Today's Conservatives are Fascists
I Never Thought I Did, But I Guess I Hate America
What Became Of American Conservatives? Paul Craig Roberts Nov 30
"Do Ka-Ka!": ...3rd of 20 Buzzflash Editorials this month leading up
National Endowment for Death Squads? The AFL-CIO and the NED
Counterfeit Foe - The Ultimate Hegelian Dialectic
"US Should Not Help Tsunami Victims"
Unions will try to help re vote fraud)Media Whites Out Vote Fraud
Is it fair to compare Nazi media (Shirer's book)and current US media?
JP Morgan, HSBC See Victory on Personal-Bankruptcy Law Changes
In South Africa, Licensing Law Poses Hurdles for Gun Buyers
Is it against the rules to post snips of Locked threads?
Israeli soldier 'urged revolt'
Can someone explain to me what's going to happen Jan 6th?
Depends on What You Mean by Winning
Kucinich Campaign Workers Singing for Democracy!
Is "My Buddy" Olberman focused on the Ohio Recount and Jan 6th?
Senate hotline number right here, folks!
Is this where you thought we'd be 2 months after the election?
This just in -- Bush asks Judge to throw out Ohio lawsuit!
Randi FINALLY talking about the election
Anyone know of a link between OH Judge James Rapp & Triad Rapps?
Gore won the 00 vote, lost the election. JK won the 04 vote, lost the
KOS, the "God of the bloggers" call us crazy "fraudsters", uh?
Hartmann: What the pukes have planned for Thursday
Question for the "Non-Believers"
Sorry if this is a re-post, but Another great article from Free Press
Before You Get To Court YOU GET SEARCH WARRANTS!!!
read what's going on in redefeat bush
Good Article from Ohio's Plain Dealer ....
Promise you wont give up trying to remove this president from this office
The best argument I've found for a Senator to stand up.
Mods - Could you post a 'sticky' topic here - with our Senators' phone #s?
A Very Good Article Gives You Hope
Mike Malloy talking about Bush wanting to throw out lawsuit and Jan 6th
Let's take a cue from Pavlov's dog and keep our wits re: Boxer.
Another Cool Article From Congressman Conyers And Jesse Jackson 1 4, 2005
over 1700 OH precincts lost since 1998 - ineptitude or maliciousness?
I Hope History Treats The Senators That Do Not Object Very Harshly
Yahoo :Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit
Short video shot of crowd at today's Columbus rally
Senator Nelson and 3/4th's of the Senate are NOT going to tell US WHAT
Unofficial insider information/rumor: Boxer will challenge
For DU'ers meeting up in D.C. on Jan 5th/6th: Which night is best for you?
Bush & Clinton both on Larry King tonight? Why?
What is wrong with Al? He never seems to do his homework
C-span discussion regarding the ethics committee and Tom Delay is making
Republican Reed faces GOP wrath over recount decisions
Malloy Talking Election Fraud - Caution Most Cynical
Folks, January 6th is a win/win situation for us
Nightly Olbermann Estrogen Brigade Thread...
HEY! Found someone in MSM to listen! Talked Fraud in AUGUST!
Re-post - - Election Fraud Activists, please read - RE: Freepers
Ha! Ha! I worked election fraud into my online class intro!
I got a response from my libertarian congressman
AP: Politically passionate voters chose to challenge election results
Reminder: The GAO is still investigating "irregularities" regardless what
Markos (from Daily Kos) bitch-slapped
What would constitute LEGITIMATE evidence for election fraud?
Roll call: If --***IF***-- Barbara stands with the Black Caucus
Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit
Tennessee DUers: Let's rally at all of our Senators' local offices on 1/5
Ok the question is.. IF Boxer and Dayton do object...
A Bird's Eye View of the King County Canvass
Faneuil Hall: Sen. Boxer on board!!!! :-)
News from the Columbus OHIO Rally this afternoon
Has anyone heard anything about fraud in Pennsylvania?
Attention Westmoreland County DUers...
Vo Unlikely Journey: From Saigon Chaos To Texas House
It came to me while I was at work...
Eccch. Man sends phony emails to missing tsunami victim's families
Has anyone ever had a PET scan?
Anyone else bugged by MSM hypocrisy of the tsunami vs. Iraq victims?
(embryonic) Stem Cells Reverse Parkinson's in Monkeys
I see Christamas survive another LIberal attack last year...
Freepers celebrate Confederacy
Dubya's Caring Military & The Evil Tsunami
Here's A Really Nice Place In Chile For A Remote Rural Collective
US majority didn't support invasion of Iraq ("librul media" in action)
So what do you think is really going on with the REPUG meeting tonight?
Any good Dem chat rooms on IRC?
Got a website? "Dean for DNC Chair" logo you can put on your website.
Clinton is walking behind Idiot Son with a shovel (tsunami effort)
Shell Game With Human Rights? 2004 falsies awards - Disinformation
I read an interesting letter in a local paper
Newest Bush reality: "Politics is the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE!"
Please sign Tom Delay petition
Why is Vanessa Williams on the FP with Smirk?
"Baghdad Burning" blog has a new post
Instead of taking all the aid to the injured and homeless,
Good job DUers! House ethics rules to be reinstated, to stay in place!
5,000 Americans missing - concern seems low
Bullock Gave One Million--------How Much Did Matt PUDGE Give?
Please help- Question about Tsunami aid
Hey America ,wheres your Dick?
pol on CNN , Lu Dobs.. i cant find it..please DU it for job/outsourcing
If you want to understand fundies, start here:
FoxNews back to the tsunami-supermodel story.
This Video Slays Me Totally !!! (Tsunami Survivor - Little Girl)
Where is Wes Clark on Hardball folks?
If I were independently wealthy...
Last 2 Elected US Presidents to Appear on Larry Kling Live (sic) Tonight!
Where on is the best place to post?
Monday Malloy Gathering: Truthseekers Get your Malloy Here
Why don't they call the tsunami a tidal wave?
Hey scumbag AARP.............. Proud of yourselves?
How much hurricane aid did George Bush grant to Florida?
Eleven pairs of before/after tsunami pics in flash format..stunning
Anecdotal reports of stomach flu/food poisoning? What's up?
8 Kuwait soldiers detained for plotting attacks on US troops.
Bush to Nation' Youth: Turn all the churches into strip clubs
Needs photos of police violence used against peaceful demonstrators
Right Wing Dictator George Bush Enlists Bill Clinton in Disaster Shakedown
For those who complain about NPR...maybe you are listening to wrong
Hastert cautious on tsunami aid, "We need to look at the issue first."
Bhopal disaster expert -Background on the HAARP Project
George Bush and his Facial Injuries. Is the Press Protecting Him?
I have joined the Democratic Socialists of America this past week.
Best Gluten Free Treat / Cookie ??
