Editorial: Alberto Gonzales has blood on his hands
What Kind of People Have We Become?
Summary: Prisoner Abuse Timeline
Nation's Leading Pro-Choice Advocate Raises Concerns Over Gonzales ...
Bush A.G. Nominee Linked To Anti-Gay Amendment
Summary of Electorial Debate-Union view on "What Election Challenge Means"
U.S. Expert (Scowcroft) Says Iraqi Election Could Trigger Civil War
AGS Statement on Gonzales Confirmation Hearings
"Democrats Ought to Fight Like Hell" Against Gonzales Nomination
full text of Wehner Social Security memo to GOP (N.B. "Carpe diem!"?)
Dowd: Don't Torture Yourself (That's His Job)
Coulter 2005, This woman has problems.
Pooh-poohing global warming off base
US client Yushchenko to assume Ukraine presidency
TomPaine suggestions on saving Soc Security - reduce National Debt! :-)
"Not With a Bang But a Whimper"
USAToday- Gonzales...more than a 'yes man'-Media expects folks to believe?
Why is media afraid to print Electorial Debate discussion like one below?
Has RW radio jumped the shark?
Privatization of social security is not the answer...
I third the agreement with NSMA.
Fuck Obama? Here's An Outrageous Post.One Of Many Slamming Dems
I find this reply , actually a series of replies
If democracy is pretty much over, and discussions advocating...
Why haven't I gotten an answer for my Q for a fun for Boxer and Tubbs-Jone
Palestinians Using More Children, Women for Terrorism
Daily Herald: "Batavia woman makes appeal to Bush"
Shumer does not see enough evidence:
The Congressional debate and media coverage served two purposes
Not a thing about it on CBS News
Comments to articles online re: Boxer are all in favor of her objection.
The crowd was smaller today than I expected, but it was worth it.
Please post today's Protest/demonstration reports here...
Some of us are featured on this headline site related to election fraud
The "FraudFuckers" Win Again...America loses again
Since the majority feels it's a good day : on to the 20th
I Bet Kerrys Ear Is Burning Off
Time for a little-lets pat each other on the back--
As a DUDQ, I promise not to criticize or say I told you so...
Ask The Thousands Of People Who Didn't Get To Vote Who Won
At least Olbermann's going to talk about the electoral vote challenge.
Does anyone know if CSPAN is rebroadcasting the hearings tonight?
Barbara Boxer on C-Span 2 right now ! nt
Stephanie Tubbs-Jones on right now on C-Span 2 nt
Some of you might not like it but....
We are used to instant gratification. This is history we are dealing..
C-Span 2: Joint Session of Congress nt
They knew the challenge was a very real possibility----So they did this
In order to truly endorse what happened today
Are tapes/DVDs of the hearings available anywhere?
Email from ActionSpeaks Portland saying thank you!
What do you think could/should have been accomplished today
C-Span rebroadcast of joint session electoral vote
Challenge to be replayed on cspan-2 tonight
C-Span 2: House Debate on Now nt
Did Congress action change anything? Still don't know who will be Pres?
A common political leader is like a boss.
AFP: Senator defies party to make election protest
My hate mail page has generated this comment
So, the next time, do we attempt to stop 'em for 4 Hours?
History books and graduate students
Did the democratic party become the Uncle Tom party?
CSPAN Tonight and Tomorrow (sorry I'm late but here's the rest)
Tin Soldiers and Bush's coming
NOW WHAT? What happens with the lawsuits, & investigations....
Tell me again the down side of voting YEA ??????????
Kerry: "These are the most crooked bunch of..."
What happened at the D U party in DC last night?
We made it happen! A revised view of 1/6. Idea: A Peoples Investigation?
Oh lord this article is horrid. Calls Democrats bullies???
Anyone know of a video stream of Boxer's statement.....
Joe Scarborough: Contender for Best Douchebag of Liberty?
Toward a new Federal Elections Standards Act
What Will Jon Stewart Report Tonight?
What letter arrived from the President?
I just listened to Nancy Pelosi on CSPAN
Mike Malloy's taking the words from my mouth...
Boxer Has No Regrets About Electoral Challenge
History/law people: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but...
Lynn Woolsey - CA - you go, great speech !!!!! nt
DFA blog: Cong. Pallone posts about challenging the election.
The end of the Republican majority
I heard the news today. Oh Boy.
Audit of OR Lottery finds computer security flaws
In light of what happened today, what will become of the............
Every other Repuke: "The Plain Dealer says you're beating a dead horse"
Hey everyone - give CNN strokes
This is the United States of America! Why have we set the bar so low
Part of Me is Happy - I Want Bush to Be Responsible
Sign this and join more than 72,000 Americans....
Frog. March. Plame. 9/11. Report. Saudi. Connection. Waiting.
Please don't forget that there are still lawsuits pending!
Hey all you Greens out there, convince me!!
Did you expect the republicans to all say yes he cheated?
Video Clip - Countdown: Olbermann reports on Electoral Challenge
Do you think most Americans even know what happened today?
What do we do to make sure Election Reform isn't yesterday's news?
Bring BOXER shorts to the 1/20 protest
Boxer on today:"It's the opening round in the battle for election reform."
I want to hear a debate: Will Pitt calling in to Mike Malloy.
Is it me or does John Larson (D-CT)
SF Chron Op Ed by Steven Freeman
I'm kinda new so forgive my possible redundancy...
I'm listening to local CBS 10 o'clock news waiting to hear a blip on the
Democrats seek to upset Bush's re-election rubber stamp
Hey screw em... anything new in the investigation?
Jesse Jackson and Howard Dean will not let us down!
Alcee Hastings (FL) is our hero, NOT Doc Hastings (WA-R).
Just listening to the House of Representative debate
List of who voted against certification in the House?
We must work to restore the credibility of exit polls
Today was just a Shot across their Bow!
Tasty article by David Swanson, ILCA. "What Election Challenge Means"
Still looking for ANY mention in the MSM
Email Reid and Pelosi in support of Barbara Boxer
Washington State Fraud Definitive Proof...
"Selection 2004" effect: Evan Bayh the front-runner for the DNC in 2008
Fear won this election...and fear lost it
I listened for certication news on NPR today...
A new and important political term. (defectors)
Wow! NBC Nightly News covered it, and not once did I hear the words
What is Conyers doing? Paving the way for Arnold in 2008?
Think how bad would you feel if no Senator had signed....
I just can't understand why everyone is ok with settling for this...
Heads up folks! It is being reported all around the globe.
Today the GOP proved they are the ANTI-VOTING party.
Bush has another stain on his record.
Reposting why Kerry gave a gift to me today, not the Republicans
Where are those who said no senator would challenge?
Well, ABC News gave today's events 10 seconds...
The Repugs accused there was "no evidence presented," but...
Why I think DU is getting a bad rap
Did Jon Stewart not cover the election stuff? Think we'll see it tomorrow
Randi Rhodes: 'Today is the Death of Democracy' n/t
Boxer would not have stood without the consent of the leadership
Husband heard on AA that Dems cut a deal re: filabusters and OH cert.
John Kerry and the price of tomatoes
"Congress rejects election challenge" Posted on MSNBC
Kerry is not at home sipping tea - HE IS IN IRAQ!!!
Repug talking point about Dem. canvassing board members...
Please remember to talk to your children about today
The ReDefeat Bush Rally -- I showed up.
DU Proposal: We buy billboard time collectively to speak the truth to mass
Du this poll Is Gonzales good for AG?
What issues were brought up and what evidence given in the challenge?
I wish I could feel good about today - but I can't
Look at all you have accomplished since Nov. 2...
I am a Green Party member, and this is why I vote for the Green Party.
The Nashua Advocate: Election Challenge Recap and a Salute to Activists
Help, DU Oldtimers and friends, I am looking for input here
How about a full page ad in the Washington Post, folks?
This was a great opportunity for bipartisan support BECAUSE it couldn't
2000. Gore. Stolen. 2002. Cleland. Stolen. 2004. Kerry. Stolen. 2006....
My Reasons Why Today Was or Can Be Wildly Successful
Not enough emphasis on Software & Machine Manipulation
HONESTLY, by your Nov 3rd standards, are you happy with the results?
Photos from DC - Lafayette Park 1/6
Today's corporate media response proves my point: Media....
Conyers: "But I hasten to add that until we complete our investigation, ..
Please contribute to the Boxer, Stubbs-Jones flowers fund
Jazz Funeral for Democracy-New Orleans-January 20, 2005
Was Susan Davis a NO, or was she absent?
I'm from Wisconsin. I took an oath to support anyone who stood with
Arnold: Back To The Days Of The Hapsburg Dynasty
Proposition 13.... Why California is too damned expensive to live in
WCCO at 10 tonight (Thursday) Interview with Dayton
The amendment that wouldn't die: SSM ban returns to the House
Dayton "strongly inclined" to vote against Gonzales
How do you remove "write protected"
Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)
How did Texas Dems Vote on 1/6/05
MoveOn email requesting help airing ad on Gonzales
Had a stroke Sunday, been in the hospital. I'm too tired to weed through
Should folks who join a third party leave DU?
Zero mention of today's Congressional debate on CBS evening news
Two Dead, Hundreds Treated After Aiken County (SC) Train Derailment
Children & Disasters/Wars & the News Media
Jan 20th ----Wear black for mourning
Why are you a law abiding citizen?
Why do Freepers rate stories about dead soldiers so low?
Someone, somewhere, is documenting cases of war crimes committed by the US
Maybe DU'ers should research Sean Hannity
I'm Not Sure How Many More Corners We Can Stand To Turn
WP: jeb & colin DELAY rescue efforts...jeb quote: "That was.....oh man"
Greatest song ever, Us and Them, Pink Floyd
I found the wackiest wingnut forum ever!!
Surprising feature on Jim Lehrer tonight.
IRS will allow you to deduct as donations to tsunami victims 'til Jan 31st
Between Jan 6 and Jan 19...What happens IF
PA CHRISTIANS FACE 47 YEARS IN PRISON.....email I received from freeper...
