The Pastiche of a Presidency, Imitating a Life, in 957 Pages
What did W know and when? (Tenet perjury about to explode)
A 24yr old was in charge of reorganizing the stock exchange?
Last chance to comment on Mercury Pollution /EPA --June 29
What is the current thinking re: The exact nature of nucleons ?
How is working to bring about the "end time",
Question about the right to search a vehicle . . .
Can you put Bill Clinton on next weeks Top Ten Conservitive idiots
Texas DUers, I seek your counsel ...
Stonewall Dems at the convention - what happened?
Dem Convention was great! Fave wkshop: Grassroots planning
Ugh. I met Sensenbrenner at Fiesta Waukesha!
Robert F. Kennedy on another US war:
Anyone interested in working on an anti-Nader website?
Whatever happened to Matt Glavin, sex pervert?
Garrison Keillor, Father's Day, and expectations...
Imagine if you were in on a lihop or mihop scheme
As Handover Nears, U.S. Mistakes Loom Large
Six chartered flights out of usa in september 2001 for bin ladens
Josh's (TPM) 's "fill in" Ackerman shoots down Tinfoilhat Theories/Johnson
Has America become a rogue state?
Anybody listening to Laura Flanders? I just turned it on, I don't know
Maryland Student Leader Launches Hunger Strike...
If we don't fight them in Iraq...
Bush 51- Kerry 41- Nader- 7, Harris poll of likely voters.
9/11 info gained by coercion may be suspect
Rumsfeld clears higher-ups in abuse probe
Control Room - WJS' JOE MORGENSTERN Film Review
Anybody listening to "Bring on the Noise" on AAR? Old Rock and Roll...
Al Qaeda-tied terrorist nabbed in Iraq
Jack Black cast as lead in Jackson's "King Kong"
Heard a great update on Afghanistan today on Radio Netherlands'
US Lacks Votes for Immunity from War Crimes Court
Election 2004: Referendum on fascism?
How sad... no Wes Clark on Faux NOW!! thread
I have a theory on why Americans over the past fifty years have
The Holy Church of GWB is now open OMG
Registering first time voters IMPORTANT!
Clinton helps define democrats and republicans
Comparative list of suspicious demises... D vs. R.
2000 Election Results: And now Nader is 2.5 times as Popular?
current legislation in the house and senate for the draft...
Republican National Committee Convention Schedule Leaked
Bad as things are at the present time, what with the Iraq War,
Activists Hold Hip-Hop Political Convention
We've been fighting Bush all our lives and didn't know it
George Soros giving commencement speech on C-SPAN
Here's what unites the (rhtetorically gullible) Liberals
Can we settle on "hungry caterpiller" vs. "goat" story? I dont know
Fahrenheit 9/11 - Drumroll Please!!!
Bush Administration sends dubious prison official to both Iraq and Haiti
'President' Bush's Blatant Lie Regarding 9/11 and Saddam Hussein
Watch a SAD Michael Moore having to go to CANADA to find real media.
hard-drinking, coke-snorting, skirt-chasing, lightweight liberal lawmaker
Happy Father's Day whoever you are.
Need help finding some information
Happy "Adopt A Shelter Cat Month" everyone
Would repugs still vote * if he was caught having sex w/ stray animals?
How the hell can the White House refute the 9/11 commission re:
Action Alert: Move America Forward website riddled with lies!
Stop it already with this goofy Harris poll
Air America restructures under new banner
What ever happened to Charles Keating, a
Going to see F9/11 next Sunday
Who's Read "Welcome to Terrorland*? Question
Michael Moore Is Ready for His Close-Up
Help need links re possible Draft in 05
Garrison Keillor called Bush admin. liars...
Would it be wrong of me to say that Moore is a propagandist?
How long til the DNC convention?
I have heard there is a big mistake in Michael Moore’s movie
What was Chimpy thinking in that classroom on 9/11?
"So Stop Saying That!" bumper stickers
Am I the only fan here of Occam's razor?
Big Dawg defending ShrubCo.? WTF?!!?
