans!)

Human Cloning - Support It Or Oppose It?

If Enron dealings forced the California recall

So, what could the "R" in Cheney's secret "Site R" stand for??

Caption this...Rove and Bush out for a walk...


Kerry apparently refuses to let the Repubs corner the U.S. flag

Raygun Repugnican Vs. Bunnypants Repugnican...Let The Games Begin

Gloria Borger just caught Terry Holt completely misrepresenting Kerry


Randi Rhodes: "wage" and "income" are not the same thing...

FOX News calls Fahrenheit 9/11 'a brilliant piece of work'

YES! Idaho Kerry bumper sticker sighting!

Remembering Reagan...

LINK to the 9.7% Total unemployment stat from Fed.Bureau of Labor

I want President Kerry to GET US OUT of Iraq

Catholic Bishops Meet To Consider Penalties Against Pro-Gay Politicians

What's up with Robert Byrd & the KKK?

Where is Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

Am I the only "liberal" DU member who thinks...

FR's take on the positive review of F/911 from Fox News

Is Ann Coulter a "Stepford Repug?"

should Lou Dobbs be put on the religious nut list?

Am I the only DU member who is a practicing Catholic?

What is your economic definition of a "Middle Class" household?

Reject Pro-Gay Candidates Catholic Voters Told

NPR's coverage of the new Clinton library

Update: Southern Baptist HAVE quit the World Alliance over gays.

Show of hands: Who's engaged in voter registration activities right now?

From The "You Learn Something New Every Day" File...

Why is Saddam Hussein referred to chiefly as "Saddam"?

Moore seeks PG-13 for "F9/11"

Anyone see a recent pattern of blaming women for everything?

Bush *insane* at press conference -- he is abso-fking-lutely NUTS.

U.S. Jobless Rate Misses "hidden" Unemployed

somebody today posted the code for half-staff flag flying...

More F911 screens!

Senators' financial disclosures show vast wealth

Vote for Bush because: Yada yada, do. But what of his Leadership?

Debunk this GOP BS... Osama handed to Clinton on "silver platter"

Socialized Medicine, A Democratic Must?

Smoking Gun finally found in IRAQ

Moore is brilliant: F911 has a built-in innoculation against censorship...

The Big Dog - where did this phrase come from?

To George: Washington weather 85, Baghdad 106 degrees

N.Korea wants to talk to bushgang - smirk says no

Hey! Hey! I like your bumper sticker!

scotty the weaselworm is spinning madly on CSPAN II at this moment

Zogby poll in my email.

Call me crazy - CNN: On Saudi hostage tape Johnson says

Breaking Greenpeace story - read this

Why do they insist on "core inflation" indicators?

A Common and Silly Republican Argument

Can anyone explain why the Catholic Church has become conservative

Senate preparing Gay Marriage vote in July (right before Dem convention)

French Fries Considered "Fresh Vegetable"...

What is your opinion of John Walker Lindh, more than a year later?

Neil Boortz!!!! You're a God Damn Coward!

Kerry: "we don't really have an opposition party in this country...

Am I the only "liberal" against hate crime laws?

Roger Ebert puts FReeper in his place

The best "Fahrenhiet 911" review so far!

To vote for Nader, one has to believe:

BBV: Diebold paid $1 million to the blind - inside story on that

Yet another hot chick joins Kerry camp: Meg Ryan

BBV: League of Women Voters reverses stance

PLEASE participate in this poll about 2nd Amendment rights and Democrats

Asian growth straining oil supplies, experts caution

Koreas make historic radio exchange

UK plans hearings on illnesses linked to first Gulf war

Taiwan lauded as Asian beacon of democracy

Shell tries to win friends as it owns up to mistakes

Fox (Faux) News censured for rant at BBC

Food company head commits suicide over dumplings - S. Korea

Sudan rebels abduct 9

House Panel Advances Tax, Tobacco Bill

26 Former U.S. Officials Oppose Bush. Diplomats and military commanders.

DeLay to Be Subject of Ethics Complaint

Cases of Mental Disorder Surge in US Infantry Division in Korea

Mayors get to share campaign spotlight (with Kerry)

U.S. wants to press Iran over nuclear program

Tonga sends 44 troops to help US in Iraq

GIs marching away from re-enlistment

Camp Casey's 2nd ID sees surge of post-traumatic stress disorder

Accused contractor at Abu Ghraib says he told guards what to do

(Border) Patrol uniforms 'made in Mexico'

SA woman 'pregnant with clone'

Thank God

Doctors' group opposes FDA stand on morning-after birth control

Disarmament deal OK'd despite probe (Libya)