"Air America Radio" and "Public Service Announcements"
why Democrats lose: the "DEAD" Center
WHAT WORKS: Starve the beast (boycott right wing propaganda sponsors)
In Honor of the ReverendDeuce, DU artists show your stuff!
Putting the blame where it belongs. What is the worse blow to democracy
Did I just hear Tweety tell Barbara Comstock she's "right on everything??"
Displaced children MUST be protected...NOT adopted.
Letter to Scarborough on god and the tsunami
Wonder if Haliburton will get the rebuilding contract in Sri Lanka
Why do even liberals call the president "commander-in-chief?"
Precedent setting liability settlement in WorldCom shareholder action
So... what do we do, become anarchists?
The Madness of George Bush: Reflection of Collective Psychosis
Wow...O'Reilly just had quite a rant about the "Left Wing Media"...Huh?
Moved forum.....please forgive my redundancy
The RW Flip-Flops on Terrorism
Poppy and Barb anniversary bash tonite at the WH
Excuse I'm having a difficult time with DU today
Don't patronize Staples if you think they've ditched Sinclair.
I may finally get fundies. They are weak and need the government's help.
A special request for Gola Wolf Richards.
Will John Stewart show a clip from today?
More on Gen. Gary Luck, who is going to "assess' Iraq.....
GOP! Forget tsunami aid! Get your $3000.00 Bush inaugural hat here!
Tired of "W" stickers? Get a load of this... (pic)
Some Freeper Vandalized my Bumper Sticker!
Who thought the election would be overturned today?
Mike's just reading a letter from a "former listner"
Truthseekers Thursday Gathering: Election Challenge Special
Joe Scarborough questions how God could kill 150,000 people
Nightline 1/6: Torture and the next attorney general
The Democratic Party is comatose.
I am feeling FIRED UP! Bring it on you wasteful, hateful Repubs!
Wow, Hannity is interviewing Amber Frye.......
Howard Zinn on Jon Stewart Tonight n/t
ADM donates 135 tons of high-protein meal; opens 'line of credit'
Anybody Notice: Since the Election We've Had Not One Terror Alert?
Anyone know what BUSHCO's response was to the events in congress today
Tucker Carlson gets SHIT-CANNED!!!!
I am tired of feeling so much hate.
Are you considering changing parties?
Even for the Whore Media, This is a New Low..
Why did alberto gonzales DROP OUT of the U.S. Air Force Academy? (link)
The Republic is dead. The Empire has begun. Long live the Republic!
Misguided Dem Leadership want Terry McAuliffe to stay
I want to commend Skinner and the DU Moderators and participants!
After today's PATHETIC display, has the democratic party EARNED your vote?
PHOTOS: Happy 60th Anniversary Babs and Poppy!!
Does Anyone Else Feel Abandoned By Their Party?
Request for Comments on Rev. Franklin Graham
'Conspiracy Theory' is what the ignorant use to smear those who know.
Four more years. Has the reality set in for you yet?
01/06/05-The Day the Democratic Party & Democracy Died in America
Baking site I discovered recently
Democrats interrupt electoral vote count, force debate on Ohio elections
Senate Boosts Spending on Its Own Committees
TSA: Tests Going Well for Secure Flight
Radical Islamic Group Aiding Relief Cause
Alarcón defends the Cuban electoral system (as opposed to US system)
18 Iraqis seeking jobs at US base found dead
New Guantanamo abuse cases surface
Staples backs off Sinclair boycott
Tucker Carlson gets SHIT-CANNED!!!!
WP: No Decision On Ethics Chairman
China Ready to Take on More Active Role in Mideast Politics/Jordan Times
Mexico's Fox Vows Free Cancer Treatment
Aussie official saw abuse: Habib:
9 more troops killed in Iraq today.
Bush expected to seek near-freeze in spending
Used Body Armor Is Sought for U.S. Vehicles in Iraq - the real abomination
Retired General Is Going to Iraq for Full Review
Venezuela says inquiry indicates Colombian rebel was abducted
Gonzales Pledges to Preserve Civil Liberties (WP, Thurs. Jan. 6)
Reputed Klansman arrested in 1964 slayings
U.S. trade gap will reverse itself-Fed economist
C.I.A. Report Finds Its Officials Failed in Pre-9/11 Efforts -NYT
85-Year-Old Veteran Says Police Beat Him
Federal judge drops FBI agent spy case (Fundraiser for Republican party)
Bush Loses a Key Democrat on Social Security -NYT
Tsunami story: Baby hippo seeks solace in tortoise
Malpractice Costs Up 150% Since 1999, Hospitals Say
Army wants reservists for longer tours
I bought $200.00 in textbooks, sold them back for $8.75!!!!! •RANT•
My wife Baja Margie was banned from the DU
I bought fabric for curtains today-- ask me anything....
A co-worker told me "I probably wouldn't like Cats. I don't like cats and
If KG were a donut, what kind of donut would he be?
Eggs, sunny-side-up, has been banned from the Lounge.
What kind of food will get you banned from DU?
Cooking is the 3rd busiest DU groups.
Had a stroke Sunday, been in the hospital. I'm too tired to weed through
What's the coolest thing you have done with tapioca?
why does the sun go on shining
Let's review: Where should questions and comments regarding DU rules
We love the elderly, really. Great on toast
Bacon has been banned from the Lounge
You're all druggies and dirty hippies.
My family has avoided fast food for 3 1/2 weeks
Kate "Blue Crush" Bosworth is Lois Lane in "Superman Returns" (2006)
So, Mr. Griffin, where do you see yourself in 5 years???
Should the elderly be banned from the lounge at peak times?
How good a Darth Vader would you make?
Three King's Day and Epiphany today
Will somebody peak me during off times?
Best Paul McCartney album "Ram"
heh - check out thread from another board i found whilst googling
Still thinking about a job or paid internship in politics.
Anyone ever listen to Ken Nordine's WordJazz?
Should the young be banned at peak times?
Peanut butter cake. Remote control trucks. Noisy talking cars.
Song lyrics game! (Rebellious, angry, songs)
Hartford Advocate's film critic on BEYOND THE SEA.
My employer's GRAND PRIZE drawing for the company party
If I do a copycat post of a thread that got locked
Miss Kitty is missing! I fear the worst.
Laura Bush's new puppy is a fucking idiot!!
My daughter and I are going to a movie tomorrow
Listening to Sevendust: Animosity. Ask me anything.
Grasshopper, when you can snatch the pebbles from my open hand
Greatest song ever, Pinhead, The Ramones
Call out the instigators, because there's something in the air
I wish we had the ability to hide threads again..
I just spent time in the 2004 Election Results forum and GD. Hold me.
Why is the Lounge obsessed with the Moors?
Newton should have tested the theory of gravity with my threads
Everybody hates me. Nobody likes me. Guess I'll go eat wu-ur-rms.
My son John Kleeb was banned from the DU
Would The Doors have been any better had they a Bass player?
"All's well with the world".. Kobe had a GREAT Christmas.(Larry King show)
I just spent time in the Election 2004 Results and GD. Blow me.
Why is the Lounge obsessed with the Doors?
Is someone going to post "Patience, Grasshopper..." or do we give
Earth - The only place where people that don't use condoms...
Bought Hasidic reggae album by Matisyahu
Radiohead speaks to me in a way that no other band has
Should I call my counselor tomorrow and drop her a message?
Are you addicted to the DU Lounge? Answer these questions
Can someone post hi res pictures of the Chamber
I just spent time in the 2004 Election Results forum and GD. Hit me.
Why is the Lounge obsessed with the Bores?
How many junk mails do you get each day?
Jars and Jars of greasy grimey gopher guts
Go Fug Yourself. Fashion Faux Pas Of The Rich And Famous
Is it just me, or was Ray Manzarek the most talented of the Doors?
Its almost "that time" again! woo hoo!
I'm going to the State Capital Building tomorrow! Ask me anything.
Has anyone ever visited Jim Morrison's grave in Paris?
Who else besides me still has their Christmas tree up?
An inch of ice then an inch of sleet, I have been gone for
And now... Tonight's Very Special Message to Right-Wing Lurkers!!!
after watching both the debates today and Gonzales' hearing
Anyone up for grabbing a puppy?
Is it just me, or was Michael Nesmith the most talented of The Monkees?
Should the elderly be banned from public places at peak times?
I just took an Ambien and I know I am going to fall asleep soon
Look At These Singing Horses, Dagnabit!!!
Is is just me, or was Kool Rock Ski the fattest of The Fat Boys?
I just drank two shots of vodka and smoked a joint; I"ll be asleep soo...
From Michael Moore's Website: www.michaelmoore.com
Is it just me, or was Mike Score the most talented one of A Flock Of
Your DU name sounds better with "yummybutt" added to it
Serious question for Trof and other University of Alabama people.
I have no idea what you're talking about, Jon.
A 60's band you should look into (if you're a Beatles, Beach Boys fan)
Help Me To Think Of A Clever Subject For This Thread. Any Ideas?
Is it just me, or was Rob Pilatus the most talented one of Milli Vanilli
What is your favorite type of pickle?
Strange how songs bring back a stae of mind..
Now, it is beginning of a fantastic story!!
People KNOW you're cool when you say that you listen to...
I'm in the mood for some cute baby pics, dammit!
What particular band, group, or singer that you absolutely *LOVE*
Is it just me, or am I a wicked suckbag?
To what degree do you admire Howard Zinn
I have a personal dilemma, cat lovers please help!
Positive Energy and prayers needed...
Does anyone remember the thread about Bush and the marks on his face?
Dumbest thing you've done to impress a crush?
Do you give beef bones to dogs?
Your Momma is so tremendous that when she hauls ass...
Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers!
Have you ever been called out by name on DU?
You know your getting old when...
what are you addicted to besides DU?