US conducts biometric tests at 50 border points
Ex President Clinton and Bush sr escort president Bush
US military hints at staying in Afghanistan for decades
Group Warns of Possible Rape of Survivors [Tsunami]
Clear Channel ad partner with tsunami telethon
2 Navy SEALs Face Hearings in Abuse Case
Bullock Donates $1M for Tsunami Relief
Pentagon plans $30 billion in cuts
Iran’s elections: conservatives and hardliners dominate
Soldier helps in Operation: Doggy Freedom
I survived on attap chee (tsunami survivor found 100 miles from shore)
Bush Calls for 'Big Things' From Congress
Message from Steven Freeman to D U
Insurgent Attacks in Iraq Kill at Least 16 (1/3/05)
Cuba Renews Contact With European Nations
U.S. oil companies line up for new Libya licenses
Defeated (TX repug) lawmakers get election challenge hearings
Files show extent of Murdoch lobbying
Indonesian Woman found alive 100 nautical miles
Israel releases first reactor video ("atomic school" for disadvantaged)
WP: Social Security Formula Weighed: Bush Plan to Cut Promised Benefits
Stem Cells Reverse Parkinson's in Monkeys
U.S. May Add Advisers to Aid Iraq's Military -NYT
Social Security Formula Weighed
Republicans reverse themselves on ethics rules
WP: More Women Opting Against Birth Control, Study Finds
Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit
My 70lb dog is currently hunting a fly in the living room.
Did you have to return any of your Christmas gifts?
How can you get a dog to gain weight?
Uh Oh! E-Bay Listing for Image of Lucifer on a HotPocket!
My 70 lb dog thinks his rear end is the center of the universe
"An Injury To One", (the IWW in 1900's Montana)
I used to love falafel; but goddamned O'Reilly had to ruin it for me!
If I don't stop this, I'll go blind!
In my mind, I've got them tied to a chair in a soundproof room and
Okay, dream interpreters, I dreamed....
What's the best way to market a Democratic website?
THREE... TWO... ONE... HAPPY 2006!!!
while we are fattening up our pets...
How do you know when a baby is a dead baby?
I have the flu right now and a neurosurgeon appt tomorrow am, just ask me!
Two CD's I just ordered with a gift certificate.
David Spade annoys me to no end.
7 Days Left - SEVEN DAMNED DAYS!!!
I'm on the radio tonight (Monday) from 8:00-10:00 p.m. EST.
The Hindenburg was the greatest zeppelin ever to crash and burn in Jersey.
The Hindenburg was the greatest zeppelin ever to float the earth.
I am holding a live baby on a leash as I type
O.K. so what is the best (free or cheap) photo editing software?
I was at the mall and PUT a kid on a leash
If you get Discovery Time channel, you have to watch
What has 184 Arms, 184 legs, and 32 teeth?
I hate Bu$h. My 84-YO daddy says I shouldn't hate the PRES! ...
I now have two DU bumper-stickers, what should I do with the new one?
I'm thinking of going over to GD...
I'll Say anything you want to hear. I'll see everything through.
let's make it I have the flu???
I just ordered Porcupine Tree's "In Absentia".
The first of 2005... It's time for a POST a PIC OF YOUR thread!!
Have you ever turned in or retrieved something at
Which ex-president's death will sadden you most?
Red Sox fans!!! Watch all of the Red Sox World Series Games Since 1975
Snowing to beat all hell in AZ - 16 inches predicted!
Casey Kasem spewing obcenities
Hey you Loungies - I fuckin love you all - don't change for a second!
Just wondering if Mike Malloy surfs this site while he is on the radio?
Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever to walk the earth.
This is the young man that moved in with us
Actors Who Thought They Could Sing - Who Sucked The Most?
Lactose intolerance + large milk shake =
"Hey, I am no longer illitterate!"
If thinking certain pokes are funny
Guess the topic of the TV show that HEyHEY's room-mates are watching!
What are the benefits of green tea?
Seven Signs You Might Be Suffering From FREEPERphobia
How the heck did the "Y" Yahoo icon hijack 2 of my other toolbar icons?
Who has the best tsunami logo/theme music?
If thinking certain jokes are funny
The very greatest rock bands, British and American, by time period
Someone help me out with this Trudeau strip?
What's black and white, black and white, black and white, etc.?
Anyone wanna help me think of an article topic, I cant think right now
What Do You Get When You Cross Helen Keller & A Dead Baby?
It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple freeper eater....
You know what is truly the most frightening thing?
Boy, the little locks make the controversial threads way easier to find.
On behalf of the American Tourists in Phuket some FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER
What's a good FREE Spyware/Virus program?
What I Learned on DU: Classification of Freepers
All right DU'ers - post your low carb recipes.
Do all dogs like to sleep on your legs?
"Let the battle cry go forth which is 'give the people what they want'...
THAT was Auburn's argument for No. 1?
Y'all are both wrong, Jamaica produces better music than US/Europe
Is "Who's Your Daddy" the show the Fundies are upset about?
Has anyone gone ice fishing yet?
Anyone know where I can get a really good sports bra?
Find the secret buttons to animate the frog
Like it or not, you are on Zomby's Sweet List!
jellybelly needs to get out of the 700 club! Ask me anything....
Wellll I got a brand new pair of roller skates, you got a brand new key
I just heard Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by Bill Shatner....
Why are some people down on Coffee?
Least favorite type of cardiac arrhythmia?
its cold, my car wont start, any suggestions?
At the end of Return of the King, is that chubby older hobbit a male or ..
OK.. I'm heading out to the local bar...
Anyone Seen The Trailer For The New PIXAR Film?
I was at the mall and saw a kid on a leash
Has the male freeper in the middle been somehow shrunk?
Older DUers - did rednecks think they were cool years ago?
Latin America is the King of Music
I'm going to take the FSO exam in April
Who's watching Patricia Arquette in The Medium? It's kind of lame
I am holding a live baby as I type.
Songs to dedicate to freepers.
Listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall. Ask me anything.
Which is worse - New Country or Progressive Rock?
Europe Produces FAR BETTER Music Than America Does
Singers who thought they could act but sucked the most?
CANADA is the music capital of the world...
Funniest American Comedians of the last 50 years - nominations please!
I have listened to Yes: Close to the Edge again.
This is the young man that moved in with us
What equipment do I need to connect my newish TV w/o cable??
Yikes! My car's front wheel fell off today while I was driving.
**~~**New Year's Health Tips**~**
Carly Fiorina - Love her or hate her?
An ethnically non-identifiable person of indeterminate gender...
What's your local news guy's name?
What differentiates you from most of DU?
Just Watched a Depressing But Necessary Documentary on Sundance Channel
has anyone else seen Take Me Out
Trimming Nails - I just found a battery operated Dremmel for $20
Tarot workers: Do you read for yourself?
Just what is EFT and energy healing?
Ahm, did anyone else get the Christmas card?
Houston Chronicle Editorial has the balls to condemn DeLay tactics
Thou Shalt Not Discipline Swine
Help! Need link to Poppy endorsing the Washington Times
What should the Dems fillibuster over the next two years?
The year Bill O'Reilly stole Christmas
Ex President Clinton and Bush sr escort president Bush
Arson's now a federal crime -- if you give lots of Bush $$$
Video Shows NYPD Cop Gave False Testimony In RNC Arrest
I have three words for you, Rove >>>
Democratic caucus looks ready for a fight regarding ethics rules
Bush: "Scowcroft has become a pain in the ass..."
GOP Backing Away From Making DeLay Above The Law
White House refuses to release Gonzales torture memos
My 1000th post- Should I run again in 2006?
Conyers needs senator to sign on to Ohio Vote investigation...Can it be..?
