South Vietnam: Voter Turnout was even Higher than in Iraq
The American media and the Iraq election
Another "Mission Accomplished" moment?
Senator Byrd on the Alberto Gonzales nomination for A.G.
Churchill not alone in pointing accusatory finger
$80 Billion For What? (berman / Nation)
Bush SOTU Talking Points Leaked to Raw Story
Rich: The Year of Living Indecently
Jim Hightower: No libraries closed in Great Depresion-unlike now
"Bush went insane from Snorter Goss cocaine" CIA facing pressure
Gorbachev Calls Iraqi Elections A Desecration, Voting Rife With Fraud
Anyone ever heard of Robin Sloan or the The Pilot Project?
Newsflash: Michelle Malkin is an idiot.
Dutch Chemists discuss synthetic "natural gas," processes from biomass.
School children to take military training lessons (Russia)
Which Groups get the most traffic?
Why is it that most posts have a number
I was ready to answer this post when it was suddenly locked....
Skinner - per your request *wink* *wink*
Thank the mod that locked this
ok, guess i'm posting this here
what did bush say about groundhogs in illinois?
Letter of Senator Kennedy about Gonzales nomination
The soldier's parents dont look happy
Last ditch effort to flibuster Gonzales! How can this be done tonight?
Send your questions/comments in!!!
Why are they all standing when he wants to drill here for oil?
The Nashua Advocate: Dean Ascends as GOP Claims of Fraud in New Mexico Die
Lieberman just loveeeesssss Bush
Democrats will investigate Ohio vote
Local Radio Station posts my letter on their new blog site -- they haven't
Bush to loot Social Security in a "fisssgully responspiblel manner"...
Raw Story has Mr. Bush's speech up so we can all go to bed or
Got a letter from Joe Momentum Today - Reply on my Fraud Letter.
Tonite,Bush complains about Soc. Security being short by 200 Million - BUT
URGENT: Polls on State of Union Speech
Who here is going to watch the State of the Union speech tonight?
OH NO! We need to nip this in the butt IMMEDIATELY!
Finally they are boooooing...... soc. sec. accounts
The Proposed Voting Reform Bills --- NOT an EZ choice--HELP!
Gift from Dave Matthews Band has San Francisco singing
Boxer scores highest of all on this chart of Senate votes of 2005
Harry Reid just called the deficit a BIRTH TAX
*Coleman* says he may vote against Chertoff
Unemployment rate is high in many parts of West Michigan
I can't DOWNLOAD Yahoo messenger
Coleman announcement, so how does one get involved?
Cracker Barrel latest to flip on corporate donations.
When someone posts, "Bwaaahaahaha," does that mean laughing or crying?
Don't forget to check news sites for post-SotU polls
SOTU in brief. "We want to rape Social Security, just like we raped Iraq,
Ho-mentum...are we responsible?
Russian TV launches Army Channel
Identify all the "victim" and "sky is falling" tactics used by the GOP.
CBS talked about the Europen privatization of SS
bush team wants to rape Medicaid - calling it a "reform"
NCPA challenges - bring it on, freepers
Dow Jones question: how many companies are tracked by
Debate Over Iran's Alleged Nuclear Weapons Program Remains Contentious
Parental notification of Pledge of Allegiance?
Where does Deism fit into the Intelligent Design discussion?
The State of the Union is WEAK!!!
So $600 Billion For First Six Years Of SS Plan. . .I Need Some Dramamine
Most repeated mantra by the media whores following SOTU
Fearmonger Bush may say "Freedom from Fear" tonight.
Might corporations like Microsoft be in charge of public schools one day?
Another Professor in the Crosshairs of Fox News-Ward's Not Alone
freerepuke lite says bush stou gonna end the Democratic party for good
Inflation Calculator (1913 - Present): See if your Salary has kept pace
Whackjobs are everywhere: Nutcase neocon columnist - In BLUE Hawaii...
How to get white conservative evangelicals to vote Democratic.
The IDIOT Bush is going to cut the deficit HE created in half
I pose this question to American taxpayers-War Tax Resistance Methods
The SOTU: 21 "freedom" vs. only 7 "liberty"
Did anyone hear that nutcase caller challenge Ed Schultz to a fight. today
(Reuters) Trump to Martha: 'You're Hired'
Bush Doesn't Really CARE About Issues. He Just Wants Party Power, Right?
Quiet the peckerwood is speaking. I have got my beer ready.
Oh look, the President is "running behind schedule" aka Fashionably late
Now that the SOTU has been brought to my attention...
June cleaver lite just walked in
Anybody 'splain the phone thing?
Wouldn't it be awesome if Democrats SAT ON THEIR HANDS?
A standing ovation from the Dems???
State of the Union - Official Thread 1
He's lying through his #@&%ing teeth already!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Uncle's Rant on SS and the Right as seen in an email from him
What? No applause from the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Super Bowl Crapola Infects My Daughter's 2nd-Grade Class
Does Private SS = End of Company pension programs? Yes or No?
"A Dem who goes with Bush may find himself facing a Kos-funded opponent"
His pants should catch fire...
How hard is it for cheney to look at bush seriously?
Ownership society: "Please report to your owner"
Freepers don't discuss content of *'s SS proposal; instead
Guess the president never saw someone die from asbestos..
ok, look for the purple "solidarity" finger from the Gop tonight
Now the Dems voice their disapproval.
HEADS UP: Embargoed White House Social Security briefing
The official Where is Bush's Texas accent? thread
Why is EVERY major SOTU FEED the SAME?
GOP Stringing Right to Life Along: Report Miscarriage or Go to Jail
Did you see something? Write to
Kinda funny he is talking about funding sports and extra after school stuf
Internet for the Radio site of the day....
Dick Cheney claps like a little boy
He's laying out the next WARS and the drones are just howling w/ approval
Okay...who are Demos that are clapping?
How many died on 911? How many have died from Vioxx?
I only started watching the SOTU (fucked) a few minutes ago....
Cheney looks like he's getting ready to vomit at any second now...
How come Dick Cheney isn't snarling?
Why can't the repukes wipe their asses...
Does that tie just look WRONG on him? Or is it just me?
Oh, that's why we're there - its the will of the Iraqi people.
Man, it feels great to throw stuff at the TV. Have you tried it tonight?
His speech is so INSPIRING! It's inspiring me, anyway, to...?
U.S. has five secret military bases in Israel
"The GOP doesn't want discussion, it wants followers."
Thank the lord it is over! Who's going to counteract this? nt
A question on social security and Iraq....
OK...Letterman, Leno, Stewart,...etc.
Am I the only one here LAUGHING at this farce of a SOTUA?
blue ink marks for US elections in 2008?
And Dennis chatting away with his old buddy?
What "confidence?" - I see a very nervous, fearful-looking * on my screen
I'm lookin' forward to our response
Caller responses after DEM's reply on C-Span
who saw lieberman kiss bush???
My aunt did me the greatest favor--she called to wish me
This was like watching a bad accident happening. You know you can't stop
The Democratic Response- who? I hope its fiery!
CNN is checking the blogisphere...
CSPAN "after the SOS" Callers thread....
Seriously, - what is the deal with the blue fingers?
Questions/comments being taken on MSNBC
Why did the Dems stand up so many times?
My father, a Viet Nam veteran of two tours
Screenshot from the president's speech
a few days ago 911 at the pentagon was shown in a nice clip
My 86 yr. old dear Mom just stated her opinion of * ....
So what other ways do you get information other then torture?
Please SOMEONE tell me WHY this man has nothing but ALL THESE
Can't make it to the gravesite? Call the dead from home.
"The state of the union is socially insecure."
C-SPAN Viewer Reactions...on now!
now that the SOTU is over - let the media ass kissing BEGIN
Joe Lieberman just kissed Bush!
did I hear bush right? "under my orders" - ?
I am so sick of the republican fellatio!!
Has it ever occurred to you that
What's up with Sheila Jackson-Lee?
Conservative Values Monitor - Documents GOP Members Sins and Crimes
anyone think the 'Iraqi finger in the ink' was political propaganda
Might I get a definition of 'lame duck'? Thanks! nt
Dont confuse me with the facts
The Army is all used chimpy ready to start lobbing nukes?
Ramesh Ponnuru Has A Girl's Voice
Did I just hear Zell Miller on the radio?
Remember "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln" at Disneyland? Tonight was
DU MSNBC Poll - Tell them what you think of SOTU
I wonder what bushbrain was refering to when he said..
If * is fighting the war on terror, why did he sleep through the Russian..
John McCain reportedly HEARTBROKEN over Joementum smooch
Subliminal/Biased Bush propaganda on NBC
Conferences Planned to Organize Resisitance-D.C. and Boston
Which official sat out the State of the Union tonight?
Those who are watching, how are the Media Whores spinning it?
Quick yes or no poll: Watching Chimp?
We need a cable left wing news station ASAP
Stewart is all over the fake AP photo
Anybody See Cheney Smiling, And * Pissed, When...
If in 2033, we DO NOT Invade Iraq, Social Security will break even
Where can I find the Dem's response online?
N. Korea: Long hair is foolish
Ron Reagan Jr. needs his own show.
OH and bush...its not just young men in gangs anymore...the girls are even
There is a freeper among us!!!
Can't wait til tomorrow to see how many sheep bought tonites propaganda!!
Anyone ever heard of Robin Sloan or the Pilot Project?
What about the children of gay families Bush? Left behind?
Google search for that "Iraqi Voter"
Do GOP functions have "signers", for the hearing impaired?
I thought that "The planet of the Apes" was just a movie.
What the fuck is with Chris Matthews?
When the Gestapo Knocks-Are We Entering Waters in Which We May All Drown?
Hey, did you guys read Wonkette's Live blogging of Bush...Hillarious!
None of the M$M has mentioned the booing
An easy fix for social security
What is your feeling after the SOTU
I have a bad feeling about the next two years
How Come I'm Finding It Hard To Care About The Democratic Response ???
Reid called the national debt a 'birth tax'
Is Social Security in trouble?
Who else besides me did not watch the SOTU
Blue Fingers.... The Iraqis had to dip their fingers in ink.