Michael Moore interview on Canadian TV
Texas Democratic Party Convention
O'Reilly: Iraqi people are "primitive," "prehistoric group"
Prosecutor Jailed for Leaving Phone Off
Kuwait cleric convicted for insulting ruler
Researchers say white bread makes a person rounder
9/11 Panel Invites Cheney to Give Evidence
What is your favorite TV ad: mine-Captain Morgan Gold-Bold ,cold ,Capt.
WP: Mistakes Loom Large as Handover Nears
US Lacks Votes for Immunity from War Crimes Court
Report: Accused Priests Shuffled Worldwide
WP: 9/11 Panel's Findings Vault Bush Credibility To Campaign Forefront
Bush opposes U.S.-only Homeland Security bids
'Got Democracy?' posters appear on SF walls, buildings
Bell expects retribution for DeLay complaint
Oregon doctor jailed for billing for sex
Bush decries gloomy economic outlook
Clinton rages against Dimbleby in Panorama confrontation over Lewinsky
London Observer: Cheney in firing line over Nigerian bribery claims
Clinton defends successor's push for war
Surprise Meteor Shower Possible in June
I just got back from Matcom's BBQ.........and...............
By the way, wireless home networks rock.
Is it normal to feel light-headed after exercise?
The (Other) Golden Rolling Hills of California
Couch Trip....The Party Bus is hiring....for those of you looking for fun
What web browser is your favorite?
LA Fans: The Lakers are starting to fall apart
Anyone interested in working on an anti-Nader website?
Songs with true wisdom about love
NBC could have done a classy thing...
I have a serious HOMER problem
I had a weird bit of closure regarding my husband's death today
Will sales of "My Pet Goat" go up?
How many drinks have you had ?
I'm 29 and I listen to happy hardcore techno...
What's the one thing about life you regret the most?
I think it's time for a "HAIR" revival
I'm 26 and I don't care what kind of music you like
Never, ever grill over a pure-mesquite fire!
Do you wish Courtney Love was your neighbor?
darkstar proclaims "Lawrence Welk still the trippiest TV ever"
I'm 28 and I think Hip Hop is better than ever
The funny thing about regret is...
I don't care what age you are the album "Rio" by Duran Duran rocks!
Tried a new restaurant tonight, feel kind of funny
I'm 27 and think Rap peaked in the mid 1990s
I'm almost 37 and i still listen to rap
Life and death and sfwriter...
AAAAARGHHHHHH...yes its that kind of day...
Kabbalist Madonna has renamed herself "Esther"...
5 zillion slightly used rhinovirus free to good home.
I don't care what age you are the album "4" by Foreigner sucks!
I just finished my taxes, thanks to Turbo Tax and.... good news!
I'm 48 and my taste in music sucks
Was Bertha Venation at the Cleveland Pride today?
I'm 35 and I'd rather listen to The Who's "Live At Leeds"
Speaking of Duran Duran - Jane Fonda was hot in Barbarella!!!
What is your favorite TV ad: mine-Captain Morgan Gold-Bold ,cold ,Capt.
!'m 45 and if you're not listening to bluegrass
I'm 38 and my musical tastes are all over the map!
May I get a round of applause for my friend "Brew"
Could you be a father and not know it?
Funny!! flag grading - criticism and advice Actual Article
Just got back from a baseball game. Ask me anything.
Saturday Night AIM Chat, please come
Looking for fun? Try the Amazon reviews of Dubya's autobiography
I'm 22 and I think your music sucks.
The worst sport to watch on TV is Bowling
Let's have a good summer song!
I'm 21 and I hate all this new corporate music.
The Ultimate "Your Music Sucks" Test
The great Saturday night drinking thread!
Did you end up where you wanted to in life ?
What good R.E.M. album is your favorite?
What's Everybody Listening To Right NOW
What songs could have used more cow bell?
Does anyone have satellite radio? I've been thinking about getting
There's a loud party upstairs from me: Should I call the cops?
Want to know how to make superb brisket ? Check this out:
Any assembly language programmers here?
I'll be 28 on Wednesday and my musical tastes are suspect.
Today I went to see David Icke!!! Ask me anything!
I'm 40 and remember being shocked by the Sex Pistols!!!
Who will win the U.S. Open tomorrow?
What's your favorite Jazz song?
CNN is reporting that Kerry has chosen retired General Wesley Clark for VP
Nominate at MoveOn Pac website.
