Brookings Think Tank reviews minor chgs that "fix Social Security easily"
Editorial touching on possible Pakistan connection in Hersh/Iran Story
Bush's popularity increases after terror threats announced
Paying for Politics. NOW takes a hard look at campaign finance.
The Nuclear Option — Nuclear plant safety after 9/11.
David Corn:Feinstein Takes A Dive For Rice
Prozac: The Class Action Suits Begin
John Kerry Announces new PAC working up to 2008 Run for Presidency!
Marjorie Cohn (TruthOut): The Gonzales Indictment petition of support for Senator Boxer
MediaMatters documents NBC Russert Meet The Press Soc Sec lies
Boxer and Rice on C-SPAN - Video
US Coastal Regions "Fair To Poor" In Annual Report - ENS
US December Warmer Than Average, Fifth-Warmest Worldwide On Record
Bush Budget Will Cut NOAA Climate, Weather, Fishery R&D By 11.7%
So, how much stock do you put in the most "pessimistic" peak oil theories?
Thank CNN for their coverage of Boxer grilling ricecake
Do you have a clue why the word "proven" comes up a mis-spelling...
Couldn't find this in the "FAQ"
Request ( a wee time-sensitive)
Question about the 'search' function
i have some replies from a post that i can not access
Montrealer gets 40 months for firebombing
Abbas takes truce case to Hamas
Any other stone Deaniacs out there in Illinois? Were you a ...."Stormer"?
No Mylar Balloons at the Inauguration, could be bad...
democracy in a box .... cartoon from Palast's site
is kerry jsut buying time until another senator comes back
Asian backlash for Rice's stupid remarks has already started
Machine Failure rate contributes heavily to disenfranchisement.
Ah! That's how Condi learned about voter suppression
"Lies and the lying liars..."(exit polls in the USA)
Very easy for the media if this was the "truth" on November 2nd
The Nashua Advocate: Bush Blames His Failed Presidency on American Voters
Video - Kerry speaks out about suppression at MLK breakfast on Jan. 17
List of Cities Organizing Bus Trips to DC on J 20.....
Ha! Look at the numbers -- we're as polarized as we were on Nov. 2nd.
CNN poll is Rice a good choice? No 55% out of 221868 votes
Ohio:Delays at polls weren't a scheme [Voting machines distributed evenly]
letter from boxer tonight.............she isnt going to back down
Check out the headline on CNN's front page
With pride, I answered Kerry's call tonight...
Can I get some feedback on this poll?
What Ever Happened To Clint Curtis And Florida Its Like It Never Happened
With sadness, I took myself off the John Kerry mailing list
DU Kerry bashing, thread links compendium! (NOT)
Arnold the terminator has just signed the paperwork
L.A. watch more and more Bush stickers.
Timmy No-Tool is at it again...
Michiganders: Any word on how the Arab vote went down in November?
A quick FYI regarding SP2 and CD-burning...
Gov. Kinky -- the next leader of Texas?
and the day after...tomorrow..
The Real Iraq Exit Strategy- From The Nation-Daily Outrage
Kerry quoting Hersh article to Condi
Creationist Files Frivilous Lawsuit
Condi and the mysterious "we"...
Wouldn't It Be Great If This Hearing Never Ended....
6000 Cops, 7000 Troops to Guard Chimp in Most Expensive Inaug. in History
Tweety wetting himself over the inauguration coverage
Bob Herbert's NYT article "Scent of Fear" required reading DUers
Any Senator ask about Negroponte's death squads in Iraq?
From FreePress, RE: Armstrong Williams &payola
CNN (no surprise) edits clips to make Condi look better than she was.
World News Trust Chatroom Meeting At 9 P.M. EST
They can't explain a cartoon butt, why do they think they can explain sex?
WH standoff continues....bush* is inside WH.....(PHOTOS)
Email from Kerry saying Hold Bush and Rumsfeld Accountable
We just received an email from Stabenow...
Brain study shows difference between Dems and Repubs are minor
I think Ryan Secrest should be DNC Chair. I been watching American Idol
Look....a GOOD thing...a not-for-profit pharmacuetical company that
Audio of Mike Signorile making a fool of anti-gay Sheriff Holcomb
DOCTOR Rice: Tsunami presented OPPORTUNITY which is paying DIVIDENDS!
Thanks DU, for helping on my final exam
Please tell me this isn't true.
Special Report on Inaugural Balloons
Secretary of State as Implementor of Nation-Building
Iraqi blogger are provoking intrigue and outrage
A chilling animation narrated by Mike Malloy
Why was Bush Sr in Ecuador? No story, only a picture
Is Sec of State Designee Olive Oyl's "Dr" real or a "wink wink" "Dr"?
Boxer, Round 1-- replay on Cspan Now--the Main Event
"Condoleeza" (sung to the tune of "Mona Lisa" by Nat King Cole)
Letter from Barbara Boxer's PAC
Do you think "time travel" will be possible one day?
new website from the people who brought you electroniciraq....
Just got this from Boxer-She is great.
Is there some way I can STOP telemarketers??
"Saluting Those Who Serve" event: solemn dedications and Clinton jokes?
BUSH: Better human intelligence needed
I heard Kerry and Boxer grill Rice at the hearing today, you guys would
Help with this Poll Concerning Rice
Canadian TV alert: "Stupidity The Movie"
I'm SO TIRED of hearing U.S.A is teaching the world how to be a democracy!
Discussion on Jim Wallis on The Daily Show?
I heard Kerry and Boxer grill Rice at the hearing today, you guys would
WTF!!!!!!!!!! is up with this Kerry email saying Rummy has to go???????
FOX NEWS: Inauguration Boycott & What Protestors Have In Common
Can someone explain to me why its important to have a VP candidate who
Humans are to be SPENT, like capital.
Drudge's headline says it all. ("Freedom's Capital in Lockdown")
The end of Social security is a fundamental disruption of the social order
I just wrote a nice note to Sen. Barbara Boxer
Mike Malloy thread..... where's Lincoln?
My fundie Christian nutjob acquaintance, who is strictly GOP,
Add "On Titan" at the end of each sentence
Must Read: The Gonzales Indictment
O'Reilly claims he was "in combat", caller & Franken call him on it
PHOTO: "Hi, Hilary Duff! You like cowboys? How 'bout one lil kiss?"
That gap-toothed, pug looking, piece of shit just told Senator Dodd
US official confirms Allawi shot six dead
What are the most profound words you have heard
Caption Anybody in This Photo!!
Once again: Will the chimp bomb Iran in a preemptive strike?
The FBI Is Now Asking ISPs To Become One of Their Paid Informants
Does anyone know if Alberto Gonzales
WHY does Hutchinson keep calling 9/11 "Nine One One"?
About that professor and the Kuwait student
What are the most profound words you heard from a foreign leader?
I'm afraid the Bush administration found something...
As a Christian, I'm SICK of Christians WHINING about persecution!
Greatest FIRST LADY in United States History?
Tune in to Ed Schultz on the internet
Republican Websites Hacked in Protest of Inaugurations
Why would Feinstein kiss Condi's ass? War profiteering
Does anyone realize how incredibly stupid Americans are?
Hi-tech center links inaugural security
EPA charges DuPont hid Teflon's risks
Man Threatens to Blow Up Van Near White House
Republican Websites Hacked in Protest of Inaugurations
U.N. Election Chief Says Only Increased Violence or Mass Resignations...
US official confirms Allawi shot six dead
Fears Increase that Kuwait May Face Saudi-Style Violence after Clashes...
Karachi opens door to US forces-commando operations by UK & US in Pakistan
U.S. Returns Stolen Mesopotamian Artifacts to Iraq
DNC Head Candidates Campaign Among Mayors
Karachi Opens Door to US Forces--ATimes (Iran related)
Mormons saddle up for Bush's second coming but hope for a little humility
Rice: U.S. Was Prepared for War in Iraq
NBC: Iraq recalls 2,000 from Saddam’s army
U.S. Intelligence Says Iraqis Will Press for Withdrawal -NYT
Biden to Europe: 'get over' Bush election
Driver's Surrender Ends Standoff Near White House,Threatened Explosion WP
Shelters Prepared In Case Of Inaugural Emergency
Saudi Arabia Dismissed As 9/11 Defendant
Former homeland security nominee Kerik to attend Bush inauguration
Minsk Criticizes Condoleezza Rice Remark on
AP: (Jeb) Bush speechwriter resigns amid allegations of plagiarism
U.S. Air Force Excited About Near-Space Prospects
Odd Happenings in Fallujah (Dahr Jamail: chemical weapons cleanup?)
FBI Abandons Web Surveillance Technology
Homeless Services Adjust to Closings -WP (meals cancelled dtwn DC)
New doubts on Social Security plan
Rice Stands Firm in Senate Questioning (mentions Boxer, & Kerry's vote)
Singer Curses (f-bomb) at Inaugural Youth Concert (Jenna & Barbara Host!)
