Democratic Underground

Archives: January 25, 2005

Unusual Suspects:What happened to the women held at Abu Ghraib?

Johnny Carson Esquire Interview – The Man Who Retired (2002)

The Dangerous Gold Star Families

Lonely Are The Brave (Barbara Boxer) by James Wolcott

Like father, like son (Colin & Michael Powell)

Fallen U.S. Porn King Goldstein Rebuilds with Bagels (Al Goldstein)

Senate Democrats lay out opposition agenda!

Key Lawmakers Cast Doubt on Social Security 'Crisis'

Help Save Their Home

FCC denies Saving Private Ryan indecency claim.

NBC Nightly News Brian Williams thinks Limbaugh should get more credit


Environment in Finland is rated best

New Strain Of Sudden Oak Death Surfaces In WA State Nursery

Hundreds Of 5-Foot Squid Wash Up On Newport Beach, CA

Thanks for the new forums (and groups)!

I've got a few questions about where, when, and how...


The `demographic scarecrow'

Relative quiet in Gaza Strip, as PA policemen do their job

Dagan: Egypt, Syria have nuclear programs, as well as Iran

RE: A New Legal Challenge in Ohio

Dean wins straw poll in Texas

Petition calling for Bushitler Psych Testing - Funny

Election Probe in PA Reports Votes 'Vanished' from UniLect Machines!

Congressman Conyers 102-page report from Judiciary Committee Democrats

MY Suggestion

Needs its own thread - DU this poll


Any help would be great!

Documentation: widespread vote machine fraud and dirty tricks in 20 states

Seattle Post-Intelligencer- Revote? If Florida and Ohio go first

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Official disputes unverified voter tally

The Advertiser-Tribune - Optical scanners may be optimal solution

Are open source codes a solution to the electronic voting problem?

The Latest House Bill Requiring a VVPB

Poll: Name the group

VOTE needs some data - can you guys help?

IMPORTANT election reform action! Needed by February 8


Just heard an ANTI Gov message on radio by the CA

OK, I want to concentrate on replacing Feinstein.

Dayton aims to overturn Medicare ban on drug price negotiations

Update on Normie's cosmetic surgery. (Must Read.)

Billboard: "Conservative Christians Attempting to Make Texas A Dry State"

Houston DEers. I hope you guys are going to the Feb 1 event!

Has anybody seen matcom? No posts since Dec. 27th????

The Greatest Action Story Ever Told

Barbara Boxer wants your help. Here's an email. Sign her petition

So, who do you think will win the Iraqi election for PM?

Some good progressive mags?

Johny Carson and Donald Wildmon both attended my alma mater, Millsaps

Iran 1953 - the rock opera

Making war a "joy stick" game. That's why war will never end for us.

Iraqis will learn where to vote at "the last minute" the question is

Become a Citizen Co-sponsor of democratic agenda; please do this!

Waaaaa Keith Olbermann on Vacation this week

Have you seen today's Meyer's Take ?

My Nephew Just Got His Selective Service Card In The Mail.

Share your thoughts on Oprah's show...

What is the Lionel Show?

SNL: Bush Twins After Inauguration-hilarious!

Only 1000 attend abortion protest.

OMG ! the 2000 Miami reTHUGlican riot squad made the WP today !

Media Matters

Inaugural speech freedom vs. liberty counter on Daily Show

23 at Guantanamo Attempted Suicide in 2003

next time you need car insurance...

Freeps upset with Bush (he praised Eid al-Adha)

Depressed About the Inauguration?Democracy Doesn't Exist- It Is Made

The Iraqi "elections" ARE NOT for electing an Iraqi leader.

website by BlogPac has a broken blogroll.

e-mail just arrived;free samples-valium, soma, viagra, cialis

(FOX 8pm Trading spouses)Dem lady slams Bush over Iraq war

Just a Reminder-The Nuremberg Principles-Synopsis

Eeekkk, look who the guest is on The Daily Show tonight

What The Hell Is The "Homosexual Agenda" Anyway?

Progressive Letter Writing Cooperative

New online petition to "Restore Sanity in the WhiteHouse"

Are Americans more selfish and lazy than other country's citizens?

I just saw the funniest thing

I don't get it......

A Modest Proposal: Drafting Men But Not Women Is Discrimination

Cosmetic surgeon brags about his work on Sen. Norm Coleman

If Saddam became a born again Christian....

Procedures for voting in the Iraqi election:

When the monkey pooped on John's head,...he became my favorite person.

Posted: State Legislators' 2004 Personal Disclosures

Okay, this makes me sick

Johnny Carson's politics: A liberal in the morning and a Centrist at night

Petition calling for Bushitler Psych Testing - Funny

al-Qaida Official Admits to U.N. Assault

Boxer/Condi SNL skit! Video

What is "freedom" (to die)? What is that "democracy" we deliver?

I just finished a preliminary look at my taxes....

I'm pretty sure the Walmart cookie guy is totally gay.

Reality TV is quite possibly the dumbest thing ever.

yet another Freeper email (freeper brother)

Mr. Bill is GAY and in hiding.

Kakistocracy:Gov't. by the least qualifiied or most unprincipled citizens.

I can't believe the idiot who said this, is serving a second term.

Brian Williams who is replacing Tom Brokaw advocates for Rush Limbaugh!

More lies from FAUX news!

Two Seymour Hersh Online Interviews

Is the United States of America a sociopath?

The Rich and Powerful at the Inauguration

Does anyone here work for the ACLU?


KOEB Meeting


Has everyone seen the Razzie nominees?

Mandatory Malloy: Monday Night Truthseeker Roundup

Do you still respect the office of the Presidency?

OMG. Free Republic gave the Swift Vets a FReeper award.....

Jim Walter fighting Bush Crime Family with millions of his own money.

Carson's greatest hit - exposing Uri Geller as a FRAUD!!!!!

What's the difference between Bush voters and a herd of stupid sheep?

Thie Chldren of Iraq (A webpage loaded with photos)

FACT: The MAJORITY of Iraqi "insurgents" are IRAQIS.

A question for the smokers here about cig lighters and airline travel

What are the arguments for giving licenses to illegal immigrants?

Bush asks Congress for $1.5 BILLION to build embassy in Iraq

The book "The Da Vinci Code" is being made into a movie...

ABC's Website Had An Article On PNAC - It's Gone

Gunga Din hangs it up (my farewell to Bill Safire)

Absolutely awesome site to check out...very moving

Nice photo of someone literally wrapping themselves up in the flag.

Here's a photo for everyone

Freeper-Mobile. This picture sums them up.

Two questions for our "experts"

What about the "Canadian Coalition for Democracies"?

Congratulations, Canada!!

US Classifies Pandemic Flu Vaccine a Select Agent

Bush phones in support for abortion protest

Iraqis Arrest Man They Say Is Zarqawi's Top Bomb Maker

Posted: State Legislators' 2004 Personal Disclosures

Gun Law Study: More Blacks Face Felonies

Ex-F.B.I. Agent and Trader Found Guilty in Fraud Case

Stopping Carnivore Doesn't Stop FBI Surveillance

Dispute Stalls Funeral of China Leader

Security Beliefs Shape Political Attitudes -Pew poll

Florida Democrat urges ouster of FEMA director over disaster aid

FCC clears 'Simpsons,' 'Friends' of indecency raps

Bill would expand Ohio's public records law

Israeli Women Lawmakers See Red Over Rabbi's Ruling

With luck and good soldiering, regiment uncovers weapons cache

Lawmaker Wants Conn. Road Named for Bush

IBM Sale to Chinese Worries Feds

NYT: Senate Democrats Speak of Slowing Confirmation Votes

General Says the Current Plan Is to Keep 120,000 G.I.'s in Iraq Thru 2007

WP: Army Plans To Keep Iraq Troop Level Through '06

Iraq: Torture Continues at Hands of New (US Appointed) Government

City Firefighters Accused Of Sex On Duty (Sacramento, Ca)

Iowa Doctors Say No to Drug Companies

D.C. Settles With Mass Arrest Victims ($425K + apology from police chief)

Pakistan accuses Indian troops of having violated ceasefire:

Saudi Suicide Bomber Claims Zarqawi was Captured, Then Released

Reports on Pentagon's New Spy Units Set Off Questions in Congress

Security costs cripple RTI's progress in Iraq (projects put on hold)

Gates foundation injects 750 million dollars for infant vaccination

AARP and GOP Spar Over Poll

A.C.L.U. Presents Accusations of Serious Abuse of Iraqi Civilians -NYT

Senator Clinton Speaks of 'Common Ground' on Abortion

Judge Sets Start Date for Ballot Bubble suit; Trial Begins Jan. 31 (Frye)

Report: Global Warming at Critical Point

Company Fires Smokers

Have You Ever Tatered, or Would You Ever Tater Your Tot?

