Democratic Underground

Archives: June 23, 2005

BBC Article - "Detractors divided over Hillary Book"

Outcry grows over public TV, radio

PBS Cuts (affect in IN)

The lies of Ken Tomlinson (Media Matters)

Tortured logic

Pat Mitchell: PBS helps educate America

David Corn (The Nation): Rove-ing from the Truth

Blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel

Herbert: Cruel and Unusual (Have you no decency Jeb Bush?)

Flag Amendment Unfurls Fury

Fourth of July a time for political pandering

You boys are on your own (Chickenhawks won't enlist)

WSJ op-ed: How Long Do We Really Want to Live?

Soldiers of Christ II: Feeling the hate with the National Religious Broadc

Of Gulags And Two-by-Fours

Americans Inching Closer to a Reckoning (Miami Herald)

Psychic Epidemic: We are Species Gone Mad(BaltSun/Comment)

Matthew Rothschild: 'The Bush dam breaks'

Darfur: How many more have to die? (Hentoff)

Corn: Proof Of Deception, Not Intention (depends on meaning of FIXED)

So, here's my flag-burning idea

Meetings to focus on Bush impeachment (Madison WI)

High Tech women minorities numbers plunge

Flooding kills 44 and forces 330,000 to evacuate in China

MAC criticizes report by Voice of America radio

Vietnam Vet interrupts PM's speech

Allies need to face the awful truth

Israel mulls overland links between Gaza, West Bank

IDF will no longer exercise restraint toward Islamic Jihad

Confronting Israeli Myth-Making

The 52 minutes before "Flight 93" turned around

COmmon Cause list of VOting machine lobby firms and how much money


Did I just see that Delahunt, Lynch and McGovern voted for Flag Amendment?

House Republicans hold round the clock vigil outside Dean Johnson's office

Suggestions for the Warehouse District?

How do I edit or get rid of this stupid waste of text?

AirAmerica in Dallas, AM 910, WooHoo!

Abramoff called American Indian client "f'ing moron, monkey, troglodyte"

Drilling in West Pits Republican Policy Against Republican Base

Another Administration Subtle Lie

Scottie squirming around in a lie.

What are your thoughts on China's Unocal bid?

Sam Seder has the perfect answer for Durbin. Too bad he didn't think of it

Spain's govt 'twisted' bombings for gains - report

Catch Hardball tonite - mother of dead soldier lays it out -

Hate-monger Franklin Graham (on Anderson Cooper)

Sitnews posted my LTTE regarding column by Jay Ambrose.

A GREAT call from Majority report!

Don't ya wonder how many repugs in the dark of night, in the

John Conyers Jnr has video links to DSM hearing

CIA and Iraq

What have you done to help the Downing Street Memo Today?

The CIA has a Liberal Bias

Blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel

Will the exploitation NEVER end!!??

Col. Sam Gardiner on Bush admin's psyops on U.S. public

Voting NOW on Kerry-Jeffords climate change amendment on Cspan2.

I got to hear Bernie Sanders speak today


Taking My Ball and Moving Away Syndrome

Did anyone read the Newsweek, 6/27 sidebar on the DSM?

What's the deal with the Denver airport??

Does Rehnquist want to have bush appoint his replacement?

Flag burning question...

dick durbin's apology being shown alongside jimmy swaggart's

Why Stem Cells are important and can I sue Chimpy if he vetoes.

Want to hear about DSM, but have one question about Flag burning

Get under their skin with Communism!

Media propganda on Iran and Nukes have begun.

Bill Moyers on Democracy Now...

It's important that the Democrats put extra effort into Quantanamo .....

FYI - Here is the first Ad re The Supreme Court by the Republican group

My 71-year-old mother...

Does anyone know how many native Americans

I'm real sick of this "Durbin" distraction

blurring the flag desecration lines

How can we be bringing freedom and fighting the war on terror...

So Sensenbrenner's PaWPaw Invented the KoTex? n/t

If the Republicans had a Flag would you Burn it?

To the 70% of "Americans" who believe it's ok for us to do what Saddam did

Evil thought

One step forward, two steps back

How much longer before

Any one believe the U2 was shot down by Iran?

never, ever, EVER, back down or apologize to these pigs.

Only in New York...

Reminder: Bill Moyers is the guest on The Daily Show tonight

ask the men who fought the nazis, did THEY torture prisoners of war?

Thanks Howard Dean, for showing the world that Gwen Ifil . .

Is THIS a Desecration of Ronald Reagan, or a Tribute to him?

PROOF! (haha) that the Bush Admin. is the Anti-christ.

Cindy Sheehan on Hardball coming on again now. She's

Turn it loose, guys...

When facts don't fit the opinion

Is anyone investigating war contractors role in torture?

"The questions that you want answered!"

Eight days, folks

When we are focused upon our faith in humanity, we will win.

Does anyone have a picture of the war dead memorial in the Utah front

73 year old man kicks leopard's ass

One Committee's Three Hours of Inquiry, in Surreal Time (Abramoff Hearing)

Yesterday's "Daily Show" w/ DSM Hearing Footage rerunning now

Okay, I wanna know: WHAT HAPPENED TO DURBIN?

sure we can kick iraq's ass, but what about a big country?

Drudge's Photo Fakery: An example. (This is good)

Panicked Iraqis Abandon Condolence Tents

Left-wing radio is starting to kick some elephant...

Al Gore is still president.

Idiot Son of an Asshole (NOFX song)

Media dilemma: 80yr murderer or 11yr old missing boy

Howard Dean may appear on the Daily Show tomorrow?

Holy shit, he's STILL saying "nu-cu-ler".

Does this illustrate "flag desecration"?

I hope Howard Dean run for President in 2008!

25 foot tall popscicle floods New York's Central Park

Updated Lynching Hall of Shame

Kevin Klose, NPR head, CIA creep, on Dianne Rehm tomorrow

Exxon tells dimbot what to do: from the Guardian

WOWZA! Now THAT'S an email Durbin MUST READ!

WSJ: As Economy Shifts, A New Generation Fights to Keep Up

GOP Threatens Punishment Over Patriot Act Vote from Sirotablog

CIA says Iraq is now a terrorist training ground, CIA says

Let it go. We're better than that.

Time to laugh.

HAHAHAHA What the Fuck??? Bush "tried to volunteer" for Vietnam???

Married military couples in Iraq may soon live apart

Would you renounce your citizenship if flag burning was banned?

Army's 2005 Goals Won't be Met

Must post positive messages only...constructive messages...must post rosey


Anti-Bush (Code Pink) Protester on Trial for RNC Convention Action

Question for people who know a lot about Islam and the Middle East...???


Nightline 6/22: God and the Air Force Academy

Homophobe watch

Nancy Grace

6,000 Army deserters. Something you won't find in the US press

Zappa warns of

We are now in the three-a-day mode.

Bill Moyers is the guest on The Daily Show tonight n/t

frum is an Idiot as seen on Hardball...

DU this poll on Dean vs Cheney

Finally some news to get excited about(Launch of IWTnews Website)

Conyers on flag burning: "Once we decide to limit freedom of speech,

I just realized how mean Cheney's comment about Dean was

Gandhi and King, "Civil Disobedience"

I was lying there in my suite at the Bangalore Sheraton, thinking

You might be a neocon/freeper if....

Bush to Southern Baptists: "Compassion is defending marriage."

Quick gauge: How many of you contacted Dems to say, "Stop apologizing!"

GOP doesn't want a flag burning amendment. It wants flag burning!

Thievery Corporation on CBC Newsworld saying MIHOP

Is there ANYTHING that can topple the B**h administration?

Body armor being recalled

CSPAN Schedule Thursday June 23

Oops! Republican Curt Weldon Banished from The O'Reilly Factor

Would you like to BOMB Iran?

More REPUBLICAN flag desecration...

Quit saying Bush lied.

What did you think of bush prior to his stealing the election in 2000?

The Durbin "apology" is very instructive for understanding media

OK, so what's a good liberal to teach their kids about sex and morality?

A liberal case for homeschooling and private schools

Woman on Mike Malloy still has her Nazi ID from Germany.

Y'all see the frontpage of MSNBC...

Time Out! How about a thread to think about instead of spewing?

Where are the student revolutionaries today?

burn THIS flag chumps!

OK Who posted this at FR?

"I Hate Republicans" - Oldie, But A Goodie Here:

Two Democratic Senators up for re-election voted against the War in Iraq

MANDATORY MALLOY: Hump Day Truthseeker Shin Dig

I'm Furious, But Terribly Confused.... I Would Like To Know How It Is That

Strong language makes for a strong party.

Kerry Proven Right, Yet Again, This Time on Ohio

SEXY! Congress needs to investigate DSM - NEW PETITION-DU THIS! 1,000,000

Foreign Affairs Gets An "F"

Charles Secrett: 'We are killing the planet. That is not an exaggeration'

Labour liars and the dreadful state of british injustice

Fighting a Hard, Half-Forgotten War

Italy convicts former SS officers

U.S. spy plane crashes after Afghan mission (in the UAE)

China denies use of bird flu drug on chickens

Better rules needed for Taser use, grand jury says (CA)

Senate RollCall Gas Terminals (Boxer lost.... :(

WP: New Plan For Social Security Endorsed -House GOP ..Scale Back Account

CIA says Iraq is now terrorist training camp

BBC: Iraq rebuilding fails to deliver

New Colombia Law Grants Concessions to Paramilitaries

Top War Crimes Prosecutors to Meet in Sierra Leone

Iraq makes at-risk sites list

G-4 to present UN reform plan in July

Bomb barrage kills 18 in Baghdad

Senators Hear of Wink-Wink Lobbyist Move

NYT: Public Broadcasters' Tightrope Over Funds(on-air spots re. fund cuts)

Hicks's ordeal a disgrace: lawyer

Petrodollars to ruin Russian economy despite high oil prices

W.House rejects call to fire public-broadcast head

Halliburton wins contract in Europe

NYTs: Senators Hear of Wink-Wink Lobbyist Move (Abramoff/Scanlon/Reed)

US pledges North Korean food aid

FEC rule equals more GOP cash

Annan calls for international sharing of burden in Iraq

Study: More Companies Terminate Pensions

DNC: Ohio vote rife with obstacles (GOP response)

Security Council votes to expand Haiti forces

Pike may be VX disposal route (NJ Turnpike/nerve gas)

Spain's govt (Aznar) 'twisted' bombings for gains - report

Chemical Expert Testifies in Jordan Trial

WP: Evangelicals Building a Base in Iraq

(Levin)Senator Asks Ultimatum Be Given Iraq on Charter

Senator May Block Successor to Defense Policy Chief Feith

Rove: Dems Didn't Get 9/11 Consequences

Iraq Leader Avoids Shaking Women's Hands

More memos: Brits backed Sunni-led Iraq (wanted "military strongman,")

California peace activist denies she kicked anyone (at RNC)

Pentagon building teen database for military recruiting

Cleveland Indians Fans - COCO CRISP??

