Democratic Underground

Archives: January 26, 2005

Analysts: Iraqi Election Success Critical for Bush's Second Term

George Soros ( The New Bush Doctrine

Time for Bush to Talk About Torture?

The F.D.A. and Plan B--decision delayed by the FDA

Gonzales: Torture treaty doesn't bar 'cruel, inhuman' tactics

Senator Byrd's Senate remarks on the Rice confirmation

Chertoff client was alleged terrorist.

Right To Life: A Soldier Speaks Out (a piece by Kevin Benderman)

End-Timers & Neo-Cons: The End of Conservatives

Guardian: A different way of death (Suicide Bombers)

Revote? If Florida and Ohio go first!!!

Europe vs. America

Demand Full Disclosure and Investigation of Bush Administration ...

America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism

When oil peaks ...

Bloggers coming together to take a stand against Gonzales!

Bill would reinstate protection of wild horses-- please help!!

Here are the numbers proving Bush's privatization plan won't work

Public sizes up lab's impact statement

American- Iraqis voting TWICE?

Odd question probably regarding velocity and stopping power...'60's era...

Just wanna thank you on Merging topics

The merging of topics on LBN is excellent!

OK , self moderation is off the table.

A request from the election fraud-busters, reform planners and advocates

Just a goofy, grumpy question...

Israel halts targeted killing of Palestinians

Israeli barrier move sparks anger

Da Bulls Win! Da Fighting Illini Win!

IL Republicans Eat Their Own:

Mail Sensenbrenner - Don't lose our focus!

Ohio Senator Mike Dewine can kiss my butt

Did you see "Election Reform" proposal in Dem's new agenda?

Florida's - Glenda Hood and Sen Ann Cowin - NEED DIRT

Looking at this very closely

C-Span2 rebroadcasting Dayton, Boxer NOW!

So what happened to the Warren County liars who faked a terror threat

Guys...I respect you all...but isn't this getting a little bit ridiculous?

forum name?

Tom DeLay's remarks re challenge of Ohio electors

DUers I need photos of you holding up your election fraud signs...

Amazing coverage of fraud and protest from Avram Friedman

Need List of Dem Senators Who Supported Boxer Today

Condi Rice vs. Cynthia McKinney (and Election results & discussion)

From Hawaii.. An example of what you can do through State & local orgs

OK, I changed the name back.

Sham Recount Process on Diebold E-voting Machines

WATCH NOW - Election Fraud 2004 Compilation Video by DU Members

Let's discuss our priorities, shall we?

Your best shot -- the BEST election fraud or reform articles

Boxer is up in this segment of Senate statements re: Condi (5:15, PST)

Republican proposal: Iowans under 30 pay no income taxes

PDA planning meeting, Thursday evening 01/27/05 at 7:30 PM, Brookline

Ask the Pioneer Press: Why focus only on conservative blogs?

St Paul hits the Big Time! Featured on Daily Show

What is windows prefetch?

Can someone in Ohio check something -

One pic from the Jazz Funeral trip... more to come later.

Just been on a bible newsgroup...oh boy

"Torture Czar"

Great Bush & Jesus ad from

Does Air America Radio's Washington, DC broadcast go into

Difference between Democratic and Republican policies in black and white

What US Allies Do Not Have A Democracy?

Keep Rocking Rep. Marcy Kaptur!

Wonder how hard it's going to be for Weyco to get/keep employees?

CNN front page -- Democracy finds hope in Iraqi town

I want Condi supporters to prove that she DIDN'T lie.

The Hostage said Bush is Selfish...why is this in so few news reports?

How is it a democracy when you don't even know who you're voting for?

I'm surprised ** nominated Condi for SOS

if profiting from selling lives is wrong, so is profit from taking them

Iraq's Choice: A Look at the Candidates

Sen. Mark Dayton

Did Gonzalez purjor himself during his Senate confirmation hearing?

My God...Cornyn demanding apology from Boxer

Latest issue: American Fascist Mind magazine...

Sam Seder is going to a conference tomorrow to support


Sri Lanka reefs 'survive tsunami'

Should there be any limits at all on free speech?

Bill Frist's pickle on Social Security

Republican race cards?

Pilfering crab has insect's nose -- evolution

Radio technology to fight terrorism (or Big Brother?)

Closing the Neocon Circle

*We* embody the REAL "traditional values", do we not?

Please -- Anyone Know How To Make The RSS Feed Work On Mozilla?

My letter to Lieberman

American Fascist Mind Magazine Spring 2005

Bad propaganda - Who can drink this kool-aid???

Bush outdid Reagan already on the National Debt

So apparently, Condoleezza Rice's is a remarkable personal story.

The email I sent to Maggie Gallagher:

Purdee Please.. DU this Anchorage Poll?

Talk about "terrorists" PBS special now on about KKK

HISTORY: If Ted Kennedy beats Carter in the 80' primary does he win...

Bloggers coming together to take a stand against Gonzales!

Would you offer amnesty to journos to build a case against Bush?

Mandatory Malloy: Tuesday Night Truthseeker Hoedown

Is the Boy Scouts THE MOST IMMORAL bunch of clowns in the US?

Gallagher story fakeout

Koppel just said 5 Americans died 1/24 when their Bradley overturned.

TV Alert: Sy Hersh on the Daily Show

an ignorant ? (from me) about who pays for any treatment

Mad. Angry. And disgusted with myself.

Discuss "freedom" and "liberty"

With a $400 BILLION DoD budget, why do our troops still need razors?

Texans wanted: verification of this murder story

Anybody watching WETA PBS

Heavy personal ethics question

Peak Oil experts, please comment:

in case anyone missed this-reporter who broke Bush DWI now a trucker!

these soldiers were KILLED recently...nobody much cares except us (PHOTOS)

A request for a mislaid URL:

Homeowners can expect bigger property tax bite

How about a Petroleum Freeze Movement?

Bush's Allies in His Quest for World Wide Freedom

Wanna See A Real Hero ???

More Iraqi children killed in war than U.S. children on 9 11

It's time to get rid of the Vichy Democrats on Capitol Hill.

Anybody hear Novak claim Johnny Carson was a Republican


For those who dont frequent Election forum: PLEASE READ THIS - watch video

James Wolcott on "Grassy Knollers"

From what we all know to be true now and even right after 9/11, shouldn't

Need a Mexican main dish that's delicious, understated, and yet impressive

Anyone have recipes for tempeh?

I ordered way too much pizza for my son's birthday party.

Another Bread Machine Question

fifth estate Wednesday CBC TV -"Sticks & Stones" Al Franken vs O'Liely

ESPN: Marlins sign 4-year, $52 million deal with Carlos Delgado

Seeking the truth behind detentions

Gitmo Prisoners Attempt Mass Suicide in Protest

White House: Deficit Will Hit Record $427B

Blair to sell climate control to business leaders

Wash Post: Columnist Backing Bush Plan Had Federal Contract

Coup pilot: SA govt stood back

(Reuters) Bone Marrow Cells Help Heart Failure in Experiment

Elderly to put 'phenomenal' pressure on budget

WP: Record '05 Deficit Forecast


Subway Disruptions Expected to Last Months, Not Years

WP: Making Dean's List

Report: Poor coordination threatens security

Blair refuses FoI request for Iraq war legal advice

Revote? If Florida and Ohio go first!!!

Booster seats not getting used, study finds

Jordanians have little faith in Iraq poll

President Discusses Issues With Black Leaders

Franken Close To TV Deal With Sundance

Immigration officials seize Phoenix-based oil company, oil wells

Little resistance in US Congress to providing additional Iraq funds: lawma

A Look at the Candidates (Iraq)

NYT: Bush Finds a Backer in Moynihan, Who's Not Talking

Kurds Saddled with Saddam's Men--Atimes, Hong Kong

Delegate's remarks embarrass White House

Tsunami death toll approaches 300,000

AP: Democrats call for changes in hurricane insurance

Guard would give bonuses to bolster ranks

NYT: G.O.P. Will Ask Giuliani to Challenge Mrs. Clinton

Bush's 1-day visit cost Ottawa $4M in security

University Tells Driver to Remove Magnet

Rep Lynn Woolsey to re-introduce legislation - US troops out of Iraq

Condemned Killer in Texas Who Cited Metallica Lyrics Put to Death

Tonight, I Will Post as Generalissimo Fransisco Franco

Tonight I will post as Dr. Weird and everyone

Quote of the day

It is TRULY a small world!!

Tonight I will post as a jukebox in San Francisco

Short and sweet....

The beautiful San Francisco Peaks of northern Arizona

Let's all pick one DUer to shun tonight...

Boner was the glue that held Growing Pains together

Post your stupid Borg jokes here

I accidentally bought this for $11 on EBAY

Tonight I will post as a really obnoxious Steeler fan.

Oh great - home just in time to catch Senator Cornpone

OooooOOOoOooO-- we're having chicken enchiladas!

Tonight, your copycat threads suck thrice as much

Tonight I will post as the Prince of Darkness

Tonight I will post as Post cereal

My 17-yr-old springer is in some kind of obsessive-compulsive rut. >

Tonight, your copycat threads suck... frith as much? fourth...

Need help picking a username for another forum

Amsterdam is on my mind

The 14th Minute

Dancin' machine, dancin' Machine DANCIN!

63 hours of tingles to go, 63 hours of tingles...

Officer Threatens To Arrest Woman For Anti-Bush Sticker

Hamsterman is on my mind

Rammstein is on my mind

that worst tv show thread made me remember a good show that got cut

Caption this!

Tonight, eh fuck it.

Frankenstein is on my mind


So, I was over in GD Politics, and this little ditty came to mind:

American Idol is on again

Post all the reasons why Dr. Rice should be Secy of State

Super Bowl prediction with score.

Ask me anything...I just completed Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

I bought a Bill Hicks dvd today...

Duke Party Features Bikinis, Baby Oil

Tonight I will post as myself and get IGNORED

Complain about everything in this thread !!

Farewell my old pal

I post this a couple of times a year, but it never gets old to me...

Tonight, DS1 sucks twice as much

Nurses? Need help on a minor medical question

okay, weird kitty alert...