I DID IT!!!!!

For a gay guy SpongeBob has absolutely no taste in clothing.

How do you cook perfect basmati rice?

YUCK! blended maggot and fly shake on fear factor!

William Rivers Pitt on DemocracyNow! Right Now!!

You know that guy who shoots the gun to start a foot race?

Stephen Colbert on NPR's Fresh Air

Amazing and Informative FART FACTS.....hours of good stinky fun

Ever seen this? "The Arizona Wildcat May Day mystery."

I'm betting I had the most boring day outta all of you!

Randi Rhodes Raised the Following Question Today

Johnny Carson, Mom, and Dad


Fermi 2 nuclear power plant in Michigan is shut down..

What's the deal with Mozilla?

Wow: Folk Songs to Bug the Liberals - crazy throwback stuff...

Good Evening

I love the smell of tortillas

OK folks, Does GW deserve the RAZZIE for WORST ACTOR, or...

got "god the devil and bob" DVD today

This is what I call customer service!

"He was the definition of class and dignity."

Dear Abby

it was a bitch of a morning in the high court

U2 announces first leg of 2005 tour

Which of these two movies is the bigger movie?

e-mail just arrived;free samples-valium, soma, viagra, cialis

Would you let me burn your son's toys if he punched you in the nose...

OK, the fun's just beginning

This "princess" in Love is in the Heir is

Check out the new Mike Malloy photo at Air America's website!

My nephew plans on moving to Europe.

AIM Chat?

=Who's got a Roomba?=

How close do you live to a TEENAGER

Suggestions Welcomed For My Upcoming 1000th Post

Those Cabbage Patch dolls look like filthy whores!

Strawberry Shortcake is a disgusting fornicatress.

Bus riding rant

My husband is coming to visit this weekend!!!

You know, those Bratz dolls dress like little HOOKERS....

Would you let your son wear this outfit?

Do someone's homework who posts before you

I almost did a copycat thread asking if selling your children into

I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. I want to speak to my grandma.

So yah wanna fight? 'Cause you think your tough!

Ok, I love me my copycat threads, but...

Hey Kleeb..... Pop or soda???

Is beheading a child too severe a punishment?

How often do you check your inbox?

Is drawing and quartering a child and posting its head on a spike proper?

The Love Boat, Captain Steubing. He was on something, and you KNOW it.

Is hitting a child with a baseball bat appropirate punishment?

Is spanking and tazering a child while destroying his/her toys

what were you doing during the coronation?

I'm eating an orange. Mind your own business!

I like eating

Do you dye/tint/color/frost your hair regularly?

Over, under, sideways down - is now on a Chev commercial

I got my Blue State shirt today

Still think the media is this...

OK calm down, relax and have a Zen moment

Good for a caption (picture)

Bullwinkle925 is a doody head

SIGH. Where do the evenings go?

I'm watching this film on TCM, The Ace of Spades,

This thread is not productive.

A song mourning the fact that it is the '00's and not the 90's.

Bailey's Irish Cream

Is having a child too severe a punishment?

Assume there's a God who is all-powerful. Which would you prefer?

50 years ago tonight, these were the most popular songs in the U.S.A.

Pull the string and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet...

sub or hoagies or grinder

What's wrong with what's currently stuck under your bed?

Good night, all

Let us now recall the 5th Dimension....

How close do you live to an over reactive "Nukular" bush supporter?

Rum, Rum, It's not for a wussy. Drink a lot and get some...

Terrorists prefer Linux:

ever try to scream but it only comes out as a yawn?

Letterman's not doing a show tonight.

The "Titanic" effect: Do you hate a movie more when it's popular?

24: OMG! OMG! OMG!

I feel like bitching about something, but I'm too tired and lazy.

I'm looking forward to this:

DUers most like Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon?

So, some of you are home audio recording nuts, right?

Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to problems that upset you

What cable stations would you dump?

Ever try to say nice things but they only come out as insults?

I'm breaking out! Agrgh!

Am I Destined To Fail?

Peaunt butter and celery!

Is it better to pay extra on mortgage or buy a certificate of deposit?

question - if you buy a used car from someone and it dies right away

What Would Make The Best The BushCo. Enterprises THEME SONG?

Hey Canadians, can you please explain something to me??

It's 9:54:55 MST. Do you know where your cat is?

Insult the person who posts before you.

My Teenager is having a bad day

Say something AMBIVALENT about the person who posts before you.

Say something AMBIGUOUS about the person who posts before you

A few hundred more of my creepy animal paintings...

Anyone else have a totally shitty day?

The Moon Is Coming Full ---BADD News

Men make the strangest requests!

Now why do some people need to eat food so loud the whole room hears?

What's your favorite liqueur?

My son punched his best friend in the nose this afternoon

Problem with the TEENAGER

Are you Y2K ready?

Bush makes me SICK!

WABC All American Survey for Week of 19 January 1965 (40 years Ago)

Anybody want to sell a used fog machine?

Latest terrorist group on 24: The Heritage Foundation

Just mailed off my taxes

The bottom of the celebrity heap

This thread needs a proper burial...

Local Fundamentalist Billboards...

Please explain to me:

So the Lounge is being consolidated huh?

Time for 24

If they ever do a made for tv movie about Martha Stewart....

lookin' for clues-a cut and paste how to for computer dummies? help

I love the smell of tortillas in the morning

Yay... our local Thomas Kincaid gallery shut down...

Say something NICE about the person who posts before you

I noticed a print shop in the city today - guess the name?

How close do you live to a nuclear reactor?

Seeking good thoughts for my mother and grandmother

The Person above you?

What is the worst punishment you were given as a child?

Simon says...

Rabrrrrrr's 1 year improvement plan for the bettering of the human species

Is there software to edit .RealPlayer video (.rm) files?

There ourght to be a warning that Democratic Underground

Well, I'm not going to sleep well tonight.

Would you let your daughter wear this prom dress?

Is it moral to use somebody else's crisis to prosletyze?

A theological question from a non-believer.

US Classifies Pandemic Flu Vaccine a Select Agent

Scientists serious about 'electricity sickness' claims

VLF Whistlers on streaming audio?

Why we should support Barbara Boxer

Backers of Gay Marriage Ban Use Social Security as Cudgel

Gene scan suggests homosexuality origin

One of my cats has poop stuck in the hair of his tail.

CAROLYN MYSS Archetype Cards?

A dream I had 2 nights ago

How to talk to an atheist - Unintended Humor

Edited whatever

Hey not only are we the biggest candidate group

care to un-freep this pic?

So, who is planning on coming to Boston this summer

Go! Sign this now!

I have always loved this group. I so admire Senator John Kerry

Kodak DC 290 Digital Camera has photos held captive inside...

Boxer to Box Condi: Tuesday on CSPAN Senate Debate

How many senators will vote against Kindofnasty Rice?

Tune in to C-SPAN2 to witness the

So, the future AG probably lied to the committee about this.

Boxer/Condi SNL skit! Video

Caller on Ed Shultz from Portland describes the protest in her area

Huey, Dewey, and Louie: Ashcroft farwell speech. Video

Bush is 'Emperor of Vulgarity' = Chimpanzee smirk & grinning plastic wife

Posted: State Legislators' 2004 Personal Disclosures

The Reason Why Repubs Hate Dr. Dean

Sundance: CONTROL ROOM -- Documentary on Al Jazeera

Bush wants to fix social security. And the pope shits in the woods.

Ever wonder what Johnny Carson's political persuasion was?

Monday Night Malloy....

George W. Bush: "Wasn't Hillary Duff Fantastic? How About 3 Doors Down?"

Become a Citizen Co-sponsor of democratic agenda; please do this!

They're Placing US Flags in piles of poop!

Schumer,Stabenow on CSpan (1) now, "asserting a platform" that people want

When are Gonzales, Rice votes? (n/t)

Ever seen a schizophrenic person yelling at someone they didn't like...

Should we resort to literal infantilism to change the Democratic Party?

Top Awards to Bush-Cheney Campaign Manager Ken Mehlman

Pelosi Statement on Supplemental Funding Request for Iraq and Afghanistan

Shillary and Co.

Errol Morris: Where's the Rest of Him?

Thank God for Joe Biden

Fascinating site. Iraqi blog??

Very Important! Want to know what We are up against from the Right?

CNN: Dems Charged With Slashing Republican Tires Good Or Bad?

More Americans See Bush As “Divider”

Should our party leaders be held accountable for the positions they take?

Blogger Influence Raises Ethical Questions

What part of the democratic agenda announced today is most important?

