Democratic Underground

Archives: June 19, 2005

Post-Dispatch: Durbin stays on attack over prisoners

While the G8 waters down its plans to combat climate change, the Antarctic


How America is fighting Iraq war on two fronts

Robert Fisk: We are all complicit in these vile acts of torture -

DesertSun|President must answer to Downing Street Memo

The Beginning of the End?

Rich: Two Top Guns Shoot Blanks

Henry Porter (London Observer): Fiddling as the planet burns

The comic genius of the Rude Pundit

WP: A Senator's Shame (Byrd's biography)

Bush's WMD 'Joke': Is the Media Still Laughing?

Israel to urge PA to house refugees in settlements

U.S. preparing $3 billion in aid for post-pullout development of Gaza

Fitrakis: Blackwell had direct access to central tabulator!

New! Video that got Unilect decertified in Pennsylvania

Why the Democrats Will Keep Losing (Mother Jones)

State Controller (Westly) Joins Calif. Gov. Race

Bush policy proves itself in his home town

Met Dean, Richards and Valdez tonight

WI Senator's email addresses

Lake Geneva area

Gen. J. C. Christian has 'em the size of Brunswicks.

Scales of death and coverage by the media.

Steve Jobs's Commencement Address to Stanford in Full

“Our focus is not on the past. It’s on the future.” --Scottie McClellan

How much pain would cause you to tear the hair from your head?

Just heard something about another British memo on ABC radio news


word for the day: mendacity

Happy Fathers Day 2005

Didn't Know I Was UnAmerican (VIDEO #2) WATCH!!

That's it as of right now I'm for Clark '08

Safety Net

Excerpt from new Monty Python script!

from the BBC: Congressmen probe Iraq war memo--"scant U.S. coverage"


HBO's "Last Letter Home": Did anyone watch it?

In 4096 characters or less, tell me why one should be against the war now

Darfur Daily News: June 18, 2005

The war is not a failure for those that wanted it.

unless they are stopped soon, we are in for one fucking bumpy ride

Vanessa Redgrave on CNN Now

Is their a place we can put up an on line poll on the awayness of DSM?

zOne of my earliest "political "memories was of a neighbor marching

Teeter-Totter Tips

Help a foreigner to understand Freepers

DSM and the Internet

Is it time?

lying about a war that thousands have died in is like a crime isn't it?

Ah, sookie, sookie now -- British bombing raids in Iraq were illegal

Last 10 Days - 40 Dead - Bless them all

so I guess the freepers are o.k. with being hoaxed into a war

Hillary, have you heard of the DSM???

The face of Ray Killen as he looked to his victims...NOT an old man

1720 reasons why the DSM is Important

FBI looking into the sale of Cunningham Home.

demonstrators in Azerbaijan carry posters of Bush

Tyson showed class in his loss to "Irish" Kevin McBride

Will someone much smarter than me make some comparisons

Needed; an investigation into missing Iraq funds and war profiteering

The Peel-Off Strategy: "Do You Support Manipulating Intelligence?"

The AP's DSM articles are disappearing AGAIN!!!!

Killer potato chips

One bit of twisted logic I wish the media would put to bed

Let's Play Find the Damning AP Story, Shall We?

Freeper laments I wasn't raped in the 'old' Iraq

America the Pissed. God shed his rage on thee

How Important Is The Internet, Really?

Every 30 seconds, a child under the age of five dies of malaria

Fred Reed: The crumbling has begun

Check out this lounge post. A satire piece about Michael Schiavo and Jeb

UK Times: "British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office"

LA TIMES: Soldiers sues over Guantanamo beating: MP vs the Pentagon

Maybe the tide is changing War and DSM

White House releases new photos of Gitmo to bolster world opinion (photos)

CIA Getting Sloppy?

The ultimate logic by the radical right wing......The Tom DeLay wing!!!

Key excerpts from DSM

Pearls Before Swine

I think Bush is cracking. The pressure is caving him in

I have a great suggestion for our freeper lurkers & moles.

bombs and lies

US lied to Britain over use of napalm in Iraq war

Cleric says hostage from CA rescued in Iraq was about to be freed


"The Death of the Media" (audio/video - but it worked on my dialup)

Good reason to consider impeaching Bush

Iraq Living Conditions Tragic - Report

Hacking Google (using google to get a LOT more information)

First they went after the poor red people

Democracy: Can 'wrong' guys win?

"The second-most useful web-browsing tool after Google"

Representation By Lottery?

Here's a link to email your Congresspeople about DSM & sign the petition!

Moscow: "Downing Street memo" sufficient evidence to impeach Bush

Why was Rice and not Powell doing all the talking to the UK on Iraq?

Do you support the retrying of Edgar Ray Killen?

Iraq Dead Undercounted

Is it fair to say the memos don't tell us anything we didn't already know?

Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal

We need to continually run TV ads of that video clip of Bush speaking to a

Sunday Talk Shows discussing DSM?

DSM and what to write to Senators???

Who would you most like to see in Gitmo...

Just heard 'The Capital Gang' on CNN has been


In light of the Downing Street Memo

What are your thoughts on Dennis and "French Fries"News Conference?

Will someone make some comparisons, please. . .

video download question

Researchers Find Possible Earth-Like Planet

Well... Looky Here... What's This I See On The Front Page Of MSNBC !!!

Think Progress: Bush going after Porn Industry

What exactly is Napalm and what are the effects from exposure?

Will there be book burning in our future?

Tomorrow all twelve children will be going back home and our home

US News: Chuck Hagel is just a little pissed off. Ok, more than a little.

Email from Rep. Slaughter (re: Iraq Audit)

Bush is finally

Conyers should be booked on ALL the Sunday talk shows

Support a serious TV news channel for 2007.

Hillary Clinton and Rupert Murdoch getting a little too close

The Friedman Solution: Reinstate the Draft

Norman Rockwell's Depiction of the Mississippi murders

Brain Storm - What are some ways to get the message out about the DSM?

"Into the Buzzsaw" question.

All: PLEASE read RFK Jr's article on autism & vaccines

Fitrakis: Blackwell had direct access to central tabulator!