We owe Barbra Boxer a "Thank You" email
Please contribute to the Boxer, Stubbs-Jones flowers fund
Did you hear the one about HEyHEY and the girl with the
If you're a Lounge Lizard...why?
"Holding Back the Years ...Holding Back the Tears...I've wasted all
Is it just me, or is Kid Rock a misogynistic, neo-fascist fuckface?
OK, this is odd. I went to sleep 4 hours ago, and now I'm wide awake
The Working Girl you'd LEAST like to encounter at Moonlight Bunny Ranch
Greatest song ever, Us and Them, Pink Floyd
Should people learn to voluntarily take a timeout from DU at pique times?
My 600th Post - Your Biggest Celebrity Crush of ALL Time?
Ok - I have 4 of my songs for you to hear.
Check Out Some Of My Music (Buncha covers)
Art! Finally, I had enough time to make art!
A South Park episode just happened in real life and it was in LBN
Aaaiiiiii! SCAREY cat breed!!!
Favorite condiment to use when eating your computer keyboard?
The cutie at work came over and chatted with me today. I'm psyched!
It's the Daughter of The *~*Stream of Consciousness*~* Thread!
Military Lab Proposed 'Gay-Aphrodisiac Chemical Weapon' in 1994
If you grew up religious: What was the first item of faith you questioned?
Kerry Visits Iraq for 'Firsthand' View; Car Bombs Kill 15
Hi!! The Kerry bashing is getting SO old. Can I get some love in here?
Someone needs to get laid! Look at this stiff!
Day after election, Sam Waterston donates $20k to DNC
Making Waves Nothing New for Sen. Boxer
Now Democrats need to take the focus OFF Barbara Boxer...
Counter-Inauguration: An Alternatives Vision
The foresight of Steven Colbert.....last night he said this on the
So which senators joined the CBC today?
New Draft _______ for President in 2008! Web Site...
After today, we should subtitle our party "The Boxer Party"
I'm so proud of my senator today
I still can't believe that incompetent POS will still be "president"
Black Point Man for the Right (Ouch)
What I think has to happen before we start winning for real....
Maxine, become an independent please!
Maybe it would be easier to list who we like in the Party....
Mark Dayton spoke against today's vote fraud action. That is it for me.
Tom Delay insinuates Tsunami victims died because they are not Christians
Hey all you Greens out there, convince me!!
10 year anniversary of the "Contract With America"
What do you think of the suggestion about infiltrating the GOP
Many of you won't like this...BUT, only Three People were
Meet Boxer's antecedent: (1st Female) Representative Jeanette Rankin
Help me convince my mom to let me protest Jan. 20!!
Contribute to the Boxer, Stubbs-Jones flowers fund, PLEASE
well, lefties ... I think I'm finally coming over to your side. (R)
Somebody help me make an open letter to Russ Feingold
Interview w/ Kevin Knobloch, pres. of the Union of Concerned Scientists
[PINR] China's Geostrategy: Playing a Waiting Game
Death in Fallujah rising, doctors say (women and children)
"Hit's the nail,on the head ," so to speak (insightful article)
Tougher laws eyed for alien workers
Brown's Marshall plan for world poor
Irrelevance of the Democratic Party
Today's Analysis: China's Unocal Gambit And Washington's Silent Fear
Bush Admin. Paid Reporter to Promote NCLB (USA Today)
Worse Than Fiction - by Paul Krugman
This message form Jesse Jackson Jr., states unequivocally
Is it legal for a journalist to accept money from the Government . . .
Wolcott: Kind of a Shame (US soldiers shooting Iraqi civilians)
Constitutional right to vote by Ron Walters
Salon.com: Fox News gets blown away
Today's papers -Gonzalas hearings recap
No Child Left Behind Scandal Breaking
Crawford, TX's 'Iconoclast': Did Money From Indian Casinos.....
Not Your Grandma's Religious Right - Republican Strategy Insights
http://mediadiversity.blogspot.com - Media Diversity Project
Fliers on Election 2004 & Social Security
On 1/7 NBC Today Show GE blocked any mention of Electorial Debate
CIA report says top officials failed to prepare for 9/11
GAO busts government twice in one week for illegal propaganda
Funny of video of Coulter and Carson's idea of quality debate on Canada
New York Times Mulls Charging Web Readers
http://mediadiversity.blogspot.com - Media Diversity Project
Lawmakers Demand President Bush STOP Paying Journalists to Promote Adminis
Do all media types get 1/4 mil a year from GOP like Armstrong Williams?
China To Fill Oil Reserves In 2006 - Demand Growth Seen At 8%+
Indian Island Abandoned To Dogs And Pigs
Bjorn Lomborg - Tsunami Warning System Bad Idea - Reuters
Volkswagen Chairman: Diesel is the Best Hope for the Future
Genetically modified trees are on their way
Zapatero in crisis over separatists (Spain)
An interesting board for gay RKBA and their supporters
Bush Lawyers Target Gun Control's Legal Rationale (WSt.Journal)
I would like to thank the Moderators!
what's with all the posts in LBN by Martin Finkle 1974????????????
I'm afraid to click on threads over 200 or so...
You deserve a laugh; here's a good one for you.
On dupes. How about a little slack?
Is "You are a charlatan" a violation of DU rules?
A Q. Concerning the Tsunami Conspiracy Ban
Is it possible to have a separate forum for ACTION?
Any reason this news story was moved from LBN?
Is it OK if I post here to make sure my new signature line works?
I propose DU officially support Kerry's request on voter reform
Cocoa made a wonderful suggestion I second it AND
Can we have a new stream for Election Reform Activism?
If we make a tsunami relief donation through a link on DU...
This does not conform to DU rules, and belongs in the Lounge.
Another question about post volume
LBN post is locked that has a different title and author from older post
Here's an idea: An "Ask the Moderators if it is Stupid" Forum
"Touch it and die"; Washington & the I/P Conflict.....
Abbas admits getting carried away over 'Zionist enemy' remarks
No heroic passengers on Flight 93?
Peoria Journal Star: New Illinois Laws
Tell em' they can watch it on C-Span!!
cnn headline news is carrying a 2 minute piece
County Auditor “Screw the loonies who think hackers will steal your votes"
Did anyone even mention the exit polls?
Question for the TRUE Kerry supporters only?
Good day but disappointed in Feingold.
Time for LTTEs & calls to Cspan supporting protest (samples)
List of all Congresspersons who spoke for reform today?
G'nite folks. Keep the faith. We can still rescue this nation.
Which senators joined Boxer in Objecting?
Remember the world is with us tonight. They know there are good guys here
Can a kind soul point me to a link re: all the glitches favoring *
As long as we're applauding good guys,has anyone noticed Filner
A 48 hour push got 11 senators to speak out...
Did you all read: "The Crime of November 2?"
Photos, etc. at www.votecobb.org from today!
DU and activism is the act of water on rock (an analogy)
If you noticed today, the Dems framed the
Did any Reps/Senators who were present abstain from voting today?
My good feeling turned into a great feeling
A message to "The X-Files Wing of the Democratic Party"
Re- Thanking the Stand-Up Congressional Dems
Did I Hear Senator Boxer say this or not?
Hillary asked me for money today ...
"it was a mistake not to object four years ago."
Can someone post John Kerry's letter
Hey! 1/6 is the Feast of the 3 Wise Men. If they had been 3 Wise Women--
before i go to sleep one more positive from the day...NO MORE CROSSFIRE
cnn's Jack Cafferty this morning
article in USA Today about challenge
Liberal Lunacy == from the GOP USA
We must use the Objection Debate!
What were Kerry's exact comments about the challenge?
what will your one-point be to people who start bashing what happened
PICS: BARBARA'S TEARS FOR DEMOCRACY ...also.. Audio Highlights now online
Why my republican congressman is AGAINST a paper trail...
Letter from Contest the Vote -- Thank Senator Boxer
Repukes are in control, why would they change the election process?
What did Al Franken say about the Ohio Electoral vote challenge?
Congratulations President John Kerry
OMG This has to be our Andy making it to the big time in the
It was a mistake to object yesterday
The worst president of the 21st century has to be John Kerry.
My letter to my Democratic Senator
Here's why we should be v. happy tonite
Boxer and Jones Deserve Credit, Not Scorn
A simple reason why the vote in Ohio had to be challenged.
Michael Moore on Jay Leno tonight! Check out his thank you on his site
Dems: "The election system is broken" but the result can't be challenged.
Conservatives Push for Psychiatric Diagnosis of "Loony Leftists"
Jan. 6, 2005 Democracy Day in America!
Rate up this Boxer pic, and keep kicked
-20 Voting Facts You Should Know
Lucas County OH Democratic Headquarters Burglary
Please help me bombard Neil Boortz
Trying to feel good about yesterday...
Remember NCPAC? I think the Urosevich/Computer Voting/Fundamentalist...
Those who stood for justice, Jan. 6
not one damn dime day (sorry if this is already here)
NBC News First Read acknowledges protest for election reform
You might want to tune into AAR Franken today(now)
For Letters to the Editor and the media from Benjamin Franklin:
I Hope Were Not The Laughingstock Of The Whole Rest Of The World
My letter to the editors of various Wisconsin papers
“What did you do this week to assure fair and transparent elections...
Video of Boxer news conference yesterday
If you truly believe that Kerry won Ohio, like I do.....
Now that the recount is over can journalists do a hand recount of
Can someone explain to me in plain english about the Diebold software?
For those interested in a site for Boxer/Conyers/Tubbs-Jones...
Even for Drudge this is low..."As Bush Certified"..."Boxer Cries"...
MY letter to my Congressman -- PLEASE do the same.
Systematic suppression of hundred of thousands of minority voters in seve
"The Ohio objection"SF gate. editorial
Some of These Posts Are Getting Pretty Obvious In Their Attempt to Divide
"Fight Every Day" - By Steve Gilliard
A new activism from VotersUnite: MYTHBREAKERS
If Dems in Congress can't get legislation passed then...
