"A Conflict Of Blood and Belief" (Daily Herald)
"Harkin Takes on Military Media"
"A Call to Impeach" LTTE Minneapolis Star Tribune
China's leaders need reality check
Richard Serra's image of Bush the devourer (after Goya)
Torture Policy (cont'd) - {scathing WP editorial re Rummy}
Why is Space Commando Gen.Meyers top Mil. Com. during ground war
Salon: Hail to the Moon king –no longer one of D.C.'s best kept secrets
Frank Rich: What O. J. Passed to the Gipper (Scathing funeral review)
etiquette?: OK to post info on upcoming Kerry fund-raising event here?
Where's All The Media Tie-in Programming For F9/11?
Bill Clinton on 60 Minutes - mp3 & video for those who missed it
Saudi investment chief downplays impact of terrorism
A small town in Oregon seeks salvation -- in frogs
NAFTA discussion with a friend
Nauru blocks protest over detained asylum seekers
Time to cut party from government
OK to post info on upcoming Kerry fund-raising event in WI state forum?
It appears that the war in Iraq is giving great cover to Israeli terrorism
WTC 7: "Classic Progressive Collapse"
mock election, register and vote!
Hey Everybody, Mrs. Grumpy's in the hospital...
State Dem Convention DUer Pix!
Viagra, prostitution: Bush's legacy in Iraq
Arizona (major swingstate) apparently showing tie between * and Kerry
The right tries to deny Clinton's accomplishments...
Has anyone ever heard of the 100th Monkey?
Fresh contoversy surrounds situation at Guantanamo Bay... Developing...
Hillary was quite the attractive lady when she was younger, I'll say
Frist Denies Gay Marriage Vote Timing Political
Re Bush's "Sanity or Mental Health Surveys"
8:58 p.m.Laura Flanders: wonderful program. WalMart CEO makes 60 million
Kankakee veteran says Kerry's the one
Bush Made His Bed, Now Let Him Lie in It
Hilarious Ad - this made me laugh so hard
The Official Three Cheers for Bill Clinton Thread. We all miss you.
Allawi, the new Iraqi PM, IS A MURDERER, but he is our MURDERER.
I want to thank all the DU veterans and military families for speaking out
What is Space comandos name and why is he head of : Joint Chiefs of Staff
Drudge says fresh contoversy surrounds situation at Guantanamo Bay
to defeat terrorists you must make them kill their own
Did fat head Bossie's ad ever run?
Must watch Jon Stewart: Coalition Promises (Ricardo "Dirty Sanchez")
Enough of the Clinton threads!
What is Space comandos name and why is he head of : Joint Chiefs of Staff
OK, when is the Commission going to investigate US ties to Al-qaeda and
The best was to thank Clinton for his 8 years of service: Buy his book.
Is There Anything "Penis" DRUDGE *Won't* Run?
Getting ready to click on the Peter Werbe link
West Coast 60 Minutes--Clinton thread
Dele if dupe-Clinton interview w/Guardian(UK)
Select a Candidate Quiz (from Minnesota Public Radio)
Fresh contoversy surrounds situation at Guantanamo Bay... Developing...
Lindsey Graham on AAR news: pleading with Europeans to send troops
cant the repukes come up with anything new...Kerry taking money
In Jeb Bush Florida Pill Freak Rush Goes Free...
There were two GREAT episodes of Penn & Teller's "Bullsh**" tonite-
A Response to an email to a theater about Fahrenheit 911
No Peter Werbe tonight...on vacation...so....
Heads Up. Susuan McDougal on CNBC
So now, a member of Saddam's elite group MAY HAVE BEEN directly
Would you buy Clinton's book? CNN poll
1.9 million votes by black voters not counted in 2000
Help!!! I'm in a reality warp.
So, no anti-Clinton ad on 60 Minutes?
Will freepers celebrate if the South Korean is murdered?
I got a letter from Tom Tancredo last week.
Listen to Randi (repeat from Friday)debunk O'Reilley's trying to trash AAR
Why hasn't the body of Paul Johnson been found? Is it me, or is this
Check this out..Bush to screen all americans for mental illness
GOP avoiding investigation of prisoner abuse
All this crap with the new connection Iraq/AlQaida is just continuation
If Libertarians had been in power in America for the last 50 years . . .
"Army Wife" is not the toughest job in the Army!
israel wants to use kurds against arabs (kurdistan ping)
Anybody saw the press conference with the 9/11 Families on C-Span
The National Lawyers Guild calls for the prosecution of President George
Please email the experts regarding the Bush job numbers.
*sigh* Doesn't he look "presidential"???
Take Note, Mr. Bush*: War Crimes Act of 1996 (US Code 18-1-118-2441)
Sex, sex, sex, sex, Osama, Saddam, sex, sex, sex, sex...
Just got attacked by a Repugnant-can. down at my pool.
Republican proposals if * wins
Where have both the towers gone?
The Lies of Dick Cheney Part XXIV
Fewer Republicans Trust the News, Survey Finds
Holy Shit. I just watched 1984, and it blew me away.
Susan McDougal is right. Something that I have always hated about Clinton.
Clinton's book will HELP Kerry: women will remember he is sexy, men
Dan Rather, you failed us all again tonight for 60 minutes..
New Republic Editors 'Regret' Their Support of Iraq War
Newsweek will "debunk" F 9/11 in tomorrow's issue
Dick Cheney is Underscrutinized and Underexposed
Help ! I need proof of Bush's friendship with the Saudis
I need a good anti-bush t-shirt... pronto!