Altering SS benefits by race is illegal (Repubs should regret this idea!)

Is splinterism a white middle-class luxury?

Why are we savaging good Democratic senators over that pissant Gonzales?

Highland Park (Dallas 75205) scuttlebutt: Bu$hes looking for house in HP.

SNL Skit with Boxer slamming Con Rice up at Crooks and Liars

Howard Dean: From The Ground Up

What do you think the role of DNC Chair is?

Dennis Kucinich on Yugoslavia, and NO Wes Clark is not a War Criminal.

Ties That Bind, Hannity Fails To Reveal Conflict Of Interest

Government still stealing from Native Americans

Iraq, the Press and the Election

The Truth About Terrorism

Return of the Pastor (Intelligence Report)

Going the Heart Of Dimness

George Monbiot (Guardian Utd): Pedigree dogs of war

Here's one of the troops whom I can proudly support

Human Rights Watch Opposes Gonzales Nomination

BBC (Tuesday): After Guantanamo (Return of British Detainees)

The Army said this morning that five GIs died in a vehicle accident north

"They Hate Us For Our Policies" -written by a friend of my husband

Guardian: Fundamental union

American Fascist Mind (cartoon magazine)

Jesse Jackson: Democracy at the point of a gun

The emperor of vulgarity

Results, Not Timetables, Matter in Iraq: WaPo; Kissinger, Schultz

Making a good case for Social Security CHG(the latest GOP LIES on Soc Sec)

Soc Sec as welfare -selling"hurt Middle class before poor via new index

1600 Pennsylvania Meets Madison Ave (selling lies - or partial truth)

. . . Oh, Never Mind (Bush's Freedom promises not really operative)

2 Prominent Milwaukee Leaders' Sons Charged With Election Day

Guardian Editorial-- Where America Can Start Its War on Tyranny

San Diego Union Tribune: President should lift stem cell restrictions

End timers and Neocons: the end of conservatives

my 1st BRIAN CLOUGHLEY article, I like his style

The Greenspan Succession (Krugman)

As Green as a Neocon

Anti-Kerry author eyes Bay State Senate run

The Triumph of Gesture Politics

Boxer's rebellion and Democrats' new tone

Republicans and the future(Ken Mehlman-RNC plan for 24/7/365 new GOP

Iraq: Analysis of chaos

My letter to Time, Newsweek and local papers

Resist U.S. War Crimes

Fallen U.S. Porn King Goldstein Rebuilds with Bagels

Molly Ivins: 'From the day of our founding'

Editorial-- on Bush/Israel symbiotic relationship

Clear Channel Erroneously Reporting $80 Million - Disinformation!

March 19, 2005 March against the War!

Some of my inauguration protest pictures.

This is so awful it can't possibly be true

I'm compiling organizing resources on Demopedia. Any suggestions?

Al Franken close to TV deal with the Sundance Channel

FinTimes on how Bush made the US the "world's dispensable nation"

The WaPo LIES ON THE FIRST PAGE, but retracts stories on page 18!

Social Security bill trying to tie benefits to race, gender

Arctic rivers 'flowing faster'

Leaks shut down 2 Nuclear Plants at Kansas & Michigan

Drop in Lake Michigan's Level is man-made

Violence and hatred in Russia's new skinhead playground

The Granda Kidnapping Explodes

7 Signs of Terrorism educational video

Maryland - Legislators Submit Bill To Repeal Ballistics Law

Study of CA gun law finds blacks most likely to face felony charge

Criminals can deduct costs of crime

I occasionally start threadscalling for the

*god* I hope Gingrich runs for POTUS in 2008...

This article is not a duplicate. Please unlock.

Skinner....Would you please revisit the name of the new Elec. 2004 forum?

Why was my thread deleted?

UN commemorates Auschwitz liberation in special session

Busy law student needs help ... was Israel created via UN resolution?

A theory about the Pentagon "attack".

Part II: ... and kiss the official UA 93 theory good-bye!

Op Truth coming to Chicago! Bulls over .500 for first time in two years

Chicago Sun-Times: 16th Charged in Hired Truck Scandal

Mell-Rod fued makes it onto CNN

Southern Illinoisan: Ron Gidwitz Announces Plan to Run for Governor

Peoria Journal-Star: Gay Road goes away

Chicago Sun-Times: Jewish Groups Wary of Expanded Study of Genocide

What it means to be a liberal

If the Government suppresses our internet usage -READ THIS!!!

Self-Deleted. Just saw it was posted earlier.

Bumper sticker harrassment in Denver.

fraud fraud fraud............wont be quiet

The Free Press: Report on Washington DC, January 6, 2005

Maybe a forum -citizens aware of fraudulent elections talk politics?

Byrd and Boxer coming up on C-Span 2.

Nation article on internet politicking --

Senator Byrd C-Span 2!

"NEW" is a new site that the Democratic party started


The Nashua Advocate: Republican "Tire-Slashing" Complaints Were All Hype

Kennedy, Dayton, Boxer, Kerry are "NO" against Rice, so far...

The WaPo LIES ON THE FIRST PAGE, but retracts stories on page 18!

Boxer/Dem Challenge of Condi Rice-Senate debate-C-Span2: NOW!

Tell the media that Senator Boxer is doing THEIR job!

Sign Social Security Petition from Democrats Org?


Small Activism Project--Easy to do and endorsed by Andy Stephenson

Monday 1/24/05 Election/Fraud/Recount/Protest Thread

Paper or Plastic (and microchips)?



Audio: Interviews with Daniel Hopsicker about 2004 Electoral Fraud

DeWine's Response to Questions about Ohio

Check out this big photo of a Texas's not typical for TX

Texas e-voting lobby day?

FOLKS, READ THIS and investigate: Diebold reaches in to the web?

What it will take to change elections....

Bill would clarify voting procedure, pay for recounts

Steve Freeman bitchslaps Russ Baker (sorry if dupe)

Kerry lost many thousands of votes from straight Dem voters whose vote

Waffle House getting sued by Blacks-How about election fraud.

Why are there no concerned citizens organizing recounts?

What are 'they' afraid of? The effort we're putting into this.

Bush: The Secret History of a Reelection -Traps, marketing, & dirty tricks

Republicans introduce bill for election reform.

Has the case for election fraud been refuted?

Help! Need info on hand counting complex ballots.Canada? Other systems?

Best Ohio Election Fraud Article to Date

Feinstein will vote for Condi Rice, 9/11 and Iraq liar

State Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero (D) suggests Shelley quit

Reich rules out run for governor in 2006

Romney calls for 14,000 on welfare to work

10AM today on WBET 1460 AM Candidate for Mayor of Brockton Jass Stewart

Mark Dayton "This administration must stop lying..."

"Secular Taliban" letter

Text of Dayton's remarks re: Condi

Yecke says she'll run for 6th dist seat if Kennedy runs against Dayton

Michigan Dems propose raising minimum wage to 7.15

Windows XP Updates - problem

Hey, computer geeks & computer parents & parent geeks & other more

Plusquellic, Brown: No support for TV host Springer for governor

New Megan's Law website -check to see if any sex offenders

Texas release report on the abuse of arbitration in new home construction

Another event to put on your calendar: Voices for Peace Conference

Election Fairness Lobby Day?

Dallas: Citizens for Equality call for Technical Committee Volunteers!

Texas adopts extremely limited warranties for new home construction

Some Photos From our Trip to Texas

Who is going to the SD-25 conference this weekend?

KLIF drank too much Kool-aid

Strayhorn hints against running for governor

A question for all Texas DU'ers. Please respond. On March 19th, 2005

Ya'll check out this big photo of a not so typical Texas Truck.

Editorial: Call off the Dogs in the Texas Election Contest

Progressive Populist Caucus, 2/26, Houston

Note to all WI DU meetup groups

The Concept of Course Correction

Dustin Hoffman is hilarious. Check out his comment...

BURN!-Dustin Hoffman Denies Relocation Plans, RATE UP

Sen. Mark Dayton

Protester coverage: Inauguration scant coverage, Anti-abortion extensive

On Army Doctors Supervising Torture...

Desperately seeking pics/video of two incidents I saw in DC on 1/20

When the DJIA drops, why do those people on the NYSE balcony still clap?

Majority of Americans OPPOSED invading Iraq; how to UNSPIN RW media:

What's your favorite TV station?

The Totality of Bushco Explained In A Single Bible Verse!

So they captured the Iraq truck bomb "mastermind" and a mess

NYT bk. review, "No Place to Hide" --"nonstop scrutiny, as Orwell foresaw"

In the United States, who has genuine "freedom?"

