Democratic Underground

Archives: June 25, 2005

Voluntary Amnesia in the Service of War

My ltte on 'Liberal Traitors'

Karl Rove's "Understanding of 9/11"(Breitweiser)

The assault on public broadcasting

E. J. Dionne Jr.: Keeping Faith With Religious Freedom

WP: For Bush, Pyrrhic Persistence

San Diego Union Tribune: Amendment curbs constitutional rights

Unnecessary ban: The U.S. flag stands for .. freedom to dissent

Flag bill opposed over free speech (Durbin and Obama)

Don't use a flag-burning amendment as a test of patriotism in America

Flag Burning Amendment Should Be A Non-Issue

Story of Inventing Insurgents Creates Allergic Reaction in the Press

An Odd Era

Flag-burning amendment erodes your rights

House would rather burn the U.S. Constitution

Noriega's attack on Aristide causes .. Haitians to demand his resignation

UK: Empty promises can't protect people from torture

When Mental Illness Makes News, Facts Often Missing in Action (Stigma)

Flag amendment itself a desecration

So, How Is Little Tucker Doing?

Raytheon to supply new radar system - TW

Tsang sworn in as HK's chief executive in Beijing

KMT chairman says he was unaware of Zanadau kickbacks

China the source of 70% of world's knock-off goods, MAC official says

Millions of children dying for a dollar a day: 'Lancet' study

Boracay dispute pits government against resort owners, residents

Even faster bullet train introduced in Japan

Jihad chiefs avoid rally after Israel death threat

Palestinian Gunmen Kill Israeli Hitchhiker

Red Herring - Hamas and Israel's Interests

The Reform that Wasn't: GOP "Reform" threatens 527 GOTV groups

Anyone Familiar With This Open-Source Voting System In Australia?

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Saturday 6/25/05

Dianne Feinstein on the Broadcast Flag: Idiot or liar?

The person to challenge Feinstein in the Primary

Romney has pledged to support anti gay marriage constitutional amendment

I'm coming to MN next week for a week's vacation

Join Senator Edwards in Columbus

conversation in Memorial Park

Milw Journal-Sent. allowing Charlie Sykes to set news agenda?

Anti-Zionist = Anti-Semitic

Aren't we "Media Victims" whether we Watch It or Not? Those of us

oops -- dupe -- please delete

In order for them to maintain their hold on power they must be seen as

Barbara Boxer's latest letter to me

Saudi doc on NBC!

House cuts funding for labor, rural health care, low-income schools

A blog about free speech and the media:

Now here's an interesting job posting I got:

Darfur Daily News: June 24, 2005

Friends: Democrats Who Voted for the IWR Can Now Make Amends with IWR II

AP: Iraqi reporter shot in Baghdad

Bush looks like he's having a good time at the ball game tonight.

Wasn't there supposed to be another vote on John Bolton today?

House restores funding for NPR, PBS and local public stations

Thank Goodness

Is al-Jaafari in the US to discuss how to keep Sadam from

My friend had a great idea: burn your Congressman's political re-elect

Send Tom Cruise to Gitmo

Christian Wire: College students "brave" midwest heat for pro-life

So, How Is Little Tucker Doing?

Okay will admit to being a Brady Bunch fan growing up

Jim Saxton, R-New Jersey calling Soviets to task for leaving Afghanistan

Another Bush legacy:he's made half this nation more cynical than

Why aren't we talking about this--Modern Slave Labor

Have You Ever Seen A Flag Burning?

Funds for Health Care of Veterans $1 Billion Short

2008 Odds

9/11.."Republicans ready to go to war"..bite my ass KKKarl

* 's "War on Terror"...has he won a single battle?

A modest proposal for T. Friedman

Have you ever used one of those people search sites to find someone

I wonder what Tom Cruise would think of the DSM?

The biggest problem with GOP propaganda:

InSannity loves Billy Graham

Is Kerry still going to sue the Swift Boat Vets?


Janeane Garofalo "We're going to be on vacation next week

Christiane Amanpour to host CNN "On the Story"

Some wingnut said . . .

Is there a shift


Speak Out On Downing Street memo

Iran propaganda?

Wow, Iran is just like the good old USA!

Cheney Visits Orthopedist in Colorado (or not)

U.S. Refuses UN To Report On Guantanamo Torture

Why a religious wacko won in Iran

Anyone know where I can find the 2004 State of the Union

Should Armed Forces Recruiters be allowed on Campus?

Dianne Feinstein email reply in regards to a previous thread here

This person wants to give federal funds to Faux News!

Another excerpt from the 2003 State of the Union

Great photo of TortureBoy, Terrorism's #1 recruiter...

The RED SOX are in first place!!!

The "fantastic" life of L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology)


Men Accused Of Beating Lesbian Teens With Sledgehammer

CPB Leader Accuses PBS of Touting Agenda

The Iraq constiution is the same as when Saddam was there?

121 comments about what Tom Cruise thinks of cooked food?

What did Bush mean by this:

Looking for the Rummy/Saddam photo

How many last throes does it take to make 1735? (Rant)

'On loyalty: An open letter to US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq'

When the President Talks to God

On my NC Progressive Site...someone said: "I AM a Radical Moderate!"

Rove - desperation from a sinking ship - THAT's the reason for it

Ashcroft Gone, Justice Statues Disrobe

Sooo... Letterman just did an Osama Bin Laden joke

Gannon serviced Rove, Bush and Condi are lovers

Krugman's column today hit the fundamental issue facing us head on

On our local news tonight, they reported someone burned a flag

Placebo Defeats Zoloft in 3-year Depression Study - Duke University

Anybody watching Countdown?

WSJ: Some Heirs Find A Costly Surprise: Bill From Medicaid

I believe Tom Cruise is a Delusional member of a Sci-Fi Cult!

Re: the discussion on the flags dipping to *

Al Franken on Sundance

What happened to today's Bolton vote? Didn't Frist promise Bush*

How long till most people view all religion the same way as scientology ?

Al Franken is on Conan tonight!

John Kerry and Senators Press for Answers from Senate Intelligence on DSM

US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan - UN

Its the 21st century, shouldn't I have my own jetpack?

She's naked again!!

Time To Knock Off The Politics And Find Osama

Al Franken on Conan O'Brien

Sometimes I just don't get it.

GOOD GRIEF! Stop with the apologizing!

Taylor Caldwell.....Who was she? What did she write? Was it Important?

FYI: Tom Cruise aint the only $cientologist...

Friday Malloy Truthseekers Check in

Did anyone see NOW's segment on the Property Confiscation issue?

The real way to win a War

A letter to shrub from a freeper citizen.....

Come the revolution...

Last orders for magic mushroom enthusiasts (Guardian - UK)

What do y'all think of Fareed Zakaria?

Will Faux News setup shop in Camden NJ after 3 boys bodies found?

Maybe karl's mother loved him, but I've never met anybody who does.

Good point about Blair/Minutes

Tony Perkins to College Repukes-Troops give lives as You Give Time

bush is surely nervous, and we should be too

open letter to John Negroponte, Intelligence Czar

Reason why the KELO case is dangerous and we all should be worried

Klein - conservative propaganda blowback?

Online efforts drive Downing street memo scrutiny

Indictment of GWB

So what if we wake up some morning and they're gone?

Karl Rove Needs Therapy

Help me with Authority to go to war in Iraq

Abu Ghraib pictures

What is the greatest threat to the USA?

Pardon my expression, but I think the * WH has "shot its wad"

Objectively, we're right and they're wrong.

