Marc Cooper (The Nation): Pinochet and Us
Salon: The Patriot (John Warner)
Juan Cole's useful online forum (WA PO) concerning today's Iraq events
Charm: Stalin's ultimate weapon?
My reminder of the obvious to the NYT
Howell Raines (Guardian Utd): Kerry Must do better
Salon: The Ugly American (Bush*s trip to Rome)
Ray McGovern (TomPaine): Code Red (States)
O'Reilly continues to attack Soros, ignore Scaife
Enron Traders Caught On Tape - CBS Video
"Big Jon and Sparky" Did your older brothers & sisters listen to this?
Sony to pull out of pocket computer markets
War on cancer also battles high costs
Giant banks feasting on little people
Accenture Wins $10B Border Security Deal
Astronomers scared of ever-brightening star
Is anyone now in favor of banning natural gas?
KMT youth urge Lien to spare them any favors
Missing millions and hard numbers - TW
Iran scraps dissident's death sentence
Vietnamese get used to living in 'tiger cages'
Ineffective legislation - Massachusetts solution to gun control....
"Homies Were Burning Alive" by Tom Hayden
Hey, this is Tuesday dammit, where is the bad joke thread?
A question about Bush's "Saddam Trophy Gun"
Jonathan Freedland (Guardian Utd): A gift of dust and bones
'In the last five months, we've had zero attacks'
Man gored by elephant in accident at Six Flags Marine World
Ft. Worth area DU'ers better duck & cover
"Bush's real peers are not US presidents but Third World dictators."
"Big Jon and Sparky" Did your older brothers & sisters listen to this?
Countdown with Olbermann: Bush*'s inverted umbrella. Funny
How Come CBS is the ONLY one reporting about the Enron Tapes?
The noises being made right now aren't good.
will franken have union problems for working for $0?
Bushido: the Way of the Armchair Warrior
George W. Bush trading card (Fark)
Seniors not buying *'s prescription drug scam
What's the deal with Mickey Kaus?
Protest in Guadalajara..police repression..
The Government just keeps lying and lying about Padilla
Someone might want to keep this handy in Montgomery
It is not the words that are said
Ohio State grad 2002 - DU thread - by Jeff S running for congress
Patrick Leahy calling for Cheney-Halliburton investigation.
Another picture in which W* looks clueless. . .
Anybody know what's happened with the Susan Lindauer case?
who gives a crap about Scott Peterson
Shock Jock Stern Laments Karmazin's Viacom Exit
LOL - Did you guys see * tangle with that terrorist umbrella?
Caption this photo of the Chimp
Cheney, Halliburton, no bid contracts question.
WMD Intel commission has a website now.
Donna Brazille on Air America NOW
Calling All Clarkies, Calling All Clarkies...
Another Domain Name -
What's the deal with all these M3 supply crisis threads????
Enron went bankrupt intentionally. To pass proceeds of theft to execs.
Had finally caught myself thinking that I wonder who ought to be more
Farenheit 9/11 hits theaters in 24 days!!!!!
The lady on Olberman looks like Trent Lott in lipstick
Italian authorities endorse anti-Bush demonstration
Wonder if these could have been some of the "worst things" about September
Subject: 10:10pm CST Herseth vote update
Did the SD SoS web site just go down?
BREAKING: Padilla admits he caused Enron collapse!
What's the count in the House?
Padilla is OK City's "John Doe"
CIA to put $3 billion into new Iraqi secret police per request of Allawi..
How to Defeat Bush: Simple Phrase: Enron/Haliburton 04 great site
$3 billion from CIA to rebuild Iraq secret police
"A daylight robbery is going in Iraq"
Should minimium wage correspond with where you live?
Interesting description of Bush* from a center-right friend of mine.
Why does George Bush hate America?
Hail to the Chief song---bushies version
Letterman bagging on Bush tonight
Those Who Hate "Liberals" Really Hate a Free America
polls show american people are wising up to the dufus in the WH
If Kerry wins can he flush the neocons out of the Pentagon?
One Sunny Day in 2005 ------- Enjoy This Lovely Joke
Tory spokesman backing Democrat
South Dakota Congressional Representative Result as of 7:55 PM
Alabama elects former aide of Roy Moore to Supreme Court
Mental illness rate in the US higher than 27%
Craig Unger (House of Bush, House of Saad) on with Charlie Rose tonight
Will there be Exit Polls in November? (nt)
Does thinking it's okay to vote for Nader mean I'm a Bush enabler?
How do you feel that Bush has affected you in a negative way?
More anti-Semitism from al-Jazeera, Newsmax of the Middle East...
Open Letter to My Green / Nader Friends
Did Donna Brazille just say the Democrats told Gore to stop recount?
Maria Shriver is on Leno and they are going on and on....
Federal Reserve is raising M3 by crisis proportions - something scary???
So what's the October Surprise going to be?
A depressing email exchange with a (former?) friend...
Al Gore speech (lexcerpts and link to full text)
Whats with the Kerry bashing around here?
Invite a Republican friend/family member to Fahrenheit 9/11 & pay for them
''Fahrenheit 9/11'' finds domestic distributor (hits theaters June 25)
GOP Leaders Consider Tobacco Farms Buyout
U.S. Begins Transfer of a Shaky Haiti to U.N. Hands
Iran Admits Importing Equipment to Enrich Uranium
Bush Lowers Expectations of Other Countries Sending Troops to Iraq
Bombs welcome new Iraqi president
Jaffari, Popular Shiite, Takes Vice President Post/Jordan Times--New WMW
If the golf greens are black, this must be Kabul
Troops Would Leave Iraq in '06 Under Plan
Powell Presses C.I.A. on Faulty Intelligence on Iraq Arms
WP: Many Hurdles Ahead for U.S.