Texas lawmaker (D) seeks to put body mass index on students' report cards
Parental Notification For Birth Control Could Prompt Unsafe Sex
Global poll slams Bush leadership
Bush Tells Troops 'Much More Will Be Asked of You'
Send E-mails or telephone Boxer, Dodd and Obama to vote against Rice.
Who's got tickets to the Cream Concerts?
Feature request: Should you be able to put yourself on ignore?
I may or may not exist. Keep your damn questions to yourself.
I wonder who is on the most ignore lists?
I wonder who is on the most buddies lists?
I'm sick, the wife is sick, the baby's well
HAHA check out this "no mylar balloons at inaguration" over in GD
Phheeew I heard a rumour my local coffee haunt was purchased
I just saw a guy with shorts on walk down the street ,its 22 DEGREES OUT
I'm a typical Republican. Ask me anything. (My 2nd thread of this)
I'm in a horrible mood, please cheer me up
Why are TV wives so much hotter than their TV husbands?
Thank goodness - no panic attacks today!
Who am I? I don't know. Ask me nothing.
LOL LOL the headline on right now
Are sports fans more Democrats, Republicans, split even, or in between?
Affleck was the bomb in "Phantoms", yo.
RE : The commericial with President Bush I and President Clinton ...
I'm with the Matress Police. There are no tags on this matress.
Very, very, very, very, very, very disturbing photo of Bill Gates. VERY.
Holy Sh*t I actually posted something in GD...
I'm ticked....the maintenance people came into my apartment
A DUer needs help with a freeper....
I feel like getting on a straitjacket
Which city is more the Democrat city? Boston or NYC?
How are you planning to get through this week?
I have never seen pulp fiction.
What is Mark McGrath doing on American Idol?
I am really CRAVING a RARE Porterhouse
What's a lousy motto by which to live your life?
Why Floridians Lock Their Doors...
Dr. Doom vs. Darth Vader in dealth-match. Who wins?
Special Report on Inaugural Balloons
Head-Cheese Lovers check in...
Whats a good motto by which to live your life?
Do insulated garage doors make a difference?
This is a physics (optics/light) thread ... not a sex thread.
First trailer for FANTASTIC FOUR online
Your God is dead, and you are living a lie!
iTunes is evil I tells you, EVIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL!
This is what is clobbering me right now.
What foreign films have you seen lately?
I'm ignoring posts containing profanity...
I can't believe I've never seen this episode of Seinfeld . . .
poo ass shit bum HEyHEY poo poo ass fart shit shit poo
Former champion heavyweight Jack Johnson autobiography is on PBS
Bush: Better human intelligence needed
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Since Garden State - I've been checking out "The Shins"
All Artis Gilmore fans: In the House!!
Anyone else playing "Mercenaries" on PS2?
What the heck is going on with this van near the whitehouse?
Four Movies. What to watch first?
I just went to Disneyland! Plus, any advice for meeting the SO's parents?
How long does it take to get over a bad sinus infection?
Who is your favorite American Idol?
Any cryptic crossword aficionados out there?
I am truly sorry to all who read my posts
Should I try to sell a dog turd that holds the likeness of ...
"There is nothing wrong with your television set .....
Name a really bad action movie that came out in the last 3 years
Post your addition to the "banished words or phrases" for the year.
How come the God(s) and/or Goddess(es) never do anything fun anymore?
Can I call Condi an evil pile of dog poop? Or is this not allowed?
What movie did you hate, that everyone else you know liked?
Attitude towards the French and Indian War
The new cat poops toxic waste.
A formal request to strike " him a new one" from English discourse
Official AMERICAN IDOL thread. Post comments about the suckers here
I WISH WE HAD BLOW! (NOT a sex thread)
Bought Van Halen's Diver Down today. Ask me anything.
Is anyone going to watch Point Pleasant?
Your body may be gone, I'm gonna carry you in.
What state are you living where you were not born?
"Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty....
Anyone watching Alabama destroy MSU?
Amazing Race about who was eliminated tonight. (spoiler)
Anyone else here besides me NEVER watched American Idol?
Are you a graphic artist/designer
FDA approves new GOP birth control barrier device
The letter screamed "Final Notice!"
local news giong to talk about Satan's face on a buffet table. ON EBAY!
West Coast American Idol Thread!
I have an odd feeling of doom...
There is nothing softer than Monty's paws
Do you think "time travel" will be possible one day?
Questions for nutcase fundies:
I Don't Mean to be a Whiner, buuuut... has been updated.
I can't get the theme to Arthur out of my head.
the wicked witch supports torture and lies - she said so during the
"Why, you're looking all cute and innocent
People who are going to DC, please check in one last time, I need help
Should I blow off school tomorrow?
How People Dressed for My Job in the Early '60s
I am the soup Nazi. Ask me anything.
army of darkness just started on sci-fi
Need 16 posts to get to 2000 - ask me anything.
"we are the ones we've been waiting for."
Don't wanna be an American Idiot
Try not to miss me too much, everyone.
Anyone ever do voice chat rooms?
I just got a letter from my congressman
Thinking of getting back in school (venting & searching for ideas)
Senorita, I'm in trouble again and I can't get free.
This episode of Seinfeld is awesome!
My fish are brine shrimp pigs!
Attitude towards the Civil War
Who else will be watching American Idol tonight besides me?
I am the AntiSoupNazi - I have SOUP for YOU!
Have I mentioned today how much I hate this woman?
What are the dumbest things anyone ever said to you.
Alright everyone...what's your favorite musical...
Yippee, American Idol is on tonight!
They just premiered the new "JibJab" cartoon on Leno. Of course, it sucks.
What large businesses have closed down or pulled out of your town?
Where is the best place to park near Wrigley field?
How much of the time do you smile/ are you smiling?
I can handle the snow. Just make it warmer!!!!!!!!
The Top 40 Songs on this date in 1964...
Just finished a painting....(thought I'd share)
Should I risk driving my own POS car to D.C. tomorrow?
My disc will not de-frag. What shall I do?
Has anyone ever said anything more stupid than this?
What should that traitor Ronald Reagan's face be put on?
What was your favorite (not animated) show when you were a kid?
petition to stop Ashley Simpson from singing
Question about Vegetarians/Vegans/Non-Veggies
My fellow veggies, please read this. It's long...
I'm watching the second half of the PBS program
Disclosure of High Knowledge through Perennialist Art
The real Macaw, January 23 on PBS
OK, so it's all kicked off in GD.
Man, we are lashing back out there!
Thought you all might like this...
Nice thread (at the moment) going on in GD:Politics
Where is the Anti-Rummy petition that
more Kerry pics from Condi Senate hearing and lucky Joe
Hey everybody, check your email. Kerry sent me an
Kerry does good and the purists still yap and yap, I hate purism!
How About If "Conscience Of A Liberal" Were Made Into A Movie?
Kerry after Condi about Sy Hersh's article, now!
Kerry is on about sy hersch article
From LBN Shelters Prepared In Case Of Inaugural Emergency
I'm sitting here watching Kerry, thinking what a better Secretary of State
I think the Democrats are doing a Great Job in the SOS Hearings
Based on her responses today, Condi should not be confirmed as SOS
Did anybody see Kiss#%@(er on tweety?
Condi Will be Confirmed...but I'm PROUD OF OUR DEMS...BOXER, Sarbanes,
Iraqi elections:no automobile traffic-Canadians will monitor(from Jordan)
This administration makes Richard M. Nixon seem saintly.
If you fail miserably at one high level job, you can be booted up to a
Report of the National Intelligence Council-Mapping the Global Future
Is Condi part Puerto Rican? She sure looks it....n/t
Here's why the Beltway hacks and DLC will lose
Anyone just catch Kerry's slip of the tounge?
Why have NO questions about Condi's role in 9-11 been asked?
What job would you most like at the Presidential Inaugural Ball?
Do you need 60 votes to confirm a cabinet member.
Congressional CAFTA boondoggle
How many times GW Bush has smirk laughed in the last week
Just got an email from Kerry asking me to sign a petition
WTF...on the replay they are not going to show Boxer???
Excellent info on Soc. Sec. at the AFL-CIO site.....
"We will work together on a myriad of issues"
I signed the petition calling for Rumsfelds' resignation
Boxer/Rice replay on Cspan now!
Saw a book in a half-price bookstore about Dean
Boxer after the Break - the 2:30 continuim... input Please.
Why is it so hard to use the word 'liar'?
This is fascinating. News headlines on Condi's hearing from....
Transcript of Boxer-Condi exchange
"He's plain spoken, he's simple"
Oh girl, Miss Boxer SERVED Ms. Rice honey!
Face facts: It was a GOOD day (so take that..)
Senate Dems might delay Judiciary Committee Vote of Gonzales
Inauguration Day music suggestions (political to the core)
NY Atty General race - Kennedy vs. Cuomo?
Sorry Kerry "lost". Didn't see the hearings. Not surprised if he caved.
new website from the people who brought you electroniciraq....
Good grief - Do ANY senators have the guts to call Rice on 9/11?