Fox News censured for rant at BBC

Terror, terror, 8 month old mall bomb plot foiled

Woman, 26, Pleads Guilty in Deadly Smuggling Case (19 dead)

Saddam lawyer terms Iraq government illegal, denounces trial plan

U.S. Iraq Military Deaths - 826 U.S. service members have died

GE, Bayer get priority for power

Iraq abuse 'came from Guantanamo'

Ex-Halliburton workers decry waste

Yahoo fortifies free e-mail

Reporters Fight Subpoenas in Terror Trial

Oregon governor denies he knew of sexual abuse

Iraqi Shiites Blame Police for Killings - Fallujah Brigade

Dollar Rises Before U.S. Inflation Report, Remarks by Greenspan

Cheney: Saddam had strong al-Qaida ties

Cheney says al-Qaida, Hussein linked, despite widespread doubts

Auditors Take Aim at Halliburton in Iraq

GOP refusing to allow testimony on Halliburton spending

Moore says he had Iraq abuse footage

Al Qaeda May Have Delayed 9/11 Attack

Ethics charges to target DeLay

Iraq abuse 'ordered from the top'

Abu Ghraib General Says Told Prisoners 'Like Dogs'

Tenet's Perjury & how his Resignation dooms Bush

US Congressional Democrats Blocked in Effort to Widen Prison Torture Probe

Tamworth teenager to face Iraq abuse charges

U.S. producers buying cheap Canadian cattle

Abu Ghraib general says she's being made a scapegoat

Iraq Jail Contractor Contradicts Generals

Court Rejects Barr's Suit Against Clinton

Oslo drops Kurdish mullah charges

Violence Renewed in Iraq's Sunni Triangle

Moqtad Sadr could join politics if he disbands militia, beats criminal case


CONSUMER PRICE INDEX: MAY 2004 increased 0.6 percent

Anti-American sentiment growing among the Kurds

Fear of violence spreads across Venezuelan border

Iraq Wants Saddam by End of the Month

Cheney is a robot!!

Fast-food chain(Mickey D's) sued in fatal car crash

Re: Thai troops to quit Iraq in September

Could Fighter Jets Have Stopped 9/11?

Anti-Wal-Mart billboard at proposed store site torn down

No Christianity in new E.U. Constitution

Florida church apologizes for 1964 racism

SA must stop 'arms race' - DA

Pipeline blast stops exports

Big Mac bites right back

Schoolgirl loses Muslim gown case

Byrd lambastes Bush in book

US Army launches 445 million dollar campaign to win Baghdadis' hearts, min

Virus attacks mobile phones

DeLay to Be Subject of Ethics Complaint

Mall prepares for the worst (Indy Mall Bomb a DRILL)

It's the Reverend vs. Tucker on Crossfire

Vatican says sorry for Inquisition

Docs Support Morning-After Pill

Americans, Iraqis Vie for Control of Security Forces


Menem founds new Peronist faction

Gasoline Prices May Continue Declining

"Off Message" (the shrub loses it in Mizzoo)

Bush Declines to Create Do-Not-Spam List

Schwarzenegger paroles more lifers than predecessor


Earthquake outbreak in California. 3:19, 3:28, PDT

More Foreign Contractors, Oil Pipeline Attacked in Iraq (new Tuesday)

'International Attack' Hits Big Web Sites

Back to the future: new US-Russia arms race

Pipeline Blast Cuts Iraq's Southern Oil Exports

Urgent action call on US climate

Republicans' Phony 'Energy Week' Fizzles

GOP ties mine cleanups to Arctic drilling

Iraq North Oil Pipeline on Fire, Sabotage Blamed

Southern Baptists near showdown on departure

'I okayed Iraqi sleep deprivation'

GOP leaders not welcome in S. Dakota?

Iraq will demand return of Saddam's palace

Bush Noncommittal on Saddam Handover

German Cancels 9/11 Hearing Appearance

Study urges broad ban on fishing to restock oceans

Electoral Vote Change in Colorado?

Canadian Wal-Mart store employees seek union certification

North Korea-Iran Preparing a Joint Nuclear Denotation (Japanese paper)

Aussie lawyer 'urged' Red Cross visits to Iraqi prison

GOP Planning July Vote on Gay Marriage Amendment

Bush's new lawyer harbors secretive, criminal past

Senate Passes Gay Hate Bill

Rwanda denies amassing troops

U.S. hiring plans near boom levels

Cuomo retained to fight R rating for F9/11

Michael Moore Seeks PG-13 Rating On 'Fahrenheit 9/11'

Saddam tortured, says lawyer

Judge Delivers Major Blow To Laurie Bembenek

Fox News gives Moore's "F911" thumbs up -- "a tribute to patriotism"

Jenna Bush's bodyguards rumble in Spain

CIA sends heavily redacted WMD report to Senate

USDA: Frozen Fries Are 'Fresh' Veggies

Republican Urges Kerry to Quit the Senate

U.S. Signs Free Trade Deal With Morocco

Vatican releases new data on Inquisition (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Poll of Iraqis Reveals Anger Toward U.S.