"Is WAL MART Good for America?" Great FRONTLINE documentary Online

This is a GREAT newsletter: "Too Much." All about economic inequality. See

Dustin Hoffman: "You can’t go anywhere in the world to get away from Bush"

Ken Blackwell on why Bush won the election

DU night owls are the hippest DUers.

U.S. troops continue to get top of the line equipment

okay . . . I just have to know . . . what in God's name are we doing . . .

If the Canadian govt hired a bunch of notorious figures...

Condi (slept pre-9/11) (a chief architect of Iraq war) deserves promotion?

Like Reagan, bush 'phones in' his support for Abortion Protesters

Militant Imams Under Scrutiny Across Europe

Letterman's montage -- "Bush - A Look Back", quite funny!

C-span: Does the GOP take the 'Religious Right' for granted?

About That 80 Billion For Iraq. Does Congress KNOW About The Real Plan?

Constituent Survey for Senator Boxer...

Lt. Gen; 120,000 + US troops to remain in Iraq for at least next 2 years.

GOP celebrates defeating the poor

With AARP against privitization.... I think we are being set-up

What is Jesus were the Democratic Nominee

Iraqis; helpless child? Or capable adult?

Why doesn't SNL ever lampoon Laura Bush?

Just disgusted... NYC Hip Hop Station finding amusement in Tsunami tragedy

A moment of political levity follows

How many people think our politicians are corrupt

Mossad warns Israel on Iran nuclear capability

Ever wonder?: Evangelicals v.s. the Environment

SIGN THIS PLEASE : The Dems have an actual agenda !!!

Billions More Debt Predicted For Next Decade

F9/11 not for Oscars, but Razzies

Yay! Media unbiasing...

Why the whole "war against illegal immigrants" impacts us all

A theory about the Pentagon "attack".

What would you do about a dumb neighbor

Advocating the assassination of bush twins; as funny as when it's CHELSEA?

F-911 left out of Oscars?

Alternatives to Marriage

The End of Conservatives - Paul Craig Roberts

USA trained Iraqi troops are torturing and raping men, women, and children


Economic meltdown - Krugman on the Fed.

Michael Moore and F-911Snubbed?

Police questioning spy services over the death of Diana

"Zits" comic hits the nail on the head today

So as it turns out...Christians were... 'Safer Under Saddam'!!!

Dave Letterman's Top 10 List last Fri. night

joe blubberman bloviating on the wonders of codi

for Catholics: would you risk Ex-communication by voting pro choice?

Ahhh, The Good Old Days: Pericles on Democracy

Iraqis on Election: "How can you have free elections under martial law?"

Fury at farmer who 'threw worker to lions'

GWB, Condi, Rummy Nominated For Razzies!!

Our Blood Soaked Orgy of Revenge for 9-11...Is there a time limit?

Family upset at decision to clear accused priest

I just realized that I spent almost all my active duty time

"How could this have happened?" A slow progression.

Speaking of "imminent threat" and "WMD"...

Is The SpongeBob Flap Rovian Cover For David Drier?

The First Wimp Looks Peeved About the Snow >>>

Levin Says No To Rice

80 Billion needed to ensure that the Troops "have what they need" in Iraq

E Mail From People For the American Way Re: Filibusters

Scam artists exploit tsunami deaths...

Thanks to bush, The Ten Commandments are IRRELEVANT

talking to Hitler

Rep Meehan calling for withdrawl of troops, Live on C-Span.........

Do You Remember Johnny Carsons..It Was So!!!!!!!!

What is sex ed like in the middle schools where you live?

"Can You Imagine?: Hussein Was Right & Bush Was Wrong"

Hersh is LYING I tell ya! NO secret "SS" unit! Oh...THAT secret SS unit.

Halliburton has an office on Bucharest St. in Tehran, Iran

Anyone take the Zogby poll yesterday or today?

Will the ruling class in the U.S. ever lose power? If so, how?

Hugh Hewlitt: MSM isn't scaring people ENOUGH

Apologizing for American Insanity

Where are the TV Trials for Ebbers (Worldcom) & Ken Lay (Enron) ..?

Satan Displays Bush 'Hook 'em' Hand Gesture; Is The Devil a UT Fan Too?

the shame of our prisons

*god* I hope Gingrich runs for POTUS in 2008...

CREW Files Bar Complaint Against AG Nominee Gonzales

Afghan women still in chains under Karzai

Joe Lieberman's at it again

Microwaving Iraq: 'Pacifying' Rays Pose New Hazards

300 Billion spent so far slaughtering people WHO DID NOT ATTACK US

Breaking News: "Heart trouble and dementia" coupled with "Life Vest"?

And this is why the right is so dumb - 87% FEWER Violent Deaths in Iraq

Bloggers Beware

Draft the Media! They Sold the War, They Should Fight it!

What should we do with Hubble?

Cat Killer Frist on C-Span now

"Espionage by any other name" (T Blankley: charge Hersch with espionage)

did any Baghdad kids have a drink of water today?

So, in bullshits world suspicion is the same as guilt


Is anybody else watching William Kristol on CSPAN?

I was just contacted about my "viewing choices"...

Cosmetic surgeon brags about his work on Sen. Norm Coleman

In Iraq, torture is routine

Watch the Boxer Rebellion "over the net" LIVE:

Franken is fun this a.m./p,m. n/t

the rockridge institute

Kennedy and Dems are fighting Condi's confirmation party.

R.wing smear machine goes after Democratic California Secretary of State

If polling places & candidates in Iraq are being kept secret....

U.S. Hostage pleads for his life in Iraq...

CREW Files Bar Complaint v. Gonzales

This is conservative hypocrisy at its finest....

So, who's keeping the "Dems that Don't" List?

"NEW" is a new site that the Democratic party started

usa = united states of arabia -

I just heard on the news that the Deficit for this year is already

Franken is skewering Frank Luntz

Condi is responsible for thousands of deaths and injuries. n/t

Byrd: Un-constitutional administration policy of pre-emptive right to

NPR this AM - torture papers from the Army

Byrd asks about "accountability", Right On! n/t

US Army Nazi-like Graffiti in Iraq is "Creating More terrorism"....

God-dar - How do Xians know who's a "real" Xian and who's a "fake" Xian?

Editors Needed

Sumatran quake caused spike in Floridan aquifer....2 inch spike.

the social security cap.

Byrd: Condi politicizes intelligence. n/t

The Ten Commandents and fundamentalists

Yahoo/AP: Byrd, Kennedy Assail Iraq Policy and Rice

The time for diplomacy is now

Clark on Scarborough?

Byrd will vote against Condi!! Thank you Senator Byrd. n/t

Gen. ( My God Is Stronger) Boykin is heading Rumsfeld's SS Office.......

Byrd: When will our troops come home?

Focus on your own F'ing family, Dobson ...

In my opinion, every republican senator who took the floor today

Byrd is up now (Condaliesalot Rice Hearing).... CSPAN2

Condi contradicts herself and her boss, frequently, re WMD. n/t

Viral Corporate Marketing in Online Forums? What's next? Political spam?

Boxer is up now on C-SPAN 2 n/t

omg I'm gunna HURL! Pray For Our Troops Bracelets! In Camo!

Right to life -- Iraqis have it too

Terrorism is a growth occupation up to 60 countries now

A few questions about running for public office...

Boxer : * "Iraq not Al Queda" from .doc just after 9/11

Boxer : US used to be Saddam's BUDDY! n/t

YEAH! Intelligence Reform!!! Kick some tail, NOW Barbara, please! n/t

GO Barbara!!! n/t

WOW Barbara Boxer!!! n/t

What do you do when someone LIES to you OFTEN???? n/t

"Passion of the Christ" and "values voters".

Is there a Boxer discussion thread?

Is Drudge writing captions for Reuters now? >>>

Why do the freepers think liberals are wrong to hate Bush*?

Perfect example of T Turner's recent FOX/Hitler comparison (Rice debate)

Bush in Oz - how about some belly laughs?

Who're you trying to kid, George? >>>

My mom is NUTS!

The New Bush Doctrine by George Soros

Dick Durbin is such a badass

Headline in Yahoo news: "Democrats Call Rice Liar, Bush Apologist"


DU This Poll

Video of American hostage pleading for his life in Iraq


Matt Drudge's recipe to discredit those who disagree

How much does it cost the US to "bring freedom" to someone?

Sign Social Security Petition from Democrats Org?

My response from Diane Feinstein. Is she delusional?

What does Josh Marshall know that we don't

Palestinians understand DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS far better than bush does

Washington DC Finally Gets Progressive Radio!!

Slimy Republicans want more of their electronic voting machines in CA...

I am so disgusted with PBS at this moment...

