US should recognize its true ally - TW
HEALTH: Big drug companies geared to profits rather than research
Same shame, different site: the Afghan gulag
Gary Younge (Guardian Utd): Politics gets personal
Lest we forget the other reason the Turks don't like the US
Intelligence backs claim Iraq tried to buy uranium
Herbert: A Second Opinion (US 12th out of 13 in health of population)
Iraq's new govt must abide by American-made laws.
The real Enemy Within: Creeps who write things like The Enemy Within.
BBV: ES&S Official Says "Touchscreens Easiliy MANIPULATED!"
9 out of 10 Film Reviewers Back 'Fahrenheit'
Screw the Media; think for yourselves, out of the BOX
New Censorship Bill Turns Parents into Prosecutors
Thailand plans to privatize mass communications
Is a defending Fahrenheit 9/11 forum possible?
House blocks refunds in Enron case
Hey, kids, head on over to the Lounge where
The note my mother wants my niece to send to my Republican uncle
Help with LTTE: Give me some "Eff" words to describe Cheney
Is there video of the Green Party convention anywhere?
Did you ever vote for Reagan or Bush 1?
Whatever you do, do not buy a Bush Voodoo Doll!
My blind brother thought I was a voodoo doll, God Damn that Pin hurt!
Fahrenheit 911 sold out in San Diego
The US Supreme Court is about to decide whether Guantanamo is above the la
Iraq Insurgency Showing Signs of Momentum
Topic A with Tina Brown on CNBC guest hosts Al Franken and Arianna Huffing
Anyone else have a repug family
One way all Americans can fight terror
God Dammit!! Don't the Dem's remember? It's the economy stupid.
Hey, I don't like Bush any more than you do
LOL! They're on the attack again: Kerry's Divorce Records
The genius of Michael Moore is that he...
The fundraiser scenes from F 911 disturb me.
Don't you just LOVE freeper logic?
didn't see spitting-- but, they arrested our moveon worker
Bush caught in lie about the 9-11 wtc attacts
Michael Moore on 60 minutes starting west coast now!
Should Hannity be fined by the FCC?
Sounds of explosions in the MD suburbs of DC. Early fireworks?
The three great conservative lies
Any Post-F 9/11 Film Discussions at Your Cinema?
Concerning fahrenheit 911 and PNAC.......
for example, take my wife... please. (yes, another F911 thread)
Will Pitt quoted on Moore's website
Why was Bush allowed to visit Booker Elementary School on 9-11?
my 9 year old wrote this tonight
Too strident? Consider this....
Is the Bush approval rating of 34% just a rumor?
Are more movie locations being added? There were only 41in TX now 61
reality check! bush* will get ONE vote
F 9/11-The Temperature In Fort Worth Texas
I believe F 9/11 will put us on top
What happened to that pizza guy with a neck bomb?
Che Guavera movie previewed at F 9/11 !
Is Michael MOORE Better Looking and Smarter Than Matt PUDGE?
Werbe on now - 9 p.m. mountain time
Any media types gushing IN FAVOR OF F911?
Did MMoore open up a can of worms with F9/11?
Heightened Security Alert Had Just Been Lifted (at WTC before 9-11_
India Daily says of F911-"US Freedom of Speech passes first test!"
9-11 Questions (200 very key questions)
Know the enemy – Neo-cons defined….
Here's the choice Earnhardt comments From the Freeper Thread they hid
I debunk someone who claims F 9/11 is based on lies
encouraging weekend in the burbs
F 9/11 - R rating was appropriate
A F9/11 report from Indianapolis
Arianna Huffington has her own show?
New book: Deserter - AWOL's military diservice and mistreatment military
Reminder to Canuck DUers: You have a federal election Monday. **VOTE**
I think the War on Iraq may very well have opened the
When is the international release of F911? Gonna do HUGE #'s in Europe
You just know that Murdoch or Sacaife are working on a doucmentary
"F-9/11 is full of Lies!" - My Response.
It's 9.33 pm PST, and no F9/11 topics on Fox
Writer challenges rightwing to debunk facts of Fahrenheit 9/11
Were the people of Iraq better off before Saddam? Need links....
In f9/11 removal of Maj. James Bath's name and report
What kind of effect do you think F 9/11 will have on the polls?
Lies about F9/11 #'s, BFC made $21.6 in its entire run, not its opening
F911 - Mother - in-law didn't want to watch our kids
Turks rally against Bush. (Photo)
Constitutional Party Whackjob on CSPAN right now.
F9/11 - Did I hear one of the soldiers mention Napalm??
Freeper meltdown concerning Yahoo! F911 coverage
How do you refute news footage?
Pug sister tired of "Utah mentality"
Peace Rally in Kansas City today in the Plaza - then Amy Goodman
Drudge claims "Dodgeball" made 60M so whats the big deal about F 9/11?
What part of the whole Iraq War situation made it "WRONG" for you?
I would like to see F911 again. It is the kind of thing that needs to be
Bush Gets Bad Marks in Genext poll
Peter Werbe discussing F9/11 right now
anyone have a concise explanation for canada's election woes?
Calling all Canadians! Will F9/11 have any influence on our votes?
Has the invasion and occupation of Iraq ...
Red-Hot 'Fahrenheit 9/11' a No. 1 Hit Across America :$21.8 million
WGN radio discusses F 9/11 at midnight, CST
RW Radio host, here in Dallas, had 3-4 anti shrub callers in a row!
I said this last night but I will say it again: First thing Kerry must do
My 22 year old son just watched 9/11
Tell us your F911 - Freeper protest story...
A leftist ICON posts on DU and you guys.....
Saw F9/11 twice this weekend; more powerful the second time
Something to think about regarding Iraq and terrorism....
What will a Lame Duck Bush do?
Lets create 1000 Michael Moore's
Just had a *heated discussion* with my best friend about politics
Check out this email I got from a FOX DJ...who is this guy?
Al Franken on CNBC right now.....10:30 pm, CST
How I know the election is lost
Ok 2 rumors ive heard... One about a rape and one about a DUI ..
Farentheit 9/11 Sold out in Raleigh, NC all weekend. Drove to two theaters
Why do these beheading threats always drive away bad W news?
Heightened Security Alert Had Just Been Lifted (at WTC)
An important fact we must not forget, regarding F9/11
~Shakespearean Insult Kit~...from
This is what a rw nutcase just posted at another site about MM..
Why are sealed divorce papers fair game now?
why has this story gone down the memory hole?
Nationalize the assets of Carlyle and Haliburton!
U.S. Device Seen at Iran Nuclear Site! (made in the USA)
MOORE--Movie a big hit in red states
F911: Did you miss any of these DU threads?
Get this: On local news, 90 yr old woman skydives to show up Poppy AND
Who needs analysis and reason in war when you have the Power of Prayer?
The freepers pulled the Earnhardt thread!
Mandatory Proletarianization and American-Style Health Insurance:
Crazed freepers outraged by F911 success, plan theatre blockades
"Walking On Air" Song in F 9/11?
Hey Freep, what you gonna do when the TRUTH comes for you?
I heard the "revolutionary" song from Les Miserables driving to F911: WOW!
How many paychecks are you away from homelessness?
"Let the Eagle Soar" is No Joke
Venezuela: the Gang's All Here Replay of Chile and Nicaragua?
