Top Ten Things You Never Knew About Mohamed Atta
MP killed in attack one day before departure
Iraq images jolt Chile to count victims of anti-communist torture
DC-June 22 - National Rally for Voter Verified Paper Trails -Passage of H
Defending Reagan, Forgetting Her Job
In Indonesia, media on the payroll
Blogger Will Confront Fox News' Roger Ailes
why are some people so unlucky, and others have it made?
Broadcasting Corp of China selling off assets stolen by KMT: DPP lawmaker
Why can't I find a thread I posted a while back?
Beitar soccer fan convicted for shouting `death to Arabs'
Arafat: I accept Israel's Jewish character
Museum chronicles Palestinian violence
New 9/11 Timeline update (sort of)
Tampa Bay - Protest Karl Rove and Jeb Bush tomorrow, 6/18
David Brudnoy: Fahrenheit 9/11 "repugnant filth"
Michigan unemployment rate spikes in May
State's voters split on 2004 Presidential race
Any protest over Bush coming to Ft. Lewis?
Nevada Nuclear tests might resume
Calif. Sues Enron for Price Manipulation
My's being defiled!!!!!
Does the line item veto still exist?
Interesting reaction to a DNC canvasser.
James Hirsen on Hardball RE: F911
Bush: 'Numerous Contacts' With Terrorists Justified War...
anyone watching comedy central's 51 greatest smart asses?
Did anybody see O' Reilly tonight?
Poor ole Rush has had a rough go of it in the past few months...
Senate Votes to Add 20, 000 Troops to Army
$10 billion Homeland Security contract awarded to ex-pat Accenture
Help! I have to use gas to run my car to get places.
I have questions about this notion of impartiality in the press...
Bush heading my way....question.
Olbermann (Countdown): Bush*'s poll numbers UP? and opinions on the war
Help with debunking "Abdul Rahman Yasin" - Richard Miniter
He has been buried for almost a week now, time to raise the flags
CARPE DIEM Mr. Kerry: "White House misled world over Saddam"
Janet Jackson's TIT is in the DEFENSE Bill!!
Reagan's Memory Honored With Sharp Increase In Federal Budget Deficit
DemoTex (with captain hat on) tries to dispel some 9/11 misconceptions.
Majority of corporations paid no taxes?
For those w/o cable, Jon Stewart's "War on Error" clip (Terrorism report
Bill O'Reilly goes to F911,only lasts a quarter of the way through.
The faith factor: Should religion matter at the polls?
Any one see the "librul moovies" stuff on the news"
"Forgive me, I was wrong on Iraq ": Anglican Bishop
Another Jon Stewart classic: Undead Presidents (Clinton's portrait,
Report Says U.S. Has 'Secret' Detention Centers
Deborah Norville, Sam Donaldson, and Clinton...
Republicans admitted that Iraq WAS about oil?
F*ckin' A-holes! 22% of CNN Respondents STILL Believe Iraq/911 Connection!
Look at all the right wing criminals who have been forgiven
Debra Burlingame: "No one knew where these planes were...
Political payback for Shrub's kind words? (Clinton)
Anyone want to see a Rev. Moon propoganda video?
Groupthink cause of War in Iraq failings
Anyone heard Randi today when the fireman called?
Refuting Attacks Against Michael Moore
is this "i hate joe scab " night?
Has anyone put the time line from the commission
Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the Smirking Chimp
Do the media whores care that * has put us all in dire peril?
Bush's Words Come Back to Haunt Him - LISTEN
WHERE CAN I SIGN LETTER against the stupid RWers Farenheit 9/11
Scarborough compares anyone supporting Farenheit 9-11 to Terrorists!
This Saturday, Chicago, Bridging the Gap..Dean, Jackson, Schakowsky
No Shades of Grey Here; Republican Friends Poll
Physician, Turn Thyself In / A must read From New York Times
U.N. Admits Mistake in Iran Nuclear Report (hmmm I wonder why they made
There's been a split in the Workers World Party.
Real Electrodes. Not "simulated."
A supposition regarding W's medication
Herbert: Doc * cites as hurt by malpractice is a quack
Remember when Pat Buchanan told his followers to get their pitchforks ??
BBV - Jeffrey Dean concealed assets /failed restitution
THE ONION: "Report: 9/11 Commission Could Have Been Prevented"
Are the sneaky little terrorists squatting in the corner plotting....
Margaret Cho is cracking up Dave Letterman, re: Bush
57% of Americans think the situation in Iraq is going well.
Why are so many of you goobers watching Scarborough?
Josh Marshall story speculation
Saddam "provided a permissive environment for al-qaeda..."
true that Kerry must spend all that he has fundraised by July 26?
Are we still considered a "superpower"?
Charlie Rose on PBS is nothing but an organ for neoliberal propaganda!
Conservatives "counter" Michael Moore
A-holes! 22% of CNNers Polled STILL Believe Iraq/911 Connection!
Rumsfeld theory - Am I Crazy???
Have You Noticed? Reagan Has Disappeared From The Media!
Michael Moore will send free books and dvds to service members in Iraq
Regal has pulled F9/11. Apparently they want to hide the truth.
"LISTEN" to bush say Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9-11 HERE (audio)
So what do you think is going to happen to Saddam?
When did Bush "jump the shark?"
Ray Bradbury Burns Michael Moore Over "Fahrenheit"
Bush: Rumsfeld is "doing a FABULOUS job."
Does anyone here HONESTLY believe that if Bill Clinton fessed up
Bush Notes - Atrios peruses aWol crib sheet from today's cabinet meeting!
the lethal consequences of Bush & Cheney's insistence on repeating the lie
Is there a list of the Democrats who voted today?
WTF is Cheney doing giving the order to shoot down?
Did I hear the news correctly? "Cheney thought HIS shoot down order
I'm slowly but surely convincing my Republican father to vote for Kerry
Sexual Misconduct? What Do You Think About This?
DC-June 22 - National Rally for Voter Verified Paper Trails -Passage of H
Utah To Buy into the Paperless Voting Scam - ACTION NEEDED!
F911 dropped from 100s of theaters??
Texas unemployment drops below 6 percent
vicente fox threatens america if we harass illegals
number of screens of Michael Moore movie vs. "Day After Tomorrow"
WTF?? Moore's film being pulled from theaters? Truie?
Fun with the 9/11 "official story"
How many more will die to make Bush's* Rich Friends Richer?
The Torturer-in-Chief (read this)
Make sure people know that WHORE Joe Scarborough is most likely a murderer
Explaining why we should all be for Kerry
three stories that TV news didn't touch until Michael Moore forced them
Do you believe Joey Scarborough is a murderer?
