Feeding on the corpse of Reagan (graphic image warning)
Abolish this annual festival of hypocrisy
Tenet lied under oath to 9/11 commission
Salon: Branded (Soldier charged with cowardice)
Salon: Shocking, Amusing and Baffling Quotations From the GOP and Their Fr
COUP D'ETAT: The Real Reason Tenet and Pavitt Resigned from the CIA
Reagan: man of contradictions? - NBC
Legalizing Torture (WP, 6/9/04)
Towering are the tributes, but towering he wasn't - Reagan
Bush, Cheney Indictments in Plame Case Looming
Doctrines And Visions: Who Is To Run The World, And How?
Disability activists needed, pronto!
Brownshirts at G8... literally
Thank you for post about optical mouse. Got one today.
Odd Black Hole Defies Explanation
Rat DNA gives clues to human migration patterns in Polynesia
Torture, Detention, and the Crushing of Dissent in Iran
Nation braces for Typhoon Conson
Genital Cutting Shows Signs of Losing Favor in Africa
Aide defends HK's Tung from criticism
Allegheny County(PA SWAT) cop accused of stealing ammunition
Agree or disagree with the following statement:
I was looking in "profiles" for someone ....
Californian needs your help, DU!
Where can I find a convention genda to print out?
Corporations reluctant to give repug groups soft money.
I can explain all this reagan nonsense
O'Reilly, Scheer, Reagan, AIDS...ay caramba.
I haven't watched ANY of the Reagan circle jerk
Olbermann: more than 70,000 people have gone by THE casket.
Why don't we out -Rove Rove & Co.
A message to my Republican acquaintances
Talked to a recruiter the other day
Looking for Audio/Video archive sites
the body's cold now, & the stink is finally coming out in the press
Quick I need a working link...
BBV:Commission head calls for more security for electronic voting
Has President Clinton been invited to the private burial?
Any Eastern European DUers? How do Eastern Europeans feel about Reagan?
I just read Skinner's post after a few days
Leahy/Asscroft REPEAT on C-SPAN 2.....NOW! n/t
Latest Serving of ‘Juice’ Makes Me Want to Gag
Trying to get my head around some "fuzzy math"
Rap Stars Hold Concert to Encourage Voting
Jeanine Garofalo asking Jehane Noujim (director of the "Control Room",
Ron Jr. pisses off freepers, Bwahahaha check this out........
Ronald Reagan’s Benign Bigotry: Three Lessons
Turn on AAR: Jeanine and Sam talking to a rights lawyer about THE torture
just came from PantsOnFire-Mobile
Let's find hilarious pro-* websites
June! It's Lightnin' Bug Time! In the Suburbs..Kids Don't Seem to Care!
Michael Rattner on practical reasons against torture.
Afghan pipeline -- squeaked right by me!
New Zogby Battleground States Poll w/ Colorful Red & Blue Map
DC sex scandal - fed employees pay for 'tantra' lessons
So the Justice Department can withhold information from Congress?
Democrats waiting until after Reagan funeral to go after Bush's memoranda
9/11 Commission Report: Milktoast
Did you know our tax dollars support Rush on Armed Services Radio??
David Brooks is a wussy pr*ck!.
Do "war-mongers" have a genetic predisposition?
Wow! Read what one conservative journalist says about *...awesome
We better get them before they get us!
WTF? They are talking on Air America about...
A decade of depraved hate and lies (repigs and their mouths)!
Repeat of Ashcroft hearing on C-SPAN 1 NOW.
Can someone enlighten me on something? When/how did Hillary become "gay"?
Did you get a tear in your eye when those boy scouts saluted Reagan's
So Kerry wins.... It's gonna happen, kids....What next?
Stamps For the Reagan $10 Bill!
Bette: "This year we need to ELECT a prez instead of ASSIGNED to us"
Aw righty now, I gatta reveal some thoughts. Them Pubs, they gatta know
www.capitalhillblue.com is a RIGHT WING website.
"...my father crapped bigger ones than George Bush." - Ron Reagan Jr.
Those 'abstinence only' idiots
These guys irritate me as much as neo-cons
Could The GOP Capitulate The 2004 Presidential Election?
Senior Administration Official: Torture wasn't 'Tough Enough' (NBC News)
Help! the Repugs, freepers and RW Christians are coming to my
My local CBS station in Raleigh
Fed workers get day off for RR funeral. I will be glued to...
Todays Ashcroft testimony on CSPAN right now n/t
Here's a fun little google search - Bush Family Values
If you have not seen bowling for Columbine you need to hear this...
How the FUCK did Randall Terry get my e-mail address??
Gerald Ford looks pretty good for 91 years old
Is Paul Martin in as much trouble as we're lead to believe?
The perfect way to honor Ronnie
Most Outrageous Reagan Tribute
Please help me refute a Cop's statement about gay mens' life expectancy...
Bush May Be Toast Before The Election. Would You Like To Break It To Him?
What do people make of Richard Clarke allowing Bin Ladens to leave on 9/11
How would things be different if Dole had won in 1996?
Pictures wanted: Campaign 2000 -- GWB on the Enron jet.
Nude Patti Reagan pictures displaying Reagan Family Values
Let's laugh at how scared the Freepers are!
Ron Jr.: "My father crapped bigger ones than George Bush."
I bet Gerald Ford's passing will be much more respectfully received here
Does anyone know if Ron Reagan Jr. supports Kerry?
Get that fucking criminal out of my White House!
The New Official Ronald Reagan One Dollar Bill....a funny cartoon
bizarre Statue of Liberty accident - bush toon
This is the sort of swill we're up against
Ashcroft - 'We're at war; questions about legalities are inappropriate.'
I think Ted Rall is a miserable prick. Do you agree?
Must Read: From Michael Ruppert - Coup D'Etat (Bush is toast)
Worst 21st century phenomenon so far (political edition)
Why is America so different than other western democracies?
Today, I saw the following two bumper stickers on the same car:
Kerry attacked for paying respects
BBV: Today Indiana, Tomorrow Your State
Is it ok to link to From the Wilderness? Interesting. Coup D'etat.
Florida elections division chief quits amid controvery on voter rolls!
Where is the outrage? Democratic ex-Presidents not wanted.
Anyone remember the DU discussions about torture waaay before Abu Ghraib?
BBV: Activists in Austin TX buy billboard ads. Photos please...
Democrat Jim Moran WINS the 8th District in Virginia !!
The CIA Is Sinking BushCo NOW! Full torture memo available online!
Cap Hill Blue: Bush Knew About Leak of CIA Operative's Name: 10 yr penalty
Why is the Left against Title IX reform?
Shameless GOP wants to rename Pentagon after Reagan
How did you feel when Reagan was shot?
Who thinks that Dick Durbin should replace Daschle?
Gee it's tough being a Republican!! (aw)
DORKY & Drunk again? Pics from G8
we need to name a bunch of things after reagan.....but what?
From the Wilderness: Bush IS Toast!
When do you think we'll make "Contact"
How important is DU in the larger perspective?
"I'm George Bush, and I approved this torture..."
Could someone give me a realistic list of the good things that Reagan did?
