Social Security plan has public anxious
Hereditary class structure at work
Rx for Social Security:Demography of the problem 'is not overwhelming' ()
Battle Born: Remember to Fight!
We'll go on cheering ' democracy' - and the Iraqis will go on dying - Fisk
today's charade is simply about Iraq's oil
An election to anoint an occupation
Editorial on Iraq Election-- United Arab Emirates paper
Salon: Hallelujah, the Mac is back
"Resolute Bush Sticking With Colts As Super Bowl Pick"
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War Condemns the Unfair and Illegitimate ...
Keep Wall Street away from Social Security
Let's pray for success in Iraq
Another gun that will be banned soon
Which is more deadly? A fully automatic weapon, or a semi-automatic?
Simple little question about the process of joining
State Journal Register: Cross: Budget battle good for state government
A little nugget of knowledge about Hyde
Be Counted! Open Voting Consortium event
About the Open Voting Consortum
Reform NOW ... We cannot be deaf to Rev Jackson's conclusion.
More on Snohomish Co. WA - Seattle Weekly News
The Nashua Advocate: We Have Become Mainstream Media
What is it that we need to see to impeach "*"???
Bill Moyers (Last American journalist) warns you about "*"
"Teflon George", how about using it in public, marketing the concept?
Was the report of the experts sent to Keith Olbermann?
Text of both the Ensign and Dodd Bills
How 'bout Kerry Giving some of the Xtra $14M to Arnebeck's Defense
Anyone know what happened at the Ohio Election meeting today?
Democratic Town Committees: what are your annual dues ??
Pawlenty Agenda Includes More Gambling, Public Money for Sports Stadiums,
Anyone who's expert in printing to Adobe PDF?
Does anyone know anything about HP Printers?
Question to computer experts about current career trends
Laura Flanders talking about Haiti right now...very moving.
A New Look at a Mystery of the Skies (Chemtrails)
My first DUr shirt came today! and just back from COSTCO again!
Chertoff will become the Secretary of Homeland Security
Maybe it's just me -- but I think those elections happened just a
Iraqis Have Voted! Great! So Bring Home The Troops! NOW!
Message from the Chimperor >>>
What is it about the RW Repukes that attracts the self-loathers?
Picasa from google - your opinion????
Anyone here know anything about "Foundation for a Better Life"?
Check out this anti-landmine ad...
Focus On The Family targets Keith Olbermann
I thought you all might find this interesting (Bush & the CNP)
Anybody watching Brian Lamb interviewing the Chimp on
$250K Worth Of Cocaine Found On An Airplane At Tulsa Airport
Hanity and Armstrong looking like they are going to cry
Arab Media Cover Iraq's Election (NPR All Things Considered Audio)
Iraq sElection PHOTOS that bush* doesn't want YOU to see....
Most nauseating Lieberman quip EVER. RE KindaSleazy Rice
Read His Lips: Bush's Exercise in Fiscal Restraint
Anyone have a link to a current article on the Science crisis?
The Guardian is now posting 60% turnout in Iraq. How low will it go?
Open Letter Concerning the Draft at The Weekly Standard-PNACer's-Heads up
I got TWO nominations to the 2004 Koufax Awards (blog)
And the Corporateland grows ever bigger
Chuck Hagel on CNN said "we have a long road to go"
WTF is up with Repukes, making mountain out of molehills?(RANT!!!)
International criminal tribunal for Afghanistan finds GWB....
Doesn't the "Iraq election a success" backfire when our troops stay?
I might have missed the thread but..
FR posters bash Islam (say it's incompatible with freedom)
Top 10 Idiots and Bobby Eberle's brother Bruce
60% turnout?Who's Doing the Polling-Int'l Republican Institute
What happens when the next suicide bomber has an inked index finger?
Summary of attacks in Iraq on "election" day
Conservative Talk Show Host for Sale (ebay)
I have to laugh at anyone buying this "elections" BS
KOEB/Countdown Special Iraqi Election Thread
What should be done with Geraldo Rivera?
Who were the choices in the Iraq election?
"We will build a statue of Bush!!!"...I'm so proud!! Crying here.....
Are people negligent if they don't look beyond the MSM for truthful news?
Vote for Food. The Sham of the Iraq "election."
Do the rich move around in a different world from you and I?
Rasheed Wallace on White House visit
Travels with George (Bush) documentary...Just on CBC Newsworld
Judith Miller on Hardball tonight....slip of the the tongue?
What happened to TWA Flight 800?
"If the democrats were in charge this election would have never happened!"
New Evidence Of Gay Gene Found
trying something new with lamb chops....
US oil companies return to Libya
Crude Oil Futures Decline After Iraqi Election, OPEC Meeting
Iraq veteran undergoing liver transplant (Mystery infection. DU?)
Iraq Veterans Against the War kicked off their amazing tour in Boston toda
Teen hacker goes to jail for creating Internet worm
Canadian team monitoring Iraqi election from Jordan
Kuwaiti Islamists Form First Political
Voting, Not Violence, Is the Big Story on Arab TV
Howard Dean Rallies Supporters in N.Y.
Chief Senate Dem to Request Iraq Exit Plan
DOD seized 60TB in search for Iraq battle plan leak
Occupation Authority Did Not Properly Monitor Spending of Iraqi Money,
Jacko Blasts Media Leaks on Eve of Trial
Joy Over New Shuttle Eases Columbia Pain
Three killed as 'hiding terrorists' are stormed
Iraqi officials say no results or turnout figure expected soon
Approval rates for Dayton, Coleman drop (Dem Dayton At 43; 15pt Drop)
Qatar Advances Plans To Privatize Al-Jazeera (WP)
An Afterwar in Waco (Plans to shutter a VA hospital near Bush's ranch)
Some experts fear election's aftermath
US firm to land carrier contract (BBC News)
Despite Troops' Pleas, Fear Keeps Many Away From the Polls
Bomb spurs Australian embassy move
Queen in a fury over Nazi slur (she axes historic trip to Ireland)
Kerry Says Bin Laden Tape Gave Bush a Lift (NYT)
WP: Amid Praise, Doubts About Nominee's Post-9/11 Role
Faith-Based Groups Oppose Immigration Bill
Save the Children, Yushchenko and Powell tipped for 2005 Nobel Peace Prize
Israel, United States say Iran an imminent threat
Hugo Chavez Gets Hero's Welcome at World Social Forum
Pro-U.S. Mayor Has Target on His Back (wants * statue in Baghdad)
NY Daily News: Dean's howling to lead DNC ("I hate the republicans.")
Association of Muslim Scholars Critical Of Iraq Elections
Anyone think tonight's "King of the Hill" is a bit political commentary?
Want a politically aware musician?
My first DUr shirt came today! and just back from COSTCO again!