Tom Cruise is OK

Scott Ritter will be on "The Guy James Show" Saturday evening.

Can someone explain this "18181"

Hillary supporters ROCK!!

Sirius Satellite Radio sends almost 60% of it's donations to republicans

Air America financial situation?

The miracle Rove has wrought - the great service he's done the Dems

We are all liberals now.

If all hourly wages in China were doubled, what would happen?

Psychotropic abuse is real, even if a Scientologist says so.

Rove Is Worse Than Hitler (If That's Possible)

I called Gene Taylor's office today and told the lady who

Remember: Rove Attacks His Opponent's Strength

Tea time, everyone.....''Off with their heads!''

The recent SCOTUS decision is an opportunity

September 7th 2004: The Day We Took The 1,000th American Fatality

Nightline Tonight: George Clooney and Pat Robertson:

What environmental toxin causes fist sized cysts?

Was Karl Rove bragging ??

Shocking New Developments In Supreme Court vs. Homeowners Case

I believe Tom Cruise is right!

Evangelical leader admires Rev. Graham less now that he knows he is a Dem.

Well, I just get this from my Sen Chambliss. Looks like at least some

Graphic artists! I need a flyer with pic of Rove and text of his comments

Republicans think starting the draft is a good idea

Did anyone see Obama's speech?

Overpopulation and Terrorism: Rats in a Cage

Santorum distances himself from Rove

Rove meant REPUBLICANS are SOFT; said "liberals" by mistake. QUOTES:

Last chance to vote for "Greatest American" and "de-Reaganize" it.

Open Letter To Hillary Clinton And Chuck Schumer Re: The Kerry Letter.

A few words in PM's ear launched budget plot

Bodies of missing N.J. boys found

Military draft? Polls finds Americans opposed

AP: Iraqi reporter shot in Baghdad

Today on Canada's Business Report...Pushing China's Button

Flu pandemic could kill half million in U.S.-report

WP: Naval Academy Asked to Drop Lunchtime Prayer

China stocking strategic oil reserves

Cuba (Oil & Gas journal: oil drilling/exploration expanding)

Senate Moves to Strengthen FOI Act

Hospitals wage a different war: Against addiction

A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq

Protesters in Manila ask Arroyo to resign

NYT: Senate Committee Head Wants Bush to Stand by Bolton

Public Radio / TV Survive GOP Budget Cuts

Protesters Win a Case Over I.R.S. (Sacramento)

IRS probing possible data security breaches

White House starts search for new justice

Re: Hardline Mayor Wins Iran Presidential Race

UN Envoy Calls for Release of Former Haitian Prime Minister

Men Accused Of Beating Lesbian Teens With Sledgehammer

Thirteen With the C.I.A. Sought by Italy in a Kidnapping

US caused more deaths in Iraq than Saddam, says anti-war tribunal

3 Camden boys found dead in car trunk (too sad :(

Money, Grievances Clash in Haven of Rich (Shinnecock claim Southampton)

Iran's oil reserves expected to outlive Saudi Arabia's

Simulated oil meltdown shows U.S. economy's vulnerability(CIA Game)

Harsh words from, for GOP

Hardliner Ahamdinejad wins Iran presidential vote

Mugabe praises police after 1.5m left homeless (Guardian)

Cheney's resort comment (re: GTMO) rebuked (The Guardian)

US caused more deaths in Iraq than Saddam

Required Report on Trip by House Ethics Chairman Is Missing -WP

NYT: Testing Changes Ordered After U.S. Mad Cow Case

Group Apologizes:Comments Comparing Conservative Christian Group to Gestapo

Weekend rallies already troubled (Neo-Nazis at Yorktown Battlefield)

Feds Vow Strict Enforcement of Drug Laws

Huff Post: Cheney Checks Into Vail Hospital...

America turns on Bush over Iraq

Widow Vows Suit Over Taser Case (Williams lynching / GA)

OK, Just An Idea

Karl Rove can go Cheney himself..... really. eom.

I want to crush someone.

Interview Monday, not today...

I want to start a copycat thread about somebody

Life before marriage!

there's an enemy that still wants to shake our will

I want to have a crushed vertebrae.

I've got to crush somebody

If you ever see this in front of you, RUN AWAY.

i have an psychotic obsession on somebody

Life after marriage

Someone crushed my body!

some people, you just can't be nice to.

If Rove is worse than Hitler, and cats should be shot,

Someone wants to crush ME!

0 or Zero?


People, I told you. Shah Rukh Khan.

The big swim: Glastonbury Festival (PHOTOS)

What's the Frequency Kenneth?

Turn on NOW (PBS 9pm ET)..LAND GRAB..supreme ct. decision

I'm currently incapable of any crushing whatsoever


Is it harder to care for a baby human

I want to crush somebody

Hey!! I'm not gonna be a loner!!! I have a crush on someone, too

I'm crushing your head.


I want somebody to have a crush on me.

I've got my spine,I've got my orange crush

doesn't anyone want to crush me?

I've got a crush on you

I've got a crush on somebody...

A couple of pretty pictures of my cat, Pad Thai

What I Like About You


Something Awful's take on cable news...

Who has a crush on Truckers?



WOOHOO!! Ken Grifffey Jr. hits a home run in the 8th to tie it up at 4-4

All this trucker talk: I've decided to play Drive-By Truckers!

I am going out tonight...

This is the greatest and best song in the world

A hair update and aloe vent

I want to move to England

Who's your daddy?!

where the hell is Fenris?????

Is it possible to make an omelet out of fish eggs?

Somebody stepped on a duck!

Keep an eye out for this photo (Bush, Rice, Nationals)

Do you like this shit?

[PICS PICS] Weekend Issue: Some of my work (damnit!)

I want somebody to pay me for sex

Medical Miracles - Old Joke reworked

I want somebody to pay me for posting on DU

The Pharmacist.

Back when Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark

L. Ron Hubbard explains how "God lives in a trunk with a leopard skin"

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

Just got back from my second screening of Batman Begins - YAY!

I want to have a crush on somebody

Chat Tonight

Today, my boss called me a "Flaming liberal".

I'm in the finals of a poker tourney on ESPN to win a trip to Vegas!

Okay everyone - MONEY PILE ON YVR GIRL!

Into the West

Anyone Else a Lobster Magnet?

Ekirh's dumb question of the day

anyone have a good visual link to the "Snapple Popcicle Disaster"?

Okay, so I'm actually not going out tonight.

Is yvr girl the new JimmyJazz/Kleeb?

What this place really needs is LESS yvrgirl threads...

Hey I just thought of something

Is anybody else fakin' the funk?

What kind of fish did I catch yesterday evening?

My Mom is a PIP!!


Tom Cruise is not a tool for anything. He's a suck-up pandering asshole

Okay everyone - MONKEY PILE ON YVR GIRL!!

The Stalin Fan Club DOES exist!

Somewhat blurry baby skunk pictures

Will It Float? Will It Float?

Fabulous fireworks!!! Our city got our fireworks back (thanks to business

How many people can respond to this poll in the next 15 minutes?

Scientology is just a front for the Tom Cruise movement!

Don't forget midnight eastern in when SCTV comes on tv land

L. Ron Hubbard explains the universe.

How many ways are there to rock?

Should I have lunch with a Frist "Staffie" this week

Alles klar, Herr Kommissar

I never got that nap.

So.. what are you doing tonight?

Tom Cruise hypnotizes me and makes me crave Scientology!

Should I give Frist a "stiffie" at lunch this week?

That is it.

Tom Cruise is a wanker...

It's twilight time...