Will Vilsack join John Kerry? (Vilsack will not seek 3rd term - IA)
Army Noted Geneva Conventions Violations in Iraq Prisons Last Fall
Ousted judge (Moore) fails to sway Alabama vote | Atlanta J-C
Marine World Trainer Gored by Elephant
Bush (*) Pushes Faith-Based Aid Initiative
Zanzibar's gay commun ty fears tough new law will force it into twilight
Herseth leads Diedrich 53/47 with 25% reporting in SD-AL special election
How Did Saudi Terrorists Escape?
Girl, 11, slays classmate in Japan
New Kerry TV Ad Shows U.S. As 'Optimists'
U.S. Judge in San Fran Strikes Down Federal Law Banning Form of Abortion
Democrats Starting to See Chance of Keeping Senate Seats in South
Bureau of Indian Affairs' director reassigned after deaths in custody
CACI faces cuts to ratings over Iraq
(Bush) Management Style Shows Weaknesses
Chalabi Reportedly Told Iran That U.S. Had Code | NYT
Bush warned against comparing D-Day to Iraq
Variety alert: "Farenheit 911" confirms distribution deal!
Woman uses butcher's knife for own caesarian
Iraqi leaders call Bremer a dictator
MCI Layoffs In Tulsa? (400 jobs)
Honeywell planning (100) job cuts
GAO: Pentagon Gulf War Illness Data Wrong
Rice pledges Hicks, Habib probe
Everybunny was kung fu fighting!
There's a sucker born every minute
Help. There's an Evil-doer in my yard!!!!!!!
Teen To Graduate With 12 Years Of Perfect Attendance
Death Star : tonight on PBS/NOVA
Great Ep of South Park on tonight
That's it...I will NEVER buy another CD again
Belch...I finally found a place that sells fresh basil and imported pasta
Having difficulty getting an election?
How did I miss this?!? (from the Daily Show)
Coffee, chocolate, women... Some things are just better rich.
The Little Red Hen: Bush Administration Edition
What ever happened to DuctTape Fatwa? That was always one of
Some books I would like to order
This cat is gonna be as cute as Quinn
Reminder: all new Daily Show tonight!
I'm feeling disturbingly like Michael Douglas' character in
Pistons & Lakers split their season series 1-1
Imaginary Bio/Autobiographical Books You Would Like To Read?
No more! I am sick of "Homosexual Agenda" jokes!
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Miss Universe is conspiring with me...
My Mom and Dad are Brother and Sister
Who do you think will win the NBA Finals?
The Universe is conspiring against me
My secret sin: I watch beauty pageants...mostly for the evening gown
He's haunted by the memory of a lost paradise, in his youth or a dream...
blink-182 fans - you can write off your band now.
Best Comic Writer in the Past Decade
Our old car was pronounced dead today. Advice please!!!
Bush caught in rain photo from chinadaily (reuters) - love it!
Picture of my four year old twin boys
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Still at Work with only Tori Amos for Company!
Should I give up on Women for the rest of my life?
Anyone with a real cryptic DU name feel like explaining it to us?
Movies with a sado/masochism theme?
Did anyone else read that NYTimes Magazine story, about h.s hookups?
My transgendered mermaid buddy
Help! Nightbird keeping me awake.
Woo hoo! Finn Brothers coming to Philly July 29th!
FANTASY: If You had the power to change the world...what would you do??
The Tide has turned against Bush
Congratulations Detroit Pistons! NBA Junior Varsity Champions!!!
Today is day 9 of at least 13 work days in a row...
How crazy has this low carb thing gotten!
Don Prudhomme! Funny cars! New England Dragway! Sunday! Sunday!
cool and not-cool together...... CAPTION
Top 10 Pickup Lines For Pirates (Thanks Rabrrrrr...)
My cat. China.... hit by car. DOA, broken neck
Don't miss the Daily Show tonight
Spiders scare the shit out of me!!!!!! Who's with me?
How old were you when you first saw corn?
So which do you prefer to Bar-be-que with
Are electronic voting machines used in South Dakota? (nt)
Democrats Eye Fall ‘Contract’ (Dem version of '94 Contract with America)
Guess the Herseth-Diedrich results
What if * "wins" but we get a Democratic Congress?
What the hell is happening in South Dakota?
RNC Mocks Kerry for being wealthy with game, "Kerryopoly"
SD speical election results thread
Hope its not a repeat. Firld Poll California Kerry 51% Bush 39%
VP quest: Stamp it `top secret'
Herseth 56%, Diedrich 44% so far in TONIGHTS RACE
Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) on Hannity & Colmes: "Senator Kerry is...
I think it's going to be Mark Warner for VP and heres why...
LaRouche is beating Kucinich in South Dakota!
Former New York Times editor Howell Raines on why John Kerry will not win
Kucinich got 6 national delegates at the WA state CD caucuses
Schwarzenegger Exalts Troops - WSJ
Full sovereignty in Iraq might not be so
When Dishing Out Blame, Don't Stop With Bush (media/others allowed Bush)
Electronic Voting – Not Ready For Prime Time-Howard Dean
New Iraq government clone of old
Different Strokes, Different Folks
Mole in Our Midst (A Grand, Unified Theory of...Bush Policies)
A Gas-Guzzling Revenge Plot Meets Souped-Up Sales Pitch
Democracy in Mid East - Bush style
LAT-Faith-Based Chief Cites 'Culture War'
Bush the war leader losing key battles
US security, Iraqi freedom are unrelated
Ashcroft Degrades American Democracy
Blunt and Bush both hope to ride gay coattails into office
Must Read: For Some Soldiers The War Never Ends...NYT's Op-Ed
In ann coulter's world, everything's as it should be....
Will Haiti be forgotten again so soon?