What's the worst derogatory remark you can make to some one?
"And now I'm standing on the grave of a soldier that died in 1799"
I NEED medical information>>>>
I'm a bigger luddite than you are.
I hereby pledge my allegiance to LynneSin and the Eagles
Saw a Native American today with a Redskins cap on
Any fans of the President out there? Comedy Central right now
Can you anyone help me with this Statistics question?
I'm Out Of White Chocolate, Macadamia Nut Cookies
any other Folk Alley fans on DU tonight?
Iraqi voters advised not to pick their noses.
A devastating cold case warning spoiler
Fans of Trout Fishing In America (the musical group) check in!
Lyrics,Quotes or Poems needed- Can you help?
Does anyone know how to get moss off of brickwork?
Use the word skullduggery in a sentence!
I'm Asian Reporter Tricia Takanawa. Ask me anything
Mike Hunt takes heat over position on juvenile sex offenders!
In non-election news, Lindsay Lohan enjoys "Hot Tamales" candies.
I too had intentions of doing great things today
Any DU artist out there please check in!
I'm bored and hyper. Ask me anything.
I had all intentions of doing great things today.
I was going to post a thread about something, but forgot what
Which ice cream do you prefer?
Who else is excited about the upcoming baseball season?
Every time after going on DU I get a Surveillance warning?
Prophetic "The The" lyrics from **1986**!
Art or crap? Take the quiz and find out!
Jerry does NOT live in Crawford
Keanu Reeves as Constantine - SWEET!!!
I am convinced of the Madden curse. I am:
ok, i had the wierdest dream i've ever had last night... (share yours!)
Ty Pennington: Hot or Hotter than hell? Or seriously hot?
I have now seen the winners of Best Actor and Actress for this years Oscar
What's the craziest conspiracy theory you've ever heard or read?
Thank god! Maddox has published suicide directions!
Lookie: Another version of the Bush Doll available...
What's the craziest conspiracy theory you've never heard or read?
Please go and see "Alone in the Dark"
I searched the World Wide Web over and thought I found true love
Superbowl XXXIX Pregame Thread 1
"Monday" dinner (in New Orleans) on the stove .. red beans and rice.
Princess Contest, find out if you're a true princess of the internet!
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
I need help getting a new printer for my computer
Do you have a popular Democrats' first or last name in your DU screenname?
If you had a personal theme song, what would it be?
Monkeys Pay to See Female Monkey Bottoms
Jacko Blasts Media Leaks on Eve of Trial
Okay a thread for those who were left high and dry by a FOREIGN SERVICE
A house on my block is owned by the United States of America.
So I havent been quite myself the last two nights
Who really cares about the Ashlee Simpson petition?
Freeper: You are a patriot if....
I Can't Stop Shaking My Foot And Bouncing My Knee...
American Dreams episode tonight...discuss
Why is it that I love to argue with Freepers?
How clean is YOUR house? Long read/sad tale.
Company Won't Pull Straightjacketed Bear
Does Anyone Remember the show "Cliffhangers"?
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
I hate the Lounge and everything it stands for.
Napoleon Dynamite thread w/ pic of Nap in real life
Hold me please, I was extremely traumatized this weekend
Wonder how Pres. Clinton would react if anyone were to tell him this
Who remembers the show Real People?
Lord of the Rings vs. Harry Potter: The Final Showdown!!
Before I post something that ends up getting me banned....
So I got high for the first time last night...
I searched the world over and thought I found true love......
Uncle Zomby's Chock Full O' Warm Fuzzy Compliments Thread!
For a change of pace LAWYER JOKES
Am summoning DUers with psychic powers...
Serious question about posting style here on DU.
Enjoy the ass picture now because it's being deleted in 20 hours
The greatest sports moment in the 20th century
Pine Sol smells really terrible!
Greatest sports moment in 21st century
Who else thinks ACT's and SAT's suck completely?
How many people here hate SUVs...(Pic heavy)
George W. Bush: The Billboards
I'm coming out of the, not that closet.
I've been a-knitting and my eyes are blurry.
Church aghast at 'rosary chic'
To those familiar with HAARP...
Anyone have a link to a current article on the Science crisis?
Climate change 'disaster by 2026'
60,000 march: all proud (Melbourne Australia Pride 2005)
Am I reading some of TayTay's tea leaves??
WP article re Kerry on MTP: Kerry Praises Campaign, Plans to Build on
Do you ever get the feeling there's Washington and then there is
Keith Olbermann is back tonight on Countdown.
I am really disturbed by a recent quote by Donnie Fowler
Ldotters hilarious reactions to today's votes
Did the Repukes surpass us in number of registered voters?
War Room: Help me take on that turd Joe Scarborough
Little Black Lies: Krugman blasts Bush on Social Security bigotry
If "democracy" doesn't work, it's all the "insurgents" fault...
Does anybody else think that the insurgents held off today because
Does Tom Vilsack Have A Brain?
Audit: $9 Billion Unaccounted for in Iraq
If Dean isn't DNC Chair do you think he will run in '08? if so...
Rerun of Meet the Press (kerry interview) on msnbc in a few moments
Armed intervention to bring about regime change VIOLATES international law
Your prediction for what Iraq will experience in the next 3 weeks?
$9 Billion missing in Iraq funds
Just saw on KSCI (LA Japanese TV)paid advertisement which reeks of * money
George W Bush is like the bank robber that .......
A very simple question that Junior will never answer
I agree with D Gregory"s comment (MSNBC), "by hook or by crook",
Tim Roemer speech at the DNC- He's one of THEM -PNAC sympathizer
What Did Russert Say Today ??? - That 15 Dem Senators Got More Votes...
Al Gore...I would like to hear your opinion...
Do you know who I feel sorry for today?
Santorum MUST be unseated! Here's why
WTF? Billboards to go up in Hollywood, thanking them for reelection of *
Once-Invincible 'Governator' Dips in Polls
Dean-for-DNCers: let's not blow this Fowler thing out of proportion
The article that Kerry pulled out on Meet The Press today...
Dean and Clark supporters who *like* both men check in!
A Map of the Persian Gulf Region you need to see ! DoD had plans
Has anybody seen this photo of John Kerry?? is it real?
Do you hate the republicans and everything they stand for?
Dean: "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for"
Fowler's endorsement by Exec Comm of the ASDC is not as big as we thought
How big a bump will W get from the Iraq elections?
Iraq population breakdown and turnout estimate.
Has The New Republic drank the Kool-Aid?
Question for the Wesley Clark supporters......
Chairman Kim's Dissolving Kingdom
0% Content: Bush's Q&A Interview on C-SPAN
Marketing Darfur (by Sebastian Mallaby, WP)
Nordic Countries Claim 4 of Top 5 Spots in Environmental Sustainability
Fig-leaf freedom - Brian Whitaker -Guradian UK
Beware: Serious Danger Lies Ahead
(CA) Press Enterprise: Mexico v. Arizona?