The Irony of *, he invaded Iraq to finish up what his father started

Tom Cruise is a tool for the Scientologist movement


Does anyone ever talk out of their ass?

Why Bush?

Anyone else like the latest "New Order" CD?

Brian Wilson is on Charlie Rose now

What this place needs is more yvr girl threads.

1 Puke smiley

Well, it's late in the lounge,

What's the record for unresponded-to posts in a night?


Friday night movie: Steel Frontier - post apocalyptic B movie

What's something they won't cook on the Ironchef?

Scientology is not logical.

Open Letter to John Negroponte, Intelligence Czar

What this place needs is fewer non-Yvr Girl threads

Matcom doesn't love me anymore!

I finally got my own DU account!

Annoying stupid commercials that rappel

Depp thoughts are mighty handy


My puppy, Peanut, is so weird.

I want somebody to pay me for doing the dishes

My Neighbor Puts Out Cheap Plastic Flags Every Year Around Now

Put one finger in your ear, one finger in your nostril, and blink rapidly.

Stupid things you did as a kid

Rove's got brown teeth like one of the mountain guys in "Deliverance"

SCTV The Godfather episode on TVland NOW!!

Johnny Depp or that stupid git that has too many other posts?

While the world burns, Junior and Condi-licious enjoy a baseball game

List amusing last day of school stories here.

"A Few Good Men" is on TCM tonight at 11:00 p.m., Central Time.

Johnny Depp is NOT a Scientologist...

On Kleeb

My avatar...

I just rubbed my eyes and saw Jesus.

I found my favorite New Yorker cartoon ever online!

salin rocks - 30,000 posts worth!

Who knew Courtney Love even HAD a dog?

Ok guys. I need ninjas.

Jesus, it starts young these days!

I shut up three freepers today

Anyone have a brick wall I can borrow?

In search of sources for quotes - (high concept dead-end thread)

left work early and saw Land of the Dead.

Send Tom Cruise to Gitmo

Just Got Back From Richie Havens And Have But ONE Word

So what will you give me for HEyHEY's virtue?

What's the weirdest food that you love to eat?

anyone here own a mitsubishi outlander? or a Hyndai Tuscon?

Muppet Show enthusiasts - a question!

Post your top three pet names!

So let's talk music

"Waiting to die for the seventeenth time...."

I laughed so hard at this...

Are there any folks who didn't like the new Batman?

Is astrology unadulterated bullshit, or contemptuous bunk?

I might be expecting...

Best classic rock band ever?

true vanity.. I'm going to throw myself a lounge party

feathers everywhere ~ welcome Morgan ~ the newest member to our flock

Annoying/ Stupid Commercials that Repel

Most hated TV ad jingle

Any new DU hook-ups we should know about?

Anybody wanna hear my band?

From DU's Humor Group: Poker with Cheney

must one wear pajamas while in the Lounge?

Pics of my garden

Any One Else a Mosquito Magnet?

As official Bi Woman of the Lounge it is my duty

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

Ten sports questions

How come Tom Cruise, and not Johnny Depp,gets to take over the Lounge?

I also have a crush on someone

My new sig

The Salin Fan Club DOES exist!

The CCF gave $15,000 to a North Carolina shelter...

Why did God have his son (Jesus) murdered?

Flu pandemic could kill half million in U.S.-report

Marion Jones & Tim Montgomery both withdraw from US Nationals

6-0 Red Sox over far

Red Sox won and are now in first place

Stupid asshole in attendence at tonights Expos game ruins Jays momentum

The RED SOX are in first place!!!

A couple of pretty pictures of my cat, Pad Thai

What does McCain's horoscope look like for 2008?

Military funeral "honor guard" question

Help, please. Building Talking Points on DMS letter

Salon War Room: credit to Kerry!!

This one's for you, John Kerry group...

Sneaking up on 1,000 posts!

Remember when KO apologized for the F word that was not bleeped on an

Some proposals to be ignored:

One of the sad outcomes of the SCOUT decision about property

Rumsfeld's prepared remarks to Senate Armed Services Committee, 6/23/05

What do you say to folks about Bush's war?

What don't John McCain and Chuck Hagel have in common with Dick Cheney?

A Battalion a month US Troops lost in Iraq. Senator Reed SAFC Report

Next week's House schedule

They're living in the tropics. They've got everything they could possibly

Soros should buy body armor for all our troops and Humvees, then it would

Hard Liner wins in Iran

Forget the South (not your typical post!)

WH says Rove was talking about MoveOn and Michael Moore

Bush handles terrorists with ----- indictments

Downing Street Memos vs. lies of New York Times

Will Karl Rove run John McCain's campaign in 2008?

Chimpy for 2008?

Submitted For Your Approval....

GOP Chorus Singing Michael Moore, MoveOn, George Soros, Those Liberals

Why is BUSH talking about Iraq timetable? Isn't it up to IRAQ?

Anatomy of a Soldier's Suicide

Osama's frustration with bush drives drop in polls

Rove 101: Sayings of the Turd Eater

Would-be opponent calls Clinton (and bush critics) "the enemy within"

Senator Boxer on the Anniversary of Title IX

P.J. O'Rourke Is A Complete Douchebag

What ever happened to Bob Dornan?

Add "Al Sharpton", The Village Voice, Some Peace Org., to the "liberals"

"LIBERALS.......It's a GOOD thing." A new ad campaign possibility?

Audio file from the World Tribunal on Iraq

Anybody remember Winky-Dink (sp?)? It was a 1950's TV show-

Current US megalomania is rooted in the Puritan colonists' certainties

Justice Department Statues now bare all!!

Is The Foo Fighters new Album "In Your Honor" Dedicated to John Kerry?

Sun,June 26th, the U.N. International Day in Support of Victims of Torture


Stations of the Cross: The Rise of Evangelical Radio.

NYT: Thrree Things Abut Iraq

Bush's empire may crumble from within

U.S. Attacks UN To Undermine International Law

Years soften Randall Terry, now in bid for state Senate

Ray McGovern: Fixing to Fix "Fixed"

US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan - UN

Jaw jaw on just war

Enough is enough....................

The Republicans' Rabbi-in-Arms

War and Peace in the Middle East

Norman: A burning desire to be a patriot

BBC News: Why did Iran elect Ahmadinejad?

Women Targeted (6 dead yest.) Juan Cole.

America's neo-conservative world supremacists will fail (The Guardian)

The Smoking Gun White House! (The Crimes and the Evidence)

Penguin declares Klein biased, sticks author with onus for accuracy

Number of lobbyists in Washington has more than doubled since 2000

More Americans Blame Bush than Saddam!

White House aide Karl Rove witch-hunts Iraq war opponents

'America's neo-conservative world supremacists will fail '

One man's drive to remold PBS: Commentary (excellent write-up!)

No national news, just a "national distraction network"

CIA agents sought by Italian authorities over rendition

Helen Thomas: Word from Bush could end prison abuse

(CA) Press Enterprise: Property panic

US hawks rooting for hardline Iranian candidate

The Sins of Judith Miller

God I HATE it when this happens....I agree with George Will.

Wolcott: A-Roving We Will Go (Rove is Desparate as * Ratings Fall)

Paul Krugman: The war president (NYT/ IHT)

The Republican Nemesis

YoungRepublicans support Iraq war, but not all are willing to join...

Billmon and Digby say Rove is not a genius, and he's getting desperate

Just saw a great ad on MSNBC for The NATION magazine!

