Democratic Underground

Archives: June 17, 2004

This is Imperial Arrogance

June 16, 2004

Salon: America's Blankness (Anti-Americanism abroad)

Blumenthal: Portrait of an armistice

Majority in U.S. Favors Stricter Gun Contro

NYT: The Plain Truth

Coming up on Dateline NBC - Michael Moore and more

Torture, War, and Presidential Power

Best. truthout. EVER.

Sweeping stun guns to target crowds

Anyone have a download source for the Fahrenheit 911 trailer?

Jean Shepherd - A Great American Voice

Visit this site...Randon Acts of stirs a sense of optimism

Okay. Let's Try It This Way.

Justice Dept Official Asks Energy Industry to Help Against Lawsuits

HUGE solar flares . . .

Western tourists gone, Zimbabwe banks on China

Leaked report finds fault with purchase of Mirage fighters - TW

T or F? For a liberal place DU is a friendly place for RKBA "moderates"?

Harpoons in the news.

T or F? For a liberal place DU is a friendly place for gun control

T o F? For a liberal place DU is a friendly place for gun enthusiasts?

I had begun a duplicate thread in the latest new forum . . .

Can We Have a Spouses Section in the DU Gallery?

Minnesota DUers are having a gathering - would like front page posting

I love EarlG!

NRA: Civil rights organization or Terrorist enablers?

Scarborough attacking Michael Moore right now

Can Those Of Us Who Supported Dean Against Kerry Now Remove Our Burqas?

If you want to LEARN about taxes, READ this book (discussed today in AAR)

I don't think God is Blessing America

so, did Richard Clarke arrange for bin Laden family to get out of town

Ron Reagan Jr. to appear FRIDAY on Dateline NBC

John Podesta falls for Hannity's bait

Things You REALLY have to believe to be a Democrat these days

A tribute to NSMA. Kudos for being so far-sighted.

Pentagon: Iraqi held secretly at CIA request

Anybody in DU or other liberal sites has a clip of Bush* manic laugh

Police in Orange County, FL...are they harassing African Americans?

WooHoo! I got my F911 tix in advance...

We ARE getting foreign troops to help us in IRAQ! Bush told the truth!

Did anyone notice?

I've been thinking about Saudi Arabia and Fahrenheit 911.

Check out this website MY FELLOW DEMOCRATS:

The Pukes are tying to stop “Fahrenheit 9/11.” from being seen.

You CAN'T stop us from seeing Moore's film you stupid shits

Paul Rodrigez was on Tavis tonight and he was on fire.

A terrific idea for protesting Bush....

the neoCONs took advantage of our DISNEY WORLDVIEW fostered by the media

CNBC Capitol Report?

I need help figuring out how to order Farenheit 911 tickets through

Heads Up -- Ron Reagan Jr. AND Mikey Moore on NBC Dateline

Who would you vote for in Canada?

Do you think that guys like Boortz & Rush have Sexual Inadequacies?


O Reilly - Latest Hypocricy

Buy your F-911 tickets in advance!

clinton got the al capone treatment and republicans could be peeping toms

Anyone know where I can download the Fahrenheit 911 trailer?

Charlie Daniels only recorded campaign donation was to Gore!

Theater owners getting death threats for showing F911

Jeanine and Sam also thought that the "Hamster in a Cage" quote in

Anchor deals Berlusconi nasty blow

Sneak & Peek

Reverse Racism

scarborough: "Moore's real motives" for making F 9/11

Kerry Raises $100 Million In 3 Months

Isn't it about time we at DU recognized real patriots?Off hand

This is the fight of our Lives

10 most negative presidents ever

"Neoconservative Republican"

Headlines SELECTED for DU Dissention

Vote! MSNBC poll - If the presidential election were held this week,

"Method & Red" - show O'Reilly is boycotting FOX for - on at 9:30 EST

OKC one of 10 cities to host premiere of Fahrenheit 9/11

More Abuse Of Power

Powerful graphic! Should be a bumper sticker!

Counterpunch: Why Iraqi Detainees Should Sue Michael Moore

SUDAN Genocide - Should We Send Troops?

anybody watching Nightline? Is the nedia finally turning against W

Cheney using the same tactic he used for the 2002 elections--lies about

Something tells me he's a lying stack of shit when he says.....

"You're sacrificing greatly for our country, and our country has needed...

Things you have to believe to be a Democrat today

"The Original American Idol, Ronald Reagan"

Paul Krassner up next on Majority Report

Just took another Zogby poll. Here's some info I found on their site.

Bill Press, "Bush Must Go" and "1 star" versus "5 star" reviews at Amazon

Nightline: The links to Abu Gharib. 10.40 PM

somebody explain this to me: California ordered to refund 270 mil to Enron

Nancy Reagan declines to speak at GOP convention

Candidate training is coming to Florida. Orlando July 17-18

Oliver North sez: Torture Critics have Blood on their Hands

Everyone at DU must be prepared to have an embolism.

Charlie Daniels: Here is my letter to you in response...

Cuomo adds heat to 'Fahrenheit's' rating-appeal fight

Complaint about Lame-Ass &*#% Media at today's bush event

Is "Grandma Millie" gonna stand for the...

The good old days in the White house are Enron tapes being covered in the media over there?

So, when Kerry's in the White House, will Fox News reporters

Clinton Tells '60 Minutes' of Infidelity

Another rat jumps off : Key Bush Latin America Aide, Otto Reich, resigns

What will Bush do if Saddam walks?

Kerry Overtakes Bush In West Virginia

Global warming doesn't exist according to freeper

60 Minutes II: Soldiers complaining about Stop-Loss

NRA: Civil Rights organization or Dangerous rightwing organization?

Olbermann (countdown) showing that recovery might be a mirage.

'gay marriage'...merely a misnomer, or actually offensive?

Charlie Daniels: An Open Letter To The Hollywood Bunch

Is peak oil for real, or not? Give me answers, especially if it is NOT.

Ron Reagon Jr. on Dateline NBC Friday at 8:00

Do you know an Economics Professor?

Russia Signs Strategic Partnership Deal With Uzbekistan

Senate Reaffirms Stand Vs. Prison Torture

GIs martching away from re-enlistment

3 U.S. soldiers killed in rocket attack

9/11 Panel Disputes Iraq Link to Attacks

Duplicate post. Sorry mods

U.S. Iraq Military Deaths - 828 U.S. service members have died

Muslim states call for political independance for Iraq

Soldier: Commander Tried to Change Report (GI's mental health report)

Rumsfeld ordered Iraqi prisoner held 'off the books': report

Air quality regulators want to reduce pollution from cows

Ron Reagan Jr. to Appear on Dateline NBC on FRIDAY

9/11 Plotter Wanted 10 Planes

On Agreeing to the Amendment (Congressional Arts Caucus)

Saudi Arabia works to block terror funds

Iraq and Saudi Arabia violence tied together

IRS files tax lien against state GOP chairman, wife

"Draconian" plan to detain mental patients is revived

Oil chief: my fears for planet

Iraqis flexing political muscle in advance of June 30

Rumsfeld Issued an Order to Hide Detainee in Iraq

26 Ex-U.S. Diplomats Urge Bush's Ouster

Latrobe Plant Announces Layoffs

UN agencies face $2,25bn shortfall

Study Says U.S. Trails in Family Time Off

NYT: President's Political Thorn Grows Only More Stubborn

Al-Sadr signals end to Shia uprising

Shocking industry, oil chief says he "fears for the planet."