Did Island Tribes Use Ancient Lore to Evade Tsunami?
Bush Forges Weak Links to Legacies of Democratic Predecessors
Asserting 50-60 Percent Iraq Turnout Count 'Comparing Apples to Oranges'
(PINR)Cycle of Instability in the Andes: Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru
Media Falls Down in Iraq Coverage (Juan Cole)
The King of the Night's darkest hour
Baltimore Sun: Men taken to task for their inability to, well, multitask
This guy pisses me off, but it does tell us how they are going to spin
Gates and Buffett bet against US dollar..
Iraqi Elections: Media Disinformation on Voter Turnout?
Senate vote stands between us and a nasty fight (Idaho DOMA)
Flashback: Kathleen Parker gloats when Saddam statue falls
'How Social Security Might Change' great overview article from the WSJ.
Journalist's death dredges up dark legacy of CIA's drug-fueled wars
CIA refuses to release Nazi documents.I wonder why??
Boston Globe: Saying nothing is torture in itself
Ellen Goodman - Whose Common Ground?
Bill Weinberg: Welcome to World War 4
CBS: Dems on Social Security Warpath
Iraq elections set stage for deeper crisis -WSWS article - good
Dobson Setting the Record Straight on SpongeBob (or not)
John Podesta/Center for American Progress' tax reform "wages & unearned"
URGENT ACTION ALERT for Verified Voting!
Blogger view points - Iraq good news vs, Iraq humanitarian crisis
80% turnout a "resounding success" for Vietnam elections in 1967
US Media ignores US use of food aid to force Iraq registrations/votes
Jon Stewart won't be on CBS Eve. News
unsupportable/immoral/dangerous budget cuts for poor to keep bush tax cuts
MetLife to Buy Travelers for $11.5 Bln
Ehrlich Touts His Fight Against Lead, Neglects To Mention $375K In Cuts
China's Coal Crunch To Get Worse During 2005 - Reuters
Indiana's Old Coal Plants Getting Dirtier
Varroa Mite Hammering California Almond Industry
Fire Ants Confirmed In Hong Kong - Reuters
From Bolivia To Kenya To Nepal, Glaciers Split, Melt, Retreat
"State Of Fear" - Not So Hot - NYT Review Of Books
Enhanced oil recovery brings end to slide
Nissan Boss - Hybrid Cars Make No Sense - Reuters
National Intelligence Director Proves to Be Difficult Post to Fill
Many Americans Convinced Iran Has Nukes (FOX poll)
(Sudan) A hopeless undertaking that worked
They deserve to have their heads beaten in
Could you please look at this lock
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
How long is considered reasonable before appealing a non-response?
Palestinian Schoolgirl Killed in Gaza Refugee Camp
UNSEEN VIDEO FOOTAGE OF 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A rebuttal to the video "9/11 - In Plane Site" (Part One) (repost)
Chicago Sun-Times: Upscale car wash a contrast but no concern to rival
State Journal-Register: Report gives state government a C+
Illinois Times: Hacked Off: the governor's continuing Chicago problem
Why can't WE have this kind of transparency? >>>
Are election-fraud activists being psy-oped by this administration?
Hillary Clinton collapses, rushed to hospital
In hindsight, was the persecution of Pres Bill meerely a tool?
A monumental reason why we must continue...
Kerry now states what happened in the November election....
Ha, after TWO months, i finally heard back from Sen. Lautenberg of NJ
"Long Waits, Bad Equipment Worse than Election Fraud" - WI Poll watcher...
"Grunge Rock Pioneer Stumps for Election Reform"...
State Dem Chairs Endorse Dean for DNC--AP story
Examples of "wacko conspiracy theories" that ultimately panned out?
Monday 1/31 Election Fraud, Reform, & Updates Thread
EVIL B*SH CULT Policy Comes Under Fire for Ignoring 'Fundamental Rights'
Some will probably scream at my posting this
Prominent Statisticians Urge Investigation of U.S. Presidential Election
They can't do any election legally! Iraqis voted for Food? WTF
Your help needed -- "Be the Media" kit
Fraud compilation-- did I miss anything BIG ?
UCTV showing Hersh lecture on Abu Ghraib
Shelley won't quit except for new job, legal immunity, pals say
Al Franken says LA will have AAR station this Thursday
Ask Senator Ted Kennedy to filibuster against Alberto Gonzales.
Come to a Democracy for America meeting
Hatch's report on Minnesota health care
My LTTE about bringing the troops home was in the Strib yesterday
AAR Minnesota has given Nick Coleman his own morning show!
HB 658: Medical Marijuana in Texas!
The Poorest Loser: Heflin continues to fight the bad fight
Republicans want to attach voter id to campaign finance reform.
This is too important to just leave in EOA-- Please read
The Iraqi Ballot, Translated (A must read)
2,000 tons of cow-crap (burning) ((In Nebraska))
Things that make you want to hurl.
January 2005 was the third bloodiest month of the Iraq war
stories from the Iraq election
Jesus wouldn't have a prayer among the far right
"The 1997 elections in Iran were much more democratic."
AOL Users: Finding the image of ballot counting by candle light ironic?
Question about SS privatization and employer contributions
CSPAN caller just said there were elections...
Oh the media.. compare and contrast BBC and CNN
Jan. 31, 2005... 99 US soldiers DEAD in 31 DAYS. 1432 total...
Screw ups, jerk offs, & sycophants can go far in the bush administration
How come the VERY pro-US Kurdish north was ONLY 60%????!!
shades of Ohio vote in Sadr City...NBC Richard Engels said.......
Rethugs have totally flipped. They're officially INSANE.
OOPS!...Paul Bremer 'Misplaced' 9 BILLION $'s while in Iraq
Iraq will you now vote to TELL the US to get the FUCK out for Ali?........
Probe: Dallas VA hospital worst in U.S.
so, the ONLY way I'll think Iraqi elections are legit is if..
I am very confused about how many iraqi's actually voted!
How long before we hear the real election numbers?
Democracy means you never have to say you're OCCUPIED
Commentator explains relative lack of violence during Iraq vote
Any pictures of the amazing turnout to vote in Iraq?
We Can Learn A Lot From the Iraqi Elections
Interesting quote about the neo-cons (9/11 relevance?)
Pre-buff to the State of the Union being held by Dems on C-Span right NOW!
Will violence in Iraq decrease after the elections? Poll
Election PROVES our G.I. son did not die in vain......
Wednesday's SOTU speech in a nutshell....
The parents of Michael Jackson's accuser...
unfreep this poll about talk radio
"We brought freedom to Iraq"... "Iran is an imminent threat"...LET'S ROLL!