Multivitamins reduce anti-social behavior
Why was Bush allowed to visit Booker Elementary School on 9-11?
Sept. 11 commission says two hijackers got help when in U-S
Bush Caught in a Lie About the 9-11 WTC Attacts
U.S. Marine held hostage in Iraq
FT: Evidence of Niger uranium trade 'years before war'
NYT(reader rep):Report,(Clinton)Review..(violated pg1 "sanctity")
Clarke: Iraq war an 'enormous mistake'
Senators cancel visit to Middle East this week (Weren't ALLOWED In Iraq)
Family friendly TV group growing at its 5th anniversary (COMPANY FRIENDLY)
CIA puts harsh tactics on hold ..(If a dupe, please delete)
Drudge after Kerry divorce records. Using Ryan as a precedent.
Shiite Tribes Gather for War on Fallujah--New World Media Watch
China's bullying tactics like Nazis: Lee - TW
American Killed in Attack on Australia Plane in Iraq
(Australian) Democrats film attacks Iraq involvement
Kerry Won't Cross Picket Line for Speech
US concerned about group in Philippines linked to al-Qaeda
Evidence of Niger uranium trade 'years before war'
Victims of Afghan Attack Are Registered Voters
Chirac leads resistance as Bush courts Nato allies
WP: Iraq Occupation Erodes Bush Doctrine
Families, Deep in Debt, Facing Pain of Growing Interest Rates
Fla. AFL-CIO Splits Senate Endorsement (Because of protester mistreatment)
As Bush Confers With NATO, U.S. Is Seen Losing Its Edge
Urge to drop democracy grows in Latin America
NYT: White House Aide Hard at Work as Bush's Eyes and Ears on Right
Serbians vote in presidential poll
Unsolicited Advice From the Far Left (Nader Says Moore Like A Beach Ball)
Dean: Most Americans Now Oppose Iraq War
Missing Marine from Salt Lake City suburb
Reports say billions of dollars of Iraqi money unaccounted for
Interesting Revelations from F9/11 (spoilers):
I am listening to a SIX hour Clinton speech ....
"Hey! Weren't you that 'Roof is on Fire' guy!"
Clark on CNN NOW...on Iraq........
Don't put it down Best one around
I have seen the future, and it is yak!
What's your favorite product placement in a TV show?
I have seen the furniture, and it is yak!
Is it legal to shoot photos inside a public building?
Is there something offensive about this "Soul Collector" TV movie on now?
Music hath charms to sooth the
Just a thought: what would John Lennon, if he had lived, thought of
simple things are often the best
Why is Andy Richter playing a father to teens?
F911 is a smash of historic proportions
Why don't you take me to the smokehouse......
I just want to send a big thank you to the Weinstein brothers
Something I put in my livejournal: Pro-Life=/=Anti-Abortion
Just went to some Off road Races...
For those who saw F9/11: Anyone interesting hanging outside your theater?
Fan of the movie 'Hoosiers'? The finale is coming up on ESPN Classic
DU Gardeners! Your expert input, please!
I met Michael Moore today, ask me anything!
Dale Earnhardt Jr. tells his crew to see F9/11 day before the race.
Biscuits & gravy: Food of the gods, or deadly toxin?
My yak lives on prime real estate
Crutchfield: Better than the rest, or is there better?
Since when did Wrigley stop making normal gum with sugar?
Any other guys think "The guy code" is a load of shit and not abide by it?
Walla Walla Onion Rings and Antonio Carlos Jobim
Do you believe in luck?...................
So are you gloating over F9/11 box office record?
AHHHHHHH......YUCK,I just saw......
My stuff is finally at the new place. Now all I have to do is unpack it!
Nice to kick some Longhorn ass! Go Cal State Fullerton!
New (local) Mac OS X vulnerability : Passwords in Swap files
8:30 on Sunday and I'm fucking bombed
Who's your favorite DUer with the letters 'DS' and '1' in their three-
I'm tired of talking about F911. How was "White Chicks"?
Heads up! NOW with Bill Moyers is on.
XM or Sirius? anybody have them?
My 500th post is coming, ask me anything!
Any Pantheists, potential Pantheist, or Anti-Pantheists on board tonight?
California DUer admires the big, red, throbbing thing
YOU'RE INVITED: George's 58th Birthday Party - July 6th.
So how was everyone's Gay Pride Sunday?
Next Must-See Movie: "Silver City"
The official DS1 worship thread
I just rode 100 miles on my bicycle!!! Ask me anything.
It's been rainin' too much...damn deadly skeeters are swarmin'.....
So what does everybody have planned for the 4th?
Watching the Yankees-Mets game on ESPN.
SHOCK! HORROR!! Decadent Suburban California Democrats Eat Dolphin!!
It's official, I am the most left-out DUer here, nobody makes a list with
Nader has the hairiest neck I've ever seen on a non-monkey
Hi. My name is Duckie, and I'm addicted to ice.
DUers you'd like to have a beer with?
Hide your kids and avert your eyes, its a DU pic post
Goat's 7 minutes:Ad, by an issue group, on "Leadership"
Log Cabin Repubs at Orlando Pride (hilarious)
Wes just got mike jacked on Cnn! They just cut his volume
Department of Peace plank ratified at Iowa Democratic State Convention
I just gave $40 to the Russ Feingold campaign
How secure are Bush and Kerry web sites: An Analysis
Could Dems end up winning the battle but losing the war?
CNN cuts Gen. Clark completely OUT of the 11:00 p.m. Replay of CNN ...
I am sick of people tearing down John Edwards.
ok, wouldnt normally say this but media really do seem scared of wes
Nader: Is he really a threat w/o the Green endorsement?
Interesting Interview with Australian Politician Carr about US
Cheney gave voice to administration's attitude:Sheryl McCarthy
Boondocks is going places no one has ever gone before...
Another Bloody Week Grisly Rituals in Iraq
Torture: How far can a government lawyer go?
Top Ten Questions Ralph Nader Asked Potential Running Mates
Clinton's Biggest Gains Not on Conservative Critics' Radar
Fahrenheit 9/11: A Conservative Critique (a good read)
Carol Coleman's interview of Bush in Ireland
Robert Fisk: "for Iraq 1917, read Iraq 2003. For Iraq 1920, read Iraq 2004
Fundraising & Internet tools for politics
6.28.04, Brooklyn, NYC - Turn Up The Heat: Town Meeting on Fahrenheit 9/11
Howard Fineman Lying Again on Today Show
What in the world is going on at Air America?
Tom Brokaw just said Bremer "got out of Dodge."
Iraq media deception - link to site that Documents our media bias
Air America reorg under name Piquant, LLC to avoid owner Cohen personal
So, Juan Williams has decided that an early handover is a boost to Bush
NewsDay lies-01 vote study w/ USSC statewide over/under w/intent=GORE win!
Researching streaming media providers...
Have you seen the butterflies this year?
Microsoft's reprieve from sanctions (120 days to provide inter-connect)
NYT: Families, Deep in Debt, Facing Pain of Growing Interest Rates
FED moving from 1% to 2.25% by Dec 2004, and 3% by May 2005, is not a prob
Given Chance For Land Policy Alliance, NRA Blows Off Own Toes - Chronicle
Sun Micro to Roll Out Major Java Software Advances
Uber-Conservative Oz Politician Now Left Of Peter Garrett On Environment
Congo Basin Forest Protection Conference Collapses For Lack Of Money - AFP
Scientists say watching TV hastens puberty
(First in Nation)Pollution Rules Targeting Manure (Dairies to Relocate?)