Tonight I'll post as Skinner and BAN ALL O'YOU EVILDU'ers!

ZombyWoof caught on air guitar... oh my.

I like cheese.

I like Chinese

Tomorrow, Matcom will suck thrice as much!!!

Does anyone ever log out to see what an ignored person posted in your...

OK, the pun's over.

A woman and her pet

Tonight, your copycat threads suck twice as much

Early Daily Show reminder: Sy Hersh is the guest tonight

What are the chances of truly uplifting good tunes being made again?

I'm listening to a soundboard of Cheap Trick in 1988. Ask me anything.

Someone called me a DINO

Good Frontline coming up on PBS at 9:00 PM

Question about uploading an avatar...


Top this................Fart Football

Pretend it's 9 months ago in GD:Election2004 and I said "Hi"

Will the average "lesser-of-two-evils" Bush voter start to realize that

I have never been a fan of Leonardo Da Vinci, BUT...

Keep the drunk from falling over!

So, I'm all hopped up on painkillers. Should I go post in GD?

VH1's "I love the 90's" showed video of Shrub, Sr. puking

Crush or fold?


Favorite nut from mixed nuts

I need some help with Bush's college attendance.

In an Epic Battle who'd win?

Is the show 'Three's Company' a real family show?

Does anyone have that link to the pictures of sea creatures found

Watching the blooper show on named Skittles

Does Barbara Boxer wear guys' shorts?

Who else is getting tired of "favorite band and/or music" type of polls?

Just curious - do boxers all wear guy shorts?

Boxer on C-SPAN2 now - for those who missed it

Tonite, I will post as JimmyJazz and ignore your posts....

Answer needed

Tonight's Woody Guthrie quote

Congrats to kittycat1164! 400 Posts!

Sirius radio-- channel 17--"Jam-On"

In an all out fistfight who'd win?

Where do I belong in the world?

Harry Ravensdale is Dead!

Pauly Shore is Dead!

Which is your favorite band?

Straight outta Locash, a crazy ************ named Gusto...

If your Internet connection were a human, what would do to it?

You are a big loser if you don't like Kasabian.

I will bestow unto you the most pompous vanity post EVER to be seen on DU!

I just couldn't do it! I tried to sleep all night long

Do you ever type "libary" for "library"?

We use only the finest baby frogs, dew picked and flown from Iraq...

Did you know?

Mike Malloy...LOL!

What's your favorite cheesy Martial Arts Movie?

Jesus, Daddy and the Spook! I'm outta the 700 Club!

It's roof, not ruff

it's mice, not mouses!

I've never liked medical dramas until "House" came along

I guess no one likes Longgrain anymore.

Holy crap, look at what book I just found...

It's the DemocratIC Party. NOT the Democrat Party!

Heroin Girl.......singalong!

Here you go. I think this is what you wanted. Another painting.

You are cordially invited to join......

It's damn, not dayum

I just couldn't do it! I tried to be popular like JimmyJazz,

Whoa Nelly!!! Illinois and Wisconsin going down to the wire!

It's fraud, not discrepancies

Coming up: Sy Hersh on the Daily Show

Man Allegedly Robs Bank With Beer Bottle

It's "donkey", not "dunkey"

More snow? Say it ain't so.

Alternate history: RFK lives and wins the 1968 Dem nomination.

grr! i wish people would keep quiet in the library!

It's bitch, not biatch

Alot of info to put for a case sensitive subject line-Dumb Criminal Story

It's milk, not melk

It's Repiglican, not Republican


It's "yunz", not "you all"

I just couldn't do it! I tried to be nice like Fluffernutter,

It's Route, not Root

Something that made me smile today.

Just got Weird Al's best album.


Is It Really So Strange?.......singalong!

It's brought, not brang

In an Eric battle who would win?

I just couldn't do it! I tried to ban people like Skinner,

I have never enjoyed the songs of John Asscroft.

Anybody read this book "The Great Divide: Metro vs. Retro"

The final days....

It's bubbler, not drinking fountain

This is NOT, repeat NOT a copycat thread.

Canadian ghost town sold

Anyone use fedex tracking? Is this proof of a wormhole?

I just got a great album on tape by John Denver.

Our cat had a nip and tuck today.

It's "Privatize" NOT "Personalize"!

Attention borEd English teachers or editors.

During fledgling season, my beagle kills about a bird a day. Should I....

"You're so ugly.....

Letterman rerun - "everyone on the fox network is just nuts!"

Influenza sucks!

As for Amb Taylor I would find my reverence for him would grow if I ever

Alleged Robber Calls Victim to apologize and for a Date, Gets Arrested

Harry Potter fans gather at grave of old British soldier "Harry Potter"

Were you one of those "Crisco Sucks" people

Its my son's 14 yr birthday and he says he wants a "Cloak".

Poll: Did my last 24 hours suck worse than yours???

Were you one of those "Lesko sucks" people?

I'm really not feeling like myself lately, can anyone

Bald folks: Stay AWAY from Bush

any college students working on a paper?

Stockard Channing (the "Pickles" of "West Wing") held on DUI charges

Are your cats safely restrained so they can be injected?

It's wash not warsh

Broke my ankle last night.........snap, crackle, pop it went.....

What a night at work!

Terminal cuteness (fuzzy creatures picture)

Kevin Spacey Was ROBBED....ROBBED I TELL YOU!!

Heroin....(velvet underground).....singalong!

All right this is Bill Clinton's "Valerie5555" score and I may just give

What ever happened to Tidy Bowl man?

Was Bob Hope really that good?

If you were diagnosed with this, would you write a will?

Uh...My hovercraft is full of eels.

Was Johnny Carson really that good?

Diagnosis: Badly infected tooth. Remedy: root canal and crown.

Sirius do you get it?

Do you ever type "prolly" for "probably"?

Favorite Jukebox Maker

I'm feeling cranky tonight. Ask me anything.

Is Trump a Dem?

You know, I never apologized for LAST April 1...

I have never enjoyed the songs of Bob Marley

It's chip-chopped ham, not shaved ham


iPod Shuffle! (I just got one)

Since you turned 18 have you ever NOT VOTED in a presidential eleciton?

Here's some pics of my kids (cats)

Arcade Game Help

I have never been a fan of Leonerdo DiCrappio, BUT...

It's rubber band, not gumband

Did you get in trouble with your parents for swearing?

fellow DUers, i need 20 seconds of your time for a survey

Take your time, How did you feel after your 112th. Post?


Top 10 favorite songs...

Does anyone here own a pinball machine?

Buddy says at the bar last night"Aerosmith is the greatest American band"

Were you one of those "Disco Sucks" people?

Yo mama's so fat...

The Beatles were talentless hacks.

Quick, without looking, how many posts do you have?

I changed the look of my website a little.

Happy day of commemoration of St. Paul's conversion

Toronto gay bookshop gives up the fight

Does the Sun-Sentinal Think all Black Football players look alike?

ESPN: Marlins sign 4-year, $52 million deal with Carlos Delgado

ESPN: Marlins sign 4-year, $52 million deal with Carlos Delgado

T.O. cleared to run, not cleared to play.....yet.

Will the Marlins go to the World Series this year?

Bush Unfettered, at Starlight News

Just got back from the Dentist

Poster at DailyKos titled "Senate Democratic Communications Center"

Hey, research types, can I have info on Kerry's work on special education

"Since you did something good, I'm going to take this opportunity...

I told a rapid Deaniac off in public at our state committee

Looks like Jk is batting cleanup tomorrow morning.

Fine, we can play that game too! Everyone go vote in this poll

Call me weird but I trust people from inside washington who run for pres

What dates for our Boston meetup?

What's your usage of a polarizing filter?

Canon Power Shot A85 / digital camera question

Cornyn accuses Boxer of tying Rice questioning to fundraiser!

Americans Chide Bush Administration On WMD’s

Has Kerry been on yet? I heard a while ago he was coming up.

Agitation Time by Ted Glick

I Can See Why The Republicans Have The Lock On The Goober Vote...

ok, I'm a dope, what is up with the hearings? it can't be over?

Social Security "Reform," Tort "Reform, Bankruptcy "Reform", next up is...

After Iraq, keep your checkbooks out...

poor wittle Christians

Could political donations be used to buy voting machines in Ohio?

Save the Supreme Court from Frist's pre-emptive strike!

MSNBC Poll - Are Dems playing politics w/Rice nomination?

Anybody Notice? No Published Scientific Polling on Condi's Approval Rating

Foreign Policy incompetence doesn't count when the target is an easy mark

This looks like a great educational film about U.S. policy re Cuba

Thank God for Senator Mark Dayton!

DON'T Miss it - on PBS tonight - Frontline Al Qaeda's New Front

A horrible question....

Gore Vidal rips * a new one on Democracy Now, calls media "corrupt."

Kid Rock singing re: his inauguration bump

Senator Byrd

Official Thread #10 : Rice Confirmation Senate Debate

BOXER speech from today on C-SPAN 2 now. (9:14 PM EST) n/t

Hey guys. This site has a great lettter to send to Sens re Condi

Agencies back plan to delete old e-mails

NOW! Boxer on CNN, w/Aaron Brown, 9:30 CT

Clinton Seeking Shared Ground Over Abortions

Cynthia McKinney vs. Condi Rice

When the USA hits rock-bottom, like an alcoholic, which it soon will ...

Sy Hersh on tonight's Daily Show !!

Bush finds premature death among blacks politically useful

Do you want to contact one of *'s media whores?

seymour hersh on the daily show NOW

Sen.Boxer and the lefties allied with Islamic terrorist by Freepers.

Where is the transcript of today's debate?

Bloggers coming together to take a stand against Gonzales!

Boxer on Aaron Brown tonight!

Byrd On C-Span Now (1-25-05, 7:45 cst)

Senate Schedule for the Rice debate/vote tomorrow

Anyone get the feeling that Boxer sparked the beginning of the end for *

ANOTHER $80 Billion?!?

How Old Is Too Old For Your Vote For Prez?

