Democratic Underground

Archives: June 2, 2005

Killing Americans With Secrecy (Walter Brasch)

The Financial Endgame Slowly Plays Out

Fewer and Fewer Latinos Willing to Die in Iraq

Blumenthal: See No Evil

Wisdom Needed for Modern Ethical Concerns

At Tehran's grand bazaar, a season of discontent

Star Tribune on a roll

Now's the time for a clear-eyed look at where we are in Iraq

When War Goes Off the Script

A Public Secret

Dilawar's Death Mocks U.S. Claim on Detainees

Oh, Ed Henry! A Case Study of CNN Bias Gone Wild

Green Island swaps prisoners for tourists

China floods kill 11, prompting a mass evacuation

Protesters kicked out of Kyrgyz Supreme Court

Simon Tisdall (June 2): A lesson from the voters that must be heeded (EU)

Terrorism's executioner

Israel to release 76 shooters, 53 bombers, 41 fire bombers

Fly By Night on Brad Blog!

Initial BIBB County GA DRE Machine Failures Affected Races

NC Paper Ballot Bill stuck in committee -need your help!

uscountvotes on Wisconsin Public Radio tomorrow

Is HAVA Being Abused? Part II

How can we speak in one voice for election reform?

I'm looking for the speach that Granny Haddock made @ the corination

Question about the "special election"

Question about Police Organization

The Star Tribune printed my letter, but edited out the last sentence.

Saving an online article permanently.

media bias forum and Air America Radio - DFW

Happy Birthday, Rusty Calley

Who has a link to info on "snitch" law..

Political Earworm #5

Howard Dean on CSPAN tomorrow!

Laura Ingraham's hardball interview with Rummy

MTV fears offending Bush

"Hands Off PBS" site forum getting freeped (new Media Matters project)

Help - can anybody find the thread about buying DU ads to promote

Anyone watching the Campaign for America's Future...

W.H. wants unspent 9-11 money back from N.Y. Love 'em, then leave 'em

My daughter is leaving for New York at midnight

"Reagan shut down all the insane asylums, creating the homeless problem"

The Best Dog Wagger of All Time

MeetUp crashes and destroys an organizing base for dem grassroots ...???

Please Help---Question about Bush quote from today?

I'm looking for the speech made by Granny Haddock made @ the corination

How warpped a prospective do we get from reading and blogging DU?

Anyone but me having trouble getting dailykos?

Daily Show May 31st-Gerald Posner

BIG DOG on Larry King, CNN 9 p.m. EDT

Will a Hillary presidency be a two for one?

I think Poppy likes the Big Dog more than he likes his own son

Bush's Words Come Back to Haunt Him

Neocon job: a message for Paul Wolfowitz

Dates certain for Iraq exit may do harm, but so does indefinite occupation

Ohio coin dealer having a bad day!

Anyone think the Ohio coins-gone a missing- funded fraud 2004?

Whose Got An Audio Of the * Press Conference And The Dis Assembling Thing

Palpatine has a new Apprentice

Jeff Gannon as the Official Bush White House Hooker? SURE! WHY NOT?

Drawing the line between churches and politics

My max-out on the old rePuke LTTE:

As someone who screens DNA for employment...

Did you get your Bush Fish ribbon yet?

I saw a comedy routine tonight that skewered Christian

My summer reading list: 10 books feared by GOP. (Real link.)

Daily Show on DEEP THROAT now.

Bill Clinton on Larry King Live, rerun now, midnight EDT ...

So, what about this Big Brass Alliance thing?

DeLay at NASA: "Astronauts should be used as propaganda" [sic]

Worst President of all time (excluding Bush I and II, Reagan, and Nixon)

Did clinton just call the war in iraq an "experiment" on Larry Koot? n/t

This 'Deep Throat should have gone to the authorities' is total B.S.

Received disgusting RW e-mail today.

One MORE question for lurking freepers

Downing Street Memo: "A Public Secret" (Please DU story)

Step right up NOW all you Repuke-ettes of child bearing age

Jim Sensenbrenner and the depleted uranium problem

Documents show Bush indicted for "unlawful practice of medicine" in 1986

Clinton wants to head the UN. What will bush want to do after 2008?

Drawing uncovered of 'Nazi nuke'

"The Daily Show's" John Stewart calles Novak an "A*SHOLE"!! LOL

Defying Predictions, Clinton Library to Meet Visitors Goal

MANDATORY MALLOY: Hump Day Truthseeker Love Fest

When does Air America Radio go to XM???

A deliberately vague question on economic philosophy

Where is the outrage?

False Statements Accountability Act of 1996.....?

conyers petition of 88 on raeds blog

How would you respond to metaphysics who spout it's all karmic.....

So maybe I'm not really "liberal"?

I can't get Liberals I know to try Air America! Some theories......

O'Reilly Factor Ratings Drop Again in May !!!

What is your "I'm outta here" point?

Amnesty Internationals William Schultz on HardBall!

Judge me on Credit report, weight, et al? Well here is something for you


DU Educational Poll

Just walked my 80 year old dad through signing the Conyer's letter...

Legal question: Does your boss have the right to dig through your desk?

Galloway Wary Of Staged Terror Attack As Pretext For Iran Invasion

Screaming shill, motorcycle salesman running for Mayor of San Diego.

Hey 1960-70's Hippies! What do you think of the 20 something Hippies?

Reid: Bush is still a liar

Posada Carriles’ US asylum application connects to JFK assassination

Does anyone have a really good marble pound cake recipe?

Conyers calls for Deep Throat resolution (Raw Story)

Doctors' suit against insurance companies heads for Miami trial

WaPo: Rumsfeld Decries Amnesty Rights Report

Airmen Killed in Crash Were Special Ops

Israeli Companies Suspected of Spying

U.S. Submits Revised Offer to WTO to Liberalize Service Industries

Wolfowitz commences tenure at World Bank

Poisoned melons fell Iraqi troops

Probe Closed

French consul shot to death in Haiti

Hot summer could bring power outages, price spikes

Trojan holds computers to ransom

WP EARLY EDITION/Bob Woodward: "How Mark Felt Became Deep Throat"

Canada unhappy with U.S. passenger list proposal

Bush to Nominate Rep. Cox for SEC Chairman

NYT: In the Prelude to Publication, Intrigue Worthy of Deep Throat

Army Guard: Military Portrayal '100 Percent Untrue' (Abu Ghraib)

Rising doctors' premiums not due to lawsuit awards (Dartmouth Study)

S.F. 49ers diversity training video mocks lesbians

U.S. proposal to check Canadian flight lists draws fire from Ottawa

Wal-Mart in documentary's sights

NYT: Bush Maintains Opposition to Doubling Aid for Africa

Check out this email I got today

I tuned to Sci Fi, but thought I had tuned to MSNBC.

Any Latin scholars here?

Movie recommendation - Les Choristes (The Chorus).

I just re-watched "Garden State" because I couldn't find anything

Self delete..long day, Tripper's a little slow tonight!

Open the pod bay door, Hal.

Today's horrifying earworm

Ok, who has a link to the NFL rookie video?

So bringing down the most dangerous President pre-2001 isn't enough?

A Feast For Crows is finished!

which one of these tvs should I get?

which one of these tvs should I get?

I dreamed I took the bull by the horns in my Maidenform bra

Is it just me, or is all internet activity a bit slower today?

Remember when they used to make those 12" play dolls that looked wrong?

"War does not make one great." —Yoda

Bullitt on NOW on TCM

HTML Question - Shaded Text Box

Now THAT was a freaking nap.

Hey, DU--How long until I get my ass tombstoned?

So, I interviewed this guy today, for a position in the lab.

So, I log on briefly, and take a look at the Lounge, and what do I see?

Just got my first message on the new answering machine...

Bullshit on NOW on FOX

Oh Resin...How I love and hate thee.

I have no interest in Lindsay Lohan....but...did she play the twins in

Star Wars Question

He ! What the hell happened to DU today ?

Have you ever interviewed somebody for a job in your business?

"Anxious to Learn More of Deep Throat"

Thanks to DU spell check, I didn't misspell "dick wad"!

It's time for another "AWWWWWWWWWW" picture thread!