RW Hate Mail defines what RW'ers are
howard dean on cspan 2 right now
Bob Herbert on the Iraqi elections is right on the money
anyone else noticed more words being bleeped on TV lately?
A quick pull out of Iraq let's Bush & Co off the hook
interesting: MSN & Netscape browser home page has same pic of
New Mexico 2 Senators Blast Bush for Closing ABQ Indian Hospital
If you could give the Unpresident one bit of advice, what would it be?
Cable News Networks Marching in Lockstep Presenting BushCo. Propaganda
tim roemer on cspan 2 running for charman gop party chair
What happens after Rupert Murdoch dies?
Who is doing the Democratic Response to Bush's SotU speech this year?
What motivates Rupert Murdoch?
anyone familar with Ane Hendershott
The new improved with more flavor tactic for Iran...
Help me refute this racial profiling e-mail is back to their old tricks
First health care, now another thing Iraqis get that we don't.
The End-Result of Yesterday's "Election" In Iraq
simon rosenberg says he has a total package
Has anyone here ever heard of "The Dove Group"?
Bide our time, this is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED all over again
Military School Costume Party Mocks Gays & Others
The End of History and the loss of credibility of "leaders".
Pataki's servant on GOP payroll
SOU on Feb 2nd --- Shrub pushed for 1/31 vote --- what a coinky-dink
Breaking news: Hillary clinton collasped during speech
Juan Cole says the Iraq "election" was a joke!
Man films people as they jump off the Golden Gate Bridge
Al Franken says LA will have AAR station this Thursday.
Tet Offensive; 4 months after "ELECTIONS" in Vietnam;
I Kid You Not: 700 Club Telethon is for Crazies -- "Jesus Bought My Truck"
The "Oh 'Seperated at Birth' Where Art Thou"
Feel better Hillary (she collapsed in NY today)
New Issue of 'Is It Treason Yet?'
Want To Have Baby...Go To Church
War on the cheap? No. A war on a Mastercard.
Do they have free elections in Saudi Arabia?
The Michael Jackson Trail...What Will Get
The Iraqi Elections: Let's Keep Things In Perspective
US only developed country not cultivating industrial hemp
Human bondage may have been outlawed, but what about....
Was the British C-130 shot down or did it crash?
All progressives, moderates, dems, etc read this
CNN now trying to disprove insurgents shot down British C-130.
Documentary about Michael Moore
Something that Republicans and Democrats should be able to agree on...
They're trying to recruit my daughter!
Free Republic's reaction to Hillary Clinton's collapsing.
New Dominionist Bill Limits the Supreme Court's Jurisdiction!!!!!
B**h performs a magic trick! (Exclusive photo --->)
Will Iraq be more secular than the US in a few years?
LOOK at the GLORIOUS outcome of the Iraqi election!!!
One little fly in the ointment at the Iraqi elections.....
"If Ann Coulter was fat, would anyone listen to her?"
VT Town Hall Meetings: Resolve re: use of VT National Guard
Spitzer critical of Bush SS plan - debt incurred would be "astronomical"
Republicans, Iraq, and Revisionist History (the ever changing rationales)
Nurses Take On The $50 Million Man (Arnold)
'With all the technological weapons the US has--flying drones, night
The Iraqi "Election" is a partisan sham!
I found a forum for Dominionists
Why are the wingnuts acting like Bush has been vindicated?
14 permanent military bases in Iraq says Scott Ritter on Randi's show
Is NewsMax written by the creator of "Hi and Lois?"
UNSEEN VIDEO FOOTAGE OF 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone leaked a copy of the congressional repubs plans for selling SS
Lauer:"It's pretty hard to argue against the President now isn't it Tim?"
Little Georgie, Happy At Last >>>
Can we go over what Bush has done with Iraq...
From today on, I'm responsible only for my own humanity
14 million voter registration came from food ration databases
Blue Ink = The New American Flag Lapel Pins
Request For Info:"Sticks And Stones"
Mary Mapes to be interviewed by Diane Sawyer?
When the insurgency continues post-election, will it be the dems fault?
WTF? Now I am confused here....
Education Secretary Demands Removal of Vermont from Nation’s Textbooks
Does the proposed SBC - AT&T merger bother anyone else?
The America's Terror On Iraq!!!
Hillary Collapse Brings Out Best and Worst in Freepers
Papal fixation with sex upsets priests
I wonder how long THIS statue will last......
Media cheers nation building and an illegal war
Television News Anchors (Hume most conservative, Rather most liberal)
Shhh! DUer's STOP telling the truth!
Exxon Mobil profits exceed $25bn
Anybody know what article Randi is taking about?
Has a copy of the Iraq ballot been published?
CNN"s Crossfire ....David Dreier makes me sick....holds up blue finger
Pro-Life and anti-adoption- WTF?!?!?!?
What's so bad about federal tax cuts . .
Iraq Veterans Against the War Kicks Off Their Amazing Tour
Did hillary clinton change her stance on abortion?
Any DECENT President would address the youth of America:
New U.S. Embassy in Iraq will cost $1.5 Billion...
Whether this is true or not....
This looks like the kind of thing DUers could help with (Plame related)
Even if Iraq goes to sh*t after the election
Latest crap from right wingnut... please help refute... I the only one here that thinks Dean is not the best choice?
I don't think a *shoulder-fired* missile took out the C-130
Would The Draft Make Future Wars Less Likely?
Will the threat of Draft Legislation wake the rest of America Up?
A good site to send your Christian friends to
Students do not think Free Speech is important.
Watch your 6: Right wing is going to dismantle your healthcare coverage!
Some couple in Iraqi named their kid "election" God I love this shit. eom
Do you think that we will pull out of Iraq?
Senator Hatch refused to help abused polygamy girls
--->MARCH 19: The World Says End the War!
I put a picture of the governor of Minnesota on the top-middle of my blog.
Is America at Non-Free Status?
"successful" or not, these elections justify nothing
If The DNC does not elect Dean, what will you do?
Called Rangel's Office Today-Draft Legislation Will Be Introduced
Suppose a pandemic kills 10%+ of world population in a few months?
->Gonzales Vote This Week: 'speak now or forever hold your peace!'
"Outrage" at Kuric and NBC for ZERO follow-up on the $9B "theft"
Reality check: * did NOT want Iraqi election!!!
How long does a democratic society last before morphing into something el
Bush to Seek $80B for Iraq, Afghan Wars:($1.5 billion.- Baghdad Embassy)
NYT 11/04/1967: "US Encouraged By Vietnam Vote"
If you buy one sports jersey this year, make it Rasheed Wallace
Joe Scarborough asks how we sleep at night. Here's my email to him. Add!