IRAN massing troops on IRAQ border

Bush says Afghanistan a success

I'm thinking of getting a new puppy

Need a favor from CNN watchers


South African Man Kills Designer for Criticizing Home

I am a beta tester for the new invisibility cloak!

how do you kick an archived thread?

Name that ass...

Anybody got a napkin I can borrow?

A stupid question about post counts

a silly answer about post counts

Enough with the joke subjects, puns & the silly riffing of petcock's posts

Does being unique make you special?

I'm listening to "Keep On Doing." Ask me anything.

Easy cheap way to get high:

Another freaky optical illusion [picture]

Enough with the polk projects, the nuns, the silly sniffing of others pot

Bottoms front

I'm in the Mile High Club!!!!!!!!

I have a question - Does this post make my ass look big?

Follow the monkey MoneyBoy

Follow the money MonkeyBoy

Word of Advice (Insomniac Thread)

Ronald Reagan and a personal epiphany

new Savage Weiner advertiser Casual Male

mp3 question

Robin Quivers saw F 911 last night, giving it great reviews, yay!

When did this start?

Wife confiscates TV remote for football

Linux bug discovered

child support lawyer

Howard Stern thread. Robin went to Fahrenheit 9-11 premier

new Faux news advertiser Victoria's Secret

Good Morning DU!

Today was wonderful!

Couple Celebrates 80th Wedding Anniversary

Matcom makes me cry

Miller Brewing drops effort for injunction against rival ads

Tree Crashes Into House Trapping Woman Reading Bible

Matcom makes me lie.

Matcom makes me bi.

Matcom makes me Pi!

What I hate about the NBA.

Matcom makes me sigh...

Matcom gave me a Sty!

Matcom makes me high

Matcom makes me high.

Is anyone having trouble getting to Yahoo?

Hooray, it's my 22nd birthday!

Matcom makes me Thai.

Enough with the yoke subjects, the buns, the silly sifting of another post

Woman Arrested On Pot Charges AFTER Flipping Off Cop!

I don't care what sus says - I'm posting a picture of her here at DU

Rosemary Altea will be on CNN in a few minutes.

What's your 'Dumbest Bush Quote Ever'?

Yahoo! (?)

Enough with the yak subjects, the huns, the silly sniffa posts

Vietnam Vets....

The Kerry Campaign takes a lesson from Estee Lauder

It is now under 100 hours to FUNDAY (Thank God!!)

Heh. Just Got A SPAM In My Mail Entitled: "Matcom, Get Some Ass Traffic!"

Matcom Gives You ANYTHING! What Do You Want All Powerful Matcom To Give!!!

Photoshoppers: have I got a challenge for you!

the ant and grasshopper - oLdie via emaiL

Enough with the sex subjects with nuns, the silly sniffing of underwear!

Philip K. Dick Fans: "A Scanner Darkly" Movie in Production!!!

Blind Man Crashes Golf Cart on Ga. Street

Gateway nightmare, anyone else? (profanity warning >;-( )

Little girl shares a secret with Chimp-boy


You lookin' at me, tough guy?

You've been invited to dinner at the Bush White House...

Half-eaten wife used as bait to trap killer Tanzanian lion

bird's nest conundrum

Caption: Bill been painted out of the picture?

Caption: Junior plans Poppy's funeral eulogy

David Sedaris is on "The Connection"

The Missing Picture of all CAPTIONS!!!!

Let's play Trivial Lawsuit!

Reagan Library website: What's New...In The Vault

More of the tokes, gigantic blunts, and silly spliffing

So, what're YOU going to hell for?

We're going to crate train Bailey...

What are you going to Heaven for?

cronyism in your face grandma of all CAPTIONs

So, who's going to barbecue matcom on Saturday?

don't mind me, I'm just window shopping for a CAPTION

How do you determine the "appropriate" punishment for a mime?

Does Bush* Have Tennis Balls Underneath His Armpits?

Rules for newbies c/o DuctapeFatwa

Caption: But will they hang together?

Are you "yokel" when you make love?

I'm in a fellow DUer

Man Lights His FLAMABLE Pants On Fire To "See What Would Happen"

When did you first use the Internet?

Any salon premium subscribers?

