Leonard Pitts Jr.: Becoming civil about gay marriage
'Gulag' or Not, Camp X-Ray Must Go (MMN)
Web Honors Go to Al Gore and Others (Webby Awards)
Morton Kondracke: Resurrecting the health care debate
the last year for which the government will release such data
In love with a mower (human powered reel mower)
Who is Soong trying to kid? - TW
Turn missile buildup against China - Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India or Russi
Lu outlines her vision for Democratic Pacific Union
Germany: Court Upholds Acquittal of Terror Suspect Mzoudi
Wasn't the second & last Carter/Baker Election Commission supposed to
From Hitler to Bush; reply from editor of Uruguay paper to US ambassador
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Saturday 6/11/05
Sequoia lawsuit: Sequoia overplays hand; motion to remand
Laguna Beach slide is still moving
Death of an independent bookstore
No mouse? Here are your Windoze keyboard shortcuts!
Need immediate help please. I screwed up computer.
Hope you guys had fun with the weather in Oshkosh.
It's time to help out Bryan Kennedy's Campaign
Does Bryan Kennedy have a chance of defeating Sensenbrenner?
Senslessbrenner has Philatelic society
Rose colored glasses, failure in Iraq possible, veterans
Patriot Act committee re-airing NOW ON CSPAN (Sensenbrenner)
Judiciary hearing on c-span NOW!
Krugman: Boomers' middle class childhood a disappearing memory
First ten days of June 25 US Troops Killed
Do you think this will give them pause?
Today's events were definitley planned
A republicans responce to all that crap that happened this morning
Judiciary Hearing coming up Cspan NOW-Sensenbrenner
ANIMATION: Dean's Dem "leadership" critics
30,000 away from the HALF MILLION mark on signatures
Chicagoans....David Cross tonight, at Sonotheque
charlie Rangel really giving it to Hannity right now.
What are they talking about on Majority Report re recruiters?
The difference between "us" and "them"
Interesting note...do you notice that Tweety disrespects Keith Olbermann?
Republican "family values" in NJ
Why are Americans still dying in Afghanistan?
These three excerpts of the DSM
Germany's state-run TV station (ARD) alleges the Bush family's...
Gore negotiating a big-budget, feature-length doc on climate change!
Can we use the word 'Nazi" or "Criminal" in a congressional hearing?
Has there been anything about the Patriot act hearing on the "News"?
Democrats Eye Unfolding Ohio Coin Scandal - Newsweek
What will *bush do when impeached?
Our military is so good soldiers can piss around corners
HARDBALL has Bill Moyers - repeating right now
New Roads soldier killed in Iraq (will be added to ICCC tomorrow)
Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, 24/7, DEAN
Need some ideas for signs for Rove protest tomorrow.
"California Connected" ...PBS slaps down California AGAIN
Rangel brings up PNAC on Hannity/Colmes
I wished they didn't give the names of those fragged officers.
Today's Rant: The Most Dangerous Book Ever Written
Instead of worrying about the white upper classness of Repukes,
Has anyone found out if Sensenbrenner's been put on suicide watch?
DSM: "This record is extremely sensitive. No further copies should be made
475,356!!!!!! We've passed the 475,000 mark! Almost There!
Keep kicking the Repukes when they're down. It's WORKING.
Blood pressure warning - "A Fix on Downing Street" - Weekly Standard
Thank you AAR! Why do you think the Democrats have shown some...
"God must like poor people - cuz he made a whole bunch of us"- marge
Does bush want bin laden captured?
Corporate media ABC makes Sensenbrenner look like an ass !
email I'm sending to Senator Obama. Comments please.
Truthseekers - get yer Friday night MALLOY thread here
Al Franken on Dave Letterman tonight
Which parts of the government(state and fed) do you trust ?
11 US troops have died in Iraq in the past 24 hours
Question on Franken's next show
Meme for Dean: Sensenbrenner used Nazi tactics
Patriot Act Hearings on CSPAN NOW !!!!! Sensenasshole !!!!!!
475,000! - 475,000! - 475,000! Woo-hooooo!
Latest Advisory... Arlene Intensifying Could Be Hurricane Tomorrow
a cartoon even stupider than Mallard Fillmore
Why did Ann Bancroft die of uterine cancer?
Pelosi: Republicans Once Again Abuse Power
"women are simply not endowed by nature with the same..."
George Noory on his Coast to Coast AM radio talk show tonight....
Corporate Personhood - Legally Corporations Are "Persons"
Non Sequitur on Bush vs Science
Ohio evangelist:"Homosexuals are anything but happy and anything but fine"
CSPAN Schedule Saturday June 11
It begins! Mark Warner forms Federal PAC--washingtonpost.com
Bush is a raving idiot-something is wrong with him
Franken to talk about the theft of $8.8 billion on Letterman tonight
Anti-Abortion is the Lazy Man's Christianity.........
Parents of high school age kids: Have recruiters been bothering your kids?
PHOTO: Waaaah! I said this session is OVER OVER OVER!!
Why Doesn't the Press Ask Ken Mehlman A Simple Question
Let's Play Six Degrees of Joseph Wilson >
Al Franken on Letterman right now!!!!
So the GOP is offended by being called mostly white christians? Why?
WaPo: Bush's Approval Rating 43 %.