Radar Online: How’d Cruise do it? $cientology Truth or Dare!


OK! Now it's my turn to say: FAREWELL TO DU!

The song about my current situation.

I hadded to hide a thread dewe to bad grammer. Am I, an bastard?

How many of you DU ladies own a DU thong?

Cheddar cheese and sour cream is the best potato chip flavor

Which parent companies/subsidiaries were surprising when you heard of them

Kung Fu Hustle: Who else saw and enjoyed this?

Things Bill Frist will need to do to protect his Presidential aspirations

This is one of those whiny, complaining, attention whore threads.

I am officially a high school scrod now!

I've got you under my skin. (Skinner's thread made me think of this)

Can someone please properly define the expression "vested interests"?

Post your favorite question!!

If you lay off my Heaven 17...

My pup is having digestive system problems

Dancing with the Stars is the # 1 show in America...

Just got some new toys in the mail!

BOUQET RESIDENCE! The lady of house speaking?!

Everybody Wang Chung Tonight

This is my 4000th post.

I am officially a high school grad now

Wear overalls with nothing else on.

I managed to screw up by NOT having a workplace romance.

We're going to rock down to Electric Avenue...

111° and no freaking air

Crappiest post-Oscar career decisions??

Bat Dad has no fear! Bat Dad feels no pain!

I'll be livin' it up in Vegas this time tomorrow

What the *@&$ is this ad? Child porn? Legitimate?

Who knew forwarding cell phone calls to land lines was MORE expensive?!

New "30 Days" starting on FX channel

How thick should smooth sheikhs be?

Holy shit - I thought I was about to be fired.

What person in politics/pop culture who's mentioned every day on DU...

Red Sox Sweep Indians in 3-Game Series

Ah, sunset...


"You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall."

Time for some sexy night time chillin'

Giant Popsicle Melts, Floods NYC Park

Gee, 5 e-mails from paypal today telling me of account problems.

Good Vibes for Catshrink Thread!

Now that they are out of it...should the MN Twins be dealing!!

This ain't the Mudd Club. Or CBGB.

Why anyone would want a car that sounds like a bee swarm with the poots

Tonight's movie: "Friday Night Lights"

Tomorrow w/humidity it will be 100 degrees...

Man Oh Man, A Ripe Friggin' Honeydew Just Makes You Glad to be Alive


My cartoon du jour

Strength And Honor

Can you walk away from a thread where you blow your top?


The Lounge in Hell

Anyone else hate Frank McCourt and Paul Depodesta?

Do yourselves all a favor and read the Onion today

Time to lay some some sexy on somebody

Joe from "Rhoda" is on Law an Order

I just did a Google Image Search for "Monkey Bush"...feast your eyes.

I listened to my son's bands CD and I'm pissed off

Is there anything sweeter than red wine and ...

Post your own favorite "Good christ, I'm an asshole!" moment

Your spouse is ugly and your kids are idiots (nt)

Bush Shoot-Out game (with Condi)

anyone in the boston area just hear that?

What is everybody listening to or watching?

Coconut Shrimp

The lightening bugs are all over the woods.

Bewitched episode where Aunt Clara gets Endora's powers is on

Wow, I need to stay here in the lounge.

What's the best Free (or cheap) e-Commerce software you've used?

Do you consider it stealing to eat something in a grocery store?

I Love Mythbusters!

Sleaziest person on Earth?

Best Director that never won an Oscar

Worst movies to win the Oscar for Best Picture

I have this friend...see, and he has this weird obsession about women

A new Herbie movie???

Very Vanilla Silk Soymilk- the drink of the gods

Here ... have a piece of my birthday cake!

i think congress needs to outLaw griLLed cheese sandwiches


What's your least favorite DU emoticon?

Question for those of you who have Dish or Direct TV

Best actor/actress that never won an Oscar.

Bathroom Engrish: Why You Need Bidet


How smooth should thick shakes be?

Post things that makes you sound like a newb, here.

I miss progmom

how thick should smoothies be


VOTE! It is your right and your responsibility as an American!

favorite summertime drink?

"Gimmie some sugar, Baby." Happy 47th Birthday Bruce Campbell!

Since You DIDN'T Ask, Your Wedding SUCKED

Crappiest actor/actress to win an Oscar?

Canadian female sex killer to leave prison

"Eleanor, we've GOT to do something about this depression."

Most worthless members of pop music groups (open discussion, not a poll)

What are the best places for meeting people of the opposite sex?

Most annoying sports cliche

Nothing like the sound of the cat blowing chow off the cat tree!

Is Kerry Kleeb's father?

A heaping bowlful of catharsis

Bible belt vs. Jesus belt

They've started. The for profit health care and pharma

Hubble spies lord of the stellar rings (Eye of Sauron)

Gay HIV-positive actor denied U.S. visa

Bush calls for gay-marriage amendment

Scott Rolen - leading vote getter for NL 3rd Basemen???

anyone watching the sox/indians game

Now that they are out of it...should the MN Twins be dealing?!!

Bucks fire Porter; Portland Interested?

The Yankees lost,The Cards lost, The O's Lost , The Twins Lost

HORSE RACING NEWS & RESULTS weekend of June 24

My dog caught a squirrel today

The US capture of Guantanamo in the Spanish American War Chart

This astrologer says another phony 9-11 coming leading to dictatorship

Fantastic Voyage


Has anyone read or reread Orwell's "1984" lately?

Kerry Proven Right, Yet Again, This Time on Ohio

I thought I heard a snippet of conversation

Well guys Ive graduated

Unknown Caller

Anyone have a Nikon D2H?

One last flower, a Moon Flower.

Just a test image w/the new lens

If "Durbin" story has legs so should "Gannon" Let's get back to it!

Finally, our poor little flag will be protected.....

Here's an issue besides DSM that ALL Democrats should not shy away from:

Joe Biden is a....

White House is searching for replacement for Rehnquist ?

Does the new flag amendment include anything about defacement? Or...

Looted Social Security Trust Fund Amounts -

Anybody else noticing that it is getting harder to figure out how

A paradox:

Sensenbrenner responded to my letter

Ousted activists plan tour (The Denver Three )

ACLU Lawsuit Against Rumsfeld on Abuse to Be Heard in D.C. Federal Court

I just got a great idea!!

Clinton's Penis was _never_ "Old News". Remind them as appropriate.

NewsMax Supports The Troops (a photo-toon)

bush 2003 vs bush 2005

BIL is here.. has just put on the O'Reilly factor

Dean to be on Daily Show Thursday!

Flags should be made out of non-flammable material

Where does the DNC report say"Paper ballots NOW!, Hand counts NOW!?

Grassroots Efforts: Let's Draft Noelle Bush 2008

Flag Amendment? Veterans Input Please...

Howard Dean on PBS's NewsHour-Video

Everything that republicans have campaigned against.....

Christianity vs. Democracy

VA college training young conservatives (New Yorker)

Okay! I thought the Downing Street Whatever would be the last

Pat Buchanan: Iraq is 'the Republicans' War'

"Gitmo abuse is absurd" (in my local paper)

Idea: welshTerrier2's "HAD ENOUGH?" campaign w/ Randi Rhodes

BushCo has Been Good For the Economy

Durbin just another spineless wimp

Rush Limbaugh calls women "Femi-Nazis"...

Salon: "Key Republicans do not see the same Iraq Bush sees"

Major Lesson: Did anyone see Rumsfeld's remarks on Durbin today?

What could be more symbolic than the flag burning crap in the House?

Republicans Burning Up Over Burning The Flag

I will walk on broken glass barefoot for Dick Durbin

Will Future Generations use Bush Instead of Hitler to show mad policies?

Who knows what lurks in the deep, hidden recesses of the Democrats' hearts

What the Republican's don't get about 9/11

Mrs. Cindy Sheehan on Hardball laid it all out - her son died in Iraq

So I was thinking about Dean's election report...

Link to Doonesbury's straw pool on Dean's job performance on

Yes, Virginia, There Really Are Downing Street Memos

Illinois;first to approve mandatory MH screening/teen screen

According to ROVE, dems just don't get 9/11

Not Enough Press Coverage of Dean and Durbin, writes Brent Bozell

Why do our candidates pick bad staffers, while Repukes pick good ones?

My money is on Bolton's "gracious withdrawal" from consideration...

Is Common Dreams a good source for progressive news?

Awesome Bill Moyer's interview on The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart

RNC wants me to wish Numb Nuts a Happy Birthday...

The "Durbin Distraction"

So how much support for Bush is there, really, in the military ?

BRAD BLOG: Phony GOP 'Voting Rights' Group Continues Defrauding America!

Not enough votes in Senate for flag amendment; Biden, Hillary to oppose

Obfuscating Intolerance - NY Times Editorial, June 23 2005 - AF Academy

Federal Psywar Against Americans

Tucson, AZ Daily Star: Memos chip away at administration war motives

Dana Milbank: One Committee's Three Hours of Inquiry, in Surreal Time

Winston Salem Journal Main Editorial: Downing Street Lowdown

Bush refusal to bend is break for Dems

FBI's Mississippi Myopia

Plan Colombia Up for a Vote: Take the Opportunity to Say No to a Forgotten

Fredricksberg VA Freelance Star: If It's Old News, That's News To Me

Pentagon Creating Student Database - now this is disgusting!

Now that researches have proven with brain chemicals that produce

Flipping the Big Bird: Just try explaining Republicans to a 4 year old.

Our Newest Proconsul

Orange County Register: Burning whose flag?

Farhad Manjoo (Salon): Bungling the vote

Sidney Blumenthal (Salon): A turning point at home

The 'Commission for Detainees' Accuses the Multinational Force of Stalling

An Open Letter to US Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq (Stan Goff)

LA Times - Michael Smith - The Real News in the DSM

Veiled praise

M. Smith The Real News in the Downing Street Memos (bomed pre-war_

Bangor (ME) Daily News: What to Make of a Memo

White House Watch: Bush's jammed PR machine

Common Dreams: Americans Inching Closer to a Reckoning

Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.?

Anatomy of a Coverup

The U.S. image abroad: Even China's is better

AP: Top general in Iraq says Cheney wrong on insurgents

Eric Zorn: Durbin should have stood up for his opinion

Tapes key in protesters' fight against tactics of N.Y. police

Was Moyers on Stewart last night?