Opinion on Hillary for President

Tonight is the last chance for everyone to write their Senators about Rice

A good point: Why do Repubs bring up Rice's race

Must see. These poor kids in Iraq ..... * must pray that their is no God


I'd like to adopt a soldier.

Israel attacked U.S. navy ship during the LBJ admin.?

Anyone have a link to Bush's Approval rating? The one that has him at 44%?

Sen. Byrd does not seem well

Now They Are Worried About Veteran Benefits Costing Too Much


Seymore Hirsch on Daily Show now

Should Senators Who Vote To Confirm Dr. Rice Be Punished By The Party

Not one damn dime day

Republicans' Immediate Priorities

Who is willing to write to Martin Sheen about defeating Feinstein in 06?

The Boxer Revolution

How would you respond to this post?

I Am Profoundly Disappointed That Andy Young Endorsed Dr. Rice

Preferred form of government/econ. system, if you had to choose...

OMG, did Evan Bayh really vote "no" to condi??

Ishtar II: The wrath of John

Will Blogs like DU drive the Democrats away from *ush?

If Fineman is lying then where did he get the quotes

Quick QUESTION... How did Birch Bayh lose re-election to Dan Quayle?

Iraq's Other political problems

Journalists' objectivity needs balance of truth

Asia TimesThe negative force of anti-Bushism

Engelhardt--A Demobilized Press in a Global Free-Fire Zone

CREW Files Bar Complaint Against Alberto Gonzales

Boston DUer

Palast and Jackson - Jim Crow Returns to the Voting Booth

Chomsky: 'Controlling the oil in Iraq puts America in a strong position

Gates gives $750m to fight deadly childhood diseases

The Difference Between Politically Incorrect and Historically Wrong

SpongeBob and Friends: Splendor in the Kelp

(PINR)Lines in the Sand: Western State Building in the Muslim World

What You Need to Know About the Extreme Associates Case

Case for war in Iraq a sham from every angle

A Not-So-Magical Reality:Latin America and the US


Winning Cases, Losing Voters

Letter from David Brock to Universal Press Syndicate (Maggie Gallagher)

Reporter watches optimism dry up as occupation turns Iraqis against U.S

Bush's Democracy Crusade Defies Public Opinion (Lobe, One World)

Heating bills killing low-wage earners and seniors (up 88% since 2000)

Gonzalas hearings

Vote or no vote, we will kill you

Dean and the Dems

Gore Vidal: "The Most Un-American Speech I've Ever Heard"

When oil peaks ...

Gene Lyons

Hillary attacks Bush on abortion The Lone Star Thugs And A Path To Win

Election is over, act like it

Thanks, John, But No Thanks! (re: John Kerry running in 2008)

Mounting provocations against Venezuela

Kristol, Krauthammer & the Inauguration Speech

Callling all Furl and Delicious users!

More action alerts against Gonzales and torture.

Powerful activist tool under construction: Your help needed

March 19 Anti-War Action

Does the media ever give links to the original websites that...



Talon News-RW propaganda mouthpiece

Lawmakers to Try Again to Boost Indecency Fines

Sirius and XM-possible merger ?

Maggie Gallagher: at least Rove got more bang for the buck

When upper 40% own 95.3% of everything, but pay less as tax, is it fair?

Doesn't lowering business tax rates INCREASE *UN*EMPLOYMENT?

CBO issues Medicare warning

Greenspan a Bush yes-man ...

Is it time for an asset tax when top 1% own 38.1% of USA - since income

Should I support the Climate Stewardship Act?

Going beyond Bush

Blair seeks US support on global warming

There's plenty of oil

Nicaraguan leaders try to defuse crisis

Mexico moves to boost China ties

(Republic of) Georgia moves to appease S Ossetia

(Venezuela) PDVSA Seeks to Renegotiate Private Contracts

Defensive Use of Gun Thread

Man shoots would-be robber; is arrested on gun charges

"2004 Election Results and Discussion" forum name changes...

I suppose this was said in sarcasm

Donations from abroad?

More info on why this thread was locked? Guidance?

4 paragraph rule exception?

A why was my post deleted question

How do I view the updated DU Gallery?

Please lock thread @ enclosed link...

Can someone direct me to a good example of a mission statement?

RW sites making fun of DU poll

Group suggestion: Survivors of Divorce

Why did this get moved to the lounge?

Post re: front page article by Joy-Ann Reid


The time has come again

I have a suggestion for a new forum

Today's Jewish anti-Semites

Senior Sharon aide Weisglass and senior PA officials meet

Separating `J'lem' from the `West Bank'

Closing Gaza's Already Closed Checkpoints

Jewish settlers attack Palestinian police vehicles

Israeli troops kill 3 yr old Gaza girl

Abbas okays Hamas role in Palestinian leadership

Giving Abbas some space

Who are the 'typical' Arabs?

Israel ready to expel BBC reporter

Hamas man killed in W. Bank; Al-Aqsa threatens to end truce

Israel plans to raze more Gaza homes

Sharon: ‘No one cared’ about Holocaust

What "Peace" Really Means to Israelis

Photos of hijackers

IL JAN-26-2005 Attorneys argue over inclusion of serial killer's...

State Journal-Register: Public access programs in trouble

Chicago Sun-Times: Lincoln Park Zoo elephant gets new view

Chicago Tribune: Mayoral races will be a hot ticket for April

Chris Anderson: New technique helps detect toxins in food

Durbin Votes NO on Rice

Any Word on AAR Coming Back To the Chicago Area? - I Have An Idea......

Salt Lake Tribune: Balloting backups are sought

Selection 2.004 "outcome" receives no love in Russia

Citizen proof is required to vote


Mitofsky's background and an outrageous endorsement!

How would you explain the vote to the families of the dead on both sides?

Don't forget to chastise Senator Cornyn.

New Hampshire Review looking for essayists for new Journal , Elect 2004 !!

Need a concise title...talking point if you will

VERY INTERESTING ARTICLE Should The Left Ignore The 'Stolen Election'

"New Hampshire Review" Editor in Chief, asks DUers for Essays!!!

Career Military officers oppose a torturer as the American AG

MSNBC poll: If you were an Iraqi, would you risk your life to vote?

Gore won the 2.000 election (info for "fooj")

Meeting set with vote machine company (PA) Litigation?

Paper Ballots and the Disabled

Rep. Pearce Urges N.M. Lawmakers To Agree on Voter ID

E-mail received 1/25 From ABC NIGHTLINE Re: Jan. 19 Ohio Voting Segment

Has anyone read "America's Right Turn?"

Very good Fraud "in a nutshell" article

Now McCain is calling Dems "sore losers"...


Voter Registration Thread on LBN.

NVRI--Still pressing Fed. court for new recount in Ohio..

"I think that democracy is at stake" -- words from a Texas patriot!!

The Nashua Advocate: Investigation Blows Whole "Tiregate" Fiasco Wide Open


Flash of Freedom Poll - Do you agree with Badnarik for recounting Ohio?

Wednesday 1/26/05 Election/Fraud/Recount/Protest Thread

Journal Gazette: Election panel bill tightens GOP reins (IN)

Ten Things anti-BBV forces have done without help from the MSM

Boxer/Dems - Condi Rice debate/vote - RIGHT NOW on C-Span2

I was quoted in today's paper!!


Our THANK YOU list. Start licking those stamps, kids!!

If Democratic "leaders" accept electoral fraud...

very interesting question to Tom Hayden by Avram Friedman

Election Reform: A Course of Action w Bev Harris (Cols OH)

Congratulations, Bev Harris. You beat them.

Seattle Weekly Breaks Washington state voter fraud story

E-mail From John Kerry Today They won't put kids first, but we will!

I was told this by a Bushie today

13 votes against Rice today, and its meaning for Election Reform

Raw Story headline for a developing story:


Everyone send DIFI this letter BEFORE THE VOTE

State official blasts Shelley hiring practices

Patt Morrison - Sorry Arnold, No Two-Picture Deal

Schwarzenegger, Mehlman go head to head over reform

Group to fight for term limits

Was the Lynn Woolsey post deleted/moved

Poll: What to do about Feinstein?

'No doubt': Feinstein says she'll run again

Californians--what newspapers do you read AND trust...

Feinstein email - Social Security

Okay, I have to say this

Wow, that commute SUCKED.

I am so damn sick of SNOW!!!!


Does anyone listen to Jay Severin - if you can stomach him?

Attend party caucuses 1/29 +/-

The Star Tribune published my letter, print edition.

Finally, they have been ordered.

Speakeasy Embraces Firefox

Firewall alerts - some reassurance

Call DeWine today.............................

Can Mike Dewine be defeated in 2006?

Santorum focusing on re-election to Senate, not White House run

Rep.Ron Paul on CSPAN right now

Vo-Heflin hearing Thursday January 27

What's it like living in Houston?

Political Issues for Wisconsin

Madison, Milwaukee, FIB meetup....?

Angry with Feingold

NY Times Comes Out Against Gonzales

Is anyone listening to Byrd now/again?

Boxer on Aaron Brown (CNN) repeat

What would the RWs do if there were no terrorist attacks for say, 5 years?

Boxer Rebellion is spreading. Vote it up and join in.

The Civil Service or the President's Service?

HEY! Take a vacation ... for one minute!

self-delete, wrong forum

Bernie Ward show heating up tonight

UN says world economy could face abrupt, damaging correction

Begging for a favor

A plan to win the white house: 2012

US deaths, Iraq; Every mth of 2nd year worse than same mth in 1st year

Rude Pundit: Don't Fuck With Barbara Boxer

Bush and Putin to Hold 4 Hour Summit in Bratislava (IN A CASTLE!)

Iraqi Women Paying the Price for Their 'Liberation'

Q&A with 'Power of Nightmares' creator Adam Curtis

Wow...CNN's Soledad O'Brien just went off about that song refering..

The USA Has Killed or Captured 15,000 "Insurgents" in 2004!

I wish our first Black, Woman S. of. S. had been someone with a soul.

Ted Turner compaares Fox's popularity to Hitler!

on CNN they're actually debating the political implications

How to get substantive answers from Gonzales & Rice:

Tell Congress what to do about Rice and Gonzales.