Chimp honoring Armed Services today
Looking for article on McCain Lieberman bill on prisoners
Letter from Josh Silver, Free Press FCC investigation A. Williams
Do you think Rice will be confirmed and by how much?
How do I contact the 'Not Me' Campaign?
Boxer vs Condahleeeezah - freeper take
Tavis Smiley slams Kerry for his treatment of Blacks on MLK day
Barbara Boxer "I am not going to back down!"
How do you think the Democrats did in Todays SOS Rice Hearing
A very nice letter of thanks from Harry Reid
Why is Kerry doing "chatty chat" with's like gross....
Mormons saddle up for Bush's second coming but hope for a little humility
What is this with Kerry and Condi, a filibuster?
What's your fantasy for the inaugural Thursday?
As Condi defends her "integrity", a list of some of her LIES;
52% of our inbred backwoods nation thinks Bush II will be "OUTSTANDING"
letter from boxer tonight.............she isnt going to back down
Ridge sez we don't NEED to be VERY AFRAID on 1/20!!!
Kerry just pissed me off. He ruined the entire butt-kicking that Condi
Will your feelings about Kerry change if he votes to confirm Condi?
John Kerry Announces new PAC /Voting Rights & 2008 Run for Presidency!
Folks, ALL of the Dems were good today
wtf... Are Bill Clinton and Bush I best friends now?
Barbra Boxer for President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerry is in an unenviable situation
Time for a socialist in the house or senate. Who agrees?
for those who fret about Dems being taken to task on DU,
Okay - Is Bashing John Kerry a full-time job for some people?
Why didn't Kerry get out of his chair and punch Condi in the face?
The real problem with progressives...
BBC: Global poll slams Bush leadership (they dislike Americans now, too)
Iraq Elections: Farce of the Century
Iraq Invasion Proponent Condoleezza Rice To Testify At Senate Confirmation
U.S. Army Specialist David Beals: Why I went AWOL
Pomp and Improper Circumstance (LA Times R. Scheer)
You Say You Want a Revolution?
Should Dems Pretend Social Security Is Broken? (David Swanson)
The Dei today: Peter Stanford interviews Opus Dei's Jack Valero
Ukraine: Oil politics and a mockery of democracy
Town awaits return of Guard unit that suffered heavy losses(Paris, Ill)
Bush's promises? Oh, never mind...
Exclusive: Advance Copy of Bush Inaugural Speech ( - haha!
No More Mañana (re: immigration reform)
Milloy: If I Hear Bush, Then I Don't Believe Him
Trouble in America’s Backyard: Democracy Faltering in Latin America
Joe Conason: Another fake crisis from Bush's minions
Fast-food charity becomes home to eating disorders
We went to war because Iraq had a "bad attitude" so says Condi.
Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations
Yeah, this is all we need to cure healthcare woes....
Ho Hum, More War And Death --Mark Morford
Judy Bachrach of Vanity Fair Ripped Apart Bush on Fox News
More about life in Iraq from Riverbend
SF Duers: Do you have literature to table?
Post your thoughts about Bush on the BBC for the World to see . . .
"A Televisual Fairyland" U.K Guardian
Did anyone hear CNN's Daryn Kagan (sp.?) say
I just referred to the Washington Times as a fascist newspaper
New DNC ad "Ready" on Cable CNN, FOX, and MSNBC.
Free trade and the high price of Decadence
FREE TurboTax preparation and e-filing via IRS - Everyone qualifies
Foreign Investors Undaunted by Prolonged Dollar Weakness(US assets on sale
CPI posts biggest rise in 4 years - 3.3%
David Clay Johnston on Franken: interesting note about SS "reform"
Schwarzenegger makes Outside's top 25 coolest people...
Gov. Huntsman Vows No Hotter Nuke Waste In Utah
13 Of 16 Key Marine Species In Rapid Decline Near UK - Common Skate MIA
US Trying To Remove Climate References In UN Disaster Talks
Mexican Populations Of Hawksbill Turtles In Rapid Decline
NASA's Hansen - "Never Seen Anything" Like Bush Interference On Climate
Exploding US Deer Numbers Will Drastically Alter Future Forests
Annan: I am concerned to establish the whereabouts of an estimated 60,000
New Pentagon Vision Transforms War Agenda by Bruce K. Gagnon
Chilean Central Bank Boosts 2005 Growth Forecast to Up to 6.25%
Kirchner to talk utilities in France.
(India) Chilean prez arrives on a 5-day visit
Preempt preemptive War in Iran
Iran, Brazil explore avenues for agricultural cooperation
Canada gives African island a break (Madagascar)
Meet Assault Weapons' Ban supporter - Alberto Gonzales
Meet your NRA Board of Directors Nominees!
If you were starting DU over.......
Having trouble accessing Demopedia
can someone take off Senator Boxer petition link from this post?
Hi, I got a message from a member of the Du panic room
Would it be possible for someone to add political figures' names
Do you think the appearance of the Bush Twins are appropriate subjects
Should there be a limit on song lyrics posted in DU?
FYI about those error messages DUers sometimes get
Some people having trouble accessing DU.
Can you add a link to Jerry Springer's Show at the top of page?
Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations
Rebuilding a House and Building a Common Future
Sharon to resume contacts with Abbas
Palestinians Promise Quick Action Against Militants After Suicide Bombing
This is our (Jews) land (West Bank & Gaza)
East Jerusalem's Chehade Brothers Nominated for Music Award
After 4 yrs of fighting, Palestinian security forces capabilities limited
Is this really what we are faced with for another 4 years?
Pantagraph: Program to put older farmers in mentoring role
People's Inaugural w/ Cong. Schakowsky
Chicago Tribune: Job freeze not so frozen
Anyone from Richmond County, New York?
The new "fairy tale" pushed by some: machines "evenly" distributed in OHIO
Help - does anyone have a link to that list of how many respondents...
ImpeachBush movement at Jan. 20 inauguration
Exit pollsters to release election report to media
Is this really what we are faced with for another 4 years?
More exit polls from - from the DNC
Letter from Boxer...Sorry if already posted..
Reminder! Rice confirmation hearing begins at 9AM on C-Span 1. If you
NYTimes chastises Senators for ineffectual scrutiny of Rice
Progressive Democrats of America/ Conference 1/21-23 DC
PLS contact Sen Biden to vote NO on Rice
start calling these senators!!
TBO Urgent action: email / fax a similar note to Dems on FR comittee
• Report suggests changes in exit poll methodology Nothing To See here...
Confirmation of Rice = A dog and pony show
E-mail Others: How to Replace Your Homepage Jan. 20
ABC "The Note" announces "exit poll data gets released" - HUH???
It's Not A Theory, It's A Fact.
Vote against Condi in CNN poll
idea for tomorrow - a national Primal Scream!?!
i dont get why people have issue with biden
Today would have been the last day...
Reply from my congressman, Bill Pascrell
Poll: Do you think * will achieve most of his goals in his second term?
Dems are nice guys...We finish last.
anyone have linkys for Boxer-Rice? needs 'em.
What this says about Government - Democrats & Republicans...
Boxer LIVE on the Ed Schultz Show Right Now!
I cannot believe it....CNN is giving us some coverage
Texas lawsuit: Lawsuit Pushes for Public Access to Meetings re: E-voting
Nine House Dems call on Sensenbrenner for vote hearings...
Slowly rescinding my negative opinion of Kerry
So many people post PROOF OF FRAUD here -
Help! Did I miss a day or what????????
CNN official exit poll rationale -- Has this been posted yet?
"More Kerry voters participated" DUH! There WERE more Kerry voters.
Now...An Inauguration Day Clouded by Doubt...Once Again!
VOTE 2004: FAIR OR FRAUD? Nightline tonight
Something very Important to remember before tomorrow's carnival!
Ask Conyers to add paper ballots/hand counted to survey
Rossi appears before Judge in WA; claims FRAUD in election
Pepper the Limo with Gideon's Bibles
Send Joe Biden a Thank you too!!
An article that is mostly fair for a change
Better Late Than Never! Ted Koppel Covering Ohio Election Fraud Tonight!
BREAKING: Democrats make plans to delay Rice confirmation
I'm not sure I can handle tomorrow
Please watch your Mylar balloons, people!!!!
I need an expert to verify/debunk/ammend this 'stunning' report
Independents and the 2004 election.
Diebold e-mail discusses price gouging Maryland (12/03)
Looking for DUer who was Spanish translator in Cuyahoga polling place
THIS IS GOOD Bush Administration Lies Archives
Breaking - now has all 50 states original exit polls!
What a flipping useless report. (and article!)
Need a name to call those who obstruct Verified Voting Legislation
Kennedy slams Gonzales: hearings delayed
BRAD BLOG: House JC Dems Request Hearings on Election Irregularities!