Leaked image of FOX "News" trainees in action!

Any one hear "Democracy Now" today: Re-Radio Free Brattleboro

What will you do when Analog TV goes dark on 1/1/06?

Energy Headlines for June 23, 2005 --

Now being served in Japan - - - Whale Burgers!

PUHCA repeal: Exponential Enrons Ahead

Canada proposes 300 year above ground storage for spent nuke fuel.

U.S.: Watch out for settlers

Sharon 'dangerous' for Israel

Jerusalem municipality bars annual gay pride parade

Terror: The female touch

Withdrawal is a prelude to annexation (Avi Shlaim)

Palestinian gunmen kill Palestinian policeman

The Real Questions that separate 9/11 skeptics

"Into the Buzzsaw"--TWA flight 800 and 9/11 parallels

The September 11 forum gives me the creeps


Do you talk to the people you know about MIHOP/LIHOP?

Why would Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld hang around his office

DU techs: HELP!!! Can't get the DNC report on Ohio to download.

Hey Doc ..... I hope I don't go to your office for a broken leg .....

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Thursday 6/23/05

Daytons DC office returned my call about VV hearing

All the news articles say there was no fraud.

Should we threaten the Dems. If they don't fight to fix voting machines?

Essex County Task Force on E-VOting visits the Avante factory

Blackwell uses Franklin Co. Dem Chairman's words to back no racial problem

Anyone wanna buy an optical scan voting machine?

Hocking County Ohio - Legalities of Election Board Member???

How do we light a fire under Dean's ass about electronic fraud?

Action Alert July 5 Hocking County, Ohio

This American Center for Voting Rights is really getting under my skin

Naysayer Hobson's Choice: Final NEP or rBr? Take your pick.

Duncan Hunter's office just hung up on me!

Anti-Bush / Anti- War Rally in Los Angeles this Saturday

Protest Arnold Friday 6/24 in Beverly Hills

Petition to investigate Randy "Duke" Cunningham...

I'm Sooo proud of Grassley -- social security reform

What I noticed today regarding my Rt 28 highway blogging

Vote for the title "Wal-Mart: The Movie."

DSM on KFAN of all places - The Common Man

Minnesota's favorite homophobe outs family member

Opera 8.01 is the best browser, evidence below

Anyone know of any online computer stores other than Newegg?

So all of a sudden everything is bold print....

Very Technical Networking Question that I can't seem to get answered

Norton Antivirus 2003 vs 2005

Book/website for learning about computer "innards" ?

Want to help contribute to a blog and website content?

National Journal reports on Ohio Senate race

What the F*** is Goodhair up to now???

Wanna confront Perry at his next school finance meeting in your city?

My education funding rant

Who is sending letters to Lamar Smith re: Public Broadcasting?

An ltte regarding Rove

Re: Tom Delay and Casinos

They can't stand a burning flag...

Anyone know who founded Christian Alliance for Progress?

Why can Rethugs say they "misspoke" and all is forgotten?

oops dupe n/t


why o'reilly is REALLY calling for the arrest of air america hosts

Will you all please tell Sara and David I said bye and I love you both,

Religion and the Military: Good mix?

God Damnit! Now I'm Pissed! (good diary from dailykos)

Regarding student "opt outs" for military information

Pentagon creating student database

Movement Takes Bush to Task

Blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel

Sam Smith On Dana Milbank


Mark Fiore : Rewriting Reality

Moby in France discussing America's anti-French sentiment

Wow, my opinion got published in a RED state

When's the last time a flag was burned in the US, anyway?

Flag Burning: "Ask the WTC victims!"

Int'l Movie Database has some interesting info on Shrub...

A nation so obsessed with trivialities and keeping up appearances

Memos chip away at administration war motives

Why the Memo Matters

The "Marketing" Administration (re: DSM)

new toon 6/23 -- will work for bird seed

Has anyone heard of this 'doomsday' bill?

We are all SAFER! yeah right.....

Unusually frank assessment of Bushist incompetence from MSNBC reporter

Two Excellent Knight Ridder Editorials on the DSM

Message for National Gay and Lesbian Pride Month - DOT

Another generation of damaged war vets is coming our way.

Why do so many (M) Republicans have such small hands and skinny fingers??

Have there been any Air America/XM radio discounts lately?

Baptists abandon Disney boycott

Why The Flag Desecration Amendment Doesn't Matter

Sidney Blumenthal: Blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel

Woman Fired From Job For Taking Time Off To Spend With Husband On Leave

Do you get the impression that like Rodney Dangerfield

Are people beginning to see the * as the pompous...

a foreigners opinion on restoring the USA (ranty)

Then BREMMER needs to apologize for losing $90 BILLION with IRAQ CPA

Montana governor: We need our Guard & choppers for wildfires! Pentagon: NO

CHENEY needs to apologize for "bad judgement" to congress

Only One Person Needs to APOLOGIZE --- And that is Bush !!!!!!!!!

Then RUMSFELD needs to apolgize for losing a couple $$$TRILLION (9-10-01)


Baptists call off 8-year boycott of Disney - we made our point

LOL - Imus just told Chaney to sober up..

Then RICE needs to apologize for "misleading America" with "mushroom cloud

Then POWELL needs to apolgize for "false information" to the UN

David Brooks in Fantasyland.

Survey: Most U.S. Doctors Believe in God

LA Times: Michael Smith Explains the 'Real News' in the DS Memos

C-SPAN 1 - talking heads trashing PBS

One by one Bush's deceptions are building up a case against him.

DU This Poll - Durbin

Happy Birthday ... .... Clarence Thomas!!!

Flag Amendment - Time to get all of those flag desecrators

Why Are Some American Christians So Bloodthirsty?

Is this Islamic Fascist part of the CIA backed MEK in Iran?

Betrayal...59,000,000 americans failed to do their duty on NOV 2

Chinese energy giant attempts takeover of Unocal!!

Question of the day

The legacy of lynching

Does anyone else get errors when you type into those spambot blocking....

Does Schwarrzenegger Get Arrested

The "official" demand an apology from rethuglican thread

A dose of George Carlin

The GOP is correcting the mistakes of the Founding Fathers

Suggested sketch for Dana Milbank

Texas Governor Rick Perry says "Adios MoFo" to reporter. (Video)

David Brooks today

Gramaldi & Schmidt: Abramoff, Reed, DeLay, Norquist tribal shenanegans

did we hear about the French journalist expelled from "democratic" Iraq?

Draft O'Reilly

The September 11 forum gives me the creeps

Very cheeky letter to Kansas School Board on ID.

"3 S.F. pot clubs raided in probe of organized crime...

MSNBC :Do you think there are enough troops in Iraq to fight the insurgenc

Song I wrote for the Asshat who co-sponsored the Flag Burning Amendment

US evangelicals, angering Iraqi Christians, exploit war to plunder flocks

"Vietnam was a better situation than Iraq."

It is flag Desecration, not just flag Burning.

Helpful advice to lefties on how to be taken seriously from fascist Hewitt

For the first time in my life, I absolutely agree with Karl Rove!

Woman Fired After 21 Years For Not Wearing Makeup

How does * get such control over the corporate media ?

Graphic -and I mean *GRAPHIC*- photo from Iraq (WARNING!!)

MoveOn has made their goal of over 1,000,000 signatures!

Think about calling your representatives about NPR and PBS

NOVAKula: Durbin Apologized Because Richard DALEY Pulled His Strings

Dembloggers: "It Looks Like Rehnquist Has Resigned"

Woman stopped at Logan with $46,950 sues DEA

KKKarl Rove's gift to Liberals

Fight them there instead of here.... illogical.

Is Rove calling Democrats "Traitors"?

Moronic Yellow College Ninja Republicans.

FYI - President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health link and info

Putting aside differences of opinion about the war in Iraq....

33,000,000 increase in US Population in the 1990s

Increased dismissals have the stench of Fascism all over them

Rove is trying to show the repukes have control.

William to work in City....another BCCI looming?

Could use some help from Kos posters and Bloggers with this:

Democrats Call on Rove to Apologize for Sept. 11 Comments

Jackson's face 'appears on toast' ----and jars of air! from BBC

Levin is doing the smack down on C-Span3 - "Last throes"....

Heads up: Klansman Killen to be sentenced in 12 minutes.

Would you support

Great Letter to the Arizona Republic

Shrub and Stein: SS Comedy Show

anyone listening to CSPAN 3

Freepers Longing for the Return of "Cowboy George" (priceless)

U.N. experts say they have reliable accounts of torture at Guantanamo

challenging bush rhetoric: was iraq plans a part of or in competition

Bizarre employment reality in morons* world...

My continuing Tin foil hat theory...

If the right hates the corporate media as much as we do, who is watching?

DSM losing its legs.

Do you suppose Trent Lott has an albino with a banjo on his porch?

Republicans are STILL helping Terrorists

Bright side of the Supreme Court ruling

Republicans Need To Read Their Bible Again, They are getting it wrong

Supreme Court...Govt. can take your property against your will

just what IS the plan in Iraq, I mean, really?

Do you agree with SCOTUS' decision to allow corporations to take property?

Republican Candidate Calls Bush Administration “Nazis”

if we just wait long enough, all the assholes will simply go away

A pack of lies. (worth reading again, if you haven't)

Whoa!!...Pentagon Creating Student Database?!?

Found this site on Buzzflash

Killen: Sentenced 20 years for each count to be served consecutively n/t

**Warning Vent Ahead** Damn these people make mo so pissed off.

I won't contact my representative or senators

Diabetes and HFCS...Democracy Now

The U.S. has had a terrorist attack since 9/11 - Credit thefts

Why does my Dr. treat me like Courtney Love when I need a refill?

Will Pataki go Fundie on NY?

Well My Republican rightwing anti gay, Baptist Christian

Graham: "those who want us to leave Iraq, same that attacked on 9/11"

This Place Just ROCKS...

Rummy: 'we are NOT losing this war'

Anti Republican Biblical T shirt Idea

Bush, Kerry tie if election held today.

Holy Shit! Kennedy just asked Rummy why he hasn't resigned!

After 9/11 Bush Called For... SHOPPING.... BLIND REVENGE... BLOODLUST!

Pentagon Creating Student Database

Rummy keeps invoking 9/11 while talking about Iraq

Here is one way we can maybe fight the supreme court ruling...

Paul O'Neil wrote a damn book on Bush IRAQ attack plans...8.5 mos b4 911

Baptists call off 8-year Disney boycott

Is anyone else outraged by the GE coal commercials?

Cruel and Unusual

Does anyone remember the posts that listed Republican diatribes

You have to love the Pundit - (profanity warning)

It's official now... Some piggies are more equal than the others.

