Tout torture, get promoted - Robert Scheer
Reagan's Blowback in Central Asia
Enron still merits FERC's attention
Iraq Images Jolt Chile to Count Torture Victims
Ashcroft is the worst AG ever (Krugman)
Iraq's electricity: The other power struggle
Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries Aides
The Rude Pundit: The Incredible Shrinking President
The blah of allegiance -- Why the Pledge is irrelevant
How comforting - Molly Ivins, pundit laureate Miami E-Voting Bug Nationwide + Call for Paper Ballots
Ten leading US climate scientists call for urgent action.
Bolivians burn alive mayor accused of corruption (Reuters)
Nebraska City Ponders Cat Leash Law (AP)
The strongest political weapon there is
Drunk SUV driver smashes 17 cars before stopping
Recent, interesting comments re: WTC collapse
DFL Women "Radical feminists spewing man hatred and victimization"
Kerry sets a fund raising record in Cincinnati
GOP History Lesson: First Lilly White Primary
Something you should know about Chris Bell
Join me for a consumer's rights caucus!
For those of you in the 53rd Assembly District
What's up with F911 in Wisconsin?
BBV: Bev is on Flashpoints NOW
Fox gives "Fahrenheit 9/11" a glowing review (!!)
history of word terror - Chas I used terror to deter
Don't bother to watch Paula Zero.
Fun with a fundraiser from college
What if Gore had said Bush would have North Korea where it is now?
WTF...I got this did they get it...I certainly didn't particip
Bush with seniors on the News Hour -
Look what the writers of the "Bully George" comic say about Scarborough
Who is Chris Bell, why did he lose his primary and
So it's Kerry "gloomy," Bush "optimistic."
Joe Scarborough is going to probably DECLARE THAT AMERICANS
Anyone catch Gerald Posner on Countdown?
Global warming Warming on Scientific American tonight
Look what Bush has done to our military
It's the end of the world as you know it
Can we get Barney Frank to propose the "Two-Time-Loser Act"?
Tim the Whore is on Hannity and colmes.
Air America Radio hires familiar news director!
"If Ashcroft is for it, I'm probably against it." slogan Jeff Smith, MO
What will happen if * manages to steal another one.
Anyone know if Kerry is planning on/wants to meet with Blair before the
Lies Upon Lies Upon Lies..US military in Crisis
BBV: the machine which lets the blind use SAT style paper ballots.
This is GREAT! --Please check out Meria on TV...
Podesta to confront Hannity tonight
Don't you think that THINKING people should refuse to appear
Sean Hannity is afraid of basking sharks.
Calling all Canadians! Who's watching the debate?
Do you think the lapsed Dems and Rudy-philes will be back?
Any good links about the rules and limits for contributions to Kerry
Could fighter jets have stopped 9/11 attacks?
What is this crap on C-Span now?
Who here has gotten mailers form Republican campaigns?
Question, how did the GOP Primaries work this year?
Kerry on C-SPAN - middle class?
Who is Michael C. Ruppert-is he credable?
Wow! Rep. Bell from Texas filing that Delay complaint: WHAT COURAGE
LOL, Bush on Jon Stewart "I'm glad you're here, and so is the president."
Interrogation abuses were 'approved at highest levels'
I really thought god was talking to me
Freeper bumper sticker sighting.
Viewing Thurs. for Ray Charles @ LA Convention Center
Psychologist: Bush is Nuts (essentially) on AAR 9:30 ET. n/t
Another state Repug office holder bites the dust . . .
CIA Restricts One-Third of U.S. Senate WMD Report Miami E-Voting Audit Bug Nationwide + Call for Paper Ball
Control Room.....excellent documentary about Aljazeera
Mike Webb Show (KIRO Seattle) "Draft could start June 2005"
"You have to know a person's soul to say lies."
Mark Halprin on F9/11 "could be a big factor in the election"
Fans of the Darwin Awards ... Another Lion's Gate offering
Re-socializing the military has to be a top priority.
Hunting of the President tix on sale now for NYC.
Let's hear for Chris Bell. He filed ethics charges against Tom Delay
Just saw a repeat of "Countdown with Olberman, he slams O'Reilly
EVE...1 billion years later. Did she seduce Adam to make him bite?
Concerning the 1 time Clinton cat or Socks, I wonder how the Clintons
Anyone have a list of the 26 people
How's this for respecting marriage?
Haw haw Drudge. "Tootsie" Heinz? Here's Pickles "Joker". Pass it around.
Would you support an amendment to secure Church/State separation?
Canadian DUers. Who won the debate tonight?
TIME Reveals Cheney's Bunker---Dubya PO'd
"We decide what the news is. The news is what we tell you it is."
Bumper Sticker: Honk if you have WMD's
Help...I need that faux GWbush resume
If you woke up tomorrow, unfortunately, STUPID
FOX PRAISES "Fahrenheit 9/11" in Gushing Review!!??!!! (WTF?)
O'Reilly's "review" of "Farenheit"...and his face-to-face with Moore
Let's stop Move America Forward
The Constitutional Question I Have With Gay Marriage
"Boycott France: we've had enough..."
An actual moonie defends Moon crowning on freeper thread.
I just heard Mike Savage refer to Bush as "too politically correct" . . .
Over the next two decades, every Arab government that is
Can someone please tell me about Reverend Sun Yung Moon?
MEME MEMO: Not gay marriage - marriage rights
Way to go, OC . "Fahrenheit 9/11" will be showing almost everywhere
Why did these Senators (D) vote to confirm Ashcroft?
"George W. Bush: Send that Liar Back to Crawford" - a tangy campaign ad
Forget the presidential election! We are screwed, anyway!
Does the Democratic Party's perceived stance on gun control cost us votes?
Can the Catholic Church lose tax exemption?
Al Franken coming up on Hardball next!
What's Disturbing about Theresa Heinz Kerry
I've been thinking about the most insidious aspects of right wing rhetoric
Poppy & Babs played golf the day after 3 year old daughter died?
Weirdo wingnuts celebrate Wink Martindale's support of *
Commander Of Al-Quds Gives First Hand Account Of The Khubar Operation
Americans Still Split Over Iraq’s “Worth”
Saudi Ruler to Deploy Anti-Terror Forces
Greenspan Says Fed Preparing for Terror Strike Possibility
Lights go out across France in privatisation dispute
Classes Train GOP Convention Protesters
Koizumi Sued Over Rape Allegation ("Symbolic damages")
Two years on, U.S. spy landscape little changed
WP: U.S. May Cede Legal Custody Of Hussein
Iraq to get $38 billion World Bank assistance
White House Aides Financially Comfortable
New Twist in the Afghanistan Story/A Times--New World Media Watch
Senior Official Resigns From Energy Dept.