NOW w/ Bill Moyers - Pentagon undercounting actual troop casualty #s, more
PBS's Frontline, "The Plea" -- I'm sickened
Saddam agents arrested over murder (Kirkuk's Oil Chief)
Kerry: 9/11 report casts doubt on war
Polish Solidarity co-founder dies
US Gets Cosy with Taliban's Point Man-ATimes/New World Media Watch
Greenspan Nomination as Fed Chairman Approved by Senate
Montana to Fight Ruling Declaring Public School Funding Unconstitutional
WP: Patriot Act Provision Invoked, Memo Says (Asscrap lied)
Judge keeps most documents sealed in Senate candidate divorce case
In Indonesia, media on the payroll
Moscow court upholds Jehova's Witnesses ban
Powell 'willing to serve second term'
China puts off torture inspections
For single guys, more hurdles to adoption
(Supreme) Court's door open for more voucher cases
Iraq Could Resume Limited Oil Exports by Friday, Analysts Say
Iraq: After June 30, Detainees Must Be Charged (HRW)
Latest Developments Yahoo! Photo AP Photo Israel Launches Gaza Moat Plan
Kerry's Search: In Depth, In Secret
Restaurants Closed for Opium Soup, Stews
Out on the Mojave: space shot for the common man
US army officer charged for murder of Sadr follower
Bush Tried to Project Strength on 9/11
Bush defends his credibility on Iraq-al-Qaida
Sex films help panda get pregnant
Martial law threatened for Iraq
'Zero' protection from nuclear codes: Codes were 00000000
GOP Senators Block Subpoena on Memos but Prod White House
Environmentalists lose in key House votes (re: snowmobiles in Yellowstone)
ELF Officially Claims Responsibility for Blaze
WP/Milbank: Cheney Authorized Shooting Down Planes
Annan Opposes Exempting U.S. From (Int. Criminal) Court
Western Drought Beats Dust Bowl, Could Be Worst in 500 Years
Senate Votes to Add 20,000 Troops to Army
Mexico Candidate: 'Woman' Favorite Animal
Bush Allies Till Fertile Soil, Among Baptists, for Votes
Mel Gibson No. 1 thanks to Jesus
NYT: Panel Says Chaos in Administration Was Wide on 9/11
A perfect storm of issue films
Homeless man in Texas set ablaze, attack caught on videotape
new Savage Weiner advertiser Genesis Financial
Roaring cheers during the more political moments of Patti Smith's show !
Joke: The Best Job In The World
Anyone here working as paid staff on current congressional races?
new Savage Weiner advertisers, Tyson
Why do cows lick car door handles?
justin bradshaw fired from CNBC
Help needed help with my Mac --
I found the evilest company in the world
Leek jibe attack man faces jail
Is tonight's Celebrity Poker on Bravo new?
Sleep habits. What are your requirements?
Man sets record running backward
Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!! Jeffrey Dahmer's parents are on Larry King
Boys more likely to have dyslexia than girls, study shows.
Heading to Italy and need a translator
Anyone here got a handle on Yes lyrics?
The neighbors are GONE -- THE BAR IS OPEN!!!!
The 'Guys from the future' South Park episode is on again
I just cleaned my oven. Christ, what a pain in the ass!
The Passion of the liberal_veteran
I've been at my new job almost a week now...
KadeCarrion is baking banana bread....*drool*
"You're Watching The Science Channel. That's Right... The Science Channel"
I am so excited----A new stove!!!
What Rush Limbaugh is doing TONIGHT!
Ok, so I listened to Dark Side of the Moon last night
What do you do during a power outrage?
Who has been on Jeapordy or tried out for the show?
i have rediscovered the joy of "Battleship!"
I just narrowly escaped widowhood...pretty scary
Moderators: Why WASN'T my thread locked?
How D.U.L.L. of a lamer are YOU?
Anyone heard or read a Dodgeball review yet?
You have to read my freeper friend's email to me.
Remind me never to watch Comedy Central's "Graham Norton Effect."
This is the day of the expanding man
inarticulate state-of-the-world rant ensues
The olympic torch passed in front of my work today..
The best episode of Family Guy is on
What do you expect of Spider Man 2?
Who's the drummer on Letterman?
What was KISS thinking when they unmasked?
Mary Lou Retton: great gymnast or beneficiary of international politics
So I'm downloading Testify by Rage Against the Machine
Did Larry King actually just say,
all the guests are's BRAUNSCHWEIGER time....!
Letterman skewering Bush tonight
"We are sorry that Our President is an idiot."
Stare at these croutons for 10 seconds
The "Colin Ex wouldn't know good music if it bit him on the ass" thread
Boondocks has been great this week!
Margaret Cho's on Letterman tonight!
Holy is Vietnam rice-paddy humid here
Interesting "P.S." in Michael Moore's latest e-mail.
The "Francisco Franco sucks" thread.
What is in battleknight's 3rd post?
And the lamb finally lies down in Kaohsiung
Thursday Night D.U.L.L. Getting To Know You Thread
pirates now on amazing two game winning streak.
How D.U.M.B. of a llama are you?
Protest Bushco - Wear Red on Friday - protest undeclared wars
An apology for all you guys in the lounge...
Best New Shows: North Shore & Last Comic Standing
Has anyone tried the Gillette M3Power Razor?
I am eating an apple turnover with cream
My Cast Iron Skillet: Am I Commiting A Cardinal Sin?
HELP!!! I need advice from anyone and EVERYONE reading this!!!
Eewwwwwwwwww! I was looking up sample photo quality...
HELP!!! I need advice... PART 2
My yak just pooped on a crouton.
Fox: Walking the fine line between hilarious and just plain stupid
Why is every overhyped sports hero (R) and every superbabe (D)?
What weird things does Catshrink like to eat?
I can't sleep. How about some true confessions?
Cheesy "Hair" bands you still have a soft spot for...
Exactly how wrong is it to date someone who works for you?
Is it ok to plot revenge on a jelly fish who stang you at a young age
do most DU'ers have more than one identity on DU?
Should we have a seperate DU sports forum???
Had a scary mole checked out at the dermatologists today. Benign.
What should I wear to Matcom's party?
"The Future of Rock and Roll" all over again!
Sirius users: Can you listen to AirAmerica online?
What do you do during a power outage?
Everyone, flamingyouth needs your love, prayers, and/or good vibes tonight
HELP!!! I need advice... PART 3
Was Jerry Mathers (Leave it to Beaver) killed in Vietnam?
A Stupid Question About Insurance Benefits.
What's your favorite epithet for Microsoft?
What weird things does your cat likes to eat?
Aren't there laws against this?