Need help with Boxer claims about % of soldiers from California
Hey GOP!!! How's this for a "solidarity" finger?
Do you still have a Kerry sticker on your car?
Have we captioned Herr Rumsfeld yet?
Don't forget to DU this CNN poll.
My letter to my (real and extended) family - Warning: RANT
Mandatory Malloy: HumpDay Truthseeker Shindig
First he kills that woman's son for oil, then exploits her pain on live TV
Did the Harvard Prez Summers used to bang Laura Ingram?
Tony GARZA, B.F.E.E. Flunky--Next TX Governor or B.F.E.E. Gigolo?
Kerry response to the SOTU speech
Bush's new "MIRACLE-LIFE" gimmick! Age 54 is now "Young!"
He rose from his cloister and sat...
Fully automatic banana cream pies locked, loaded-Gene Lyons (young & SS)
Model Gets $15.6 Million For Photo Shoot 19 Years Later
Did you all see Laura and her long double chin right before he
The volunteer Army has got to come to grips with this
How many Anal Cysts Did rush limbaugh have?
We should call it Social Security "Piratization"
So half of US Bankruptcies are because of MEDICAL BILLS?
PNAC -Neocon / Republican recognition needed
Why repubs appeal to middle and lower classes
Didn't watch. Can't stand it. Gimme the gist in 25 words or less.
Argument against privatizing Social Security (in 30 words or less)
Il formaggio cotto ai ferri col pomodoro e la pancetta (thanks to Bearfan)
A question for the espresso machine owners in the group
I guess you guys really like my picture posts.
Green Chile recipe (for BikeWriter)
DeLay: Our Military Makes Our Academia Possible.
Iran Says It Will Never Scrap Nuke Program
Another leak: White House talking points on State of the Union
(Criminal) Charges reinstated against mayor who married gay couples
Press Protection For Bloggers?
(Reuters) Trump to Martha: 'You're Hired'
Judge: Yale Can Block Military Recruiters
New anti-Putin youth movement draws old reaction
Coast Guard Turns Its Eyes Underwater
Bush SOTU Talking Points Leaked to Raw Story
New Anti-Gay Attack From Ed. Secretary
Dean Emerging as Likely Chief for Democrats
Student charged with stealing test answers with high-tech device
Pentagon Boosts Plan For Anthrax Inoculations
Questions/comments being taken on MSNBC
(U.S. Sen. Jack Reed ) Says Gonzales is Not the Right Choice
Evans, Four Lawmakers Kept From Speech
Church cancels metal band appearance in Los Angeles (over the band name)
Local group seeking equal time with military recruiters
Democrats Hit Bush on Iraq, Soc. Security
Hugo Chavez celebrates sixth anniversary
Bomb defused near U.S. military base..Turkey (Rice visiting this weekend)
U.S. Asks Saudi Arabia to Indict Or Return Terrorism Suspect
Colorado pulls Spanish-language immigrant guide from Web site
Judge upholds re-election of San Diego mayor
Bush to Say Social Security Headed to Bankruptcy
Nuclear Evidence Could Point To Pakistan
In Diverse Mosul, Slightly More Than 10% Voted, but That's More ...
Behind flaps, debate flares over teaching kids tolerance of gays
WP: Chertoff Denies Advising on Interrogation Tactics
Gay rights groups: 'Gay panic' is not justification to kill
Watchdog Group Seeks Christian Group Probe
African Union Offers to Help Aristide
Top military officials (Gen. Richard A. Cody) say forces strained
Bush's SS Plan Would Reduce Government Guarantee For Younger Americans
US OKs Cyberonics depression implant -- shares soar
Bush Emphasizes Diplomacy for Iran,North Korea
Venezuela Foreign Minister Responds to U.S. "Worries"
WP: House GOP Leaders Name Loyalist to Replace Ethics Chief
Changes Made to National Security Staff
Army Considers Extending Reserve (past 24 month limit)
McCain, allies make new bid to drive big money from politics
Gay Man's Killer Could Be Out In Under 3 Years
Marines Miss January Goal for Recruits (First time in a decade)
Poll Says Most Americans Back Medical Liability Reform
Bush's Rhetoric Splits House Chamber Between Throaty Roars and Stony Silen
Principal bans 'anti-military,' 'anti-American' materials
Documents: U.S. condoned Iraq oil smuggling (CNN)
I Don't Like bad people . Does That Make Me John Kleeb?
I like no name needed's sense of humor, am I a bad person?
A 90 foot throw with 0.6 seconds left on the clock! Go Guilford!!
OK! I'm Outta Here...going to see that NEW Chinese Thingy
OK, who remembers Tom Petty's "Dog On The Run" from 1976?
I like Howard Dean does that make me a good person?
Is there a SOTU chat tonight ?
Help! My sister is ignoring me for the Lounge!
My life wouldnt have been any different with or without Dean
My neck smells like sour milk. Ask me anything.
Be careful what funerals you attend.
Every thing about Donald Trump is boring
The lemon-poppyseed cake just came out of the oven....
YAY, I think I have the computer issues resolved.
glasses make a person look inteligent, thoughtful, don't they
You, too, can own a 1992 Vauxhall Cavalier with a Burberry paint job
Bush can kiss my ass and so can his speech. So there, Mr. Bush.
New reading material for the spring and summer....
What are you going to do/watch during the SOTU address?
What? "8 Simple Rules" is still on?
Is it true that listening to classical music can boost brain power?
Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs!
Whatever happened to farmboxer?
John Paul II vs. C.J. William Rehnquist: Who is more stubborn
Is there such thing as a tax help forum on DU?
So what are the SOTU drinking game rules???
Looks like a double dose of Stepford Tonight....
Calling Rawstory. I downloaded the Smileys from your site, now how
What to watch on the telly tonight?
Anyone up for an AOL IM chat? n/t
You know the theme from Bonnie and Clyde?
I already have a boo. He has been good to me for years
John Kleeb reminds me of Holden Caufield
"Enterprise" is being canceled.
I thought the Furby was gone...
BUSH: We will drown government in the bathtub, and soon.
Seriously, Condi's Hair Looks Like The Martian in Mars Attacks...
He's JOKING with that clear skies thing......
SS was a "great moral success" of the 20thC?
Remember "Green Jelly's" version of three little pigs?
"I'll listen to anyone with a good idea"
Sleeting like crazy now (NC mountains)
Protect The Institution of Marriage...
You all realize he hates America right??!!!???
"Protect the institution of marriage" - FUCK YOU ASSHOLE SHITWIPE!!!
Who wants to ignore the SOTU and join me in this thread?
Ah... the Social Security pitch.
GW is writing blank cheques left, right, and centre.
Do you like to keep boxes of shit in your house?
What time is AWOLFuckWad's "Unending Stream Of Lies and Vomit" tonight?
Alternative to F***ing SOTU Threads: DOOK and Wake
PLEASE GOD- Let them BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so what IS the STATE of the UNION?
i wish john kerry were speaking tonight
I'm still sick over Kef (Keph) Scott....LBN just isn't the same without
My dream last night -- too much DU???
I'd slit my own wrists before I'd give a standing ovation to **.
I'm Randy Jackson from American Idle-ask me anything
Database Gurus: Does anyone here know Relational Algebra?
Ha ha! "must have competent lawyers by their side" - ha ha!!
Ummm. Yeah. Who is the lady wearing the FISHNETS at the SOTU?
My synopsis... The SOTU is pretty well F*cked
Ziggy played guitarrrrrrrrr......
ARRRRRRGHHHHHHH! People of Ukraine asserting their rights and electing
Did anyone else have a shitty day
Bush reused the same hydrogen fuel line from his first SOTU
Are you watching the SOTU tonight?
A friendly memo to my employer:
Where the hell is my Pepto Bismol?
My workplace is trying to whack me
Wouldn't you rather watch President Bartlett tonight?
With all this talk about freedom/liberty I am DRUNK!!!!
Perfect summation of SOTU, courtesy of Mr. Bouncy Ball:
Stop giving him standing ovations, you lardfucking fucking fucks
Did anyone see Rummy pick at his nose and wipe it on his leg?
They look like they all shoved their fingers up a Smurf's butt.
'Protect the world from tyranny'...except for American gays.
Breaking: MikeG has mooned the SOTU.
Hey * is good for something. Hear a lie take a drink.
Meteor / Shooting Star 7:54pm CDT
American Soldier Hostage in Iraq Rescued!!
i'm done washing my hair- did i miss anything?
Can someone please tell this asshole that Congress hasn't declared war?
I just bought Jeff Buckley "Grace"
Wait. We overcame a recession??????
Do you think * slipped Joe the tongue?
Would you donate bone marrow to a friend? a stranger? a freeper?
I managed all of about 10 minutes of the C-SPAN post-speech...
okay - it's over, i admit i didn't watch. Highlights please?
Anyone remember "The Young Ones"?
Can't make it to the gravesite? Call the dead from home.
What's your all-time favourite sketch from Chappelle's Show??
I decided I'm gonna run for pope too, I'm the better choice over meegbear
Hide Your IPod, Here Comes Bill
Boy George is on "Kumars @ # 42" along with the lady who played
I want Don Cheadle to win the best actor Oscar
Freepers discuss SOTU: "My dog don't bark negatives!"
Two cool Brazilian music videos.
If you really want to throw up tonight...
I think people just like saying "Republican Lite"
concerning the Separation of Church and State (lounge)
A friend of mine emailed this to me....
Walker Texas Ranger Vs. George W. Bush
Is there a reason everyone's calling it the "Big Game"?
dammit, i played the SOTU drinking game
A question for all the assholes in Philadelphia
Want a Referendum for the 'Homo'/Marriage Amendment?
Am I on the no-fly list .. and why? Not what you think.
Didn't watch the speech, was Playing Shadowrun.
Didn't watch SOTU, don't care...listening to Zairean guitarist Franco now.
Why is laura bush referred to as pickles?
When was praying in the town square made illegal?
I'm feeling down... tell me a joke
Got to give to President Bush.
The-STREAM of consciousness thread killer proof -thread
Jon Stewart is talking about "Special Ops Cody" right NOW
Does Bushit not like Mrs Bushit?