Not ALL media has bailed on Bush...Happy Drug Card "News"
Zero-tolerance on torture: How hard is that?
Help Save The Land Of The Western Shoshone!
Book project looking for people who passed on teaching because of salary
Why no human interest stories on background of Bush Treason outside lawyer
AP wire joins CNN in not reporting Ken Lay/Bush comments on Enron tape
BOOK THREAD -- "After the Empire" by Emmanuel Todd
The ?W Revue | Opening Night Benefit for MFSO 7/12
Microsoft plans for expansion in India
The "Clinton Recession"/"Bush Recovery" lie
Defense Bill allows Energy Dept to just bury nuke waste - no clean-up
Talk Energy . . . Because real change starts at home! . . .
Ethanol , other biomass products will reward a pioneering attitude
Tunisia Wants Women To Pray At Home
Child recruitment was war crime
Bush Imposes U.S. Sanctions on 'Drug Kingpins'- (Peru Airline Owner)
UN Urges Iraqis to Set Up (parliamentary) Body to Oversee New Govt.
Bin Laden Was "within Reach"of U.S.-Led Forces inAfghanistan Several Times
Elementary student cited for bringing a nonworking gun to school
Heh heh heh.....Today's Onion made me laugh....
GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 2, 2004
Not A Question -- A Word of Thanks
Deleted. Someone else answered my question.
I believe this is a news story and not an editoral
Good morning, Skinner! - I have some good news -
Re: RimJob and Hussein in "Um, Skinner, could the Freeper be right?"
Um, Skinner, could the Freeper be right?
Palestinian Unemployment Hits 35%, As Economy Strangulates
Yesha rabbi: IDF allowed to hurt civilians
Palestinian Affairs: Death of an Intifada
Beit Hanina: Another new Ghetto in Palestine
Weapon-smuggling tunnel uncovered in Rafah
Settler Rabbi: Killing Civilians Permitted
Nine more Border Policemen said arrested for abuse
4 Bakri family members convicted of hosting suicide bomber
Anybody see what two-faced Roe Conn did?
Schwarzenegger forcing out CHP chief
LA County to remove cross from county seal after ACLU challenge
Southern Ca KCAA and thank them for Air America
BIG anti-bush* sign in Marysville, Michigan (near Port Huron)....(PHOTO)
Kerry in Columbus - Wednesday, June 16
Plain Dealer 5/30 says Bush by 6, Kerry 45% Bush 41% per Rasmussen
Bible Thumping Bikers Coming to Austin
Roy "10 Commandments" Moore guest at Repuke convention
Stolen propane trucks raise terror concern
Lt. Gov. Dewhurst's Mother Dies
Austin Marines Called To Active Duty
Who wants a DU nametag for the Texas Convention?
Stolen propane trucks recovered
Who got their state convention packets?
State Dems convention this weekend
Job opening at WA State Jobs with Justice
Bernie Ward in San Francisco is on right now...
A Kerry/ Shreck Ticket would kill the Pubs
Billionaire's campaign against Bush centers on Iraq war
CNN's Carlos Watson...The Anti-Bill Schneider???
C-Span 6:06 a.m. CT First analysis of Herseth win in SD.
What would have happened if RFK lived?
True or False : Iraq has more PHDs per capita than the US ?
* and Rice begging for captions
AP article: Other things Iraq funding can pay for
Why is it that news about Afghanistan is not being covered?
CNN / CBS Radio (so far) censoring Enron tapes w/ comments on Bush
Facing Suit, County to Remove Seal's Cross
Found a great web site on Iraq
Phony Degrees actually shipped from Jerusalem
C-Span 7:45 ET: The first ethicist to discuss *'s ethics. might be good.
Bwahahahaha... The mayor of Crawford, TX, home on the range for *
C-Span 8:57 ET mentioning CHENEY/HALLIBURTON MEMO:
(in case you missed it) Scott Peterson trial started yesterday
I just read the War Resolution again. What a piece of Crap!
I just saw Condoleezza on "Today"
I am so sorry for humanity. Religious dogmatism makes people hate
OK. Everything I have heard on C-Span and Bush*'s campaign moves (on our
June 2 Boondocks is hilarious -- and very pointed
Why is US building 14 military bases in Iraq if we are turning it over to
Revisiting the 2000 GOP Platform: 20 Outrageous Assertions, Shameless Lies
Hilarious pic of Chimp & accompanying pool report
C-Span 9:11am. CRAP. Hudson from Crisis catholic mag. doing KERRY bashing.
C-Span: caller said Pat Robertson got 500 thousand from the "faith based"
We are Suppose to Shut Up and Move On...again (this is total crap)
What the hell is the status on the Plame investigation??? nt
From what I've read, I get the sense that Bush is splitting his party.
Chalabi - Passing secrets to Iran?
I did not know that Michigan's Democratic party is in such desarray.
So now you need to fill out an application to be a terrorist?
Terrorist Alert: Wanted by the FBI and Ashcroft:
Was the war in Iraq instigated by Iran?
Democrats to Pull Out of Arkansas and Tennessee
Kerry Seeks Virginia's 13 Electoral Votes in November
BushCo asked the media (including NYT) to delay the story on Chalabi....
Moore's film to be released...
Help...need a link for body counts
Bill Clinton to tout book on “60 Minutes”
i'm working on a potentially useful kerry convert...
"Just let it go"???. OMFG, are these people for real?!
I finally figured out what 6/30 is all about
Silently slouching towards 1000 dead
CNN Polls: "Yeah, well Bush is anti-dead-people-talking!" Edition
Iran code=Plame; Chalabi=Novak; Rove/Cheney(?)=???
Anyone know where the index of commercial free Stern shows went?