Hey y'all. Check out Randi Rhodes' special webpage!
Sensenbrenner's stunt today was certainly planned. So what was the intent
BREAKING: One of three young suspects detained in Aruba confesses to kill
Rice, Powell - "Saddam Could Stay In Power" Wash Times 10/21/2002
My letter to a Bush supporter...
Neverland is across the road from an elementary school??
Is Shrub afraid of Howard Dean?
Need help please--I screwed up
474,033 Signatures. Is Yours One Of Them?
Know your BFEE: Hitler’s Bankers Shaped Vietnam War
Global reporter living in Washington D.C. ,$585 per month health insurance
Protocol offers no guarantee: Canucks still at risk internationally
Bodies Found in Car in Sonoma County
LAT: Private Companies Want Piece of Prescription Drug Action
Supreme Court Justices Make Side Money
Laguna Beach slide is still moving
Halliburton seeks to resolve Kazakh probe
Bridge march rips Brooklyn development
Shootings may lead to security guard curb (umm, right)
General College Eliminated in Restructuring Plan (MN)
Mugabe opponents admit strike failure
AU welcomes Ethiopia's non-violence pact after deadly violence
Philippine police clash with anti-Arroyo protesters; 12 injured, ..
Haitians in U.S. said they should get former dictator's bounty
GOP Chairman Walks Out of Meeting (patriot act meeting)
Hotel Fire in Southern China Kills 30
Britain treated terror suspects `inhumanely'
Charest won't rule out notwithstanding clause (Canada)
Sean Penn in new role at Friday Prayers in Tehran(Warning: Smear Piece)
N Korea says it has enough bombs to defend against US
Former Nebraska Senator Jim Exon Dies
LA Times: Memo on 9/11 Plotters Blocked
National guardsman from Scituate killed in Afghanistan (MA)
NYT: Hodgkin's Returns to Girl Whose Parents Fought State
Guard, Reserve Monthly Death Toll at High
Maxine Waters says Noriega is undermining Democracy in Haiti
Gallup: Public Confidence in Newspapers, TV News Falls to All-Time Low
NYT: Army Recruiting More High School Dropouts to Meet Goals
GOP senator says U.S. should consider closing Guantanamo prison
NYT: Democrats List More Names in Inquiry on Bolton's Access
WP,pg1: NASA Chief to Oust 20: Shake-Up Linked to Mars Initiative
Contractor Says Marines Abused Him in Iraq
WP: Cultural (Native American bolo) Tie Gets in the Way Of Graduation
WP: Michigan H.S. Students Defend Gay Rights (amazing story!)
Britain Accused of Creating Terror Fears (Along With US)
U.S. National Academies fights evolution controversy
Minutemen’ gear up for mainstream movement
Climate Report Editor Resigns (no scientific training,from Petroleum Inst)
NYT: Grisly Effect of One Drug: 'Meth Mouth' (in rural South and Midwest)
USDA: Animal Tests Positive for Mad Cow
Audio/Video Tech Heads....Question(s) for you......
MSNBC just called Tucker Carlson "a man" and "a legend." He's NEITHER.
This might be old....but a friend on another site posted it
Bet you don't know what a Phallustolic society is?
I didn't make it to work today
Why such heated Stryper discussions lately?
Does any one remember a drink called Pomac?
Kid's gonna grow up to be a freeper (pic)
So I'm tracking my wife's bus online.....
Comedy Gold: "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka" on BET right now
Iraq-US labor peace & solidarity logo. What do you think?
I have have three cute guys on my bed right now. *PIC!*
"Oh, the days of the Kerry dancers..."
Does anyone remember a drink called Potomac?
Chicago Loungers: David Cross at SONOTHEQUE tonight!!!
I'm listening to the Spice Girls - got a problem with it
Army divorce rate increases dramatically.
I have a Ghost in The Shell question
this morning, I think I was suicidal.
Post here and up yer post count.
My 600th post is coming! Ask me anything!
My mother is SOOOO embarrassing
Have you ever given your old boss a referral?
My son thinks this toilet is cool.
I think I just saw a hooker in my neighborhood...
Looks like Jimmy Buffet was "Wasted away in Margaritaville"
You know, as a father... all you can hope to be is "Mac" from Rocky
Don't tell JimmyJazz, but now I'm listening to DJ Jazzy & the Fresh Prince
Did I just book a hotel in the ghetto?
I hate the fuckin' meteorologists in my state.
Disco Inferno! This is my 600th post!
after work i went to have my brakes checked.
Curb Your Enthusiasm episode "Crazy-Eyez Killah" on HBO now
Going to NYC in three weeks...anyone need anything from the Keys?
What is the deal with Philadelphia?
SCTV is coming on TV Land at midnight tonight
Dog lovers whose dogs love a ride-in-car: Great bumper-sticker idea!
I hate it when no--one gets my jokes.... but an interesting story was told
My beloved Pirates are about to have a better record than the Yankees.
Remember the movie, "Being There" with Peter Sellers?
This new seatbelt law for bicycles that's slated for '06 really upsets me
Post good torrent search engines
Is there a way to change your screen name?
I know this poll will start a flamewar but we have to debate it....
But not me baby, I'm too precious so ?????
On Jerry Springer, the one thing that perplexes me is how...
My 300th post! Let me ask you anything!