Pics and write-up from the Chicago health rally today. Good speakers.
Anyone interested in working on an anti-Nader website?
How do Dems energize the singles vote?
Wes Clark on TV--The Charisma of Competence..........Another
Harry Belafonte : "We Have Got To Bring Corporate America To Its Knees"
The Iraqi who sold his life to the Americans
WP: 9/11 Panel's Findings Vault Bush Credibility To Campaign Forefront
Juan Cole-Asia Times Interview
Will Michael Moore's Facts Check Out?
Philadelphia Inquirer Ed: "Invasion rationales wither as facts unfold"
AP: Ken Lay may soon be indicted on a number of charges before July 4th
Honor Reagan's Promise and Abolish the Selective Service
Carl Hiaasen (Miami Herald) : Why we went to war awaits honest answer
Pope’s criticism of President Bush should not be obscured by medal photo-o
The Army and Torture: What the Rule Book Says
Pakistan killing weakens Al Qaeda, inflames tribes
Let us cleave these plucky little Americans to our bosom
Heroes and the cult of celebrity
Bush hates frivolous lawsuits against Doctors...
Op-ed On Father's Day by John Kerry
National Lawyers Guild Calls For Prosecution Of President Bush ...
Tom Oliphant (Boston Globe): Facts vs. fiction
My LTTE Got Published in Today's LV Sun: The Reagan Stamp
Help get permits for the RNC in NYC!
List of emails: Please ask them to show the film
drafting friends, maybe teamates for internet NCS races (NASCAR Racing 4)
Astrologers: The Pit, on Starlight News
China's homegrown cola sees future in `fashionable' drinks
Is fiberboard made from hemp stronger than wood?
One of India's oldest tribes dying of hunger
Education, not weapons: protesters - TW
How can we find out if no-profile folks have been tombstoned?
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestini
Military crime without punishment
Industrial Estates Along the Wall
Just surfed some other media outlets. Read what is really going on in ME
Questions about Rumsfeld on 9/11
Hey guys how about a regional DU meetup???
My Summer Vacation-- the Texas Democratic Convention
Houston's Gay Pride Parade - Saturday, June 26
Austin DUers! Mark Strama Campaign F9/11 benefit Friday June 25
* playing into Bin Laden's hands?
The "87-Billion Perspective" Has Been Updated...
please THANK and SUPPORT michael moore
Wonder if the worry that the terrorists would take Bush or * up on his
Yay 2 new Wesley Clark videos uploaded!
did anybody read the new Robert Reich book? (nt)
Have you see all the polls over at DU Lounge?
Jesus Would Not Be A Right-Wing Republican
how was howard dean unelectable again ?...
Bush is the hell-spawn of Ronald Reagan
Conspiracy threat to anti-nuke treaty
Afghan Women’s Struggle Continues: An Interview with RAWA's Sahar Saba
Leo Strauss and the Noble Lie: The Neo-Cons at War
Dowd admits Clinton "power surge..produced lower body count"
"A Democratic Iraq?" DONKEYS IN THE DESERT: Democratic Soldiers in Iraq.
Look at what my son brought home from 2nd grade.
For those who have MTP on their TV schedule now, seems interesting.
Should Kerry call for the end of Beheading In Saudi Arabia?
749a.m. C-Span- Peter Beinart, New Republic. US Policy in Iraq
This Is What We Are Up Against
Saw this Budweiser commercial, what do you think?
Telegraph UK: Clinton rages in Panorama confrontation over Lewinsky
Mortician Bill Frist on Faux sunday morning: Scientists lie, essentially
Pat Buchanan's Latest Stupidity
* playing into Bin Laden's hands?
Beinart (New Republic) "Liberal" WUSS for Sure
McCain on Face the nation: Love Bush*, will always love Bush*,
I need the Mike Moore quote from Letterman!
This Week disrepects War Dead.
How was Tucker Carlsons debut on PBS?
I am seeing a LOT of Kerry Stickers here in Pittsburgh
Putin's Iraq claim startles US officials
F911 reminder - Contact a Regal Cinema Theater near you
Will Bush demand that Saudi Arabia end the official practice of Beheading
Michael Moore on This Week with
Another Death Caused by bush*. Little Baby Ali has Died.....
