The Last Watergate Mystery... fascinating article
DSM Town Hall Meetings to be Held Nationwide on July 23
George W. Bush, One Lying Son of a Bitch
Troops Struggle With Flagging U.S. Opinion
Comments on President Bush's speech
Slate: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Barney Frank - Rove's Goal: Resuscitate the Phony Iraq-9/11 Connection
Editors of The New York Times: President Bush's Speech About Iraq
A Bomb hits Fort Bragg: From zeppscommentaries newsletter
Blumenthal: Generation Chickenhawk (Must Read-Juicy Quotes!)
Americans Assess Coverage of Bush Administration
Post Speech TV: No representation of the 100% !!!
From last night: MIHOP audio on Alan Colmes Radio website
Spanish lawsuit takes aim at former Beijing leadership
Call for tests as China's bird-flu outbreak worsens
Tibetan river floods force Indian power plant to shut down
Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Alternative theories of 9/11 events involving remote control
A bombshell from Germany: White House deliberately mistranslated OBL video
Notify Baker/Carter Commission about Hearings!
15 Things About Bush&Co.: An Impeachment List
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Wednesday 6/29/05
"Limp election theft report, Dems prove why they're unworthy" - Fitrakis
CODEPINK benefit for "A Good Soldier" & reception with anti-war activists
SUMMER OF PROTEST 2005: Los Angeles Weekly Protests every Saturday at 3:00
Democratic plan fails by one vote
The Candlelight Coalition is marching in Tosa's 4th of July Parade!
if the chimp isn't going to take REAL questions, what's the point
Talking to my Mom on Messenger about *'s speech
Hey, Bush made a COMMITMENT after 9/11...
Heard a moron from Boone, N.C. on the Ed Schultz Show...
New thread in opposition of the propaganda.
Hates Freedom not 1 minute in.
How much $$$ did he waste flying to NC to make this 'speech'
Fact Check Between Blue And Red States
The "COUNT THE LIES in the Bush speech" thread
a year ago he lied to get us in this war!!!n/t
if the chimp isn't going to take REAL questions, what's the point
I'm impressed...he's reading the prompters well tonight! n/t
How long is President Pol Pot's speech?
President Bush: PLEASE SHUT UP. Thank you.
22 Terrorists in under 15 minutes!
Anybody listening to Majority Report?
So....this is the "Tell America the Truth" speech?
Yes, let's train people who HATE US how to KILL MORE EFFICIENTLY!!!
I am waiting to see his eyes go round like a robots
Is it me, or does he have pauses for cheer, where there is none?
Does the speech come on after this 2004 SOTU rebroadcast?
Iraq is the latest Battlefield in the
What channel are we watching the after speech?
All those things happened because you let them you ass...
My brain won't let me watch...
I wonder if on the Freeper Side (Warning: Blue)
Now he's taking credit for Democracy everywhere...
The effects are being felt outside Iraq...
I'm playing the "Bush Drinking Game"
Does Commander Cuckoo Banana's Suit coat look extra-baggy?
Gee, * makes Iraq sound really like the US o A re: its freedoms...
Hey, what's the banner say this time?
I'm assuming Karl ordered silence. Hoo-ahs, he knew, would backfire?
This is it. All they have left- linking Iraq to terrorism and 9/11.
57% Americans believe Bush LIED!!
when will he try to soften the blow of upcoming torture pics...
I refuse to watch, but is Laura there? nt
I think Cuckoobananas wrote this "speech" himself:
It's the same f**king speech he ALWAYS gives...
was I the only one who thought he was about to mention Jenna and Barbara?
From this, I think we have a talking point...
He called it the Third World War you understand
Dear George: Invading a sovereign nation to seize its assets (oil)...
To all of you who are shitfaced from playing the drinking game tonight...
"You join the ranks of the greatest generation....
First Liar bush** photo from the terra speech...
blah....blah.... blah....blah.... frickin blah....blah
He said "Shake our will" do we have to drink the whole bottle on
Cue Music: "Everything is Wonderful......."
OOOH!!! Time for UPSIDE DOWN FLAGS!!! nt
Hey John Meecham from Newsweek-----
"Protect the rights of the minority"
I used to get sick watching the cretin flap its lips on the telly... Now?
Message from the Ft. Bragg speech: "There is no spoon"
The military offers a wonderful carreer......
No press conference? no wonder the networks didn't want to
What takes Iraqi recruits so long?
Official MSM head up Bush's ass thread.
"The (middle) applause was initiated by a White House person" - ABC
OMG! CNN is being fairly objective
ONLY applause line was INITIATED by a member of the WH advance team.
Speech Summary: Bush Lied, then He Cried
Get Ready For The MSM Spin on Bush's Speech
Pretty lackluster response to the applause card there.
"They respect no laws of warfare or morality" look in the mirror!!!!
Nancy Pelosi on NBC right now...
Did they have to release a swarm of mosquitos to make people clap?
I was able to get a picture of the President before his speech
Four Lights: Bush's Latest Speech
Speech=status quo which pisses me off even more. Step up Impeachment NOW!
BREAKING-Faux News panelists declare speech "his best ever"
People Had Expectations, Dam It
Kerry Senate Floor replaying now CSPAN2
CSPAN2 caller-Bush did not address vet benefits or DSM issues
God Damn it 9/11 has nothing to do w/ Iraq.......
Remarks of the President (An excerpt):
This is what you are supposed to believe :
Pelosi on NBC..she is GREAT!!! Truth and Trust. n/t
WHAHAHAH Faux guy "one of his best speeches ever"
President Bush wants you youngins to ENLIST NOW!
Don't Forget: Body Count does not co-relate with Success or Failure.
I just called the White House to give them my comments
When Bush is in trouble he calls..
Been watching BET Awards. Much better then Bush. n/t
Bush asks young people "Pretty, pretty please! Go die in my war!"
What's up with Air America - repeat?????
Mr.President, you are right.This is a life and death struggle. We are
Joseph Biden kicking ass on ABC!
"human freedom entrusted to us in a special way"
Email the Media Now and Take Part In Online Polls
Mute the sound and watch his expressions. He's mad.
Bush says, bring on the Crusades, we can't find another reason for this.?
Wes Clark is a FAUX news military analyst?
tweety wondering about all those "iud's" in iraq
Wolf and Paula! Applause on cue, open to criticism linking Saddam, 9/11
Does this speech even have a point?
NOW i GET IT... "WE WON'T WAIT..." says Bush (funny)
Oh Just Shut The Fuck Up Chris Mathews!!
bloody hands of Evil kRUMMY & Monkey-Boy
Paula Zahn and David Gergen were AWESOME just now.
MoveOn: Write a Letter To The Editor about Bush's speech
So, was there really anything new?
DU this AOL Poll on the speech
Time for Young Republicans to answer Dubya's call to Enlist!
The insurgents DO know when we will leave Iraq...
Thank God. NBC went away for I Wanna Be Hilton
That speech was garbage. Idiot Son is finished.
Tomorrow, have fun with your local Republicans by doing this ...
So he promised to tell us his plan for victory in Iraq.
Young People To Bush: "We have other priorities than military service"
Rich Lowry downgrades "We're winning" into "It's winnable"
Kelly O'Donnell on NBC just said applause break started by WH advance. . .
Chris Matthews just asked a wife of a soldier about...
So tired of "We are fighting them over there so we dont have to fight here
"They are fighting for YOUR Freedom" - No "they" Aren't
Clark up next to give Dem response
Recruitment database on teens and college students.
"The Light at the End of the Tunnel" again.
john kerry being brilliant on cnn right now
Wes Clark ready to come on to Faux!
MSNBC - My head is about to explode!
Almost time for the McCain suck up on L. King
Bob Costas is doing a good job tonight.
Bush fails to define Iraq War policy or reassure public on exit plan.
"Playing the 9/11 Card" going to be the meme for the media
cnn spelling it out after Kerry
Gawd Kerry should be president
The Real 9/11 - Iraq Connection
I think I've finally become completely numb to Bush's crap.
TIME deputy bureau chief is actually being pretty honest
Tonight feels like the debate nights...
Hey, remind the Democrats to NEVER have Biden responding to any of Bush's
My obligatory CHANGE THE GODDAM CHANNEL thread
Kerry answering questions on CNN... eom.
Later tonight . . . . "Hold me!"
"WRONG MESSAGE" graphic on MSN site...
I find it interesting the lack of polls regarding morons* speech.
Arianna's Huffington Post is the first blog on Yahoo!
Terra!! Terra!! Terra!! Fear ! Fear! Fear! Americans will be killed!!
FoxNews take on Bush's speech.
Media Matters had shrub debunked this morning on troop levels.
Tell me if I'm wrong... Did the President of the United States just try
And nobody's asking where Cheney is?
"We owe them the leadership that's equal to their sacrifice...
the weapons of mass destruction were MISSING from the speech
Why do the pundoids keep saying the President was SOBER?
Okay, You got me. I'm the evil guy destroying Christianity in America.
Another suppression by bush regime
E-mail addys for print media (10 states) here:
hey, lurking freepers and other conservatives-- re: Bush's speech....
"As of today, after 25 years, I am no longer a Republican"
Was WMD ever mentioned????? hmmmmm.
unofficial count- terror/ism/ist - 27 times
July 4, 2005 Independence Day/Impeachment NOW! day
Kos: Fake applause; speech numbers
Tweety! Ask Perkins to send HIS SON OR DAUGHTER over there!
Another Bu$h 'Heil Hitler' moment
Anyone else having trouble loading pages?
NYT: How Al Gore Lifted One Muslim Girl's Spirits
I bet there's going to be a surge in enlistment tomorrow.
FBI Whistleblower to run for Congressional Seat in MN
Bill O'Reilly passes Greta Van Sustern for number one on cable news
Come Out from under the bed KKK Karl!
"Analysis" in a Southern Baptist church. Way to go, MSNBC!!!
NYT: How Al Gore Lifted One Muslim Girl's Spirits
CNN intro'd McCain as a war hero but not Kerry
Speech shows how out of touch he is, doesn't share our pain, because
fineman...rove viewing poll numbers as annoyance
Didn't your parents tell you that a bully always cries
Where is the moral or legal equivalence between a blow job at the WH and
Audio-Alex Jones interview: Greg Szymanski, Paul Craig Roberts, W.Rodrigez
Remember this line from "A League of Their Own"
DSM! Enlist in the patriotic fight to impeach bush. eom
I am going to assume that the end in Iraq is going to be as bad as or
Bob casey Jr. little help here please
DU Poll: Was invading Iraq the right thing to do?