Thomas Jefferson hates wingers
(PIC) Of turnout "better than expected" "so far a success"
Conflicted about the Iraqi elections?
Where would the left be if MLK had "kept his faith to himself"?
Naomi Klein sounds a cautionary note for the 'let's just leave now' crowd
Why doesn't anyone mention that Privatization won't fix the SS shortfall?
The Run on The Dollar Begins in Malaysia
The next time a "journalist" crosses the ethical line....
the C-130 crash - 70 special forces troops killed?
Microwaving Iraq: US Resorts to Electromagnetic Warfare
The PNAC did NOT request a draft.
the Iraqi elections were TOTAL BULLSHIT
Scott Ritter is on Randi Rhodes...NOW!
So at the SOTU address you think he will talk about steroid use again?
1st Amendment goes TOO FAR? What's wrong with these kids???
Are you wearing a paperclip everyday?
Are you an extreme abortion person, or a moderate?
Nazis were apt pupils of American eugenics
easy good curry recipes anyone
Anyone here familiar with Lakehead University in Thunder Bay?
How has the British Press coverage of the Iraqi Elections been?
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
US sees rising civilian toll in Iraq-Unreported Casualties
No Apology in Cupertino School Flap (Dec. of Independence fiasco)
Fear of foreign juggernauts speeds up China's anti-monopoly legislation
Audit: $9 Billion Unaccounted for in Iraq
Iraq Veterans Against the War Kicks Off Their Amazing Tour
CITGO: Hi-tech Houston Hospital medicine for low income Venezuelans
US marine killed in west of Baghdad (1431)
'Several killed' in Kuwait clash (2nd day of clashes)
Ten Missing, Thought Dead, in UK Iraq Plane Crash
World leaders praise Iraqi poll
Child killers walk free after Washington Supreme Court vacates convictions
Australia abandons Baghdad embassy (moves to Green Zone)
Dollar edges up after Iraqi election
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
Boeing's Little Bird flys high by remote control
Employers Can Get Medicare Subsidies for Lower Benefits
Thatcher conviction 'was unlikely'
Pro-Bush forces gear up for Supreme struggle (Federalist Society)
Exxon Mobil Earns Record $8.42B in 4Q
Ross' attorney files montion to delay execution
Four Militants Killed in Latest Kuwait Clash
Some GIs have undergone second post-combat mental exams
Pakistan, US to open security talks this week
Probes of alleged corruption in oil-for-food program clash
Four U.S. Marines Killed in Iraq Fighting
Baby Bell buying Ma Bell (SBC Set to Buy AT&T)
Source: Jersey acting Gov. won't seek nomination
DNC candidate Fowler gets a boost
African Leaders in Nigeria for Summit Aimed at Overcoming Poverty
Focus on Middle East, Ukraine Dominates at World Economic Forum
Jazeera Tape Appears to Show UK Plane Hit in Iraq
Cincinnati Soldier Killed In Iraq (while guarding polls)
Nun's Gay Outreach Angers Church
(WA) Taxpayers foot the bill for Rossi's election challenge
Consumer lobbyist gives up on Austin
Abstinence programs = more sexual activity
Bush basks in vote's success, but concedes danger lingers
Marsh to Pay $850million to Settle Charges by Spitzer: NYT
Feel better Hillary (she collapsed in NY today)
Florida GOP leaders opposing Bush effort to privatize more services
The Real Scandals of the Texas Election
3 more Marines killed in Iraq today...... MSNBC
Al Qaeda Vows to Fight on in Iraq
Stars and Stripes: Insurgents' threats keep Ramadi residents from voting
Sickly pope cancels Vatican meetings
(Columnist Payoff) Law Cautions Against Outside PR Spending -- Sort Of
' If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits.'
Pulitzer Inc. Sells Its Newspapers to Lee Enterprises, Now 4th Largest Pub
Democrats Make Pre-Emptive on Bush Address
Sex used to break Muslim prisoners (Fake Menstrual Blood Smeared On Face)
Newsweek: Unmasking the Insurgents
Report Links Brooklyn Mosque to Saudi Hate Material
Afghans aim to buy back old missiles
Senator Clinton Collapses During Speech
Arab TV shows 'shooting down' of British plane
Four U.S. Marines Killed in Iraq Fighting
Diplomats, Analysts Say Iraq Insurgency Still Strong
Group files lawsuit challenging same-sex marriage ban
Prison riot in Iraq, U.S. soldiers kill 4
(church lobby false) claim "majority of Americans" object to PBS cartoon
World's news channels play to prejudices (Re: Iraq election)
EU suspends sanctions against Cuba
Al Qaeda Vows Holy War in Iraq
Oman Confirms Arrest of Saboteurs
Global warming claiming prehistoric glaciers
17 Substances Added to Cancer Agents List ..hepititus B and C & STD's
Bush puts immigration reform back on agenda
U.N. Darfur report does not see genocide - Sudan
ASDC Chair Meeting (Dean wins endorsement)
Shi'ite bloc feels on verge of Iraq power
Dean Stumps For DNC Chair On Gay Inclusion
Feds drop case against pilots allegedly drunk in cockpit
Spitzer critical of Bush SS plan - debt incurred would be "astronomical"
Webb drops out of race for DNC chairmanship, backs Dean
Pakistan Keen to Defuse Iran-US Nuclear Row
Human rights lawyers: Expand war crimes probe of U-S officials (Gonzales)
U.S. Treasury to borrow $147 bln in Jan-March quarter
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 31 January
Hillary Clinton collapses during speech in New York
Body of missing Indiana girl found in stream
Chile puts time limit on Pinochet-era inquiries
Nelson criticizes Bush plan to privatize social security
PB Post: Gov. Bush's jobs record falls short of predecessors'
U.S., Britain have exit strategy: First troops out in late 2005
Family fights to keep comatose man alive (Ethics comm. votes not to)
Once invincible Governator sees popularity dip
Colombia-Venezuela is officially over.
Motor Neurons Grown From Stem Cells
Researchers find diabetes trigger, possible fix
Gorbachev Calls Iraqi Elections “Fake
Bush to take a bow for Iraq vote in upcoming 'State of the Union' speech
Pentagon Would Raise Military Death Pay
Mexico: FBI memo warns of possible plot to kill, kidnap agents
New Hampshire May Repeal Gay Hate Crime Law
Incomes Jump Record 3.7 Percent in Dec. (watch for catch!)
Four Iraqi detainees killed, six injured in riot at detention facility in
1 in 3 teens says First Amendment goes 'too far'
Pataki's Maid Aide (wife's maid- paid for by state GOP)
Democratic Group Backs Fowler Over Dean to Lead DNC (WP)
Rift over redistricting (in CA)
Disabled child in suicide attack (bomber appeared to have Down's syndrome)
State Democrats Back Dean for DNC Post
"Iran vows enrichment freeze to be short-lived"
Halliburton poised for Q1 "Upside Surprise"
Justice Dept. to Charge $373K for Records (of detainee cases)
He's the world's nuclear arms watchdog, why Bush admin. want him out?