Headed to NYC with my sweetheart in two weeks!
Democrats have plenty to talk about in Kerry running mate debate
Kerry demands secrecy amid VP search
Bush, Kerry to have two moderated debates, one town-hall meeting
How about Ann Richards for V.P.?
I'm worried about the Kerry campaign.
Huge Pew Poll: Bush Over Kerry 46-42 (Iraq/Favorability/Women Up For Bush)
Any Of You Think You'd Beat bu$h In A Debate? (Serious Question)
Insider reports show Gephardt likely VP choice
Some People Still Don't Want You To See My Movie - Michael Moore
9/11 panel plays at terror games . . .
NY Times: The C.I.A. as History's Editor
A Time for the Truth - A Challenge to the NY Times
Forgive me, I was wrong on Iraq
Stop deceit on 9/11 ties :Cheney misleads
BRIAN DICKERSON: Outrageous, yes - but it's hardly news (OMFG!)
The only photo that links Iraq with Al Qeada
E.J. Dionne Jr.: 'Democratic resurgence: Mood swing in the heartland'
Staring at the Emptiness of Brother's Death in Iraq
Think Again: No Link? Who Knew? -- by Eric Alterman --June 17, 2004
When Bad Journalism Met Government Lies
Blind Into Baghdad - Atlantic Monthly
Good LTTE In Canton (Ohio) Repository
Latest horror could destroy President of divided nation
Bush 'should be arrested here for war crimes'
McCain for VP - on Bush's Ticket
DC/VA DUers: Kerry town hall meeting in Alexandria
Help make F911 opening weekend HUGE!
9/11 families hold a press conference today a 9am
The problem with David Brooks.
How much of an impact does Cable "News" have on Americans?
Astrologers: Dubya and Michael Milken have similar natal charts
The most endearing quality of spiritualism to me
Astrologers: June 2004 update from Ed Tamplin
Hey...anybody got any summer recipes ...lets share!
Current Account Deficit Swells to Record $144.9 Billion in First Quarter
Kerry Proposes Raising Minimum Wage((1997's $5.15 to $7.00)
Consumer Prices Rose at a 5.5 Percent Annual Pace last 3 months
I say a proton is not the same as a hydrogen atom.Does anyone disagree
Both parties have acted badly concerning global warming
'There's a lot of misleading going on'
Iraqi Leaders Would Consider Martial Law(may need US Troops to do so)
Students corner chancellor - SA
I want a Sweeping stun gun to target crowds of deer!
GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 18, 2004
Cars in the news - June 18, 2004
Gun Control and Corporate Mercenaries
Why hasn't this thread been locked?
Can we have more characters for subject lines?
Could you put this on the front page as a gathering?
Report: Palestinians fire new type of rocket at Sderot
Yasser Arafat:he"definitely"understands that Israel must retain its Jewish
Top Terrorist Killed; Carbomb Attack Thwarted
Israel's perpetual emergency has become a political tool
Israel Plans Remote-Control Border After a Withdrawal From Gaza Strip
Salon Tabletalk brainstorms the 911 commission reports
Meanwhile as we are in Iraq...
9/11 Tapes Reveal Ground Personnel Muffled Attacks
Did American Airline officials lie on Amy Sweeney 's phone call?
Putin Says Russia Gave U.S. Information About Potential Iraqi Attacks
Improvising a Homeland Defense
Court sets release of Ryan's divorce file
Who will win the GOP nomination for Senate?
Former inmates get civil rights restored
F/911 in san jose opening night?
Bill Clinton book tour to be in LA 6/25/04
Ted Kennedy getting his own TV Show
ROLL CALL: F911-- 5pm show at the Lagoon theatre on June 25
Austin DU meet up to see Fahrenheit 9/11?
F911 controversy could work in our favor....
Yes!!!! They are going to show F911 at a theatre near me!!!!
New Information Shows Bush Indecisive, Paranoid, Delusional
Resource Watch . . . another Soros initiative . . .
What are those round dot things on the inner parts of his eyes?
Since the Senators quashed the
WP op-ed:Vaclav Havel calls for action re. N Korea human rights
More than 1/4 of Tennessee's "under 65" without medical insurance
Mel Gibson named Forbes mag's "Most Powerful Celebrity"
Anyone have Lexis/Nexis and can check this for me?
Today's BS Excite Poll - Who would enhance the Kerry ticket more?
I Agree With Cheney on Iraq and Al Qaeda
HELP! . . . need a summary of Reagan's record . . .
Andrew Greeley on the abortion issue and Catholic voters --
7:00 a.m. C-Span WashJnl- 9/11 report.
Isn't today the deadline for Paul Johnson?
How do Republicans maintain the charade ?
UPDATE on Regal Cinemas and F-9/11
WOW! Anybody watching the "Today Show"? Showing a clip of Ron Reagan's
I would like to send a Thank You out to the Freepers, Scarborough, O'POS..
My Fears for Planet: Shell Boss's 'Confession' Shocks Industry
Pentagon seeks OK to spy on Americans
Elaine Chao offers proof that she can memorize, repeat, copy, paste
Buchanan to Write Anti-Bush Book
NYT pg. 1: Commission's 9/11 timeline, including a.m. graphics
Cuomo Backs PG-13 Rating for Moore Film
Those Iraqi's tortured had BIG ones (probably).
Two really disturbingly odd Bush photos
CLINTON'S COCK IS BACK! And Faux News is exposing it!
I got the NYT delivered to my door today
Sweeping stun guns to target crowds
Chelsea to 3-time loser, junkie Rush...
Kerry Sharpens Attacks Against Iraq War
Bush's cheat sheets (via Atrios)
David Brock on Lynn Cullen 10am EDT - here's link to listen
Hey... Will Pitt's been quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald!!
9/11-The figurehead is exposed W only discussed his "message"
Christian Version of American Idol to joke
Power Struggle at the MOONie Times
Anything in F911 that we here at DU don't know?
Bunnypants* is no Tough Guy: Look how he makes his fists
There's an interesting thing about Bush Sr. on the new Simpsons DVD...
Will Cheney ever be held accountable
GREAT show on Air America now..."God and personal responsibility"
Bush's choice: Liar or incompetent
Florida DUERS!! Chuck Colson, old Nixon creep
I got 2 free tkts to F911 for Pre-Premier Show
Evil Dick "probably" knows information that the 9/11 commission does not?
So let me get this straight, Putin says Iraq to attack U.S. after 911
a bombshell perhaps more intriguing than JM Marshall's
Kennedy Show to Rekindle Berliners' Fascination
Panel's findings suggest flawed justifications for Iraq war
Pulled from theaters? No! "Fahrenheit 9/11" to open early in NYC!!!