When Mental Illness Makes News, Facts Often Missing in Action

The Race to Alaska Before It Melts

U.S. Court Backs Bush's Changes on Clean Air Act

NYT: The Race to Alaska Before It Melts

Haaretz - 'A state in emergency'

‘We’ll shake Tel Aviv’

Israelis quit Palestinian schools

Church urges action over Israel

Nilla Sagadevan speaks on the Power Hour

Report: Ohio Voters Plagued by Systemic Problems on Election Day 2004- DNC

House resolution to repeal 22nd amendment: limit of 2 terms for president


A Brief History of Computerized Election Fraud in America (Truthout)

"Don't believe elections rely on technology that can be manipulated"

Rove's Plan for the '06 Elections

Electronic Fraud haiku

When is the fiscal year end for Bev Harris'

Mark Crispin Miller: Secret ballot compromised in Georgia!

The Right to VOTE- Jesse Jackson Jr.

Kerry, Dean or Gore, Lets get it right this time

We need to learn more about Rasmussen Polling.


The DNC 2004 Election Report: An indictment of incompetence - Bob Fitrakis

South Bay Assemblyman Mike Gordon dies at 47

Bush has a 34% approve, 57% disapprove California rating

What's with going after Feinstein?

Felon voting rights issue may spur lawsuit from GOP

NICE surprise! My 18 yr old joined me roadside

How difficult is it to live in Boston without a car?

MA State Rep Bradford Hill shifts on same-sex unions . . .

Phelps threatens soldier's funeral

Join the Maine Dems for Muskie Lobster Festival

The malware finally got so bad, I had to relearn how to hack my registry

Stadium eminent domain imminent for homeowners

Former rep puts in his two cents against Cuellar

Hey Progressive Film Buffs in Austin

Press release from Barbara Radnofsky

Sensenbrenner Having a Town Hall Meeting in Pewaukee Sunday

Robert Byrd speech tonight!

US has caused more deaths in Iraq than Saddam

Hey... Anybody hear a play of tapes on Charles Goyette on AAR?

Tweaking eminent domain - some obvious shortcomings

george said he is not going to be pushed out of iraq. will he say he is

The (Corporate) Ownership Society (and San Diego alert)

Vietnam Part II

Posted on a country music webboard- heck I hate Repugs

An excellent song and video about the times we are living in.

Insightful interview with Seymour Hersh

Roanake (Va.) Times: "Dick Cheney should confront reality"

Divide et empera

David Grohl of the Foo Fighters: “In Your Honor” a Tribute to John Kerry

"Grilled Rumsfeld, anyone?"

No Timetable in Iraq means 'Fuck You', I do what I want.

India college says mini skirt ban helps stop rape


Rewriting Reality

I was cynical before cynical was cool

I worry about george, he's not used to bad news & actually working

Comparing George to Hitler is unfair.Compare him to Sharon and you would

Mulling around ideas....

How they must laugh at our inability to stop them

What's the point of asking for something (Rove resignation) that you are

Mad Cow ...... a warning from England

A Broadband Beat-Down Due To Bush/Lack Thereof Policies:

Has Karl Rove ever been scheduled to appear on any show with

House Approves Cuts to Labor Programs

I see the war on Iraq as a necessary outcome of our preeminent

'when yer country's at war ya' gotta support the president'--fuck that

If shrubco falls severely out of favor with America (as it seems

where can i find articles listing the problems

What If: Bubble Bursts, Hate Radio Crumbles, Sanity Returns

bush's "free market": US broadband technology way behind

For all you Vegitarians who think you are safe from mad cow

300 US troops dead since Iraqi "election," 70 this month

Cheney update (god, they lie about EVERYthing!)

Bringing this country to war, ANY WAR, was the goal.

Wow. Has anyone seen this pop-up?

Ahh cool calculating Hillary.. what have you wrought on DU????

Translator? Or Karen Hughes? I say Mama Hughes....

Bush is coming to Fort Bragg, close to my home...

Better News?

dolans unscripted (cnn) really rubbing it in that it was the "liberals"

Bush has a stained blue dress!!

How is Afghanistan doing?

Statues uncovered in Ashcroft's wake

right now, if you scroll down through the breaking news page

Will Pitt: why we need war/ My husband: another reason

Media and Other Critics Gain Attention at Expense of Americans Guarding Fr

If we could associate the DSM with a busty woman, would there be more

This toast has legs

LOL...a lady on C-Span just called the chimp...

National exit polls and "funny math" - some impossible scenerios?

Why isn't this type of action being done with regard to Bin Laden??

Bull Moose thanks Rove

Where's Laura the Lump? Hanging out at Chippendales?

They Don't Apologize and Will Never Apologize

I think the naked statues in the Justice Department should be removed.

Iraqi students say arrested for wearing jeans

Just heard a mom of a marine say "they don't fight fair"

Powerful Web Site

Stripes letter: "Lack of cultural training" (DSM mentioned!)

Spray alternative to pot on the market in Canada

So why did Tin Man Cheney Check Into the Hospital?

LOL --- Hilarious photo montage of Chimp from Reuters

"Foreign Fighters" in Iraq....

Russian legislators to consider amendment -allow 3rd term for Putin

gosh, remember how 9/11 pulled us all together as a nation? (sigh)

Hooray! Spirit's breast is bare again

More criticism for the drug war

Thomas Friedman's latest idiotic column on globalization

Stop dissing Rove dammit!

Impeachment NOW! Paper ballots and Hand counts NOW!!! n/t

I love Karl Rove

David Grohl of the Foo Fighters: “In Your Honor” a Tribute to John Kerry

Sirius Music Host spouting political beliefs

Website for the military to post their anger at Rove....

has Italy seen thru the veil of American imperialism ???

CNN was looking for a more gruesome ending in the three missing boys case

"Pass the Failure Fries" (cartoon)

smirk's rabbi - Daniel Lapin

enough is enough

Here's What I Just Sent to Dean Re- the DNC Election Report, Etc.

What's the motive behind Rove's ugly smears?

Saturday "..gasp.." toon - in the last throes..."gasp.." 6/25

Gore headlines liberal confab for law students, attorneys

Rotten Coleman!

The Spin Is In-The Iraq War Is Going Well


9/11 Relative's Karl Rove Smackdown! (Kristen Breitweiser's blog)

Surely Sending More Troops will Lead to a Glorious Victory!

John Galtung just said

I see both sides of this argument

need site with quote about environment and second coming

"This is HELL Radio" 9:AM Central Chicago or Over-the Net

Tell me what happens when I post and I have to View ALL?

China to shut down all unregistered internet sites. (Link)

Wish me luck

Noticing alot of 9/11, UBL references lately...

Tom Cruise cure for psychiatric problems- vitamins and exercise...

Notice how the Rpubs have become the "blame America first" crowd?

What "reality" is shrubco gonna create now, that their most recent

a legal question on 501 (c)(3) non-profits

We've found intelligent life on another planet. What does Bush do?

U.S. Lawmakers Tour Guantanamo Bay Prison

Afghan operation kills 178 Taliban, leaders escape

I love it when this happens...

When will Rove realize they are in political trouble?

Are female troops being targeted? Heavy casualties yesterday

Leftward Christian Soldiers

They are investigating the investigation of the 3 dead boys

One little moment. The news anchor of our local morning news show

Will you see War of the Worlds

Remember Will Pitt's idea...

A Broadband Beatdown (yet another setback because of bu$h)

Bush, the "War President," to speak at Ft Bragg. Wardrobe set.

Which of the following is desicration of the flag

Tom Cruise: The Next Charles Manson???