Tanaka regrets helping `street performer' Koizumi

Appeals Court Upholds Berkeley Living Wage Law

Colombian farm workers attacked, at least 34 dead

Cheney won't back down on Saddam-Qaeda link (despite 9/11 panel findings)

Former ambassador speaks

Sexualized Violence Against Female Soldiers Going Largely Unpunished

LaHood bill would ban Bell’s filing [against DeLay]

From Paintball Practice to Prison:

Returning airport (US military base) to Japan too risky, researchers say

Judge Finalizes $1.2 Million Settlement in DNC Lawsuit

New York braced for trouble at Bush rally

Official verdict: White House misled world over Saddam September attacks

High-end tech jobs outsourced by Microsoft

Kerry, Bush Too Close In Pennsylvania

House GOP disputes the 9-11 finding

Flood insurance bill takes on property owners with repeat damage

Calif. senators press Bush, FERC on energy issues

More Incriminating Enron Tapes

Rumsfeld ordered prisoner held off the books.

Bush Campaign Plans Break in Its Television Commercials

Several Large Explosions Heard in Baghdad

Bush Tells Troops 'Life Is Better' in Iraq as Handover Nears

Meteorite sighted in NSW

`One China' review under way (in USA) - myth that Taiwan is part of China

DU Cooks - Stay Away from Emeril Lagasse's Mac & Cheese Recipe

A very nice tribute to the late Ray Charles

What movie should we see tonight?

Shameless copycat thread - DTBK: The Early Years

Star Trek DVD Box Sets coming August 31!

I'm making tacos from the boys.

Best songs about duck driving

Best Joe Jackson album, Part 2: 1986-1994

DU Buttons?

Best Joe Jackson album, Part 3: 1997-2004

Best Joe Jackson album, Part 1: 1979-1984

Where do you think this Week's Doonesbury storyline is going?

The Ultimate Diet Food: AIR!!! No calories. No carbs. No fat.

Would someone please explain this bumpersticker to me...

Oh no! Ditka's a Repug!!

River Patrol Police Pull Over A House

Need tech help please...(Power Search)

If you need a treat

#1 Reason I am Full

Is the concept of "competitive growth" a good thing?

Parents defend principal in pot investigation

I saw a great bumper sticker on the way home...

Cripple Fight!!!!

Ore. Town Passes Anti-Nudity Ordinance

Hit-and-run driver lectures victim before driving away

48 hours until vacation countdown celebration!

Nudity -- Check One

#1 reason I am Gay

A Newcastle Brown, some sticky Humboldt ...

I feel bad for Ashlee Simpson

I hear the mattress springs rhythmically squeaking in the dorm above me

Cool T-shirt spotted this evening

Anyone else use computer and Mp3 for a car radio?

The Obligatory "Hey!! I Just Clocked 2000 Posts!!!!" Post

lego paintball

I am trying out the Starz online

stuff i bought today

Camera Question.. I need to replace a camera that...................

what would your secret agent codename be?

Short Story

$1.99 Charles Shaw wine strikes gold at competition

Is skateboarding rebelious anymore?

So I'm working on this song parody

DUers are chatting....come and join the fun!

What's on your T.V. as you read this thread?

Is Bush attacking this 84-year old woman with a baguette?

Another coworker had a mental meltdown at work today

Is anyone watching this guy on Daily Show!

Johnny Pissoff

Diet Rite or Diet RC?

Age, Music, Past time? Indulge me!

Best songs about truck driving


Listening to the original Black Sabbath 2-CD set. Ask me anything.

Forrest meets Forest

Random Questions, Part Deux

What is your favorite made-up-word?

Hey, Freepers: I'm going to see FARENHEIT 911 the weekend it opens!


Ok, is this really funny, or am I just slaphappy?

Any one ever been to

Bush being followed by a Dick shadow, Dick shadow, Dick shadow...

What can an underconfident person do to get a job?

Mystic dies of suffocation

Best bat ever....

let's go redsox!



Can an allergic reaction cause chilling?

I deleted files out of my D Drive and I want them back.

How bad is the worst underwear you own?

Does ANYONE else in the whole world like Mates of State?

OK, well this is just too cool and i have to share..

funniest word for sexual intercourse you have heard..

What was the address of that anti-Bush video game with Voltron?

Favorite Movie Quotes

Retirement? you can't retire while there's CAPTIONS to be done

DULL check in!

My father just gave me the most amazing gift.

Best cat ever....

Japanese tourists hurt as bus shears roof on bridge

Taste great or Less Filling

Laurel Or Hardy?

Bands/Singers You Like That Nobody Else Does

Lucy or Desi?

Get a load of this freeper site

22343/67 or 23117/91

How come if I dumped my ex...

Skinny Puppy

SoCal DU Gathering

Share Your Funniest Fart Stories

Anyone know how to Photoshop RimJob into the Moran man?

Where Do You Get Your Television Signal?

So today has really sucked.

What is the strangest thing you ever set aflame?

My Amazon.Com Wish List

Best stand up comic of all time?

I Have a Family Member with Alzheimers

OK, Cat People -- Put up or else -- I'TS A CUTE KITTY CONTEST!!!

Minnesota Republicans as Bad as Florida's

Kerry, Gephardt meeting ignites gossip

Loyal Opposition

House Democrats Offer Election-Year Jobs Plan

Bush, Kerry visiting key states

Dem prospects jockey to run at Kerry's side

Kerry Campaign: It's Your Money -- The White House Spent $100K...

Iowa court nullifies entire state economic development fund (Vilsack)

My belief on who should be VP.

Big U.S. seniors' group endorses bill on Canadian drug imports

Voters Are Harder to Reach As Media Outlets Multiply

YES!! Hope this is a trend!

National Security Credibility A Must For VP Choice Says Kerry's Team

Clark conference call on Iraq/Aafghanistan....missed this one!

please vote for possible VP out of these

Please pick Edwards: Beneath Gephardt radar, House Dems seek to sway Kerry

Anybody notice how Kerry actually has a vision and Bush doesn't

Kucinich has 72 delegates I just heard - Now Is the Time!

What about Graham?


FCC, McCain Push for More Election Coverage

Dean: "People Are Ready for Kerry"

Calling a Truce

Philadelphia Daily News - first Newspaper to endorse Kerry

Australia : early election because "Ex-Lib leader tips Kerry win"

Another way to evaluate a book....

Did anyone else see this? Shell exec. admits global warming...