Mobiles (phones) cut sperm count, says report
Ray McGovern: Asking Anonymous
Are the Canadian elections today?
GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 26-28, 2004
Undecided on the assault weapons ban
NRA clout is outgunning Feinstein-Assault weapons ban renewal in doubt
My last day of BIG FUN in the gungeon.
Can you please transfer my star to this account
In LBN: To avoid duplicates ...
Heavy traffic today? It must be the Canadian Election!
Links to the DU Photo Gallery?
What do the gold star people have access to as far as other
Please remove SoCal DU gathering from lobby.
IDF blows up two empty Apt. buildings in Khan Yunis (GAZA)
The price of the winning equation
Two killed in Qassams strike on Sderot; Israel vows to act
Arab journalists protest as colleagues face trial for incitement
Soldier killed in Gaza outpost bombing
Israel among 7 countries offered NATO 'partnership'
One killed, several hurt as Qassam rockets hit Sderot (Haaretz)
Analysts: GOP unlikely to win Ill. race
Who has the skinny on Feeney's old turf? Re: Oviedo wetlands
Questions for Castor and Deutch supporters
Fla. AFL-CIO splits Senate endorsement
Surprise Hit in Hollywood: The Action-Figure Governor
George Bush & the Unification Church
July 6th...another Southern CA opportunity to meet up......
WBZ 1030 News cites F9/11 as a "so-called documentary"
THANKS and here's my F911 report
Guess whose 70th birthday it is??? (6/28)
2758 nude people on Cleveland's East 9th Street pier
Philly House Race Among Tightest in Nation
Sensenbrenner Campaigns On Taxpayer Dime
Local soldier's reaction to Fahrenheit 9/11 - The News Tribune
FYI - Spontaneous applause In Seattle for McDermott in F911
So Which Is It? Supreme Court Destroys Democracy, or Upholds It?
"...draft-dodging, Ivy League jock loves...playing commander-in-chief."
When is Bush supposed to come back from overseas?
WSJ-Dems lost Florida cause abortions "Literally" cost them voters
F9/11 is the best 3 documentaries I've seen in a long time.
Supreme Court struck down Miranda today
Turned over sovereignty --- "Mission Accomplished" my ass!!
Only 21 of 80 Iraq Oil Fields developed (Newsweek - July 5th)
How is TV news playing the USSC decisions?
Photos of the F 9/11 crowds from Moores website
A little news tidbit you will not see in our media
Bremer's last moment edicts......anybody heard them?
So I guess the SS can come for us all, now, eh?
Where can I find these numbers???
Doesn't "I have never ordered torture" sound a lot like "I am not a crook"
Will Rush, Hannity,O'Reilly BITCH about F911 Today?
Startling new CNN poll on Iraq handover!
Washington Post says Bush Doctrine a flop
Canadian DUers, what do you expect from today's election?
PHOTOS and Newspaper Headlines from Ireland...bush* not welcome.....
Supreme Court Round-up (more Good than Bad)
If the Saudi flights were legit, then why the denial from the White House
DU freeped CNN poll: Will a sovereign Iraq be friendly toward the US?
Bear with this foreign's opinion of the US legal system.
HA! "President Bush can now honestly compare himself to Lincoln...."
Things you have to believe to be a Republican Today
Nader Supported by Republicans - reported on C-Span
"I wouldn't have done it if I didn't believe it was the right thing to do"
RW radio; lowest of the low in reviewing F9/11...
Is it time to buy a gun in America?
Any F-9/11 Reports from Military towns?
Did someone ask about Green Party Convention video?
You can now be held without being charged....
The Supreme Court ruled AGAINST BUSH today
The reason the Senate didn't back the CBC in the disenfranchised voter
LOL, Did anyone tell them Jack Ryan dropped out? Sex workers to NY for GOP
Anyone having problems with AAR stream today?
Who's Got the Charts About the Bush vs. Clinton Economy From CBO?
Anyone having problems with AAR stream today?
Mother Encourages Photos of Coffin
Who is attending MoveOn F-911 house parties tonight?
In Anger, Ordinary Iraqis Are Joining the Insurgency
Peace Activists Plan to Counter Recruiting by Military in Palm Beach Schoo
Question about Jack Ryan's pullout
Nixon announced end of DRAFT 32 years ago today: June 28, 1972.
Saw a really cool thing yesterday ~ The PEACE BOAT
Vatican: Okay to vote for pro-abortion politician
F9/11 - weekend box office results
What Bill Clinton told me Friday (Obvious, but needs to be repeated)
The United States Has Lost its Moral Authority
Move over MORANS, it's now COUP DE TAU!
Any links debunking John/Theresa connection to Heinz Co.
A die hard Republican sees F9-11
The Bottom Rung On The Employment Ladder
Lawmaker Wants Airwaves Be Sold in Auctions
How long till Bush has a meltdown?
Bradley Whitford's campaign donations (full list)
Nader has the hairiest neck I've ever seen on a non-monkey
What is the difference between propaganda and persuasive truth?
Bush and "the removal of obstacles to global economic growth"
When you vote in November, pack a lunch, bring a book, and STAY..
Incendiary 'Fahrenheit' Is No Box Office Bomb - WaPo
Republicans React to "Fahrenheit 9/11"
Damn, who pulled that freeptard thread?
Headspinning spin from the RW talk show machine:
F9/11===awesome message--Kansas view
Why are we Americans Afraid of the Truth/Reality?
HELP! where did the "fat cat/my base" quote take place? not a roast
Is anyone else having trouble with the DU spell check?
How would the media have reacted if Ah-nold had won the Palme d'or?
The most dangerous duo to challenge Smirk and Co...
Interesting comment from my quasi-conservative friend re: F9/11
Folks, I know it can be fun, but let's not feed the trolls, mmm'kay?
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Iraq Handover to be today not the 30th.
cnn breaking news....confirm official announcement
Dick Cheney and the $5 million man
PHOTO: Viceroy Bremer Slinking Out of Iraq.....
Jude Wanniski, no RW nut, REAMS Colin Powell's cred
If the cops were watching a peace group in Cali, how many feds are watching
Iraqis don't want to be occupied by anyone
For perfect attendance, the prize is pain
Freeper DJ needs some help re: F911
"US man killed by one in million shot ": Baghdad
My Favorite Yahoo F-9/11 Reviews
Why is this no surprise? Billions lost by Iraqi CPA.
What language was the transfer ceremony spoken in?
" A two-hour political attack ad"
Active U.S. Hate Groups in 2003
How to diffuse news of F911's popularity? Sign Sovereignty over to Iraq
Should you have to post your age in your profile?????
Now that another Glorious Milestone in the Democratization of Iraq
FBI Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attacks In Movie Theaters
Gee, what happened to the "new Iraqi flag?"
NATO Leaders Agree to Train Iraqi Forces
F-9/11 21.8 million over weekend...
Am I the only one who heard "early handover" and my first thought was. . .
Iraq, Afghan Wars Will Cost Up to $60B
Bid to Control Government Spending Fails
Rice: Saddam's Army to Be in New Forces
re: Iraq Sovernity- where has our press been all this time? Are they
Degree of Sovereignty Depends on Violence
Does a Sovereign Nation have the right to Expel an Occupying force?