My latest pizza craze

Memos Show British Concern Over Iraq Plans

Romanian priest unrepentant after crucifixion of nun

Parents uniting to keep military recruiters from high schoolers

G8 Retreat on Climate Change (another British leak)

Red Cross hits back at U.S. Republican critic

Musharraf barred travel by rape victim

Insurgents trawl Europe for recruits

State Controller (Westly) Joins Calif. Gov. Race

S. Korean Soldier Goes on a Shooting Spree, Kills 8 Soldiers, Wounds 2

WP: A Senator's Shame (Byrd's biography)

Jeb Bush a "Desperate Housewife" says Michael Schiavo

Lawmakers Trying Again to Divide Ninth Circuit -NYT

War taking toll on health of Iraqi kids

Possible Court Nominees Pose a Quandary for Bush

Memos Show British Fretting Over Iraq War

Activists demand US enforce ban on slaughterhouse waste as livestock feed

USA urges India to buy American weapons

Iranian reformer says presidential election was rigged

State GOP ordered to provide documents

WP: Unease Over Iraq Becoming an Issue for 2006

WP: Possible Court Nominees Pose a Quandary for Bush

WP: Schools and Military Face Off

Rumsfeld, al-Zarqawi target Aljazeera

Feds Reveal Pizza Parlor Owner's Bizarre Bin Laden Bounty Plot

Marines Rescue Iraqis Tortured by Insurgents

Wal-Mart broke child labor laws

Anger over EU summit failure

Leak of secret plan to protect G8 leaders sparks security alert

London Observer (Sunday): New Bush move to spoil climate accord

National Guard pay on hold

Amnesty attacks move to expand Guantánamo prison

Chaos reigns in Sadr City despite changes

One-time supporters of Iraq war now question mission's wisdom

Out of President's Sight, Arlington's Rows of Grief Expand

British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office

Bush wounded by anger over war

Hit by friendly fire (Hagel - WH "completely disconnected from reality")

Dad picks up $600 tab to get Marine battle ready

Star Wars fanatics

Little Britain upcoming on BBC America

And you think you have problems.

Here we go again...

So who is addicted to DU?

I've got another idea for a rant

How much do you spend on alcohol a month?

What field do you work in?

someone with a cool name died this week

Discuss: Anderson Cooper's mom is Gloria Vanderbilt

Yo, Dads, check in! DU's Official Father's Day thread!

I guess that I'm getting ignored today

Finally saw Star Wars episode III today.

Darth Dubyous

"I Love Ann Coulter"


If you could play any character in Revenge Of The Sith..

Rupert Murdoch's lastest bid for world domination

Tonight: My Favorite Pizza and a Movie-

Update on my friend

From now on Bush will be known as Darth Dubyous.

WAAAHHOOO!!! Excuse me while I do my happy dance!

Child porn?

I have noticed something:

Just moved into our new place...

Pride Night at the ballpark.

Anybody remember that fat guy in the weird suit, from, 'Dune'

Just saw Batman Begins

North Korea FAQ

Anyone need some "Happy Pill"??

The Anti-Bush video game

It's happened again.........second time in the last 8 months.

My letter to Senator Shelby and Senator Sessions of Alabama

My parent's dog is dying..

I feel I have an obligation to post this

A guitarist that I am really getting into as of late.

Stewie VS Dewey

Seriously: I am SO bored this summer... what do I do???

Another "I'm bored as hell" thread

Saw "Mr and Mrs Smith" - two thumbs up

Who has seen "Anchorman"?

Just saw "Garden State". What did you guys think?


I bought a Zell Miller Jukebox.

Did any of your read the New Yorker article about McCain?

its saturday night... and im bored...

If you get lonely on your daddy's farm Just remember I don't live too far.

ALLLLRRRIIIIIGHT! Cheesy Sci-Fi movies on the SCI FI channel

Here's a man who's outstanding in his field

The Republican was a better neighbor.

I just finished a 9 hour shift. How the fuck are you all doing??

Who are these "extremists" I keep hearing about in Iraq?

When you feel empty, what do you do to give your life new meaning?

What''s your favorire late night movie?

Did anyone else enjoy Ridley Scott's LEGEND?

Is anyone else buzzed?

Did anyone ever have MEAN friends?

National Guard and Proud/ Veterans for Kerry Edwards

"Cabaret" Something about this last week has evoked memories of this

What''s your favorite beer?

My 2nd Lounge post tonight...what r u driving? I bought a new car

Best War Movies

Care package for sick co-worker

Time to take a Funk Break

I watched Fargo tonight for the 1000th time.....

Any fun dining tips/delicious treat tips for Colorado Springs?

Everyone who's unemployed, raise their hands!


I don't give a hoot about Wesley Clark

What Does Catnip Do For Cats?

Marijuana question

A hair conditioning/long hair question

DU Poll: Do you believe in Angels? (please kick)

where are the dog experts at?

Is this the life, or what?

Jeb Bush a "Desperate Housewife" says Michael Schiavo

You cannot beat the night I'm having

What are the last 5 music artists you listened to?

Who Is Your Least Favorite Fictional President?

I just bought a Zen Nomad Jukebox mp3 player--Tell Me Anything!

DU movie suggestions: Scare the crap out of me!

Funny religious license plate seen today:

I'm having fun tonight! Who else is having fun?

Best "active" Major League baseball player? Bonds=non-active

Strike Zone = 17 inches wide.. unless Pedro's pitching.

Orioles win and the Red Sox lose

Water & Ants & Grass

Ohio: The Heads are rolling now. Not.

More than 1,200 who had anthrax vaccine now sick

DSM top story!

What is a 'slug' and how does this work with this DSM doc I got?

"Marines Re-mount Offensive"

WaPo on Robert Byrd: A Senator's Shame

I long for the days when a cigar was a scandal

Alberto Gonzales considered too lefty for Supreme Court

If It Weren't For The Internet - Bush's Poll Numbers Would Be Decent

Un-Freep this article - "grudge between Bush and Saddam"

From the 'real' Right: DSM "Bush was lying outright"

Jeb had private meeting with medical examiner re Schiavo

Emails from Dept of interior (HMMMMM from 1999 but interesting)

DSM: the more coverage it gets, the more Bush has to defend the war

Why no Peace rallies?

Mort Kondracke Is No Democrat

Question with Dean and election reform

"Halliburton given $30m to expand Guantanamo Bay"

Pressing Basement Revolution(what DSM hearings didn't address,but NEED to)

I think the Murdoch/Clark question is the wrong way around

Clark and Kerry need to get their biopics made in the next year

Rate this article and email it if you have not yet!

Where’s the Coverage of the Weekly Democratic Radio Address

And the Spin Begins

My letter to my Senators

Downing Street Minutes and More. The Smell of Cover-Up.