Alterman: I’d go with Edwards

With 9/11 Report, Bush's Political Thorn Grows More Stubborn

AIM Report: Selective Outrage on Iraq is Sickening - June B

(Canadian) Conservatives Importing Republican Distortion Tactics

ROBERT SCHEER: Tout Torture, Get Promoted

Rumors of the Neocons' Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

Iraq a Vote Loser for Bush's European Allies

Chicago Tribune editorial: Al Qaeda, Iraq-and war (and my response)

Bush Keeps Lying!

Forgive me, I was wrong on Iraq

Australia's choice is not Bush's business

Shell Oil Chief Admits Grave Fears For The Planet

Molly Ivins: The Patriot amendment (clean elections laws attacked in AZ)

The strange, sad death of the American way

Seattle P-I: "Just why was this a just war?"

An EXCLUSIVE pre-release review of "FAHRENHEIT 911"

Salon: 9/11 panel raps response to hijackings

The harm the U.S. does in rationalizing torture (Globe and Mail)

Spectator: Another Ignored Discovery (still clinging to WMD)

Reported today...

The Big Dawg is coming to Chicago to raise $$$ for Kerry!

August 29th, 2004: Major Rally at the RNC Convention in NYC

Interview with Thomas Franks

Turn on O'Franken - NOW!

CNBC dumps wrestler for making Nazi gesture

Today's Thought

Skeptics: can you recommend some good books...

DU widows & widowers check in

Want to beat up on Republicans?

Benedict Arnold Accenture blocking bill defeated in house

I'm reposting this here --

ABCNews says Consumer feeling of comfort getting worse - but "confidence"

HR 4520

Asst. Energy Secretary Wants To Spend More Time With Family

NAIA's Jim Beers on Dogfighting - "It Should Be Legal & Regulated"

Strange Comet Unlike Anything Known

DNA Tweak Turns Vole Mates Into Soul Mates(a monogamous shot to give male

Royal Dutch Shell Chair Sees "Very Little Hope" w/o GHG Cuts - AJC

Insect Pest Native To Med., Africa, Now Endemic In Britain - BBC

3/4 Of All Marine Life May Depend On Conveyer Current - Nat Geographic

Pollution-Credit Trading Scam Unravels In California - LA Times

Two New Red Tides Off NE China - 2,000 Square Miles In Area

'Violent' African pirates threaten shipping

Nujoma slams 'racist' white farmers

Stupid Question Dept:: What the heck is the Gun Show Loophole?

Yet Another High-Quality Pro-Gun Spokesman

Four Drown At Texas Water Park - No Swimming signs Posted

There are more deaths every year by automobiles than by guns!

Harpoons in the News

uh-oh, If they aren't on the NRA damned list, Beastie Boys are now

GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 17, 2004

'Guns in the news' vs 'X in the news'.......

Can You truly Identify the High Performance

Tale of 4 Ohio Cities.

Special Prosecutor Appointed to investigate release of gun records. OHIO

I'm glad I didn't

Do you guys ever get tired of...

Question about your forum software

Could we put all the 9-11 hearing threads from today in one? I don't

I donated but still don't have access to "Donator" options

How do you post images/photos?

Settlers returning to Gaza in hope of compensation

Mubarak, Qureia talks on post-pullout Gaza cancelled

"Hezbollah funded by Israel" link?

Jordanian court convicts 15 militants of terror conspiracy

2 Palestinian girls nabbed on way to suicide attack

Israel Launches Gaza Moat Plan

Osama bin Laden: CEO of Terror, Inc.

The bear facts on the NIST budget

The Big Dawg is coming to Chicago raise $$$ for Kerry!!!

DuPage County Democrats...

GOP Senate hopefuls hold cordial debate

Cheetahs strip club papers filed

SF: Pack the First Showing of F/911 (Thursday Midnight Show)?

SoCal DU Gathering, June 27

Fahrenheit 9/11 In Iowa

Jane "Jingle Money" Swift's last raid...

From the North Shore Democratic Update


Where's the outrage?

JonBenet Ramsey's Father Runs for Office

Jeff Seemann on O'Franken TODAY at 2pm

First Newspaper to endorse Kerry - Philadelphia Daily News

I'm off to Houston

Scott Ritter/Dallas, June 24th!

What will the kick off reception be like tonight?

Latest word on F 9/11 at Marcus theaters

Bryan Kennedy (D-WI-5) Recieves WI AFL-CIO Endorsement!

Media Ownership Rules & FCC-what's the latest?

Here is the gauntlet that * has to run before November. What do you

111F/43C in Nasiriyah. Do you know where Bush is murdering your children?

Will/Should Kerry choose a woman as VP?

The Anatomy Of A Myth

Nancy Reagan for VP!

Never mind.

Bernie Ward cleaning a female FReepers clock...

Charlie Daniels drivel got 'cha down?

So "El Canadianos" been to debates?

AOL Iraq/bin Laden connection poll

"No al Qaeda, Iraq cooperation"

hey guys, i need that pic of bush dropping his dog in public...

For the early birds, "Morning Sedition" on AAR now. Good program

Conservative Campaign Ad Features Reagan..(no pre-approval from Nancy)

Rumsfeld Issued Order to Hide Iraq Detainee

Unfreep the BBC's "Have Your Say"

Air America - W's shrink is on - well the one who wrote the book on him

Hawks Still Positioning US as Globocop

"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days;

What's up with Carol Costello?

Hey everybody... Otto Reich resigned....Hmmmmm!!

C Span shows we'd like to see

Analysis: Bush War Reasoning Takes a Hit

NBC Today Show about to do a piece on Fahrenheit 911.

9/11 Commission Hearings on NOW - Are you listening? NORAD today.

But, aren't we the insurgents

Cry me a river, "troops".

US to hand over complete and total blame for Iraq... to Iraq, July 1st.

Military air defense system missed chance to possibly intercept at least 1

9-11 Panel hearings:

Its official: only 7 Americans tortured prisoners

Now it’s Kerry's wife ?

W's Second Term - A Warning

Student uncovers US military secrets

variety is the life of spice

Should President Kerry ask for a Special Prosecutor?

DU this poll

Believe it or not


Check out this freeper. (Advocates death penaly for MM)

neocon strategy 101: lie loudly and recant quietly (if at all)

NYT: Bush "plainly dishonest"

Is Michael Moore's 9/11 movie going to show in Maine?

Why Bush should be impeached NOW

DU Wing Nut Web Site Trying To Stop "Fahrenheit 9/11"

"Looks like we're having a minor war"???!!!!

To my good Canadian DU friends...please tell me this isn't true.

Most of the "senior diplomats" calling for Bush defeat are former .....

W.Post editorial: Cheney didn't lie!!!!

Anyone see Hemmer smacked down this morning?

Margaret Cho fans

Civil war amongst right-wing bloggers

Official Pool - Cheney's "health problems" come into play

Please Post an embarrassing picture of W that I can print out

Gambling in the White House

DU MODERATORS: Could we have a MAIN thread for 9/11 hearings?

The Diplomats for Change statement

C-SPAN caller -- October surprise

Should Hillary get a Prime Time solo speaking slot at the Convention?

Did I hear this right? Cheney gave 9/11 shoot down order. Then..