Butterball Cheney Blames Media For Blurring Saddam, 9/11
Operation MediaSmash has started
Anyone know this group, JINSA.ORG ?
Anybody hear Condi on NPR this AM?
Who in their right mind... would recommend Mr Corruption Cheney
Everybody needs to CHILL OUT ; re:F9/11
brainwashed or fooLing themseLves?
A Time Comes When Silence is Betrayal
Granny D Wants to be Senator D
DU Experts - Need Help re: 1993 WTC Bombing
Bush Insists on Iraq-Al Qaeda Links Despite Report
Orrin Hatch strikes again... no subpoena of DoJ memos....
So what's up with this media blitz?
"The press, with all due respect, (is) often times lazy" -Cheney. . .
Whenever Bush visits a military base between now and November. . .
Regal Entertainment (United Artists), F-9/11 & You
Anybody watching the House discussing the Accenture 10B contract?
JMM's sub at TPM, gives bleak, sadly accurate pic of Iraq's future
Strip Gay Bishop Of Office if there is to be peace in the Anglican Church
The Putin News: A mountain out of a mole hill
Bush's "communications problems" on September 11? BULLSHIT
WMD = WMD related programs; Saddam/BinLaden contacts
The Putin announcement = Farenheit 9/11 deflection..?
Supporting the troops is fine and good, but...
Most annoying thing about Cheney: He still thinks we believe him.
89540 have pledge to see F911 opening night at
Check out this poll. Good God...
Imperial America: Gore Vidal Reflects on the United States of Amnesia
The infamous Grover Norquist every Wednesday group meeting.
P.D. Fired CIA Contractor 14 Years Ago
Cheney on Atta/Iraq Prague meeting "It's never been refuted."
I'm pretty disappointed in the media, Re: Paul Johnson...
Bremer can't wait to leave wonderful free New Iraq
Jackass USA today editorial disagrees with 911 panel
Comments please on this theory of Putin's support for Bush
Take action for health care this Saturday — Nationwide demonstrations
POWER POLL: Will you buy Bill Clinton's Book?
11:00 EST Piehole ALERT! * to speak to audience of...
I've decided that Ann Coulter is the Marilyn Manson of punditry.
Do you personally know a "conservative" Democrat?
At least one of Putin's cabinet ministers dispute him.
If (and it's a big if) Kerry loses in November, I will blame...
I feel for Paul Johnson's (hostage in Saudi Arabia) family...
Pardon Me? Whose On The Dubya List?
Can anyone name a documentary that DOESN'T have a point of view?
Bush seems to have endorsed Abu Ghraib in broad principle....
Does anyone here know of any country.....
Smirk went to Iraq with a turkey and came back with a gun
US gets cosy with Taliban's point man
That pic from Michael Moore's site is hilarious!!!
Pressure from WHITE HOUSE on prison interrogations detailed!
Putty-toot AGAIN comes to shrub's defense
PLEASE! Vote for Teresa Heinz Kerry's COOKIE recipe!
LOL! Franken points out Bush's verbal tic "inotherwords"
Ray Charles Funeral On NOW Ch. 4, and 7 PST !! n/t
Probe Finds IBM altered document
Don't you think for a Kerry Ad, they should show Bush at
Jesus has a talk show -- Really
Terror alerts to air on weather radio
Guess which President gave this speech ?
MESSAGE from Michael Moore re: RW campaign, 6/18/04
100 men for Hamilton - 20 men for Reagan
Why Goerge Bush could win in 2004
Yesterday"Scarborough Country" FULL-ON anti-Moore Character Assassination!
Dan Senor - Creepiest Human Being Alive
So, How Quickly Will Westerners Flee SA?
Did McCain volunteer to speak in Washington state or was he requested?
BuzzFlash has Reagan as Hypocrite of the Week
The ultimate UNITER move for Kerry is to appoint bush*
Sweeping stun guns to target crowds (& other obscene pacificers)
Would Bush crack under torure ?
Roger Ebert: '9/11': Just the facts?
Is America better off with Saddam gone ?
Al Queada wanted us to invade Iraq, I think...
AOL Election Poll...Oh My Gawds...
Clinton-Hunter Ken Starr's litany of partisan donations
Al Franken and Conason: describing what they did during the hunting
Al Franken's dittohead friend: How dumb can he be?
Paul Johnson died, but who cares
Who will be Bush's VP nominee?
Conason talking about "Hunting of the President"
Stewart Smally on AirAmerica now
Are we just go to raise the American flag
ABC- When Hollywood Attacks (Tidal wave of "Liberal" movies)
Stewart Smally on AirAmerica now
CNN: Ex Delta Force Guy talking about Saudi Arabia (telling it like it is)
Jones (from MONTY PYTHON) on Rumsfeld approving torture. FUNNY.
Saudi Arabia and the Haiti example
Clinton: Affair 'darkest part of inner life'
Where to I find information about sending a care package
Beheading a big boost for Bush
Headlines I'd like to see reported...
Isn't it a bit hypocritical of our gov't to condemn beheadings...
Nothing like a brutal murder for the lurkers to show themselves...
Putin (Last Year): There were no international terrorists under Hussein.
Bush linked Iraq to 9/11 in letter anouncing war to Congress
Al Franken: Bush's "inotherwords" tick in a song!!!! Wonderfully funny!!
I have been trying to post "light" things today. News too horribly
My letter from Marcus Theaters re: Fahrenheit 911
Ok-- so why was Putin against the U.S. invading Iraq
How many Americans will be beheaded under Bush?
CNN plugging book that says fundies are best fathers.
Why do we have so many people in countries that hate us ?
Will Iraq behead Saddam Hussein in our name?
Saudi Arabia and the rise of anti US militancy. Why no discussion?
McCain is stumping with Bush. Now stop the "McCain for VP" threads!
BOUNCE YOUR BOOBIES TIME on Randi Rhodes!!!! n/t
So what ever happened to Bush's 6 = 1 x a week policy speeches on Iraq
MUST READ: plans to screen whole US population for mental illness . . .
John Kerry in Colorado on Monday.
How many of you think the Paul Johnson situation is only a smoke-screen
Republicans trying to obstruct jusiice and coverup Bush* War Crimes?
The Evacuation of Saudi Arabia
Ironic: Saudi Royals sponsored Wahabianism and AlQaida to keep their
Whatever happened to Saddam's body doubles?
Living under bush has sure been exciting huh?
Heads Up: Michael Moore On Letterman Tonight
2 beheadings, 2 different countries, 2 orange jumpsuits.....excuse me?
I'll say it: Any pictures, yet?