Shed a tear with me.

Did I hear Linsey Graham correctly?

Anybody know where I can see a video of bush's news moment

Today's SC ruling will REALLY HELP our case against Bush appointments.

Yahoo headline: "Democrats FEAR GOP Push on Flag-Burning"

High court OKs personal property seizures

[tech] DUforum SQL Vulnerabilities

Hang on...aren't we SUPPOSED to BURN THE FLAG???

Matching shitstorm for shitstorm! RNC must be smeared with ROVE Comments

Don't taxpayers fund Armed Forces Radio as well as PBS?

Flag burning amendment. Are we paying these people?

I just saw a commercial on CNN about Supreme Court Justice

Remember after the election we all said...

Actually Karl, liberals saw 9/11 and knew our leadership was incompetent

Rummy and Myers - C-Span 3, 2 pm EDT- the pain continues

cheney's "last throes" remark thrown back in his ugly face by Abizaid!

Andy Dick show on CNN today

how bout' a bill Banning the Desecration of Jesus Christ?

If you are buying a house and can get out of the deal without losing $$,

Never forget: 3,000 Americans killed in the US by al Qaeda on Bush's watch

Warner Says We Don't Need No Stinking Polls

Democrats Demand Retraction From Rove

Weird. I agree with wingers. IFC is inappropriate for new WTC memorial

To Bob Fertik,

would bush's porn star be arrested under the flag desrecration law?

Supreme Court Rules Cities May Seize Homes

I Spit on the Way the Democrats Handled 9/11 During the Election.

fuck america's opinion, this war will go on and on

RNC Illegally Uses CSPAN Footage in New Ad Attacking Democrats

WTF? I went to the American Diabetes Association and found this:

My Man Byrd Has The Floor

This Isn't the United States I Used to Know

Recipe for the destruction of Democracy

War is a growth industry.

Promise me you'll never give up!

The Dems should demand an apology for the rethugs...

U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan may be headed to Iraq (Unocal Connection)

Never Forget: Bush NEVER apologized for using WRONG information

On Rumsfeld and "we are winning"

Dems Introduce Legislations to Ban Desecration of the Purple Heart Medal

Former Unocal Official Zalmay Khalizad vows to crush Iraqi resistance

You KNOW that Bush's numbers are dropping

SCOTUS decision vs. citizens rights

Do you think its time to impeach some Supreme Court justices?

Eric blumrich flash....."Lies" 9/11 DSM, more.

Contact the City Council taking those people's homes away

Why do Bible Belters ignore torture at Guantanamo?

Oil hits #60.00 per barrel. Kiss the Saudis for me, will ya GW?

I'm at work and tried to go to the website


OK, it's time for everyone to incorporate

How much longer before people take to the streets?

My poor tired pussycat

“This is not a case of science vs religion, but science vs science."

They just reinstated 100 million dollars for PBS

Even Bush's GOP Allies Are Breaking Ranks

Common virus 'kills cancer'

Is it just possible that PRES. CLINTON defeated Saddam's WMD program?

Good news!

Ha Ha -- look what idiot Delay is saying about lovely Iraq:

Voters' Eternal Hell


The Wall Street Journal vs. The Scientific Consensus

Republican candidate calls Bush Admin 'Nazis,', quits party

Zimbabwe & the New London Supreme Court decision -- parallels?

The SCOTUS land ruling.. what would happen in my case?

Tom DeLay: Is this Houston or Baghdad?

Eminent Domain and Just Compensation

Freepers Are Urging Assassination of Supreme Court Justices!

Ed Markey - "Keep your hands off of Big Bird"

You no longer own anything in this country

I've been busy all day -Did Bush APOLOGIZE for IRAQ War Errors and Deaths?

Karl Rove on Maple Street (Keith Olbermann)

I saw the documentary, "Bush's Brain" on TV yesterday.

What's this world coming to? Now any city can kick us out of our homes

Durbin: Anatomy of a Political Firestorm>>Chicago Trib article

Former GOP co-chairman chosen to head PBS

I saw a spokesman for CPB on the news today

Scary moment for America

Any chance the new T-shirt designs..

Newspapers find a way to deny their circulation is in decline.

Warning to Boomers (and kids of boomers)..Reverse mortgages

Why is this Aruba thing "Breaking News"?!!

Risky Business

"Unit Record System" would be Big Brother in action

blogger attempts to put enlistment ad in young gop event program


Trivia (I found this while doing a search for the "daily thread" in ER&D)

Conservatives haven't a leg to stand on concerning private property rights

CHINA announces $18.5 billion bid for Unocal OIL

Holy crap! China in bidding war with Chevron over Unocal ($18.5B)

How many terrorists were in Iraq before 9/11 ?

What did Ronald Reagan have in common with "Mississippi Burning?"

Next BIG battle: the Energy Bill...just say NO!

Senator Kennedy is speaking on the floor CSPAN2

I hope this piece of shit lives a long, long time

President John Kerry on C-Span2 right now!

"The President wanted to go to war in the worst way,and he did"

Minor Children? BENow working with Pentagon to Collect info in Database

OK Everyone, it's Time to Form a Religion

Director Greenwald: Help Name His New Wal-Mart Movie

Why are some many links to the Bush Dinner Porn Guest story dead?

Randi is smacking O'Reilly around...

Where were all the property rights advocates the last 20 years?

Resource needed, the tax cuts...

Invoking the 5th amendment privilege...good or bad?

Hey! A Possible WIN From The Scotus Property Rights Decision

Weren't the Dems supposed to release a 2004 election report today?

Robert Greenwald: Help Name My New Wal-Mart Movie

privatization and "publification"

Wal*Mart documentary from Frontline


U.N. Uncovers Torture at Guantanamo Bay

How the "leader of the Free World" comports himself at a public meeting

Learn, Democrats, Learn, GD It!

Executive in Ohio refused to change his name from Hitler

My LTTE published today

Most maddening thing about Rove's 9/11 insult

Against capital punishment? What if Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et al

I wonder if Donald Trump will get Vera Coking's home now.

Shelters Upset PETA Killed Animals Instead Of Adopting Out

Kerry's up on C-SPAN 2 n/t

Kerry asked on Senate floor to speak. He was denied.

I am sooo relieved - Rummy says Iraq is "not a QUAGMIRE"

While the Dems are in bash-KKKarl mode re: defending the nation

My response to yet another Conservative Idiot (RANT WARNING)

CIA report: new breed of professional terrorists are being made in Iraq

Is it a specific flag that Im not suppossed to deface?

See this Brave Soldier Dying For What?!

CBC slamming * proposed dept of education funding

Major screwup on CNN

Rove won't be fired or apologize

What if, during the midterms, it becomes wildly obvious...

The resignation of Scott McClellan (Keith Olbermann)

McClellan's creative interpretation of Rove's cheap trick

Anyone remember a threada bout kids & videogames&violence

Apologize THIS republican Assholes...!!!

Porn star's dream: Sex with Bush twins


End of the day

***THIS*** is how Republicans circle the wagons, friends

My LTTE to Star-Telegram was published

Scully/Muldar paranoia. What if Bush/Cheney/Rove are aliens?

If the neoconArtist are so strong and so much more qualified to protect us

WH defends Rove; Dems turn on Durbin and Dean.

Quick Question on Jeffords...

cheney being interviewed on cnn by wolf. b.

Activism quotes from all over the political spectrum

I confess...I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt in the lead-up to Iraq.

Intentional mischaracterization of Dem response to 9/11 is a cue.

A couple of protest I thought of

kkk rove has given us ammo!!!!

I have an idea that the "tone" on Washington may change VERY quickly

"Duke" Cunningham: "Line up and SHOOT liberal leadership"

Fixing the Facts

Who will be the 1st Republican to criticize Rove?

Here is a link to the exact text of the Supreme Court case

MoveOn wants to know if they should focus on getting our troops home !!!!

What has the UN done that makes it a target for the thugs in this

David Brooks reads our minds about Iraq

Stock Market really likes Bush's Economy --- NOT -- Stocks Down 166 pts


Got a question on civil suits

Has Wolf asked Dick about the Downing Street memo?

Mr. Burns is on CNN!

Delaware Lifeguard Joined Abramoff Tribal Affairs Scheme as a "Think Tank"

When will the Dem's start referring to Bush as the wildly unpopular Prez?

RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman Statement on the Democrat Attacks of Karl Rove

I have reached a milestone!

More B.S From Rummy

Want to know who participated in those secret energy meetings?

It all depends on what your definition of "quaqmire" is.

Why the Mainstream Media Is Catching On

Are we being set up with another distraction?

Public Broadcasting Names New President

Big bird is safe! Illiterate republicans, there is still hope!

Yes They Did Lie to Us

they want to restrict new home/condo owners right to sue

45% credit card offer

What I Learned from My Credit Report...

Republican Technique: Blame everyone, Ignore everything

Since Shrub Won't Tell The Truth We Have To Do It For Him

Sorry Donnie. We are in a quagmire and there is no end in

Why don't WE use wedge issues?

The only way to exit Iraq is with UN aid, how do we go about getting that

Dear Mr. Rove: Liberals can multitask, unlike conservatives

LOL!! Christian group says media is biased....because of gay pride float!

Anyone had positive/negative experiences with a homeowner's association?

What qualifies a 72 year old has been warmonger to send young

damn! just think of what we'd do to a country that REALLY attacked us!

du this pole

self-delete. just now found a dupe; here's the link:

Is there a video of KKKarl Rove making the statement.....

Are there email lists for House and Senate Democrats?

Ever noticed how much Santorum looks like Billy the Kid?

OIL hits record $60 a barrel mark

DU'ers Trashing DNC Election Report- You're Doing The 70% Of Blacks

Cheney says Bushcos don't operate by polls. If not, why is his face

Oxymoron? Kerry And The Confederate Flag?

Oil hits $60..TV "money-honey" is downright GIDDY..

NPR - should I call in my pledge or just leave the money on the pillow?

My Ribbon: W 04 Voters - Support the War - Enlist!

Two examples of being divorced from reality:

Rove must believe NYC voters don't "get" 9-11

Is America too Religious?

Hey Karl - 3 words - MY PET GOAT

will XM ever have the full AAR lineup?

Proposition 13 could go "buh-byee" with new SCOTUS ruling

Please help us DU this fundie...

du this poll on scotus decision

Can anyone help find archived story on congressional emails?

Any Demopedia experts around.... Chickenhawk database

Why I don't think we will see the new photos of the abused prisoners...