CNN "explanation" of exit polls
Some Inspiration for my Fellow DUers on the Eve of Inauguration
You Under 34 year olds Ruined our Election of Kerry
Question About Ohio Election Law
Red Shift Updated: Electoral Vote Weighted Exit Poll Deviations
ARNEBECK ::"Their cage has been rattled and they popped their cork,"
DU needs Dems who don’t believe in Fraud
Voting Machines Being Cleared in New Mexico
It's Time to Cut to the Chase.
too premature to caption this one?
First there was one....Please thank KERRY and BOXER!
For the love of ________ (insert diety)
An Inauguration song - Didn't know I was UnAmerican - Now I need a hug! :(
Wexler reminds elections chief of paper trail challenge
Myth Breakers: Facts About Electronic Elections
LA Mayoral Endosement by Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP)
Unions Protest Governor's Proposals (nurses fight cuts)
Johnson will not take on Matsui
E- from Boxer--Not backing down & petition to show support!
2 Californians in Town for Very Different Reasons
Who are you supporting for DNC Chair?
Feds to sue Ma. over oil spill law???
Public meetings with our Reps and Senators
Curt Schilling: "I'm a Steelers fan."
Boston dirty bomb scare - Link for Mass. members
It's time to notify your MA senator and representative . . .
Timmy No-Tool wants the public to have the say to stop local tax hikes.
Coronation Protest in Twin Cities???
think you know how many browsers there are/were?
Can someone capture this video, make it loop, and...
Scaife shakes up the Tribune Review.
Hey, PA! What is happening on J20? Tell us here!
Close ally of Knoll may switch parties
January 29 meeting/workshop not just for SD 25ers
Info on District 121 special election
Meee - OW! Strayhorn not invited to GOP gala.
on the FOX 11 News, I just heard the Don Majkowski is being inducted
Mike Rogers sends great (snarky) letter to Ken Mehlman
How pervasive is the Psy Ops on DU these day's? I think they're paying
"A moment of resistance, a lifetime of capitulation" . . .
Repukes are still wallowing like filthy pigs in post 9-11 fear and hate
My response to Kerry's request for Rumsfeld resignation sigs
Iraq War Q: Where on the net can I find some good articles explaining...
China says US sanctions on seven companies unwise
I Need A Few People To Help Test A Collaborative Workplace Website
PHOTO: Ryan Cabrera pays homage to Cheney at concert
Questions about Iraq war, weapons of mass destruction, Saddam, etc...
PHOTO: mrs. bush* SHOCKS the world with her new outfit (needs caption)
What would it take to get you to
Multi-Tasking - excellent editorial on our digital age and news
Everyone who is in over their head, raise your hand
White Supremacy can't last forever can it?
Thoughts on the Civil War by Race
C-span callers want Condi For President
Media Training Now Required for Iraq-Bound Soldiers ..(Crib notes for all)
Religious Freedom, White Declears A Day for it
We DUers are hopelessy out of the US mainstream - fringe even!
This * Inauguration is Worse than 2000 because... (list your reason(s))
Progressive Democrats of America newsletter out today
PHOTO: bush* demands MORE of our troops...hitleresque..needs caption
someone just posted this on a local webboard I post on
Confirmation Hearings Cont'd Schedule?
Are you afraid of giving in to the insanity?
I just found a really scary religious site.
Am heading off to the Jazz Funeral for Democracy
It's Tuesday.Who killed Bobby Kennedy? New evidence has emerged..
Fox News up in arms over Dan Rather, CBS
I see the Rev. Moon will be at the inauguration
Only 38% approve of Bush's work on Social Security...
WOW, Rightwingers Sure Do Love Their Pomp and Pageantry, Don't They?
WP: Homeless Services Adjust to Closings
Could somebody in California PLEASE run against Feinstein.
Sibel Edmonds on AAR right now 9/48 am n/t
"The people must see a peaceful transition" : Bush on own Inauguration!
To Protest the Inauguration We should all...
The Real Boxer Has The Only Balls
what/who cheney spends all of his time reading ..Victor Davis Hanson
Perfect picture of 'RED STATE' America, and explains the Bush election
Dr. Rice, Here is your ass. Go Barbara!
photo of bush* & quote "God wants me to run for president"..duped fundies
CBS Early Show glosses over Boxer's examination of Rice
Schwarzenegger makes Outside's top 25 coolest people...
does anyone know if Cheney is going to be at the inaug?
Idea I Had Last Night....Derailing Condi's Nomination
If beating his son and his snotty book weren't bad enough, Survivor winner
Speaking of Lawrence Summers, a long history of ignorance and foolishness
Boxer closing statements re:C Rice SOS on CSPAN1 now
Raising the retirement age for women since they live longer. Hmmm.
Boxer says NO, Kerry does TOO !!!
Do the Dems need Evolution or "Creative Destruction"?
Dean gets endorsements from a few more states!
Will Kerry support her nomination?
KKKarl Stiffed C.O.R.E. on MLK Day???!!!!!
Please e-mail your thanks to Senator Kerry for his stand on Rice
WND Watch: WorldNutDaily fails to tell the truth about Berger
The real President-elect won't support Rice's nomination, either.
How many dems do you think will say no to condi?
I guess after we attack Iran...
Love match to needle match: a brother plots political revenge
Besides OIF, what's the dumbest conflict in the world today?
Did anyone see Jim Wallis on the Daily Show last night?
CBS considering Jon Stewart for Evening News
Update 7: Ebbers Judge Blocks Enron Testimony
Kerry: While I expect Dr. Rice will be overwhelmingly confirmed
Chris Dodd up now...will he vote no?
AACCKKK.... they are doing a "test" right now and I'm missing Biden speech
WHJHD? | What Has Jenna Had Done?
What were Nixon's inagurations like?
It's a quandary to be sure...all the Dems I've seen are voting for her
``The inauguration of a president is a great moment...
everyone of them that vote yes...are just as GUILTY as bush & condi!!!!
You are a do you vote?
Well, Biden must be gonna tell us to "get over it," too.
Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney
But... how can a "Commander in Chief" party, while his troops are dying?
shrubs medicare overhaul working great
Unless you agree with the Democrats who voted yes
Let it snow!!! The "Welcoming Committee" starts to assemble
Knowing what we know about C. Rice, isn't it sick that we feel
Jesus=Union Buster? Coll. claims Union would disrupt Christian mission
Ha Ha Ha! Yahoo has a new President Dumbass photo series >>
Opposing Anti-Gay Amendments Had Little Effect On Incumbents
Who would jump ship for a Boxer indy run in '08?
Outposts of Tyranny??? Huh? /eom
BOXER WONT SUPPORT CONDI! - KERRY, says NO as well!! wooHoo!!!
con man Bishop Sedgwick Daniels gets 1.5 mil from smirk
Peter "War opponents are Un-Patriotic" Beinhart will be on Franken next.
It's up to the world to not accept more lies from Sec of S
The problem with God-based morality
Reminder to wear black tomorrow...
Connerly retiring as UC regent -- leaves controversial legacy
Thanks to all for the WalMart info last night, A little more help please
Diebold hands surprise victories to...
Exclusive! Photos of B**h before and after the coronation... (photos)
F 9/11 to be broadcast on Channel 4 (UK)
"Laura's very voice is fingernails on a chalkboard to me"
Odd Happenings in Fallujah (WMD coverup)
Saudis cleared from 9/11 lawsuits
Monsanto bribed 140+ people in Indonesia
Social Security: There is no crisis (website)
Veneman to take over top post at UNICEF
How Would You Caption This Picture?
"Inflation on Fastest Pace Since 2000"
How can any Christian support the death penalty?
I don't believe this. They want more money from me, yet only TWO
DUeling Media Lists With Swift Boat Vets for truth . . .
Condi "wonderful opportunity" quote: worst ever?
I taught my 21 month old to say
The incomparable aroma of a lemon tree in full bloom is right now....
Death Row Prisoners Last Moments Live on the Net (SICK!!!)
*SNOW ALERT* Richmond Va-for anyone going to DC
Anti-apartheid economic protests...Let's share our experiences
How Republicans Pandered to the Bigotry of the 'Moral Majority'
Iraq Elections: Farce of the Century
A pattern among the Bushies: "I never said..."
Karl Rove is a no-show for the C.O.R.E. event he SWORE up & down he'd
I want a list of the republican think tanks please.
Why do the Dems and media allow Rice to continue to put forth the lie
If it's below 32 and you piss from the grandstand, do you get ice bullets?
Anti-Bush movement needs a new Martin Luther King
U.S. Military Personnel Growing Critical of the War in Iraq
Okay, So Bush Tells the Troops that Much More Will Be Asked Of Them
Film captures suicides on Golden Gate Bridge
Ohhhhhh the Bitter, Bitter Irony >
Darth Tater: The dark side of Mr. Potato Head
Well, I got my first deleted post and I'm wondering..
Before you give up on Obama remember that Feingold voted for Ashcroft
barack coming on oprah now in cincinnati!
Good comic today in AZ Republic...
Does anyone have a link to video of Condi calling Dubya her husband?
Whats up with Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)?
Family shot in Iraq (parents killed by soldiers)
Why should they party and we mourn? We are the ones who deserve a party.
