Democratic Underground

Archives: February 21, 2005

William Pfaff (UK Sunday Observer): Why Bush will fail in Europe

The Revenge of Ellen Swallow (NYT re: Lawrence Summers)

Questions the Pollsters Should be Asking - OpEdNews

Where Are All the Resignations of Editors Who Ran Bush Propaganda?

Pentagon is lying its way out of an unwinnable war - again (Hackworth)

Gary Younge (Guardian Utd): We cannot vote Labour

Separating the Gannons from the Guckerts (Keith Olbermann) is encouraging progressive issue ads

Speakers list for Oakland election teach in now posted

Bush about cocaine use: "I haven't denied anything" - and NYT/media kill

Congressman questions Test Site security

Columnist Jeff German: Tide may wash away advocates of Yucca

Smilies and announcements

just a thought.....

Why doesn't DU

Please consider the Diabetic forum. if you go to

Video clips of Voter suppression in Ohio

Bev Harris speaking in Murrieta California.....................

Scathing Jon Stewart video clip on E-voting and Diebold

McLellan won't identify who approved Gannon's initial credential's.

Full speakers list for Oakland Teach-In now posted!

Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Hearing Provisional Ballots: Col OH

State launches pilot program to fill out residents' tax returns

Bev Harris to speak in Murrieta CA......................

now being written: CA electoral reform VVPB...................

Green Line expansion?

New sales tax.

No free WiFi for you!

New documents disclose more about Craddick & TRMPAC

O'Reilly: "I saved SpongeBob single-handedly. All right?"

I don't care if George W. Bush did Smoke Pot

What exactly does freeper mean?

If a person lives longer than their money lasts in a privatized Social

Most GOPs On Top so probably not gay!!!!!!!!!!N/T

Panelists Decry Bush Science Policies

That trip to Europe is gonna be "hard work."

We need to push the plagiarism angle on the Gannon story...

Gannon Adds Long Time Rival to List of Enemies

Is this why a lot of the Dems go along with the repukes on legislation ?

the Democratic party will not save your ass.

'Simpsons' Springfield to legalize gay marriage: News Staff

* is now flirting with women

Simpsons episode warning

Eberle's ties to Karl Rove, Grover Norquist and G. Gordon Liddy (AmBlog)

Does DU know the name of Karl Rove's son?

Summers at Harvard

What's Hannity's Connection To Jeff Gannon?

"Surrogate Media Operations" and GOPUSA -- could be important

Who is standing behind Bush in this photo?

caption PHOTO: bush* arrives in Belgium, with bald-headed SS guy...

Has anyone been to a Josh Groban concert?

'We deal in illusions, man..."

Official Simpsons -> GannonGate Thread ;^)

The Romance of America is dead.

So I started a thread titled "I can't stand when religion is pushed on me.

The news is broken: Journalists find scandals, image eroding credibility

The Simpson's Was Sweet

NBA AllStar Game... A confederate uniform in the half time show?

Why can't DU open a news division and send someone over to the WH...

Has anyone posted a bio of James Dale Guckert which shows

Anybody watching "Hollywood vs. America" on Faux now?

Laura wants to turn the White house into a tex-mex joint

Man Tries to Toss Cigarette, SUV Ignites

Keith Olberman didn't name Jeffrey Kofman in his blog tonite.

O.K., So If Matt PUDGE Had Gay-Hooker Goods on Bill, Would He Run w/It?

Is the United States founded on Deist Principles?

Young Conservatives of Texas latest stunt: Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day

I Suspect the BFEE, not Syria, is behind Hariri assassination…

I don't know if it is a double standard or a lack of standards

so what if the bushturd pack want a Tex Mex cook?

Florida Couple accused of "Monstrous" child abuse

Man, Hunter S. Thompson got me through some tough times

Looking for good sites on corporate welfare

Question about wet foot/dry foot policy

Where does Chalabi fit in to the present situation?

The Control Room is on CBC Newsworld this evening. Worth watching?

"...the job I was ASKED to do..."

What dirt did Hunter Thompson have on the Bush family? I just heard he

Where is the photoshop pic of bush and three other guys


Best fix for health care system

What is it with the White House Chef story????

Conspiracy? on The History Channel : Irony

"Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun"

If mailing letters via U.S. Postal became snail mail...

The next cartoon character to be attacked by the religious right:

hey how about a diabetic forum

Because America is Exceptionally Good...It Cannot Use It's Power for Evil

How are the freepers reacting over this Simpsons?

Science, ethics, faith and "killing technology"

BAD SANTA! Eberle THANKS Karl Rove for 'assistance & guidance'!

The God Squad is going to have a fit about The Simpsons!

Tapes Confirm President Bush Smoked Pot; No Word Yet on Whether He Enjoyed

OK, Gay people... go to plan B

Like Rap Music: You have to buy this CD

on the eastern shore of Maryland........a miracle

Melissa Ethridge is fighting breast cancer..thus the shiny head

If something happened to our country tomorrow,

The Nashua Advocate: Jeff Gannon's Suspicious South Dakota Connection


I feel kinda offended by the The Simpsons' "warning"

So what is the problem with DU

Who IS behind the anthrax attacks we had?

Everything is NOT conspired

Scott Ritter Says U.S. Plans June attack on IRAN

why the fuck do i not see anything about gannon in the MSM?

chefgirl's Belgian Waffles.

Check your media lap dogs, Mr. President

Lawmakers take fight over Social Security to voters

China Criticizes Unified U.S.-Japanese Stance on Taiwan Issue

Angry reception for Bush

Dark allegations arise amid probe of nun's slaying

Report: U.S. in Secret Talks with Iraqi Insurgents

Secret Bush Recordings made public yesterday - "Wild Behavior"

Report: Millions Misspent on US Port Security

Editor of online Virginia publication -pains at getting WH day pass

IAEA head alleges smear campaign against him

One question each: Europe's leaders awarded topics re Bush

"Pentagon 'in talks' with anti-US fighters"-- Al Jazeera

Bush Urging Allies to Move Beyond Iraq

Bush Is Expected to Express Support for a 'Strong Europe'

As tensions with US grow, Iran heightens war readiness

Author Hunter S. Thompson, commits suicide/ DUPE

Hunter S. Thompson Commits Suicide

Anti-War Group Plans Strategy in U.S. Heartland

Egypt Cancels Democracy Conference

Sympathetic soldier brings Iraqi boy home

Syria Rejects U.S. Call for Lebanon Pullout

WP: Secret Tapes Not Meant to Harm, Writer Says

"Al-Zawahri: End attacks on Islam"-- Al Jazeera

Syrian minister hints at Israel, US, involvement in Harari killing

Fatal U.S. military accidents up in Iraq

Gingrich promises major U.N. reform

Bush Urging Allies to Move Beyond Iraq

Labor Dept. to Investigate Its Treatment of Wal-Mart

WP: Prepackaged News Gets GAO Rebuke

U.S. Business Counters Some Reforms

Pro-reunification party wins Turkish Cypriot elections

Royal Navy to promote gay rights

NYT: Big Oil Steps Aside in Battle Over Arctic

"Kingdom Confirms Recalling Envoy"-- (Saudi Arabia mad at Hungary)

Prisoner Uprising In Iraq Exposes New Risk for U.S.

Australia to expand role in Iraq, says defence minister

Weather Service Memo Says Cuts Could Curtail Life-Saving Warnings

Did Bush smoke pot? (Rueters)

Gay Hustler White House Reporter Denies Being Plant

Scientific Influence Wanes, Research Funding Weakened in Bush Adm.…

Expert Says Saudi Oil May Have Peaked

Supreme Court on a Shoestring, Homeless Man Takes On TX, Religious Display

Eason Jordan's downfall at CNN ignites debate over what bloggers mean to j

American troops prepare for assault on Sunni stronghold

Insurgents Wage Precise Attacks on Baghdad Fuel

NYT: A New Target for Advisers to Swift Vets

Ritter Says U.S. Plans June Attack On Iran, 'Cooked' Iraqi Elections

Author Hunter S. Thompson Commits Suicide

Am I too cool for DU?