OK! Here's a question for you! Where was this pic taken?
Which band is the lesser of the sum of its parts?
Cottage Cheese and Ketchup was Nixon's favorite food?
"Primer" the movie--anybody seen it?
My kid is preparing dinner tonight.
Songs from good musicians that you don't like
Parents : How often do you tell your kids : don't leave w/strangers ?
Can you even IMAGINE a US paper putting this in their paper?
Serious question about U.K./North American differences...
What's the most romantic thing anyone ever did for you?
Post here and I will respond in a joke.
I dodged two fucking Tornados today.
SERIOUSLY - the MOST AMAZING Ossuary you will ever see.
The new Howard Dean anthem and the fighting democrat anthem
Someone keeps telling me that I am ugly!
Bet you don't know what Philatelic society is?
itunes political mix. what say you? i need help
I Bought A Cheap-O Classical Guitar!
I saw a license plate on a Hummer today that is a fine example
Phillies-Brewers playing one heckuva game tonight.
Giambi booed hardcore at Busch Stadium
Grossly over-paid mediocre team Vs Slightly over-paid Great team
BTW, some idiot on DKos issued a challenge
I was amazed tonight. At a dinner with some fervent and active Dems
Flower pix break.... "Water Reflections" time......
I don't have a TV...whats the Sensenbrenner hooplah?
Maryland Republican makes hateful comments
Texas high court tells TAB to give up donor information (TRMPAC)
What if, instead of DSM, it's Coingate that brings Bush down?
PA hearing on cspan1.worse than I thought
Maybe We Should "Run" With Dean's Mouth!!!
NPR: Straight Talk About Howard Dean & the Future of the Democrats
Nice letter to the San Diego Union Tribune
Must we repeat every right wing smear that we read?
DailyKos: Awaken the MSM: Downing Street Memo Alert (6/10)
Repost: Who are the Top 10 Gutsiest Dem Leaders?
Don't miss Dean on C-Span 10 am Saturday
Write to the papers NOW about baby Sensenbrenner
could this be more bullets for the smoking gun?
Shame on you George and Jeb for your hurricane photo ops
I would think that the Dems in Congress have enough evidence,
Senselessbrenner hearing on C-SPAN now!!
I think I may have a solution for the Military to up their recruitment . .
At the risk of being flamed... sensenbrenner
Houston Chronicle editorial on the DSM today.
"State Sponsored Civil War ," Dahr Jamail
When will *'s approval rating drop below 40%
Dean's appearance has media in a sweat
I've seen it mentioned that Sensenbrenner broke the law...
I had a conversation re: recruiting and the world in general at lunch...
trend-spotting with EIRS and VerifiedVoting (edited repost)
GAWD I felt great this time last year!
Bush Impeachment Effort Reaches Georgia
Dean's Democrats Remain Pathetic
Nobody has the 2008 nomination "sewn up" yet
DHS scolded on financial accountability
Novak: Hillary has the 2008 nomination sewn up
We should walk to the White House with Conyers
Action Alert, package to sensenbrenner
Senssenbrenner's Replacement - Bryan Kennedy
It's high time to give Ted Kennedy the credit he deserves...
Mark Fiore's latest | Pain Man
One Nation, With Niches for All (the 'choosing/choice' society)
Rumsfeld Seeks to 'Peddle' American Weaponry By Criticizing China
Canada’s Supreme Court sanctions drive to dismantle public health care
Patriotism doesn't have to wait till July 4 (Flag Day)
Lies & dbl stds characterise US response to anger over Qur’an desecration
Poking Sticks at Beehives - State Sponsored Civil War
PRO/AH/EDR> BSE, bovine - USA: susp. (02): tests
Kerried Away by EJ Dionne, Jr.
Russia Ready for Pre-Emptive Strikes to Avert Terrorist Threat
Gun-toting CIA high-fliers draw fire
How $200,000 gave Bush friend ticket to London (Times of London)
Norm Ornstein (Huff. Post): Bully for You (on Sensenbrenner)
Christian companies draw rising share of consumers
Frank Rich: Don't Follow the Money
Downing Street Minutes: Brits & Yanks Want Answers
Answer to gay issue lies in Bible
"Bush's ass is very close to being put into a sling..." (DSM)
"I don't care about the memo" - Robert Novak, CNN, 6-11-5
The BushCo and Republican spin doctors would like everyone
Nurses, hospital to resume talks (IA)
Qwest warns managers they may have different work in case of strike
L.A. Hotels Reach Tentative Labor Pact
Billionaires Battle for Business in Vegas
Sellafield rapped by EA over radioactive waste
Court blocks national forest logging
In the defense of tin-foil hats.
Is DU9/11 monitored by intellingence organizations?
Fuselage Debris on the Pentagon Lawn
What is that worn patch of Pent lawn in 9/7/11satellite photo
Interesting new thing I stumbled across today
Daily Show election 2004 coverage as a 3-DVD set
H.R. 1316, the "Make Congress More Corrupt" Bill, would affect elections
The Coverup that Cost the Election: Ohio GOP knew of huge loss in October
Bev Harris makes claims again that
HAVA question- is there a waiver process
New concerns about electronic voting machines being hacked
OVC Plans Proposal For Sacramento VSPP Hearing
Robert Koehler's June 10 column on vote suppression
Are you all familiar with the rBr (Reluctant Bush Responder) hypothesis?