Move on to restrict sex ed in schools
Someone Explain "MSM" To Me...
Souvenir inauguration poster... (disturbing photos)
I can't read about Columbus without having fits of apoplectic rage
"Inflation on Fastest Pace Since 2000' ain't seen nothing yet!
what does the term "underground" mean to you ??
What do you think of this car idea for tomorrow?
Did Clinton's 2 Inaugrations call for as much Security as this one is?
PHOTO: Bush looks at sacred American documents
PHOTOS: ICE COLD seats await wealthy reTHUGlicans in DC
Romans hail discovery of their 'new Pompeii'
On "Not One Damn Dime Day" what about Blue?
Here's Condi talking about George again.....
BREAKING: Source of Condi's hairstyle revealed (photo)
I am proud of our democrats - including Biden
Since we need a little levity...
Boston terra! Booga booga booga!
Leave Sen. Obama alone, do you forsake Al Gore b/c he gave his vote to
All Seattle Area folks take Note for tomorrow!
LINK to all info for the, rides, rooms
A Nationwide Quit India Campaign Against Coke and Pepsi
Should a Recovering Republican or person
Rhandi is now covering the dirty bomb threat
iraqi farmer video...hate to bring it up again
The Real Deal w/the Patriot Act, 'FREE ENERGY' is their biggest threat
Email reply from Senator Levin about Gonzales
Someone is singing in a foreign language at the Coronation! Arrest him!
Freeper Online Chat:
ABC looking for Iraq War funerals Thursday
Cal Thomas recommends "24" on Fox and vigilance of Muslims...
Randhi to Break for the Mayor of boston
'Celebration of Freedom' you gotta be kidding me.
Okay. I can understand welding shut manhole covers.
DU THIS CNN POLL!! Do you think Condoleezza Rice is the right choice...?
BWAHAHAA-HAAA-HAAA from the mouth of a GOPer...
New Iraq rape torture photos (warning: disturbing and graphic)
Why don't the police ever beat people who block abortion clinics?
Propaganda: Nobody Does It Better Than America
Juan Cole nails it; Iraq and American Fantasy
O.K. with all the people defending Kos in this non-scandal..
Lou Dobbs cnn-poll on Social Security
Am I the only person who sees this as sociopathic narcicism?
Rand Corp commissioned to find way to avoid Draft - Daily Kos
The democrats are WORSE than the republicans
Support the Troops -- not these bastards.
Anyone have a link to the Story of CNN's fake Falluja invasion coverage?
Bush family photo at today's luncheon! Who's paying for this lunch?
Are you waiting for SuperDemocratPerson to fly out of the sky and save us
Cheers to Oprah for featuring Barack Obama today!
For those who have this week's NEWSWEEK (with * on the cover)
I am LOVING President Kerry right now!!!!
PHOTOS: abusing women on the Ellipse today....for bush* entertainment
Second Canadian Wal-Mart store gets union.
I will not wear black tommorow because people will think my Grandma died.
Markets & Data Suggest That US Econ Recovery Is ARTIFICIAL
JibJab's newest ... "Second Term"
PHOTOS (graphic): Brit soldiers get in on the fun of "blowing off steam"
WTF is this Celebration of FREEDOM??? Didn't we cut back a whole lot
Nightline 1/19: Election 2004 -- Fair or Fraud?
Nation divided as to whether Bush is "a uniter or a divider". WTF
it's SNOWING here in OUR Nation's Capital, ice, cold, more coming
Are we still fighting the Hippies versus Rednecks war of the 60's?
When Monkey Mail Backfires! takes on a troll -- and runs a contest!
The Pubs say they have the answers to our problems......but where is
My personal experience with Social Security
Basketball Star Reads The Communist Manifesto...
Is there a scientific theory of 'intelligent design'?
"Not One Damn Dime Day" (the 20th of course)
Oj Simpson's Daughter on Disorder Charge
Time to whip out my brush and paint one stroke.
Bumper Sticker: Mall-Wart: Your source for cheap plastic crap.
BREAKING: Democrats make plans to delay Rice confirmation
How Can Any Christian Support the Iraq War?
This past election has changed me.
Need an web designer/artist help with a logo for
Not a flame. Not unpatriotic. Not a wish. Just a question.
Can we stop stereotyping people for goodness sake?
putting the AMEN in Amendment | Tom Toles gem!
Hindus launch bid to reclaim swastika
stupid Ga. parents want their children to be stupid too
Torture pics from court martial trial in England
HELP! Some No Spending Advice For Tomorrow Needed!
The Bush Administration's Ten Most Outrageous Scandals -
Did you ask both your Senators to filibuster against Alberto Gonzales?
Anecdotal Evidence: Dems Abandoning MSM In Droves.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Intelligent Design
All things are temporary, even Mt. Everest. This is just a momentary blip.
DU women - please explain to me what Paternalism feels like.
Review of FBI's Actions in Connection With Allegations by Sibel Edmonds
I have a bad feeling about tomorrow...
Ironic Headline Alert: Poll: Nation split on Bush as uniter or divider
My dream is to have an outdoor wood fired pizza oven ......
McKenna's appointment as Ambassador to the US....
Gregoire: 'Work to do' on Puget Sound pollution | Seattle P-I
Gays' Rising Meth Use Tied to New HIV Cases | LA Times
Back in Senate, Kerry Resumes His Criticism of Iraq Policy
Governor Schweitzer drops appeal in dispute over federal school aid law
PM (Martin) runs into same-sex debate in India | Globe and Mail
Former School Admin charged for Allegedly Stealing Retirement Funds
Second Man Gets a 2 1/2-Year Sentence for Setting Fire at Brigham Young Un
Suicide bomber attacks Australian embassy
Fetal homicide bill sparks abortion debate (Montana HoR) | Missoulian
NYT: Meaning of 'Proficient' Varies for Schools Across Country (NCLB)
Mormons saddle up for Bush's second coming but hope for a little humility
Plan to Allow Canadian Cattle Into U.S. Worries Ranchers
Japan now under tsunami warning due to 6.3 quake .....
The Army's Shame (Pictures of abuse in Iraq stun court martial) UK.
U.S. Army Specialist David Beals: Why I went AWOL
Blair and his ministers accused of walking away from war wounded
Bush Tells Troops 'Much More Will Be Asked Of You'
Rice Vows Prompt Review of Iraq Policy
Woman who accused Russia of bomb plot wins asylum
FBI stops use of Carnivore spy software ( using a new one)
Palestinians Promise Quick Action Against Militants After Suicide Bombing
Man Steals Tour Van in Hawaii With Four Aboard; No Injuries Reported
Local Soldier Who Lost Arm and Leg in Iraq Doing "Really, Really Great"
California executes double murderer
Insurgent attack sparks Ramadi fighting
Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline seen shut for 15-20 days
four car bombs exploded in Baghdad
Venezuela Seeks Pacts With Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Others
U.S. Companies Eye Trans-Afghan Pipeline
Rebels kill security company workers (UK mercs)
CNN International- Tsunami warning to Japan after 6.8 quake
BBC: 'World's oldest mum' raps critics
LAT: Annan Chooses Veneman to Be UNICEF Chief
British soldier in Iraq case followed orders-lawyer
Reconciliation effort with Taliban picks up pace in Kabul
Gonzales Says '02 Policy on Detainees Doesn't Bind C.I.A.
Some Nebraska Veterans Could Lose Benefits
Enron's turnaround leader in bankruptcy to take over as troubled
Leading Democrat questions Bush administration on Yucca funding
Straw: Iraq election will be imperfect
Optimism has fallen, divisions increased
Tsunami death toll rises to 225,000
US keeps locations of Iraqi voting booths secret
Government failing on ethnic poverty
Defrocked Catholic Priest Faces Accuser
Nine wounded Nevada National Guard soldiers denied Purple Hearts
Oil-for-food plotter faces 28 years' jail
Zarqawi's Al-Qaida in Iraq Claims Responsibility for Australian Embassy Bl
Rare admission of error by Iran's judiciary is a step in the right directi
Exit polls say Bush won fair and square
Guantanamo Prepares for Renovations
Report: Exit polls overpolled Democrats
Inquiry Into Use of Riggs Plane Expands
US, Vietnam build on blossoming trade relations
Tsunami deaths soar past 212,000
'How the IRA forced me to steal £26m'
City Investigator Will Not Help With Kerik Probe
Rice Faces Second Day of Questioning
U.S. Troops Kill Two Civilians in Iraq
Exit polls say Bush won fair and square
Senate Panel Gives Rice Confirmation Nod
World Trade Center Restaurant Reopens
Global Poll Shows Negative Reaction to Bush Win
115-pound girl eats 11-pound monster
WP: New Doubts On Plan For Social Security (Bush Plan Is Doomed)
High Court Asked to Overturn Roe v. Wade
Car Bombs (Dahr Jamail on the scene in Baghdad, photos)
Stripes: Wuerzburg hospital team is home from Iraq
Reuters: Four More Years of Bush Makes the World Anxious
Suspected Nazi Strikes Deal to Remain
State GOP gets specific about election charges (vs Gregoire) | Seattle P-I
Iraq war veteran eager to help others with disorder
Pfizer Profit Quadruples but Misses Views
WA State GOP gets specific about election charges
Kerry Votes NO on Rice confirmation
IRA (officially) Denies Carrying Out Belfast Bank Job
Mexico offers to help end Colombia, Venezuela rift
Americans Remain Polarized Over Bush
Stripes headline: 1st AD gets notice of likely return to Iraq
Fuel Helps Push Consumer Prices Up in 2004
Suspected fighters vent frustrations (won't lay down arms)
Ailing Chief Justice in No Rush to Go (Rehnquist staying through June?)