Republican Convention Schedule

Reagan not Saddam was associated with El-Qaeda

Portrait of the War President ... NEW

Best anti-Bush book?

How Much Is That Uzi in the Window?

Another hidden cost we the taxpayer get to pay for in Iraq

"America the Beautiful" was written by a Gay person

I hate to ask this, but where will Fahrenheit 09/11 be showing? In Canada?

Who is this girl addressing the 9/11 Commission?

Dick, Dick, Dick.

Pfc. Keith Maupin, remember him?

We can win the "Texas death match"

Sometimes you just have to say...

W trying to answer questions....

Web sites against Bush

911 Hearing on CNN - did anyone else notice?

911 comes down to a failure of the air traffic controllers to noftify the

War and Piece: The Case of Rumsfeld's Forgotten "Suspect"

New "Ex-Republican" Ministry

Sheriff gets armored vehicles

Bush's PATHETIC and DEPLORABLE Iraq Scorecard!

Obituary backs 'removal of Bush'

Can we please end the ridiculous non-support threats?? Please!?

Today's Excite poll - 54% believe Saddam-al Qaida link

William Pitt has written another piece well worth reading

Best use of torture photo

Kerry, victory, and numbers

The Iraqi troop whoop HOOAAHHHH. (Steve Bell Cartoon)

Lest we forget: '72 election dirty tricks - as rememberd by the Guardian

Bush cousin taking over "Access Hollywood" hosting

Man in jail for six years on 2 year sentence....

3 reviews of Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," all positive! :-)

There is something seriously wrong with George W. Bush

In Honor of Watergate: Take the NIXON GOON CHALLENGE!

I think that we should all listen to *'s laugh during G-8 press conf.


If Bush is indicted and resigns, who would the RNC pick to run for Pres?

Why I Support President Bush

damnit, stop being so gloomy! the ape said THIS yesterday

Sign up to take Zogby Polls online

Let's face it. Under * Americans are completely unsafe.

Can someone get through to Franken? Still no follow up who 25 were!

Iraq’s new prime minister, the CIA and their record of terrorist bombings

Clinton's Book is #1

NORAD can't respond to Terrorism: Our Country is Being Run by Dinosaurs

Hey! Let's Show A Little Respect For President Bush!

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons

Why does Bobby Kennedy Jr.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons

Deleted message

Drudge just disgusts me! His lame attempt to smear Clinton.Drudge fails!

Need information about the draft

Help Document the Torture

Some recent Zogby Results...

I'm basking in Robert Reich on O'Franken...

17 Car Bombings in 17 DAYS in IRAQ - Media FAILING as usual.....

Bush Insists on Saddam Relationship with Al-Qaeda (sorry if dupe)

Send Bush Your Student Loan Bill

MP morale is low at Iraqi prisons. Boo-frickin-hoo.

Heard on ClearChannel's Flagship Station: Theatres are rejecting F9/11

Fallout From the Rangers Game A Few Day Ago

Clinton Calls Impeachment Battle 'Badge of Honor' (sorry if dupe)

Skip Bush! - an effort to get NH Republicans to SKIP BUSH in 2004!

"Bush blew it, Public Yawned" at Bush's mars plans

Here is what I think about Theresa Heinz Kerry

CNN quick Vote.

Does anybody know what happened to the weekly Iraq speeches?

Poll: Edwards Favored As Kerry VP Choice

The military's pledge of allegiance is to the president now?

Fighting nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror

Sweeeeet....Bushy Bush loves his lovey dovey Rumsfeld... oooohhhh

Have you seen this footage of Powell saying no WMDs in Iraq?

I Think We Should Brace Ourselves for an Imminent Osama Appearance

What's the story behind Enron's excitement over the California fires?

Senate Dems are more "Catholic" than Senate Republicans.

Teleportation breakthrough made

Oil Chief: My Fears for Planet: Shell Boss's 'Confession' Shocks Industry

New York Times changed its story

Boom. Gail Sheehy just said that American Airlines knew at 8:43

Rumors of the Neocons' Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

Right wingers comparing Bush to . . . Lincoln?

Air Force Sgt. Marc Palmosina, (Gitmo) charged with 2 child rapings

Two questions about this AP piece....

Jeff Seemann (AWD) on O'Franken in 30 minutes

excellent freep opportunity? Bring enlistment form to F 9/11

American Airlines knew at 8:20 Anybody remember Betty Ong?

The irrationality in choosing leadership...

We actually did it...this guy put up a serious poll with serious choices

So bushie is never disappointed in rummy

The real campaign issue of 2004: Iran

CIA contractor indicted on abuse charges!

DU this poll: Do you want Bruce Springsteen or Bush on 9/1?

BBC Censors FAUX!!

Did you hear during the 9/11 hearings that they NEVER tried to

Call me crazy, but I think F911 has a chance to be #1

Robert Reich on Air America right now. - n/t


Congressman Weldon and Rev. Moon

Rush's thoughts on marriage

In the realm of Orwellian Lie-Telling, AND THAT ALONE, are the Bushes

Fahrenheit 9/11 commercials on BRAVO

Ashcroft may face prison over 9/11 cover-up, says Daniel Ellsberg

Notice the CBS pic. These soldiers are wearing street pants and t-shirts

Has the 9/11 Commission discussed put options prior to 9/11 attacks?

WashPost blog shows Bush/Cheney contradictions busted by media

op/ed: Achcroft the worst attorney general in US history

Are all Republicans Racists? Sadly, Yes

NY Times falls short

Senate rejects ban on civilian interrogators

Hey Activists..Love you but ! Whats wrong with this picture ?

*THUD* What's that sound, you say? It's Hannity fainting

Has anyone ordered their FBI file?

Shrub still backs Saddam-Al Qaida link and Rummy's job.

Whatever happened to the Novak assault charge

The Republican Ethos.

Why don't you people who think Kerry would start a DRAFT wise up?

Anybody watching Rummy fight with the press?

This is such an incredibly sad and sick story.

9/11 Commission - How did it do?

December Suprise

Bush's War Justification letter to Congress 3/19/03 is a lie - so impeach?

Why is Bush so reluctant to admit he ever gets scared?

Randi Rhodes Coming Up

Bush and Dirt. Whats up with this one

OK Gals, Who's with me

Yahoo 9/11 story displays Saddam's picture. Why?

The flags around here are STILL at half-mast,

Now would be a very good time for the Plame indictments

For 9/11 report analysis, check out CNN Paula Zahn show soon

Rumsefeld having press conference.... struggling for air...

read what really happened before 9/11 (INN World Report)

Bush explains how aliens

read josh marshall today? Pretty interesting tidbit here

Prove Bush a liar

Southern Baptists Warn of Stagnation

For 9/11 report analysis, check out CNN Paula Zahn show soon

Even a week of Gipperporn can't convince Americans to put Reagan on $

Is this an old quote ? The problem with belief is ....

Forgive me please, for posting in GD! Scott Ritter/Dallas, June 24th

Here's my beatdown of e-mail.

debate: Which is the larger Irony ?