This war is shaping up to be another Vietnam,if it has not already .

developers for Walmart bought out our city council

Job applicants allegedly swipe wallet at interview

An experience in criminal court

Repub Rep: Dem leaders "conducting guerrilla warfare on American troops"

I pity the Right-Wing with a bucket load of Laughter...

Conyers: My Hometown Paper Weighs In on DSM

On AAR this morning: Admiral to deploy sailors to Iraq to train Iraqiis

(900th post) They are SCARED!!!

New ad: Just shown on FOX !

1 in 4 Children Utter a Brand Name As Their First Word

Anyone here on/was Navy scholarship for Med school?

Just wrote...

More Good News For '06

Karl Rove's White House telephone number (202) 456-2369

Reno 911: Homeland Security visit. Too funny..

Little things you can do....Activism for Everyone

George Bush and Karl Rove: 'Most Americans Are Traitors'

Here's video of Rove making his jackass comments

Rove is going to be on Scarboy tonight.

LOL! Rummy to Sen. Byrd today: "Are You Talkin to Me"??

What a Coincidence!!!

You know what the Conyers Hearing reminds me of?

Coming up on Hardball: Discussion about rover's comments

Rove will be on Scab-borough tonight

complain about Rove

The 'insurgents' in Iraq are:

Rumsfeld:U.S not losing the war

I think Rove is using his personality to deflect......

Why don't their heads implode?

Today's Eminent Domain Ruling--a Native American perspective.

Iraqi Army - What its purpose truly is

Republican candidate calls Bush Admin 'Nazis,' quits party

Video - Would it be crazy if corporations took us to war - Location?

The draft-dodging coward Rove sure is a brave republican

Give this person a hand

Chimp's job approval down to 42% in ARG Poll

Took a Zogby Poll today that mainly asked if Maria Shriver should host a

Did you hear what Gov. Rick Perry said to a reporter the other day?

RNC stands up for Rove; why didn't the DNC stand up for Durbin?

Harassment Campaigns in New London?

Seven days.

Cheney on Wolf defending the "last throes" comment....transcript

Ok so are the dems JUMPING at this??? or ignoring it like everything else

Oh no, Holy Joe is quoting the bible on CSPAN3

The Environmental Working Group: Guide to Pesticides in Produce

ultimate freepmobiles (warning pics)

If I'm a mayor and want to get rid of the "undesirables" in my city

Will anyone ever trust TV media again?

If China Buys Unocal ...

Global Warming/Oil War

We should hit the media and congress with ONE VOICE - Fire Rove!

Southern Baptists End Disney Boycott... LMAO!!!

The SCOTUS ruling was 5-4: What the dissenters had to say

SCOTUS---Property owners have NO rights. What country is this???

Kerry calls for Rove's firing

Guess why The American Prospect features RevMoon expose'. (good news)

Peggy Noonan SLAMS Klein's book.

John Kerry's Floor Speech on Karl Rove's 9/11 Remarks

Ask your REPUB Congressperson if Rove speaks for them

London Times: Iraq: The carve-up begins (Oil)

Anybody else notice how, when Dean attacked Republicans,

Today's interesting (to me) gov't. bid requests.

Schumer, Kerry stormed Snow on economy and China (where's US media?)

Long & well-written floor statement on Rove, but NO time for DSM?

Santorum: Natl. Weather Service to give data only to COMPANIES

The war is not going well;the economy is tanking;the people are

SO.....Do YOU think that Ronald Raygun is the Greatest American?

The Next Prez: John McCain

The War Is Lie: Another Anti-War Gif Animation For Your USE!

Bush in power for only one month - orders attack on Iraq

"Ask 9/11 victims about flag burning" Cunningham being investigated

Ever get tired of smashing your head into a wall? Don't!

Ramstein sergeant pleads guilty to sex charges

Gas Prices in your area?

New ad: Just shown on FOX !

TOONS for Thursday

instead of demanding apologies, let's bring back dueling at 10 paces

Is Scientology any weirder than any other religion? Dover textbook case showing signs of a pending ID crackup

Stripes letter by SSGT, who calls situation in Iraq "mild chaos at best"

The cruelest manipulation of the Public began in Nov 1998.

Please sign this online petition to fire Karl Rove!

bush, Cheney, Rove; PANIC MODE! Distract from the coming torture photos

CONGRATULATIONS, KARL ROVE! Stand up & take a bow!

CNN is doing a poll about the supremes decision

New Videos and Torture Photo's --- Distraction To Be ====> Rehnquist Quits

Conservative Christians and the U.S. military

Ten commandment decision coming soon from supreme court

Does anyone know the status of mandatory kid screenings for mental health?

You guys are so positive and optimistic. How do you stay sane?

speaking of Hope

Big Dog v. Gipper: What was more damaging to the progressive agenda?

Rove Plays Politics With 9/11 Attacks, Again


Update: Dems Say Rove Should Apologize or Resign

Talking Points for Rove Rebuttle, from House Leadership

We've Seen Enough To Impeach Bush - (Capitol Times, WI)

Close-ups with Dolphins boost park's cash flow

Today's(23Jun) Media Targets from Downing Street

GOP picks at DEM sliver til it festers with pus; it's time we did the same

Dow Down 166 points as Oil reaches psychologically important $60 a barrel

Why do I get uncomfortable when I see two Gay men making out?

Until 2003 Hardwick and Lawerence were sex offenders

New from Michael Smith: The Real News in the Downing Street Memos

Dear Mastercard:


Blowing away The Mother of All Smirkscreens

Heartbreaking email to Sen Roberts from a soldier who is being refused...

cspan3: Byrd gives Rummy a dressing-down

Bush secretly and illegaly bombed Iraq (like Nixon did Cambodia)

Will our kids ever be fighting the Iraqi Army we are training now?

hey rove, you can shove 9/11 up your ass buddy

White House defends Rove's comments

You'd think noone ever heard of eminent domain before.

appr. how many men, women & children have been killed in Iraq?

The SC Eminent Domain Case gives the lie to natural property rights

Liberal SCOTUS Justices Screwed The Home Owners

Malloy Show Needs a Favor

Rush Limbaugh: "We are losing this war

Dems Need To Shut Down The Senate re Rove's Comments!!!

Understanding 9/11: In the Face of Disaster, A Great Leader Sits Frozen

88 Lines About 44 Republicans

100 More Photos And Several Videos Of Abu Ghraib Torture Coming SOON!

Quote from freeperville about the Corporate land seizure ruling

9/11 families to Karl Rove: Stop trying to reap political gain from 9/11!

Hillary hits Gov. on Rove's 9/11 remarks

RFK Jr. on Mercury, Autism, and vaccines

Enough Of The Damn Learned Helplessness Already! Stop Conceding Defeat!!!

DSM: M$MWs "Old News' we knew all the time but didn't tell vs Blogoshpere

NASCAR Formula One Boss--sexist comments to a woman of skill:

Photos:US soldiers planted weapons on dead Iraqi teens #graphic#

Open Letter to Democratic Underground: Please Give a Read

Well, they've gone and done it now...

The Brain Bug left his caves

DU this poll on Rove - it's FREEPED!

Who here is a member of a union?

Burn the Confederate Flag (The real flag of the GOP)

Sexed Up?! DSM! Take Action! EASY! Let your Reps & MSM know!

smirk's porn star dinner guest wants sex with the twins - really

The "American Assassination" of Paul Wellstone - new book

"Fend for yourself!" Florida sexual predators banned from storm shelters.

Was the Dalai Lama wrong to join with PETA to stop KFC?

"War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal."

KARLTOONS (i.e., Karl Rove Toons)

Favorite Ice Cream Recipes?

Help, need cheesecake recipe!

Fired up a seafood feast last night

Sierra Legal Defence releases report on Shitty BC mining practices

Aristide: on the record about Canada and Haiti

CIA on Iraq: New breed of professional and sophisticated terrorist being

Taser VP Admits He and CEO Conducted Secret Experiments on Animals

Gibson stalker gets maximum sentence

Spanish senators reject gay bill (still expected to become law)

Sailor, Marine arrested in Okinawa clothing store incident

CIA says Iraq is now a terrorist training ground

Tales of deception and betrayal:Think-tank head said DeLay didn't know Ind

Pair ripped off Indians, senators todl

House GOP Proposes Social Security Plan (private accounts still in)

Venezuelan lawmakers: US relations depend largely on Posada case

Pentagon Creating Student Database

House panel votes to ease Cuba trade rule

Federal Psywar Against Americans

UN pledges a 'new Iraq' as the carnage continues

U.N. Expert Says U.S. Stalling on Request to Visit Guantanamo

Terror Suspect Freed in Mexico (US forgot to take him off wanted list)

China oil producer bids $18.5 billion for Unocal

Embattled Bush to welcome Iraqi PM

Finally some news to get excited about(Launch of IWTnews Website)

Two Iraqis killed, 10 injured in car bomb explosion in Kirkuk

Rumsfeld Faces Questions on Troops in Iraq

Duplicate Post

UK terror suspect in Mexico is simply a tourist

LAT: Trial Testimony About Klan Leaves Town Divided (Philadelphia, Miss.)

Memo: British wanted Sunnis to lead (DSM)

Pentagon creating database of students

'New militant threat' from Iraq

Bush refusal to bend is break for Dems

Judge pulls the plug on Bush and helps threatened salmon back to sea

LAT:Iranian Blogger Returns From Exile for Vote(choice of "bad and worse")

Senior Taliban may be surrounded say Afghans

Insurgent Death Toll in Afghanistan Rises

Saudi Terror Suspect Said Killed in Iraq (OH bushie are we in the wrong...

Activist (Randall Terry) Begins Senate Campaign to Oust King

Bush loses support among women, poll says

MassMutual hired Guiliani's law firm

Death of Soldiers Brother Ruled Suicide

Rumsfeld Rejects Timetable For Iraq Withdrawal ("a way to go")

WP: Symbolic Lynching Resolution Forced Concrete Political Choice

AP: Merck Tried to Alter Vioxx in 2000

Supreme Ct: Govts can seize homes, bus for econ dev

Bush urged to release documents on Bolton

Death of soldier's brother ruled suicide (no end to pain bush is causing)

Senator May Block Successor to Defense Policy Chief Feith--(another

Tales of deception and betrayal (Delay and Nat'l Cent. for Pub.Policy Res)

Chinese Oil Giant in Takeover Bid for U.S. Corporation

UN investigators say U.S. stalling prison visits (Guantanamo, etc.)

CS Monitor: Falluja parallels in Ramadi

CNN Breaking: Edgar Ray Killen sentenced to maximum 60 years in prison for

Egypt mufti backs resistance in Iraq within limits

Top General Disputes Cheney Claim That Iraq Insurgency in Last Throes

House Ethics Chairman May Quit, Officials Report

Top Commander Says Insurgency Still Strong (last throes?)