U.S.'s Rice acknowledges some bad Iraq decisions
Slates Still Blank for Iraqi Voters
Nazis gassed Hitler's relative
Millions of dollars in voting equipment arrives in Iraq
Harvard women's group rips Summers
Special Defense Department Briefing On Iraq Reconstruction
Governor Bush's Speechwriter Resigns – plagiarism/sexual harassment.
Insurgents unleash deadly wave of car bombs in Baghdad ahead of elections
LAT: Support for War in Iraq Hits New Low (39% Worth Going)
Man who exposed Clinton's draft dodging is buried (Col. Holmes)
NYT: Plan to Allow Canadian Cattle Into U.S. Worries Ranchers
Jenna herself becomes a child left behind (funny as hell...)
Archbishop says treated well by Iraqi kidnappers - STimes
Snow Causes Traffic Problems Across (DC) Region....(WP)
AP: Health cuts loom; Florida desperately seeks to slow budget growth
Top Saudi Cleric Blasts Attacks on Nation
Qaeda Case Undermined by F.B.I. Informant
Florida Board of Education Wants to End 'social Promotion'
San Antonio Lawmaker Wants to Grade Children on Weight
WP: The Barriers Between President and People
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 19 January
Spanish church accepts condoms as part of anti-AIDS strategy
At Least 26 Killed in Baghdad Car Bombs - U.S. Army
RNC Chair(Ken Mehlman) Unveils 'Durable Majority' Plan
Budget balancing act: 1-year TAX INCREASE (Indiana - Mitch Daniels)
Court clears way for priest lawsuit
Louisiana Supreme Court reinstates anti-gay marriage amendment
Gender-adjusted Social Security being considered?
Iran denies infiltration by US commandos
(WA Gov Race) Auditor opposes Rossi's lawsuit
Senate Panel Gives Rice Confirmation Nod
Mechanics giving C-130s new life (ban on Indonesian military parts lifted)
Variety: Congress likely to repeal tax break for indie films
Back in Senate, Kerry still opposing Bush
Foreign investors undaunted by weak dollar
Homeless Vietnam veteran freezes under bridge
Police unarm toddler with loaded gun
Ohio Attorney General Seeks To Sanction Vote Challenge Attorneys
A Nationwide Quit India Campaign Against Coke and Pepsi
Atheist loses bid to ban prayer at Bush's inauguration
Missiles deployed for inauguration
Cuba Tells US to Stop Guantanamo Bay Prisoners 'Abuse'
Poll: Nation split on Bush as uniter or divider
Britain expects second Bush administration to listen more to world
NYT: No Break in Storm over Harvard Pres's Words ("intellectual tsunami")
Film captures suicides on Golden Gate Bridge Angry officials misled
India, Israel to further strengthen military ties
U.S. Troops Fire on Car in Northern Iraq, Killing 2 Civilians in Checkpoint
Moscow Plans First Stalin Monument Since 1960s
Committee delays vote on AG nominee (Dems with Spines!)
U.S. Military Personnel Growing Critical of the War in Iraq
Democrats to Delay Rice Confirmation Vote
Report: Heavy response by Kerry voters tilted exit polls
Venezuela Says Will Not Tolerate U.S. Meddling
Is the FBI covering up its spies? Sibel Edmonds case
"FBI search for dirty bomb in Boston" (Drudge); Boston Globe has story
High Court Asked to Overturn Roe V. Wade
"For some reason I thought all the 808's were silver"
My guns were hurting so I left my bullets at home!
I just saw the footage of Pappy puking at the banquet!
My gums were hurting, so I left my dentures at home
If you're not reading James Wolcott, you should
When are they showing Boxer's first round of questions again?
Who has seen Love in the Heir on E! and isn't afraid to admit it?
Is a bad childhood good for the adult?
When did Lynyrd Skynyrd go way right?
Steve the freeper is on Bernie Ward now
Should I Drive Faye to DC Tommorrow and do the Inaugural?
Alright, no one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle.
I have an 8ft. DU banner in my kitchen. Ask me anything!
Anybody watch the History Channel's special on the French Revolution?
As a Whiner, I'm Sick of People Being Sick of Whiners.
Hey you guys..anybody heard of =JANET= airways ?
Whats the Good news of the day?
No Room at the inn - check this out
Please forgive this thank you spam post
If you were auditioning for American Idol,
Terrell Owens prank calls Falcons
Man wanted to eat dinner, friend convinces him to hit the slots, wins 1.3M
Links to full "Fantastic Four" teaser trailer
Mysterious Fan Marks Poe's Birthday
Aerosmith: "Rocks" Awesome album.
Thai elephants get potty training: report *PIC*
I'm President Santorum. Ask me anything.
I'm wearing red, white, and blue to mark the last day of democracy
DA confronts Jury Pool from Hell
ConWebWatch blasts NewsMax and WND to pieces!
Anyone know shrubya voters who watch or like The Daily Show/Jon Stewart?
Kang or Kodos....who's your fave?
Anybody check our Google's Picasa2?
Good Samaritan pays off 'payday loan' for 68 year-old disabled man
I just shoveled eight inches of snow , ask me anything.
Album or CD that is fairly old - you never tire of and play constantly
Damn it!!!! Fuel played at the Bush twin's Inaugural shindig.
Help me come up with a cool stage name
Caged Saddam To Be Highlight Of Inaugural Ball
Help with a BF who's started to parrot RW radio
Happy Birthday Edgar Allan Poe, born in Boston, Jan. 19, 1809
Just reported on ABC radio news
OK - so DU is The Great Escape - which escaper are you?
I'm sick of people being sick of people being sick of whiners.
NYC Du'ers....Does anyone want to have a DU Meet Up
The 'What, Me Warty?' of all CAPTIONS!!! (A dupe, sorry, but had a reply.)
Freepers and Open Source? Huh?
Blasting a snowblower at traffic. Rude or what?
Great typos of the 21st dolo amber
Amazing Race watchers (spoiler)...
Caged Saddam to be Highlight of Inaugural Ball
Biracial DUers check in here!!
Terry Gilliam: This Python bites
It's actually snowing here in DC!!! Wooo hooo!!!!!
The "Full Dignity of the Occasion" CAPTION
I am the sun of god. Ask me anything
The Amazing Race finally became watchable again
Moscow, parrot eats telephone cables on the sly for 2 months
Search giants hook up to cut blog spam
Bush Administration and using "size" analogies with their fingers?
2 Fun Questions for My 1000th post!
The Lil' Hot Tamale of all CAPTIONS!!!
Ok - I'm a moron (Question about using DU)
They're playing donkeys braying on the radio...
Humans with fish-like faces discovered in North Koi-rea.
Very obscure 60's song. Can you identify it?
Who wants to loan me $750,000? I wanna buy the Scabby Islands...
I am the run of cod. Ask me anything.
My daughter just told me to stay off DU........
So what should I post for my 2000th post?
Although I am only 31 posts from 2000, I refuse to post an ask me anything
My 11,206th post - should it be a copycat?
The wind is blowing so hard, and the lights just flickered.
I drove past a Dairy Queen today and the sign said
Snow! In Raleigh, NC! Where last week it was approaching 80 degrees...
Question about the shelf life of liquor....
Listening to Ozzy Osbourne's "No Rest For The Wicked". Ask me anything.
Divorce attorneys: Advice please.
Who else enjoys watching The Prime Minister's questions on cspan
My sig on another board got vetoed as too political - need a new one
Who else is still having Sirius reception problems?
What kind of drink do you water?
Hey... It's Snowing In MD!! We're Supposed To Get one whole INCH...
Best Dallas Cowboy Quarterback.
Chicken Tantrum: I hate my rooster. Should I turn him into broth?
Canadian version of Free Republic hacked (Free Dominion)
Can someone explain this weird virus to me?
Right wing Boston Herald paper have their little panties in a twist...
Jury pool: the shallow end of it, anyway.
Chicken Tandoori: I Ate My Rooster!
Fish with human-like faces discovered in South Korea
is it just me or does "Bogeyman" look incredibly scary?
I'm 12 posts from 2000. Ask me anything!
Is this offensive? A liability? "Unemployed" computer in lunchroom
Best classic southern rock groups
Listening WTOP's Washington Area Weather Forecast...
