Democratic Underground

Archives: January 2, 2005

By any measure, Bush represents the worst of the past.

Bob in Paradise – How Novak created his own ethics-free zone

Iraq Vs. Tsunami: The Duplicity Of The Media

Bush bragged about the initial U.S. commitment of $35 million

The End of the World as We Know Them (US ascendancy could collapse

Someone recommend a good gun safe, please.

I just tried uploading a new avatar.

I am curious about a thread I started

Is the new gallery down as long as the demipedia is down as well?

The Mountain and the Mouse

Wall and landgrab

Iran launches Hebrew radio station

IDF to review its policy on terrorists' house demolitions

Odds of "Martial Law" Being Declared?

Heard on Air America Radio tonight: The Unfeeling President

Is C-Span covering Congress on Jan 6th? Does anyone know for sure?

which way should I go in contacting U.S. Senators?

Challenge picked up by associated press in Cleveland

Guardian op-ed: Our Leaders Could Do with a Dose of Ritual Humiliation

Look who attended *'s Whitehouse Christmas Party......

Be Proud Democratic Underground!!!

The Thirty-Year Glitch

Rep. Conyers NO LONGER NEEDS a million e-mails.....

When do the senators comeback to DC?

DU this news story on yahoo!

details on Ohio rally, January 3rd

Natl Critics of E-Voting Jan 7 to speak to NC E-Voting Committee

Email fromTed Glick/Cobb-LaMarche - Jan. 6th - Groups and activism

Does anybody know who runs The Peoples E-mail Network/

Latest letter from Dr. Leon to Senator X.........

Those pesky exit polls are still staring us in the face...

senator byrd on truth

Warren County Volunteers check in here.

Update on New Mexico from the AP!

Help! I need media packets for a rally tomorrow!!!!

Aug 2004 US News WR Says Exit Polls More Reliable Than Elec Vote

Why would electoral challenge be a kiss of death to a senator's career?

I'd love to see Hillary stand up on this...

College campuses training grounds for election theft?

Why Do The Third Party Support Another Ohio Recount?- Conspiracy Theory

Ohio Residents - PLEASE READ

If the threat to change filibuster rules doesn't motivate Dems on 1/6 ...

Discrepancy in number of people polled...

In a Nutshell

What are your top 5 smoking guns?

Blackwell To Speak On "Ethics in Leadership"!!!

Smoking GUNS - Please FAX Election Fraud Briefing to Senators (Kick!)

Hey Texans, did you see the local news about Gov. Goodhair?

Bowling for Columbine just started on Ch. 330, Dish Network

Heavy Metal Breakdown, or why America has such a prosperous cottage

Freeper vote fraud post?

Played golf today in upstate NY...

Anyone watching Disc Times

Medicate or Educate, study finds much lower levels of ubiquitous

Ford has a commercial to sell cars to solders lucky enough to

fun for parents and children's German and French internet

Mods: Please delete dupe.

Bush caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

That church across the street

read after 9-11: Carlyle was beginning to move into niche marketing

Aceh is near Krakatoa

Finally...USA arrives on the scene of the disaster (video clip), GO USA!

Wow! Parental disapproval must be putting a dent in military recruitment

Christian right's compassion deficit

Got an idea about something....

The Tsunami must be a bonanza for Visa

What the world needs now...

ESCAL INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED technologies - training for military hackers?

Quick question for a cable internet guru, please

Tsunami pics, questionable.

Air America

Will the tsunami death toll skyrocket?

What is the most right-wing thing you subscribe to?

One amazing thing about DU compared to certain -other- sites shows here:

A reminder of Bush's pre-Christmas generosity to Indonesia

China is the major holder of US debit, correct. I just recently heard

bush's tsunami reponse: MISERABLE FAILURE again...

The Lone Gunman to be released on DVD - including prescient 9/11 pilot ep

Excellent piece at Digby's blog on the true lack of compassion

TV HBO ALERT The Ali G Show. Channel 502 He is talking

help-need photos of depleted uranium victims

Ten of the things we learned in 2004 about 9/11

Most inept general election campaign in the past 30-odd years...

I was right! Western Whitehouse is actually Crawford High School Gymnasium

Best post ever at freeperville...

***GM sued US Gov't for bombing its Nazi controlled plants in WWII***

'The torture pictures were for BLACKMAIL" (Seymour Hersh) video link

What 2004 incident makes you the most angry?

Republican sleazebags called tribal leaders "monkeys"

throw a newbie a bone? why is the voting issue not civil rights?

America's New Years Resolution

I sure got angry today reading a story about pensions/corp gov/US CoC!

I think civil war possible in the next three years if things keep going RW

VERY graphic image of tsunami devestation. NOT FOR FAINT OF HEART

Sautee'd fresh mushrooms

Questions about roasting in anodized aluminum pans.

Storage for herbs and spices?

Rehnquist Sees Threat to Judiciary

Army reservist's auction raises nearly $3,000 for unit

A Troubled Haiti Struggles to Gain Its Political Balance

WP: Agent Who Criticized Pre-9/11 FBI Work Retires (Colleen Rowley)

Saudi Arabia Beheads Pakistani, Iraqi Men

Scientists demanded warning system two years ago

G.I. Families United in Grief, but Split by the War -NYT

Labor Board's Detractors See a Bias Against Workers

Blair admits crisis caught him out

U.S. banned from limiting Chinese imports

Bigger Republican Majority Plans to Push Bush Agenda

WP: Bush Immigration Plan Meets GOP Opposition

WP: Bush Is Urged to Quickly Outline Foreign Policy Goals

Marine life could take centuries to recover from killer waves

WP: Long-Term Plan Sought For Terror Suspects

Eli Lilly in storm over Prozac evidence (Thread 2)

Which sig quote sounds cooler?

well, my black eyed peas are done, and they are yummy

Why is GD so scary?