The Carlyle group buys Loews Movie Chain
So, we're handing Saddam over to the Iraqis...
Frist Won't Criticize Cheney for Cursing
CSpan caller says Saddam should be 'rocked' to death, who do you suggest?
DU this: Did the United States make a mistake in sending troops to Iraq?
When does the US turnover the "reconstruction contracts" to Iraq.... ?
OK, something's up. "Zarqawi" was "captured."
Can/should Lion's Gate Films buy a sponsorship on Earnhardt Jr's car?
Who here still hates Michael Moore?
9/11: I have come to a hard realization that supports a decision.
opinions please on no child left behind program
Isicoff lying his ass on Morning Sedition on F-911
Now we can declare Glorious Victory! Can we have a big Parade now?
They tried to smear the messenger But These facts support the film.
Anybody get this RW email supposedly quoting Andy Rooney?
Didja Notice that they used the Old Iraqi Flag at the Swearing In?
John Kerry Talking Points/Sound Bites for reference, pls
So does Michael Eisner feel like an idiot today?
What are the unsubstantiated rumors surrounding Chimp?
Airline captain friend of mine "sees the light."
josh micah marshall article. what do you think it means?
More examples of how Cheney & Bush hypocritically and regularly cuss
I would like to shake the hand
go read Josh Micah Marshall and tell me what you think! n/t
Insurgents: Any Iraqis who oppose the American-backed government
So does Michael Eisner feel like an idiot today?
Bush: "Iraq a 'tormented' nation last year" Guess who was doing the
$20 billion missing in Iraq, from oil deals!!
Sucides/suicide attempts rising
Many Latinos Unhappy With Political Issues
Does any know much about The Koran or Mohamed?
Sovereignty transferred in Iraq (two days ahead of schedule)
Proof that murderers shop at Wal-Mart
F 911 already online (file sharing)
Another Book: A Pretext for War
So.. What's the book on the Supremes OKing Enemy Combatant
Michael Moore coming up NEXT on the Today Show . . .
NY Daily News columnist calls Bill O'Reilly a coward. Please thank him.
NYT: The Political 'Fahrenheit' Sets Record at Box Office
Bush-Blair news conference on Iraq handover?
CANADIAN Conservatives are spamming me to Hell and back!
"surprise, iraq! we knew it was your birthday all along!"
Scalia gave the most pro-liberty opinion today
Docs 3rd leading cause of death in US; MMoore's next film on US healthcare
Funny Washignton Monthly story on David Brooks, the Hack
On Today show, I think this is one of the main reasons for early handover:
Supreme Court Decision: Guantanamo P.O.W.'s can get U.S. Trials
Why do we OUTSOURCE our Torture of P.O.W.'s?
So, was the 2 day early "turnover" meant to distract from Supreme court
Whats this viral mengintis thing going around in northern va?
threes of PABAAH members protests F9/11
Michael Medved says Michael Moore supports the Insurgents
How long is this new government in Iraq going to last?
Got this e-mail - Bush has a low iq
Shrub is "toast" - Dale Earnhardt Jr. telling people to see F911
The 9/11 DVD in October will be the nail in Dubya's coffin.
Freepers will keep Earnhardt in line
General Rove's plan to bury F9/11's success...Was successful!!!
Nasal Surgery or leg amputation? "Officials" not sure NOW!
We're turning over govt. control because of attacks. Did we win in Iraq?
Michael Moore needs to make a documentary about the "news media"
If 15 of the 19 9/11 highjackers had been Iraqis would it not have been
Somebody tell me How many times is MISSION ACCOMPLIISHED !
How about that there SCOTUS and its rulings on detention?
Answer Please: Can Bush still declare you a "Enemy Combatant"?
Early Iraqi Handover because of F 9/11????
NO internet for 10 days. What are some good books about BCCI
My opinion - 1 debate between Bush and Kerry and Bush is all done
Realities of recruitment - Brave high school kid!
Bush looks like a war criminal in this photo, imo...
1 Year of Iraq media deception - Documented
Spirit of the Law vs. Letter of the Law
Watch for Iraq to completely disappear
Good News Re: F9/11 & Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Comments
Handover moved up to preempt Iraqi protests (Long live Free Speech)
Today In Iraq........June 28,2004
The Republican Big Lie - And How it Really Works
Coherent Arguements For/Against School Vouchers
Billions of Iraqi Funds Missing
How strong is the right-wing media network ?
Talking Points Memo - Tectonic shift is Niger forgeries
Michael Moore: We know you read DU. Thank you and God Bless You, Sir
Do you think Israel is full aware of the "End Times" thing?
We are 'Technodrunk'...and our 'Technodependency' will Doom us
Fahrenheit 911: Not one mention of Neoconservatives
Now that YOU'VE seen F 9/11, make sure your friends and neighbors have...
Why is the CIA blocking access to the news site that says Zarqawi
If there is a handover in Iraq and knobody cares, did it happen?
Who else should we expect to write damning tell-alls in the near future?
Hah!! Bush/Bremer pulled a "Baltimore Colts"
'Shortfall' : Coalition Fails to Account for Oil Revenues & Cash
NBC(in spite of our efforts) "...Farenheit 9-11 was tops at the boxoffice"
What happened to Sibel Edmonds testimony ? Ashcroft "gag order"?
Iraqi court to charge Saddam 'within a week'
Latest Bush ad, courtesy of Boondocks
Bush & Co. say "Uh oh...Quick, give the Iraqis the keys...TODAY!"
Happy Iraqi Independence Day!!!!
Sorry, but I don't get why Divorce records should become Public?
Further Adventures of Bush & "My Pet Goat"
RAGE! Supreme Court Gives Bush "Partial Victory" re: Terror Detainees
Irael just blew up two high rise buildings in Gaza...who will stop these
Ok, some perspective now that the weekend is over regarding F911
How F911 Can Get Americans Killed
Clinton, Kennedy Likely to Speak at DNC
It's election day, Canadians - how are you voting?
Over/Under on Prime Minister Alawi's assassination.
WP: Insurgency Leaves U.S. Forces Baffled -(Iraqis steal their own dirt).
Nothing lends credibility to Moore's film like......
Kerry: "If you think Dick Cheney is cursing today,
Anybody watching Isikoff on C-Span? 10:15 a.m. Debunking Fahrenheit 911.
Here's how you should respond to anyone who wants to bash 9/11
If F911 is "preaching to the choir", did they know the choir was so large?
NY DAILY NEWS Critic takes O'Reilly to task, calls him out!
The Financial Cost Of This War
One very important ripple effect from F9-11 will be the media.
Bumper sticker: "I'll hug your elephant if you kiss my ass."
Sexy, sexy Bush in his underoos
GOP Convention to Boost Local Sex Business
How Did The Secret Service Let That T-Shirt Picture Be Taken?
"If things go sour in Iraq, the president may well lose the election"
Iraq "Handover" is dimbulbs* Mission Accomplished Part Two??
I Just Coined a Term for the * Crime Family - Waspia
F9/11 had a bigger 3-day opening than any Disney film this year
Armitage out of the loop? Negroponte in Iraq
Should Dems Shower Greens with $ to prove Ralph Wrong?
A Very Ironic TidBit In F9/11, Did You Catch It?