Freeway Blogger Inauguration Festivities!
What kind of water do you drink?
A VW Car Commercial that won't be shown in the States ...
Why did I get a soft-core porn magazine in my mailbox?
I used to have a GTI and a TDI. Ask me anything
Has Laura's Face Had a Bush-Lift?
Ladies: Wanna write your initials in the snow?
Who's the best MC from Chicago?
If you were playing the Bush Youth concert...
I have the plague in Prague...and plaque on my teeth..ask me anything!
Best Morris Day & The Time Song
Since an illlegal war barely caused a stir, maybe a good sex scandal
Dean Gaining Early Momentum in DNC Race
I have STP...ask me anything...
I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat! I Did! I Did!
Ay son- I keep planets in orbit!
I'd like to thank Canada for the niege in Virginia Beach
I have Plague. ask me anything!
DAMMIT!!! The weatherman got it SO wrong.
Condi confirms what you've known all along about the Emperor
Bush Inauguration to be paid for with Social Security Money
Will I go to hell for buying fur boots?
Wouldn't it be AWFUL if hundreds of cars broke down tomorrow all over DC?
Bush admits he needs more human intelligence
Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska
Can someone explain something about "Minority Report?"
you know you have a stinking problem if you buy this
Does anyone have a link to the picture of the La Conchita mudslide?
DU Group proposal: Rabid Republicans
Anagram fun!! Re-arrange "God Bless America" and you get:
Are you a total geek who spends too much time here?
Who are your favorite up-and-coming female music artists?
I went go-carting with some friends today, and did NOT come in last! Yeay!
most boneheaded move in a movie
Since we need a little levity...
Hillary Duff vs. a moose on fire
You know you have a pinking problem if you buy these
you know you're a freeper if you buy your kids this
You know you have a thinking problem if you buy this.
Let's rekindle the 1990's hip hop war - West Coast vs East Coast
Is there a specific name for the Chinese-esqe, candy apple red type color?
new efficiency measures for office staff
What alcoholic beverage should I buy for tomorrow?
BREAKING: Source of Condi's hairstyle revealed (photo)
You know you have a Frinking problem if you buy this:
Ape and 1st Lady + Cheneys don't look too happy...
Is DU loading slowly today or is it me?
AP: 100 lb woman eats 6 pound hamburger
I'd like to hear from DUers who suffered from "pinkeye"
OMG I got out of Garage Queen's PMS thread in one piece!!!
Oh dear God help a brutha out DU
115-pound girl eats 11-pound monster
Et tu, Martin Short? The Horrors of Plastic Surgery...
A sad sight - who's seen Roy Clark's facelift?
Why to people pretend they know all about issues they know
Recommendations for decent CD burning software?
a really great replacement for the beat bush mobile
Bill Gates.. the Teen Idol years.. (not shopped)
I Choose to Think of Myself as "Lucky"
Shit @#$%^&*@#$%^& FUEL played?
These two incompetent war criminals are trying to crack "jokes"
New Picture of Mr. and Mrs. Bush practicing for inauguration.
The robbers who call themselves plumbers thawed my pipes
hahahaha PHOTO: NEW angle of George W. Capote found!
Nina Sharpe is sending me "coded" messages...Eeeeek
Sheriff's deputies to carry defibrillators
Happy Birthday, Edgar Allan Poe!
Shrieking frogs have mayor hopping mad
Can you identify this odd, obscure late 60's tune?
I won't be able to make it up to DC for any protests tomorrow,
Help with stray cat behavior - ?
American Werewolf in London is on right now
My nose is minty fresh! Ask me anything.
Mr. Potato Head Goes to the Dark Side
Will you spend a dime tomorrow?
You can't put Skinner on ignore.
I'm baking a pan of chicken free chicken and dumplings!
"Hey Grandpa! What's for supper?"
My live-journal blog is lonely... any DU LJers care to post in it? :^)
Stan Lee to be awarded "tens of millions" in Spider-Man movie royalties
How long before there is a manufactured Boxer controversy
Real coffee makes a happy little me.
I'm saying a prayer for all of you.
Who is going to the inauguration protest tomorrow
Name the Wizard of Oz characters
rtsp is not a registered protocol
Was anyone else on their speech/debate team in High School?
I love the old Battlestar Galactica.
I love the new Battlestar Galactica!
don't forget "not one damn dime tomorrow" n/t
So, that FANTASTIC FOUR trailer is now up in glorious Quicktime!
It is an important and popular fact
THIS JUST IN- photos prove Mrs.Brady is Condi's "Stylist"
Anyone here ever have a bunionectomy?
Can I have permission to eat junk food for a few days?
TWIRLING! Twirling toward TITAN!
Do you understand what all these tie threads are about?
Well, I'm off to the beach to get some sun and finish Franken's book.
I wanted to update you nice people on my brother-in-law
I'm being robbed right this very moment
Holy shit, I just hit 3000 posts.
Has Laura Bush Had A Face-Lift?
What are your favorite late-night activities?
Do you ever watch someone's posts just to see how long it takes
Prescription paranoia: to fill it, or not to fill it.
What's with Lost going until 9:03 tonight
Visit my blog. List of latest articles...
Who are the Biggest Poseurs in Music Today?
You know you have a drinking problem if you buy this.
How high does this rate on the bass scale?
How high does this rate on the bastard scale?
Ash or Frodo,? Klatu Veratu N-*cough* Sword and Sorcery movie contest.
one inch of snow and Richmond VA is paralyzed!!!!
My dog got a soup bone off the counter - do I need to be worried?
Official photos from - add your own caption.
The "Relating to that Youth Generation" CAPTION
what's the difference between offline/online editing?
The "Youth Concert Karaoke Sing-along" CAPTION
The "Pickles Is Looking Awfully Nervous" CAPTION
What is the worst meal you have ever been served?
How do you pop a knee cap in place?
I've got 1.5 pounds of Char-Siu pork marinating in my fridge right now
Firefox "Nightmare" for Microsoft
you can have any car. what do you pick?
I'm Baking A Pan Of Fat-Free Brownies...
Petition to stop O.J. Simpson from slaying.
what's become of your hand-writing since email/pc's took over?
My 11,346th post - should it be a copycat?
Pick-up lines: Best, worst, funniest?
A pre-inaugural prayer for Our Great President!
What phrases can you make with the letters in "God Bless America"
I'm leaving for Iraq in less than 48 hours
Dumbest things said to you on a date - I'll go first
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Mormons saddle up for Bush's second coming but hope for a little humility
Pope urges stronger dialogue with Jews
Here's one for you....demon possession!
Thick Blood and Autoimmune Issues?
Gene Mutation Linked to Cause of Parkinson's Disease
Infrared space telescope reveals "greedy stellar babies"
1960s drug 'alcoholism cure hope'
150 sq. mile asteroid to hit earth in 65 years
Honduras Measure to Ban Same-Sex Marriage Mobilizes Rights Groups
PFLAG Names New National Leader
Gay Survivor Winner Guilty OF Tax Evasion
'I'm Not Gay' Florida Attorney General Declares
Jerusalem Mayor Accused Of Undermining World Pride Celebration
Photos from anti-gay fundie web site. Please, enjoy their bandwidth.
What happens next to MA "gay marriage?"
Question for ESPN "Insider" NFL fans
anyone watch the Bama-Mississippi State game tonight?
OK. So Wake breaks the team record for consecutive FT made
Terrell Owens prank calls Falcons
Joe Theismann is picking a Pats-Falcons Super Bowl...
Every team I pick loses. So I'm going with the Pats.
Final four QBs at top of the class
So, I heard an idea today RE: Stanley Cup
Jets Offensive Coordinator Resigns
Tibetan-Mongolian Astrology and Karma
Esoteric Astrology & The Seven Rays in the age of Aquarius
Where does one turn to develop psychic sensitivity?
What about the veterans of the domestic political supression during the
Ya know its funny that these folk assume that there will be dems
Somebody just accused me of wanting to work with Bush
I thought the exchange at the beginning of the hearing was cute
There is another hearing today
Is it just me, or do we now have a group of people who think Boxer
Kerry votes no on Rice confirmation
What did Kerry say after he voted Nay?
Everybody has been busy, I see!
What is up with outright lying about people's record
Who Is Watching The Hearings Today
I've been mouthing off a little too much lately
Fun thread, what will it take for purists to like Kerry
yet another Kerry bashing thread
Ok Kerry warriors--take a break--rest--refresh:
The problem with GD often is they try to make you feel guilty for liking
Who here works with/lives with Kerry bashers?
Rice, Obama meet at historic crossroads
Everyone write your Senators and tell them to vote against Rice
Here's a list that tells me the energy bill will be passed soon
Bush on CNN international- this inauguration i'll take in sights & sounds
WIll Body Bag do "the walk" on inauguration day?
Wow!....Great coverage of Boxer/spanking/Condi on local news!