US changes tune on Australian alliance
Official: Cheney Not Briefed on Iraq Work
Inquisition wasn't quite as bad as people think, says Pope
Bush: Afghanistan is a victory over terrorism
Pakistanis compare bodies with al-Qaeda photos
Batter-coated fries OK'd as vegetable
Panel on 9/11 Calls Pentagon Not Prepared
Greece facing ($36bn euro) decade of debt over Olympics
U.S truck carrying radioactive material caught in Kuwait [Al Jazeera]
Layton goes on attack in leadership debate, gets under Martin's skin
Islamic Group Shows Tape of U.S. Hostage
U.S. poll of Iraqis: widespread anger at prison abuse, worry about safety
US Army chief: Iraq "cannot be won militarily"
GAO report: Possible billions wasted in Iraq
Vice President Deceived Public On Halliburton Contracts
U.S. Spy Case Investigator Charged with Child Rape
Saudi prince: Zionism to blame for terror attack
Club for Growth begins ads linking Bush and Reagan, Attacking Kerry
What site can I check out to see where fahrenheit 9/11 is playing?
Who Shot the Red Baron, Tonight on PBS's Nova
Quick check. What's in your pockets?
Any Neverwinter Nights fans here?
There's a ghost hat on my head.
Is there really a difference between liberal and conservatives
Hey! You've got updoc on your face!
Message to Rush Limbaugh - [Dial-Up Warning...Graphically Intensive]
A delightful evening thanks to Costco (eat your heart out, ZombyWoof)
I have some new ideas for the Great US Seal:
'Think we saved a nest of baby birds in Chicago today - 'feeling
Going to Vegas sometime this year, 3 days/2 nights. What should we see?
You have a dickfor on your forehead!
Dog question: Any formula for guessing a mutt's adult size
Anyone ever visit the Architecture Hate Page?
Got my Simpsons Season 4 DVD set today!
Teen sleepovers...advice please
Does Anyone know the current score of the Lakers/Pistons
Let John Kerry give up his Senate seat
By Golly Gosh Gee Whiz, I want an answer!
Look! Emmylou Harris Is A Deanie
Crystal ball time...what 80th birthday stunt will George W. Bush perform?
Extreme Dodgeball on now (Gameshow Network)
I just made an omelette! For dinner! Ask me anything!
Air America Radio hires familiar news director!
Why do the Reds suddenly suck?
Proof that the Pope's on dope. Vatican says Inquisition wasn't so bad.
I get by with a little help from my friends
I just lost my temper on another post....
I just listened to the Blue Collar Comedy Tour....... ask me anything!
My conservative friend is pokin' at me...
BREAKING! Urgent Announcement from Attorney General John Ashcroft
Anyone ever see a trippy cartoon movie called "Fantastic Planet"?
When someone says to you "How are you today?"
Where can I upload a picture for free?
A semi-serious question: If you died tomorrow...
I really thought god was talking to me
What Happened To All The "BoSox Will Win It All" Threads from May?
My man, Chauncey Billups, MVP!!
Is it time for another Helen Mirren thread yet?
Will a Freschetta frozen pizza cook in the microwave?
Big rock festival in Norhern WI this summer
Laker fans: Kobe is still going to get some jewlery.
32 year-old DUer plans to attend punk festival
My faith in the NBA has been restored tonight....
A Pistons victory = The NBA is worth watching again.
Listening to Rush's Grace Under Pressure. Ask me anything.
Anyone else get to miss the whole Reagan thing?
Anyone know what the record is for most cars hit by a drunk driver
On behalf of over 1 million Piston fans in San Antonio
So, I re-loaded my video driver and now the machine locks up
Whew! Finally got my taxes done and sent off!
Letterman zinger/predition.... Moyers at Midnight?
I spent the last two days driving
An example of non-traditionally attractive women...
For once, gets it right
The (Dame) Helen Mirren Appreciation Society
And so I put off work again until the last possible latest moment....
What is the highest floor number...
An example of non-traditional male beauty
More rain. Reminds me of Vietnam ... Monsoon season ...
Oh my G_d! this is it! one of the signs of last days???
Detroit stuns LA Lakers 100-87 wins NBA Championship
Describe your dream home...and dream address
Everyone ignores the threads I start - prove me wrong, if you dare!
Is America's public schools not teaching grammar gooderly?
Who would you want to sing you to sleep?
I thought my head was going to explode this morning...
What's the best technical reality show
Fictional character you'd bring to life if you could?
What shall I get my step-father for Father's Day? (hurried request)
Worst cinemagraphic destruction of a literary classic ?
Just watched "Sex In The City" for the first time ever.
Key tests loom for Bush and Kerry
Conservative Campaign Ad Features Reagan
Democrats slam State Department for keeping error-ridden report on website
Comedians on the Political Campaign
Kerry on the Constitutional Amendment re: gay marriage
Check Out Psychedelic Republicans Now!
Wes Clark, Susan McDougal Attend "Hunting of the President" Premiere
Memo to Kerry: stop using the phrase 'average Americans'
Sites from the Lunatic Fringe...
Kerry: 'I'm Running for President Because ....'
Do you have family in Iraq and does this flavor your VP choice?
"Kerry's only ahead by a bajillion points?!"
Teresa Heinz Kerry expresses disgust at Republican Party
Black republicans question party's committment
Edwards is a lame choice for VP.
Edwards Tops VP Field, But… (CBS News)
Charlie Rose discussing VP. Pushing Edwards.
Women's Group Drops Support for E-Voting
Kerry: Bush Not Compassionate on Finances
Pitt: is U.S. ready to elect Catholic VP & Pres?
Any chance of a Kerry - Gore ticket?
VP announcement on July 4th / Wes Clark?
Why I'm almost certain Cheney will remain on the ticket
Salon: The Inner W (Bush* on the Couch)
William Pfaff: When laws get in the way of torture
In response to something on GD
Another fun-looking week in the Boondocks - Magruder
Hunter S. Thompson, George W. Bush and the Free Republic
WaPo: So Torture Is Legal? (Applebaum)
The cinema of revenge: Revenge films post 9/11
Exclusive: Clinton On His New Book
Hiding a bad guy named triple X: Abu Ghraib like 'ghosts'
David Hackworth: The Meaning Of A Purple Heart
Alterman: Psst, someone tell Cheney
Politics: We Ain't Playin' (one guy expressing his political views)
Army division sees its Iraq tour extended and its casualties rise
"Abuse alerts poured in from Iraq"
Programs: ChoiceMail Puts a Stranglehold on Spam
Special Prosecutor Needed to Investigate the Bush-Torture Scandal
Conason: Diplomats Break Silence To Criticize White House
Chicago Sun-Times: Clinton-haters vs. Bush-bashers? No contest
Rumsfeld bans camera phones in Iraq
Barely-literate column criticizing Michael Moore
Buzzflash: Hunter S. Thompson, George W. Bush and the Free Republic
Historians say Inquisition wasn't that bad
Bill Moyers: The Fight of Our Lives (excellent!)