What the hell is wrong with the media???
I give up on McCain....He is kissing Bush's ass
Kerry is on Cspan - don't know the exact topic
New Intel office created- Did Chalabi just get a promotion?
Wonder if Bush talking about Iraq is covering for peak oil.
You Call This "Freedom?" (Amendment II Democrats editorial on Ft. Bragg)
The Fucking Gall !!! - Invites Young People To Join The military !!!
Kelly O'Donnell on NBC said that the applause break was triggered
bush could not keep his eyes focused on the camera directly in front ofhim
Check Out What RUMSFELD Said About Vietnam in 1966
If you got drafted would you go?
Cindy Sheehan on Larry King now.
No WMD's or DSM mention in his speech?
Why did Commander Cuckoo-Bananas cry?
DSM! Patriots enlist in the fight to impeach bush. eom.
The county where I live doesn't know if it should listen to SCOTUS
DSM Town Hall Meetings to be Held Nationwide on July 23rd
Democrats move Downing Street speeches to Thursday
Scarborough pn MSNBC covering speech from SPORTS BAR
Critics say Bush speech lacked specifics
Notice how subdued the soldiers were tonight? The Associated Press did
Citizens of the Glorious American Empire...
Not much talk about Bush*t speech in Freeperville
Okay just want to get this straight
US Senate PassesEnegry Bill, Big Tax incentives for Oil compaines
Fifty people testify against you and most have proof but you are
Please give this night-shifter a synopsis of the * speech!!
Have there been any post-speech interviews w/ young people yet?
9/11 invocations from tonights speech
Scarborough is talking about Russell Crowe - Joe "the Dead Intern"
Does Commander Cuckoo Banana's suit coat look extra baggy?
Re: Bush's speech.. MoveOn making it easy to write letters to the editor
Bush's Speech: Let's Count the Lies - American Chronicle
Bush vs Winston Churchill ..(one is a coward)...
Didn't watch the turd talk. Stomach can't take such nauseous displays.
This just disgusting! Who wants A job any way... Need 3 to sustain life!
BBC World whoring it up on Bushy's speech
I just figured out why the chimp teared up!
You know what continually amazes me about the moron*?
MSNBC Poll: "Was going to war in Iraq the right thing to do?"
Vermont! The most patriotic state in America... Homepage image, hidden message?
So, does this guy (photo) have a job tomorrow?
Lionel is also in a "not worth it" mode tonight
Well that reminded me of a Nuremburg rally...
30 mentions of "terra" during first 30 minutes of "speech"
"Empire" on ABC EDT now and 9:00 PM PDT.
Bush wants Iraq to be able to defend itself...
Help me understand the newfound respect for Lindsey Graham
I missed the speech. What did bu$h say, in a nutshell?
It's good that he called on people to enlist. Seriously.
Same sex marriage bill passed in Canada.
A year ago today on June 28, Bush scribbled "Let Freedom Reign"...
Kerry on Iraq will be aired on C-Span2 Wed. at 4 AM
SNL: george says 'You're name's dick'.
Repeat of Kerry on "Larry King" is on right now! re: Bush speech
Bite, suck, blow - which verb best suits the Chimp's performance?
Is anyone talking about the permanent NATO base in Iraq
Mike Webb is kicking bush's ass!
GWBuxh demands a timetable and exit strategy
So...What kind of drug cocktail is ButtBoy on???
Be honest: Did any one of you REALLY expect ANYTHING
Whats Mario Cuomo doing these days? I think he'd
A few interesting headlines on my newsfeeds re bush's "speech";
Howard Dean Replies to Bush's Speech with 4 words.
How long does it take to go from HS graduation to Iraq?
Kerry backs off Kennedys description of Iraq as a quagmire- wtf is it then
Dog the bounty hunter (Big month guy with pic of GWB on his wall)
No new Daily Shows for a week?
IUD's a threat to our soldiers!
As I was saying...they didn't want you to see that speech
Bush insulted our intelligence again
"Uh, Mr. President, the reviews are in on your speech tonight...."
We Can't Pull Out Because the Terrorists Will Out Wait Us
MANDATORY MALLOY: Tuesday Truthseeker Shin Dig
Approval of president's Social Security efforts dips
Interesting that they tried to soften his image what Bush is saying is...
During Vietnam the Cons told one lie after another. People soon began
Ok, Just Got Home, Missed The Speech, GIVE ME THE LOWDOWN
Drip, drip, drip, redux....they released the names of 2 more women...
Caption this * pic (I am sorry)
Educated rebuttal to the * speech
This disgusting! Need 3 jobs 2 sustain life and dems not allowed 1.
Why We Didn't Stay in Iraq After the Gulf War
GWB - "This Third World War is raging" in Iraq
Have any other US presidents spoken on a stage like this?
Come swear with me ... come swear ... let's swear away ......
Aren't we building several permanent bases in Iraq?
What I did today to further the cause of the Democratic Party
PhotoShop Wizards! Make with the "Uncle Shrub Wants You!" recruitment
Just got in...Were Laura or Dick at the event?
Nightline blasting bush--mentions DSM n/t
Thiry minutes of Pure Propaganda.
Walt Starr's school for right wing punditry
Rat Lindsey Graham leaves the sinking ship to save his ass
Revealed! Cutaway podium view shows how Rove got Bush to cry on cue
John Warner is on FAUX NEWS saying the liberals are not patriotic. . .
CSPAN Schedule Wednesday June 29
Anyone want to DU my hometown paper's poll?
Bush LIED People DIED, then BUSH CRIED!!
Freepers here is where yuo now have to go
What percentage of the public feels we should get out of Iraq now?
Out of these people, who would make the worst President?
Harry Reid reply to Bush speech
The graphic that shows BLUE state v. red state military deaths...
HOT!! Philosopher Peter Ludlow's 95 Theses on the Religious Right
New CNN poll: Which word best describes President Bush's speech?
911 911 911 Why is this pResident allowed to continually exploit HIS
President's Silence Tonight is Deafening
We should fly our flags UPSIDE DOWN on July 4th to demonstrate our nation
On Day of Iraq Speech, House Conservatives Gouge Vets
anyone for "we can't just pull out"
The only measure of the "success" of Bush's speech..
Are the freepers jazzed about their hero's speech?
Let's face it: Bush and his cult of followers CHEERED for 9/11
ONLY applause line was INITIATED by a member of the WH advance team.
Man Pulled From Women's Outhouse Tank
The soldiers in the audience at Ft. Bragg tonight
My Latest Bush Humor: 10 Things Smarter than Bush...
Vermont citizens taking back their airwaves through low power FM
Why has it taken me this long to discover Mike Malloy? Today's show was
Please. Someone take Fuckface aside and tell him how to pronounce NUCLEAR!
Freepers Response to being Asked to SERVE
College Repuke Chickenhawks Spill Why They're Not Enlisting
Downing Street Memo Blows A GAPING HOLE In The White House Facade!!!
Fort Bragg Speech Protest Photos #1 (28 June '05)
Support democratic Venezuela - buy CITGO gas (if you buy any gas)
OMG !!! - What Happened To The NYT??? - Somebody Get The Smelling Salts!!!
Hey Freepers, Your big manly War President Cries Like a Girlyman!
Kerry hits it out of the ballpark (NYT Op-Ed)
50 State Poll - Bush above 50 in only 14 States 40 or Lower in 14
I'm flying my flag July 4, Mr. President.
Gay Marriage is now officially legal in all of Canada
Letter to George W Bush from Palpatine, Emperor of the Universe.
Bush Babbles--A Nation Sits Stunned--Pelosi kicks ASS!
Same Sex Marriage Vote Happening Now
Crap. I heard the Vancouver Virgin Megastore is closing.
Same Sex Marriage the Law of the Land In Canada!!!!!!!!
Iraqi Resistance Says It Will Not Negotiate With Occupation Forces
Powers swirl around Uzbekistan
Democrats move Downing Street speeches to Thursday
Blagojevich announces grants for teen pregnancy prevention
Democrats move Downing Street speeches to Thursday
Board said to OK Iraq detainees' release
Canadian parliament approves same-sex marriage
Bush tries to rally Americans on Iraq
US Supreme Court Grants Review - For .. Third Time - In 'Rico' Abortion ..
Peru deputy minister - Government hasn't met mining area needs
Alarming: 24 Shot Within 12-Hour Span In Chicago
Pennsylvania County Settles ACLU Lawsuit Brought on Behalf of Political ..
New Office to Oversee Intelligence Abroad -WP
U.S. Test Finds Passport Fraud Is Going Unseen -NYT
Ugandan MPs vote to scrap presidential term limits
California lawmaker probes National Guard spy claim
Protesters fear privatisation plan for African universities (G8)
Congressman Gets U.S. Document Subpoena (Duke Cunningham)
Congressman Gets U.S. Document Subpoena (Duke Cunningham)
U.S. helicopter crashes near Asadabad, Afghanistan
Secret students major in spying (CIA spies in Univrsts, previously banned)
Board Said to OK Iraq Detainees' Release (2,700)
Fla. Teens Charged After Allegedly Burning American Flags
US faces prison ship allegations (BBC News)
Troops Struggle With Flagging U.S. Opinion
HS reporter sues cop who arrested him at GOP convention
Senate GOP Plans Spending Boost for Vets (damage control alert)
Grassley says senators dodging Soc. Sec.
Comments on President Bush's Speech (Congress Reaction)
Republicans Begin to Question War In Iraq
Approval of president's Social Security efforts dips
Dairy industry sued over claim its products can aid weight loss
Critics say Bush speech lacked specifics
In Scrushy Trial, Jurors Chose Defense's (Religious) Portrait
WP,pg1: 5 Animal Deaths Renew Criticism of Care at (D.C. National) Zoo
WP: Bush Proposal Prompted Surge in Illegal Immigrants
Same-sex legislation passed (Canada)
Mexico's Fox on Zapatista Marcos: "I Await His Orders"
Fact Sheet: Facts, Quotes From President's Address
Army Moves to Advance 2 Linked to Abu Ghraib (faulted in inquiry)
WP: 'Lessons of Sept. 11' Again Take Center Stage (we need "reeducating")
Text of President Bush's Speech
WP: Report Warns of Milk Supply Threat: US Officials Opposed Study Release
Bush promotes Web site to show support for troops
Bolivian government orders troops to take 'control' of oilfields
Soldiers, Sheriff's Deputy Clash in Fla.