I know this sounds cracked, but
Halliburton throws over two little fish in Nigeria bribe scandal
What ever happened with the Iraqi Wedding we bombed?
Why is media so quick to label this "Al Qaeda"?
Bush's spin of presenting strength and calmness on 9/11 doesn't work
Attending "Farenheit 911" premier this Friday
Johnson Murder: Suddenly Everything Changes Again
I am going to volunteer now, at the Kerry event in Colorado.
How many of you think the Paul Johnson situation is only a smoke-screen
Bush a thief...this was in todays local paper opinion line
Looks like we may not be the only 'super power' anymore!
In book, Clinton says he warned Bush about al-Qaida
Nothing on Randi Rhodes yet about the latest beheading
"Remaining Awake Through a great Revolution" (Martin Luther King, Jr)
Homeschooled kids at conference slam Bush - 2nd year in a row.
Is the New Stun Gun for Crowds a threat from the Bushies?
Senate votes to add 20,000 troops to Army
Juan Cole: get ready for Iraq to disappear from TV
McCain turns into head cheerleader for bunnypants.
This Putin statement about Iraq attacking U.S.sank like a rock
Doonesbury: father in Iraq....
Kerry Says 'Can-Do' U.S. Needs to Raise Minimum Wage
CNN International: Iraq "Won't Hesitate" to Impose Martial Law
How much better are we than the Beheaders?
why do days like today make so many people self-righteous?
Ed Schultz has picked up on the Shrubya screenin the US Population
Atrocities are not personal, they are just business.
Court closes within the hour -- no Plame indictment (yet)
OK, this is a DU diversion from beheadings...
Where do you vote for radio ratings?
So, are the Saudis Still Our Friends?
Need help confirming this re Paul M. Johnson
Salon: America's Blankness -- Bushist Militarism Has Exposed US Weaknesses
So, when do Hostages, Terrorists, Beheadings, Evil, STOP Making The News?
CBS analysis: Cheney almost certain to stay as VP
Randi: we should have gone to war with Saudi Arabia... and they
Where's Kerry? Seems like he should say something about Johnson
Did anything else happen today other than you know what?
The Reagan Bounce scares me...
Mr. Johnson's killing goes beyond politics. Murder is just murder.
What Is In the Very Very Graphic Post By Will Pitt?
Is it possible to be Pro Logging and Pro Life at the same time?
Hey Minstrel Boy and/or Toronto-area DU ers! F-911 Tix for ya!
civilians in the middle east: why??
OK, did ANYBODY here buy the Alan Colmes book?
Is there a site that has a collection of Bush's quotes..
OK - now we know Al-Queda is in Saudi Arabia
The media is misrepresenting the 9/11 committee's findings.
Repugs don't want you to see violence in Moore's movie but want you to...
Anybody knows how to vote for the Arbitron ratings for AAR?
I had the pleasure recently of speaking to 2 former german POWS
Senate Votes to Add 20,000 Troops to Army
Enough!! It's nose holding time again.
Perle in August 2002 Claimed Atta Met with Saddam
Rice: What the 9/11 commission meant to say
Does Putin want Bush to stay in office because he is easy and stupid?
For how many years has the US played footsie with Saudi Arabia?
Tucker Carlson debuts tonite on PBS/Ken Starr will be guest
I think this whole Putin thing is a crock of sh*t.
Booker School video was on Aron Brown Thurs night I plotzed.
Poll - Which Prez would've handled 9-11 better than * - NY Daily News
The way you are supposed to feel (GRAPHIC WARNING)
We haven't even cleaned up our mess in Afghanistan
WHERE IS KERRY? No public events today?!?
A Respite from Evil. Too much to ask?
What did the National Jackass have to say about the Johnson beheading?
I have a question about the effect of raising the minimum wage:
Lou Dobbs covering a story on the outsourcing of security in Iraq...
Gephardt for sec. of Labor - not vp
I need links of pictures and videos of Paul Johnson's beheading !
Bush: "We have to hunt down these people before they hurt others"
The News ""ALL TERROR" . mission accomplished
Murdoch's campaign donations (complete list)
Hey DUers What Can I do to Help John Kerry ?
Right Wing Bullshit Alert: "WHAT connection between Saddam and 9/11?"
A really horrible, cynical thought about the Paul Johnson murder
* ad during US OPEN : "pessimism doesn't create jobs"
Why Does Al Qaeda Continue to Help Bush?
Paul Johnson = LIHOP version 2.0?
Weee! Look at me! I'm on the internet - I can say anything I want!
Mercs in Iraq & Afghanistan screwed by the PATRIOT Act!
When the hell are flags going to stop the half-mastness
Short range rebroadcasting of Air America Radio
Clinton warns * about Osama; * , not interested, changes subject
The mystery of Zarqawi's amputated leg
Accidental disclosure of Comical Bush Notes
The assassin in Saudi Arabia has been killed...
MORE BUSH LIES in a campaign letter to my email addy--how can I make them
Her spinning finally did it. Turned my brains into Rice Pudding.
Attention fellow New Mexicans--just heard the DNC Platform
From George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to Bush.
When Randi said Fox only had 850k listeners, surely she must have meant in
"Uhhh", it's another George W. Bush soundboard!
I am getting really offended by these Bush = Chimp
FRAncE and gerMany... i am telling you, dont do it
Connecticut Gov. Rowland must testify
Orrin Hatch is a COPYRIGHT NAZI
Where is all this "evidence" Mr. Cheney?
Bush is to blame for the beheading as much as Saddam is to blame
Fox removes "Poll: Bush Numbers on Iraq Improve - Thursday, June 17, 2004"
Looking ahead, are you ready for gas rationing ?
Does anyone know if F911 is having a sneak preview tonight
"The only liberal in talk radio who's got ratings is me..."
CBS to embarrassed by the Putin story to even mention it
No Mention of Putin on NBC Nightly News
beheadingings are BAD . . . Now watch this DRIVE!!! nt
"Voting" for Aribtron ratings?
"Bush doesn't need a permission slip to defend America!"
Iraq interrogator wants to speak out, afraid support of Dean will hurt.
Which war will be won first ~ War on Drugs or War on Terra
Saudi Arabia is about to explode.
Anybody watching the NewsHour? Shields really slammed Bush!
Johnson deceived Americans about attack on ship in Gulf of Tonkin....
Is capital punishment a crime?
BOTH these beheadings were blamed on the prison abuse scandal
Hearing about Paul Johnson's murder makes me so damn mad
Fellowship Baptist Creation Science Fair
Re: Johnson - The more we refuse to hear, the more dramatic they will get
'Fahrenheit 9/11' Becomes Political Lightning Rod
Michael Moore should release Fahrenheit 911 on dvd simultaneously
Since Michael Moore got his abuse footage from an embedded reporter...
