The Glass Wall Of Media Coverage
Remember When Bush's Lies Weren't "Old News"?
U.S. Approved Interrogation Techniques At Guantanamo Bay
Bush Attacks Civil Society, Seeks to Squelch American Dissent
Public Broadcasting Monitor Had Worked at Center Founded by Conservatives
Funding for public TV, radio worth preserving
Blaming the Messenger ('Publicans attack Red Cross)
Pelosi: 'Public Broadcasting Enriches American Lives'
For now ‘Frontline’ doesn’t flinch
Why public broadcasting is important
Durbin's message/U.S. must end prisoner abuse
Bush and Hawks Try Pre-Emptive Strike Vs. Iran Vote
Guantánamo: When America breaks the law (Anthony Lewis)
(Nedra Pickler Strikes Again!) Bush encourages Social Security bill
"Manley Quest" (written week before he died in Seattle courthouse)
Protect PBS, NPR / Public deserves their excellence
"GOP wrong to kill the messenger"
Jon Carroll tells us what to think
Multitasking: You Can't Pay Full Attention to Sights, Sounds (Cell Phones)
Jonathan Freedland (Guardian Utd): Yes, they did lie to us
Question from someone with little economics/money knowledge
Water takeover plan is off (Malaysia)
Direct Link Between Ground-Level Ozone And Higher Death Rates - NYT
Blazing Heat, Torrential Rains, Flooding - A Global Warming UK Summer
Ryanair Chief Dismisses Environmentally Concerned Airlines As "Lemmings"
2005 On Track To Be Scotland's Hottest Since 1914 - Scotsman
Mercosur backs Bolivian political process
Beijing readies release of new jet fighter trainer
Analyst worries over China's use of Israeli drone
Alliance cautions against playing Beijing's game
In Gaza, Palestinian 'Party of Love' provokes death threats
Three Lessons from a Woman Terrorist
Female bomber: Attack aimed at youth
If the Twin Towers were NOT brought down by demolition...
has anyone else asked their SOS about the recent BBV report on opscans?
psst. ... who has a contact for the creator/webmaster of
Action Alert!! Vendors Court Election Officials--this is outrageous.
So what's he going to do AFTER being Governator?
What should I do during the probable government shut-down?
Upgrading my Computer for Video Editing
Erath County 2nd TX County to Benefit from VV Paper Audit Trail
This is all distraction from the real issue...
What is worse? Guantanamo, Durbin's comparison or Durbin's apology?
Let's do it for Mister Rogers.....
We Now Have a Liberal Equivalent of Drudge
Since June 13th when a DUer suggested a Google Alert link....
Washington's slanders against Venezeula are DEAD wrong
Probably the dumbest part of the medical marijuana "debate" is
TV ALERT*** Last Frontline of the season "PRIVATE WARRIORS"
It is time to cancel our subscriptions!
Who was that moron on The News Hour re: CPB?
DC Media Girl vs. Susan Estrich
My My My... US Envoy says "civil war"....and blames it on Iraq....not Bush
Want to promote democracy ? Adopt a Chinese Blog
Scott Ritter on MSNBC's The Situation with Tucker right NOW.
lol, Boy Scout representative didn't play along with Savage
We should be agreeing with conservatives...
Blast from the past..."Iraq by the numbers"...what, you didn't know?
VX nerve gas- What the White House said vs. the evidence.
How dare my Rethug boss continue to dismiss and ridicule liberals
Kennedy: There is work to be done
Don't worry... the Chimp is driving
I'm a bit late to thank Durbin
Frontline: Private Warriors (PBS)
Why isn't Uzbekistan a Democratic talking point?
When (yes, when) BushCo goes down....
Rep. Charlie Rangel talking about PNAC on House floor now
Re: Halliburton & lost 8 billion. Don't know what this means.
Please People, PLEASE read this thread & article. It is chilling and true!
the bushco economic miracle rolls on! Winn-Dixie to close 35 percent of
Anybody see the debate about PBS on Newshour tonight?
Imagine if 100,000 private contractors were in America, GM was
What Scandal will bring Hannity down?
Rita COSBY Starts Scooping Her Ex-es (Whorealdo and Faux)
Last night our church held a special get together to honor my daughter who
Winn-Dixie cuts 22,000 jobs, shutter stores.
Joe Biden Live on Charlie Rose
So, what are some things we could drop federal funding for that
I have a fantasy of meeting Sean Hannity
Tucker interviews Scott Ritter; Has US/Iran war started? - (VIDEO)
Scott Ritter warns of coming war in Iran, again.
United we stand on behalf of one another, divided we fall to,...
A post from a Freeper so RW that he was banned
Useful DSM-related websites for your bookmark collection
Can a MIHOPer please explain why they believe that?
Condi pressed on her hypocrisy, in interview after interview
How do you get an anonymous ip for posting on conservative websites
July 4th march in support of PBS/ Indy media...
Anyone watch PBS "Frontline" Tonight?"Private Contractors/Iraq + Walmart!
Frontline- Contractors in Iraq
Bushong Apolistic Church--ever heard of it?
42,800 people died on US highways in 2004. 3,000 died on 9/11.
You know what REALLY gets me...
Are you tired of covering for the people who have problems?
Where is the list of Senators Voting Against The Anti-Lynching Legislation
What has happened to all the yellow "I support the troops" magnets?
need info on European tax rates
On soliciting children to kill and die
FLASH: New DSM Video from Democracy for American
Nadine on DU Malloy is reading your letter
So now the Carlyle Group owns Leows AND the AMC theaters?
wow !!! could this be a cure for cancer ???
Rehnquist resigned: Any chance of confirming this?
Why does the Democratic Party leadership lie about Republicans?
"Conquest is easy; control is not."
Alex Jones goes on one-hour tirade against Limbaugh
Anyone see Mel Martinez (R-Fl) NIMBY dance on Cspan about offshore
John Danforth is brilliant on Hardball tonight.
I'm thinkin' about Iraq. I think about it every day.
Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in please
If you liked The Da Vinci Code, you'll love the Downing Street Memo.
Who is the US Ambassador to Iraq?
Nightline starts at 12:30am EDT: Tom DeLay's pal, Jack Abramoff
How do we keep DSM alive long enough for "protocols" to work?
work dilemma - a question of principle - what should i do?
I think William Rivers Pitt would be a good Senator,
Houston based company small pox testing
I have an idea about the minimum wage
Anyone Watching Nightline: Abrahamoff Story
What is required for the Democratic Party to once again win big at the
Durbin makes what I regard as a common sense type observation.
Are you listening to the nut on Air America?
I'm sick of covering for my co-workers who have kids. Am I an a-hole?
Star Trek pledge of allegiance gets kid suspended
Does anyone else live in a place so great that's it like taking a Valium
Scott Ritter On Fucker Carlson MSNBC Right NOW!
CSPAN Schedule Wednesday June 22
Media 2000-May2005: Bush is a straightshooter, always says what he means.
Is the GOP claiming it is impossible for an American to behave like a Nazi
Does anyone think Durbin was threatened ? Malloy thinks so
We need to ask the Huffington Post to pick up Knight-Ridder-Tribune
Are you watching Frontline? War Contractors: KBR, Halliburton et al
Scott Ritter is on Mike Webb show claiming that US about to attack Iran!
Administration Considers Promotions for Generals in Torture Scandal
Why are there mercenaries (private contractors) in Iraq?
Oh this is juicy!! Wish I could write like this. Slapdown of Dana Milbank
Combat veteran supports Senator Durbin's original statment
AP: Tribe Told to Reroute DeLay Checks
Senator Boxer on the Anti-Lynching Resolution
Can someone post Durbin's EXACT quote
"Operation Yellow Elephant?" I LOVE IT!!!!
Bewitched vs. fundie/evangelicals. "MSM" Poll!
Why would PBS spice "Mystery?"
Please email against more nuclear power plants in the US
FRONTLINE - Private Warriors - Tuesday, Jun. 21 - must see TV
Elizabeth Edwards: Announcing The One America Bookcast
Milbank slurs because a FREEPER TROLL fooled him
Let’s Get Ready to RUMBLE!!! DEAN to Focus on Election Fraud: OH & FL
Jon Stewart mentiond DSM and is covering the Conyers hearing
Winn-Dixie cutting 22,000 jobs
US Envoy: Iraqi Militants Aim for Civil War (see's Iraq's fault)
Lawmakers chide Pentagon over U.N. treatment (shielding Halliburton)
ConAgra Foods faces possible class-action suit (manipulated facts=lying)
Despite Regime Change, Kuwait Debts Keep Mounting
Philippine law-makers start probe on Arroyo tapes
Group to Launch Supreme Court Ad Campaign
BHP Billiton's Sees Peru Tintaya Mine Output at 100% Next Week
WP: Democrats Press Bush Harder on Iraq War
U.S. was big spender in days before Iraq handover ($20 billion)
Former Argentine junta leader dies at 81
NYT: Some Republicans Seek Prison Abuse Panel
WP: The Road to Riches Is Called K Street
Ford Motor to Cut 5% of Its White-Collar Jobs (1,700 jobs)
Southern Baptists Mix Gospel With Rodeo
Dems' bill seeks health data from Wal-Mart, others
White House interviews candidates for Rehnquist post, official says
Gaddafi opponents plan to oust him
NYT: Drilling in West Pits Republican Policy Against Republican Base
Microsoft remains unrepentant, says antitrust judge
New bird flu outbreak in China
Neil Bush to Visit Georgia (tomorrow)--Interfax/Russia & more
Gas Prices Drive More Consumers to Steal
Trial begins for California woman who protested inside RNC at Garden
Amnesty International Applauds Waxman Bill to Establish Independent ..