Scary in Sept., Scarier Now....Norquist on the Republican vision
Do you think that if DU exsisted before the 2000 selection...
Indymedia: The Myth of a Divided America (very cool video)
Tsunami tragedy is perfect made to order distraction for butthead. Scott
The Bush Sr/Clinton combination.
What kills me is how many embrace the phony facade, the hollow gestures,
BIG WHAT IF... someone stands with Coyers and a Senator gets some
What the hell happened to Tweety? Is he actually going to go after
Newbies of 2004: Where are you politically?
2006 Issue to kick Repug ass: Social Security cutbacks
(M)Ann Coulter would like to bomb the sh*t out of the UN
Confession time: Have you ever said anything nice about Bush?
Question: Why is it when there are two lack luster candidates,
Diana West: Clarifying the message on the Iraq mission
"Seoul's double-talk on reunification"
Earthquakes, Tsunamis And Nuclear Testing
Ugly Truths About Guantanamo (Washington Post)
"cut social security benefits in the coming decades."
Consider A Way To Help (Bush's brilliant decision to use Clinton
Ten preliminary reasons why the Bush vote does not compute, and why....
Privatizers, Balancers and Tinkerers Offer Competing Plans
Bush to -request to Congress for $100 billion
Stopping the Bum's Rush (Krugman on SS Privatization)
AIM Report: How the Liberal Media Plan to Bring Down Bush
Backing Gonzales Is Backing Torture (Robert Scheer)
Congressional Enthusiasm for Bush Agenda Tempered by Deficit
Molly Ivins: Three days down, 362 to go
Common Dreams: Senators Should Object to Ohio Vote
Here’s what Theodore Roosevelt said less than 100 years ago:
Robert Fisk with the real story.
Some see Dow setting new high in 2005
Bush raid on Social Security stirs alarm
Counter-Inaugural Demonstration in LA & SF and ... , Jan. 20
Journalists petition FCC to challenge Fox-13 license renewal (Tampa)
1/3/05: It's Two Months Since I Watched Cable or Network News
Bush media blitz to change social security (now, considering)
Two more ''Ghost Fleet'' ships will be scrapped
Matsushita/Panasonic Oxyride batteries - where to buy?
Researchers Alarmed by Bat Deaths from Wind Turbines
The knuckle-draggers of the Idaho anti-wolf coalition
Press Image of Gun Owner Not Far Off, Except for All Those Women
Likely NRA Chief Aims To Boost Image (Cincy/NKY Enquirer/AZ Republic)
Serious question to those who oppose individual gun ownership...
Is there a way to get the troop deaths to date on DU?
Syndication of LBN headlines for websites?
How do I remove a forum from My Forums list?
No question. Keep the groups for paying members.
I donated, but still haven't been "ordained" with my star...
What happened to my "paid" star? Does it run for a year from payment or
How about a Hate Mailbag update?
Gee. those copycat threads from DU Lounge is making DU Lounge unreadable..
I second the copycat thread complaint about the lounge
hey, since you jokers are slacking off
Why? Why are the "DU Groups" for paying DUers, only?
Israeli's blow apart farmers with tank shell
if you care to know more on the: Palestinian Elections
IDF Officer & Soldier Abducted by Terrorists
Turkey: Syria is serious about peace with Israel
IDF urges crackdown on settler violence
Abbas calls Israel 'the Zionist enemy'
Where are Pentagon's $ 2.3 trillion unaccounted for?
Nice profile piece about Obama's first day in the Senate
Did anyone see Congressman Christopher Shays
Vote machine fraud & voter suppression of Dems in Mercer Co., Pennsylvania
Will John Kerry Report for Duty?
President Clinton on Larry King: "Bush won fair and square"
Vote machine fraud in Snohomish Co. Washington: Default to Bush
And, they don't even see the irony (Wash. Repubs calling for revote)
Did Dem. Strategist ever reveal his/herself like they said they would?
AP article on
Is it normal to hate freepers so much?
Be funny if shit hits the fan here (1/6) and all newspeople are in Asia
Vote machine fraud in Texas; default to Bush
Ohio a dead heat based on 'fixed' exit poll?
Late night conspiracy movies tonight
Anyone notice that those who are against Senators standing up are a lot
My mother talked to Ken Salazar about election fraud!!
Proof of fraud: the turtle on the fence-post
YO HEADS UP HEY re: Tubbs-Jones and Boxer
Why is Kerry in Iraq this week?
REFRAME: what would you expect criminals to say?
UNBELIEVABLE GOP questions vote discrepancies: 8,500 and counting
Corporate media will never cover Election Fraud Jan 6 now
CSPAN2 - Black Caucus swearing in ceremony...LIVE
The smoking gun indicting the official Mitofsky/Lenski exit poll
Does Rove control the weather?
We are in a holding pattern until the 6th
Gop Tactic DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Tsunami Relief vs. Election Theft
Repubs get thier day in court,Why not Us ?
Who can get this into Conyers and the Senators hands' first?
Ohio Ralley on Radio Left now -
Call AAR 862-303-2270 tell them CBS protest 4th-5th & 6th of jan.
Refuse to Surrender Your Freedom
Bush asks Judge to toss Ohio election suit
This is How you get vote Fraud covered widely...
Interesting poll results from a Sinclair owned station
Hartmann talking election fraud and kicking butt!
Press Release: March 12th, 44 BC...
What Mandate? ORANGE bumper stickers and yard signs available from AAR!
Conyers and company will send packet to Senators detailing fraud
If Senator Paul Wellstone was alive, would he stand up on the
Words of inspiriation from Jimmy Cliff
Dialing In For Democracy - Now Is Critical
The DNC: Call me naive, but wouldn't the DNC be crying bloody
Fl senator backs down from contesting election
"Protesters try last hurrah" (Washington Times article)
Are These Mitofsky's Raw Numbers?
Need Help An Important Question About The Challenge
clinton says fair and square, bush says ohio judge, drop the suit
When is the rally in D.C.? I mean, what time?
"Senators Should Object..."--Jesse Jackson article today
Article: Will John Kerry Report for Duty?
True Majority!!! Finally!!! Take Action On Honest Elections!!!
Senators should object to Ohio vote
What would the electoral vote be if all states divided them proportionally
Help. Does anyone remember what Kerry said...
For those that can't get to DC on the 6th: "Blackout Protest 1/6 9pm est!"
when the Repukes cry fraud the MSM listens
Where are those graphs that show # of voting machines vs. party in ohio
Sickening Columbus Dispatch Editorial ...Ohio’s validation
A message to Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, Al Franken and...
Pics from Rally at Boxer’s office......DU'ers were there!
A letter from Senator Reid about voting issues
They Just Announced On Crossfire John Edwards Will Run For President
Update (of sorts) on the Tubbs-Jones-Boxer statement by Lytel
It would be fun if the Kerry daughters posted here
Kerry bashing is alive and well today
Randi Rhodes now talking Election Fraud
Which Senators are the most likely to contest the vote?
Where is the thread with MSM coverage of the election fraud?
If your senator does not stand up on the 6th, who will you vote for next?
The Diebold Memos' Smoking Gun Volusia County Memos.....
Where can I find reliable data on what % registered repubs and dems (cont)
Clubs and AD's are taking action. CA voters want election contested
so did we decide where to meet up in DC on the 6th?
