Soldiers face trials while Gonzales gets promoted
Bush's $6 trillion botch (Fix a 3T Soc Sec problem while passing a 6T drug
Three LTTE Re: December Belfast Bank job
Projections dispute Social Security crisis (Thomma / Knight Ridder)
The ultimate price of state secrets
Pelosi on Mankiw on Social Security
Private Ownership, Collective Default
State of the world 2005-Worldwatch Institute
Bush exaggerates a few facts about Social Security (Invest.Bus.Daily)
New AARP Ad Campaign Highlights Danger in Proposals for Private Accounts C
Bush is real threat to Social Security (Ivins)
Politics, not need, drives Social Security 'reform'
Discovery of Leonardo's hidden laboratory
Seumus Milne (Guardian Utd): Iraq could plunge further into the abyss
Social Security's phony 'crisis' (Philly Daily News)
Iraqi Victim Says US Torture Worse Than Saddam
Social Security battle is for system's soul
NYT: "Atrocities in Plain Sight" By ANDREW SULLIVAN
Cameron report on S S cast Dems as "stonewallers"..l
Bush’s awful plan to privitize social security
The Imminent Demise of the Republican Party
Social Security: How Bush Plans to Ruin Another American Institution
For the insomniac shift, lift of Coronation contributors
NBC's David Gregory lies for Bush again -this time on Soc Security
CBS Marketwatch points out Bush Social Security lies in "fact check"
I just sent this to the Ed Schultz Show
Help NRDC Keep Rape of Arctic Wildlife Refuge OUT of Budget Bill
I'm all for the crackdown on sex threads, but I think the Blues Brothers
I apologize for all past sex threads
Just a thanks to the admins and mods
I'd like to say thank you to mod Damkira, for backup, and
Sorry for my part in the sex threads... BTW, one tiny question:
Thanks for cracking down on the sex threads, Skinner.
Just wondering why this was moved
Why dont poll votes kick the thread?
`Strongman quits Abbas government
A Grand Unified Theory of 9/11?
ASBESTOS: the REAL Reason behind 9/11?
Russ Stewart: Hispanic politicians fight to be "King of the Mountain"
Chicago Tribune: Obama a big hit in Lockport
Exiled KOEB Come on Over to GD...
Why did the other Senators vote no? An explanation
Republican watch list for January 12, 2005. -- Lists All the Protests for J 20...
"*" "jester" McClellan lies trough his butt while biting the dust of shame
Why Wenatchee? (warning: Satanic conspiracy theory)
Channel The Frustration - Protest the Inaugural - 7 days to go
Ebay auction for a guy to put your logo on his head for 30 days - E-fraud
Kerry may have already lost more than a million votes BEFORE the "election
I Hate CNN - too bought to print what Arnebeck really said.
How the election was stolen: read it and weep!
GOP in no mood to party. Republicans rally in Olympia
PLEASE READ YOU WILL LOVE IT Received This E-mail From
Let's do a NATIONAL Pres Re-vote like the Repukes wanna do in WA state!
Lucas County, Ohio home of election theft
Ebay auction for a guy to put your logo on his head for 30 days - E-fraud
Another idea for getting our message out
ImpeachBush members MASS RALLY during inaugural parade route
Protesters Get Prime Spot for Inauguration!!!!
Dems Meet LaRouche's Challenge; Debate Shreds Bush 'Mandate'
To the "fellas" trying to "debunk" exit polls and the fraud:
For those of you, who are tired of Bush using MSM for propaganda
Republican friend debunks Exit Polls - He says - What would you say?
Arnold's Special Interest Tools
MA GOP Pre-emptively Registers Web Domains of Possible Dem Candidate
Prepare the concession speech: Dayton hires Shrum, Devine & Donilon
Did anyone hear about a Feingold run for president?
Anyone else worried about "Deep Impact" collision with comet?
Beginning in 2002, the "war on terror" began to hamper global oil supplies
Book: "America 2014: An Orwellian Tale"
Alawi: Attacks on oil + electricity have cost Iraq $10 billion in revenue
Kennedy on Hardball (MSNBC 6pmCT) blasting *co nt
One of my favorite right-wing saying's...
Unprecedented Security Preparations For Bush Inauguration
The Republican Schism is opening
Will anyone here be able to get past the Iraq war if no senior official
could someone re-post that pic of * and his
Afghan Women Prisoners Complain of Bad Conditions and Sexual Abuse
During World War II, FDR held no inaugural balls.
White House: Iraq Weapons Search Has Ended
Free America from global Bankers: Learn & Sign NESARA
Give Idiot Son a break, these are the only balls he'll ever have
US Marines Told, "No" by Indonesia
Ever FOIA your personal records?
State of the world 2005-Worldwatch Institute
Bush Cracks Door on Nuclear Option?
Sheriff: Mac Holcomb of Marshall County Alabama a real American
If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of 100 people--
Video: a little history lesson - has a catchy tune
My fiance heard someone from CNN say Jon Stewart was right
White Rose Usenet Postings Resume
Social Security Credibility: How About Fixing the Real Crisis?
Say hello to the newbie, "chillynurse".
Protesters Plan to Mark Bush Inauguration
"Tone Down the Inauguration" "fashion flackery has begun in earnest"
Protest The Inaugural!!!!!!!! Only 7 days to go.
So... Why no terror warnings anymore?
12-26 Equal-To, Greater-Than 9-11 n/t
? Just wondering...Have the BUSHCO/Capital police unveiled what they are
I just posted a few more of my paintings in the Artist's Group.
Small opera singer on 60 minutes...what an inspiration!
dick cheney's song for america
The Daily Show - "Bush is living in the Truman Show" priceless!
Discussion about derivatives and Morgan Stanley fined record $19m
Anyone knows what will or where will protesters be assigned to?
Bush Administration Comments (Lies) Concerning Iraq's WMDs
Dean For Head Of DNC, Kennedy For Head Of Ticket !!!
Pink Floyd's "In the Flesh" (song, clip from the movie) as RNC 04
Media Alert-Dwarfing the Tsunami
Amazing what one suddenly remembers...Your thoughts please
Brian WILLIAMS, Road to the Inauguration, ALL This Week - BARF!
advance look at the "Progressive Person-of-the-Week"
Got a webste? Add a HOWARD DEAN for DNC Chair graphic.
What impact will the no WMD story have on Blair?
How is a trade deficit a sign of a strong economy?
Russian missiles could tip the power balance in favor of Syria
Truthseekers:Its 'Bring a Friend Nite Here on Manditory MALLOY
DORIS MATSUI announces candidacy!!!: "Now it's personal!"
Military and US sources reveal: Bush has ordered US Iraq commander Gen. Ca
Why does everyone call it "9/11"?
Ah the sweet smell of estrogen & Stephanie Miller
Were the ENRON guys driving the sub that crashed?
Caspian Sea in danger of turning into environmental dead zone.
COMMENT: Prince Harry wearing a Nazi uniform will encourage racists
Peta urges mayor to declare truce in war on waterfowl
An idea for getting our message out
How do the creationists deal with dinosaurs?
Warning Graphic Pictures: Iraq War Grief Daily Witness
Googling one of my heros, I.F. Stone
Letter from a French Immigrant
Creationism/Evolution debated at FR
How many U.S. Troops are in Bosnia now?
DU this CNN Poll re: WMD & War Rationale
Did New Homeland Security Nominee Protect Terror-Linked Doctor?
Reflections from May 6, 1970 - READ 'EM AND WEEP
Just received this UNSOLICITED email from "Progress for America"
Need help debating conservative friend on Iraq
Why is Rush Limbaugh not being prosecuted yet?
Promise me that you wont tell Laura (Bush)
OUR Soldiers (PHOTOS that bush* doesn't want you to see) GRAPHIC !
My husband makes me so mad! HELP!!!!
Who's killed more Iraqi children, Bush or Hussein?
Open Letter to the Rapturistas
Royal family caught up in Nazi row
Lautenberg, Reid ask Bush to remove Armstrong Wiliams from White House Com
Texas Prosecutor Arrested in Court, Charged With Possession of Drugs
Kennedy: 'We cannot become Republican clones'
Britain's Prince Harry apologizes after pictured in Nazi uniform defer destroying chemical weapons for 5 years
Ukraine to withdraw troops from Iraq
U.S. scraps Iraq weapons search
State of the world 2005-Worldwatch Institute
Iraqi Minister resigns in protest
The ultimate price of state secrets
Incendiary Devices Found In Placer County (CA) Construction Site
Ukraine must reform fast, UN team says
Dayton shakes up campaign advisers (Send in the losers!)