Captives: Terrorists hoped for Bush re-election
Poll reflects partisan viewing (46 percent had a "very positive" reaction)
U.S. military says can defeat nuclear-armed N.Korea
If you simply Must watch *'s "speech" tonight...
President: "I'm to blame...I was wrong."
they chose the blue "trust" color for a tie- yeah right
So Chimpy. . . if you want to defend against folks like Bin Laden . .
Chimpy Iraq Speech Drinking Game!!
Pimp My Ride or Juniors speech?
I would be pretty tipsy right now, If I drank everytime he said
Those of you watching the speech...
FYI, The USA channel is showing a rerun of Jurassic Park
todays show is brought to you by Age!
What will it take for the American economy to once again prosper?
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?
i just figured out why no one's paying attention to me
Usually, the networks cut right away...but no, tonight it's all the photo
CSPAN is NOT doing call-in reactions
What's the cheapest (cost effective) rental car company?
Dubya on the telly, "War Pigs" on the stereo
Wouldn't it be cool, if when he said Democracy he'd choke...
I've just ran out of "BULLSHITS!"
Clark up next on FAUX after the break.....
I've got Bush on my TV, and my cat just went totally insane
Ha ha, my husband just said "it's too loud in there"
What did I do during the Bush speech.
I need a 5-letter word for my new Wordlock
How come we still have signature lines when we're at level 2?
the "KITTENS" thread I started earlier now has kitten photos in it.
I am having cereal for supper.
Songs before shrub that are (sadly) waaay too appropiate today
I didn't watch Chimpy's speech
Close Encounters of the Third Kind on TCM at 9:30..........
I'm listening to an audiotape reading of Dune. It's HORRIBLE.
So, like, the best part of being a Californian...
funny freeper rant on SCOTUS 5-4 decision against 10 Commandments
do you think this post is too ironic or over the top?
DAYUM-- posts in GD are sinking faster than Bush's political fortunes....
Ugh! Freakin' idiots!!!! It's spelled SPEECH!!!
To hell with both parties. I'm voting for TedJesusChristGod in 2008!
I just converted to Buddhism and this "Bloodshed was worth it" comes out
just got offered a job with a large corporation
I'm about to pop my 3rd Sudafed...
Anybody use/ know anything about Snapfish (photo site)?
America is a multicultural nation!
homeschooled pit bulls prefer fried chicken and kittens to Iraq exit plan!
Will someone please tell Misunderestimator that her avatar is disturbing?
The Official "I hope John Gilchrist doesn't get drafted" thread.
In honor of the 58th anniversery
Same sex marriage now legally recognized in all of Canada!
I once called a female friend of mine's Capri pants "Highwater pants"
"Finally, Alaska, located in a box off the coast of California..."
So what was for dinner tonight
I park my car in handicapped spaces while handicapped people
Does anyone know where I can get some Gelato in central NJ?
Rain = good. Leak in roof on attached garage = bad.
Take a look at my new avocado bar!
"The Usual Suspects" is coming on IFC at 11:00pm eastern
Found these under my sofa cushion
I know the Cold War is over, but...
Anyone know how to get rid of ABetterInternet adware?
No wonder I'm crackers tonight, I just read side-effects for my ADD drug:
My browser toolbars are messed up
Whoa -even David Gergen says he was offended
One of my students made an anti-semetic remark
computer people: what are stack pages??
OH NO! I lost my "logout" icon! Does this mean I can never leave?
Clamato? Would somebody please explain this?
I'm watching "It Came from Outer Space"
It pulls hair from it's face now.
Lounge metal fans: Go get Darkest Hour "Undoing Ruin"
Another "finger found in food" lawsuit, this time in an Applebee's salad
I had to drink a shot of scotch 42 times!!!!!
I'm not obsessed or anything, nope, not me.
Okay, I am out of GD for-fucking-ever.
Best "West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band" album?
In Which Movie did DeNiro get to say:
Curch Sign Spotted. "God bless America. America Bless God." eh...huh?
If the guy you're attracted to keeps calling you "dude"
Men who cry in public are NOT wimps.
What do you call assassins who accuse assassins?
What are some movies they cannot possibly remake
Your house is on fire. You can only grab one thing.
I went to Brainerd, Minnesota today.
Help? How do we post pics from our camera?
Waddaya know ? 160 posts. Thanks progmom. Ask me anything easy. LOL
Whew!!! Now that the shrub's speech is over we can down to real
OMFG!?!? Bush cried during the speech?
Anybody know anything about chainsaws
Time to bake some cookies. Which kind should I make?
Men should not wear capri pants EVER!
Your significant other is on fire. You can only grab one thing.
For people who have me on ignore, can't read this so I can say
CAUTION!Possible amusement:Other Things that Tom Cruise Knows More About T
Letter to George W. Bush from Palpatine, Emperor of the Universe
How does 'No, We are preparing for an event' =Racism4Oprah?
For my 6000th post, a picture.
United Church of Christ Backs Gay Marriage
Brain pacemaker lifts depression
anyone watching the nba draft?
and the sox come back to take the Lead
Democrats Need to Use Astrology
For the non astrologers, renaming the forum.
Kerry to be on Larry King tonight n/t
Heard a Countdown promo made especially for XM
KOEB Puppet Theatre, Episode III
there it is less than 2 minutes 9/11 = Iraq - Fucking LIAR
What sacrifice is he referring to?
MSNBC covering *'s speech from within a church... we've lost the country
I wish we wouldn't say THE terrorists
Haven't we heard this speech before?
We're watching the NBA draft .. there's a speech somewhere?
What Allies around the world??
I've only seen about 30 seconds of the speech
I almost think that Shrubby believes all the BS out of his mouth
Did he just say they're restoring water?
I sure wish the US would give up Nuckulear weapons
Hes wired look at his shoulders n/t
Anybody heard any applause yet?
10 minutes into this speech and haven't heard anything but talking points
This Fourth of July I urge you to demand IMPEACHMENT NOW!!
Boy they just panned the camera to the boys...
God, Aren't You Glad Al Gore Is Our President?
This is * propaganda, networks should cut away immediately
Amerika freedom 9/11 bla bla bla bla bla bla
Shaking hands surrounded by troops and Secret Service
I feel sorry for those service men and women that have to sit
Faux news to have special guest on ... coming up
We must honor the lives of those lost by continuing the mission
appropriately a MUST see after bush's speech.... by Greg Palast
Yeah the applause was FAKE....
What did Bush have on the podium? A magazine? Clearly it
The speech: A Complete Nothing
This Speech Reeks of Fear and Desperation
Dubya on TV, "War Pigs" on my stereo
Is Germany a part of Europe? Bush made me think it's not. n/t
Bush Supporters: If 12 Years Is What It Takes: Fine!
Action! We should all send the College RNC these 2 paragraphs
Bush mentioned 9/11 terrorist attacks 6 TIMES in speech
Biden points out that every general or troop he has talked to in Iraq
So Islamics are coming from all over the Muslim world to fight the US
only applause tonight initiated by bush advance team member
ABC News reported soldiers' applause
Question. Why didn't Bush go up with some desert storm fatigues?
Novak: RW outraged over pro-choice Gonzales for Supreme Court
Help MoveOn with LTTEs w/respect to Speech
Let's take America back on July 4th! Protest, freeway blog, graffiti,
The Nation: Generation Chickenhawk
Someone of Fox said the troops were under "strict orders NOT to applaud"
If the violence is worth it...
FYI "Faith in the White House" just came on PAX network at
Is MSNBC making a point with this?????
Who wants DSM flyers to hand out? I made some purty ones!
Fox spin: Eager troops held back from applauding by their commanders
David Gergen ALERT re: Bush Speech.. Bush get's 6months to a year for this
So what are the freepers saying about the speech? Any brave souls
I believe we are witnessing the slow sinking of a lame duck...
OK someone please tell me how they got to Senator Mccain?
I now pronounce Bush a lame duck...all those in favor???
Tomorrow call the white house and leave a message
What no opposition party response to utter propaganda bs? wtf!
Clinton went after OBL, Repugs shouted.....
I missed the speech..w as gonna do the drinkin' game an everything
Bill Schneider on Aaron Brown.....the CNN poll had about 50%
Out on a limb here, I think he has LOST the troops.
What are our talking points on the speech tonight?
Charlie Rangle just kicked Hannity's Butt!!
Bush: We cannot forget the lessons of 9/11...
I'm sick of the PC "insurgent" talk!
Little help on Bob Casey Jr. Please and thank you
So, what stations carried the chimp's script-reading?
Anyone have a video link to the chimp's speech?
Well I for one do not want to see Hillary Clinton become President
MIKE MOLLOY... I Love this man.. hahahah... He cracks me up.
Here's a clue: can anyone say Iran?
Will Shrubya get a bump in polls in wake of this speech?
Holy Sh*t! Watch the latest Frontline!
ACLU Torture Lawsuit and Abuse Pictures Question
Next time a repub laughs and says "Tell Dean to keep talking!"...
Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
AOL POLL: How would you rate B*'s speech?
Conditions for Withdrawal from Iraq
OK...Veterans.....What was the LOWEST rank....
"This Fourth of July I urge you to": demand IMPEACHMENT NOW!!
TV Land Is Showing "The Boy In The Plastic Bubble"
Watch Congressman Harold Ford On Nightline tonight!
Observation About Speech That Reveals Just How Bad It Was
WTF could it be reporting? ABC, CNN, & NBC all said that the clapping
CNN's Republican-skewed poll has Bush speech at 46% positive
Hey President GWB if you agree with the war in Iraq....
How come Fort Bragg looked like a Game Show set?
Aaron Brown Said The Giggling Murderer "Dipped Into The 9-11 Well 6 Times
P.N.A.C.,Downing Street Memo & Bush's pre-9/11 wish to KILL SADAM on FOX!?
NY Times kicks the Chimperor's smirky, evil ass
AOL article & Poll regardging Bush's speech tonight
B*** mentioned going to military funerals. Has he ever?