Shine a Light On Election Problems- RALLY/WALK
Excellent website summarizing the evidence
True Majority On Board--Email Your Senators Action Sent
Kerry: "We are going to make history"
What happened to the Arnebeck case?
Kerry getting ready to run again in 2008 (according to Newsweek)
David Lytel yesterday announced a story to break today.
Need Senatorial free fax resource & email faxing help for .pdf file
late election nite....wasn't there a DU let's go demonstrate in OH call??
About the Warren co. lockdown....
Late tonight: New controversy swirls around Republican Ohio Secretary
If voter disenfranchisement is systemic rather than motivated by
My letter to Plain Dealer re: Tubbs and Jackson to please let it go
Avi Rubin said it best in op-ed in Baltimore Sun right before the election
A simple question about the Ohio county that lied about the warning.
Exit Poll Smoking Gun - From
"FraWd Blackout Protest" Jan. 6 @ 9pm est. People power to shine a light
Just a quick post..EVERYONE should be watching C-Span right now!
Ten Preliminary Reasons Why the Bush Vote Does Not Compute (part I)
Memme: Computers count votes so no one can see, They claim Bush won...
Rawstory. Anyone have a clue what this is about?
Pic from today's action outside Barbara Boxers office in CA
Is anyone a little concerned...
Do the KOlbermann Ladies meet here every night !!??!!
Electronic fraud in a paper-based system: Request for feedback
The 2004 Election Is Unconstitutional
1/4/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread
BRAD BLOG: Clint Curtis to Appear Wed. Night on FOX NEWS Radio!
Randi Rhodes discussing Ohio, Blackwell, etc now 4:05 EST. /eom
Barack Obama's new Senate email address...
Cleveland Plain Dealer to Jackson, Tubbs-Jones: "Please, let it go"
Election Fraud: Spooks, Saudis & Florida
Warren County,'s not pretty.
Other people noticed that "mainstream bloggers" are talking "rethug-like"
Senators should object to Ohio vote: Editorial today by Jesse Jackson
If we get a Senate/House debate going....Who makes the case...
Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fl.) WON'T stand
What happens if one or more Senators DO stand up?
Maybe Kerry conceded because he wanted to live ...
I'm seeing a tsunami of threads that seem intentionally divisive
Anyone notice this one interesting thing?
WE can BE THE MEDIA (with a little help from Kinkos) here's how
What will convince me that there was fraud in the 2004 election
Fellow DUers, regardless of what happens on Jan. 6, know this...
Invite for Dc protesters--from 51
we've got the power -- we are a MOVEMENT -- here's why (and how)
Need Help. Writing to Radio Host in WA about OH problems
post your fave fantasy about who will contest
Move on and bend over because the electoral process in the US died in 2000
In Ukraine,bad exit polls signify fraud, in US bad exit polls signify...
Letter from Senator Leahy: "I have no intention of contesting..."
Okay, DU, I've had enough!!! Sit down and listen up! re: election fraud
Do Long Lines Prove Election Fraud?
Madsen's 12/31 article. Was it posted already?
Boston Herald: On Iraq trip, Kerry to skip election finale
Anyone going to The Rally for the Republic in SF Jan 4?
I would love your recommendations for Central Coast lodging and activities
Would an anti-affirmative action ballot issue pass?
A computer problem I guarentee you won't be able to solve
Top Austin acts to play benefit (Tsunami Relief)
Just got this from Richard Morrison (he is starting now to unseat Delay
One more dumb question regarding the earthquake in Asia...
Thursday, 7pm, "Turning the Tide", evil Mass. liberal telethon for tsunami
Dumb question? Can't we just quit the war and rebuild So. Asia instead?
I had to turn off Larry King (repeat) with Bush and Clinton...
"Bush had not yet made a personal donation to the relief effort"
Not One Damn Dime Day (January 20th protest)
Bad Equipment Hurt Tsunami Warning Efforts
Dumb question #2. At what point will the U.S. government be forced to...
I have to face reality. Mediawhoresonline is gone for good
Things that make you say hmmmmmm
Things to Come: the "Merlin Project"
Fred Phelps Gloats Over Swedish Tsunami Dead
Next election, I'm voting a straight Green ticket.
Boondocks Coming to Cartoon Network
No doubt the Tsunami will whip the fundies into an End Times frenzy
20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA
Bernie Ward's got some serious 'morans' calling in this evening.
Success in reframing, at another board
The Reality in Iraq and How the US Leaves!
GE unit in Japan targeted in tax investigation
Piece of crap New York Times says tsunamis hit immoral people
If you lurk at freeperville please send me a PM. I have a game plan
dON'T YOU JUST LOVE THE trooops!!!
Israeli's blow apart farmers with tank shell
I love seeing the US military actually helping people
Money in the hands of the wealthy is good;money in the hands of the poor
Elephants Saved Tourists from Tsunami
The VRWC = Al Qaeda and the Republican Party
Note to DU Mothers --- Tattoos above the collar line disqualifies you
US had advance warning of tsunami: Canadian professor
Is America the most Mentally ill nation on Earth?
Does Bush* Still Not Care About The Tsunami Victims?
Stories from 2004 that MSM misreported or ignored or outright lied about
Airplane laser "attacks" the result of MEDIA, not terrorism
So how much has Fawell and Robinson's org. given for Tsumani
Social security Enronized - welching on loans- TPM
BA's early comment ' We won't release a fake "we feel your pain" statement
GWB, Lyndon LaRouche, and Social Security
Bullock, DiCaprio, NBC to aid tsunami victims
Senator Graham, we need the truth
Boy the echo chamber got that Osama shirt thing out fast...
MoD wanted nuclear bomb for Channel Tunnel (UK Archives)
At what point did the Democrats sell out to corporations and why?
The Biblical Astronomer -- An Extension of Creation Science
Lieberman was just on CNNI--says the Iraqis feel safe to vote
I just had a wonderful thought
He remembered Poland, but Bush must've forgotten Brussels
Tax Law Updates for the new taxable year from my accountant...
Kerry hired a Republican attorney in Ohio!
Shut Up and Drink the Koolaid! (funny pic)
Hail to the Chief Jack-in-the-Box
Is it too early for wingnuts to start denying the Tsunami?
Anyone catch Powells lies on Meet the Press?
Not feeling patriotic enough? Adopt your own SNIPER! Woohoo!
Has ANYbody in the MSM criticized Chimp's "ultimate sacrifice" remark?
A "great Christian leader chosen by God" (Bush and Hitler)
WTF? Look at this damn email offer I got from travelocity!
Clinton shamed them into it : "Doing it with or without you..."
Can someone explain the whole kool-aid thing to me?
The importance of GNU (free software and freedom)
Just some food for though in what we are dealing with the right
Reid suggests that there be a "Tsunami aid" tax write-off
will campuses erupt with anti-war/anti-bush actions this spring?
Enrollment of gay couple's children in Catholic school causes uproar
Smart Idea? US Soldiers Buy Food From Iraqi Vendors in Baghdad
Bill CLinton is a piece of work
Look EVERYONE knows Idiot Son dropped the ball. EVERYONE knows Clinton....
It was twenty years ago today.
Bush* Clearly Stated That There Would Not Be A Draft...