Reminder of PM's 'false premise':Australia
Explosion outside Ford City Mall, Chicago
Iraqi insurgents seem worried bin Laden will hijack their cause
WP: A Full Day Of Protest Planned for Inauguration
US warns Russia on selling missiles to Syria
Russian pensioners block traffic protesting against elimination of state b
For figure skating fans: Angela Nikodinov's mother dies in car crash
Extremists, Fundamentalists Dispute Christian Relief Efforts (Tsunami)
Russia and Iran join efforts to struggle against invasion of UFOs
Big-Money Contributors Line Up for Inauguration
Iowa Man Charged With Sending Nuclear Equipment To Iran
WP: U.S. Lowers Expectations On Iraq Vote
Supreme Court bans indefinite detention of illegal immigrants
Pair Arrested for Telling Lawyer Jokes
Red meat newly linked to colorectal cancer
Army looks to retirees to bolster forces
Bush: Iraq Invasion Worth It Despite No Trace of WMD
NYT: White House Fought New Curbs on Interrogations, Officials Say
Protesters Get Prime Spot for Inauguration
Are your local stations having a benefit right now?
Hey, Radio Shack: how about a new entry from your "Glossary of Terms?"
my patriot act paper for school
Oh boy, it ain't easy running a no vowel thread
Does anyone have the game "President Forever?"
I now have a brand-new reason to admire and respect FDR.
I wanna see a flame war without vowels
Is anyone else listening to THE MAJORITY REPORT?
U2: what would you rather listen to?
Every 14 seconds a ninja totally flips out and kills someone!
I'm BLINKY THE WONDER CARP. Ask me anything!
Is ABC TRYING to get the show LOST canceled?
Best classic song about a cross-dresser:
'Weirdo' Accuses Love of Killing Cobain
Let's speculate... who else is on the ** disinformation payroll....?
Official Lost discussion thread....
How inclined are you to ruin a fun thread with allegations of racism?
I'm watching Finding Nemo, and my fish aren't watching it at all
hannity is such a friggin' dork (he actually LIKES the strip Nancy)
Best classic song about an old perverted wino with tuberculosis:
NFL Helmets. Old ones or New ones?
"Instructions Included" - Angels in the Architecture piece.
Anderson Cooper (of CNN) is on CBS's 60 Minutes doing a medical
I had an epidural steroid injection yesterday, my back hurts worse
All right! Who put glue in my shoe!
Doors to close at home that inspired Lennon
make crank calls as.....John Kerry!!!
Windows XP...Why can't I "end" processes on Windows Task Manager?
"Reno 911" a show of pure comedy genius.
Fish question for the fish experts
Who else lives on a street that doubles as a bobsled track?
It's just me, kicking a thread that I haven't even started yet
Am I the only one who thinks Pennanteller's "Hour of Tourette's"
have you ever had to tighten the chinkadairy and
OK You east coast Lost watchers!
Ashlee Simpson blames Sooner fans and fellow performers
I just came inches away from having a new orfice in my head
What color should I paint my nails?
New picture proves Bigfoot is a sophisticated animal
I donated money to a St Paul charity that encourages literacy today.
Don't you love it when your prediction of "That guy's an asshole...
best song with Pennsylvania in the title
"Tension Mounts, you score an ounce..."
I'm about to download some music - Gimmie some suggestions
G'night everybody. I know it's early, but I've been battling insomnia
I want a cat...Do they crap everywhere?
Why are peanuts called nuts when they're really a legume?
When you hug someone do you do the back patting thing ?
Why do posts about teenagers keep getting deleted????
Best song with Georgia in the title:
Clever ways to get kids (not one's own) to stop doing something
I'm ready to start campaiging for Congressman Matt Santos for President
If you get gastric bypass, can you still get drunk?
Why does everyone hate bisexuals???? (Not a sex thread!)
Everyone, Please say hello to a newbie, "chillynurse"
Wow. I'm apparently quite close to 3000 posts.
Can somebody PLEASE capture this video for me?
Is it wrong for me to enjoy reading People magazine?
Listening to Jesus Christ Superstar- ask me somethin', for Christ's sake!
If the EEG said I was asleep, yet I was thinking the whole time, plus
Pearls Before Swine- I can't stop laughing at this! Please read!
help me on my mega lame email campaign!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever happened to The Osmonds?
Best Jim Carrey movie? I vote Eternal Sunshine ... wow!
DUDE-- I'm not gettin' a Dell! Yay!
You get a free BISCUIT with your ZombyHug!
I have watched every episode of the West Wing and Lost
Our mouse has a cat in its mouth!
Only 7 minutes until LOST! YAY
Our mouse has a cat in its mouth!
Is "Grand Theft Parsons" worth watching?
Drawn Together is tasteless and so not funny
"Laurel Canyon" is coming on HBO in a while. Should I watch it?
I want to go on a chocolate binge,
Any fans of Anti-Flag in the room
A CatWoman exclusive!!!! The Bush twins after-party inaugural gowns
Best classic song about a Gypsy:
I just watched another GD thread I started...
Mrs. IconCat is using wax to deny her mammalian heritage.
This flag bit on The Daily Show is hilarious!
We are young. Wandering the face of the earth.
Who wants to be my bitch? (It's free)
Who wants to be my fiend, it's free (not a sex thread)
Step inside, walk this way, you and me babe, hey hey!
DUers, Is the Eastwood flick "Unforgiven" worth a watch?
For those who wanted an Irish Group...what happened?
His name is Paul LaDuca, he lives on the second floor.
hehe.... Rocky Horror Picture Show is so vulgar it's funny.....
Heaven on the 7th floor! Heaven on the 7th floor!
I got my new magnetic bumper sticker today!
Im Listening to Malloy for the first time! Ye gads hes awesome!
A whole message board devoted to obsessing about soda pop?
Whoa-oh! Black Betty, bam-a-lam! Whoa-oh! Black Betty, bam-a-lam!
We made love in my Chevy Van, and that's all right with me.
I just finished watching "Fight Club". Ask me anything.
Small opera singer on 60 minutes...what an inspiration!
What do you make of this reaction by my fundy chorus director?
Weirdest thing happened to me tonight...
I'm Andrew Jackson, ask me anything
Great Dimebag Darrel tribute in new Guitar World
Have you ever blown up your commode?
The First Rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about fight club.
I've had a head ache and been in a crappy mood since Saturday
Our cat has a mouse in its mouth!
Whatever happened to the Almonds?
Post Your Haiku, Or Poem For No Trace Of WMDs Being Found In Iraq
A belated Christmas wish - from Mom
Serious question. Cat and dog, both female.
Should amputees be offended by prosthetics?
A person just said "Goodbye" to me!
Say hello to the newbie, "chillynurse".
Best classic song imploring the listener to do something:
it's too warm - where is my winter weather?!
Ebay auction for a guy to put your logo on his head for 30 days - E-fraud
What the HELL are in "Greenies"??
MS automatic update - malicious software removal tool?
Help, I need to get out of the 700 club, and fast!
Anyone interested in a Languages group?
Another post re: Kef's memorial service...
I'm Tom Daschle, ask me anything
What races is it socially acceptable to be racist about?
What is/was the ugliest car ever made?
No need to hurry with those TPS reports...
Have you ever come to a crossroads where you had to make a tough choice?
Any TOM LEHRER fans around these parts?
*****ZombyWoof's Crock O' Five Alarm Hellfire Chili!!*****
My (one of) cat's breath stinks.
Who wants to be my friend? (It's free)
DUers...what about a Fat/Weight Acceptance group?
Cystinosis - How serious is it?
Fierce mammal ate dinos for lunch
Steelers Fans in Pennsylvania: Truth or Fiction?
WTF is up with the Timberpuppies (Timberwolves)
My dog is starting to sleep with me now!
Ted Kennedy on CSPAN, now 9pm east
Has everyone seen the revamped website?
So there's a certain poster who doesn't seem to want Kerry's win exposed
On C-Span 2 now: Gov. Mark Warner (D) - VA
One issue this year and next: Social Security.
Blogpac call with Dean today, summary at Annatopia
today hannity was whining about the washington vote
checkout this post I found...liberals love america like oj loved nicole
Wes Clark on Hardball talk about DNC Chair/Clinton
Republican watch list for January 12, 2005.
Chimp makes self-deprecating remarks about his laziness
The times, they are a changing
WOOT for Lewis Black on The Daily Show!!!