The deficit chart has finally been updated. (Graphic)

40 US soldiers dead in Iraq in the past 24 hours.

Blogging No on Gonzales

Mark Dayton: "I really don't like being LIED to!"

Shia and Sunni agree; SUNNI are Iraq's majority

Who was the brave woman who buttonholed Judy WoofWoof?

Officer Threatens To Arrest Woman For Anti-Bush Sticker

Pentagon will probably try to say this was an "accident" so they won't

Love this - Jesus is Great - it's his groupies causing all the trouble!

Doonesbury and Non Sequitur hitting on all cylanders this week (7 toons)

More Pics from Jazz Funeral for Democracy!

Opportunity to support the troops

Al Queda's Economic War Against the United States

What has happened to Imus???

Baboon to take questions from the press at 9 central time

Any links to transcripts of Sen. Mark Dayton's comments yesterday?

Resolved: John Kerry is the greatest candidate for President

Cartoon alternative lifestyles welcome!

Nobody can claim to make SS permanently solvent! He's lying again!

So Bush is taking credit for everything that has happened in the world

Why is Chris Matthews making me puke talking about Marines in Iraq?

I'll bet bush HATES to be portrayed as a monkey

Now here are some contrasts

31 marines killed today?

It's The Disclosure, Stupid (Pundits on the Take/Maggie Gallagher)

Hell, Iraqis "voted" when Saddam was in control!

How Many Times Will We Let Them Cry Wolf? Inaugural Terra Lert Was a Hoax.

A Glimpse at the Unenviable Job of Defending the Indefensible (Condi Rice)

Well, if democracy can't be "instant" why did we remove Saddam instead

The Chimporer** Will Be Holding a Press Conference at 10:00AM

Guardian: Global poverty targeted as World Social Forum gathers in Brazil

McCain, you are damn right the attack against Condi is "bitterness" about

So when is Air America coming to Chicago?

why does he (shrub) keep bringing up "Clinton did it"

Please read: Troops are asking for food

Bush just dodged the question about if he made any mistakes

Two Dead at NJ Chemical Plant Explosion

Is there anybody this idiot isn't looking forward to working with?

Lets not forget about the senate speaking of condi ..

How many American Soldiers have died protecting Oil Pipelines?

CAn someone pls tell me where the list is to contact the media? Tks n/t

"How will you handle those crazy democrats m'lord?"

It's a nice dream but in reality a nightmare ! A rant on some issues

Chimpy as the "Whetherman" --- Mike Thompson toon

'Gonzales repesents our policy of not tolerating torture'

jesus anyone listening to him pimp out Condi n/t

Chile high court speeds up Pinochet rights trials

I want to spend 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008....

So, Bush doesn't have to answer a damn question. He hasn't so far!

So another 'journalist' is a paid bush*/ gop shill.

I have always felt that the Iraqi theater is a part of the war on terror

Shrub Clip on Jimmy Kimmel Last Night

check the c-span3 title for aWol's presstitute conference - Lost in Space!

Co. to Advertise on Neb. Man's Forehead

Andrew Sullivan and Free Republic are featured blogs

FBI Probes Boy Scouts Over 'Phantom' Members In Gay Ban Wake

Lieberman makes me sick. (Condi hearings)

Just rock on you senate dems!

Has anyone seen projections of the size of the Iraqi voter turnout?

No-haggling car prices: are they worth it?

CNN: Most trusted name in disaster porn

no doubt the press corp is nothing more than "cheerleaders for bush"

What if you have a very smart, educated pathological liar/criminal?

Freaky Moonie stuff

36 dead marines TODAY!

Do you REALLY understand the Costs?

Anybody remember Ingrid Betancourt?

How far will the anti-gay thing go?

How many people, that you know personally,have died from drugs or alcohol?

We need to pull out of Iraq.

They continue to blame the CIA, yet Tenet was just awarded the medal of

Shocking NYT Editorial conservatives?

Occupation Watch Bulletin, January 25, 2005

36 Soldiers Died in Iraq - 31 in a helicopter crash / 5 in attacks

new rose colored glasses issued to the press corps

Missouri Senator proposes tax on adult entertainment

Help a Freeper see the waste in Iraq:

Right-Wing response to this?

Unforgivable Blackness

do you believe in ghosts? i wonder if bush does...

Nine good questions for *, from a concerned citizen

DU this poll

Call your Senators' this morning! I've posted the same in GD-Politics

I need a link to a list of US dead in Iraq

The Emerging Democratic Majority....

The GOOD SOCIETY....Builds, Creates, and is Peaceful.....

Four easy ways to take action against Gonzales. NGU

It accured to me that Republicans have to appoint

When and how did the "War on Terror" become the "War on Tyranny"?

cnn calling downing of helicopter a mishap

Senate Vote on Rice

Bush being grilled by the press on CSPAN....

Rummy's secret spies have been & are in US university classrooms

How Newt Left Wife #2...and How Republicans Laugh at the Poor

Leadership and our future, and politicos

Kakistocracy are Us!

W.A. 'Gus' Bootle Dies; Ordered University of Ga. to Desegregate

I think Bush (Hitler Lite) is planning to Cut n Run - whats really going on

Andrew Young just wiped out...

Arizona recruiting volunteer minutemen for border patrol...Enlist?

Are the death of American Soldiers more sad then the Death of Iraqi's?

Just in case you believe Conservatives have any compassion...

Has the passing of Will Pitt's

Shit fire and save the matches

Did anyone see Chimpoleons Press conflab this morning?


OK, so the helicopter downed was on a "routine training" mission for

Terry Moran on ABC News: "Bush is Cheerleader in Chief"

Da Vinci's workshop uncovered

How the U.S. Became the World's Dispensable Nation

"Liberalism is a form of insanity..."

Truth in advertising?

DU and dailykos more organized than freepers -

In a perverse way, Bush is the perfect president

Condi's credentials qualify her to be Secretary of 1965

Surreal Photo of Cheney at Auschwitz Museum in Poland

OMG - Just realized, Condi is only 4 heartbeats away from the Presidency!

First---WMD. Second----Democracy and Freedom!!!

andrew young on cnn says condi just wonderful

Its Late, But I Need Some Advice On Depression

Why is Cheney's upper lip always cocked up? Does Cheney chew tobacco?

Does anyone know the actual question this reporter was trying to ask today

What will be done to counter all the anti gay and anti lesbian news coming

Senate proud of promoting ERRORS!!! People are dying un-necessarily!!

Video/text of the insurgent recruitment ad thing?

anyone notice?

email chain letter asks prayers for soldiers carrying Iraqi ballot boxes

Inaugural music: Decadence, depravity and perversion!

Bush Urges Patience?!!! Urges people to defy the terrorists?!!!

Is Hollywood really "liberal"?

Ryan Dobson's website. He's SUPER STOKED, man!

What the hell does Bush know about defying terrorists?

the man the legend Seymour Hersh ..

latest on the (ex)reporter re: Bush’s 1976 DWI arrest

A Word to the "Jesus" Crowd

Proposed Bush Press Conference Questions

Cakewalk war on course to high rank among major US wars

Italian judge rules sending fighters to Iraq not terrorists but guerrillas

When did the term for being injured become "wounded"?

White House's "Iraq fact of the day"

Inauguration Protests Dubbed Out By TV Networks?

Senator McCain supports torture

bush: Armstrong Williams 'made a mistake' NOT the White House

Any thoughts on this article? Faith based college

Top U.S. General: 15,000 Insurgents Killed or Caught

Hold it! DID Bush express his condolences at the press conference today?

ANOTHER writer PAID to tow Bush line

Stumped Double >>>

US Capitol toll-free phone number?

If Answer is a bunch of commies why don't you talk to them

US troops deaths in Iraq> 1/2 death WTC 9/11

Thanks - Dems et al plus Jeffords - 12 - NOs on Condi for Sec. State.n/t

30 Marines and 1soldier killed and 5 others killed, where is the outrage?

anyone doubt Zarqawi is a Bush propaganda tool?

"37 Troops Killed in Deadliest Day in Iraq" - our beautiful minds!

Just sending out DU symapathies to the families of the 30+ Marines killed

Bobby Jindall - purveyer of buzzword "frivilous lawsuits"

Anyone wanna hear a joke?

gop point man rob portman spouting lies about ss on cnn to woodruff

Bush Asking Iraq To Defy Terrorists And Vote

Okay I Aplogize I just had a thread Pulled

DU bashed in my college newspaper

Here's the DINO's who think KindofSleazy is doing a great job

Neo-Con Torture Rhetoric Alarmingly Mirrors Nazi Counterparts

Thirty Democrats voted for her

I know how the Repubs are going to attack abortion rights

twit paul begalla defending his unbelievable bending over

What happened to CNN? Edit: It was spyware

NO Condi! No Rice!

Virus hooks onto CNN headlines

Iraqis still in the dark over where to vote - or for whom

Do you...

Repub candidate says New York mayor offered him job so he wouldn't run

Privitization is the opposite of democratization.

Time for an update. For all of those of you concerned about the Christian

Why FocusontheFamily attacks easy scapegoats

At last, someone did it!!!! (photo >)

New Education sec'y goes after lesbian rabbits for her first act

The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business

So now Two different agencies have been caught paying 'columnists'

Someone please Photoshop this......

I have a question

OK: Judge Says DOC Will Have To Pay Inmates' Kosher Meals For Now

Do you think Allawi will steal the Iraqi election....

With all the screw ups in Iraq so far.....

Social Security under attack from racist Republicans....

cancel those travel plans

I just saw a foreclosed house with a "Bush/Cheney04" sign in the yard

'Christian' bootcamps aim to cure 'nice guys'

GOP: Unless the Democrats can step up and really oppose a nominee en mass

OK, Is the Iraq election a COMPLETE joke?

Question: Can someone breakdown for me what is the role of Sec. of State?

Where can I download free music?

Phone Senators and ask for a FILIBUSTER. against Alberto Gonzales

Satellite Radio should be a requirement to be a democrat...

This is rich: over 90% would NOT die for Iraq!