Americans cashing in on mad cow: MLA
GOP convention lawsuit accuses NYC of trying to silence First Amendment
Army Of Cops, Secluded Island Summit Keep G8 Protests Small
Ministers admit they got it wrong on Iraq
Congo Rebel Leader Says Fighting Resumed
Saudi poll: Wide support for bin Laden
End Darfur attacks, UK urges Sudan
News Audiences Increasingly Politicized
Karzai Set to Address Joint Session Next Week
Florida elections division chief quits amid controvery on voter rolls
Sept. 11 commission draft harshly critical of FBI, CIA
Bush ignored Pentagon lawyers over tactics in war on terror
Lea Fastow ordered to report to detention in downtown Houston
Rumsfeld approved interrogation
Northern Iraq--Calm Like a Bomb/ATimes--New World Media Watch
Senate Leaders Try to Speed Danforth Confirmation
Army Now Says G.I. Was Beaten in Role (Gitmo Training Exercise)
WP: Speaker Pushes Jobs Bill Provision (Religion in Politics)
Memo Draws Focus To Bush--Aide: President Set Broad Guidelines
Bishop hammers Martin on abortion
Kerry Pays Respects to Reagan in California
Moran Wins 8th District Primary
Chavez's recall set for 15 August
Ex-C.I.A. Aides Say Iraq Leader Helped Agency in 90's Attacks
More Enron Tapes, More Gloating [CBS News]
Full torture memo available online!
OAS unites to urge assistance, elections for Haiti
Tab for four (TX) special sessions: $4.6 million
WP: Soldier Described White House Interest (in Data From Abu Ghraib)
Republicans Mull New Honors for Reagan (Rename Pentagon? Star Wars? .50$?
Punk fans: 1.5 hours of anti-Reagan music
Paul's sister is an alien, oh well
Am I the only one who misses the DU "recent post" screen?
Yay! Sci-fi channel premiers new Battlestar Galactica series in Jan!
I haven't been able to post recently, I just wanted to say
GWBushSucks@gmail.com for sale...
movies you are looking forward to
From the Religious Right e-mail list to which I was somehow added....
Sig file from a Usenet posting.
Piston fans check in! (on edit) Sure is lonely here.
The Cranky Yankee presents: THE NEW ENGLAND ANOMALY!
Pictures of Barbara Bush when she was a young girl
Fucking villagers vote against name change
I just noticed my sig line is missing...
Nice to see Orrin Hatch feels comfortable enough on TV
Lemur Alert !!! on NBC's Law and Order
Did you ever find an old video tape?
Alright - the perogies are finish, I'm starting my first rye and coke....
Batman is looking for a new side kick anyone interested?
Mr Scorpio is here. Reporting from Chicago
A very interesting show on FOX
I cannot, in good conscience, caption this photo...
What does anyone know about this WIFESWAP tv show
NBA/Media Thread - Worst Suit Ever!!!
I met up with my friend tonight.
Why oh WHY Can't I sing like Flip Wilson?
Why oh WHY Can't I flip like Brian Wilson?
OK, I have chicken breasts, curry, onions,
Why oh WHY Can't I sing like Jackie Wilson?
Just checking: Is Reagan still dead?
Sports - Play by Play Announcer
OK, I have silicone breasts, beriberi, bunions,
Resort with water park opened up today in my town.
Something just occured to me - I'd love to get ripped with the DU admin
Bette Midler on Letterman - doing a benefit for Kerry
Why oh WHY Can't I flip like Wilson Wilson?
June! It's Lightnin' Bug Time! In the Suburbs..Kids Don't Seem to Care!
I love the Daily show - BUT.....
OK, what exactly is Pickles trying to find in this photo?
Am I The Only DUer Who Doesn't Feel Aliens?
LOL - - TooStupidToBePresident.com's latest Top 11 list
Good quotes wasted in bad movies....
Its not a consarned "Cicada," okay?
Dante's Inferno fans: What part of Hell do you think Reagan is in?
Chances you had to do a bad (but oh so good) deed with a friends S/O?
1st relationship: dumper or dumpee?
Anyone hear anything about "Saved" ?
I'm moving to the Republic of Chad
Let's Rename The Grand Canyon After Reagan.
Are DUers as popular after they get married?
The NOVA show on the brain tonight, is the one about the religious
hey Lois, look, the 2 symbols of the republican party
Who do you think is the best pitcher in baseball?
$20 tyre shot to Hell! Didn't even have 200 miles on it!
What software do I need to counter a sluggish computer (suddenly)?
88 degrees, humid as hell, and no AC
Tuesday night rock n' roll thread
Tuesday Night DULL Thread is open
"What is appropriate dress for a funeral?"
Update on Dog Death and Funeral.... Pictures for those who care
Hollywood's WAY friskier than Babylon ever was...getcha gossip here!
If Election Held Today - Kerry To Win 296 to 242
CNN: Scott Silliman Duke Law blasts Ashcroft
Do you think that chimp and troop know where osama is?
Who is more fanatic, Clark or Edwards supporters?
Who is more fanatic, Dean or Kucinich supporters?
Good News for Bush, but Situation Remains Fluid/James Zogby, Arab News
Where can I find results from today's elections?
What do we talk about after Kerry picks the VP?
Gov. of VA Mark Warner, approve or disapprove of for VP?
Kucinich says he is "protecting" John Kerry from Ralph Nader
Torture idea is a terrorist victory
"Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries White House Aides"
Putting Reagan on the Scales (Salon compilation)
Lincoln: the measure of modern leadership
The inevitable peak, and decline, of oil
Orange County Register column: Living with the legacy
Al-Qaeda and the Zimbabwe nexus
Eulogy to a Teflon coffin from a liberal who visited Reagan's library
Bill Berkowitz (WorkingForChange): Hijacking history
Why Did the Chicken cross the Road?
Berkley prof. under fire for torture memo......
Kissinger Accused of Blocking Scholar
The U.S. and Europe still march in different directions
Missed Opportunities (in the all-Yale presidential race)
The Case for China's Coming Collapse
“American Idol” Faceoff: Reagan vs FDR by John Moyers (Satire)
Business Week for June 14, 2004 - "Does Your Vote Matter?"
A National Black Eye (Normally RW 'Capitol Hill Blue')
Northern Iraq - calm like a bomb
Reagan oozed masculinity and manly virtues
Iraq invasion may lead countries to acquire WMD
50 years ago, Joe McCarthy was discredited
If it ain’t pro-war, it ain’t on country radio
Pat Buchanan interviews Ralph Nader
Building a prison and preaching democracy
Walter Cronkite | Coast Guard foundering as funds run dry
Coup d'etat by Michael Ruppert
Suicide by Pseudoscience (Wired)
OP/ED: "The Presidency As Seen Through A Proctoscope"
NPR Morning Edition 6/9/04 - Ashcroft Won't Release Memos
Conason: Bush Should Fear Nancy Reagan’s Ire
The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement
165 protesters arrested in SF...(G8/reclaim the commons)
AIDS benefit - Sponsor Tim Norman in Mass Red Ribbon Ride
Any Phoenix, AZ Democrats here?
Sibel Edmonds & Dan Ellsberg Want Your Attendance..
GW: "Tie-ranny" (Harry Shearer)
Bob Weir and Greg Palast on Franken
Biased headline corner: "Hawaii economy sizzles"
"Fewer republicans trust the news" from WP and Pew
What if... D-Day - Reported TODAY on Today
Air America Radio Scores Some Initial Success
How bad is this: "Distort D'Newsa" now a CNN analyst
Limiting presidential pardons....daydream with me.