Democrats don't need advice from walking skeleton Mary Matlin

R.I.P. Sandra Dee.

I confuse Gidget with Twiggy.

Opening a Website

Is it "hear, hear", or "here, here"?

Avatar question... morphing into a Franklin Pierce thread...

Solidarity Ganga "Smoke-In" for George W. Bush

We've got armadillos in our trousers. It's really quite frightening.

ultra-hip DUers?

This discussion contains discussion of same-sex marriage...


I really like Billy Zane's


Fluffy buns

NO more farting at the Swedish National Bank!

Shit I can't stand - Mother-in-law bashing.

Official Simpson's Gay Marriage Thread!

This week's #1 Conservative Idiot?

I went to the store tonight

What's that stupid show with Paris Hiltnon? 'Simple Life'?

I found a girl for Matcom!

Any "Dukes of Hazzard" Fans Out There?

NHL fans(PHX Coyotes) offered free tickets to tennis tourney

Hellboy or Constantine?

Three large scoops of vanilla ice cream

HBO Carnivale's time.

So the SIMPSONS just had a warning message

Quinn just decided he wanted to lick the jalepeno seeds I left

Martin on cspan Civil Marriage Act

Best british Metal band

I'm listening to The Shins and baked off my ass. Ask me something/anything

Is anyone else giddy with glee that "Nausicaa" is coming out Tuesday?

Just made a Dreamcicle cake

I'm addicted

Editor of Buzzflash is on Laura Flanders RIGHT NOW!!

If you're ever in Portsmouth Va. try this place....

Val Kilmer, hotty or what!!

Hate Mailbag #24 - is the hate mail a bit weak this time around?

Why do all of us call "Presidents Day" a holiday?

Freeper Wedding

Stubble: THE male accessory of the Bush era

I wanna say "hi" to some 1000 or so folks ! Check in so I can say hello

You want it all. But you can't have it.

I'm cutting way back on my alcohol consumption in the hope of losing wt.

The most kickass 3rd wave ska band

I didn't realize it was the 2 year anniversary of the Station nightclub

On Animosity.

"Through the night my heart was aching..."

Some Sunday night silliness for you.....

Is It Time To Put 'The Simpsons' To Rest?

Check out my friends flash animation!

Does anyone have any links to why Walmart sucks ass...

People aren't born gay.

NBA AllStar Game... A confederate uniform in the half time show?

Moral dilemma, good versus evil and right now evil winning.

It Takes a Train to Cry

WTF is singing on the NBA All-Star game now?

I'm posting this thread as a public service and also to get....

I'm downloading all of Leningrad's music...

Do we have to say goodbye to Grovelbot?

Velveeta Shells & Cheese are YUMMY

Hey, what does everybody think of my nation?

How stupid is this?

News flash! Meth is bad!

I have an annoucement. Name Not Needed is a HILARIOUS DUer

Can someone give me Simpsons spoilers of tonight's ep?

What is it?

Denzel and Hanks are on History Channel in "Philadelphia"

On Boston Legal...Denny Krane (Republican) says NEVER EVER LET...

I confess. I bought a can of Easy Cheese today, with some Club Crackers

Sick Day #3 Will I survive?

Who's the greatest President between Kitchen Counter—Microwave?

CARNIVALE Poll (second season so far)

ooops dupe


I talked to my brother tonight, and I'm worried

the sound track for Valley Girl is the best party CD ever....

Poll: who's the greatest president between 1837-1861

Man Tries to Toss Cigarette, SUV Ignites

Apparently, I'm neglecting the cat

DUers, what brings out your inner "Snark"?

Boston Legal. One of the Best Shows on TV

Who's the greatest President between 1789-1837?

Who's the greatest President between 1850-1900?

What do you consider to be television's finest moment?

Obituary for Indigo Van Gogh

Whats the weather in your area?

Aw shucks!

Colbert Killed a

Stouffer's ® - Nothing Comes Closer to Home. ™

Just how vile is Kraft Mac 'n Cheese?

WTF?!? Rubik's Big-Ass 5x5x5 Cube of Infinite Pain

A message to all you Little E fans:

Who's the greatest President between 1945-2000?

I love watching the donkey slam Bush!

Now, the fun's over. HST dead. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck

Remind me never to straighten up my bedroom again.

Most dangerous Hitler of all time?

Uh, does anybody else like Scare Tactics?

RIP Hunter S. Thompson

The Simpson's...Parental Discretion Advised

Rats, the thread from "the shiek" is locked...

Adult Swim: Robot Chicken

Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why?

I'm opening a bottle of wine and putting Van Morrison on the stereo

You better take care of me Lord...

HA HA 320 posts and I'm NOT a freeper

Has anyone been to a Josh Groban concert?

Poll: Who's the greatest President between 1900-1945?

Who is the most underrated President of the 20th Century

Does anyone watch Iron Chef America?

watched "a clockwork orange" for the first time in many years on friday...

Goddammit! I just heard about Hunter S. Thompson.

here is some eye candy!!!

i saw "constantine" last night...ask me anything......

Desperate Housewives

Dream Machines!!

West Wing Democratic candidates poll

When you've seen it - Rate tonight's Simpsons episode!

How many times in one day is it approriate to ask someone

This week has been total teh suckage

Does Anyone Here Watch "Desperate Housewives"? I'm hooked.

Springfield is for gay lovers of marriage

Stupid computer help needed

What is *your* definition of the tinfoil hat phenominon...


Stand up Speak up overseas assistance needed!!!

Any Hunter Thompson/Charles Bukowski fans here?

Who do you like as Batman?

I've been told I'm "skeery" - who here is really "skeered" of me?

Fluffy bunnies

Longgrain got me started! Another pic to color: SPONGEBOB!

Bizarre Looking Bush Photo

Hey Lounge!!! Call To Action!! - These poor people need our help!

We had our first Thunderstorms of the year Saturday.

What do you do when your god kills himself?

Update on Sirius

Is anyone else watching Cheaters

Poll: Is your personality the same in real life as on DU?

The new 23rd Psalm (1Bush43:23) King George Version

I wanna say "hi" to some newbies! Please check in here so I can say hello


Clueless about women, please help me out

I'm in a bad mood, please try and brighten my day

Who is the most over-rated 20th Century President

Does anybody miss NikePallas?

Is the United States Formed On Diet Pepsi?

Should we have another "Post a recent picture of yourself" Thread?

Images in sig? (HTML GEEKS CHECK IN!)

Hi veggies!

Please DU this poll

ummm -- official nba all-star game thread.. anyone?

Alabama Continues To Roll

twin flame question

This is a great Bill Maher clip about Gannongate!

LA Times pays attention!!

I don't know what to make of this post

Now while it's sort of quiet: The Kerry Thread Drinking Game!

And another thing...

Gay Prostitute Sticks it to George Bush

Debate, Republican Style

So what OTHER members of the WH Press corps have questionable credentials?

Brussels Bush protest photo gallery: "Bush Not Welcome" and "Stop Bush"

Impeachment: Possible scenarios ?

Martial Law in the US ? Not as far-fetched as you might think !

Paul martin Min. of Canada giving Marriage Act speech in c-span NOW

Masseur shows Bush the door

Bush greeted by protestors in Brussels ...

What new ideas have the cons come up with?

Just written, VVPB election reform for California, so..........

Battles likely as GOP plots its post-Bush course

How long until Bush is publicly asked if he's gay?

Kennedy seeking clear run in '06

gannon toon

Social Security: Do Democrats truly undersatnd...

New Olbermann blog on Guckert/Gannon

Why is Bush spending 5 days in Europe ??

oh they are in such denial...clinton stuff true...gannon stuff false...che

So how gay is Bush? Will the truth ever come out?