Wayne Madsen: Cha Ching (Lemme too close to Coingate)
Democrats RollOver in the State Leg:Play Dead
Janitors' contract talks fall apart; strike continues (San Diego)
Pictures from the Rove protest today
Photos of LA Demonstration against Ahhnuld
Does anyone have Cristine Crafts' E-mail address handy?
(Photo) PuraVidaDreamin's mom Protesting on 28
My computer fixed it's self over night, how'd it do that?
Protest at the KKK exhibit in Tomball
DUers getting together at Democracy Fes?
ROLL CALL: DemocracyFest in Austin
Tx Supreme Court orders TAB to reveal donor data
Here are lots of Photos of Friday's DU Meetup in Oshkosh
Bryan Kennedy's 1st Post on DU
Convention Reports - Delegates Check In
Rediscovery: "Christ's Entry into Washington in 2008" by Joel Pelletier
Skimming through the posts this late hour one song just can't running
RW Spin from Washington Times on Sensenbrenner
Panel on Anonymous Sources on CSpan2 NOW....
Building Iraq's Army: Mission Improbable. Washington Post 6/10/05
Is there a "Sensenbrenner resignation" petition floating yet?
Question because I am not sure of the answer
Terror allegations disappear from court filing
A question on coverage of the new Gallup poll, please answer if you can
I have never heard names called out for not being present
We now have 1,695 dead in Iraq & Afghani toll is also rising
How we can be heard on Roker/TV Morning Shows
Me wonders if Sensenbrenner's fascist outburst today...
just saw commercial for GM employee discount for EVERYONE
Car bomb on busy Baghdad street
Has the corporate media reported Sensenbrenner's tantrum at all?
Why Hugo Chávez is an illegitimate President (More anti-Chavez Propaganda)
The Rebels in Iraq have infiltrated the Iraqi "Wolf Brigade"!
Great quote to repeat from Rhandi
Moveon.org update - 478,760 signatures for the Chimp.
Boy's swift action saves sister (things to teach your kids.... EARLY....
Howard Dean - live on C-Span 10:00 am - Saturday 6/11/05
Please do not eat any beef.Even better don't feed the children any.
Jimmy Carter's call to close Gitmo gives aid & comfort to the enemy?
Internet Access Under Attack in Congress
If a young blonde woman went missing in Iraq, the war might get some
My email to Sensenbrenner "Shameful Display"
Meth Mouth - Nasty Nasty Nasty
Exactly how do the prisoners at Gitmo fit into 9/11 ??
did Oxyrush cohabitate with his first wife?
Over 6% of initially deployed soldiers killed or wounded in Iraq
A very touching, articulate series written by a 23 year old writer for
Sensenbrenner's home town paper puts his snit
FTC ends Chevron-Unocal merger opposition following accord on patents
Each time any American with decency wants to do some good,it seems
breataking display of the tyranny of the majority...
Intel planning to buy out Apple? . . . Cringely thinks so . . .
Almost Four Years Later, What are the "Lessons" of 9-11 bush refers to?
Indirect U.S. Talks With Iraq Rebels Reported
In case someone hasn't signed Conyers
Lineup for today's live streaming of "This is Hell!" -- 10am EDT
96 % of our 500,000 goal (481,510)!
TX soldier killed ONE day before he was to come home
Are prisoners in Iraq labeled as POWs or Enemy Combatants?
Let's get a million signatures. Who do you know that hasn't heard?
Do those who earn more than the social security cap
Make gay people straight? How about making straight people gay?
Pit bulls go underground (banned in Denver, automatic euthanasia)
Alan Greenspan testifying now on CSPAN
Did you ever think that maybe the war isn't about oil, but weapons?
Sensenbrenner is a prime example of why we need Dean.
The Hate language of Howard Dean
Thanks DU - I got two LTTEs published on national health care
DU is the only site I click on that gives me a pop-up.
one thousand, seven hundred dead soldiers later...
Was Conyers Point of Order after the gavel?
Lessons From House Comm on Patriot Act Not Reported
Wear gags to protest Repubs shutting mics off on the Dems at hearings!!
I feel compelled. I think this DUer deserves special recognition
Sensenbrenner hearing on Patriot act starting right now on c-span (re-peat
485,000 mark passed on Conyer's Letter petition!
The Violence Against Women Act is why Fathers Abandon Their Families
Lesson #1: Find out what the Patriot Act flap is all about...
"We couldn't revive him, now how are you going to pay for this?"
I'm sure this is NOT going to be a shocker to anyone...Fucking Republicans
Rt 28 blogger, looking for sign ideas
Remember the 2 gay guys who took in all those poor handicapped and
Is it possible that not a single "wounded" GI has died from the wounds?
Huge disconnect between military and Republicans
Speculation On "Deep Throat" Motivations Is A Distraction
Why isn't Dean in prison for speaking out against republicans?
Christianity being pushed in dining facilities in Iraq (military)
Any video of Franken on Letterman from last night?
Outrage: Whistleblower blown off
Security Contractor accuses Marines of abuse in Iraq
to conservative wanting "substantive debate"
I had to post this link here! Mad Cow Disease and Mad Deer Disease
"Friends of John Kerry" just called looking for a $110 donation
Sunday's Doonesbury is chock full of Bushisms
Where are the articles on how Sensenbrenner lost it and went delusional?