Dole defends state against potential offshore oil drilling
WP: Rice Focuses On Women In Mideast
Waiters sacked 'for being French'
Sunnyvale traffic signal prankster on the loose
Pakistan holds rape victim's passport - official
Complaint Filed Over Vioxx Case Judge's Campaign Donations
'Horrified' US Ambassador Warns of Iraq Civil War
Microchip Pioneer Jack Kilby Dies at 81
Wolfowitz won't discuss critical British memos
LAT - As Popularity Ebbs, Governor Reaches Out (Ahnold)
Democrats Call for Firing of Broadcast Chairman
Activists go topless at embassy to protest treatment of bulls in Spain
FBI Targeting Animal Rights Extremists
NYT: Social Security Opened Its Files for 9/11 Inquiry
NYT: Iraq May Be Prime Place for Training of Militants, C.I.A. Report ...
New (Left Wing) Christian Group Being Formed; Dem's Raise $22.6 Million
NYT: Iraqi Rebels Refine Bomb Skills, Pushing Toll of G.I.'s Higher
McClellan At WH Briefing Asked About Recruitment and If Any Bushes are in
Have you seen The Blue Man Group live concert DVD?
What really happened to the Titanic.
The one thing that's dumber than Bush
Anybody heard the Sex Machineguns?
To paraphrase someone close to me......
"Papi" Ortiz has TWO homers so far tonight!
Interesting - Bush says he will go to Viet Nam in 2006 -
Run the red light, I dare you.
Thing about "Little House on the Prairie" that's always bugged me
as requested by VelmaD: "Mars Needs Women"..the musical!
Anyone ever see the Ben Stiller/Jack Black movie "Envy"
anyone watching that AFI special on CBS?
Most nonsensical pseudo-ethnic restaurant chain name?
Pssst...I have the key to the Mod Lounge
DUer's what's in your DVD collection
I just realized that oxycodone = oxycontin
So, I'm back from four days of NYC
JanMichael is sick; but went with me to a "Summer Solstice Goddess
AWWW Sleep, comes in the strangest places.
"It's the Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka!"
It's choose you own speed day.
Stirring up caca with the Freepers
i NEED the last starfighter on DVD
Investing in private accounts for retirement...
Help! My cockatiel freaked out when
It's 89 degrees outside, I live in a trailer, and my AC is out
Uses for my Cherry Balsamico rich balsamic dressing
R.I.N.O...D.I.N.O...and George W. Bush, C.I.N.O. (Christian In Name Only)
Good movie use of music and scenes?
Anyone notice how hostile geeks have gotten (re: sf/fantasy films)
Anyone smoking Crack? I'm addicted . . .
Just seen a tractor trailer flip on its side
I don't know if the new Doctor Who will convince me. (Spoiler pic)
Selected internet search results for the query "my pants"
Should I accept an invite to do a cross-country drive to Vegas
Where's a great place to meet nice, available guys?
Anyone watching House? I'm addicted...
Movie Trivia: Name The Movie And Actor
last night i had my first ever IV
Pistons - Spurs Game Thread. "Whats it gonna be boy?"
Completely naked while wearing only shoes and socks.
Whoa. Not sure I approve of the concept of this site. (link)
Pistons win, force Game Seven; ih8thegop changes avatar
I just drove by a truck burning in the street.
I think all the JVS-bashers need to be slapped silly.
Spanish Swear words that I have to know...
Letterman just noted that Saddam loves Doritos, said
I am sick and tired of covering for my single co-workers who call in sick
Dead: Elizabeth Montgomery vs. Elizabeth I: your choice?
I think people who bash other countries,but leave out where they live
The sign said: No shoe, No shirt, No Service.
Some damned Volvo driver just passed my burning truck and didn't stop!
DNA Study Finds Chihuahuas Aren't Dogs
What music you listening to now?
I think all the Tom Cruise 'acting' bashers need to watch Born on the 4th
I heard Lewis black was on TDS tonite. Any videos?
Athena, I had no idea how much I'd need her
Funny customer service experiences/stories/feedback
That's It! I'm Marrying Rosario Dawson!!!
If they serve you and you serve them back then it's on!!
Dolly Parton is a fucking gay Scientologist!
It's official!!! Elizabeth Montgomery is the cats' ass and more!
I feel the need. The need for speed.
I have decided to leave and join "them"
I'm smoking my pipe right now. It has a fine blend of tobacco.
I think all the Lounge-bashers need to be slapped silly
Tempted by the fruit of another...Tempted but the truth is discovered...
Which Linux distro should I install?
Yet Another Comics Nerd Thread: your top 10 Marvel heroes & villains?
Any tips on touching up a porcelain coated caste iron sink?
Bewitched - Liz Montgomery v. Nicole Kidman: Your choice?
Would you mind very much if I asked you to entertain me?
Star Wars fans....remember jealousy is the shadow
Think cool thoughts for Not Giving Up
Shake George W. Bush's hand or lick a dog's anus?
It was funny til the elephant blew back.
Does You Last Name End In A Consonant Or A Vowel?
Come One, Come All, Let's Have a Ball: The Annual Testicle Festival
I have to admit it...the Twins are done!!!
Can you caption this and keep it clean?
Where Do You Buy Most Of Your Groceries
"i'm a registered independent . . . "
What is the best Black Adder episode?
Your Car: How does your actual mpg compare to the sales sticker?
Best editorial cartoon for the week
The Run Away Bride is Sanpaku. The eyes prove it.
Stop! Can't you see this barnyard noise guessing game is tearing us apart?
Insanity thread---post your non sequitirs and ramblings
My cat has been glued to kitty TV all night: he's watching swarming bats
"Be Somebody or Be Somebody's Fool" The philosphical musings of Mr. T
Adherents to Scientology: A List of Famous Scientologists
I'm going to the Taco Shop. What do want me to pick up for you?
what is your favorite movie line?
How can you compete with fantasy land?
Bobby Welch re-elected to SBC's presidency-"A prophet has been among us,"
Tigers' win puts them over .500; now 10.5 games from ALCentral lead
Anyone That Still Thinks That "Sheed Isn't A Leader
You-hoo, paging MandyKY, how's the orange kitties?
Has everybody noticed that threads in here can now get Nominations for
Questions about New Hampshire primary
I thought elephants don't like nuts?
She's Baaaaack! Mary Carey, Doing It Again!
INTERESTING analysis on Iraq, intelligence, and insurgency - pre Nov. 4
I don't know that any of us have ever
September 24: Impeachment March on Washington
Republicans who need to be expelled from Congress
Biden Accuses Bush of Misleading on Iraq; Gore in for '08?
NPR calling Conyer's Dem. Con. Meeting a Mock Hearing?
I will NOT bash Durbin. Too many already have. Too damn many.
Debate grows over Guantanamo, Iraq
California special election is on. Local DJ had a great idea.
Corrected: Various sites reporting that RENQUIST RESIGNS
Who Agrees: Those Who Still Believe in Iraq War Should Be 1st
Congressman Conyers Posts Videos of the Hearings and Special Delivery
Bolton's replacement at State....even worse?????? background info to know.
Tucker interviews Scott Ritter; Has US/Iran war started? - (VIDEO)
I think I would be a great Senator....
Jon Stewart reports on Bush, Iraq and the DSM forum - (VIDEO)
FRONTLINE: Private Warriors Starting now! On PBS
Did any Republican ever apologized for offensive comments
It seems that the Gov. of Ohio has hired a criminal defense attorney.
for progressive Dems, are you a Dem first or a progressive first ??
Conyers, Other Black Democrats Fired Up Over Downing Street Memo
When I come here, I wonder who is the Circular Firing Squad shooting now
Kudos to Dems, Get House Panel to Vote to Curb Credit Card Rate Hikes-
Gallup is showing its worst disapproval rating for the dumbass (51%)
Turn...On...Malloy...NOW. Talking about Rove & Cheney threatening Frist.
Ohio Governor Says He Failed to Report Golf Outings
The Take Back America Strategy
A Senate investigation of DSM - how does a senator make it happen?
I do not blame Senator Durbin...
Mr. Jon Stuart: thank you for tonights show. "baby steps" re: impeachment
Why would this get me banned and kicked off a conservative website?
I just heard a rumor: Chief Justice William Rehnquist has resigned.
Are we headed toward Civil War?
Palast | The OTHER ' Memos' from Downing Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
The Rich, Religious, Gun-Toting Racist Party... I Mean, the GOP.