WOW -- Ohio Finally Made Front Page of Google News
the battle is not over in the state of washington
"Notice of Revocation of Independence"
I really wish the mods would use their tombstone
Obama: As a person of colour, I felt let down
Remember to thank Boxer and Tubbs Jones staff
The Ying and the Yang. To fight within the system or fight in the streets
Was Jesus Tortured? Not according to Gonzales. (The Webpage -- NEED HELP)
Scarborough--I thought my head would explode!
Arnebeck wins case against PAC in Ohio
Has it been established that Triad and ES&S both have Republican ties?
Did Michael Moore inadvertently set us up for a fall?
We must stay UNITED to accomplish our goals. Keep criticism to a minimum
We won a huge victory - From IAMREALITY
This email from Democrats.com, says it all!
Need Help Looking for links to all of the Wayne Madsen updates/articles
Will you help create a more diverse media in the USA ?
Inspiring words from the Brad Blog just made my day
Resources, Material, Contacts.
Are you guys done mourning the "death of democracy" yet?
Where is the Official Transcript? I can't find at Cong. Record >
Tell the Legislature to follow the law
Yesterday illustrated that the problem runs deeper
Why did so many speak about the problems and then vote NAY?
To those who pledged to support whoever voted with Conyers
A crucial GOP frame that we can, and must, co-opt. It's easy...!
"Got a Black Magic Marker" campaign of silent protest
Will You Ever Vote Again if Zilch is Done about Paperless Voting Machines?
My apologies to all of you too!
Bernie Sanders on Hartmann right now talking about yesterday!
Uh Oh! My tripod site has been removed for violating deep doo doo...
Arnebeck's Letter to Congress Yesterday
Who is Russ Baker? This coming from Tom Paine?
If MSM coverage is any indication...
MSM- KDKA Pittsburgh Talk Show 2 hrs on Election Fraud
Let's not waste any time - while the iron is hot spread the word on the
Is there a post around here for emailing all the Senators and Reps
Please support Moveonpac.org Re Boxer's Challenge and contact media
I replaced my Kerry yard sign today
NC Committee to Improve Voting Laws/Machines now
DU we need to help Tracy Wallach...
"The Democrats have willingly become the Washington Generals...
Wait a second here, "Dino-boy",
Who are our hero's (at this moment)
My 3 nominations for "ASS-RETHUG" award go to...
200 Protesters in DC on Jan 6th?
Nailing Ken Blackwell: FOLLOW THE MONEY!
If ALL Dem. Senators & Reps voted "yes" would it have made any difference?
I still support Kerry. I admire the man...
Inaugural donor list: Every contribution tells a story!
New York Times: Is this sentence true at all ?
Grassroots? Is there a way WE can draft vote reform with grassroots effort
Mike Malloy Last Night "I am no longer a Democrat"
Kucinich on Ohio Electoral College Vote Challenge
How can we talk some sense to people, who can not see the facts:
Well, here's what I learned today....
Why did they accuse us of saying Rove hacked the election from the WH?
Friday 1/7/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread
You guys got the most powerful weapon now
Many Americans wept yesterday!
Eleanor Cliff Gives Rave Review of Yesterday's Dem Action
Do we need Republicans to reform the electoral system?
What Byrd said ...whatever...in the Senate yesterday
Can someone please provide me with a list of all the people who stood up?
Did Blackwell get paid to head up the
Ring Ring....Reality Calling....
Dr. Freeman's article in the SFTimes...
Tom DeLay's Amazing Remarks Yesterday - transcript >
L.A. Times National Exit Poll: Bush 51, Kerry 48. Read and weep - I did.
Be glad! The Repukes missed a GOLDEN opportunity!!!!
Use of the phrase "conspiracy theorists" in the House Debate >
Does anyone have a link to Voinovich comments
If Dean won the primaries we would never have lost or had these problems
Congressional Record search site HERE
Being called an anti-democratic kook by Tom DeLay is like...
This message from Jesse Jackson Jr. States in unequivocal terms
I'm getting scared - the hate mail has elevated re: my fraud site
What arguements and facts did the Republicans present?
Just got back to Ohio from D.C.
Voter Turnout Estimate for Baker County!! WTF!! 332%!!
Blackwell.... is he going to get away with all this?
Nomination for the Biggest Idiot Award - KELLER of FL >
Who was the "Lone Protestor" in the Gallery?
Whether we officially split the party or not, it's clear that we are split
Anyone see this report before -- it's from the Election Data Services
Randi said the most likely reason...
To the Apologists and the Despairing
Democrats are the new "Negroes"
Does anyone know if Conyers will be able to continue
Kerry's chess game analogy is still valid
My final take on the election and fraud...
thankyoupatriot.com bought for Conyers, Tubbs Jones, Boxer and
Gonzales must never be confirmed or this will be Nazi Germany
"DU... I Am Soooooooooo Sorry..."
Lets get back to work...ideas?
Where can I buy a "member of the Boxer Rebellion" bumper
BEST EVIDENCE: WP/Mitofsky/NEP (13,047 Random; MOE 1%): 547 million to 1.
Inaugration Protest: Not One Red Cent Day -- Pass this on...
There are a BILLION new people posting here tonight...
Bush's psychiatric diagnosis, anyone ?
Where do we go from here? Impeachment
Contact list of everyone who stood for democracy yesterday
Kerry reports for duty in Iraq to cheering troops - rips the Shrub
How can we inform the other 75% about the Bush fraud machine.
Washington State Governor Mess-Rossi Contests!
Could this be Y DEMS who spoke in support of BOXER then voted "NO"
Did you guys see this? Kerry's statement read into the Cong Record >
Dominionist set to take over DNC Chair, is member of Right-Wing Think Tank
No Confidence Movement Update - Vets For Peace 56 Endorses Resolution
Tell the Republicans They Brought it on Themselves!
Videos from January 6, 2005 - Any requests?
Do this TODAY to get Republicans in your town to wake up
Are EXIT POLL RESULTS really just elaborate FAKES?
GOP expected to file suit over Gregoire win. (puke alert)
Why not protest the MSM at the inauguration?
Official Thread: Election Reform Awareness - Educating Elected Officials
Vote in this NBC poll on the ohio challange and KEEP THIS ON TOP.
2005-2007 Assembly District Committee Reorganization
moving to cali(san jose) help!
Rep. Markey voted "YEA" to contest the Ohio Electoral Votes.
Jazz Funeral for Democracy-New Orleans-January 20, 2005
Dayton says Congress is being deceived on Iraq
Help support a local blog and give Powerline some competition
Here's another bill that needs to get shot down: "Ronald Reagan...
Granholm backs Mark Brewer for Democratic Party chairman
Friends or enemies? Jackson MI
MI teachers - opinions on Michigan Merit Exam?
i am getting ready to switch some stuff out on my computer-but I'm
Zone alarm & Sygate info new to me
Jazz Funeral for Democracy-New Orleans-January 20, 2005
In search of Ohio volunteers for door to door canvassing
Santorum calls the challenge of the Ohio Electoral Vote "a travesty."
Cuellar makes splash in White House kitchen
TX Lege plans to seat Heflin next week: anon. senator
Republican lawmakers in favor of paper trail for voting.
I'm Proud to be Liberal and I am sick of Being Nice to Conservatives
Raise the Minimum Wage - Go Tom Barrett
any one got the full list of the33 house members who..
Has anyone got a link proving that T. Carlson is going to work at MSNBC?
(Tsunami Aid) - Rampant Corruption in Aceh
Ya say you want a revolution....
Ken Salazar introduces and endorses Alberto Gonzales during
What did you expect to happen?
Who said this, and where was it said? In what context?
Thank you all, but I've had it...
LOST gives props to HALIBURTON? lol, that's funny
Kerry's got some 'splaining to do.
letter to my senators about the election challenge
I've never been prouder to be represented by Senator Barbara Boxer
Q. Who said, "Tear down this wall!"
Tim Roemer for DNC Chair? More of the same (or worse)?
Grab your ankles and repeat ad nauseum:
If Rehnquist is kaput, will Judge Judy do the inauguration and slap Bush?
For those of you who haven't heard of Leo Strauss
Bush and his boots (a typically macabre DS1 cartoon thread)
Am I the ONLY one who missed this "paragon of republican values"?
2004 is The first presidential election democrats lost in 12 years
What's going on over in Latest breaking News -- Who is MartinFinkle and
Sigh..the freeps...come whining in..
Concern over radical relief group
All our institutions have become rich people's playgrounds.
"Atheists aren't perfect, just perceptive."
Why is Hannity such a whiny little bitch?
Bush/Repubs push for 100% privatization SSI/benefits cuts
CNN's Bill Hemmer - "74% of Americans Said They Have Prayed For Victims"
Help vets at Walter Reed Hospital....
So, when they steal the next election, and the next, and the next...
Off with their heads! Who sent us to war? by John Cobarruvias
Kid Rock Upsets Some Washington Pimps
3 separate, conflicting Dec. job headlines on Fox, CNN, MSNBC
Why is Charles Schumer on Fox extolling the virtues of Gonzales?
Will there be violence at the Inauguration?
Gonzales evades the open secret
"I rob banks because that's where the money is." . . . Willie Sutton . . .
CSPAN Friday morning — Torture apologist on now
Kid Rock is a Bush supporter. 90 second pop cnn
The Forbidden Library: More on Banned Books
Jan. 6 and Dems - not all good, not all bad
Rumsfeld Calls Tsunami Survivors "Selfish"
I guess I'm for Bush's tax code reform....
I'm Sick of it ALL....it wasn't enough...It just wasn't. I think our Dems
(SLAP SLAP) Snap OUT of it... Democracy LIVES!
Yesterday's Result: Bipartisan Paper-Trail Legislation Introduced
1/6/05-Bush family photo at GHWB and Bar's 60th Wedding Anniversary
I Know... You NEVER Watch Cable News. But... For Breaking News Stories...