Senators Mentioned As Possible Justices
Help! What's the website that lets you
Regarding marriage: When Repugs put it this way how can you disagree?.....
Looking for short, printable recruitment forms
Do Republicans have some Romantic notion about war because most
Do you frequent a neutral message board?
If you knew you only had 1 month left
US kills 40 insurgents/US wants to pull insurgents into political process
Did Sensenbrenner's actions amount to "obstruction of justice"?
Bush Beware: Iraqi unions tour US with WMD
Anybody know how to find donors for various institutes?
When will there be a poll asking the impeachment question?
Let's Do the Time Warp Again-Tom Tomorrow
Let's Apply the Senselessbrainer Tactic to the WHOLE U.S. Government
Army won't get the needed recruits because self preservation trumps money.
self-propelling X-band Radar floats on Gulf - hopes to avoid Hurricanes
Dismantle the Bush Administration
Have yall seen this spin on this story?
The New York Times Nails CLINTON-HATRED
Recruiters hope for economy to worsen. Bad economy helps Army recruiting..
Oops. The GOP really is all white, study proves it
Is Karl Rove a war criminal too?
what ever happened to that radio takeover story in Ohio?
Considering all the things this administration
Democrats have to end their addiction to the KERRY Alibi - EJ Dionne
Is Cheney still the Administration Front man on terrorism?
Was it illegal for James Sensenbrenner to gavel the hearig to
Serious question about the number of Iraqi civilian casualties
NYTimes: Democrats List More Names in Inquiry on Bolton's Access
Are they preparing us for the draft?
Second half of Dean's speech on cspan.
How, When, and Where Did Bush Lie?
Does your state have a democratic attorney general?
Bill Moyers and Phil Donohue deserve TV shows like NOW
DSM and the fake Niger document
Attack on Repugs is virtually ignored...
VIDEO: Franken catching O'Reilly in his lies
Help! I just noticed I'm rapidly approaching the ...
can they shut down Conyer's hearing like Senslessbrenner did
Am I nutz for wondering what country my kids will live in?
MUST READ: If Watergate Happened Now
The sound of one hand slapping (FBI 9/11 report)
Of GREAT interest to BBV opposition engineers!
Former soldier prompts investigations with Iraq stories, pictures
Congressional Petition History? Anybody know?
Some of the jabs our side managed to get in at yesterday's hearing
Stop & think: The # of dead in Iraq would fill four 747's to capacity
A good article by Paul Krugman
How we can explain to fundies how their position on abortion is wrong
FYI ......Sensenbrenner's Financial Statement
PuraVidaDreamins mom protesting on 28
Bush and 50 Cent, check it out ----->>>>>>>
Is video of Franken on Letterman last night available online?
TX: Marine home from Iraq jailed for intoxication manslaughter (2 dead)
I vow to never answer or read another Religious post on this board.
"You and your liberal friends..."
Marburg.... WTF???? Are we too important?
Zappa. Once again way ahead of his time. (predicts fascist theocracy!)
QUESTION: Has the Army revoked the Silver Star given to Pat Tillman
Here's something you don't see everyday-Naked cyclists in oil protest ride
When do you think we'll get to 500,000?
O.K. can someone explain calmly why they think this memo....
Fewer than 10,000 to go to get to 500,000 !
did anyone get the link to the Recumbent bicycle article and pictures..
Let's face it, Torturing prisoners of war is just plain FUN!
Training an Iraq army and police force?
CBS' John Roberts is an idiot - last night proved it to me
Dean Speaks for Me Petition at Daily Kos
Wal-Mart, Meet Prada (Wal-Mart planning to go "upscale")!
Why the GOP welcomes women and persons of color.
NAZI TACTIC: Republican aide at hearing yesterday threatens court reporter
Remember Ellen Degeneres's Character in "Finding Nemo?" Too many are her.
Weird IM conversation, any comments?
"Sunday morning shows" ACTIVISM ALERT re: Biden & Feinstein
Interesting quote from Rush Limbaugh
The good news about Tucker Carlson's new show on MSNBC...
Radium/clock/nuclear bomb/terrorism question....
Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far
Rich: "a second-term imperial presidency that outstrips Nixon's in hubris"
Fahrenheit 911: Which scene angered you the most?
My response to a right winger former friend
gay teen comes out to parents . . . being sent to "straight camp" . . .
"Real" Liberal Radio-"The Guy James Show" at 7pm--Please keep kicked
Some campaign contribution info on "Tex" Sensenbrenner
Malloy Blasts the Centrocrats Re: Howard Dean -- MP3
CNN Capital Gang now discussing the memo
The Brits appear to be a bit pissed about Our Dear Leader's visit.
Police stun-gun 12-year-old(people surround school bus against police)
Letter I received (regarding my daughter)
Things Are Even Worse in Ohio than Anyone Could Imagine
people are starting to get pissed off
Did Saddam Hussein Have Anything To Do With 9/11?
Am I a bastard for waiting to go house shopping until the bubble bursts?