The first thing Bush will do when his SS plan goes down the toilet
JimmyJazz was my boo, but apparently she just ditched me.
Attacked by Freeper types?????
Guys and Girls; I need some LOVE advice... I'm a college student... and...
I really want Don Cheadle to remake Blazing Saddles!!
best score if you're trying to score?
Does anyone have any experience with Paypal accounts?
Take a quiz and find your top 25 bands.
How Good Was the Plaid Adder's Most recent article?
Are you sick of being referred to as Mr. or Ms.?
Why doesn't Fuckwad McCokehead just say "All your base are belong to us"
Anyone else sick of 'Male Erection Drug' ads on the telly?
Are you sick to death of being tolerant of intolerant people?
Dana Reeves can kiss my ass! Such disrespect to her husband!!
I just got back from my audition
Do you understand how James Carville and Mary Matalin get along?
This is the best political cartoon for the month of Febuary!!
I fixed some freeper's ass today at the Optomitrist Office!
What do you find yourself doing to the tv when * is on?
Does anyone wanna be my boo? Here's the thing....Bleachers7
Is it a problem for you that I love Howard Dean?
When you get your wisdom teeth,
Anyone up for another free association thread (SOTU version)
I want to enroll in bush's sexual abstinence program
I think the little old lady across the street might be dead.
Comets are dirty snowballs, NOT !!!!!
New Anti-Gay Attack From Ed. Secretary
I got issues..Believe me, I was a compromise advocate., till tonight....
Anyone else watching DUKE v WAKE
Astrologers: Dean and the DNC and Feb. 12
In the event of the death of the Pope
Who Watched The State Of The Union Speech
Vektor PM'd me and invited me to join you here
I can't decide which is more depressing....
Who wants to help me think of a theme for the next DU Photography contest.
The Myth of the Populist Stock Market, One Market Under God
Arianna Huffington: "So Exactly What's Changed?"
An email message tonight from Senator Harry Reid regarding SOTU speech
Failed NeoCon talking points, post them here.
On protest and violence. Is Ward Churchill right?
Neocons are flexing their muscles and not even producing a shadow
What was broken that needed fixed?
What are the "victim" and "sky is falling" tactics abused by the GOP?
Bush's 'ownership society' neglects common good, critics say
Just a note: we all know that the SOTU will be a Bush show.
I'm not watching or listening to the State of the Union. I already
new freep village says bush stou gonna end the Dem party and they are glad
where is the official DU SOTU thread?
Historic Shift for Census Bureau (mandatory survey, 3M homes a year)
SOTU excerpts ("leaked" by the GOP)
CNN: The GOOD news: "Bush envisions a better world." The BAD news:
Did you see those Bush photos today>
Has McCain said anything about Gonzales yet?
So what will it take to defeat *'s insane SS plan?
Bush declares war on America's Democrats!!
stupid CHIMP ---state of the zoo speech
Black Clergy Wooed for Values Fight
Is there an IRC chat anywhere?
O'Rilley: Pope holding up the war on terror
BUSH: "Taxpayer dollars must be spent wisely, or not at all."
BUSH: "We've prosecuted corporate criminals" (!!!!)
Did Chimpy Say He's Cutting 150 Programs?
Did I miss a really good joke? When Bush says he'll expand healthcare...
Lets all think hard enough to actually cause the telepromter to break.
"Four years of debate is enough!"
Wonder What Chimpy and CONdiHave Planned Tonight?
Is frivolous asbestos lawsuits this year's baseball steroids?
Joe "Dead Intern" Scarborough on "The Bush Haters' SOTU"
BUSH: "Don't let anyone mislead you."
Shocking! Norm Coleman may vote NO on Chertoff
Small Businesses translates to Big Corporations.
Hey kids, we were worried for nothing
I am SOOOOoooooooo not watching the SOTU!!!
Tweety develops Allergy to Democrats
Love how he is listing all the pitfalls of betting on the stock market!
Social Security for the rich = pimp the lower and middle class
"Activist judges", "Culture of life"
Who Are ALL THOSE GUYS DOWN FRONT who are not standing??
WOW!! Dems are making negative noises like the House of Commons!
F U for supporting young men and not young women!
Good GOD...stupid Repukes waving ink-covered fingers
God This SOTU Speech Is Making Me Sick
"Still Government's That Harbor Terrorists"
Bush talking about "Freedom From Fear"
Without naming names, describe your ideal Prez candidate.
"We are witnessing events in the history of liberty and in coming years
"Personal Accounts" - Can't Say PRIVATIZATION
350 billion dollars for the Palestinians!! Is he freaking crazy?
God he makes my skin crawl. I hate him. Democracy this you Devil Incarnate
Is anyone else listening to the SOTU on AAR?
I'm Looking Forward To The Democratic Response, BUT
Let's trot out the poor Iraqi woman and totally use her! YAY!
Il Douche: Science must knuckle under to dogma
Here's point by point fact check on all tonights
How bout the role of Imperial Capitalism??
FDR? Shut Up You Fucking Bastard. You Want To Cut 150 Programs,
Re:Soldiers, "We have given them training and equipment"
Freeper discussion about "Social Security reform"
Kurds demand autonomy! Here it comes.
Did CNN just say "someone in the First Ladies box"??
Democrats Failing in Framing Argument Against Bush's Social Security Plan
Oh my. They are still blaming Clinton (my local paper)
If You're Watching ABC Post Here >
New name for GOP: "The Torture Party"
Who is actually watching Chimp?
Did Bush Just Kiss Lieberman????
so at the end of the day......what the FUCK is the state of the Union???
Now it's our turn, let's see a Dem give'em hell!!!!!!!
All in all, it was a perfect Wednesday speech....
Using the Norwoods as a prop for their dead Marine son... disgusting...
To the Norwoods: Did Your Son Sacrifice Because of the Threat of WMD?
Memo to the Democratic Challenger running against Lieberman
I keep talking to the screen and my husband just said this:
Would you good people of CT. Please recall dino LIEberman!
What Was The Best Part Of Dimson's SOTU Reading?
Repukes, DINO's, and MSM HAVE NO SHAME!!!! Grab your pitchforks
Call C-SPAN and tell them: "BETTER DEAD THAN RED!"
Sound's Like Idiotfuck Worked With A Speech Therapist
Cable News Whores Are Earning Their Money Tonight!
Why on earth are we having Reid and Pelosi deliver a joint response?
The Chimp is Against STEM Cell Research -- Superman died cuz of Bush
Is it time to hold the feet of moderate Republicans to the fire?
Dog Tags From Dead Soldier's Mom Snags With Jacket Button of
quite frankly...until we get it right in the US I could give a shit less
Pre-state of union speech video...
Richardson NM Gov. on CNN now.
I find the tag-team style Democratic response to be less than inspiring.
Washington Post chat after this...let's have some fun.
State of Delusion address. Yes or No?
So Has The War Against Steroids From Last Year Been Won?
Tavis Smiley is raising hell on ABC
Who will Bush's 'special guest' be?
This would have been hilarious
Chris Matthews is a fat, stupid idiot
First Amendment No Big Deal, Students Say
fienstein is on larry KIng on cnn.
Mom & Dad Happy To Sacrifice Their Son For Their God-King bu$h
Did President Bush lay out a compelling vision for his second term? CNN
So, Bush thanks Congress for doubling NIH's budget.
What do you do when you see a Repub thread praising * 's SOTU...
Reid Kicked ass in a gentleman way Pelosi was just boring
That wasn't my president up there - I have no faith, trust, or respect
Full text of SOTU....I'll read it because I just cannot
Did anyone TIVO Reid and Pelosi's remarks?
Bush may have made a significant blunder...
OMG Chris Matthews just had a moment of zen
The left should no longer frame their debate attacking George W Bush.
Sen. Reid cracks me up. He compares Bush's plans to "Groundhog Day"
SOTU!-not LIHOP but Cheney squirmed like a fish when 9/11 was mentioned
Should Dems payoff preachers to support Dem politicians?
Which of Bush's State of the Union addresses had more lies?
Both Pelosi and reid were bOOORING.
Damn,Laura looks so proud of her little monkey.
Which speaker in the Democratic Party inspires you most?
Everyone is choked up on CNN..
tweety just called Sanatorium a smart guy
How do your Senators rate? Here is an objective look at their record.
the Bush Gay Agenda bothers me.
The Republicans are so childish
Wellstone Action: Rally to Oppose Bush SS Scam in NM, MT, AR, NE and FL!
Where was Ted (Kennedy)??, Purple on the finger of the Iraqi voter woman?
C-SPAN caller: "I fear for my LIFE"
DU the MSNBC poll (so far 70% "less optimistic" after SOTU)
OK give me your HONEST, UNBIASED opinion about * performance tonight
New York Dem Chairman (among others) endorses Dean.....
should Obama have spoken in response?
There is now only one SOLUTION:
Was Bush actually booed during the SOTU???
Did Cheney clap during the Marriage Amendment Proposal?
Digby has the right idea about FRAMING, and on why Lackoff's frames suck
GOP spends last year attacking a war hero's service because he was a Dem.
Michael Eisner only pays 2.2% of SS Taxes. They take from the poor . . .
Well, it's about time the Democrats stood as one. Dubya's getting mad
An old editorial (this is why I think Dean will make a great chair)
Condi's front teeth. Are they spaced and angled for...
Added 2.3 MILLION new jobs my foot
I think his delivery was pretty good tonight.
I don't know why I'm even asking this,
WP/Shales Review of SOTU: Winning The War Of Perception
NYT Ed: Blaming the Messengers (lawyers facing sanctions in Ohio voting)
Study: Southern Blacks Die at Higher Rate
Dems mull intel panel rules ploy (The Hill)
Pork cuts cost Istook panel chair
Bush’s state of delusion: speech to Congress ignores crises at home and...