Gannon in the White House: The Restoration of Honor or Integrity?

srib: From huddled masses

Jeff Gannon in Schwarzenegger remake

Tom Delay Puts George W Bush on Notice....

MSM is not really covering Gannon story

Is *'s sexcapades following in Daddy's footsteps??

Cardboard Cutout Arrives in Belgium

I don't see how Gannon story can go away until we find out HOW he got

The Hunter S. Thompson Interview - this one hits all the enemies ..

Report Gannon to D.C. Sex Crimes Unit: Here's the link!

Iraqi government arrests Iranian terrorist cell leader

This is to good to be true. I.E Bill Maher quote on art exhibit

I have a question for hard-core political gurus...

I find Hunter S. Thompson's suicide to be suspicious

DU this poll

Jeff Gannon and Karl Rove Attended the Same "School"

How many other freepers

No Gannon/Guckert headlines on the NY Times online.

NOW Pickles is specifying a "BBQ, Tex-Mex" chef since W is "Native Texan"

USA-Next hiring SBVT advisors to go after AARP

W is a very good eater

Hiliary now an Russert--repeat from this am. MSNBC

I got an anti-choice petition gatherer kicked out today.

If Hillary Clinton was to be our presidential nominee in '08,

Hunter S. Thompson suicides?? Here's one of his last spins on Bush ..


5 things you can do to help make "Guckert" a household name

Extending Call Joe Lieberman Day!

Condi to Become VP?

Bill Maher on Gannon/Gucker Affair. A MUST, MUST, MUST SEE!!!

Hunter Thompson commits suicide

Editorial - Seattle Times - Why triple-talented Dean spells trouble for

Bush's 'Elmer Gantry' Politics (Robert Parry)

Thirty-One States and DC Take Action on Minimum Wage -Kennedy to speak to

"A diplomatic tsunami is brewing over the corpse of Lebanon's government"

Why Bush Will Fail in Europe


Lazy %&$#ing Corporate News

Time for Bush to define 'independent press' (Christian Science Monitor)

Ignorance may be bliss, but it's also dangerous (White house Press /Gannon

Fighting the Flu(avian flu)

Global Warming -- Sununu Should know better

Today's press culture would wither at a Watergate

Probably a dupe: NYTimes Frank Rich on WH propaganda

The Tale of a Splotchy Rat (O'Reilly)

"Why triple-talented Dean spells trouble for Republicans"

"Church Folks for a Better America"

Raw Story is getting Smeared!!!!!

Stewart Verdict Threatens Lawyers, Undermines 6th Amendment.

"Beware the Inverted Yield Curve"---NPR all but predicts RECESSION

Opinion: Journalists working for Bush administration raises ethical issues

Big Oil Steps Aside in Battle Over Arctic

Semi-Official Daily Protest Pics Thread - Are you ready for some protests?

How liberal is CBS really?

Boy Friend in the White House

I am ready to fire away my Gannon emails to the MSM, but first

ABC TV Boston sole Bush Tape excerpt-"I will not discriminate against gays

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Note May Extend Biggest Weekly Decline Since May

EU Demands Screening, Fumigation For Imported US Wood Packaging

Activists Expose Huge Tropical Hardwood Smuggling Ring In Indonesia

Life Expectancy For Russian Men Drops To 59 - Philly Inquirer

Help develop grassroots-written environmental & energy policies

LUKOIL TO ENTER GERMAN OIL MARKET (Russia, Germany, Venezuela)

Italy Boosts Gas Tax To Clean Up Bus Fleets - Reuters

Wood-Pellet Stoves Catching On In Japan - Asahi Shimbun

Controlled Floods Begin Slow Revival of Iraqi Marshlands - Reuters

Report From Orlando Hydrogen Event 2/18/2005

Colombian soldiers killed in rebel attacks

New Zealand rejects Israeli apology on alleged Mossad agents

Brazilian business and unions blast monetary policy.

OAS Secretary General still an open race.

Further purge in Venezuelan government oil industry

Argentina, 3 Years After Default, to Sell Longer Debt (Update1)

Humanizing Gun Nuts

DU rocks!!!!!!!

Why is this thread now locked?

I, too, would like to know why the Gannon Wrinkle thread was

Please restore this thread:

I have a suggestion re: activism

I hope you guys are going to have more hate mail bag soon....

Regarding mature talk about sex.

Re: Just a thought

Congratulations, guys.

Unable to add a calendar event

A question re: posting 4 paragraphs

Why was this thread locked?

Why was my thread locked?

Why was this thread locked?

Why was the Gannon Wrinkle Thread Locked?

???? What on earth...

The wrinkle thread-are explanations from moderators allowed?

Wny was Andy's thread locked - it had Not run its' course...

Thred had run it's course...

DU software infrastructure links?

Former PM Barak criticizes Sharon, Labor party

Israel seeking ties with more Arab states

NYFD Chiefs are suppressing discussion of bombs in WTC

Call Me Crazy, But..........................

Hunter S Thompson suspected 9-11 LIHOP...

Bobby Eberle and American Airlines Flight 77

Chicago Sun-Times: 18 firms face ban on doing city business

Pantagraph: Lincoln impersonators wanted

For Chicagoans

Chicago Gathering Pic #4

Chicago Gathering Pic #3

Chicago Gathering Pic #5

Chicago Gathering Pic #6

What's Your Favorite Building In Chicago?

Chicago Gathering Pic #2

Anybody near Yorkville? I need local Information, PLEASE!!!

Chicago Gathering Pic #1


Scott Ritter says Iraq Election Was Rigged by the US

NEW grandtheftelectionohio "Reqiuem for a Candidate" online

First leak of election manipulation in Iraq !

New Mexico newspaper calls for verifiable paper trail in elections!

NM: ABQ Tribune Editorial: Voter ID doesn't get to real election problems

30 years of good jobs leaving-cheap labor flooding in -election fraud?

Choice Point and identity theft

Volusia County update

Broward County update

Orange County (FL) update

HELDERHEID, this is for you! Quick summary of 2004 Election Fraud!

Monday 2/21 Election Fraud, Reform, & Updates Thread

Blackwell, Glenda Hood, NM SOS all on one panel EAC-Col OH

Palm Beach County update

how to "rove" Karl Rove

good look @ the mess heading our way

Los Angeles Times (2/21): Governor Fails to Curb Big Money

Anyone have the inside scoop on th Academy's Shorts categories?


'Vintage JFK,' home movies offer perspective on the president

LTE re graduate student funding at UMass

Romney stumps in Missouri, inserts foot in mouth.

Congressman Sabo to host meeting on Social Security 2/24

Um... why did Progressive Majority give $500 to John Kline?

Adobe Acrobat Pro users.........................

Rep. Jim Trakas, R, announces candidacy for Ohio Secy of State

Honor Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones Heroic Actions to Protect the Vote 2/23

Call to Meeting: March 18th, Convention June 10th, 11th

Who else heard johncoby2 on KUHF this morning?

Dallas: Sierra Club showing "End of Suburbia," March 17

Letter Writing and Email Campaign

How about another roll call for those who are politically active?


Wisconsin Right to Life gets slap on wrist for illegally endorsing Chimp

Christians for Equality to rally in Madison against gay marriage ban

State Rep (R) authors bill to deny illegal immigrants drivers license

Doyle's tax freeze proposal

I'll take one "Fear and Loathing: On the campaign trail '72" over

At E&P - Hunter Thompson's Final Article Described "Shotgun" Game

What is the Iraq War Costing Your Community

Opinion: Policy Has Made Bush Powerless--Moscow Times

Hunter Eulogy of Nixon

Does it bother you Bush may have smoked pot? DU this poll.

anyone find it ironic that Fox News is RW jebus freeks and fox tv

remembering HST....

Serfdom Redux.

BLOGGERMANN - Separating the Gannons from the Guckerts

Thompson discussion on BBC right now!