Appeals Court Ruling Bans 3rd Party Candidates From Presidential Debates
Pictures from the Rove protest today
CARTOONS -- Bush In Freep Fall (Approval Down To 43%)
Headsup: STOP H.R. 1316, the "Make Congress More Corrupt" Bill
Conservatives, Harper both lose support: poll
Vancouver DUers..A few questions..We're thinking of moving up there and...
Democrats, veterans press for extended mental-health care for servicemembe
Democrats, veterans press for extended mental-health care for servicemembe
Controversial general headed to Fort Benning (Wojdakowski--Abu Ghraib)
Democrats fear Secret Service coverup in probe for an ouster at a rally.
BREAKING: One of three young suspects detained in Aruba confesses to kill
Security contractor says Marines abused him and other contractors in Iraq
(Sen)Martinez joins call for examination of Gitmo(Fri news dump- sup Biden
Bomber hits elite Iraqi police HQ
Wounded soldier's benefits, discharge held up by red tape
Democrats, veterans press for extended mental-health care for servicemembe
Weldon's Candor Complicates Committee Post
Lessons From House Comm on Patriot Act Not Reported
NYT: New Asian Flu Outbreaks in China Raise Fears of a Mutant Virus
Aruba police official: Suspect confesses to killing missing teen
Business group must reveal data (Texas)
Rich nations agree to scrap African debt
Thousands Demand Ouster of Arroyo
U.S. to probe death of 2 officers in Iraq (possible fragging incident)
G8 reaches deal for world's poor
Ethiopian opposition leader under house arrest
Protesters, CU continue talks (Redbud Parking Lot / Cornell)
Janitors' contract talks fall apart; strike continues (San Diego)
Pit bulls go underground (banned in Denver, automatic euthanasia)
Date set for solar spacecraft launch
Major insurer pushes pill-splitting savings
Military looking for a few good medics (surgeons, RNs, and radiologists)
Two Marines Killed Near Saqlawiyah (#1696 & 1697 IRAQ)
Most of U.S. agency's anti-malaria budget spent on consultants
Olympia, Tumwater optimistic on their own supplies of water
Democrats, veterans press for extended mental-health care for servicemembe
US Soldier Killed in Baghdad Bombing (#1698 IRAQ)
Klansman Accused of Building Pipe Bombs
US Congress moves to squeeze UN (Hyde to starve UN of funds)
Jackson's Jury Faces Daunting Instructions During Deliberations
Former Lobbyist Leaves White House Post (yup...THAT lobbyist!)
Pakistan Rape Victim's Movement Restricted
Senator suggests shutting down Guantanamo Bay prison
How $200,000 gave Bush friend ticket to London (Times of London)
Bomber Hits Elite Iraqi police HQ (Wolf Brigade Infiltration)
Mississippians Wary of Civil-Rights Trial
CNN Capital Gang now discussing the memo
Insurgents in Iraq Go on Killing Spree
Arab lawyers join forces to defend Saddam Hussein
Kuwait seeks death penalty for Australian 'militant'
Rape victim anger at police guard (interesting pic of female guards)
Multiple attacks kill many Iraqis
Afghan Bus, U.S. Military Vehicle Collide
Conservatives, Harper both lose support: poll (Canada)
Convicted Sexual Predator Obtains Juror's Names
Man Pardoned by Bush Says it was Unexpected
Operation Lightning decreases attacks in Baghdad: minister
Former soldier prompts investigations with Iraq stories, pictures
In Iran, presidential hopefuls talk of restoring relations with U.S.
Political Crisis Ends In Bolivia
Plan to sell gold reserves worries some
Judge allows vacation before (child sexual assault) guard jailed
Campuses warn of cuts in research, MIT, others cite shift, slowdown in US
Officials: Fla. Men forced to work at farm.
Mississippians Wary of Civil-Rights Trial
Actor Chan apologises to Taiwan
Home from Iraq, officers consider leaving the service
Bush makes Texan civil liberties czar
Schwarzenegger to return $10,000 after all (Noe Coin Scandal)
American Troops Open Fire On Iraqi Police, Officials Say
Cheney to special ops: 'A long war ahead of us'
Hospital in embattled Iraqi city loses patients to fear (Tal Afar)
More in Congress want Iraq exit strategy, Unease grows as war backing fall
U.S. Air Strikes Kill About 40 Insurgents
Dean Tells Dems: 'People Want Us to Fight'
Cyclists bare all in oil protest (London)
Sunday Times: Ministers were told of need for Gulf war "excuse"
WP: Army Aims to Catch Up on Recruits in Summer (Need 10,000 a month)
My apartment totally kicks ass....
My apartment totally stinks like my ass....
Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone in this world and I have NO ONE SIR!
Dammit! Something is screwed up! I keep getting these bugs. Anybody
Completely random thought about the difference
Has anyone else got a bug report from DU when they try to view
Wow.. Such a good rendition of a classic tale
Why does DU break down on the weekends?
Does anyone get a bug whrn they post?
Just got back from Stevie Nicks and Don Henley concert
Aruba Police: Suspect Says He Killed Girl
You know why so much "art" sucks these days?
You know why people strive to "read" these days?
Where are the music threads?????
I am the most pretentious person ever. You cannot top me. Try,...
The chair is against the wall! John has a long moustache!
Has Domino pizza suddenly improved?
Every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners, saints. n/t
Just got tickets to see the Stones!