Here are the operatives vs.Michael Moore
Keep Haynes Off the Federal Bench!
I am Vetwife and the veterans org I started trying to help blind WWII vet
Al Franken's handlers wouldn't let me ask my 9/11 question
I have a question for the 9/11 commission.......
for those of you with DishNetwork
Thai reporters say bugging press room violates free press
To All The Mystical Naysayers.
World Bank suspends payments - Ivory Coast
Trimtabs - Employment Gains Stalling Out
#of outsourced jobs each month?
Corporate Tax Bill Clears House Panel ($4B problem now $140 B tax cut)
Manipulation on Labor Statistics
Republicans Renew Push for Energy Legislation (no compromise on MTBE liabi
Online global warming townhall meeting with Sen. John McCain
am I alone in loathing the BP advertising campaign?
Chomp, Chomp, Chomp - Pine Beetle "Explosion" In Colorado Forests
Nuke growth seen as industry turns 50
Visionary Daimler-Chrysler Unveils 500 HP V-10 Pickup Truck
National Academy Of Sciences Will Review Everglades Restoration Plan
China cuts demolitions to reduce protests
Probe begins into conduct of officials in Ciudad Juarez
US union activists warned by police of deportation risk - TW
Linda Heard: Israel and the Truth behind Its ‘Democracy’
Blacks excluded from SA property boom
Romania bans adoptions in other countries
Mob violence leaves Nigerian town in terror
(Death) Claims From (Contractor)Iraq Work Could Cost (US GOV) Millions
Four charged with SA envoy's abduction
GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 15 - 16, 2004
The following assault weapons/techniques are used in the Olympics
Cops to crack down on gun violations
Gun victim plans takeover revenge on manufacturer
I not an NRA-political fan as of later years.
New Mexico Homicide rate drops
Let these folks know how you feel!!!!
As long as our country breeds people like this
"Headline SELECTED for DU Dissention"
Is this where I come to ask why my post was deleted?
Oh first post in this forum
How about a links sections that include all the major Kerry Endorsements
Here is something for the mods and admins
Was The Correct Thread Locked??
Israel Weighs Major West Bank Expansion
Walls and Checkpoints: The Nightmare Comes True:
Prison Tactics A Longtime Dilemma For Israel
A-G's decision opens the door for Labor
Bush Again Delays Move Of US Embassy to Jerusalem
Annan to open anti-Semitism talks in New York next week
Jewish reporter has standing to say it: Settlements must go
Linda Heard: Israel and the Truth behind Its ‘Democracy’
Survey: Many Arabs miffed with life in Israel
US bulldozer firm in Mid-East row
9/11 panel says Iraq rebuffed Bin Laden
9/11 compensation agreed ($7 B to be paid to families)
Yet another take on controlled demolition
NIST Press Briefing on WTC Collapse - Friday, June 18
Tampa Bay and Brandon AMC theaters showing Fahrenheit 911
Senate race putters to primary
State appeals huge energy crisis claim
How does Finneran keep getting elected?
Who's your favorite US Congressman from Mass?
New thread: Seeing Fahrenheit 911 at the Lagoon
State probes claims against State Rep. Roberts
This is the picture of beauty that will be seen all over the Philly area
Pa. families having trouble making ends meet
What will dress be at the kick off reception?
Texas DUers: Sign this poll to investigate Bugman DeLay
Here's an image of the DU Name Tag for the State Con...
What are the good bars and restaurants in Houston, Texas?
Campaign Finance Reform Summit - Austin 6/24
Sibel Edmonds asks fed workers to come forward with 9/11 evidence
check these pics: any similarities??
I have a biology question about inbreeding...sorry to put in GD, but
Anybody hear how the Canadian political debates went?
(The prophet) Jeremiah's take on BushCo
Tinfoil hat....maybe? Art Bell show
"a lazy, mirthless little prince"
When will Marijuana be legal in the United States?
So Don King used "the n-word" at a RNC event yesterday...
Remember the 40 million uninsured figure in speeches? DOUBLE IT
9-11 Commission Hearing on Radio NOW
is it true that * will have this ( * ) next to his name in history books?
National Amusements blocking "F 9/11" support messages.
Wonderful endorsement for Kerry from Phil. Daily News
Stupid Whining Liberals, you CAN'T stop us, We're the Neocons!
NY DAILY NEWS scoop on Moore/O'Reilly confrontation at F9/11
Corzine on C-SPAN 2, telling it like it is
Conservative Campaign Ad Features Reagan
The * Normandy photo-op - Cost to US taxpayers: $30 million!
Michael Moore on Today, has anyone seen the interview?
Moore's movie loses its point in a barrage of cheap shots- USA Today
More than a thousand people for "Hunting of the President" premier
"Being a goofus, doofus like the one in the office now"
A group of former government servents from previous administrations
Great Source: Iraq Revenue Watch
House OKs Pre-emptive U.S. Attack Against Iran
Barf Alert: Reagan Commemorative Coins are here!!!
Do you realize how evil McCain is? It's amazing how conservative he is...
How many DU members are there?
The WAR on COLD (K Chronicles)
Is John Kerry Meeting Your Needs As A Lifestyle Concerned Person?
Iraq poll - USA losing support
C-SPAN2 Wednesday morning Senate debate on contractors
US Post Office joins the Neu-Reich: Media Mail to be opened
Doesn't it seem like a long, long time since we had a real president?
Ready To Move To Canada? Here's How!!
Is John Kerry the "doom and gloom challenger"?
Club for Growth's new "Leadership" ad -Regan/W/Kerry
ROEPER: Clinton-haters vs. Bush-bashers? No contest
Final 9/11 Commission hearings starting at 9:00 EST
9-11 commission states unequivocally, "No credible evidence ...
How many votes would Shrub get
CNN Poll - Has War on Terror been won in Afghanistan?
Photo/video: bush* throws seniors/disabled out of Federal housing
Results of the Bush "Secrecy".....a weakened America.