Genes Promoting Nerve Other Cell Communications May Have Come From Bacteri
Recalling the Death of Another GOP President
The Venus Transit -- Astrological and Astronomical insights
Astronomers and Physicists: Sun's magnetic pole.
What's the difference between the Lounge and Meeting Room?
shameless self-promotion thread | post your products!
Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink (no impact politically)
A Fresh Look At Reagonomics - CBS
Bush again pro big Business-refuses to back FCC on Phone Competition Rules
Reagan raised taxes after first year by 2.6% of GDP -or $300 B in 2004 $'s
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan
BEA GDP in constant $'s below - Bush GDP growth over 3 years= 1.9%/yr
IT Moral Drops to all-time low, study says
Machines work,we play.Halfway there, stats prove
'Drunk 4x4 drivers now wrecking mountains' - Africa
Hood Canal Oxygen Levels Lowest Recorded In 50 Years
Lucrative Bluefin Tuna Farming Vaccuums Surrounding Seas - Independent
NASA Study Links Deforestation, Climate Shifts In Amazon
Wondering...gasoline->ethanol conversions
Bush League Lysenkoism - From Scientific American
New Discoveries Can't Match Depletion - Norwegian Oil Directorate
Grand Canyon ain't what it used to be
The Resolution's Weakness (Bush double crossing the Kurds - like Dad did)
Report: SA media pay little attention to Aids
Moroccan parties start new left-wing group
Rebels kill 19 in Ugandan refugee-camp attack
Doctrines And Visions: Who Is To Run The World, And How?
Pipe bomb removed from soda machine
GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 9, 2004
Holsters recalled because strap causes gun to fire
Safe Haven Legislation (Baby Moses Law)
Why aren't there any new posts after 7:12 a.m. (EST)? It's 7:23 now.
What ever happened to that Greg Palast interview?
what happened to the Israeli/ Palestinian forum
Do features shut off automatically?
Can we have scripting with regexes
Skinner, when you, Earl, and Elad are having your morning cup of joe...
UN wins promises of aid for Palestinian refugees
Twilight Zone / End of the Rainbow
Disengagement Begins: Erez To Be Closed
I just learned that Israel is a stalinist state!
15% rise in settler attacks against Palestinians since Jan.
BBC (Wednesday): Israeli PM loses Knesset majority
anyone seen this? also, call for help
The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement
Bush lied. The Saudis got a ride.
FL 77 Cell Phone Calls (Real or Fake?)
Democratic Senate hopefuls sidestep attacks during debate
California's rules could aim for 30 percent emissions cut
Scientology link to public schools in SF
Homophobe State Senator Kenneth Veenstra Loses Primary
Poll: Presidential race still tight
House panel OKs health care whistleblower bill
Need help from someone in the 11th TX Congressional District
Did Asscrack have a nervous breakdown on C-SPAN? He is on right now.
my response to an unsolicited freeper email
Canadians - what is your opinion on Uncle Sam?
Have they finally given up trying to kick FDR off the dime?
Look at this, Bush trying to drive a special Golf Car on Sea Island
"The Hunting of the President" - TRAILER
CNN poll -- Ronnie on the $10?
So I am sitting here watching Bowling For Columbine
DAVID BROCK -- on Bernie Ward right now (2AM ET)
what are the ramifications of Bush juxtaposed against Pope/Reagan?
Bette Midler said tonight on Letterman re: the election
Yikes McGee - protest music is an important part of this war
Inpeachment/Resiginations.... what does that do to the elections???
Major "faux pas" on Reuters picture..anyone got the original??
attn: Flash animators/commerical makers
Please something big happen to make tha damn news!
As in WW2, "The Meddling Hands of Adolf Hitler" led to the Loss
LOL...I think I just saw an ad for Paula Zahn's D-day show...
Life Under a Bush: Letters of Protest 2001-2004
The G8 gives me cause for pause
While I was over at free republic I noticed a huge difference in our posts
Reagan's Indisputable Legacy - The Judiciary
Anyone familiar with "BigNewsNetwork.com"?
Doonesbury sends the White House a hint...
Tampa NOW confirms post 911 flight -- Government denied happening
G. H. W. Bush's Parachute Doesn't Open
Just listened to Beastie Boys "To the 5 Boroughs"
C-Span 8:50 - Iraq - Adelman repug- read Wolfowitz statement
Japanese Man Sues Over Iraq Kidnapping
AAR: morning sedition: rename Reagan Intl. airport Reagan Intl. airport,
Onion: Many Americans Still Unsure Whom To Vote Against
mr. bush, mr. asscrack, please don't torture me
Audience at Academy of Motion Pictures gives Moore film standing ovation
How Big Brother Is Watching YOU..............
My father crapped bigger ones than George Bush - Great interview w/ Ron Jr
Many Still Troubled by Reagan's Legacy
"Ronald Reagan had his hand on the nation's pulse." (C.Dodd on Imus)
Was the 'end' of the 'Cold War' Reagan's big mistake (from his p.o.v)
Florida Not a Given for Bush This Fall
Welp, this may explain why Ashcroft won't comment on the TORTURE memo
Older people are the majority.
There was talk this morning on FAUX NEWS that
Why Tenet Resigned ? Bush, Cheney Indictments Looming (Ruppert)
I ask it again: When does George W. Bush become "expendable"...
If we're gonna name stuff after Reagan, how about we change the name...
Don't look now, but your interest rates are about to rise (in honor of RR)
Will Nancy "just say no" to Rush attending the funeral?
Bush drunk : Like father,like son.
What Administration is/was more corrupt? Reagan's or Bush 2
Question on Presidential pardons
GOP disappointed that RR didn't rise again yesterday
Khephra posted this on LBN: For Reagan mortician,the 'honor of a lifetime'
Okay, who here remembers well the Iran-Contra Hearings? Was the hearing
Unbelievable! Reagan used to have a talk show !!!
The Motivation Behind Reagan Worshiping And Memorializing
2003 Poll of Saudis shows wide support for bin Laden's views
Zell Miller is offended by Snuffy Smith
I just finished "Fortunate Son" Biography of George W Bush
If Al Quaida has any offensive capability, now's the time to show it
If we must, put RR's mug on the $1,000 bill...the ones who benefitted
Tons of Rowland Impeachment hearing coverage
Okay, let's compromise: What state should we rename in honor of Reagan?
Lets Suppose That Reagan Is Going To Appear On SOMETHING...
Top Ten Things STOESSEL Should Debunk re RAYGUN Frenzy
Air America Reports: Bush New Gallup Numbers Out Today?-- NO BUMP
Randi was saying something yesterday
What do Independents believe in?
Leahy might want to look at this: PDF of Torture Memo
Fuck it, let's just rename it "Planet Reagan"
William Blum tackles 'Reagan defeated communism' spin.
Let's defreep this stupid poll on best presidents of the century.
My Company's e-mail regarding Raygun's funeral and public leg-humping
International lawyer shocked by memos
D-day was hardly mentioned. Reagan was the number one story?
Coke President Steps Down ......
Did I hear right that Reagan requested all of this?
What's The Difference Between "Flip-Flopping" And Changing-One's-Mind?
Ahhh.. the circle of (Republican) life:
Since the memos are out on the internet.............
This Reagan commemoration stuff is getting out of hand
Could Tenent testify before the Plame grand jury
Looks like we are going into Fallujah with tanks.
Army Admits Discharged Soldier Injured (Beaten to a Pulp)
I HOPE & PRAY they put Reagan's picture on either the $10 or $20 bill
Ashcroft Asserts Executive Privilege Concerning Torture Memo?