Aljazeera.Net: Scores killed in Afghanistan fighting
Friedman: Run, Dick, Run (Pollyanna Friedman reappears)
Jack Kilby: A Appreciation (Inventor or microchip obit)
Illustrated Daily Scribble: Puppet Frist
Scientific Knowledge as a Public Good
No One to Demonize - Harold Meyerson WAPO
A War Waged by Liars and Morons
Basu: GOP believes in forgiveness, until it helps Dems
SF Chron Editorial Cartoon Re: Pit Bulls
Sirota - Democratic Idiots & the Parroting of Right-Wing Lies
Downing Street Memos: Proof Of Deception, Not Intention
The Butcher's Bill (questions about DoD reporting of deaths)
Milbanks on the 'the Denver 3' The Tenacious Trio--I think mocking
Goodwin: Rethink Iraq or bring 'em home
No One to Demonize--WaPo: Harold Meyerson
Fixed Is Fixed -- Ray McGovern
Sibel Edmonds: An Appeal to the Internet Community-W. David Jenkins III
OK. It's time we show Mr. Limbaugh that his rhetoric is sickening
A brief interchange I had with the lesser of two evils at WTAM's morning
Is Jon Stewart reruns still on Comedy Central. I'll never make it to 11 p
Biogas Bonanza for Third World Development
New USGS Oil & Gas Assessment Of Central North Slope, Alaska
Parking Lot Sealant Identified as Major Contaminant
Brazil politics: Land and environment issues present challenges
Energy will be the Most Important Issue in 2006
Data-theft fallout felt across Asia
Canada mulls new takeover rules
Property boom poses risk for national economies
Israel signals renewed assassinations of militants
Israel: Failure to Probe Civilian Casualties Fuels Impunity
Gunmen Disrupt Lecture by Palestinian PM
Poll: 25% of Jews against full rights for Arabs
Matthew Price (BBC/Wednesday): Dashed hopes at Jerusalem summit
Silverstein Responds To "Pull It"!
Has anyone read "102 Minutes"? (by Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn)
The NIST report will be as cooked as the Commission Report
A C-130 here, a C-130 there, a C-130 everywhere!
Secret Service people died in WTC7?
Mexico claims arrest of suspected 9/11 group member
Worst Tech of 03 Paperless Voting: Fortune Magazine
"explosive" and/or "will knock your socks off" report due today?
What if we all bought a "Time Share" in PA and registered to vote there?
'Methinks the lady doth protesth too much' --> "Pure Political Fiction"?!
Forsyth County, N. C. votes to keep options open on Voting machines
Blackwell/LoParo say Democrats' report a "bald-faced fabrication"
Please explain: Only provide ID first time voting
Verified Voting Testimony to Senate Rules Committee - 6/21/05
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Wednesday 5/22/05
In 1/2 hour we find out if Dr. Dean and the DNC have a spine
Voting machine paper backups necessary, Ensign tells panel
Cliff Arnebeck Will Respond To DNC Investigation of2004 Election in Ohio
John Gideon: Corporate Control of the Election Process
WPE and Aggregate Precinct Data Tell Us Where the Election was Stolen...
CA City Poised to Declare State of Emergency in Violent Neighborhoods
Tyler Olson - State House District 38
Where can I get a '49' sign in Iowa City?
Ron Crews has left MA to become Army chaplain in Kentucky
Tell Mark Dayton to vote against the flag amendment
Converting from FAT32 to NTFS on XP Home
It's time to begin the Bob Taft political death watch!
Well, got my first "response" to my new DU bumper sticker
Keep Austin Blue Wednesday, June 22
Lobbyist told tribe to reroute checks sent to DeLay groups
My letter to Perry's Press Secretary: Yo MoFo!
Legislative Democrats Introduce Governor Doyle’s Election Reform Package
The Day Is saved!Repugs give taxbreak to everyman!
Feingold Ties Clinton, Beats Kerry/Edwards In Straw Poll
I've been wondering where Katrina vanden Heuvel has been
A young mother who started group for teen moms died. A beautiful website.
Family having a baby...why do **I** have to buy crap for the kid?
Check out the Christian Alliance for Progress Flash Video
Please tell me DUers are signing up at CAP
I need something I can do to get a book deal or something
The prez does agree with the VP that the resistance is in its last throes.
Bernie has an asshat on right now!
When are we going to start calling 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, the Green Zone?
For those of you interested in placing an ad in the Iconocloast/Crawford,
Bernie's ON - talking PNAC - Guest - David Phillips
Snarky review of Lakoff visit in Seattle PI
Frontline was awesome Tuesday night.
Beyond Disgusting - Teen Allegedly Rapes Dog and Two Girls
Good Morning America: Cheney vs. Dean...War of Words
This was widely reported on network news last evening....
Did prez bush sign into law something about mental hospitals and that
Why I think Bush doesn't want a draft
CDC Update - Merck & Eli Lilly tell IMUS to "shove it" .... no interview
GREAT READ - Molly Ivins: We can't ignore the Downing Street Memos
Keyloggers on Dell computers???
folks are getting a bit angry out here georgey...
Rush Limbaugh asserts DSM are a fake....
DDR: 'Dangerously Disconnected from Reality' the latest trendy disease
Report: Geldof Bans Bush Bashing During Live 8
Social Security...they don't get it and got to fuck with it anyway
Studying the Bible: liking Jesus, hating what has been done to his image
Local Insurgents: ‘Islamic Thinkers’ Menace Gay N.Y.
WHY won't the threatened people go PUBLIC with threats & Expose the BFEE?
Why Durbin was right to say what he did - My experience
County To List Sex Offenders, Predators In Newspapers
It's our Duty to Remove the Bastards but we Can't, is that the Situation?
Marijuana-Flavored Candy Blasted
Florida group slow - Please DU this Gay Pride poll
Alright...fess up...who did it?
What is the income level of this wealthiest 1%?
Blaming it on the Victim: It's my wife's fault I tried to have her killed
LA Times 'wikitorial' gives editors red faces
If we had a real media in America...but how to make this a HEADLINE???
I think it's past time that the rank-and-file and DLC have a little talk
I'ts time to get SERIOUS with these fuckers, don't you think?
Detroit Free Press gives 2 pages to DSM!
DSM is getting out there: 3 LTEs to same paper, same day (6/22)
Gosh, Right-Wingers drive me nuts...
Wolves in Jack the Ripper's clothing.
Anyone hear my comments with Springer just now
TPM makes an interesting point
War in Iraq... How about the war in Afghanistan ?
Independent contractors? Who are they? Who pays them?
Shakespeare knew Bush-Cheney and Rumsfeld.I mean, personally.
To The Flaming Hypocrites On DU Who Badmouth Durbin
Isn't It Time we take a page from the Repugs: Never Apologize
This "pResident" lunch must have been a bitch session
Mr.Bush, if you withdraw the troops and stop wasting 300 billions each
For Venezuela's poor, music opens doors
Here is some comfort " Reid on Bush: He's still a liar "
So which reporters have gone to Gitmo per Bush's invitation?
Bill Moyers hour long interview on Democracy
They are buying employee discounts;not the cars. LOL!
I know why a shill like Millbank ridicules John Conyers and Cindy Sheehan.
Okay Springer is pissing me off
American Journalism goes flatline
For those who are Aquarians...
Sign petition for Congress to investigate DSM - this is NOT Conyers letter
Killen didn't get a trial by a jury of his peers...
Fox News personnel were exposed to Diazinon....a neurotoxin
chicken george, I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU to appear before a RANDOM crowd
What Famous Historical Figure Made The Following Remarks?
Durbin's Remarks =Frist's Failure
"I think about Iraq every day. Every single day...."
Danny Glover: Doing Something About Wal-Mart
Family: Bush's America killed loved one
DNC Election Fraud report is out now!
One of the jobs of a Political Party is to communicate ideas to the people
Give me right now Sy H's most recent expose. Thank you!
hehe...caller on rush says Hillary going to switch parties
say, did bush ever apologize for not warning us about 9/11?
I'm settled on Janeane Garofalo
petition to sign regarding horse cruelty
Take action on PBS funding! (House proposing 45% funding cuts)
What is Bush's plan for the Medicare "shortfall"...?
Saw Al Franken on Sundance Channel!!!
DeLay compares Iraq to Houston Texas
Wonder where "healthcare system" would be if Repukes allowed Hillary
WHY is the "Missing Boy Scout" still news?
Should the Washington Redskins change their name?
How much is George W, Bush worth?
The DSM is NOT a case of "been there, done that."
Bush needs to be asked "Does Guantanamo make the US look bad?"
OTHER VOICES: The Downing Street memos
Publishers Weekly: Penguin defends anti-Hilary book
NYT: Bush Wants a New Effort for Bolton in the Senate(contradicts Frist)
where are the GOP's apologies?
If you HAD to choose between: A fair media - that means ALL media -
They are technically our Korans, so we can abuse them if we want...
Can I brag? Just for a minute, honest. Won't let it go to my head.
Reminder: President George W. Bush Is A...
what Durbin might have said is, 'Fuck you bush & your fucking war'!
The Other Iraq Insurgents: "No One Can Speak On Our Behalf"
My congratulations to Karl Rove and the entire RW
Tavis Smiley show: "Declining by Degress"
Another damn LIBRUL that just WANTS us to lose in Iraq!
September 24: Impeachment March on Washington
Somerby calls Durbin critic Leibovich of the Post a "good German"
I read yesterday where Lieberman introduced McCain as the next President
Response from Lieberman regarding Downing Street Memo
Bill Moyers on The Daily Show tonight
Federal Industrial Hemp Bill to be introduced in Congress June 23
Did anyone see POV's "The Education of Shelby Knox" last night?