Leaked Memo Shows Microsoft Outsourcing High-End Design Jobs - Seattle PI
9/11 Panel Says Iraq Rebuffed Bin Laden
Riding Ronnie's Coat-tails: Conservative Campaign Ad Features Reagan
Church/State "insist it was only a trial separation" (Asmussen)
War Profiteers Fed By Your Taxes - What You Can Do
CNN Poll-- Did Al-Qaeda and Iraq cooperate on 9/11?
I will not support Vilsack for VP - Iowan
Was the world about to end in 1980?
bush* to speak at 10:25 AM today: MSRNC
Did you hear about the pickle?
Flip-floppin' Bush, a perennial favorite
Is John Kerry Meeting Your Needs As A Lifestyle Concerned Person?
So, what happened to the 60 Minutes piece on Sibel Edmonds?
PHOTOS: from the WH to rumsfeld's house...PRO-PEACE people
My VP is better then your VP truce?
CNN confirms 2 U.S. soldiers killed; 8 wounded
Is there an official tread for the 9/11 hearing? I need someone to
Official: Cheney Not Briefed on Iraq Work
Why is CNN polling about 9/11 Iraq connection?
9/11 ED Zekolow giving Commission's Statement on CSPAN3 no one stopping them?......
Sean Hannity having phone sex on the O'Franken Factor
Dan Bartlett, comm. director for BushCo, still saying Saddam and Al Queda
Petition to House Ethics Cmte (Complaint Agaist DeLAY)
PHOTO: fleeing the U.S. Capital....after plane came too close
President's daughter unhurt in Spanish incident
I have lost track, is it supposed to get more violent in Iraq after
Kerry and the Democrats Need to Present a Bold Agenda
A theory about the media and the RW...
Danielle Pletka is telling lies on CNN.
60-year-old homeless man found dead behind convenience store
Bush is too pessimistic about Iraq
Bush administration hiding, lying about economic news.
The Hollow Bush, Callous and Shallow too.
Wayne Madsen says Plamegate indictments should come in a week or so
Kerry/Real Democrat... the only ticket.
1008 Days since 9/11, and Bin Laden still free....9/11/2001 ANYONE?
snake Powell opens his mouth: and the truth slips out
Did (would have) you served in Vietnam?
WOW! Kerry's May Fundraising Numbers DOUBLE Bush's
bad unemployment news for Bush 28.5% of jobs going to noncitizens
Just as I have suspected! WashPost: Polls increasingly useless
Scientists Sound Warning on Climate Change
Petition to keep DOD Counsel Wm. Haynes off federal bench:
Petition Encouraging the House to Investigate Tom DeLay:
Bush Mob or The Sopranos - 'quen es mas evil?
#of Outsourced jobs per month?
SBC calling for Southern Baptists to pull their kids from public school
E-mail from Move-On re: Fahrenheit 9/11
The anti-bush online adventure
9/11commission staff report: wrong question asked about Bush*'s reaction.
What the National Press Club/Diplomats and Generals for Change
Monday Morning QB (aka, how would you have fought the WoT?)
Senate votes money for (maybe) new nuclear weapons-really they did
"We are the Champions of the World".....i've grown to hate that song
Shrub just plugged Pigboy in speech!
My brother, who was so sure Bush would win this year
Look Out - Rodrigo Rato new head of IMF
What is going on with Shrub's Faith-Based Initiative...
CNN confirms 2 U.S. soldiers killed; 8 wounded
Kos: CNN Captures Bush Admin Hypocrisy (Screenshots)
Changing Minds (new book by Howard Gardner)
When are those 26 high ranking officials supposed to make statement?
Sometimes, you have to keep it simple
NUNN on Veep List, and Tori for VALENTI?
US applied "Doctrine of Responsibility" in past, now it points to Bush
Looky what I found - Pic of Reagan and the young Dubya
Kerry on fire! Inspiring article from WashPost on Kerry
Implications Of Bush's Hiring A Personal Outside Counsel
If the economy is in revival...
Brock on Franken now (2:13 p.m.). Good segment. n/t
Do you still feel that Kerry is the right choice for President?
If Conservatives were sincere in their worship of Saint Ronnie....
"Baptists praise Bush message to right"
2000 Election Demographic Data - any one have any links?
Inaccuracies in "Bowling For Columbine"
Lollapalooza in cahoots with Move-on, my love for Perry Farrell
One of "The 26" on O'Franken now...
What criteria do you have to boycott something or someone?
What ever happened to the photo-journalist who took the pictures
Online global warming townhall meeting with Sen. John McCain
How many troops will * have to pull out of Baghdad to secure oil fields?
86 High Level Resignations and Dismissals
60 Minutes Wednesday reporting on Stop Loss in Military
Whath happened to the announcement from the former military, etc?
If Kerry wins it's a referrendum on Bush..Not because of Kerry
What do you LOVE about Bush*? segment on Al Franken. Hilarious!
WATCH the Dipomats and Miltary for Change Press Conference
126 ciountries met & agreed to work on alternative energy - who knew
One of the 26 signataries of the letter wanting Bush OUT on FRANKEN!!!!
George W. Bush should resign as President.
Did you hear (AAR news) Bush plugging Rush Limbaugh in his
Move To Let Churches Engage In Partisan Politics Nixed
Just pre-ordered Bill Clinton's My Life from Amazon, ask me anything...
I dont think Mrs. Reagan will be endorsing *
fahrenheit 9/11 or fahrenheit 911
A bunch of hilarious pics from that nutty anti-Hollywood, pro-Bush group!
Why I feel a little sorry for Novak....
How long after the sovereignty of Iraq will they ask America to leave? Bush
Dutch break promise -ask MSF(Médecins sans Frontières) to reimburse ransom
I give up! What's with Clinton and the pickle comment?
U.S. Presidents - Lists and Records
The World According to America
au revoir CNN and your idiot propaganda newscasts passing
Geez! Congress now voting to repeal ban on gas additives...
Philadelphia Enquirer, city's second largest paper, endorses KERRY
Who do you think will be the next in this administration to resign?
O'Reilly: "You can't compete if you're addicted and ill-educated!"
Will Bill Clinton appear on the "OFranken Factor"?
Adjust your tin foil hats for a moment
California Ordered to Refund Enron $270M
O'Reilly: "You can't compete if you're addicted and ill-educated!"
You have to play this anti-Bush game NOW!
I'm so Excited! I just got my RNC Membership card!
Give Bush a Kick Back to Crawford!
Randi talking about Rush's latest divorce. Maybe he should try going gay
Dan Rather gives "My Life" By Bill Clinton Five stars!