The Newsweek "Get Real Edition" of Conventional Wisdom

DOJ starts 'mandatory data retention' for ISPs to keep user data/activity

The Right Wing used to pull a scam about the circulation figures

All Christian mortgage companies???? New Spam... And a funny disclaimer

LOL...Is Dick Cheney the New "Bagdad Bob?"

Iran's supreme leader says US 'humiliated' by election

A Memorandum for the President - A Historical Reminder

Vegetable eaters:What will you do now that dozens of deadly pathogens are

Tucker's "Situation" Show a Ratings Disaster Already !

Yes, I am amazed, & I'm also Fed Up with their bullshit.

Soldiers Safety

No More Cover-Up Of Nudes At Justice Dept

Is this disgusting or what? Here it is folks, the Bush plan for Iraq...

Will the networks take a stand on Tuesday??

I have just become a member of the Gallup panel.

Cool!!! Just saw the ad for Al Franken on the Sci-Fi Channel.

the real story on the funding for PBS and NPR

FOX pays more air time to missing blonde in Aruba than to female soldiers

Republican Obsession with US Flag: Idolatry.

Do Iraqis want the US to leave Iraq?

more than 5 tattoos? the marines don't want you

Has Bush no comforting words for the Lost Boys?

New Army advertisement - WTHF?!?

Michael Lind

BSE, BOVINE - USA (06): CONFIRMED - Mad Cow Disease

New Blog: DU vets and soldiers they'd like to hear from you.

did anyone see

Help, Fellow Du'ers! Started A Blog & Could Use Some Advise

Karl Rove saw the savagery of 9/11 and saw a job well done

What are Republican voters so afraid of?

What's the mission?

The 8th Amendment Dies..... [link]

An email to marketing firm for teen recruit info...

The American Legion Burns the Flag

US troops to train Vietnamese military

Great Pictures of DSM Protest at

Flag Burning Amendment

Undercover at the College Republicans National Convention . . .

Notice something about a headline on Yahoo! look at the difference..

O'Reilly May Not be #1 in Cable News Anymore !!!


Texas Company Upgrades Prostheses (tested on US soldier amputees)

Today on Ring of Fire.

What will Bush banner read on Tuesday night?

Wow, DU memership almost to 72K

Tom Cruise POLL

undercover blog from the College Republican Convo

$8,000 curtains hid justice

US unable to prove that it can collect income taxes in court case!

Bush's Middle East Strategy is, ta da, the same as Sharon's strategy.

Does anyone here have access to DeepDishTV? If so, can you

"By law they are not allowed to make fun of their commander and chief"

I want to e-mail Ron Reagan's show and give him and the powers that be a

The battle for the First Amendment has been joined.

Meanwhile, while we're busy arguing over Tom Cruise...

1737 Reasons Why the DSM is Important

You know what.For the past six months, my household has been without

William Kristol's Comments

Italy Orders Arrest of 'CIA Operatives' for Kidnapping

When will our long, national, nightmare be over?

Rasmussen Poll - Bush approval 50% ????

Presidential Qualities -- My Wish List

Alleged Brothel Manager Gets $1 Billion Bond

Oh, the irony~. Stripes letter written by female soldier on day of

....." publishing false news"......"jail sentence of up to three years.."

14-Year-Old Girl Dies in Fla. Shark Attack (deja-vu all over again?)

Media Matters now has entire transcript of Franken/Conason

If You Have Republican Friends? Explain Recess Appointment To Them

There is no "win" in Iraq.

She doesn't look like a proper Christian woman to me...

So You Wanna Book a Rock 'n' Roll Star? (Bush's tax cuts at work)

What are the Bush twins up to these days?

The Memo is worth reading

I am worried about the snow flake children (quick joke)

Robert Mugabe and the Supreme Court

FYI - Rumsfeld, Bono on MTP tomorrow.

Is there a source site for truths that have been obfuscated?

Didn't Frist say he was going to bring Bolton to a vote on Friday? After

"Scorned Granny Guns Down Beau, 85": "I did it & I'd do it again!!"

"Conservative said "we will defeat our enemies"". Rove said.

Senate Dems Joint the DSM Issue

3 New Jersey boy's death ruled a 'horrible accident'

Searchers Look for Missing Scout in Wyo.

snips of a bush speech from may, so you don't have to watch him tuesday

Fighting terrorists over there.

Did anybody know they were missing? They weren't cute white girls.

9 Iraqis, 8 Iraqi police, 2 more US Marines DEAD in Samarra. PLAY BALL!

11th Circuit's Pryor Calls Abortion 'Evil'

New Bush judge calls abortion EVIL

NOVAKula to SHIELDS: "You've been sitting there misrepresenting me 17 yrs"

Just like in Vietnam.. The "First Throes" of US rejection of the Iraq War

Danika Patrick***Indy Cars***Race tonight????

What is the threshold of poll deficit that Repubs would be afraid to

CNN "Battle Lines are blurred in Iraq,"

Maj. Gen.:"99.9 per cent" of those captured fighting the U.S. were Iraqis!

BBC report on Iran with Reagan-era official just freaked me out!

Is there something comparable to for conservatives?

The mad land grab has begun...

Do we expect too much from our reps in Senate and House?

they Drank the Karl Aid

Have you ever tried using a cell phone from a plane in flight?

Online Porn Dodges Major Bullet

If you know that a Congressional delegation will visit, won't you prepare

Are you between 17 and 38 and want to have some fun?

The DNC 2004 Election Report: An indictment of incompetence - Bob Fitrakis

housing costs,,,,,highest in IA are in Ames...3 bedr ranch ( 1 small) with

It's not that power corrupts--

Ashcroft gone, boobs are back


Evangelical Law Firm at Front of Culture War

My sister sez network newz is ripping *bush a new one again

Commercial Affidavit of Truth - Lawyers please verify! legally binding?

Sexism alive and well in Wisconsin

Surely bush's Amazing Oratorical Powers on Tues. will UNITE us all

If Karl Rove made his remark to your face...

Anybody listening to BradBlog?

Actually, I would've never thought to search car trunk for those boys

The Real News in the Downing Street Memos

"President Bush looked like he didn't have a care in the world" CBS

Beyond Impeachment: The Bush Administration as War Criminals

My two cents about winning in 2006. We have to seriously reach

What's more important to discuss, Tom Cruise or CAFTA?

Where are all the DSM stories?

Why shouldn't China purchase Unocal?

is it safe yet to say that bush's 9/11 honeymoon is over?

Who is a real war "hero"?

Bush is getting crucified like Jesus was crucified

The scientists who say global warming is not true--Are they credible?

Repuke christian ruined our camping trip

"The Guy James Show" tonight with Scott Ritter---7pm-Please keep kicked

This weekend POUND the TV Networks with DSM E-mails

Please help (follow up on Tom Cruise)

In 1999, Smirko said: "If I Have a Chance to Invade..."

Leveling with the American People - will he or won't he?

The Nays have it (help please!)

Raising Republicans (Hillary Clinton & Co.)

There is no Mad Cow Disease in the U.S....

He should know

The word "Insurgents" really gets to me. It is way to deny Iraqis any

John Conyers: Senate Dems Join the DSM Issue

Question, if Obama didn't hold this up would someone else have?

What was your awakening?

"Frankly, I want to be a politician. I'd like to survive to see that"

Note for Bill O'Reilly

Tom Delay, drunk, caught on video

India demanding 195,000 H-1Bs?


ChoicePoint overhaul falls behind (and link to cost them money)

Wonderful outreach tools for getting through to Republicans.