How much DEMOCRATIC pressure did Durbin endure
bush's perfect body armor (shield, if you prefer)
Abu Graihb pics = Straw that broke the camel's back?
"Lies My Teacher Told Me" by Loewen.
First known casualty of Iran invasion...
Investigation on local news about credit card theft
Iraqi Leader: "We Can Take Care Of Ourselves, We Don't Need A Baby Sitter
Anyone seen the new format of "The Onion"?
Muslim Woman Sues Over Right To Wear Scarf
Why Is Is Wrong To Criticize Soldiers That Commit Atrocities?
Limbaugh is critical of Repubs for accepting Durbin's apology...
They printed my LTTE in the paper today.
On CNN yesterday some guy said the Humvees in Iraq breaking down faster
Mother, daughter protest textbook in southeast Pennsylvania (Creationism)
The controversy over Durbin's comments/apology is entirely phony.
du vets- what can i say to my army colonel nephew
DSM nothing new - outside the US
Conyersblog now blocking all Comments!
Was Andrea Mitchell making fun of Durbin on Imus this morning?
I don't know if there's any truth to the rumor that
White House Responds to Downing Street Memo
Yes, Virginia, There Really Are Downing Street Memos
Norman Mailer - short, sweet and to the point - Bush is stupid
DSM nothing new - outside the US
Illinois DUers: vote for the guy from Rage Against The Machine next time.
WordPress Theme for a solider in Iraq
AF chaplain who blew whistle on religious intolerance at Academy resigns
Has the GOP put forth any policies that have actually helped average Ameri
Oh Goodie.. Fecal matter in your ice..
Tom Hayden: A Strategy for Ending the Iraq War
Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.?
Opponents light into pot-flavored pops
Who is this Rep Gene Taylor -D- of Mississippi
TBRNews and Fakers, Forgers, and Counterfeiters
He who laughs last.....( Steve Earle)
Bill Moyers will be on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight
sometines Christians (in this case Catholics) are strange . . .
I heard Limbaugh, Hannity, and O'Reilly all say the same thing,
A conversation with convicted ecoterrorist Jeff Luers
Haier Group (China) bids US$1.3bn for Maytag
Contact information for Bill Moyers?
If you'd like a good vomit, read w's address to the S Baptist Convention
Statement of Randall Terry announcing run for Florida Senate
Robert Parry hits Dana Milbank right between the eyes
Yesterday the Senate approved the position on global warming and
WARNING!!! The Catapulting the PROPAGANDA is now in effect!
Enough with the Feminazi references, wingshits!
Romney eyes penalties for those lacking insurance (Mass.)
He who laughs last...(Steve Earle)
Sister, not automaker, is found responsible
New U.S. Rule: The word 'Nazi' must never be used in a sentence.
want Wal-Mart to pay? Come on DU help hold them accountable.
Fitting punishment for Limbaugh, if found guilty on drug charges.
A Bulletin : The Left Has Always Been in the Minority !
U.S. Job Loss: Reason for Celebration?
African lions protect abducted girl, fend off attackers
Rove addresses Downing Street on MTP
Which would inflame the Right more, Burning the Flag or Burning the
Announcing the formation of the OUT OF IRAQ CAUCUS (house transcript)
I'd say we have a bona fide opposition party now.
Could this put DeLay back on the hot seat where he belongs?
Clinton Photo taken out of context “huge misrepresentation of the event.”
Samuelson: Less we know, better economy does
Breaking: Last throes kills 19 Iraqis 3 GIs
If Limbaugh gets convicted of this felony would that be reason enough
DeLay can say Iraq = Houston, but Durbin can't say Gitmo = Gulag??
Lt Col. Kwiatowski/Ray McGovern radio interview today (Wed 3 -5 EST)
Anyone watch "Private Warriors" on PBS..
What's with the "kool aid" references by RWers about liberals?
Susan Estrich: A Liberal's Defense of Fox News (barf alert)
I emailed the DNC about being wimpy
AEI: The War is Over, and We Won
The lifestyle we all take for granted is paid for in blood...
Let's ignore Jean-Paul Sartre. A. He's dead. B. He's too demanding.
Did Anyone See How Many Democrats Voted For The Flag Act?
Study - World faces a 50% chance of DISASTER over the next 5 yrs...
I think ANYONE who wants to join the armed forces should be able to - rega
Iraq Car Bombs Kill 23; Ex-Judge Slain; 3 more US soldiers killed
Can you get behind Operation Yellow Elephant?
Danny Glover calls for a back-to-school supplies boycott of Walmart.
Was there homelessness before Reagan?
If they made a video game that had US Senators getting shot.
When is FAUX having a "Join The Army Special" -- Hannity Host
Galileo is forced by Rome to recant his Theories of the Universe
A Word from a Speaker of Truth, Senator Dick Durbin
Yet more thoughts on Dick Durbin - Support and Disdain
Definition of the physical desecration of the flag of the United States
Iran-India-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Decision In Two Weeks - Tehran Times
The President wants a law passed that allow Federal Contractors to
Was crashed U2 really spying on Iran? - (GRAPHIC)
Lt. Col. Kwiatowski/Ray McGovern on now - 3-5pm EST Wed.
So is Sensenbrenner on any meds?
Huffington: Democrats are 'disgracefully silent' on Iraq/Rawstory
Chimpy went to Calvert Cliffs nuke plant.
The point about burning the flag, to me, has nothing to do...
Why do I have to face President Moonbat every time I open this website?
Warning: Flag desecration depicted
Everyone see Village People shrub at the nucular plant today?
flag burning is a thought crime . . .
The US war with Iran has already begun
Rahm Emanuel to read names of fallen, Repubs say 'cheap stunt'
tailgating joke - not off topic
4 MORE YEARS OF HELL- are we there yet?
Penalties for those lacking health insurance
BE CAUTIOUS burning a flag near government buildings (Explanation inside)
How Many Flag Burnings Occur In The U. S. Every Year?
Pizza Shop Robber Leaves Job Application
Lefties outstripping their right-wing counterparts by 4 million page views
What scandal will bring down this administration?
... And so it goes, learn a lesson will ya? Looks like the CIA did.
"the Senate is officially in play for the first time this cycle"
Don't Forget: Cindy Sheehan on Hardball tonight
David Corn (TomPaine): Proof Of Deception, Not Intention
'These Colors Don't Run' - Anyone else hate that as much as I do?
How Would Karl Rove Spin Condi Rice Aborting Dubya's Baby in France?
the president is retreating on S.S. Private Accounts, sure gave in quick
Are our troops fighting for us and our country...?
Federal same sex marriage amendment - different constitutional agenda?
So if I go to the store and buy a flag with my own money...
The Comparison That Ends the Conversation
FAIR Update: Post Explains Milbanks "Wing Nuts" Label
Is the glass half empty or half full?
A columnist with BALLS.......... speaks about MSM
Queen of Fox News has interesting professional past: Scientology
Sure, Arnold's polls numbers are down
"We are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here...".?
How does they know how many 'insurgents' were killed?
Do You Think That Conservatives Consume The News More So Than Liberals?
Who is now a regular viewer/listener of NPR and TV?
A Comment On A Congresswomen's comparing to flag burning and 9/11
DU this poll - "Should Durban have apologized"?
Lobbyist May Have Cost Tribe Millions (DeLay $ ---> Christian group)
It may not be intolerance, but it sure is harrassment
So, I am standing in my Kitchen listening to CSPAN on the TV and
[idea] Offer Delay a bunch of money to go to Iraq to give a speech...
Klingons have feelings too (Kid suspended from school for STrk Fed pledge)
Hannity says hands off re Hillary book
Vote fraud - an alternate view of how to steal an election
Together, HERE is the ticket to stopping flag desecration amendment!!!
Rumsfeld tries to equate Durbin with Jane Fonda
Nancy Grace & Leslie Blitzer Sitting In A Tree
i will burn a flag, and i don't care what anybody thinks about it
I am creeped out by that grimacing photo of Brennan..anyone else?
PREDICT: What will Bush's primary goal for 2006 be?
Democrats Demand that Bush Fire CPB's Tomlinson
How Much Of Our Energy Is Lost
"Pootie Poot" has slaughtered more than Saddam, so why the MSM silence?
I love this man. Howard Dean's Speech Yesterday At Illinois Fundraiser
Every empire in history has fallen, but none had a nuclear arsenal.
In 2000, 1,159 African American children Missing. No media coverage.
We should be the ones defining "flag desecration"...
I, for one, don't buy George W. Bush's "born again Christian" bull.
Are Bushists aptly called "Nazis?"
I've never really felt the urge to Burn an American Flag
I love Dean! He is saying what need to be said about election reform
Mozilla just kicked me out and I had to go back to NE, Why?
"British Genes invasion proof"
Some of today's government bid requests.
Christians - I want your opinion: If Bush prayed about taking the USA to
Extending Democracy to Ex-Offenders
Schultz making the case that the Durbin apology
Randi said she'd have a video link to the Dem hearing that
Hawkins family......PLEASE GO HOME!
I had a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol yesterday.
george bush's grandfather financed hitler---get over it
While pensions fall short, CEOs fly high
The Boy Scout seems somewhat uncomfortable in the limelight
Randi has Galloway on! Right now!