Bombed Jerusalem Bus Exhibit Sparks Heated Exchange (Berkeley)
Bombed Jerusalem Bus Exhibit Sparks Heated Exchange (Berkeley)
Malloy says Washington Post contributed $100,000
U.S. Army Specialist David Beals: Why I went AWOL
Who has the **** Scandal Sheet?
Why would George Bush ever give up the spoils of war...
Condi on Torture (in a nutshell)
Feinstein Takes A Dive For Rice
Judiciary Committee considers Gonzales nomination Wed 9:30am
More Rice hearings this morning?
Write Dianne Feinstein and tell her how disappointed you are in her
One of my co-workers has a damn calendar from the GOP
in the following exchange between barbara boxer and codoleezza rice,to-wit
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: required by statute at schools & public meetings?
B*S* Tells Troops 'Much More Will Be Asked Of You'
Protesters Plan to Mark Bush Inauguration (with 1000 coffins)
Ten to Watch As New Congress Revs Up (Cantor?)
CNN: Con Rice swatted away a lot of objections.
Will the Rice questioning this morning be covered?
"Refrain from impugning my integrity"? Is this beyotch for real?
What The Hell Is With Washington Journal's Faux Impersonation Today?
Cafferty attacking Boxer on CNN.
A United States Senator has just acknowledged Rummy w/ Saddam
Who backed Bush? Martin Frost.
"I'm going to vote for you, but...."
When you have to turn to Fox to see a challenge to Bush's bullshit
"He refused to account for them"
FAUX & CNN are showing the hearings, Boxer just handed Condi her lies
Boxer: "You'll Have To Forgive Me If I Go ALong The Lines Of Yesterday."
Biden Just Said He's Voting To Confirm Condi?!
PLS contact Bidens office to urge NO vote on Rice!
regarding the"not one dime day" I think we might have to rethink this.
Should All Dem Senators Vote Against All bush Apointees?
President Bush Schmoozing with donors
What's the next step with the Gonzales nomination?
OMG Kerry voted NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Democrat attacks Rice over claims of 'mushroom cloud'
Supremes asked to overturn Roe
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on them
How many Senators are still left to vote?
What's that lady is red thinking? Subtitle it....
Global poll slams Bush leadership
We need to let these senators know that we hold THEM accountable
I agree with Condi Rice on ONE statement (ironic truth follows):
transcript of the condi hearing??? where can i find a copy???
Biden: "Well, maybe she IS a neoconservative, I don't know."
Is this the first time a nominee for SOS has received NO votes?
Does the rest of the senate vote now?
An FCC investigation into payola is on. E-mail.
OMG-Is Kerry voting no??????nt
Social Security Crisis? Hey, what about the coming Oil Crisis?
Biden: About Condi: I hope you are not a neo-con!
My critique of the DCCC at the Stakeholder blog
LOL!-Va. Sen. George Allen "Sweet nectar of liberty" -4 times over 7 years
Gonzales Vote Delayed… Kerry, Boxer Vote No on Condi
Event: Counter-Inagural "Bawl" -Rochester, NY
Our new slogan: PAY UP ON "THE FREEDOM DEFICIT" Condi referred to.
E-mail your Dem Senators now to deny Rice's confirmation, it ain't over!
Asking Condi about Yellowcake from Niger - FORGED DOCUMENTS
PACIFICA Radio coverage of inauguration & protests - info
OK, don't flame me. Stone me!! I am sorry for what I said about Kerry
Lot's of confusion on the vote...
I actually liked a lot of what Biden had to say...
NPR: Some think Dean wrong for DNC because identified with anti-war left
"For God's sake, don't listen to Rumsfeld, he doesn't know what the hell
was there ever a counter-inaugural or protest at an inaugural before
Joining The Boxer Rebellion Within the Democratic Party..........!
Boxer and Kerry will not vote for Rice..Just in...
Senate cabinet confirmation votes for Clinton's cabinet...
I am a practicing Catholic and for a democrat that's getting harder to do
did someone beat up Norm Coleman ?
Would you confirm Condi for SoS.. Yea or Nay?
Concentration of wealth in US at an unspoken crisis point, yet
Create "select committee" to investigate voter disenfranchisement in 2004.
An open letter To George Dubya Bush on his Renaugeration
WHen will we have a real Dem. party again?
My letter to ABC news (re: ABC insulting DEMs ads)
Store today? Gas? Reminder- NOT ONE DAMN DIME DAY tomorrow
Wow--Check out these anti-Bush messages!
Has anyone seen the ACLU-Pizza?
I need help finding ads that were posted here...
Question, can the Dems who voter "yea" in the Committee change their
*SNOW ALERT* Richmond Va-for anyone going to DC
Local paper prints my LTTE (Iraq elections)
Support the Democrats to protest Bush coronation.
If I put 40 cents in the soda machine tomorrow, am I still boycotting?
DU this CNN poll: Should Condi be Secretary of State?
Thousands died because of my oversights and misjudgements
Prog Dem think tank reviewing cands to find most progressive DNC Chair
Obama: "All of us are rooting for your success" - the admin success"
Mehlman's Remarks to RNC Winter Meeting
A look back at **'s 2001 Inaugural Address.
Question: Is it about the oil?
Was Randi talking about any specific event or...
Boxer leaning "No" on Gonzalez for AG
When can Barbara Boxer expect some reprisals?
I like to present "THE GOLDEN NUTS" award to John F. Kerry.
"Local Currencies" a way to defeat Globalized corporations and
Once and for all: Kerry didn't lose.
Exit polls say Bush won fair and square- here is MSNBC article
The Other Armstrong Williams Scandal
DU this poll. Will Bush achieve his agenda.
It's funnny how MSNBC tries to make it sound like * is writing
Heritage Fdn LIAR on CSPAN says top 5% pays 70% of taxes
Bob Kerrey turns down "stop Dean" role . Good for him.
question: those angry at dem senators that voted yea
Kerry: Rice a "principal architect" of a less-secure U.S.A.
Confirmation of Rice postponed until next week!
Reid calls *'s Social Security plan a "dead horse"
Who else plans to tell Feinstein not to run for re-election?
Emailing the Democratic Senators on the Foreign Relations Committee
CNN Reports Inagural Like It's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!
What do you make of this picture of Boxer and Rice?
“Jobloss” Recovery Cited at U.S. Hearings on Trade with China,
Jenna "not qualified" to teach based on No Child Left Behind rules..
When you talk with God, Mr. President .....
Missiles Deployed for Inauguration!
I want this on a bumper sticker! "WHO PROFITS - WHO DIES?"
My live-journal blog is lonely... any DU LJers care to post in it? :^)
Which Senators other than Byrd will vote against Rice
Fox: "Washington Ready to Party," Rove says Bush is "focused"
What are their main vulnerabilities?
Obama on OPRAH today -- NOW in my area
Email from a Rebulican friend. Can anyone help me respond to this guy?
When the country is an ever bigger mess in '08, who will the GOP blame?
Oh, wow...a terralert for the day before the coronation
Biden on Iraq: I'll vote for $100 billion ... I'll vote for $200 billion .
Caller on NPR asks about Bu$h and Fascism
Why Dean for DNC Chair? Because Bill O'Reilly thinks he's an SOB
Is there a C-Span Repeat of Boxer DAY II...where she ripped Condi?
All senators voted yes except for Kerry and Boxer
Ed Schultz said he doesn't think that
Friends in high places, Rev Moon gives $250,000 to Bush...
Who would you have nominated for SECRETARY OF STATE?
Why is John Kerry still selling K/E Gear at his website?
The Rice vote is explained as "The president has privelege in his cabinet"
Must-Spam Article Slamming the NYT for Burying the No WMD Report
It's not the votes on Bush's cabinet that I'm worried about...
Who were the traitors on the Rice confirmation hearing?
What was the exact quote from Rice about the tsunami?
RI Senate Dem Langevin defeats Rep Chafee 52-32
Inaugural events in our city tomorrow. Busy day. Central Florida welcome
George Bush--Uniter or Divider
Kerry Votes NO on Rice confirmation
Do we need multiple, independent exit polls?
Once and for all - why Kerry lost!
Bush is right!! No one should be allowed to protest Inaugural!!
CNN reporting that Dems planning to filibuster debate on Condi tomorrow
It's the first anniversary of Dean's scream.
Russ Feingold and Barack Obama Voted FOR CondoLIEsa
JK's 3rd call for Rumsfeld ouster + NO vote on Rice = Increased antiKerry
Are you going to watch Chimp's oath and speech tomorrow?
It's 20 January 2009. Who do you want to see taking the Oath?
Bloggers taking on Social Security fight
Dean for DNC Chair, Clark for Prez in 2008, Boxer as VP.
I Really Don't Care If Most Democrats Voted for Rice
Who's planning to wear black tomorrow?
Is this KerryUnderground or DemocraticUnderground?
Rumor Confirmed: Rangel IS planning to reintroduce draft legislation
Heard from a friend in Washington DC that Clark WAS who they feared most.
Does Kerry's vote against Condi affect your opinion of him?