Dr. Edwin C. May Ph.D got a lot of our tax money for ESP "research"
so the weather now gets more time than the news on the morning shows
Sooo IS Bill Cosby "being attacked" "taking grief"?
"Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War" by
It's amazing what maniacs will do, if you let them, & don't stop them
Bush pathology (Brain damage or just Personality?)
Newsweek on Bush: "Another Comeback Kid?"
New Meme: Bush admin using Cold War tactics to fight war on terror
Mopaul...your new sigline picture...
Another trophy added to *'s collection: a brick from Mohammad Omar's home
If Bush chooses McCain as VP, are we dead in the water?
CONFIRMED: Chalabi informed Iranians we knew their codes
Anyone attend the LA 21st Century Dems Training?
Could someone please tell me why I should care about Kerry's hair?
"Three Purple Hearts Trump Three DUI's Anyday"
I wish we could stop bushco BEFORE the planned U.S. terror attack
West Nile, stolen tankers, Al Qaeda, Jose Padilla, Laci Peterson...
Say, which administration official is a drunk, I wonder?
Iraq Prisoner Photo of the Day
Why isn't the Enron Story breaking all over the place?
Why is Free Republic still in existence?
David Brooks is a pretentious ASS!!
American and United stock sales on 9/10
captured Free Speech Zone now trophy in music room
Let's get one thing straight MonkeyBrain.....
Talking out of both sides of his mouth=Flip Flop
Linking Schwarzenegger to Ken Lay During California Energy Scam
Oh crap-Idiot Boy is coming on
MSNBCGOP: HUGE propane trucks found!!!
"Scandal fatigue" -- Is that the biggest problem we face?
Bush giving Speech on CNN -- sounds like canned applause?!?
Bush, "America's Compassion In Action," healing, free hugs for everyone
Bush is getting much better at reading his speeches on the teleprompter
Joke: Changing light bulbs in the Bush Administration
Al O'Franken just body-slammed Neil Boortz in a one on one...
Huf! Huf! Huf! Phewww!! Who else is in training for the Presidential
Repub Nut Sends me 10 Page Lucifer threat Letter
Al Franken: did you hear Calvin Trillin's poetry? FUNNY. If not, catch
Report: Bush Understands Iraqi Opposition
Bush is giving a fascist speech to the Air Force Academy graduates
NORAD locked doors 1st time in fifty years on 9/11
Learn to stay alive from this article from Reuters
TV terrorism "expert" Christopher Whitcomb was an FBI sniper at Ruby Ridge
While you guys sit around here and enjoy this friendly forumn I'm on
Army expanding stop-loss program
* can't even hold his own umbrella
'War on Terrorism" and "War in Iraq" are not the same . Got it ?
The logistics of Nader Voting.
Activist Arrested at Army Recruiting Station--congress candidate
Public Baptism Sparks Controversy
CA and FLA DU'ers how are Jeb and Auhhnold doing in Popularity ?
Zogby Interactive Poll Currently Soliciting Your Opinions
Thinking outloud about the Chalabi affair:
So, if it's no longer an "occupation", does that make it a "hobby"?
Randi: the last time a Bush spoke about religion the bush was burning!
I want the Bush name off that war memorial.
Bush must be watching the FACTOR
How many tunnels has Israel found during its Rafah raids?
Just watched J. Kerry speak again
We are losing sight of our biggest campaign weapon
Any bets that the Plame leaker/Chalabi leaker are one and the same?
A Conglomeration of Inconsistencies and Contradictions
So, if Bush's "Global War" = WW II, will there be a GI Bill for vets?
Bush is meeting with Dr. James Dobson this morning.....
WHO is WH Traitor who gave Chalabi the Classified Data?
Today's CNN Poll - A No Brainer
You know? Bush is right. Iraq IS like WWII.
Republican National Convention Schedule
Which religion is the funnest?--Why?
CROSSFIRE Thread - Margaret Carlson on the Left
Any update on Bush's current approval ratings?
Athiests vs. Christians: How split are we?
Other Things Iraq War Funding Can Pay For
Is the al-Qaida an organized army or more just an organized idea ?
A Friend asks me to Prove that RWingers buy books in bulk!
Afghanistan - Any Websites list KIA's like Lunaville does for Iraq
Don't fall into corporate media claptrap using Clinton's book to divide
Well we just had one HELL of a storm here (Tulsa vicinity)
O'Reilly: "69 percent of Americans believe the Abu Ghraib story was...
What happened to the Attack on Kirkuk ? MSNBC/CNN not Reporting..
Jenna Bush on 112 Mile Holy Pilgrimage in Spain
Fascist/Corporatism? Have we arrived? Or in the process?
Guard troops hard hit by "stop loss" order.
Randi just announced Greg Palast coming on at 5:30 ET
I-66 Bridge protest-banner against mercenaries: Arlington Virginia (PHOTO)
CNN/MSNBC Now: John Kerry Press Conference (4:03 pm edt)
Larry King/ Bill Maher tonight at 9 p.m. ET.
Is John Kerry qualified to be president?
Well, I gather they found the missing propane trucks...
Dean has convinced me to vote for a pro-war candidate.
Randi: "I was the vomit girl. Hold my hair!"
So Buxh is going on a field trip to Normandy France
Bush was hiring known rapists and murderers as contractors in Iraq prisons
Mole in Our Midst (MUST READ!)
Faith-based, pro-life left seeks political home, will vote Kerry
What would have happened if Iraq had been permitted to switch to "euro"?
Bush Visit to Ireland - Planned Protsests
Virginia .....Saw my first Kerry ad
ACLU conference: Dean and Gov. Bill Owens to debate. Many big names
New Procedures to Speed Overseas Absentee Balloting
Before 9/11, America was the world's only "superpower".....
Should Cheney be investigated?