A NooQlur plant in every town.. "Yucca Mountain's a bigg'un
wtf? Chalabi is now a Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq?!?
The DRIPS are BIG and We Are On The March!
Andrea Mitchell calls Americans 'braindead' for believing the president
Has anybody noticed Laura's disappearance???
How does one breath,, when a clock has been cleaned? Stand back, get
My response to Rep. Devin Nunes' response on Rahall-Whitfield
Some Republicans Seek Prison Abuse Panel
Iraq had no WMD...why should we think Iran has nuclear weapons
Until the Dems get regular uncensored access to a news network, we are....
White House website SCRUBBED Powell's testimony!
GOP now 2 for 2 in proposing Amendments that take freedoms away.
since our gov only works for money I have an idea
When the flag burning issue is debated...
wow, i finally broke through my revulsion to torture at last !!!
"Secret" Air Base for Iraq War started prior 9-11
Operation Yellow Elephant (pressing College Repubs to enlist!)
DC and Las Vegas DUers! Help Operation Yellow Elephant!
"Turn the Other Cheek-ism" ISN'T Working for Us.
Don't ask for my help again...
OK, I thought I’d give…more...chance…
Bill Moyers on Democracy Now! today was awesome:
I think I got a vulgar comment from a conservative radio talk show host
Any body hear that Chinese trying to buy UNOCAL?
any watching Jr talk on enery policy-msnbce, fox, cnn et al
What is this crap about any Nazi comparison being off the table forever?
Democrats play croquet, Republicans play Calvin Ball
Audio of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) "Majority Report" q
What are the honorable uses of the flag?
Could Bolton be blackmailing Bush?
Franken fell for Hannity's BS today
At least someone is focused! Thank you Randi!!!!
DUers! Especially, in the Chgo area, show your love for Dick Durbin 7/22
Damn When Are They Going To Let Go Of The Durbin Thing
Bush calls for end to partisan fight on Social Security
Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) to enter war dead into Congressional Rec.
Would someone PULEEEEZE lock Bob Shrum in a closet somewhere?
Bush meeting in secret about Iraq
National Guard...daughter said she's thinking of joining
I have a question- if a Senator/Rep can not fulfill their term in office..
What if we took the economics out of generating electricity?
Bush*: "lowest unemployment rate of ALL TIME"
Watching The Dean Interview on PBS
Is anyone else really ticked off about this "religious stuff" going
The truth about the photo in the Hillary smear book
A Blog from Iraq... a soldier tells the truth
US handed out nearly $20 billion of Iraq funds before transferring power
*PHOTO: O.K. this photo of * Does look EVIL, This one is...
1728 reasons why the DSM is Important
Caption this * and party pic...
In 20 words or less, why are the wingnuts so afraid of the Clintons?
Scott Ritter cleaned Tucker's clock last night
When you Criticize bush, you Kill a Soldier. See how it works?
A New DU Project: Let's go to Young Republican Meetings and...
Home school students want to use public school facilities and activities
Rehnquist is expected to resign Monday
Cindy Sheehan coming up next on Hardball.
is Randi (streaming audio) a repeat?
invade a nation, murder 100,000 people, & bitch when you get called a nazi
Halliburton gets Balkans contract despite probe- plus must see articles!
Bush Laughs About Iraq, from the Daily Show
CIA: Iraq now a bigger terrorist threat than Afghanistan/binLaden
ABC Flip/Flops - NOW they will "air" Robert Kennedy Jr. interview (Autism)
cnn: 'he once was lost', promoting lost/found boy scout to SAINTHOOD
I'm going to throw up. WARNING: RNC video about Democrats
Is it time to get out of Iraq? Poll: 80% Yes 20% No
GWB is merely the "ad" for greedy, corrupt, exploitative robber barons.
Predictions for Rehnquist replacement.
women "should be all dressed in white like all of the other domestic...
I callzem likes I seezem. This Dean appearance on PBS is the BEST
What are you doing for July 4th?
Walmart puts children at risk. Why buy your back-to-school supplies there?
"Wish The President a Happy Birthday"
Today's(22Jun) Media Targets from Downing Street
The key to this nightmare we're in...
Bankrupt Winn-Dixie to Cut 22,000 Jobs
WOW !!! - Letter to Dana Milbank about the Downing Street Memo
Mom of found boy cites power of prayer as real, but aruba girl still gone
I saw this Vision on CBS Up To The Minute this morning....
when the presidents term is up how long will it take
Crackdown on Slumlord Legacy Left by former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani
H.J.RES.10 (flag burning amendment) - how did YOUR Representative vote?
Join Barbara Boxer in Stopping John Bolton
No longer a registered Freeper, darn it!
Mark Morford Today: WOW!!! Just....Just...Well, Just WOW!!!
List despicable uses of the flag here.
Iraq Is Now a Terrorist Training Ground, CIA Says (Reuters)
$600,000 bail in slaying of cross-dressing hairstylist
Strong reminder that you don't need "megachurches" to worship
How "ultraconservative and self-mythologizing millionaires" Have Driven Us
"Ask the men and women who stood on top of the Trade Center"
Need help - Smart Economists, Please!
"Republicans" will ALL be scarred by this BushCO/neoCON tyranny.
Homeschooling is an option that many parents choose...
Get It Straight People! They Are Not Nazis! They Are Fascists!
so, did universal mental screening pass? Where can I see the legislation?
Senate Energy Bill: Nuclear Industry to Receive More Than $10 Billion....
Enough with the Nazi references! (Keith Olbermann)
Luxury store to Oprah: "Sorry, we thought you were just an ordinary serf"
We're BEAT in Iraq, Turn Tail and Run
Shame on you if you fool me once
Powel Claims prewar intell is factual and "solid" March 2003 (DSM related)
Missing Boy Told To Avoid Strangers
Judgment Day looms for US Supreme Court on Ten Commandments cases
Dont forget bug spray/ West Nile death 2005
But "FemiNazi" and "Hitlery" Klintoon are AOK???
Before the apology, there were many threads asking DU's support for Durbin
Hubby: It was my wife's fault I tried to have her killed
I agree. Bush is not Hitler. The Neoconsters are not Nazis.
Forget about Hitler/Nazis, Buscho is the friggin' Inquisition!!
It is ABSOLUTELY appropriate to make Nazi comparisons
ABC "news" just hatcheted Kennedy's autism vaccine story
Andy update: Andy asked me to let you know, he went into
has this photo of the asshole been captioned yet?
O'Reilly: FBI should arrest the "clowns" at Air America Radio for being tr
With the Flag burning amendment, Can't it be ruled Unconstitutional
Okay, lets make this clear: Perpetual motion machines do not exist...
No more Sesame Street? Frontline? NOVA? No more?
Hello, DU are you there? DNC election 2004 report and no one is talking!?
Isn't overpopulation either directly, or indrectly, the cause of every...
All The Press's Men by Jeff Gannon and Armstrong Williams
I need heads and hands, please! Vets for Peace National Convention.
Literature handed out at Conyers hearing NOT anti-semitic
We aren't in Kansas anymore: SEX and FASCISM in an UNCONSCIOUS AMERICA
Jesus Finally Slaps The Shit Out Of Bush For Using His Name!
What The Hell Do Scientologists Believe? I Have No Idea!
Key Republicans on the CAFTA vote: Contact them! CAFTA must be defeated!
guava paste, quince paste --- what are they good for?
Stevenson demands re-election in Vancouver Burrard!
Campaign to give army deserters refuge persists
Should we send the bill to Bush?
Mercer grabs Tory MP's cyber domain, reroutes traffic ROFL!
"British genes invasion proof"
DEMBLOGGERS: Has Rehnquist Resigned?
Arms trade 'undermines efforts to relieve debt'
Gunmen Kill Iraqi Judge; Hostage Released
Senate allows U.S. to sue OPEC for oil price-fixing
AP: Abramoff's Web of Influence in Capitol
Basrah International Airport opens to commercial flights (in Iraq)
Lobbyists showing Congress the world
Pentagon refuses requests to test for toxic chemical, GAO say(Perchlorate)
Statement By RNC Press Secretary On Senator Biden’s Attack On The Progress
Attorney general pushing for harsher sentences
Senate Dems huddle privately on Iraq; No agreement is seen
Hubby: It was my wife's fault I tried to have her killed
Afghan Violence Shatters Pakistan Alliance
Going to pull a bait and switch with social security... house bill now
Private Soc Sec Accounts Not in House Bill (Neither is Solvency)
Schwarzenegger Humbled (admits he's to blame)
Multitasking: You Can't Pay Full Attention to Sights, Sounds (Cell Phones)
Administration Considers Promotions for Generals in Torture Scandal
Iraq urges Sunni "nationalist" rebels to talk
Iraq: Stats on Foreign Militants Show Saudis Dominate
Durbin yields to onslaught, apologizes in full
DeLay uses Houston to make point about Iraq news coverage
Troops swim against sea of Iraqi munitions
Pakistan Seeks U.S. Info on Taliban Chief
State Democratic Party faces IRS lien
Iranian FM: Developments augur well for Iraq
Court Backs Soldier's Anti-Iraq War Stance (Germany)
Clinton, McCain '800-pound gorillas' of 2008 presidential race
Bush: Nation needs more nuclear power plants
AMA acts on Terry Schiavo-inspired policy (Sanity prevails)
Vietnamese leader's visit elicits powerful emotions
Bush Won't Allow Independent Probe of Gitmo Gulag
Taft didn’t tell of golf outings
Vietnam Vet Protests Vietnam Premier (Calls McCain a traitor)
$600,000 bail in slaying of cross-dressing hairstylist
Iraqi Rebels Refine Bomb Skills, Pushing Toll of G.I.'s Higher
Recess post unlikely for Bolton
Air Force Academy Chaplain Resigns
Pentagon Shields Halliburton From U.N. Probe
Social Security Plan Gains Support Among Republicans (Dems unmoved)
Lawsuit Filed Against The Pentagon
Saddam's days of poetry & dance
Poll: 25% of Jews against full rights for Arabs
Campaign to give army deserters refuge persists (Canada)
NYT: A.M.A. to Study Effect of Marketing Drugs to Consumers
NYT: Bush Wants a New Effort for Bolton in the Senate(contradicts Frist)
Conyersblog now blocking all Comments!