I'm a fellow DUer

If I'm the fellow DUer that you're in love with, you can tell me now

Do you yodel when you make love???

Copycat Polls

Copycat Posts

More Cassini pics

Are you "vocal" when you make love?

Fans, players cry foul at ball hog

It's the "I LOVE CRABS" poll: What's your favorite Crabs??

Will computers and high tech transform humans into higher beings?

Copycat Trolls

Copycat Threads

I just discovered that my question mark key is inoperable...

Noticing some *suggestive* threads today

"Yes, I've actually heard (the c-word) used as a term of endearment."

has anyone tried C4?

Define your vision of "Heaven" and "Hell"

Is google not working for anyone else?

I thought I had something to post that was thought provoking.

Has anyone tried C3PO?

Well, Its OBVIOUS That *I* Am The 'Adult' In Here Today

Good-bye 700 Club...some final sex advise from our friend Pat:

I am in lust with a fellow DUer.

Anyone else getting phone calls to support LaRouche?

Do you drool when you make love?

It's time for an "I AM SO BORED" thread

have you ever tried finding a flashlight in the dark?

Has anyone tried C2?

The stupidest dog breed or individual pet

Castro asked US President Roosevelt for $10

Smartest dog you've ever met

Do you "yodel" when you make love?


Simpsons Season 4 is out today

Payola is Alive and Well on Radio

what's your favorite board game now?

Okay, Jumping On Matcom's Thread - A Baseball Etiquette Question

If you're not tinfoiled about GMail... (out of invites already)

New HR Policy at my company...This may go national!

The Off-Topic Thread

I am in LUST with someone somewhere

Those wacky British & their hats...

Met the Flecktones!

I'm not in love.......

Anyone here use MSN

DU Sims fans- admit it- You've enjoyed killing a Sim!

so when does big dawg's book come out?

Kobe: "I'm telling you right now, we'll win Tuesday."

Court orders 'Dog Lady' to give up 121 canines

Today, I'm going to the airport to pick up Camero.......

Etiquette Question: I Heard Magic Rat Stole A 4 Year Old Girls Ice Cream

CAPTION getting carded at her age

Matcom makes me want to..............steal foul balls from children

Shrub becomes unhinged

Yehaa! I just got my first professional health-care related license! Wahoo

Who's NOT going to MATCOM's barbecue Saturday?

Principal Ate Live Worms After Students Met Education Goals

I found out that I have just been admitted to Graduate School.

So does Detroit burn tonite?

Do you h8thegop?

Favorite Diamond Dave Van Halen album?

Put the Blame on Mame

Stupid movie questions

Bartcop used my cartoon today!

Great new yahoo email? I can't get into my inbox!

WARNING: Spoilers Inside

I need your honest opinion. Feel free to be brutally honest...

What's the best urban legend practical joke you've pulled on someone?

Don't call my cramped up collie when she's autographing my cartoon quotes

Well, I had a heart attack at Best Buy today.

Has anyone ever tried C6-H12-O6?

It's the offical "I HATE CRAMPS" thread - stay out if you don't want......

How old were you at your first marriage?

Age of death of the deceased and greiving

Randi Rhodes is trashing Ann Coulter today

Satellite buffs, can I sell my RCA directv receiver and dish?

Too funny.. My son's car was stolen

We buried Ben today.

I hurt my lower back today.

Gimme Gimme Gimme - By: Your Company's CEO

I got an invitation to my high school reunion today.

Hummingbird advice

Why honey is not vegan - they've got a cut on Bush!

I noticed this sticker adorning a dumpster Monday

I just got screwed by the DNC... ask me anything

The 'Do Not Call' list: did it ever happen? Does it work? Experiences?

Kernel flaw makes Linux crash easy

ESPN fans: Ralph Wiley has died

Where is Radiohead?

Wow, I pulled off 2 bumper stickers and found out that my car is not grey!

here's the snake I saw today

new Hannity advertiser Business & Technology College

My GF wont Let me keep a third cat!

Cat Copying Polls

I lost my job today to............

What's a good name for a border collie

3:31 PM PDT significant earth movement in San Diego

Hummer advice

First day at work...

great quote from Nipsey Russell

Best Parody EVER

Do you like to get the last word?

What does a "high paying" job pay , these days?

More than 101 reasons NOT to be Vegan...Some of them are FUNNY!

David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar?

I'm going to be a millionaire in 6 months!

I think I would like a new scream name. . .

Should the Island of California become the 51st state?

put threads you thought would be a hit but sank like a stone HERE

I'm in love with a fellow DUer


Leaving from SF on 3 day trip....where to go????? need advice

New Army Uniforms--terrible!