Remember the video of the puppy getting gassed in Iraq?
Is Ron Reagan great, or is it just me?
Clenis is stealing oxygen, both here and in the media,
Even on Sundays Tweety is still a jerk: Clinton's book and re-emergence
Of Gods, Holy Wars and Testosterone
Brabury's Fahrenheit 451 #95 in Amazon Sales Rank - Thank Michael Moore!
114F/45C in Nasiriyah. Do you know where Bush is murdering your children?
Why now for Clinton's book and not till after the elections
The weak Bush Raygun bounce. Soon the frogs will be marched...
Clinton trash-fest on Meet the Press
For any Dennis Miller curious DUers (I cannot say interested or
George W. Bush: Groveling bin Laden Family Buttboy
The Pastiche of a Presidency, Imitating a Life, in 957 Pages(Bill's book)
Delicious Frank RICH on the RAYGUNautery
Re Anti-Clinton Ad To Air During "60 Minutes".
Why you should vote for Bush. Just look at the record.
TW with G. Stephanopolous: Kean and Hamilton 9/11 commission
Does anyone know where Condosleeza is these days?
Why oh why might Clinton have hated Starr?
Anybody See Pee-Pee Pants Matt Laurer Interview Michael Moore?
One way to get out of Shrub's illegal war...
My final theory about the Josh Marshall story
F 9/11: Starring Michael Moore and George W. Bush
Speak to Regal managers this weekend re F911
Harkin takes on military media (get that lying Limbaugh off the air)
For Father's Day, I want bush to leave my sons out of his death cult
Why has Kerry announced that he wants to increase minimum wage
Blitzer and CNN Late Edition poll...
9/11 Panel May Hurt Bush Reelection Campaign
The only negative anyone ever says about "the big dog" is...the Monica
IN IRAQ REPUGS ADMIT: We are not in Iraq for the IRAQIS but for BUSH!
Anybody heard of this whackjob?
smirk lies about number of stem cells -- Nada, none, zip, zero
Kerry Would Take Maryland - Poll 6-18-2004
Who is this woman Rep Braithwaite(sp) on PBS I think it is all Florida
Sy HERSH Alert! Coming up next on Leslie's Late Edition!
Another book against Bush/Iraq war from a senior US intelligence official
Bush Censure by Envoys May Be a First, Historians Say
currently serving "Anonymous" intelligence official hammers Bush policies.
Quitting looking for transcript of MM on This Week. I found RW attacks
A growing meme: Bushian, Bush-like or "to pull a Bush"
Clarence Thomas favors re-enslaving himself
Who has a link to the website that kept track of the Iraq bombings?
What kind of "Scenarios" do DUers think about when they can't sleep?
Neil Bush schedule for dinner Scott Hinkley day after Reagan shot
The problem with the Clinton book is not the sucking away of
***BREAKING NEWS**** but let's not discuss it
Heads Up: C-Span - 911 Commission Press Conference on right now.
Janeane Garofalo and Al Franken each interviewed an economic expert
I believe there really is a Stepford Wives bot factory
BBV: The facinating world of science and technology.
David Brock dissects NYTimes review of Clinton's book
lol clinton supports bush's war now
"Locked in an Orwellian Eternal War" Oceania and Eastasia
If WE Don't prosecute these bastards - will we be NEXT(EXPLODED PENIS) ?
need caption for bush* PHOTO......
What are the names we should know in the Al Qaeda leadership ?
Was Bush lying when he said he saw the FIRST plane hit the WTC live?
From the Wilderness Talking Points: Frog marches and tectonic shifts...
Allawi plans to revamp Iraq security forces.....
A Bush Victory in 2004 - What Would It Mean? What's the Mandate?
Taking up residency in another country!!!!
Who will get the blame for Plame? Watch my drive.
Psycho-analyze the average Republican, a la "Bush On The Couch"
9/11 Panel Underscores White House Differences
Mrs. Saddam Says Saddam Not Saddam
Democrat Convention Credentials Bloggers
Gay Wedding March Inspires Documentarians
A great Hermann Goering quote... (Hey Tom_Paine, you'll like this one)
some recent pics of big dog you will want to see
Let's make LBJ's haunting dream George Bush's!