Another conservawacko has found DU...
Okay this picture just made me laugh hysterically
my first weekend single in awhile... i need some company.
Now I've got ear worm, but I like it!
we're gonna sing Finnagan's wake (Dubliners fans especially)
Is anyone not having the website bug now?
One Furry graduate wore her tiger costume to walk across the stage
I'm watching Fahrenheit 541 on TCM
I Heart Cook County(stroger) Hospital
Hey everyone I am pregnant.....
Emmanual Kant was a real pissant
But the picture has a moustache!
Have you ever moved off somewhere on impulse?
Did anyone else just experience a DU outage?
May I impose for a moment to get your opinion?
So I told her to get her coked-up ass out.
The Saturday morning Arlene thread
Anyone else getting bugs when you post?
I remember when we used to sit
(PHOTO) From freewayblogger.com.
I went home with a waitress...
Is this normal? I'm starting to dream about DU...
you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick
South Korea's President Roh Moo-Hyun sits with the Short Bus Prez
the E entertainment channel is the portal into hell
Good morning, everyone! What's for breakfast? I'm hungry.
Land of the Dead-who's excited?
"Sacrificed Sons" - Dream Theater (GREAT song)
E! Online reports on "that unflattering bump under Katie's gown."
Come Togerther Right Now over John Lennon
Enough of free association threads
When Matcom & DS1 get married, where should they register?
So I finally got an avatar and a sig. line
Jara sang pick up the white courtesy phone
this film has been modified from its original version to include addtional
Smelts. Nothing but Smelts. No Jacko. No Tom. Nothing on Aruba. SMELTS.
One Week to FUNDAY (Saginaw, Michigan)
I have been stricken with the worst earworm ever.
lol! Poet Rod McKuen is a liberal!!
Jackman to Produce, Star in 'Wolverine'
"Father John Tolkien, son of JRR Tolkien, was a paedophile priest."
...ok, maybe the Lounge knows the answer
Send money guns and lawyers....
don't ya hate when you post in the wrong spot in a thread
In honor of this thread (link inside) - share your worst traffic stop tale
anyone want a yahoo 360 invite?
buddyhollysghost: I KNOW What You Did Last Summer!!
Anyone else ever seen "Sweet and Lowdown" with Sean Penn
Sensenbrenner's opponent registered at DU today....
I know sex threads are forbidden, but can you post poop threads??
In new york city? want to meet up?
When gay men see gay male porn
I'm feeling very ubiquitous today...
MSNBC: Nigerian e-mail scammers now cheating on-line auctions
Video of Triumph/insult comic dog at M. Jackson trial anywhere?
a phone company for evildoers?
i'm feeling quite a bit less verbose today
What causes cats to twitch in their sleep?
Man Charged For Allegedly Trying To Feed Cat To Gator
Mmm, spicy home fried chicken nuggets with Mango-Habanero Sauce...
Randy Jackson fires Raymone "of course Mesereau approved it" Bain
Saturday vocabulary fun: "myrtling" and "doulies"
"Clever got me this far... then Tricky got me in...
where the heck is bouncy ball????
Photoshop enthusiasts!!! Post your FAVORITE pixel.
Jackson's Jury Faces Daunting Instructions During Deliberations
does anyone else never seem to finish a sentence when on DU?
if you've made homemade mixed CDs
Lynne Cheney Lesbian Western Romance Novels or Pre-Frontal Lobotomy
What is the name of the guy who played Alf's "dad"?
I never thought I would say this...
What song do you think almost everyone here will like and why?
I just fixed my old Zenith DVD player. Ask me anything...
I'm so boooooooooooooooooooooooored!
Where can I learn how to type?
I stole this from GD -- Bush as 50 Cent
sundog's **spectacular spectacular * thread of dysfunction**
Al Franken on Letterman - video
Okay, post your deviated facade here
Are there any Canadian ghettos in the US?
Help! I just noticed I'm rapidly approaching the ...
Hey let's form a Viking Heavy Metal band!
Decide, or else... Viking Death or Naughty Vikings
Request from my kid: Will DUers tell him how good the STar Wars game is?
"You're against the war? So, that means you're against the troops?"
Of these scenarios, which do you want to have happen to you FIRST?
I won a free song from Mountain Dew!
What's your favorite sports arena food (to go with the beer)?
The Current Job Market in Tucson, Arizona
Do you feel life is fulfilling?
Sarah Brightman: Creepy or not?
Does anyone elses cat play bathtub hockey?
Will anti-flea medicine work on Squirrels?
What tourist sites are in/around the Cinncinati area?
Is anyone else going to see Def Leppard on tour this summer?
"Wheel of Fortune" might be the worst show on television.
I stumbled upon a particularly noisome right-wing site
progmom on the air - any jazz requests?
Should water balloon fight keep seniors off graduation stage Sunday?
My mom and sis are in New Orleans!
Cubs beat the slumping Red Sox once again!
Ok here are some pics a coworker and I took at work tonight.
Am I the only one who sees the word fuck in this logo?
MSNBC: Against all odds, a hoop dream comes true
Girl in Contempt is drunk....should i fly to canada to give her company
Does living alone make you weird?
What the last movie you watched? Did you like it?