AP reports on DSM with a vengeance

Question about Teflon and Presidents

BREAKING NEWS: Bush uses words other than "Freedom" & "Liberty"

How long will Tony Blair last?

Help to get John Conyers letter to Washington Post KICKED on MoveON

Michael Moore rubs Bush's nose in today's Mission Accomplished retraction.

The Downing Street Memo has arrived,makes Wait,Wait, Don't Tell Me! Quiz!

Neil Abercrombie for Senate

It's the Corruption, stupid....

Does anyone know if BBC news covered anything on the DSM hearing?

Can someone, please, explain this to me.

Is Syria this war's Cambodia?

Bilderberg 2005 - Bush's Plan for Iran: "Bomb Iran in June 2005"

Conyers vs. The Post -- John Nichols

Bush aide who doctored global warming documents joins ExxonMobil

Choose: More Troops in Iraq Will (Help) (Hurt) - John Burns, NYT

UK Times: British (USA) bombing raids were illegal

Great article about Gitmo by Eric Margolis

Living With Social Security: Small Dreams and Safety Nets -NYT Series

British memos air secrets of 2 governments

Found: American Reporter's Censored Stories About WW2 A-Bomb R

Make Cancer A Priority

Information Warfare, From Sorrows of Empire

Conyers vs. The Post

Sokolsi: Getting prepared for a nuclear-ready Iran

Facing facts in Iraq (Reality vs. Bush Admin.)

What Motivates Suicide Bombers (new analysis)

U.S. media tardy in reporting Downing Street memos

"the curse of Empathy"

Eric Margolis (Toronto Sun): Gitmo appalling

London Observer: New US move to spoil climate accord

strib: Wal-Mart's reach/Who pays for fringe benefits?

Race, Bias and the Death Penalty, One More Time

Boston Globe: Newly Leaked Memos Add to Debate on War Motives

How America is fighting Iraq war on two fronts

Ideologues find scientists to twist truth

GOP Committee Targets International Red Cross (gitmo & other detainees)

Ohio probe targets had major campaign plan

Congress had a mock Impeachment trial of * this week

Durbin's Quiet Gitmo Storm

Saudis Reject Call for Inspections (nuclear weapons inspections)

Repug Tampa Trib to Jeb "He should butt out and let Terri rest in peace."

Latest Entry in the Freeper Convert Chronicle

Two-Thirds On Defense (Degree of Defence funding exposed)

95 Days to Pre-Nixonize George Bush

Some Things You Need to Know Before the World Ends

NYT | What's Their Real Problem With Gay Marriage? (It's the Gay Part)

The US war with Iran has already begun...By Scott Ritter

How Democratic chairman Howard Dean is hurting his own party

CBS Face the Nation's Bob Schieffer again ignores the 8 Downing St. Doc's

Trade Deficit hits a new high (yeah, this is a constant story)

Whaling meeting 'may relax rules'

Insects Develop Resistance To Engineered Crops

Shared History, Shared Defiance

The truth the settlers deserve

Settler homes to be destroyed

1 soldier killed, 2 wounded in attack on Israeli army base in Gaza

Arabs for hire

Did Ziad Jarrah Really Know How To Program a 757's Autopilot?

Big new 9/11 Timeline update is on-line, and a DS Memo one, too


Other questions I can't let go of

Will the US government reopen 9/11 for investigation in the near future?

Talked with Bob Fitrakis in person tonight (6-18-05) at his book signing

Now is the time for more fraud exposure. Bush is going DOWN!

Bob Fitrakis on KPFK right now!

Fitrakis to be on air at 6:15 pm CDT

Info on National Task Force on Election Reform???

Funky question...

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Sunday 6/19/05

Election Assessment Hearing: An OPEN INVITATION to DUers

Electionfraud2004 presentation

Trib columnist Koehler, Controversy Over Election Fraud

"DISINFORMATIONIST"-CannonFire to Salon re: election fraud criticism

A word of caution re: Fritakis allegations

The Exit Poll Response Optimizer confirms the USCV simulation

Is history repeating?

Pasadena DU Get Together next Sunday

GOP targets Inland Valley

Des Moines Register discovers DSM!!

Delehunts' Town Meeting Sat 6/18 on Cape Cod (photo's galore)

Scotty Mortenson: A progressive candidate for Congress in the 6th District

video download & burn questions

Memory questions

Urgent for all NE Ohio Du'ers. Let's "kick it up a notch!"

Sticker: "Disenfrachised African Americans for Blackwell...

Democracyfest coverage in Austin's "newspaper"

I'm back from Dem Fest

ohhh no

So any chance of defeating Cornyn in '08?

Repugs won't fund education

"Are we creating more terrorists than we're killing?" (Rumsfeld asks)

Conyers vs. The Post -- John Nichols

WTF/Child Death

Can anyone find a map of Iraq showing Karabilah?

Dear Mr. Gingrich:

Lyndon Baines Bush.....

Conyers Quoted On Camera on CNN Headline News

PLEASE DU This Yahoo/AP Article with a # 5

America's illegal almost-daily decade of bombing the people of Iraq;

The White House is completely disconnected from reality

Army Reserve enlistee posts a contest "Create a pig with a Koran"

The Word Lab........the 'art' of persuasion.

The Advantages of Medicare Over Private Health Insurance

QUESTIONS reporters should ask Bush and/or his flaks?

This is bound to win more hearts and minds...

7,300 uncounted American soldier deaths in Iraq war ???


CBO: By 2010, Iraq & Afghanistan War Expenses Projected Over $600 Billion

Some computer jokes to make you smile :-)

John Rothman now on KGO

Ok everyone, lift me up!

The old saying goes THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE. The

C-SPAN Washington Journal...PETER (fascist asshole) doing BYRD and KKK

One good thing that the DSM has done is to mute the crowd that used

Listening to this morning's talking head on cspan

In some ways, I think Dana Milbank's article lays bare the way our

the Democrats' problem is that they're REALLY bad at politics . . .

US lied to Britain over use of napalm in Iraq war

Mexican drug cartel members trained by US Army Special Forces

Hey ya'll...I'm a bit fucked up and still awake...ask me anything

There's no fuel like an old fuel

When the probability of an event rises, it cannot be called a Conspiracy

Now if somebody found a memo tying the Clintons to Whitewater...

Was Dana Milbank drunk when he wrote the article about the DSM hearing?

I Pray for the Day, when I too can say..."Get Over It' to the assholes

Relatives of some troops killed in Iraq seek hearings on Downing

Hardened Criminals hijack truckload of Viagra, other drugs....