Yes's "Your Move: "Give Peace a Chance" sung at outro

What the fuck for? Exactly what the fuck for??

someone make me quit checking for replies and go to bed!!

Been awhile since this was posted...(Underwear goes inside your pants)

Bulldog's on the cover of the Advocate.

My husband just ate the last slice of pound cake.

DU Divorcees: how long have you been divorced?

Any pool players here?

Should I feel sorry for the folks that lost multimillion dollar homes

Why the fuck aren't my friends more like Progmom?

One MORE question for flurking reapers

I Want 100 Replies And I Want Them In The Next Hour!

Other People's Food Posts Make Me Hungry!

wrong forum, dont pay attention

Does anyone know how to turn the volume down on a Nokia

I PASSED!! A+ certified! (For DU Geeks this means you fry :)

Some crazy chick just dumped a soda all over me!


Has the Daily Show rerun time changed?

Does anyone know how to turn the volume down on a nutria?

Ok so if anyone is wondering how I am

My dad called Villaraigoso a Republican! WTF?

You had me! You lost me! You're wasted! You cost me!

4 more posts until 10,000 for Rhiannon12866! Congrats!

Hey! I found a finger in this thread! Can I get 50 million dollars?

What's a fair price for a used refrig?

The only white man who can play the blues

There's three kinds of people in this world

Here is the prescription to cure all that ails ya....

This takes the cake. "Trucker bombs".

So, um, does a high sodium diet lead to heartburn?

'All About Eve' Starting NOW on FMC!

What rhymes with "progmom?"

Listening to the Eagles from the next room...

The Lizard King is alive???


Beverly Hills

Well...that's ONE LESS terrorist that'll be makin' SAMMICHES...USA! USA!

SUNDOG. Calling sundog. Please pick up the chartreuse courtesy phone.

If I EVER am in control "Summer Rain" by Johnny Rivers will be banned

I'm hooked on Love's "Forever Changes".

Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay canta y no llores

Men, Women, educate the other gender about your gender

What's with Larry King ripping off the music that is used by

A look into the deranged male mind

Post your favorite poem

DU Divorcees: what did you do with your wedding bands?

When you think of yourself 10 years ago, do you feel like you have

Has anyone tried any Safeway Select Great Escapes ice cream?

did anyone watch the eagles tonite?

I made it back to my beloved lake for the first time.

Let's settle the sci-fi battle once and for all:

Holy Freaking Crap....Thank You Georgie and your funding cuts!

Royals take 2nd game from Yankees, 3-1!


who needs a chastity belt when you have "Forget-Me-Not Panties"?

What is your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor?

Next time you see Cassandra U and I on the internets we'll be in Chicago

What are your current TV watching habits as compared to 10 years ago?

And just what IS a "flying fuck" anyway, that you couldn't give one?

Don't you want to see the ugliest couch/carpet combo in DU Land?

MS PAINT a bad experience you have had

Poll: Best way to eat Ice Cream?

Question about a Domino's delivery man with a "Freedom Isn't Free" sticker

Who likes burritos? Burrito fans check in!

If the thought of food is starting to make you ill...

LOST pilot coming up in a few minutes

SCOOBY-DOO and The Case of The Missing Recruits

Bo Bice on the Daily Show...discuss

POLL: Who calls you at night

More Star Wars Questions: Empire Strikes Back

Meet Jono the Birdkiller!

I saw "Crash" tonight


Actor/actresses with the coolest voices

Anybody here ever been to Sturgis?

What's the worst trouble you ever got into with the law?

Who here has never written a thread nominated for Greatest Page??

Why is Poppy called Poppy?

Colleges are full of leftists and PC freaks

Grand Theft Canine (pic heavy)

Reasons Christians shouldn't shop at Wal-Mart...?

Andromeda galaxy three times bigger than was thought.

SF 49'ers Training, er, Porn, er, Training(?) Video

Yankees lose to KC again

How often do you clean your cat's teeth?

Today, I began my new job!

Foreverdem's Pic thread


KO - Top-rated MSNBC show for May

KOEB (6/1/05)

Koran in the toilet caused some ire, should we be upset with what Bush

Electronic Voting Machines

When do YOU think we will know ALL of Pappy Bush's dirty little secrets?

If you've forgotten why we're here: watch Fahrenheit 9-11 again

GOP Swept from Power in 2006 - Impeachment Looms

Ohio Repubs want to enlist 'Patriot Pastors'

Bush Tells Reporters: Yes, Iraq Is America's 'Golden Moment'

Something that just popped into my head...

Clinton's sounds like he's setting up a

OK, the next D nominee says.."Your either with us or with the terrorists"

Freedom Press FREE PRINTOUTS from Mike Malloy's Site Link

Human brain cells in sheep?

What did Poppy Bush do to Perot in 92 to make him almost go berserk?

anyone ever see "4 more years of Vader" at IFILM??

Do you think other Nations are scared shitless about who runs our country?

Antonio for President!

DeLay petition drive kicks off 7 months early

Are the Repugs worried Deep Throat still has more beans to spill?

I am beginning to think that W is an evil Forrest Gump.


I wonder if Holy Joe Lieberman can take his tongue out of Bush's mouth...

An embryo by any other name is . . .

Is there a place where we can send thank you notes to W. Mark Felt?

For those worried about the authenticity of the Downing Street Minutes

Remember the "Up or down vote" thing? Seemed like a year ago!

Chimp says he doesn't worry much, he has "peace of mind."

Clinton: "Bush a genuinely good man"... Lordy, he got a different heart !

I need Downing Street memo help. What proof of authenticity is there?

Why Bill Clinton should be head of the United Nations?

Poppy: Jeb would be an "awfully good" President: BIG & STRONG!

Al Sharpton to be mentored by Rush Limbaugh

My thoughts about Deep Throat

Jon Stewart Just Ripped Robert Novack and G.Gordon a new *ssh*le!!!

Mark Felt thought the Nixon team were Nazis according to Bob Woodward.

Bush's lack of response is PROOF of Authenticity of the DSM

Clinton discussing Hillary on Larry King: This is going to be hard to stop

Hillary is an amazing woman - person - politician - democrat - winner

Clark, Hillary, Gore, Kerry, Edwards or Rubber Ducky for 2008 Pres!


DU State Sen. Report: If your State has an open US Senate Set

US,Russia still face mutually assured destruction.

Greg Palast: Deep Throat Cover Blown, Washington Post Still Sucks U.S. Uses the Magic Mantra 'Zarqawi' to Justify Its Failures

El Diario Exterior: It's Airbus vs. Boeing: Largest Trade War in WTO Histo

CSM: Want to use the Web? Your fingerprint, please.

Huffington Post: Embarrassing Media Moments (New DU terminology here?)

Here's a giggle from Belarus MP Proposes Sterilizing Promiscuous Citizens for Gene

CounterPunch: Col. Hackworth's Claymores (Wreck It and Run)

Dahr Jamail: 60,000 Iraqis 'Disappeared' into US Camps

Monkey Business

"Americans and the Burning Bush " Tehran Times

"Senior Bush plugs Jeb for president 'someday' "

In wake of death, family reflects on what was, what could have been

San Diego Union Tribune: Absent anonymous sources, truth suffers

The Democrats' Woman Problem Heritage Foundation Sponsors Stock Scam

Molly Ivins: The view from the 'Owner's Box' (report on TX lege session)

pmcarpenter: The perniciously oblivious Mr. Bush

Forget 9/11 - Just For a Minute - David Jenkins III

M Carlson: The John McCain of Bagram Prison (Tortured to Death)

US and Iraqi government troops begin lockdown of Baghdad (WSWS)

The Lessons of Deep Throat! (Froomkin) Will Brighten DU'ers Day! Must Read

NYT: 'No' Votes in Europe Reflect Anger at National Leaders

This Nation Needs Another Deep Throat

Deception's Hammer (a fine Iraq rant)

Bases, Bases Everywhere

Indonesia: Shelter and Jobs Needed Now in Aceh

NYT :: The Five-Bedroom, Six-Figure Rootless Life

Washington Is the Source of Terror

Refugees International Urges Government of Sudan to Cease Harassment of MS

Bush: " .. Keep Repeating Things To Catapult The Propaganda"

The John McCain of Bagram Prison - LA Times

Hormone Spray Is Found To Bolster Trust in Others - WP

Herbert: Truth and Deceit (Downing Street Memo)

Hospitals take advantage of the uninsured, Tenet agreement should be model

Deep Throat: COINTELPRO Spook and All-American Hero

Mark Drolette: Spaced Cowboy's Space Cowboys (PNAC)

WP(Bob Woodward)..How Mark Felt Became 'Deep Throat'

I just registered

Seattle: Right-wing talk stations directly involved in voter initiatives

Question - WTAM1100 (Cleveland OH) was touting a Newsmax article this AM

"about the proposed transaction and would have preferred more layoffs"

Northern Cheyenne Fight Coal-Bed Wastewater Dumping In Tongue River

As Ocean Temps Rise, White-Beaked Dolphins Vanish From Scottish Waters

For 2nd Year, Breeding, Nesting Behaviors Fail In UK Seabird Colonies

Iowa Ranchers May Lead The US In Feeding Antibiotics To Livestock - DMR

4 Of China's Top 10 Most-Polluted Cities In Single Province - Xinhua

Condom Island ???