Top Gun Tina BROWN on FlatFoot Ed SLIME's "Bio Porn" of Sen.CLINTON

On my way to see Marc Maron live at Bananas comedy club!

Is anyone keeping track of Iraq's oil wells?

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Saudi-U.S. Connection

Tucker Carlson is an ass

The Supreme Court's Jackboot Liberals

Dick Cheney's Acid House

Great Pictures of DSM Protest at

Does anyone have a link showing the racial makeup

MSNBC--ambush underscores hardships of keeping women away from combat

Just a reminder: Organize NOW for September anti-war demonstrations

New Poll: Americans Believe Bush More to Blame for Iraq War than Saddam

The first, not the last throes - By Pepe Escobar

Enough is enough....................

If you could make a Bush voter read one book, article, or watch one movie,

Toons for the weekend

As a former Republican, I feel I have the right to say this........

Hey, Tom Cruise! Two Words...Andrea friggin' idiot.

Are you up on Mahmood Ahmadinejad

Tom Cruise to Matt Lauer: "You should be more responsible."

HEAVY U.S. troop losses yesterday - where were Bush & DR. Rice? PLAY BALL!

Meat eaters: What will you do now that Mad Cow disease is in the US?

some seem to think the Afghanistan war is more just than the Iraq war

"Staying The Course": The Projected Cost In American Lives Over 4 Years

So Cheney is admitted to the cardiac unit...

POLL: Has Karl Rove lost his touch?

Can YOU Pass the "Kooky Karl" Kwiz?

US Admits Torture ! Why isn't this a bigger story?

Impressive, Please check,1737+89+99 in Flash format by location and time

What is Scientology?

Hey DU! Quit massaging the misogyny RE: missing persons in media

So what do we think, should I use Nutella to ice cupcakes?

Its that time of the year....

So has anyone else emailed their support to the Co-op Bank ....

Shocking New Developments In Supreme Court vs. Homeowners Case

BBC: Iraq's power struggle as supplies falter

enough is enough

Shana Alexander, 79, Dies; Passionate Debater on TV

Court upholds changes to pollution rules for factories

The Republicans' Rabbi-in-Arms

self delete

Years soften Randall Terry, now in bid for state Senate

DoD Identifies Army Casualty (#1736)

U.N.: Washington acknowledges torture of prisoners

BBC to Time-Delay Live Sensitive News

Gunmen ambush Iraq police patrol

Records: TAB officials wished to sway races

Military Warns Personnel on Payday Loans(loan sharks targeting military)

NYT: NASA Confident on Managing Shuttle Ice Problem

NYT: The Race to Alaska Before It Melts

WP/Reuters: In Vietnam, (international) Experts Study Bird Flu Risk

Venezuela dimisses jitters over nuclear program

Suicide car bombs kills 6 in attack on police officers home

House approves cuts to Labor Programs

WaPo: House Ethics Report Missing.

Brazil may break Aids drug patent

BBC News: Why did Iran elect Ahmadinejad?

Church urges action over Israel

No More Cover - Up of Nudes at Justice Dept

Bush says he has Iraq plan, critics see quagmire

America turns on Bush over Iraq

Officials: Missing N.J. Boys Suffocated

DRAFT!!! 16 to 25? Pentagon Has Your Number, and More

Bush nominee to be assistant secretary of commerce outed

WP: Outsourcing in India In Crisis Over Scam (private financial data sold)

Socialists tipped to take Bulgaria

Officials: Missing N.J. Boys Suffocated

America turns on Bush over Iraq

Quints' Mom Accused of Leaving Them Alone

Firm of EPA nominee linked to Grace

Ex-MP's doubts over Kelly hearing

Iraqi students say arrested for wearing jeans

Deadliest Day Yet For U.S. Women Serving In Iraq

Getting driver's license could take days(weeks, months; 'anti-terror' law)

Taiwan bans American beef imports

U.S. lawmakers tour Guantanamo Bay prison

UN warns about Afghan instability

Appeals Court Overturns Sale of PBS Station…Televangelists Highest Bidders

Newsview: Bush Losing Support for Iraq War

£220bn stolen by Nigeria's corrupt rulers

Company deals with shock after ‘fragging’ allegations

Brazil may break Aids drug patent

Process for Reserve, Guard to enter regular Army has been streamlined

Technology Advances Often Must Be Nurtured(Verichip serves theGreaterGood)

Bush says he has Iraq plan, critics see Quagmire (Reuters)

Searchers Look for Missing Scout in Wyo.

Iran's supreme leader says US 'humiliated' by election

US hawks rooting for hardline Iranian candidate

Insurgents in new battles, Bush defends Iraq plan

NYT - In Italy, Anger at U.S. Tactics Colors Spy Case

More deaths in fierce Afghan fighting

Congressmen: Guantanamo Conditions Improve

14-Year-Old Girl Dies in Fla. Shark Attack (deja-vu all over again?)

Radical Islamists Cheer Hardliner's Win

Ethics claims target Doc Hastings (ethics chairman)

Musharraf: Bin Laden Whereabouts Unknown

Travelers stranded by Baghdad airport shutdown(security contractor strikes

(Lindsey) Graham reaffirms questions he hears about Iraq war

Saudi radio, television, to be privatized

Brzezinski rips Bush Iraq War policy

Judge to cull irrelevant Limbaugh doctor records

NYT: Pataki Warns Cultural Groups for Museum at Ground Zero

LAT: Abramoff's E-Mail Trail of Billing, Status, Charity

Iran is 'out of step' with region: US State Department

5 Killed, 7 Wounded in Iraq Mortar Attack

Oil prices, China's yuan top agenda of Asia-Europe finance meeting

Young Republicans 'get party started' at D.C. convention

World Bank Chief Sees Africa as Continent of Hope

LAT: Plugged-In Hybrid Tantalizes Car Buffs (new system plugs in Prius)

Congress concerned over Unocal deal

Army National Guard enlists job agency

UK Animal rights extremists in arson spree

Bush Trying to Win Over Americans on Iraq (Radio Address)

Bush plans primetime TV address...

Housing bubble trouble - Mass. home sales plunge 11.1 percent

Bush aide vows continued campaign on pension system changes

BBC: Tsunami aid 'went to the richest'

Young men starting to feel a draft

US asks Japan to extend Iraq mission as marines die in Fallujah

NYT: Safer Vehicles for Soldiers: A Tale of Delays and Glitches

High Court to End Term With Big Decisions

Two-term limit under fire

Students quit over anti-US slurs

Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation

Euan Blair accepts US Internship

I have this deep, gut-level feeling we hit "peak oil" today.

Ever experiment with "same sex" as a kid?

Nerd Alert -- Mozilla's Deer Park Alpha ! -- the next gen of Firefox.

I had a good Friday.

Exorcist II The Heretic is on AMC

For the hell of it

I'm Jackie Chan. Ask me anything.

I need a hug

"How's the war going?"

Fuck all the threads. let's go across the street and get drunk.

i know i have raised a really great daughter when

Remember the Star Trek scene with the tribbles on the counter? (pic)

my mom bought me the clinton book tonight.

I just made chocolate-covered strawberries...ask me anything!

I need a bug.

Just realized something - next time a fundie says one day the lefties

Geographic trivia; what's yours?

Hey! Sen. Clinton of NY shot somebody in a duel!

Tom DeLay is drinking.

Goddamn "Stormfront" is in town this weekend

My Great-Aunt is the world's oldest living Californian.

Oh, my goodness . . .

Well, the hell with it

Do the DU

Post Counter Is Wrong!

Once again, I must sugar my own Charo.

Once again, I must sugar my own Charro.