Bush Says Iraq Posed Threat Because of Terror Link

Help finding a link please: Rummy fires 50 Generals...

So, we invaded Iraq because Saddam and Osama

Man throws rattlesnake at Mom in the bar after drinking and squabble..

ABC News Tonight - Michael Moore Movie Propaganda????

DU this poll!

What will you do to make 9/11 number one next weekend?

did anyone hear Rush L.

9-11 commission weaving lies and deception...

The ONLY way that 9-11 will ever be fully understood

For analysis of 9/11 commission today's report LISTEN TO RANDI NOW

Is Eisner's ABC partly responsible for torture in Iraqi prisons?

Well CNN sure sings a different tune

prediction: the right will act like spiderman 2 is a political sign

Bush on the edge, about to free fall right into nothing (apologies to TP)

Was anyone else just watching CNN?

Let your Anger come out, we're going to need it

Group created to stop Moore's movie

These things I know are true

What if, after 9/11

Advance F911 tickets - any successful purchases yet?

Democrats Seek Interrogation Documents

I have a question about Aunti Pinko's latest article...

Annan Against U.S. War Crimes Exemption

America's True Class Warfare: Emulate the rich, despise the poor

If you REALLY want a sham marriage and a divorce over money...

Why is Lester Holt never on Lester Holt Live?

The strange, sad story of Jesse Valencia

Entire contingent of Vermont National Guard...

McCain's true colors

Chuck Grassley on C-Span 2, what a dumbass

I hate waking up to the radio.

Michael Moore's FH911 is causing big headache for Repubs....

Farhen 911 ad during Lou Dobbs!

Farenheit 911 is a Slam Dunk on The View

Old song...New meaning...

Sign Moveon Fahrenheit 9/11 petition here. Don't let the Nazi's censor you

Weird stuff you find on the Net: Michael Moore is really a CIA asset.

Entire contingent of Vermont National Guard...

Bush's 'Apex' of Unlimited Power

Am I The Only Person Who Finds This OHIO Mall Story Fishy As Hell?

bush didnt know about the first flight, was in class when he found out

I Have a Funny Feeling the Nutbags are Gonna Cause...

Presidential Debates Likely To Exclude Nader

Does anyone have a link to the 9/11 commission report...

In which closely contested state will Bush* "thwart" the next mall attack?

Fox News spinning lack of Iraq-Al Qaeda connection as no big deal....

CBS eve news "Iraq considering martial law"...and that would be different

OUTRIGHT LIE on CNN... (non-political)

Cheney on CNBC now

What are the Odds for Kerry to Reduce the Anger Level in America?


MSNBC article full of typos...

Im so sick of the media spewing this idea that balanced means....

Draft Bruce

Why cant we synthesize oil?

Are Wingnuts doing for Fahrenheit 911 what the left did for The Passion?

WTF is up with this article?

Boycott Exxon and Buy Shell!!!

For those who did not catch RANDI at 3 p.m., KPOJ / 620 has the

Has anyone seen Chimpy's missing WarOnTerra speeches?

My Theatre is getting F911!

Info please. Did the US ever have any dealings with al-Qaeda?

Church protections from losing tax exempt status for political speech KOed

New Voice of Reason! Tony Trupiano Show - webcast

Bush should apologize to the American people..

Ron Reagan (son)

Democracy Now: "Warrior-King: The Case For Impeaching George W. Bush."

I am sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution

Bush's War Justification letter to Congress 3/19/03 is a lie - so impeach?

Patrick Buchanan Supporting Ralph Nader For President?

Reagan's Funeral...anyone have a link to video coverage?

Former Sen. Wyche Fowler (D-Ga) on "Hardball." I have a question.

Boycott Shell AND Exxon. Buy Citgo.

You say you want a Revolu---wait....Civil Disobedience maybe

Is it true Ollie North got contract to "interrogate" prisoners in Iraq?

Way to go, Howard. In London he condemns Bush and mercenaries.

Cheney on NBC just said Zarqawi ran Kurd plant "out of Baghdad!"

9/11 researches: I find this infuriating, and am looking for input

Why don't you people who think Kerry would start a DRAFT wise up?

BBV: Diebold Used Uncertified Software in the Maryland Primary

Has Randi gone off the deep end a little?

Did "Osama, et al" lead us into a snare in Iraq? If one was a Military

OMFG!!! I just saw an ad for Michael's F-9/11 film!!!

I need some of the political cartoons...for my class both sides if possibl

Did anyone watch the Daily Show last night?

White House Briefing June 17...........Check this out..

I have a serious Question

FREAKEMOUT: tell gopers that "Iraq is a Bigger Disaster than 9.11"

BBV: California law for paper ballots bars voters from touching them.

More Net meanderings: Frigid Women Are Usually Feminists

9/11 and Atlantic City

Cheney is STILL perpetuating the big LIE on CNBC!!!

Dem Commissioner Kerrey: NORAD "covered in glory" on 9/11

Does anyone have some info on this Mike Moore rumor ?

Fun with wingnuts dissing Farenheit 9/11

Bush photo of the day, caption it!

Rasmussen: Fox Fans Favor Bush 65% to 28% (duh)


UnansweredQuestions.Org (9/11) Founders On Flashpoints Radio Today!

O Holy Crap: There's a new book at the top of my reading list

Link to Enron Tapes audio?

Do you read David Brock's

Help: is this fact or fiction - Rummy, Condi and Powell not coming back

Can a good person be Republican?

DU's Jeff Seeman on Franken now!

Fired CNN VP writes scathing book on journalistic decline

I got a "here's the facts" email from a buddy, had to respond...

nation building poll -- what could we have done for Afghanistan?

The Big Dawg will be coming to Chicago to raise $$$ for Kerry

Why did Cheney--not Bush or Rumsfeld--give the order to down Flight 93?

Nightline 6/17: When is torture OK? -- Follow-up to Wed. show

US truck carrying radioactive materials turned away by Kuwaitis

Anyone else have that ominous "other shoe's about to drop" feeling?

My sister works for the military, she says the Draft IS coming....

An EXCLUSIVE pre-release review of FAHRENHEIT911

Decentralize the Gov't (Physically)

DU this AOL poll about Michael Moore...

A Question For Alcoholics... Or For Those Experienced With Alcoholism:

If the Repubs are serious about civility in politics, ....

Bush didn't want to scare you!

Kerry, Senate Secretary Facing Ethics Complaint

Just got junk mail from the National Pro-Life Alliance. I should..?

Great must-read article that makes our party look great

John Dean: Bush broke these laws if he knew CIA name was being leaked:

Speculation Thread: guess Josh Marshall's pending bombshell

"Because they disabled the transponders, they were invisible to Radar"...

Does homosexuality provide an evolutionary advantage?

Proposed Health Plan - Suggestions Please

Randi Rhodes is talking about LIHOP

No wonder that "small town 'merica" likes bush

9/11 averted if Reagan hadn't fired the air traffic controllers?