If Kerry wins what will happen to the Presidential Prayer Team?
Would you let Bush use your Toilet? If by sheer chance the man
Get this: Citizen's United anti-Clinton ad to run this Sunday on CBS
John McCain today, "Bush...has led with moral clarity"
Paul Johnson would be alive but for the actions of the Bush administration
these video beheadings are designed to detract from our own mad killers
Two questions for Friday eve.:
Bush* & Company guilty of treason re: Saudi Arabia?
Ldotters lose their heads over beheading!
What's going on in the Kerry Campaign?
Tom Flocco: Rookie In Command Of National Mil. Command Ops Center On 9/11
BBV - Does Diebold have some pull with Google?
I found it weird that bush* referred to Mr. Johnson as "Paul"
so a few guys got many innocents have we killed lately?
Weird. Darth Perle's only campaign donation in 28 years is to a Dem
Bush uses atrocities of Saddam to justify war. Some use Bush to explain
Tucker Carlson's PBS show premieres tonight
Right-wing and Rush Limbaugh logic : Another man killed in auto accident
Jim Thompson CNN ...Did anyone else hear his comments about
Global warming raises stinkbugs
"Neoconservative Playhouse!" - a video dripping with Wolfowitz
BBV: Andy Stephenson to be honored
Googled banned me for saying "Bush = Liar"
Michael Moore on NBC's Dateline tonight at 7p (central)!
F911 Supported By the Facts - NYT and IHT
Ron Reagan smacks * linking to Reagan in Tweety Interview
How many of you no longer watch TV?
Capitalism: Right or Privelige?
Daniel Wolff slams Michael Moore . . . hard . . .
Americans Too Optimistic to Settle for Bush's Economy says Kerry
Rumsfeld changed NORAD intercept procedures pre-911.
TV reporter confronts gay activist that she felt disrespected Reagan-WOW!
Vietnam question regarding what's going on now--can anyone help?
MUST READ: plan to screen whole population for mental illness . . .
Iraq 'won't hesitate' to impose martial law
I see a hooded man holding a machine gun who looks very white
BBV: Well...what do you know! Voter Verified Paper Ballot!
QUICK>>>DU this poll about 9/11 and Iraq...lower right
Here it is, folks: Take Back The Media, Version 2!
The life of an American is worth more
Colin does not have integrity and Condie is not articulate
So, it's happened. The death of one person has become meaningless to us.
Why do days like today bring out the worst in DUers?
Poll for DUers who oppose same-sex marriage.
My New Flash movie "Mourning FOR America" Reagan Vs Bush (Best so far!)
How many of you are FORMER Republicans? (lurkers are welcome)
BBV: The EAC - Brings Back Part of Cast Responsible for Electoral Mess
The Spin Is On, Bush Is Gaining! Here's why.....
Are there still people who DON'T think bushco did 9-11?
I have health insurance/ I don't have health insurance
"Orange Alert! Orange Alert!"- a song for John Ashcroft...
Wayne Madsen email says Plamegate impending indictments "buzz" in DC
BBV: Legal action with ACLU over Florida felon purging
"The SMIRK of FREEDOM" | the latest TOONs are here
It happened. . .Paul Johnson was beheaded by his captors.
Renegade Afghan Overruns Provincial Capital
Prominent Polish Democratic Socialist Dies
Oscar checking out: will hang around until 5:10 A.M. Eastern Time
Michael Moore & Ron Reagan Jr. on Friday Night's Dateline!!!!
NYT: U.N. Agency to Rebuke Iran for Obstructing Inspections
Several Iraqis Killed in Clashes South of Baquba
NYT p1:To the Minute, Panel Paints Grim Portrait of (9/11) Terror
Bush 'should be arrested here for war crimes'
NYT: House Approves $140 Billion in (business) Tax Breaks
Major TV-ad buys heat up Senate race
Power grid operator raises hurdele to power line plan
Haitians invited to advise on aid (Jeb Bush)
So far, Bush's loyalties outweigh VP's liabilities - USAToday
Defying White House, Senate Votes To Add Soldiers
Colin Powell 'willing to serve second term'
LAT: Air Authorities Were in Chaos, 9/11 Panel Says
Iraqi official says martial law possible
Israel wants moat along border between Egypt, Gaza Strip
WP: Forbes Names Mel Gibson Most Powerful Celebrity
About 1,000 Fla. Soldiers Expected To Train Afghanistan Army
Pressure at Iraqi prison detailed (new allegations re Condi aide)
Rebel Militias Capture Afghan Provincial Capital
WP: Pensions Face ($278 billion) Asset Gap ($18 billion in l999)
Machine company plans 296 layoffs
200 Norwegian oil workers go on strike
[German] Conservatives under fire for Holocaust law
Rice: Bush Consistent on Iraq-Al Qaeda Links (NPR)
Germany gets licence to shoot -civilian aircraft
CNN Radio reports Johnson has been beheaded....
Breaking news: Al Qaeda militants behead U.S. hostage Paul Johnson
Putin says Russia gave U.S. information about potential Iraqi attacks in t
Sept. 11 Commission Becoming Campaign Factor
Madonna Urges Her Fans To See Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
10 Die As Warlords Overrun Afghan Town
Senate votes to add 20,000 troops to Army
Saudi Forces Kill 3 Militants in Riyadh - Arabiya TV
Afghan Town Falls to Rebel, Foreign Troops Attacked
Insurgents Kill 1 American soldier and 3 Iraqis in Attacks in Baghdad
CNN International: Iraq "Won't Hesitate" to Impose Martial Law
Town pins hopes on a bulletin board
House OKs snowmobiles in West's parks
US groups want Moore film banned
Qaeda leader in Saudi Arabia killed
CNN Breaking: EU Leaders Agree On First Ever Constitution
Cheney insists Saddam, al-Qaida linked
Gonzales testifies before Plame grand jury!
Russia 'Warning' on Saddam Puzzles U.S.
Governor, President May Disagree Over Haiti Policy
U.S. Said to Lack Votes on Immunity from World Court
Prosecutors Seek to Keep Trial of Eric Rudolph in Birmingham, AL
Variety: New York to get "Farenheit" two days early
Senate Republicans Set Showdown on Gay Marriage
Bear's hospital visit turns fatal
Americans more upbeat about Iraq, poll shows
al-Qaida Leader Killed in Saudi Raid
Limbaugh: "Their goal is to use the big media and the law to stop me!"