A Quote By Joseph Goebbels:

Fathers & husbands

Put em' Together and What Have You Got? Treason & Tyranny Too

What MSM is now saying about DSM...

Stop Giving Aid & Comfort to the Enemy! bush

C-SPAN SuperChicken Hawk Alert: Frank Gaffney...WJ

The picture used to explain the meaning of the word 'weasel':

Bravo...Caller Gives It To Peter On WJ

Finally, finally

UK DU'ers: Is the UK working on a new law that forbids hate talk against

When did the country begin to use Electronic Voting machines in elections?

Tom Monaghan building America's first gated Catholic town

Now we know, the troops will have died in vain...

Can someone post Iraq war timeline graphic from KnightRidder's piece?

Raw Food Meet-up! Want to come?

When backed into a corner, Republicans attack personally...

I've been irritated

Great Frank Rich Article: Two Top Guns Shoot Blanks

C-Span - Gitmo hearing from Wednesday - Leahy chews ass

hah hah. . .Condi just had to listen to C. Sheehan

Demanding an Audit in Iraq

bush allowed 9/11, lied us into war, but the republicans are cool with it

Dana Milbank is a sellout to his profession...

NY Times Headline About Iran Elections-Where were they when

5 Yahoo/AP stories to DU with # 5 NOW!

"Commuter warriors" in Tokyo - how to battle for a seat

Warner Would Beat Allen 46 - 41 in '08 Matchup

The GOP are modern day carpetbagger

Guy James speaks with Cindy Sheehan, archived at White Rose Society

Good Conservatives who support our Commander-In-Chief during a time of war

For you poetry lovers out there

"Maybe 'fixed' means something different in British-speak"

What regime would YOU think the FBI report on Gitmo came from?

Howard Dean inspired MP3's?

Pentagon issues medical staff rules on prisoners

If what the US and Britain have done is illegal should the UN file official

Funny Democracy Fest incident with republicans.

DSM Headlines My JUNO Opening Page....every website I open

Simple question: Do you love this country?

Simple question: Do you love this country?

Question about "This Week"

President must answer to Downing Street Memo

Is this the end of globalism?

Bush-Blair excuse for the Downing Street Memo doesn’t hold water

Sunday Morning Talkshows - Any DSM discussions???

Michael Smith (DSM Journo) Wanted us to see full report from Times.

1,722 families are now forever changed by the illegal Iraq invasion

It hit me why the Democrats keeping embracing the BFEE

Questions with Hagel

Downing St Memo Cartoon....

Limbaugh: "If we get hit again" by terrorists, blame

a song you need to listen to

When the Republican Noise Machine Becomes the Republican ‘Retreat Machine’

Question for the Historically Adept:

Only the Republicans deal in absolutes.

OK, this isn't juicy, but...

The Scheme to Infiltrate Cuba's Libraries

Reminder - More Abu Ghraib abuse evidence due soon from DOD

Surprise,Surprise,Surprise! John Bolton is a whore for the NeoconRifleAssn

AWOL found an army to fight his war with Iran

screw you tony blair

more funny computer stuff, part 2 :-)

George Bush has compromised our National Security by executing a

Fix, Fixed

Mandate? President only subject to crticism when below 50 in the polls?

Anyone else hear the R. Lee Ermey ad on radio for Unmet needs?

Humanity united

KlatooBNikto says:Tony B Liar.

Random act of kindness: runner saves dog.

Michael Getler addresses reader criticism of Wilbank...

A Father's Day shoutout to the 'Famblee Vay-yoos" in the Bush Fambly

Have Hannity or Limbaugh ever been admonished by R's, or is that a.....

Are you ready for a rumble?

Official Announcement:

Operation Mockingbird: Anybody want to help me find good links?

What is happening in the EU now?

Most of today's top military commanders have one of these

Freeper thread about DSM. They think it's a Rove plant

DSM Sunday Comic

Someone called Al From (has anybody heard of this guy?) says

self-delete (dupe)

C-Span I Reairs Conyers Hearing on DSM! NOW EDT...2:18!

Conyers on C-SPAN!

How many soldiers died this week?

Psylocybin mushrooms now legal in New Mexico

Meth mouth: Ugly legacy of drug is taxing jail, prison medical budget

Question: Can We The People Buy a MSM outlet?

Interesting Program on History Traveler

Funny pic of Shrub and Gannon as Bogart and Hepburn - American Queens

DSM on NPR and in the funny papers

Murkins are so fuckin lazy and disgusting. Don't care if Idiot Son lied

Bob Fitrakis on KPFK right now!

Maxine Waters Creates New “Out-of-Iraq Congressional Caucus”

Ford Offers Incentive to Workers, Retirees

His ejection harness, hugging him tightly between the legs - Dana Milbank

How did Conyers @ WH gates photo play in the free world?

Bob Costas made a complete fool of himself last night

Jimmy Carter question

Just one Click to send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-CNN

A serious question abut Iraq casualties

June 19th Cost of Iraq War- $177,701,751,326

Leaked files show Bush rushed war

What would things be like now if Kerry had won?

Bush's Election Now Almost Meaningless

Today's the 140th anniversary of Juneteenth. . .

Rice Says Administration Told Americans Iraq Would Be A “Generational

The Freak show that is our current GOP dominated Congress:

GFS Model Predicting Tropical Storm/Hurricane For Florida This Week.

proposed law: the president must attend at least one funeral per month

Letter I just sent to my cable company.

No need to rush the DSM story...

Heads Up. Nothing's more dangerous than Cornered Rats.

Just one click to send send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-ABC

Take A Look At The Coverage I have Found On The DSM

This Administration "Thinks" and "Believes" too Much.

I guess if the Repubs are fine with the Hoax War, the G.I.'s should be too

Who in the MSM will be the first to use the word IMPEACH

Let's not forget how Bolton ties into the story behind the DSMs...

everybody unhappy with Bu$hs Government send him a bag of the BIG Pretzels

Can bush be Compelled to Answer Questions before a Committee?

President Clinton Lied. President bush also Lied.

mislead? MISLEAD? he fucking LIED us into a war!

Marginal thoughts on participants in *Chairman* Conyers' **Hearings**

Interview with Bob Fitrakis on Laura Flanders available here

Conyers 6/17/05 DSM hearing rebroadcast today on C-Span 1 at 2:10

i think it's time we called the msm what it really is . . .