Drudge gloats F 911 No oscar nominations,nothing for "Passion" either

Chomsky for President

"Support Iraqi Independence"

If you have the time, you might be interested in this

Airline Anti-Missile System "Too Costly" for our Airlines

Segway's next thingamajig . . .

DU'ers: Has a Secretary of State Nominee Ever Been So Challenged?

I've been thinking of investing in stocks.

DUers send or call CA Secretary of State Shelley Tell him NOT to resign

When is Air America Radio coming to Pittsburgh? Huh?

Mclellan on Cspan just a moment.ago.

CBS "IGNORES" scathing Boxer testimony on Rice ......... move along

Conservatives really are acting like Nazis when it comes to Gays.

Phone these Senators against Alberto Gonzales.

If Bush lied about getting a blow job...

* is picking our pockets again

One Way Armored Glass?

Kick * Butt, Senator Byrd!

Van Cliburn for Secretary of State.

SpongeBob receives 'unequivocal welcome' from UCC...

Finally got my inauguration protest pictures back! Here are a few.

The undeniable beauty of the Rice Nomination...

Anyone Lurking From Anarctica?

Bush's approval rating in the low 40's percentage, anybody scared?

If an impartial judge of Planet XYZ came to earth to arbitrate on "WMD"...

Ted Turner Lambastes GOP Propaganda Channel "Fox News"

Christine Whitman - How the Radical Right is Undermining America?

Heads up....Seymour Hersh on The Daily Show tonight

I am a proud blueneck!

Ok someone get me a tinfoil hat.

Company Fires All Employees who Smoke!

Did you know: Darwin is buried in Westminster Abbey!

financial times: "How America became the world's dispensable nation"

My letter to editor and TIME and NEwsweek

DU this poll

Did anyone get that really odd Zogby interactive poll?

Boom !!! Boxer puts up the Rummy - Saddam shaking hands photo !!!

Need some tips from DUers

The Problem of the Bush Economy in a Nutshell

DU this MSNBC Poll: Do you think Democrats are "playing politics"....

Who are the REAL "Surrender Monkeys"? The French? Or is it the...

CNN...."Pres. Bush laid out lofty goals in his inauguration speech!"

Turner Compares Fox's Popularity to Hitler

Fundamentalist Mormon Polygamists Proclaim Bush will Free Them

"America, F*ck Yeah!" flash movie (super not-safe-for-work, obviously)

Santorum endorses ID in science classes

Is this a subtle PUBLIC RELATIONS campaign to get more young people

Question for DU Lawyers... Companies firing people for smoking

We are war with an enemy that can not die

"Coincidence theory" cannot explain Sibel Edmonds

Dem's new 10-pt. agenda: Have you taken a good look???

I just heard Gore Vidal say that Europeans are wealthier than Americans

Doom For The Dollar--And Everything Else

Doesn't this strike you as...inhumane?

Would others be interested in a Letters to the Editor DU Group?

How many of you know that on 9/11/01 NORAD was running several wargames?

who was the senator who came right out and called ....

Stars and Stripes letter signed by 12 generals (ret) opposing Gonzales

Why didn't Jesus talk about "democracy?"

Disabled Vet insulted by conservative jerk - Liberals come to his rescue!

Jordan - Arab Bank - Anti-Money Laundering - Counter-Financing of Terror

Depleted Uranium, the Pentagon's next Agent Orange.

If you think Hillary is unelectable, you need to think again....

Did this police officer violate the law?

Annan tells historic session: Act against new anti-Semitism

Freepers now have a new name for us....Bluenecks.

SCENARIO: Mom may become obese. (really about Social Security)

Repeal of 'Woman Slander' Law Sought

What do you think of Michael Moore getting shunned by the Oscars?

"Heeeere's Justice!"

Fuck you Feinstein!!!

Those Wacky Fiscally Incontinent Republicans

The FWeeper Known As Trueblackman, As Seen On Hannity & Colmes

Ron Paul-1st congressman to speak the truth about Soc. Sec.

Do you favor employers being able do random searches of employees' homes?

Just a question - couldn't resist! :-)

Anyone else have a FoodSaver?

Kitchen mini-makeover is complete! (many pics)

It's Burns night.....anyone else having haggis, neeps and tatties?

Who's got a good recipe for white chili? (AKA chicken chili)

One in 3 scottish 15 year olds has smoked cannabis

Pakistani Courts Overwhelmed by War on Terror

BP chief's remarks enrage Iran

North Korea cuts daily food ration

Guantanamo men expected to return home

NYT: Google and Yahoo Are Extending Search Ability to TV Programs

NYT: Militant Imams Under Scrutiny Across Europe

Mass suicide bid at Guantanamo

Five U.S. Troops Die in Accident in Iraq

A surge of violence in Baghdad (Tuesday)

Central banks shift reserves away from US

Taleban kill two Afghan police in ambush

Federal agents force small plane to land in Texas

Abuse claims multiplying

Balking at Vote, Sunnis Seek Role on Constitution

U.S. may run out of reserve troops in a year

Gunmen kill high ranking Iraqi Judge

Fury at farmer who 'threw worker to lions'

Robert Kennedy Won't Run for State Attorney General

Exonerated in terror case, 4 brothers still locked up (40 months later)

Insurgents blow up a school used as a polling center in Iraq

Hoyer Courted for Gov. Run

Gingrich: Majority Status Can Be Fleeting (Congress Daily)

Londoners top world in leaving laptops in taxis

Rapist to serve 18 years in plea deal Perpetrator winks, nods at victims

U.S. In Protect-The-Vote Mission

Attack on Iran Would Only Stifle Democracy, Iranian-American Journalist

Senator seeks repeal of law against ‘slander of a woman’

China fears Everest is shrinking

Congress eyes once-secret Pentagon unit

Irish crackdown on corruption snares former justice minister

Rice Senate Hearings start at 9:45 to be shown on C-Span 1.

Would-be suicide bomber angry at those who sent him

Army Closed Many Abuse Cases Early

Results, Not Timetables, Matter in Iraq: WaPo; Kissinger, Schultz

Pentagon Tries to Explain Secret Group

Guantanamo four flying back to UK

Court date nears for monument (displaying Ten Commandments)

Bank robbery tops talks agenda

Robert Kennedy Won't Run for State Attorney General

WSJ: Richer Americans Gain Confidence In U.S. Economy

2,000 new border agents aren't part of budget, Ridge says

Hackers tap on phone networks to steal data

'Alexander,' 'Catwoman' Lead Bad Pix Nominations

Trampolines Recalled After Injury Reports

Kennedy opposes Rice's nomination Whoo hoo

WSJ: Prices Increase on Popular Drugs

General Says the Current Plan Is to Maintain 120,000 Soldiers (thru 06)

American Captive: "I'm not asking for any help from President Bush"

Over 70 US military intelligence men in the southern Philippines

US troops raid petrol station in Iraq's Mosul, arrest 12

Church under attack after holding burial services for aborted foetuses

China fears Everest is shrinking

Major 'destroyed abuse evidence'

CREW Files Bar Complaint Against AG Nominee Gonzales

Wanted: Election volunteers (Mosul)

Iran Attempts to Pull Plug on Web Dissidents

'Aviator' Gets 11 Academy Award Nods ....Michael Moore's "shut out "?

New Ukraine leader knocking on EU's door

Sen. Clinton Rips Bush on Family Planning

Schroeder deplores Auschwitz evil

Bush, Allawi Discuss Upcoming Iraq Vote

More Prisoner Abuse in Iraq Alleged

CREW Files Bar Complaint v. Gonzales

Scientists Create Petrified Wood in Days

U.S. Allows Drilling on Sensitive New Mexico Lands

Stampede, Fire Kill Hundreds Near Indian Temple

Six US soldiers killed in Iraq

Russia's nationalists call for ban on Jewish groups

Major 'gave order to thrash Iraqis'

Iraqi Navy is still not ship shape (US sham)

Chávez threatens to cut ties with Colombia

Low turnout to register among expat Iraqis

Gates' way: $750 m for kids

Congressman seeks FEMA director's ouster

Yushchenko Names Kremlin Antagonist As PM

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 25 January

Anti-Gay Textbook Bill Sparks Fiery Debate

U.S. Drops Afghan Opium Spraying Plans (Guardian)

White House Forecasts Record $427 Bln Budget Deficit (Update1)

WSJ: As Benefits for Veterans Climb, Military Spending Feels Squeeze

Tsunami Parody Uses Racial Slurs, Says God Laughed

Drastic bill aims to end prospect of national park (ME)

Britain owes US billions in World War debts

Government Panel Begins Debate on Woman Ascending Japanese Throne

Houston Officers Can Now Get Naked For Prostitutes

US banking giant Citigroup is facing a German criminal investigation

FCC denies 36 indecency compalints

Insurgent Video Seems to Show U.S. Hostage in Iraq

Gay Marriage Foes Turn To Defeating Gay Civil Rights Bill (Oregon)