Hey Gonzalez? Remember the part where Jesus said
Old Fashioned Boycott - tell me what you think
Editorial on Gary Webb in the Chicago trib
Bush Paid Pundit (USA Today), to promote "No Child Left Behind"
Falwell's version of Intelligent Design?
Well, we know this...military leadership is the same now,
Big jump in registered DU members since yesterday AM
Consumers are rejecting American brands in foreign markets
Diebold has receipts for ATM Machines, but not Voting Machines
How did the media react to the Ohio vote?
Say hello to the NEW and......... well new US Foreign Policy team
Frightening words from alberto gonzales (-snip- from transcript - NYT)
TV Appeal by Richard Gere Perplexes Palestinians
Texas Co. Using Illegal Aliens to Manufacture Troops MRE's
OK when they try to outlaw abortion do you think we will see
What is YOUR political plan of action for 2005? What will you do to
My Spin on What Tsunami Shows Us
MRE's Cost $47.00 EACH to manufacture?
Where's The Magic In "Paper Trails"?
Memo to I-376 road builders - it's called a storm sewer. Use it.
Yeah, things are getting better here in these here United States!
What's WORSE For Kids To See On TV?
Nawww---Shrubbites Pay for News Coverage and Fake Stories
HB 1677, "Report of fetal death by mother, penalty"
Why the silence on US fatalities from the tsunami? Coverup?
Anybody have anything on this torture memo signed by Bush?
Accused spy (and bigtime GOP donor/fundraiser/adulteress) gets off
Who was yesterday's most contemptuous villain?
US doctors accused over Guantánamo abuse
Anyone else suspect the timing of the 1964 civ. rights murder suspect?
Only Half A President: Bush approval ratings at 49% at end of first term
So what will this country be known as now?
Props to the Mods!!! Everyone post and say thanks!!!
Jan. 7, 2005 and 17 soldiers DEAD.....
When fundi kids are shot by tasers, will this end the fundy R love affair
Who is Bush talking about here?
Good news about Iraq elections
So here it is, the darkest time of the year...
Do you believe death penalty brings closure to victims' familes, friends?
The Rev. Bernard Smith, Largo, Florida...kooky tsunami theory
This needs to be said. Debbie Schussel is an ass!
thief Darleen Druyun biggest Pentagon scandal in 20 yrs.
Why many Democratic Politicians are afraid to oppose the RW
Does anyone know how to reduce the size of a pdf file?
Where in the Gonzales memo does it openly endorse torture?
The Democratic Party collborates in the perpetuation of myths.
Nelson Mandela breaks taboo, reveals that his son...
Not in Your Wildest Photo-Op Dreams, Rove >>>
Canada opens borders to orphaned Tsunami victims
Paul KRUGMAN's "Bad Novel" (IOKIYAR)
Was Jesus Tortured? Not according to Gonzales. (The Webpage -- NEED HELP)
torture island Diego Garcia, torture, and the tsunami (Camp Justice)
Do NOT allow Tim Roemer become DNC chairman!
Don't know if this has been talked about, 40 years ago the 3 civil rights
PART 2: The center of the doughnut (our empty coffers)
feel lucky if you don't live near super toxic Rocky Flats
What happened on Franken with Rich Lowry?
Who might be keeping track of where you drive?
Employer uses employee's personal emails against them in lawsuit
We need to keep a list of Dems who sell us out on Social Security
BBC's musical Jesus sows discord
Conservatives Push for Psychiatric Diagnosis of 'Loony Leftists
the FLU...new CDC report....widespread FLU..bush* does NOTHING (links)
National Geographic Society changes name of Persian Gulf - Arabian Gulf
Morally speaking..Is it ever OK to kill? To steal?
Anyone read "Planet Simpson?" (It's not really about the Simpsons)
ElDumbo is such a fat, holier than though, blowhard
Williams on the carpet right now on cnn about being paid by *
Was Jesus Tortured? Not according to Gonzales.
I just gave Hannity the bird....
Coulter: "Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole"
Tortes are delicious. They don't need "reform"
Is it me or is the DNC really a GOP front?
Saw a photo of Cheney and Dennis Hastert shaking hands. Isn't that
The economics of discounting distance and transport
Seriously what did a lawsuit ever do for him?
So how're you feeling after the big anniversary party, George?
Goodman, Schwerner murders caught after 40+ years...
Concern Over Radical Relief Group
Caption this photo of Bush with Drink in Hand
Jeb hires as staff writer a fired edtor accused of plagiarism, porn....
Michael Newdow. Great! Now they can use him to define us
Media Commentator paid $240,000 by Bushco to promote No Child Left Behind
Social Security is in CRISIS!!! Its assets are just IOUs!!!
How many other RW nuts on "Paid endorsers" for Bush
The Reality of Red-State Fascism . . . by Lew Rockwell . . .
In 1980 in Phildelphia MS some 17 miles and 17 years removed
Are you happy you paid Armstrong Williams to promote Idiot Son's policy?
Many Leaders of the RW are mentally ill
Miracle boy Hannes,1, back home again, tells of ordeal
Congress on the Armstron Williams Deal - EMAIL NOW
Irrelevance of the Democratic Party
E-mail Armstrong Williams and ask him how much to promote DU!
Republicans - Proving being mean is the best way to get people
Anyone find it odd that all ex-advisors from previous presidents say...
I need a transcript of the Ohio electors challenge debate! Where to find?!
My letter to my DNC representatives
Democrats are quick to say: investigating Ohio won't change outcome
Democrats introduce bill to restore Pell Grants
Remember when liberal/progressive politicians would yell and scream
Fred Phelps Daughter said Hitler was doing God's work.
What's wrong with fixing Social Security?
How much did Judith Miller get?
To the Idiots (none are DU'ers) who say the Tsunami is payback for 9/11
Kid Rock to perform for Bush = Our Chance to Strike Back
How much did the WH pay Michele Malkin?
How many other Media Whores are on the Bushco Payroll?
Frist at tsunami photo op: "get some devastation in the back of us"
How many here think Chris Hitchens was paid off to promote...
The tribes, republicans and christians: investigations ongoing?
Tell Barbara Boxer "Thank You!" Courtesy of True Majority
Armstrong Williams coming up on Crossfire
Is Alberto Gonzales a flip-flopper?
It's a good day to write letters to editors
Maria Shriver (in Vanity Fair)
Why does Howard Zinn go on about Columbus so much?
Article beautifully sums up future of Dem Party debate
Is there any chance of a Watergate-type scandal breaking out?
With the news that Rehnquist not returning on Monday who will be
Liberty's century... A reality check.
The Boycott of Sinclair must continue
Ratio of your tsunami to Kerry donations?
Tim Roemer, Mercatus,Koch family, Richard Mellon Scaife..DNC chair?
Should Armstrong Williams go to jail?
Check out Bill Gates' electronic image company - a suite of Saddam pics:
Who will be fired from the Department of Education over Williams' $240K?
Do you support the death penalty for the mentally ill?
June 6 2004 Time Mag - special issue... pic of Saddam...
The Black Commentator: Armstrong Williams (Strom Thurmond's fav. negro)
Don't blame Armstrong Williams blame this SCUMBAG administration
Have Fred Phelps' "godhates___.com" sites been shut down?
One More Example the Fox News Ratings line is Bogus
Osama bin Laden is unable to recite certain parts of the Quran
Why George W. Bush has no style.
I am a democrat and always will be
Should the left boot out over-sensitive, politically correct whiners?
Leadership IS needed in the Democratic party.
US troops 'laughed as Iraqi died'
Should the Gov't Regulate Fast Food/Restaurant Commercials on TV?
DU this poll, please! re: Gonzalez
Another reason to LOVE Armstrong Williams
CNN backing away from Armstrong "Paid endorser" Williams
BREAKING: Sinclair corp (huge Bush supporter) threatens frivolous lawsuit
Why are the deaths of black people not as moving as others?
deLay's response to the Ohio challenge
I am a democrat and i like Michael Moore
Is it time for a total boycott of the Mainstream Media?
Haha----Just Tried Calling-in to the LIMBOsevic Show
NO VOTES in 2006! BOYCOTT 2006 - Send a MESSAGE!
PHOTO: Bush urges Congress to "change" asbestos disease compensation
CNN Headline, "Gonzalez admits he made mistakes."
I wonder how much the WH is paying the atheist to go around
"Fundamentalists United Caring Kingdom, Yahweh Or Unsaved"...The Crusade
Sign the Petition: Stop the Separation of Church and State
Why are folks shocked? Doesn't anyone remember "Karen Ryan"?
Who else has heard a Fundie say "the Tsunami is God's payback for 9/11?"
Cartoon by Scott Bateman About Social Security
Let me see if I can get this straight........
Sen. Kennedy to address 'progressive vision' for future of Dem party
I'm Not A Michael Moore Democrat
Anyone else listening to Randi Rhodes?
I Switched Party Affiliation Today....to Independent
Help me out, will ya? (Miscarriage bill in VA)
John Kerry asking for your help to get election reform.
Atheist sues to prevent prayer at Bush inauguration
Mike Malloy 01/06/2005 "I am no longer a democrat."
If your newspaper carries Armstrong Williams' columns CALL THEM TODAY
Sen Schumer is in the bullseye (is he really a republican?)
Fred Phelps of godhatesfags.com is coming to Tucson, AZ
Negativity is not needed in the Democratic party!
Kucinich: "Mr. Speaker, call the cops!"
Constitutional Amendments should never, ever, ever, ever
Alllllrighty DU, ENUF ALREADY...all apologies are accepted...
How we can become the majority party again?
We have massive numbers and need to organize, any ideas?
Do you support the death penalty for juveniles?
Hot topic! My daughter has to write about the difference between Repub.
Spy chief linked to Kohl scandal faces trial
"Americans who are prepared to kill anyone for George Bush."
Spongebob Cheap Pants' "Donut On A Rope" | emergency TOON aid
I'm Starting to Just Not Care Anymore - I'm Just All Cared Out
Is this forum appropriate for discussing homebrewing?
Help! My husband is a pothead!!!