Condi and * passing love notes
Exactly when did America commit to imperialism?
Is the unedited 7 minute clip available online?
Bush writes "let freedom reign!" on Bremer Iraq "sovereign" letter
Latest "Get Your War On" is quite good
Randi nails it, re: the energy meetings
Lions Gate rolls with `Fahrenheit 9/11'
Why did we turn over the keys to Iraq early?
Bush to Condi: "Let freedom REIGN"
Let's hear it for Byron Dorgan!
Army specialist reacts to F-9/11
Can't get "Let the Eagle Soar" out of my head after seeing F911
WP: Bush says he doesn't really care.
Did anybody see Jon Stewart on Larry King Friday night?
Anyone know of a good article that refutes the attacks on F911?
Stooge Al-Rahim says transfer will "Dispose of Iraq's political future"
I wonder how * AWOL feels about people sitting in theaters LAUGHING at him
C-SPAN 10:38am - How they WILL DESTROY access and privacy of Internet
W's team is using that "Wild-eyed" advert to refute F 9/11!
Howard Stern listeners=Church Goers
Since the "occupation" is now over, does the death toll
Bury my heart at's horrible. And even more horrible that
My favorite scene in F 9/11. Ashcroft singing
Is This MIHOP Monday Or Something?
Non MM site. ... can you find me where he got his info for the flights of
GWBush - poetry reader? Let Freedom Reign
U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Medical Marijuana Case
My take on Bush's famous "Fool me once" brain fart...
Meet the new flag, same as the old one.
sibel edmonds on now! n/t
Is latest Supreme Court decision being spun as a "Bush loss"
Was sovereignty handed over early to take the focus away from F9/11?
Oakland Theatre Drops Restricted Rating on Fahrenheit 9/11
Heads Up Randi Rhodes all over F911 today
Josh Marshall on how Kerry would handle Iraq different from Bush
So the Saudi's own a chunk of AOLTimeWarner and they own CNN
Oct.Surprise Prevention-PetGoatVideo
Is that really A$$croft singing in F911?
What did Michael Moore say at the end of F9/11?
Hannity Forum Compared to DU Forum by New Member
Who is watching F9/11? coming up on CNN
non f9/11 post, but hollywood related nonetheless
Are there any Great Old Ones here?
Former Iraq Viceroy Paul Bremer: What's his next move?
Iraqi turnover accelerated to overshadow F9/11?
So, Iraq is a "sovereign" nation now...
Why are we Americans Afraid of the Truth/Reality?
Ldotters urge blacks to vote Repug, then mock them!
I want to see F/911 this weekend.
Bootlegs of F911. Have you seen any? I have..
F9/11 report from Monrovia, Ca.
Email from Seemann for Congress
I think Bush "misunderestimates" the intelligence of Americans.
What will be the next "Bush Surprise"
Has anyone seen coverage of F911's weekend takings on CNN?
Mark Patrick (Fox Sports) Disses Michael Moore
For my 2000th post, my new favorite graphic
Constitution follows the flag: history doesn't repeat itself in S.Ct.
F911 Buzz Among Ordinary Americans
Iraq ambassador reports to Pentagon rather than to the State Department
Is it Just Me, or is F 9/11 Just Blowing Up All Over the Country?!!!
Most Touching Moment in F 9/11 for me
I could understand Nader running the last time but not this time......
Condi told Ifill the real reason for the early transfer in Iraq
Transfer of "Sovereignty" Proves We Never Had It To Give
US presence in Iraq is not consistent with security or stability.
Fahrenheit 9-11: The Temperature at Which Freedom Burns - Great Piece !!!
E&P: One Group That's Not Polarized: 9 of 10 Reviewers...Back F 911
We Report More on What Happens Before Nine A.M. than Most People
Historians vs George W. Bush -- 8 in 10 rate his presidency a failure
Militants reportedly kill Marine hostage
Did they ever find someone who served with Bush?
GW said: we werenŐt awares LOL!!!!!!!
I have a suggestion for DU (Skinner and Elad)
"Fear 'n' Hate 9-11" A DocuMentalry by G. Dubya Bush
Explosions rock post-handover Baghdad
Fahrenheit 9/11 did NOT make 21 Million Dollars! So stop saying that!
Just saw F911. Britney Spears is smarter than i thought...
Take that, Chimpy!!! Chirac tells * to "mind his own business"
Limbaugh rambling about "Moore's lies" right now.
Bush* declares 'Let Freedom Reign' in Iraq as America falls into chaos
Replace "fuck" with "CHENEY" on the radio. Everybody will know you mean
I have a problem with Moore's F9/11.
Randi just said TBTM had video of bush 7min /attacks. where?
Muslim militants are claiming execution of K.M. Maupin
Limbaugh claimed Moore is in league with the carlisle group
"There've been a lot of smiles today and a lot of girls coming up to me"
My Prediction For The Next 3 Weeks
Italian Military Intelligence involved in bogus dossier - Saddam's uranium
Did I hear correct? We're turning over Saddam within days?
"Sovereingty Accomplished" yeah right....
Toothless and medicated for the night, Bush wanders to the window...
Evidence of Niger uranium trade 'years before war' (Financial Times)
In the spirit of *Atomic Cafe*- a documentary that had a
Fahrenheit 451 now #46 on Amazon. Say thanks to Michael Moore, Ray!
Drudge scraping bottom for anti-Moore stuff
What IS This Freeper Obsession Comparing F-911 & Passion?
Randi's Cracking Me Up, Playing The Ashcroft Song
Today, Bush* Committed the ULTIMATE RW Sin
Iraq occupation erodes Bush doctrine
Howard Zinn coming up on Marty Kaplan - AAR
To Michael Moore and Staff::: Next Project Suggestion....
Novak just called Michael Moore a "traitor"!
F911 Downloads: Are they legal?
Is George W. Bush the problem, or is he the solution...
Nader is literally the cover model for Rightwingers
Turkey protests war-criminal bush* and his minions (PHOTOS)
Nader may be more of a factor than he looks today. Read why.
Did you hear the guy on AAR say....go 'cheney' yourself???
E! News just said F-911 to be played on almost a 1000 more screens...
Oh jeezus, on local Tulsa news, puppies blown up with fireworks,
NPR Sez F911 doesn't mean a groundswell against Bush...
F911 was even better than I had expected!
Kerry slaughtering Bush in AOL Straw Poll
Could this be Disney's counter to F9/11...?
Newshour: Neocons need to stop using Orwellian Language
Dale Earnhardt Jr. endorsing F911 is a HUGE deal
Families, Deep in Debt, Facing Pain of Growing Interest Rates
Do me a favor - E-mail this right-wing numnutz.
AM I CRAZY? DId I just watch a Lou Dobbs story on "Bush is flip-flopper"?
This is the trash from NewsMax about Moore's election registrations.
Will this Wednesday be the day the Plame indictments fly?
Just saw interview with local movie theater owner re F911
Sibel Edmonds on Randi right now - 2:30 mountain time
Josh Marshall hints at scoop -- VP set up Niger-Iraq lie?
U.S. warned it could lose air supremacy
Is Bush getting ready to invade Iran? Read this in another forum - LBN
F911: Remember how the media lied about protest attendance...
Lawrence Eagleberger on "Hardball"
When the plane hit the second tower
Independents and Moderate Republicans Who Won't See F9/11
Are the freepers actually REFUTING and F911 points?