Torture memo makes it into Leno monologue
Does anyone know why AlFranekenWeb is down?
tell me again how..... like hearing that story.
For those of you looking for something relevant, liberal, and FUNNY
Torturegate...."Praise the Lord and Pass the Thumbscrews"..billmon
OMG LOL-"Foxcaster" Janice Dean with the DC forecast
Reagan gets to screw the District of Columbia one last time.
Ronald Reagan legacy: He taught us how to hate with a scowl.
Clinton reading "My Life" to be released on internet
Has anyone compiled a timeline of * impeachable acts?
Look at this in Civil Rights/Equality/Privacy
Political cartoonist defends anti-Reagan Web tirade
Help needed...Question about the FL vote purge list
I watched the CBS Reagan film last night on dvd & liked it
Turner Movie Classics 15-film Bonzo-free Gipp-A-Thon on June 10th
anthrax mailing timeline: does anyone have a good fact list/link?
New Republic: "Misplaced Blame" (intelligence failures)
Why the GOP is going down in a big way this year
Allellujah... The hide-a-thread button is back. n/t
Isn't it ironic that the Repukes whined about Clinton stealing Kerry's
Palast on AlFranken today. n/t
My favorite Creationist story.
Lampreys. Pols attaching themselves to Ronnie's corpse like lampreys.
Yesterday June 8 was another Munich
James Zogby is NOT a Republican. He's supported many....
Is this Reagan quote supposed to make him look good?
Eulogy to a Teflon-draped coffin -- liberal visits Reagan library
Nancy, Nostradamus, Venus transistion, Ron's death....wha?
The Pentagon will increase the number of U.S. troops in Iraq to about 145K
DIALING FOR DEMOCRACY---------June 9th, 2004
BBV-Can someone point me to the Stalin poster?
Reagan was NOT a Christian he "had an AVID interest in the occult."......
show the world how transparency works
does reagan's funeral orgy make up for the 850 unseen G.I. funerals?
Slanted Source: Giuliani to replace Cheney?
Apollo Alliance for Good Jobs and Clean Energy
What President was the biggest "puppet"?
Cheney's hideout is under Raven Rock Mt.
So...going back to the UN with your tail between your legs is a WIN?
is reagan's funeral really mass torture, sanctioned by bush?
NY States 44 Million dollar farewell to Reagan
Did anyone catch Jon Stewart's slam on David Brook last night?
We need to stop kidding ourselves about the Memos & we need to help
10 of 12 US carriers are now at sea
Aging boomers + Stem Cell Issue + Reagan = Issue?
Ashcroft has not one legal, precedental leg to stand on
Character? Here is great character.
President's have a signature stamp for mass mailings
What celebrity's death upset you the most?
If I hear Raygun again I will puke.
Sharp divisions marked Reagan tenure - Years afterward, many remain bitter
Post for myself to hide: Hid all the RR death posts from my DU!
what is the scheduled time for reagan's ascension into heaven?
SF GATE Poll: Which currency should Reagan be on?
Hey, I thought I'd start Reagan thread #9,999,426.....
Eulogize a Loser? Here is Big Winner
So, we turned out to be right about everything, should we be happy?
Fog & War viewing -- need project ideas after the show
Did the mujahideen hate the USSR for their freedoms?
Reagan funeral wouldn't have become such a joke if they weren't
The Reagan fest is nothing more than the right wing trying
Request at work: "Make an icon for a protestor"
Wasn't the scathing CIA report due out this week?
Soccer Mom: "Thank GOD Reagan ended the Cold War!"
Could anything we say here be more demeaning than the Dead Reagan Tour?
Reaganism: Androcentric Death Cult
When Clinton and Carter pass away
OK, what exactly is a "troll?"
Bush's Skydive: "Senior-citizen Fear Factor"
I'm kinda curious, did Dean make statement on Reagan's death?
I heard Franken beat Limbaugh in some markets...Is this true?
Regarding Reagan Funeral overkill just remember...
I'm kinda curious: did Osama make a statement about Reagan's death?
Video Here: Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft testifies at a Senate Judiciary Cmte.
Why do you think so many 'rednecks' and 'hillbillies' like GW?
Randi Rhodes ....opening with Ashcroft Testimony
The Real Reason Tenet and Pavitt Resigned
"Hunting of the President" opening delayed due to Reagan
Iraq government takes control of oil - "Left Eating Crow Now"
Can anyone explain why we aren't going after Saudi Arabia?
Bush voters fatter than Gore voters - fun factoid!
Possible Cheney Fissure ticket
What are the odds of Karzai getting back to his bunker alive?
Did Rush Limbaugh radio show contribute to the military culture in Iraq?
"HE IS RISEN!" --- Tomorrow's Reagan headline
How many are HERE that would be watchin'TV now if not for RR coverage?
Shrubya giving the eulogy at Reagan's funeral.... why are they taking ...
I heard a criticism of Democrats today that I can't get out of my head.
Why does the UN security council have any legitimacy?
Who's behind the big push for Reagan monuments? Their press releases HERE
Proof Reagan DID NOT End The Cold War !
how many "other people" must...
Anne Coulter enters the No-Spin Zone
Al Franken interviews Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead
Message from California Democrats: Support Stem Cell
Chavez fans, prepare to toss furniture and have heart attack....
Interesting teaser in Michael Moore's message about his movie....
July 25, Reagan's spirit will return and his people will speak in tongues!
Anyone Remember LBJ's Funeral???
Will we buy the pig in the poke?
So now will the administration start blaming the Kurds?
What's this?!?! dead bush sister? No funeral?
Film Industry Gives Fahrenheit 9/11 Standing Ovation
Roger and Me, a great reminder of the Reagan/Bush 1 years.
For clarity, Clinton and Carter are good guys and that is a big difference
Ed Schultz: neocons using Reagan's death for political gain
A Government Crackdown on Britney Spears!
The Battle Hymn of the Republic(ans)
When Work Doesn't Pay: A Report on the Republican Job Record
Disgusting!! bush/cheney exploiting Reagan on georgewbush.com
Bruce Bartlett: Reagan responsible for largest tax increase in history!
Rasmussen -Reagans death not helping Bush, Kerry 46-44
Screw the $10 dollar bill. They need to make a million dollar bill...
How much money was spent (wasted) at the G-8 summit?
TIA now verifies flight of Saudis
How Jesus Christ became Supply Side Jesus
Who will give the best speech at Reagan's funeral?
Iranian-American caller on Randi Rhodes: "Now we're all wearing...
DU this CNBC Reagan on $10 bill poll
Judy Woodruff lying again today, call CNN and complain #404 827 0234
We've got a serious US House race in Michigan
Eight Marks of a Mind Control Cult
Bush Should Fear Nancy Reagan’s Ire
When are we gonna have a Bill Clinton highway or Airport or currency or..
How many yrs should W get, 4? 20? -sorry no death penalty
How the hell do you determine the Senate Hearing #?
Let's play, "Where in the World is John?" Anyone have any news
how are we the people going to end this stupid global war on terror?
Had it with Woodruff? Direct contact numbers.
Canadian politics for Non-Canadians
Can someone give me info.RE:Hinkley/Bush sr. & Reagan assassination?
How Did Clinton Get the Nickname, "Big Dog"?
Excellent Legal Analysis of The Torture Memo...