Why did I start crying as Matt Santos (West Wing) walked into
Why is Scarborough prattling on about "faith" as if Dems have none?
Hi Keith Olberman! Welcome to DU!
Is Howard Dean God? Say a prayer to Howard, let me know here if it is
Is Howard Dean Satan? Sell your soul to him, let me know
The Democrats Are The Party Of Taxation, Litigation & Regulation?
I'd like to know how many times they Changed the reason for war and
y'know, I gave a rat's fat ass about the DNC chairmanship
Amazing AOL poll results on inaugural expenses
Counter-Inaugural press conference C-Span II at 9:26 PM and 11:09 PM EST
Let's take proactive steps against M$M inaugural coverage blackout
The Ten Longest-Serving Senators. Pick the best.
Anti-Outsourcing folks- Do you approve of such behavior?
Went to a Wes Clark Event tonight
Fight of the Day: Helen Thomas Versus Scotty - We luv U Helen!
Nightline doing a story on God hates
GREAT Guardian UK banner! MUST see!!!
How safe from recall into the military would a doctor who resigned
Ted Kennedy on CSPAN NOW!!! 9pm east. time
Reflections from May 6, 1970 - READ 'EM AND WEEP
I just did the math...Ted Kennedy is 73 years old! How much
You guys MUST understand something about the media.
NBC's Brian Williams ran a story about Texas Evangelicals...
Steve McMahon, you did WELL on Crossfire! Carville too!
Carville asked Wes Clark to run for DNC Chair-- Clark said NO
LA Weekly-Dirty Little Secrets...Chertoff and his days in New Jersey
It's Time to Spray DDT (NYT)...
Sens. Ask President Bush to Remove A. Wiliams from WH Commission
The Real Warlords of the Modern, West-Dominated World
Happy 25th Birthday Greens. What's the Plan Now?
Great LTTE on post eleciton GOP spin
No Child Left Behind... by Aggressive Military Recruiters
Ballots and Boycotts (Iraq election must go forward on 1/31)
The Myth of Partisan Gridlock by Robert Kuttner (American Prospect)
The Truth Shall Set You Back - Lying is no sin for Bush's minions
President Carter's Trip Report on the Palestinian Presidential Election
Recapturing Kansas (Thomas Frank interview)
The Imminent Demise of the Republican Party
Conflict within the Pentagon (PNAC vs military)
Listen to me you dirty rat-eater
Tomato Tyrants Ban Better Fruit
former Special Forces soldier – and convicted criminal – manage to use a h
US gives up search for Saddam's WMD (Guardian)
Today's news on the draft issue
POLITICAL JUSTICE IN POW CASE :Soldier serves as scapegoat
Letter: Why is the 'Project for the New American Century secret?'
Bush Diagnosed With Malignant Egophrenia (Mad Emperors Disease)!
George F. "I'm a hypocrite" Will weighs in on Armstrong Williams
David Frum: Don't Worry About Running Out of Oil
Molly Ivins: As a matter of fact
The ACLU supports Sibel Edmonds in Appeal - sign the petition
The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience
Worker Bees and Soldier Ants: America’s Army of Fascism
Washington Post: President of Fabricated Crises
Not One Damn Dime Day...Link to LBN article
Counter inaugural press conference on C-SPAN3...NOW
The Bakersfield (CA)Animal Control facility is starving animals to death.
GREAT IDEA to Fight Voter Suppression - 2005 DU MLK Selma MARCH IN OHIO!
Ed Schultz to appear on O'Really tonite.
How can Snow say that our huge trade deficit is a sign of a growing econ?
Peak Oil And The End Of Money -- Dr M King Hubbert's "Earthly Paradise"
9 Dead, 15 Missing - Worst Australian Bushfires In 20 Years - Reuters
Iceland plans to become fossil fuel free by 2050.
Peak Oil's Hubbert Envisioned Post-Peak Utopia
The mods aren't fair in the lounge...
Skinner, just ignore John Massey and Stan Hardegree.
I really have to call this Editorial Bias in LBN --
trying to add item to calendar
Do We Still Get Alerts When We Violate a Rule?
Thank you all for the great job you're doing
My reputation has been unjustly sullied again.
Did DU change its font size or something?
Hi. I just edited my message on my profile
Could this be kicked for awhile
Border Policeman gets 14 months jail for abusing Palestinians
Five Dead, 10 Wounded in Gaza Attack
the Shin Bet wants you to join Qaida
Palestinian shot dead on way to hospital
Why wasn't more done to protect airplanes from hijackings before 9/11
9/11 Marketing - How do I get others to question 9/11?
Instead of doing his job ... what did Rumsfeld do?
Governor assigns his aide to probe Mell's charge
State Journal Register: Gay rights bill a landmark for Illinois (Op-ed)
Pantagraph: LaHood to test waters
Get Your Voice Back! A free public forum. Join Joe Trippi Chicago Sun 1/16
Possible Blago primary challenge contender
Anybody else see the bit on the electoral challenge on J Stewart tonight?
Anyone know if they will be using electronic voting technology in
Soros Group Raises Stakes in Battle with US Neo-Cons. (From UK paper)
CNN.Com Inauguration protesters to get spot near parade
What would you have done if you were in Kerry's place three weeks ago?
Jimmy "C" (Carville) "was in the house tonight" (I got a letter-form)
Election Fraud 2002--the writing was on the wall
quick question - where's that hand symbol thingy?
Here Is A Cool Site Turn Your Back On Bush
CNN started to trick exit polls on 2000, as we all know
Bush Inauguration anti-war activists said it would carry 1,000 coffins
Get a load of this thread on FR. They must be joking...
We are forming a progressive television network. We are in the initial
Demand that the Media cover protests at inauguration
A Bush Voter was complaining about health care coverage
If impeachment is too hard, how about a class action suit?
Snopes comments on Not One Damn Dime
The Nashua Advocate: Orange Report © No. 4
New Mexico OK to clear data from voting machines -
How long this "machine fraud" been going on? Since before 1996.
From MoveOn: Tell Congress to save Social Security
The Mythbreakers PDF keeps locking up my browser. Did anyone
"Ohio picks paper ballot, pencil - Blackwell opts for optical scanner"
Is this a Blackwell confession of breaking the law?
Welcome Congress Back with a Demand to Protect and Extend Democracy!
Thinking back on the 6th, it is interesting that...
CNN Judy Woodruff to talk about the expensive inauguration next.
Danny Schechter: Covering Elections There, Miscovering Them Here
For those in NM - Action TODAY 5PM * Governors Conference Room - call AAR
Our own "media blackout" On 1/20 cancel your subscription to any and all
CodePink action in Oregon on January 20th
Rawstory: Blackwell snubs: Rep. Conyers' 'motivation speaks for itself'
bush moonies link to get black churches to throw away crosses
Great argument against voting machines (from India)
Considering U.S. Elections in the context of International Standards
The Nashua Advocate: Senator Accuses Blackwell of Crime; & Much, Much More
Video - Daily Show's Lewis Black on Dems and Ohio Vote Challenge
ELECTION FRAUD SEARCH ENGINE - Your comments are needed...
GREAT IDEA to Fight Voter Suppression - 2005 DU MLK Selma MARCH IN OHIO!
EXCELLENT Canadian study in exit polling
The exact time of the "fix" here, live, for all of you
Kentucky Senator Says He Will Leave GOP
My jaw dropped on this letter to the LA Times 1/13/05
Thursday 1/13/05 Daily Updates Thread
It's important to find which 250 places were exit-polled
Update on Nevada election case against the NV SOS ...
I would like to thank each and every one of you DU'ers
Meeting with Brevard County Supervisor of Elections tonight. Help!
Conyers to Blackwell: Respond to report
Conyers and Waxman cut zero 'slack' to those who disenfranchise
Voter reform wish list - What do you want changed?
Anyone know whether a media consortium is considering counting in Ohio?
The BLUE paper clip is working!
For those who want to say "Thank You" to Barbara Boxer, et al:
Conyers slaps back at Blackwell over questioning motivations of report
A response from one of my State reps re Verified Voting
Flowers for democracy: Part Deux - $250 still needed
Knowledge is power and we need that power
Latest on Arnebeck Suit (Free Press); Cliff says, "This is not the end"
*** Boxer: "I don't know about the other states" ***
Was Rathergate's Real Aim Elimating Mary Mapes Before the Election?
Maxine Waters will March w Internation Action/Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
Democrats block education nominee - Democrat Reed Hastings
Shelley agrees to testify before committee investigating his use of funds
Seniors lose a lifeline - S.F. eliminates escort program
The Bakersfield Animal Control facility is starving animals to death
Anyone hear anything of a Twin Cities counter-inaugural?