Alberta's lieutenant-governor dies
What are some good left-leaning Canadian message boards?
Brown's Marshall plan for world poor
Any views on Jerry Springer the Opera? Coming to BBC2 on Sat...
US seeks to buy ammunition from Taiwan as stocks run low after Iraq:
Bird Flu in Asymptomatic Ducks in Vietnam
"Charges Dropped in FBI Spy Case" -- Republican fundraiser, of course
Republican Leaders Remove Congressman Chris Smith as Chairman
North Korea Issues Wartime Guidelines
Officer: Army May Change Reserves Policy
France concerned for journalist (female went missing in Iraq)
U.S. Leads the World in File Swapping
US falls off top free economies' list
Bison hunt opponents putting names in drawing for tags
NYT: All Charges Are Dismissed in Spy Case Tied to F.B.I.
Roadside bomb kills seven U.S. soldiers in Baghdad, two Marines die in Anb
'KKK man' held for 1964 murders (Mississipi Burning case)
Reservists May Face Longer Tours of Duty
Chlorine-filled train crashes in US
Navy SEAL lieutenant faces hearing in prisoner abuse case
Congress OKs bill to extend date for 2004 tsunami relief tax deductions
USA: Guantánamo detentions enter fourth year as torture allegations mount
Census Lists Renamed Lake As 'Butthead'
Two charges dropped against Abu Ghraib abuse 'ringleader'; trial to begin
Poll: Americans sharply divided about Bush as begins ambitious 2nd term
Judge searches Pinochet's office
Doctors implicated in Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib abuse
Jordan Calls on Iraqis to Go to Polls
General Sees Permanent 30,000 Increase in U.S. Army
CIA report slams top officials over terrorism readiness
HAHA...Prostitute turns in child-porn having "John"
Old Fashioned Boycott - tell me what you think
Congress Ratifies Bush Victory After Challenge (Media non reporting)
Belfast heist being used to wreck peace process
Transition sparks group firing
Privations weigh down Iraqi housewives
Employment firm pleads guilty to fraud charges (makes MRE's for war)
IRA blamed for £22m Belfast bank raid (Latest)
Judge searches Pinochet's office
7,000 More Bodies Discovered in Indonesia
Bush names top diplomat's deputy
Bush Taps Zoellick as Deputy Secretary of State
AP Poll: Americans Ambivalent About Bush
'KKK man' held for 1964 murders
After Leveling City, U.S. Tries to Build Trust
Seminole Co (FL) Election Supervisor Resigns; Cites Health Reasons
Warner investigation sought (WV GOP chair)
Ex-WorldCom directors to pay investors $18m
Dec. DOL Payroll new jobs Jobs only 157,000 - below expectations
Police Charge Students With Internet Scam
Insurgents sabotage gas pipeline near Tikrit
BBC's musical Jesus sows discord
Yates Lawyers Won't Seek Her Freedom
Cutbacks hit Mississippi shipyard workers
Bush's Drug Videos Broke Law, Accountability Office Decides
Congress Makes Reelection Official
McAuliffe asked to be DNC chairman
Jews attack German immigration curbs
Scowcroft Skeptical Vote Will Stabilize Iraq
WP: Bush Rejects Growing Pessimism on U.S. Foreign Policy
Bush team scolded for disguised TV report
UNICEF Confirms Tsunami Child Trafficking Case
GOP expected to file suit over Gregoire's win
Al-Qaida's "Minister of Finance" Goes on Trial
Workers told of layoffs at Pascagoula shipyard (2500 in next 3 yrs)
Crawford, TX's 'Iconoclast': Did Money From Indian Casinos.....
Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law
Florida To Equip Schools With Tasers
India's untouchables forced out of relief camps
Officer: Army May Change Reserves Policy
G7 supports tsunami debt freeze
Police Chief Links IRA to Huge N.Irish Bank Heist
GOP expected to file suit today over Gregoire win.
S.E.C. Is Investigating Taser's Safety Claims
W. House paid commentator to promote law AP
Two court challenges filed in WA governor's race
CIA report faults top officials for pre-9/11 lapses
Monsanto fined $1.5m for bribery
Iraqi exiles to vote in 14 states
Miracle boy Hannes,1, back home again, tells of ordeal
Detroit Hosts Auto Show Amid Bleak Outlook
Italian train collision kills 18
Capuano says he won't be running for governor in 2006
deLay's response to the Ohio challenge
4 years of Bush loses 1,208,000 private sector jobs-208k seas adj overall
Lawmakers Demand President Bush STOP Paying Journalists to Promote Adminis
Miami Herald Co. ceases publication of Street Weekly
DoD Identifies Army Casualty (#1351)
Illinois Senate May Vote On Gay Rights Law
Cohort of Canadian BSE cow was shipped to U.S.
Fears of tsunami child abductions mount
Bipartisan Workshop Aims to End Gridlock
Americans Get Early Tax Break for Tsunami Donations
Snow: People Need Better Grasp on Social Security Issue
General Fears 'Spectacular' Iraq Attacks
Sinclair vows legal action against anyone engaging in "trade defamation"
Frist visits Sri Lanka, pledges aid
Troops Establish New Baghdad Base (Haifa Street )
Detainee Dies of Apparent Natural Causes (Camp Bucca)
Sen. Clinton's Finance Director Indicted
Police take prints with citations (Green Bay)
Powell Makes Final Stop in Tour of Tsunami Destruction (jeb left: WH party
Halliburton: Missing Truck Driver From Galveston Died In Iraq
Iran'll respond strongly to hostile action in Persian Gulf: Navy commander
Rossi Announcing Decision On Whether He'll Contest Election
Duval County to equip school officers with Tasers (Florida, of course)
Bush Says Four Iraqi Areas Pose Voting Challenges
Scowcroft Skeptical Vote Will Stabilize Iraq -WaPo
Police: Prostitute reports client in child porn case
Psychic security department protects Russian presidents from external psyc
Gonzales gets mixed reviews - Nominee's torture memos concern lawyers
Oil prices shoot above US$ 45.
Retail Falls Short of Projections
Insurgent Admits Iran, Syria Links on Tape
Swedish pastor disowns US hate site
U.S. troops have one in 11 chance of being wounded or killed in Iraq
George Wackenhut Dies; Security Pioneer
Rice is Said to Pick Trade Negotiator as Deputy
Rap Kid Rock inaugural pick (Wildmon "Slap in the Face" Consv Christians)
Cops Investigate School Strip Search Case
Bush Takes Aim at Asbestos Lawsuits
Five Embeds Booted Out of Iraq in Recent Months
Geneva Convention Overhaul Considered (Bush wanted more Torture allowed)
Gov. Bush hires writer accused of plagiarism
New York Times Mulls Charging Web Readers
US island base given warning (warning bulletins sent to Diego Garcia)
UK Christians Burn TV Licenses Over Springer Opera
Democrats try to alter Social Security debate
Chief Justice Rehnquist Won't Return on Monday
ElBaradei demands world powers to freeze nuclear activities
China to outlaw aborting female fetuses
Iraqis to Testify in Trial of G.I. Accused of Abusing Them
Chirac cautions reporters to stay out of Iraq
Chicago Sun-Times Top Editor Heads to Daily News
Bush Calls for Streamlining Tax Code
Annan Wonders Where Are the People?
Obama, Durbin visit Veterans' Affairs office
Sen. McCain Does Jury Duty in Phoenix (wasn't picked)
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 7 January
White House paid commentator to promote law
AP Poll Finds Americans Split About Bush
Bush Dismisses Growing Concerns Over Elections in Iraq
Pentagon's Wolfowitz Says He Staying in Bush Team
Proposal for an Irish Affairs Group
Does anyone own a tapestry or want one?
It started with a challenge,a call to action...
There's some really old dope in the kitchen
I am on the 4th day of a Chemical Vaccation.... ask me what is
Lawsuit claims Apple violates law with iTunes
seriously, who gets hurt on vacation?
I for one, am NEVER voting democratic AGAIN, UNLESS...
Well it's been ten years and a thousand tears
Everytime we say goodbye, I die a little...
Has anyone here seen the movie, They?
Want a fucked - up perception?
You guys should watch this video.....
Best "Easy Like Sunday Morning"
Lots of 'suicide posters' at DU today....
Congratulations! we are all now perpetual losers!
Fuck rock! and paper! And scissors! And Dunken donuts!
Does anyone know of a station streaming Coast to Coast?
I am considering doing work for NORML perhaps this summer
Christ on crutches!! Some people in GD need a fucking scrip for...
"Me and you tike, we're gonna make some cash"
What the hell happened to Hillary Duff?
Stolen 2000 election turns up on eBay, seller "krove" questioned
Should I have a couple beers? What kind
Ribs and stuffing are a good leftover combo
Get yer salivary glands flowing...decadent post.
Tortoise Adopts Stray Hippo at Sanctuary....
You know, I'll just never understand (trolls)
Fuck Slurpees. And Big Gulps. And Route 44s. And Fuck Icees too.
Just got home from work and Randy Newman's on Conan...life is good.
Wow it really slows down at night!
About to be in the 700 Club, any questions?
I'm awake because it's 10:30 in the morning over here. What's YOUR excuse?
I think I'm the only one left here.... TIME TO GET NAKED!!!!
Man Charged For Biting Policeman
New Sunglasses Have Built-In TV
Man Stung By Scorpion At Airport Check-In Counter
Has anyone ever been to Cologne, MN?
Morans Capture Undefeated Family Feud Championship
Fred Phelps daughter on Stern now
"Hotel Rwanda" Sounds Like It's Going to Be a Hell of a Movie
CNN breaking: More than 30% of Americans have prayed for matcom!
So I made my first trip to Costco a few days ago...
I awoke to a beautiful sound this morning
Lets spell dirty words using the periodic table
I need some emergency information (for Ohio)
Campus Statue Replaced By Bird Bath - Statue Had A BARE BREAST!!!
Has anyone else gotten real trigger happy on the ignore button?