U.S. Envoy: Iraq Militants Seek Civil War
(Freed Australian)Wood witnessed eight executions
IRAQ: Water main attack affects two million in Baghdad
Votes are being bought, Iran's reformist government says
U.S. airlines must reveal where aircraft were built
Attack on US patrol leaves 3 Iraqis dead in Mosul
Bush tempers economic rosiness in outreach effort
Annan hails Iraq 'turning point'
DeLay uses Houston to make point about Iraq news coverage
NYT: Green Tinge (alternative energy) Is Attracting Seed Money to Ventures
Boy Recants Statement That Lionel Tate Robbed Pizza Delivery Man
"US not against good Iran-Iraq ties": Rice
CIA says Iraq is now a terrorist training ground
Afghan, U.S. troops in fierce clash with Taliban (Reuters)
Lobbying emerges as huge growth industry Number in D.C. doubled in 5 yea
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 22 June
Senate Panel: Former Lobbyist, Partner Pocketed $6.5M From Tribe
Southern Baptists End Disney Boycott
Haliburton lands another military contract (in the Balkans)
Three GIs Killed in Combat Near Baghdad
New Hillary Clinton book aims to stop any 2008 run
ACLU sues provider over health care of Mississippi inmates
WP: Europe Has Encouraging Words (but little aid) for Iraq
Halliburton Awarded New Military Contract (potentially over $1 billion)
BRADBLOG: DNC Releases Long-Awaited 2004 Ohio Election Report!
Judge's statements spark controversy
Humvee vulnerabilities raise doubts on future
At a Polarizing Time, Democrats Betting on Unity (LAT)
HR10, Flag Burning Amendment, Passes in House
Brain sees violent video games as real life -study
Election reveals fundamentalists' renewed strength in Iran
Bullet-Resistant Vests May Be Unsafe
GOP senator abandons bill to cut emissions
Study: World at Risk for Major Attack
Environmentalists, workers protest public records rule change (NJ)
McCain calls for fraud probe of GOP lobbyist
Former state prosecutor arrested in Mexico 'dirty war' case
MSNBC Hardball: KARL ROVE Interview TONIGHT 7:00 PM EST
Deputy Australia PM Anderson to resign - media
Mexico claims arrest of suspected 9/11 group member
Four Car Bombings in Iraq Leave 23 Dead
China's Haier launches bold bid for US appliance maker Maytag
Lobbyist May Have Cost Tribe Millions
Ohio Governor Says He Failed to Report Golf Outings on Disclosure Forms
First images of comet before crash
IRS freezes state Democrats' assets (Florida state party)
40 Rebels, Policeman Killed in Afghanistan (5 US soldiers wounded)
Gun-toting robot still in training (US army)
Bush spurned secret 2002 N. Korea overture-report
Democrats see Social Security ‘bait and switch’
British bank details for sale at Indian call centres: report
Ex-Attorneys General: Cut Convict's Term
Woman Fired From Job For Taking Time Off To Spend With Husband On Leave
Fighting a hard, half-forgotten war (Afghanistan)
Academy Fails to Accommodate Religions
Car Bombs Kill 19 in Western Baghdad
Italy Convicts 10 Ex-Nazis for Massacre
U.S.: China Successfully Launches Missile (from submarine)
Iraq war breeds more terrorists
British troops out of Iraq as 'quickly as possible'
Senate Backs Regulators on Energy Plan
Nevada asks court to halt Yucca rail line plan
(Reid) Senate Democrat offers pledge on Bolton vote
Southern Baptists end Disney boycott
Off-Color Quip Leaves Perry With Red Face
Campaign (in Canada) to give army deserters refuge persists
Social Security Bill Eases Up on Accounts
20%: Gitmo Prisoners Treated Unfairly
G8 countries defying arms embargoes, says report
Democratic chairman blasts Bush
Judge: Amtrak Can Charge Disabled Extra
Survey: 'High risk' of WMD attack within decade
North Korea: No nuclear weapons if U.S. treats nation as friend
Senate Defeats Move to Cap Climate Gases
Randall Terry to challenge state GOP Senate leader over Schiavo
Gender gap tilts back toward the Democrats
Texas man gets 14 years in jail for Islamic center attack
Bush Calls For Resumption Of Nuclear Plant Building
Brain sees violent video games as real life -study
Bush criticizes CAFTA foes as votes remain short
House Approves Flag-Burning Amendment
Iraq May Be Prime Place for Training of Militants, C.I.A. Report Concludes
Some 1st Armored Division units could deploy to Iraq sooner than expected
Flag-burning amendment advances in House
Literally tons of money sent to Baghdad
Lawsuit Against Rumsfeld to Be Heard in Federal Court in D.C. (ACLU)
WP: Senate Panel: Lobbyist Abramoff, Partner Pocketed $6.5M From Tribe
Romney eyes penalties for those lacking insurance
China's CNOOC to launch 19 billion dollar bid for Unocal
Utah boy hid, fearing 'someone would steal him' (Rescued 11 Year Old)
NYT,pg1: Taught at Home, but Seeking to Join Activities at Public Schools
W.House pressures Democrats on Social Security
WP: The Tenacious Trio (3 who got kicked out of * Town Hall)
Tom Cruise kills Oprah - Video
Someone let GD know that it is a full moon
Favorite bumper sticker this week
All this Moon talk damn it! I can't hold back!
Frist goes Dylan: John Bolton, my friend, is "hanging in the wind."
Wild Bird Rescued in front of my house
Stalker posters are neither stalkers nor posters...
Eat **** and bark at the moon!
A question for Lebowski fans/ Marxist-Leninists
Red skies at night! (Redskies at night.) OH OH!
I think all the GD-bashers need to be slapped silly
Hey! Who else is going to be an aunt/uncle/parent soon?
anyone here ever used creatine dietary supplement?
I've been posting Gold all night and they're barely getting looked at?
It's 75 degrees right now at 11:20pm
Anybody else get turned on by the "Durbin In A Skirt Post"?
Just For Fun --------------- Only in the USA
Vandals Spray Black Paint Over Faces In Confederate Monument
I need something I can do to get a book deal or something
"Frankly My Dear, I don't give a Damn" is top movie quote
Okay, I am selling my Scion XA, and I wanted to sell it to a very
I've hidden all threads with the words "Cruise" and/or "Scientology"
Snapple's 20-Ton Popsicle Melts In New York
I Was Right! Liberals Need to Make More Babies!
"The Find Jesus" Contest on BucketHead's program.
Kidman: Cruise "jackass half the time, Scientology zealot the other half"
Tom Cruz first appearance since incident.
General Mills to tout health benefits of Cocoa Puffs, Trix, others
Turns Out There Aren't A Lot Of Women Who Want Title Of "Pork Queen"
New storm returns cross lost to Hurricane Ivan in Panhandle
What are we gonna tell our friends when they say "ooh-la-la"?
I think we should confirm Bolton. He's singing on Regis right now...
Vampire Bats Kill 11 People In Brazil
New York Observer: "Ass Cleavage" Rampant In New York
Machete man in rampage at MI5 HQ
Man Falls Asleep During 18th DWI Arrest
Workers escape freak wombat accident unharmed
I am a sad Steelers fan today.
Zookeepers find muskrats delectable
So yesterday it was Food Network personalities
I just got a call from the U.S. Army!
Lightning Strikes Near Old Faithful Geyser, 11 Injured
Tom takes Katie to meet Penelope Cruz's parents!
Non-Tom Cruise topic: Tom Delay.
Pot Candy: Tastes Like The Real Thing
Who's alerted on a 'Naked' thread?
Who is your favourite Yes Prime Minister character?
I wanna reach out and touch the sky
I don't like the San Diego Chicken
Researchers: Polynesians got to California
"Monsters" Emerge in Kanas Lake
Man Wakes Up With a Bullet in His Tongue
Attention: Pres.Dumbya is lecturing you on "newcewler" power on CNN!
Can you imagine what he would have done if it were Lifetime
Lions save girl from kidnappers
I'm eating a boneless chicken!
'Menstruating' boy stuns doctors
Where Dylan and I part company
I have an addiction to the smell of fried gorgonzola...
The more you see the less you know The less you find out as you go
So just what does Mofo stand for
Time was once just a clock to me
Should a black politician run for president? Jet 1971 John Conyers
OMG! They really do use the term "gay agenda"
Why is Black Adder so excellent yet Mr Bean so dumb?