Attention VaYallaDawg

Anyone got any jokes to share?

Best football coach ever?

I will try to respond to every thread. I want 10,000 posts before

We passed 2.3 million Lounge messages recently!

Russert's CNBC show has George Carlin on this week.

ESPN: Figure Skating on now....

Deathlist 2005 is up and running!

DAMMIT!!!! That MST3K thread is nudging me!! What should I watch?

My favorite angry 2004 post-election thread (now archived)...

Pissing off Everyone. One Ignore at a time.

I think we're retarded!

One of my Xmas Gitfts was "Simply Red's Greatist Hits." Any fans of his?

Got the "Pee-Wee's Playhouse" complete DVD set for xmas: eerie parallels

Thanks everyone. The cheering up helped! You guys rock!

"Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup" What movie is this from?

I am so effin' sick of the GD effin' clouds!

Is DU having problems tonight?

Move yourself. You always live your life never thinking of the future.

Athena. I had no idea how much I need her.

What Ipod Accessories should I get?

Best 70's Disaster Extravaganza?

Anybody like IRONCHEF? watch the foodnetwork marathon

Did anyone watch "Declarations of War" on TRUE?

From days of long ago...

The owner of a lonely heart, much better than the owner of a broken heart.

The Best Movie Channel?

I think we're sedated!

Played golf today in upstate NY...

Can you see the real me, Doctor? DOCTOR?!!!

It's 9:15 p.m. in Connecticut and THE SOUL EXPRESS is on the air again!

Gregory Corso: The Mad Yak

A Vast Confusion

"I came for the waters."

Took an hour's hike by the mighty Eno River here today! (pic)

The Red Neck Christmas Tree

This year I resolve to not be an exhibitionist

help-need photos of depleted uranium victims

What font is this?

DU social workers/psychologists/counselors

Well, time to warm up some of the oyster stew

So, what you all do for New Year's Eve?

well, we made cookie bars, and they are yummy

Casablanca is going to start on my TV in a few minutes... and..

A post holiday song..."Those Were the Days".

True or False " No good deed goes unpunished"

Best Joke ever

How do I get the sticky label goo off my new damask table

I just painted my toenails - do you like the color?

How many hours a day logged OUT OF DU is considered NORMAL?

To heck with it. I'm going to go out and hunt down a chili dog.

When I Was Young

Does anyone know of a good antiviral download?

Praise Jeebus, the holidays are OVER!!!!

Wine and chocolate taste like vomit!

How do I get the new damask sheets off my sticky goo?

How do I get the sticky goo off my bedsheets?

Its so true...

The Backup Reindeer Singers ... Off-season employment

PBS at 10CT, Austin City Limits: Robert Plant

Am I the only one?

Civil War looming for America?

Entertain me.

Whoa. I had Simon & Garfunkel CDs on my computer and I didn't even know.

Has anybody read Collapse by Jared Diamond?

Rumours that W is well hung? True or not?

Anyone wanna see something even more evil?

Who has hooves for feet?

Ohhhh.....6 Cosmopolitans = hung over like a mofo

Anyone wanna see something evil?

The Prophetess and I had "The Talk"

Has the Guardian started its weekly US edition?? Wasn't it

When we all die, will we all meet in DU heaven?

How do I get the sticky goo off my new damask sheets?

Via Christmas cards, learned several relatives may have faced the tsunami

Who has hoovers for feet?

Who'll win - Indianapolis or Denver?

Looking for Bush as cheerleader picture

21 grams is a terribly depressing film

cancel didn't work

Hildi on Trading Spaces reaches a new low...

Can somebody explain the big deal about "Napoleon Dynamite"?

Now I have a pack of puppies!

A movie for DUers, that will rekindle your hope and reinspire you...

Anyone else into Muse?

It's 2005. Do you know where your mush for brains, neonazi pres,.is?

Your love is like bad medicine. Bad medicine is what I need.

Jackie Gleason or Art Carney (The Honeymooners)?????

Putting a magnet to the monitor screws it up

I just asked my cat what he thought of the lounge. He said..

I Just Entered my House through the Kitty Door

I saw the best minds of my generation

just heard on cnn - bush threats defeat for any senator who blocks

Anyone know Indonesian?

Got the "Prisoner" complete DVD set for xmas: eerie parallels

I saw what you did and I know who you are.

Which of these fine Union officers would you like to hang out with?

Who Has Second Toes Longer Than Their Big Toes?

'Cold Mountain' — Did You See It?

Anyone else enjoying the 24 hour marathon of Monk?

I think I'm about to get blasted

Who/What's in your avatar and why?

*** Official FIESTA Bowl Thread ***

The buddyholly home has a new critter.

Jonesy's Jukebox

What does your user-name mean, and why?

Does anyone have the answer to this one?

What's your name?...Ima...Ima what?...

Movie Thread

Ever wonder what an ex-lover/husband/wife is doing on New Year's?

DU ADK 46rs?