Rummy "didn't even let us go to war with the Army we had"
Hubby asked me last night - So where was Carter?
my question is, how much does the luva' dubya
Tsunami Relief an Opportunity for the U.S. Government to Do Right Thin
What is the real reason Bush is messing with Social Security?
Re: Al Franken 'SHOW' - What if they ain't 'MAYBES"? then what?
Yep, The Campaign's Over: Feds say no to aid for Texas flood victims
Requesting any information on....
From the world's poorest (giving to tsunami victims)
What's the latest tsunami death toll???
Why Isnt Any of the OPEC Nations Donating for Tsunami Relief?
How many U.S. military casualties are able to return to combat?
Foreign Currency Denominated Mutual Funds?
List of "compassionate conservatist" donations to Tsunami?
Halliburton to build prisons in US for people smirk doesn't like
Bush's "Faith-Based Parks" agenda . . .
is public office now just a stepping stone for private sector jobs?
DU online gathering place for people who hate the Bush administration?
"Man Made" Disaster vs. Natural Disaster
Atrios-Andrew Sullivan: Sociopath of the day
Rossi given fresh hope as 'mystery voters' grow, (WA state gov. race)
DU should punch the MSM bubble by naming a spokesperson(?)
Yet ANOTHER new Air America station!!!!
Find me a Christian Church doing this
If The Pukes Go Nuclear On The Filibuster Rules...
La. din. party wants no aid to go to tsunami cause they have wrong god
Who do you to be the real leaders
A chance to win hearts and minds (in Indonesia)
How many people here believe humans are the highest form of intelligence
Is RadioPower out for everyone?
Pictures of Bush's Mass Graves in Fallujah
US says Taleban may be freed soon
How are 150,000 dead people counted so quickly?
Cool, these assholes will take care of themselves
General Clark is going to be on TV twice tonight
"Nazi America" on the History Channel.
I was thinking of strangling this puppy, but Tom Delay inspired me.
A Dark Anniversary in Afghanistan
Not listening to Conservative Radio has cleared my brain
Why does this really annoy me...
Looks like that "Al Zarqawi captured" story was a hoax.
An Afghan Quandary for the U.S.
* doesn't even know when the tsunami hit
If you haven't noticed NO aid was getting to South Asia until W acted
Just heard Jeb'08 in Thailand comparing tsunami to 911....
Is it true that "My Pet Goat" is, ironically, about ...
Got Electile Dysfuntion ??? - Try VERIFYGRA !!!
Who benefits most from the Iraqi election proceeding as scheduled?
"I keep having to remind people that religion in and of itself is morally
Kerry Mideast trip prayer thread
Powell on US disaster relief: "We're providing body bags."
Has the M$M mentioned that the Mess Hall Bomber was a Saudi Student?
Okay, with all that's happening in Iraq,
America's wacky political agenda and foreign policy
Kansas church thanks God for tsunami, prays for more deaths
Has Gas Jumped Big Time In Your Area Or State?????
What will finally make Bush look worse than nixon?
A sick world gets sicker: "U.N. Warns on Child Traffickers After Tsunami"
My application for a position on my local draft board...
Media Matters acknowledges Staples
Will the world notice the difference between 'official' US aid for tsunami
Social Security toon -- Don't go near the water!
Why do some people get so upset when DUers talk about leaving the US?
Anber Frye - Why Is The Right So Supportive Of Her. Would not
"It gets to the point where you don't mind the bad stuff you do"
Could Tucker Carlson be more of an idiot?
Let's have a Re-Vote in Washington and Ohio
INHOFE using Michael Crichton's fiction book as fact on the Senate floor
Chimp gives federal workers a raise, and my fucking SSDI raise is $18
My fellow Americans: our tax dollars at work! (WARNING: Graphic image!)
Were missing Americans in Thailand seeking hookers like Neil Bush?
DEMOCRATIC CRAZIES plan trouble for BUSH nominees (Report from Freepland)
Conspicuously Absent From Talk Radio Today:
Anybody See This ??? - Apply Frist Test To Social Security
Will Jeb/Clinton/Poppy /Powell be setting up a military base in Indonesia?
PHOTO: Bush in compassionate deep thought for tsunami victims
Ruh-roh, Casio watches on TSA ...uh, "watch" list...(just on local news)
Did Bush get someone (besides his wife) pregnant?
So why did George send Jeb to Thailand instead of Neil?
Donors to ShrubCo's January 20th Party
HAHAHAHA!! Oh, those silly little freepers!
Faith-based groups given $1 billion in 2003
Is there a roll call of the Ethics vote today which
You've lost family, you want to see Jeb and Colin?
Yikes! Significant increase in women going without birth control
Post Tsunami Pictures for Awareness
DO NOT KILL ME when I ask this question....
Is Your Democrat US Senator A Chicken$hit
In regards to the NYT story slamming DU
If you can't read this - YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!
Clear Channel's version of moral values.
Powell: Tsunami may be good for US image..
Show this to Bush, Inc...Lovers...
More Americans Missing After Tsunami Than Killed on 9/11? Where Was Bush?
Comments on Torture - Please do not Ban Me
A plea to DUers, old, new and lurkers -
Airport CLOSED for day...jeb/colin dog & pony show arrives (PHOTOS/news)
"Daily Howler's" reply to NYT's calling DU'ers Tsunami Conpiracy Theorists
I need to know how these people got to where they are.
If you were the governor of a state...
Why are other scientists so sure Michael Crichton is wrong?
President GORE's INdTV Set to Launch
is anyone watching the history channel?
Pat Oliphant tells it like it is eloquently in only four frames
Donate Frequent Flier Miles...
finally..US NAVY KICKS ASS: clean drinking water to tsunami victims (PHOTO
I'm dieting - any recipe's for lean steak?
Mrs bearfan has a cold. I made homemade chicken noodle soup for her.