Bush Administration Urges China to Put Economic Squeeze on North Korea

General disputes claim that Iraq insurgency fading

Pentagon Creating Student Database

Pentagon Creating Student Database

Hagel: US 'Losing' Iraq War

Mass. Governor Weighing Presidental Run

Pentagon Creating Student Database

Supreme Court Rules Cities May Sieze Homes

Mufti backs resistance 'within limits' (Egyptian authority on Islamic law)

Shocking: Government Power to Take Property Backed by Top Court

Hospitals cut costs for uninsured

Republican Social Security Plan May Collide With Budget Deficit (Bloombrg)

Romanian Monk, Four Nuns Charged With Murder in Exorcism Death of Nun

Allawi seeking national dialogue

Greenspan warns against US tarrifs on China

Secret Data From Japan Nuke Plants on Web

Greenspan, Snow warn against China sanctions

Perry's plan helps rich at others' expense

Parents and Kids Stars Unite (Support PBS and NPR)

Bombs jolt Baghdad after dawn, at least 3 dead

WP:Cardholders Kept in Dark After Breach(some banks don't tell customers)

Ohio governor struggles with scandal

LAT, Brownstein: Bush Faces Hurdles to Rallying Support on Iraq

How a Lobbyist and a Former Tom DeLay Aide Ripped Off Clients and

Republican candidate [N.C. Sup. Crt] calls Bush Admin 'Nazis,' quits party

Armed Men Set Afghan Girls' School on Fire

Killen sentenced to 20 years for each of 3 counts-served consecutively!

Senate Democrat Offers Pledge on Bolton Vote

Massive Crack Opens In Earth In Texas

Study blames government for homelessness

Iraq: Sunni scholar killed in insurgent attacks

Pentagon creating student database

Lawmakers to Question Rumsfeld on Future of U.S. Troops in Iraq

Latest Social Security Proposal Creates GROW Accounts (sttill Private)

Insurgents develop deadly new bombs

Contract Spawned Gitmo prisons awarded to Hallibur by CEO Cheney

Shelters Upset PETA Killed Animals Instead Of Adopting Out

Fake spy guilty of kidnapping con

Torture at Guantanamo Bay: UN investigators

Bush points finger at Democrats on Social Security

Some 1st Armored Division units could deploy to Iraq sooner than expected

Judge arrested in Aruba case

Ted Nugent Ordered to Pay Child Suppport ("Father of the Year")

Texas Governor Commutes 28 Death Sentences

Senator Asks Ultimatum Be Given Iraq on Charter

Supreme Court Rules Cities May Seize Homes

Top Commander Says Insurgency Still Strong( Abizaid contradicts Cheney)

Radio Candy Stunt Not So Sweet

Yahoo! Shuts Chat Rooms After Sex Allegations

WP: Why the Mainstream Media Is Catching On (DSM)

The frightening evolution of al-Qaida

Deal Could Preserve New York's 9/11 Aid

E-mails: Reed knew tribal money funded anti-gambling campaigns

U.S. Not Losing War, Rumsfeld Insists

States Reporting Inflated Graduation Rates

Tenn. investigates ex-gay camp

Looted Art Said Used to Fund Terrorists

Republican will be new CPB president (death of PBS)

Bush to consult Democrats if High Court post opens

Study: States Report Bogus Graduation Rates

World hates America but Indians love

Looted Art Said Used to Fund Terrorists

N.Y. Oil Jumps to $60 on Concern Fuel Demand Will Strain Output

Indian call centre 'fraud' probe

Iraqi Labor Chief Calls for Troops to Exit

US not losing in Iraq, Rumsfeld insists

Grand jury clears 3 Halliburton protesters (TX)

Democrats demand Rove apology

Radio Contest Winner Sues Over Candy Bar (not Clear Channel but sounds ..

Ross misses hearing, warrant issued

Feds Target California Marijuana Dispensaries

U.S., Iraq Troops Kill at Least 5 Rebels

My response to Karl Rove -Wes Clark

Poll: U.S. Image So Tattered Overseas That China Is More Popular

Anti-US sentiment entrenched: poll

Iran seen tightening control of Internet

Cheney defends Iraq insurgency last throes remark

U.N. Uncovers Torture at Guantanamo Bay

U.S. Senate moves toward final vote on energy bill

Report slams Bush space vision (BBC News)

Movement takes Bush to task

Pro-Bush group airs TV, radio ad about high court appointee

World powers urge Israel to ease checkpoints

UN: Concerns Voiced Over Torture In Uzbekistan

Brownback holds hearing on Roe v. Wade decision

Families of 9/11 hit back at Rove's comments

White House Offers Sugar Trade Concession

MP vows to lead G8 protest march (Galloway)

The saddest of days in Schleswig (phelps shows up at soldier's funeral)

US pilot killed in U-2 crash in United Arab Emirates: officials

University of Hawaii won't renew embattled chancellor's contract

'Religious Left' launched in U.S. (BBC News)

Brain's Marijuana-like Chemicals Postpone Pain

White House, Democrats Quarrel Over Bolton

Bolton won't be weakened by recess appointment: former UN envoy

More than 400 protest Bush Social Security plan (MD)

Bush Expresses Empathy With Workers (says sounds like Bill Clinton)

NIH Gives U of Kansas...$7.9M Grant to Develop...Male Contraceptive Pill

U.S. 'stalling UN Guantanamo visit' (BBC News)

Pentagon IDs Pilot in Spy Plane Crash censored? Responds to Justice Depts. new "NO-Photos" rule

NYT: In Ohio Vote, Woes, Yes, Fraud, No

E-mail found of ex-aide of Conyers, a fugitive convicted of stealing $162K

Lobbyist (Abramoff), rabbi (talk radio host) plot to trick private club

NYT: House Ethics Chairman (Hastings) May Quit, Officials Report

Aruba Police Arrest Father of Dutch Teen (in Holloway disappearence)

Offhand Daley comment spurred Durbin turnaround

Clinton hits governor on White House aide's Sept. 11 comments

U.S. doctors linked to POW `torture' Guantanamo medical records misused

Syria calls on Washington to prove it aids insurgents

W.House rejects apology for Rove's Sept. 11 remarks

Cheney, Rumsfeld fire back at Iraq doubters

China 'is more popular' than U.S. (around the World) (BBC News)

Japanese robots to guard shops and offices

Blix: Iran Years Away From Nuke Weapons

'We had to kill him for snitching,' sailor says in video shown at court-ma

Iraq Sees Increase in Car Bombings(4/28-6/23 580 killed/1734 wounded)

'Blair has Murdered Labour Party' Says Galloway

Iraq: The carve-up begins(UK and US oil co's to meet w/ Iraqi Oil reps)

Florida Crime Down for 13th Straight Year (AP)

POLL: 49% Say Bush Responsible for Provoking Iraq War, 44% Say Hussein

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 23 June

Marine gets 15 years for Okinawa rape, says 50-cent beer was partly to bla

Democrats Call on Rove to Apologize for Sept. 11 Comments

Republican Candidate Calls Bush Administration “Nazis”

WP: Pharmaceuticals in Waterways Raise Concern:Effect on Wildlife, Humans

Blair tells EU to change or fail

Senator Edward Kennedy asks Rumsfeld about resigning (offered twice)

55 percent of doctors influenced by religion

(GOOD NEWS!) House Won't Cut Public Broadcasting Funds (Wash Post)

Diesel "could breach £1 a litre" (approx $7.60 per Gallon) (BBC News)

'Healed' by God - Conservative Christians Hold Conference To 'Cure' Gays

Ecuador Refuses to Sign U.S. Immunity Pact (Internat'l Criminal Court)

Supreme Ct: Govts can seize homes, bus for econ dev (Thread #2)

Billy Corgan plans to revive SMASHING PUMPKINS?

New printer: must print! Must print!

A shot in the dark! Did anyone attend el camino high school

Simpsons Season a "Homer's Head"-shaped box...August 16, 2005

Bless the Beasts and the Children

the new face of america toon

Man, Sibel Edmonds is a hottie.

I need to talk to Bertha Venation.....what is her new name again?

hey anybody know anarchy1999

More news from the FUTURE!

L. Ron Hubbard shares his memories of a 1963 trip to...Heaven. not tell anyone

Do you lose it if your food is touching?

Republican asshats (a rant)

Good night all.

I have posted in GD...hold me.

Attn young folks: Somebody takes a gun to your head, and tells you...

I'm about to get tombstoned

How about EGGS!

Please, no more posts about gnus.

I just turned 30.

Ok, I found a solution to clarifying my posts, think whiny not yelley.

does anyone else use movie sound-bytes for answering machine msg.?

whats wrong with me... I'm actuially...

dupe sorry

When I tell you that I love you

Ok this is what my night was like

bird seed - new toon 6/23

Moving is exhausting

Educational Fraud..........

Sometimes office chair wheels are TOO good.

Nude Sculptures Near Senior Center Anger Old Folks

So I have this misdemeanor on my record, can you give me advice about it

Well, on a train I met a dame She rather handsome we kinda looked the same

Oh No! Tom Cruise Kills Oprah!

From Bartcop's Site ... Frist and Cats....

News UPDATE: Kitten Born With 2 Faces, Dead

What do you think of herbal medicine?

Greatest British hardcore band:

My anonymous sources says Skinner used Diebold to calculate the votes....

Once I thought I was wrong

I opened arwalden's thread, and I didn't post in it.

Weird Al's Greatest Hits...

Don't Really Know Who She Is But: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SELMA BLAIR!!

Give someone the Gas Face here!

I think Congress needs to outlaw Captivate Network.

pLease, no more chicken hawks

Favorite unintentional pairing of Black Panther and pop culture:

"As seen at the NewsMax store" (really hilarious toon)


Woman with $46,950 in her bra sues after it's taken by DEA

How do you search a certain poster?

I was once so naive I thought

Well, I just got my 2nd job in as many weeks.

George is finally going to Viet Nam!

Ok kids, I'm off to Vegas

Highly recommended anti-spyware software: Spybot Search & Destroy

Best band named after a Russ Meyer film.

I think Congress needs to outlaw burning steaks

The US Government has a new web site......

Recommendations for booty-shakin' Bollywood tunes?

Massive Crack Opens In Earth In Texas

Giant Popsicle Melts, Floods New York Park

Who betrayed Maximus Decimus Meridias?

What the DSM does not show (graphic warning)

Grandfather kills leopard with his hands

I need help finding a Daily Show thread

Holy fuck! The Office is the best TV series ever.