How many hours a day logged in to DU is considered NORMAL?

The first of 2005... It's time for a POST a PIC OF YOU thread!!

Can someone please explain this whole "Phantom of the Opera" thing?

The wonderful Musk Ox!!

New Years Card from PeTA2

9.0? I guess I'm impressed...

Any other CONFUSED Red Sox Fans? I'm looking FORWARD to this season!

My brother just got an iguana today

In my never-ending quest for self-knowledge...

Dream Analysis...

Archbishop of Canterbury now doubts existence of God

Natural Selection In Action!

So, is this the Pornography Group?

Subhankar Banajee--Arctic Wildlife Refuge photographer

Vote Challengers Accuse Blackwell of Trying to Let 'Clock Run Out'

The Great Crime Spree of 2004 (Government crimes)

Re: Delay - send this to your Rethug rep

Cynicism Test

Sleaze in the Capitol

Demand 2.6 Billion In Tsunami Relief! Why 2.6 Billion?

In Response to David Brooks

Has Anyone Noticed That Candy Cowley Is "Missing"?

Want an invite to a WH party? Just toss dem registrations, and you're in

DU this poll!

You HAVE to hear this comment by Gov. Rick Perry (TX-R)

Does anyone here have a close friend who is politically right wing?

Since when has militarism become "patriotic" in the United States?

Libya Is Enticing U.S. Executives With Its Abundant Oil Reserves

Memo to liberals: Get tougher on Bush in 2005

Actor William Boyett (Adam-12's Sgt. "Mac" MacDonald) dead at 77

Russian double agent ‘betrayed by journalist’

President Scrooge left college students a lump of coal

Vote-by-Mail: The Real Winner Is Democracy

picture of the year----US solders drapped coffins

Legalize Rx-Drug Imports And Price Negotiation

The IRA laughs all the way to and from the bank

Iraq 2004: What went wrong

Good article on Dallas' new Sheriff: openly gay, Hispanic, Democrat.

Coleen Rowley,F.B.I. Agent ,Who Wrote Critical Memo Retires From Agency

Tsunami disaster - Focus: Nature's timebomb

Riverbend: New Year and Elections... (ballots sell for $400 in Iraq)

When deadly force bumps into hearts and minds

Why U.S. Will Lose In Iraq

"Surreal Times are upon us": Scott Burns in the Dallas Morning News

Was this guy a heretic or a radical visionary like Jesus?

OC Weekly: The Year In Diplomatic Buffoonery, Argyros-Style

White house using old budget numbers

You can be the media!

Do you support VERPA ?

Black armbands???

Leaving Office, Veneman Decries Partisanship On Agriculture Issues

Aceh's Water Supply Poisoned By Corpses As Recovery Efforts Stumble

Scientists Begin Assessing Tsunami Damage To Reefs, Forests

Iraq site with links and graphic photos

More U.S. gulag camps

Who at DU Hunts?

Unarmed police shot at in UK (or don't bring a club to a gun fight)

Man Accused Of Using Cattle Prod As Weapon In Rape

Police: Woman Opens Fire After Intruder Shoots Nephew

Am I pro-gun or anti-gun?

Thank you all for all you do, and Happy New Year!

Mistaken lock

Everytime I try to alert, I get stuck on a page with a large black header

How to avoid LBN dupes?

Question: Copy & Paste option available?

Could I have this thread locked?

I would like to thank the moderator

Possible forum regarding DNC chair?

Abbas pledges to protect gunmen from Israel

Radical Islam in The Netherlands

Palestinian PM Links Calm to Statehood Talks

W. Bank youth already in Gush Katif to obstruct pullout

Wag the dog: Official says Sharon weighed war during probe

Some knew the Trade Center dust could be deadly....

ASCE Report: Consistent with damage from missile & fighter jet.

So who do we run

23rd Psalm for the bush era

"The Coverup Is Also Important"

Sorry, I've been busy for a while what did I miss?

Spreading the news of the rally on Jan. 6th

Dominionist hijacking of government exposed

Using the Dobson "Bully's-eye" to convince Senators to do the right

IMPORTANT! Will somebody PLEASE look at the People's E-Mail Network post?


Wait, other options even if vote challenge?

Man who tossed Dem registrations, invited to Bush's private XMas party

What Kind Of A Deal Is This About Exit Polls Who Is Responsible

C-span2 NOW left coast, Voter Suppression!

Conversations over the holidays....good feedback stories

Call to action for Illinois Dems!

What's your plan of action

Love to all: But I really don't think our chances are very good.

January 6 is coming, but that is just the beginning...

Thank John Kerry, and Urge him to Stay Involved

Settling once and for all the validity of the EXIT POLL SAMPLE

HELP!! I need the Election Fraud 2004 PowerPoint show NOW

Fitrakis and Arnebeck on Laura Sanders Sunday nite

Free Press has Complete Text of Moss v. Bush Files and more

NY Times, what happened to the election?

Talking points: Tabulation fraud in 100 words or less

This was posted before, but the language is so good ...

When the gods want to punish you

Conyers and Jackson on Keep Hope Alive radio this morning

National exit poll shows Kerry lead over Bush by 3%

Will there be any Electoral/Fraud issue on the Sun. Morning shows?

BALLOT SCAMMING: Pollsters, Media Implicated in Vote Fraud

SNL - GB to JK: "I can find more for votes for you in Ohio...."