Kids Come First Act

Idiot Right Winger says...

Rumsfeld on the tube, talking gibberish right now

How the hell is google's stock worth $187?

Check out Lew Rockwell's site, darn it!

Is it time to shed dollars?

Caption Biden

Canadians pay less tax per person than Americans

Dear George

How many Americans were killed in the Tsunami?

Fresh Olbermann blog today!

for what it's worth: TBR's voice of the white house

Should I believe this?

"China has lost faith in stability of U.S. dollar": top Chinese economist

Former WSJ Editor & National Review Editor calls Bushies "BROWNSHIRTS"!

Wicked Social Security phase-out cartoon -- may give Repubs nightmares

can someone clear up F/911 oscar thing for me

To see what the MSM had to say about Bush NOT expressing condolences

OMG !...dick and lynn at Auschwitz...SMILING....(PHOTO)

Confessions of an Economic Hitman! What a awesome story!

Exploring The Power Of Image

Novak: Dems are "nasty," inauguration protesters are "punks"

Anyone else see Frontline tonight RE: terrorism in Europe

So I just got pissed....

So what is the latest on the person who caused the train wreck in CA?

Is anyone going to watch Katie Couric's lame special tonight?

Looks like we still don't have al-Sadr's supporters on our side.

Non Sequitur does it again RE: Medal of Freedom.

13 Voted against Incompetence and Lies - Thank You Senators!

Sweden a torture-state? Credibility-crisis! (front page article (Weiner))

CBC's Fifth Estate tonight: "Sticks and Stones" (America's 2nd Civil War)

Are humans still evolving?

Could DU bring Media Whore of the Year back?

Has Bush borrowed a page from Charlie Manson’s manual?

Caption this picture of the Chimp:

I highly doubt that bush "weeps and mourns" for anybody

Question on Canadian drugs

Bush Looked Pleased With Himself At The Press Conference When ...

Feds seize Shaboom Investments - FOB connected to Bush's lawyer

How many times did * mention Bill Clinton

Last night I saw a clip of "The Passion of Christ"

Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy (from Nat'l Geographic)

They know it's coming - right wing radio getting nervous

anyone know about helicopter crashes?

Help needed with some research about the national guard --

Pentagon Ban on Filming Coffins Defied

There is NO "Sunni-Shia divide". It's just BUSHIT propaganda.

Vatican Hails Woman Who Refused Abortion

Joined Netflix.... what to rent?

Did the Iraqi arrest warrant on Chalabi ever get served, or handed down?

Rather than penalize the senators that voted to confirm Rice,

Good Question: How would you describe the president?

Bushistas: Displaying CULT behavior?

RIce Vote: Wake Up Call to Liberal Democrats...

So the UN is calling for countries to help the US reduce it's deficits?

Awesome Bush Video

If you were an Iraqi Citizen, would you vote?

Show them we care...

The New Bush Doctrine, by George Soros

Are we TRULY Powerless to stop president cheney & his monkey?

Armstrong Williams, Maggie Gallagher, O-U-T The GOP WHORES!

PHOTOS: Seniors have "faulty memories"! Hahahahahahaha!

Lets All Write Randi Rhodes about Obama

So, why don't YOU run for President?

Outrage over "The Passion" being snubbed at the Oscars!

E-mail from decent Mepublican colleague. How to respond?

What are you going to do ? Start planning NOW for MARCH 19 ANTI-WAR


Caption This Image of The Chief Chimp

Social Security Debate: Why doesn't Bush mention WHY Blacks die sooner?

Fox Weather Men have meltdowns - VIDEO

DU is on par with Aryan Nation?

Hawai'ian Independence

Joke at inaugural ball: "We won the war on Poverty - the Poor lost!"

What is happening with Democrats and people of color?

Phone your Senators to filibuster against Alberto Gonzales,

Now these are real Democrats

Seymour Hersh: "We've Been Taken Over by a Cult" - Must see video

Fox News, Now With Teletype Sound Effects, For That Real News Sound!

Did you participate in "Not One Damn Dime Day" on January 20th?

Bushitler ran for Congress 1978 declared Soc. Sec. Bust in 1988

What's the real motivation here?

the United Church of Christ welcomes SpongeBob

China says US dollar is 'no longer a stable currency'

The Truth about health care in Canada (by request)

Seymour Hersh: All of Iraq is now a free fire zone...

The Death Spiral Of America and Humanity

A bite of perspective.

Favorite Fruit

Should the U$ dollar collapse

Hello Toronto DUers!

Following the Nuclear Decommissioning Money Trail

City to decide on red light zone

Guardian; "Clarke backs down on detainees"

EU referendum question revealed

Republican Mayoral Candidate Says Bloomberg Offered Him Job to Keep Out of

Congo Interior Minister Denies Rumor President Joseph Kabila Was Shot

Ethiopia Begins Giving Free HIV Brand-Name Drugs

Protection Against Missiles Called Too Costly for Airlines

Pro-Government Wins Majority in Maldives

Dollar Loses New York Gains in Asian Trading

Yushchenko Seeks EU Membership for Ukraine

City waits for word on runway (Bush visit damage)

Sick nuclear workers to get claims help at meetings



U.S. Freezes Assets of Syrian Said to Finance Iraq Insurgents

Fight Over Gold Industry Consolidation Moves to Texas

China's Leaders Order Communist Party to Take Stronger Role in Business

Two Station Astronauts Take Spacewalk to Install Mini Robotic Arm,

White House: Deficit Will Hit Record $427B

Italian Court Acquits Three of International Terrorism Charges

Another Columnist was Paid to Promote Bush Proposal

Republican candidate says New York mayor offered him job to keep out of ra

ABC News radio: 17 Marines killed in Iraq helicoper crash

Army National Guard, Reserves dwindling

US women get closer to combat

Bush and Putin to Hold 4 Hour Summit in Bratislava (IN A CASTLE!)

(Indiana) Depot workers find 20 gallons of VX

Study: Minorities, Women Not Getting Fair Share of New York Contracts

Appeals Court Reinstates Lawsuit Blaming McDonald's for Making People Fat

31 Dead in Helicopter Crash

U.S. tab for war closes in on $300B

British soldiers 'ordered to give Iraqis a good kicking'

Torture Still Routine in Iraqi Jails, Report Says

Car Bomb Near U.S. Convoy on Baghdad Airport Road

Writer Backing Bush Plan Had Gotten Federal Contract

Court Reinstates McDonald's Obesity Suit

Nat'l Guard truckers get ground-combat training for Iraq convoy defense

Pentagon Clarifying Secret Military Powers

9 more dead today in Kirkuk

Thirteen Fort Carson soldiers accused of robbing Iraqi civilians

Canada steps in to defend BlackBerry

Another Journalist is Exposed

Safety Whistleblower Recommended for Cash Bonus, Then Fired

NYT Iraqis Abroad Seem Reluctant to Vote......

Poll: Confidence in Iraq's Future Slips

da Vinci's workshop uncovered

FBI rules out Boston terror threat

Car bomb injures Australian troops

Abortion Rights Group Urges Supporters to Seek Chastity Belts

Guantanamo four 'need treatment'

U.S. Approves Foreign AIDS Drug For First Time

Soldiers Not Held Accountable for Abuse - ACLU press release

Train collision in California - fatalities/injuries.

Columnist paid to promote Bush policy

National Guard Wants To Offer $15,000 Signing Bonuses (up from $50)

One 1st Infantry Division Soldier Killed, Two Wounded in RPG Attack

Media in Iraq cooped up by danger (And by US "minders")

Poll: Confidence in Iraq's future slips

Senator proposes Missouri tax on adult entertainment

San Francisco mulls fee on grocery bags

PBS Bashed For Lesbian Cartoon

Iraqi Insurgents Attack Polling Stations

Springer, Others Helping Establish Liberal Talk Radio Alternative

I think Bush (Hitler Lite) is planning to Cut n Run - whats really going on

BOXER speaking about RICE on Senate floor

CEOs, Politicians Gather in Switzerland for World Economic Forum

Massive supremacist investigation started with Menifee man (CA)

Sad day in Iraq today

G.O.P. Will Ask Giuliani to Challenge Mrs. Clinton

Broken Pipeline Leaks Oil Into Kentucky River

Iran rejects Israeli nuke accusations

KNIGHT Initiative to fund `hyperlocal' news sites

G.O.P. Will Ask Giuliani to Challenge Mrs. Clinton

Bush Urges Patience As U.S. Toll Grows

Australian priests urge Vatican to end celibacy

Commuter train derails in Glendale; killing nine and injuring hundreds

Israeli troops kill 3 yr old Gaza girl

BBC: Arab press pessimism over Iraq elections

Another Pundit On Bush Payroll

Report: Shelley Accused Of Harassment

Turkish army warns Iraqi Kurds, US over Kirkuk

Iran warns of "astonishing" retaliation if attacked

Global net force to hunt child abusers

Columnist was paid to back Bush on marriage

Senate panel OKs Gonzales on 10-8 vote

Reporter Testifies In Judge's Libel Suit Against Boston Herald

US banks fined $80m for 'laddering'

Meehan pullout plan comes under attack

Cato Institute: Workingwomen Will Benefit from Social Security Reform

31 Killed in Marine Chopper Crash in Iraq

Pinellas Schools Bar Suicide Test For Teenagers (Florida)

Dallas to settle at least four lawsuits in scandal


Anti-Gay Marriage Bills Move Forward In New Mexico & Virginia

Elections won't stem violence in Iraq, analysts say

Anger over Iraqi war dead on Internet (pix taken by US soldiers)

Blair: U.S. Needs to Integrate With World

Libyan leader calls for release of U.S. hostage in Baghdad

Anger over Iraqi war dead on Internet

Anti-Gay Marriage Bills Move Forward In New Mexico & Virginia

After tsunami, schools reopen to hope and loss

Students Arrested Over 'Violent' Stick Figure Drawings (felony charges)

Architect Philip Johnson Dies at Age 98

Truck bomb kills 15 in Iraq

Rap Mogul, Drug Kingpin Surrender to Feds

GOOGLY EYES (Snooping features at Google)-Let's complain!