Seeking freeware/shareware undelete utility...
Firefox doesn't change color for visited links
Adobe Creative Suite Premium 1.1 - would you buy it
Ohio Dem Party State Chair Denny White
Ohio picks paper ballot, pencil, Blackwell opts for optical scanner voting
Ex-Clinton aide hired to help Penguins
North Texas power plant named worst mecury polluter (Mt Pleasant/Titus)
Perry nixes gambling plan-won't pursue slot machines as a revenue option
Info about Houston Inauguration Protests...are you going?
Inauguration Day of Mourning, Downtown Milwaukee...
Any local protestsin Wisco for coronation day?
Freepers planning counter protest in Madison on Jan 19th
Green tells GOP leaders he's considering run for governor
Don't know if I want to laugh or cry.
Time it Takes to Crown the First Fraud: One Minute
Daily Show about to cover electoral challenge!
Soros to donate big $$ to build progressive infrastructure
Don King, friv lawsuit filer and * supporter, list of campaign contribs
Pharm Companies study how to make people fill those dang prescriptions
Jon Stewart on Crossfire -- Just for fun...
State Legislative bill tracking question (Help)
For a handful of the superrich
bush* grabs daughter jenna's breast during 2001 ball (PHOTO)
U.S. offered uranium enrichment, reprocessing to Iran: documents
Another ? about do they explain the brown and yellow
Thinking about running for Congress
Saddam Hussein did have WMD. Thanks to the RW'ers
NOW more than EVER... FREE BARNEY! (WT interview)
Scott Ritter up soon on Mike Webb Show
Something IS happening... Jerry Springer...
End of the world: Would you rather battle wind, water, or fire?
My favorite Republican Quote this week
Just bought the Bill Hicks DVD today
Anyone know any liberals that write things like this?
I keep getting strange error messages this morning, anyone else?
Is there ANY coverage of "No WMD" today so far?
Bush's claim that Black men get gypped out of Social Security...
Can someone send me a link...Kos on Dem Chair candidates?
What are the right-wing broadcasters saying about the no WMD report?
Shrubs One Year Anniversary!!!!
New FBI Software May Be Unusable
American death squads in Iraq? (news links needed)
Kerry is in Berlin meeting Schröder and Fischer
Why do Brits still have a royal family?
Drug addicted US troops sent to Scotland for help
Tolerance means tolerating intolerance!
Sea Otters, Seals and Volunteers
Dow Jones.... useful market indicator or market manipulator?
Why won't the press show these photos?
Republican war justification: JohnnyCougar shoots it full of holes
A pre-emptive war under false pretenses = war crime?
Prince Harry urged to visit Auschwitz
Has Jon Stewart taken a position on Bush's Social Security plan?
Bushco WMD comments - before and after
US school in eye of creationist storm
US 'erodes' global human rights
U.S. District Court Announces Holocaust-Era Swiss Bank Funds Can B Claimed
Report Calls for Tougher Oversight of Alternative Medicine
Polaris to Pay $950,000 Penalty for Failing to Report Hazards With ATVs
Youth Leaders Challenge Coke to Stop Draining Water from World's Poorest
Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe group/leader.
Which DUers are going to be protesting on Jan 20th in DC?
Need some LTTE help regarding that Librul Media
Freeper on NPR saying dissenters are terrorists
After Jan. 30, where will they place the new goalposts?
Can anyone explain WHY Mark Thatcher wanted Equatorial Guinea?
Democrat Doug Wilder became the MAYOR OF Richmond VA on Jan. 2
Ok, Now that they've discovered oil in Cuba
Buffet ups Berkshire Hathaway's investment against dollar to $20 Bil
LOL, ALI G almost starts patriotic riot at American rodeo...
Woohoo! Anti-evolution textbook stickers ruled illegal!
As Johnny Rotten said, "Cheap holiday in other peoples' misery"
I posted this in the Lounge but got no respone
Are there any Bush sons in the current generation of children?
"You know it's a perfect storm of media corruption when..."
Some one said we were terrorists...
Reuters' U.S. Journalists Withhold Bylines, Credits to Protest Offshoring,
FTC Urged to Investigate Purported Consumer Watchdog
Anyone ever hear of "Edu-gate" before? ( Wash. Times 7/17/87)
If we knew then what we know now we still would have invaded Iraq
Saudis Sentenced To Prison, Lashings Over Protest
The two faces of Rumsfeld -(Reactor sales to N. Korea)
It hit me today, like a ton of bricks, again..
Has anyone been impacted by the Vioxx recall?
BUSH said; Hussein could REMAIN IN POWER....IF he DISARMS.
I need help writing a bio on Bill O'Reilly (this should be fun...)
LAT: The Crisis of 'Sam's Club' Republicans
Three new verbs: to "Bush," to "Arnold" and to "Condi"
Fee flap focuses on secretive outfit with shady image
TSA: Arsonists OK as Hazmat Haulers (drive gas trucks IN the US)
full of spine La. Natl. Guard gets big gold star for defying smirk
LOL my stepfather is livid about chimpy's social security BS
Too funny - notice posted on bulletine board at Pentagon
Can we use "Tucker" as a verb, now?
Army soldier refuses second deployment to Iraq
Who saw the Daily Show last night?
How do you feel about Wal-Mart - link to survey
Bush to offer "expertise" and "experience"on energy policy
Army Sergeant Refuses 2nd Deployment: "You just don't know how bad it is."
Will Bush* be the last American president?
DU this poll - Without WMD, was invasion of Iraq a mistake?
I actually found this on a Yahell message board
So now that we know the "MSM" is bought and paid for by Bush...
The real face of the war in Iraq
Ethiopia reburial for Bob Marley
Does anyone know where I can get one of the blue "truth" bands?
A Perfect Circle Releases Controversial Interactive Version of Their Provo
Another stupid freeper thread, sorry!!!
The Office of Truth Enhancement - Mark Fiore
How are the Right Wing Spinmeisters Spinning the search for WMD Ending?
Big Eddie Schultz to be on O'liar - Fox tonight!
Tsunami: How many Americans died?
Should there be a warning on the back of credit cards?
BUSh said we COULDN'T WAIT the 90 days the UN weapons teams needed
Did the right wingers hate America when Clinton was president?
OUR taxes at work: US Post Office memento for bush/cheny (PHOTO)
My Letter to Dianne Feinstein RE: Search for WMD Abandoned
Who will John Rowland's (ex-CT governer) cellmate be?
Does it creep anyone else out when they hear someone refer to Bush
Ahahahahahaha (coff, coff) Sexy Gore: yeah baby!!
Sen Kenndy on C-Span right now
Not sure if this is the correct place
NewDominion Bank .. tell me this doesn't freak you out
If you are interested in saving SS
'08:Newt will run 'til the GOP convention to make Jeb look like a moderate
Even *we* couldn't write a better caption than this (Yahoo)
"The True Conservative Agenda"
New Group - WorldNutDaily Watch
Did the White House remove Idiot Son's town hall gaffe from the website?
Do you believe that Prince Harry was fathered by Charles?
What does it say when 1/3 of Wolf Blitzer's audience is pro nazi?
recent cheney PHOTOS: does he look UNHEALTHY, or sick?
Idiot Son finally finds his niche
Hmm..this is awful nice of him
Is anyone watching Powell on the NewsHour?
Iraqi militants make fun of Bush's "Bring 'em on!!!!" speech....
Iraq will go into the "Vietnam" column no matter how Idiot Son tries to
I was thin during Clinton years; fat now during *'s residency
This e-mail from Henry Waxman, requesting GAO investigation on propaganda
A.N.S.W.E.R. gets fantastic inaugural parade route protest spot!
Randi Rhodes has an FCC commissioner on
WTF is up with the Soc. Sec. propaganda commercials on TV???
How screwed up IS social security?
Senator Graham: "I do believe we have lost our way"
The Incredible Sloping Chimp Face
Props to the Louisiana National Guard.....
Liberal, Funny, and Hot STEPHANIE MILLER
Left-Leaning Karma Banque Launching Activist Hedge Fund
Nanny 9-11 Show on FOX last night was FANTASTIC! Anyone else see?
If the Third Reich and the Internet had co-existed
And yet another (new) specific contradiction by the Chimp
How will the Bush Administration spin the failed WMD hunt?
Who is Next On BushCo's War Machine List: Is it Russia?
Randi's style is becoming more like Limbaugh's.