GI Special

Hunter Thompson...........

wgn am radio doing HST thing right now....

Feds order beloved teacher deported

Conservative Con: Bush Pretends to Care about Small Business

Hunter S Thompson suspected 9-11 LIHOP...

Hunter Thompson commits suicide

Investigate White House Press Conferences! Click here to tell Congress

Alright Gannon! You kept your promise! You made it to Number 1!

My Hunter S. Thompson experiences....

Link to pic of Bush hugging Gannon?

How is Rush Limbaugh comparable to Tokyo Rose?

Buzzflash - "So you're not gay if you're on top."

I wonder if Hunter S. Thompson was terminally ill.

Sundance to re-commence airing Franken's AAR show

Pimping for the Whitehouse wins naming rights of Boston FleetCenter

What do you think of psychologists?

The UK Navy wants more gay recruits

John Dean told Nixon that a cancer was growing on his presidency.

Who'll be the 1st brave reporter to ask w about Gannon on live T.V.?

Fear & Loathing in the Blogosphere

Bush in Europe to urge support for democratic Iraq...I'm impressed!!

Two more questions about Social Security. The government now uses the SS

Every frigging day it's a new low for these bastards.

Closet cases panicking in the White House

PHOTO: Belgium's newest fashion statement....WANTED

You want to win a war against Iran?

why 'o why

Why Grovelbot should return to me

What am I missing?

Great Hunter S. Thompson interview -Post 911 (MP3)

Please HELP- re: lost title to car- What to do???

Drudge vs Rock continued....

What are these estates?

Don't forget HST's last crusade

Army Having Difficulty Meeting Goals In Recruiting

WorldNutDaily has 100's of stories in which the sources are anonymous

Vomit Alert: Ann Coulter spotted out on a date with Ron Silver

Did I just hear an ad for a Republican

Is it safe?

If the Press lets Gannon slide- it proves they have no self-respect...

A New Target for Advisers to Swift Vets (USA Next)

A Hunter S. Thompson rant on the Bushies

Is Bush sparking a new nuclear arms race?

Check out Bush's message to Russia

The doomsayer speaks ("Repent" sign not included)

Legally speaking, what crimes were committed in the fake reporter scandal?

Is the release of the Bush tapes a planned smoke screen?

What topic generates the best flame wars? Dean/Clarkie, guns?

Hunter Thompson speculating about the 2004 election...

Con lying about SS, again!

One of the reasons I love the New York Times (re: Hunter Thompson)

UK news media

PHOTO: Iraqi woman faints as U.S. Soldiers enter her home...

Here is a site to piss you off.

new Hannity advertiser NetFlix

Bill Mahar: "Bush has ties to Male Prostitution."

The 2008 candidate better be anti-war

Bush said "Magna Carter"

How much changes in 4 years. When's the breaking point!!!??

On my tombstone they will carve, 'it never got fast enough for me'

Lynn Cullen returns today!

The BFEE is not going down as long as we look to the media for help

Kool-Aid drinking LTTE of the day.

I guess moralizing is hip now

History is repeating itself

Has Bush** ever complimented any female on her looks before today?

"Official 2005 White House Calendar" (Toles)

Does the Draft have anything to do with a Liberal America?

Are Iraq I and II overcompensations for bush family latency

Jeff Gannon, September 11th, Operation Iraqi Freedom, MIHOP: proof?

for the alleged "conservatives" in your life. . .(lengthy)

self delete

Was there a suicide note?

Is it closer to 4000 dead soldiers in Iraq?

Biden said he cannot start an investigation into Gannongate.

Israel will withdraw from Gaza strip and Syria will withdraw from Lebanon?

Conservative Christian Groups Saddened By Liberals Treatment Of George W.

What scandal will be the most historically devastating to Bush?

'Simpsons' Animates Gay Nuptials, and a Debate - NYTimes

Condi taking VP next year?

H.S. Thompson Epitaph: "I pissed down the throats of these Nazis"

'Echo' Taps Project to honor fallen soldiers:

Has Jay Lenno said anything about Gannon yet?

Jeff Gannon Meets w/ Lee Greenwood in Tennessee -- God Bless America

The Guardian UK: 'Soon gay sailors will outnumber gay ballet dancers'

Poetic Justice….

July 2001 - Ashcroft advised to avoid commercial flights

8000 Mexican and Mexican-descent troops are in US mil. in Iraq

Question to Ponder: If Fox News is the most widely viewed cable

Bush tapes: "Message: Bush is sincere"

Does Anyone Know Any Good Journalist Jokes?

needs caption: bush* in Europe....OMG !!

I guess suicide is hip now.

In the Bush "secret" tapes, why did he refer to himself as the President ?

Another stupid photo of little boot

Do they "postpone" Saddam's trial until a legitimate govt is elected?

Basically, the questions that need to be answered are :

The New Hour tonight - Abe Lincoln, Hunter Thompson, Sandra Dee & J. Raitt

Gannon attended White House Christmas parties -- but who invited him?

I just realized, no Randi or Malloy today...

Bad news: No Malloy for Randi today. Good News: Tom Hartmann subs tomorrow

Mike Malloy WILL be on tonight

Fox News' America vs. Hollywood Special

Powerline blog: Hitler's homosexual cadres (read in relation to Guckert)

Ann Coulters responce to Al Franken book...

"WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception" Anybody seen this flick yet?

"Center of our agenda". Bushism? Speechwriter slip?

Bobby Eberle and American Airlines Flight 77

Does the new Iraqi PM get picked today?

Create fund...and hire our OWN Starr.

Europe's leaders ASSIGNED topics, ONE QUESTION limit for Boy King

What was Bush's answer to the "divorced from reality" question?

I have a question about Social Services

working on an LTE re grad student contract

Was Hunter Thompson pro-gun?

Semi-Official Daily Protest Pics Thread - Are you ready for some protests?

Did anyone else hear those European crickets this morning?

TENNESSEE: May decide NO parent is better than GAY parent

I'm a liberal, I'm proud to be a liberal, heck I'd wear a T-shirt.....

These two are not "Minnesota Nice" In fact , they are A$$es

I guess Hollywood feels sorry for the GOP...

Sam going to talk about Guckert

Whoa! I know that this is going to sound strange but sometimes i dream ..

Do right wing nut jobs do this to you?

The Blame Game: We Are All Gannon

Hunters Last Column: 'Shotgun Golf with Bill Murray' (He's Suicidal?)

What question would you like to ask Howard Dean?

We should start using their propaganda against them more effectively.

If the government says "We're taking your home",

Why don't we do this more?

How odd that the pot story broke just as W* was leaving the country.

Never-Ending Pain

Anybody have pictures of the French protests?

Scott Ritter will be on Randi Rhodes

Should DU Abolish The General Discussion Groups?

**Good news from John Aravosis**

Hitler's Diaries....Interview with Hitler's Bodyguard

I can't post on the new wrinkle thread

Confidential HIV List Of Names Sent To 800 People

So what happens if the new Iraqi govt decides to trade oil in Euros?

PHOTO: I wonder what brilliant, snarky comment accompanied this shot?

Kuma War: The Propaganda VideoGame of the Neo-cons

Is this a mullet hairdo? For once & for all, weigh in, please.

Should religious beliefs be treated differently than intellectual beliefs?

Ok, what was Woodruff's piece "Inside the Blogs" about?

Al Franken's Hummus theory: there's no political bias in the media

I'm scared--what if HST knew something worse is coming?

"neocons" vs. "neoliberals" and framing

PHOTO: Bush waves his limp wrist at idea of being "a friend to humankind"

Modern day war and economy?

Bush quotes Camus

The missing (money) link between Guckert and the Eberles?

Hunter Thompson and Arthur Miller: Relative importance

Please tell me their is a silver lining to Dubya being prez

why 'o why

Bush govt rules deny veteran cemetary peace ceremony....