Saudi Suicide Bomber Claims Zarqawi was Captured, Then Released

Bush warns Iran on Arab TV

Jury Finds FBI Agents Framed Former Cop

N.J. Governor Confronts DJ Over Comments

OK: Judge Says DOC Will Have To Pay Inmates' Kosher Meals For Now

Microsoft to Launch Anti-Piracy Initiative

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 26 January

Warning an IED was Placed here to Kill Travelers and Voters

Commuter train derails in Glendale (killing 4)

Cheney Calls New Ukraine President Ally

Bush Press Conference - 10 a.m.(Discuss freedom)

Bush admits heavy casualties in Iraq are depressing Americans

Colorado Gay Bill Advances

Britain Plans Broader Terror Surveillance

Sen. Stevens Sells Property Amid Scrutiny

Bush Tells Iran to Stay out of Iraqi Elections (Interview on Arab TV)

XM and Sirius to merge?

Activist threatens 'siege' of Bush ranch

Breaking: Radioactive Leak Reported In West Palm Beach

U.S. pharmaceuticals raising prices

Habib 'tortured with prostitute'

High levels of hazardous materials found in building next to trade center

Only one in four will cast vote, Iraqi minister warns

Tide may turn in lawsuits against hospitals over fees

Disgusted Over Bush's Dismissal of Patients' Needs, Injured Ohio Patient D

Man presses FBI agent for more details on mother's death in 9/11

UK release the Gitmo Four

British Guantanamo four 'need treatment'

Senate Panel Approves Attorney General Nominee [10-8]

Top U.S. General: 15,000 Insurgents Killed or Caught

Working Conditions at 3 Meat Processin Plants Violate Human Rights

New business tax will help pay for schools (Texas)

Task force Baghdad soldier killed by IED #1418

Two Florida Boys Charged With a Felony for Violent Stick Figure Drawings

AT&T Approves $1.97 Million Bonus for CEO

Justice Department Opts Not to Defend Law Limiting Pro-Marijuana Ads

Bush says Social Security shortchanges black seniors

Meth Epidemic Prompting Lawmakers to Restrict Sales of Cold Medicines

Confidence in Iraq's Future Slips ( Bush's base)

Bush Orders an End to Hiring Columnists

Bush Urges Iraqis to Vote, Defy Terrorists (from Press Conf.)

Russia faces population crisis as death rate soars

[Evan] Bayh Says He Won't Support [Rice] for Secretary of State

RNC Seeks Donations to Push Bush Agenda (Guardian)

Deadliest day for U.S. in Iraq war

Fieth resigns from Pentagon today

Amendment to Allow Schwarzenegger to Run for President Gains Momentum

Cheney remembers Holocaust; works to keep Polish troops in Iraq

FBI Special Agent: Some Trained 'Jihadists' Are In Oregon

Marine 'Stallion' Copter Requires Care

Riggs Bank may plead guilty to crime

Bush Says Won't Pay Commentators to Promote Agenda

U.S. Marine helicopter crashes in Iraq

Bush Air Pollution Stalls in Committee

Ex-CIA analyst criticizes Iraq war

Groups Call for Hearings on the Justice Dept’s Handling of Sibel Edmonds

Rice wins Senate confirmation to be secretary of state (85-13)

China has lost faith in the stability of the U.S. $ (AP - Davos Swtiz)

Turner introduces bill to ban 'credit scoring'

Iran rejects Mossad nuclear claim

Economists warn on US debt crisis

Arizona first state to require citizenship proof to vote

Radio station pulls show over tsunami slur

Official Criticizes a PBS Cartoon (White House Doesn't Like Lesbians)

Rapping Cat............

Were you one of those.. aw damn i can't think of any more rhymes.. people

Apple releases patch for Mac OS X

I am feeling snarky, ask me anything

What's wrong with this description of a flasher?

What's the deal with Andy Dick?

A baldness question for REAL men:

Anyone know of any real ghost towns?

Were you one of those "we're so fucked" people?

Colonel Klink and Colonel Blake

What's the deal with handy sticks?

I'm going to bed!

Was Ed McMahon really that good?

Ken Mehlman

The Islanders Suck

Are you one of those "shut the fuck up" people?

Were you one of those "Disco Ducks" people?

Was Bob Dylan really that good?

Craig Ferguson on the Late Late Show quote

It's D-A-L-E-K. Not D-A-R-L-E-K.

Bob Dylan Singalong!!

Were you one of those "Yankees Suck" people?

Was I really that good last night?

Was Ashlee Simpson really that good?

Ok I no longer give up on baseball for the season anymore

Captain Kirk or Captain Picard: who's the better captain?

Question for Pilots / Airline Flight Attendants : Would using a favorite

Anyone here enjoy the Ulitimate Fighting Championships?

Nathan Lane

Is the "OK, the fun's over" topic really that good? n/t


Bush is getting Lynndied

If Life were Like Murphy Brown who would you be?

Did Everyone See The F-9/11 Razzie Nominations?

Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a train

Is evaluating stuff really that good?

There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow.More precious than a pot of gold.

On judgment day


I only reply to posts in GD, am I crazy?

How about a White Sox - Cubs World Series?

I dare someone to post this in GD

Were you one of those "Marlins suck" people?

Post a statement which will get you quoted in FreeRepublic:

Happy AUSTRALIA day!!!!

It's official! I mentioned DU in a paper i'm writing!

Hey, "absolutezero"...

Well, it finally happened!

You talkin' 'bout things and nobody cares.

Robert Redford calls * a "barking dog" hee hee

i dare someone to post this in GD:

Shoplifters of the World, Unite and Take Over!....singalong!


Best feeling in the world....You're in GD or GD politcs and some asshat

When will the fundies rant about "Carnivale"?

Girlfreind in a Coma..... singalong!

"Do you often see your father?"

Resolved: Dennis Kucinich was the greatest

Contemplate the Profundity of DEVO....GATES OF STEEL

When I think of all the good times that I've wasted - having good times

KOEB gals can you come out tonight and dance by the silvery moon?

The monks were the best band ever

Hillary Swank is cool

Which Alison Stewart?

Fuck Bush.

Before and after airbrusing of non-bikini model (Part II)

$24k Spent To Prosecute Woman For Eating An Apple While Driving

Some wingers tried to get Bob Dylan to play at Bush's inaugural.

World of stats

300 Pound Deer Attacks 84 Year Old In His Home

Exercise - Heart Rate - Lightheadedness question

Oil Wrestling At Frat House Gets Students In Trouble

What should I do about the nutjobs at my school

Is it possible to add a picture here from Ofoto?

Opening book scenarios you hope would hook the reader revisited

Man Takes Out Full Page Newspaper Ad Asking Wife To Come Back - Cost $17k

I'm out of the 700 club!

Does your pet meditate with you?

Was Janis Joplin really that good last night in Moma Cass's ham sandwich?

Do any of you spend any time in or around Mt. Vernon, Maine?

Maybe a mass mailing of history books to Oreilly?

It could be that the Christ-beating movie SUCKED you know.

Was Janis Joplin really that good?

I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's...

Katie Couric:"Did 'The Passion' get snubbed and how did that happen?"

Ted Turner challenged Murdoch to boxing match

Town To Celebrate "Groundhawg" Day With Pot-Bellied Pig

High School Senior Put A Sheep's Brain In School Salad Dressing - Charged

You DO NOT OWN your cats and dogs!

McDonalds got snubbed! I mean, they sell the most hamburgers

Deadwood anxiously awaiting new shows in March

wiLL somebuddy pLease

Lock it, delete it, do what you have to do but this is funny

Mensa members playing with the dictionary.....

Profoundities to make your morning ;D

Poor Leann Rimes... Making Up Words And Changing Lyrics As She Goes Along

Cannabis gran's literary ambition

I'm listening to Mr. Mister's unreleased 3rd album. Ask me anything!

Google doesn't block Nazi sites.

Were you one of those "Letsgo Bucs" people?

Shit-for-Brains is giving a press conference right now.

WordPerfect or MSWord?

Coroner Studying Body In Morgue Realizes 'Corpse' Is Alive

I just bought a new car and named it Blue.

I prefer Hilary Duff over the obtuse ramblings of Lou Reed

I find the music of Julian Cope to be odd and confusing.

how many "group" boards do we need here?

School Principal Offered 14 Year Old Boy Money To Take Off His Clothes

Unproportional Cat?

Check out my George & Soc. Sec. reform cartoon.

Girl Survives Being Impaled By Metal Rod While Sledding

The "This Photo-Op Shows I'm a Uniter-Not-a-Divider...Right?" CAPTION

Add 36 to the blood on asshole's hands

Whoo hoo, my hometown makes news again.

Anyone been to me?

Ordering via paypal:

For those WHINING about how cold their house was

We rock. Here's proof:

Would you pick Netflix or Blockbuster's mail-order video rentals...

I am selling 18 truckers on ebay.

How's my day, you ask?

22 Foot Tall Stack Of Beer Pallets - Deemed Art - Might Be Torn Down

Fools at school *rant*

Musical flame war thread!

John Leguizamo on The Daily Show tonight

I ain't talkin' 'bout love.

Here's the most eloquent argument against Nuclear Weapons I've read.

Two Lovelies.

Extreme Beer Fest -Boston, Mass

Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State tonight at 9 on PBS.

Ok, this is sad...Smirk is back to dying his hair

If I cared about my health

Budweiser Adds Herbs, Caffeine To Beer

If I cared about my wealth

Are there any quiet, fun online games?

My office chair sounds extraordinarily like Chewbacca.

If I cared about my stealth

If I cared about my Guelph.....

Would you date any of these people?

For Reptile Fans - Why Gators are so damn stupid...

Know anything about the "psychedelic rock resurgence?"

Best "Cold War Paranoia" movie

Thank you everyone...(no need to reply)

If I cared about my health

Debbie Gibson to pose nude for Playboy

Children still traumatized by Jackson's breast. (Onion)

So. Filed your taxes yet?

What do you get when you cross an octopus with a cow?