Sweden's nuclear waste headache

What's your Ecological Footprint? (also posted in GD)

(CA) Senate passes Schwartzenegger's "million solar roofs" program

Wired News: Biomass Adds to Ethanol Debate

Norway closes it's vaccine research group

Atlantic Current Subduction Zones Drop From 12 To 2 As Conveyer Falters

Human Rights Watch: Bahrain Courts Try to Silence Women's Rights Activist

Russia to switch to new foreign travel passports by year's end (Biometric)

Voices of the Middle East Archives - AIPAC Debate and Roya Hakakian

Bedouin women fight old values and vandalism to try and improve their lot

Peres: 100,000 Gaza Palestinian families to get $100 a month

Jihad double suicide bombing plot foiled

PM aide: We will deal with illegal outposts after disengagement

Israel to add to W Bank settlement

Extra 911 money laying around in NY - W wants it back.

Were the Twin Towers Destroyed by Advanced Microwave Weapons?

Jim Hoffman replies to Un-scientific American propaganda!

Randi Rhodes right before signing off says that 911 was an inside

Griffin interviewed by Hustler

We have a million smoking guns--WAKE THE FUCK UP

Stephanie Miller interviewing Dean LIVE NOW - will she ask about election?

Am Psych Assoc approves the inclusion of "Political Paranoia"

Chicago/Cook County selects Sequoia

John Edwards guest blogging at TPMCafe

Investigating the Accuracy of Elections


Suggestion on a new name for this forum

Comp Prof for Social Responsibility - Friends of Court Brief - FL

An idea for a nationwide voting system

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Thursday 6/2/05

Election Management Systems Tutorials

Coingate--forensic auditors hired , 'Follow the money," says State Auditor

CNN changed their Exit poll numbers

Is this the highest % in VVPT law?

Reposted from GD: John Edwards: "I gotta get this off my chest.

Ireland talking about vote fraud bloggers vs. traditional media

Debate within USCV: USCV's VP Bruce O'Dell disagrees with USCV statement

L.A. Calender of Upcoming Events - Protest Schwarzenegger June 14

For San Diego KLSD listeners: is that boring putz Ray Lucia out?

Convicted "johns" could soon see their photos on Oakland billboards

Protest NBC News - Demand the News : LA DUers!! SATURDAY & SUNDAY 11 a.m.

New Schwarzenegger ad claims Dems seek tax increases

Universal health Care for Cali folks

Nussle on race for governor: Count me in

MPR has info on 2006 races up.

Iraqi Union Leaders Speak Out June 10-20 (including St. Paul)

Fred Phelps and his nutcases to disrupt Eden Prairie H.S. graduation...

Sunday June 5th, Rally for EDUCATIONAL ACCESS at the Capitol

The Strib has a new metro writer... the Church Lady and she's TERRIBLE!

heaven help us: National Right to Life cmmtee. convenes in Bloomington

Excellent article on Timmy the Tool

MN Voter Registration Software fwd of thread

interested in rowley for congress ...??? please support.......

What mail-order house has the best current deal on a MoBo bundle?

Host an mp3 snippet?

Stem Cell Research could be killed in Ohio

Texas Ex-Prosecutor Is Sentenced


Austinites and other interested liberals - it's BRUNCH TIME!

Gov. Perry will sign legislation in church this Sunday

State Dems going after Rep. Green

Okay, those of you in "Non"Sensebrenner's

Feingold Among Those Opposed to CAFTA

Group wants Green to give Bush boot

I'll Be Camping Upnorth This Weekend, Come Visit!

Woo Hoo - Gov says no Reagan Hwy here, vetoes bill

Does anyone here not yet know what exactly the Downing Street Memo is?

bush was for worrying before he was against worrying. (bush = total idiot)

Email exchange with Freeper at work.

Aren't we closing bases in Germany?

Mark Drolette: Spaced Cowboy's Space Cowboys

Do Freepers think of Linda Tripp as a hero...

North Korea has written a song about the USA

Is DU evolving or....?

The start of June 2005 in Iraq

did anyone watch the eagles tonite?

Oh LOOK! bush is a big fat LIAR!

FLASH! Let's all write Boxer to join Kerry and Conyers re Downing Memo

PHOTOS of the Laguna Beach, CA Landslide 06/01/05

Virgin veto? new toon (6/2)

WTF? An upcoming CNN story re: a nasal spray that can make you...

Berkshire Eagle: "Downing Street memo...shows"

how US fights in 21st century, as directed by W--"go shopping" --remember

The PNAC program stripped off all its high falutin code words.

Noticing how they are starting to talk about Iraqi deaths done at the hand


Pleae save America Please

Three facts that all of us need to keep in mind about the political

Conn. governor proposes full public financing of state campaigns

Irony! Nixon sent Mark Felt a bottle of champagne after Felt was pardoned


Impeachment and Paper ballots and hand counts NOW!!! n/t

3 car bombs in 45 minutes today in Iraq

the THEORY of Jesus

Paul Rusesabagina (real-life inspiration for "Hotel Rwanda"), is coming

If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, fingering our most

Border Volunteers Not So Welcomed in Texas

The emergence of populist leaders like Chavez,Kirchner,Lula and

They call it insurgency

Help me with my LTTE Re: Media and the war

The questions that weren't asked

Privatizing the closed bases?

Are 55% of those who DU over 40? (link to earlier poll)

Republicans Hate America. Why else would they oppose paper trail

Interesting link just emailed to me by a friend.

if it were found that the u.s. staged 9-11, bush lovers would justify it.

"Bush wanted war, & he got it. Many thousands have died as a result." DSM

My experience at the county convention tonight.

Has Karl Rove unleashed a wave of insanity on the U.S.?

Is it possible that "Deepthroat" was a hoax on Woodward and press?

A glitch in the journalist's creed? re: Walter Williams

White House Stiffs Ground Zero Workers

Memogate is number two hit on Google for "foxnews"

You're gonna LOVE this: Vintage commercial "McDonaldland Election"

A failed attempt at McCensorship followed by McRetaliation

How many of you are watching "Take America Back" on C-Span?

What did the Foxies talk about Tuesday night? Not about Deep Throat!

Depressing Conversation with a Social Worker

Bernstein just made a great comment

NPR report on WA library that denied FBI patron access

WHERE'S OSAMA? ("Bush Doesn't Care. Do We? ")

Job reductions soar 42% in May, "too early to worry" about "weak" economy

So the Pentagon is DELAYING recruitment figures because they're too low?

Conservatives and the "Fair Tax"

SwiftBoat Bob Perry Getting a Sweet NO BID Land Deal in Sugar Land!

Fallujah - The Day After . . .

I'm reading the original Watergate stories online.

what percentage of americans do you think have absolutely no clue?

Going to my first DFA meeting tonight.....

Wachovia details past ties to slavery

We are at 1668 soldiers dead, weren't we just at 1500?

CSPAN TODAY - Progressive Politics & Edwards too (1:15pm)

What's the best employer you've ever had? The best boss? I KNOW there

We have plenty of Deep Throats, what we need are...