Hunter S. Thompson used to post at

I wish Gannon had something to do with the WH missing 52 warnings on 9/11

My Gannon letter makes it to my local paper

self delete

Tornado warning for SACRAMENTO CAL.

Jefferson or Hamilton? debate on c-span starting now

Most annoying Conservative????

Political cartoon on WH Press Corps (Gannongate)

Swift Boat Scumbags have AARP in their sights (Good)

FCC rules against lies? re fcc heads comments on Laura Flanders show.

the BEST "This Modern World" ever? | maybe...

Christian Reconstructionists want to dismantle public education

What is rich?

Headlines: The Gannon Story

Indian children smuggled for purposes of Christian conversion

Rapid Response: Maryland politics, the First Amendment, and Ehrlich.

Abandoned but not alone - Maya Keyes & the Point Foundation

Vincent Black Shadow Factory Team

With the Assured Destruction of All Regulatory Agencies

The limb of all limbs here. Would it be that bad if we did bomb Iran....

Scott Ritter up next on Air America (Monday, 5:30pm EST)

Anyone else starting to get pop ups while using Firefox

Anyone have the inside scoop on th Academy's Shorts categories?

Ritter on Air America live NOW

So we get another slam dunk issue turned against us (Gannon)...

Surprise! The Gannon/Guckert Story is Dead

The FAA Knew! But were they set up?

So how do you find out why a given thread gets locked?

based on an AAR caller, I found this...

New Military Ad: WAR = FUN

These people live in my country.

Does Mr.bush need congressional ok to bomb Iran?

What will gannon be doing 5 years from today!

Behind the Walls of Ward 54

Just who is paying for Rush Limbaugh's trip to Afghanistan?

Anti-Bush is Pro-Soldier and Pro-God

Check out the anti-AARP ad from one of our "favorite" groups.

Ganongate Scandal Eludes Local Dailies

Army Having Difficulty Meeting Goals In Recruiting...Getting Drafty ?

Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail-a must read!

? Are there transcripts of the entire Bush*/Wead conversations???

Has Anyone Played The Recruiting Video Game From The National Guard


Got some links that work to the Gannon story?

SECRET tapes, my ass. These were made to be the lasting record of Bush's

Call Gannon White House clients "LOG CLOSET REPUBLICANS"

What three programs do you think should get full funding?

Mainstream media REFUSES to ask Bush about new "tapes" scandal

GuckertGate hits Le Monde

Is this asking 2 many many questions questions?

Oddly, there are not the usual talking heads out there defending *.

Now the story is NOT about pot smoking. It's about betrayal.

How has George W Bush* proven he's a Christian? What claim does he have?

The Simpsons, Yesterday's Episode: I have a question for all of ya...

I have figured out why conservatives are bashing Hollywood...

Freep pees in Eiffel Tower elevator and wonders why Americans

"I'm looking for a good Cowboy".

Are they really going to fire Dan Rather?

Anti-gay's up at it again!

What did LIEberman say today?

Anti-War DUers, it's time to Mobilize for Iran

Well Peter, this is what comes of empire building….

Is Digby correct? "Gan/Gurk puts cracks in Repug"Masculinity" Coalition?

Help save AMTRAK

My little weak-assed essay tribute to Hunter S. Thompson

It's On: The Nashua Advocate Declares War on Powerline

Should religious beliefs be treated differently than intellectual beliefs?

"Mr. President, did you know Jeff Gannon was a fake, planted reporter"?

::Gasp:: Is Condi cheating on Dubya?

Michael Rectenwald will be on 'Scarborough Country' Feb. 21

So I was talking to my fundamentalist sister last night,

Gay Marriage and Religious Freedom.

Aging Japanese hope for a "discreet death"

Weads book was RELEASED January 4, 2005. So why transcripts now?

Democrats Reaching Out: The Comic Book Method

BOB HERBERT: "when a cancer is ignored" | must read!

Why Do Democrats and The Media Use the WRONG Bush Deficit Numbers?

Does anyone have a list of democrat Hollywood actors.....

Fox "News" celebrates Black History Month

Cloud remains over Fla. months after hurricanes

Scott Ritter interview now on Thom Hartmann Show

Bush doesn't want Americans tortured by Saddam in 1991 to be compensated

For all elder DU'ers who may have missed this info on Saturday:

On Ritter's Iran prediction: Add five months

Shoving Gannon Down bush's Throat till he Gags, our Revenge for Bill

New name for Republicans..

Do You Think Bush Will Implement A Draft In The Second Term?

Why don't democrats consistently stand up to right?

Can anyone do a who is on this website??

Did Bush smoke pot with hooker to insiders Jeff Gannon?

Children in the grip of autism....

Does owning a gun, eating meat, and hunting disqualify one from...

Bush* should pardon all jailed for pot possession.

The Official Hunter S. Thompson Tribute Thread! Leave A Message For Dr. T!

New Yorker Seals the Coffin on Gookert-gate (KURTZ's pronunciation)

Whitehouse bans Camilla Parker Bowles

needs caption PHOTO: bush* always spreads his legs during meetings....

Malcolm X: New Info on the Assassination, 3 'Missing' Chapters, more

Spin Cycle: Inside The Clinton Propaganda Machine by Howard Kurtz

God Bless Our Possum-Porking Prez!!

Did bush* have a stroke? these PHOTOS show his face slumping badly

PHOTO: once again, laura bush* 'shocks and awes' with her fashion choice

Guckert may *SUE* bloggers - for EXPOSING FACTS! LOL!

US Iraq war dead could be as high as 6,210 --anybody confirm this?--

When a friend turns fundie,it's like they are dead.

American Conservative Union may be key to GOPUSA

Private Businesses ask state to seize homes(Eminant Domain)

RAMMING SPEED! Time to Torpedo the Smear Boat Liars' PR Hacks!

new look for MOVELEFT.COM

AARP is the boulder in the middle of the highway, USA Next is the dynamite

The locked thread asking about locked threads is pretty ironic.

Killers on and off the battlefield?

How can I tactfully say no to a Mormon

I like guns and hunting, I eat meat, but I also love tofu,

WP: sheriff says Hunter Thompson was IN HIS KITCHEN when

Hillary Clinton is insufficiently strident in her opposition to Bush

Go To Hell NPR and WUTC in Chattanooga, Swiftboat Bastards....

US wounded in Iraq outnumber wounded in Revolutionary War

I need all DU's assistant on a project.

Class warfare time: what's "rich"?

Powerline Blog : Evolutionary theory is an "obvious fraud."

the Council for National Policy (CNP) . . .

Do we have enough Native Americans to have a DU Group?

America - Greatest Country in the World?

I made my first risotto tonight

Is there a difference in yeast?

Does anyone know about the Advantium oven

dandelion greens?

How Canadian are the East Coast Music Awards?

Jeff Gannon Story in Canada

Africans recruited to work in Iraq as cheap labor

Writer Hunter S. Thompson commits suicide

Panel to Advise Testing Babies for 29 Diseases (pros and cons debate)

In Fallujah, peace meets impatience

Hunter S. Thompson dead at 67

(TX-Mex) Border a hot spot for illegal gun purchases, officials say

Iran says its nuclear capability 'not for sale'

Big Oil Steps Aside in Battle Over Arctic

SEC Investigating "Insider Trading" Of Sirius Stock - Stern?!

Killers on and off the battlefield?