Putin Says Russia Warned U.S. on Saddam
Iraqi Minister Vows Action After Bombings (Slit throats and cut off hands)
Burge unit had torture device, ex-cop hints
CNN Breaking News: Russia warned US of Iraq terrorism
CIA Contractor Charged Under Patriot Act in Novel Use of the Terrorism Law
Experts: Radiological Weapon Attack 'All But Certain'
Bush Gets Boost From McCain on Iraq
Catholic Bishops Will Decide Individually on Communion for Politicians
Internet Ads Go After Cheney's Daughter
Bush campaign setting daily dollar record
WP: "Realistic" (Star Wars)Tests Ordered (but deployment OK)
Australia 'party to bugging of UN'
Internet schools fall short on tests (Florida!)
Rookie In Command Of National Mil. Command Ops Center On 9/11
The West May Go On Trial with Saddam
Annan says he opposes US bid for ICC immunity (For war crimes)
Chad fears spread of Darfur war
Bush ads drive up Kerry's negatives but leave him standing
Halliburton fires two consultants
Experts not behind reversal on Plan B (Politics!)
Biometrics - great hope for world security or triumph for Big Brother?
9/11 Tapes Reveal Ground Personnel Muffled Attacks-Rummy changed procedure
Kerry Proposes Raising Minimum Wage
Bush Censure by Envoys May Be a First, Historians Say
Former inmates get civil rights restored
Hillary Clinton urges full effort for John Kerry
DiCaprio campaigns for `Fahrenheit 9/11`
CBS Airing New Anti-Clinton Ad
Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
Alleged Johnson kidnapping ringleader has been killed - CNN
Vermont nuke plant shuts down after fire
CNN: Cheney blasts media on al Qaeda-Iraq link
White House accused of intimidating media, lawyers
White House Lawyer Questioned in CIA Leak
Pope Urges Maximum Protection of Marriage, Unborn
Pressure at Iraqi prison detailed - "pressure" from the White House
Newborn found in portable toilet
Breaking News: Al Qaeda militants behead U.S. hostage Paul Johnson
My daughter (3) said something funny about Bush
you know you have hit rock bottom when
Pre-order now, people, Daily Show book!
I have a blister on my typing finger.....
What's it mean when all you think about...
As an architecture student, I must say this:
Show Me State bans sexy billboards
I've been up for 32 hours straight.
ok you insomanic idiots, theres a chat going on for all you
Ok. It's official. I'm delirious.
Oscar checking out: will hang around until 5:10 A.M. Eastern Time
Who's up?..... and why are you still up?
Mel Gibson named Forbes mag's "Most Powerful Celebrity"
'Third sex' get their own restroom at Thai college
KMFDM (mumble, mumble) MORE AND FASTER (mumble, mumble) RIP THE SYSTEM!
Should we have a seperate "Cats" forum?
new Hannity advertiser Airtran (formerly Valujet)
First American Idol, then Christian Rock Idol!
This about sums up the worker boss relationship in Bush's America.
N.J. Assembly OKs Ladies Nights at Bars
The official if you don't like cats, don't read the cat threads thread
Tired of Cat threads? ...Here's a Manly Man's Cat.
Bear's Virginia hospital visit turns fatal
Cartoon: Steve Bell on 9/11commission's findings
What are you saying with your Chinet plates?
Ayatollahs or Shah nicked Bacon's triptych?
Don't Ask Why. I Can't Stop Laughing at this picture. What A Great Photo
Caption: manacled ankles or fashion statement?
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon, I'm f**king depressed too.
I forgot to ask - Did anyone watch the MTV Movie Awards?
Hey, finally! This is my 700th post...
Report: Women Love The 4811 "Hanky Panky" Thong - 'Feels Like Lace Butter'
How many people have cats and dogs?
DAMN, I cant wear my thong to work anymore
For the women who have given birth
Its not my fault I cheated on you - Its Genetic
Happy Birthday to the cute Beatle!
Register to vote and you can get free beer
anybody get word of the day?
Identical twins break same arm on same day
Caption: that stick, self defence I think...
You ever have one of those days where you sleep so deep....
Condo President Fears For Safety Over No Pet Rule & 85Y.O. Woman - Quits
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100
Transgender Republican Themed Movies You Hate?
Straight Themed Movies You Hate?
Everybody have fun tonight, Everybody Wang Chung tonight
CAPTION Satan and his Apprentice
Are you fucking kidding me? The Phone Company
At 14, Matilda Is The World's Oldest Living Chicken
After Eight Years, Man Takes Elevator to Freedom
PING Linux & Unix geeks, sysadmins etc
Boy's Bike Swap Leads To Dad's Shooting
I have a crush on a dead woman
Matcom's birthday present -- which color do you like best?
So none of you slackers are going to the protest at the RNC on Aug 29th?
A serious question for the lesbian DU'ers with children?
"Scotty," Last of star trek cast tfinally get a "Star" on the walk of fame
Check out my Al Qaeda/Iraq connection cartoon
Michael Moore will be on David Letterman tonight
S-L-O-W day at work. Step right up and ask anything. Really, anything.
89 yr. old leaves apartment for first time in 8 years-elevator fixed
Best Asexual Films Ever Made....
CAPTION the Seismic Detection near Mt. Rainier
I think I've had too much coffee this morning
Which Late Night Ad do you hate the most?
KRYPTO? The Animated series? You have to be kidding me!
Did you ever hear of any people who were chastised by a big web
songs about lies and lying liars...
Just saw this bumper sticker:"Sportsman for Kerry"
What's worse a lonely heart or a broken heart?
Any long-term I.T. unemployed out there who are all of a sudden
Late night talk show polarization.
in my own snoring woke me up...
"Terrorists won't listen to reason."
"There is no question that Saddam had Al-Qaeda ties."
Take this cnbc poll...would you buy clintons book
Hey fellow DUers regarding beheading
For a Friday, it's very quiet here. Maybe because of the awful news.
Getting laid off next month, ask me anything...
UN_FOLD: a unique design challenge . . .
Someone told me Madonna changed her name today....
Video shows homeless man being set ablaze
Bush: Well the reason I believe their is a relationship between Al-qaeda..
Gay and Lesbian Themed Movies You Hate?
Let's all take a deep breath and contemplate dignity, confidence...
Embarrassed Officials Had No Idea Rap Video Was Being Made In Their Jail
What Would the Fundies Think If Ragnarok Happened?
Mega Millions jackpot is $121 million!
Commercial space travel next leap for mankind?
Clapton parties at Chuck E. Cheese in New Orleans . . .
"I didn't know we had a king."
I just want to go in a corner and cry my eyes out
Big ass warning! This is not a joke!