Christine Todd Whitman breaks party silence - B* has lowest margin ever

Here are more yes or no questions:

Why do senators (with 6-year terms) fear repercussions more...

A Thousand ways to count your votes

The Nashua Advocate: Call to Challenge, Re-Vote Now Officially Bi-Partisan

Has anyone seen the rest of Conyers letter to the Senators yet ?

Agenda and Speakers for tomorrow night's rally in Boston

No matter what, Bush WILL be considered a fraud on January 20.

Newsweek article - Jesse Jackson states Kerry won Ohio, fraud occurred

Dr. Freeman's Study Numbers Refined

Finding election data - SamSpade Internet/Network Research Tool

The last word about The People's E-mail Network, I promise.

Kenneth Blackwell: A Man All for Democracy, Except, Uh, When He’s Not

Complete text of the filings in Ohio... FreePress

Blackwell, Blockwell, Stonewall, Blocksick - How quickly the worm turns...

Why not offer a reward?

Concerns over Kerry in Iraq

HellOOOooo! Are we being duped by The Peoples E-mail Network/

An idea for the Senators --

WHAT IF........(freepers be warned: contents could be disturbing)

Democratic Rep. Bob Matsui Dies at Age 63 eom

General Discussion - Politics Board - lots of election stuff

Great interview w/ David Brock of Media Matters from today

This is not about Kerry. This is about a very fractured and weak party

When will Americans' brains explode?

Why a Senator needs to stand up.

"Kerry Speaks...developing" What is Drudge talking about here?

New Mexico Recount Press Conference on Tuesday....

Im going down the List and calling all 100 senators

I have a very simple question that can be answered yes or no.....

20 Amazing Facts about Voting in the USA

Solidarity signal?

Three Rallies Around the Country on Monday


Regional Re-Election Coordination

RNC Paid over $7 Million to Company that Tore Up Democratic Registrations

KERRY: 'I'm Going to Learn'

Have you downloaded the Mitofsky Exit Poll files yet

Does the spin start tomorrow? Is that why this OLD Kerry interview today?

Kerry speaks to Newsweek .....

Need All Volunteer Open Public Exit Polling--2006/2008

Is computer fraud a Red Herring?

I received this in email (lots of links and information)

I Wish you all the best of Luck In Days, Weeks, and Months ahead

Who else got a call from Anton Chaitkin?

How many Dem senators will stand up?

Did Jesse Jackson have his press conference today?

Has this article on Election fraud been posted here already?

there's going to be, in effect, a coronation."

If a Senator didn't stand in 2000, I doubt one will in 2004

Naysayers:If exit polls showed Bush won, would you say they were accurate?

Missing segment from the exit poll data - have you seen this?

1/2/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread

HELP: Looking for still photos in the public domain

New Group called Grassroots Democracy starting up

Regional Exit Analysis: How did Bush get 63.6% of the final 623 polled?

FYI: Why Democracy is being suspended…

Why can't we all just BYPASS the Media by doing this - - -

Of those Kerry voters on touchscreen with Default to Bush, over 40% lost

Freepers finally concerned about election fraud!

I hope Kerry isn't banking on 2008

Some inspiring poetry (thanks to Leonard Cohen)

Why a Senator Challenging on Jan 6 is True Democratic Politics

Obama is 1 of 15+ senators strongly considering challenge

The best way to keep a secret is not to tell someone...

Senator support: Who is it going to be? When is it going to happen?

Question to All, What Ya think, Did Kerry Concede because

Vote-by-Mail: The Real Winner Is Democracy by Oregon SOS Bradbury

Most Expeditious Kerry Victory Via Congressional Challenge

So when does the DNC prosecute Nathan Sproul? Bush's Xmas Party...

Bill to repeal the 22nd Amendment and 6 out of the 8 were Dems

I believe a senator will stand, maybe more, but if one does not

Why A Senator (or two) Refusing To Certify Is Pointless



I think we need to orgaize a DU Gathering for DC on the 6th

When is Air America coming back to Los Angeles?

Anyone read an article about CA corps getting tax refunds w/o paying tax?

Anyone going to Boston rally tomorrow (1/3/05)?

I added a new "Republican Con of the Week" to my blog.

Please join me in nominating John Conyers as a Michiganian of the Year

Should a person report hacking attempts?

Wireless & Linux?

Recommendations for increasing signal strength

A joke for Software Engineers

Private consultant wrote legislation for TX's Human Services System

Fax , email or call your senators and congressmen about the china tariff


Abstinence Only Education

BSC is a sham for college bowl games

Tale of two sentences

Another Condi Screw-Up

govt admits social security ok for 30+ years

Why is a donation to Concerned Woman for America tax deductable?

I Heard Bush going to Germany Jan 24

Teresa LaPore admits Adnan Khashoggi was a 'good ride'

Free nations don't use weapons of mass destruction....

Bush/Hitler ads pulled from available for download

CIA to hand out life sentences without legal review

Afghan poppy explosion seen as threat

The Media's Role Personality over Policy

Value Wars vs Life Economy

NBC's Today Show is in throttle whore gear-MTP to follow

Wash. Journal asks: Are Repubs more optimistic than Dems?

Yeah...the villagers are much more heavily armed now

stupidity is the blue plate special at this resturant

Hypocrisy of the US media in tsunami coverage?

NYT editorial: Indian tribal leaders bilked, mocked in e-mails

Facts on Right Wing Spam E Mail? Can you help me debunk??