Wonder what we would say or think if it came down to an ISLAMIC REVOLUTION
Cover blown due to a drunk American soldier who wanted to blab...
Bush administration comparing Iraq war to WW II!
I am filled with contempt for this "president"....
Why does AirAmerica not make their stream available in other formats?
Democrats do not usually win special elections.....
Don't forget: Bill Maher on Larry King tonight
Randi: if the media has a liberal filter it is clogged!!! This woman just
Who's this guy that Al Franken is rippin up?
CBS Evening News: Enron Tapes Part 2
I Wonder If The Blogosphere's Favorite Hick Law Professor
Judge Dismisses Two Nichols Jurors
The night before Shock and Awe
Herseth is pretty good on the issues
Is there anyone here that can reach Micheal Moore? The Crawford
Viacom/CBS CEO taken down (for 60 minutes criticizing Bush and the war?)
Bush* & the rethugs deserve Don King
"Curb Your Enthusiam" saves a mans life
3 Days until June 5 Mass Mobilization in LA, SF, Washington ...
GASP!...* is hiring a lawyer..?!!...
Re: Shrub lawyer, freeps are speechless
Now the administration is releasing known terrorists
some freeper posts on the Plame thread... aaaahahahaaa!!
PROOF that freepers have no sense of irony:
Violence in "stable" Kirkuk, Iraq surprises many! Weapons Dump Attacked!
Bush Likens War Against Terrorism to WWII
Would Bush resign before Kerry takes office????
Concentrate Campaign On Gay Marriage Amendment Bush Advised
What do you all think of The Rude Pundit?
Don King and Ed Gillespie on CNN as buddies
Complete withdraw from Iraq: naive thinking.
I can't seem to figure out how to work this damn Cone of Silence!
So what will happen if terrorists nuke an American city?
Why is NPR only skeptical of governments that don't like privatization?
Good poll on the draft @ Headline News
What is the impetus behind Bush hiring a lawyer?
CBS ... Bush lawyered up in the Plame investigation ...
Breaking: Bush Hires Private Lawyer to Defend Him
Web mentality: LW v. RW, pecking orders, and eating our own
LMAO Freeps all confused about * hiring a lawyer !!
CBS Evening News - Lead FOUR stories tonight
Why is Scot Petersen Trial News? I ask CNN....
Thomas Friedman on Hardball... what a jerk. He is happy that
Neo-cons/freeps/assorted malcontents scared of Moore's movie
Dr. Dean devotes his first column to the dangers of E-voting
DoD, Postal Service Announce Ballot Initiative
What the hell happened to World Trade Center 7?
Bush Predicted To Take Only 2 States
Chimpy wants to make nice with the Iraqi Resistance now. Whodathunk?
Forensic Science Busts Mouse-In-My-Soup FRAUD
I got this email from MoveOn today about an anti-BBV/pro-paper petition
Prognosticators - Most Likely Scenario for Cheney?
George H.W. Bush calls Michael Moore a slimeball
Moore offers White House screening of "Fahrenheit 911"
Freeper thread is hilarious...
NBC Nightly News showed preview of Fahrenheit 911!!
Holy smokes!! Does this title mean Chalabi is naming BUSH??
Listen to Al Franken body slam Neal Boortz today!!
Ralph Nader Wooing Republicans Away From Bush
George the DORK -- worse pics than ever before!
Do you believe in the Rapture?
People MUST understand that Bush = DRAFT in 2005
Anti-Nader Hate Campaign Could Backfire
Will Kerry appoint the greatest Sec. of State in history - Bill Clinton?
Bernie Ward on a RANT ... now --- He's really pissed
so were there any protests in Denver? Where are the photos?
A question for European DUer's
SERIOUSLY! Why she wants to somebody out...
Who's honesty and integrity do you respect more: Carter vs Chavez
Will Jesus Return As A Woman Next Time?
Looking for Rove/Bush Puppet Picture
complete withdrawal from Poland: naive thinking
What years did you feel that our collective innocence was lost?
OK Dem bashers...the table is now turned
Anybody else hearing the Dean rumors?
I didn't know that Dopehead Rush's radio show is heard by the troops daily
US is #1 in percent of people in prison
LOL!! "Militiaman" Freeper Posts His Picture...
God save us from pushy religious assholes
Where can we find good quality pictures of Kerry???
Whose integrity do you respect more: Hugo Chavez or John Kerry?
Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes
Attack back on the bill collectors.
BBV: Any comments on the Brazil EV machines? My country will use them!
US, UK propose troop withdrawal timetable
Republicans lose another House seat.
Militants Fire at U.S. Citizens in Riyadh - Diplomat
E-Mail Prompts Calls to Probe Halliburton, Cheney
Mother damages fetus with loud educational tapes
Judge: Bush Abortion Ban Unconstitutional
Sex education US-style: don't do it
In cellular future, will privacy ebb?
Militants, U.S. Troops Clash in Kufa
Accord reached on July protests (Boston Convention)
UN Members Want More Specifics in Iraq Resolution
Army Reservist Who Served in Iraq Arrested After Police Find Wife's Body
Fahrenheit 9/11 finds coalition of willing distributors
Bush calls for funds for church projects
Kerry wins South Dakota presidential primary
IAEAgency Details Iran's Ambitious Pursuit of Advanced Centrifuges(but no
Kathy Kelly: 'Social Security'- On Trial for Delivering Medicine to Iraq
Chávez hints at accepting vote, says he'll win
Conflicts Seen for General in Abuse Probe
Bush says)Nation has 'choice' (if not elected worse attacks than Sept. 11)
New Iraq President Says Was Pressured to Step Aside
Boeing loses bid for $10 billion security contract
Bush to compare Middle East with war-time Europe
Brain trauma takes toll on soldiers (Knight-Ridder)
Abu Ghraib abuse: Made in American prisons
Iran Holds Open Option of Producing Sophisticated Nuclear Centrifuges
Kerry: U.S. Bioterrorism Plan Has Gaps
Nine killed in fresh clashes between Sadr militia, US forces
London's fiery mayor urges US voters to sack Bush
Enron manipulated energy prices during California brownouts: report
U.S. peacekeeping troops leave Haiti
NYT: U.S. to Divulge More About Modified Crops
Oil Rich Iraq Hit by another Fuel Crisis
UN Urges Iraqis to Set Up Body to Oversee New Govt.