Bill Clinton's Book Signing Tour

Few Problems at Canada Internet Pharmacies

Screw turns on secretive drug firms

Deadly bomb blast in central Baghdad

Conservative Campaign Ad Features Reagan

Graham's book timed to influence election

House Votes to Permit $10 Billion Visitor-Tracking Contract for Accenture

DMCA Foes Find Allies in House

Former U.S. Officials Call for Bush's Defeat

Iraq army recruits rethink joining after bomb

Insurgents go for Iraq's lifeline: oil

Rumsfeld Ordered Secret Arrest in Iraq

Australian argument for war in Iraq "blown apart" by US report: Labor

Boxer goes after energy chief (demands Woods' resignation from FERC)

Report: Cardinal Law Testified in Court

No 10: Saddam let al-Qaida operate

Workers' Comp Claims From Americans Working in Iraq Could Cost Government

Pledge case puts chill on parental rights

More Hollinger Problems (Sun-Times lied re circ numbers)

Troops to Stay in Iraq as Long as Needed - Wolfowitz

Report: Rodents may offer insight to monogamy

Mass: Many voters see gay marriage as prime issue for legislators

Clemency board considers restoring rights for ex-felons

Variety: Liberals lining up for 'Fahrenheit'

Court summons Dow Chemical representative in Bhopal gas leak tragedy

Suit Challenges Law Barring Out-of-State Couples From Marrying in Mass.

Florida's GOP Senate hopefuls hold cordial debate

CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS: Car execs fund Bush well

Same-sex marriage raised at university debate

Howard (Australian PM) and 911 commission

DNC leader slams Bush 'deception' - McAuliffe says Bush is corrupt

Democrats Seek to Subpoena U.S. Torture Memos

Annan says Iraq too dangerous for UN return

Spy Work in Iraq Riddled by Failures (wild chicken chase)

Risks From Obesity Same After Liposuction

House Passes Tax, Tobacco Bill

U.S. Acknowledges Violating International Law by Holding Prisoner...

Toddler Kidnapped In Carjacking (GA)

US army officer charged for murder of Sadr follower

CNN Breaking: Warehouse fire Compton, CA

Car bomb kills 35 in Baghdad

Raucous bar scene emerges in Baghdad's green zone

New Ethanol Plant Expected to Be Third Largest in U.S.

Spy Work in Iraq Riddled by Failures

AFP: New York Times calls on Bush to apologize for waging war on Iraq

Annan Slams U.S. Bid to Limit Global Criminal Court

U.N. admits mistake in Iran nuclear report (More like got caught lying)

Homeland Security joins weather radio network

GOP hopefuls target lawyers, unions, IRS

Independent Oil-for-Food probe will separate allegation from fact ...

PAT (Buchanan) JOINS BUSH WHACKERS - (to release anti-Bush book in Aug)

U.S. Leading Index Increases Again (13th out of 14 months up-so 7/03 boom?

Poll Suggests Bush Support Has Grown

General Brought in for Abu Ghraib Probe

Labor still in front: poll (Australia)

Cheney lying about Haliburton Involvement&House GOP Block-sospec prosecutr

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 17 June

Homeland Security joins weather radio network

CNN Breaking -- CIA contractor to be indicted in death of prisoner

Second anti-Bush concert announced

Envoy Puts Latin Post, and Stormy Past, Behind Him

Abu Ghraib inmate death probed

Fahrenheit 9/11 gets help offer from Hezbollah

Dems launch Republican 'Survivor' to counter 'Kerry-opoly'

Rumsfeld at press conference: treatment of prisoners "not torture"

Conservatives Mobilize To Counter Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'

General Richard Myers named Father of the Year

Pentagon seeks OK to spy on Americans

California to File Fraud Lawsuit Against Enron

Car Bomb Kills at Least Two Near Iraq Army Base

US warns Americans of 'serious threat' in Saudi

Radical shake-up of NASA proposed


Women heard, not seen, at Saudi forum on rights

U.S. May Producer Prices Rise 0.8% (exceeds 0.6 inflation expectation)

Beirut, Iraq (Dahr Jamail reports Baghdad morgue overflowing)

Bush Backs Rumsfeld in Hiding of Iraq Prisoner

Rumsfeld Says U.S. Hid Iraqi Prisoner from Red Cross

Arar inquiry seeks information from foreign countries to solve puzzle

Imam found guilty of hiding terrorist ties

Clinton Says Infidelity Was a Convenience

U.S. group apologizes to Arabs for Abu Ghraib

Oil chief: my fears for planet (Climate Change)

Bush Disputes 9/11 Panel.....

The State of the News Media 2004

Cologne bomb suspect caught on camera

Car Bomb Explosion Kills 30 in Iraq

Major New Poll Shows U.S. Catholics Overwhelmingly Reject Bishops' Effort

Rumsfeld Was Bypassed in 9/11 'Shoot-Down' Order

Bush Says Iraq Posed Threat Because of Terror Link (Justified War)

Senate Amendment Calls for 'Balance' on Armed Forces Radio

Teen Dieting May Lead to Adult Obesity

Liposuction Doesn't Offer Health Benefit, Study Finds

Poll Suggests Bush Support Has Grown

Young people fear return of military draft

Florida Governor Meets With Haitian Prime Minister

BCCI Latest: Bank of England BCCI legal bill hits £55m

DJ Rumsfeld Says Zarqawi May Not Be Al-Qaida Affiliate

New Information Shows Bush Indecisive, Paranoid, Delusional

Report Says U.S. Has 'Secret' Detention Centers

Venezuela: Judicial Independence Under Siege

New Cdn poll: "Debate has minimal impact on frontrunners; NDP up"

Three police officers shot to death in Birmingham, Alabama

US firm spread hostage video - Silicon Valley Land Surveying Incorporated

9/11 panel: One jet might have been stopped

What is the pop3 and smtp servers for Hotmail ?


Do you spend too much time online or watching television?

Wallace or Wallace?

i'm going to bed......what should i dream about?

Don't want to start a religious flamewar, but damn The Passion is great!

Should we have a separate forum just for pets?

So Canuck Amok...wanna go?

Disclaimer From HEyHEY

I've asked it before - anyone else listen to Todd Wright/ESPN Radio?

Herbert Axelrod, Stradivarius Donor and Alleged Tax Fugitive, Arrested ...

Fuck..I've got the spins

I wanna dance to "Roll over Bethoven with NSMA!"

Ever been audited by a drunken sailor?

Ever been audited by a drunken tailor?

Little Rascals (Our Gang) or The Three Stooges?

Dive-bombing buzzard flies last mission

Camel’s toe?

I'm posting on DU because I'm arguing with my wife, ask me anything....

Ever been audited by the IRS?

Smile for the camera

Does this mean anything, google impeach bush and then impeach clinton

So, I've been like ... gone for five days, what have I misses?

The Bride Typed "I Do"

Gang in series of robbery gaffes

Keaton or Chaplin

Scoring *'s appearance today.... the judging team of CAPTIONS

BREAK UP THE DRAY's !!!!!!!!!!!!

Going in for Mammogram in One hour...Wish me luck

U.S. Open Golf Predictions Anyone?