Phoenix Could Become Riverside Community
I just discovered I made the Right Wing News
Kerry Tests Waters on Vacation in Posh Nantucket
9/11 comission uncoveres interesting stuff
Here it is hot off the internet: SY HERSH's interview with Blitzer
FDR warned us of Hitler-like propaganda tactics
Quibble Quabble Squibble Squabble!
Green Party to Make Its Presidential Pick
Phoenix Could Become Riverside Community
Insiders shape postwar Iraq, Republican ties often trumped experience
Don't flame me...but John Kerry looks a bit like Brian Mulroney
Clinton: Timing of Iraq Attack Was Wrong
Reminder: Big Dog on 60 Minutes Tonight!
Who else is excited to read Clinton's memoirs???
White House hires 24 year old to re-open Baghdad's stock exchange
Ha Ha, Dave Brock catches NY book reviewer recycling anti-Clinton review
Hilarious Bush* campaign slogan parodies!
We need Plame indictments before the next terrorist "attack"...
Why does it take so long to fix a pipeline or two?
Can you imagine the chaos of ELECTION DAY?
Yet another documentary for the DU crow, "The R-Word"
Check out the lobbyist for this mess:
A story of anti-amendment bravery.
Whatever you think of Clinton...can you imagine Bush submitting himself...
"collateral damage estimates [were] well within our rules of engagement."
Seymour Hersh - Israelis in Kurdistan, Iran(script & link
Help w/rumor -- Moyers "Now" Being Cancelled?
Interesting that some of the DUers not wanting to hear about Clinton,....
Kurds Advancing to Reclaim Land in Northern Iraq
As a public service, a "cut and paste" P.R. template for President Bush
Interesting observations about Fahrenheit 9/11
how would al gore have handled 9/11's aftermath?
Would Al Gore Have Been A Better President Than Clinton?
Honestly DU-ers -- "Arabs" and skin color...
AP: Kerry Took Money From Arrested Figure
CBS has a poll to DU: Was Bill Clinton a good president?
The freedom to create will soon be over, thanks to the fascists in power.
conservative group to air ad during Clinton 60 Minutes...
Proposal Warns Evangelicals on Politics
AP: Kerry Took Money From his Mother when he was 10
Gore spoke in NH last week, but some whiney dems angry with him
Isn't it better to make pro/positive statements/campaigns?
millionaire creation rate is + 10%. how many posters here are millionaires
it's the war party in 2004 no matter who's elected....
Leo Strauss and the Noble Lie: The Neo-Cons at War
Katrina Leung- High Profile GOP Fundraiser & Chinese Double Agent
Pay-pal users, if you have used it tell me something
Today's Doonesbury. Truely funny, truely true.
Just got word I've been threatened again - this time on DU
Michael Moore on G. Stephanopolous TW (10:11 CT) NOW.
Clinton's My Life Book Tour Schedule:
Do you think maybe bush ENJOYS killing women & children?
CBS News: Saudi Police in on Paul Johnsons Death?
PALAST: 1M black votes uncounted in 2000 election
Red States Egging on the Terrorists
Bush family skeletons.....They really are a criminal family - all of them
Barak told Cheney the only Iraq issue was size of our humiliation!
AP's Nedra Pickler slams Kerry for having money, again
Michael Moore better be careful...
Speaking out against fascism in this country, can they arrest you?
The bottom line: How did you vote in 2000? How will you vote in 2004?
Clinton "60 Minutes" interview thread
Get rid of DeLAY -- Chris Bell Op-Ed is a window of opportunity for us..
The Stepford Wives: A metaphor for our times?
Does anyone besides me not want to subject their family to more Monica.?
consider yourself left? think Clinton's, like, the best ever?
I'm scared - I've got a mail, sounds real!!!!
BBV: please ask Congressional staffers to attend Rush Holt speech
Nate Clay streaming LIVE now -- late night liberal radio
French Nazi hunter encourages Jews to leave France
Pick your favorite president from the given quote.
Snow Expects More Jobs in Coming Months
Sorry. I don't want to hear anymore about Bill Clinton....
What would martial law in America be like?
How would you describe the conflict in Darfur, Sudan?