Poll: How do you learn?

That's not riiiiiiiight!!!

Wake me up in time for my next nap(really cute cat thread)

Pictures from Paradise...(warning image heavy)

Wisconsin is enforcing a total ban on

I have something really important to say.

How do you want your eggs?

People need to apologize

What if YOU are the only liberal here?

More on Allergy Free Cats

Too funny!!!

Remember this DUers: No matter where you go...there you are...

Two New York Yankees Find Love

Time for a "Feel Like I'm Fixin to Die Rag" moment.

Cruise says Xenu is "not true, has no resonance and relation whatsoever"

Make up a name for a piece of IKEA furniture

What should I eat for lunch?

Yet another similarity between Batman Begins and * admin...

I have a question, hopefully someone could help me out

Please, no more threads about pickin'.

So...did you see the Guardian cartoon of Bush f*cking a dead camel?

I won an iPod last night but I am having a problem

Goin' to the ballpark - buy food there or bring my own hoagie?

Tom and Katie prepare for "the second of the eight dynamics of existence"

Anybody watch "Beauty and the Geek?"

Well, they've gone and done it now...

We need a cat/kitten thread!

and now for something completely different......

Hitler Rd. residents get strange looks (Circleville Ohio)

My bologna has a first name....

Meet the Feebles

Man Holding Metal Cross At Funeral Struck By Lightning - Dies

What to do about a bird's nest in my window pane?

Best matcom ever?

Best MST3K host segments

Why did the...

Happy Birthday ZombyNephew!!!

Today's Tunage Rockin' My Box - THE ROOTS

Ed Klein will be on Al Franken tomorrow...

Job interview in less than 2 hours

Worst Ticketmaster stories?

"Get Er Done!" - What The Fuck Does That Mean?


I had this really freaky dream last last RE: 2nd American Civil War

I just rcv'd an email with a blank "From" ,"To" & "Subject" !

Computer HELP!!! I can't get onto DU's message board and

I am on an open sea...

My baby boy was born on Father's Day!!!

i am so worked up over the USSC decision today that

Who else had the crap scared outta them by

Someone Has Been Mailing Town Residents $1,000 Cash Gifts

Let's start our own religion: "DUology" What are the tenets we believe in

Who said blondes are dumb?

Make your own bumperstickers online

This is why I really like living in a small town

Is Randi Rhodes show a repeat today?

DU Lawyers I need some advice, I have this misdemeanor on my record...

Is anyone a "certified" personal trainer?

My poor tired pussycat

my hips are so broad and wide

Wind-up hopping lederhosen

Car horn in sync with this on DU:

Which of these long running TV Series over stayed their welcome

*******HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARCANE1***********

Very obscure "Seinfeld" question:

Im secretly in love with ....

Veiled praise

It'a MIRACLE...a MIRACLE I tell you

Do people under 30 know who Sandy Duncan is without googling?

Sympathy request

Are you often offended by certain DUer's posts?

Thank you once again to all of you kind and compassionate Loungers

I think I'm in love

Watta Hoot! Check out this link..

When I read things like this, it makes me wish I was 25 again.

Home Run Derby

Earworm alert (Subject line changed to divert lynch mob)

Major sleep deprivation

How Often Do You Buy Lottery Tickets?

Iraq is not a Quagmire. THIS is a Quagmire.

DU Group proposal: Seekers of medical advice from unqualified DUers

LastliberalinTx and NSMA I need some legal advice

GAWDAMMIT!! When's Randi going to get to what Karl Rove said yesterday?

DU Group proposal: Seekers of Legal advice from unqualified DUers

Whale Burgers On Sale In Japan

I met a kid at work who looks just like Kleeb.

Its 91 degrees... hot enough for ya?

Help! I have a gift card to iTunes and don't know what else to download.

Who wants to play auto-fill non sequitirs?

DU Men: Gimme A Head With ... A Demographic Poll.

Thank you all for sending me chain letters over the past year.

costa rica

Comity or Comedy?

My dog thinks he can control the air conditioning by pawing at the vent

Thank you all for sending me "Dear John" letters over the past year.

Damned sattelite dish is out.

What TV Show Would Make A Kick Ass Movie?

We should use wedgie issues on Rove

Deputies Discover Marijuana Farm With Over 23,000 Plants

Kleeeeebie...oooooh, KLEEEEBIE!!

when should I fall off the wagon?

Wow - England has the same problem the US does: Chavs

My Website is Up!

Did anyone here actually PASS the President's Physical Fitness test?

I just got back from Phoenix and I will answer anything....but

Cut my own head off, investigated for my own murder..advice needed

Do you have the item?

Is the new Foo Fighters song really good or am I just loosing it?

Have you ever

Want to help contribute to a blog and website?

I'm Against Home-Schooling, Basically Because......

I've just listened to David Bowie's "Queen Bitch" about 15 times in a row.

Use "DS1's explosive diesel-powered sushi-wrapper" in a sentence

Nyah Nyah!

Rant: I've been listening to my Mom's caregiver bitch for an hour now.....

Use the word "Butterscotch" In A Sentence

The GREATEST Thing About DU?

Use "camel toes" in a sent... oh never mind!

FLASH!! I'm hot!

Something 'bout the way you taste, makes me want to clear my throat...

Favorite South Park Kid?

He wore a hat...


Anyone hear anything about results of the energy bill vote today?

Oh, I can't stand it! Cute KITTY picture alert!

So they installed a speed bump on my block ...

Fucking AAAGH!!!

I am having a HOT POCKET!

Use 'Use "last throes" in a sentence' in a sentence

What is your favorite "Dark Tower" book?

He had a hat...


This is NOT a thread about chicken.

Why does drinking in the sun hit you quicker?

We have adorable baby skunks living on our property!

I am having a HOT FLASH!

iPods save lives

My sisters found a kitten two weeks ago. (pics inside)

Mary Carey posing with Keith Olbermann

What is it with inscrutible spam these days?

A kid rant

Just finished "The Long Walk" by Steven King/Bachman. Disturbing!

Use "last throes" in a sentence

88 Lines About 44 Republicans

5000 posts?! That's kooky talk!

A few choice photos of today's Maalox moment between Ted Kennedy & Rummy


UPS just delivered my package. Mementos from Ma's house cleaning.

Fellow Nattering Nabobs of Negativism, check in.

you are now about to witness the strength of street knowLedge

Students Can Now Take Gym Classes Online

I have a question

JimmyJazz and I will have JohnKleeb on 9/24 - what should we do with him

They just cut the lilac bush out of my grandma's yard....

The dirtiest joke ever told — and the movie that tells it

So I'm going to get all of my hair chopped off today...

What ARE you, McFly?

F8 Start up in safe mode. Defragment all brain cells. Virus check for...

Caption this photo:

New career for MATCOM: Wedding Planner!

The plural of you is NOT yooze!!! (or trapped in unemployment hell)

I just got my cholesterol results. Am I going to die?

DaVinci, Shakespeare, and Eleanor Roosevelt were gay?

Woo Hoo!

Job cancelled tomorrow, wife in bed, GD a headache... I need a hug.

Favorite Black Panther band

Woman sues after learning prize is 100 Grand candy bar, not $100,000

Sirius had a CT scan. Surgery scheduled for Monday AM.

Coca-Cola Zero:

Risky Business

Kid A rant

Madrone's in Kalamazoo and I'm stuck with you people

Use "last toes" in a sentence

I'm listening to Ray Charles sing "Georgia on My Mind"

Non sequitur time - Post some

Good, now use "DS1's explosive diesel-powered sushi-wrapper" in a novella

So, which sitcom will Hollywood fuck up next?

Bushman cause I got high

I saw a pro-life demonstration today.

If Free Rep. had a Tee-shirt logo contest what would be the winning logos?

Who's watching Wimbledon?

The two-headed kitten has died.

Best sitcom ever?

Seems like everybody is asleep

Mommy bragging time :)

Favorite Trickster god or hero?

You've got exactly 4 hours to spend with anyone you want! WHO?

Rabrrrrrr and matcom- I humbly give you..."Ginger".

OK DUers, if you had 14 days to travel from Amsterdam to Rome . . .

Ad company explain Yorkie candy bar tagline: "It's Not for Girls"

Where is the devil's workshop?

Columnist Has Seen "More Breasts Than David Hasselhoff"

Picture of Baby Bunny with her new puppy!

If You Open This Thread...

Guess I am a pointy-headed librul intee-leckshuwal

Best winner of the T-shirt contest?

DUers COMING TO THE BBQ SATURDAY: Could Reach 100 Degrees

Someone please make sense of this ..

"Dad, she's dead..please help me".. What would YOU do as the parent?

I would just like to take a minute to say

I am having problems with the iPod again

My dog is back in the hospital -- again :(

Hey ... wanna hear some music?

Can anyone use the word "titmouse" in sentence?



Everything I need to know, I learned in public school

Radio Candy Stunt Not So Sweet

My epiphany for the night: love is never a waste.

The top reason why (includes DU Store) doesn't get sales...

Favorite banned album cover?

Note to retailers: DO NOT PISS OFF OPRAH

June Photo Contest -> FLOWERS, Stage 1: Intro and links

And by the way, Senator Pelosi...

June Photo Contest -> FLOWERS - Stage 1, Group 2

June Photo Contest -> FLOWERS - Stage 1, Group 3

Stephen King Book: Best/Favorite...

June Photo Contest -> FLOWERS - Stage 1, Group 1

Due to the many posts accusing newbies of being possible freepers . . .

Katie Holmes' Missing Days

Close-ups with Dolphins boost park's cash flow

'Earthy evangelist' changes US climate

Adam and Eve

Oh you'll love this.

Is the worship of Mothra as valid as any other religion?

Hydraulic Fluid as Cleanser for Surgical Tools

Solar sail probe's fate unknown

Single-Cell Recognition: A Halle Berry Brain Cell

Message for National Gay and Lesbian Pride Month - DOT

S.F. sex conference tackles reigning 'moral panic': marriage

Business takes up gay pride banner

Committee says to cut school clubs

Minnesota's biggest homophobe outs family member

Missouri High School Settles Gay T-Shirt Suit

Gay HIV-positive actor denied U.S. visa

Calif. Lesbian Wins Visitation Rights


Anti-Gay, Anti-Recycling Rabbi implicated in Indian Casino Scandal

Business Impact

Words hurt for gays in schools

Massachusetts Gay Marriage Foe Quits State

Banned in Jerusalem: NO annual gay pride parade this year

Sec of Ed Margaret Spellings and Buster

Anti-gay remark linked to killing

Knicks - Suns Talking Trade of Kurt Thomas For Quentin Richardson

Is anyone still questioning the NE Patriots' move of not signing Ty Law?