Take me with you......Pleeeeeeeease..!!!

Eiffel Tower unplugged by rebel power workers

Value Of Sex Measured In Dollars And Cents

Matcom's BBQ/picnic PICTURES!!!!

Cannibals' descendants descend on cannabis to lift curse in Fiji

Conservative weirdo decides he has evidence women can't be President

I found the link between Iraq and al-Qaeda!!!!!

89-year-old: I'm a Civil War widow

I Watched, Quite Possibly, The WORST Movie Ever Made Last Night

DU Concertinists, I need your help.

Good Morning DU!

Hello and Welcome to the Virginia Rain Forest

go to the recently added section

HEY!.....My Balls Itch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A story from the future to offer some hope:

School Superintendent Paid For Employee Strip Show - Chippendales

White House pastry chef retiring at 60 years old

Williams' daughter quits to have father remains removed from cryonics lab

Touching the Void

Heart warming story

lots and lots and lots of Blackadder avatars!

Je Vous une confession


must be a sLow news day

Do You Prefer Action Movies With Guns Or Swords?

Shit I learned at the corporate All-Hands meeting

happy bunker hiLL day!

Drunk pair shot and beaten for public urination

funniest email i have ever received

Bush/Zombie Reagan in 2004

Check out this short film

Spears cancels remaining leg of Onyx Hotel Tour

How Many DUers Have Names Similar To Yours?

"I work at Bed, Bath and Beyond.............

the yet unanswered confusion of all CAPTIONs

I found out you really CAN scream in your sleep!

We interrupt the regularly scheduled show to bring you Tiger Woods........

Austin area DUers, how about Sat 6-26 for the date to see Farenheit 911 ?

What phrases make you laugh ?

Homeless Man Set On Fire By Gang

Check out my "Fiesty George" cartoon

If Bush Wins In November, Who Wants To Help Invade LynneSin's Island?


Lactose question

Sex films help panda get pregnant

This is one Playboy I won't look at

Help-Nike commercial question

What do republicans laugh at?

Voices inside my head

Windows problem - help?

PJ Harvey Doesn't Sell Out - Again!

Web Site People...Have a you have an answer?

Bob Roberts fans check in here!!

sore thumb standing out for a CAPTION

German Dogs Get Their Own Lederhosen

the sun-dyed in the wool of all CAPTIONs

Huge sigh of relief

Student Disrupts Final Exam By Setting Off Tear Gas

The Language of Baseball

Gay Travel to Philly - TDS segment last night....

Star Wants His Chest Hair Insured

For the next 100 posts...

I didn't sell out. I bought in

Damn, anyone heard Longwave?

Will someone please buy my house? Please? Pretty please?

The "masses".....he he he heh

I've been a very bad boy!

So I've been thinking about the "pres. elected in zero years" curse

Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols does radio in LA now. WOO HOO! His lunch

The latest trailer for...ULTRAMAN!

Ben Folds has two new EP's out and they're brilliant.

Woman Can Sue Her Pastor For Revealing Affair To Congregation

stop everything! i have to pee. i'll be right back.

Lisa Gerrard's creepy photo

Caption the Prime Minister!

Scoop and CAPTION

Your favorite "Jump the Rope" moment?

Rummy, fully prepared to claw the eyes out of his opposition

Do men outnumber the women on DU?

Pop-Up Blockers.....which ones are the best?

Watch the live webcast of the Pistons championship parade here:

any fans of "the circLe jerks"?

Have you ever "googlized" your name?

Underpants just called me a Petri Dish.....

William Hung will have another CD coming out. His 15 minutes...

My baby leans LEFT!

Which word is funnnier?

Please help with this grammar question.

Man, Robert Reich is TINY!

Who sucks more?

Missle/tank shell found on the street in the Bronx.

Dammit - I passed 7000 posts 52 posts ago.

Tip of the day

What did your Fathers' Day card say?

Better Republican Corrector?

Musician you used to like but now can't stand and why

I am really sick and tired...

Guess the Dictator and/or Television Sit Com Character

Who originally did the song "Summertime Blues"?

Question for the computer experts out there

Owweee, oweeee owweeee

Liz Phair "sells out" again - and I love it!

i just got a bonus check for $96.13

Favorite line of Monty Python's "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life"?

speaking in CAPTIONs again

Bruckheimer will pay for his sins


Haha! Can you find the child in this picture???

The "Tsunami" Ready to Defend His Championship

'On Demand' Dating Coming To Your Cable TV?

Best Old School Giant Japanese Monster Show?

Anyone else going back into the closet today?

So is anyone else coming out of the closet today?

Whats your sin for dessert?

Workload lull today - time to kill - ASK ME ANYTHING!


You're the president of a cable network. Cancel that show!

If Bush wins in November: I'm starting my own island nation

Yet another local bar can go fuck themselves...

I Was Just Called A Freeper In GD!!!

Shigeki Maruyama and Jay Haas tied at -4...........

Anyone heard the singer Katie Melua?

Fallout From the Rangers Game A Few Day Ago

Wesley Willis fans check in!

Ok, where the white women at?

SE Pennsylvania: Come support live and original music!

Happy birthday Barry Manilow!

What are your other favorite euphemisms for "Cupid's Kettledrums"?

school is out for the summer, ask me anything

Air tickets KC to Berlin . . . does 850-900 round trip sound about right?

CONFESSION: I too am a lesbian...

I've got a confession to make.

What's the ABSOLUTE WORST CD in your collection?

I've got a confection to make!

CONFESSION: I too am a thespian!

I love this book: Haiku For Jews!

Today seems to be the day. I have a shocking confession to make.

whoa all these confessions, confession inside

Who's the more foolish?

You look like the piss boy.

Euro 2004 : France vs Croatia is taking an unexpected turn

I really hate my life! (RANT)

Anyone coming out of a closet

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm FUDGE!

I am a sellout!

Is Curse10 coming out of the closet?

This silly heterosexual needs info:

Dr. Funkenstein.....

Brady Bunch Theme Song (post one line)

thundering outside, what a way to start summer, woo hoo

Johnny Ramone in hospital

need some good recent political jokes

Got my first comments on my Asses of Evil bumper sticker!!!!!!!

I got locked in the closet today

This is a pretty amazing place regarding gay people and homosexuality.

Dr. Frankenstein.....

QUESTION??du lounge name songs/movies/tv shows that have a COLOR in title

Color me freeper and call me stupid, but where the heck's the Gallery?

Anyone know the name of the parasite that most common in Sushi?

I've decided to come out of the closet

Dirty shower curtain liners

OK Gals, Who's with me

I also came out of the closet today.

Your favorite "Jump The Shark" moment?

I've decided to go into the closet

help preparing radio show on Patriot act - pleeeze! Need link to ACLU ad

I just looked in the kitsch-en closet----I think my toaster is gay

My closet smells

Who used to watch Beavis and Butthead?

I just came from a local shop called "The Flower Closet"...

Spelling poll

Man throws rattlesnake at Mom in the bar after drinking and squabble..