Senator Frist Is An Ignorant, Mischievous, Parochial Dimwited Bonehead

Support Our Troops?

Arizona Daily Star LTTE about Downing St. Memo

OK people are against using embryos for medical research for cures but ..

Anti-gay phone company . . .

The Weathermen- meeting violence with violence?terrorists? opinions?

You must see this Star Wars takeoff! Produced by the organic food people

World's longest-married couple clock up 80 years

I suspect Utah, maybe Salt Lake City will be place of next Terrorist attack

BWHAHAHA.. a republicans responce to the Amnesty Inter. "attack" on cheney

Swiss Close Probe -- setback to BushCo

Offensive LTTE

Greg Palast gets Washington Post

Pentagon delaying release of May recruiting data

Are we close to becoming a Gattaca Society?

America is at Not Free Status

Pentagon threatened earlier to kill reporters in Iraq

Arianna Huffington just said

Help, the whales and NRDC buy land, r/o I will buy 2 acres...

Another Rummy pic to caption....

Police: Man Stealing Gas Uses Lighter To Check On Progress

if an arab nation attacked israel, we'd have to intervene wouldn't we?

Bradlee resonds to Colson and Buchanan

What Orwellian language will Rove/Luntz use to frame a coming draft?

JESUS CHRIST!!! They Call This Leadership!!!

Cheney: U.S. Headed for Victory

Twisted logic: `Deep Throat,' Tripp both have stuff of heroes (Kass/Trib)

LOL check this photo out of Deep Throat :)

Quick help.. I need links to show how much $ the head of big media outlets

Sheeeeiiiiittt... You have GOT to read this LTTE in my paper:

Why is DU not linked to this important site?

Just heard on Rush. "But I'm not gonna break the law anyway folks."

Why conservatives will never find freedom... or Zen.

Think we can win Cox's seat when he gets confirmed to the SEC?

Young DUers: If you haven't decided on a career path, read this:

Aunty Pinko can kiss MY ass.

Paris Hilton can kiss my ass!


What has Dean said about the memo?

White House, N.Y. Face Off Over 9/11 Funds

More Evidence behind the Downing Street Minutes (in case you missed it)

anyone see jake plummer on espn speaking out about pat tillman & the war?

Danica Patrick wins, Bush Dilutes Title IX

Okay, we need a humor break

Cox to head SEC, major shift seen (more corp friendly)

QUESTION: A couple of days ago I read where Chavez was missing..

Why Won't Media Announce Hillary's Acquittal?

Last Chance Democracy Cafe..

C-span said LIVE coverage.. So WHY are they continuing to

Why no big attack so far and why one is coming.

Forget the Koran.Bush has flushed the Constitution down the toilet.

Oregon Lawmakers Discover Unexpected Revenue from Medical Marijuana

Bush Flips the Bird to Blair on Increasing Aid to Africa

C-Span "viewer services rep"...rudest person ever

International Reaction to Newsweek-Gitmo-Koran controversy

Get ahead of the curve, Democrats!

Trudeau, Yale classmates diss Bolton publicly!

Selective Leaks: The Shallowness Of Deep Throat

When the Neo-con(artists) say, "Republicans and Democrats in Congress...

It's all Newsweek's Fault

Question for Ben of White Rose

John Sweeney AFL-CIO just said we need to count the votes again

Repuke conclusion on Watergate: Nixon should've been above the law

Persystent Technology in FLORIDA is sending threatening emails to bloggers

I'm thinking of Officiallly Changing my Name to

WizBang Blogs take on Downing St. - "No Moonbat Left Behind"

At 13, this girl had to marry a paedophile. Her father-in-law raped her an

Mom Accused Of Taking Money To Hide Daughter's Rape (WTH?)

Which businesses would profit from progressive agenda?


I really do believe that Clinton's impeachment was GOP payback for Nixon

Randi is talking of Downing Street on AAR "Conyers has 87k signatures"

When you really should lay down the extra bucks for organics.

John Edwards - Global Challenges

An elderly woman, via AAR, asked people without computers to go

Howard Dean coming up on air america

Why I don't think "Downing Street" will have much impact.

How about a faith based legal system? Why have evidence. lawyers,

87,000 have signed John Conyer's website for DSM.

Wow? How long has the RW been preparing for "Deepthroat" to come out?

a letter from Walter Cronkite

Need new soldiers? Tap the politically active lists in churches

Holy Crapola!!!!! This is real creepy.

Blast from the Past from "Is Lying About The Reason For War.."

Bush event organizers OK with porn star's attendance-fundie site

Most cringe-inducing Franken gag

Reep Admits Bush Lied about Iraq (then tell why Clinton's lie was WORSE)

Does anyone remember Clare Short ??

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Kansas Forgets & Great Quotes for Trying Times

Women's Suffrage Opponent Seeks Office

LOL. NARAL Pro-Choice contest on who * should appoint to Supreme Court

It is time to start referring to the Media as, not Biased, but Incompetent

Arsenal Found in Elderly Couple's Home

say good bye

{dkos} FEC: This Is Your Last Chance To Help Save Democracy Online

One day left to do your part in protecting free speech online

What does it matter Hitler will just get away with it again?

Regarding impeachment, I know that with a Rethug House there

Click here if you love your kids' PUBLIC school.

Photo: Deep Throat back in the day...

This Is Not Right

Predict the Terrorist Attack that will drive us to the next invasion:

Talk show host going off on Bob Ney

LOL. Which one of you talented DUers sent this pic to Jeff Gannon?

caption the fix

RE: Political nonesense babble

Wounded Gay Soldier Discharged From Army

Attention Taliban fathers/brothers/stalker boyfriends!

Fallujah desturction video

What is up with the Harley riders?

embrace your inner conspiracy theorist

Freeper V. Freeper on FCC/Howard Stern FunFest Thread

Gruesome Father's Day Presents for Right-Wing Dads of America

My Uncle the Merc (um, contractor) isn't going back to Iraq this time!

Al Franken just mentioned that he is not for leaving Iraq immediately...

Sorry John, we don't need the "best election system money can buy"

Lurking Freeptards are off the deep end.

How long do we stay and fight and when do we just give it up and leave?

Are you READY, Dems?! SET.... GO!

Conduct BLL testing for all refugee children coming in to US

Arianna Huffington mentions DOWNING STREET MEMO on CSPAN WJ!

In the future, everyone will be Hitler for 15 minutes . . .

Bases, Bases Everywhere

Dilawar's Death Mocks U.S. Claim on Detainees

If there was undeniable proof God had committed suicide . . .

Chinless Ed Gillespie says many of his best friends are democrats

Oops. Randi Rhodes crashed John Conyers' website again!

Does Pickles still smoke?

Oil Storm

Layoffs surged 42 percent in May

The war on terror is a SHAM!!!!

Lou Dobbs Poll, Sec Ed in Schools..

Right wing rants about Felt et al destroying Nixon.

The USA is currently building thirty seven "detention centers" nationwide,

Caption this Rummy pic...

The revisionist Nixon spin is making my stomach turn

Cowardice in Journalism Award for Newsweek

Fears over CIA 'university spies'

Huffington: Topic ONE for Democrats

Child Poverty In Rich Countries 2005 by Unicef

News - we really only get one side - don't we?

Breaking on FAUX: "Runaway Bride Pleads Guilty, Gets Probation"

Pentagon delays release of May recruiting data

Ben Bradley interviewed on Newshour - topic deep throat

Bill Clintons affair with Monica Lewinsky

Has gasolene went up in your area after last weekend?

Why don't Dems refer to inheritance tax as "Paris Hilton tax"?

bush's reaction to deep throat would of been different in debate...

Puke Alert - Peggy Noonan blames Felt for taking down Serious Prez

If Bush is impeached, will all second term presidents be impeached

the bioterrorism prosecution of Dr. Thomas Butler . . .

Cover international news, not "the pervert of the day" Ted Turner

The multi-year "death" of the Iraqi insurgency

What is the deal with "Crossfire"? I thought it was going off the air?

ALERT: One of the best Daily Shows ever, about to start at 8:00 pm!