NYT: For Users, Napster of Old Is Just a Few Tweaks Away

Explosions in Baghdad, U-S Marines launch offensive

Kill me and oil stops: Chavez

Nine killed, more disappear, in Iraq violence

Bush Issues Forceful Words to Iran, Syria

Violence Trumps Rebuilding in Iraq

LAT: Violence Trumps Rebuilding in Iraq ($1B for security)

Iran denies it has captured bin Laden

D.C. delegation disagrees on signal sent by POW flag

Egyptians rally against fifth term for Mubarak

Bush Issues Forceful Words to Iran, Syria [SORRY, DUPE]

Governor Fails to Curb Big Money -LAT

Pakistan's gas fields blaze as rape sparks threat of civil war

Soros: Dollar tied to oil

Bush Faces Iraq Critics, Calls for Unity

Thousands Rally in Beirut against Syria

Iraq shows TV interrogations

World Churches Say U.S. Violates Law at Guantanamo

Syria says it will withdraw troops from the Lebanon

Father and Son to Fight Together in Iraq

Syria is soon to take steps to withdraw its military forces from Lebanon

Iraqi TV presenter abducted in Mosul

EU Agrees Training for Iraqi Police, Judges

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday February 21-pres. day

Bush disappoints Europe with climate change ideas

Avian Flu World's No. 1 Threat, CDC Head Says

Mars pictures reveal frozen sea.......

Insurgents attack US patrol, medical team in Baghdad (unknown # of US casu

Iraqi women no better off post-Saddam - Amnesty

Police investigate cross burning at South Shore (Ma) church

"Iraqi women no better off post-Saddam" - Amnesty International

AP: Russia Launches 'Patriotic' TV Channel

Allawi enters Iraq PM race

Ignorance may be bliss, but it's also dangerous (White house Press /Gannon

Lagging Development Means Afghanistan Could Fail Again, U.N. Warns

Turn on Air America right now.

(Hunter S.) Thompson Said Not One to Die in Hospital

Eminent domain fought

Court decision on assisted suicide challenge may come soon

Britain to Allow Same-Sex Civil Unions

Bush Acknowledges Low Popularity Ratings

Bush Insists Russia Renew Commitment to Democracy

"Iranian FM expected to discuss gas exports"-- re Iran to India pipeline

BTK letter turns to a cordial tone (witchita serial killer)

World churches see illegality at Guantanamo

Washington Lags in Polls of Top Presidents (Reagan 1st for CNN/USA/G poll)

NYT,pg1: Case of Vanishing Deductions: Alternative Tax Called Culprit

1 Question Each: Europe's Leaders Are Awarded Topics for Their Pres. Chat

Iraq: "biggest cultural disaster since 1258' says expert

UN: Afghanistan Could Become Terror Haven

Bush Calls for 'Contiguous' Palestine

Pfizer Is Neutral on Bush (Social Security) Plan

Three U.S. soldiers killed during medical evacuation

Montana House Dumps Bill to Protect Gays

A Timber Giant Threatens to Topple (Pacific Lumber)

Lebanese Judge: Assassins of Hariri Came from Iraq

Drug Decisions Cause Outbreak of Shock

Bush says Chirac might make a good cowboy

Cuban prisoners released in New Orleans

Portland debates its partnership with FBI

Lawmaker wants state to require viewing graphic photos before abortion

Army Having Difficulty Meeting Goals In Recruiting

Thompson said not one to die in hospital ("he's had a rotten year,")

'Minutemen' to Patrol Arizona Border

Anti-gay religious group targets Shrek 2

Bush burning over tapes

Raising children as vegans 'unethical', says professor

North Korea Hints at Return to Nuke Talks

NYT: 'Simpsons' Animates Gay Nuptials, and a Debate

("the major press is under attack") NYT Journalist Talks Journalism

CDC Chief: Bird Flu Could Become Epidemic

Some GOP senators want Eastern Washington as a state unto itself

Edwards Won't Necessarily Defer to Ex-Running Mate Kerry in '08

Fax me some hallibat.

LOOPIS?!?!?!? Is it Loopis?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ha hah... 333 posts and NOT half of satan

What kind of rat bastard psychotic would play that song right now...

I'm watching the Seinfeld episode "The Heart Attack" on TV.

Just for fun - Cat Haiku


Jose Torres Tama (must see for DUers)

Look... in the sky. Some kind of electric snake coming straight for us.

Menya Zovut Shnur

Who doesn't love Andy Capp?

What Leary took down with him was....

Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Dammit, I know it's cliche, but they really do grow up too fast.

"We went in search of the American Dream...

Will Duke now have to take a bullet as well?

I qualify to be director for this

Have you ever named your car?

looky looky! new sig picture!!!

Listening to Dream Theater's "Awake". One heavy album.

Fox News Sues White House to Get $200 Million in Payoffs!

Why can't people sleep during the day and stay awake at night?

What happens when you think you're divorced and you're not.

Was Hunter S. Thompson a Doonesbury character?

Dr,. Hunter Thompson R.I.P.

Is it me, or are the people in GD really that tightly wound?

What a shitty day.

Holy #@$ -- "Gannon, Jeff" in Paris Hilton's phonebook!

Most Stolen car across the country

38 Things you'd like to say at work, but can't...

Send my credentials to the house of detention

Hunter S. Thompson and Sandra Dee on the same day....

Monday morning, bad weather and joined the 700 club - ARGH

My Hunter S. Thompson story.


It's 2 AM wins naming rights of Boston FleetCenter

Could any of you please check my blog for browser compatibility?

Ok, I'm weirded out. Please SOMEONE here tell me they also

What a bizarre day!!!

Fear and Loathing at the all night Exxon gas station

Landlord Throws Tear Gas Grenade Into Home Over Eviction Dispute

Mystery Naked Man Flashes Cars On Alabama Highway

Why is racing so popular?

Coroner Purchases Shrink-Wrap Maching For Dead Bodies

Bush: Why I won't admit trying dope

Early morning rant thread

Dang! It's raining cats and dogs in Los Angeles!

What are we all listening too?

"Jacob" Is A FREAK I Tells Ya! - A FREAK

Someone has too much time on their hands

Is there a word for those forwarded emails that go around email lists?

KoKo01 is hilarious!

With Great Power Comes...

Gaaaahh, ugggghh... it's a cold.

The cat who fought a bus, and won (aw..real heartwarming cat story w/pic)

Jesus Doens't Want To Save ME - He Wants Me To SAVE! (and refinance)

What does tinfoilhat guy stand for?

24,000 and counting


February 21, 1965

I hate scolding my dogs!

A sick, foggy, rainy GOOOOOD Morning to ya!

Rabrrrrrr's flame post of the day

I'm an asshole - Denis Leary

Woman Cut Off Boyfriend's Penis, Flushed It Down Toilet

Please HELP- re: lost title to car- What to do???

Jeff Gannon: "It's not what you think!"

Late night IQ boost. Anyone else?

Sean Connery's Ex-Wife's Toothbrush Sparks Airport Security Alert

The Bond Girl you would LEAST like to see in the next James Bond Movie

For the Looney Tunes fans!

Heard this blast from the past on KPFT this morning: ska from the 60s...

Store Clerk Attacked With Sausage (A 'Big Mama Pickled Sausage!')

Does Mike Malloy Post on DU?

parody of "ok the fun is over"

Once again, I must apologize for living in a cave...

This is just too sad...

I must admit, the Paris Hilton address book leak is hilarious.

anyone else get the fake "FBI" Email?

Will Bush will offend Europe with another bodyguard malfunction?

Here's what I asked Hunter S. Thompson. What did you ask him?

Supreme Dark Overlord Bunnypants invites you to "TALK TO THE HAND."

Is DU the only large progressive Dem forum out there?

Once again, I must apologize for living in a cave...

Happy Presidents' Day

Battle Of the Dicks 2

Battle of the Dicks

cool illusion!

Paris Hilton’s Blackberry Hacked

Is it wrong for me to want to rent movies like "Birth of a Nation" and

So did anyone ever figure out who Leon Redbone is/was?

Hey DU - help me fill my NetFlix queue!

Xbox Modding

hedges - unmasked

For the newly minted DU Gold Star owners: A pic of the DU admin!!

Do they play more rock on MTV Europe?

Poor GD:P Moderator.......look what you people have done.

Bush's poppy cleanup plan for Forgotten war 1 (afghanistan)

What's your post count style: Quality or Quantity?

Bush's Wasteful Spending...