CHRONICLE OF A DISASTER (good chronology of the Tsunami)

Republican county attorney in Kansas changes registration to Libertarian


Bulldog spirit of escapers from the Nazis (UK Archives)

MTP: "bush does not like to be rushed into anything"

Should bush* also lower Flags for DEAD American Soldiers?

Who Was at Bush's Personal Christmas Party?

News Hounds: We watch Fox so you don't have to.

Japan warms to idea of an empress

Proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that PARADE is right-wing

BBC gives Genghis Khan a makeover

Archives reveal the suffering of British PoWs

Fox: 5 million homeless, emotional health concerns for tsunami survivors

Gondoliers to face random breath tests in drink crackdown

Why does Powell catch such a break all the time?

Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004

my apology to President Bush

Lessons of the Tsunami.

Are tectonic weapons ( methods to trigger massive earthquakes)

What wrong with a good 'Republican' conspiracy theory?

Of course this makes us doubt God's existence

smirk parties with vote rigger Sproul

Democrats Not Calling Out Republicans

Mexico publishes guide to assist border crossers

Proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that PARADE is right-wing

New acronym: M$M ("Mainstream" Media) - via

So why did * originally skimp on foreign aid?

3,000 to Iraq: the largest deployment since World War II

So...the rightwingnuts want a dictatorship?

Moscow Stories: Beer and prawns in the bath house - Russia's

Bush Finally Reappears Today. With Cheerleaders >>>

How Would * React, If Jeb Was Kidnapped By The "Evil Ones"............?

"For Better Or For Worse" . . . January 2, 2005 . . .

Something Powell said on Nightline on 12/30/04:

EXCELLENT short program on Afghan./Russia/Osama/current sit.

Catch 22 for Demo congressmen

The World( Russia & China, the E.U.) vs. U.S.

Navel-gazing nobody David Brooks jumps the tsunami in his latest column

It's a war

Cabinet increases Canada's aid


Where is Condi Rice? Haven't seen hide nor hair of her since

Blockbuster only *pretends* to remove late fees. Don't be fooled!

How do you post a picture?

Do you mute your TV during commercials?

Rest in Peace, Cong. Bob Matsui (D, CA)

The Real Pete Peterson

The Headlines Next Sunday

Let's join the spirit of the Bush inauguration and march in support...

Now they're blaming Hollywood

No sex is safe sex for teens in America

"Message from Above" - Christian and Muslim fundies both agree!


Americans and their pocketbooks

do you want to know how ugly we are under bush

Rep. Matsui, (guardian of social security) dies Saturday! Another death?!

These are the steps we must take.

If "Freedom isn't Free" how come Republicans never want to pay for it?

Republican Con of the Week: pro-Bush groups with misleading names

On "Moral Values": Code Words for Emerging Authoritarian Tendencies

How many people in here are Ex-Freepers?

Alright y'all I'm trying a new strategy with my Signs

In Your Heart of Hearts - Where Does Your Faith in the USA Stand?

The Unforgiveable Sin of America's So-Called "Christians"

Military Enlistment Oath (humor)

Project Mercury-Soviet scientists harness earthquakes for mass destruction

I have a question,

New RW scam: Speculating in Iraqi currency

I'm sick of Christian Born-Again brand (tm) on every magazine cover

Powell repeating same BS on CNN.

Was Mike Malloy repeats this past Monday-Friday?

How many Americans MISSING in the South Asia Tsunami?

Several People Questioned Over Laser Beams

If they register Muslim Americans I'm registering in solidarity

Self-examination time. Nightmare Scenario #1

Email wars with my dad - much fun

Tin foil hats or better to open......

bumper sticker seen on a big SUV below a Bush/Cheney sticker....

Americans (and Citizens of the World) Never Forget the $15 Million!!

WHAT Constitution? Lifetime Imprisonment of Uncharged Suspects Sought

When was the modern day repuke party born ?

Has everyone checked out the new DU groups! Wow!

Is it okay to hate white people here?

I'm tired of hearing about the US being sooo damn generous!

A right-winger attacks global warming

The RW is persecuting everybody

We've broken the 62,000 registered member barrier... Yay!!! n/t

Hypothetically: Could Kerry be that one senator who "stands up?"

Prophets of Doom

Catholic school angers parents by admitting gay couple's sons

Some DUers saying Matsui death is suspicious.

Clueless in Crawford >>>

Call Your US Senator...........NOW

Rumsfeld calls insurgents "extremists". Could he call you an extremist?

Does anyone know about the "Peak Oil" Theory?

Did Bush mention phasing out Social Security during his campaign?

I'm listening to a repeat of Randi Rhodes...she's raping Oliver North.

Lesbian novel was 'danger to nation' (UK Archives)

Earliest evidence yet of Bush's history of 'facial' injures

What percent of America's GDP goes to 'welfare'?

Progressive Revolution Symbol Design Standards....Thread 2 - ARTISTS!!!

I was at WTC2 on 9-11-01. Ask me anything.

Not So Surprising Nuke-Earthquake News?

Does this man (Chimp) look normal to you?

Rumsfeld Expects Violence After Vote

Your predictions for the bush administration for the year 2005?

The US is Indeed Behaving Like Nazis!! Fallujah in 2005 is Guernica!!

Economic Equity, the Working Class, and Social Security

I need a chicken spaghetti recipe

Leftovers today ?