Is this true: Heavy US Losses, Including 18 Decapitated GIs...from Rense
Dumbest thing out of the Chimp's mouth lately.
Fossil Fuel Curbs May Speed Global Warming: Scientists (Reuters)
PHOTO: Bush sings "Cry Me A River" to seniors at Social Security town hall
!! Media is spinning/ 2nd story today they call "Urban Legends"
What was Worse for the Democratic Party
Engine fire leads to marijuana discovery
Good article by Ariana Huffington
Social Security is racist, implies Bush.
Where in the U.S. could you buy a house if you work for the minimum wage?
Why I can't stand Ralph Nader...
My argument with a Repug on another board about Iraq, this is good
Swarovski a US govt. defense contractor? Huh?
Why are they rebuilding in mudslide areas?
Bumper Sticker On A Big Evil SUV
Hitler's speeches -- eerily familiar:
George won't say it, but I will.
Forget SUVs, Forget McMansions, what about all those kids they have
Du'ers please post on International Boards-Global Gasout-Jan 20!!
My latest hero: Who heard Sister Helen Prejean on NPR last night?
Grenade Launchers?? Check Out The Security For **'s Coronation!
Did anyone see Law&Order last night?
Kos & MyDD blogs paid by Dean Campaign
Talk about lies about Iraq! I'd never seen these PNAC docs!
`he`s the hardest working man in the ho` business`
In light of the "official" end to WMD hunt, a look back at 3/15/03-3/19/03
Doctor Drops Patient Who Won't Sign Malpractice Initiative
Ann Coulter: Bill Clinton "was a very good rapist" + other insane comments
Penn. is worst polluter in North America (filthy power plants)
What will happen to all the children?
PHOTO: Dr. Rice gets big chuckle while walking by Constitution mural
'Radiation-Proof' RVs to Launch Soon in U.S.
Public Citizen Launches, a Comprehensive Online Database
"faux mooner" Moss, gets 10,000 fine:
Will O'Reilly Keep his word now about Not Trusting the Bush Administration
I don't post much, but I have to tell this to someone
Bush Accuses Saddam of Telling the Truth
MLK: Prophetic words on the Christian Church's slide into irrelevancy
Why does it seem like there are more conservatives
Barbara Bush's dress? HAHAHAHAHA
Is it a Brain Tumor or just insanity that is making * say all these stupid
Just when I thought it was safe to watch the Daily Show--
Prediction: "We sacrifice for Iraqis" turns to "F*em" in three weeks
Signs that our country is becoming increasingly divided:
No WMD. So, Why Is Saddam Still In Prison?
Is George Bush the J. Edgar Hoover of American Presidents?
Reminders now that the search for WMD is over
Mike W. (Bushit sign) to be interviewed by Ed Schultz today at 4:30
Another Crock-Pot winner: Pot Roast Complete
Cheap Eats evolves to Haute Cuisine
Everybody knows about "Canada for Asia" tonight, right?
Military Court Hearing Ends for SEAL Lieutenant Accused of Prisoner Abuse
Oil Creeps Towards $47 on Supply Concerns
Nominee Criticized Over Post-9/11 Policies
Guardian Utd (Thursday): Allawi ally paid reporters to turn up
WSJ: Just How Deadly Is Bird Flu? It Depends on Whom You Ask
DINOs Lieberman and Harmon cave on human treatment amendment
NYTimes: Kennedy Warns Democrats Not to Be Republican Clones
(Mississippi)Man Held in Killings of 3 Is Freed on Bail
Matsui Seeks Late Husband's House Seat
DHS Secrecy Policy Reversal a Step Forward, Say Unions
Girls' school adds most 'value' (Muslim girls' school is best in UK)
Royal family caught up in Nazi row
Cars becoming weapon of choice
Arnold's Special Interest Tools
In the U.S., Polls and Bullets Blot Out Upcoming Summit
Hacker Breaks Into T-Mobile Network, Reads Secret Service E-Mails
Iran Fears Visiting U.N. Nuke Inspectors
Report: White House fought interrogation curbs
White House Fought New Curbs on Interrogations, Officials Say
Mother kill by hit man, kids get $32.4M
US warns Russia on selling missiles to Syria
Ridge close to lobbying firm's chairman
Bush seeks to expand education act
Army bringing back retirees-Colorado Guard suggests bounty for recruitment
Lockheed backers set for fight:Ft Worth role in planes' production thre
Curfew Declared in Second Pakistani Town
Argentina wants to repay 25 cents per dollar of debt
Ohio justices dismiss voters' election challenges
Military Escorts Ordered for Aid Workers
The price of voting in Iraq's Mosul
Cuba Advances with Lung Cancer Vaccine Production
Arab Intellectual Alleges Report Coverup
Unemployment initial Claims up 10,000 - higher than expected
I'll quit my job, says security pick's wife
Ridge Visits Lobbying Firm's Chairman
Tsunami Survivor Picked Up After 15 Days
MPs Demand Statement on Halt to Wmd Search
Research on Alternative Therapies Is Sought
Witness says Bush asked for secret extradition of Indonesian cleric
Security Council Calls for Haiti Election
Mark Thatcher pleads guilty in Cape Town
Mark Thatcher pleads guilty in Cape Town
53 Iraqi parties withdraw from elections
Chicago Tribune: FAA: O'Hare plan OK on environment
Appeals Court Concerned Over Utah Wilderness Agreement
Cassini-Huygens Titan Moon Lander Media Briefing on NASA TV right now
No Child Left Behind... by Aggressive Military Recruiters
With factory jobs waning, Texas workers regroup
Tally Shows Surge in Iraqi Car Bombings Under Intermi Govt - USA Today
Tech Savvy Seen As Key in DNC Battle
New York Mayor Announces Program Linking Union Members, Tax Preparers
Pope's guards bemoan 'mission impossible'
Ark. Cops Use Taser to Subdue Nude Jogger
"Canada for Asia" (CBC benefit concert broadcast tonight)
Black Hawk crash in Colombia kills 20
La. Mourns for Soldiers Killed in 1 Day
Kennedy Warns Democrats Not to Be Republican Clones
Kennedy Calls on Left to Keep Faith
White House Fought New Curbs on Interrogations, Officials Say
U.S. retail sales rise more than expected
Immigration plan discouraged by GOP lawmakers
Murkowski announces oil tax hike
High Schools in Need of Testing, Bush Says(bur $'s come from existing prog
New FBI (anti-terrorism) Software May Be Unusable
Killers claims lethal injection cruel, violates right of speech
Study Finds Doctors' Hours Affect Risks on Road
Critics Call Bush's Deficit Efforts Feeble
Trade deficit makes surprising jump, rises 7.7% in Nov.
Nazi occupation not inhumane - Le Pen
China tightens Tiananmen security
U.S. District Court Announces Holocaust-Era Swiss Bank Funds Can B Claimed
Polaris to Pay $950,000 Penalty for Failing to Report Hazards With ATVs
Bush Makes Progress in Halving Deficit
Youth Leaders Challenge Coke to Stop Draining Water from World's Poorest
Iran orders Nobel winner to court
Clean Up After the Hurricane (in Scotland?)
Homeland Security Dropping Pledge of Secrecy for Workers
Baghdad election center director killed
More WW II-Era Account Data Published
Iraq's power supply sinks to record low: US general
Whistleblower Charges Justice Dept. with Misconduct (Chertoff)
US 'erodes' global human rights
'Ali G' character causes near riot at rodeo
Reuters' U.S. Journalists Withhold Bylines, Credits to Protest Offshoring,
Radio programmer fired over gifts from music execs
FTC Urged to Investigate Purported Consumer Watchdog
Missionaries Relocate 300 Orphans
Nazi IRA man's statue beheaded
Religious leaders appeal to Bush to take the lead in Mideast peace process
'Minor' Software Glitch Is Cited in Missile Failure -WP
Baghdad election center director killed
Baylor sues former seminary student over lewd e-mails
War Veteran Refuses 2nd Iraq Deployment
Agency says woman was on terror watch list, then retracts
Fallout from WMD search failure
Tomato Tyrants Ban Better Fruit
Reuters: (Comedian) "Ali G" Risks Riot At US Rodeo
US Stands Alone In Hemp Ban, Congressional Research Service Report Says
David Frum: Don't Worry About Running Out of Oil
Research on Alternative Therapies Is Sought
Religious Liberty Under Siege, Interfaith Leaders Warn
U.S. Jet Fighter Crashes Off Sumatra, Pilot Safe
Ukraine: European Court Of Human Rights May Tackle Leadership Issue
Religions battle for souls on Sumatra
IOM says Israelis of Iraqi origin can vote in Iraqi elections
Fifteen Saudis ... sentenced to prison term and lashings for protest
Teenager Lists Sex Assault Details Against Jackson (Warning!)