Who will be the next member of the * Administration to leave
Did the founding fathers ever consider a situation like what we have now?
Truck hauling bees crashes in Montana
the southern baptists have lost sight of any REALITY--wtf? NO to public
Sean Hannity broadcasting from a U.S. Warship . . .
Anybody knows what Randi's ratings are? Just curious. She is so good today
INside Politics Discussion gets heated (retired pols letter vs Bush)
Hey...Right-Wing Trolls...Here's a Little Something...
Randi talking about poor Waxman getting nowhere with his
Randi's opening with Rush's "I'm A Nazi"!!
WWJD report: Jenna Bush agents join fistfight
Another survey (Weekly World News)
Former diplomats call for Bush ouster
Former diplomats call for Bush ouster
Oh sh*it!!! Al Franken finally putting it together.
Daniel Ellsberg: Ashcroft may face prison for 9/11 cover up
List of news execs donating to republicans.
Bush Misleads On Separation of Church and State
Anyone have Audio of Al Gore's speech this week?
Bush Takes Anti-Gay Campaign To Southern Baptists
700 bushbusting links & 900+ images at this site
DUers: What is your current Political Activism Level?
Will the freepers finally give up on this myth now?
A New Voting Age for Women: 26
Freepers show utter contempt for Reagan's family
NYC Going SLOOOOOOOW on Protest Permits
9/11 Commish Report /C-Span. Osama wanted hit when Sharon visited Bush! vs. moveamericaforward: re Fahrenheit 9/11
Ron Reagan will talk to Tweety Friday on Dateline
When is Fahrenheit 9/11 hitting the theatres?
Scrutiny on Kerry's VP Hunt Intensifies
Quayle couldn't spell potato; Bush can't tell a vegetable...
The phone calls/e-mails (Fahrenheit 9/11) are working!
The Universal National Service Act
DUPE.....dunno how I did it......sorry....see moveon vs. moveforward 9/11
Listen to Air America at 6:30...Waxman will be on talking about Haliburton
How about your thoughts on a shadow cabinet
I wonder what Michael Reagan has said about these insults from
Just saw a Farhenheit 9/11 ad on CNN....(et) it was a good attention
so, long before Al Q was invented, Khalid S Mohammed and Saddam
Climate Change Experts Despair Over US Attitude
Who was a bigger enemy of Saddam? America or Israel?
Just saw an ad for Farenheit 911 on CNN!!!!!!
Looks like my job literaly hinges upon a Kerry victory
Henry Waxman coming up on Randi's show...
How long will Dems let Cheney keep LYING?
NYC prepares to clear homeless from (R) convention site
Randi - Letter from Father of Son in Iraq - where published?
The world is better without Saddam?Who else?
O'Reilly's "review" of Fahrenheit 9/11
One official "Party for the President" (bush) I'm going to...
One more little sign that times are changing
Tomorrow, the 911 Commission addresses NORAD's response..
How bad to Americans want to be controlled?
Crossfire: Fahrenheit 9/11 is the topic
John McCain votes for nuclear bunker buster research.
Anybody watching Tweety? He had Durbin and a Repug talking
United States Senate to vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment 07/12.
List of news execs donating to republicans.
(Roy) Moore Criticizes Play That Opens Friday
AFA: Democratic Leadership Stands Solid In Pushing For Homosexual Marriage
What happened to the gang of 26 posted from the LATimes on Sunday?
How R Freepers reacting to the 9/11 comm. report on Iraq?
How many debates with there be between Kerry and Bush?
The Pukes are starting to crack
Deniro donates $25,000 to the DNC
We have to give 60 Minutes lots of credit for their anti-Bush attitude
I kicked Rupert Murdoch to the curb today!
Feds may stunt union organizing campaigns
Rumsfeld ordered prisoner held off the books!
Help me help DU and Guy James..That time of month again !
Announcing The Responsible Party
Michael Moore calls for more security
My father just got a $63,000 bill for an angioplasty...
GOP Mulls Vote On Gay Marriage Amendment To Coincide With Democratic Con.
okay, we need to shame the US press into telling this story TODAY
Only 139 days to go till the Election. Much hangs in the balance.
BusinessWeek online interview with Howard Dean. VERY indepth.
Let's take a walk down "Liberal" Lane, shall we?
Hey, a moron standing for Congress!
Why is Alan Greenspan being reappointed AGAIN?
Wasn't President Carter ridiculed for his stance on human rights?
CNN Poll - - - Go Get This One
Oh man! I think we're in trouble!
Question on Campaign spending, Accepting the Nomination and timing...
Al Gore owes Maxine Waters a public apology.
Is Kobe Bryant going up the river?
Philadelphia Daily News Endorses Kerry
Tecs - I had posted a couple of great pics of Saddam from soldiers
Unless Kerry Gets Off His Ass And Lights A Fire
Big, red spot on Bushbeak he hitting the JackBlack again?
This is what Bill O'Reilly think of people with financial difficulties.
What fresh heck is this ! Sucker Carlsen on PBS ???
Let's be honest, Bush is going to win more states than Kerry
How can you get people to care about politics?
Is Fahrenheit 911 actors recreating the events or is it actual picture of
Bush may actually be eligible for death penalty for torture directive.
Freeper Doug from Upland gets reported to the Secret Service
Juan Williams is a today's NYT editorial page
Laura Bush oatmeal cookies wins on Crossfire
Another psycho-looking Bush picture...
Got A Fundi At Work And Need Help With
battling wits with the unarmed.... :sigh:
German submarine deal with in question now.
NBC News: Rumsfeld may be war criminal
Sam Nunn??? ABC just reported Nunn being considered Kerry VP candidate
Our cultural biases show when it comes to the catholic church
Which vote is more important for Kerry to win in 2004?
Danielle Pletka is telling lies on CNN.
Listen LIVE to William Rivers Pitt on KRCL - on NOW !!! --->>
Have you served in the military?
Stupid CNN poll, I really hate these people...
Call your Senators against war-profiteering
These are not the times for milquetoast Democrats......sorry.
720 sq ft house in not so good neighborhood selling for $515,000.00.
Bush-Cheney '04 commits "an astonishing abuse of religion" from W.Cronkite
Ashcroft and Calico Cats comment link?
Letterman on Bush "I'm really going to miss that guy"
If you listen to Air America at work, you're a slacker
I've noticed that Right Wing Republicans don't like to talk to me.
List all the republican websites you can
So you're a Duer against same-sex marriage. Explain your logic to me.