George W Bush 2005 State of the Union Drinking Game
Bush's liberty song echoes Vietnam tune
The U.S. should resist saying 'mission accomplished' in Iraq
LA Daily News: Ignoring California
Border Patrol agents oppose amnesty plan
Rename BWI? Pols should ask what public thinks
Rice and the New Black Paradigm
Presentation only a fool could love (Paul Vitello)
Marine General: says its "fun to shoot some people"
Churchill brouhaha echoes previous dissent at CU
State of the Media Address (Satire: Rove memo re: Media Mogul Breakfast)
Bush Administration - Hard-On Men
Molly Ivins: Noble ideals, nasty actions
Bill Moyers: There is no tomorrow (GREAT)
Stripes: Lawmakers tell Army leaders they're worried about strain on Guard
Slate - SS Bush, Screw Your Grandchildren....
The Next Four Years: A Political Forecast
President's monomania is ominous
Carlyle Group Prepares for the Next Generation
Bush family myth exposed by Karl B. Schwarz
I know a lot of people don't like Tom Friedman but this
David Corn (The Nation): The State Of George W. Bush
Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes - Thom Hartmann - MUST READ
New Republic Calls For Anti-Bush Lefties To Be Killed
Chuck Spinney (Pentagon analyst) with Bill Moyers-READ THIS AND SEETH
Vitello - (Bu$h Social Security) Presentation Only a Fool Could Love
Road to Ruin: US Government reports $11 trillion increase in debt
The Conscience of a Soldier: Questions of Morality in a Time of War
Re Social Security--We've forgotten what poverty is.
Arcata Receptive to No Confidence Resolution
New 527 "Reform" Act on Fast Track
Why can't all radios have shortwave built in?
Poll: Bush wins converts among speech-watchers (!?)
cross-post: who is the other "reporter" NOT-Gannon is working for Bush on Social Security
tomorrow we get jobs report - Bloomberg estimates 200.000
EPA, Ford Test Promising Clean Diesel Technology
The State of the Environment: LCV
Lava From Hawaii Volcano Drops Into Ocean
What is up with the Iraqi Elections?
Public turns on bush: what NAM deaths level, did poll show public TURNS ON
Lawmaker wants to tighten fairground gun sales (Iowa)
Shooting suspect's rap sheet long (TX)
After being away for a while...
Hate mail... when 's the update?
Why are threads sometimes locked?
Thank you all so much for the new servers and upgrade!!
Can We Retire the Joe Lieberman avatar?
How can I find the DU media links?
an idea for a new forum?? PNAC
IDF fears right-wing campaign targeting religious officers
Bush: Palestinian statehood 'within reach'
Palestinians destroy first tunnel
A-3 Skywarrior at the Pentagon?
9-11: Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble-new article by C. Schwarz
Fletcher Farrar: When will Obama find his voice on Iraq?
Belleville News Democrat: Illinois Lotto jackpot grows to $15 million
Russ Stewart: Park Ridge Republicans fear party evaporation
Al Franken covered Senator Durbin's speech on Alberto Gonzales
Chicago Sun-Times: Fewer city high school grads than claimed
Chicago Tribune: Low cost ideas top state of the state
Pantagraph: Farm family worries coyotes pose growing threat
F*cking Lieberman voting for Gonzales???
Lieberman will be on the 2008 Republican ticket...
Hearing on vote machine fraud, dirty tricks, manipulation of absentees, et
New Poll on State of Union address
Why don't we hear from Democratic Party election experts?
Kerry really enjoying what he's hearing (caption it)
Best site for making your own petition?
Kenneth Blackwell is being sued by voting machine manufacturer!
Study Finds Religious Polarization in U.S. Voters
Probability analysis of exit poll deviations using Freeman's data
Ellen O. Tauscher surprised me with her reply to my letter!
CA Shelley posted an errata on 1/25/05 is this common?
Media Release - Open Voting Consortium
Hastert takes a broom to ethics panel
"Not even the Potus is above the law!" A common thread from most dems!
NYTimes editorial condemning sanctions against Arnebeck
Kerry for president in 2008 website links/petitions
Thursday 2/3 Election Fraud, Reform, & Updates Thread
Since we always talk about polls uncovering fraud, how about primaries?
So, how many empty envelopes did Blackwell receive?
Newsweek on voting machines: Diebold holds out on establishing standards
OH Sanctions = Unitended consequence is more fraud documentation
I'm sending this from my Republican infested school
Does anyone have a copy of an actual NEP questionaire??
From Hillary on voting irregularities
Proposed Solution for Election Accuracy, Transparency and speed
Senate debate on Gonzales DAY THREE on C-Span2 NOW
What you've just witnessed on the Senate floor.
Excellent full-page ad from Not In Our Name - mentions fraud.
DUers need help brainstorming (caution fun alert)
GRAPHIC: another view of exit poll vote count difference
Arcata City Council Receptive to No Confidence Resolution
Miami Herald article compares US to Ukraine election!
Would you sign an affidavit saying who you voted for?
Iowa Delegation supports Governor Dean
Anybody here in MN 7th District? Peterson may support Bush SS Plan
Are the St. Paul cops outta control???
Automatic phone survey about abortion
Anybody want to help me buy a computer?
Voinovich, Dewine joining The Conscience Caucus?
TCEQ (the Texas EPA) refused to attend town hall meeting.
Lon Burnam continues to rock infinitely.
New hot Governor's race rumor!
Kinky Friedman may run as a Democrat
More state Ethics Board trouble
Hey Wisconsiners...a Fudge Striped visit could be happenin this spring...
Iraqi woman reveals her true feelings (photo)
Weird photo in search of a caption.... (photo)
I wonder what Iraqis think of exiles like Chalabi, Allawi, and Al-Souhail
I didn't watch it...what did he promise to the Fundies?
MSNBC says Pope recovering well.
LMAO at that freeper on Malloy
"That was the speech of an American Emperor" -- Jon Meacham, managing ...
Caption this and be merciless.... (photo)
bush SUCKED ASS in that speech
I think I got a break in historical time...
3 mths since Nov 2; do rightwingnuts know bush's position on issues yet?
Do you want to stop the war? Do you want to stop the GOP?
Enlighten me (I'm German) : what's the DNC?
I hate bush. He is almost the MOST evil person living today. I
Final score: Freedom 21 Liberty 7
Asbestos in the State of the Union.
Remember when we were the 10% that opposed Bush and the war?
I mean, come on, Bush even LOOKED insipid as hell up there. (PIC)
What the hell was with Cheney's smirk tonight?
Anybody have the quote from the Bush sotu about wmd's?
DU CBS News' damn poll, please.
Caption this... (keeping in mind Lieberman kissing Bush tonight) --->
As I See It, There's Only One Way To Win: A New Summer of Love
How can CNN call this POS a poll?!
So... Let's see here... Bush declares himself Emperor of Earth and
I cant seem to find my answer...
MSNBC Hires Tucker Carlson for New Show
robert fisk - one helluva chilling story
What is the most frightening to me is the "Brave New World" of the right.
Turnout "better than expected""very successful"
Trivia: What is the Official Language of the United States of America?
How did Reagan gut the Fairness Doctrine when Democrats controlled House?
"Ownership Society"...we need to call it like it is
Los Angeles getting Air America Today
Looks like someone's been cleaning house . . .
dupe... this happens everytime i post .. sorry n/t
Wake me up when it's January 2008. The Iowa caucus.
social security reform - Democratic style
We will make sure the money can only go into a conservative mix of bonds
With Zimbabwe's health sector in ruins, witchdoctors are busy
'Fuzzy Math' and the Iraqi Election
Employees to be billed for personal Net use?
OK i have a serious question.. on Bush's SS plan what would happen to thos
bush; Liberty for all...unless you're gay.
Just when you thought it was safe
CNN Poll: 77 percent think country headed in right direction- but......
I was confused.. will they or will they not have a SS check??
The truth is out there: declassified reports of UFO sightings reveal 88 si
Sure were a lot of LIES (under oath) in bush's SOTUA
Does anyone have a link to bush saying in the 70's that the SS
Is the Laura Bush plan a thin cover for Minority Genocide?
Will the freeps please go home, we don't go to your church and
Anti-war speech I gave at Poughkeepsie (NY) UU last weekend...
Yale Can Block Military Recruiters
Laura Bush to end street gangs in America
Aussie gold-star mom; "it's just cold-blooded murder"
NEWS SURFERS, HELP: Did Bob Dole break a hip?
My weekend with an international committee
Republicans are now in the nation building business?
I think Bush jumped the shark last night with his SS plan
Joe Klein on The Daily Show tonight
Soc. Sec. New tactic. Instead of scaring seniors, scare the young.
Not a bad MSM article on the SOTU
Stephanie Miller just referred to KO as her future husband...
Anyone just see CNNs "American Sacrifice" segment?
A little detail in the SOTU. Do you read this meaning as I do?
Credit Card issued by Democratic Party?
Keith Olbermann fans, remember "Frank" the tumor?
Wolfowitz before Senate Armed Svcs. Cmte...NOW...CSpan 10:21AM n/t
I awoke this morning with a wonderful thought
John Podesta points out the many lies in Bush's SOTU
i am so glad my parents are over 55
Bush dishing out the cool aid :::: SOTU address
DU support needed to expand MSM coverage of Gannongate.
Ok i need some pics of Laura looking like the joker ;)
Dubya Is Coming To My State Tomorrow, DU This Poll!
So, the "Greatest Generation" and the first 4 yrs of the
GOP, using death for PR....again
Did anybody catch "I am cutting 150 programs" last night?
Social Security reform is Bush’s “pump and dump” scam.
We need a Constitutional Amendment banning introductions during the SOTU
Joe Biden and Harold Ford last night
What does everybody think of Bush's Broker Security Plan?
*'s SS Plan is Discriminatory Against Women
The prophet Nahum speaks of Washington D.C and this
Bush Deluded; Thinks the Glasses Make Him Look Smart >>>
No to Gonzales: Murray and now Cantwell (D-WA)
You know what bothered me last night in the SOTU speech ?
Right wing is disappointed by the Volcker report (oil for food)
Good Morning Al and Air America from LA!!!
Connecticut-Apple not falling far from tree with former Rowland lieutenant
Would Republicans Support Almost ANY War For ANY Reason?
GA law would allow parents to suspend their child's driver's license
Is this really the best we can do? PICS
Al Franken covers Senator Durbin's speech on Alberto Gonzales
Moment of Clarity from a 14 year old.