Which would make the cooler summer road trip?
Before I leave for work, here's a heartfelt message to right-wing lurkers.
Thank you from nearby the bottom of my heart to Nate and Chest for showing
Census Lists Renamed Lake As 'Butthead'
didja hear? kerry's a "bad Loser"
Dad Banned From Youth Hockey Games - Grabbed 8 Y.O. Around Neck
Parents Take Blame For Child's Tardiness - Spend Detention With Her
Spamming Phillies Fan Headed To Prison - Clogged Team's Computers
15,000 Brits complain BEFORE BBC shows Jerry Springer the Opera
How do I get to the updated DU Gallery????
Julia Roberts buys 32 acres of land in Taos NM from Rumsfeld
What if they went to inaugurate Bush, but the machine printed out "Kerry"?
Favorite version of "Lay Lady Lay?"
Hooker Turned Customer In To Police After Seeing Kiddie Porn In His Home
Verne Troyer ("Mini-Me") gets naked and drunk on "Surreal Life" set
Funnies? People like to dress up in Three Stooges costumes & have sex?
Furries? People like to dress up in furry character costumes & have sex?
Sniffies? People who like to dress up as sniffa and have sex?
Skivvies, people who like to dress up in underwear and have sex
Millies! People who like to dress up like MissMillie and have sex
WTF why did my copycat dress up thread get locked
I propose a new group : the Yellow Ribbon Group
I am SOOO into YOU...I can't think of nuthin' else....
Lockies? Threads that like to dress up like other threads and get locked?
Who watched the "chicken show" on PBS last night?
There's enough locks in the lounge to open a storage company n/t
Jackies? Lumberjacks who dress in women's clothing
"Bevis" Lake Misnamed "Butthead" Lake In Census Bureau Records
Who watched Wickedly Perfect last night?
Bevis Lake Renamed "Butthead" Lake in Census Bureau Records
I'm on the 4th day of a Chemical Peel - Ask me how much it itches!
Honk if you love Haliburton....oh never mind!
Funkadelic Appreciation Thread
There's something seductive about me when I shoot crap
Why does the DU Spellchecker flag "Repuke"? Mods, please
Nearly famous has "near-death experience" with mattress
Don't mind me I have nothing to talk about .
Check out my "George & tort reform" cartoon
Just got an e-mail from my brother (deployed)
Is it possible to pull a chest muscle?
Is anyone familiar with the haunted house at 50 Berkeley Square in London?
Check in, blues fans! Mojo Magazine's "Roots of..." CDs. How great?
MaddyMcCall, XanaDUer, Pres2032 have all won the lounge MOH
What are you having for breakfast?
No, goddammit, I don't want to play online casino games...
Hey...Who won DU's Fantasy Football League??
Death Challenged me to a game and I beat him back.,.. For now...
Well, that was quite a hell night
I am addicted to literary blogs. I have stuck one little pinky toe in the
Worst Album you Purchased in 2004.
Honk if you love rocket propelled farts!
[View all] [View all] [View all] [View all] [View all] [View all]
Here's a question for you runners out there...
So are those little things moving around in my old box of pancake mix...
The "Grrrrrrrr...Uncle, Uncle!" CAPTION
the FR quote of the year: US should give money to halliburton, not Tsunami
Who here has ever been crapped on by a bird?
A Polarized Nation-What do you think?
Will JVS be raised from the dead?
Merry Christmas Russia - January 7
Brain Transplant Fees are Subject to Change without Notice
Would you say that a $5 digital thermometer would be accurate?
DU Astrologers, when does official AGE OF AQUARIUS begin?>
Bush** speaks out on Asian tragedy
Techies -- what do yu think of this use anywhere wifi-/vonage phone?
In honor of underpants's recent success at lifestyle improvement,
Does anyone know how to reduce the size of a pdf file?
That's my girl - eyes front punk!
BTBM's music picks: Sunn O))) and Jello Biafra and the Melvins
Did anyone see "The natural history of chickens" last night on PBS?
I feel so guilty. I killed Placebos build a word thread
OK, seriously - Snowflakes the size of sheets of paper
Is a pot-belly really that bad?
Do you believe meth manatees bring siezures to family, friends?
The "Waxing Philosophical" CAPTION
what is everyone currently breeding?
It's official-I have nothing left to say
Oi!! Who's been drinking my vodka??
I got ANOTHER Capital One application in the mail today!
No one gave me a 2005 calendar for Christmas this year!
Three sniffa threads that I know of
I wish I could remember it was 2005!
Ever seen the Harlem Globetrotters?
how many sniffa threads in a day?
A game: The owner of a user/screen name is gone, but you have to
Watch the first 5 minutes of crappy exposition in "Elektra"
how do you feel about dead people?
Hooray, Hallmark Saturday Afternoons: The Westerns Are Back!
HOLY SHIT!!!! I died last night!!!!
Suggestions for best route to take from DC to Hartford?
What do you use as your browser home page?
Who is this guy Sniffa people keep talking about?
Viewer Vomits - Sues "Fear Factor"
Do you consider yourself good looking in Underoos?
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand caused the Tsunamis.
Does Jenna Bush want Kid Rock's balls in her mouth?
First Graders Caught Trying To Have Sex At School
I was just investigated by the billing dept. of NICOR natural gas company
As the rhythm's designed to bounce
A friend of mine just got married on New Years...
She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
i feeL bad - i've been having an affair
Any Blue Credit Card Companies?
International Federation of Competitive Eating!
Skol Vikings, let's win this game!!!!
I'm having minor chest pains...
Linux comes down with security flu
Public Enemy. Sheeeeit. "Fight the Power" = Isley Brothers, baby!
The "Deja Vu All Over Again" CAPTION
A Queen beats some starlet any day in my book
WalMart employee greets with semi-nude photo - Fired
It's raining Cats & Dogs in So. Cal!!!!!!
Do you think Lindsay Lohan would make a good Veep candidate?
Lindsay Lohan will be the next Meryl Streep!
At this moment, my job requires that I download pics of Biko's Case.
Chinese men hiring girlfriends to stop family nagging
Um......YeAH.....what's say we all welcome Bill Lumbergh to the Lounge
Anybody familiar with www.straightdope.com?
Anyone up for some "Lounge vs. GD" football?
Lounge 101: If you don't want something posted ad nauseam in the Lounge
Soapbox! Soapbox! Get ya Soapbox here!
****BREAKING***** Lindsay Lohan engaged to Woody Allen!
I just spontaneously combusted (minor) should I....
How many Lindsay Lohan threads constitute TOO MANY Lindsay Lohan threads?
Hold me! I've ventured out of the safety of the Lounge
!CONTEST!-Toughest name to have in 2005
Oh my god! Freepers are obsessed with me!
Post your end of the week random thoughts and summaries here
Abortions are the sacraments of the left: from FR
I'm going to beach myself tonight!
31 years ago tomorrow, a DU legend was born.
Dad's going to India - to an area that was hit, but not too hard
Do you think you are funny looking?
Pol Won't Be Charged For Kevorkian 'Joke'
Lindsey Lohan should sing Pink Floyd tunes
Forget Lindsay Lohan...what about Lindsay Wagner?
Y'know..the more I think about the Kid Rock playing the inauguration thing
Muscatine, Iowa Wal-Mart cans 65-yr-old greeter
Lindsay Nelson vs Lindsey Nelson
*This* Lindsay will kick any other Lindsay's ass...
So, I'm Playing With The Dog, And . . .
Question for computer hardware experts
Britney Spears Was Lindsay Lohan
Wow so many Lindsay threads...
Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Wagner. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm going to see Was (Not Was) tonight!!!
Right Wing class versus Free Speech-need DUers help
The temp. of the sun can reach 15 million degrees F.
Why does sniffa always capitalise L's and no other letter?
Five days without a cigarette! Ask me anything.
Watching a show on chimps on the Nat'l Geographic channel...
How about George Lindsey (Goober Pyle)?
Totally gross, but GUT-BUSTINGLY FUNNY story.
At this moment, my job requires that I download pics of Neko Case.
Listening to R.E.M. Ask me anything.
Who has seen the new King Arthur? What did you think?
There was a white Harlem Globetrotter?
It is snowing in Las Vegas. Watching it come down now from my office
Some words of wisdom for us all - I bring you George
Five days without a Minaret! Ask me anything!
Forget Lindsay Lohan...what about Lindsay Buckingham?
What's the strangest thing you consistently say to other people?
Here's my take on recent holidays...and upcoming ones.
Former Country Music Singer Tries Poison
Brandon Routh has been selected as the next big-screen Superman
The snow has let up a bit...I'm dashing to the airport....Bora Bora
I suppose I have to see Office Space now...
Hey Fellas! Don't drink the Coffee!
Should there be a 10,000 post limit?
We rapped a xhiu tune last night....
What's for supper? Comfort carbs, of course!
What's for supper? Comfort crabs, of course!
We trapped a sow coon last night.
I was refused treatment by my doctor today
We got TIVO, and now my husband
Who is the worst wingnut "musician".
We trapped a Salchow last night!
What's the deal with catechism of women's bodies here?
Computer geeks - did my PC just die?
Forget Lindsay Lohan... what about Lindsey Graham?
I realize that when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, I have become an "enabler."
Do you consider yourself good looking, overall?
Nah, I broke up with her. She was jealous. Said I was stuck in 1982.
soliciting suggestions to replace my Kerry-Edwards bumper stickers
What /who is(are) your cat(s) reincarnations of?
What beer should I brew next? (brewers, please chime in!)
Do you own more books or CD's?
Eeeekkkk-a whole Kleeb community!
Do you like throwing cheerleaders?
Stay home and eat all the freakin' chips, Kip.
about 150 people raised over $6,000 for Relief today
A repub coworker today shocked me...
New T-shirt making its way to Norman, Oklahoma
Wouldn't you just LOVE to make Donald Trump cry?
Movies that suck that you like anyway?
I'm going to the Beach tonight!