Once again, I must char my own sugar...oh...

Hiding Threads on a Sat Morning is like Cuttin' the Lawn BUZzzzzz

Hahaha! Bush plans primetime TV address

I'm Cherokee Jack. Ask me anything.

Cat lovers...advice appreciated

Good God. I'm not banned..? ... P-H-E-W

A true classic...Ferris Bueller's Day Off is on HBOZN

Who is the less qualified mental health professional?

as some of you may be aware. . .

Who else is awake?

Just finished watching Star Trek: First Contact

Not that anyone cares...But does anyone know this 60's song?

I just discovered "Sutten Impact"

Now THESE are a couple of big TATA'S!

Best Album to come out in the last YEAR?

I knocked up three freepers today!

I always like a man that can hold his weiner up high

I fucked-up three freepers today!

In my opinion, all cats should be shit.

it's times like these you learn to live again

What plasticware do you use now that RUBBERMAID is out of

Parrot People: My Eclectus Female has a fungal infection.

Question about Prohibition.

Yippie! 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800!

OMG! Who killed all the yvr girl threads?

It seems Dick Cheney has been strapped to the heart attack machine

WARNING: Extreme gallows humor

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K

The Justice Twins are Free!

Loved this bumper sticker

Once again, I must sugar my own Churro.

Hey Chicago! Is the power back on yet?

God! I Love E-Bay

Alberto Gonzalez: Tit Man in the Attorney General's Office

Future Onion!

Baseball: interleague play usually sucks, but here's when I like it:

If you like Spray-On Mud, you'll love this:

Star Wars: Revenge Of The Kittens

23 days after the extended warranty expires...

There is, apparently, a mouse in my armpit.

I'm off to get my nails done, and do lunch....

Who do I feel like this is the final summer?

Smoking Gun & L. Ron Hubbard's FBI files: "Scientology's Nut Job Founder "

There is, apparently, a mouse on my desk.

Silly problem in PS2 videogame Urbz: Sims in the City

If you have ENCORE, the MST3K Guys are hosting "Alien Invasion" Day

Is all the Tom Cruise talk a big old trick?

Saturday "..gasp.." toon - in the last throes..."gasp.." 6/25

Happy Saturday!

God uses chain letter emails, but if you break the chain

Ask the White House (Teeball Edition)

One good thing about the Tom Cruis and Oprah flaps

Someone give me some advice for an injured stray cat.

Am I the only one in the lounge? Did everyone go get coffee?

Cute Cat pictures

repetitive motion injury, or, I never thought it could happen to me....

Fish flies...blech!

The KKK took my baby away

There is, apparently, a mouse in my apartment.

Batman Begins was a great movie.

Degree Biology, but I took more classes in other subjects

I like DU because

Is Rabrrrr the next Miss Cleo?

I hate menstruation. It sucks! (mini-rant)

help - need electric car info.

Katie Holmes Hostage Crisis Enters Fifth Week

So my internet connection has been intermittent for days ...

can you survive in Manhattan on $60,000 a year ?

progmom on the air - post your straight-ahead jazz requests right here

Okay, what the heck is H 57 Hoodia?


succesfully getting through your partners 'body function not mentioned'

White House unveils new Iraq withdrawl strategy:

Will you see War of the Worlds

"Professing his love like a crackhead to the richest woman in the world"

Hottest Day In Boston Since 1943, And What Are DUers DOING?

6 Months Until Xmas!

Who's ass is fatter: Sesame Street's Snuffleupagus, or Karl Rove

I have no money. I want to do a poll. What do I do?

So I stripped for food, and now the pantry door won't close

Rachael Ray Is On NOW!! Rachael Ray Is On NOW!!

I bought catnip-laced bubbles for Kiko

When I was gifted with a star ..

So I stripped for the crew and now I can't keep my front door closed...

So I stripped and screwed and I cant close my front door...

Introducing my new friend... Milton Edward Peederson!

Anybody know how to find crime reports for a certain area?

Your the chef,what do you throw on the barbecue grill? What side dishes?

What, Tyler?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Enough about me, let's talk about you...

Six in a row for the Sox....

Big DU Virtual 4th of July Parade! What’s your entry?

I'm effin' bored

I'm proud to be an American!

Hey ladies! Don't ya hate it when...

Dragnet : The LSD Story TV Land 10.30am EDT

My first Mormon missionary visit since I've lived in this house


Okay - what did I miss?

This game can be very addictive.

So I wonder how many Boston DUers are passed out by now.

Is this just funny to me, or what?

Lynne Cheney or the car-washing girl from Cool Hand Luke?

One of the feral kittens has now been spayed . . . the other kicked my ass

Six-legged puppy pictures! {So cute}

I bought one of these today...

Stand Up If You Eat Grapes!!!!

Bought my lottery ticket today

It's's's the.......Krugmanomicon


Boyd Coddington is an asshole

They all float down here

RANT(kind of) Got my hair cut today....freaked out some

Seattlites: If I go to the Nickerson St Saloon today

Tell me what happens when I post and I have to View ALL?

I need advice from people wiser than I am.

Are you a Steven King fan?

Damnit! I just downloaded the wrong ringtone!


I don't care what anyone else says on JJ's Flame thread.

This is guaranteed to incite a flamefest:


See why they say you need to shave everyday.

I really Love

'Cause there's no need for the Peace Sign, 'Post Republican "Peace Time"

Anybody watching the special about Maze prison of NI on A&E?

Look at this Bee-hoymuth!

What is wrong with this magazine cover?

How many here believe there is virtue in showing a little class?

Boogerhead the injured cat is thirsty!

Minnesota Meetup pics!

Another; DRUNK (aw sheesh) SCANDINAVIAN DUDE!! - Ask me anything. :-)


Baby squirrels..

They say nothing is new in Hollywood, this proves it.

Just watched Magnificent Seven

Recent quotes from our Fearless Leader, courtesy of

Has anyone been to St. Petersburg (Russia)? Need advice.

A saturday morning kitty cat picture thread

50 days

Gotta admit...Bush DOES look like a guy who's leading a successful war...

Baby Praying Mantis!

Opera and/or ballet.

Casino trip: the house doesn't *always* win...

IT'S THE BAR, baby!!!

Having just seen the ad for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

My kid downloaded the "long high pitched fart" ringtone.

Can someone post a gif or jpeg of the "Yippie!" logo?

Food TV: "Barefoot Contessa" Show Can/Should Teach Us ALL Something

Low rider jeans- somebody should be honest with these girls!

See pigs, cows, horse racing, Dick Durbin at Aug 17 Illinois DU meetup

Which political affilation do you think the author of My Pet Goat Is

Hey, Progmom!

"The Redneck Riviera".

Stories from the road

Anti fat hatred I witnessed at work on Friday

So my roomie thought it'd be funny if she wrote my number on a visa slip

So I stripped a screw and I cant close my front door...

Let's hear it for LeftPeopleFinishFirst, high school graduate!

Replace one movie character with another

Tell your high school-grad-early job-college tales!

Is it OK to be GLAD when houseguests leave? (I'm feeling guilty!)


caption this commencement bush pic.....


Ugh, this was a bumper sticker I could have gone without seeing.

Whilst driving today through BushCountry

The mathematical average of all my outdoor thermometers....

What is love?

what's on the menu?

I tried to give blood today

The view from here this morning . . .

What is your favorite TV show?

I ain't right.

What food will DUers start flame wars over next?

Greatest American on Discovery Channel outrage

I value the opinions of others so little that I won't even share my...

8 in a row for the Sox and 10.5 games ahead!