Game 7 of Blue State vs. Red State tonight....

Anybody frustrated at the cost of vet bills?

My dog is back in the hospital -- again :(

Mercury, Venus and Saturn planets to appear in rare grouping

The metaphysics of healing

Risky Business

Wouldn't a real god slap George W. Bush upside his head?

BWAAAAAAAAAAA ! Hit this poll ! ! !

"Intelligent" design, the flying spaghetti monster and pirates.

Shouldn't we atheists have our own version of a "clergy"?

Imagine it: An atheist President.

How red is Baytown Texas?

Well, I tried

is this a pic of anyone in this group ?

Anybody here have a livejournal account?

Who is watching the Foreign committee hearings on AIDS

Is there anything happening with JK and DSM? I am beginning to think DSM

John Kerry's Floor Speech on Karl 9/11 Remarks

Well, if the vote were today, it'd be a tie

Floor speech coming up after a vote at 4:15 or so. (EST)

Mystery solved - sort of

Finance Comm: Kerry Vs. Sec Snow

I thought we had discussed asking people not to comment on the photos..

June photo contest

June Photo Contest - LINK

My grandparents wedding pic. Hand painted over B&W from 1930.

NYC protester last year at the RNC

New Blog: 6/23/05, 2:35 pm

Ok, I *finally* watched the second Mary Carey interview

ASTB 6/23/05 (waaah again...)

Hey Rev, never thought I"d say it, but I'm exhausted from thumping.

Gov. Dean to Appear on The Daily Show

Senator Boxer: Cutting HIV Transmission

Durbin Wrap Up from "Balloon Juice"

Exactly why are people offended by the idea of a US flag made in China?

More "dog chasing tail" or does this group have promise?

This day in history

Abramoff lobbyist take the fifth

Millitary increasing their PR campaign

Brush fires? Didn't Bush say he would end them?

Pledge for Democrats

BeNow, Inc, of Wakefield, MA, helping Pentagon take your children

A Question...How many DU'ers are working for the 2006 Mid-Term...

McCain? Chairman of Indian Affairs?

Public Service Announcement for Free republic members

BigBrother Bush at So. Baptist convention: why does this NOT endanger

Lynn Woolsey: "We have to make this issue central in the next election!"

Blowing away the mother of all smirkscreens


Gene Lyons on the Downing Street Memo and "Gutless Liberal Media at Work"

Assuming the flag-desecration idiocy passes.

Delay says Iraq = Houston

Military Divorces up 40% since 2000

Katherine Harris just got her first free campaign ad from CNN

Flag desecration: why now?

Rove is right--We don't get 911--we didn't get in on the planning.

The family of master liars - a.k.a the Bushco family

A call for compassion for killen

Jerry Springer's interesting point regarding pushing for impeachment

Alert! Demand apology from Inhofe!

How do you start a "Whisper" campaign against a candidate?

When will the Pukes Rewrite the bible???

Kennedy reading Rummy a list of his sins on C-SPAN3

"Last throes!!!"

Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the US

burn the flag!

Kerry Statement on the Release of the DNC Voting Rights Institute Ohio Rep

LAT's Morrison: Blindly Fighting for the Right to Lose

Salon asks "Is the Senate in play in 2006?"

Are war deaths being underreported?

Will christians keep killen alive?

Saddam wouldn't allow burning of Iraq's flag. China doesn't either.

National Journal handicaps Senate 2006 race - Dems could win it back!

BWAHAHAHA!! Hillary hits Rumsfeld!!!

the howling GOP

No more Mr. Nice Guy...

Un Finds Torture at Gitmo

smirk calls for gay-marriage amendment

Purple finger - the Iraqi election - a fallacy

John Warner (R-Va) "praises Bush for steady and unflinching resolve"

" Anti-Bush Protester on Trial for RNC Convention Action"

Countdown/Keith Olbermann/Newsletter 6/23

Gov. Perry calls reporter MoFo

AP's Ron Fournier: "Democrats Fear GOP Push on Flag Burning"

How much longer until our country is Third World and in the ditch?

See? Proof that PBS is a tool of the radical, liberal anti-religious left!

We are now COMPLETELY screwed

U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan may be headed to Iraq

OH OH she said .Natzis...bad bad girl

CSPAN-2 Reps carping about the judicial appointment process

another alert: i still want cheney, our vp, to give me a definition

ARG Poll- Bush: 42% approve, 53% disapprove

Since the press is intent on focusing on Dean's comments

Helen Thomas: Bush Could End Prisoner Abuse

What letter did the Dems send to Bush today?

Josh Marshall likes the Dem strategy on calling out Rove

the bloodthirsty capitalism of Republican rich boys and girls

So when can we expect to see Sen. Roberts' Phase II of the ...

Rummy starting off with same happy horsehockey again CSPAN3

"Halliburton Awarded New Military Contract" only a billion and more..

The Onion 2056: Democratic Middle Eastern Union votes to invade U.S.

Howard may Gallop On, but Greenberg is full of Horse Shit.

Please Help me Understand

MSNBC Question: Do you believe President Bush misled the nation


New GOP smear-Dems Allegedly 'Conducting Guerrilla Warfare on Troops'

Lemme Get This Straight, re: Rummy

Republican Commercial

Went to a peace rally and "impeach Bush" demonstration today

Sen. Warner's (R) response to my email re: filibusters

Al Franken is doing Rove NOW! n/t

Reid calls on Rove to Retract Remarks

Pentagon Creating Data Base on Students


Impeachment is not enough

KARL ROVE should APOLOGIZE for his nasty remarks!

This is a "Real"" Democratic Senator, not one of the pansies we have now

Spend and Don't pay for it Conservatives

John Kerry: Time for a Policy Wake-Up Call on China

White House Rewards Halliburton for Cost Overruns...

Falwell says church must work to defeat Hillary Clinton in '08

Get on the PEACE TRAIN! Southern activists to Washington!

Fun with Google

C-Span Alert: Kerry to speak on Senate floor on ROVE!!!!!

Biden's Iraq Speech:

Ted Kennedy to Rummy: "Isn’t it time for you to resign?"

Liquid Natural Gas terminals COMING SOON to a coastline near you...

Karl, you've served your purpose. Time to go.

Dem's are FIRED UP today

Karl Rove will not allow Karl Rove to appologize

Dick Cheney Is French (Algiers Style)...two very good essays...

Kerry up now CSPAN 2 taking on Rove

Dems can easily defuse the neocons' argument on Bolton...

J & E Edwards in Arizona, New Mexico Ohio & Michigan - Raise the Min Wage

This Letter To The Editor Aches For A Response...

So, wait - eminent domain for businesses to expand is bad, right?

There is a huge difference between "offering my resignation" and

What would an apology from Rove even mean?

Republicans don't care

the link to the Supreme Court decision is here

The House is totally scripted today

Taking Action on Health Care

Josh Marshall: Some people got some 'splainin' to do.

The heat is on; Cheney making an appearance on Wolfie

Which event or period would you pin the turn of political winds

Video of Dean Hammering Bush on the DSM

Biden, Obama, Lieberman...Silent on Rove's Smear

McClellan - Q: Will Bush demand a Rove apology? A: Of course not, Jessica.

Of All Nights For Dean To Be On National TV ...

How much is Iraq worth to America?

Young Republicans Reject Recruitment Ad.

Email in response to my stepfather's question

It's about time

The "Bush Youth" .....

The American Consciousness and the coming DT's (detox is not pretty)

Cheney agrees w/ Biden; contradicts bush, rummy, and rice

So Karl Rove said every Dem soldier was soft on terrorism ...

Now they're trying to say that Rove meant the likes of Moveon and MM

Bush giving hearburn to republican lawmakers~

Wonder if the new bankruptcy law ties in with "Eminent Domain"?

Karl Roves' White House phone Number

Why can't we have a coup d'etat?

So, the one-upmanship strategy seems to be working

It's Friday..and nothing about Rehnquist yet.

BEWARE: Rove's Checkmate Spells Disaster for America

Who are Amy & David Ridenour and what's the tie to Abramoff?

A thought on our 'divided' country and hence 'close poll numbers".

"I wish the followers would lead"

What about Bush's own Land Grab (Ballpark at Arlington)?

Reminder: Howard Dean on The Daily Show tonight. Please keep kicked!

Cheney said he hadn't heard Rove's remarks then repeats McClellan 's

John Conyers: My Hometown Paper Weighs In on DSM (Detroit Free Press)

Ask not who is the great wimp.....

Today, in Silver Spring, Bush blames Democrats for troubles facing SS plan

So, Senator Durbin, are you glad you apologized?

Why have we not caught Osama Bin Laden?

My response to Karl Rove -Wes Clark

Think it's time for a Dem leader to step up and start

George W FraWD! a little rich frat boy douchebag with shit for brains

Zogby: Bush at 44% 'postive', 56% 'negative'

I don't really mind DUers accusing me of being anti-DEM- but may I ask...

Isn't it pretty transparent what Rove is doing?

Dear Karl (sorry if this is too long but anger rules)

Here's video of Rove making his jackass comments

Video Of Sen. Kerry's Response To Karl Rove

The US war with Iran has already begun

Has Bush Made Another War Impossible?

DNC Voting Rights Institute; Recommendations for Future Actions

Unholy Alliance Between DU and Freeperland?

Time To Repair the Durbin Damage: WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK!

Oh No he Didn't! W. Clark Six Loose Lips Quotes that make him unelectable

Soc.Sec: only two people for every senior crapola

Senator Byrd in the Foreign Affairs Committee hearing just called


"An extraordinary story of betrayal" Abramoff, Reed, Norquist & DeLay

Kerry's Floor Speech on Karl Rove - Transcript

Wes Clark responds to Karl Rove

Does the term "feminazi" apply to anyone in the feminism movement

When is your state Democratic primary next year?

okay SOUTHERNERS, have you heard about the PEACE TRAIN??

Kitt Bond(R) MO just called us communists!

Why do you think Karl Rove is making the rounds ??

Eminent Domain: Hell Freezing over, I agree with Scalia and Thomas

ATTENTION PLEASE: If you never read anything else read these bullet points

Karl Rove slandered my nephew - a USAF Lt. Serving in Iraq & a Democrat

Election Officials FOR the "highest bidder" -- speak out!

Mark Warner: Democratic Prez Candidate Must Buck Party Orthodoxy

With *'s Poll numbers in the Toilet, Is it TOO Early for 2006 Campaigning?

Rove insulted US - this is war!

I think the time is right for a Constitutional amendment.

Why I *DON'T* disagree with the Supreme Court