World News Now Polka, coming up in just minutes
Fight Over Parking Spot Leaves Man Dead
Robber Politely Asks Customer For Getaway Car
Cool... Bill Pullman on board.
Anyone taking beta blockers for high blood pressure?
Did anyone read Michael Moore's interview in Playboy?
Believe I've seen the most bizarre bumper sticker ever (non-political)
Information teleported between atoms "SPOOKY"
I'll be right back - I gotta pee
I just bought David Bowies greats hits
Someone suggest a good champagne to me!
VH1 just showed the footage of H.W. vomiting in the Japanese PM's lap!
The chimp's helicopter just flew over my house
Romanovsky & Phillips - Even years later they still make sense...
Surf the net while surfing waves
My daughter (13) said something funny about Kerry
Getting laid next month--ask me anything!
So A Union Steelworker was driving by My house
WABC's All American Survey for Week of 16 June 1964
What caused you to develop a crush on someone here at DU?
Wife of Utah Jazz coach dies after battling cancer second time
If you could be me, LynneSin, for the day - what would you do with me?
Gay and Lesbian themed movie you LOVED.
Cub fans - Sammy Sosa is back today!
Please forgive me for saying this, but...
Do I wanna know why there's 16+ responses to a pee thread?
FINISHED! - Rush Limbaugh's NEW Wife, "Hillary" - By Request
Confess! Which DUer has a crush on my yak?
Reality shows that never were.
What Do You Folks Think Of My Bumper Sticker Idea
Anyone out there catch yesterday's Phish show?
Confess! Which DUer has a crush on me?
Update on husband with the three week old fractured leg
Who cares about Yale...I graduated from Silly Putty University!
So matcom, what time are we cooking your dog tomorrow?
I just mowed my lawn...ask me anything!!
Officials Say Music Video Filmed in Jail
Woo Hoo!! Thunder storms in NW Washington!!
After Eight Years, Man Takes Elevator to Freedom
El Paso not happy about being labelled sweatiest city in US
Any H.R. types out there? Getting screwed out of promised pay!
Best 'transition period' Beatles album?
Nice! We're having thunderstorms in NW Washington.
Very Simple PC LAN Question from a Very Simple Guy
Provide your own punchline to this joke.
Grateful Dead..>Deadicated. Best. Cover. Album. EVER.
Has anybody ever used a "Cinva-Ram" to make construction blocks?
Caption: arrest Uncle Jonathan for Riggs' scam? Whatever next?
Michael Moore and Ronald Reagan Jr TONIGHT on Dateline.
This is an all purpose copycat post. I couldn't decide which post...
Why does everyone wanna BBQ MATCOM's dog??
I just alerted my first post in GD.
CD Mix fifteen fav tracks to lay down on a blank CD?
OK Everyone!! It's Big Dog Clinton Weekend!!
This Is Your Brain On The 80's
Tongue Tip Severed During Kiss
I am getting really offended by these Bush = Chimp
I just bought my tickets for F9/11 next Friday!
How come Canadian geese are more family-oriented than humans?
German 'Samurai' on the Loose in Woods Near Berlin
It's time for the Shemp fans to stand and be counted
Fundies to make their own version of American Idol.
Quiz: Completely pointless quiz.
A game won't break out at this fight
If you could invite 10 well known people (from any era) to a party
DU my Reagan poll... it is slowly being freeped
Heard the stupidest damn commercial on the radio while driving
Just received this e-mail. What does it say?
Christian Version Of American Idol Could Soon Hit TV
Orlando DUers! I'll be seeing F-9/11 on Friday the 25th!
What weird things do YOU (or your family) like to eat?
I had a weird dream last night....
Almost the complete Letterman Kerry vs bu*sh comparison bit.
Confess! Which Crush has a DUer on it?
What's all this I hear about Clinton sleeping on Tim Couch?
Canadian or UK DU'ers, tell us about your health care system experiences!
My new blog! (+ a lil' DU contest)
It's my birthday today, I'm turning 14 ask me anything.
All-new "Monk" on tonight!! "Monk" marathon all-day!!
**SHAMELESS PLUG*** Just finished a new song
Quiz: How old is your inner child?
Top 10 Albums in Rock that no one would agree with
tonite! 1 night only! Jimmy Lafave
It's Friday!!! Is it too early for a drink?
Update on BIG disagreement with wife
Any coin collectors in the house tonight?
Tennis Fans--any predictions on Wimbledom????
US Open-Mickelson leading. Tiger one below cut. Curtis coming on
So, to what extent does sexual orientation evolve over one's lifetime?
"you are just a fat fucking slob who doesn't give a shit about herself"
WOO HOO!!! I Got the day off!!! Ask me anything...
Give someone a smile - Post a good joke
Do you like your scanner, sound card, CD burner, VCR, DVD-recordable, etc?
Farewell To Ray Charles In L.A.
The Golden Rolling Hills of California.
In 1 hour, 45 minutes, I graduate for the last time.... and you all
I'm looking for good recipes and permission...
Putting the Reagan years in perspective:
CONFESS!! (but no names please) Do you have a crush on someone here at DU?
A good reason why to watch "The Simple Life".....
Web Hosting Special Offer - $1 first month to try
mcCain to stump for bush today
Pathetic. Just utterly pathetic.
Who was the "frontrunner" to be Gore's VP in 2000?
I Think It's Down to Edwards and Gephardt
How is this for a long shot VP?
Alternative Kerry ad: PNAC's need for a "Pearl Harbor"
Kerry and the Catholic Bishops
Simple question: Which campaign has more cash on hand??
Is Kerry pursuing "swing voters" for strategic reasons? Is that wise?
BREAKING NEWS: My dog rumored to be potential running mate
Buchanan on Imus - Twisted Logic
Prediction: The Vice-Presidential nominee is........
Will anyone not vote for a Kerry/Gephardt ticket?
WaPo - Clark's stock plummeting
What Did McCain Leverage From Bush After His Flirt With Kerry?
Ever Noticed The One Name NOT Discussed In The Media
I think my repub co-worker could vote for Kerry
Edwards blasts Bush record in visit to Queen Village deli
Kerry Calls for $7.00 Federal Minimum Wage
The Ronald Reagan Effect? (new Harris poll has it Bush 51%, Kerry 41%)
Senators up for Re-election 2004
a question about (and also TO) Nader voters
Edwards stock down as Kerry team focuses on foreign policy VP
Don't be too sure Kerry will own the debates
See Dick Run, Part II (American Prospect says NO to Gep for VP)
Kerry's VP process near completion, Edwards stock UP, Clark DOWN (sludge)
Regardless of who you support who do you think the VP candidate will be?
Had lunch with John and Teresa Kerry today. They are FABULOUS!