Biscotti - the perfect accompaniment to my coffee addiction
Official: No laser, terrorism link (CNN)
Saudi Medical Student Was Mess Tent Suicide Bomber in Iraq -
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi arrested in Baakuba Iraq
GOP Backs Off on Ethics Changes
Iraq battling more than 200,000 insurgents: intelligence chief
British security personnel killed by car bomb in Iraq (mercs)
US had advance warning of tsunami: Canadian professor
Paedophile fears in tsunami affected areas
House G.O.P. Voids Rule It Adopted Shielding Leader
Detained Kuwaiti soldiers linked to Al Qaeda: report
Nevada official won't review opinion on petitions
Baghdad Suicide Car Bomb Kills at Least 6 -- Police
NYT: Advisory Panel Lists Drugs It Wants New (Medicare) Law to Cover
Parents protest kids of gay pair
TARGET #1: Al-Zarqawi Reportedly Arrested in Iraq
Relief plane hits herd of cows; airport closed
Powell, Gov. Bush lead support delegation to Thailand(USATODAY on arrival)
Former Presidents Heartened by Generosity
Bush's law chief facing test on human rights
Study Offers Grim Look at Schools-LAT
Iraq president urges UN to review poll date
U.S. looks at adding more Americans to Iraqi units
Bush and Allawi discussed obstacles to Iraqi vote: report
Father and Son Marines to Go to Iraq
109th House of Reps. just gaveled in cpan -must be family day--lots of
Social Security benefits may change
U.S. Marine Killed in Action in Iraq
Security Blanket (UN-auguration security, events - CLG mentioned)
Calls to Postpone Iraqi Elections Grow
Tribe shoots arrows at aid flight
U.S. weighs plan to aid Iraqi forces
Iraqi minister says poll may be delayed
Swedish tsunami dead flown home
Blog reading explodes in America
Three more US troops killed in Iraq
Lockheed, Northrup Face Big Defense Cuts
IAEA Finds Egypt Secret Nuclear Program
Iraqi insurgents threaten attack inside United States
Powell: Tsunami Aid May Help Fight Terror
Some see Dow setting new high in 2005
WP: Long Arm of the Dollar: Weakness Has Far-Reaching Ramifications
Shiite resurgence fuels concerns of civil war
Travel Agents Cautious About US Airways
Court OKs Wis. Ten Commandments Monument
Court asked to block Ariz. immigration law
U.S. Troops Wounded in Iraq Tops 10,000
Haitian émigrés' son killed in Iraq
Specialist 'Hate Case' Courts Start Work (UK)
Indian tribespeople fire on aid chopper
U.S. panel urged to open audit of Shelley (CA Sec of State)
Durbin rips White House for withholding nominee's memos
Army to send older armored personnel carriers to Iraq after upgrading armo
Church thanks God for American dead (Kansas--Phelps warning)
U.S. House Approves Republican Measure to Change Ethics Rules
U.S. military prefers Indonesian aid to Iraq war
Furore as Berlusconi compared to Italy's Fascist dictator Mussolini
Remote viewing Andaman-Nicobar tribals refuse to come out from jungles
Iraqis in U.S. Face Big Hurdles to Voting
Baghdad Governor Slain, 5 US Troops Killed in Another Bloody Day in Iraq
Mother contests 'slave auction'
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 4 January
Will Eisner, creator of The Spirit, is dead
NYT: Shopping Spree That Wasn't as Markdowns Hurt Retailers
Fed: Interest rates too low to curb inflation
Rossi given fresh hope as 'mystery voters' grow
Scalia: Church-state separation didn't protect Jews in Holocaust
U.S. Hopes Tsunami Aid Will Help Anti-Terror Drive (colin powell)
Whistleblower: Uganda AIDS Study Bungled (Africans don't matter)
Boston Globe: Kerry's skills on display in Mideast trip
Abraham: Alaska Drilling, Energy Policy to Clear Senate
Cuba claims Latin America's lowest infant mortality rate
War tests recruiters' pitch ("I had a mom laugh at me and hang up")
Governor to renew his push to shape California
Mad Magazine illustrator Kelly Freas dies age at 82
Torch, map found in Md. arson probe
Test detects pregnancy complication - US study
Germany plans massive boost to tsunami aid - Schroeder
Court backs Pinochet murder trial : BBC breaking
Iraqis to challenge placement of Aust polling booths
Over 80% of Ukrainians approve of Russia
Orange County Diocese Settles Priest Abuse Cases
Schumacher gives $10 million to tsunami aid
Anti-Semitism Rising, State Dept. Says
WP: Gonzales Nomination Draws Military Criticism
Bush Soc. Sec. Plan to Allow Investment
IRAQ: Death in Fallujah rising, doctors say
Enron bankruptcy was most spectacular
Iraq prisoner abuse went on until July-US magazine
White House may want $100 billion more for war
Press Image of Gun Owner Not Far Off, Except for All Those Women
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi reportedly arrested in Iraq
New Jersey man charged in alleged aircraft laser incident
Georgia Sheriff Deploys Snipers After Firing 27 Employees
Band’s version of ‘Dixie’ in state Senate hits sour note with some
A three-part freeper joke that I post every few months.
Goddammit, I wish I were independently wealthy!
Did you know there was AN AFFLICTION only a FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER would
Is everyone avoiding me because I just posted #666??????
you find out you're gonna die in a week, who do you tell first?
Bet this would do the trick in raising money for tsunami victims
seperated at birth babies inside
WOOHOOOOOO!! I'm seeing George Carlin in concert next
OK, right-wingers. You've been waiting for tonight's message to y'all...
Finally, I fixed my computer. It had gotten a virus.
OK, I've got a cold and I need to get to bed. Get me to 900 and then let
My husband is driving me crazy
shhhhh --- it's a hexhead thread
So this carbon-based life-form walkes into a nondescript place of business
I've reached some kind of a kidneystone...
Anyone else find slim jim commericals mildly disturbing
What would you do for a Klondike bar?
So Nicole Sullivan walks into a Klondike bar...
Does your turtle have a kittyneck?
Shhhhhhhhh... it's an SSX thread.
"A cosmetologist? must be tough handling weightlessness!"
The George W. Bush Loyalty Quiz
Does your husband/boyfriend have a dickie?
What would Jesus do for a Klondike bar?
So, apparently Disney was supposed to play 'Johnny Tsunami', but
I have a account
Craig Fergosun As Host Of The Late, Late Show
Why the f*^# am I still on DU?
Should I go post a joke thread in GD
Ok all you techies! Can I have digital broadband internet and
Andy Dick is on David Letterman,
I'm going to go make some popcorn
New bumper sticker idea: we have a new bumper statement on our truck:
I Need Some DU Support...I Am So Sad Tonight
Any puffer experts in the lounge? Need help with a sick little fishie
Freudian slip of the day: "Condi Rice 08: Put A Woman In The Big House!"
Does anyone like to eat Cannibal's Split Lee and Pam soup?
How many movies are in your Netflix queue?
Being a fluffer. That's got to be an interesting job.
It's day two of -5 C weather - I am so over winter
Maine Coon owners, is this normal?
military eye for the straight guy
Do you wear a mock turtleneck?
just swished my boiling sausages.
Does anyone like to eat Campbell's Split Pea & Ham Soup
reagan is the prez but i voted for shirLey chishoLm
Clear Channel Under Fire For 'Breast Christmas Ever' Contest
History Channel Spinoff Set for Launch
'Naughty Nurse' Outfit Has Real Life Nurses Fuming
If This Weather Keeps Up I'm Playing Hookie From Work And Going To The
Will the blogger of Blah3 please identify themselves to me?
This morning I am proud of my username
What's your favorite "FUCK YOU!" breakup song?
The 24-hours forecast sounds like 100 miles of bad road
Family Has First Baby Of New Year - 2 Years In A Row
What was that game we used to play in 7th grade?
Turkey Woman Found Frozen Inside Christmas Rodent
City Loses Entire Fleet Of Salt Trucks In One Accident
Fire Truck Used To Pull 400 Pound Alligator From Florida Creek
Woman Found Frozen Rodent Inside Christmas Turkey
Woman found frozen by rodent in Christmas, Turkey
Woman Killed In Car Crash Was "Wearing" Live Snake
Air to 'guard Michelangelo David'
I loathe dishonest advertising
MEN: Always stand by your woman
how many times do you hit the "refresh" button a minute?
Free Breaking News Links with Images For Your Website or Blog
Listening to Dream Theater's Train of Thought. Ask me anything.
Not feeling sci-fi enough? Adopt your own SPINER! Woohoo!
Stave off disease for cancer later on...
Where do you buy your contact lenses online?
Whoohoo! Today is THE day I get to use my Barnes&Nobles gift card!!!!!