It's 4:30 PM, and my husband is still asleep
Cruise says Holmes 'digs' Scientology
List creative uses for dryer lint here:
Was I out of line in this situation (parents)
One of life's little mysteries
Meyers-Briggs type? ENFJ here.
Impeach Bush- I heard on AAR that the WI Dem convention
What type of threads draw you in to post the most (poll)
Let's DU this icky site's freeper poll: Greatest 20th Century Prez
So, when they make a movie out of all this, who's gonna play who?
Toyota Prius or Ford Escape? I hope to buy a hybrid by the end of the ..
Vancouver DUers..A few questions..We're thinking of moving up there and...
I've reached a parental milestone: My ex caught my son looking at porn
Help! What do YOU do when you get a bad toothache on a Saturday?
Scientology: Cult of greed in divine garb
What high school(s) did you go to?
I'm wacthing Home Improvement on DVD! Ask me anything!
MST3K quote fest! Add your favorites here!
wrong forum, i know, i know...but
What does the resurrection mean for your life?
Radium/clock/nuclear bomb/terrorism question....
We must get a handle on WHY people are anti-GLBT
Despite New Faces, Patriots Still Team to Beat
My dog is lying on the kitchen floor
Fascinating interview with Arch Crawford on Financial Astrology 6/8/05
How to have an effect and have fun at it too
California special election announcement
Why am I having to argue this point
If I'm Critical of Religion, Does That Make Me A Bigot?
How MA Rethugs see recruiting candidates (& Kerry '08)
Refutation of claims we should move to the far left
Sandnsea, did you see the DNC meeting today?
While Bush guts SBA, rate of US entrepreneurship falls.
Sensenbrenner About To EXPLODE
I don't want John Conyers to solve all of the problems.
An excellent post that I can't take credit for:
Judicial nominee practiced law without license - URGE no vote on Griffith
Cartoonist Tom Toles responds to Iraq debacle and Army recruiting crisis
Will Bush create a "commission" to investigate DSM?
Democratic "tough guys" -- How it's done
Third Party eruption bubbling under the surface ?
Poll: Bush Job Approval Dips to New Low
I think Conyers would be a good president
Howard Dean is a genius with a brilliant strategy
Marginal GOP seats in the House
Remember This? (bu$h in 10 Years video)
New David Corn analysis of the DSM.
A Tribute to the Dems of the House Judicary Committee
'Fox populi' at the SEC' Toledo Blade Editorial
While Bush guts SBA, rate of US entrepreneurship falls.
(CA) Governor ready for election gamble
Question about Sensenbummer vid: Who are his friends?
Can anyone help me understand Repub's blind allegiance to Bush?
Revolution NOW!!! Paper ballots NOW!! Hand counts NOW!!!
Nigeria House of Reps. bans contracts with Halliburton
Re Downing Street Memo: Time for a full frontal assault
MSNBC: "Cheney to special ops: 'A long war ahead of us'"
Here is a list of current GOP senators.
NOW story on Chris Hedges Christian Fascism story
Republican newspaper has a sense of humor.
In light of Bush's falling approval ratings, why does he still have so
Dean on C-Span (NOW live ... 10:15 edt) n/t
Fun speculation aid for Dubya's cocaine bust.
Microsoft bans "democracy", "freedom","demonstration" in China
Lucianne Goldberg's husband died yesterday
republican-lite or just plain old republican?
Forget The FBI, What Was Bush Doing Before 9-11?
Bush's Patriot Act Too Inefficient
While I am not one to mix religion and politics, it does make me
Dean Speaks for Me petition (from the DNC.org forum)
Could Sensenbrenner's actions be considered treasonous?
The anarchy of unintended consequences
C=Span 1 replay of DNC Agenda Meeting - Dean - Now
Biden is keynote speaker at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner tonight in FL
What Political Documentary should I watch next? Advice please...
House panel again tells agencies: Increase telework or lose funds
If we are the "maniacal fringe" what are the Schiavo nut cases,
Minuteman founder has nasty mouth - makes threats
Bush's Obsession with Syria, at it again....
DU Approval Ratings: Ben Nelson
Dean's Democrats Remain Pathetic
Do the wonderful people at www.optruth.org,
Dean isn't the Problem (It's the Dems running for President) Vennochi...
I want to educate myself. Could you please recommend...
Yeah, I think Biden messed up. Maybe he's too old.
Video......Jon Stewert "Cheney Lies"..TRUTH and Funny as hell.....
Robert Kennedy, Jr.: 'Endless Negligence of Press' Top Threat to Democracy
Conason..."The Last Laugh" ...Us Press.(Get the Salon Day Pass...FREE!)
"Howard Dean will fuck your shit up"
Howard Dean Speaks For Me (Petition)
If HR 1316 passes, the US will be FatCat Empire from sea to sea. Period.
You know what pisses me off? Comparing the amount of $ Dean has raised
SF Editorial on "Bush and 'the memo'" calls for "intensive investigation
Why do working people vote against their own interests?
Looks like someone has dug up Bushie's cocaine arrest record.
Howard Dean Speaks For Me - petition.
"We Love Howard Dean" a Truthout perspective.
Meet The Press This Week - Nice "Balanced" Guest List Again
Go here & vote to keep Bush off Discovery Channel as Greatest American
Email your Reps to STOP H.R. 1316, the "Make Congress More Corrupt" Bill