Power-mad Mussolini sacrificed wife and son
Army sergeant refuses 2nd Iraq deployment (CNN/AP)
U.S. veteran: “We’re committing genocide in Iraq” (source uncertain)
Petition filed (Repubs turn on WA Repub SOS Sam Reed)
Ohio picks paper ballot, pencil
WA state, military officials say no evidence of ballot problems found
Bush: U.S. Having Impact on Tsunami Aid
New Mexico clerks given discretion to clear voting machines
Gregoire goes to Everett on first day, Rossi waits
New Fight Over Controlling Punishments Is Widely Seen
Gunmen Kill Two Aides to Iraq's Ayatollah Sistani
Cheney Defends Soc. Security Account Plan
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 13 January
Pentagon ban on filming coffins defied
New FBI Software May Be Unusable (After $581 Million Spent)
Gondolas stuck as Venice dries out
WMD panel fires FBI agent for sharing CIA document
Russia denies Syrian missiles deal
U.S. agrees to extend US Airways financing
Former Abu Ghraib Guard Defends Graner
War veteran refuses 2nd Iraq deployment
Fallouja Insurgents Fought Under Influence of Drugs, Marines Say
Senator Worried About Cutoff of Venezuelan Oil
Dominant Strategist for Democrats Ends Consulting Career
Religion-based prison program struck down (faith-based initiative)
Panel Wants Tougher Supplement Standards
Pakistanis urged to conserve gas after attack
SJ MN: Monsanto suing farmers over piracy issue
Allawi Nurtures Popular-But-Strong Image
US ignored warning on Iraqi oil smuggling, UN says
Thatcher heads for the US after court drama
Fort Sill Drill Sergeant Convicted Of Bribery, Other Counts
Lutherans Release Report on Homosexuality
Aging Aircraft Star in Tsunami Aid Effort
Officer testifies teen's shooting stunned him
Dems Seek Ridge's Lobbying Correspondence (Yahoo! & AP)
PETA Loses Suit Over California Cow Ads (Happy Cows)
Human Rights Group Criticizes U.S.
16 Dems urge Bush to start pullout from Iraq
Ont. reports no problems in performing more than 1,000 same sex marriages
White House ducks torture proposal queries
Soros group raises stakes in battle with US neo-cons
FDR's Grandson Protests Soc. Security Ad
FCC Member Urges Armstrong Williams Probe
Senators Request Education Dept. Records
Baker Urges Bush on Phased Exit in Iraq
Wal-Mart Starts Image Boosting Ads
Ga. Evolution Stickers Ordered Removed
Report Says Iraq Is New Terrorist Training Ground -WP
Faith Divides the Survivors and It Unites Them, Too
Gunmen Seize Turk, Kill 6 Iraqis in Baghdad --Locals
Pennsylvania school in eye of creationist storm
Kerry to meet with French president
Tamer Protests Expected for Second Inauguration
I feel inclined to blow my mind
Don King Sues ESPN for $2.5 Billion
What's the verdict on copycat threads?
Why must I be tortured with Charlie Rose on both PBS stations at the same
I'm seeing Mission of Burma twice this weekend.
great song about today by a christian band
What's the verdict on copycat threads?
"The Best Years of Our Lives" is just starting on TCM (12:30 am)
I had no clue there was a 3rd Crocodile Dundee
I like this Drawn Together Episode
Please, Come to Boston for the springtime...
I breakdown in the middle and lose my thread
For your dining & dancing pleasure…Richard Cheese!
Evangelical DU'ers: How has it been for you to discuss politics in church?
Who is worse, Michael Jackson or Andrew Jackson
The writers of Lost are demented freaks!
I just persuaded my dad to go out at midnight and buy me some hot wings...
i just played hockey with a puck and skates! ask me anything!
All this talk about mice...anyone here see "Willard"
Where are you more likely to find out about the rapture?
For those working during the upcoming Coronation,
As Mark Twain wrote, "This is too many for me," so GOOD NIGHT!
*~*Percy Dovetonsils, Poet Laureate*~*
Ever switch the initials of your names?
read what my friend's sister is doing for cheney!
A funny story about a waitress Monday Night.
Anyone here ever go to a Greek wedding?
Don't you all think Samantha Bee is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what can we who can't go to ingauration, do to protest?
Chicago DU-ers: Any plans for anti-inauguration?
ugh...there's some pretty boy gonna be staying here a few days
I love THIS LAUGHING CAT CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pair arrested for telling lawyer jokes -- THIS REALLY SUX
James Brown on the republican agenda:
Personally, I have much disdain for Joe Scarborough, But I like that
warm-weather DUers, can I come & stay with you...?(B4 I freeze!)
Vermont radio station dumps Rush for Air America.
I think the guitar is overrated
You know the romance is going when...
It's 2:45am est, why are you still up?
BEst MoDo Line in a long time....
Ever drink coffee creamer straight from the little cup?
How does one go about proving his boss hates him?
Mouse in a chair -- seriously. Help please
Ethiopian reburial for Bob Marley 23 years on
Ethiopian reburial for Bob Marley 23 years on
Wake up! won't you listen to me
Ethiopian reburial for Bob Marley 23 years on
I've been up all night; my work is not done; bed would feel so nice -
So I slept with the windows open last night.
Another stupid idea I literally dreamed up
For folks going to Khephra's funeral
Got My Grades - Ask me anything...
Ann Coulter revealed in a dream I had last night:
What's up with this "breathing" thing?
A Bizarre Thing – His arm fell off while running to work this morning
Ark. Cops Use Taser to Subdue Nude Jogger
Matcom News --- Ark. Cops Use Taser to Subdue Nude Jogger
Question on installing a secondary internal hard drive...
Using a three year old to find a book works
Ruh roh, home computer won't boot from C:\
Another Bush joke to cheer me up
Lounge LBN ---- I could not think of any other forum but the Lounge
Boy is the wind blowing hard here
Was "Disco Inferno" the greatest disco song or what?
I watched old videotapes of my kid for 3 1/2 hours last night.
I keep getting strange error messages this morning, anyone else?
My First of 2 Fun Posts For My Fellow PBS Kids!
What would you guys say to a Heshers & Mullets Group?
Woman tore off ex-lover's testicle
Bad news, another actress has died.
Last night's episode of Lost....
Witnessed An Accident Last Evening
Is there antwhere in the USA a radio station called WTFH?
I have to share this with you guys. Too funny!
Seen "The Village"? Worth renting?
Do you love Brad Pitt? Would u still if he was fat?
You know a song is going to be bad when...
was 'disco inferno' the worst wrestLer ever?
My Second of 2 Fun Posts for My Fellow PBS Kids!
If it keeps on rainin'........
How do you feel about Bill Maher?
Rockin' out to Polyphonic Spree playing "Wig In A Box". Ask me anything!
A question for any L.S.D. DUers
Watching Mission:Impossible 2 on video.
I'm a runnin down the road, tryin to loosen my load
How Come When The Heat Get Beat It's News But When The Lakers Lose It Isn'
Yesterday it was 66 degrees here, now it's snowing - welcome to MO!
I'll be out of town with no computer til Tuesday.
any axis & aLLies fans here? (repost)
Volunteer a Fundie you know for this experiment....
Does Anyone Have the Hotel Info for Kef's Service?
Why do new movies all have the same 6 songs on the soundtrack?
What was/is the ugliest CAT ever made?
Anyone every heard of a "space-trainer" from about 1960?
If there are any fans of figure skating out there:
I have manage to get the SPAWN FROM HELL
I dreamt last night i pulled out one of my teeth
Boondock Saints: love it or hate it?
I have a job interview today. Any suggestions?
Google patches Gmail security hole
The best live netcast in a long time
Hey! Wal-Mart is on a PR blitz to improve their image.
Malicious Trojan infects Windows Media Player
What does the song "Low Spark of High Heeled Boys" mean?
The Village Explainer of all CAPTIONS!!!
Gmail account: The "G" stands for GRRRRRRRR
Anybody need a G-Mail account?
I Filled up with 87 Octane today
Hey, my post count is now a BAUD RATE!
Anyone seen the new Burger King ad with Amarosa (the Apprentice)?
Favorite person mentioned in the song This Beat Goes On/Switchin' To Glide
The Perfect present for that special someone in your life...