What inspires you to do whatever you do,...
Would you order the death of one innocent child
The brilliance of Bill Clinton
UK troops accused of mutilating Iraqi bodies
When your donations fund insider perks
What is Space comandos name and why is he head of : Joint Chiefs of Staff
After Two Years, Lawyer Goes On Trial In Terrorism Case
WP: An Educator Learns the Hard Way (rebuilding universities in Iraq)
Blair Facing Backlash Over Europe/Scotsman--New World Media Watch
NYT: New Iraqi Leaders Consider Emergency Rule
South Korean in Iraq pleads for his life
Panel criticizes military spending - TW
Indian troops kill 5 rebels along Kashmir border
The `sex priest' stuns Argentina and titillates it
Voters head to polls in separatist Georgia region
Moore Defends Not Releasing Iraqi Prisoner Torment Footage
Torture Policy (cont'd) - {scathing WP editorial re Rummy}
How Mandela helped Clinton survive scandal
Oil-workers' strike slashes Norway's output 10 percent
Australian women try to delay births to get cash bonus
Seal off Westminster: security chiefs
Mugabe-men sneak into Britain - Zimbabwe
WTO rules against Washington over cotton subsidies
Senate Democrats Want Ashcroft Memos
US Said to Overstate Value of Guantánamo Detainees
British troops 'tortured' Iraqis: report
Town honors civil rights slay victims
Coalition ahead of Labor: poll
India, U.S. Set to Propel Space Cooperation
U.S. Is Quietly Spending $2.5 Billion From Iraqi Oil Revenues to Pay for [
Guild: Bush Should Be Tried For Role In Torture
WP: (bush*) Judicial Nominee Practiced Law Without License in Utah
Newsweek: 9/11: Who Was Really In Charge?
What You Don't See at Olympic (National) Park (Washington)
Michael Moore set to take the heat from 'Fahrenheit 911'
Judicial Nominee Practiced Law Without License in Utah
NYT: Exaggeration Seen on Value of Guantánamo Detainees
Rebels kill 14 policemen, four civilians in Nepal
Bomb squad link in Spanish blasts (Gov't tie to Madrid bombing)
What to see tonight? Super size-me or Control Room
Some folks I know from this list...
How do I post pictures with earthlink?
HAPPY SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
need a new So Cal team to root for..how about..the Dodgers?
I have to admit it: I think Bill Clinton is hot
Pick a number between 1 and 52 (nt)
I'm out of the 700 Club! Ask me anything!
Too-Ra-Loo-Ra Too-Ra -Loo-Rye-Aye
Granta's "The Family: They Fuck You Up."
I just came home from an anime convention, ask me anything!
What I got for my special father's day...
A dear freind gave me Richard Rorty's "Achieving our Country"
Oh geeze This HAS to be the funniest dead guy du jour on six feet under!!
OK, I'll admit it: I like Air America's ad for the Museum of TV and Radio.
My dad beat cancer. He is now officially a cancer survivor.
LMAO, check out this mock election
Fahrenheit 9/11 playing at theater at Great Lakes Crossing Mall
What happens when a freeper doesn't pay his trash bill?
Message to lurking right-wingers
I'm an Australian...and I don't vote!
I ate nothing but hamburgers today. Ask me anything!
So how long will the flag be at half mast
I'm takin a break - entertain my ass
Tina Brown, CNBC---segment on Faren. 911 coming up ....
Let's hear about S/O's Dad's who hated you
Can anyone put these in order?
Has anyone here ever listened to Drudge?
If you placed all freepers brains end to end......
I still laugh when I think of the title, RUSH LIMBAUGH IS A BIG FAT IDIOT.
Does the world really need another political blog?
What does it say at the top of a freeper's ladder?
Here's some rather bizarre humor....
Term papers and end-of-semester projects at Freeper University
Which is your favorite credit card company?
Death scene in tonights 6 Feet Under was an fff'ing hoot ! Spoiler!
Sunday Night D.U.L.L. - Other DULLards, please check in.
My brother is very sick with an organ failing disease
psst... want a leather office chair & floormat for $28?
Anybody tried to buy advance F 9/11 tickets for Oaks, PA?
I ate nothing but HAMBURGERS today. Ask me anything!
Do you ever feel a little sorry for isolated thunderstorms?
Anyone Watching 'Last Comic Standing'
How do you cook a Cornish Hen?
If all the freeper women were laid end to end...
LIFE Magazine: "The Roots of Country Music."
What's a better search engine?
Anyone watching Denise Austin on Larry King?
We interrupt this post to bring you this important message
"I brake for Rapture". Anyone else watching "Six Feet Under"?
Does it bother anyone else when a store "offers" you a credit card?
Proud Lefty's lovely 14 year old daughter had a great idea-POF
Alright, which one of you did it?
Which McDonald's character would you most like to pummel?
One last golf thread, please read, even if you're not a golf fan
How many freepers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Hey Canuck Amok - going to the gathering if it's in Seattle?
So I made 1000 posts - Ask me anything about professonal wrestling
Right, that's it....re: my sig addition
For fans of Mark Crispin Miller - you can see him in NYC
Tanning: Outdoors, Indoors, Bottle, Spray, or Not At All?
White Castle burgers are piss-poor cycling fuel...
I saw the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" last
Tonight on The Freeper Channel....
Has anyone else read the Traci Lords book "Underneath It All"?