George Foreman grill- do you have one and do you use it?

Pots pans and thrifting

Visited Montreal this past week ... absolutely loved it!

New Labour is the enemy of democracy

Doctors say 24-hour pub opening will cost the NHS millions

Michael Portillo: Who will form Labour’s next opposition?

Iraqi Prime Minister warns Iran, Syria to stop disrupting peace

36 children injured in N.D. sled accident

Japan gives $500 million

Indonesia: Rescuers set to call off survivor search

Wag the dog: Official says Sharon weighed war during probe

WP: Risks Cloud a Sunny Forecast: Job Picture Looking Up, Dollar Down

In the middle of Iraq, it's gaming, gaming, gaming for the American milita

Israeli spy's passport sparks row

CHRONICLE OF A DISASTER (good chronology of the Tsunami)

G.I. Families United in Grief, but Split by the War (the wisdom of the war

Faith Helps in Times of Disaster, Says Pope

Guantanamo Briton 'in handcuff torture'

Guantanamo Briton 'in handcuff torture'

Geologist gave repeated alerts

Thomas Leads Supreme Court in Receipt of Gifts

US considers permanent detentions

Sixteen Iraqi guards killed in explosion (2 Jan 05)

Car bomb attack kills 19 Iraqis

Robert Matsui has died

Longtime Congressional Democrat From California Dies

American Soldier, Afghan Killed in Gunfight in Western Afghanistan

Senator Says Lifetime Terror Detentions 'Bad Idea'

Iran Oil Minister in Islamabad on Jan 5 (meeting Pakistan's oil minister)

Dupe - please delete

Facial scanning targets ID theft (Denver Post)

Policeman dies while trying to remove decapitated human body (Iraq)

US, UK consulates in Basra shelled

Papers reveal botched Israeli assassination

Landmines another form of danger in tsunami aftermath

Haiti inmates call prison riot a massacre

NYT: Big (Football) Boosters Calling the Shots on Campus

Senator Says Lifetime Terror Detentions 'Bad Idea'

Powerful Explosion Blasted in Western Baghdad

Rosa Parks, symbol of civil rights struggle, set to win long battle

(U.S.) Forces deployed since 9/11 near 1 million

An Afghan Quandary for the U.S., Bush administration is split...LAT

'Axis of evil' top Bush's second-term agenda

Full Extent of Indonesia Disaster Slowly Revealed

Statue of Nazi ally vandalised

Dem. Says Iraq Troops Need More Support

Iraqi insurgents waging 'all-out war' on oil industry: minister

Senator Says Lifetime Terror Detentions 'Bad Idea'

Bernard Kerik may be under FBI probe

Strategic challenge in America's long war Gen. John Abizaid

Quake Offers Bush Chance To Advance Policy In Asia

Thousands of Fallujans Demonstrate

Enrollment of Gays' Sons Roils O.C. Catholic School

He's accused in 14 attacks, but still free

Lieberman shows no interest in Cabinet

Powell reaffirms commitment of U.S. aid (Jeb: I am symbol of *'s concern)

Thousands of Scandinavians unaccounted for in Asia

$1B Given to Faith-Based Groups in 2003

WP: Holding Keys to Power, Tuxes if Needed(Inauguration called coronation)

CNN Breaking: Robert Matsui (D-CA) Dead at 63

Military drug tests rising in Iraq, Afghanistan

Time: Rome's Next Choice? (Arch-conservative Cardinal Ratzinger)

4 dead in Peru police shootout

Powell predicts Shiite victory in Iraqi elections

Suicide mission NASA to put this craft on collision course with comet

WP: It's Her Party and She'll Cry If She Wants To (C. T. Whitman)

After disaster, Sri Lankan officials investigate reports of child rapes

U.S., Russian nukes still set on hair-trigger alert

Largest (since WWII) Texas National Guard group set to deploy

In Plan to Reduce Deficit, White House Turns to Old Projections

Democrats Split Again Over Party's Agenda

Firewood Sales Up As Oil Prices Rise

Thousands of Swedes still missing in Thailand a week after disaster

Armed And Elusive, Afghanistan Drug Dealers Roam Free

Who has seen /Neo-Con: The Age of Treason/?

Yeehaa!!! They still got it!

I'm selling rings on eBay this week

Nevermind, found it...

Did you like Miss Congeniality?

freeper snowmen?

Can I be corny and post my favorite poem?

Testing my new avatar. Nothing to see here. Not even hypnoporn!

dupe type thingy

"I gave the beaver a hot bath"

This guy wouldn't last five seconds as an elected official in this country

I want to fly but I ain't got wings, I want to hear the songs you sing.

Official Toilet Bowl Thread!

I'm watching a re-run of Saturday Night Live and...

Teen only gets twenty days in jail for removing teacher's nuts

Somehow I don't think "Pimp My Teenager" will make it as a MTV show

The D.J. who was supposed to follow me at 12:30 a.m. never showed up.

Are there any heterophobes?

I have this twisted urge to watch..

Recent trend in cannibalism worldwide

I'm thinking about starting a shoutcast station tonight...

Quien puede hablar espanol?

Can you recommend a good indoor TV antenna?

I took a non-sports fan to a Hockey game tonight.

I have to log out

I found my dental crown!!!!!

First day without health insurance....

Underground Meds

MSM? what the hell does this stand for?

Look. See?

45 1/2 hours later.... GOODNIGHT!!