Warm and fuzzy Holiday story...
Prostitutes Just Don't Want To Leave Tijuana Streets Authorities Say
Does Rove control the weather?
one year ago I introduced Sebastian Cattbutt to The Great Spirit
Contents of the cat litter box or Motley Crue's Vince Neil?
I'd say that, per capita, Iceland contends as producing the best music
I have a crush on Nicole Sullivan
The Great Bounty Hunter Poll (sans Boba Fett)
Techie Help needed: Computer freezes up
Standoff At Bar Ends When Drunk Gunman Passes Out
Man Locks Keys In Car, Calls Fire Dept, Tells Them Car On Fire - Jailed
What are you most anticipating in 2005?
C+C Music Factory vs. the clammy hand of death
Thanks to jellybelly for the star
Post your low carb recipe here!
Whew! SI Swimsuit Model Search is on BEFORE Alias 2 hour season premiere
Who has colored or dyed their hair?
Actress Aishwarya Rai has never kissed on screen. Should she?
Oh Ladies!!! Look who is available (turn up speakers too)
I'm giving up. Where's the best place to post outside the lounge?
Pound for pound - Perth Amboy, New Jersey produces the best music
SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ZombyBar is OPEN!)
Woman Wants To Open 'Colon Clensing' Business - Town Won't Let Her
Did anyone watch Medium last night?
So in a fit of rage last night, I ....
what's this I hear about an out-of-control kangaroo in the lounge?
Are there any good progressive radio talk shows in central NJ
Dissent + commentary = dysentery
Hi, boys and girls, I'm Jimmy Carl Black
OMG! Michael Stipe is 45 today (gasp) ----BIRTHDAYS!!!
"I love the feel of cold nylon on my BIG BUTT!!!..."
Need bread machine recommendation
Per capita, seriously - New Zealand produces the best music.
How come none of you told me I had melted chocolate on my ass?
"Put'em on da glass" or "Baby got back"?
Ooooooh... this is good... review of Good Charlotte's latest album.
It was twenty years ago today.
Brr! It's cold outside in Denver!
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz!
Record-breaking Christmas letter--top this one!
Where Are They Now?----The Great Gazoo
Is there some sorta animosity thing between the lounge & ER&D?
Tribe shoots arrow at aid flight
Make A List of Republicans and Send it to your Local Military Recruiter
Apparently, I am the seventh most powerful person in jazz.
Man Goes Ballistic After Burger King Runs Out Of Fries
How will the Lounge jump the shark?
Actors who thought they could sing but sucked the most?
NPR occasionally gets it right: They feature Alison Krauss+Union Station
Oil-rich states should offer more aid, critics say
American-friendly Japanese electronics shops? (Akihabara, etc.)
ATA has become an out of controL zoo
Where in the World are XNASA & Son?
Though I dig his politics, Moby strikes me as a boring, overexposed, self
What are you listening to RIGHT NOW? QUICK!!!
You know...I can't do a copycat thread!
Where in the World are XNASA & Son? - Pt II
Physicists, what is the "Hall effect"
Why don't they use 'windchill' in summer? or 'humidity' in winter?
DUTV is casting for their new reality show.
Just can't believe our weather
The greatest rock bands, by time period
i'm going down to the store for some smokes. can i get you anything?
Doesn't anyone have any "Yo MaMa" jokes?
Randi Rhodes is reading Kid Rock lyrics...
All My Socks have Holes on my Right Ankle...How Odd Am I?
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 3-okay CAPTION it while we wait
yesterday I shamelessly whored myself out for a cigarrette...
Where in the World are XNASA & Son? - Pt III
Doesn't anyone have any "Yo Yo Ma" jokes?
Sarah Michelle Gellar a Repub? That explains the lack of Buffy threads...
Help me turn this into an avatar
48 degrees today and a cold windy rain. In San Diego!
i'm really p'od with Clinton over this
Can I get legionnaires disease from my homies?
Congratulations Wade Boggs & Ryne Sandberg!
Dr. Phool. Why does everybody love him?
Holy cow! Talk about a flight delay!
Have you ever wondered why it takes everyone else
Can I get legionnaires disease from my homosexuals?
Can I get legionnaires disease from my home fries?
Can I get Legionnaires disease from my house flies?
Can I get legionnaires disease from my hemophiliacs?
If I put onions in my home fries, will i get Lyonaisse Disease?
Can you get a receipt for parking at meters?
Can I get a disease from dijonnaise on home fries?
Can I get Eggo waffles from a homosexual?
Illinois Residents & Illinoisans at Heart: Have you checked out your forum
Can I get legionaire's disease from my homework if I am studying to be an
"While you're peeing on your shoes, I'm learning something!"
Can an OpenMRI be blurry or less detailed?!
This thread may just be the funniest one since "The Passion" thread
Can I get Jordanaires Disease from a peanut-butter and banana sandwich?
Who thinks Joel and Ethan Coen are sexy?
It is 72-degrees (F) here in the NC mountains (warmer in the sun)!
My dog smells like Blue Plains
I'm going to be at a party with Joni Mitchell tomorrow - ask me anything!
Can I get home fries from a diseased legionnaire?
Can I get Legionnaires disease from my home fries?
Who thinks Cat Cones are sexy?
Hilarious new usernames on DU!!
What is with guys singing about killing their girlfriends / wives?
Who thinks James Caan is sexy?
How much is a pack of smokes in your area? (Location, price)
Will Eisner, creator of "The Spirit", passed away.
Who else here thinks Virtucon is sexy?
Hey y'all...I'm still alive :)
Seriously, folks. Do I speak in riddles?
Who thinks Genghis Khan is sexy?
UH-OH, I think the people in my race think I'm classist
Researchers conclude that alcohol hampers depth perception.
Should the Steeler Polka be updated?
Does Your Kitty Have a Turtleneck?
star wars fans-check out vanity fair's upcoming cover!
Wolf Blitzer & CNN Decide to 'Laci Petersonize" Tsunami Coverage
Comics Legend Will Eisner Dies at 87
If you had to spend 2 weeks in Quebec next September
Does your husband/boyfriend have a turtleneck?
UH-OH. I think the people in my class think I'm a racist.
Who else thinks Mindy Cohn is sexy?
"Does your Penis look like Jesus' penis?" Landover Babtist Church
This is a test, please ignore. :)
Who else here thinks Didi Conn is sexy?
Why the Chicago Bears stink so badly...
DU women. Would you marry this man?
DU women. Would you marry this man?
Why can't I smell an area a cat has just marked with with his paws?
And the fuuny thing is, BurtWorm has no clue
The New Citroen (a French Car) is Boss!
Legendary cartoonist Will Eisner dies at 87
You frabjabblin' wangdoodlin' songs of business! Cinnamon dish!
Gawd help me, I am a Weather Channel JUNKIE
Crap, first day back to school and my 5 year old as a fever of
Why is Senator Levin Benjamin Franklin?
DU women. Would you marry this man?
Three days without cigarettes! Wish me luck!
Which of you suave gents is always going off about Monica Belucci?
Do the Chicago Bears stink in the woods?
Thurston Moore(Sonic Youth) & Andrew WKwill play a counter inaugural event
Ryne Sandberg - Ryne Sandberg - Ryne Sandberg
Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique fingerprints
Everyone should believe in something. I believe...