Article: Why I Changed My Voter Registration Today (to Green)
??? Howard Fineman says F911 was a factor
What is the Goal of the Terrorists?
Josh Marshall's Big Story--now we know...
Does anyone "sponsor" a needy child in another country?
"Let Freedom Reign" is a nazi skinhead song.
The Liberals lead so far in Canada's Election 7:46:51 PM EDT
Nader calls Michael Moore a "giant beach ball" -- classy!
Nameless people immortalized by F911:
Does "news" flow from the Internet ?
"The transfer of power is complete in Iraq."
F 9/11 coming to "a couple of hundred more theaters" this Wednesday
"Stupid Secuity" website discusses Michael Moore
With all the right-wing whining, I must say...
F911 could have a GOLDMINE of DVD extras, dontcha think?
Does Anyone Have a Rebuttal to Hitchen's Criticisms of F9/11?
Drove 100 miles to see F911 tonight (this is a Doozy!)
People leave pricey California in droves
Does anybody find it puzzling that Bill and Hillary Clinton
Did you know: US is building FOURTEEN military bases in Iraq?!?
Will F911 influence the election at all?
WAS Early handover done to deflect attention from F-911?
NBC to tell about Bush/Hitler Ad
Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11 yet?
Is it time for a fresh nickname for Bush?
weird scene at F911 last night.....
One theory I have about the success of conservatives.
Thank you, Howard Dean, for opening the dialogue.
Coward Doug from Upland mentioned in the Houston Chronicle.
Josh Marshall has a great post on Cheney's profane outburst
Failure to get ONE senator to sign on disenfranchisement
Kerry calling for more "security", troops for Iraq? Doesn't he get it?
Pfc. Matt Maupin executed in Iraq (sources)
I can't get that Hanna Storm interview with M. Moore out of my head!
gag....needs caption....these bushies are SOOO-OO embarrassing
So Poppy Bush is the only ex-president who receives daily CIA breifings?
Walked Up To A RW Co-Worker And Plunked $10 Down On His Desk For F-9/11
Are there any white people here?
Can you say C-R-U-C-I-F-I--X-I-O-N?
"F@&K Yourself, Dick!" | and the rest of today's TOONs
Fundie Rwinged neighbor threw kitten down steps..killed it
Bomb explodes outside legislature - TW
Carr denies Labor split on Iraq troops
UK committed to eliminating torture worldwide: Straw
Ban on torture is absolute, Annan reminds govts
HEALTH: Big drug companies geared to profits rather than research
North Carolina Boy Drowns When Uncle Tries to Drive Across Flooded Creek
Iraq Handover has taken place -
A Guide to the Memos on Torture
Culture of Improvisation Buoys, Bogs Down Israelis
The woman who is taking on Wal-Mart
Above-Ground Uranium Storage Planned in Tennessee, Despite Concerns
U.S. Formally Transfers Sovereignty to Iraqi Government
Reports: Billions of Iraqi Funds Missing
Family of Marine Shown in Hostage Video Asks for Prayers
9 out of 10 Film Reviewers for Daily Papers Back 'Fahrenheit'
Haitian calls murder charges 'political justice'
Infamous NYC Child Killer Steinberg Poised For Freedom
Iraqis Mixed in Reaction to Transfer
Iraq: Protection of human rights vital during transition
U.S. checking reports of Zarqawi capture (Denied by Army/was: Z. captured)
"Fahrenheit" Burns Up Box Office
(New) Memo lists acceptable 'aggressive' interrogation methods (waterboard
Analysts: GOP Unlikely to Win Illinois Race
China Overtakes U.S. as Investment Target
Oil, not Reagan, ended Cold War
AL-JAZEERA: Iraqi court to charge Saddam 'within a week'
New Cigarette Law Takes Effect in N.Y.
Wanted Saudi Militant Turns Himself In
Thousands in Guard units prepare for Iraq
NRA clout is outgunning Feinstein - Assault weapons ban renewal in doubt
Supreme Court to Hear Case on Medical Pot
NATO Leaders Agree to Train Iraqi Forces
U.S. Military Denies Reports of Zarqawi Capture
Judge Says Artist Can Make Fun of Barbie
Kerry can count on biggest-ever war chest
Kerry Cancels Speech in Boston, Won't Cross Picket Line
'There Is No Way to Turn Back,' New Iraqi President Declares
Supreme Court to Hear Case Claiming CIA Broke Promise to Support Ex-Spies
A saving grace for babies (TX child abandonment law)
Plant May Improve Male Virility, Scientists Say
HAL bankruptcy trustee kicked off plane by pilot
Gitmo detainees have right of access to lawyers and Federal courts (CNN )
Democrats vent at Blagojevich in 'a necessary meeting'
Mother allows photos of California soldier's coffin to protest media ban
Consumer Spending Hits Two-Year High
Mobile phones cut sperm up to 30 percent
Magnitude 4.5 ILLINOIS 2004 June 28 06:10:51
Historian finds U.K.-Al Capone link
Romney to replace Kerry and cross picket line at mayors conference
Kerry Won't Cross Picket Line for Speech
Supreme Court to Hear Case on Medical Pot [to hear this winter]
Poll: Bush Rural Support Fades in Key States
Freed prisoners now fighting against US
Federal Employees' Union Endorses Kerry
Nation's Ports Brace for a Strike by Truckers Unhappy With Wages
The Virgin Oilfields of Iraq (July 5th Newsweek)
Text of Bush-Blair news conference (If you've got the stomach for it)
Iran to resume nuclear programme (a blow to WhiteHouse)
Consumer Spending Hits Two-Year High (savings drop to 2.2% from 2.6%)
Rogue promoter King roots for Bush
Supreme Court Rules Against President Bush in Case About Terrorism Prisone
Taliban murders (16) voters to derail election (Afghanistan)
Irish eyes not smiling over Bush visit
Report: Kidnapped Cincinnati Soldier Killed
Now for the wrath of the oppressed
Shackled Saddam to Be Hauled Into Dock Within Days: Rubaie
Justices Ban Double-Questioning Strategy
Internet helps widen rift between the political left, right
Scientists say watching TV hastens puberty
Oil Prices Fall Sharply After Transfer of Political Power in Iraq
Iranian woman 'gives birth to frog'
MN Woman Skydives On 90th Birthday
San Francisco School Accused of Racism
CNN - Saudis: (Saudi wost wanted) Al Qaeda member surrenders
Saddam to Be Transferred in a Week; Lawyer Says That Violates Internationa
France to Work on Iraq Business Ties
Blast heard Near Turkish Defense HQ
Poll: Americans skeptical about handover
Pursuing the Libido's Dark Side
Another Bloody Week Grisly Rituals in Iraq
Uncertainty About Interrogation Rules Seen as Slowing the Hunt for Info
China Overtakes U.S. As Investment Target
Labor backs Deutsch, Castor (For Florida's Senator Graham's seat)
Blair Disputes Bush's Belief Iraq Rift Is Over
Nader Plays Down Green Party Rebuff
Deadline stirs rush in travel to Cuba
Soldier speaks about decision that led him to Canada
Polls: U.S. skeptical; Iraqis pessimistic
Colorado supreme court strikes school vouchers
Enemy Combatants Win Right to U.S. Courts
Uncertainty About Interrogation Rules Slowing the Hunt for Information
San Francisco Plays Host to Bill and Hillary Clinton
Powerful Earthquake Jolts Alaska
| U.S. Puppet Regime Re-enslaves Haitian Masses, "arrests" legitimate PM
We Report More on What Happens Before Nine A.M. than Most People
All prisoners in Iraq must be freed: Amnesty International
New inquiry re-opens British weapons claim controversy
EU Deadlocked on Approving Modified Corn
GOP rolls out speaker list for convention
Armitage Says State Dept. Will Be Dominant in Shaping U.S. Policy on Iraq
NATO Agrees to Help Iraq; Chirac Raps Bush
Gov. Bush meets with Haitian-Americans to discuss rebuilding Haiti
9/11 Panel Says Hijackers Got Help in U.S.