The crux of it all...diminishing resources and "overshoot."
Poppy Bush's MISTRESS Jennifer Fitzgerald
Forget peace with Al Queda! We need stealth assassins to take them out!
GOP accused of playing politics with BALCO
Policeman gunned down in Thailand
Seven dead as Afghan forces battle Taliban
AP: Enron`s Ken Lay may soon be indicted. I will try and find a link on
Workers exposed to radiation at Nev. base
Pakistani nuclear scientists in North Korea: report
Marine killed by hostile fire in Iraq
Bush Claims Economy Is Growing Stronger
Sources: Enron's Lay May Soon Be Indicted
NYT, pg 1: G.O.P. Offensive Puts Small Dent in Kerry's Image
Governor, President May Disagree Over Haiti Policy
Turkish driver shot dead by US troops in Iraq - TV
Archbishop set for "Simpsons" role
9/11 Panel Wants Evidence From Cheney
U.S. Troops, Insurgents Clash North of Capital
US officers knew of abuse, officials say
Candidates Strive to Overcome Privilege (LA Times)
Bomb Near Baghdad Kills 2 Iraqi Soldiers
Democrats Work Together to Build an Anti-Bush Platform
Afghan drug trade may derail American efforts to rebuild nation
WP: Mistakes Loom Large as Handover Nears
Battle follows bid to kill Iraqi minister
Russia's HIV/AIDS called 'time bomb'
Armed Kurds abduct 10 taxi drivers
9/11 panel sees no conflict on al-Qaida-Iraq ties
Iraq police dismiss US claims in Falluja
Iraq: US Attack in Fallujah Killed Only Civilians
NYT, pg 1: Kurds Advancing to Reclaim Land in Northern Iraq
Five (Iraqi) police killed in US air attack
As best auto jobs fade, careers, lives disrupted
British troops accused of killing Iraqi prisoners.
Big Brother is watching (artist Steve Kurtz)
LAT: Evangelical Leaders Reexamine Principles
Clinton: Timing of Iraq Attack Was Wrong
Iraqi Official Says Most Killed in Airstrike Were Foreign Terrorists (NYT)
Banking on Baghdad: Inside Iraq's 7,000-Year History of War, Profit, and C
al-Qaida Head Justifies Targeting Johnson
Report: Saudi Police Assisted Abduction
Al-Qaida: Sympathizers aided abduction (Paul Johnson)
Snow expects more jobs in coming months
Interview With Seymour Hersh LATE EDITION
Community Angered Over American's Slaying (Paul Johnson)
The desperate plight of refugees in Darfur
Report Says U.S. Allies Aided Al Qaeda
Kurds Advancing to Reclaim Land in Northern Iraq
Airstrike on al-Zarqawi safe house kills 18
Iraq Group Threatens to Kill S.Korean Hostage -TV
South Korean Held in Iraq Pleads for Life
Bush himself is to blame for chaos in Iraq, Edwards says
Iraq's Allawi (US appointed PM) Welcomes U.S. Strike That Killed 22
Iraqi Officer Tied to Al Qaeda - 9/11 Commissioner
AP: Kerry Took Money From Arrested Korean
Protests take place ahead of Bush visit
1.9 million black votes didn't count in the 2000 presidential election
Clinton: Al Qaeda Biggest Threat - 60 Min
Blast in Baghdad as report says British troops mutilated bodies of Iraqis
Thousands rally for Ariside return
IBM fights to suppress cancer probe
Three-Month-Old Baby Ali Dies in Iraq
Haiti says Aristide stole millions of dollars
Bush Timing on Iraq Was Wrong, Clinton Says
69% think Saddam supported Al Qaeda pre 9/11.
Kerry Vacations With Wealthy in Nantucket (more AP crap)
Plane Lands at Air Force Base by Mistake
Iraq group threatens to kill South Korean hostage
New Abuse Charges (Classified sections of Taguba report)
LAT: Saudi Arabia & Pakistan Aided Bin Laden,Say 9/11 Panel
Chavez, media boss lay ground rules for recall
770 Specialists Discharged for Being Gay
Iraq had ties to "secondary players"
Am I the only fan here of Occam's lesser known toiletries?
Most Annoying Musical Performer/Band
Listening to AC/DC's Highway to Hell. Ask me anything.