Seriously - since all we saw was Bush profile - what mountain should
FLASHBACK: "I'm not reading this," he declared. "This is bullshit."
Need answer: Who said "You'd have to blind to not see they were lying?"
What I want to know is? How could a mother who lost her son
Bush jumps the shark. Tonight's episode.
"Christian Conservatives flock to Army Recruiting Offices"
Who watched the speech on PBS?
That's one scared lookin' son of a bitch
John Warner, R-VA: "He spoke with confidence and an unwavering resolve"
"We will stay in the fight until the fight is won"
Video: Fox News Tries To Spin Fake Applause
So Bush doesn't need troops in Iraq, but needs more recruits?
I'm glad Clark is a commentator on Fox--he's getting info out
What kind of bounce will Bush get from his speech on 6/28
How long? how sing this song....Bush. just leave.
What would happen in Iraq if the US pulled out ??
Video: Gen. Wesley Clark Responds To Bush's Speech
Time magazine might reveal source in Plame case
Vilsack in 08? No! Why? New DLC Chairman
College Republicans learn the ropes in big, bad, GOP world
Which Mountain should have Bush's lovely profile etched in it?
Bush says support the troops & fly the flag on the 4th!
Harris camp feels 'a stab in the back' (Katherine 'Cruella')
Ok everyone, lets be honest here.... Totally honest
POLL: Your View of John Kerry- Positive or Negative?
DSM Town Hall Meetings to be Held Nationwide on July 23
So Iraq is now in danger of being a safe haven for terrorists?
Biden and Bayh ARE OUT as Presidential Contenders
David Paul Kuhn (Salon): Mission continued
David Corn (The Nation): Bush's No-News Iraq Speech
For the Bush team, rose-colored glasses
Editorial: Safire insists no crime committed in Plame case
Why Dim-Son chose to give that meaningless speech on 6/28!
Chinese Bid for Unocal: More than Meets the Eye(COONC ties to WH)
Taking Aim At Soros Is Hardly Politic
Bush: USS Titanic stays the course...
The War President Speaks (Illustrated Daily Scribble)
Bush mired in quagmire with no escape route
Tom Shales: Prime Time for the President
Bolivia: Burying the oligarchic state
LA Times: As War Shifts, So Does the Message
Goodwill's Corporate Takeover, May Be Model for Other Charities
The Bush Carnicería (meat market)
(Fuhrman) Schiavo book offers plots, few answers (A Bomb)
Kennedy: Accountability in Iraq
John Nichols (The Nation): The Big Lie
‘We Were There’-RE Operation Truth
Department of "Huh?" (Iraq Casualties Edition)
Dean: Troops Deserve More Than Bush's "Discredited" Rhetoric
The Bush Family,FLA, & The American CIA
Mark Shields: Definition of silence (on chickenhawks)
Editors of The Washington Post: Mr. Bush on Iraq
Amy Goodman (Democarcy Now!): Interview with LTC (ret) Karen Kwiatkowski
Lies, damned lies, statistics and scams - I guess we love 'em
Generation Chickenhawk (The Nation)
Peggy Noonan: Obama flapping his wings...
Elizabeth Holtzman (The Nation): Torture and Accountability
Unscrambling Bushisms After Major Brain Assault
"Rant: Greatest American, my ass" -- an article by me :)
OMG PLEASE sign this petition! Korea about to legalize dog meat!!
How about this idea to Support our Troops on the 4th of July
Congressional Investigation of Bush Administration on Prisoner Abuse
FYI, Hartmann show streams live on weekday mornings (i.e., right now!)
Striking a blow at the press (re:Valerie Plame case) (NYT/ IHT)
Tell TV execs to make a reality TV show about reality.
will financial services ever stop treating Americans like idiots?
MOGAMBO GURU: War With Iran Seems To Be It
CAFTA workers rights report from DOL
Southern African desertification predicted due to climate change
Future climate could be hotter than thought -study
Canadian mosquito capital seeks more dragonflies
Panel Affirms Radiation Link to Cancer
Women stripping in forest to foil police
Hezbollah bombards Israeli army
Haaretz: Pullout foes bring traffic to standstill across Israel
People in charge that sat on their hands: Paul Wolfowitz
Air defense: Must read: medienanalyse's "Hunt"
Another account of "secondary explosions" at WTC down the memory hole
Hollywood gets wind of 911 lies!
Inability To Focus On Demolition = Loss Of Motive For Unity
Ohio E-Voting Petition, please sign.
ACTION! 23 Hours Left to STOP ELECTION THEFT MACHINES in California!
Help Needed for Volusia WED 9am- Stop Diebold
Urgent letter from Ken Blackwell: He needs your help!
Boxer wins BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award for 2004 Election Challenge
Buzzflash: Rep. McKinney (D-GA) Discusses Hack as Diebold Flips Out
Sending good thoughts to Houston, and hope Kip et al are kicking ass!
I've been published again: Election Reform = Peaceful Revolution
Bush approval/disapproval by state: clues about the fraud?
Democrats offer redistricting plan
Initiative 1067. Teen Abortion. Waiting Period & Parental Notification.
Federal grand jury issues document subpoena to Rep. Cunningham
Is anyone bothered that both DIFI & Boxer voted for nuclear power plants
Fantasy insert in today's Boston Globe....Romney's Progress Report
Personal info when surfing from the library?
One more reason for me to move to Canada
I just had a call from Sen. Dayton's office regarding body armor
I Will be in Columbus tommorrow for the Minimum wage rally
Ohioans -- look what Rep. Boehner is doing
Will Ohio Democrats gain from the GOP Scandals
op-ed. Don't trust Perry with your kids education!
Faulkner to step down as University of Texas president
Urinal Sentinel poll on chimp's war
Editorial: Dave Zweifel: It's sad when Illinois makes us look bad
Dammit Kohl, get some sense in your head!
Awwww, pukes eating their own over budget approval
103,000 Iraq and Afghan Veterans Seek Healthcare
Mother accused of shutting two children in trunk at Wal-Mart
Likelihood that shrubco/Iraqnam polling numbers go DOWN after this.
FOX TV News Boston: "Applause only once from a hand-picked crowd..."
Click to send your wishes to Dear Leader.
Novak walks but Judith Miller gets sentenced over the Plame outing?
NIGHT LINE came out swinging HARD...
Freeper poll briefly on their front page tonite
'We have enough troops, but PLEASE ENLIST!!!'.
The Covet thing in the Ten Commandments.....
Writer Sings the Shrublet a Lullaby
Fox tries to spin the fake applause/no applause reaction to the speech.
I just watched a president implode! Ask Me Anything!
Were the Troops Ordered Not to Applaud?
The report altering and suppression goes on
Military Families That STILL Support Bush Cling to Hope for Justification
"there is no higher calling" than a military career -Bush. For His Kids?
The subdued response from the soldiers is backfiring!
GREAT Yahoo headline it up kids!
I just thought about how different things would be under President Gore
chimp used a teleprompter, so why was he flipping pages
Newsday: "Sagging polls prompt Bush to again invoke 9/11"
President Bush faces second term blues
Philly News: BLISTERING review. "No Mission Accomplished banner this time"
It's HARD WERK being as stupid as a rightwingnut. It really is.
Faux is playing the Holloway deal to the hilt
"Raw-Raw! Let's stay the course!"
Guardian: Tobacco giants face $14bn claim
Bush Criticized Over Speech About Iraq War
"the presidents new iraq war"---new"--that was the teaser for a report.
choice of soup or salad (wed 6/28 toon)
He faces two formidable obstacles to his entire version of reality.
Fundie "logic" never ceases to amaze me.
The BBS at the Boston Globe ain't very kind to Chimpy.
Knight Ridder reporter killed after Baghdad police deathsquad story
could the corporate media end up saving us? . . .
Now that the Magic Speech has failed, what WILL they do to convince us?
"They are trying to shake our will in Iraq, Just as they tried on 9/11"
Within the last 10 minutes saw on local TV
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;humpty dumpty had a great fall.
So George. What or who have you sacrificed in Iraq?
Would it be worth it, to kill one....
As far as the press goes, it's staring them in the face now
Bush calling himself "your Commander in Chief"
The Uniting American Families Act, and how you can help
cnn newscaster actully giving hard time to Rep. Hayes, NC--really
just heard on the radio(local country station)...
Kerry is going to be on the Today Show. And the headline of the
Something Feels Different Across America this Morning
How many more years will the U.S. Occupation last?
DU this Poll: CNN - Which word best describes President Bush's speech?
The Cocky Confident bush of January cries like a baby in June
So Now Will Fox Show Bush Split-screen with Jimmy Swaggart
so, are Enlistment Numbers on the Rise this fine morning?
USPS: no sending tapes or radios to Iraq
C Span Washington Journal this morning..
I think we should start a Draft Al Gore Campaign.And get rid of the
"The Saddam 9/11 Link" America's Most Cherished Fairy Tale
If there's any truth to this.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Ukraine's Viktor Yushchenko to receive Phila. Liberty Medal
Overnight polls show speech watchers convinced
IRS Orders Security Review of Choicepoint Contract
DU's Highway Blogger Anarchy1999 Terrorizes Texas!
Have you heard of this "Gitmo Cookbook" thing
ALL of the world's Terrorists are in Iraq
AOL POLL: 52% Think bush**s Speech SUCKED!
Time for Dems to Tell Bush to Leave-it's a BAD WAR
This is a corporate crusade against Islam.
Did anyone post a clip of Rangel on hannity?
daddybush after bush war 1: 'by god we've kicked that vietnam syndrome'
And just like that, conventional wisdom declares Iraq a failure
Please tell me I didn't hear this
I would like to see John Conyers and Cindy Sheehan start a nationwide
Any religion that supports a bloodthirsty war monger like Bush, who
Cry Mr. Bush*, you've fucked up the world.
saying anything negative about this war gets our soldiers killed
U.N. appeals for Kenya food aid
I watched "Private Warriors" on Frontline
Bush lowers the "cut and run" stategery
As his support ebbs and the Great Unraveling begins, what is in store for
The 'Who Supports theTroops the Most' Pissing Contest
To stay on course there has to BE a course
Bush's greatest character flaw was most apparent tonight:
"Bush tried to make it sound as if there were new ideas" -- Tom Shales clm
Actually no, "most troops" do NOT support bush or his war.