How about a cable TV "The Reagan Channel"? All Reagan, All the Time.
Dignity to the White House...?
Amazing Article from a Very Right Wing Site
Reagan and the Republican Dogma
Do you still call that D.C. airport "National?"
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004): An Obituary
To those of you who are upset that there is a REAGAN Airport...
Republicans were booed at Wellstone's funeral, Do you think they didn't
Ya gotta love Randi Rhodes, re: Sean Hannity "on the facts."
The Terrorists Have Won ! The Terrorists Have Won !
You know if Nancy Reagan really cared about stem cell research
Judge rules that the OTHER side of the drug debate can be advertised
No Dem speakers? Let's demand equal time.
No Dem speakers. Seems a little, er, political.
GOP Co-opting the media to evangelize their bullshit idolatry of Reagan
It's like I got 1/4 of my Newsweek this week.
You guys need to STOP overloading Air America's servers!
JUST SAY NO, Break the Reagan Addiction
Help! Newbie to DU and I think I'm hooked
What Reagan Commemorative will you buy from Parade Magazine
ACLU alert: Santorum's bill allows discrimination in the work place
Judy Woodruff finally admitted Clinton had a higher outgoing ap. rating
new Iraqi PM Allawi planted bombs for the CIA
Iran-Contra 101 on Randi Rhodes
No Democrat Speakers at RR lovefest!
DU this poll: Chicago Trib: Too much coverage of Reagan's death?
Bush stresses "the importance of authentic faith" (Pres. Prayer Team Site)
Unfiltered (AAR) interviewing the "Black Helms" Mr. Robinson NC
Regan was a Huge UBL Supporter and we got the video to prove it - nyt
What good do internet polls do? Are we being duped for advertisers?
Repubs begin push for name change for USA - "Reagania" n/t
COUP D'ETAT: The Real Reason Tenet and Pavitt Resigned
This State Funeral business is surreal to me. Anyone else?
DU is getting slow for me...I will check back in a few....
Cokie Roberts gaffs Senator Clinton...
Ted Rall got more hate mail today
The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement
Mario Cuomo on C-SPAN Washington Journal tomorrow AM
Darigold finally settled with Teamsters
Scenario 1 Bush steals the election ...
Page-one WP look at downside: Reagan "Schisms" "Lingered...Years"
July 19th - Last day to contribute to Kerry before convention?
Hannibal Lector Could Take A Big Bite Out Of Our Problems
Was Reagan aware of Clinton's impeachment?
People who think Reagan was such a great President.....
I wonder if the cicadas played a part in the funeral procession?
"That's what contempt of Congress is all about"
U.S. Military Personnel-- True Professionals
Who do you think is manipulating the gas market now?
Bush spending millions to cut DRAFT ACTIVATION time from 193 to 75 DAYS!!
Tongue studs cause more problems than chipped teeth
Poll 3 of 5: Greatest U. S. President (1869-1909)?
Hannity is Defending the Freepers
Chris Rock, Jack Black, Demi Moore At 'Fahrenheit' Premiere
Reagan procession ... light crowds????
George W. Bush is No Ronald Reagan. Time to Tell Some Truth.
I don't know about the arguments used to keep slavery going. But listening
How many people were at Gandhi's funeral ?
Do you think Reagan's body is really in that casket?
"Wilson" was an appropriate middle name for Raygun
Reuters: "Study: For-profit hospitals bill bigger"
Ralph Nader: Conservatively Speaking
Laura Bush to Nancy Reagan: Drop Dead! (Stem Cell Research)
?Where's Waldo? Any word of the Chimp-in-Chief?
Bush fails again at the Grammar Rodeo...today's "photo op" transcripts
Freep Logic: "Even Hilery would have come up with some better ideas"
BREAKING ON WLS-AM: Capital evacuated?
Woodruff: "We are witnessing history, all politics put aside!"
Flag burning ammendment, here's a link
If we credit Reagan with the end of the Cold War, must we also credit OBL?
Question about parlimentary systems of government
Where is the memo that Ashcroft is getting reamed over?
Reagan family in Rotunda now.....where's "Shmuck?"
John Kerry's Gushing Tribute To Reagan: Enough Please!
I wish it was more a celebration of his life. 93 years old is not sad.
Post your ideas for Ronald Reagan memorials here!
So how does everyone feel about U.S. screwing the Kurds again?
Only Repukes can speak publicly about Reagun.......PUKE!!!!!
QUICK! Grab your Madonna/Evita soundtracks!!!!
Did a Bush brother meet with Hinkley before Reagan assassination attempt?
Bob Dole is for Stem Cell Research
Oh great! The one TV show I watch every day
Who is this buttnut speaking now?
If Bush Won, Would He Be Better or Worse In Second Term
Roger and Me, remembering the Reagan/Bush 1 years.
The Administration has had its reprieve. 2 more days and back to business!
Looking for transcript of Reagan at Oxford 1992...
Phuck The Pharaoh! (Ronnie Raygoon)
Denny Hastert is and was a degenerate!!!
"Replace Statue of Liberty with a statue of Reagan"
G=======Zuss! they're pre-empting the fricking NEWS for this BS!
"This was not a memorial to Paul Wellstone"
Kids, this is how we (Brit-rooted) bury Presidents -- but not WHOOPING!!!
pathetic turnout for reaguns parade....in a city with 85% Black, looks
Heirarchical Propaganda--Barbara Walters' adoring and respectful tones
The fact that * is giving Raygun's eulogy is proof he's a religious leader
Bush Buries Reagan.....CIA Buries Bush....Hold On To Your Hats!
Dare I ask how much this spectacle is costing the taxpayers?
What happens if they drop reagan's casket and he falls down the steps?
Did anyone notice today's Reagan headline faux pas on Yahoo?
He didn't live in Camelot. He lived in reality with the rest of us.
Why did Ronald Reagan leave the Democratic Party ??
Free Republic: "Daily Dumbest Things Said on DU- Special Gipper Edition"
Torturegate has Bush NAILED as a War Criminal, folks! Impeach! Impeach!
If Ruppert is right and a coup is afoot...
Why is the crowd applauding the funeral procession?
Are you listening to NPR right now?
I'm impressed by the funeral/ceremony
"It's mourning in America." Did federal employees get a day off
Ron Reagan Jr: "My father crapped bigger ones than George Bush"
I've said it before, and here again: TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION
Michael Wilbon: No African Americans in funeral lines for RR
Judy Woodruff: Alexander Hamilton was a Republican.
NYT article 2000 about Penelas and recount.
Why did our leaders think they could legally torture people ??
Bruce Springsteen posts Al Gore's speech on his site!
Were All President's Funerals This Creepy?
"that 'criminal statutes infring on the President's ultimate authority' "
Al Franken is "going to take to task" Greg Palast for.....
Scientists directly observe evolution occurring
Oh geez, they are comparing Reagan to Lincoln
BREAKING NEWS!!! Reagan is still dead.
A recent thread asked why "hillbillies" and "rednecks" were for Bush
Scenario 2 Bush wins the election fairly...
No fair! Things I can't deduct from my Fed taxes...
Would you drive an alternative-energy car?
President Hastert & VP Stevens
Shrubs daughters considering stumping for Daddy
Are White People the only ones who loved Reagan?
sorry, I will NOT bow down & kiss your graven idol's dead ass
Mummify Reagan – Like Stalin did to Lenin…
Ted Stevens is a pack of filth
How the government is merging your voter info with its other databases
It's like the freaking Rose Parade!