Take the poll regarding Felt (Deepthroat).

teens who wear black hoodies: cause for alarm?

Buchanan, Limbaugh, Stein blamed those who "brought down" Nixon for fall o

If you ever start reporting the news again, we'll happily re-subscribe.

A new low for the media - Amnesty Int'l Activists under scruitiny

87,000 signatures!

Rising doctors' premiums not due to lawsuit awards

Frank Luntz shares thoughts on how to increase recruiting

It's funny how the Nixon defenders aren't going after Woodward.

Misinformation Abounds As Reactionaries Ramp Up Anti-Adult Campaign

Now what is he up to? * alters Pentagon line of succession

The Lord God Almighty Tricks Scientists into Linking Dinos and Birds

America: Love it or Move to Saudi Arabia

Milk may prevent heart attacks, strokes

Wingnuts Keeping Us off Balance, Framing It as Vietnam/& Re-habbing NIXON

Confirmed,Liddy is a Sociopath.

Women in men's clothes is an evil

Rough night, George? >>>

Did anyone see Leslie Stahl on Hardball?

AriannaHuffington on CSPAN WJ now: discussing Arnold, Iraq & blogging.

9/11 the best thing for bush?

Deep Throat-alikes will need us to support this legislation

HEY! WTF? Why are they NOT showing The Daily Show Replay?

Ronald Reagan's vision has triumphed... But,

Eerie message for Star Wars Ep. III about the Bush era

The world was safer when two superpowers pointed nukes at each other

14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism

Program Notice: Novak debates "Deep Throat"

on AAR: Franken says Iraq is the new Vietnam and Downing the new Watergate

Does Bush Oppose Birth Control and Contraception?

cure for autism?

What is under assault by the Right Wing is the basic idea that we are

CBS eve news: Iraq auto shops putting bombs into unsuspecting customers

The Charleston Gazette SLAMS * bad on Downing St and Stem Cells

MissionNOTAccomplished to Senator Kerry: Here's how you 'break through'


Scary tales from the fight for gay equality

How to Get Our Biggest Concerns Out as Effectively as Possible

Bush wants his 9/11 money back!!!

Who knows who escorted the Nixons to the helicopter on Resignation Day?

Ted Turner: CNN Focuses Too Much on Perverts

ander cooper to lead with "runaway bride" Michael Jackson" and

60% of DUers older than 40? Let's engage in serious discussion here....

PHOTO- W is told that "Deepthroat"'s identity was revealed

I smell rat feces...

I'm feeling the earth move under my feet. Downing St. is catching fire

Soldiers' Rap Album about Iraq, "Live from Iraq"

lala_rawraw and Rawstory just got massive props from Randi on AAR!

Darfur Daily News: June 02, 2005

What's your Ecological Footprint?

General question for all that use their library...

I'm way over sick of seeing "Support the Troops" magnets on SUVs.

Boy Allegedly Forced To Lick Teacher's Toes For Candy

Reinstate the draft - game over!

Honest question about tasers in the news:

Dean on Ed Schultz right now.

the problem with Christianity is with the bible

The truth about bird flu, and why the bush administration hasn't prepared.

John Edwards: "I gotta get this off my chest.

Are there concentration camps in our future?

Laura Ingraham question.

I'm going to widen my base. I'm now sending this info to Republcan friends

Hey La La - Randi just plugged you on AAR!

Teens seeking summer jobs find they've gone to older workers & immigrants

CALLING HEROES: George McGovern calls for a modern-day "Deep Throat"!

Ben Bradlee is not buying Judy's tit-for-tat "journalism"

Update from Congressman Conyers posted at dKos

Iraqi Union Leaders to Speak Out June 10-20 in 20 U.S. Cities

Did you all know our tax dollars are going to sponsor NASCAR racers?

A Question for those with religious beliefs-

Galloway is off the deep end

Ben Stein: JFK was a "lying, conniving drug addict"

Chain Email About Iraq from Fundie

Woodward will be on Imus ....

Does it seem like John Conyers is doing more to save America than

Congress is About To Expand The Drug War

Wanna BLOW your MIND? Guess what excuse bushCo gave for not releasing

Bush Says More Funding for Africa "Doesn't Fit Our Budget Process"

Symbolman flushes Bible Down Toilet online as Protest against BushCo Abuse

What would you do?

Pugs are the real terrorists undermining, dividing and destroying America

George Bush, looking Surprised and Fascinated >>>

This week on NOW:

Arianna Can Kiss My Ass...

Army will replace Iraq Humvees with Chrysler Minivans

Hart Senate Office Building/Anthrax was Bush's Watergate break-in

THE COUNTER-ATTACK when the Downing St. minutes thing explodes next week:

Check out how the NY Times scrubs K. Seelye's comment about Clinton.

What's the most abusive thing you've seen an employer do?

In the NATION: Conyers is said to be considering the option of Impeachment

Do you think that slavery was abolished?

"The Real Memogate"

Oct 8 2002 - The first media report of COOKED INTEL BOOKS

Kerry's Office Expects Media Attention to Follow on Monday

Eat your spinach!

Cream pies

Salsa - recommended

My kitchen smells like heaven right now.

It's Italian food week here in mandy-ville

Speaking of grits, I have an old open large bag

Amnesty Internationals William Schultz on HardBall!

Journalist killed in Beirut blast

Bomber strikes at Afghan funeral

Bush to Nominate Rep. Cox for SEC Chairman

Limbaugh tries fresh medical record tack:-

WP,pg1: Wounded Iraqis Left Broken and Burdened

Three Suicide Bombings in Iraq Kill 17

Smithsonian Distances Itself From Controversial (intelligent design) Film

Motorcycle-rigged bombs kill five Iraqis in Mosul

Former N.M. Gov. speaks out on Deep Throat

Bomb attacks across Iraq kill 24

LAT - Suicide Attacks Rising Rapidly

EPA Wants Montana Dam Taken Down

Recall for priest over spy claims

Bush as a Uniter -- of Diverse Democrats

Mossad spied on far-right Austrian

Advocates see veterans of war on terror joining the ranks of the homeless

Advocates see veterans of war on terror joining the ranks of the homeless

Bush Nominating Rep. Cox to Head SEC

NYT,pg1: From Stem Cell Opponents, an Embryo Crusade ("embryo adoption")

Poll: Economy Jitters Vary in Sources

Radio ads ask Republicans to get rid of majority leader

White House Stiffs Ground Zero Workers

Kansas: Women's Suffrage Opponent Seeks Office

Navy officer, seven sailors disciplined in hazing incidents

Postwar Iraq paying heavy environmental price

"US appealing to Iranians not to go to polls"-- IRNA/Iran

North Korea Condemns Cheney Remarks (Dickie is ''bloodthirsty beast'')

John Edwards is on cspan now - 2 pm ...

Bid to let gays wed is losing

WP: Low Mortgage Rates Defy Expectations

Mortar attack injures five members of 48th Brigade (at Base Shopping Ctr)

Our friends the Saudis

State (CA) has reached 'critical juncture,' major study says

Ky. Judge: Neither Gets State Senate Seat (Stephenson not eligible/not res

NYT: Frist Backs Initiative on Biodefense

Dean Outlines Opportunities for Democrats

Brazil busts major Amazon logging gang, arrests 89

38 Iraqis slain in multiple attacks

North Korea Condemns Cheney Remarks

More firms offering less in health care to work force


Civil Rights Group Plans Bush Judge Attack (Brown)

Army faces looming recruiting crisis

Britain to scrap EU referendum

Fitzpatrick says he's satisfied with troop conditions in Iraq

38 more killed by insurgents

Children 'tortured under Pinochet'

Officials See Terror Threat From Iraq Vets (insurgents)

Head of Amnesty International Asks To Inspect Gitmo

EU, US sing different tune on Iran's participation in Iraqi conference

Want to use the Web? Your fingerprint, please.