Vince Neil (Motley Crue) Drops F-Bomb On Live New Years Eve Show (Leno)
Who here likes Dungeons and Dragons?
NJ, PA and DE Eagles Fans, DU This
I've come to the conclusion that life is filled with misery and sadness.
It was twenty years ago today.
The ***OFFICIAL*** 'We Miss MrsGrumpy' thread
If I wanted to verbally assault someone, what would I call them?
Has anyone thought of setting up an automobile group
Yet another Cat thread, but with a question...
Checked Snopes already and found nothing.
What commercial do you hate more than words can describe?
The official "I love cheese!" thread...
Did anybody else see Sideways?
Can I get legionaires disease from my home humidifiers?
OFFICIAL-BCS Championship thread-USC vs. Oklahoma
84 posts away from 9,000! Ask me something!
Got a gig tomorrow night (setlist)
Dr Phil: Why do people like him?
The Average American Owns 1.7 Guns - How Many Do You Own?
10 year loan; prime + .25 or 7.75 fixed, What would you choose?
What are you, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat or other?
Microsoft Internet Explorer has encountered a problem
I'm worried about my father-in-law
Attention Sweaty iPod Users -- Case recommendation?
Who else thinks Linda Cohn is sexy?
The official welcome me back thread
Christo gives Central Park an Art Attack
If I ate Matcom, will I get LynnSin's disease?
at the risk of alienating everyone in the lounge (dialup warning)
cheap food and sights in san francisco?
What Is It About Southern Accents?
Only 14 posts to go, I need some good ideas to get past 700!
Opinions on IKEA? Had a 1st time visit yesterday
In true Southern fashion, today I am seceding from North Carolina.
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
What's your "WTF moment" of 2004?
Ok. Who wants to set up RPG (Role Playing Games) forum?
Who thinks Khan Noonien Singh is sexy?
What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?
This is even better - worst songs of 2004
Who was the better keyboardist,
Movie locations made famous by the movie in which they appeared
I've reached some kind of a milestone...
I am tempted to go to Walmart right now and buy some Jerky
somersaulting poodle, skydiving cat, and other pet clips
Michael Schumacher just donated 10,000,000 to the Tsunami relief effort
I'm Sen. Alan Keyes. Ask me anything.
I'm giving up. Where is the best place to move outside the U.S.?
Animation fans:Why did the quality of Disney's productions dip post-WWII?
Can I get an explanation of "The Rapture".
What would best promote Christianity?
Experts from around the world join largest ever forensic investigation
A look back at astronomy in 2004
US had advance warning of tsunami: Canadian professor
Even Einstein Had His Off Days
Virginia Considers Issuing Anti-Gay License Plates
BCS will consider using selection committee
What rules would you change in the NBA?
That was the weakest goal I've ever seen to win a medal
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim?
Ughhhhh - O.J. to Cheer for Trojans at Orange Bowl
Wade Boggs and Ryne Sandberg -- Congratulations!!
Good ball to night, Tri Staters.... Knicks vs. Kings, Nets vs. Wizards
somersaulting poodle, skydiving cat, and other pet clips
Thinking of adopting a kitten? (PICTURES)
White Buffalo Ranch for sale in AZ....
How do I remove another person's energy from fabric?
1000+ Drums for Peace .....Jan 20th when * is inaugurated....
I may take some flak for this.
Kerry went to the Middle East yesterday for a 13 day "fact-finding" trip.
Oh no, a Dem with a Smear vet minded hubby
On today's Middle East agenda:
Seven Signs You Might Be Suffering From FREEPERphobia
Wingnut calls for Draft (funny)
Creepy freepy family member sent a gift subscription to National Review
Found a Democratic Underground mention in Greensboro, NC.
The Question of Torture: Open letter to Alberto Gonzales
Isay Hamburgler for DNC chair, or Bozo the Clown! Is his friend Cookie?
Searching For Member: VolcanoJen?
Bush campaign: Throw out Ohio challenge
FindLaw's Writ - John Dean: Hiding Past And Present Presidencies
Economists might want to offer their help to dems with Matsui dead
USA Freedom Corps--trying to find out how it came into existance
Sign the Declaration Against Torture
GOP says no Ethics complaint allowed without a GOP Sponsor
Today on Fresh Air: The State of the American Worker
What will it take for the U.S. to reach "closure" on 9/11 and move on?
Dems "will simply nitpick & criticize on an adhoc basis-carping/themeless?
Let's start referring to Radical Right Reps + Sens as insurgents.
109th House of Reps. just gaveled in cpan -must be family day--lots of
Isn't it GREAT! When Hillary is President...
"Bush Gets Sullied": Andrew Sullivan on Bush's "Moral Values"
NYT LTTEs on What's Wrong with Democrats Lately?
A reason fro our Senators to stand with the challenge.
You are nothing but a burr under the saddle of the MSM....
Let's re-write Lee Greenwood's "God Bless The USA"!!!
Google News Seems to Be CENSORING it's News Search Results
House Rules Debate On Now !!! (3:45 EST 1/4/05)
JJ: Senators should object to Ohio vote (includes a challenge to JFK)
Howard Dean on what the party needs to do
US Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) believes in "lowered thresholds"
what no randi post, she's talking about election fraud. man you
"Does your Penis look like Jesus' penis?" Landover Babtist Church
Where can I find the "moran" photo?
225 "Religious leaders" ask Gonzales to "denounce torture" quaint
Bush to cut SS benefits? We're gonna shred him.
We need a current list of all fax numbers for all Democratic Senators
Email to my Republican Virginia Senators
Kos post on Whitman's book...takes on Rove, among other things
I'm SICK of being slapped around like a red-headed stepchild
It's the President's Party -The woman in charge...
Alternet interview with Howard Dean on the DLC/DNC - Is lying about the reason for a war an impeachable offense?
Anybody watching C-Span - the Democrats are showing a little spunk!
Laser Beams at Cockpits: Geeks or Terrorists?
Would Kerry follow Gore and ask the Senators not to "Protest the Count?"
Donnie Fowlers response to my email
Howard Dean discusses change in new book
Kerry Charts Own Course on Middle East Tour
Are there any people left on this Earth who still think that....
Frist said he's going to the tsunami area
Robert Parry: Will John Kerry Report for Duty?
Scalia says sep of church & state "didn't protect Jews in WWII"
How much did fraud impact the 2004 election?
What if there were WMD's in Iraq? Hat's on!
"Just jerking your chain" - encounter with freepish co-worker
Bush hopes SS guar. benefit+SS per. accts.inv earnings will exceed cur SS
A Comfort Thought; we ARE the MAJORITY.
Why hasn't the bush administration made our ports secure????
Focus on the issues - not the person.
So, celebrities are contributing $$ to the tsunami relief fund
Democrats: Bush intends to destroy your party and legacy.
Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois)
Media Diversity: Just as Important as Election Reform
I'm worried about the 2006 election because of burn-outs like me
For those who lived through Nixon:
Anyone notice how the Administration is handling this al-Zarqawi arrest?
Don't you just LOVE the "dubyaD40 HATE MAIL! site
Harold Ford, Jr. not in favor of president's SS reform plan
Interested in a Democratic Party forum?