UN commemorates Auschwitz liberation in special session

Phoenix Officials Asking Residents to Boil Water Because of Treatment Plan

Bush, Black Leaders Seek New Start

Senator opposes presence of US spies in RP (Republic of Philippines)

FBI Says Reported Boston Terror Threat Was a False Alarm

4 Guantanamo detainees arrested in Britain

Challenges to federal marriage act dropped

Update: Leak Stopped, But Fermi 2 (Nuclear Reactor) Still Shut Down

No Three Mile Island scares as nuclear power booms in China

Plane Forced to Land; Dirty Bomb Link Investigated

NYT: Antarctica, Warming, Looks Ever More Vulnerable

AARP 'dead set against' Bush's Social Security plan

U.S. must win war despite cost, say lawmakers of both parties

Sen. Byrd among those lining up to blast Bush

U.S. Rejects Venezuela Charges of Capture

(Ted) Turner Compares Fox's Popularity to Hitler

Swift boat co-author ponders Senate bid

Pope satirist convicted in Poland

NYT: Dollar's Steep Slide Adding to Tensions U.S. Faces Abroad

The DU rules for starting threads in the LBN forum have been updated

Secret Pentagon spies confirmed

NYT: Gay Marriage Ban Backers Use Soc. Sec. as Cudgel(send letter to Rove)

Less Than 25 Percent of Eligible Overseas Voters Have Registered for Iraqi

Israel says Egypt, Syria, Saudia Arabia have nuclear programs

Democrats Call Rice Liar, Bush Apologist

Voting problems draw out intense activists

2 Subway Lines Crippled by Fire; Long Repair Seen (NYC)

Key Blacks Back Dean for DNC Chairmanship ( gets involved)

Senate Begins Debate on Rice Nomination

Sticker stuck in cop's craw (woman threatened arrest for bumper sticker)

LAT: Drilling Plan OKd for Rare Desert Land

CBO pegs '06 deficit at $368 billion-Projections omit big-ticket items

Drug 'probably killed thousands':Vioxx

Rolling Stone will accept ad for new Bible

Hospitals May Be Forced To Tell Rape Victims Of Emergency Contraception

The Pixies coming on Letterman!!!!!

Valley of the stinkos. 5 out of 6 Phoenician water plants down.

Who are all the liberals in Hollywood?

For my 900th post!

So a certain Canadian Ambassador saved 6 Americans from Iran

So the month of January had the anniversaries of the 2 "high notes" of the

I played poker with a deck of Tarot cards.

Okay so I started a Ken Taylor bashing thread, I wonder what Canadian or

Need help finding a picture--the Evil Eye White House photoshop

Okay. The British accent.

Dear Grim Reaper: You got the wrong talk show host named Carson.

Some Photo Highlights From Our Trip to Texas

'A Scanner Darkly'--Photos

Where were you the evening of May 21, 1992?

I am 8,175 days old.

Angostura Bitters & Club heartburn "cure" around

Best reason not to be a cat.

Is ICQ spyware free?

This thread will stink.

I'm in Orlanda for a professional conference, heheheheh. ask me anything.

I'm 26.9835616438356164 years old...

Best reason not to be a copycat

Heh...Mac fans, you will love this...

Desperately seeking pics/video of two incidents I saw in DC on 1/20

Somebody said Fair Warning! Lord! Strike that Poor Boy Down!

I'm 252 years old

I'm 32.5 years old

I'll be 7 years old in May. In Dog Years!

A silly yet strangely legitimate question

Ok Ive decided to learn how to drive

What is the worst punishment you have been given as an adult?

In a just world, Letterman would be hosting The Tonight Show tonight,

In Germany people are putting little American flags...........

this has been a great day for posting

Wanna play with a skeleton..??

Bush Hand Gesture Looks Like Beavis and Butthead

Ok, weird qustion here...

One overlooked CD that really should be concidered

Worst. Thread. Ever.

DU night owls are the hippest DUers.

17 cents per bag at the grocery stores..Are you gonna pay it?

Best pic of chimp yet

Does anyone have the picture where Bush looks like a cowboy pimp?

Doc Severinsen... Has anyone seen anything with him currently

Who is the Bushwacker? Laura or Barbara? What is their favorite

Say whatever else you want to about Jenna B... she's got mad skills

Shouldn't we get the name right ??? "Right to Birth"

What grade would you give this essay?

Whiskas is lovely stuff, is it not?






Bush Caught Empty-Handed During Church Offering

why wasn't F-9/11 nominated for best documentary

Words that have become commonplace over the past 4 years,

I hate the letter W.

Full Metal Classroom

W is for wanker.

CAPTION the lyin' in winter


I hereby remove the letter W from all my posts

I just want.. BANG BANG BANG.

Happy 67th birthday to soul diva ETTA JAMES!

What's your favorite TV station?

sigh.. watching Larry King's Carson tribute show...

i like ellen!

I'm Watching "Chocolate with Jacques Torres" on Food Network

What are you listening to?

What the hell?! One of my dead fish has re-appeared!!

Does it annoy you when they release Special Edition DVDs?


Any nominations for the stupid Christ-beating movie?

Tell me why I have to be a PowerSlave!

Oscar Nods Announced

white Lines, bLow away

W is for ignorant jackass


Would you let me wear your daughter's prom dress?

Oscar Noms SUCK!!!!

Well, there goes my "it's too cold" excuse for not going for a run

i thought hines ward was a big, bad tough guy

Gates gives $750m to fight deadly childhood diseases

Which new technology did you incorrectly think would fail/succeed?

Does anybody besides me have every Mott the Hoople studio LP?

Complete list of Oscar nominations.



I just finished Lindsay Moran's book - "Blowing My Cover"

This thread will stink

Joan Rivers, please retire! Thank you.

I've been thinking of investing in frocks


I've been thinking of investing in Spock

anyone else buying u2 tix today through the presale?

I've been thinking of investing in lox

I've been thinking of investing in socks

Wild Things on the Beach

what was the last thing phil hartman did?

Someone please tell Sparky that this is NOT normal

Combine the titles of 3 songs from the same group to make a silly sentence

I've been switching my daughter with my littlest dog lately. When I tell

Man, Drew Carey looks like shit

how was leno's carson tribute-or dave's?

New bumper sticker

"Live With Regis and Kelly" is in BIG TROUBLE now!

Natalie Imbruglia......

Email from a friend who's firm has a Hong Kong office

Why do singers get criticized for not being songwriters too?

Lead Firefox developer jumps ship to Google

I do believe MrsGrumpy is back in the house!

Favorite Songs of the Moment

Interesting acting performances you've seen.

Anyone else ever seen a movie called "What Happened Was"?

Michael Powell still obsessed with Janet Jackson's breast

Why do people steal my thread ideas before I have them?

Conversations with my wife...

Computer memory upgrade recommendations?

Jamie Foxx to win Best Actor and Best Supporting?

Amish Virus Alet

You know what must suck? Going from sold out stadium shows to...

Arrrrgggg....Someone had to Say the Christmas Word

Bayh just coined a word

Michael Moore made a boo boo...

Winter photo contest

Anyone use CD-cassette adapters in their car?...................

The headache left me!!! I had it for FOUR DAYS!!! It's gone!!!

I am 17.5 years old

Really don't mind if you sit this one out

JonathanChance's Oscar Picks

What's worse than a person with BO?

You know its a bad movie when...

I'm starting this thread cuz I'm a badass

It's time to play ... where is the water coming from?


"Kashmir" on the radio now

Must-Not-Miss TV?

I thought "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was a much better book

Peace and love, Everybody

MRI request prior to this one was DENIED and nobody told me.

Any DUers that are cardiologists? I have a question!

Anybody ever try a vaporizer for a sinus headache?

Why didn't ANYBODY in Hollywood think of this?

This is the funniest thing you will EVER read

Tim Allen on Martha Stewart

Rush Limbaugh is a lying, bottom feeding spokesman for

Any talent you have that you wish you didn't?

I also decided that it may be my time to "move on" for a while for

Conservative Debate Handbook

Need Michael Moore Oscar link!

help me become less intimidating!!!!

Would you respond to this personal ad?

'Alexander,' 'Catwoman' Lead Bad Pix Nominations

Bluenecks UNITE!!!!!!!

Any talent you don't have, that you wish you had.

Bad year for family dying I'm bummed.

I have too many vacuoles. How about you?

Heard a good one.

Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks?

Krispy Kreme to pay new CEO $760 an hour

Du'ers....I am leaving you for 7 weeks...