Report: Explosives-Filled Truck Explodes in Tajik Capital, Killing One
Bosnian protest over Guantanamo
Healthcare Overhaul Is Quietly Underway -LAT
Leumi (UK) buys Riggs Bank & Trust
U.S. Judge: Guantanamo Tribunals Unconstitutional
Congressional Republicans 103-page SS Playbook leaked to Raw Story
Tribune, CBS, Fox and NBC appeal to Supreme Court in media ownership case
Vietnam bird flu deaths increase (fear could spread human-to-human)
I have a shell of a Reese's Pieces stuck under the letter "v"
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
I am a master of the oral argument. Ask me anything.
If anyone thought they had problems they ought to pity the poor foreign
She'll cut your heart like diamonds - end of story
You'd better call up the ambulance. I'm feelin' no pain.
I'm going to bed. I leave you with this directive.
Which smilie combo makes you the most dizzy?
Help get me to 3000 posts tonight...
Oh hell why not ask me anything
Yes it is mean and no I don't approve
I've been drinking Kool-Aid all weekend.
this is my 900th I'm going to bed............nite all.......
Wondered where we all would be if Bill Clinton was on term #4 now sort of
I am the best debater, ever. Ask me anything.
What could be greater than playing a game of golf with a gator?
OK. The time to admit if you loved MAGNUM P.I. is now.
I'm watching Jill Clayburgh on that ABC lawyer show
I'm going to bed-- don't ask me a damn thing....
Listening to Pantera's "Cemetary Gates". Ask me anything.
You know what movie I'd really like to see made? One in which Jesus
Forget your troubles, c'mon get happy....
You ever catch your cat with a reindeer?
God I love the Top 10 Conservative Idiots list. I live for Mondays
Public Swimming Pool Evacuated After Crocodile Is Spotted
Can't afford Super Bowl ad time? Try these 2 guys for just 10K
Wonder Bread falls prey to the upside-down black-is-white Bush technique!
"Not to go on all-Fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?"
Shetland Pony Invades Grocery Store
Sorry for the late news.......
Bus Driver barely escapes deer attack - punches herself to safety
What's superber than chowing a Hummer from Helgoland?
What are the best skin care products for men?
Honestly...if DU was down for a would you deal with it?
My dream team for 2008--I'm backing them with a bumper sticker.
McDonald's Worker Busted For Putting Glass In Cop's Big Mac
Today is my mom's 74th Birthday.
If you had a time machine . . .
German match-rigging affair overshadows World Cup
Check out the latest in "Bunny suit hunting attire"
John Lofton is a frickin' piece of shit
What's stupider than owning a Hummer in the U.S.?
Man's Ford Contour Stolen 3 Times In 6 Days
I didn't know he could move that fast!!
I downloaded some bootlegs of Van Halen concerts. Ask me anything.
Hey lurking right winger ASSHOLES, this is for you!
I watched the movie " The Manchurian Candidate " last night - freaky !
Bill O'Reilly's Thoughtful Valentine's Day Gift Suggestions
You're not whoisalhedges are ya? I don't want any whoisalhedges in my car.
Pentagon Considers Teaching Computers To Read
Priest asks girl, 12, and mom to perform a sex act - Resigned
Tough to win, easy to blow lottery riches
You all have heard "Who Is This America" by Antibalas, right?
The Ms. Universal Sufferage of all CAPTIONS!!!
What musician should get a film biography?
WHY would someone go to Mexico and eat undercooked pork? WHY?
Remember when it was called "Sugar Crisp?"
For those of you who showed up late -- Skinner would like a note from
Found some gloves for Captain America....
Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light
Love grows from back seat of NY cab
Nominate the crap Beatles songs here.
Check out LifeCare Hospital's mission statement
Did You All Know About DARTH TATER?
The "I Just Peed Myself" of CAPTIONS!
Did anybody notice how many Iraqis lined up to give Bush the finger?
What are your favorite Iraq/Bush Protest songs?
Oh, God, the media deluge of Jackson has begun
So, what happened to the DU Admins?
Did anyone watch "See Arnold Run" last night?
So who is going to hang with Ramsey & I when we come to Austin TX?
Who else here is sick to death of Jamster commercials?
New evidence of psychopathy gene found
Does anybody really EVER suffer fools gladly?
My guess is that it was VP Dick Cheney....
New recipe for an old sandwich
no steam cleaner for the wife on her b-day. I just ordered flowers!!!
Gay Attack!! Gay Attack!! RUN!!!!!!!
OMG! I just caught a hilarious typo in my big presentation document!
Smelly School Losing Students In The Panhandle - Sweage Treatment Plant
"Straightjacket" Vermont Teddy Bear Will Stay As Valentine's Day Gift
Ok I talked with my dad and looks like I'll be heading for the home
Despite Outcry, Widow To Move Bob Marley's Remains
Very interesting, realistic animation
Rodney Dangerfield gets no respect...even in death
did anyone see any good movies this past weekend
Hillary collapsed during speech today, thread from GD Politics (link)
Is Everyone Ready For The Michael Jackson Media Orgy?
Is OE8 really the most trusted name in booze?
Which decade do you hate more?
I think Sniffa is getting to me, re: coLLapsing. ShouLd I try Vonage?
Hillary Collapses While Singing at Bush's Inaugural!
how about a "michaeL jackson triaL" group group?
You're not a commie, are ya? I don't want any commies in my car.
CAPTION the Education secretary CAUGHT CHEATING!!!!
So why do you think,out of all the cartoons, they picked on SpongeBob?
Anyone Try Vonage or Other Broadband Phone Services?
Most people have "noses," but with Bush, it's more like a frigging BEAK.
hiLLary coLLapses; DU goes to LeveL 2
Fucking stupid Sears hardware department!!!
Weight, family members and friends
Is there a chance in hell that Michael Jackson is not guilty?
How about a Tito Jackson trial group?
Air America reports Hillary OK!
Help me install my new hard drive!
Ever notice that when Freeps talk about the French being wimps...
How about a LaToya Jackson trial group?
Meet "Esuvee" - The Hairy Safety Mascot Of SUV's
I SUPPOSE This SEEMED Like A Good Idea At The Time
How my short-term memory degrades:
US Company - Quit Smoking and Lose Weight or Quit Your Job
Don't tell ME there's no such thing as reincarnation!
Which BS issue will Bush talk about in SOTU?
I just noticed the W on my keyboard is messed up.
Hey Chavez! Let's check in on the Christian Powerlifters...HUH???