My hair looks great today and I have no plans---

Anybody seen cirque du soleil?

My Goal: Making through the day without slaughtering freeptards

BTBM's Non-Smoking Journal- Day 13

An absolute classic ONION piece.

God deserves a good laugh too....

After your periods, do you


A very nice elegy for Hunter Thompson

So, what's the Morning Lounge Crew's thoughts on the Simpsons last night?

I saw a great Freeway Blogger sign the other day

Roys Rock is just down the road

A Lounge without Kleeb...

When did the term "geek" become widely used?

Jesus loves the Corporations (to tune of Jesus loves the little children)

What happened to Smirky's black eye (DU Fund Drive)?

Does Anyone Know Any Good Journalist Jokes?

"Trader Horn" - Duncan Reynaldo - 1931

The Band - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

Thieves Steal Family's In-Ground Swimming Pool

What do you think about Gerald R. Ford?

After your commas, do you

No mail today

PC Experts: why does my computer do this?

Any fans of SCTV?

I should be working, but did anyone see Boston Legal last night?

wow...this ambien works like a charm...

I'm sick! Day??????

John Raitt - RIP

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Hunter S. Thompson

I just signed for a UPS package on one of those portable thingies

Jessica Alba Says She's Done Sleeping Around In Hollywood

Isn't La Belle Dame sans Merci really about venereal disease?

Thou shalt not invent things megacorps don't like: Endangered Gizmos List

on the Eastern Shore of Maryland....a miracle

How do people in Iceland and Norway survive?

I took a picture that I'll have to send

Idea for a short film

Did anyone else see Optimus Prime die of prostate cancer last night?

Sign petition to save "Arrested Development" even tho it is on FAUX

Ipod 'Shuffle'


I don't think Bush ever studied his Henry, his Patrick Henry!

Samuel Adams ( need info)

Cruel, stupid, or genius?

Does your house shake when trucks drive by?

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes.

If stupidity were a crime, how many people you know would be jailed?

History of America : You learn more about it in College

My book is for sale on Amazon but there is one problem

When did Maury lose his last shred of dignity?

I have to post this picture because it's so damn good: Freeper rally!!

How do you pronounce the word "episode"?

"Ooh you're a holiday, such a holiday"

Dammit! I hit 1000 posts and forgot to do the ask me anything thing

Has anyone else heard Arrested Development might be cancelled?

Been up most of the night. Head finally hits pillow. Finally getting

I need a drink! Just went to the web site.

DU: an educational gold mine!

Genre fans: Which is better--Star Wars and Empire, or (film) LOTR trilogy?

How do you feel about suicide?

OK, boys & girls...time to play "Caption the source of our national shame"

Jefferson Starship song rated "Worst Ever"

What's so wrong with an athlete thanking God or pointing to the sky?

What does this mean?

100 Years from Now, What Cultural Figures

Hawaiian Short Legged Girl

Wham ! A donkey in the face !

Can somebody give me a link to the

Paris Hilton Sidekick Hacked...

Should religious beliefs be treated differently than intellectual beliefs?

I want to kill my local snowplow drivers

Do a lot of people get today off?

Ha Hah - I Hit 28,000 Posts Today!!!!!!

Whiny email from my boss sitting in my Inbox

Anyone watch the season premier of The L Word last night?

You won't believe this...

Favorite Pink Floyd album?

The Beware the Beast Man Telethon !



For the Doctor

Hot, Sexy Asian Schoolgirl Action!! FREE INSIDE!!!

What topic generates the best flame wars? Dean/Clarkie, guns?

ZOT! I think my house just got struck by lightning.

I tricked some Repugs into eating pro-choice chocolate.

I shall soon rule over my minions....

Haha...funny typo at the Florida Times-Union website:

Years ago, a friend MADE me and his wife watch "Where the Buffalo Roam"

With Hunter S Thompson's passing I thought of this story...

Hunter S Thompson BT (BitTorrent) here:

Is there a funnier movie than "Hollywood Shuffle"???

What should I name this song?

My 1000th post, ask me anything!!!


Where do bad actors and actresses go???

I entered the 700s with a poll and I'm going to leave the same way.

So there I was, Saturday evening, in the grocery store

Let me just break in here to confess my crush for Mythbusters' Kari Byron

Anyone have the inside scoop on th Academy's Shorts categories?


Watching Fear and Loathing in LV

Do any lounge people NOT go to other DU boards much?

based on an AAR caller, I found this...

is your local newspaper fair and balanced?

Who will play Karl Rove in the movie?

funny Dr. Thompson story

Can I get a brief history of the Gannon story

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Hunter S. Thompson

How about this idea I just had regarding "Gannon"

Where do all of the calculators go?

Eh Who's driving?

Watched some Growing up Gotti last night

How do you rate last night's coming out episode of "The Simpsons"

Boy, I'm sure glad Bush pushed those tax cuts through...

In Honor of the Late Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, the Bar is now open

How do you pronounce "February?"

I'm 10 posts away from 19K ...

What happens when you reach 1000 posts?

Anyone else starting to get pop ups while using Firefox

Santoruming Gannon

The most UNbelievable training video I've ever seen - it HAS to be a joke!

The thing that gets *me* about the "Bush tapes,"

Progmom Says She's Done Sleeping Around In Hollywood

'Collapse' or 'The Republican Noise Machine' for my next Audible listen


How do you pronounce "to?"

Anyone want to help figure this one out...cats

AAACCKKK All of the sudden my email doesn't work

What should Liam do if Noel Gallagher hangs up his songwriting hat?

Just fuck.

New Fad: Give Jesus credit 4 what is obviously done by others

wow...snow and a thunderstorm at once...boooommm

What is your favorite Jack Nicholson film?

I'am a snot machine!HELP!


EW writer who interviewed Chris Rock dumps on Drudge. . .some good points

Boy, there's nothing quite like having your mortality sneak up on you!

Pick your favorite president

Funny dating stories - good and bad. Have any?

Democrats Reaching Out: The Comic Book Method

"Chicka-chicka boom boom, will there be enough room?"

Cat or Dog?

Suggestions, please

Whitehouse issues a strict new credentialing application.

We need a good Hunter S.Thompson/BFEE thread.

Woman charged in amputation of boyfriend's genitals

Happy Drew Barrymore's Birthday!

What should I do for my 666th post?

Last Saturday's SNL was the WORST I have seen in YEARS.

Anyone into Ancient Japanese Swords? (composited pic)

Answers to All Your Health Questions

Need to Find a Cheap Mover for a Cross-Country Move... any Suggestions?

Geesh - I thought I was dying. It was only drug withdrawl.

You Seem Pissed... What Are You So Angry About??

For everyone that missed over the weekend. Mari333's son is home!

ADVICE NEEDED: thinking about joining the Peace Corps

* Who ARE You?*

I am immortal.I have inside me blood of kings.

It is 70 degrees already here. BUT!!!

In Appreciation Of The *Best* News Journalist EVER...

A post I just made to a gung ho know it all young right winger...

PROPOSAL: Ashlee Simpson Fan Club Group

For all of us who are sick

What's the worst concert you've ever been to?

Bless you, my child. Baptismals, weddings, I can do it all!

Whats the lamest Conversation you've ever had with a freeper?

Right now I'm really angry at HST.

Why Grovelbot should return to me

My daughter is pledging for a Sorority (sp?) What do you think of S&F's?

OK, how many guns do YOU own...

Here is Buzz Lightyear to color for those people waiting for Longgrain

DU coloring pic: A funny-looking dragon

If anyone is worried about the mysterious disappearance of Kleeb.....

Do me a favor, OK. Can nobody else die for a while, please?

11 year old boy wants a sex change

Sarah's Random Questions

"Unanimous Verdict: Fur Is Back!"

Collateral Damage by Robert Cohen

Update: Vegan Uncle's visit officially over

Gannon: A Message from the Lord?