Why weren't the kids with Nancy? Very strange....
Support "Stepford Wives"! Actors are Dem faithfuls!
LOL....need caption for 'little' love-birds...blair and bush*
A vote for Nader is a vote for...
The "good news about the economy" it's all based on military build up.
Howler: Today's NY Times and WP on Ashcroft are a study in contrasts
Best bumper sticker I've seen so far in Campaign 2004.
Oh... My... God... Vernon Robinson Radio Commercials Here !!!
"Bush/Cheney 2004: Steady Torture in Times of Crisis" - radio ad
If Bush gets reselected, but Dems recapture Congress,do they impeach him?
Never in my life have I seen so much hubbub over a President's death...
and now..the TRUTH about how the Berlin Wall came down
The Confederate National Anthem
Poll 1 of 5: Greatest U. S. President (1789-1841)?
people who cry at reagan's coffin are sad, ridiculous idiots
Daily Kos: CCR to sue Iraq mercenary outfits
Stop the secret expansion of the patriot act
Regardless of Politics, I feel bad for Nancy.
Who does the Air Force protect ?????
Poll 4 of 5: Greatest U. S. President (1909-1961)?
Poll 2 of 5: Greatest U. S. President (1841-1869)?
Poll 5 of 5: Greatest U. S. President (1961-Present)?
BBV: help Maryland to have an accurate election.
Working and poor: What steps should government take to help?
Why do they all say we're the greatest country?
Welcome to the ULTIMATE WHOREFEST Reagan Beatification Extravaganza!!!!
I have a request to make of European DUers
How many Republican scandals are currently in the air?
Radio Giant In Record Indecency Settlement (Stern in Clear)
Schweitzer wins Democratic nod in Montana governor’s race
Documents Build a Case for Working Outside the Laws in Interrogations
Miramax Fighting Disney Over Future
Officer in Charge of Questioning Iraqi Inmates...No Interrogation Training
Japan PM has "banned" US beef for lunch with Bush
Hood Canal hits critical stage (very low dissolved Oxygen) | Seattle P-I
Former cadet pleads guilty to lesser charges (disgusting plea settlement)
Third gay pastor named for Seattle Methodist church | Seattle Times
Spain Insists Troops Won't Return to Iraq
Scientists see new species born | BBC
Was missing spy Rabinder a CIA mole in RAW? | Times of India
WP: Subpoenas in CIA Leak Probe Opposed
N.Y.'s Spitzer: Won't Settle Grasso Suit
Pelosi: President Should Reject Legal Advice Seeking to Justify Torture
Kurds Threaten to Bolt Iraq Government
(Billy) Graham Center roof burns
NDP targets rival parties' ties to Bush
Americas declare war on corruption (OAS meeting ends in Quito, Ecuador)
Bush campaign invokes Reagan (despite saying it would not do so)
Mali gets rid of radicals - Islamists
Witness fingers ex-president - Kenya
S Africa rejects bid to try 'mercenaries' at home
Portuguese EU parliament candidate dies of heart attack
Laura Bush says no to Stem cells
US marines seal off entrances to flashpoint Iraqi city: correspondent
165 protesters arrested in SF...(G8/reclaim the commons)
Lincoln suicide poem believed found | CNN
Granby (bulldozer) attacker left "manifesto" | Denver Post
WA State ACLU membership surges; group credits Patriot Act's backlash
Report says Israel has developed cruise missile
Networks fear burnout of `wall to wall' story (Reagan) | Chicago Tribune
'Mercenaries' to stand trial in Zim
War legal advice to stay secret (Blair)
Senate panel wants CIA report declassified
Ballance resigns seat in Congress
German Same-Sex Marriages By Summer, says Justice Minister
California Guardsman Alleges Abuse in Iraq
As War Toll Rises, Governors Face Delicate Decisions
Kurds Threaten to Walk Away From Iraqi State
COUP D'ETAT: The Real Reason Tenet and Pavitt Resigned
Saboteurs blow up Important Oil Pipeline near KirKuk! June 9th!
US seeks new African peace force
The Case for China's Coming Collapse
Stores close, streets deserted as Nigerians strike to protest fuel prices
U.S. Will Revise Data on Terror
Scientology Link To Public Schools (SF Anti-Drug Education)
Some Oppose Bush's Mideast Teacher Plan
Bush, G8 Leaders Drive Custom Golf Carts
HRW urges EU to pressure Tehran on human rights [Getting worse in Iran]
What recovery? Working poor struggle to pay bills
Film Industry Gives Controversial Iraq Film Ovation (``Fahrenheit 9/11'')
U.S. General: Iraq Police Training a Flop
Prison Interrogators' Gloves Came Off Before Abu Ghraib (HUGE!)
Israel Develops Its First (land launch) Cruise Missile
Chile declines to hand over Menem (to Argentina)
U.S. Marines Imprisoned for Shocking Iraqi Inmate
Reagan Funeral Costing D.C. $2.3 Million
States take up their own healthcare reform
Chirac snubs Bush's Nato request
US raid 'kills 20 Afghan Taleban'
Pyongyang closer to nuclear deal, says Japan
Black woman sues Bebe Stores for bias
Kurds Threaten to Bolt Iraqi Government
Antidepressants to Come with Pregnancy Precaution
Bush seeks wider NATO role in new Iraq
Drug Treatment Effective in HIV Babies - Report
Bush ignored Pentagon lawyers over tactics in war on terror
Gov. of Kentucky causes terrorist alert in DC today
Largest U.S. Embassy Slated for Baghdad
Israel Barrier Cuts Off Arab Jerusalem
Weather Forecast Warm for the Next 15,000 Years
Scientology link to public schools As early as the third grade
'60 Minutes' Creator Hewitt Steps Down
Consumer Confidence Approaches Year Low
Unusual sentences bring humiliation into legal process
Honda Recalling CR-V, Accord Models
Drug Cases Impacting U.S. Track Team
Anti-Bush Film to Hit Canadian Screens June 25
German Same-Sex Marriages By Summer, says Justice Minister
Uninvited Artist Posts Work at 4 Museums
Explosion in German city of Cologne (Koln)
FDA May Phase Out Certain Asthma Inhalers
Study: Illnesses Linked to Power Plants
Federal attorney general confirms capture of top Mexico drug suspects
Clinton Documentary Delayed Due to Reagan
Postal ballot trials double voter turnout for 'Super Thursday' (UK)
Millions wasted on plane tickets (by the Defense Dept.)