Strange characters in emails - HELP
Phil Mickelson's loss is all Bill Clinton's fault. T/F?
What is your credit card number?
Finally, a freeper joke that I like to bring back every few months....
matcom's BBQ PICS are up! The real ones for a change
Listening to Van Halen's first album. Ask me anything.
what should men do when they go bald?
My Dad is going to open an asparagus farm in Argentina.
Mrs. Grumpy in hospital, please leave pm's for her return!
Why is Mosses going to vote for John Kerry?
Democracy for Indiana ... "rebuilding the party from the bottom up."
A Poor Man from "Hope" got trashed, a Peanut Farmer from GA, Got Trashed,
Kerry courted McCain? BS BS BS BS BS BS BS
DEAN: my interview archives...
Kerry says Iraq war has made us "less safe."
Michael Moore on Dean: "we thought Geez, this guy is kind of a prick. "
Father's Day gift: Convincing my dad to change from Bush to Kerry
DU'ers are the BEST! I made it into the Sunday paper!
"Lousy town, lousy demonstrations ", Creative Loafing 6-17-04..
Troops better off at home (NZ)
Wounded and Dead Sometimes on same flights from Iraq
George Bush and his associates and allies guilty of war crimes,
Haiti: Last chance to end cycle of violence (AI press release)
Why the Catholic Hierarchy Is Picking on Democrats
Haiti After the Press Went Home
Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 comes under right-wing attack
Dry-Drunk President Losing His Grip?
We can't prosecute only 'small frys'
Cheney needs to step aside for good of Bush, party (USAToday)
Illegitimacy haunts Iraq adventure
"The Weakness in the White House: The President"
Iraq, Al Qaeda, and what constitutes a 'relationship'
BARN BURNER - "The Bush Empire"
Cheney needs to step aside for good of Bush, party
Foreign Policy for a Democratic President: Means Over Ends
Intel Officier Who Teaches Torture Comments on Abu Ghraib
Iraq prisoner picture of the day
Emily's List airs misleading ads
How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons
Wearing Red on Fridays - Legitimate/Effective Protest Action?
Will Bush re-appoint W. David Hager to the FDA? Help stop him.
Did anybody realize the slip that the Anti-Clinton ad may have
'Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War'
I'm curious about a story heard on NPR today
Air America financial situation
LA Artists plan "October Surprise" events...
Apple's appeal fails to bear fruit
Clinton ko's Reagan in First Round
BLM pines for opening more Alaska land to drilling
Please don't think I'm nuts, but...
First International Diesel Retrofit Project Awarded to Mexico City
Sustainable Energy Institute Event: Bush & Kerry -- Competing Visions
Database Gives Public Access to Recent History of Conservation Measures
EU Energy Chief Seeks To Win Skeptics Over To Nuclear Pwr
If no difference between a proton and a hydrogen atom what holds H-2
Confused birds find skyscraper mazes deadly
SpaceShipOne to launch (or take off??) in 30 minutes! (9:30 est)
Picnicking family finds girl hanging in tree - SA
Pakistan Emerges As Threat To Regional Stability
UN Nuclear Watchdog Strikes Compromise on Iran
GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 21, 2004
.50 Caliber BMG; Saturday Night Special Edition For Economy Terrorist!
This morning (June 21) DU is EXTREMELY slow. Any particular reason
Could we devise a way to notify of available audio & video captures?
Mark : Mark All: Feature not working here in the city of Townsville
Changing fortunes lead Soviet Jews from Israel to Russia
Sharon asks Jewish Agency for aid in relocating settlements
Barak’s Follies Finally Revealed
Ex-PA minister decries its corruption
"Peace, Propaganda / Promised Land" FSTV
Annan: Jews must feel UN is their home
It appears that the war in Iraq is giving great cover to Israeli terrorism
hug and kiss Palestine goodbye
Thai worker killed in gun attack on Gaza Strip settlement
Did the passengers of AA 11 embark the wrong plane? Part 2
U.S. House race gets nasty early
Why Floridians should vete Republican.
Quarter of voters will use unreliable machines
Two more Iowa theatres added for F-9/11!
The Freeps will be protesting F 9/11 Opening
F911 Tix Theaters not 100% accurate - ACTION
MA Duers: Kerry House Party this Saturday
The Onion is coming! The Onion is coming!
Who's more vulnerable: DeWine or Voinovich?
Bush in Cincinnati... LMAO... an appearance at the TALBERT HOUSE???
Clinton doing a book signing on July 5th at National Constitution Center
Everybody go wish slutticus...
I got to speak w/one of the Killer D's!!
Houston Conservative Talk Show host pleads guilty to indecency...
Velma's State Convention Report
Question Re: Darrow's 2 for 1 sale....
MKE Kerry Fund-Raiser Jul 18/ Lakefront Brewery;pls HELP w/$|volunteer!
EXCELLENT Clinton Interview From The Guardian (UK)
In 10 Days, We'll Be The Hawks & They'll Be The Doves
Concerning former Iran hostage lawsuits, I just wondered who they should
The "liberal media" is working overtime to discredit Moore
Just surfed some other media outlets. Read what is really going on in ME
Strange but possible hypothetical "what if" question re Iran
Afghanistan: The Forgotten War
from Brian Eno . . ."The Long Now" . . .
Just wanted to introduce myself
9/11 Classroom behavior finally explained!
I saw "Supersize Me!" yesterday, ask me anything
Accidental click at google gave me this for IMPEACH!