Righwing Now Trying to Claim DSM Fake

My prediction: Quantanamo is much, much worse than anyone thought...


David Kelly was murdered

Is this really a turning point for shrub?

What do the RWers you know talk about these days?


A silver bullet for mad cow?

DU Viet vets group?

Weapons Of Corporate Deception - Censored by CafePress

Your recalcitrant Democratic Senators.

Can I suggest a new Democrat mantra?

UK Foreign Office - Iraq War is Illegal! - duh?


43 Dead Iraqis Today. Here is One. *warning graphic*

Four Lights: A Quote to Ponder and Hate Me Over

"Say Hello to my Little Friend"? Military Folks, Please Explain this To Me

Why Progressives Should Mix Religion and Politics

Where are our DEM SENATORS on the DSM??? Kerry? Clinton? Biden?

Voice of Dissent. Politicians who spoke out against the Iraq War

Shelia Jackson Lee

Republicans can say absolutely anything, even lie and contradict themselve

Poll: How competent do you view the Bush Administration ?

Did a republican senator say to a democratic senator a "sit down you..

bushies at it again by 'fixing the facts'

Relatives of Some Troops Killed in Iraq Seek Hearings on DSM

Everyone Make Signs "Downing Street" then paste on your local street sign

Geldof is a dirtbag Idiot Son fascist ass kisser. Nobody should donate.

When is Michael Moore going to come out with his new Movie?

Religious Right, Left Meet in Middle

Isn't it somewhat a good thing that Kerry didn't get elected..

Bumper sticker idea

Byrd Memoir Laments Early Fling With Klan as 'foolish Mistake'

Land Study on Grazing Denounced (Another altered report)

You're either for greed and exploitation of humanity or you're against it.

Can-do training in Kabul

Stem Cell Research

There seems to be a lot of fixing the facts with the bush regime

Am I a lousy Democrat?

Iraqi Union Leaders Seek US Troop Withdrawl And Solidarity From Americans

"Bush never actually SAID Saddam did 9-11"

Another WOW !!! - LMSM, the 'Lying Mainstream Media' (Consortium News)

Bush alters scientific land use facts: "It's a crime" says study author

Does anyone know who the female press corps reporter was

Anyone have C-SPAN clip of the media laughing w/W from 2001?

Repukes are about to help us bring HUGE attention to DSM (forgery claim)

Will there be a CIA leak?

Considering A Protest Action. Looking Advice Legal Or Otherwise.

MSNBC live poll ( did gwb mislead). 95% yes 5% no 50115 responses

WAPost Columnist Applebaum on C-Span saying Europe suffers Christophobia!

Al Qaeda: Fact or Myth

So What's Rove 's Next Move?

Wesley Clark is on CSPAN 1

You Make the Call.....Bill Frist is a lying Piece of Shit?

# of DSM Google hits went from zero 5/01 to 1,320,000 by 6/18

I hope everyone saw McCain

Angelina Jolie Walks out on CNN Interview...

Can someone help me out with human rights violations?

So who had DSM on the front page/page A1 of their Sunday paper?

Groups gather for human sexuality summit

Has Bush Ever Written Anything?

Are Americans still evolving?

Talked to my Republican Mother

Jon Stewart on Frist & Sensenbrenner

The tide is turning

What if the death toll hit 1776 on July 4th?

Mark Twain has a quote for everything ...

I saw two large IRAQI union leaders speak yesterday (must read)

I had the MEANEST customer today at work!!

FRONTLINE - Private Warriors - Tuesday, Jun. 21 - must see TV


MBNA execs survive helicopter crash

Freeptards heap praise on serial killer who murdered her own four children

Cloture vote on BOLTON coming up. ( IMO or call it a premonition )

Time to link up the scandals - Douglas J. Feith

Definitive Proof Republicans Are Unpatriotic And Do NOT Support Our Troops

"I have never covered a president who actually wanted to go to war" 11/02

Helen Thomas just told me she would do her best to aggressively cover DSM

Knowing what we know now, look what Junior had to say in 2000

Guckert & Conyers' access to the "peoples' house"

Schieffer: Dean "disintegrating", Biden becoming new "voice of Democrats"

Why I'm joining the GOP

Oh, Milbank's a columnist now, not a journalist?

Food for thought. . . .

Here's the video of bush JOKING about WMD'S, while soldiers died

Wasn't Gore a Senator from TN before?

Conyers: Rice Lets the Truth Slip. * Does Not Intend to Bring Troops Home

Your ISP as Net watchdog

The Jeb Bush tide is definitely turning --- Local newspaper poll.

What is it that Repuglicans have against people who work hard for a living

Was the US bombing Civilian Targets 6 months before the war?

** Everyone - Our work starts NOW!

Bush Radio Address: "U.S. is in Iraq because of 9-11" - (AUDIO)

People, you need to stop linking to That it gets linked

Democrat leaders, if you can't oppose bush better, I won't vote for you

Climategate:New Leaked Memos as US Moves to Spoil Climate Accord

1,722 Today's Sign Was Quickly Vandalized Anyway

Two questions for all Democratic Iraq hawks and "stay the coursers"

U.S. Allies Resist Secret Deportations

Freepers are less then happy that DU was recognized

Check the due dates on your credit card statements.

Compulsory lessons for parents of unruly pupils

"Choose Life - Your Mother Did"

See This! Graphic PROOF of ELECTION FRAUD!!

Bush lied. How many people think it matters?

Save NPR and PBS; MoveOn wants 1 million signatures!

ABC: Asked about DSM, Condi dodges legality of Iraq war - (VIDEO)

A show of support/solidarity: change your avatars to Conyers

I say humans have achieved survival and dominance

iraqi resistance report on operation spear:the clusterbombing of al-Qa’im

Just one click to send send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-ABC

Iraq's Worst; bush versus Hussein. It's a slam-dunk.

Write HUNDREDS of Media outlets about DSM with ONE e-mail!!!!

Why the f*ck are my cookies spreading??!!

Any good Gyro or other Greek recipes out there?

Judge quashes traffic tickets over missing French

Government denies smoking ban aim

Blair's guest list revealed under Freedom of Information act

Galloway hits out at 'sour grapes'

Memos Show British Fretting Over Iraq War

Choose: More Troops in Iraq Will (Help) (Hurt) - John Burns, NYT

Eight troops die in Korea rampage

Iraqis Found in Torture House Tell of Brutality of Insurgents

British memos: Iraq war sounds like mere 'grudge'

Attacks Raise Fears of Taliban, al-Qaida (Afghanistan)

Zawahri says peaceful reform impossible

After 6 Decades, Report on A-Bomb Found

AP: DSM Memos Show British Fretting Over Iraq War

Native American tribe lays claim to the Hamptons

Hard-Line Figure In Iran Runoff (Why does America care about this?)