So, when is "The Sims: Club Gitmo" going to come out?
Oooh, it's so typical. Love leads to isolation...
Batman Begins 2-- let's cast Young Joker...
I sent an email to Senator Durbin
English teachers and editors: Is this paragraph punctuated correctly?
Top 100 movie lines list - check out number 92!
Man accused of serial restaurant scamming
Reality-show Producers Facing Severe Shortage of Real People
It's good to see Finnfan around
Okay, I give up! Just what is the name of this decade?
Alabama Ends Canine Driving Licenses After 47 Years
Question About Wedding Registries
I'm writing a Batch file, can someone help me?
DUer trivia- how well do you know your fellow DUers?
MY 1,000 POST. Should I quit? Ask me anything!
Which Pac-Man Fever song was your favorite?
I'm trying out a new sig line w/ photo
Where the hell was the quote "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya....
Let's hear your best Rachael Ray pick up lines
Just got back from our National Employee Health and Fitness Day program
Prostitute solicits police chief
$600,000 bail in slaying of cross-dressing hairstylist
There's no cabbage in BASEBALL!!!
"Now you keep it down back there lady or I'm gonna have to, you know...
ZW's Badass Jazz Album Today: Mingus - New Tijuana Moods
What ever happened to Super Dave Osborne?
Man Robs Pizza Parlor, Fills Out Job Application First, Leaves It
Prankster Turning Traffic Lights Around - Programming Them To Blink Red
To be frank, Iraqi fireworks pretty much suck
Cobra bites at hand that feeds it
I am getting such an education on the African American community!
That just proves you hate America
Lets all mail some lint out of our dryers to Rush n/t
Mom Barley, Mom Barley, I don't like scissors.
Folks: A memorial thread for WannaJumpMyScooter's daughter's SIM family
Have you ever seen the annual invasion of the Mayflies?
My new favorite shoes (sorry Sniffa)
Mother, Daughter Burned When Head Lice Solution Catches Fire
Greatest indie rock label from the 80's-early 90s.
How much would George W. Bush's head be worth,
This is just SO WRONG . . . I'm on hold with HP tech support,
Now is the time on DU when we pay tribute to Sarah Lee
Now is the time on DU when we pay tribute to Bruce Lee
Now is the time on DU when we pay tribute to Sandra Lee
Opponents lick into pot-flavored pops
Chinese Factory Worker Can't Believe The Shit He Makes For Americans
KoolZip and Hedges were in the dream I had last night
With so many threads about chicken...
We may have our disagreements, but there's one thing we agree on.
It's Here!! It's Here!!! It Finally Arrived!!
Why is a can of Yoo-hoo only 11 ounces when everything else is 12?
HELP! How do you get rid of a Gorgonzola cheese smell?
Agador, where are my Pirin tablets?
Did M&Ms change since the last time I had them???
again: derek jeter is the tom cruise of basebaLL
Now is the time on DU when we pay tribute to Geddy Lee.
Now is the time on DU when we pay tribute to Peggy Lee.
Tragic and Horrible news.... my daughter
Now is the time on DU when we dance.
With all this chicken controversy...
I'm wanting a salty, crunchy snack... what should I choose
I want to start a pic thread too dammit
Ah, the wisdom of corporate America.
Why are all threads containing the word "chicken" being locked?
Now is the time on DU when we pay tribute to Neil Peart.
very serious citation question
Which is your favorite cheese?
Best...Moderator Comment...Ever!
OK folks here's a little story just for you:
Are y'all having problems with posts duping or is it just a few of us?
Did they ever figure out who killed Jam Master Jay?
Big Brother is Christian parable, says British TV chief
Just a note on the flag burning turmoil . . . .
Do my eyes deceive me, or do I see a moratorium on chicken threads?
If you were taken by a UFO and anal probed by Aliens.....who did you vote.
I declare that pre-season flamefest, football trashtalking season now open
what are your favorite (non x-rated) passionate movies
question: what is the term for someone who loves all things Japanese?
Do you guys all hate me? Is that it?
carnivore diet vs. omnivore diet vs. vegetarian diet.....
Which freakin' way should the toilet paper go on the roll?
Ebaums GI Joe Clips ! "Pork Chop Sandwiches!!!!!!!!" NoooO!!!
Yes... I Did It... I Killed Yvette.
I'm munching on a bunch of garlic croutons. Don't stand downwind....
Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale
Nursery rhymes and the psychotic people who wrote them
What??? Reds win 2 in a row over front-running Cards
Bran Flakes... Food for the soul...
Ok, that's it. Who's been popping pencils in the lounge again?
Can someone help me to make an avatar out of this pic
Today's earworm, courtesy of C+C Music Factory!
AFI top 100 Film quotes...what was missing?
I found another good message board.
For President, you must choose between these four:
Evidently, there are still some rabid Klansmen in Mississippi.
Ladies and Gentlemen: The Nurse With Wound List:
What's all this about stopping Bolton?
It's days like this when I really miss
You make bath time so much fun.............
Michael Jackson Sued by Woman Over Dog Attack
I've been out on the front porch blowing bubbles
I can see how people become addicted to gambling
Paris Hilton's pet Chihuahua, Tinkerbell, bites "Today" show producer
LOL... Tom Cruise as Sith Lord
What the heck is an Unskinny Bop?
For well over 10 months, my grocer undercharged the price of ground turkey
%^&$#@! I just lost a major client.
Now is the time on DU when we dance.
Photo Caption: As Pat Metheny and David Bowie said, "This Is Not America"
I caught the last 5 minutes of last night's NBA game
Does anyone else think 1999 was the best year ever?
Theo, the winningest kitten of all time.
How does wrinkle cream work? Should I be using it?
Hump Day Gratuitous Kitty Thread
For those who like going to concerts where older bands are playing...
What characteristic sets you apart from everyone else?
"So are you guys testing missles up here or something?"
Look at these adorable strays that showed up at my house.
Opus 05-22-05 Politically Correct Seating... "Bolton?......."
It's for dinner tonite... Chi-
Can someone find me information on Kevin Trudeau?
Today was chock full 'o' Short Bus President photos. God, what a doof.
Just how far off is the scale in the doctor's office?
If some guy is walking around the doctor's office while reading Decartes
DU this poll, please - is it time to get out of Iraq
i was FORCED to cook PORK tonight!
Tell me something you've heard about Hillary from your anonymous source
What would you do for an Arbor Mist?
I took my son to see "Howl's Moving Castle" yesterday
Man, it seems like a few months ago we went over 30K DUers
Ok, I gotta get rid of that C&C Music Factory, so....
Will someone who knows what started the fowl flame war please PM me?, check out the tunes!
Wow, check it out - skinner is spamming the lounge!
And why are the guys in tuxes for a 3 pm wedding, anyway?!
My apologies to all on DU who I neglected to thank...
Everybody Dance Now ... AF cadet captures roommate dancing.
Genetically Modified "Marathon Mouse" Strain Escapes into Wild
Family having a baby...why do **I** have to buy crap for the kid?
What's your favorite home remedy for bug bites?
Homeless Shelter ("The Glory Hole") Stops Serving Bear Meat
Did anybody here go to college at any of these places?
CHECK YOUR BANKS FOLKS - My VISA Debit Card Was Compromised
Now That The House Has Banned Flag Burning, HOW DO I DISPOSE OF IT?
I read somewhere that Bob Geldof has BANNED any * bashing
Linsay Lohan or whatever... who the f*** is she and who gives a rats ass?
And In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Today's musical theme... The Remix
Your S.O.'s laugh....explain in three words.
She never mentions the word addiction in certain company.
Is there any laws on SNOOPING/NOSY neighbors????
Looking for a Place to Live...
For President, you have to vote for Tom Cruise or GW Bush.
What was for lunch today, Lounge?
Do any of you notice that today, for some reason, we seem to have
What's Your Favorite Show On Adult Swim?
Does this make me sound racist?
Attention Lounge: You don't FUCK with the Skinner!
Forget the AFI, what are YOUR top movie quotes?
I keep seeing this cat @ DU -- the cat has to be drunk as a skunk by now
What's the best Super Hero Comic Book Movie???
So.. yesterday was chicken and cooking shows
Announcing... The winners of the 2nd T-shirt Slogan Contest!!!
Please, no more threads about chicken.
73 yr.old reaches into Leopard's mouth rips tongue out-kills it
Favorite cartoon TV show theme music?
Yippie! It's Hump Day! Got any plans for the weekend?
I sure don't understand women :-(
We've got a problem here in Sheboygan that's for the birds!
Congratulate JohnKleeb, as he joins the ranks of high school graduates!
My favourite thing in the world...
Which piece of music tugs at your heart strings the most?
A "mighty" king imprisoned in a mountain . . . . from the 'Gita
NIH's Efforts To Spur New Drug Research
Acne 'may protect heart health'
Most children with conjunctivitis (pinkeye) don't need antibiotics
Antidepressant use for kids plummets
Physicists clarify exotic force, but no 'Theory of Everything' yet
NIH's Efforts To Spur New Drug Research, Wall Street Journal Examines
investigate the missing solar sail, other rocket accidents
This weekend Mercury, Venus and Saturn are going to crowd together
Common virus kills cancer, study finds
Poll: Illinois Voters Unlikely To Support Gay Marriage Amendment
Gay Books Given To Oklahoma City Libraries By Community
Spanish Senate Takes Up Gay Marriage Bill
Falwell Calls For Kraft Boycott Over Gay Games
Another great one from DANIEL RUTH: Hillsborough's Mother Omar Strikes Aga
Minister Denounces President Bush's "Compassionate Homophobia."