Reagan's book sold 380,000 copies, well the Big Dogs sell 10 times
Wonder if the Iraqis know this?
Woo Hoo !!!!!! Eleven in a row !!!!!!
NYT, pg1: Walter Reed "rebuilding bodies violently torn apart"
My opinion of the Bill Clinton 60 Minutes interview
My very angry letter to the AP concerning Kerry's downtime
Is this what Josh Marshall meant?
Howard Stern: I'll do everything I can to get people to see Farenheit 9-11
Bell (D TX rep) who filed a complaint against Delay wasn't allowed to
They didn't even Know if AL Zarqawl was in the home bombed that killed 20
AAR "morning sedition" Robert Rich, discussing his book and assorted
[Bush] Judicial Nominee Practiced Law Without License in Utah
Anyone know whether Bloomberg has endorsed Bush?
Since we are all posting our angry LTTE, here's mine
When government officials break U.S. law
Anybody else having trouble with DU being EXTREMELY slow this morning?
studies show who the dumbest president is....
Let's assume there is an Iraq/Al quadea connection
Tired of slanted news programming: my letter to the "news" desk
President Bush's Blind Spot - Saudi Arabia
"this administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated...
Anybody listening to Unfiltered in AAR? It has been great! talking
I was running a forum with no rules
Me thinks the National Parks must be doomed: director on C-Span
The Bush* 'mafia' knows they're 'untouchable'
"The great lie of the 2004 election campaign is Iraq." (Australia)
Harvard Law Professors Urge Congress to Review Interrogation Policy
Fox news: Con. Governor to resign tonight....
L.A.Times Picking Up Wingnut Comix ("Mallard Fillmore" & Other)
I hope we're not getting our F-911 hopes up too much....
You thought the American Public School System was bad? Check out Japan....
Excellent interview on Buzzflash this morning...
MM gave Howard Stern a screener of F9/11 this weekend...
Soaries (Election Assistance Commission) Confronts Voting Reform Obstacles
Philly Inquirer: Clinton's memoirs not believable!! Grrrrrr
Connecticut Gov. Rowland to resign
A crazy RW caller C-Span: allow ONLY MILITARY vehicles on the streets in
GREAT Response to my Theater Farenheit911 email Here it all is:
Anyone catch the Big Dog on 60 minutes last night?
Do you think Republicans wish Reagan would have died over a few weeks?
Why are Dems Davis and Cummings Cozy with Moon?
Delicate situation: coworker's brother, contractor, killed in Iraq.
Who cares what Kerry /Teresa owns?
US warns against 'fortress Australia'
Ashcroft: Bush may break all rules (Doctrine of Necessity)
The Anti-Clinton Ad By Citizen's United
Why The Media Hates Michael Moore
Iran Confiscates U.K. Military Vessels
Four Americans killed in Iraq ambush (6/21/04)
Judge Declares Abu Ghraib Prison a Crime Scene
Listen to "funny news" in AAR now. It is great (12:07 ET) n/t
War on terror never going away, top Army chief says
Will "Fahrenheit 9/11" have anything WE don't already know
WIRED NEWS: Heavy Betting on Election Domains
We did it! We did it! Our Governor is Gone!!!!!!
Matt Lauer interviews Micheal Moore
Karl Rove Dines At The House Of Gay Folks...?
Okay, this site has to be a joke, right?
Charities' Tax Breaks Scrutinized
did the chimperor really ever refer to the soldiers as
SO- Has Tricky Dick II Come up With Proof Yet?
Rumsfeld said there was more abuse including murder and
Kinda late, but dija see Starr?
Kerry (bumpersticker) moment on the boulevard today
Connecticut Gov. (repub) to resign today
C-SPAN: BBV live at 10:15am EDT
Right Wing spawn avoid Iraq: Why aren't Mike Gallagher's kids in Iraq?
I just received this e-mail from a friend in PA about F 9-11 film...
RWers should make up their mind about moral relativism
can't stream RadioPower.org's Thom Hartmann Show -- anyone else?
Hail to the Moon king (Rev. Moon Coronated in Congress) WTF???
Damn, some Bush yard signs in my Plano, TX neighborhood got ambushed!
Rasmussen Poll: Kerry Jumps To A 3 Point Lead
How do you think F9/11's $$$ will compare to other summer flicks?
Take the world's smallest poilitcal quiz
Breaking News: Bush owns World! actual ...
Are you glad to see me or is that an eyeball in your pocket?
Is this Mike Malloy on Al Franken?
Has there been any news of that Korean hostage?
Relive those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days leading up to Iraq War!
Newsweek: Some 9/11 commission members "flat out dont believe" Cheney
want to know the real poop on OUR national parks
What are your favorite examples of Repubs attacking fictional characters?
Saudi Cleric: Polytheism = Murder
want to know the real poop on OUR national parks
CW Gives Big Dawd up arrow; Cheney, down
Protest - Wearing red on Fridays
Should Sean Hannity Be Denied Communion?
Ladies and Gentlemen of Connecticut, meet your next Governor!
Gaddafi Regrets Reagan Died Without Facing Trial
Martina wins first Wimbledon match!
Katie Couric put in her place by Michael Moore.
Clinton vs Reagan knockout first round
Clinton Memoirs Slammed As "Boring"
Can the President issue pardons for INTERNATIONAL crimes?
Guild: Bush Should Be Tried For Role In Torture
Attn: Kerry camp -- freepers are getting "leaked" emails from Heinz Founda
Need a source for "I don't know where bin Laden is and don't care" quote.