Sing the praises of your Pooch(s)!!!

I'm going to New Mexico in a few weeks and need advice.

Door to door salesman:"Are your parents home?"

Anyone Familiar with programming Java?


Dumbest thing ever seen on snopes?

A friend of mine was killed Friday night....................

On Thursday I will be married to a 40 year old women (should I leave her?)

Poll: How Much Do You Make?

Autographed books

The Vodka poll take 2

What non-traditionally good looking aliens do you find HOT?

Traffic Stuck on Freeway, Literally

My brakes went out on my car, so took it to the Ford

Most thought the movie SUCKED, you liked it. Name that film.

I think I would like a new screen name. . .

What's your favorite obscure or cult cheese?

How many tabby owners here have no idea their house smells like cat pee?

Please post your views and experiences regarding the afterlife

Travel tips for New Orleans?

I Cried During A Movie This Weekend, What Movies Have Made You Cry?

Let's play Trivial Pursuit!

Any Andrew Vachss fans here besides me and NightTrain? He's got a new one

What was your favorite board game when you were a kid?

What's your favorite obscure or cult 70's TV show?

Who's from your town?

I am in love with a fellow DUer...

Euro 2004 : Best Match so far ?

Euro 2004 games on TV?

so where should I go today

Favorite political quote (Democrats only)

So--Um... what should I put in my thousandth post?

Did Robert Johnson really sell his soul to the Devil?

CAPTION the Medicare recipient!

Give Mr. Interest-Rate a CAPTION

Are you "Yoda" when you're making love?

There's something...fishy...about this caption...

CAPTION the early returns on W's performance today.

MLB thread: I say interleague play blows. Can you dissuade me?

Health update (Back from Dr.)

Do you know me?

Man Nearly Knocks Down Boy Going For Foul Ball - Keeps Ball - Heckled

Anyone here ever used Rimadyl

Just as I suspected, Jim Robinson of FR

Most liked the movie, you thought it SUCKED. Name that film.

I enlisted in the United States Army yesterday.

CAPTION that face.

For the men.... What non-traditionally good-looking women do you find hot?

CAPTION the joint session of idiocy!

Did he dope or didn't he dope? - Lance Armstrong sues Times over claims

Boston Globe: Why not Howard Dean?

Zogby: Kerry/Dean in close race in battleground states w/ Bush/Cheney

Report says Bush sought Vatican help

Democrats Plan Strategy Meeting on Tuesday


Campaigner (from Dean's Campaign) brings Web skills to Florida

Who will bless the Democrats?

the DNC Kerry ad contest....

FOX NEWS: Libertarian Candidate Won't Concede to 'Evil'

Tony Soprano and his dead Cousin love John Kerry!

Constructive advice for John Kerry

FOX NEWS: Diplomats, Military Commanders Commit to Ousting Bush

Kerry Sidesteps Job Growth as He Hits Bush on Economy

Iraq Abuse "Ordered from the Top" Gen. Karpinski's own Words on BBC

Electoral College survey averages

A match made in . . . where?

Classes Train GOP Convention Protesters

Deadlock over protest permits for Republican Party convention

Calling all rebuttal experts. Help me smack the critic.

New DNC Feature: "This Day in Bush History"

Kerry: Caught! Administration's Own Numbers Contradict Bush Campaign

Kerry to focus on economy in two-week blitz

Tucker just said most people think Kerry will pick Edwards.

Cheney's redux of Saddam/Al Qaeda link his last gasp?

I missed what Wolf said about Wes Clark. Damn! What's up?

League of Women Voters Drops Support of Paperless Voting Machines

This one will make everyone who survived the primaries at DU proud.

"Unto every thing there is a season...."

Abu Ghraib General Says She's Being Made a Scapegoat

I called a talk show to defend Kerry today, ask me anything!

When you send money to Kerry--

Great interview with Dean streaming on VPR ins.

Saudi Arabia is Bush's soft underbelly

Kerry gave an Edwards speech today. Said Rs "put wealth before work"

Is there a consensus on Kerry's VP short list?

Colorado May Award Electoral Votes Proportionately...

Judy Woodruff just called Kerry "the Democratic Insurgent"

War profiteering: Not Halliburton, this time its Edwards

Political Odds states that Edwards is slated to be VP choice...

CLARK on CNBC tonight EST at 7:00 P.M.

Repugs planning Gay Marriage vote in July

McCain's out as No. 2; is Edwards in?

Kerry for the Defense

Clark Alert

I think Clark is the best VP choice. Talk me out of it (or into it).

Edwards a man on new mission

Has anyone considered Kerry/Feingold?


Boston Globe Editorial: How About Howard? For VP