I've decided to come out of my corset.

my 89 1/2 year old ma was mugged yesterday

Anyone know of a dvd w/Bradd Pitt & Bears on Animal Planet?

Sushi: Love it or Hate it?

Successful threads: How many responses does it take?

OK, as soon as this file distills I can leave!

check out this picture of my *LOCKING - NO SEX THREADS*

Strange karma?

Check out this picture of Mr. Dick

Pompous 70's art rocks bands that you enjoy listening to

Calling the mighty Gods of DU....

check out this picture of my hand

Ok, back from Mammo and Ultrasound with initial results

So I take it everyone now finally understands

Let's play a game. Using Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz fun!

Bill Clinton on OPRAH, this Tuesday.

Is this an old quote ? The problem with belief is ....

OK, as soon as this file distills I can leave!

Officials caught off-guard by irreverent 'Daily Show'

Wanna play.."What was in Rasputin's Pants?"

Aishwarya Rai.

Yahoo Photo Highlight

Please critique this. (Also please remember I am new at this so be kind.

I'm curious about two DUers...maybe you can help

I made the top 50 of Speak Out for the Future -- sadly missed the top 10.

Should I change my phone #?


We are at the "The lawyers clean up all details" part

How awesome would it be if Farenheit 9/11 makes more money then 'Passion'?

Is this Bush's first draft?

hubby just got 2nd job at walmart!

Has anyone recently purchased a new Peugeot bicycle?

Sign this petition if you understand the need for quality DVD transfers!

Are there online resources that tell you potential diseases?

How do I keep the cat off a nightstand?

Best Third Stooge

Welcome to Republican Bizarro World.... - The Different Anti-Bush Campaign

I'm making Vietnamese Iced Coffee........who wants one?

Buffalo Breaks Out of Slaughterhouse

ALL RWers drink budweiser

Did You People KNOW There Was "Bush Country Ketchup?" - RW KETCHUP!!!

The gratuitous cat pictures are easier thanks to digital cameras....

We should have our own internal phrase for "jumping the shark"....


OK, where the straight/bi DU women at?

Expensive toy for the mentally ill

I'm not against marriage, per se......

Bush administration calls for the defeat of former diplomats

What is one of your biggest regrets in life

What states have High School One-Act Play Competitions?

People just plain hate me sometimes

Bumper sticker of the day


I need vegan help! -- shoes

What American HIGH SCHOOLS have notable Drama/Theatre programs?

Lets have a poetry contest

Big Majority Report on tonight

Colin Ex's punishment for the Ani Di Franco sucks thread

check out this picture of my balls

What is your typing speed?

Sangria, peanuts and Oreos for dinner

How do you give the bird?

What is your favorite Star Trek Movie?

Harrisburg, PA Free tickets for tonight to The Terminal - Tom Hanks Movie

Most Used Item in your Kitchen:

Margaret Cho fans

Woman Bites Off Part of Boyfriend's Tongue

Do you have political ambitions?

Why is hay rolled, instead of baled


My husband fell three weeks ago

Missouri Bans Sexy Highway Billboards

Caption Dick on the run

If you cup your hand like this you can hear the CAPTIONS

Did I do a bad thing?

typographic illustration . . . to music . . .

How many Du'ers (besides me) regularly attend Renaissance Faires?

Should I go? How to travel.

get the new sonic youth dvd!

Houston Astros fans - Ready for the sweep?

Wisdom Teeth

Boob job nets woman $50,000 + /year job!!!!

Sex patch for women developed, and it works!

Ahhhhh, redheads!

Isn't he romantic....

Someone's accused moi, the widow, of "left-wing hatred"

I feel like the cat that ate the canary...but I think I know who Kerry's V

Which weather would you find most unbearable?

rollingstone gives a rare 5 star review to the new beastie boys album

anyone going to City Stages in Birmingham this weekend?

Have you heard about "conservative ketchup"?

**********GAY MILESTONES**********

Does anybody know a place where the guy hosting Stern show files can host

Silly things that SCARED THE LIVING SHIT out of you as a child?

Favorite Sunglasses?

Did anyone see Jeopardy tonight?

So....anyone have any ideas for removing Silly Putty from a dog?

Calling all BBQers! Hillsborough Hog Day - Sat 6/19!!


Hey DU -- Guess what? Breaking News.

Are YOU A Lesbian??? Take The Quiz!!

My Wife is so tired she just tried to stick

Vote in this poll

Women or guys....... tall or short guys? Which is it?

What's the most mediocre/average CD/record in your collection?

I have a 5 Day Headache

Who has a home gym........

Free weights vs. Bowflex or Soloflex?

check out this picture of my foot

The "Ani DiFranco sucks" thread.

I have a date tonight. What should I wear?

Good coming out music?

Gay and lesbian themed movies you like.

Who else here went to Boarding school?

Madonna changes name to Esther

What word(s) make you laugh every time you hear them?

BIG disagreement with wife

Bush Campaign Plans Break in Its Television Commercials

Mayor says Democrats responsible for convention overruns

Uh-oh - Is Former Kerry Advisor Advising Bush and Rove?!?

Kerry needs to bolster his image a LOT more

Let's all go to Family Circle website and vote for Teresa's spice cookies!

Put a little kick in your day. Play DNC game "Kick Bush Out". It's a hoot!

Sign up to take Zogby polls online

So who does everybody think will get the VP nod?

Howard Dean in London...BBC audio online now from today.

Vilsack May Have Problems With Latinos

the Democrats are ignoring American poverty.

I will ONLY vote for Kerry if he chooses [insert name here] for VP

two months before GOP convention Bush has 36% approval rating in NY

Will you vote for John Kerry regardless of VP Choice?

Lieberman sucking up to Hannity in 6/17 interview

Kerry launches VP interviews | First: Gephardt; Nunn's name surfaces again

Possible VPs Kerry is meeting with this week

Church protections from losing tax exempt status for political speech KOed

When will Kerry announce his VP?

Kerry Says Aides Don't Know What They're Talking About

How will you feel after Kerry selects Gephardt to be his veep?

Daily Kos: Give to Stan for Congress.

Edwards not veep? How about AG?

MSNBC Veepstakes Update: Clark still on top

Edwards in Duluth: "Elvis Presley was in the house...It was electrifying"


John Kerry and the Rev. Al Sharpton greet locals in Detroit today...

Why it won't be Vilsack...

I wish Lieberman had won the nomination

A simple idea for VP selection: A WWE Steel-Cage Match

So you won't vote for Kerry if he chooses [insert name here] for VP?

Why should we be afraid to say ~ America is not better off without Saddam

New Poll: Bush up in Tennessee 49-41

As a Clark supporter this concerns me RE: his VP chances

is Howard Dean really being considered for VP ?

Do people think Edwards would be a good Supreme Court judge?

Where do you live?

VP Clark best positioned to hammer Bush on Iraq

Just Saw This posted On dems.Com (Attn. Clarkies!)

who plans to support Kerry regardless of the VP

Bush Tries to Buck Political History

Presidential Debates Likely to Exclude Nader

Chris Heinz says he wants a FP Veep