Are DUers more pet-centric than the population at-large?
Did you give birth to a child and never advise the father?
Mp3 from David Cross's new comedy album- LOL
OK - I outed my love for Tears for Fears - now I must say I Love the GoGos
My favorite far-right nutcase is really losing it.
Which do you prefer: naughty or nice?
How do exceptions prove the rule?
Why all the negativity tonight in the Lounge?
Should every thread starting polls about starting polls be a poll?
how annoying are polls about polls?
Now I think that we are doomed.
Should we do a poll on how many polls we should do?
If you were attending a party aboard Jeb Bush's yacht: WOULD you.... ?
Should more DUers stay up all night to vote in more polls?
Should every thread about starting polls be a poll?
Have you see all the polls over at DU Lounge?
We haven't heard from the Clenis in awhile. What will it do next?
Anyone Know this Eurythmics Song?
Is it morally wrong to vote in your own poll?
Insomniacs check in and talk to me
Seasons don't fear the Freeper
Your favorite hot & sexy hits from the 11th century
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me.
"Be My Baby" by the Ronettes - A groundbreaking masterpiece?
My cat wants to say something to everyone at DU!
Make love, not war--easy for us to say.
Good Morning! Coffee, sunlight, and a cool breeze.
Did anyone else love "Hannibal"?
Anyone see Holland vs. Czech Rep.?
Ya wanna see a real funny (but freaky) website???
is david beckham the worlds most over-rated footballer?
/me is up and awake and totally hating this &@%$*@^ dial-up
Two reasons I like Father's Day
Ear Hairs, Nose Hair, Wild Eyebrow Hairs...
Are you compelled to answer your door every time someone rings the bell?
Victor Calderone - Aye or Nay?
Today's Window Sticker: "Piss off a Liberal-Buy a Gun"
A lesson for those who drink and drive
What is your favorite pop song from the 80's?
Forget falling rocks...Beware Car Eating Dragon!
Any Nextel users in the Lounge?
So I'd like to know where... You got the notion...
My POS neighbors are gone, but their legacy haunts me still.
Calling all DU computer graphics gurus!
What's all this talk about frogs marching? Does anyone have pics of such
How much is exercising too much? (my last question)
Check out this poster for F-9/11
C'mon DU Dads, let's see some pics of those kitties
OW OW OW My back really hurts! Make it stop!
9 posts (well, 8 after this) away from 1000! Ask me anything!
Euro 2004 : Best Game of Second Matchday?
I just got spammed by barry goldwater
My copy of the new Mike Keneally album ("Dog") has shipped! WHEE!
Does anyone have the "Blue Peanuts" video?
Age has been very kind to Bill Clinton...
Happy Summer solstice to all Pagans and friends of Pagans
I like that Outkast song...Hey Ya!.....makes ya wanna dance.
Does Bill O'Reilly's ego need a separate universe?
Why is there a buzz on my videotapes?
Any Neil Young fans seen his movie Human Highway ?
I forgot how funny Robin Williams is
DU Fathers -- plans for Father's Day?
BHN tour to meet Midwest DUers!
"Father's Day" (Sung by Groucho Marx, written by Harry Ruby)
To Kill a Mockingbird: on NOW ...
what countries would it be best to move to? Easiest? Safest?
I caught this little guy on Howard Stern Friday night
Terry Jones' "Medieval Lives" are playing on History Channel now.
Advice to couples, if you are about to have a fight - go for a long run.
Happy Father's Day for all you DU Dads out there!
Well, between the accident and the annoying girl...the weekend was a bust
C'mon DU Dads, let's see some pics of those kiddies
Go die for oil...Sucker! (a poem)
Should it be illegal to put cat meat in cat food?
Speaking of the 80's - What is you favorite Atari 2600 game?
dual boot windows xp/Mandrake 7.2 question
“Hey, Old Li,” I said. “What is it people want?”
Well, the umpire blew that one! (BoSox-Giants)
How do you embed a link within words?
I just re-read Fight Club, and I'm ready for the revolution!
Well, the Empire slew that one!
I need a PopTart griller! Any recommendations?
I just re-read On The Origin of the Species, and I'm ready for evolution!