Two Airliners Searched After Boston Bomb Threat
Anti-Kerry veterans group protests ad
"Provisions In The Rules of Jihad "-man charged with inciting terrorism
ParisMatchMag:Bush Understands Why Iraqis Oppose U.S. Occup.(not terrorist
Bulgarian Opera Great Ghiaurov Dies at 74
Many U.N. Council Members Want to Hear From New Iraqi Leaders, Still Want
Bush Likens War Against Terrorism to WWII
Bush giving Speech on CNN -- sounds like canned applause?!?
Bush Likens War Against Terrorism to WWII
Army Issues Order to Stop U.S. Soldiers from Leaving
Congress watchdog: drugs threaten Afghan stability
U.S. Says Iran Hiding Nuke Bomb Program from UN
Bush administration scales back massive Northwest timber sale
Bush likens war on terror to WWII
Full Sovereignty in Iraq Might Not Be So
House OKs big expansion of Mount Rainier boundary
US media skeptical about new Iraqi government: reports
(Stevens) Republican Senator Rejects 'Blank Check' for Iraq
Rocky Mtn News: Nation has 'choice'
Government Must Act On Environment, Say Americans
Tough Capital Insider to Face His Critics on Bank Regulation - RIGGS
Security Council Diplomats Not Happy with New Iraq Resolution
Iran and arms expert David Albright tell US to prove nuke allegations
Officials: Chalabi Gave Secrets to Iran (FBI Investigating)
Poll: Most Portuguese Want Police Force Out of Iraq - (74 Percent)
Iraq to Dominate When Bush Sees Anti-War Pope
Bush compares Iraq, terror wars to World War II
Clinton poised to claim spotlight
Democrat Wins Special Election in South Dakota
Not All Iraqi Rebels are Terrorists Says Bush
Italian Hostages Shown Alive on Arab TV
Raines on Kerry : 'Lurch Gone to Choate'
Brahimi Urges Reconciliation Dialogue Between Iraqi Insurgents and U.S.
VOA radio reports CHeney ordered Halliburton contracts personally
Envoy Seeks Dialogue With Iraq Insurgents
Halliburton tied to Tristar scandal (Nigeria)
Baghdad suburb 'hit by car bomb'
Halliburton tied to Tristar scandal (French are investigating)
GOPer DeWine)Senator sacked me over tales of congress
Venezuela Repression Condemned by World’s Press
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 2 June
Chavez cries fraud in referendum bid, orders probe
Biscuit logging details released
Sears inks $1.6B IT outsourcing services deal with CSC
U.S.: Afghan Army Effort Will Take Years (at least 4 more years)
Army issues orders to keep soldiers from leaving
House Likely to Defeat Succession Plan
Spitzer sues GlaxoSmithKline over 'Paxil fraud'
Bush hires attorney regarding Plame investigation
NASA Weighs Robot Mission to Telescope
Conflicts Seen for General in Abuse Probe (MG Ryder got a promotion?)
Evolution theory rules in Roseville CA | Sacramento Bee
Ormet Layoffs Felt In Monroe (131 jobs)
UL (Underwriter Laboratories) plans to cut 750 U.S. jobs
Yucca cuts could force huge layoff (1700 jobs)
Army Expanding 'Stop-Loss' Program
Kurd Rebels Attack Turks, Ending Truce
Push to forge markets for renewable energies
Aljazeera airs tape of Italian hostages
German culture centre opens in N.Korea
Iran denies receiving Chalabi intelligence
Iraqi group parades 'collaborators' (hostages)
Dems look beyond Daschle (new leader in 2005?)
Microsoft granted patent for double-click
U.S. Military Attacked in Saudi Capital
Turkish Kurd rebels renew fight from Iraq mountain
IraN "happy" with Iraq's new interim government
U.S. Troops Battle Shiite Militants in Kufa, Baghdad, Fallujah
Democrats say drug discount card an "embarrassment"
Washington under growing domestic pressure on climate change: EU official
The Potential of Bioenergy is Still Too Often Neglected
Bush to Compare Middle East with War-Time Europe
GOP Senator Would Limit How Bush Could Spend Iraq $25 B ($5 B slush only)
Crawford Mayor is Kerry Supporter
'Drunk' American Blabs To Chalabi? | CBS
DeLay confirms deal on balanced budget amendment
'Kerry intern' tells of rumour mill trauma
Bush tells French readers: Chirac's my friend
Democrats Seek Special Halliburton/Cheney Counsel
Judge who made gay marriage legal under fire (Mass.)
After Aristide, Haiti faces organizing rebels
British Gas Prices Top $5.79 a Gallon
New Study: 26% Of Americans Have Mental Illnesses
Massive explosion in US base in Kirkuk
CIA to Investigate Chalabi, U.S. Officials Say
Anti-war Protests Ahead of Bush Visit to Italy
U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 810 Dead - 4,882 wounded
US is sued over records of military prisoner abuse
Paris bans protests ahead of Bush's visi
CBS News Exclusive: Bush Retains Personal Attorney In Plame Probe
New study discounts link between oral cancer, pot smoking
U.S. Opposes Taiwan Troops Going to Iraq
Bin Laden within reach of US-led force several times: French general
AP: Administration Freed Terror Suspect
Five aid workers killed in northern Afghan ambush
Four Civilian Contractors Cited in Abuse
US Prison Abuse Painted on Wall
'Ladies night' axed at N.J. bars
Boxing promoter Don King stumps for Bush
Anybody know how Consumers Union lost control of the phrase "best buy"?