Lack of universal health care is killing and bankrupting us
Kerry's Remarks on Hybrid Car Makers
Terry Jones on Torture, The Guardian
US-China Economic and Security Commission
Beijing wages cyberwar against DPP headquarters
Karzai requests more NATO troops
Thai reporters say bugging press room violates free press
Cocaine `vaccine' clears research hurdle
Controversial passport scheme delayed
Saboteurs Cut Iraqi Oil Exports, Test Government
US Negotiated Deal With Libya Despite Anti-Saudi Plot
Detroit stuns LA Lakers 100-87 wins NBA Championship
Spy case investigator charged with rape
New Terror Website Registered to a Dallas Address
Audit: Ag. Dept. Lax on Payment Limits
Wildfires Bring Jobs and Money to Reservations-Disasters Mean Steady Wor
Sept. 11 Commission Holds Final Hearings
Irishmen freed after 34 months in Colombian jail
US deputy defence secretary in Baghdad to discuss security issues
First mobile phone virus created
Ex-Soldier Recalls Beating He Received in Guantanamo Drill
Poll of Iraqis Reveals Anger Toward U.S. (+other results)
AP: 9/11 Panel Says Iraq Rebuffed Bin Laden
9/11 Panel: Al Qaeda to Keep Trying to Attack U.S.
Commission reports "no credible evidence" that al Qaeda and Iraq...
Former NY Gov. Mario Cuomo to contest F-9/11 "R" rating
Ark. Hosts Premiere of Bill Clinton Film
bush* to speak at 10:25 AM today: MSRNC
Nine die, including four foreigners, in west Iraq blast: medic
Gun Group's Radio Show Tests Limits on Advocacy (NRA Radio)
Historians say Inquisition wasn't that bad
Conservative Campaign Ad Features Reagan
No clear winner in passionate debate (CAN)
In Texas, opposition to paddling grows
Sprint to lay off 1,100, backs year forecast (in addition to all the other
Conservative Campaign Ad Features Reagan
NY Daily News: W's D-Day speech on 100G set
Open seating can put emergency row in dispute (Southwest Airlines)
Iran: Better Not Knock Our Nukes
9/11 staff: No al Qaeda cooperation with Iraq
9/11 Panel Says Iraq Rebuffed Bin Laden
Feds turn up the heat on Rowland
More Than 22,000 Congolese Flee Fighting
Judges uphold genocide charge - Milosevic
U.S.-Led Forces to Hand Baghdad Airport to Iraqis
'Africa is losing the war on poverty'
Democratic convention going $10m over budget
Iraq oil security chief killed
9/11 ED Zekolow giving Commission's Statement on CSPAN3
Guinea accuses Spain of coup plot
Oil futures rise after Iraq exports halted
Beheading horror grips Hollywood
US lays out conditions of Saddam transfer
US Must Disclose All Detention Facilities in 'War On Terror"
Kerry Wants Federal Afterschool Program
FEDS: 'Army of God' leader should get life term!!!
U.S. Labor Department sues Boston-area restaurant chain
9/11 panel: No al Qaeda cooperation with Iraq
Kerry Raises $100 Million in Three Months
HIV/AIDS touches Mugabe's family
Legislator goes to Afghanistan to fight and he's a Dem.
Computer Error Overpays Thousands of Postal Workers
A Thousand Show Up for Clinton Film Debut
Six Iraqi defence troops arrested over roadside bombing
Klein ready to unveil health reforms
Sport Doping Suspect's Bid To Bush
9/11 Panel Disputes Iraq Link to Attacks
Bomb Hits NATO Vehicle in Afghanistan
9/11 Panel Says Iraq Rebuffed Bin Laden
Kerry Wants Federal Afterschool Program
New Scandal Uncovered At Sun-Times
Scramble Starts for First Peek at Clinton Memoirs
La. Voters to Decide on Same Sex Marriages
The secret life of Newt Gingrich: Amazon book reviewer
Pregnant troops leave the war; Central Command not counting
Lotharios tamed by brain protein
Post Office to Issue Reagan Stamp
Hopes for 2005 Federal Budget Deal Fading
U.S. Soldier Charged in Fatal Shooting of Hurt Iraqi
Panel Says No Signs of Iraq, Qaeda Link
Judge rebukes government over no-fly list
Southern Baptists Reject School Pullout
CNN: Johnny Ramone losing Cancer Fight.
Programs: ChoiceMail Puts a Stranglehold on Spam
Graham's book to be published in September
Analysis: Bush's Iraq Plan Suffers Setback
UK scientists seek approval to clone human embyro
9/11 Report: 10-Plane Attack Was Planned
U.S. Soldier Charged in Fatal Shooting of Hurt Iraqi
House Passes Refinery Expansion Bill
Many New Jobs Going to Noncitizens
Two leading groups rate NDP greener than Greens
Reagan's Family Criticizes Use Of Reagan In Anti-Kerry Ad
Army Says It Has Enough Troops for 3 More Years
US general named to head Iraq command (Casey replaces Sanchez)
Measure banning private sector interrogators fails in Senate
CU president under fire for 'c-word' comments
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 16 June
W's D-Day speech on 100G set (WH Aides Ordered-And tear down bleachers)
Paul Allen sees space tourism in our future
Bush Defends Limits on Stem Cell Research
Raucous bar scene emerges in Baghdad's green zone
Senate Votes to Continue Arms Research
Official in charge of cleaning up nuclear weapons sites resigns
FTCR calls FERC's Response to Enron Tapes Appalling
"Withdraw troops" say voters (London)
Thai troops to leave Iraq by September
Surgeon Accused of Torture Quits Practice
Fla. high court to hear appeal of 'Terri's Law'
State approves paper records for e-voting (CA)
Ex-diplomats, generals blast Bush
North Korea could accept IAEA inspections in six-party talks: analysts
Southern Baptist Convention quits Baptist World Alliance
Soldier: Commander Tried to Change Test (whistleblower "unfit")
Kerry to increase child care tax credit by$20 (+McCain to campaign w/Bush)
'Fahrenheit' marketing will crank up the heat
ID theft case leads to Julie’s Cafe
Sweeping stun guns to target crowds (for use against protesters?)
Bush repeats Iraq terror assertion despite 9-11 panel report
British mercenary with sordid past wins biggest Iraq security contract
A bum's rush feared at MSG (Clear out homeless for Repub Convention)
Bush makes Pakistan "major non-NATO ally"
Kennedy Sidesteps Impeachment Endorsement
Rocket Attack on a US base in Iraq
House (DEL) passes limits on tongue splitting
Teleportation breakthrough made
Ashcroft may face prison over 9/11 cover-up, says Daniel Ellsberg
Glaxo, Pressured by Spitzer, Publishes Paxil Data
Miles miffed at party - Senate hopeful is snubbed on Dem website
Suspect in Mall Plot Sent for Evaluation
California ordered to refund $270 million to Enron
If you get a post removed, does it still count towards you post count?