Cats are incapable of fecal expulsion
Costco rocks - and not only cause they're blue
A picture of my fat feral kitty visitor...
List of articles at MOVELEFT.COM, Jan. 7, 2005
One of my favorite movies is finally on DVD!
I can't stop watching Little House on the Prairie...
Do you consider yourself good looking in overalls?
How many times will I have to explain The Matrix to my mother?
Looking at Monster.com at jobs.
I need to gain10-15 pounds. Any ideas?
Is wearing fur fashionable again?
Houston voted "fattest city in America" for the fourth year in a row!
Who is the hottest national politician, male and female?
Hi, I'm Scampy Honeynuts, what's your squirrel name?
Voter fraud! Voter fraud! Voter fraud!
Does "Chicken Fat" bring back horrible memories of gym class?
I'm a fleabit peanut monkey...all my friends are junkies
Fred Phelps daughter on Stern now
My doggie is hoarding poop nuggets like they are tastey snacks!
Let us praise the iPod- for it is divinity in machine form
Just call me "Repo-woman".. What an adventure..
What the hell happened to Lindsay Lohan?
So, has anyone bought anything off an infomerical?
What would happen if everyone started posting Like Sniffa?
I Have Plantar Fasciitis-Ask Me Anything...
What do you think of Scott Petersons' co-creep Amber Frey
Woke up quick at about noon - thought that I had to be in compton soon
Tea drinkers i have a question
GQ: Winter style guide for men. Oh yeah, and Lindsay Lohan on the cover.
After a full month of working out-running, ~200 situps a day, pushups...
Cats are incapable of facial expression. >
Cats are incapable of facial expressions?
I got this Ration Pack from my brother as late Christmas Gift
seriously freaked! my house was just rocked by something!
What's the deal with criticism of women's bodies here?
Kooky tsunami conspiracy theory
If this music video doesn't raise your consciousness, nothing will!
Former Poison Singer Tries Country Music
Can you be physically attracted to someone when you know
can someone help clarify glycerine?
Singer James Brown Sued for Alleged 1988 Rape
'Star Wars' Sequel Violates Actor's Union Rules
Link to an interesting and wise blog on Jesus' teachings:
"Is Religion Losing its Grip?"
What does Second Hand Solvent Exposure Look Like?
Sri Lankan Gay Group Provides Disaster Relief
Judge limits involvement of antigay groups in Georgia marriage ban case
Did anyone see the new show on NBC - The Medium
Oklahoma commisioner seeks to repeal pro-gay law
I don't get it. What is The Onion trying to say with this article?
Detroit Pistons set a dubious record
Anyone hear about Ben Rothlisberger's new squeeze?
the greed of baseball: Mientkiewicz ransoming Series ball
Help Help! Cat with possible kidney stones....
Hi DU pet lovers!! Introducing...my babies!!
Has The Age Of Aquarius Arrived ? - really interesting article
Feng Shui: Where to hang a crystal
Malignant Egophrenia -- BEST psychological profile of Bush yet
Michael Lutin: the first quarter of 2005
For Astrologers - chart of the Tsunami
Fun quotes from Penn and Teller
Anyone here a teacher in Texas? Or know one?
Vektor? TayTay? Seito? Angrydem? Anyone in the LLL?
Ok you all have to keep me out of GD for good
Slow night eh? I want a big night
Listened to the election debate on CSPAN last night
We're all perptual losers!, read inside its such bs
I almost answered a naysayer, but stopped
The November 11 interview in Newsweek--introspection
With friends like you, who needs SBV liars?
Lefty freepers (Thanks, WildEyedLiberal!)
I'm hoping to get some feedback from you all. In the last couple of
Question for TRUE Kerry supporters only?
Don't buy the show of questions. The proof is in the filibuster
Are there any who are dividing/destroying our country like the Busholinis?
US doctors accused over Guant‡namo abuse
Good LTTE in the Chicago SunTimes on Thursday.
I Was Out of Town on Business Today (Jan 6th) and........
According to Gonzales, all people in new countries can be tortured.
The real test is going to see how many
CBS, NBC, ABC news coverage of Presidential certification
Would you approve of Democrats voting down party lines?
Did the networks cover the electoral challenge?
Atheist / Humanists organizing on un-precedented scale
Biden to Gonzales: "I love you, but you're not very candid so far." WTF?
Something else no one in the entire world believes...except the bushbots.
political scientists please check in (local election issue)
The "real" reason NYTimes and FOX are dissing DU.....
So, freshman Sen. Ken Salazer said that Gonzalez was
Who was the House Repuke who kept bashing Michael Moore?
TX terror funds going towards lawn mower drag racing!
Bob Fertik of Democrats.com congratuates folks on getting a Debate
Profits over People as usual: Chimp goes back to Asbestos Lawsuits
Dayton says Congress is being deceived
Today's (semi-facetious) kooky conspiracy theory du jour
Just got on a RW talkshow discussing privatizing SS
What I learned from just peeking into GD today...
From Virginia: Have a miscarriage, go to jail?
Am I the only one noticing How only Dems got interrupted and told
When writing to Republicans, sound like a Republican
Bush's approval rating at a 50-year low
Opportunity for framing: Yesterday's challenge & '64 Miss. murder arrest
If Washington GOP sues for re-vote, and wins, we get to re-vote OHIO
Charlie Cook is saying 06 Senate has only 3 GOP at risk, but 6 DEM at risk
The history-making event in Congress yesterday was merely a minor blip in
Jazz Funeral For Democracy in New Orleans January 20
How many Dems ended up voting NO yesterday?
Ewwww! I got a "Thank You" letter from GWB
How will SS Privatization affect my SSI benefits?
"it was a mistake not to object four years ago."
Place your bets: Which dems will vote to confirm Gonzales?
Cuyahoga GOP Chairman to step down to run for State office -
Right wingnut propaganda machine--renewed interest in Dean
General Thoughts, Things to Keep in Mind, Long Term Strategy
Hastert promotes Linder, advances mutual National Sales Tax agenda
"Stand Up Democrats" site: submit ideas & vote for DNC chair
http://mediadiversity.blogspot.com - the Diverse Media blog
Snow: National Sales Tax still not ruled out: "everything is on the table"
Everybody get out their kleenex - Poor Jebbie has lost $$ being Gov
Cleveland Plain Dealer about to dump columnist, wife of Dem. U.S. Cong-
Don't let ANY Republican push you out of YOUR country.
Shaw Group CEO seeks Demo post - (state Dem Chair Louisiana)
White House paid commentator to promote NCLB
Ted Kennedy,Byrd, Feingold and Durbin are all NeoCon Stooges
Congressional ethics rules are too stringent!?
The importance of the 2006 midterm elections. The truth will be shown.
Bush tallking on CNN--about freedom, democracy etc.
The Other Shoe Drops re ethics and Tom Delay
Gonzales, and challenging the Ohio vote. What are the senate Dems doing?
Conservatives Push for Psychiatric Diagnosis of "Loony Leftists"
armstrong jones and YOUR TAXPAYER money
What's going to happen when the 60% of bush supporters learn the truth?
Bush's USSR-style, criminal "moral values"
Who is in favor or mounting a campaign against Hillary in 2006?
DeLay said the Democratic party is all but dead, & by the sounds of you,
Black Point Man for the Right: Rep. Harold Ford, Jr.
Dem Issues/Dem Personalities; which are you more concerned about?
What is so GREAT about Wesley Clark?
When Gonzales is confirmed as attorney general, exactly what
I think we are tired of the double talk and lies ro..
Bush plans to limit liability in asbestos cases
How about a Boxer-Tubbs ticket?
Can you give me some input on selling election reform??
Buzzwords and bows: Single, cohesive voices w/ style
Staples pulls ads from Sinclair
The Wafting Scent of an On Coming Political Defeat
Help a local Twin Cities blog to compete with Time's Blog of the Year
Head out of sand: a cold hard look at the facts.
Please support Moveonpac.org Re Boxer's Challenge
Better Democracy To Be Had In The Ex-Soviet Union
In order for the US to beat THEM...we must become them....
Time to take a stand for God (pukes)
UN pushing for one world order (double pukes)
Did Biden REALLY say these things to Gonzales?
Why did the Bush Administration invade Iraq again?
New Frame: John Snow is pushing the Social Security Debacle
AP Poll: Americans Ambivalent About Bush
Ohio (R) writes letter to Runner's World about John Edwards
Which Bumpersticker Reference to Bush?
Armstrong Williams on CNN now. n/t
"The people will believe a big lie, but not a small lie." - Adolf Hitler
ACLU Complete Report on Alberto Gonzales submitted to congress
We need to act like Republicans if we're going to win.
This email from Democrats.com, says it all!
MUST SEE!: A Perfect Circle Video
Only real solution: a new, progressive party, not tied to corporate money
political scientist please check in (national issue)
Sinclair threatens to sue Media Matters, including their e-mail list
Which DNC candidate spoke out against vote machine fraud yesterday?
China to buy Union Oil of California
Bush and Repubs to push catfood as a healthy alternative for seniors
Hillary Clinton led Jesse Jackson to believe she would vote YES according
O'Reilly accepts Media Matters' "Misinformer of the Year" award
Has U.S. threatened to vaporize Mecca?
Want to support Senator Boxer?
"Too Nice For Our Own Good" or "We Are All Torturers Now"
Hillary Haters I have a question for you...
WTF? Roemer (Candidate for DNC Chair) funded by Scaife!?
The three main types of Kerry bashers here at DU
What I've learned from some reading DU today
What is up with me today...It seems we'd rather fight against ourselves
Power Play (Future of Dem Party--excellent!)
Dems: The problem is less "spine" than it is old school/new school
Do you plan to stick around (with the Democrats)?
Why Progressives will save the Democratic party.
upset with the party? think globally, act locally
The word "Bushit " earns a protester a ticket in Wausau WI
Democrats: can we agree that the Iraq 'war' was a mistake based on a lie?
"Giving up" on the Democrats is short-sighted & defeatist