BE THE FIRST to respond to this thread!!!
be the 15th respondent to this thread!
"What the $%#@*& Do We Know?" ... Anybody seen it?
Who says that Bush can't dance?
High school students take push for better sex ed to school board
Has anyone ever used the 'puff piece' emoticon?
Forget the kissing - how important is the first time you hold hands?
Amesome night - Pistons win and Dems pick up a seat!
June ushers in traditional Cub's backward slide in NLC
Do you think seeing porn corrupted you?
Jordanian man divorces wife three times over phone bills
Authorities Recruit "Owl Flying Squad" To Combat Rodent Problem
Strong coffee & soldering delicate connections
What kind of a president should be the one that follows Kerry?
Police car siren killed chickens
Woman Empties 16 Bags Of Dog Feces On Park Road To Protest Farmers Market
Dixie Chicks - Travelin' Soldier
HBO Video(clears someone of murder) Curbs Police Enthusiasm
New Email Scam - Help Get NIGERIAN Off SPACE STATION- He Is Stranded
Phony Degrees actually shipped from Jerusalem
New Baby Kitty in the House!! (pics)
Police: Nude Man Walks Down Westheimer
Philly to Begin Gay Media Campaign to Boost Tourism
Lightning Bugs Needed Again by Scientists-Price has Jumped
I Accidentally Discovered My Sister Bought The 'Plan B' Pill Yesterday
I just hung my DU bumper sticker on my cubicle wall at work.
Confess - those of you who got the Bush fundraising letter
Boys, 10 Get Keys To Bulldozer - Do $500,000 In Damage's a's a goal...
Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad....
"Any 1 else listeing to Stern right now?" I have a few gen. questions.
Teacher Blinds Pupils With Anti-Lice Shampoo
The Casey Kasem "Snuggles" thread.
I'm thinking about seeing the DAY AFTER TOMORROW the day after tomorrow...
Time Travel: What moment in time would you like to visit?
The Campaign Strategist of all CAPTIONS!!
Playing with new digital camera, PET PICTURES!!!
Man Steals Cop's Cell Phone While Being Taken To Jail On Another Charge
Pics of Bush wrestling his umbrella--and losing!
Gretchen Wilson's REDNECK WOMAN song
I just saw "The Day After Tomorrow" ... ask me anything...(SPOILER)
Nutro Pet product users - GREAT Program!!!
Woman Crushed To Death In Fight Over $50 Check
My boyfriend wants me to meet his family!!!!!
Ellen Degeneres and John Kerry...Separated at birth?
Mother, Son Allegedly Plant Mouse In Soup At Restaurant
Did anybody hear me on Thom Hartmann just now?
How old were you when you first heard Korn?
Wanna' have some fun and support my husband? / How come this link isn't working?
Would someone take me out back and shoot me??? Please???
It Gets Hot Down Here in Houston!
The "I have an idea, Ollie" of all CAPTIONS!!!
Detroit Tigers Hot Dog Vendor Told To Knock Off The Opera Singing
Okay, I need to cleanse my palate a bit...
Movie treatment: "They Saved Bush*'s Brain"
Are the LOTR deluxe box sets worth it?
The Teutuls...OCC Paul Jr. or Paul Sr. ?
SST Records appreciation post/thread....
Help. Need the url for the blogger zxy, xyz something or
What was that on the O'Franken Factor?
Peeping Up Women's Skirts Found Dangerous To Health
Ladies: how important is the first kiss with a new guy?
Apparently, Matcom Occasionally Drinks Scotch
do the people in the rest of the world see the U.S.-
Sean Hannity, Michael Savage or Rush Limbaugh (for gals!!)
In LA this Saturday, the Bush Puppet marches again
What is the difference between a brownout and a blackout?
Public baptism sparks controversy
Be the one who has the MOST posts in this thread!
We've come a long way, baby!!!
I have a guilty musical pleasure - I love Simply Red
Yes, Dogs really do resemble their owners
i hAve yOUr caTs! IF yOU waNt tHeM bAck, pLAce 100K in uNMarKed bilLs
There's an RA here that is like 50 years old...
I have a guilty musical pleasure - I love Taco
Tell me, what's worse? Question for people about relationships.
I have a really guilty musical pleasure...
OK... now that LynneSin's gone...
In the shower: soap or body gel?
Jazz Lovers.......Newport Jazz Sweepstakes link.
I found this wild book in Borders last night
Anyone else creeped out by the GD forum?
Anyone get VOOM-TV? (HD Sattelite Svc)
I want to know Dr. Phil McGraw's net worth -- does anybody know
Why is Matcom OBSESSED with my carpeting???
Michael Moore's movie will only be shown in 500 theaters?
Got my cell phone connection today.
Who else has NEVER seen that TV show everyone is talking about?
Cover letters are a tool of Satan
Ann Coutler, Laura Ingraham or Michelle Malkin?
Damn, my first weekend off in months...
Coming Soon : The "Showgirls" DVD V.I.P Edition
O for the days when CLINTON'S PENIS was all that we had to worry about....
I got to talk like Randy today!
Easter Bunny To Face Felony Theft Charges
This week's editorial - need some suggestions
So should go hear Mario Cuomo or David Brock tonight?
Kerry donnera un coup de pied l'âne de McFucktard de Chimpy cet automne.
Fresh Fruit Season! Post your summertime treats here!
I need to make $100 fast... Any ideas?