So how long did Bush sit in that classroom on 9/11?
Was Bill Clinton impeached or not???
SCt HMO decision: know why HMOs want Fed not State Ct jurisdiction?
Bumpersticker seen today: "God Forgive America"
Having my own personal bumper sticker printed.
Saddam "gun...more than a gun": "phallic equivalent of a scalp"
The difference between Clinton's Lies and Bush's Lies:
It appears that the war in Iraq is giving great cover to Israeli terrorism
Who would win a fight between Bill Clinton and Mighty Mouse?
Could Hillary kick Laura's ass?
"Bush is satisfied with where we are, but Kerry believes we can do better"
An example of a dumb f@ck who supports Bush.
New article on Air America problems
Vivendi Universal Games laying off... it's ugly here
Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness (July)
I hear that Obama's IL senate opponent has to release his court records...
Help me keep my mouth shut, * supporters over cube wall
Is bushco trying to provoke Iran into attacking the US so they can declare
An open letter to neo-fascist propagandist Ann Coulter (Oldie but goodie)
All right, when is Josh Marshall coming back?
Katrina VandenHeuvel is on Ed Shultz radio show (4:20 eastern)
Top Ten priorities of the Kerry Justice Department
Vulgar Pigboy on Vacation at his Lawyer's office
The Wash Post going after RUMSFELD full tilt. A must read.
New bush ad-pessimism never created a job--and neither has Bush
Why you must see F911 on opening night: who wants to come here the next
Kerry endorsed by 48 Nobel prize winning scientists
just gota call from repug representitive
Moore is most damning to the news media
could/should Democrats run the Fahrenheit 911 movie at convention?
Anti-Iraq War people and Kerry
Check out this cartoon from 1998. It's eerily prescient...
Four U.S. Soldiers Killed in Attack West of Baghdad / Picture
Crossfire: Tucker just let something slip
Coulter and O'Reilly don't have 937 pages between them!
Legitimate use of "Democrat party"
What do these two headlines have to do with one another?
Clinton's biggest political sin
Military discharged 770 in '03 for being gay
Electoral college! Can Kerry win?
Third Parties on Right Could Be Problem for Bush
Palast: A Million dis-counted black votes, '04 could be worse
American Conservative Union lifetime rating for senate democrats in order
Congressional Black Caucus to lean on Nader
They are using torture to manufacture Iraq-Al Qaeda links
Patronize Marcus Theatres -- F911 is a go!
And the drumbeat for a draft grows a bit louder in the background...
could clinton kick bush's ass?
Nader selects loser joke just like him as "running mate"
N.H. Lawmakers Tell Congress "Don't Amend Constitution"
CSPAN 2 - Senate voting whether media can cover deceased military
Do you take action or are you a wanker?
TBTM Radio #42: 'Fabulously Wealthy'
Hannity Sez KKK Members Should Be Banned from Public Office
Father of accused soldier calls Bush a coward
George Soros Columbia Commencement Speech-awesome
Ron Jr comming up on Hardball now. n/m
Randi Rhodes is talking about DU!!!
We should expect a Chinese invasion
separation of church and state
Kerry trampling Bush on trustworthiness and tied on terra
Tom Coburn campaign ad (OK) would be funny if weren't so disgusting
Does anyone have the Clinton book signing schedule?
AP Poll: Most Rate Reagan Over Clinton
Freepers lament our growing police state
Kerry breaks 300 in electoral vote survey (Bush* at 232)
How many DU'ers out there are denied the healthcare....
DU Arizona Poll - Will you read Clinton's book?
Supreme Court gives gift to Bill Frist.
A website devoted to Stupid Security
WOW video of Robert Jacob murder in Riyadh!
Lawmakers Back Media Ban on War Dead at Air Base
when should united states use the force
Who does Bill Clinton sleep with?
Now that you awesome people helped me find the picture I was
Democracy for Wash, MoveOn, Jay Inslee, reserve Seattle theater.
CNN poll: Which president is more polarizing?
Irish not impressed by Bush photo-op plans
Why, oh why, Does Kerry not attack Nader???
Resist Fascism. Refuse to show your ID to the police.
And for some good news, as I take the pulse of a Pentacostal
what do you fear more, muslim fundamentalism or Christian fundamentalism?
Atrios snags new GOP talking points! Get 'em before CNN does!
When Cheney Cites the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Image-Conscious Al Qaeda Chats With CNN
Mommy, why did Bush send 800+ US Soldiers to die in Iraq?
So what happens when cult leader Sun Myung Moon dies?
Florida youths being abused in privatized facilities. Kudos to our paper.
CNN "Arab Pulse" show - sound blocked out - when I tried to display
CNN showing dead soldiers on T.V.
I look around and see people with money
HMO ruling by supreme court can affect us dramatically...
Hardball: Repulsive Blankley (W Times) saying that Clinton will be
Tonight on ABC nightly news....WTF!
What does the bible say about the poor?
Matt Drudge, oh the hypocrisy (and irony)
"Peace, Propaganda / Promised Land" FSTV
Reagan's connection to Mississippi Burning!
Why should Bush care about us so much that he'll give us all mental exams?
On protecting your kids from Bush
ABC Poll ---Clinton bounce for Kerry leads Bush by 8 head/head
9/11 panel: New evidence on Iraq-Al-Qaida
During Nam, Bush had a dose of "Cold Feet":: Does he still have it?