Bush Criticized for Linking 9/11 and Iraq
Could 1,300,000 Troops Control The USA
"Best of Shows" work for SouthPark and the Simpsons, not Talk Radio!!!
Holy Crap, A must read: Backing for Bush gone, local veterans say
Roswell UFO Controversy Resurfaces!
Photos from last nights Progressive Caucus Launch...
U.S. says it could 'decisively defeat North Korea'
Listening to a local commentator on the radio on the war...
Rulings point to less open future for Internet
Mix of Iraqi reactions to speech
Linking Iraq with 9/11 (Newsday Page 1!)
Why isn't Novak going to jail?
I wonder if Osama Bin Laden can sue Bush?
Right-wing poll to vote in (WBAP, Dallas)
NBC's First Read - The day in politics by NBC News
So if sacrifice in Iraq is "worth it"
Bush is reaping what he has sown with his Iraqi policy...
For the Bush team, rose-colored glasses (Newsday Page 2!)
Can 160,000 Iraqi troops control the country?
Did Ya Know There's A House Seat For The Taking? Ohio-02
Has anyone proposed a monument to 9/11 that wasn't an office building?
"Bandar Bush" Resigns. What does this mean?
To those of you concerned about the future of our legal system ...
Media waking up...Bush critisized for linking Iraq/9/11
Rep Kendrick Meek - D Florida does not know what depleted uranium is
George W. Bush 's "lessons of September 11."
How Will Stock Market React To Dud Speech?
If Bush won Ohio, why is he less pop. than 6 "blue states"
The Taliban and gwb's speech..."was" vs. "is"
Bush slammed for Iraq link to 9/11
So, Iraq is now VITAL to OUR security????
Just got off the phone with Mark Davis (WBAP, Dallas, RW radio)
Bandar Bush leaving DC (Dodge City)
Mr. Bush, if we attacked the the U.K., it would become a "central front...
Is it sad that Bush can't even pronounce Mosul correctly?
Novelist, historian Shelby Foote dies
Poor people are being priced right out of even low income homes.
Nixon's Vietnam mirrored the contradictions in Bush's Iraq speech
Well, I did it. I went down last night and enlisted . . .
Arrested Development (U.S. Imprisons Kids)
Sadly, many still believe 9/11 and Iraq are connected...
MSNBC ? On If U Agree W/Bush Sacrifice Is Worth It
NAt'l Reep Committe BEGS for FUNDS: Guess the mepubs aren't ponying up...
Bush Speech Last Night. My thoughts.
Ruy Teixeira: will Bush approval sink below 40%?
A message to Democratic politicians
Obituary: John Walton, 58; billionaire and Wal-Mart family heir (IHT/AP)
Blair doesn't deny authenticity of Downing St. Memo/Minutes
Red state vs Blue state - how to call off a wedding
MSNBC (MSGOP) Dead Last - Losing Viewers - Faux losing Key Demo
Republicans to Vets: "Fuck you very much."
An Australian stupid sexy moronic lady talk about 9/11 and Michael Moore:
I'm seriously worried about the president's mental well being
Fly the flag upsidedown--asking callers on Stephaie Miller Left talk show
I think the world is off balance, lost its tilt whatever.
just called biden's office to ask if he had a son in Iraq
Dems rapidly closing on seats needed to win back a House Maj.
Scotty already on the defensive about 9/11 links in speech...
Barney Frank slamming Bush on C-Span 1!
The President's Speech on Iraq: Truth vs. Spin
'9/11 IRAQ, 9/11 IRAQ, 9/11 IRAQ'
Democracy Now with Amy Goodman:Superb discussion on Bush Speech
"ALL of the Terrorists are in Iraq."
With More Abuse Photos Tomorrow: Do Floating Gulags Prowl The Oceans?
CNN.Com: "Bush slammed for Iraq link to 9/11"! gotta love it!
Idiot Son's unwinnable disaster is HUMILIATING the U.S. in the world
Help: I really want to know the definitions of "It", "worth", and "it".
(KY) Boy, 7, charged with murder
When this war collapses, as it will, it will make it just about impossible
Aren't those new prisoner abuse photos supposed to come out today??
Did You Watch *'s Speech Last PM?
Can anyone show me to a transcript of last night's speech?
Senate is voting on Boxer amendment to ban testing of pesticides on
More troops have died already in Afghanistan this year than last year
Terry McMillan divorcing 'Groove' muse (psst: it's cuz he's gay)
Blair defends Iraq war, downplays 2002 memo
Godfather II: Michael Corleone "got it". Why doesn't shrubco?
I just thought of the perfect ticket for '08 - Kennedy / Reagan ..
The "Nutjob in Arizona" speaks
Howard Dean on Hardball tonight n/t
Shameless assholes trying to link 9/11 and Iraq, again....
Cut 'n' Run Liberals versus Stay the Curse Conservatives
Bush should have a speech regarding the progress in Afghanistan (17 rip)
Please DU this poll-- Do you think there should be a timeline for withdra
Joy, Joy, Happy Dance and then some! I get to go really help someone!
Social Security Question AND Iraq War Question
My letter to the St. Pete Times And Tampa Trib.
The WH says "the past is the past, we want to focus on the future".
Our fallen SEAL and soldiers in Afghanistan MUST be avenged
Olbermann on "The Greatest American" (6/27 transcript)
Ras: Bush Approval at All time low 46%
The End of the Rainbow By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN
Bush's Approval Will Be In The 30's By The Weekend
CNN poll is still up -- 75% of 77k say speech "worrying"
This Iraq War is a Vanity Project - That's Why Georgie's Crying >
Why does it take 12 weeks to train a US soldier to go put their life
AP: U.S. Blocked Release of CAFTA Reports
Poor Chimpy. If only he were a better speaker. or leader. or liar.
Rumsfeld Says Media Shows Only 'Negative' Side of Iraq War
(government-owned) Zimbabwe Herald: Anti-Zim crusade goes chemical
I'd really like to kick Sean Hannity's ass (video)
Is This What They Call Democracy?
My Ten-Point Plan for Victory in Iraq
Allstate "Christian termination" article: Does this sound like BS to you?
I think China SHOULD be allowed to buy Maytag, Unocal, and other companies
IMHO *this* is the spokeslady that represents me. Not our Dem leaders
Anyone have a timeline on the Taliban and their offer to turn over OBL
Freeper sees KY jelly advert on FOX News - freaks out over "gay" product
Did the Pentagon delay issuing the cause of the Afghan crash
So Kerry calls for MORE TROOPS in Iraq, and just as he raises DSM
Join the "End The Abuses!" campaign with a new avatar!
Mark Fuhrman and Sean Hannity "investigate" Michael Schiavo?? WTF?
We have Nixon's famous "I am not a crook" shot. Now we need a **
What should the US do about Iraq now?
Iraq is Osama's chance to defeat U.S. and Bush brags about it.
what I learned on Yahoo from freepers today
CNN just reported the pentagon says TALIBAN shot down helicopter.
(Repuke) Lawmaker's Wayward E-Mail Refers To Constituents As 'Idiots'
What's the Democratic Solution to the Iraq Problem Created by George Bush?
"There's Art There?" (Samarra)
Looking for a sig line image... can you help me?
Want a kinder, gentler America? Then turn off the radio and read this news
Big contributors to GOP reap big post-election rewards
Rape Conviction Overturned Due To Note
US media covers up US use of napalm to terrorize the Iraqi people
Jonah Goldberg thinks he is a hero
Oh, please tell me there was no jump in that idiot's poll numbers
Media Coverage of Bush's Speech
"Connected" (MSNBC) Poll (Ron Reagan's show)
Remember that joke "upraised finger" design for a new WTC
By Mario M. Cuomo -- Let good sense trump ideology
Congressman Hinchey Public Forum on Downing Street Memos
The Bush Fascist Regime. has been successful.
Frist wants cockfighting to be federal felony
Analogy of this administration
Homeland security at its best????
He's back and trademarking phrases "Divorced from reality(r)"
Stripes letter likening the Bush administration to Hitler
An instant classic moment from the Daily Show:
Iraq Realities Force Bush to Respond
Osama Bin Ladin - traitor to the Al-Qaeda Cause
So it’s OK to invade a country in order to attract terrorists to it?.....
another "tide is turning" post
Limbaugh claimed that "liberals seek the defeat of the military"
GOP lawmaker: Saddam linked to 9/11
So if a Journalist has a source who knew that a Nuke was about to blow
RW Radio Talking Point for Today
Attn Bush: Calling it "September The Eleventh" does sound "educated".
Intelligent Design advocates up in arms over destruction of comet
The fallacy of "fighting them there"
Blair now confirms authenticity of DSM, implies taken right out of context
bush usually goes out to do followups after big speeches, not this time
Has anyone seen whether last night's speech has impacted public
Paul Rieckhoff's Response to Last Night's Farce
Majority Unable To Cope With Bush Presidency Anymore
Does anyone have a video link of the moment that the troops applauded
Was Miller/Cooper supposed to go before
EPA Pages Dr. Mengele(EPA Wants Pesticide Manufacturers To Test On Humans)
That triumphant march through Baghdad...
What are your thoughts on Huey Long?
attempts to seize supreme court souters home
After Dorothy killed the Wicked Witch, she went home. So should the U.S.
CALL TO KERRY: Why didn't you tell Bush to give up claims to Iraq's OIL?
Why Judith Miller MUST reveal her "source".
Guess where the VA got the bad health care cost projections?
Christian Wire Service: Medical marijuana a "lie", Geo.Soros is "pro-drug"
Pass me my tinfoil hat, but I just got a chill when ...
Sen Warner: Liberals are not Patriotic
Pro-war "Christians", listen up! It's your God speaking. (GRAPHIC)
Anyone out there have a family member that was at morons* speech?
No one is willing to put their name on this horse shit any more
Anyone read Tom Friedman's article about Ireland?
Mark Fuhrman is a racist blood-sucking pig...
9/11 and the Iraq War... the current lie
My Sound On C-SPAN Is Out! Help!
will they serve freedom fries in the new freedom towers?
Field Poll: Arnold trailing two Democratic challengers in CA
Greatest American President/Actor
Are the torture photos actually going to get released tomorrow?
Stephen King scares conservative watchdogs
Info reassures men who think their penis is small
took us three days to be visited by the fundies.
My seven year-old son is pretty savvy...