Military Mom Invites Media To View Son's Flag-Draped Coffin
Supreme Court sides with Bush on terror detainees
Saddam-Era Flag Remains Iraq's Symbol
Monument to Add Thurmond's Daughter's Name
Mayors Set Aside Opposing Gay-Marriage Ban
NYC Council Overrides Equal Benefits Veto
Judge strikes down 1993 agreement that opened Turning Stone
Reports: Billions of Iraqi Funds Missing
Supreme Court to consider pot ban for patients
Iraqi Militants Kill U.S. Soldier Held Hostage Since April
Poll: Half of Iraqis Want Democracy
Report: Warming May Lower Rice Yield
(CA) State Supreme Court upholds sex-offender registration law
Seven Afghan police killed by gunmen disguised as soldiers
Chirac Calls Out Bush on Turkey-EU Speech
Edwards keeps rank and file on their feet
Romney replaces Kerry at mayors conference when Kerry refuses to cross pic
Voters urged not to eat their ballots
Clinton Sells Nearly 1 Million Books
CNN: United States has formally resumed diplomatic ties with Libya
CNN: Supreme Court will not rule on Padilla.
Drilling for black gold:Spain's Repsol-YPF helps Cuba search the waters of
U.S.-Led Forces Would Back Martial Law, Bush Says
48 school deaths highest in years
Mother allows photos of California soldier's coffin to protest media ban
IAEA: Israel should end its nuclear threat
U.S. Military Denies Reports of Zarqawi Capture (it was a look-alike)
Variety: Fahrenheit 9/11 may do $100 million, showing on 2000 screens soon
Kerry: Bush Should Push Allies to Help on Iraq
High Court Deals Blow to Bush's War on Terror
Clinton, Kennedy to Speak at Convention
BBC: Several explosions heard in central Baghdad
Sex Pros Get Ready for Party (RNC)
Bush Told of Iraq Transfer in Hand-Written Note
Moore Shocked by 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Opening
Canadians cast their votes today
FDA Approves Leeches As Medical Devices
Mexicans stage massive anti-crime march - Hundreds of thousands
Seven Released From Guantanamo
EPA report card stirs political fires
Atkins diet may reduce chances of conception
Right wing "antidote" to F 9/11 in the works
The Saddam-Era Flag Remains Iraq's Symbol
Is there a thread where I can discuss F/911 with spoilers if I've seen it?
Question for professional hair stylists
My name is Luka. I live on the second floor
What springs to mind when you see HEyHEY's mom?
Ever get kinda freaked when you think too hard about where you'll end up?
What web-sites have really funny jokes?
I just rode 1,000 miles on CanuckAmok's mother - ask me anything!
Monday's "Ask The White House" Guest is Condi...
Listening to "Mambo 8" from the Office Space soundtrack ASK ME ANYTHING!
Blue Monday, how I hate Blue Monday
The new Beastie far, "meh".
I just walked into my bathroom and stuck to the side of the toilet
i think somebody just got tombstoned
anyone up for a drinking game? . . .
Where do I find the gallery of member pics?
I just walked into my bathroom and, stuck to the side of the toilet,
the ultimate question (from a 1988 life in hell strip)
If I knew how much fun politics were, I'd have gotten involved years ago
I played a choral concert this evening
Who scheduled the 3:00 am reboot?
cnn reporting transfer moved up 2 days...
Is it normal for birds to be chirping at 1:30 AM?
DU is not just a political's a large group of comedians
I just switched to the Dvorak keyboard ... ask me anything!
Ok, guys. CONFESS. what cartoon do you fantasise?
Literary: why do mystery movies tend to introduce the perpetrator early?
Iranian woman 'gives birth to frog'
Who's really up at this hour? (2:18 AM PDT)
Question about the song "Don't Dream its Over" by Crowded House...
PLEASE HELP...I had a car accident today and am having nervous breakdown
FBI Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attacks In Movie Theaters
Awwww: Proof that Delaware is a dem state - birth of new donkey
I need some articles on Stem Cell Research
What's up with all the eye boogers in my cat's eyes
I picked up my Dylan/Nelson tiks this weekend
I saw F911 in Arlington, VA on Saturday
Is Ovaltine really better than Hershey's chocolate syrup?
Did you see Fahrenheit 9/11 this weekend?
That damn chicago tremor has me depressed -
So I turn on the morning shows...
I'm so glad repukes are defending the rights for these two to get married
Man Survives 10 Days Burried In Coffin
Football, Basketball, or Baseball
Hey Guess What, I Saw A Good Movie Yesterday That Wasn't F-911
board error resulted in dupe, please delete
Chicago Du'ers.... Who just FELT that.....????
F/911 opening nighters - how late were you up DUing Friday night?
Sex - Laced Mozart Raises Scandal at Berlin Opera
Naked bike ride attracts attention
DU quickens my pulse by 5-7 beats/minute
cute bush joke... tell me if you heard it. F911 opening in Canada as
Not To Be Outdone By Bush, 90-Year-Old Democrat Jumps From Plane
Is there a new Daily Show tonight?
I bought a little Scion this weekend! DUMPED the Explorer!!!YAYAYAYAYAYAY!
Sex pros get ready for (GOP NY Convention) party
Mobiles Phones May Damage Sperm?
Is it just me or is it foolish to say pop instead of soda
A question for those who've seen F-9/11
Raised In A Barn - Rude People Galore
Brazilian food question (JCCyC? Anyone?)
Man Pleads Guilty After Bag Containing Soiled Underwear Draws Hazmat Crew
I found a shopping cart outside my house today
And the Award for the Most Potent Pot Goes To...
RealPlayer to land on Linux desktops
"Greatest American Hero" Theme song: Take a listen!
TV Crews Catch Bush Changing Clothes
Some new pics of a few of my furry kids
Voters Urged Not to Eat Their Ballots
I just bought LIP VENOM and I need to kiss somebody!
Man is stunned to learn his old watch is worth $250,000
Have you been to this part of Austria?
eBay auction for a body and a cannibal has a serious reply
Robber Pays For Cup Of Coffee Spilled During Holdup
Two guys fought over my underware - Ask me anything!
The Erstwhile Audiophile of All CAPTIONS!!!
Sicko: The next movie from Michael Moore
Gay Pride Parade Goes On Despite Dumping Of Manure On Route
Which new avatar do you prefer?
Anybody here see the movie "Atomic Cafe"
Records that deserved to sell melons but didn't.