Solider Dismissed After Revealing He's Gay
What President Al Franken did in classroom on 9/11.
Dean lauds Nancy Reagan in her quest for stem cell research.
Even in TEXAS: Department of Peace resolution approved by State Convention
The "terrorists" threatening the South Korean sure wised up
HERSH: PLAN B (Israelis, Kurds, and losing Iraq)
Which James Bond villain does Dick Cheney remind you of?
FTW / Ruppert: Peak Oil Revisited – The Bill Collector Calls
Question: Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
Unbelievably inaccurate, deceptively disingenuous news... (another video)
Why O why couldn't Bill Clinton be PERFECT?!?!
Pope singles out Madonna & Dresses Down Spanish PM Over Gay Marriage
John Kerry meets Hunter S. Thompson
What do Liberals & Conservatives agree on?
Ann Coulter disses Ronald Reagans Widow!
BBV: please call Congress tomorrow morning re speech by Rush Holt
NPR Morning Edition...gay marriage more of a wedge issue than we thought?
The Kerry States, or, Handicapping the Nov. Election
No More Good Morning America, Thanks Charlie Gibson..
Scott Ritter/Dallas, June 24th! Anyone near Dallas, do not miss this!
What exactly IS al Qaeda, anyway???
MSNBC: ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ is this week’s must-see film
Update on Diebold / Blind: Racketeering case brewing
Have there been any Islamic leaders condemning the beheading...
BARN BURNER - "The Bush Empire"
I look around, and all I see the Birth of Nazi America. I see people
What does the bible say about the rich?
Rehnquist, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and O'Connor.
Howard Stern PRAISES Fahrenheit 9/11 (audio)
"Saddam Stole My Pretzels!" | and other truths in TOONs
a revelation regarding the ultra-conservative right and Constitutionality
What exactly is the difference between a liberal and a progressive?
Health Care and Stagnant Wages
A suggestion to progressives thinking of voting for NADER...
Who are the Democratic Hotties?
In this thread, we write Fox News
Doctors find SARS virus in tears of patients
Australia commited to join US `Son of Star Wars' program
"The Weakness in the White House: The President"
NYT: US...Trying to Isolate UN Population Unit (abortion issue!)
WP: Report Faults US Action on Nuke Proliferation (and security)
Head of US forces in Iraq to be questioned in prisoner scandal
The good patriotAnti-terror rules mean new hassles for U.S. financial firm
U.S. Envoy Pressures Australian Party Over Iraq
China Urges ISPs to Pledge 'Patriotism'
NY Times errs in Clinton book review
Israeli warplanes overfly Lebanon drawing retaliatory fire
Judge Declares Abu Ghraib a Crime Scene
Bodies of 4 US troops found in Sunni Triangle?
U.S. Said to Overstate Value of Guantánamo Detainees
Prime minister says government could impose martial law in some parts of I
Court Passes on Calif. Air Pollution Case (a win for environmentalists)
British troops "tortured" Iraqis: report
New Qaeda chief is Saudi ex-police officer
Foul Play Suspected After Man Washes Ashore Tied To Sons
Tonight on ABC nightly news....WTF!
NYT, pg1: Clinton Bk Puts Familiar Foe Back in Conservo Sights
23 foreign fighters killed in Fallujah (new spin on Fallujah strike)
5 Kurdish rebels dead in fight
Kerry: Bush Puts Ideology Before Science
Freed inmate dies after 3 days in lobby
Iran Confiscates Three British Warships
Third parties on right could be problem for Bush
Cheney needs to step aside for good of Bush, party (USAToday)
You'll pay, US lawyer tells SA government
Child abuse arrests hit Aussie church
Doubts over Saudi al-Qaeda blow (questions re: Johnson's missing body)
Japanese schoolboy writes apology in blood
Medco Layoff Hits Quietly (900 jobs)
Saddam's handover 'within days'
Arar case called difficult to crack
AP Poll: Most Rate Reagan Over Clinton
Book alleges Al Qaeda will attack US to ensure Bush win
Prison Abuse Lawyers to Question Generals
Israel Training Kurdish Commandos in Iraq - Report
Castro Warns Bush Against Launching Attack
'Twentieth hijacker' in September 11 plot held in Guantanamo
Wal-Mart's June Sales May Miss Upbeat Forecast
High Court Limits Patient Rights to Sue HMOs
Vivendi Universal Games Announces ReOrg and Cost Reduct (350 jobs cut)
$25K Will Get You Into Bush Party $25K will get you into Bush party
NYT:Obstacles Don't Keep Kerry from Seaside Break (he's rich)
Mayors to Gather in Boston for 72nd Annual Meeting
Shell's Slow Down Leading Up to Labor Day; Huge Profits
Kerry Outspends Bush in May by $10 Million
Bush's Latham criticism wrong: poll
London faces rail, subway strike
BBC NEWS: Private craft rockets into space
Pentagon to release Rumsfeld 'torture' memos
Reviews Don't Dampen Clinton Book Buzz
Bad Blood Remains Between NYC & Republicans
Teen detained in attack on homeless man set ablaze
Neoconservatives lay low, hope for Iraqi democracy
Shell to Cut Summer Output at Bakersfield Refinery, Papers Say
Conn Governor John Rowland to resign - CNN
First U.S. human mad cow patient dies
Four U.S. Soldiers Killed in Attack West of Baghdad
Kerry Taps Vernon Jordan for Debate Talks
Random Searches Coming To (Wash. state) Ferries July 1
Apartheid Victims Set Hopes on U.S. Lawsuit
Bush escapes blame for high gasoline prices
Cantwell calls for release of more Enron e-mails
U.K. Navy Investigates Report Iran Seizes Its Boats (Update4)
UN slams US over spending Iraq funds
Impeachment manager Barr set to publish rebuttal to Clinton's book
Supreme Court allows lawsuit in Catholic priest abuse case
Aristide was drug lord, U.S. claims
Bush Pushes Marriage Plan, Raises Cash
Israeli agents working in Iraq's Kurdistan, Iran: report
Nader selects Peter Camejo as running mate.