I'm bored... babysitting... ask me anything.

I have a cat. She snores.

Playing for time. I don't want to wait for heaven.

I feel numb all over, they just told me my dad is dying.

Help!! I lost all my bookmarks! I was offline for a day. My puter off.

I just had a phewie, ask me anything

Why Doesn't Our Moon Have a Name?

Gondoliers to face random breath tests in drink crackdown

bad taste or "on the money"?

I hate Wolf Blitzer!

Roll Call. Who's up and why? And for a random question...

Is it wrong to laugh at Bush for being a cheerleader when your own--------

Cartoon for us

Tell me, is it too weird to eat ice cream at 7 in the morning?


5 am - haven't been to bed yet. Anyone else get fabulously hungry

Fly me to the moon

I've been drinking left over champagne for most of the night...

I'm purging my literary and polit. desktop bookmarks. Only the clever,

Which pic in my overblown, grandiose avatar is the best?

Life Aquatic w/Steve Zissou: What Bowie tune is over closing credits?

Anybody know a very inexpensive place to get promotional items?

California's porn industry HIV scare

We Have a Houseguest - a Basenji!!!

Are you obnoxious when you're drunk?

Zsa Zsa's photos shook the Tate to its foundation

Afternoon Delight--the faux "video" on Anchorman dvd

What's up pussycat?

Biography channel: Pickles.... b-r-r-r-r-r-r...

ROTK extended has the most hilarious easter egg ever.

Would somebody please tell me why?

Are there any free programs to eliminate spyware/adware?

29 to go...

Why doesn't our goon have a mane?

Holiday Breakups

I just deleted a virus...Do I need to do anything else?

God I Rented The Worst Movie Last Night - Wicker Park

Soooooo, what's the GAY CAR?

I'm having a hard time breathing.

I figured it out, Dubya *is* a man of scripture.

How does this sound to you?

This Old Host poll

The best kitty in the world died this morning.

Does the Lounge get better at night?

Computer people....HELP!

Well, I did it again.

Does anyone here rip the plastic bags off magazines at the newsstand?

Mischief is hearby labeled a "hearthcat".....

Who's the biggest "Cutting Crew" fan on du?

New Year, New Gadgets, And Maybe New Rules

DU singers: favorite songs to harmonize to in car, etc?

Letterman shows no interest in Cabernet

OK, I'm off to check out BEYOND THE SEA.

How do you post a picture?


Wireless LAN Security Questions

Sunday afternoon, Martini in hand, wearing a suit, putting on Bogart movie

I'm so sick of getting this shit emailed to me!

"Da Bears" aren't even really trying.

All those wasted years.

Hendrix imitator sets too much on fire.

Packers beat "Da Bears," ViQueens lose...

Music ?: Just the facts request

Congratulations Graywarrior; new "kitty mom"!

How do you get over someone you work with?

Hey trekkies! Wanna have a good time?

Donut thread 2005!

42 year old, 4'11" tall, Doug Flutie playing QB for the Chargers today.

So when I get to 5 left...

Lines that worked: Do you want to come up ......

Does anyone actually like those creme-filled chocolates in sampler boxes?

I have to say this....Tinsel sucks!

If you like 007 James Bond and you have STARZ...You're in LUCK!

Give gas guzzling Hummers the finger! ...Not that finger.

Guzzling Hummers?

Am I the only one (besides the jury) who thinks OJ is good juice?

I've come up with a new idea for a sitcom

Question about music downloading

Superbowl Question

Whoa. We're halfway there. WHOA!!!! Livin on a prayer.

anyone read "juxtapoz" magazine?

Popular and Persistant Myth Debunked:

Ah, I remember back in '04 when I DUed Freak Republic

Apart from making money, what is the point of corporate pop music anyway?

Your NFL playoff picture primer

Super Bowl 2005: Rams vs Chargers

Mention of flying "their" flag at half-mast for "ferners" causes a rash of

Who here likes the band Porcupine Tree?

Have you ever felt so cold during a movie love scene

Smiths Singalong! - What She Said

I'm going to Costco. Anybody want anything?

two cups of coffee + a lying freeper post

Help me name my birds

HELP ME! I need to organize my CDs!

When do you take down your Christmas tree and/or your outdoor decorations?

My Bills are out! I'm sad. :-(

In honor of Fred Phelps...

Another question for DU...

Defrosting a Freezer - A Fun Job for a Sunday Afternoon

Early Superbowl Prediction: New England-New Orleans.

Michael Crichton to release new novel: "Defrocked"

Like Seinfeld, this is a thread about nothing.

Why are we here?

Hey nice bush sticker on your Hummer turd worm !

Does anyone else remember...?

Sweatshirt Makers - Embroidery - It rubs on my nipples

Marijuana is a holy herb, a gift of God

Was the South REALLY that excited about the Civil War?

I just bought a s**tload of Christmas candy at 75% OFF! Ask me anything! has been hax0red

Why popcorn in movies?

Jasper McLevy, Mayor, Bridgeport, CT, 1940's and 1950's

How do you clean vinyl records now-a-days?

Border collies without jobs.

Was the Northeast REALLY that excited about Puritanism?

How did Al Troutwig make it as an sports announcer with a name like that?

Do you sing in your car?

ailsagirl---Please PM me, I'd like to talk! PuhleeZZZZZZ!!! n/t


Help with a song from a movie...