Some enterprising photoshopper needs to do something with

Father Arrested For Using Stun Gun On Son

I need some feedback and I don't think belongs in GD, help please.

Get out of my dreams. Get into my car.

Why the ignited intercourse would China ban FIFA SOCCER 2005?

Guns Before Butter


shhhhhhushhhh....don't tell anyone, I'm posting at work

_hy are teenagers trying to look like Paris Hilton???

hey, i'm scrumptious

Calvin & Hobbes comes to life:

I tiny problem with Firefox. Help!

Hey, I'm presumptuous

I'm superfluous.

Florida Judge Orders Unruly Defendant's Mouth Taped Shut

WOOWOO the "I'm a choo choo train" of CAPTIONs

I can't handle Bjork's voice. Does that make me a bad person?

Harrumph! The songbirds are killing all my worms!

A casino called "Morongo"?

Vermont Lawmaker Says If Your Old Enough To Vote, Your Old Enough To Drink

I Just Saw the Movie "Silver City"

I'm 60 posts away from 4,000. Ask me anything!

CT DUers - why does our snow removal suck compared to Mass?

Molybdenum vs Ununpentium

a question about bar slang and something that sounds lewd

Entertainment Experts: The Triangulation Theory

So who is going to look better in this Bunny Suit?

The "Official Greeter at the Grand Re-Opening" CAPTION

Is anybody else sinister?

I lived life as a cartoon character last week

Before and After Airbrushing of Bikini Model Pic

Did anyone see the 'alleged' pro-gay video with Sponge Bob?.....

I'm Sick - and It's BUSH'S FAULT!!!!!

I got an invitation to "A Very Special Evening with John Edwards"

Mozilla Thunderbird? Anybody know anything?

Has anyone ever made their own laundry detergent?

Chimps have 'sense of fair play'

LADIES!! and GENTLEMEN!! it is time once again for................

anyone else have the eggstractor?

I am Madonna Paul...

Bush borrows a page from the RONCO playbook

"First Lady" charged with DUI!!!

Name the Liberal Celeb you LOVE TO HATE

I'm about to go play dress up! What should I be?

Tuna Fish?

Late night infomercial products that live up to expectations:

Who would win in a swashbuckling swordfight?

No-haggling car prices: are they worth it?

do you root for bad things

Rich Dork


I HAVE RETURNED......quasi.

Hey, I'm supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

To our members and friends "down under"- Happy Australia Day!

Geoffery Holder

Is it true * has an IQ of 91?

LOTR Humor!


Great soundtrack...


Can you say New Coke?

Fans Rage as U2 Ticket Sale Site Falls Over

hotdogs and beans for dinner!!!

Ok, name some John Denver songs you LIKE.

Okay I Aplogize I just had a thread Pulled

Something to share.....

George W. Scharzenbush

Don't Go!

So who does Number Two REALLY work for?

I need to turn the lights on

Put on your monkey suit and CAPTION

Hey, I'm disruptive

How long does it take for a letter to get to Taipei

Hey, I'm dyspeptic!

Is Disney/Pixar going to re-release the Toy Story movies soon?

Anybody here ever been to Lake Shelbyville?

I'm suffering withdrawl from DU!

My grandmother passed tonight

Why do some people spell "back" as "baaaaaack"?

I swear...I didn't know the "t" in "often" is silent.

Sock puppetry?

I saw a bumper sticker today that made me smile...

Was Oasis more popular the Wesley Clark during the 90's?

I have half an hour to kill before I can leave work, ask me anything

When someone says "cold enough for ya?", "hot enough for ya?",

Was Onassis More Popular Than Weevils?

Look at all the copycat Oasis threads!

So, what's earworming you today?

I now have more RAM

Anyone here been to Lake George

Man who caused L.A. train crash to be charged with murder.

Just when I thought I'd gotten rid of the pants

Random slogan generator

Masters of War

So how many people here have facial hair?

I have 3 g-mail invites if someone wants one - please

Goodnight, beloved friends.

Just when I thought I'd gotten rid of the ants...

Should I worry re: identity/credit issues?

Caption this!

Were you one of those "Disco Duck" people?

Where can I download free music?

What music is he dancing to?

dupe dupe dupe dupe dupe dupe dupe

I Couldn't Believe It - YOU CAN BUY POT ON-LINE!!!

Dumbest Poll Ever! Wang Chung vs. Spandau Ballet

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight

It's raining, it's pouring and the old man is snoring

Asteroid named after ‘Hitchhiker’ humorist

AARRGGHH! I was nice to a Repug by mistake!

Looks like I'm about to get into a media war

i know what boys Like

Was Grand Funk Railroad better than the Beatles?

Caption the oddest ad ever seen on yahoo...

Describe your shower

I'm Edward Van Halen. Ask me anything.

Does Living In Chilliwack Scare You?

6 weeks since i've stopped eating fastfood

LP's Last Bored at Work: ASK Me Anything Thread....

Reminder: Daily Show replay with Sy Hersh at 7pm est

Very Effective Singles Ad

Mocking the Beatles is fun + makes you a rebel against the "establishment"

Is J-ello more popular than pudding?

Need some recommendations for quality, relatively inexpensive headphones

Does living in the williwacks scare you?

Halp! Household repair question

Anybody have a Zen Micro?

The Beast 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2004

Could you live without a computer?

Did Vanilla Ice really suck shit through a rag?

Help me out with a response to an A-hole, please....

Bounce Out.


I have invited a long time friend here. Please welcome "K Law"

For all of you walking in ice and snow . . . do you know about

Name the Conservative Celeb that You HATE to LOVE

I miss the weekly Plaid Adder

Police Bust Drunk Driver Twice In One Night - Drove Back To Police Station

Um--Did anyone see Howard Stern tonight? WTF is up w/Chyna?

U2 Fans...Question

Hey, I'm pretentious

Is there no better example of poetic justice than a cat taken away

What bumper stickers are on your car?

MST3K and talk radio...

Describe your shower curtain.

Jewish jokes: Funny? Or not?

You don't know me, so of course you don't know if you like me...

Bunny Suicides


What's the key ingredient to more buoyant threads?

is Salma Hayek more popular than j-lo?

got christian stickers?

do the Yankees suck?

pet peeve: people who walk in the middle of the lane in parking lots

What are you listening to right now?

Tom Brady sues General Motors


Seems As Though Temple B'Ball Coach Chaney Went on ANTI-Bush RANT

Hummer driver scalds meter maid for writing him a ticket (illegally parked

Why do so many people spell "Lose" as "Loose"!?

I have to fire someone today. I've never done it before, the hard part

Non-PC humor

Is Britney Spears more popular than the Beatles in the '00s?

CAPTION whistle a**

Does anybody need a Secretary?

I'm really really freaked out about something right now!!!

I am sorry that I posted the Oasis versus Beatles thread.

Anyone heard the newest Beck album?

Can you dig it? So sayeth Crunk!

question for the long-haired guys

Was Oasis more popular than the Beatles during the 90s?

Is anyone better than the Beatles?

Grammatical Gripe

Do you keep any secrets from your spouse/SO?

Name the Conservative Celeb. that you LOVE to HATE!

Would you let your daughter wear this dress to prom?

cats ready to hunt for songbirds

1/28/05 marks 19 years since the Challenger disaster...

Musk Ox Update.

Concerning Gay Marriage and the teaching that same sex unions are *wrong*

Humanity survives death of the universe - with GOD?

Unborn Victims of Violence Act passes Senate/House -Abortion=murder?

biologists criticize compromise plan for stem cells use

Kerry proposes health coverage for all children

SpongeBob and Friends: Splendor in the Kelp -Marine Sex upsets RW

The case of the disappeared ice cubes

Can humanity survive the death of the universe?

Newfound Star Sparks Brown-Dwarf Debate

Nearly Half Of All Americans Covered Gay Rights Laws Study Shows

Spain Tells Pope To Stay Out Of Gay Marriage Debate

MP asked aide 'to dig dirt on gay Tory rival'

Is the (DU HomePg) Spongebob article by Joy-Ann Reid supposed to be funny?

Question about some GLBT movies

Anti-gay Baptist Fred Phelps to protest against anti-gay Catholics

What's that Super smell? It's Jacksonville

Yo Eagles fans!

That First Baseman For The Red Sox, The One With The Series Clinching Ball

NJ construction manager signed by Eagles for the Super Bowl

why does baseball have a 160+ game regular season?

Proposed Statewide Pit Bull Ban In Georgia

Has anyone else noticed

Is your significant other an atheist/agnostic?

Kerry is the best presidential candidate ever (read) hah sorry

Kerry on Northern Ireland

New Article in the Globe

Are folks less likely to believe in the fraud

World Economic Forum

This morning's Condi wrap-up

Here is a video for you to watch about 2004 Election/investigations/Jan 6

Sam Brownback is making me sick.

So we got 13 nays on Condi Rice?

Itinerary for tomorrow (not in Davos yet.)

Why we need election reform

NO votes so far:

Reading some interesting tea leaves today

New Kerry email

I'm Derryiac, and I'm OK

Does it seem to anyone else that Kerry is bucking the Clinton machine

hey Kerrycrats

In the near future, could we arrange a meeting with Senator Kerry?

Remember... this is your media:

Ethnic cleansing of universities is the new mantra in America

I was just watching Sen.Dayton on C-SPAN

Did Jeff Bingaman have any comments about Condi today?

Who needs a story with a graphic like this?

Want to really fight back in the Red States?

Fox breaks into the top 40 cable ratings for last week

The Independent: "Hotel Journalism" Gives American Troops A Free Hand

How far would the Senate follow George W Bush ?

Why is it that Senator Boxer is such a refreshing presence in the

U.S. Rep Schakowsky "It is time for our soldiers to start the journey home

Vote machine maker settles over her whistle-blower suit (Bev Harris)

Boxer has really gotten their goat - she's pictured on and

I'm watching the late night re-run of Barbara Boxer

Mark Dayton's harsh words for Condi/Video

Question on World Economic Forum Kerry will be at later

MSNBC has been playing the DAYTON clip -"it is immoral and it has

Somebody make some "BlueNeck" t-shirts and buttons ...