Birds of a Feather (aka my morning stroll)

DU Geeks: Check out this addictive number puzzle (Sudoku)

Any Full Metal Alchemy fans out there?

Why do men have nipples? I got into an argument with my chauvinistic

My neighbor just put up a redneck shed 10 feet from my property.

Suggest a book that will scare the crap out of me

Create your own nation game.

peaches, cherries, blueberries, nectarines, strawberries!!!!

Crazy Frog remix.

Ever dream about DUers?

Freak'n nightmares...

Favorite Ass-Kickings in Film! What are yours?

Reverse-Engineering Roswell UFO Technology

My last day with my dog, Magic

My Daddy died yesterday......

Post pics of really cool women...

Fear Factor

PRO/AH/EDR> BSE, bovine - USA (06): confirmed MAD COW DISEASE

A good DU discussion about dangerous breeds.....

Native American Spirituality in Prisons

An interesting interfaith conference this week

So I've Actually Decided to *Read* a Bible

So, I just found out I'm a Buddhist.

Flu - Canada, Brit better prep'd than US

Internet Medical Information In Need of Good Filter

Record-Setting New Chip Has Potential for Bioterrorism Detection

Autism's Cause, It's Parents vs. Research (NYT)

One Stonehenge mystery solved

MA State Rep Shifts Position on Same-Sex Marriage/Unions

Now hows this for sucking

Gatti vs Mayweather....

My last day with my dog, Magic

Can someone help this person? Re: Cat....

I need a boost, guys. Tell me something good.

Astrologers whats the prognosis for Bush's Tues Speech?

Check it out fast!

Why should recruiters need to go to schools to get recruits? Here's what

Another one for the John Kerry group

Saturday catnip


Baby Praying Mantis!

My morning stroll . . .

JUNE PHOTO CONTEST - please read

LA Times has a great editorial today

So, tell us George, how's the war coming along?

Where can I watch a clip of this video?

If $ spent on media coverage of Rove's BS were spent to protect troops...

UNOCAL and China

dumb question: if Dick dies, who becomes President?

Bush is a major scoundrel-yet dems treat him like he's a poor president.

Pentagon Creating Student Database

Conservative leader in Iran--Not OK; Conservative leader in USA--OK?

Help me with examples of Republicans playing the terrorist card

The "Poopie" finger.

How did Clinton become President twice

Does anyone know anything about New London Connecticut and the politicians

U.S. officials meet with terrorists

Repubs are trying to intimidate Democrats into silence..

White House consults religious group on Supreme Court vacancy

John D. Conyers Jr.: Story offered ridicule instead of fact

Seen This Yet? "I Have A Plan To Destroy America" R.Lamm

"This is HELL Radio" 9:AM Central Chicago or Over-the Net

WTVF-TV: FBI Investigates Materials at [Nashville's] Harding Mall

Centerist to Conservative Democrats

Let's "prepare indictments and offer therapy" for Karl Rove

U.S. women dead and injured today in Iraq

Finally: DNC to Unveil a New Website Design in the Coming Weeks

Bush for Life: GOP introduces new bill to Congress (repeal 22nd amendment)

White House aide Karl Rove witch-hunts Iraq war opponents

When Cheney dies, who will the WH nominate to replace

NYT: Thirteen With the C.I.A. Sought by Italy in a Kidnapping

I believe they are prepping the way for Condi to replace Cheney as VP

New Flash: There is no war on terrorism

Texas lottery officials admit they lied about $8 million jackpot

Forgive me, but perhaps Cheney/hospital is a stunt?

Quit your bitching. They get free meals AND they live in the tropics.


good news! (unless it has already been reported here)

Military leader from Iraq on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me right now on NPR

Bush Radio: "The terrorists' objective is to break the will of America"

Why are "seasoned Democratic hands" helping the GOP w/ NYC mayor's race?

Franken PUNKS Hillary Basher Ed Klein

My new diary is up....

See below for gwb's Iraq "strategy". It's f***ing

Will the Bushenfurher wear a commander in thief jacket Tuesday?

Poll finds most don't want draft, yet don't want their kids to join

Historians Vs. George W. Bush

Tonight's BRAD SHOW via RAW RADIO! (7p-11p ET)

A Look Into Santorum's Brain

What do you think *'s REAL approval numbers are?

Does anybody know if there have been more signers on the DSM petition?

The Rove speech: a different tangent

Has an atheist ever been barred from running for office?

No Antiwar Protestors to Demonize... Dean/Durbin will have to do...

VIDEO of Bill Moyers on CNN's 'NewsNight'

India demanding 195,000 H-1Bs?

Uh Oh, I think Rove comments disrespected the Troops and Vets!

WTF is wrong with our military? Why Abu Ghraib? Why Guantanamo?

DOJ starts 'mandatory data retention' for ISPs to keep user data/activity

Framing: "Rove & Bush are Pimping 9-11"

Rove's speech/video

Mother of fallen soldier on "The Problem With Karl Rove's Phone"


Please kill me! I am a republican. Let's have fun!

Where are the mass anti-war protests?

Note to Cheney: To Capture Bin Laden, Close Doesn't Count

did Prescott Bush head an org for Mental Hygiene (connected to eugenics)??

If Cheney steps down, who would be the least evil VP we'd end up with?

Gerald Posner on CSpan 2 NOW talking about his book on the Saudi-US

Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American" -- Bootcamp Brainwashing

Condi charges election fraud in Iran

The key to the flag (burning) issue is this:

Perhaps Im chauvinistic

New Iraq War record! Four women killed in same attack in Falluja

I read a lot about the "Rule of Law", can somebody explain it to me?


D.U. this poll!

Newsweek finally telling it like it is

Have Biden and Lieberman called for Rove's resignation?

As well as being the worst president ever, Bush will go down in history as

Kerry's DSM Letter - What's the next Step?

My hat is off to all Dems who have shown a fighting spirit.

Cheney Clarifies "Last Throes" Comment. Or Does He?

On female conscripts...

Wait us out PLEASE

Gallup Poll: 85% polled Against Return of Draft.

Buzzword poll for bush* speech on Tuesday night 6/28

Here's What I Just Sent Dean Re- the DNC Election Report

VIDEO Katrina Vanden Heuvel Kicked Ass On 'Hardball'

One of the many charges at GW's impeachment hearing.........

Articles of impeachment drafted by Francis A. Boyle and Ramsey Clark

On female soldiers....

Fox: "Iraq: Bush Myths vs. Reality" Yes, you heard me. FOX.

Here's a link to a new web site for cspan Democrats.

smirk asks Christian Legal Society to help pick new supreme justice

Cheney's Colorado "visit" to "evaluate an old football injury to his knee"

Washington Times Claims Press Jumped All Over Rove's Remark, Durbin Ignore

"hottest" US Senator?

the great myth of terrorism in post-occupation Iraq

OK, I just have to ask this:

The Conservative Supreme Court just handed us a 2008 political win

attn: SOUTHERNERS planning on riding the PEACE TRAIN to DC in Sept

Photos from last Saturday's antiwar rally in New Orleans

Eminent domain: A big-box bonanza?

Why have only 9 Senators signed Kerry's DSM letter?

Attention Fweeper Trolls! Hillary Isn't Running For President In 2008

Email your Senators! Request they sign Kerry's letter urging Intel Comm

*BREAKING* Corporate Media Ignores Kerry's DSM Letter

Up or Down Vote: George W. Bush

Was Tom DeLay shitfaced drunk during his speech?

I will * NOT * support Hillary Clinton for President.