Official Duck Appreciation Thread #1
Clueless customers, Chapter 47...
How much laundry does your household make every week?
Has anyone been impacted by the Vioxx recall?
Newest crazes in weight loss: diet, exercise
do you live your life in the songs you hear on the rock and roll radio?
Why are they called crab cakes when they are clearly pastries?
The "Vote of Confidence" CAPTION
Cheesecake. Why is the word "cake" used when it's clearly a pie?
The "I'll Live to Fight Another Day" CAPTION
Can I borrow 7500 Pounds Sterling?
Trig. Why is the number "3.14159265" used when it's clearly just pi?
I wish Al Franken wouldn't sing
Are you complicated or simple?
DU'ers, why do you hate Armenia?
DU'ers, why do you hate Amnesia?
Favorite character mentioned in the song The Weight.
yellowcake: why is it called a cake
Why is Boston Creme Pie called a pie when it's clearly a cake?
DU'ers, why do you hate Amphetamines?
Why are they called urinal cakes when they are inedible?
I'm sick! What's the best way to cure a cold?
Carrot cake. A dessert or a vegetable/dessert hybrid?
Why do cartoon dogs have speech impediments?
If I could apologize to one DUer I pissed off...
How long does it take you to fully wake up after getting out of bed?
Spencer Dryden -- Jefferson Airplane drummer, dead at 66
Disney (who threw away F911) will remake 'Tron'
UK garbagemen to be given defibrillators to treat heart attacks...
Why is it called Beefcake when it's clearly half-nekked men?
Damn if this isn't the coolest movie still EVER!
why are they called Prairie Oysters
Clint Eastwood Praises Michael Moore, Threatens Life
What do you do about hangnails?
What vegetable is getting on your nerves?
Ahhhhh! I've been studying all day long! Ask me anything, but be gentle
The "You Look Like You Just Lost Your Last Friend" CAPTION
"A pedestrian hit me and went under my car"
My latest hero: Who heard Sister Helen Prejean on NPR last night?
Playmate Carmella DeCesare acquitted: $150 fine, 24 hrs community svc
Ok so who's going to DC on the 20th?
well i found the origin of the horrible smell in my fridge
I met Al Hunt this morning. Ask me anything.
I gotta get out of this place...
I am having a Fugly is your day going ?
DUers, why do you hate Anastasia?
Them: How is your meal? A: Good Them: Great!
FOIA requests take how long to get answered?
Damn, why isn't 'Closer' still playing in a theater by me?
Gordon, I mean Donald get free wedding services
My "get out f the 700 club by posting recipes thread!"
DUer Network Hardware: Wireless?
Jim Rome show: Blasting shrubco over "no WMD" admission, on today's
DUers: Windows, Mac, or Linux OS users?
In just 12 hours, it has rained, hailed, sleeted and snowed here.
i've got a nice sized gash on my forearm
You're just like school on Saturday.
Anyone know what do do with a strained back?
If you could apologize to one kid you picked on . . .
Post your name, without using consonants.
What's the worst movie you most recently watched?
20 Jan 2005, Puke for Bush Day.
Is this some sort of cruel joke on W's supporters?
Pronounce your name without using any bowels!
heheh - Amazing how this title works both ways:
My girlfriend has started to post on the DU! What should be her reward?
What sexes is it socially acceptable to be sexist about?
Pronounce your name without using any vowels! (for the Borat/Ali G thread)
Anybody know the time differential between Baghdad and EST?
Why does it say "Ignored" sometimes in place of a post responding...
*RARE* photo of young George W. Bush has been released
Ever wonder why the English Language is so difficult?
The "Speaking in Tongues" CAPTION
Everybody pretend like you are locking this thread.
Everyone pretend like you are licking this thread founder Bezos to build rocket facility in West Texas
Stop blaming your poor, defenseless metabolism
What was the MP3 of the Asian lady who has a couple of
Does anybody know how to get up to date mortality information in the US?
Bush confrontationally pokes finger in face of African American man
Does anybody know how to get up to date morality information in the US?
I am Making Steak and Spinach Salad Tonite
Post the first number of your social security number
Indrid Cold aka Mothman called me on the phone at work tonight
CNN Judy Dandruff to talk about the expensive coronation next.
For those of you who're having vowel problems today
George at the Clinton Library dedication
If you could piss off one DUer you apologized to...
Have y'all seen this bumper sticker?
George Clinton at the Library dedication
If you could apologize to one DUer you pissed off ...
I have 6 G-Man invites. Who wants one?
Warning: this video may literally make you piss yourself
Freepers really know how to party
Just Had a "Low Carb Chicken Club" - ask me anything
I have six Goddamn bruises, anyone want one?
How many pairs of socks do you own?
The President would like to send you money
Bigfoot walks by stunned couple, nods and waves....
I have 6 Gmail invites. Who wants one?
Adobe Creative Suite Premium 1.1 - would you buy it
Well, at least she used the spell checker...
Do you collect empty coffee cans? Want a clever idea to recycle them?
Hey, Hey! I Went Over 9000 Posts Today
what song are you listening to right now?
Some things to Do Before the Inaugural:
Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Is Vying To Be The Next Pope
Wallet Family Memorial Fund--(mudslide victims)
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Check in!
How many different kinds of breakfast cereal
Sweet, I got a 3.85 combined for my two college classes
Get your blue bands for truth while they're hot!
Ahahahahahaha (coff, coff) Sexy Gore: yeah baby!!
I just spilled milk all over me
Ask me anything, this is my 800th post! :-)
Are there Intelligent Freepers?
Are there intelligible Freepers?
A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon
Fossil Shows Mammal Ate Baby Dinosaur
Guys, are we going to have that Irish Whiskey still?
are you shocked when you start a thread that turns out to be
replace a word in a movie title with "Butt Ugly"
Online Pharmacies are EXPENSIVE!
If tsunami was payback from The Almighty for assorted sins,
Union dues question...are you in one? Bonus pts. for RN post
I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier
I once saw a Dukakis-Bentsen bumper sticker wrapped around a light pole
Rock Tunes with Long Indulgent Solos
I found the Freepers pickup! (pic - large)
Nutritional data for boiled chicken feet...
So Randy Moss gets fined 10k for a FAKE mooning....
OMG! Who saw Daily Show last night? WTF?
I would like to remind everyone
Has anyone ever been to DollyWood?
How do you prepare and eat acorn squash?
Holy, holy shit!!!! Popular Atlanta Restaurant
Tonight, why not try delicious Beef Porcupines?
Parents: At what age would you leave a child at home alone for 1hour?
Help! My finished basement is slowly flooding!
How many of you have stayed in a relationship knowing your SO
Pilot of the Airwaves, here is my request.
Most toxic combination with the best results
Deion Sanders on Randy Moss--cracked me up
I'm eating a Potted Meat Sandwich...Ask me anything!
What did Bell *really* say to Watson on the telephone?
Rev. Jim, another preacher waiting to save you from the gay "lifestyle"
Need some info from folks going to the services for Khephra
You.... You've blown it all sky high, by telling me a lie.
Fare thee well, fellow DUers, for I am off
It annoys me when parents name their children after them
You know a movie is going to be bad when...
One of my students used Revelations to rationalize doing no work all week LIST of ARTICLES for Jan 13, 2005
Are you serving, or have you ever served, in the Armed Forces?
What Do You Think Of Kiddie Beauty Pageants? -- Good Or Bad?
Any news on MrsGrumpy? Please let it be good
We just banned a long-term member.
Do you dream about famous people? I had a dream about Peyton Manning
532 posts away from 10,000! Ask me something!
What breakfast meat goes with pancakes?
Question for anyone who is a landlord
Post your name, without using any vowels
I'm Terry McAuliffe, ask me anything
Anyone else here ever use a DU posting window JUST for the spell-checker?
NAME a celebrity more annoying than Chris Tucker. I DARE you. DO it.
My landlord is a facist... any advice?
V for Vendetta: The Movie (it's real!)
Vikings' Moss Fined $10,000 by NFL for `Mooning' Celebration
Rock bass players more incompetent than Van Halen's Michael Anthony
Have You Ever Been In A Relationship Where your Partner Has Cheated on you
Clarification on "Have a Blessed Day" Thread
Parked by a Hummer today with this phrase keyed on the door:
The new Battlestar Galactica frackin' ROCKS!
If overweight DUers will allow me this poll into a sensitive area . . .
Let's go to the world of "What if?"
Teenager Lists Sex Assault Details Against Jackson (Warning!)