Four Lights: America's Liberal Pasttime?
We are fighting them over there, so we won't have to fight them here
POLL: Bush 9/11 references, desperatior or foreshadowing?
The Bush Regime has an open invitation to Islamic Extremists
BWAHAHA, Freepers Frothing at the mouth for Judith Miller's impending
CIA operatives bungle as bad as Austin Powers
". . .fighting the terrorists over there. . ."
The Confederate Flag Desecration
Did I just hear my favorite president Bill Clinton on CNN
Tonight on Countdown (Olbermann)
Sometimes you just gotta put your ear to the ground
Senate floor heating up on C-Span2!
MAN I wish i had an mpg. video of bush getting all weepy tues. night
Another overused Redudlican lie: No terror attacks since 9/11.
Trolling for Reports of Republicans Snapping Out of Their Stupor
post C.H.E.E.R.S children (pesticide) project: WIN for once
Google News, what else is the media saying
Did the parents of the soldiers make * Cry?
CCR-Action Alert: Fourth of July Protests to Shut Down Guantanamo
Just heard Novak on CNN trying to explain why he's not
Fmr. Pentagon Insider Blasts Bush's Iraq Speech and Repeated References to
Lawmaker's Wayward E-Mail Refers To Constituents As 'Idiots'
some nutjob is trying to argue with Randi
Thank you stem cell supporters
My worries are over. Bubble Boy says we have enough troops in Iraq.
How come everyone the US supports from Allawi, Chalabi to Thieu,
Anybody familiar with: Perfect Soldiers : The Hijackers: Who They Were...
House Repubs hope to vote of Soc Sec Priv Accts in July or Sept
Support Veterans!! Awesome Sticker
Is it my imagination or is the country now overrun with George Will
ATTENTION PLEASE: No Homeland Security threat for July 4
Dean: Troops Deserve More Than Bush's "Discredited" Rhetoric
Police Order Evacuation Of U. S. Capitol
Why does corruption, hatred, mismanagement always follow wherever
Biggest Media whore headline yet
Curves gym for women supports anti choice!
Quick Capitol under threat ..... our lessons from 9/11 ....
Are you flying the flag on the 4th of July?
I hope Miller & Cooper do reveal their sources.
Proposal Made to Seize Souter's Property
Where Can I Get A "Wrong Again" Sticker?
Bush's Magic 8 - Ball Iraq War Strategy FLASH in honor of his Speech
Why did the flag only have 9 stripes last night?
Oil Vey! - Peak Oil in the News
The word count from last night's "Presidential" address
Help me to understand why Rethugs would rather not vote than vote Dem?
Somewhere I read that Judy Miller has said she has no qualms about
Teacher trades grades for arson
MoveOn: "Don't Let Bu$h Change the Subject"
Well well Mister Cory will get this in his email
WTF! Canadian health minister to ban prescrip drug exports to USA???
2 Iraqis nabbed at Mex. border sneaking into U.S.!!!!
So are the AG pictures coming out tomorrow or what?
Sign The Petition To Fire Karl Rove!
Lewis Diuguid from Kanas City Star short but sweet reply to my email
MSNBC covering evac and NOT our fallen troops in Afghanistan
Bush on National TV: Lies and More Lies
spreading saddam 9/11 rumors failed, so now they simply lie boldly
Helicopter hit by hostile fire, but not known what brought it down???
Gun deaths cut in half, Statistics Canada says
LaaaRA,where R you?! Tin Man where R you ?!
is it wrong that i want to punch brit hume?
For the freepers...EXPLAIN THESE comments! The idiot-in-chief is a LIAR!
Biden's Freudian slip: "Each of the Industrialized Companies"
anyone else watching fox news discuss dubby's speech right now?
Protesters stage rally against war (Fayetteville NC last night)
Is any one else totally over Monica Crowley's HUGELY annoying
Iraq - Viet Nam Same Song Different Verse
Tony Blankley is sucking * toes again
Ed Henry on CNN: Dems offer no plan for Iraq...WTF does he get his news?
Iran's oil reserves estimated to last for 93 years.
UCDavis Fact sheet re Paul Cameron,-author of "Weird Behavior Among Gays"
Attention Lurking Media Whores .......
Could eminent domain be used by oil companies to acquire
And now for a little levity re chimp's speech...
Second case of mad cow traced to TEXAS
Fuck Gallap I knew this would happen
How do I deal with my bigoted co-worker?
Okay, so ..... right at the start of nightly snewz shows, the Capitol gets
The Supremacy of the Super-Citizen
*Yawn* ANOTHER scare at the WH involving planes
NYT "kinda hammers" Bush's speech.
The Real Solution - Put Iraqis to Work
Man in the Street Reaction: How have people where you are reacted
So, anybody keeping track of the reason (excuses) for war?
Polls Are Down - Speech Was Crap - What Will Shrub Do Next?
Now the soldiers in Iraq and their families are a charity??
Guess Who Ed KLEIN Is?---------"Walter SCOTT" (Gossiper, Parade Magazine)
Media TARGETS FOR WED 29Jun--from Downing Street Memo.Com
Things are completely fucked in Iraq. And it's America's fault
So Kerry speaks out against Bush policy in Iraq, and just as he raises DSM
White House Releases Bush's Personal Copy of the Augst 6th PDB
what's the purpose of public education?
Tweety just called Cheney UNBALANCED!
One solution to the problem of touch screen voting machines;
So if were all so much safer with * in office why are they evacuating the
Revealed: Bush's pre-war Message to the Iraqis
"Subliminibly" evil..We report..You decide?
Our Crying Cheerleader in Chief Drops the Ball
Canada to Ban Bulk Exports of Rx Drugs
It's official: WH is a dog chasing it's own tail.
It's not too late to salvage Iraq.
cspan 2 something's happening!
Senator Muskie CRYING cost him the nomination
Mexico Issues Stamps Of Black Cartoon Character Weeks After Racial Flap
I just received my DSM DVDs from Symbolman!!!
The REAL quote from Kerry: Not enough troops on the BORDERS of Iraq.
I have an uncle who is Retired Navy
Breslin: The daughters should serve
Seriously, what did he mean with "This Third World War is raging"
Why were we stupid enough to put an airport so close to the WH?
Do you see ghosts behind him? -PIX->>>
Hey DeLay.... Where's the "adjustment" for the rest of us?!?
The Bush Administration are spinning themselves stupid
Senate "Pro-lifers" Support Pesticide Testing on Fetuses
9/11: LIHOP, MIHOP, or Other ?
Summer Camp That's a Piece of Heaven for the Children, but...
McCain on Larry King Live last nite The Immoral Clarity of Bushism
If the US and Halliburton, etc were to fully withdraw from Iraq RIGHT NOW
Boy Barred From Singing Soprano in Choir
White House Releases Bush Journal Entry from 9/11
Proof That lack of Applause at last night Speech was not planned
"Support for re-election of Schwarzenegger plummets"
Juan Cole: Arguing with Bush (Is "Terrorist" a code word for Muslim?)
Don't Forget Dean On Hardball Tonight
Someone please post the names of the Repuke 'Chickenhawks'
A TV News Network Beholden Only to the Public--read the plan!
The Clinton-Bush COMEDY SHOW!!!!!!
Help the Freepers!!! Give them reasons why they can't serve.
Our leaders: Words fail me ! A picture is worth 10,000 of them.
Our Democratic Leadership Better Pick Up this TALKING POINT
CBS: Commando team that called for Heli in Afghganistan is missing
A funny thing happened when I got a conservative to take an online...
So, What about Mr. Bolton...? I thought Frist was gonna bring up the vote
KKKarl just sent some smoke signals to the Freeptards (CON TALKING POINTS)
Hee hee! Freeper email and my reply
An email from a Repug friend, and my response
my repuke neighbor tore down my fence!
New York bans mercury in vaccines
I hope Judy Miller does not reveal her sources
College Republican: "We actually do shit."
Video of that lying fuck Rep Robin Hayes
CNN Carol Costello questions Repub claim of evidence linking Saddam - 9/11
Why are most DUers happy that Judith Miller could go to jail?
Buy America - China Does Just That
Reporter shot to death in Iraq
Sexier title - 32 reasons to give you doubt that Bush won 2004
Taliban states 35 - 42 US troops killed
Harper ineffective in same-sex debate
Canada to ban bulk drug exports if necessary, Dosanjh says
Mounties dropped data sharing safeguards after 9/11, inquiry told
Anyone else find it ironic, re Homolka:
What the fuck has happened to Blair?
U.S. Military says hostile fire "probably downed helicopter" in Afghanista
Greater spying role for Pentagon denied
Senate gives approval to energy measure
Bookkeeper takes blame for Fla. Democratic Party's tax woes
House Votes to Cut Administration Program
Bay Area Rapid Transit Strike Deadline Set
CIA blunder on al-Jazeera 'terror messages' (The Guardian)
Russia will cancel $2.2 bln debt to African states
Fixed yuan 'legitimate choice'-World Bank director
GAY-RIGHTS BILL Groups claim 57,000 signed ballot initiative
AP: U.S. Blocked Release of CAFTA Reports
Injured Marines transferred from Germany to U.S.
Syria, Iraq Discuss Restoring Relations
Veterans ask (Rep) Baird to oppose Bush
Six killed in violence in eastern and southern Afghanistan
Taking Aim At Soros Is Hardly Politic
Obituary: John Walton, 58; billionaire and Wal-Mart family heir (IHT/AP)
NYT,pg1: Among Soldiers and Families, Applause Mixes With Doubts
Bush Criticized Over Speech About Iraq War
NYT: (user-generated) Web Content by and for the Masses
(Villaraigosa's) Inauguration Is the Place for Politicians to Be Seen
Watchdog says government hid border survey
Corrupt ex-minister took £1m bribes on arms sales
Man suing Homeland Security over Detentions (Sun-Times)
13 of 16 killed in Afghan copter crash U.S. service members -- Pentagon
Iraq awards Kirkuk oil tender to Exxon, Total, Respol, Tupras
School retirees lose health insurance case in state (Mich) Supreme Court
NYT: Public Broadcasting and Political Balance: A New Twist
(DynCorp) Bend woman, 51, killed in Iraq by roadside bomb
Pro-, Anti- Sides Poised For Future Ct. Pick($18M Progress for Am. budget)
Nelson tops Harris in Senate showdown, poll shows
FBI Whistle-Blower to Run for Congress (Coleen Rowley)
House clears $20.3 billion in foreign aid
German ex-minister admits bribe (ex-spy chief in US&Saudi arms deals)
LAT: (Iraqi security forces) Ranks Plagued by Infiltrators
Poll Examines Schwarzenegger Re - Election (not good gropinator man
Fate of 17 US troops in Afghan crash unclear
Soros's Nats Bid Irks Republicans (WP)
Saddam may sue over Sun (underpants) pictures (The Guardian)
Tony Blair Defends Iraq War (Dismisses Question on Downing St. Memo)
Process starts for eminent domain aquisition of SCJ David H. Souter's home
Economy's Growth Is Better Than Expected
LAT: As War Shifts, So Does the Message
US should have dropped footballs (instead of bombs) on Iraq: Stange
Raising the dead no longer just a fright movie!