I need a popup killer! Any recommendations?
I need a Popeye killer! Any recommendations?
I need a puppet thriller - any recommendations?
Well folks, in ten more days I will be 50 (June 30th) any
I just re-read "The Colon Book," and I'm ready for ablution!
Dr. Tim: single fathers need to be remembered on Father's Day, too.
I just re-read Bush'e biography, and I'm ready for omission
Just re-read "Carrie" and I'm ready for immolation!
I just re-read Sun Tzu, and I'm ready for attrition!
I just re-read PKD's Ubik, and I'm ready for oblivion.
I need a poopeye tickler - any recommendations
I just re-read Girl Interrupted, and I'm ready for the institution!
I need a puptent chiller! Any recommendations?
I just re-read The Cultural Creatives, and I'm ready for a solution!
I need a puppet molestor. Any recommendations?
The downside of internet radio stations....
Favorite Lines From "Meet The Parents"
Bud Collins picks Roddick at Wimbledon; Tracy Austin picks Serena. Means?
I need a guppy filler! Any recommendations?
who does that song in the Micheal Moore 911F trailer ..
My father passed away yesterday - he was only 57.
Okay, I'm finally going to build up my classical CD collection.
I need a puppy killer. Any recommendations?
I just re-read Gravity's Rainbow, and I'm ready for confusion!
What do the Bush twins get Daddy for Father's Day?
DU women/DU Gay hairless do you like your men?
Wow! The "60 Minutes" interview really shows Bill Clinton's human side.
Plane Lands at Air Force Base by Mistake
I just got laid off! Ask me anything!
What did you have/are you having for dinner?
Matcom BBQ Clean Up: LOST & FOUND
Will anyone be seing F9/11 in Asheville, NC?
I just had a spicy wing dinner and strawberry shake
I just reread a book on solvents, and I'm ready to make a solution
All right! Time to say something to infuriate the righties!
Billboards We'd LOVE To See! - *GRAPHIC INTENSE*
what foreighn banks are the best to move money into?
I'm over 40 and remember being mocked by the Sex Pistols!!!
Since it's Brian Wilson's birthday... Who's your favorite Beach Boy?
Reminding everyone - CLINTON,the BigDog, is on 60 minutes NOW
the who-are-you-again of all CAPTIONs
guys - how did your dad deal with "the talk"?
the Big Foot Big Dog of all CAPTIONs
the tele-evangelical-ency of all CAPTIONs
'the fix is in' of all CAPTIONs
would a military dictatorship be easier to CAPTION?
"That 70's Show" A problem with television shows dealing with nostalgia is
Should every thread I start from now on include a poll?
Band that is most sadly neglected by history?
drafting friends, maybe teamates for internet NCS races (NASCAR Racing 4)
I have to see my wife today, and i haven't seen her in 7 months.
the temper cook-off of all CAPTIONs
Recalling Anguish in 2000, Kerry Is Mum on No. 2
Bush Asking Supporters for More Cash
So far, Bush's loyalties outweigh VP's liabilities
At last, a real test for Kerry
Cultural values could give Bush the edge in election
Clintonmania: boon or bane for Kerry?
Clinton: Iraq Needs Stable Government
WV: Abortion-Hating, Gun-Toting, Immigrant-Trashing Kerry Voters
Nader, Although Weaker, May Reprise His Spoiler Role
Any Floridians seeing Gallagher's ads on tv this morning.
Howard Dean still running, this time for Kerry and Dems
Kerry rallies support on Republican turf
Sharpton stumps with Kerry, rejects diversity questions
*bush v. Sen. Kerry - Momentum Watch
murrikkka in Iraq: latest poll #s
Let's keep some focus here, folks: KERRY is going to be the President
* courting the American Muslim vote
Bush Asking Supporters for More Cash
VT Dean delegate criticizes system, says it favors insiders.
AP Dredges up Kerry fundraising scandal
"Moral clarity" is a * campaign theme
Max Cleland May be Kerry's Chosen one for Veep
7 months until Kerry becomes President! (I hope)
John Kerry on World Refugee Day and the Need for Action in Darfur
I Had a Dream Last Night About an Edwards-Cheney Debate
Nader blames Dean for his failure to get on ballot