Prison Abuse Lawyers to Question Generals
Halliburton feels financial strain of Iraq work
Shooting death angers Iraqi family
Soldiers Lawyer Wants Bush on Witness Stand Over Iraq Abuse
Iraq Might Welcome a Strongman
High Court: HMOs Can't Be Sued Under State Law
NYT: Internet Ad You Are About to See Has...Read Your E-Mail
Evangelist Won't Help Receiver in Ponzi Case
Hotmail Blocks Gmail Emails - slashdot
Lawyer: Lay Won't Be Indicted on Charges
Funds' New Sales Pitch: Trust Us...Really
Support for Bush's War on Terror Slips, Poll Shows
Drudge: Liberal Radio Network AIR AMERICA In Deep Financial Crisis
The Carlyle Group Agrees to Buy Loews Cineplex
S.C. Death Row Inmate Loses Appeal
Plan B: The Kurdish Gambit (Seymour Hersh, New Yorker)
Court: No Right to Keep Names From Police
Quality of U.S. jobs declining during recovery
Owners of Supremacist Meeting Hall Say Blaze Was Set
Torture Survivors to Gather in DC, Oppose Use of Torture by US
Bush Faces Major Test at UN on Exemption from War Crimes Court
Irish Lawyers Call for Protests Against Bush Visit
new Hannity advertiser Match.com (also a Savage Weiner advertiser)
What is silent....and smells like worms?
how's this for a setlist/repertoire
If it's 3am Eastern Time, what time is it in Australia?
Cheap Thrills Post: Oops!... It slipped off again
ok late night chat, if youre curious stop on by, we're good people
Just wanted to introduce myself
Dumbest Fundy Tract You've Ever Seen/Read
please tell me this is a photoshop
Why is my dog singing 80's glamrock in his sleep?
instant controversy . . . "The 100 Greatest British Albums" . . .
Indian Spiderman Will Wear Sarong To Fight Crime
Doctor Jailed for Billing for Sex
Planned parachute jump for Reagan's 94th birthday scrapped
When I'm playing any game with Mario now, I'll think of this...
Station Wagon Drives From California To Argentina On Restaurant Grease
Anybody watching Jerrry Springer right now?
West Palm Beach DUers! F 9/11 get together?
Man Stops Deputy For Speeding, Entire Family Jailed
Bumblebeez 81 - what do you think?
Man Lay Dead In His Driveway For 4 Days - Pinned Under Van
My neighbour just had the greatest fight!!
REPOST - Rush Limbaugh Fiction - Rush's new wife "Hillary"
Student Dozes In Class - Forced To Write Apology - In Blood
Morimoto is in town and I couldn't get tickets!
Understanding the newspaper you are reading.
I think it's about time to update the Hatemail Bag.
Need help with a book idea I have...
Dad Says Streaking Son "Just Showing Off" During Phillies Game
hey Tech folks, how much faster is broadband than dial-up?
I crave a Primanti Brother's sandwich
Happy 56th birthday to the vinyl LP!
Thanks DUER'S, see what you went and made me do
From the school of Dain Bramaged Customer Support
The "cup check" of all CAPTIONs
Found a peanut, found a peanut, Found a peanut just now
Anyone else get Ovation on cable?
My cat Abbott has a favorite color: Purple
Brief Portland, OR Sunday Report
CRAP!!! Williams Sonoma gives ALL to Repubs!!!!
California Dropout Scores Perfect 100% On GED
Whatever happened to Larry "Bud" Melman?
My Texas State Convention report is up...
I'm about to hit the 400 mark, ask me something!
NnnnnnnnnnOONAN! Noonan NnnnnOONAN!
Burrowing Catfish Threaten Canals
looking for a new career? . . . check this out . . .
What album covers do you recall?
LA Artists plan "October Surprise" events
Our oldest has to go to the vet...I'm nervous
Would You Order The Death Of One Innocent Baby Yak
What's your favorite fruit/vegetable?
Repugs with too much time on their hands
lionesspriyanka's Mother Will Cause Me To Have A Nervous Breakdown!
The fact that it took 46 years for private industry to
What are your favorite albums of 2004 so far?
Boatload Of African Migrants Wash Up On Spanish Nudist Beach
Man Wants To Put A Starbucks In Lizzie Borden's Home
Martina wins first Wimbledon match!
Are you having problems with Burping Sheep?
Caption the flatulent gasbag...
Since I'll be going to hell because of lunch: Which should I have to eat?
Few women get mammograms...........
An older lady gets pulled over for speeding...
We were meant to live for so much more...
The 100 Greatest British albums/Observer Music Monthly
Anyone know much of America's soybean crop is exported
Euro 2004: Gotta love the English Fans!
So, what is the age cut-off for a baby boomer?
I smoked it but couldn't inhale!
Who would win a fight between Bill Clinton and Mighty Mouse?