HAHA - Sri Lanka: "Dove Dies at Peace Ceremony
Here's the line, name the movie: "Get the butter"...
Front page of the Detroit Free Press:
Who would you want to give the eulogy at your funeral or memorial service?
My wife just caught me skinning 101 cats!
Toronto/Atlanta -- just noticed the words are very similar
Truck Carrying 9M Bees Spills in Mont.
my wife just caught me playing with my penis
My wife just caught me playing in her ding dong!
Can't sleep. Not doing so well. Anybody awake?
I just watched "American History X"
Would Madonna have made it as Esther?
Ejrtr od ;pbr? Er s;; mrrf ;pbr/
I just ate a Hard Boiled egg for the first time ever
Teenager Sells Virginity On Internet
new Oxyrush advertiser First National Bank of Olathe
Do stupid people deserve to die? If yes or no please tell me why...
El Paso, Texas Named Sweatiest U.S. City
Sexy picture here !! (caution: contains tassles)
Man gets stuck in child's tyre swing
James Honeyman-Scott - in Memorium
I just saw a picture of Matcom for the first time ever
My wife just caught me playing pan flute
I just visited a feminist sex shop for the first time ever
jukes is a stupid, egotistical boor...
Caption: JP2 not happy about lack of funeral invite last week...
Man Claims He Was Speeding To Blow Dry His Hair
a sucky thing about my meditation
One thing that sucks about my medication...
Caption: Bwah...where are my specs?
Take THAT Poppy Bush! 101 Y.O. Man Breaks Sky-Diving Record
Caption: Junior leads his flock all the way to the hustings
Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame to open in Seattle
I just read a copycat thread for the first time ever
I just read a trumad post for the first time ever
Caption: Mioooow, threesomes can be fun....
Sri Lanka ceremony ruined as peace dove fails to fly
I'd love to see the guys from the Shield bust the Sex in the City girls!
I just read a Will Pitt post for the first time ever
i spy with thy own eye..... Lynnesin
Haven't been on since yesterday afternnoon, I just wanted to say
Too quiet in the neighborhood this morning
It's the worst day of the year.
My wife just caught me playing air guitar
Music Question - What Ever Happened To Superstars?
My husband doesn't have enough cash to pick up his dry cleaning
Is popular culture on the decline?
Police Shoot Bear That Wanders Into Hospital
I just bred a copycat thread for the first time ever
Bear shoots Police while Wandering by Hospital
The other big documentary coming soon: The Hunting of the President
I want to buy a copy of this Movie Poster: It's the best!!
Grammar question...capitalization of the d word
French speaking DUers (quick question)
Curse Words Traced Back To 11th Century - Curse Words INSIDE!
Things you have to believe to be a Republican today:
Bare policeman shot while wandering in hospital
Vandals Lop Off Head Of 100 Pound Painted Fiberglass Cow
Jonesin' for a cigarette - day 3 of quitting
Nominee for worst DU sigline (WARNING seriously WARNING)
Doesn't this just reek of e-mail scam? You decide.
What do you think of my sig pic?
Sometimes Photoshop reveals the truth...
EW! No. 1 contender to replace Jack Valenti as
Wacky religious stunt or celebration of one's culture? You decide!
Vegas: MGM Mirage to take over Mandalay Bay
Bette Midler's Funny Tales - CBS
How many DU members are there?
DU folks with dogs AND cats...
"What the Lakers need to do is..."
Check out THESE cats! Prepare to go AWWWWW!
60-year-old homeless man found dead behind convenience store
Coming soon to an overpass near you
More humor from my conservative co-worker.
What Do You Think About The Most Expensive Hat Ever Made?
I dont wish this cold on any rethuglican
Are the Lakers as good as my Bulls were in their day with Michael Jordan ?
Can anyone recommend a good history of the US Civil Rights Movement?
Caption: Cheney & Hastert just got their vacation invites to Kabul
Anybody have the Cingular Nation 450 w/ Rollover plan? How is it?
Johnny Ramone dying of cancer......
Why do/does __________ hate America?
King Crimson fans: Which ProjeKct is your favorite?
Anybody remember the Dudley Moore / Peter Cook "worst job ever" joke?
Who's hanging with me at the CounterConvention in NYC during the RNC Conv
What skills do you wish you had?
just in case anyone was wondering . . .
Listening to Montrose's Debut album. Ask me anything.
If you could alter your body in any way, what changes would you make?
David Crosby's all new Riverdance
Let's put Saint ronnie on a silver dollar.
How about Ray Charles on the twenty or the five?
Microsoft sues Brazilian official over an ANALOGY
does anyone have 'Moderator' on ignore?
Fresh Concrete / Boys On Bikes = Charges, Court
Single parents - how do you do it?
Sheriff investigators' nudity, sex contact dooms prostitution cases
What do we mean "The Proof is in the Pudding"
which sports franchise do you wish wouLd come back?
"If it wasn't for my horse, I'd never have spent that year in college."
Man Paints 3 Y.O. Boy's Pet Donkey Red
Which superpower would you want: flight or invisibility?
summer reading for radical spirits . . .
Man faked own death for month-long romp
"Don't lean on me man, cause you ain't got tiny chicken"
How do you keep flip flops clean?
Just pre-ordered Bill Clinton's My Life from Amazon, ask me anything...
Update on my dad and various issues
Boy Who Lost Foul Ball to Man Gets Gifts (Man is Youth Minister!)
I went to bed with Randi Rhodes last night...
Cupid's kettle drums - How Important To You?
help out an old-timer: scissor sisters and goldfrapp
Who'll be the first to say, "He/she pulled a Matt Starr"?
Is Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) gay?
More humor from my conservative co-worker.
You know, copycat threads can be cute at times
You know, copycat threads can be annoying at times
Are flags (US, state, etc...) supposed to be inside churches?
Is there anything worth watching on MSNBC
Does Larry King love the British Monarchy?
When will Phil Jackson leave the Lakers?
Confederate symbolism: Do you see more of this flag...
Movies that should have never been made.
Wow Bush really looks bad in this picture
Surgeon Accused of Torture Quits Practice
CAPTION the coiled cobra ready to strike
I've seen this tech Q 1000 times and never paid attention to the answer.
One of my (nice) Redneck customers cracked me.......