Religious belief and intellectual respectability

Anti-evolutionist teacher bringing theory to Louisville

Should children be able to convert without permission from their parents?

Aplastic Anemia vs Hemolytic Anemia

'Pack ice' suggests frozen sea on Mars

Mars pictures reveal frozen sea.......

Message to the moderator.

should we protest straight pride day?

What does everyone here think of The Simpson's episode?

OMG! Even The Gay Press Is Calling Gannon A "Gay" Hustler...

Who was the MVP of the

Lets go Nova!!

Hunter S. Thompson, former sportswriter, has died

Question for NASCAR fans

Golfers - anyone play on the weekend?

I took Manilla to the vet today . . .

Clavamox and the cat....

Any dog people want to help me figure out

The funny thing about knowing the answer to Life, the Universe & Everythin

Astrology fans: Charles & Camilla to Marry 4-8-05: MERCURY RX

I would like to learn more about Astrocartography

Pro-Elizabeth Edwards thread!

What is an Alpha-male?

O, God please help us.

I'm so depressed

Hello everybody!

Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

I bet nobody's talking about the DLC anymore, right?

Just found this post on FReeeeper about gannon saying

In honor of Hunter S. Thompson-- A Salon Article about him from last year


did I hear right... CNN - Osama speaks again?

Idiot in Brussels for European fence-mending.

Hey Rube: Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine ...Thompson's last book ....

Congressman tells GOP crowd we really did find WMD in Iraq

Bush Strategy On Secret Tapes

Did Hunter S Thompson witness Bush selling cocaine?

it's 49/51 now, right? I need that site that tracks this to show to

Condi vs. Hillary 2008. Warning NewsMax Article

DU this MSNBC Poll: Is Bush Distorting Science, Harming America

Subscribed to The Guardian Weekly & made another contribution

How much will you lose under Bush's SS scam?

its all part of wooing Europe--the 'you have beautiful eys' comment

Please DU Forbes poll on piratizing Social Security.

Osama Bin Laden

WTF is with C-SPAN?

A good reason to support the ACLU

Bush tries to rebuild ties in EU

The Changing of the Guard

Gannon: The silence is deafening.

Are their any OTHER suspicious people who got press passes?

CNN Poll: Was it appropriate for a friend to secretly record

Gay prostitutes in the White House? Ok....teenagers having sex? OMG! NO

Wead Live on CNN, using tapes as vehicle to BOOST Bush's image

The so-called Wead Tapes are smokescreen (and a Gannon 'toon)

Credible Evidence Emerges That Jeff Gannon Coordinated With the G.O.P. to

Gannon FAQ

WRVA Richmond "man on the street" poll has W tied with Lincoln

Rove-Gannon Connection?

Why Doesn't Lieberman Just Move To The Republican Party

Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"The real reasons why Iran is the next target"-- William Clark

I'm not sure I want to see a future that HST couldn't stand to look at

Check it: Wead-Weed gate is just a cover for Gannongate

msnbc the female news caster-doing show on bush drug use. She is

What is the difference between Pravda and FOX ?

"peance, freeance" What was he thinking?

insurgents invited to meeting in bowels of Green Zone - I have a bridge

Bush isn't bitter

Is there another chapter in the Gannon story ?

2004 Nobel Prize Economist criticizes Democrats' S.S. argument

The Elephant in the Room

what do Isralis think of the Rapture?

Foxnews--another reason to assume the Bush Tapes story's a smokescreen

Shrub says Gore is a pathological liar...

Terror Alert not elevated since...the election, big suprise!

My Local T.V. Coverage of the Protests In Brussels

Is Gannongate proof enough that we need a Shadow Government

Anyone know where I can get a good voter file for NY?

Check your media lap dogs, Mr. President

The Pain of Losing by Hunter S. Thompson

The end is near, Saudis opt for EUROS over Bush Bucks

FEC lets 501c(4) off with slap on wrist for endorsing Chimp

Dollar being spurned in favor of Euro-- scary articles

Great article: Born Again by Kunstler

Three reasons why the US and Europe won't make up

NonProfit Paying for Schwarzzengger's Hotel

US Considers NUCLEAR Pre-Emptive Strike against Iran

Gannon/Guckert, a CIA Operation Mockingbird "asset" or liability ?

I wonder if George really knew he was being taped?......because

If CNN is so liberal, why did Gannon appear twice on CNN and not on FOX?

Neb. Woman Settles Muslim Garb Lawsuit

PHOTOS: "Well, Belgium went well, Karl!"

On review...who voted against Iraq invasion?

Rep. party has 2005 calendar for Blacks --- really this is not a joke

two interesting elements in the "SECRET BUSH TAPES"

Inside The Blogs on CNN....

Are the Bush Secret Audio Tapes Posted Anywhere?

Strange picture of Condi.

Maureen Dowd's Quote of the day

Bush: "No Power on Earth Will Ever Divide Us" (more than he has already)

Who votes straight party ticket?

Christian conservative convention opens: Seek 1 million new activists

I'm half-way through "Control Room" and I need a support group

"Conspiracy of Silence" child abuse video link

MSNBC Poll - G.W. Bush's Private Conversations: Historical Value Or Gossip

Turn on Air America right now.

Gannongate Scandal Eludes Local Dailies

Bush bans "divorced" Camilla from White House Visit /Charles Welcome!

My head is going to explode..Faux news again.

For rap/hiphop fans - Slim Shady? Phat Howard!

Howard Dean is coming to Cornell this wednesday

Does Ritter *know* we will attack Iran in June?

Congressman Says Rove Planted CBS Memos

How much did Talon pay "Gannon"

New Yurica Article - Bush's Inauguration Speech Biblical Code Unraveled

Think fast: Why wait another 25 years 4 the Mercan sheeple 2 snapoutofit?!

Right-Wing Press making it all about the homosexual aspect

Presidents Day Special: The Bill of Rights....

How badly has the Tort Reform Bill hurt us?

Hunter S. Thompson and Sandra Dee Irony.....

Interesting how pukes circle the wagons on the Gannon deal

Damn Good Question!!!! Why Isn't Nocak In Jail???????

And HOW COME there is no talk of him hiding his agenda prior to election?

Bush lied about Smoking Dope -- HE SMOKED MARIJUANA & HE INHALED!

DC, MD, VA to hold regional DFA caucus next on this.

Amway, Republicans & That Old Time Religion

AP Spins Gannon link to websites "suggestive of gay porn..."

Bush secret tapes: planted by Rove?

So if it's now okay for Bush to smoke pot

Tin-foil hat permanently attached.

Hinchey affair

The Hooker, Line and Sinker by Howard Kurtz

What do conservatives claim to stand for?

Is the b**sh administration fascist?

Hillary Clinton: Insurgency in Iraq Is Failing

New mexico paper calls for verifiable paper trail for ballots!

O.K. Time for a Gannon Coverage List: Who's covered the Story?

Should Gore and/or Kerry have just picked Graham of Florida as VP?

GOP Spokeswoman May Have Lied (regarding knowing Owner of Talon News)

Scott Ritter is on AAR, and he's scaring the shit out of me

Democrats Reaching Out: The Comic Book Method

Shrub smokes pot and sends kids to prison for doing the same

Why triple-talented Dean spells trouble for Republicans

Credible Evidence Emerges That Jeff Gannon Coordinated With the G.O.P. to

Hunting Hillary Clinton

Have You Noticed a Push to Put Your Money in Overseas Investments?

AARP to be Attacked by the Swiftboat Boys!!--Unbelievable

Something is really pissing me off: what I am seeing in Christianity.

Howard Dean's coming to Mississippi next week.

Why is Bush kissing European ass?

Kansas, tickets to Dean rally sold out in 2 1/2 hours yesterday.

I dreamed of a Liberal Cable News Channel last night

Why isn't John Edwards the Dem front runner for 08?

To which Democratic Party do you belong?

Look at the ridiculous ad that Rove's swift idiots have up already!!!