Who is "Going to Disney World" after the Super Bowl? NO ONE!
hoho, haha - that site is funny
Cheetah cam at the National Zoo.
Hell just froze over! I am getting a 20% Bonus!
Positive results shown in meditation survey
Feel the RW love for Hillary (not for the weak-stomached)
So, I now have the final tally on what my brake job is going to cost
A lot of people say /Magical Mystery Tour/ is a bad movie.
The ultimate movie throwdown-Who wins?
Has anyone got that pic of Bush in his "cowboy pimp" attire?
Go ahead! Take a peek. What's in your co-workers drawer?
Procrastination & Indecision Pay Off: new model powerbook out today
If you wish to be happy for one hour, get drunk...
Is CNN really the most trusted name in news?
Sniff, sob - hubby went home today. WAAAHHH!!!
Did anyone film or tape the Vote for Change concerts?
Ok I'm NEVER going scuba diving. EVER.
I'm Out Of My Hed... Oh Hurry Or I May Be Dead!
Students for an Orwellian Society
i havent slept in 2 days... but...
Should Gene Keady's rug be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame?
A note to all aunts and uncles out there - do not leave a timid 3 year old
Help! I'm obsessed with Starships!
Help! I'm obsessed with Starfish!
WTF! So we have a scale in the work bathroom. I gained weight!
You're hurt in a terrible accident. They're going to make you better than
You too can own your own Dalek.
Would you do an intervention on someone who has been watching every episod
Would you do an intervention on someone....
I got my prime rib this weekend!!! and it was fabulous
Why Do Movies Go To DVD So Fast These Days?
Who wants to be on "Trading Spouses?"
Help! I'm obsessed with Starship!
Six men jailed for exhuming a 'vampire' to eat his heart
matcom !!! the teacher is looking for you ..
Help! I'm obsessed with Starship Trooper!
So where will you be protesting on March 19th, 2005?
how about a "michaeL jackson triaL" group?
Bwahahahaha Theres a street in my city called Moran Dr.
I, LynneSin do solemnly swear I will no longer make bets with other DUers
2005 State of the Union Drinking Game
I've got $100. What would you do for it? Make'em good now!
Do you feel downloading off kazaa is wrong ?
So I am in my boss' car as he drives us to lunch, when WHAM!
Rasheed Wallace Rips Bush* A New One
It is 2:44 and I have done absolutely Nothing today.
okay when females start sex threads
I think DU is getting to me, re: anxiety.
My 10 year old son made me a pot of coffee!
Help! I'm obsessed with Starship Troopers!
I need information on Ural Motorcycles.
all I really want is a Stella Artois
I just got an unsolicited email from my congressman. Um you would
My god damned roomies wanna find a new place
I am officially unemployed (again!)................................
I don't know what to do with myself.
Still need Devil Bones recipe. Please?
"The West Wing" prempted by Chimp SOTU speech on Wed night.
Got freeper jokes? I'll start ...
OMG. Guy painting our house is listing to religious radio.
Somebody PLEASE Explain This To Me
Randi's rippin a freeper's ass right now.
Anybody else have problems sleeping because of
Time To Play: FIND LYNNESIN!!!
Could someone please explain the difference between 'slacks' & 'pants'?
What was the first video game you ever played?
Flying USA to Europe- need airline recommendations
Saw "Million Dollar Baby" yesterday {{SPOILERS}}
CONFESS!!!!!! What gives you really bad gas...
What is your favorite Marx Brothers movie?
I now see the appeal of being a parent
Computer Experts - mIRC question
Attention Class. Skinner has asked me to take attendance this morning...
You're Having My Baby: Greatest Piece of Music Ever or Not?
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony: Greatest piece of music ever, or not?
Have you seen that Bumper Sticker "Freedom isn't Free"
Rediscovering Ministry - Where's XNASA?
choose your favorite principaL
Screw being the "homosexuality detection expert" - Just take the damn test
I am the DU "homosexuality detection expert". Ask me anything
Mr. Burns from The Simpsons was just on Fox News
anyone use Mozilla's Firefox web browser yet?? (it's fast.)
What Don't You Want People to Find in your House When You Die?
OSCAR PICK EM GAME: Everyone welcomed to join and play
DU Group Proposal: Oasis vs. The Beatles and other bands group.
Hippiechick, did you know you were quoted on Seattle radio Sat. night?
Miami Vice. I watched it religously
Ok, I'm 50 posts away from 2000, help me out here
Who wants a special assignment?
Skippy or Jif? Chunky or smooth? Marshmallow or jelly?
Over or Under for the Super Bowl? (47.5)
I WANT'A SOMETHING FREAKY TO YOU, world's greatest love song?
Does anyone remember the show DARK SHADOWS?
What DO you want people to find in your house when you die?
Don't look back. DUs got a Bob Dylan Group!
Its been 4 days since my sweetie deployed to the Middle East ...
How about a "There Are Too Many Groups!" group?
DU Group Proposal: Electronic music group.
Urgent! Please help me make a really really important decision.
Safire on "Vegan" today in NYT
Black U.S. Baptist groups reconciling, put aside gay-marriage issue
High on Death: A Texas professor searches for the human soul
Time Magazine - The 25 Most Influential Evangelists
Is God or religion necessary for morality?
Higher states of consciousness
Where would you be placed in hell?
Healthcare Overhaul Is Quietly Underway (Bush tries to end "insurance")
Views from space help oil prospectors see deep underground
The 25 most important questions in physics
Leo's Bright Star Regulus "Flies like Bullet"
Cosmic oddity casts doubt on theory of universe
Telltale 'fingerprints' can lead chemists to sources of oil spills
Overdue Supervolcanoes 'May Erupt Soon'
"Basic Rights Oregon" files lawsuit against Oregon anti-gay con amendmt
Appeal In Case Of Gay Couple Ordered To Split Up Over Child
City Ordered To Pay $1.3 Million To Gay Musical
Gay Ugandan Refused Entry To UK Because Homosexuality Is Illegal In His Ho
Students Protest Anti-gay SpongeBob Flap
Which team is most likely to be the 1st to play in the Super Bowl at Home?
What Super Bowl team embodies the Democratic Party philosophy?
I feel a whole lot better now, thank you
Dog scratching at door molding. Any ideas how to stop it or the damage?
Neurofeedback: intersecting with ancient mind-body techniques
Are these slip up calling the DNC, the DLC, purposeful or not
Is there any info on John Kerry's personality?
Just watched the MTP Interview. And while for the most part I thought
Well my nana has passed one, one for the ages
Wow, I didn't know their was a photography group on DU. Anyone interested
Anyone ever sell or exhibit their work?
Please, would somebody explain the FTAA fo me?
Metro vs. Retro - Is it an accurate assessment?