What Motivates Suicide Bombers (new analysis)

Taliban say execute police chief among 31 held

Newsweek: Documents: Anti-Gambling Funds—From Gambling? (Repubs)

How America is fighting Iraq war on two fronts

3,000 escape Alberta floodwaters

Suicide bomber kills 23 at Baghdad eatery

Biden is in!

Mother sentenced to 21 months in newborn's death

Just one Click to send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-CNN

Groups gather for human sexuality summit

Mexico's Fox under fire as drug war spirals

Some South Florida scientists claim they were fired for being outspoken

U.S. Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Iran

Bishops take to the streets to fight gay marriages

AP: U.S. allies shun suspect deportation

U.S. Allies Resisting CIA's Secretive Role in Deporting Terror Suspects

As Iraq effort drags on, doubts mount at home (CSM)

US Marine killed in western Iraq (#1722)

News Analysis: In Iraq, a question of troop numbers

CIA seen struggling to find post-Sept. 11 role

Rice: Iran Vote Goes Against Democracy

UK had advance alert of jail abuse

US Frees Iraqi Woman Detainees (held as "bargain chips") After Protests

American Reporter's Censored Stories About WW2 A-Bomb Radiation Discovered

Smoking Gun? How 'bout 6 months of illegal bombing in Iraq? Times UK !!!

Bush Remarks May Have Spurred Iran Voters

Iran's Shirin Ebadi to boycott a run-off election

Leak of secret plan to protect G8 leaders sparks security alert

Just one click to send send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-ABC

Nearly 200 die in Indian summer

Baghdad restaurant bomb kills 20

Pot-flavored pops upset lawmakers

McCain: U.S. in Iraq 2 More Years ("....should be told in reality")

Scientists Finding Earliest Signs of Alzheimer's (Seek to Prevent)

Compulsory lessons for parents of unruly pupils

Hariri list claims victory in Lebanon poll

Iran calls for Bush poll apology (BBC)

WH whitewashes land use rules for cattle buddies

US raid 'kills 20' in Afghanistan

Professor sued over anti-aging comments

Small town bucks the trend in backing war that took its sons

Poll shows concerns regarding retirement

Bush fighting to regain confidence of Americans

FBI office in Riyadh allegedly 'delinquent' in pursuing Sept. 11 leads

AP: Suicide Car Bomber Kills 3 At Checkpoint North of Baghdad

U.S. Airstrikes Kill Afghan Militants (6/19)

France Blames Britain's 'National Ego' for EU Budget Crisis

Twins Study Indicates Childhood Influences,.. Key to Future Dementia

Anti-Syrian bloc says won landslide in N.Lebanon (Reuters)

Daily Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq (1722)

(Democratic &)Republican senators challenge Bush's Iraq optimism

Newsweek: Secrets Of The Allies (DSM)

Pentagon to release new abuse photos (Abu Ghraib)

Venezuelan military confirms plot to assassinate President Hugo Chavez

Experts: Bush Remarks Spurred Iran Voters (hard-liners turnout to vote)

Strayhorn is ready to take on governor (Texas)

Iraqi Security Tactics Evoke the Hussein Era -LAT

Biden Says He Will Seek Democratic Presidential Nomination in '08

SCLC Gives Gwinnett Deadline In Taser Case

AP: Rice Calls for Vote on Bolton Nomination.

FBI Managers Admit They Didn't Seek Out Terrorism Expertise

BIll Clinton slams Guantánamo Bay

Not All Missing Persons Are Equal (especially when they're not white)

CIA has 'excellent' idea where bin Laden is-Time


'My Own Private Idaho' starting NOW on HBO2

OK Men are you cut or uncut?

Paradox alert

Who else is watching "Apocalypse Now" on the History Channel?

He who wishes to cross must answer me these questions three,

"Confucius Say" Politically Incorrect?

Ping Pong.

I saw two shop lifters today.

Any point in watching SNL tonight?

Now this is COOOOOL

For all you extremists out there comes a new product!

Is this supposed to be Bush as a transgendered female?

Create a silly, kookie move blurb, like this one.

ROFL, This Star Wars character looks just like a lizardy Bush!!

Rest assured, you're safe from undead macaroni.

Drinking the last of my Pusser's rum...

Banana, Strawberry, And Chocolate

Congratulate me!

Crap! Ronin is on!

The Most Depressing Thing Ever is on HBO right now - Shelter Dogs

Just had one of those "HOLY %#@&!!!" moments...

Did you realize the media has conspired to hide 9/11 from us?

Hello Everybody!

"What does Marcellus Wallace look like?"

Ever throw together some ingredients and make a good recipe?

Music Downloader/Techie Question

Hey ya'll...I'm a bit fucked up and still awake...ask me anything

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't freepers happy? n/t

An invitation from Lucifer: "Pull up a chair, let me get you a brew."

Those ADSL/cable bandwidth speed test sites... are they accurate?

The sky over Boston ain't looking too good right now.

New Orleans police cancel planned "Louis Farrakhan sensitivity training"

Great J.A.G. (TV-Serie) Word exchange

condi or Ringo?

I found a kitten, and I don't know what to do with it.

Bill Frist Jokes - Web site

DFU treasure trove

Happy Hopeful things.

Say what you will about Tom Cruise, but...

Randi is on cspan right now

Where does God live?

T-Bones on Fathers day!What are you having?

Wow, I went on a posting binge this week-end.

can someone please ID this 50s or 60s car?

Anyone care to read about some "Interesting Motherf**kers"??

Ritualized cannibalism......

Men, do you talk to your Dad every day?

So, when did Fidelity Investments start using "Little Green Bag"

Bob Off for Another Gong

Free Republic looks like is was created by 8 yo on lithium.

Question From God: Why The Hell Aren't You At Church? Hmmm?

14 year old jacks a Cessna

Are the Denny's restaurants around you closing?

What is this Freeper talking about?

Downloading Gentoo Linux. Ask me anything!

Guess where I'm posting from?

Freerepublic looks like it was created by an 8 yo on AOL..

Take this job and shove it. I ain't working here no more.