Asylum decision suggests that US patience with Putin is wearing thin
"Communitarians' the religious elite?
Talk about delusional - are all Freeps this mental.???
So, what do I do about the SSS?
NBC accused of shilling for UN
You're a Dirty, Filthy LIAR Mr. Bush............
Deleting junk e-mail cost nearly $22 billion
I About Sh*t When bush Said This During SOTU!
Forgotten reference in "Demolition Man"
That Evil Rat Bastard is on TV Again! @!&%!*!
The young generation won't live long enough to get Social Security, anyway
torturer Davis pleads but doesn't have to testify - what a deal!
Do you have questions about SS that Dubya doesn't talk about?
Focus on the Family buying 4.2 mil. worth of Sonogram machines
OK, here's the big dick at SOTU in his snowsuit.....
Lt.Gen. Mattis said: "it's fun to shoot some people"
Is the real meaning of "Ownership Society" simply what America
Bush's Plan --- the govt keeps 80% of your "personal" $$$$'s (Wash Post)
Rahm Emanuel (Chair, DCCC) - response to SOTU
Medical liability caps; for the benefit of corporations
yesterday Duncan Hunter said to Lou Dobbs, referring to the stretched
I heard somewhere (I believe on cnn) about how bush and clinton turned a..
anti Islam, anti gay RW talk radio attacks Tulsa school board member
Felonious former Rep, Wes Cooley -R OR, caught in another scam
My SeaBee Son to take jungle combat training
A New Campaign Of Lies: The Assault On Social Security
DAMMIT, fellow democrats! Stop being so PESSIMISTIC!!!
Bushco says: "Iraq is not a quagmire" AND "We have no exit strategy"
Hannity on board of Brotherhood Org. of New Destiny
Woohoo, Our WalMart crusade is on the front page of our local
Scotty McClellan takes high heat fast ball over the inside corner...
Gannon-Talon.... who is this other guy?
Anyone listening to Al Franken right now...
Democrats deserve praise for boooooing Idiot Son
Caption this, please...... (photo ->)
Did Bush have the Dem ND senator, Conrad on Air Force One today?
Any of you guys around here know anybody killed by Evolution?
PHOTOs: bush* and condi meet on the House floor (needs caption)
Who was the Iraqi woman at last nite's SOTU address?
Hey all you Franken/Randi haters!!!!
County Supervisor Vows to Cut Tax Funds for Santa Monica Clinic
Group Wants IRS to Investigate Focus On The Family
meanwhile in Iraq a squad from Ind. sleeps in a shipping crate, hungry
Bush Plan - Put in $40k over 40yrs, grows to $90K ..worker gets $20k
When "Tort Reform" doesn't lower healthcare costs, who will the GOP blame?
Air America back in LA on 1150 KXTA!!!!!!!
Bush's Chilean SSI model---email this blurb far & wide
I've seen so many grieving soldier's parents CURSING Idiot Son on the news
The Democrats need a whole new strategy
Anderson Cooper wins award for most ridiculous Iraq election comment
Any photoshops of Cheney at the SOTU dressed for ice fishing?
How much more "freedom" can Iraq handle?
A Social Security counter proposal.
C'mon people. Where is the smoking gun
There are millions of americans walking around believing
What are your 15 best movies of all time?
This post may belong in "The Lounge", but here it is: CAN WE EVER
Laura Bush to unveil "Passport to WOMANhood" program next
The Beast 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2004 (#1 and 50)
Freakers advaocate physically attacking high school girl
why we are losing the social secuirty battle
The Lie Inside the "Ownership Society" Message
Did anyone hear Lieberman say this the other day.....
Anti-war Mom of dead G.I. bumped from Larry King for Michael Jackson Trial
I think Dean's going to get it.
Randi is tearing this repuke apart!
Cinema & US Cultural Dominance
Fox Blocker...have you seen this?
Lieberman uses Gonzales' ethnicity as a factor in his aye vote
Karl Schwarz on the engine parts found at Pentagon crash site.
Lieberman - Proof even a stupid fuckwad can be elected Senator.
Somebody please tell me what the finger thingy is all about.
School Official Assails "Gay Lifestyle"
Where did bush** get the magic number 55?
Parents Television Council: “MTV Smut Peddlers"
Did W get booed or heckled last night?
WSJ's Zaslow: What If Einstein Had Taken Ritalin?
Wanna try and reverse a Fox online poll? DU it!
"... praised him for restoring dignity to the White House ..."
GRAPHIC: How could we possibly fix any Social Security shortfall?
WARNING Do not look directly in his eyes!
LIEberman is pissing me off again, he's live on CSPAN
If there was ever a picture that could use a little photoshopping
The Truth About Social Security It's Not Just For Senior Citizens
33 Dean group members on black list for Bush event in North Dakota.
Bill O'Loofah - An Update on the "Ward Churchill Situation"
Questions that families of the war dead MUST ask themselves
Educate Selwynn: "Tort reform" question
We can bash the DINO Lieberman without being accused of anti-semitism
enough about the stupid kiss...
Who wants to be freaked out? I mean REALLY scary
Could there be a way to end all this war?
Gee whiz, the cat is dragging in some serious assholes.
torture AND nukes ... what goes around comes around
VIREAD AIDS drug tested on African women to see if it prevents AIDS???
Anyone see Crossfore saying something about bush kissing a man?
Paul Krugman is on Lou Dobbs (CNN)
We need to simplify our argument on SS...
Critics Enter Ring Against Eastwood SPOILERS
The Dems who approved the Torture AG
See How Your Senator Voted on Gonzo
"The Apprentice: Martha Stewart"... Donald Hires Martha!...
Fool's Gold: Bush's Social Security Privatization Plan
PHOTO: Chimp the Pimp keeps them all fighting over his affections!
SOTU Address "lie exposed" === grounds for impeachment
This is what happened at my school this morning...
Congress, Iraqis and Ink Stained fingers David Schuster nails it.
absolutely THE SICKEST go*%amn thing I have EVER SEEN
Why the Party needs Donnie Fowler and not Howard Dean
Kerry on the Gonzales nomination (he is voting 'no')
SIGN THIS PLEASE: "Fairness Doctrine" petition(no more FOX-type garbage)
IDIOT! * Claimed SS would go bust by 1988!
Seriously, is this a 'satisfied smile' or a medical condition?
So who's organizing the elderly to protest this Bush SS turd?
After 35 years of activisim, here are my personal feelings.
Latest offering from Steve Bell
. . . it apparently takes a village idiot . . .
The "Liberal Media" strikes again! Right Wing Rag to debut:
Hitting the Tax-Break Jackpot (This is infuriating)
Joe Lieberman joke, inspired by Malloy
Think Private Social Security accounts means it's YOUR money?
Is there anyone here who agrees with Bush on Social Security?
Tell your kids the facts about Bush's social security plan.
Its depressing waking up with Amy Goodman in the morning
WHY Does Bush Want to Bankrupt Middle Class & Send Elderly to Poorhouse?
I just donated $50 to MoveOn to help them run Social Sec. tv ads.
Laura's youth initiative (Passport to Manhood) gets off to a GREAT start
First they came for Ward Churchill then they came for you
PAYOLA – YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! - (gannongate, ink-for-pay)
Trying to make my peace with Ward Churchill and 9/11...
My Uncle is being paid $2K per day as a Contractor in IRAQ!
Total Information Awareness and blacklisting of citizens. What's up here?
Democrats missed a golden opportunity
What will the final Iraq War death toll be for the US?
New Interview With Sibel Edmonds
I suddenly realized the most prophetic film of the last 50 years....
Fundies, Stupid emails, keeping our mouths shut
True Patriots: Ignorant Fundamentalist Zealots
Jeff Gannon story is gathering steam! Please rate up the Yahoo story
Tales Of The Closet: Why We're Not Going Back
I sure wish somebody would stop President Death
Any lawyers amongst us? Can we sue for breach of contract?
Is it time to SEPARATE usa into 2 COUNTRIES,blue half and red half?
FAIR Alert: ABC's Assist to Campus Conservatives
Are we truly POWERLESS to stop the coming horrors?
Right wing hate from pundits like Coulter, Savage, Hannity and Limbaugh.
Are Social Security taxes only paid by those who make 85K or less?
The only Bush I'd trust, is my own.
Keanu Reeves (Atheist) less doubtful about heaven and hell after filming
The Reality of the Hydrogen Economy-Hydrogen=Nuclear
here's the kiss .. oh, Joe, you little slut!
Doris 'Granny D' Haddock is in the hospital
I posted this chili recipe in the lounge before I knew Ohio
Newest *must have* kitchen appliance.
The secret ingredient - Love (long post)
Mediterranean food junkie seeks recipe!
I made enchiladas for Mrs bearfan's birthday back in August
What should I bake for the Super Bowl party?
My letter to my MP - Bill C-38
immigration question for Canadian DUers
SHIT going to hit the fan-British troops say US Soldiers Killed 4 Iraq's
Apparent Gas Leak Kills Georgian Premier
US firm expected to announce 240 lay-offs at Irish plants
Group: Biotechs Don't Deliver on Promises
Sunni Group Challenges Legitimacy of Iraqi Vote (largest Sunni group)
Judge upholds re-election of San Diego mayor
Iraqi soldiers dragged off bus and shot
Call to probe CIA ties to ex-Nazis
Freak storms lash eastern Australia, at least two dead
Pope's health improves steadily
U.S. 4th-Qtr Productivity Rises at 0.8% Rate(Slowed) ; Costs Rise 2.3%
Georgia's PM killed by gas leak
Jane’s warns of new terror group more radical than Al-Qaeda
Judge tells CIA to provide records on Iraq prisoners
IRA takes back offer to give up guns
In Speech, Bush Sketches a Bold Domestic and Foreign Agenda
Nepalese king bans press freedom
Initial UE claims drop to 319,000
Raytheon earnings up 20 percent on boost in defense spending
Mexican judge drops charges against four tied to truck deaths
Washington Post:: Participants Would Forfeit Part of Accounts' Profits
Salary for Mrs. Pataki's Aide Worries State G.O.P.