2 journalists defend roles at White House meetings
Democrats on C-Span on Monday (and Sunday night too)
Reid and Pelosi to Challenge Bush on Iraq Exit Strategy & Social Security
SPIN ALERT -- Social Security Funeral benefits
Anyone watch the world's worst TV movie "Run Arnold Run" ?
Repuke Talking Points on Social Security: Anyone seen this...
the total number of insurgent attacks yesterday: 175, ...
Local paper poll: will violence in Iraq decrease after elections?
"We have been showing pics of people stepping over body parts and
Well, Voting Results In Iraq Are In and the Winner Is...
Keep in mind, as we dance to the joyous success of Iraq elections...
DNC Chair Candidates on Morning Sedition starting Tuesday AM
Will there be protests during the SOTU speech? n/t
Simon Rosenberg to be on C-Span's Washington Journal at 9AM.
US election. Newspapers didn't have pictures of long lines
Will Wayne Newton play Allawi's innaugural?
Cook slams Blair's 'black arts' tactics
Bush Forges Weak Links to Legacies of Democratic Predecessors
Geldof cast as 'Mr Bloody Africa'
Reid and Pelosi on C-Span at 10AM est
Medal winner Bremer pissed away over 8 Billion of our dollars.....
Hmm, Jeff Gannon - gets paid to ask softball questions of *
Fox: For Wednesday's SOTU, Bush will "come out with both guns blazing"
Who's watching CSPAN-2 (DNC chair race)
Libya gives US oil barons contracts - oh yes
CIA Agents Secretly Placed in US University Classrooms
Reid: "I haven't read Senator Kennedy's comments on Iraq"
Media is in full pro-Bush mode
Germans Protest Bush with US Flags in Dog Poo!
Become An Extraordinary Rich Conservative And Live The Ultimate Lifestyle!
I LOVE when the media talks about propaganda! CNN is now.
Two Paths to Social Security Investment Accounts Mapped
Colonel, Lt. Colonel rape & abuse Captain - and get away with it
Don't use FDR to undermine Social Security By James Roosevelt Jr
Chairs/Vice Chairs reject Fowler recommendation. Dean wins first vote
Thank God for people willing to say "shit" when we are all choking on it!
In honor of Howard Dean: I Hate Republicans!
Rebuttal Begins for a Speech Not Yet Given (SOTU)
Rep. Committeeman arrested for downloading rape of 5 yr. old porn
FLASH Hillary Clinton collapses
One reason I believe Democrats are inneffective is that they are
Let's make a list of things Dean hates
The Power Of Boycotts, Let Me Hear Your Opinion
This has GOT to be propaganda........
FOX: Hillary just collapsed during speech (breaking on TV)
What was the most honest thing Bush said in his first term?
So, they want to to erect a monument of Bush!
Webb drops out of race for DNC chairmanship
Latest Numbers in the DNC Chair race (actual voting #'s)
The Real Scandals of the Texas Election
Was Russert Baiting Kerry Into Making A Statement About Vote Fraud....
Guantanamo tribunals ruled unconstitutional
Brazil protests the Iraq war. Where's their post-election joy? (photos)
Does anyone actually believe that any progress can be made
Awhile back "CNN and PsyOps" happened. Could it happen again ?
Dumbest thing Chimp said in his first term?
Meet The Press - January 30, 2005 - Transcript
Now, let me see... Dean hates Republicans
Progressives need to tell America what we believe
Bush Administration Unveils New Iraq Exit Strategy
Stand for a change - an opinion
RNC Spins "’s Baseless Social Security Ad"
Wonder why no one's brought up the British gassing of Kurds in the 1920s?
Update from Cong. Henry Waxman - 1/31/05
Weren't the Republicans howling for an "exist strategy" in Bosnia and
Got Religion? What is with all the pandering?
Bush told black caucus he didn't know anything about Voting Rights
Don't they have to do this vote in Iraq all over again in Oct ? Then
Would you like it if DU set up a "debate thread" with Freepers?
Reminder: The exit pollsters polled too many Democrats
The tactic of picking and choosing votes - stop using it here.
Why don't they dip their HEADS in blue ink?
Tim Blair doesn't get it (my cartoon, that is).
TX Legislature to tackle emergency contraception bill
Neoconservative vs Everyone Else
so do we have a list of what is wrong with those wacki iraqi elections?
Add Haiti to the list of BushCo. Created Nightmare States
CNN: "Do the Dems' opinions even matter? Technically, no"
Consumer's Union giving up daily lobbying efforts in Texas
If Rush has given you a nickname, does that mean you're doing a good job?
Talk about leaving Iraq is a laugh
'Wash Post' Disputes Gallagher Claim of Retraction
Expat Iraq Vote MSM Spin is Shameless
If our problem is rural voters
Reid calls for 'real' Iraq plan; Pelosi sees Social Security fight
Iraqi "election" held right before State of the Union...what timing!!!
Does Bush tell the truth about anything?
God help us.....Baghdad Mayor: "We will build a statue for Bush"
Leibermann: a coherent Zell Miller
If Bayh votes against Gonzales then he moves up in
Nonbelievers: Get Excommunicated from the Catholic Church
Easy way to fight back against Dobson Campaign
I'm on the list to see *. (Phase 1 complete. On to Phase 2)
Fowler SCALDED Washington Consultant Culture. He IS Grassroots
If Dean had been this frank in the primaries, he would have won going away
Communist Party USA: Talking crazy about Social Security
Senators Obama & Salazar: Two Dismal Debuts
Two kids lead the strongest attack yet on Condi
Malkin: Left wing bloggers hid under their bedcovers during Iraq election
Who will be our next Paul Wellstone?
Call Bill Nelson re Gonzales: Demand a filibuster of Gonzales
"I've turned off the news, I boycott ____ ____ & _____ network."
Fire the Consultants: by Amy Sullivan
So, it looks like a real fight is coming over the Gonzales nomination
What if Kerry had been a clearly anti-war candidate?
How have your calls re Gonzales been going
Congressional Republicans Agree to Launch Social Security Campaign
Would we be happy if Laura Bush fainted on stage?
CNN: QuickVote - Do you plan to watch *'s State of the Union?
Republican lurkers: Proof that your own party thinks you're stupid
Why can't the Army make recruiting goals?
I saw Senator Kerry on Tim Russert's show yesterday and
CNN: Corporatist News Network FOX: Fascist News Network
The Empire Used To Have Standards. Will Blair Pay The Price For Iraq?
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Guantanamo...
Okay this is too funny! Why do we not have Abstinence only classes again?
Clinton reaches out to the centre ground
Donnie Fowlers 2000 election performance was BAD
CIA report admits "Outsourcing" is a threat to middle class (what's left
The writing on the wall: Hillary '08
Is Bush a Racist? Bush Shows His True Colors