"Casablanca" starting on TCM just now...

Florida Repubs want quack school at FSU

White Castle has something called "Chicken Rings"

The B-52s: Yea or nay?


1,200 posts until 10,000! Trying to get that # by Jan. 14

Doctors without borders. Good group to donate to?

Looks like i'm not the only pervert in the Air Force

Am I the only one spending more time in the lounge after the election?

10 away from 500! Ask me anything about...Recycling!

MoveLeft Media Jan. 2, 2005 Edition

I thought the Right-Wing Guy was gonna' hit me.

Speaking of chocolates...I might be allergic to chocolate!

How many DVDs do you own?

It can happen to you. It can happen to me.

Best Civil War Movie or miniseries

Amen Sister Skittles! My response to "bright lights" thread...

Thanks to Cyndee_Lou_Who

You're changing your DU screenname.

The best holiday gift you received this year?

Packers vs Vikings for the wild card game-I'm going to Lambeau

Blockbuster only *pretends* to remove late fees. Don't be fooled!

Do you mute your TV during commercials?

Biggest snafu in SNL history

Best SNL Weekend Update Host

Looks like I'm not the only pervert in the Air Farce

Yes! Intelligence won a victory!! At least one DVD not avail as FULLSCREEN

Am I the only one (besides the jury) who thinks OJ was innocent?


Need help ASAP, parent in nursing home

A People's History of the United States

Alright, the Niners have the #1 draft pick for next year- You're making it

Since the "Post a Pic of You" thread has gotten so big, here's a new one.

I think "Airport 75" is almost as funny as "Airplane!"

Peyton Manning - here's a clue - SHUT THE FUCK UP

Remember when the average price of a "lid" was $20.00? Etymology of hemp

Akward situation question...

CAPTIONS: The Best Of!

* * * Official Steelers 15-1 Best Record in NFL Gloat Thread * * *

Animal Rights Television Show

Did anyone see 'Meet the Fockers' over the holidays??

What can we do to promote the Gospel of Matthew?

Of course this makes us doubt God's existence

Jesus and Mary Magdalene?

Did you know kidneys help make red blood cells & strong bones?

Will Martha Stewart Stay Healthy in the Pen?

'Clusters' of earthquakes yield an ominous scenario

Don't ask, don't smell

Any gay couples with kids having problems?

Gay Couple's Sons Anger Catholic Parents

Saints at Panthers / Jan 02 '05

BSC is a sham for college bowl games

Woe is me, the season has ended for the Bills

Superbowl Prediction: N.E. vs. Philly

So, who is making it to The Show in the AFC?

It's all in her Head

Another Psychic prediciton about George W......

White Noise

John Kerry - 108 Congress Votes (Part 3)

Forgive the question, but what is the straight poop re: Kerry's face?

I finally realized who "testy" is

John Kerry - Making America More Respected In The World

Where's everybody from?

I wonder if the Democrats in congress are worried?

It doesn't matter who the DNC head is

warning to all DU'ers - Don't get caught in the "Super Bowl"

Jan. 20: Not One Damn Dime Day

"We show up on game day."

Redesigning the government?

Another reason Libertarians are irrelevant

okay we just got FOX NEWS channel

Sarcastic response I saw on alt.politics NG

FINALLY. Bush is Back in Public >>>

What percentage of Republicans are truly happy with Bush?

A Metaphor for How to Reduce Media Power and Increase Our Own

What if No Senator will contest for fear it will expose Gore President ?

Rep. Matsui - CA has passed away

Adam Nagourney: Why I cancelled the NYTimes!!!

Free "Just Say No To Facism" bumper sticker here....

Irony: The Shrub's weak initial response will result in unprecedented

"Small Gains for Big Media Stocks!" How can this be?

Powell: "I Don't Have the Facts"

F*cker Carlson says Bush has to be bold

If we have " separationof church and state" why can't we have

Nothing to Celebrate on this Innauguration Day!

House to Consider Relaxing Its Rules

The Left needs to stop running from accusations...

Research Request - Donald Rumsfield

Drudge posts Newsweek's interview with Kerry

Bush to Press:"You're Assuming That You Represent the Public. I Don't

The Sociopathic Bush Administration

Ethnic Composition of the New Iraqi Army

What Republinazis would we face 10 to 20 years from now?

Running for local office

Bush voters put Bush back into office because....

OK I think we need to learn the difference between Bashing and

Will contesting the election be a litmus test for the 08 candidate?

Please tell MoveOn who you want for DNC chair

How is the Democratic Party Doing Since the Election ??

Somebody TIVO C-span right now. This forum that is on has an awesome

"The people the president met wept as they spoke." >

Meet the Press - scaring the hell out of me

Stop with Vote Challenge stuff, please

A Guaranteed Plan for Victory

Who thinks Thursday is life or death for the Democratic Party

US National Anthem to be played at Movie theatres...

Bill Sammon of The Washington Times, on Fox News Sunday, said today...

Democrats Split Again Over Party's Agenda

Stop with the Vote challenge stuuf? The HELL I SAY

Why has no one noticed the absence of......

Jim Clyburn Outlines Democratic Party's 2005 Priorities

"Clintonism": Advocating the irrelevance and mediocrity of moderation

Dems need to Focus on Election Reform, not Filibustering

The next GOP presidential team

The Third Way or the Right's Way

One stop Dem wishlist: Let's make it easy: What do you want from the party