WaPo, alternate meanings for various words
Why, God, why? - Sports fan parents name son "ESPN"
CAPTION the discovery of a 2 pound Robin in Ireland
Animal bits... A quiz for 7 yr olds.. How will WE do??
Has anyone heard this audio clip before?
who would you like to have plms with?
Watching Yesterday's Enterprise, while I scan stuff for my dad.
DNC has taken over Kendall Sq!
So I took DUers' block watch advice...Here is the result
Batch of Democratic Domain Names are expiring/dropping
Did you see any other DUers when you went to F9/11?
starting a new business called "Hugs Inc."
Michael Moore Hates America - Trailer
Records that deserved to sell millions but didn't.
No internet for 10 days. I need a booklist, preferably BFEE and BCCI
Who would you like have plws with?
How come we don't have ketchup potato chips in the US?
How Far Along Are You in WJC's "My Life"?
Gust Of Wind At Wedding Throws Tent Poles Into Air - One Dead
Oh shit..What if the terra-ists take it up a notch and deploy...
Any DUers use the mini VIA PCs?
Michael Flatley is STILL Lord of the Dance
Why do I laugh so hard at things like this? Amy's third grade diary!
Records that didn't deserve to sell millions, but did
Anyone care to give me a synopsis of the last 1.5 week's current events?
A little Humor to help you get through Monday
What is the song at the end of F. 9/11?
And the battle with my con-cow-irker continues.
Things to spend your money on this week
Uh-Oh just got a F911 movie review/crowd reaction from RICHMOND Va.
Brando Nearly Destitute Says British Newspaper
What movies from the 90s will become classics?
I certainly don't wish to insult a great American* but did anyone notice
Our audience for F911 must have been full of Clapton fans
Favorite part of Fahrenheit 9/11?
Anyone care to give me a synopsis of the next 1.5 week's current events?
Did you see "The Talented Mr. Ripley"?
Invite someone to go f*** themselves.
I've replaced the word fuck in my speech with the word cheney
Jack Black Warns That Peter Jackson's King Kong Is A Scary Flesh-Eater
Think Britney's been looking plumper lately? She might be eating for two!
Aw, man...I've got to buy "Goodfellas" again? 2-DVD "special" edition...
Misheard lyrics not mentioned in past threads
DU: The movie - What would we call the movie?
What's the one song you hope Ashcroft will NEVER sing with the "Senators"
So who here is stuck in a town that isn't playing F 9/11?
Look very carefully at this letter from Condi Rice
Who saw Rubin "Hurricane" Carter slam the Patriot Act.
Post 600, and I'm Comfortably Numb
Bush "listens as French President Jacques Chirac speaks at NATO summit"
my stoLen Lunch was not a mistake
Arrrrgh! I hate doing laundry!
Common things that you never ate until you were an adult
I've joined the "vandalized by a freeper" club
In confess, I am looking forwward to Spiderman MORe than F911.
HEyHEY doesn't deem you worthy of tandem beer swilling
Computer-savvy DUers: I need help! (RE Trojan Horse Virus)
CBS Evening News is reporting on Mauphin (sp?)
Favorite (or best) movie with only letters for the title?
Any other unloved DUers? Come have a beer with me!
in f911, right before shrub utters bring 'em on, he says "let me finish"..
More proof that things are changing....
AAAAHHHHGHH!! Just call us Turner and Hooch...
What's the worst product placements in movies?
It's after 5:00, and the bar is open. What'll ya have?
I should be studying for the bar exam.....
Harry's girlfriend and (possibly) Voldemort cast for "Harry Potter: GoF"
I need a lover that won't drive me crazy...
novakuLa caLLs moore a "traitor"
Internet Explorer 6.0 stopped playing mp3s. What do I do?
Have a question you savvy guys and gals might be able to help with
Whats your favorite saying or pick up line?
Jill Henessey-the worst actress on TV IMHO
So who else is going to be civilly disobediant this sunday?
Cheney YOU, you Cheneying motherCheneyer!
Armchair dentists! Diagnose my mysterious dental trauma!
When humans say they're not interested, why not just say so?
Name your fave junk food & I'll tell you what it reveals about you
Question for computer fiends -- .bin, .cue files from torrent
Culture clash help needed regarding child rearing
I'll have running water this winter!!!
How do you folks feel about the work of Diego Rivera?
What's your current favorite TV comedy?
Freddie Mercury had it all figured out....
Nascar Fans: Should Jeff Gordon give F1 a try?
I need a good home for my Kitty.
Top ten signs your country is weird (mine, not Letterman's)
Bartcop wondered what if F9/11 made $20 million in opening weekend?
Imagine getting pulled over by this car...
Pick The Theme Song for the "Transfer of Sovereignty"
Roll Reversal: Post as a Freeper that just saw F9/11
show me your 'Dick's! (not a sex thread, promise!)
Ever seen the Alvin Ailey Dance Company?
This is my 500th post - ask me anything!
Does everyone here know how to find all their old posts?? The easy way ??
Regretfully, I am no longer a Rock Star.....
Well DU, I'm checking in - Week 1 is over and I made it - drink free!!!
Help/advice with antivirus problem please
DU Photographers: I just got back film from my trip...
Drunk man accidentally shoots his balls off
I'm not being paid at my community college teaching job
F 9/11 did NOT make $21 Million Dollars! So stop saying that!
Maya-HEEEE vs. Dee da dee da de da doh doh
Why Germans should not sniff glue
I watched a man die last night.
I am up early and my cousin made the post today, ask me anything
Florida Teacher Accused Of Sex With 14-Year-Old Boy
What are some good profiles of Kerry?
Freepers attempt to disrupt Kerry appearance in Phoenix!
Middle Road and Right Democrats Derail Victories
President Kerry and Vice President...
Jebtheft '04 - Who's On The List?
when will Florida vote for their Senate candidates ?
Felons' Initiative Probably on Hold in Florida...unless Floridians act now
Idea for Anti-Bush Campaign Commercial
The Pro-Kerry side could use some help at discussion!
Pennsylvania: Kerry ahead of Bush 49-43, but with Nader...
Bush camp hits back at Kerry with a (web video)"coalition of the wild-eyed
Bush Photo-Ops Show Foreign Policy Gains
Fact: Rick Santorum did not vote for the Iraq war
Advice needed -- Campaign Contribution Law
Clinton, Kennedy set to speak at DNC
Another collectible Bush photo
Farenheit 9/11 -- proof positive there is no liberal media bias
Zogby: Bush gains advantage in electoral vote 285-253
GOP bus owners selling tours to NYC Protesters/Suckers across USA
WashTimes uses "outrageously false" for F911, but reports no lies!! ?? !!
the f-word - "Never Complain! Never Explain!"
Last week Nader suggested voting for Kerry in swing states. This week:
Edwards leading choice for VP among Nebraska Democratic Delegates
CO: Kerry within striking distance of Bush (Bush: 48, Kerry: 43)
Am I the only one that doesn't care if it is Clark or Edwards?
Lou Dobbs poll.....Please vote.
Bush Overtakes Kerry In West Virginia (Zogby)
Indiana Poll (Bush: 52, Kerry: 36)
Fact: John Kerry did not vote for the Iraqi war
Does anyone else think Maria Shriver is scum?
The "Early Handover,"...was it because of F/911?
Son Greens, what do you think of Ralph now?
Why is TKennedy given primetime speaking spot at DNC Convention?