Looking for a good travel destination review site.
Who is getting Clinton's new book tomorrow?
I am writing this at Vanderbilt children's hospital, ask me anything
I HATE Email Hoax Warnings BUT - Pass This On To Everyone On Your Email!!
Does this woman have ANY compassion?
Schwarzennegger Smokes Cubans, Larry King Wears Depends - Star Trash Art!!
Do You Ever Find It Really Hard To Be Nice To People?
14 Dead Rabbits Found Hanging From Playground Equipment
Man Shot Over Who Was Next In Line At Cafe - Dead
I'm losin' the juice to my ol' relic computer.....
My Mother Will Cause Me to have a Nervous Breakdown
How often do you start a new pair of Speedos
Common Errors in English Usage . . .
Working for a corporation is so fun.
BonJovi Ex Bassist Puts Memorbilia Up For Auction - Nobody Wants To Buy It
I just bought the Marx Brothers DVD set. Ask me anything
Hey Ladies - Now's your chance to bag Rush Limbaugh
Dude, I am on such a reply roll
What is your favorite flavour of potato chip?
How do you pronounce 'ih8thegop'?
My trip to Yellowstone: privatization sucks
I'll Say It Now...I Fucking HATE Bruce Ratner
Wow. Someone sprayed General Discussion with jackass gas today.
Who is your favorite Survivor Hottie?
How do you pronounce 'Dookus'?
i sLept for 18 hours yesterday
Question for Stephen King fans.
Movie popcorn antidote, anyone?
Will F911 be playing in your city?
Best Underrated Pink Floyd Song
Anybody ever watch the LINK channel--world music?
Here is what we have to look forward too
Breaking News: Rumsfeld discusses Abu-Grab w/ Shrub
Terrorist Attack? Nope. Just A 74 Y.O. Driving His Car Through The Airport
I've been brainwashed due to exhaustion - ask me anything
Sometimes I want to see stupidity
anyone have comments re: Broadband phone service (Vonage)
the truth about the republican party
How do you control your appetite?
Musta been a republican driving
Okay, as a white 32 year old guy, what music should I crank up tomorrow
Could Hillary kick Laura's ass?
Who would be your dream Real Time with Bill Maher guests?
Favorite protein/meal replacement bar?
Ministry's Anti-Bush CD Comes Out Tomorrow!
How do you pronounce "Dolo Amber"?
Clothing category crisis...should a man wear women's jeans??
What is your way of transportation most of the time?
How often do you start a new thread?
Which of these do you look for more in a potential mate?
Dogs' sense of smell: New disease-fighter?
Ukraine's 'pork fat with chocolate' dessert a tasty substitute for suicide
Mommy, why did Bush send 800+ US Soldiers to die in Iraq?
Joy to the World... 3 Dog Night?
Father's Day from beyond the beyond
Skynyrd fans: 2-CD "Lyve" in stores tomorrow
I'm Meeting Pres Clinton Tomorrow - What should I say
Howard Stern raves about Michael Moore's new movie
How did you guys like Salem's Lot, Part 1?
And the winner of the California Poker Championship is....
Even more freeper jokes! Can your heart stand it?
How about an ocean front home in Rosarita Beach ?? Under 24K
Has DU text size changed to smaller font for you too ?
I'm Baaaaa-aaaaack! Anybody miss me?
that Jeopardy guy (possible spoilers)
Can you just say you're gay to get out of the military?
Just got an RNC fund-raising letter. What do I put in the SASE they sent?
Hey - what happened to everyone's favorite DUer?
I saw "Super Size Me" over the weekend. What did YOU see?
'Babylon 5' creator has written a Star Trek series that excludes Berman
Clinton Book Signing - NY 5th Ave B&N
Alright, I've had it! Give me everything immoral that's in the Bible.
Things you disagree with your religion/belief system on
Wagon Christ - Sorry I Make You Lush
Let's say that you are a pilot during the Vietnam War. ...
Name me some beer companies that don't give to RW causes
Austin area Duers - Farenheit 911 this Saturday.
The 3 things you like MOST about your religion
Well It's official. I have a drinking problem and I am quitting drinking
Lois Murphy running for Congress in Penn., newest DKos 8.
Do Lessons of the Past Inform Our Perilous Future? (CMB)
"Dean Stumps for 3 candidates" Excellent write-up about Sunday's rallies.
AP And Reuters Put Out Hit Pieces On Kerry's Down Time (And Praise Bush)
US Election Atlas Mock Election update.
From Feb...favorite books of our candidates. Most interesting.
Vernon Jordan to Lead Kerry Debate Negotiations
Western Governors Support Regional Presidential Caucus/Primary
48 Nobel Prize Winning Scientists Endorse Kerry
GOP offensive put small dent in Kerry's image
Vernon Jordan to Lead Kerry Debate Negotiations
New NPR Poll: Bush Leads Kerry 49-48 Among Likely Voters
Michael Moore on Dean: "I think Dean's a good guy"
RNC attacks Dean and Kerry for being divisive
Dean: Party needs to be rebuilt from the ground up
Series of commercials for MoveOn to consider
Agree or Disagree: The election is Kerry's to lose
Republican Steve King said the torture is like a "fraternity."
Article points to goods reasons for Clark as V.P.
Kerry may just have to work a little harder for the progressive vote
Why progressive sensibilities get ignored in a presidential election
Nader Taps Green Activist As Running Mate
Nader chooses Camejo because they "share the same goals for economic