This thread will sink.

***SIMPSONS SPOLIER** The character who comes out of the closet is...

I hope Hillary Swank wins

Phoenix residents warned no to drink tap water

what was the price of gas back in 1999?

I have too many backhoes. How about you?

It's time to play "Some say..."

Were any coronation performers turned to pillars of salt?

you used to think that it was so easy

Regarding F9/11 and the Oscars...

Sunshine and 77 degrees.. gawd I hate winter

alfredo sauce recipe?

Ooh! Barbara Boxer has charts and graphs!

Sponge Bob, Tinky Winky, Bert and Ernie, Oh My.......

Hey, Bertha and SoCalDem!!!!! Where's my kitty fix??????

From Sojourners: Jon Stewart and Jim Wallis

The moving hand writes, and having writ, moves on...

Johnny Carson: "How ________ was it?"

Delusional Freeper woman ranting and raving about Al-Q/Saddam partnership

So what colour should I wear to accessorize my blueneck?

Did you hear Snoop Dogg got injured in Iraq?

Lebowski Fest !? Greatest film ever spawns cult

Listening to Randi...when does she usually take calls from people?

I need Grad School Application advice.

Just heard a new rap term (though particularly sexist)


My eldest son turned 22 today, and I feel

Rappers fight over ownership of "Back That Ass Up"

"I'll kick your mf'ing ass - on camera. Give me fifty dollars."

A man shoveled snow for me... Ask me anything

Did you know that Ulysess S. Grant is buried in "Grant's Tomb"?

U.S. firefighters suspended in sex case

To whom must a woman sell her soul to find a good, comfortable, pretty bra

JESUS CHRIST was a lizard

What is your favorite thing to do....

Being a left-wing Christian at a public university can be a tad lonely

Would you kill for a Nobel Peace Prize?

Do you live near a tourist trap?


Randi Rhodes is defending Hillary's stand in finding "common ground"

The 10 Worst Corporations of 2004

When the rapture comes, I call dibs on the Crystal Cathedral.

Help me become more intimidating!!!

Favorite taste sensation

Name your "WTF" Polk Award moments

I Couldn't Believe It - YOU CAN BUY POTS ON-LINE!!!

Question about paying taxes.

So very bitter...


I just saw The Grudge. That movie scared the crap out of me.

Where have all the bastards gone?

Hey all you DU guys!! Here's a photo of a woman with a nice ass!

The smell of the food cooking is making me CRAZY.

Why are teens in flicks always played by actors in their late 20s?

Billboards encourage questioning of homosexuality

Holy crap! Squeezable cranberry sauce! In a bottle!


Holy cranberry sauce! Squeezable crap! In a bottle!


I need 15 more posts!!

limited time only. You can reply to me, FREE OF CHARGE!

Costliest Vince?

U2 Ticket Presale Inflames Fans

As long as we're talking about Right-Wing's today's lesson

The Jan. 25, 2005 edition of MOVELEFT.COM

Dammit, I was snubbed by the Academy again...

Canadians/Canada travelers. Any suggestions on where to stay in

Tonite, I will post as Skittles and be mean to everyone....

"I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining"

Greatest EP of all time?

You're not going to believe this, but you can actually buy POTASH on-line!

Phil Collins releases another version of Sussudio. Your thoughts.

"I'm a faithful follower of father John Birch."

I'm having one of these days right now...

Is this really an Elephant flushing a toilet?

Styrofoam Boots

Tonight I will post as da_chimperor and be myself to everyone...

Tonight I will post as HeyHey and be Canadian to everyone...

"Up against the wall Blueneck Mother. Mother never raised a son so well"

10,000 posts! Finally! Ask me something!

Help! What can I do about an out of control insurance agency?

RANT: joggers who wear black at night.

Tonight I will not post and not say anything to anybody

Tonight I will post as Longgrain and post nude photos of myself

So why didn't Letterman take over "Tonight" from Carson?

Name something you love about your job.


The first jukebox was located in San Francisco in 1899.


Bald guys who are cool with their baldness or guys who fight it..

Mr. Deeds - His values - Great clip

I really don't think this year can get worse......{{{hugs needed}}}

Is In My Life the best Beatles song?

Pics of my dog...

Best CAT JOKE ever !!!!!!!!!!!!

Turned down a terrific job offer: I feel GREAT!

Awesome South Park Clip on the Parents Television Council Webpage


Would anyone actually vote for Mick Jagger over Keith Richards?

How can you calculate the speed at which dominoes fall?

11 months until Xmas!



Tonite, I will post as Fluffernutter and be nice to everyone....

Just curious-do all DU guys wear Boxer shorts?

Frodo has failed. Bush has the Ring of Power

CONFESSION: I get nostalgic for my father when I smell a bad cigar.

Never mind; I wasn't really looking for lectures n/t

Any fans of Animal Collective here?

Did you have a website?

Costliest vice?

"Napoleon Dynamite"

Most punishing things done to you as a child that were not punishments

Is "blueneck" the least effective insult ever?

It's the BLUNECK joke thread!!!!

It's F*CKING COLD Here At Home! - Yes Folks, We Survived!

Okay - Worst TV show ever?


KOEB Daytime Thread

Does anyone here think this woman looks good?

I made a poster for the Tranqs. What do ya think?

Best debut album ever?

I have too many black clothes. How about you?

oh my eyes!!!

What happened to Placebo?

Share a REALLY stupid joke.

I find the music of Jimi Hendrix to be tedious and uninteresting.

I Couldn't Believe It - YOU CAN BUY POT ON-LINE!!!

ATTN: February/March babies!

How should I clean the screen on my laptop?

The Glam Rock Wars.

City Dwellers as oppose to rural residents

cat owners.. don't forget to let your cat out

Should the democratic party move to co-opt moderate libertarians?

All right then, would you respond to this personal ad?

Are your cats safely indoors where the can be protected or...

Is anyone worried about adverse effects soy products have on the thyroid?

Look what they're doing to dogs in my town

Bible Stories

Do you believe the Messiah is coming?

Many Christians reject Biblical fundamentalism

Bio-identical hormones -- anyone have any good info or links?

MT St. Helens great new arial photos...

The mysterious end of Essex man

Scientists Create Petrified Wood in Days

What Happenned to the New Pics of Titan?

No Appeal In Federal DOMA Case

Legislators back gay rights -- and survive

Time for a Scorched Earth Strategy

Showtime bids farewell to Queer as Folk

You're all wrong about football dynasties

What female would you like to see do the halftime show at the Super Bowl?

Have any of you been to a Jim Rome Tourstop?

I'm rooting for The Eagles but the Pats are going to smoke 'em.

Any Pats fans finding it hard to root against the Eagles?

Rumsfeld: If you don't support neo con agenda we'll kill this puppy thread

Latest cat food experiences


Back To The Future? 76 years ago .........

vet just back from Iraq (w/ptsd?) -held on 1million dollars bail

Glad we had a night with no problems guys

I'm a Deanaic and I'm OK!

Anyone else find this interesting?

Tuesday's Condi debate

Boxer & Kerry vs Condi SNL Skit

Ya'll check out this big photo of a not so typical Texas Truck.

Who Is Here Watching The Senate Debates

Kerry interview today, Jan. 25th, by Reuters

I think the Rethugs are getting a surprise

Anyone besides Vektor, Elshiva, and JI7 born on Dec 5th?

WTF? Nothing Bushit & Co does makes any sense

Agenda calls for Abu Ghraib commission

Fired reporters challenge Fox TV license for false news reports

Juan Cole: On an Iraqi "election" In the midst of chaos

Ed Schultz high on Hillary

10,000,000 Democrats

Is anyone watching yurschenko's inaugural address??

Condi White-Rice sang a different tune in 2000

2 1/2 hrs Political Humor Online

Bush inagural speech decoded!! Learn all the secrets!

They should do the same to Gonzalez

Do you see a certain cohesiveness in what Dems have been doing lately?

Become a citizen co-sponsor and send a message to the Senate Dems!

Update Hearings on Rice

c-span today at 9:45--Senate debate related to Condi

Guess who said these?

C-SPAN now--Stabenow--She will vote for Rice

Should Congressional Dems hold "unofficial" hearings?

Patriot Act Author ~ ‘I’m a Complete Intellectual Fraud’

Once again, you can see a manipulation of the truth that got us into Iraq.

Rep M. Meehan (MA-5), CSPAN noon, plan for withdrawal from Iraq.

Question. Who Will Vote Against rice?