Lawsuit Filed Against U.S. Contractors Over Iraq Abuse (Titan Corp & CACI)
Man gets three years in prison for Cuban cigars
Changing tactics, US turns to diplomacy
Lawsuit Filed Against U.S. Contractors Over Iraq Abuse
U.S. General: Iraq Police Training a Flop
Campaigns seize on Reagan's legacy (Classic Bush)
Laptops Give Up Secrets Easily
Net paedophiles may lose credit cards
A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq
The street speaks - Iraq's UN-backed government is made up of CIA pawns
White House: Abuse Memos Not for al - Qaida
Kerry Barely Over Bush Nationally
Vote on cross upheld before angry crowd
Senator (Frist) Considers Renaming Pentagon After Reagan
Lindh case possible sign of abuse (John Walker Lindh)
Reagan mourning line EVACUATED, KY's governor's plane violated airspace
Gen. Myers is "leery" about calling it "war on terrorism"
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 9 June
Study Links Vaccine Ingredient to Autism in Mice
Saboteurs Blow Up Iraqi Oil Pipeline
Dan(Rather) and Tom (Brokaw): Enough Reagan
For Reagan mortician, the 'honor of a lifetime'
Removal of cross on seal stands (Los Angeles)
House blocks former Arthur Andersen $10b contract b/c its based in Bermuda
Nigerians strike over fuel prices - Tens of millions
Gibson's Company Suing Over 'Passion' Profits
G8 harmony shattered, as France and US duel over Iraq
Georgia wants Russian bases shut down
Bush twins could give speeches, first lady says
Probe finds polygamists in Hildale UT police | Salt Lake Tribune
Ten die in sectarian battles over mosque (Adamawa, Nigeria)
Rights Group Says Bush Policies Created Iraq Abuse
WP,pg 1: Schisms from (Reagan) Adm. Lingered for Yrs.(downside look)
Bush (STILL) Opposes Using Embryos for Research (Says Pickles)
U.S. force in Iraq to grow as Marine deployment pushed up
Doubts Arise on Saudi Arabia's Stability
Scientists Say Dirty Bomb Would Be a Dud (Padilla)
Allies warn Bush that stability in Iraq demands Arab-Israeli deal
Newsweek-Justice Department bracing for Supreme Court defeat
Global Military Spending Soars in 2003
State Health Plan To Drop Coverage Of 25,500 (Oregon)
Country Music Radio Full of Pro-War Songs
U.S. Will Revise Data on Terror
Smoking "working class pleasure"
TIA now verifies flight of Saudis
State Dept. accused of fudging (terrorism) numbers for political gain
Calif. Guardsman Alleges Abuse in Iraq ( A must read!)
U.S. Slaughter Fills Iraqi Cemeteries
Tragedy today, as former President Gerald Ford was eaten by wolves.
I have a job interview tomorrow!
"You Let Me Down" by Billie Holiday
'America's Team' sports franchise you love to hate most
50 greatest parts of rock songs
Jeb Bush walked into my meeting room today
Bette Midler said tonight on Letterman re: the election
!!!!!!!!! One of my best friends is getting married!
What would your sibling's reactions be if you died?
new Oxyrush advertiser CPAP Pro
Wingnuts have no sense of humor or irony
Some computer generated abstract art flash movies for your enjoyment
30" (2560x1600) LCD monitor rumored to be on the way from Apple
The elperromagico Word of the Day: Abattoir.
Clear the roads..Run for your lives.. Laura is driving again
Construction Worker Killed By His Own Power Saw
Berlusconi and Bush are getting REALLY close these days....
A walk down memory lane - would you hold my hand and join me???
Get 'em while they are hot.... GOP lovers, this one is for you
The ronaldreagancoffee I'm drinking right now is rich and robust!
AP -- Planet Earth to be renamed Planet Reagan
If Nancy Reagan wants to earn my respect:
Woman Dies Of Burns After Trying To Light Boyfriend On Fire
i'm drinking a tripLe mocha reagan
The reason 105,000 Californians filed past Reagan's coffin...
you never want to see your name in the paper with the word RAVINE
Anyone running a duel boot Windows XP/Linux system?
I had a Reagan last night and my colon feels squeeky clean!
went to a divorce party last night
Good Reagan Arling-reagan-ton!
A lyrical tribute to President Ronald Wilson Reagan
Which Classic TV show should have a reunion show?
A Sailor went to Reagan Reagan Reagan......
I have a picture of Arwalden and his new camper!!!
Senior Puts His School Up For Sale On EBay
Congress wanting to change lyrics to National Anthem!!!!
I'm laughing my Reagan off here at the Reagans posted here!
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan- Ask Me Reagan!
Man Beaten & Robbed For Taking Too Long At McDonald's Drive Thru
The best Reagan tribute I wish we'd see.
Can I download the Rick James/Charlie Murphy skit....
Caption: Pharaohs chill out inside the Great Pyramid?
God has spoken to me through signs: I'm to share this will all of you
Caption: Junior's Italian Job?
Caption: Italian Stallion just can't getta enuff
Caption: Poodle Brothers show the limp wrist
For the love of God, think of the JELLYBEAN!!!
Caption: Mrs Putin's feeling unwell
Oh my gosh. Have you heard? What a pity. But.....
Ebayers - know anything about copyright infringement reporting?
Explain Bush's Lack Of Intelligence
Republican convention schedule
Play the 'Ronald Reagan Memory Game"
Miami Traveler Allegedly Slaps Air Marshal
Trippy software for Mac users.
9,000 Gallons Of Blood Flood German Highway
This Weekend: North Carolina Wine Festival. Anybody wanna Go?
Check out my "Berlusconi & Laura" cartoon
Caption: Putin's taking no chances with the fig-leaf area
Okay! You've won the lottery and move into a ritzy subdivision...
Didn't PBS used to have a liberal sensibility? Tucker Goddamned Carlson..
BCCI to be resurrected and start issuing currency?
Son of Things That Sound Dirty But Aren't....
Female Vets Object To Statue Honoring Them - Like "Victoria's Secret" Ad
Harrods apology over Hindu bikinis
America is not the World - Morrissey
Caption: does my bum look big in this?
What have you watched/rented since RR saturation?
I'm about to do something I've never done before
Let's change the word Shit to Reagan
I'm about to do something I've never done before
Caption: Even the signs are sweatin'
Hold me please, I feel ashamed: I visited this website
Caption: count the hairs on my palm, brother....
I'm about to do something FinnFan never done before
John Stewart on Sunday........
Reagan's coffin passing by and I forgot my digital camera
TRAFFIC REPORT: Simi Valley California
Big celebrity catfight newsday
Allellujah... The hide-a-thread button is back. n/t
Zombywoof doesn't like "Ask Me Anything" threads. Ask me anything
700,000 Bees Found In Man's Home
Students Being Taught Scientology Without Their Knowledge
Enough about Reagan!!! He lived 92 years and everyone has a cute story
Teenager Collecting Donations To Buy, Then MELT DOWN Guns To Save Lives
To all the lurking freepers who expect me to mourn Reagan:
Why did the (Iraqi) chicken cross the road?
Yak Recipe for today: Yak Meatloaf Supreme
We're always better than the right wingers. Use it as a mantra...
Caption: Great, now he's trying to impress me with his parking
Oh my God! Hell just froze over!
Sexually Active Students Make the Grade
There is not enough food on the planet
700,000 bees removed from Florida home
Web design query.. Tables question
Teacher Had Students Drink Milk Until They Vomited - Fired
I just found out my girlfriend is the direct descendant of Robert E. Lee
How do you deal with a boss that likes to take stuff out on people?
Thanks to Reagan, I now have Friday off - what should I do with it?
Caption: bad hari kiri day for Japanese PM
The "I don't give a shit" thread.
i'm more patriotic than ANY of you people...!
Don't forget the world naked SEAT-LESS bike ride day.
I'm ih8thegop, and I approved this sig line and avatar. Do you?
Ooh eee ooh ahh ahh ting tang walla walla bing bang
CAPTION the strange bedfellows
My BEST THREAD EVER!!! I'm On A Sick Roll And Having Fun!
I somewhat sort-of care about your opinions!
Is it nap time, yet? Do you remember in kindergarten...
Caption: Has Pickles swallowed some bad sushi or something?