Bloggers take on European elites (EU Constitution vote)

ander cooper to lead with "runaway bride" Michael Jackson" and

U.S. (Rice) Calls Killing of Anti-Syrian Lebanese Journalist `Heinous'

Town passes law banning "Taking Lord's Name in Vain"

Treating autism 'right the first time'

Amnesty defends 'gulag,' urges Guantanamo access

Porn sites to get their own Internet domain

Selective Service registered aprox. 15.6 million in 2004

Al-Qaida 'sets up new group of suicide bombers'

Insurgents using poison melons

Florida's Governor Vetoes Looting Bill

Border Volunteers Not So Welcomed in Texas

Vanishing dolphins 'a wake-up call' on wildlife (LBN, as just revealed)

Raw rap lets out Iraq GIs' anger (CD sold on web)

Lawsuit demands that students be tested in their native language

Hate messages(swastikas) burned into nine South Bay lawns (CA)

Building trust via nasal spray

Former Michigan priest reinstated by Vatican working in Fla. hospital

Zogby: Bush Job Approval Hovers At 46%

Medicaid To End For Thousands Of Low-Income Missourians

Search Launched For Suspect In Three Slayings; Racial Slurs Made As Shop W

Artillerymen fire 'care' at Iraqis ("We tried to be the good guys")

BBC (late Thursday): Lebanon president urged to resign

Ex-Taft aide got $39,000 from Noe; 'loan' used to help buy house

Saudis Outraged Over Women-Drive Proposal

U.S. May layoffs up 42% to 82,283, Challenger says (Marketwatch)

U.S. watching Bolivian situation

Planned job cuts soar 42% in May

WP: After 30 Years, Draft Fears Rise


Fears over CIA 'university spies'

Former Amway head DeVos to run for Governor of Michigan

A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq (freeped rating)

Bush stumps in Kentucky for Social Security plan

New 'Deep Throat' needed for Iraq, says Nixon rival (McGovern)

Military Services Tap NASCAR Market

Arsenal Found in Elderly Couple's Home (Yipes performed illegal abortions

Howard Dean's Raised Voice Isn't Raising Cash

Wal-Mart Fights Benefits Disclosure in Minnesota

Kerry assails Bush on Iraq

(Bill) Clinton: Felt did right thing in Watergate affair


Court Orders Government to Release Images Depicting Detainee Abuse (ACLU)

I'm a terrible lay.. I mean person, I'm a terrible PERSON

Best Song with a Bear Killing Theme

guess who .....

Best song with a hellhound theme

CUBS sweep LA Dodgers !!!!!!!

Good night, DU.

I won a debate.

My favorite Foo Fighters song.

If you "Don't like" Oldies - you've never listened to Summertime blues by

OK...So I just got back from dinner at 11 PSt.....and all i have to say is


Weekly World News: "Outsource your job, goof off all day, still get paid"

Men who like to cuddle... check yer candyasses in here

My little chick-a-dees.

What is your favorite Foo Fighters song?

So, I finally saw the "ASSHAT" mentioned so often on the Internets!

The CUBS are having their way

the things you can learn on the internets

Nu Image/Millennium Films green-lights Stallone in "Rambo IV"

Create your own map of states visited

Chappelle’s Show Season 2 is the "fasting-selling TV show DVD in history"

Where the frig is goathead?

Eva Longoria, and all of the photogs are snappin' away...except ONE.

Bush's presidency, metaphorically speaking. Graphic and maybe tasteless.

May I RANT??

Virgin Veto? new toon (6/2)

That Damn Bird

"The Grand Tour"- George Jones

Battle of the Joans: Joan Jett vs. Joan Osborne

Naked Students Protest Education Funding

Cowboy Troy

Katie Holmes career is going to go down the tubes now

Olympus 410 Digital problems

Birthday Milestones

Well, it's about 5:25 in the AM. Just finished my paper.

Favorite silent film star?

Should I lose the DOG CRAP graphic on my signature line?

Create your own map of countries visited

Saw Boogey Man last night. Why make such stupid movies?

I have to put my dog down today

So how do I get that free credit report?

Why The Hell Is The Daily Show Pubbing Fucking American Idol?

Cease and desist with all the motherfucking profanity

Here it is ... your next earworm!


I have a major problem & I am not sure how to deal with it.

Nobody likes an asshole.

Someone please explain what kind of person would have the following...

Is There A Pill They Could Prescribe To Make Me Hate The Government

Anyone else sick of hearing all the Tom Cruise talk?

emaiLs you get, that aren't adressed to you

Are you keepin' it real?

Rod Stewart Is Going To Be A Father (Again)

Answers to today's questions

Just in case you guys forgot from yesterday?

Fun! I'm taking the youngun to float the river.

What do you say to a 57 year old Beaver?

What are you grateful for?

Maryland Mockingbirds Are Strange...


A potion to be taken on trust

Who is faster HammerHedge or Michael Jackson?

Highway Billboard: "Welcome to New Jersey. A horrible place to do business

SHOCKING!! Fan Beaten At Snoop Dogg Show

Happy Birthday to the Beaver!

Guests take a dip in beer pool


Odd question i have here.

I don't have to shower today- Curly already "groomed" me!

Ill-conceived logo time: Who here would use a snail for a trucking company

A German Mini-Me Pope to Cuddle

Don't believe the type.

"I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go..."

pLease hedges, don't hurt 'em

Yum! I'm eating a floater in the river


Who was it whose wife wrote a book about breast cancer?

Armstrong Threatens to Sue Ohio Barber

Have we had a picture posting thread recently?

Bad table

You'll never believe what DAN BERN covered last night!

I Love Nothing.

I Love Gay Men

WWII stragglers story 'a hoax'

Is the Rapture here yet?

I love a parade.

The Shrubmeister is so damned dumb that...

I despise a gay man.

I also love gay men

I love a jay, man

Why The Hell Is The Daily Show Publicly Fucking American Idols?

Sweet PowerPoint Irony!

I Love Gay Men Too.

I love a fey man

Jacko refrains from SUV roof-dancing as closing arguments begin

Bush does the Boss

shaZAM!, so i did it!

I love Tina Fey, man

What I dream I had...

How much $$ do I have to donate to get the search and poll features?

Hey... did I like, fuck up?

Let's post words that rhyme with StoptheMorans

I hate Ken Lay, man

This gay man loves everyone who loves gay men.

I Love Lesbians

Man Stealing Gas Uses Lighter To Check On His Progress - Burned

I love a stray, man

let's rhyme words with: revolution and/or class war

Woman Shocked To Find Her Grave Already Occupied

Well, it has been 36 hours since

I love a CAIMAN.

My LTTE today re: lame news media

Do you believe in karma?

I love Gaiman

Does Tom Cruise Love Gay Men?

I despise some gay men.

So today is my first day as a real grassroots activist!

Napsters "Cold Feet" playlist for the Runaway Bride

Goodbye DU....

Cool-aid gets such a bad rap here at DU!

A running suit? In public? HER?!?!?!

Sorry Everybody (web site)



Saw this on another forum...


Who's your favorite forgotten President?

PEOPLE who need PEOPLE...

Garden of Allah by Don Henley

The 2004 Stella Awards

Self Delete

just 24 hours Left! (enjoy your Lunch)

What happened the year you were born?

How to do the Star Wars Triology in 58 minutes.

doh! shouLda checked the scheduLe

I can not believe how peaceful it is here since the terrorist

Bush cohort LEAST likely to regularly work out to Buns of Steel video

Paris Hilton can kiss my ass!

Declaration of Independence for Iraq

Help with SSDI....Anyone?

Help! Php-Nuke problem

Bible vs. Medical Science: Brits Say Gideons May Be Spreading Superbug


gallery of unusual home-built bicycles . . .

Serious question: Where do socks go?

Question for New Englanders: Do you really suffer an onslaught

Greatest LONG Neil Young Song. Not Heart of Gold. L-O-N-G SONG.

Now that the fun is no longer over, I want your sex.

Matcom says he's enjoying his pregnancy

Car thieves leave snapshot behind

Did Nixon expand the scope of the Vietnam war before it ended?

Washington, Jefferson, Kennedy, or Nixon?

Lindsay Lohan's car crash

The fan on my laptop has been turning on a lot more than usual lately

Does your state have high school One-Act Play Competitions?

"the values of civility, light and truth"

You know - I just WONDER why Disney is bringing out the "Chicken Little'

But it's best to finish as it started

I'm listening to a kick-ass song that no one has ever heard of.