Another rant about Walmart

Freeper blames Dems, trial laywers and environmentalists for Gas $$$

What Do You Call Your Dad?

What does this bumper sticker mean??

I hate tasteless, clueless, TACKY people

"Campbell Got A Great Break - He Bounced His Drive Off A Ladies Head"

amazing! -f1 just lost it`s market in the united states!

Dunwich Herald: Cthulhu Caught in Cat Scandal

Does anyone know of the Celtic religion in Utah?

Father's Day Tribute to Fathers no longer with us.


Has anyone noticed that the mods are very active today?

W's Hotmail Inbox

cool thing I saw at the movies today

lying eyes

do you mind if I post a lethargy rant?

Hey DU...I think I may be in love for the first time and I thought of DU

GYROS for dinner

To DU's moms raising kids alone: Happy Father's Day!

what are the most exciting words uttered by a baseball radio guy?

Post your favorite memories of you with your father

Chubby fucking Carrier played at my nephew's wedding reception!!!!!!!!

What's your favorite memory of Dad?

Someone was bored on this one. I believe you have my stapler.

Has anyone had surgery for a burst appendix?

"Why are we still there?"

OH MAN I guess we should not have broken that lamp.


New Game: Help this guy hold his beer.

I think they missed when it comes to getting away from fossil fuels.

This is a cool computer. It is the shelf.

Cat Post - Lily's Blog

to those who have no father...

My selection for "cutest Bush lie"



I have found the absolute STUPIDEST PRODUCT of all time.


A REAL "Theirs" vs. "Ours"

Dads! What would you rather watch today? Baseball, Golf or Nascar?

I've given up and will try to join the Civil Service, ask me anything

The Goblin kitty is back! (with pics)

Stumbleupon is evil

Christopher Walken kicks ass!

Happy Father's Day fella's

Are you afraid to die?

If Movie companies put out DVD versions of movies the same day they

Touchdown!!! A Pileated Woodpecker is nesting on my property!

I have a taste for spaghetti. Think I'll make some.

Tacky time on I-95

Worst Box Office Slump In 20 Years

Caption Condi

cat drum ~

So I just got smashed last night

A Few of George's Favorite Things

Have mosquitoes become extinct?

wackiest Lifetime original movie yet?

Be careful how you insult your neighbors in front of children

112 miles to Stuckey's...111 miles to Stuckey's...110 miles to Stuckey's..

I thought pregnancy was supposed to make one look "dignified"

question for parents of teens and those close to their teen nieces/nephews

It's Sunday. No Deadwood tonight.

Question: My "Dalmation" Black Mollie had about 30 babies last week!

A gift to DU's Freeper lurkers/trolls

I just turned on a movie called "Talk Radio". How is it? Anyone ever see

Apparently I am an ignorant, stupid, sonofabiscuiteater

Don't like/believe in astrology? Find your "tree sign"...

I am totally obsessed with "The Beekeeper"

I Just Got Tickets For Richie Havens THIS Friday, AT A LOCAL MIDDLE SCHOOL

Had some disturbing news from my Mom

Just hung up on my mother--was I wrong?

Good night to one and all.

Day DUers vs Night DUers

ya might be a redneck if ~

ENTOURAGE tonight !

Advice for newbies that may not be found in DU's rules.

I got your prom picture thread right here ~

Mother in law sent my 10 yr old daughter a nasty political email.

On average how much do you spend on pot per month?

American F1 died today


30 posts shy of 5,000!!!

LMAO!!! Another one from our talented Freeptard friends!

"I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."

it's post your early childhood pictures time ~

I need to hear from kitty experts....

Linux: Ready to try again

Pot-flavored pops upset lawmakers

One of my favorite blogs: Overheard in New York

Dylan must have been psychic

I saw manatee!

I stopped smoking on the patch

Where are all the white women at?

Worst/ silliest/ funniest street names ever

Should I put a curse on Dubya? The last Pres I cursed was the Nix in 72.

All you Kucinich/PDA/CodePINK/Green supporters... here are some photos.

Raw Food Meet-up! Want to come?

Need help from kitty experts.

Animal Rights Online - Issue#6/19/05

Ritualized cannibalism......

Onward, Moderate Christian Soldiers

No paradox for time travellers

LAT: Catholic Church leads massive protest vs. gay marriage in Spain

Deion Sanders/Making a Difference

Breaking: US Formula One race may not happen (due to start in 30 minutes)

Pinehurst is kicking SERIOUS ASS on Sunday!

"Campbell Got A Great Break - He Bounced His Drive Off A Ladies Head"

Yankees Sweep the Cubs!!!!!!!

8-0 SO FAR for the Red Sox

Danica Patrick

Todays F1 Race

He's Back! (The Goblin)

Lily's Blog - Rat's End but I couldn't take credit

ACG Solstice Maps

Does anyone have the list of senators who voted for/against the IWR?

Happy Father's Day

Favor, please. Please read this post

John Kerry, Bob Fitrakis, and Election Fraud . . .

::tiptoes in::

Reminder - More Abu Ghraib abuse evidence due soon from DOD

"The "mushroom cloud" IS the Downing Street Memo"

Now that they arrested the Ice cream man in Lodi, I feel much safer!

WA Post: Will Bush "alienate his base" by naming Hispanic chief justice?

Atrocious NY Post Durbin smear

The DSM was what the British gov't believed was the current state

Does Frist wear a rug?

Re: Durbin--Calling yourself a peaceful, freedom-loving country...

Three MA Servicemen Die in Iraq/Afghanistan in June

C-Span is nothing but Bush talking points this morning ...

You can tell Dick Durbin apart from other Dems because of his unique walk.

Honestly, Condi is such a waste on the Sunday shows, I never.....

Republican lawmakers revive efforts to split the 9th Circuit

Help! Didn't the Scumbag say last week that global warming is real...

Dick Durbin is the Sunday Morning scapegoat...

Is It Time to Boycott the Washington Post for DSM lies?

So Biden's running?

Sen. Christopher Dodd :administration is "filibustering their own nominee"

AP: DSM Memos Show British Fretting Over Iraq War

Rupert Murdoch, Rev. Moon, and a healthy dollop of tinfoil.

A response to those who claim DSM is "old news"?

Democrats Don't Stand for Anything!

British lawyers warned government pre-war bombing of Iraq was illegal

This Week with George S. just said "What about those DSM"?

So who are the obscene, anti-semitic journalist harassers??