It's too easy to get a U.S. passport fraudulently, report says (IHT/NYT)
Reporters Without Borders queries fate of three journalists in Iraq
Bush Critics Call for More Troops in Iraq
U.S. focus abroad hurts domestic security - critics
Expert: U.N. Seeks U.S. Detention Centers-investigating secret faclilities
Insurers sound the alarm on climate change
White House to Endorse WMD Panel's Changes
"Senate GOP Plans Spending Boost for Vets "
Saudi's Washington envoy resigns: BBC
Lawmaker's Wayward E-Mail Refers To Constituents As 'Idiots'
Iraqis show range of reactions to Bush pledge to stay course in
(KY) Boy, 7, charged with murder
SEC eases pre-offering 'quiet period' rules
Man accused of impregnating 10-year-old, charged with child rape
Taliban linked to helicopter crash (IHT/AP/Reuters)
NYT: Medical Marijuana? Rhode Island Says Yes
Democrats, Republicans question Bush's statement on troop levels
(U.K.) Channel 4 to make Guantánamo Bay docu-drama (The Guardian)
Consumer cost for digital TV transition $3.5 bln-CU/CFA
US and Russia clash over Iran nuclear plants
US Blocked Release of CAFTA Report
Bush issues WMD order on N.Korea, Iran, Syria
NYT/AP: Board: Teflon Cancer Risks Downplayed
Official Says Canada to Ban Drug Exports (to US)
Ex-convict must still prove his innocence (to get due compensation)
Bush hammered as dishonest by British critics of Iraq war
NYT: Bush Declares Sacrifice in Iraq to Be 'Worth It'
Ed board OKs video cameras in Fairfield schools
EPA Pages Dr. Mengele(EPA Wants Pesticide Manufacturers To Test On Humans)
NYT: Debate Hinges on Condoms' Effectiveness (abstinence v. safe-sex)
Church Leader Endorses Gay Marriage
Town cites Patriot Act in response to homeless man's suit
Despite Concerns, NASA Is Planning to Go Ahead With Shuttle Launching (??)
Veterans Affairs coping with $1 bil shortfall as demand for services grows
Investors sue Bank One over tax shelters (Reuters)
Okinawa sailor sentenced to 65 years for murder
attempts to seize supreme court souters home
New York bans mercury in vaccines
Last click nears for Va. Beach’s red-light cameras
12 more die in Iraq, Bush says US troops will stay
Anorexia nervosa in women may be caused by autism
Iran's Busher nuclear power plant may start working in 2006
Loren fights to ban party's posters
House Votes to Cut Bush's Democracy Plan
Public Skeptical on Ultimate Success of U.S. Efforts in Iraq
Blair Tells AP Troops Must Stay in Iraq
White House defends 9/11 ties to Iraq in Bush speech
Ex-Gitmo Inmate Acquitted of All Charges (spent 3 years)
Revitalizing Iraqi oil, gas sector will cost 25 billion dollars: Iraqi MP
Ga. Justice Is State's First Black Woman (on state Supreme Court)
GOP to revoke MLB tax exemption if Soros wins bid for Nationals
Matt Cooper is declining to testify CNN
Report: Terrorists May Target Milk Supply
Reporter shot to death in Iraq
Election reform commission to hold final hearing (Carter-Baker Commission)
Castro makes surprise visit to Venezuela for Petrocaribe launch
House Republicans tackle portable pensions in bill [legalize cash balance]
Rumsfeld, Myers answer questions from soldiers, staffers (stay the course)
Kirkuk ethnic rage will test Bush hopes for Iraqis
Merit System Inquiry Expands...2 More Cabinets (KY State Gov't)
Fears over microchips developed for remote scans
State Dept.: Iraq Risky for Americans Yet (really???)
SKorea urges US not to provoke NKorea
LTFRB to impound jeeps, buses that ferry protesters (Philippines)
Lansing education rally attracts 11,000 teachers, parents, students
Anti G8 activists invite media into camp
Home Demolitions Continue as UN Envoy Meets Mugabe
Democrats fault Bush over Iraq link to Sept. 11
Ex - Gitmo Inmate Acquitted of All Charges ( well he was in the tropics
EPA Blocked From Human Pesticide Studies ( thank you Senate and Boxer
63% of US companies employ/plan2employ personnel to monitor employee email
(Phoenix, AZ) Hypercom plans high-level layoffs (100 jobs)
NYT/AP: California Lets Domestic Partners Law Stand
AP: U.S. blocked release of trade reports
NYT: New Design Is Unveiled for Freedom Tower (pic)
Saudis are becoming top threat to our GIs (NYP)
Venezuela launches Petrocaribe, extending regional oil diplomacy's reach
Arroyo's husband 'to move abroad'
FBI: No Specific Terror Threat for July 4
Police order evacuation of U.S. Capitol (Evacuation cancelled)
Big contributors to GOP reap big post-election rewards
Bush's Iraq speech tanks with public (only 19 mill viewers - 4 networks)
Second Case of Mad Cow Traced to Texas
Town cites Patriot Act in response to homeless man's suit
100,000 protesting workers tipped to clog city (Australia)
GOP probes non-destructive (stem) cell research
(Newsday) Ex-publisher (and education big-wig) in kid porn sting
Sunnis will nab Zarqawi when 'ready'
Iraqi Forms Political Front for Insurgents (wants US troop pullout)
Pentagon defends, lawmakers praise 'world class' Guantanamo prison
Only 39% in poll would vote for governor again ( CA )
All 17 troops believed killed in Afghan crash- U.S.
Italy asks Interpol to help find CIA suspects
Blair Denies Memos Prove Iraq Decision- Yahoo
GOP lawmaker: Saddam linked to 9/11
Senate Panel Narrowly Endorses CAFTA
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 29 June
Iran's Ahmadinejad looks to export 'new Islamic revolution'
Court Upholds Journalist's Contempt Citations - Miller and Cooper
Army reverses series of recruitment shortfalls(exceeded recruitment goals)
(Cambodian) Hunter loses eye in tiger mauling (Reuters)
NYT/AP: Survey: Most Adults in Idaho Overweight (nationwide problem)
Expert: Most Iraqis want U.S. to stay
DeLay inquiry set to move; GOP ethics chairman backs down (raw news)
NYT: WH Moves to Clarify Authority Over Intelligence (power to Negroponte)
'Uniter' Biden says he can win in the red states
(Republican) Lawmaker's Wayward E-Mail Refers To Constituents As 'Idiots'
Economy's Growth Is Better Than Expected
It's KUSF in San Francisco Time!!!
Just had an awesome pita for dinner
Anyone watching the BET Awards?
Boa Noite...How did El Busco's Speech Go? nt
Pink Floyd Fans: Hell Freezes Over
ABC To Broadcast Live 8 Concert Special - Reuters
I'm sexier and better looking than any Republican!! Damn it!!
soup or salad (Wenesday 6/28 toon)
Damsel in Distress - late night tech question
Buffett Post...I'm High Strung And Thank God For Buffett:) Fav. Song?
who won at Bush Bingo tonight? I didn't watch...
Will little Juanzo win "Baby of the Year"?
Indian Guards Being Terrorized By Naked Women
Malaysian Lawmakers to Learn Snake Hunting
Parrot killer too drunk for court
Flesh-eating aliens were chasing me when I caused fatal car crash
Man Accused Of Drunk Shopping Cart Driving
Can one claim an abandoned car?
Aussie politician calls former chums 'A-grade arseholes': BBC
White cars a hit for bird droppings
One of the worst cases of child abuse in TN history
The reason why you should get golf lessons ...
I just immersed my hand in boiling water...
Thank Da' Lords on High that the "Hide-A-Thread" is BaccccK!
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison speaking now at the Senate - 3 guesses
Music Fans: Coolest Site in the Known Universe
Migraines? What works for YOU?
This day has gone from zero to shit in less than 30 seconds.
Thanks to Swede, I'm obsessed with the idea of starting a band called
*Pregnancy update* My Max Klinger day- 1/2 family dying 1/2 familypregnant
Sweet Potato Pie and hush my mouth
Just heard horrifying story--officemate's cousin died in motorcycle crash
Last night I watched reruns of Friends instead of the Press Conference
I noticed something about Dubya last night
Police Pull Man From Women's Outhouse Tank (Teen Saw Man's Face In Toilet)
Irish Man Fails to Set World Bee Record (nice try though)
Who Fuggin' moved the Logout button? Damnit!
As promised, I played the Bush Speech Drinking Game last night...
Your story about Vulture-like, greedy behavior when a loved one dies, here
It's the LynneSpin Zone:Post why people aren't loudly applauding my thread
Pepperdine University - Allneoconallrightallthetime?
I'm amazed that morons* pants haven't burst into flames yet...
I need suggestions for lunch! Please help me!
I'm on top of the world! (picture)
My Wife (CYLRC) Had a Miscarriage
What should my 3 yr old wear for his preschool's july 4th parade?
US should have dropped footballs (instead of bombs) on Iraq: Stange
I just mixed 8 oz of chocolate soy shake with a can of Starbucks
I've just killed a gnat. Ohhh, the guilt!
800 mile road trip tommorow-HELP!!!!!
OMG saw "Land of the Dead" - it FREAKIN ROCKS!!!!
Are we sexier and cuter than the Repukes?
Too funny! Vladimir Putin steals Robert Kraft’s Super Bowl Ring
Government official tells accidentally the truth!!