Is Tom Cruise bug-eyed nutso insane?

Is it OK to watch /American Idol/?

Do you say "Rah-men" or "Ray-men"

How One Tasing Unfolded in Boynton Beach

Do you enjoy or dread going to the mailbox / post office?

This Fall: "The Complete New Yorker"...80 years, 4,109 issues on 8 DVDs

Just a general question on Libertarianism.

If all you could find was a work e-mail address for someone...

I just finished reading the Jungle and have a literary question

Help ... separation anxiety

Question? in regards to a sex maniac?

Am Psych Assoc approves the inclusion of "Political Paranoia"

Salvation Army Exec Admits Dabbling In Internet Porn

"What's this? What's this?"

Just Beat it.

"Crazy Guggenheim" or the Messiah?

Did you get spanked as a child?

Paramount to pull plug on "Mission: Impossible III" due to nutcase Cruise?

Bite it you scum

National Spelling Bee thread!

Your face reminds me of a flower

Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me.

Help! My threads are sinking!

Here's my application to host a talk radio show.

Book's clue leads to $25K prize

Bobby Brown -- WTF is up with him????

POLL - Who do you trust?

"You want a piece of me?"

Bad. Lyrics.

Uncle Joe Says

Most miserable time period in your life so far?

Miss Canada wins Miss Universe!

Guilty. Lyrics

Stories from the road

Woo Hoo

I'm doing laundry now...if you need anything washed, just throw it in.

Why is it wrong to call someone crazy


I'm doin' it all for my baby.

Huge freeper rally....

American Idol fans: could someone explain something to me?

"Sylvester Stallone to star in fourth Rambo movie" WTF!!!

Do you love lots of things?

Guess what? I got a fever!

Tha Internet's mizzost popular Democratic website

Why cyclists wear black pants . . .

Check out this picture I took

Why is it wrong to harp on people's shortcomings?

Blame Canada!

Sports trauma injuries.. Be Careful out there:)

Freepers choose their favorite "poym"

OK... here's the story.....


Drinking my first serving of rBGH-free milk

Welcome Jillinaz and other newbies and hi to paininthearsh


Just Eat It.

Oh yeah baby...


Question for all informed motorists....

To all the folks who helped me out the other day.

I'm going in for my surgery soon. And will return Hernia-Free.

Are you in love?

Cubs or Red Sox?

Why the FUCK do I EVER try to explain ANYTHING in GD

I just bent some VoIP software into my bidding with my C kung fu

Jane, You Ignorant Slut.

I just got denied for short term disability, woo-hoo!

I never thought 15 years ago that I would be saying this but....

Any JIM HARRISON fans here?

Tom Cruise is the new Fat Actress.

What is this 'Fat Actress' I keep hearing about?

Fat Actress is the new Fat Actress.

American Idol is the new Fat Actress.

Does the Lounge need more Tom Cruise threads?

That Actress who's Bat Actress is the new Fat Actress


Flat screen LCD for gamers?

Fat Idol Is The New American Actress

Man Injured in Toilet Blast Files Suit

New 'Chappelle' DVD Becomes Fastest-Selling TV Disc

I was just offered a 'Forensic reconstruction/3D animation' job interview

How stupid do you have to be to be unable to handle an umbrella??

How often are you wrong?

Are women smarter than men?

If the du smilies were a Survivor cast, who would get voted off first?

How high is up?

Do you know the way to San Jose..wo..wo..wo ...wowowo...wowowowo

Maryland Police Use Night Vision Goggles To Check If Drivers Are Buckled

Michael Jackson fans are nuts.

OMG - the neighbors kitty - - -

Are there any high priests reading DU?

Okay. I am clueless. What's all the Fat Actress stuff about?

This Old Whore House

What do ya'll make of 'Malcom in the Middle'?

I am sick of Linux.

Michael Jackson is 99 & 44/100% Guilty!!!

Anybody hungry for pizza?

What do y'all make of MATCOM in the MIddle?

The father of fascism visited Ranger Memorial...

Somebody needs a pop in the mouth!

Our river float was fun! No rednecks, sunny all day...

Who is this Michael Jackson everyone is talking about?

I'm sick of Linus.

I saw Robert Cray, Sista Monica and the Fabulous Thunderbirds this Sunday


Michael Jackson is 100% a size 6!

Michael Jackson is 100%

Michael Jackson Is 100% INNOCENT!!!!!

It's not the heat, it's...

Matcom is 200% GUILTY!!!!!

How soon is now?

A big friggin' plate of rigatoni and meatballs, or cucumber sandwiches

The trouble with unemployment is

Hey, won'tcha play another

Wilder: "Wonka Remake Is All About Money"

Did somebody really apologize for making fun of American Idol fans?

My Apologies To ALL American Idol Fans!

Who is your favorite actor and actress?

Save marriage: Buy this T-shirt

Hot Time

Subway Ends Free-Sandwich Promotion

Worst President (excluding * ) Part Deux:

I'm a size 6!

My eyes are dilated ....... ask me any thing!

Here's to Being Ridiculously Confused

Attention gay men: Five special delivery packages to sign for...

"Fat Actress" Season One On DVD... ALREADY!!

The gas pedal is the one on the right, fucker!

waLk off homer

I'd never seen Episode I before.

I would love to meet the marketing crew at Ben and Jerry's or

What's a spooky song you like?

Who's the worst President (excluding GWB!!)?

Leon Russell IS "The Master of Time and Space"

Bird Lovers: How many tail feathers is my Amazon supposed to have????

Trust me, I'm not bashing Texas

I saw the Judas Priest concert last night, it kicked so much ass

OK Folks!!! 31 to get to 1000. Help me out here. Ask me anything...

What game is this?

Is there a cuss word comperable to FUCK! except using violence?

This Gay Man loves Rev Acts

Did the Daily Show jump the shark last night with Bo Bice?

Does Anyone Cool Share Your Birthday (Famous Or Otherwise)?

Best song ever in a miner theme?

Experiences with Mederma, scar tissue removal ointment?

Who is the worst President of the 21st century?

I'm goin' back to Cali...Cali...Cali...(yo California DUers)

Britney Says She Is Enjoying Her Pregnancy

Forget spanking..did you ever get the shit beat out of you as a child


Just how dumb are these people?

Testing new sig line

Do you want to see the worst thing in the world? (Click here to see it)

Post words that rhyme with "Palace"

Pictures of Ducks and Flowers

how old is old?

How long does it usually take to get your DU bumper sticker?

Will someone please explain why Joe Walsh


Anyone here 'pine' after someone you'll never be with?

Why are we so hard on fellow DEMOCRAT TOM CRUISE?

Who was/is "The Greatest American"? Voting starts June 5

So, what are you sensitive about?

How can I turn a book into a solid block?

OK. We're off to the river.

Martini time

Ten Schools That Party the Heartiest

Who sucks more vigorously?

DS1 is the father of my baby

It's post a picture of your shoe time!


It's post a picture of yourself time!

Michael Jackson Is 100% GUILTY!!!!!

about tailgating and the left lane

It's POST a PIC of yourself in your UNDERWEAR time.

Favorite California city/town/village?

Okay, all you Krazy Kitten lovers. Who wants this?

Milk Prevents Heart Attacks

Red Lobster

Pakistani Muslim clerics declare suicide bombings un-Islamic

Sisters take on scholars in battle for Islam

Billboard (Poster) Disputes The Myth Of Santa

If there was undeniable proof God had committed suicide . . .

Yes Christianity IS losing in the religion war.

The Jacksonville Declaration - taking back Christianity

Study claims Web a danger to patients with eating disorders

California passes Single Payer!!

DU's SETI@Home Team

Extinct Bears (and Maybe Neandethals?) Get their DNA Sequenced

DU users:

Mass. Gubernatorial candidates weigh in on the 1913 Marriage Law

California Assembly To Vote Today On Gay Marriage Bill

Oregon GOP Gay Partner Bill Called Pointless

Canadian Gay Marriage Bill Heads To Summer Vote

Araujo Retrial Begins

Conservative County Embraces Gay Unions

Retrial of Three Men Accused of Killing Transgender Teen Gets Underway

Thirty-six Gay Leaders Head to CO to Train for Victory;

San Francisco 49ers training video bashes Mayor, Gays and Chinese

Library Of Congress Drops Job Applicant After Learning She's Transsexual

Wisconsin Lawmakers Threaten To Pull College Funding In ROTC Gay Flap

Cosmetology Student Expelled For Being HIV-Positive

Black Gay Pride: Does Green Know the Difference Between Black and White?