Nike Urges Oregon To Pass Civil Unions Bill
Who should GLBT people support for the Dem Party nomination?
Cheerleading Not Considered Sport in Memphis City Schools (yet)
Ecclestone/Part 2 Danica Patrick
Never underestimate the champs
F1 says that Michelin should remburse fans
Pics of my Newly Constructed Cat Walk
Adopting a kitten, help me understand the strictness
A little shamless blog-whoring
Rassman on Kerry releasing his reports -
Vote on Kerry Climate Change Amendment today
Dear John: An Open Letter To John Kerry
response from "Common Dreams" on reprinting Boston Herald
Kerry Statement on the Release of the DNC Voting Rights Institute Ohio
flowers in the rain - photo excursion
Newsletter June 22: Alison Tonight!
September 24: Impeachment March on Washington
Preemptive War Preempted Congress, and International Law
How big does Iraq's army need to be before we can leave?
If you were taken by a UFO and anal probed by Aliens.....who did you vote.
Palast for Conyers: The OTHER ' Memos' from Downing Street and Penn. Ave.
John Bolton is so tough........
Tylenol PM presents the 2008 Democratic Presidential Ticket
DEMBLOGGERS: Has Rehnquist Resigned?
I found the dumbest freeper; he/she/it posted it in a point about Iraq
Is there a verifiable link to the Number of Signatures Conyers got from
Why aren't there any "exclusive" "one on one" interviews with IRAQIS?
A perplexing Browser bookmark problem.
CNN Front Page: "Survey: 'High risk' of WMD attack within decade"
Verified Voting founder Testifies to Senate Rules Committee
Quick question: help w/ letter to editor
Hypocrite Frist explains Durbin's "apology"...
Have Fox, NBC, or CBS had a poll like the one MSNBS had? The one that ask
General Calls Iraq a Stalemate, CBS doesn't let Cheney off hook
Right-Wing "Grassroots Organization" Web ads on Court Nominees.
Are the Democrats out of ideas?
I missed Hardball last night. Please update here re: KKKarl.
2004 DNC Election Fraud report is out!!!!
Waxman/Pelosi held Big Press Conference yesterday...NO MSM Coverage!
St. Pete Times printed my LTTE today!!!
Statement By RNC Press Secretary On Senator Biden’s Attack On The Progress
Clinton, McCain '800-pound gorillas' of 2008 presidential race
College Republicans refuse milirary recruitment ad in convention program
Now, C-Span3, Indian Affairs Committee, Abramof associates taking the 5th!
Promoting Tolerance and Understanding from The Southern Poverty Law Center
Reliable websites with overseas polling data?
Senselessbrenner compares Flag Burning to Dred Scott
Opus 05-22-05 Politically Correct Seating...
The Hill: GOP attacks were coordinated rollout
Halliburton push is ON - 5 Great articles to share with Congress -
Acing Bolton wouda been smart politics for Frist (was there a deal there?)
"Recess post unlikely for Bolton"
my letter to editor (college paper)
Address given by Dr. Meyers at Oklahoma University Peace Rally
Dick Durbin and Soundbite Warfare
Bolton Nomination: What do you think Bush will do
Molly Ivins Must Read: "We Can't Ignore the Downing Street Memos"
Report - Bush Administration's Public Statements on Iraq
So, did the Pentagon release the additional torture pictures?
Florida Democratic Party Faces IRS Lien; $900,000 Shortage
This just in: George W. Bush going to Vietnam next year!
Here we Go - Senate Gives Feds Authority to Override States on LNG sites
Howard Dean should talk about this nationally
Fun Afternoon on C-Span: Flag Burning Battle. Dems Go on Attack!!
If this administration is always blaming "The Liberal Media"
Was Sensenbrenner ever punished for shutting down the Patriot Act hearing?
US spy plane crashes in SW Asia
Proof that all has not been lost, and that there is still some hope...
John Bolton: "I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy"
I think the term 'Democrat' has been tarnished
What if we all bought a "Time Share" in PA and registered to vote there?
Now 7 leaked British documents raise Iraq war questions (Good Summary)
An Aljazeeran cameraman in Guantanamo since 2001
McClellan: Dems "simply put up a stop sign and say no to solving" SS
I thought numnuts was narrowing his focus
Katherine Harris associated with Cunningham scandal
Susan Estrich is a Traitor - defends Fox News
Boycott "Diebold" ATM machines
Why I've decided to "like" the new anti-flag burning amendment.
Godly Gov Calls Reporter "Mofo"
Young Republican Enlistment Flyer
How about an "All U.S. Flags Made In America" amendment?
Contact your Congressperson about the flag burning amendment
Republicans are such dandy liars...
Bush bangs the drum...again...for a National Sales Tax
Chain-mail to send to your friends:
BRAD BLOG: DNC's 2004 Election Report, Donna Brazile's Full statement....
Damn - Even ED SCHULTZ Is Ripping Durbin!
Let's put their contributions on the line
what if the dems refuse to recess? Can bush still appoint bolton?
just got a call from the RNC ...
What's your 2006 Senate picks?
Senate passes Chuck Hagel's "meaningless" voluntary pollution caps!
Nancy Pelosi's thoughts on Bush's "simple & fair" National Sales Tax scam
DVDs of Conyers Hearing and Rally Available
House pushes Navy to buy more ships in 2006
Maryland DU'ers: Protest Bush in Silver Spring THURSDAY
Gas prices, Bush's approval ratings, and Al Gore
Randall Terry to Challenge State GOP Senate Leader Over Schiavo
WOW - Connected: Coast to Coast on MSNBC - re Durbin
Photographer blasts book author who smeared Hillary
Iranian Government Websites Discovered On Texas Internet Company
The sad results of googling Plame
Tom DeLay says Iraq is like Houston
Know the Real Enemy! It's not Bush.....
Now that his ratings are in the toilet, here come the wedge issues.
"Shallow Throat": Wounded, Cornered Animals Are Dangerous (long)
Who would win in a fight George W. Bush or John Bolton?
Gary Ackerman is doing very well on
Kerry Cautious in his Decision to Cautiously Probe 'Downing Street Memo'
Saudis eating Rice for breakfast
MSNBC Hardball: KARL ROVE Interview TONIGHT 7:00 PM EST
Ohio Governor Hires Criminal Defense Attorney
Why don't the people give an ultimatum to Bush to find Osama ?
Heads up: DEAN coming up on NEWS HOUR
so where is the "BIG NEWS" from the dems about voting fraud?
Mr. President, Go Get Osama, and Do It Now!
The World Can't Wait: Driving Out the Bush Regime
Heard from my rep! - it's a pro war form letter. Here's my response to her
I'm listening to a "best of" Randi Rhodes and...
Did the DSM come from Murdoch papers?
Ok, so we get all these great balls rolling and it seems they end up
DSM -- Retyped and original destroyed?
Just found this funny cartton-- Rummy Cheney et al
I think torture is really OK when ...
What would anyone suggest "doing" about Mugabe and Zimbabwe?
"Jenna? Barbara? Your war is waiting"
NOT AGAIN: Social Security for Young People - Bush is at it Again!
The Denials & Deceptions of George Bush
what does randall terry want? saving souls? saving lives?HOLDING POLITICAL
HOWARD DEAN is on PBS Newshour: The new Ohio voter suppression
DU Challenge. Let's compile examples of Republican Hate Speech
They're so transparent! The flag-burning amendment is the next "Schiavo".
The Media Battle is Brought to You -- Are you going to fight?
Mass Anti-war and Impeachment Rally in DC - SEPT 24th...
Postcards From Bluster: Lehrer NH transcript--PBS Slimed By The Wrong Wing
Does anyone have an account on US Politics Today?
The Politics of Spin or why we just continue to shoot ourselves in the foo
Why doesn't Bobby Kennedy run for president?
PROOF: Extreme RW HATE Groups want to Impeach Bush Too!
Bush spurned secret 2002 N. Korea overture-report
The Kerry Campaign, Ohio and Ken Blackwell
What's wrong with this picture??? Hannity Rejects New Hillary Book
PAX-TV to air special about Bush's religious faith
Announcing formation of the OUT OF IRAQ CAUCUS (long transcript)
MUST SEE Work of Art: Statue of Limitations by T. Royal
Did you know Reagan launched is '80 campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi?
let's build a "Had Enough?" campaign
How many of you could see the war coming before it was started?
MUST WATCH Video - Rep. Gene Taylor On The House Floor
Democracy at Risk: Ohio Election 2004 - Dean's Statement and Full Report
So what IF Hillary is a lesbian?
George W. Bush was an alcoholic and used cocaine!
Letter to DNC re recent survey to Democratic activists
Clinton, McCain are '800-pound gorillas' of 2008 presidential race
How the GOP undermines the left...
Clark, Dean, Reid statements on DSM
Scott McClellan Gets my Vote for BIGGEST REPUBLICAN WHORE