Wall Street Journal loses libel appeal (UK)
Abbas says Palestinians will call cease-fire
Report: MLK center needs $11.6 million in repairs
(San Diego) County to be asked to squeeze in 107K new dwellings
Wife Of Man Killed By Sherry Enema Surrenders
Rice Trip Seeks to Mend Fences Over Iraq
Voting System Manufacturer Sues (Kenneth Blackwell limited vendors!)
Iraqi soldiers dragged off bus; 12 shot dead
State (Maine) party committee throws support to Howard Dean
12 Iraqi Soldiers Killed in Ambush
Five Florida Firefighters Disciplined (photographing strippers at station)
SD Tribune - Re-election of Murphy will stand, judge rules... (Donna Frye)
Howard Dean Gets Endorsement of Southern Black Democrats for DNC Chairmans
National Education Association (NEA) Endorses Dean for DNC Chair
Marines Fall Short of Monthly Recruiting
Insurgents launch deadliest attacks since Iraqi elections; 19 killed
Army investigates non-combat death of Oregon Guard soldier(very sad)
Large Chilean bank agrees to meet demands by U.S.
House GOP Shows Doubt in Bush Plan
Two Policemen Dead, 36 Missing After Attack in Iraq
Iraqi Vote Shows Shiite Party Leading
Car Bomber Strikes Foreign Convoy in Iraq
Woman Accused of Giving Sherry Enema
Iran-Contra Figure to Lead Democracy Efforts Abroad
Former Connecticut Treasurer Released To Halfway House
Popes should retire at 80 for the sake of the church, cardinals say
US plans to maintain 135,000 troops in Iraq as it intensifies Iraqi traini
DOE Disinvites Buster Producer
British Troops to Stand Trial for Murder
Lieberman is supporting Gonzales according to Rawstory
Only One Side Told in Bush Soc. Sec. Pitch
2 Cases of Rare Sex Disease Are Diagnosed in New York
Strong Lead by Shiite Clergy in Iraq Vote
Bush plans to cut local govt funds...
Partial results from six Iraqi provinces show main Shiite party leading
Rebel at centre of Venezuela-Colombia dispute speaks of US involvement
(Bush visit) Fargo Commissioner On 'No-Ticket' List
White House's Hadley Names Two New Deputies (Iran-Contra Ties)
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 3 February
Iraq Says It Nearly Captured Al-Zarqawi
(known anti-Semite) professor donated $1,550 to Speaker Dennis Hastert
Bush to Seek $2.87B in Mideast Aid
Democrats blast fine print of Bush retirement plan
Parents charged with starving baby to death are expecting another child
White House hosts 2 Israeli-Russians wanted by Moscow
WA Rep. gubernatorial candidate still receiving protection
DFA members banned from hearing President Bush in Fargo, ND!
Wolfowitz Says No Nationalist Insurgency in Iraq
Russia to launch Iran spy satellites: report
Tories Revolt & Liberals Squabble Over Canadian Gay Marriage Bill
Gonzales Wins Confirmation as Attorney General
Mandela calls for action on 'unnatural' poverty
Allawi's government decried as corrupt
Troops unable to be treated for skin disease in Iraq ...
Author, entertainer (Kinky) Friedman running for Texas governor
Key House Republican shows skepticism about Bush plan
Rice slams Iran human rights record
UN oil-for-food process 'tainted'
First Lady speaks urges young people to avoid gangs
Ex-Priest's Defense to Call Psychologist
Byrd, 87, may try for record (and run again!)
4 Halliburton contractors working for Kellog & Boots killed in Iraq....CNN
Iran Condemns Bush Speech on Terrorism
[Reuters] Annan Will Discipline Head of Oil-For-Food Program
Special forces offered $150K to reenlist
EU Lawmakers Want Communist Symbols Banned
New evidence: Enron was scamming years before energy crunch
(Social Security) Participants Would Forfeit Part of Accounts' Profits
Pagan group gets the boot (Told they Could Not use Inn & Covention Center)
Soldier testifies conditions at Abu Ghraib were deplorable
Halliburton "has won a tender to drill a huge Iranian gas field."
Global warming: scientists reveal timetable
Rumsfeld Says Election May Embolden Iraqis
Georgia interior minister says Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania found dead af
Sparks fly in Legislature over Reagan tribute
U.S. House blasts EU's policy shift on China
US 'war is fun' general rebuked (By the US Marine Corps)
Dems rally against Social Security plan
Chechens 'vow Beslan-type attacks'
Iowa DNC delegates endorse Dean (including Vilsack, Pederson)
Norwood bans internationally acclaimed book
Rumsfeld tried to resign during scandal....
Wash Post has updated the SS story for a (BIG) correction
Washington Times apologizes for [anti-Semitic] ad
Poll: Catholics favored Bush over Kerry
Bush Plan to Limit Lawsuits Moving Fast
GOP fundraiser for 'Adopt a Sniper' shut down at college
My 300th post. BFD. Don't ask me a damn thing, If you dare.
Artist Evaluation: The First Clue
Anyone else have a really bad cough with no other symptoms?
Give me some M. I need some M.
"Daybreak"Help For Those Dealing With Unwanted Homosexual Issues.
eBay bidders suckered on (Simpsons) Duff Beer
Paris Hilton wont be charged in pocketing her homemade sex tape w/o paying
I want you to prepare for me... a Brandy Alexander.
Generals gathered in their masses. Just like witches at black masses.
Something that bugs me about seeing bands perfom live on TV:
Is anyone else going to watch "American Dad" this sunday ?
It was $&*%@ Letter of Intent Day today and my NET went out!
If Lieberman is the Emperor and Cheney is Darth Vader, then who is Bush?
Let the nightly licking begin!
Does your doctor make you sign an arbitration agreement before treatment?
I need to say something. To those of you who would
BarackObamaAutograph-gate Vs. JoeLiebermanKissing-Gate
Al Franken audio and more at my blog.
what was the good news of today?
Does your doctor make you sign an arbitration agreement before treatment?
"Drinking Liberally" - check this out!
Moi, aka Babylonsister, Feb. 3rd.
5 punished for fire station hi-jinks
President Bush Protests against Arms Manufacturing Industry
Does your arbitration make you sign a doctor before treatment?
"Citizens Against Nude Juicebars and Pornography"
The line for the Pity Party starts here
Laird Hamilton at Peahi... wow, is that cool or what
MSN Messenger hit by double-whammy worm
Dead Hedgehog Costs France $5 Million
"If I told you that you have a great body, would you hold it against me?"
Where is this check coming from if SS is bankrupt? ? ?
Help me get out of the 700 club...
I have stupid mind fog this morning... Who was it that voted AGAINST
SHIT! i think Hedges stole my wheel mouse!
Man Sleeping In Meth Lab Car Arrested - Parked In Front Of Jail
how many times do you hit the snooze button?
I just finished studying for my Political Science test. Ask me anything.
Is Delaware the only state with Memorials on the back windows of cars??
A bit of good personal news to share with the DU folks
I hate the fact that my mouse at work doesn't have a scrolly-wheely-thingy
Is Bush a dirty word??? My 10 year old wants to know!
Nude Stripper Photo Shoot Get Firefighters Suspended
Woke up, fell outta bed, realized my country was dead...
Cartoons...Need them for my RW brother who keeps sending me
So I come in the office and notice my scolly-wheely-thingy mouse is gone
Soooo - who in Texas will vote for Kinky Friedman for Gov?
Still gotta go with Ashlee Simpson
The truth is out there: declassified reports of UFO sightings reveal 88 si
A Delicious Moment Of Irony To Report
Study: Drivers Who Chat On Cell Phones Drive Like The Elderly
Happy Birthday Morgan Fairchild!!!
Full-time workers: How long are you away from home on an average work day?
Coincidence? NSMA hits 45,000 posts on Morgan Fairchild's Birthday?
When cloning goes tragically wrong
Star Trek spin-off TV series axed
Top Ten Surprises In George W. Bush's State Of The Union Address
Watching a city block burn down at this moment
People Sending Ski Jackets, Viagra To Tsunami Victims In Sri Lanka
Women Arrested For Bringing Laxative Brownies To Work
Teen Auctioning Himself As Prom Date Gets Kicked Off eBay
How many times a year do you call in sick and really aren't?
The names of people who send me porn spam are PRICELESS!
Concert canceled after owners learn of band's former name (Burn The Priest
What's your reaction when people come to work while ill -- and contagious?
Jesus Gay Spongebob the Builder.
George practicing his SOTU address
Vatican promotes evolution (positively)
Town Meeting Ends In Wrestling Match - Repuke Got Violent
Rock on- gold dust woman. Take your silver spoon and dig your grave.
snow brings out the best in peopLe
Personally I think what was missing in Bush's SOTU tonight....
Funny commercial starring the governator.
My eyelid has a mind of its own...
My dog prefers to be hand fed by a woman in a scenic location
So who else is wearing their DU shirt today ? or,
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
To those who have adopted a dog through a rescue,
Can I raise a practical question at this point?
This morning I received a call from the prettiest girl in the world!
Who wants to make me some pancakes?
I've been a member since 12/11/03 and still don't know how to post a pic.
Any other NYC DUers make it to the Keane concert last night?
This is a SAX THREAD! Lock it!
This is a SUX THREAD! Lock it!
This is a SOX THREAD! Lock it!
I either need to die young or get wealthy fast, apparently.
2000 posts? How the heck did I miss that???
My new sig image - Check it out
Please take Dr. Lorca's Oath of Green Blood with me now!
The Barracks Door - funny funny!
AGP Graphics cards....worth it?
When Bush speaks at those stupid town meetings...
When will Skinner tell us we can have fun again? The agony!!!
I have a thread title question
DUI Prosecutor Pleads To Own Drunk Driving Charge
How many neo-cons does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
OMG! LBN is hilarious today (2 stories)
College Republicans' "Adopt A Sniper" Display Removed
Photo of John Kerry really, really, really enjoying tonight's SOTU
Standing in the dock at Southampton,
Here's how the Sopranos will look like when edited to TV.
"Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a Goa'uld?"
Paris Hilton Avoids Charges For Sex Tape Theft
Be a prostitute, or lose your unemployment benefits?!