What are the best & worst wedding "first dance" songs you have heard?
seeking source of Percussion music, i have some Mickey hart, I really like
Yet another DU Group idea...Classic T.V.
For all of you who still love copycat posts...a DU first.
I keep running into things that make me sad about Kef
Guys are we any going to have that irish group still?
Can any of the men at DU play guitar as well as this woman can?
Guys: Is every online interaction a possible dating situation?
the most ridiculous thing that you have heard a freeper say recently?
What is your favorite newer movie (last 2 years)
What wildlife have you seen where you live lately?
Anyone else like the Talking Heads?
How do you pronounce "Rohrau" (the town in Austria)?
Words that sound dirty to you, even though they aren't? I'll start
What's in your wallet? Or for the DU gals, purse?
Alt Country fans: whats new and good?
No charges filed in W. Va. chicken torture
A question for any L.D.S. DUers
Preying Through the Pulpit (Pastors fall for scam artists)
Is this forum anything other than an atheists debate theists forum?
Tsunami, relections on God and the Problem of Evil
anyone ever have *doomsday dreams?*
A Health Care Issue (Poll Link)
Schizophrenia prediction possible
WSJ: Just How Deadly Is Bird Flu? It Depends on Whom You Ask
Science of bomb detection: Nuclear quadrupole resonance
GA Evolution "Theory" Stickers Ordered Removed....
Cassini-Huygens Titan Moon Lander Media Briefing on NASA TV right now
Quake 'Animal Warnings' Validate Geologist Berkland
How intelligent are some animals?
Take Action: Congratulate Dreier for Standing Up to Radical Right
What the hell is wrong with bi kids these days??
What the hell is wrong with gay kids these days??
"Us", "Them", and the Division of the American People
Interesting new website for GLBT liberals.
Hey guys, I'd like to apologize for something
'Punked' by nature? The women I'm attracted to are lesbians
One Final Walk Through the Tunnel
Larf...Vikings demand Joe Buck be removed from booth
will and should Brett Favre retire soon
Dogs in the beds of pick up trucks - Any opinions?
Shelter in Bakersfield, California starving animals
Mouse in my chair -- seriously, please help.
interesting thread in another forum
Quake 'Animal Warnings' Validate Geologist Berkland
The Boogeyman and the Smarter Reptile
Supplement for enhancing concentration and memory?
Waving at y'all from the Wal-Mart of world religions...
Hey guys, whats the name of the song in upriver
Stupid article of the day 10/13
I'm staying home today ill guys
"Beware Ass Kicking Sexy And Funny"
I still love John about you?
Here's another courtesy of the freepers
A question for those who have been around since the primaries
So I've got this poster saying he's going to fight Kerry in the primaries
Social Security phase-out agenda provides a new and ready-made technique.
The fabricated crisis is the hallmark of the Bush presidency
FAIR's newsletter article on NBC's social security coverage-way to act
who better represents the Democratic Party?
Conference call link with Dean about his candidacy
Novel way to protest the inauguration--make a STINK
We need to have intelligent conversations like Democrats
Maxine Waters will March Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Jan. 17 LA, CA
DHS Secrecy Policy Reversal a Step Forward, Say Unions
WOW! Fauxnews is reporting no WMD found in Iraq!
I need a link to the shot of Bubble Boy with Putin, etc. and BBs
Michael Chertoff - Whitewater man is back
And another RW bushbot totally embarrasses America to the world.
This is the first time that I recall Friedman making the statement...
Just like Jeb, I hope Dem. Governors wield their clout to aid the dem.
Former DNC Chairman Andrew endroses Simon Rosenberg
Should laws & sentencing guidelines be the same in all states?
Many different Democratic Parties--
A Strategy For Using Social Security To Go After GOP Incumbents In 2006
Dissenters are now aligned with Saddam & Terrorist?
strange days, indeed...scary observations...
Any way that we can get to endorse Republicans?
Frank Rich has the BushyBot nailed this morning
Blurred messages from Democrats
The donut hole in the SS privatization debate...
Washington Times softball interview with Bush: Iraq, Faith, his new puppy
Important Multimedia Investigation! "No Place to Hide"
Needed: Info on Anti-War Websites and Activities!
Tamer Protests Expected for Second Inauguration
Wonderful News! Wash. State Repukes Want to Recall One of Their Own!
"Critics Call Bush's Deficit Efforts Feeble"
"U.S. Lowers Expectations for Iraqi Vote"
"Turn your back on Bu$h" campaign and more
How would the media analyze Dean if he became the DNC chair?
Boxer gearing up to fight Condi!
Anybody up for a RATIONAL debate about Dean??
Military at Bush's coronation: pushing America closer to Martial Law?
Interesting PR blurb-How to Bring Certainty to Close Elections
Ted Kennedy now on C-Span re future of the Democratic Party.
Orange Revolution : wear orange on jan 20 (waddya think?)
BushReich Assault on Our Privacy and Civil Liberties
Another Week and no Fox News show in the cable top 40.....
Under BushCo, The Pain Level in America/World going UP
Need info about Full Page Newspaper Ads - letters
Mark Warner's On C-Span-VA State Of The Union Address
Need Help With Phone Call I Received
Whenever you write a letter of protest
I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! - How 'bout you?
Hans Blitz to George Bush: "Told Ya!" *
We need a smart, positive bumper sticker to counter
FOIA requests take how long to get answered?
From the Nation: On September 11, 1973
"Terror War Diverting Attention from Roots of Insecurity"
Kentucky Senator Leaving the GOP
We are a generous nation-to a fault
"New FBI Software May Be Unusable"
"Report Singles Out US, Sudan For Strong Censure"
Question re: Vote for DNC Chair
Right-wing extremists are domestic terrorists.
Moveon, Protect Social Security action alert
Letter from Stuart Comstock-Gay Executive Director National Voting Rights
Bush's plan to shift tax burden onto working Americans: "S.S. reform"
this is scarier than Gonzales and Chertoff
How are you responding to this rightist meme?
The CIA and politics: Is there a secret effort to get into office ?
Roosevelt's Grandson Calls on Right-Wing Front Group To Stop Misusing FDR'
"NH Woman Loses Insurance Coverage for Her Politics"
Question: Why do Republicans ELECT CELEBRITIES while
Top Ten Questions George W. Bush Asked His Homeland Security Nominee
There's no way the party bosses will allow Dean to be chair
Where does Progress for America get all this money to run
Conservatives never held accountable; Liberals always held
Why is there an income cap of $90,000 on social security taxes?
The Left REALLY Needs To Decide Whether It's For Democracy... Or Not.
Who are the 447 DNC members that will elect a chair?
"I don't see how you can be President without a relationship with the Lord
Billionaires to accelerate donations to progressive think tanks.
Lithium in water supply....Is this for real or does the DoD want us to
RUSH transcript from Democracy Now: Cherthoff's Dirty Little Secrets
Fundraisng letter from James Carville/DNC & my response
"Corporations Have Contributed 96 % of Bush’s Inauguration Funds
The truth about Bush is so unbelievable it cannot be told....
NYT hits Crossfire hard: All the President's Newsmen...MUST READ..
Have you called your congressman regarding the DOE payoff?
Why dont we hear about FICA in the Social Security debate
Is Powell finally beginning to speak for himself?
Has anyone heard anything new on healthcare reform?
Stop White House News Distortion!
Tell Congress to Save Social Security (
FreeRepublic post calls inaugration protesters a "target rich environment"
CSPANs for tonight and tomorrow - FYI
News article calls Armstrong Williams "The Biggest Whore of All"
"Bush Administration Comments on WMDs"
Rep. Zoe Lofgren Endorses Dean for DNC Chair
‘Ali G’ character causes near riot at rodeo
Chertoff lied under oath - on AARs "Unfiltered"
Can Jeb Beat The Rest Of The Field For The Repug Slot?
Blackwell to Deploy Uniform Statewide Voting System
Stick a fork in Kerry, he's done.
The best part of the Republicans being in power is this.
Poll: Casey: 52% Santorum: 38%
Dominant Strategist for Democrats Ends Consulting Career
Blurred Messages from Democrats ("Winning is everything")
Email from Democracy for America (Dean's site)
Bush could have easily been defeated by psychological warfare
Dennis Miller gives Bush a "pass" ... is he on the payroll too ?
Libertarian's view of social services
Hmmmm Maybe Bu$h will turn out to be Nostradamus' MABUS after all
How do you feel about Ralph Nader?
Who are/will be/could be/would have been rising stars in the Dem party?
Wes Clark's Speech To Supporters In DC