Zions Bank decides gala too pro-gay

The Right Person for the Job

Yankee Haters Check In - KC needs the good vibes tonight

Hey Kleeb, KC vs NY Tonight

coming soon . . . "Queer Eye for the Boston Red Sox" . . .

Former NBA Star George Mikan Dead at 80

Wow what an ending to the sox-o's game

ok . . . masochist that I am, I'm gonna watch the Yanks/KC game . . .


Spurs back in the Finals

That Damn Bird

Kitty haikus

Sites related to over vaccination in cats

$140 vet bill --- ouchie

Guess what was delivered to my home today.

Religion of Orgasm or Orgasm of Religion?

I'm sure you haven't missed it, but in case you did (Greatest page)...

Idiot Boston Globe column

How many small towns can one presidential candidate visit?

Kerry phone interview

Kerry assails Bush on Iraq

Kerry and African-American Voters -- Help me get the facts

How about a citizens' award for JK?

John Kerry to bring Downing St. Memo to the Floor!

I love this forum

Well, since I can't afford a good macro lens, I tracked down

Please critique this snapshot

I fought off hordes of mosquitoes

Ground Zero, 2005

A little KOEB help please .. please click on the link and drop some love

A DU Sea Cruise....!

Has anyone heard from Whirlygirl

*Countdown* to 10,000 KO Group posts !

Did anyone hear THE idiot on Chris Mathews teach us to disassemble?

Ask Senator Boxer to Join John Kerry and John Conyers

Question about repubs stances on abortion

Oh for the love of GOD people can't anyone reply to my post

May I RANT??

The Daily Show and Deep throat-Video

This explains Bill Clinton's new persona as a conciliatory.....

Does anyone seriously think *POOF* he got smarter?

Dean - live on C-Span2 (9:29 edt)

Chimp's nominating Rep. Chris Cox for head of SEC

June 1st and 2nd on the 2005 Republican Freedom Calendar

lol ... self delete

I Just got them on Washington Journal

At last the media prints the truth! Too bad it's Tehran Times ....

Why is the media ignoring the Downing Street memo ?

Wife tells of Mr Putin, the authoritarian workaholic

Tried to get in on Washington Journal

According to repukes, Felt is a villain - so why doesn't

Deep Throat-alikes will need us to support this legislation

Foxnews: Downing Street Memo Ignored

ALl this talk of Hillary is only energizing her HATERS early!

PLEASE Contribute to CONYERS!

George McGovern and Mike Gravel Reflect on Deep Throat

Swiss terror probe suspension significant setback for Bush administration

Major Denial

Let's Get this Started! Join nearly HALF A MILLION

Heads Up: John Edwards live on C-Span2 at 1 pm (edt)

Clinton Library meets annual visits goal in 192 days

Ideas anyone?

The pros and cons of a unified message.

Who says they don't write good protest songs anymore?

Louisiana passes the first Depleted Uranium testing Bill

Out of curiosity, has ANY Republican come out in support of Deep Throat?

If you ever had any doubts about the power and influence of AIPAC

Holy Crap. Kerry to bring up DSM when he gets back to Washington

CSPAN TODAY - Progressive Politics & Edwards too

Howard Dean's Speech, Mentioned GOP Election Fraud

For Repubs, sex in the WH is equal to crimes in the WH ..

Sen. Kay O'Connor is nuts

Luis Miranda Dem Party spokesperson has his head up his ass

Does anyone know if Donald Rumsfeld has taken a dump yet...

John Edwards, Tom Paine Award winner, speaks at 1:15PM, EST on C-Span

Ireland talking about vote fraud bloggers vs. traditional media

I Need Help with a New Progressive Effort

Dean just called for Instant Run-Off Voting (IRV)

Howard Dean's Raised Voice Isn't Raising Cash

Statement by RNC Press Secretary Tracey Schmitt on Howard Dean's Comments

Ky. Judge: Neither Gets State Senate Seat

Newsweek: "Could Bolton be good for the U.N.?"

What are the Freepers saying about Downing St?

The Strategy of Impeachment via the Downing Street Minutes

Has * made an official statement concerning the MINUTES?

What makes a suicide bomber bomb?

White House counsel’s ouster sought (by Log Cabin Republicans)

It's a War, Stupid! Will they ever learn???

LTTE to Congress Critter

Take Action - Downing Street Memo

Is Pelosi catching on?

If you live in a Republican held Congressional district...

Chairman Dean will be on Ed Schultz today

Woodward needs to come clean on his ties to Adm Moorer

Draft Young Republicans?

Tin Foil Hat? Check!

NEW Mark Fiore "Flash" cartoon "Democracy Lite"

Heritage Foundation Sponsors Stock Scam

What is the RW spin on the Downing Street minutes?

I just email to Ed Schultz...

Why do Repubs, when complaining about "the government",

WOW we have crashed Conyers webstie

Where should George W. Bush serve his sentence?

Democrats To GAIN Congressional Seats in '06!

Warren Beatty's Remarks at UC Berkeley Graduation

MSNBC brings up Downing Street Memo

Republicans to GAIN Congressional Seats in '06!

DU ACTION ALERT: Call your reps that haven't signed Conyers' letter yet

NeoCon logic 101:"record-high $61 billion monthly trade deficit is strengt

Ben Bradlee Bleeped on the Newshour >

To all those trashing Felt: just think what a "deep throat" within

NYT Downing Street story on the way?

The Deep Throat scoopster, who O'conner is in San Francisco

There's a Bronco on our side

Two Watergate Figures Linked to Arlington National Cemetery Scandal

Howard Dean's Raised Voice Isn't Raising Cash

Help me -- should I respond to this email, and if so how?

Everyone... please welcome newbies when they post message.

Downing Street Minutes: THE POINT

When to disturb the president....(humor column)

Which of these crazy ideas is the most ridiculous?

Today's RW BS: Woodward, Felt caused us to lose Vietnam

You realize that if we are succesful with Downing Street (even marginally)

Did you SEE John Edwards on "Campaign to Take Back America/C-Span

How many signatures has Conyers gotten so far?

To the lurkers who want the Ten Commandments displayed

Petition for an Independent Council. It's about time!

Impeachment fucking NOW! There is enough evidence to DEMAND it NOW!

HEY! Where's your DNC money going? Do you know?

Kerry Promises to raise UK Memo questions!!! Slams media!!!

Jeffrey Dahmer As Right Wing Pundit

BobWoodward: intelligence operative before WP andWatergate.Still is.

Do you hate 2008 presidential polls on DU at this time?

People who don't want 2008 threads on DU should...

Dumb ass college student...

Stephanie Miller says she'll be on CSPAN2 8PM EST

Screw MTV: They've become irrelevent. Let them know.

Conservatives must be sad and feel betrayed by bush

Kerry assails Bush on Iraq, addresses Downing Street Minutes

Bad news for investors. Bush nominates Chris Cox to replace Donaldson.

Review of "Atomic Iran"--New Jerome "Swift Boat" Corsi Book

John Edwards is on cspan now - 2 pm ...

A Cox in the Henhouse

A Modest Proposal--The Bush Bounty

Symbolman flushes Bible Down Toilet online as Protest against BushCo Abuse

MSNBC... Doing It Again! It's Hillary!

This just about sums it up!

Two excellent speeches: Dean and Huffington

Pat Oliphant CRUCIFIES WaPo>>>>>

Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries

The BAT is BACK! (Well--almost.) Go Dems GO!

NEWS FLASH! Hillary Clinton to be President

so... who ya want in 2012?

What are our winning issues in 2006 again?

Conyers at 87,000 Signatures - now wants 250,000!

Politics in the workplace

Are we really going to let the GOP talk us into running Hillary?

Numbers to call to oust Delay