Hey, remember when Gary Payton asked for Barack Obama's autograph after...
It was all a dream! President Bartlet, not dubya, gives SOTU!!!!
BEST LINE EVER!!! From BuddyHollysghost:
Avoid "JUNIPER VISA" at all costs.
What does "Asshat" really mean?
Thanks alot DU - Laura and West Side Story
WOO HOO, ELAD!!!!! All features are working
Aw, HELL! Bush kissed Condi after SOTU and some bastard had a camera
Just when you thoiught you'd seen it all.. .I give you Mini Kiss!!!
YOU wanted the littlest, you got the littlest... MINI-KISS
The official "I apologize to Barack Obama" thread.
i'LL take "the rapist" for $200, aLex
Who is your favorite Gallagher brother?
Free Republic thinks it's rally inspired Iraqis to hold overseas election
*SNAP* The rubber glove of CAPTIONs
Fan Melee Erupts at Girls Basketball Game. The Horror. The Horror.
Woman Accused of Giving Lethal Sherry Enema
Yesterday was Groundhog Day and the SOTUS. As AAR pointed out:
Hey Seattle DUers! Visiting in March
Can you believe..both my kitties just ate......
If DU were to have a convention, how many fistfights would break out?
if there's one thing i'LL take from DU today
Can you tell why I love the luge?
"You have an Oedipal complex!"
Precognitive dreaming.... or at least I hope so.
Your vote for worst show currently on TV.
Why don't they put Primetime Glick in primetime?!
You know what I find incredibly fun?
Ladies! In this new Age of Bush, kindly learn this 1960's "recipe"
Freeper: Clintons in bed with Osama, Saddam
Freecycle. Rarely is anyone giving anything. Lots want to "get".
Speediest feeding mammal revealed as a mole
Woman, 108, Loved Running Over Nurses Feet With Her Wheelchair
Call me twisted -- my song for Falun Gong
Ever met a feminist who only dates chauvenists?
Oli North and Randi Rhodes having a lovely little Chat!
My bad day just got 150% better
I burned my finger on the stove.
Who thinks that Kinky will beat Rick Perry in 2006?
The real Macbeth was not all toil and trouble
I owe my soul to the company store
Tori Spelling's TRIUMPHANT return to TV next Saturday
Help!!! What's the plural abbreviation of Mr. (Mister) ?
I got a free 'Amnesty International' sticker in the mail today.
Just for Fun - TV lines that always make you laugh
For you Beatles fans..........
Woman Runs Over Her Husband - Drags Him 415 Feet
Riding on the City of New Orleans,
Another of my cartoons is on Bartcop
I think the little old lady across the street might be Ned.
Laugh of the day: Fox poll rates last night's SOTU.
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Top Ten most Polite Ways to Say Your Zipper is Down
Woman Confesses To Cheating On High School Test 47 Years Ago
In LA on business.. need local advice
The party's over, looks like hockey season to be cancelled
What are the 5 best lists of all time?
What are your 15 best movies of all time?
Air America back in LA on 1150 KXTA!!!!!!!
"Daybreak" A very prophetic film.
I lost the key for my generic locking gas cap
28 days till spring training begins
So how many democrats wore purple and dipped their fingers?
Heterosexuality...I don't get it
My friend just got laid off again, 2nd time in 9 months
Metrosexuality...I don't get it
I'm meeting GOPisEvil on Sunday and you're not.
AAHH! Religious nuts in my class!
Microsexuality...I just don't get it.
Took a look at the paper this morning
Attack of the Faux News Falafel!
Hey MonkeyFunk! How's your neighbor?
Anyone hear this guy, Village Voice says he's the Woody
I could swear I saw Bill O'Reilly here!
George Bush is God at Democrat Underground!
It's starting to seem like a game of Galaga in here now!
You're quick with the trigger, Big McLargehuge!!!
Borschtiality...I just don't get it
Bestiality..I just don't get it
Say, can I have some of your purple berries?
What's a polite way to tell a woman her zipper is down?
Anyone really familiar with buying a horse?
Can We Retire the Joe LIEberman avatar?
William Shatner (*Strange Content*)
There are alot of FReepers popping up suddenly!
Proposal for DU Freecycle group.
This is the greatest and best song in the world
For those who could use a good(bad) laugh today.
Anyone really familiar with buying a hose?
My retired father went job-hunting today
Anyone for a "Home-for-lunch Quickie"?
Passive aggressive posts...I don't get it
oh my vague sense of some universal order
Is Europe More Racist Than The U.S.?
Living Wills--would you do one on line?
Did anyone catch the final installment of Inside Auchswitz last night?
What The Super Bowl Teaches Us About Men Touching Men
For my 6000th post, I would like to just say
It Looks Like They Are Remaking "I Dream Of Jeannie"...
Which song has more archaically sexist lyrics?
I don't care what anyone thinks...Joe Besser was the funniest Stooge!
Monosexuality, I don't get it,
Have you heard about the latest anti-depressant?
I think the little old lady across the street might be bread.
metroplexuality. I don't get it.
New addiction: Gilmore Girls. I need therapy. And a Job. HELP!
Today is the day the music died.
DU Links: Connect the last letter of a DUer to the 1st letter of another
Actress Lara Flynn Boyle (The Practice) Flashes Airline Crew
Any news on Andy in DC? Did he get to a doctor? n/t
Wife Of Man Killed By Sherry Enema Surrenders
Venue Cancels Metal Band's Appearance
Okay - who is meeting me back here at 8:00 eastern time for cocktails?
1000 Arten ein Bier zu öffnen!!!
Post covers of bizarre albums.
We should turn Wyoming into the focus of liberal immigration.
Uh-oh, pre-migraine aura...those dreaded zig-zaggy neon lights
South Dakota opposed to topless juice bar
Check out McDonald's ridiculous banner campaign on ESPN
Advice Pls---Am I being unreasonable, or am I being taken advantage of?
The Nicotine patch, my dear old friend. Can't wait for the dreams tonight
which solo instrument would you rather hear?
What is a polite way to say that you quit a job because it sucked?
Who Should Give The Next Democratic Response to the SOTU?
Aw shit! I'm going to be rich! :-)
Okay, I just am not in the mood to give a brand-new
PC Gone Overboard Again - "Crazy" bear pulled from shelves.
Can I tell you why I love the lounge?
Anybody ever use Microsoft Front Page to do a web site? Or any
When I come across things I find offensive,
How do I get the woman of my dreams to come and visit me?
NBC to replace Katie Couric on Today with George W. Bush!!
From the DU archives: "I inherited a mixed animal from Uncle..."
Poll: Where were you during the Deranged Chimp's State of the Zoo Address?
Lets see how old you really are......
How can my husband put on weight (serious question)
"Oh God...did you eat all this acid?"
Anyone really familiar with buying a house?
Any Microsoft Excel experts here?
What was your first thread in the Lounge about?
Who really uses the scrolly-wheely thingy?
Just For Fun. Any Movie Lines That Always Make You Laugh?
DU needs more built-in smilies. Discuss.
absolutely THE SICKEST go*%amn thing I have EVER SEEN - WARNING disturbing
Intro 189 - New York City Update
The Institute on Religion and Democracy
Communitarians or religious Communists?
If you pray, what do you think of the National Prayer Breakfast
Tell The Honest Truth If You Can: In Your Mind's Eye, Is Jesus A White
What is intercessory prayer meant to accomplish?
Chunk of Universe's Missing Matter Found
"Drop the ISS in the ocean, and save Hubble"
Alabama Anti-Gay Bill Heads To House Vote
bill in Connecticut legislature to legalize same sex marriage
School Official Assails "Gay Lifestyle"
Revised Arkansas bill still bars gay couples from adopting
DNC GLBT Caucus Policy Statement
VA School Board Member Wants Schools To Promote 'Ex-Gay' Groups
Looking for advice: I have a good friend who I think may be in the closet
Great Idea for the Super Bowl.
Grandmother of Patriots' Brady Dies
Turn to the last page of your Official Superbowl Program
NHL owner expects season to be cancelled by Friday
What do you think of this Opening Day line-up?
i hear there's a game this sunday
NBA All Star line ups to be announced in an hour
OK Eagles fans. Explain to me how the Eagles can win?
bought a black light to see if I could find where the cat has left a smell
absolutely THE SICKEST go*%amn thing I have EVER SEEN
Has anyone here ever contacted someone on the Other Side? And
Thursday morning Torture Boy hearings
Multiple threads started today by people Kerry seems to be impressing
I can't take it anymore Lieberman voting for Gonzales.
If I had money I'd make stickers for Put Kids First at
We need to get poster KerryGoddess a star
I guess some "Democrats" would find "acceptable" to have Mengele as AG
You think the purple finger thing was planned?
Any predictions of how much money Dean will raise on his first fundraiser
Bush SS Plan: Faith-Based Retirement Plan.
Lieberman's Gonzalez Vote - Were the jews at Auschwitz really tortured?
Great site here:
The Yahoo message boards aren't exactly screaming "mandate"...
Has Ron Reagan said anything in response to Bush's dissing
Ok, Sen. Harry Reid did a GREAT job tonight.
Good site for help with talking with con's
US General: It's "fun" to shoot some people
2008 May Have "Virginia v. Va." or "NY v. NY" or "Mass. vs. Mass."
Operation Rescue's "Truth Truck fleet" to Super Bowl/Mardi Gras
Vote in these post State of the Union Address polls
Bush's cognitive dissonance (from sotu speech)
Don't forget the Center for American Progress instant response
Murphy says, "I am the legitimate mayor of San Diego."
Why bother investigating a mere $9 billion missing in Iraq?
PDA Advisor's Open Letter to President (a good read!)
Someone should shut up Ron Silver.
If a whistleblower came forward,
Facts and myths about Bush’s plan for Social Security privatization
It's a cold day in hell for Sen Mel Martinez
TX: Just Say "No" To Nudist Youth Camps
Finally, someone calls Bush out on his lies
Bait & switch..that's my SS PLan..G Dumbya Bush
Bush's SOTU: "stop frivolous asbestos claims"
"It is fun to shoot some people." Lt. General U.S.M.C.
Everyone hear about Bush's shill at WH press conferences?