7,000 feet above CAPTION level
Pop Star Upset That Her Raunchy Sex Pics Were Posted On The Web
Ind. Man Survives 69,000-Volt Shock
PISTONS WIN! Off to conquer the LALEE!
I got to talk to Randi today!!
Margaret Carlson on crossfire...
Caution's subversive song of the day
Caption Commander Bunnypants II: The Nightmare continues!
Gonna have to have my wisdom teeth out. Ask me anything.
CONFESS!!!!! What was the first Album/CD/Cassette/8track you ever bought
Crap. Landlord not renewing lease... REALTORS HELP!
Another one for armchair physicians:
Apparently Paul McCartney did drugs.
Trying to use logic with a diehard Republican is like...
What food do you love that you ONLY buy in the summertime?
Fellow San Diegans, or for that matter anyone who puts gas in their car...
It Dont Come Easy--You Know it Dont Come Easy...Good Night America
Which part of growing up (school) was the best and the worst for you?
Yet another inane loung thread
Post #666: Ask me anything & be DAMNED TO HELL!!!
MoPaul!!!! DS1!!!! Matcom!!!!! an excellent photoshop opportunity!!!
I just watched The Lion in Winter, ask me anything!
Be The 132nd To Respond to This Thread!
Matcom to let 50 lucky winners to ride his Wienermobile...
Two ten year olds, an unsecured contsruction lot, a bulldozer with keys,
The spelling bee is on TV right now--ask me to spell anything!
Your favorite Burt Bachrach/Hal David song.
Worst Influence on Children 2 years running
Some observations at the grocery store last night (about men and women)
The god damn drunk barber from next door keeps coming over
That god damn drunk barmaid from next door keeps coming over
I think the people upstairs are playing football....
Why does getting a shot in the roof of your mouth hurt so bad?
Yet another inane Lounge poll.....
How about this for a long email address
Kerry trying to have it both ways again!
I have a very dumb question to ask ANYONE here at DU
TIMELY Movie tonight on Encore True "Das Experiment" (Stanford Experiment)
Have you joined Film Movement?
The world's most pressing bathroom question....
Like a Sunday in T.J., it's cheap but it's not free...
Preznit Boosh demonstrates the Trickle-Downbrella, the hot new
Windows Media Player 10 Technical Beta
Eric Chavez out for at least 6 weeks
Question for parents re: Bathroom privacy
Emerging from seclusion. What did I miss? Anybody miss me?
Why aren't there any houses for sale in Nashville??
Oscar Mayer to let 50 lucky winners to ride the Wienermobile...
Need advice. Irresponsible parents/CPS
Moved into A Five Floor Walk Up....Ask me Anything!
Contact Lens Wearers: Question
I just got a bottle of Midori! List your favorite drinks with Midori.
Things I've learned from watching low-budget sci-fi
Pen & Paper RPG'ers - ever used SPECIAL?
Britney Spears to go to China... Chinese Gov't wants to see her outfits...
I miss the wild west days of Napster!
For the over 50 crowd...remember these?
New Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban poster " Mouthboy battles a dementor"
Oh my, Oh my,.........Diana Krall
Should I return the 1000mm lens? (long on graphics)
I Just Designed Will Pitt's NEW BOOK COVER!!! Ask Me ANYTHING!!
I have a guilty musical pleasure - I love Tears for Fears
I've been kind of depressed lately, and I don't know what I can do.
Anagrams for your Screen Name!!!!!!!
When you hear a car alarm, your first thought is
Douglas Adams: How to make a decent cup of tea . . .
Of these what should I take for a swollen/sore throat ?
Post the punchline from your favorite dirty joke.
Mrs McLargehuge made me swear to keep this secret
new Oxyrush advertiser Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Teachers' decision to drink on field trip peeves parents
Which is worse? The "C" word or the "N" word?
A bumper sticker for liberal Christians
Astronomers....Debunk this 'End of World Coming' claim
Any realtors/former realtors on DU? (career advice)
WOO-HOO!!!! I Just Passed 21,000 Posts!!!!!
What's the funniest thing (person/movie/tv show/book/etc) EVER?
How Old Are You? (And are you happy being your age?)
The "sexy librarian" look will be big this fall!!!
Hulk Hogan, Mr T. and He-Man vs the Idiot Son of an Asshole?
The DU Gallery and the DU PETS Gallery have been updated! (6/2/04)
OK. Moved Up ONE WEEK - DU BBQ At MATCOM'S Will Be Saturday 06/19!!!!!
Cat threads, cat threads...roly poly cat threads...
A tiresome Word Association Thread-
Quit gloating over the Herseth win and write the article!
Republican split could lose South Dakota vote for Bush
Bush budget will hurt state (Maine), Kerry team says
Thank you, Boston Globe for editorial, "Bush's False Advertising."
Is the election in South Dakota really over?
How to 'out' creationists running for local posts like school board.
Democrats wake up and use talk radio!
Die-Hards Fight for Nader's Candidacy
How do Rasmussen state results differ from Zogby?
Generate your own "George Says" toon
THE ONION: "Many Americans Still Unsure Whom To Vote Against"
Clark Campaign Debt (fundraising)
Campaigning has really picked up in Florida!
America Already Is America (Stalinist Roots to Kerry's New Slogan)
Do you think we can convince Independent Bernie Sanders to become a Dem?
A Message from Wes Clark.......
Time for Kerry to start getting LOUD
I'm so sick of hearing about how "unexciting" Kerry is!
Competence is on the ballot in Nov. (photos)
Good pic of Kerry in Tampa today.
Wes Clark in Ukraine to Meet Senior Politicians
If dems don't draw the line at a candidate who supported a bogus war,
I just signed up to work at Kerry's campaign office
How many * bumper stickers have you seen in the last 2 weeks?
Campaign Underground Status Report (WE NEED HELP!)