Susan Estrich defends her sell out to Faux/Bushco News

sorry to see Dean not allowing any talk on Israel

A memorable moment on 'This Week'

U.S. commander for Baghdad OBLITERATES Cheney's "final throes" bravado

Why didn't Kerry sign Conyer's letter?

Baptists go door-to-door 'planting seeds'

Three ousted from town hall plan trip to Washington(another little story

The New Gun Bill

iraqbodycount doesn't add up

After this important week, Newspaper Editors YAWN!!

Pascrall-D kickin hayworths ass on faux

BUSH:"This mission isn't easy, and it will not be accomplished overnight."

Corporations granted contracts in Iraq war can be found here

ABC: Asked about DSM, Condi dodges legality of Iraq war - (VIDEO)

Bush wounded by anger over war

677 Letters to the Editor, The Oregonian (Sunday)

Did Anyone Post The Sunday Morning Talk Show Guest List?

"Marketplace for a pool of young Americans"- McCain

Ok, so Right-wingers are saying the DSMs are fake...

The WaPo Conyers-basher is Skull & Bones!!

Sean Hannity

AP: U.S. Allies Shun Suspect Deportation (Rendition for torture)

Conyer's Downing Street Hearing Repeat! C-Span 2:18 EDT...NOW

When is torture acceptable?

Mother's Day to Father's Day. Our dead.

Tests Reveal Bill Frist Also Has Half-Sized Brain

MSM ignores DSM this Sunday.

Rush Limbaugh´s torture t-shirts now on sale...

Just one Click to send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-CNN

CBS has Bush at 42%? Big deal. He was at 42% exactly ONE year ago.

Does your Rep. represent you, or Tom DeLay?

Will Durbin be "gunshy" after this assault by the right-wingers ?

First, Hagel, Jones. Next, ???? Strategies.

McCain looks like a political "opportunist" this morning....

Just one Click to send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-CNN

Just one Click to send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-CNN

Imagine a John McCain vs Joe Biden race for President in '08

A few years back, the GOP had a lock on state politics in Illinois (gov)

The lights have gone out in America

If other Congressional leaders would speak out alongside Durbin,

What's our next move???

Just one click to send send comments to ABC-NBC-CBS-ABC

DU Approval Ratings: John Conyers

US plan to bug Security Council - is this old news to us?

Sunday Talk Videos (Biden on FTN, Rice on CNN, Dodd on ABC) has a petition for the Resolution of Inquiry based on DSM

Why did the media take the Repubs "side" on the Durbin controversy?

"Democrats talk Impeachment"

Is the K Street project good for democrats?

DU's reactions to the DSMinutes are pretty much on track

Tony Blankley is delusional

Downing Street Hearings on CSPAN - 1 NOW --2:15 PM EST

Biden would be the best prez. since Carter.

Lyndon Baines Bush

Now we have "Climate-gate"

We Need a Protest Song--Any Writers Out There?

What about the military?

Imagine if all of the Congressmen

I'm afraid. I watched the first part of Gasbag Russert's

WaPo: "Several readers" upset with 6/17 Milbank column

You might be a Republican if... (or how we are losing the Al Qaeda war)

“Downing Street Memo” climbs the Google charts

San Francisco Chronicle: Bush's business support wavering

The Case of the Supine Equine

Is Iraq already in the midst of a civil war ?

Porter Goss goes off the deep end

As Social Security scheme fails, GOP urges Bush to pursue Nat'l Sales Tax


British Group MFAW launches US equivalent to AfterDowningStreet

Would you vote for a Democratic who wasn't a member of the CBC?

NOW That's What I Call A Bush Lie! Volume 1: The Threat from Iraq

DSM: E-mail this to everyone you know (Resolution of Inquiry)

Video of Conyers & Company taking petitions to the WH gate

Serious question: When can Bush no longer get away with "NO?"

Another instance of "fix the intelligence to suit the policy"

On the Home Page I saw the "Bushed Lied" and started thinking

Sadly, I just wrote an email to Dr. Dean--

Sorry if it's a dupe but I love the smell of IMPEACHMENT in the morning!

Durbin Issue

So much Brew-ha=ha

Where would you go, what would you do, if your home town

A Democratic Strategy Emerging

Joe Biden to run for President-Video

The American People Need to Punish the Republican Party

This week's Bully George comic has three scenes on the DSM hearings.

What are our chances

Exit strategy for Iraq: Date or Event Based?

This quote about DSM really troubles me

c-span now! delay forum by dems. followed by wesley clark,

Wes Clark on C-Span NOW!

Reid: Principle is not the sole domain of U.S. conservatives

Glad I'm not committed to supporting any Pres Candidate in 2008 except for

Via SLUDGE: BOOK CLAIM: Hillary Humiliated As Bill Has New Affair

We need Al Gore in 2008! Thoughts and comments wanted!

This is THE source of the problem:

Mediawhores, how they do it (Durbin and Clark): Chicago Sun Times

When We Finally Win The Revolution

George Bush - Liar, Murderer, Cheat

Wes Clark will be on Fox News Live at 6:10pm EDT and CSPAN at 6:30pm EDT

We need a WOODSTOCK style concert to bring attention to this immoral war!

Contacted my local party chair about running for State Senate in '06


A suggestion for a ticket that would destroy the two major parties.

What are you thoughts on Biden running for president? Can you support him?

Foofighters' Dave Grohl in Madison, WI 10/28/04-MP3

Bush Administration Revises Downing Street Memo

Has anyone ever asked; what do the Iraq insurgents want?

Soldier Sues Over Guantanamo Beating (but did he get Lemon chicken after)

Harry Shearer's - "LeShow" stating at 1:00pm EDT Don't Miss it!

Conyers vs. the Post -- rate it a five!

Shove this up your ass MSM

Who is your favorite PROGRESSIVE on Capital Hill?

Open letter to the troops.

I have searched all over Hell

Are U.S. Senators "Above the Law"??? I found this on Impeachment

When is torture acceptable?

Hopefully my last mass email

CIA has 'excellent' idea where bin Laden is

Republicans linking Social Security and Pension Reform

Biden v. Hillary

Bush says US is in Iraq because of attacks on US

Milbank blows his top

What do you think of Benjamin for President?

There it is...Biden just said it on FTN...He intends to seek the

"I am proud of Howard Dean"

The background info to understand the DS Memo (DSM Timeline)

PLEASE NOTICE: TBRNews .org IS a totally BOGUS source of Info!

The Dem's Best? in 2008...

From Election Fraud to Memogate... a Fundraiser for Raw Story