The New Valet Parking Attendants at Sea Island of all CAPTIONS!!!!
The best news I've had in 41 years--adopted kid is okay!
If my computer is doing my work for me, am I busy?
Give it up people - My cat is way cooler than yours...
how do i post pictures again? (from hard drive)
I'm an internet fugitive! Ask anything at your own risk!!!!!!!!........
What's on your summer reading list?
The x's are back!! Woohoo... Which thread should I hide first?
What's the point of hiding threads?
So, I missed the Lakers/Pistons thread last night - sorry Frylock
What Types Of Threads Are You Most Likely To Hide?
If the admins offered it: a PG-13 or R rated DU Gallery....
So, I posted an ad for DU on Freep-republic (think they'll notice?)
Please do not let Reagan's passing overshadow the Hasselhoff DUI...
Eric Idle's FCC Song! Have you HEARD this yet?
a picture of my kitties - no copycat threads (please)
Hey sus, are you going to the greek festival tonight????
Uninvited Artist Posts Work at 4 Museums
Man Drops Pants In Front Of Oklahoma Bombing Survivors - Arrested
Bush, in his red white 'n' blue go-cart, makes me proud to be a 'murcan
just heard on MSNBC Reagan's Casket weighs 400 pounds
Keep your finger out of my eye.
Survey says: Republicans Watch Fox; Democrats, CNN
Unfreep this poll: Reagan on Rushmore?
Have you ever been experienced?
just got home from work and turned on the TV. - Who Died?
Anyone wanna see my abnormally large wiener?
Ok JCCyC - time to try again with the United States Geography Quiz
Worse HMO doctor: Dr. Frank Burns or Dr. John Zoidberg.
How much do you pay for a haircut?
I'm Thinking About Naming My Daughter Ronald Reagan
How about some pertinent nicknames for the Bush lovers?
Can we just rename DC to Reagangrad and be done with it already???
Courtney Love Wanted For Allegedly Beating Woman With Flashlight
I think my rotator cuff is in trouble
Black woman returning clothes is told: "You people always do this"
You are a poopy pants and no one wants to play with you anymore.
what celebrity will be "upset" when you die
CONFESS!!!!!! Anyone here actually vote for Reagan?
Interesting collage of Asskroft ((warning! nudity))
I can't seem to wipe this devilish smirk off my face
Isn't getting around Washington DC going to be difficult soon?
I'm watching my resident Cardinal couple at the bird feeder...
anybody here have Earthlink DSL?
Uninvited Artist Posts Work at 4 Museums
It looks like Nancy Reagan hasn't been able to get
A fine bassoon player has passed away...
OK, what exactly is a "troll?"
I can't seem to get this smirkyish devil off my face...
Grilled, Bonless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
Caution's subversive song of the day
A great American rocker has died---Robert Quine...
A question to all you movie buffs.(Movie: Real Genius)
Cryogenic Super man. What if ?
I can't believe Matcom missed this
Cheney to rename himself "Regan" (not a dup)
Fellow Techies -- I need help NOW
What's the big brand name of avacados?
Help me out here...(probably gonna be a pic heavy post)
Have you ever Reaganed so Reagan that your Reagan Reaganed?
What would you rather be doing right now.........
I'm so stressed out... I don't know what to do.
Huh?? ....... Are they putting Raygun's mug on Mount St Helens?
Can anyone recommend a good basic nutrition book?
Help! Newbie to DU and I think I'm hooked
I am seeking the Bush-face-made-of-dead-soldiers montage
Check out the ad in this XBOX game!
Tongue studs cause more problems than chipped teeth
Don't forget World Naked Bike Ride Day June 12
Computer folks, gotta question
Everything you ever wanted to know about RandomKoolzip but were
OMG! They're shelling the Capitol!
I love shopping at thrift stores....
I don't have class on Friday because of Ronald Reagan's corpse
Ah! Kids Bombard me with letters - demanding a water park
Confess...what have you made after watching Food Network?
Tongue studs cause more problems than chipped teeth
Enough already! Just stick a bone up his ass and let his dog
Should Reagan be on the $10 bill? - CNBC Poll
Who is it here who is in college admissions?
Confess......WHO have you made after seeing Hannibal?
Question - just who the hell is Al Hedges anyway?????
Ellis Island (Statue Of Liberty) To Be Renamed "Reagan Island"
New workplace vocabulary for 04.."Prairie dogging"..been there..done that.
Your opinion: If an HR recruiter says that he or she will call in 5 days,
Anyone else get frustrated by "Message Deleted"?
Question - just who the hell is ChavezSpeakstheTruth anyway?????
Oh Good Lord, You Got Served 2
Anybody got an idea on how to build an ark?
Where Were You During the Reagan Years?
Caption the stupid chimp trick
Need advice on a bad business partner
Favorite (suspected or confirmed) Democratic/liberal celebrity women
Favorite (suspected or confirmed) Democratic/liberal celebrity MEN
What is your favorite amusement park?
How tanked is Scotty in this pic?
News: Cheney to Rename Himself "Reagan"
80s cultural icons - what got you through the Reagan years?
And now the bad news -- is my daughter a freeper?
SoCal DU Gathering Sunday, June 27, 2004
Are there truly 'cliques' at DU?
Have Anti-depressants made your life better?
Has anyone watched the SCTV DVD set yet?
What celebrity's death upset you the most?
Should College Athletes be paid?
Which do you prefer? Tits or Boobies
I have tickets to FAME! tonight
If Bush was a racehorse - what would his name be?
Confess, what shows do watch only for eye candy's sake....
Name the next "Law & Order" TV Series
Leaving for Yellowstone in the AM
The Bozo without a Circus of all CAPTIONS!!!
How much make-up do you usually wear?
Freepers freak over DU troll, ... but the pics still up!
Hee hee, how long until the freeps catch on at freeperville?
Thinking of following my heart
What was the #1 song on the day you were born?
So I always hear Randi going on about Michelob Amber Bock
I got tampons in the mail -- "colorful" is one of the marketing words(?)
For those of you tired of Reagan 24-hours a day: Funny Cat Pictures!!!!
Caption Smirk in the Chimpostermobile!
Football fans: What's your favourite college football stadium???
MSNBC Veepstakes Update: Clark by 20% over Edwards...
Whassup with 'Americans for a Free Society'?
Wed. 6/9 ... FYI some polling numbers
Florida sued over Voting List!
re:Mark Warner: what evidence is there....
who is more fanatical, Kerry apologists or Nader apologists?
Rasmussen Tracking: Kerry 46%, Bush 44%.
Underestimating intelligence isn't very smart (majority like C students)
Regarding Bush's chances in November:
News: Cheney to Rename Himself "Reagan"
Bush approval falls to 39% in Connectiut--Kerry leads by 10%
Bush is out - Cheney is in for POTUS 2004!!!
Kerry has a 12 point lead in NJ
Kerry's NO-DRAFT PLAN will attract young voters and their families
Stem Cell/Reagan is a killer issue against Bush
What women should do if the Democratic Party abandons them on Choice
Who else here is running for office?
Info about the top 10 to 20 Congressional races
Should Kerry Give a Speech in French?
Is "All Gipper, all the time" weakening Kerry Campaign?
Kerry staff vetting Iowa Governor Vilsack
Alex Penelas: Statement Endorsing John Kerry
Bush changing his story on Prison abuse scandal"only set broad guidelines"