Why does the media not question the relationship between

Just got an email from Terry McA about Social Security petition

Deleted; Bad Link

Gonzales 'Misrepresents' to Senate Judiciary Committee

Boxer coming up in a now on CSPAN2...

Post-Iraq "election" predictions thread

Rothschild/Goodman Interview: Analysis of Inaugural Address-Creepy!

CSPAN video of post-inauguration comedy show includes Nordquist

So, back at the White House last night...* and Condi were

Is the Gonzales Judiciary Committee vote today?

Confidence in Iraq Slipping

Rant: Can we please stop refighting the primaries already?

I Don't Like Michael Howard....

Dean vs DLC, the Clintons and the Washington establishment

Ignorant or stupid?

The Senate is now in session! What time are the speeches and the vote?

Boxer on "49 countries listed as not free" and Bush's "Freedom Jihad"

New Secretary of Education shows her true colors.

In ONE DAY, 2005 deficit revised upward by $59 billion ($368B to $427B)

Iran Petition at 3,375 signatures

My Choices To Replace Diane Feinstein

Stop Sen. Frist from ending the filibuster

Andrea Mitchell reporting on the Dems against Rice yesterday

Sam Brownshirt Is On C-Span 2 Now

Chimp on now c-span radio

Funny! * speaking on C-SPAN3, Title on Website is "Lost in Space"!

* quote. From Press confrence

Bush is going to REMIND US ABOUT THE MATH!!!!!!!!!!!

Are NeoDems saying the Democratic platform has sucked all these decades?

What f----ing embarrassment Bush is. He can't think or answer a question

The planted questions give Bush an opportunity to just roll the words off

Did you know a second columnist has admitted to being paid

He's whining and unraveling.

McCain endorsing Rice in Senate now

Okay, I'm sure now. He's brain damaged.

It is going to be WILD when the real jounalists dicipher this press

MSNBC Poll: If you were an Iraqi, would you be willing to risk your life..

If the man, Bush, is acceptable to the American people as a leader, then

He is an idiot! EOS End of Story.

La La La La La La La La....blah blah blah blah.....

This had to be one of the worst press conferences Bush has had but

What kind of message is the bush regime is sending our children?

"Freeing people in the name of Peace..."

The media is responsible for where we are. They find it necessary to

What's the REAL reason for this press conference???? eom

"I've firmly planted the flag of liberty", Bush on Iraq

Some things said on DU are racist.

Joe Zell on CSpan whoring once more... Get that fucker outta there

Senators are all "united" for the Military Industrial Complex and

OK All of you guys are right I'm wrong. I don't know anyting about

Sending flowers or something to Senator Byrd was mentioned yesterday,

Pls help - Where on the internet can my friend pull up a vido of Bus*'s

In looking up OUR bill, S114, I found this winner of a bill

MSNBC: Disturbing "raised fist" Bush graphic, "Defy These Terrorists"

Joe Lieberman (R -Traitor) defending Rice now

Senator Robert C. Byrd Remarks as the Senate debated the nomination

Is W spreading the "Bush Democracy" around the World..or is he

Will Dean steal Candidates thunder?

WooHoo! My Dem Town Committee endorsed Howard Dean for DNC Chair

BOXER speaking about RICE on Senate floor

"My, ah, ahh, ahhh, Condi WILL make a great Sec of State"

Gonzales voted out of Committee 10-8

Condoleeza Rice Confirmation vote track

Awww...Domenici is upset some have called Rice a liar

Is this pro-Bush LTTE serious? Writer is suffering from "P.E.E. Syndrome".

If Today's Helicopter Was Shot Down Do You Think They Would ......

An Election Alone Does Not Make A Democracy

The vote was not for Condi - it was for the continuing war in Iraq

Bush states: 'need independent relationship between White House and Press'

What is the previous record for nays against a cabinet nominee?

When are the rest of the Gonzales hearings and the final vote going to

1 vote against Ohio electoral votes; 13 against Condi Rice?

Is anybody tracking the votes yet?

Did the moran-in-chief say "In-aug-u-ler address"?

Saw Kerry on the floor, so he's not in Switerland

Hey W, whatya say? How many kids have you killed today? 36

Text of * News Conference

The dems are going after Gonzales

My email to Dick Durbin

Everyone make calls to your Senators and let them hear what you

Mary Gallagher Another Paid Journalist

No War In Iran

Any person who is of draft age who voted for W and doesn't enlist

Was todays press conference better than usual?

Baghdad Burning blog - new entries about water, food and voting

My husband calls her "Condoloma" which means genital warts.

GOP poll on Soc Sec shows support for no wage base and lower early ret ben

I wonder why we think other countries should do as we do.

CREW Files Bar Complaint Against AGl Nominee Gonzales

Other than Lieberman what Dems strongly argued FOR Condoliar?

don't know if this was posted anywhere in any of the forums earlier,

So Senator Clinton voted for Rice?

On leadership and politicos, and our future

Can anyone help me...

A list of the 13 senators who voted against Condi...

Bush Press Conference Transcript up at

Democratic "leadership" courage once again in short supply.

Response from Feinstein : Social Security

85 to 13 Rice gets in.

Here are two names not often seen together:

Where can I find the enitire list, aye and nay on the Condi vote?

Who Plays The Race Card More?

let's have 32 separate threads for the Rice vote

The Rice vote by the senator who was held up by the DLC and DNC as...

Ted Turner: Fox News Is Bush's Propaganda Tool

Why didn't ANY of the Senators mention the 100,000 dead Iraqis?

RNC Seeks Donations to Push Bush Agenda...........

is there anything this administration says that is NOT a lie?

Why not add the 80 billion for Iraq to the budget?

Image or Ideals

Sen. Reid - "Shut up and vote is not democracy"

The thirteen brave Senators

Focus on the Family Poll: Economy is most important

Give this to supporters of the war!.....

Feinstein will oppose Gonzalez!

Here is CSPAN's Rice roll call vote link

Oregonians call Wyden now!

Labeling Dems obstructionists, the liberal media at work...

Vote for Rice the most "No" votes for Sec of state

So Senator Leahy is now the enemy?

Babe Buchanan on CrossFire Just Told Begala ........

We will never forget this weekend

To those who rewarded the person responsible for 9/11, send them this

Here's a different slant on this forum

CNN: no polling places or election posters in Baghdad

Where is OUR Independent Council? Name cases for investigation.

Seymour Hersh: "We've Been Taken Over by a Cult"

What did they (dems) gain for voting YES on condi?

Isn't it about time we had a minority leader who agreed with the maj of

How about Joe Leiberman/Zell Miller for '08

"The 13 nays represent the highest number of no votes for a SOS

Reid's head so far up his ass, he is turning inside out

The Iraqi election "bait and switch" an excellent assessment of

Idi Amin for secretary of state! Why not? Are you a racist?

Great Spongebob/Gay cartoon - what a natural issue for cartoonists!

Woolsey calls for withdrawal from Iraq

Very Important Story in LBN

A Good Quote Can Make My Day

Jim Hightower - What's behind "Tort Reform?"

White House use of media (Novak) in early 80s

Is there no journalist with the balls to tell Bush that even after 2052,

We Got An Issue-Bush* Just Slammed Senior Citizens...

So here is a thought: The dems in congress should just vote

Well according to my hometown paper in red state NC,

Dean gains support of key blacks in DNC

MSNBC: "Led by Biden, they deferred to Bush"...Biden contact info HERE:

John Kerry's Kids Come First Act

Bush said that SS will run out of money by 1988 if we don't privatize

Major media ignores extent of concentration of wealth in US article

He cannot do simple mental math...

OK gov announces prescription plan allowing Canadian drugs

MSNBC polls don't bode well for Bush Adminstration success.

Which is the worse nominee, Gonzales or Rice?

Hillary is already running for President.. Dems should follow her lead

Let's apply crazy DU logic! Bayh > Feingold!

Now we know he controls nothing! He couldn't even answer question

How Can We Impeach This Clown???

Feingold's comments, in voting against Gonzales

Frist appearing surrounded by black people

Should Boxer replace Reid as minority leader?

Rice isn't the battle

Condi Rice Confirmation Debate - Thread #11 - #1 for 26 January 2005

Why did our party wait so long to open its' mouth?


The falling dollar

OMG!. John McCain is on the Senate floor

Man killed on 9/11 issued green card---3.5 yrs later

I have one thing in common with RWers, I now loath Hillary Clinton

Are Dobson, Robertson, Falwell et al preoccupied with homosexuality?

Do you think Hillary Clinton can win in 2008 ?

The first woman president will be a Republican . . .

Why did we pick an opponent of choice for minority leader?

Bill Richardson for President Internet domains being registered

William Pitt Appreciaton Thread

To the 32 who voted "aye"

Who can beat McCain/Bush in 2008?

Where should our planning/concentration be ('04,'06,'08, etc..)?

Should Reid resign as minority leader.

Very simply - the Rice vote was NOT about winning or losing

Who's scaring people about Social Security? You are, Dubya! Shame on you!

Why do we eat our own ??

Analysis: How Bush got Iraq war cost wrong

Don't Believe The Hype

My email to Barack Obama

Why didn't we filibuster Rice?

Would someone please enlighten me as to the real reasons for the Iraq war?

Are we at DU Too Obsessed with George W. Bush?

So, Barack Obama's not perfect. He is still a great senator!

Who the hell came up with DEMS holding their fire for later?

Hillary will win in '08 - it's inevitable

Does DU need a VENTING ROOM? Posts are really getting out of hand


Sen. Dayton has brass balls.

Anybody have the text of Reid's speech against Condi?

Some things said on DU: What bothers me most is a...

i feel better knowing all these right-wing columnists are being paid.

Congressman Ron Paul of TEXAS - OH MY OH MY

Kids Come First Act . John Kerry . Please sign!

New Scandal: Pundit Payola

Listening to press conference while I was driving, and almost drove

What's the most unpopular political view you hold on DU?

Black Democrats Don't Like Senate's Treatment of Rice

Gore 08, Dean DNC