Army Closed Many Abuse Cases Early

1/20/05 - the (other) date that will live in imfamy

Sen Alexander - we actually won the war before we lost the war

CBO projects budget deficit to be $368 billion in '05 (not incl. Iraq war)

How Can Democrats Take the South? (local paper)

GOP Priorities cut SS and use money for Tax Cuts-Dem's are election reform

Progressive Radio under attack?!

Senate Democrats Speak of Slowing Confirmation Votes

"I'm not asking for any help from President Bush because...

Reg Henry Pitt. Post-Gazette: Great column today. About Bush**'s

Anyone planning a trip to Germany?


Nine hours of Lip Service

Ted Kennedy on C-Span2 Now

Very serious question - is THIS the next president of the United States?

It is time for Dem's to start publicly protesting Bush's Media Bitches!

What is Lugar babbling about? School lunches? Wasn't this about Rice?

Catwoman, President Bush nominated worse actress and actor

Boxer featured on CNN

Is the GOP blackmailing all the Dems in Senate & House?

Rights Group Says Torture by Iraq Routine (no change from Saddam)

Will Linc Chaffe Vote Against Rice?

Mark Dayton of Minnisota

RFK Jr. Says He Won't Run for N.Y. Post

Kennedy opposes Rice's nomination Whoo hoo

Today I feel less like a Democrat than ever

After hearing the dems, Kay Bailey is

Somebody, please ask about the 8,000 pages deleted from Saddam's

cnn--debate on credibility (of Rice) is important--but Republican

Hillary stays middle of the road on abortion - solid pro-choice - but

Since Gonzales has justified "water boarding" in his legal briefs,

Anyone ever heard the word kakistocracy before?...

Sen. Levin letting her have it now!

Anybody see a pattern here?

Senate in recess until 2:30-okay please open Kay Bailey's book to page 35.

IRAQ: Winning Of Hearts & Minds?

THE DEMOCRATS...(Sponsored by Kelloggs)

Faux RW talking points - Byrd (former KKK) attacking black woman today.

Why are the MSM going to Iraq for election, but international observers

Offical - Rice Hearing thread #1

Good Riddance William Safire.

2:15 EST 1/25/05 Condi Senate floor debate will continue. Fireworks!

Imus Just Had Nasty Words For Boxer And Kennedy...

OK - Explain this to me...

Cheap Race Card being played by Frist on Cspan right now

C. Delores Tucker, Nat Congress of Black Women on c-span YES

Scottie M. defending Bush budget on his newconf. cpan 2 now

Bizarro world update, C-Span 1 and the House talking/debating, whatever

Why Do Rush And Imus Make Disparaging Remarks About The Appearance Of Others

How Will Hillary Clinton Vote?

Faith-based funding for computer services with "Christian character"

Agree or Disagree: Rice was an easier target because of her race & gender

Finally, An Articulate Spokesman For The Right!

Senator Byrd C-Span 2!

Ramsey Clark Or Wesley Clark-Who Is Right On The "Big Picture"?

Official Thread # 3 -- Rice confirmation debate

propose your own ten-point Democratic agenda!

any guesses as to what this term's 9/11 will be?

Demand Full Disclosure and Investigation of Bush Administration Torture

Inaugural Speech brought to you by Kristol and Krauthammer...

audio - JFK on civil rights and more - mods check

"$149 per minute since Jesus was born that's how much $$ has been spent on

Bayh - "We are attempting to accomplish the right thing in Iraq"

Why doesn't a Dem Senator get up and say "I reject the vision that

Why Dean is a threat to the status quo

Grover Norquist's ideological reasons for Social Security 'reform'

Official thread #4, Rice Confirmation Debate, Senator Byrd up now:

Can we start "official thread #6"? Barbara is up. I do this in defense

Allen's "sweet nectar of liberty" (graphic)

I Guess We Don't Have Evan Bayh To Kick Around Any More...

I wonder if some entity put the kibosh on

Official thread #5, Rice Confirmation, Chuck Hagel speaking

An oath of office for DU'ers

Is Republicracy a scam being pulled on the white middle class?

Would the Condi watchers please post some recaps?

Boxer doesn't seem to support the withdraw of US troop from Iraq (?)

Wedgie: A GOP Lawmaker Says Polygamists Deserve an Apology

Official Thread 6#: Rice Confirmation Hearing, Senator BOXER

Hey Ken Salazar, I knew there was a reason I didn't support you

Senator Boxer up on the floor ..."I have tens of thousands of signatures

Bayh Says No To Rice

Iraq War Cost - a bit of perspective

Anyone - Please post BOXER Transcript, when available nt

William Rivers Pitt speaking at PDA Summit on Democracy Now!

My idea for dealing with Condi Rice

OFFICIAL thread #7 , Rice Senate Debate discussion

let's flood the Repub's mailboxes and tell them how we REALLY FEEL!

What are the common sound bites the GOP Senators using

I personally give each Senator who votes no on the Rice confirmation

How do the grocery store tabloids play into the wing nut mentality

Zogby: 31% of Americans ASHAMED To Have BUSH as President

Kennedy, Dayton, Boxer, Kerry are "NO" against Rice, so far...

What's the schedule of speeches?


I see the repugs trotted out some AA (C-Span) to voice their displeasure

NPR just report on N.Korea, interview with a Diplomat that...

Where is the Bible Verse that Demands Democracy for the World?

May I have the honor of starting a F**K YOU JOE LIEBERMAN thread

Rice lies in front of congress and get promoted to Sec State

Where DU and the blogs can make a REAL difference

Defeat the Phelps Petition

I need Election results 2000 Florida ASAP ...can anyone help?

Official Thread #8 : Rice Confirmation Senate Debate

Heads up, Boxer fans: She's going to debate Sen. Kyle

So how many time did Condi commit Perjury

Did I miss Barbara Boxer speak?

Would You Consider Byrd for Prez in 2008?

Do splinterists forfeit their right to complain about Republicans?

Did Jack Reed just say he would OPPOSE Rice? (eom)

No exit strategy ? So how long do Repubs think we'll be stuck in Iraq ?

How is Durbin going to vote?

Why are the repub senator so unoriginal?

Is this a Bash thread or not...

Official Thread #9, Rice Confirmation Senate Debate..please...thanks.

If I understand chain of command right, Rummy was losing power

Vote: Do you think Democrats are "playing politics" with Rice nomination

O'Reilly hatchet job on Boxer filled with lies

It's Boxer's turn - up now!

Boxer referred to something in the Constitution...?

Did anyone else see Richard Viguerie on The Daily Show tonight?

CNN Sucks

Bankruptcy "reform".....they're at it again....

No War in Iran Petition at 2700+

Does Dianne Feinstein KNOW she's lying?

RW topic of the day: Hillary

This is why it we must fight against Rice and Gonzales

Once again CNN posts unflattering pic of Dem

Feinstein: "Dr. Rice went to college at the age of 15"

How many Senators do you think WILL VOTE AGAINST RICE??

Inside Skinny: A Little Look into Campaigns and The People Who Run Them


Kennedy, Dayton, Kerry, Boxer, Bayh, Byrd, know why, right?

Rawstory: Full remarks of Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) on Condoleezza Rice

My letter to the Editor of all local newspapers and I hope Time & Newsweek

Should Boxer refer to Condi as "she"?

The part of Boxer's speech that I absolutely loved..

George W. Bush: How Sick Is He?

Sen Lieberman spoke FOR Rice today. LET HIM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!

"Be careful what you say!" Welcome to the Reich!

Serious question for you

Tell the media that Senator Boxer is doing THEIR job!

Someone please keep score on Senators.

Do we have a lawyer in the house? We need a question answered!

Rice debate C-SPAN 2- Official thread #2

GOP celebrates defeating the poor

My letter to Scab - bourough

Do You Think Democrats Are "playing politics" with C. Rice's Nomination?

Californians...Feinstein must go!!!!! She has done us a great disservice!

Does it really matter that much who the Party Chair is? NO!

Boxer/Dem Challenge of Condi Rice-Senate debate-C-Span2: NOW!

Which Presidential election proved to have the worst consequences?

Does anyone seriously think that Hillary Clinton could win in 2008?

Feinstein just lost every modicum of respect I ever had for her

Boxer represents the MAJORITY

Say what? Hillary criticized for wanting "common ground?"

Did we really have to fight the Cold War?

Can you all in Conn. & Cal. please Re-Call your fucking Dem. senators?

NeoProgressives or Neo-Liberals what does that term mean to you?

Who would you rather unseat, Feinstein or Santorum?

Clinton Against Dean? Why Take Fineman's Bait?

Perhaps the best article I've read since 12/2000

Dems say adding 40k troops a top legislative priority. Do you agree?

SIGN THIS PLEASE : The Dems have an actual agenda !!!

Is Stabenow (D-MI) worthy of re-election in 2006?