Drunk driver gave the police the finger(Driving at 110 mph)
any vladimir horowitz fans here?
Live from"Corona" room it's CAPTIONs
I'm on summer vacation. Will you miss me?
Truck hauling bees crashes in Montana
You know, copycat threads can be really cute sometimes
Either people are hitting my window with fireworks or my computer is SNAFU
Captain Salisbury and the Mystery Meats
I need a catchphrase. Suggestions?
Gene cure found for cheating lovers
Lets be honest... How much of a chance does John Kerry have?
Nebraska City Ponders Cat Leash Law
Any Moses Horowitz fans out there?
Cool: My Great Grandmother is listed on!
My wife just caught me playing skin flute
From really bad to really worse!
Lets be honest... How much of a chance do Fusty Luggs have?
Let's be honest...How much chance does Rutheford B. Hayes really have?
If you were Mrs Rush Limbaugh, what would you demand from the divorce?
Are large jury awards in malpractice suits the only reason for...
Is Trumad too old to start drinking beer?
Let your grumpy old man (or woman) out!
Wednesday evening kitty thread!
"She-pee" urinals relieve Glastonbury
Where can I buy a corral/fence thing?
CNN: Johnny Ramone losing Cancer Fight.
Some girls in my astronomy class threatened to kick my ass today.
Do your pets force you to spoil them rotten?
Funniest typo you've ever made?
This might be a fun movie. Brendan Fraser in "Gay Secret Agent"
Which commandment is the most fun to break?
Good god, they want bachelors degrees now for what I do!
My favorite sentence in all of Literature
Reading List Suggestions Anyone?
"Everybody's got that sinking feeling..."
Cool: My Great Uncle is listed on
Your Favorite Aqua Teen Hunger Force Episode?
Two frogs are thrown in a skillet
Has anyone ever slayed their own nutter at home?
One of the best things about Air America? The Return of A. Whitney Brown
Has anyone ever watched a travelogue of Qatar at home? n/t
EXCLUSIVE!!!! Trailer for the sequel to "THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST"!!!!!!!
Has anyone ever made their own butter at home?
Long Lost Bush Brother Gives Opinion On G.W.Bush!
Let's Be Honest, how much of a chance does George Bush really have?
Is digital photography considered "real" photography?
You know, Rabrrrrrr can be really cute sometimes
I just saw Trumad start a Flame War in the Lounge for the first time ever
I'm making tacos for the boys.
It's time to mix and match TV shows with food commercials!
Time again for FOOD, SEX or CARS!!!!!
My Rush Limbaugh dream from many years ago.
Not to be outdone...FOOD, SEX or CARS for the ladies and gays :)
Anyone ever been to the Middle East?
Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism
Recommendations on an inexpensive digital camera
X (the band) appreciation post
LA Lakers are a one man show, one and a half if you count Kobe
Cat picture that cracks me up!
Rugby (State of Origin) replay tonight.
I don't have air-conditioning, only a fan. Could you manage w/o A.C.?
Holy crap how good is firefox 0.9?
I finally saw "Super Size Me".
If you're into ladies: F-Marry-Kill: pop-tart addition
How long are flags gonna be flying at *&@*^$#@ half-mast?
Peter Jackson's "Meet the Feebles"
What is your favorite right-wing parody website?
What cliche that you hear people misstate drives you bonkers....
Are you offended by my user name?
Happy Bloomsday!!! 100 years old to boot!
"The Cooler": Anyone else see it?
Should I be notified when this man moves into my neighborhood?
I need a blender that can crush bone, what kind should I get?
CAPTION the gay spiderman dance you never thought you'd see
Caption the U.S. Open practice round!
I just drank a beer for the first time ever
Photo Shop Experts needed to fix an image
Who's related to historical figures?
What sports franchises should never have been formed?
Anybody got an AlphaSmart? Like it? Hate it? Where'd you get it?
Question about video game device
Maybe I'm just a dumb heterosexual - but what's with Toasters & Lesbians?
Man Threw Poisonous Snake Into Crowded Bar
Do flamboyant Christians use religion as an excuse for boorish behavior?
Any Beatles pins collectors in the Lounge?
Yes. You have a butt-tattoo. You're SOOOOOO original!
I'd like you to welcome my husband to DU: publichealthnut1
Honesty for Bloomsday - hands up DUers who've read Ulysses cover-to-cover!
King Arthur : Can you deal with a Xenafied Guinevere?
Oh, my...that's VERY hard! I think it's too hard!
What movie have you watched far too much?
And just when you've thought you've seen it all on the internet!
What toy did you really really want as a child, but never got?
I want a blender that can crush ice. What kind should I get?
New Mexico governor denies he wants to be Kerry's running mate
Wonderful endorsement for Kerry from Phil. Daily News
not much Reagan anymore, it's about Kerry and the vp hype
Economy Praised on Both Sides of Campaign Trail (optimists = Kerry & Bush)
Is it just Florida or like this in all 50 States?
Kerry Speech has new standard theme lines
GOPHouse Approp. kills food safety & climate chg/emissions-free coal resea
What the heck is going on in Fla.? New poll has Bush ahead by 7
I'm have been convinced that Edwards should be VP
Kerry Raises $100 Million in Three Months
Have you seen the latest * campaign ad?
The moral of this story: Duhh....
Faith groups target poverty - lobby DNC delegates
IBD: Bush Gets Bump Off Reagan; Views On Iraq Also Improve
Russ Feingold speech endorsing Kerry (MP3)
A Look at Potential VP Contenders - AP
How Would Edwards' Economic Background Play With Kerry's?
Kerry Misfires In Economic Blame Game
Kerry's AFL-CIO speech was less than inspiring.
What Are The Three Words Kerry Used To Describe His Wife?
You HAVE to play this anti-Bush game NOW!
Trying to "out war hard-on" the right with Clark for VP is cracked
ALERT! June 30th is the deadline for contributing to John Kerry!
Effect of controversial Moore film on election is debatable
AP: Kerry Would Increase Child Care Tax Credit
MSNBC to discuss Kerry's VP choice in the next half hour.
ABC News: Edwards will likely not be picked as VP
Evidence that Kerry is going to gut Bush at the debates
New Composite Poll: Kerry 282-Bush 256 (6-15-04)
I think Edwards is an unfavorable candidate for VP
Are there ANY Edwards fans who wouldn't vote for a Kerry/Clark ticket?
I think Clark is the best VP choice. Talk me out of it (or into it) #2.
Clark for VP Supporters: Will you vote for Kerry if he picks Edwards?
Kerry/Clark = An inspiring Democratic ticket.