Why did the IRAQI Woman at the SOTU seem so WELL NOURISHED?
For Moderates, A Chance For Subtle Protest (WP - SOTU)
Mary Cheney is writing a book. What will be the big revelation?
I haven't seen any other discussion of this
Myths, half-truths and exaggerations about SS
Earth to DNC: The people want DEAN not more DINO!!!
Controversial Military Comments? - What were they talking about on CNN...
National Prayer Breakfast - C-SPAN Anyone watching this?
Bernie Ward: "It's about ENDING Social Security, not REFORMING it."
Lieberman on CNN: What We've Learned From Past Wars - Stay Until Job Done
Feingold, McCain move to limit attack ad funds
Can privatization of SS work if Comcast, TimeLife, Adelphia, and others
Have you or anyone you know ever been polled about politics ?
Blair faces revolt as ministers demand elections for Lords
The President who cried "wolf" too often: SOTU speech
Bush said he would "cut 150 programs"...
I missed it. What was the significance of the purple thumbs?
Democratic women speaking on C-span2
To the Democratic base: Get rid of the marionettes.
Call to Action: Compare to state of the Union
Tom Delay loves the smell of napalm in the morning.
A letter from a Canadian friend
The other big SOTU bullshit story...the "impromptu" moment
Iowa DNC delegates throw support to...Dean (Including Vilsack, Pederson)
Britain's 10 best-kept secrets
Now is the time to get the Republicans on record....
An Afterthought On SOTD (State of The Disunion)
Fight Back Against O'Reilly's Jihad Against Freedom Of Speech
The Democratic response to the "Class Warfare" meme from the Right
Forget the other shit - Bush is cutting SS by 1/3 to 1/2
Question: if bond prices rise during inflation, and Bush won't raise taxes
cross-post: who is the other "reporter" NOT-Gannon
Wolfowitch weaseling his way out from Sen Kennedys blistering
New Frame: Bush's BROKER Security Plan
CNN Poll: Bush wins converts among speech-watchers (BUT...A BIG CAVEAT!)
For Moderates, A Chance for Subtle Protest
Protest Now! Dubya's SS "Bamboozlepalooza" Tour of ND, MT, NE, AR & FL!
Republicans Hold Themselves Above the Rule of Law.
Motivations for the Lieberman kiss?
Question Since Mr . Bush is over 55
Question Regarding Social Security
ALERT: Byrd questioning Wolfowitz on C-SPAN - 12:30 PM E n/t
WP prints the truth: "Bush’s Social Security plan akin to a loan"
I understand Chimpy was booed last night
Kinky Friedman to run for Gov of Texas as an independent
Poll: Is CNN Moving in the right direction?
"Gonzales OK Could Be Seen as OK for Torture Rules"
While shrub is out on his SS tour, what is cheney plotting?
Was This Quote From * In The SOTU a Hint of the "Draft" to be reinstated..
Iran, Syria Dismiss Bush's Accusations
"President Bush attempted a grand intellectual hijacking in SOTU"
Why do you support forced human butt-fuck ass pyramids?
Repub transparent strategy - appoint minorities that are right wingers
MSNBC: After the *'s State of the Union address, are you more or less...
C-Span Now! Talking Troop increase
So - how many times did he say "freedom" in the sotu?
Join others in letter to Bush Plan how to get out of Iraq
Does Bush owe the Religious Right? (from
At least some Democrats will stand up to this Reagan Worship..
Here is how Democrats put Bush & Repubs on defensive on Social Security
How will they get on the list of stock/bonds that are not "risky?" Hmm?
Kennedy Up Now Vote Coming Soon On AG
Obama on CSPAN now, RE: Gonzales nt
The Ultimate State of the Union EDIT that We wish * would just say
Ken Mehlman: "Millions of Americans came together in applauding Bush"
Sen. Byrd RE: Gonzales' memo"If the prseident veiws a law unconstitutional
Ron Reagan was great last night
Gonzales debate thread day ...3? CSpan2
ALL workers will have their benefits reduced, "personal" account or not!
Insider Trading - The Key to Social Security Success
2005 State Of The Monkey Face (images from the SOTU!)
An e-mail from my buddy Ken Mehlman, RNC Chairman ( Social Security)
England Tried Bush's SS Plan - Lost Billions
The Republican defense of Gonzales makes me ashamed that the GOP is an
Limbaugh, and the rest, eat your heart out! AAR!
Funny, kind of messed up story-
Is Orrin Hatch filibustering or what? He is going on forever.
Lieberman Voting for Gonzales. Lynch him and
"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over....."
audience for W and Clinton (after impeachment) SOTU
Lieberman is a traitor to the Dem Party and this country.
Retirees won't realize they got screwed until 2009 after * leaves.
george bush deserted his military unit to avoid a drug test
Check out this post by Rude Pundit on Bush's SOTU
The power of a public presidential kiss??? Lieberman...
McCain had every single tooth broken by the North-Vietnamese
Was Iraqi woman at SOTU an actress from Young & Restless?
Anybody ever get a pic of LIEberman SMOOCHING POS Bush?
They are rewriting history right before our eyes and we are defenseless
CNN.CON: "Hug Electrifies Speech"
Are you all listening to the Ollie North/Randi slugfest!!
If there are 41, we could have stopped him and chose not to.
Only Dem to not sign letter to Prez to keep hands off SSI - Ben Nelson.
A list of Dems who may support * in SS debacale
Do they have dirt on Lieberman?
George W.'s SOTU '05 Translated (Slightly Rude!)
Roll Call vote on Gonzales happening NOW!
To Get Your Money Back, You Need to Make 4.8% !!!!????
Gonzales debate day3 - thread2 - CSpan2
Randi was just asking about Clean Coal
SS Dismemberment is just a Corporate Tax Break
Senator Ben Nelson won't take a stand on SS
Okay, why are we not as organized as the Repuges?
Kerry's Press Room Open Again - Statement on SOTU
Study Finds Religious Polarization in U.S. Voters
So was Reid part of the 1983 bi-partisan commision for the
Talk Radio +the Political Process: Got a ?? for Al Franken ??
Anyone know if McCain voted or how?
9-11: Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble-new article by C. Schwarz
Why do same sex marriages have to be "legalized?"
Did Leiberman decide to approve Gonzales before the kiss?
Senator Reid starring in "High Noon" ...stands down the Anti-NewDeal gang
Strong Lead by Shiite Clergy in Iraq Vote
Spaced...The Final Frontier...Bush Trek
The State Of Their Union - Bush kisses Lieberman (pic)
Words I hate to hear or read...
So when do you think we will get some answers to these questions
New buzzword for Bush**'s 'legacy'......
Why did Feingold vote against Gonzales?
Did Bush bring up the $250K death benefit for KIAs in his SOTUS?
Who are the nine defectors? Lieberman, Bill And Ben Nelson,
Did Lautenberg, Inouye and Murray, Corzine or Conrad vote?
G.E. & Halliburton leaving Iran.... What do they know?
Interesting "Infographic" on the difference between exit polls & results..
What Dem in Ct. could give Lieberman a run for his $$ in a primary?
Anyone got video of the Bush/Lieberman kiss?
PLEASE read this info about Social Security
Krugman v. American Enterprise Institute
John McCain spent six years being tortured in North Vietnam. Fuck him.
Great NYT article. Democrats, don't sell out rational secular values.
Progressive Dems' Respond to the State of the Union
Lieberman, as expected, is a SELLOUT on Gonzales
Rick Santorum on CNN now says SS crisis costs billions Ahem.
Why don't the Democrats get a clue in the SS debate?
Lesson from Today. There are NO Republican moderates.
Laura Bush: My husband and I read newspapers in the morning
Quick ! Go to Lou Dobbs' CNN website and vote on Bush' SS Plan
We Can Expose Bush "SS FRAUD" All We want, But it Won't Work !
Why are our Democratic legislators letting us down on Social Security?
Upon Request-My Fave SOTU Moments-includes the jeers
An interesting blog on SS, the Boomers and Harry Reid
MARIJUANA: POTential Anti-Cancer Agents
Your Senators' voting record. Proof the Republicans are bad guys.
OK, should the Dems follow or go before Bush with a SS show of their own?
Richard Perle on Blitzer says: "US should NOT have Occupied Iraq!"
Couldn't they even go out and find a REAL IRAQI for the SOTU?
Anybody else ashamed that the Dems couldn't keep our team together
Why don't Dem leaders stay this...
privatizing social security is as anti-conservative as it gets
Is this Kerry refusing to stand when Bush came in? In SOTU - pic
Who Else Needed A Drink During The State Of Delusion?
Does anyone know the USAG nominee with the greatest votes of opposition?
Campaign for America's Future Urges You to Attend Tampa Rally Tomorrow!
I tell a repuke about PNAC and this is all she has to say?
Kerry supporters need to understand that many of us voted against Bush
If European government watches euros rise, US expects Iran action ?
Love American Style, The Infamous Kiss!
The Note has useful quotes re social security
Full Frontal Mendacity of Bush ! Whistleblower lawsuits can defeat him
Limbaugh, racism and the Super Bowl.
Our country's been stolen-We need a bold new plan of action!
Bush: We'll pick with bonds to put your money in
The 100% solution to insure Social Security solvency for all time
The State Of The Union In Less Than 30 Seconds (short gif animation)
Do you think Gore would have won outright in '00 if...
SIGN THIS PLEASE: Media "Fairness Doctrine" petition (Dem legis.)
How Much Are You Making On The War Daddy? +The Moral Sewer on Potomac
"The Money in the Account" is NOT All Yours
I did not watch the SOTFU last night, not one second
JesusLand is here: give it a listen... what do YOU think?
Why would it be wrong for ALL the Dems to vote as a block?
Solidarity of purple fingers and clothes for the vote in Iraq but
I have to hand it to Kerry for this: He isn't just disappearing
DailyKos: An Outsiders' Reaction to His First DFA Meetup
I'll give Mary Landrieu a pass today ( Y for Gonzales)
Contest: Name Tucker Carlson's New MSNBC show
PSY-OPS EXPLAINER: Religion in Media, CIA, Propaganda, White House