I wish Halliburton would come to my town
Alright, you New Yorkers! You've been keeping something from us...
Funny stuff on the toilet at work
Anyone ever just browse for fun?
Final Update on injured child from work
Raising the dead no longer just a fright movie!
Wow, I wonder what the architect's political affiliation was
I've got the worst *@#$%# hangover today....
E-mail post from NY assemblyman (R) calls constituents 'idiots'
Well Maveric, How'd the date go...
Myspacebar's periodically crappingoutonme.
applause for bush .. no comments?
Now that is what I call a really stupid sexy moronic lady :
Here's to you, Mrs Robinson...
What kind of "deal" is this for frequent flier miles?
I guess I just don't have the right password or I'm in the wrong place.
Fuck all of these people.... I'll keep my check book the way I want to!
Kerry was his usual classy self today
Beach volleyball gives women saggy boobs says german doctor
DU Females...I May Need Some Advice
Sad, yet heartwarming story with happy ending
Question for Obviousman! Is it true that the US government purposely
~*BREAKING*~ Aliens say Tom Cruise does not exist, and if he does he is
Freepers all worked up about O'Conner retirement (wrong one)
I'm looking for the discussion threads for yesterday's speech
I was in a band fifteen years ago.....
I hear Buck O'Neill, Negro league great...
Should GD Denizens be invited to the Annual Lounge Lizard Snipe Hunt?
Lawmaker's Wayward E-Mail Refers To Constituents As 'Idiots' (NY)
~*BREAKING*~Tom Cruise says he believes in aliens
Do you know what a 'Minnesota Hooping Bug" is?
"Idaho...then I lost her. To a welder, name of Foster"
How unpatriotic - the 9-striped flag!
The MrScorpio Wednesday Afternoon Whoredown
Saint Chimpy's Weekly Radio Address: (Warning: May cause ROTFL )
Raise ONE hand if you got a lap dance from Beyonce last night
Which of the following do you think I am?
Grand Prix: Teams found guilty on US fiasco
I need speakers for a 600 sq foot tavern, what do you like?
HILARIOUS freecycle ad posted on craigslist/SF (getting rid of BAD cat)
DAMMIT! My "Blues for the Red Sun" CD is scratched!!!!
They started to call me Howard Hughes at work!!
A continuation of the wierd ass dream I had the other day...
What is a person from Idaho called? Colorado?
The Gratuitous Monty Python and the Holy Grail Quoting Thread
i've decided to go by metric time
Want 30 mins of laughter? (British comedian on Bush)....
OMG... what Schwarzenegger looks like today?
When you think of the "Minnesota Twins", who comes to mind?
Today's Tunage Rockin' My Box - QUASIMOTO, Et. al.
Critics pretty much agree: "War of the Worlds" ain't that great
One of the great Top 40 bass lines: (along with Tears of a Clown)
Is it possible to ever have enough music? Or even too much?
I am about to drop off my dogs for a week of boarding :(
What do you call people with hands-free cell phones (headsets)?
I was going to try to say something profound with my 10,000th post....
When you think of the "Minnesota Vikings", who comes to mind?
Do T-shirt transfers made on your home computer really work?
It appears I have now seen everything.
I am interviewing for a job. I got called to the first one at 12:30 on a
Say hello to my little friend - uh well nephew anyway
See y'all later. Time to go blog the rush hour.
Man Jailed After Marrying Woman Who Took Out Restraining Order Against Him
"We need more prosthesis" - Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
Are you prejudiced against "slow talkers?"
Are you prejudiced against slow stirrers?
I’d like to get something off my chest before I get outed by the bloggers
Can acupuncture help actual injuries? >
Margarita Island, ever been there?
38 years ago today, Jayne Mansfield departed us...
Beach 'diamonds' fake, say police
Any one been to the South Park studio lately? I just checked it out
I hear the drizzle of the rain
Crap! If people stayed at their desks...
Have you ever given anyone else some sugar?
Have you ever slid up a fire pole?
All these sports polls have reminded me of a book I love
Define 'masochist'. No wait. Don't.
Bach's rescue remedy. Anyone ever used this?
Piggybacking on SaveElmer's Thread: Best of the Costner Baseball Trilogy
When You Think of "Major League Asshole" who comes to mind
Just saw War of the Worlds - and I loved it!
When You Think of the Arizona Cardinals - what comes to mind
Whoops! (Milwaukee TV station's web site screws up)
Wheeeee.. YOU control Tetka with your mouse.. Be nice to her
Do you talk on your cell phone in the restroom?
When you think of the "Washington Redskins" who comes to mind?
What 'Movie Moment' gives you goosebumps everytime you see it?
When you think of the "L.A. T-Birds" who comes to mind?
Homebrew laced with acid kills 51 Kenyans
Pic: Bush returning from Ft. Bragg last night, "Mission Not Accomplished"
Whose career will implode first?
Stepping on cracks, yes or no?
What is up with all of the sports polls?
If you see a schizophrenic talking on a cell phone...
I have the song "Hair" stuck in my head.
A photo of me and my new family
Who else loves setting off fireworks on the 4th?
DU is freaking quiet today. Where IS everyone?
Great joke on Randi Rhodes: "Knock knock, Mr President."
The State of Kentucky is about to make me homeless (and w/o a car)!!
Domino is dead - Truth is stranger than fiction
Just how desperate can a peeping tom get?
The ice cream man is here...the ice cream man is here......
damn! i just LOVES me some late afternoon Thunder Storms!
Walking up escalators - yes or no?
G.I. JOE: Elite fighting force or a bunch of Section 8s?
WAAH!!I don't wanna go to the dentist!
When you think of the "Pittsburgh Steelers," who comes to mind?
Are there too many sports polls in the Lounge today?
Ok one more Poll and I will go away...Best Baseball themed Movie!!
Don't you hate it when you PM someone...
When you think of "Major League Baseball" who comes to mind
More about MinimandaRuths Ghost
If Cats Had Opposable Thumbs, I For One Would....
I have six names on my contact list in Hotmail that I have no idea
Here's the OCD question of the week:
What other myth should Congressman Robin Hayes (R-NC) promote?
What's the most uncomfortable food spoilage you've ever experienced?
What does it mean when you are with someone and you feel alive?
Let us now praise the Admins for long ago creating a W smilie
Call me crazy but there's a GHOST living in my bedroom.
Strange question for cat people
Since when does a red traffic light mean "run it".
Strippers scare off tree guards
Lounge Lizards! I know that I can count on you!
The Weekly Radio Address: June Terror Update. LOL!
Peeping Tom Cruise Pulled From Outhouse Tank
So, my upstairs neighbor just left a note on my door...
Peeping Tom Pulled From Outhouse Tank
CNN's Ed Henry was at it again today, asking the same BLAME IT ON THE
I wonder if Tom Crusie watches 6 ft. Under?
Revealed: Tom Cruise was a male hustler.
I think Bush is our Ugliest President.
Any singles out there looking for a great way to pick up someone?
kraken, bigfoot, and the Lizard man oh my!
Where can I find the "Because I Got High" parody playing on Randi?
Well, Stinky the Wonder Cat despises me now
I'm sorry but I don't believe Evolution should be taught in schools
I mean, how could you not love Bill Hicks??
A rare weekday vodka martini for me
Beer Truck Crashes in Massachusetts
I'm getting a free copy of "What's the Matter with Kansas?"
Does every cell phone in America need a 16-year-old girl?
I feel like I am left out. So here goes. Tom Cruise
Happy Birthday , Precious Angel
Dag nabbit!! Kid changed my toolbar from Explorer to Yahoo
I'm going to replace my central air unit. Any advice?
Last Work Of Fiction You Read, The FIRST Amazon Review, YOUR 1-10 Scale
Tom Cruise was conceived through the use of Alien Lizard technology
Anybody have a clip of the "Teen Wolf" penis exposure? (Movie "goof")
Who is/was the best stand-up Canadian?
Do I have too much funny shit in my posts??
Favorite line ever from The X-Files?
Have you ever run on a moving sidewalk?
just took my kid to see the new Batman movie ( possible spoiler)
Proof that the rapture is nigh:
I have a grammatical question... (did I spell that < right?)
Are you prejudiced against slow walkers?
Best editorial cartoon of the week!!
Wow...super sick/super fun game
Screw you guys. I'm going home.
Bride Calls Off Wedding, Throws Party For Homeless
When in Pink Floyd going on at Live 8???
I have to go down to the laundry room at 10 after...
Whatever you do, don't google "Wonder Showzen."
I'm going to replace my central unit. Any advice?
I love what Lewis Black said on The Daily Show last night.
Oh what the hell, let's design a car. POST A PICTURE.
Today was a day that really made me wonder...
What type of cell phone do you like and why?
Getting Vaseline out of one's hair
"A Day In The Life". My four-year old grandson and I talked about it.
I just learned what Sniffa's favorite activity is
Got my student loan award letter today - drum roll please...
Tonight's speech inspired this...
I think I have either tonsillitis or strep throat
What is your favorite Salad Dressing?
Who is/was the best stand-up comedian?
What should I plant in my (urban) garden?
Group gets naked to protest bullfights
What's the most uncomfortable food spoilage you've ever experienced?
I'm bored and the lounge has gone for a smoke break. PICTURE THREAD!!!
I took a super long lunch today to catch "War of the Worlds"
When I grew up in Detroit, I used to see the Fireworks from my window
Proof that the rupture is high!
Can we have a serious discussion about BULLFIGHTING?
Any A/V experts in the lounge? Need advice
Vince Mcmahon: Liberal or Conservative?
Heeeellllllppppp..rescued dog question
How Stella DIDN'T Get Her Groove Back...
Bikers know my town as a "nice ride to the middle of nowhere"
I was just thinking today how proud I was no one had recently
MR. JAMES R. (JIM) BELL, JR 7-14-1940 ~ 6-24-2005
When you think of the "Dallas Cowboys" who comes to mind?
OK, one more time, NEVER ask a woman if she's pregnant
When you think of the XFL, who comes to mind?
just took my kid to see the new Batman movie ( possible spoiler)
Do you ever send e-mail to yourself?
CAUTION: If you drink lots of grape cool-aid your pee turns green.
Thai fishermen catch, eat record-sized catfish (The size of a grizzly bear)
Does every 16 year old girl in America need a cell phone?
Have a good thought, say a prayer
How long before Tom Cruise's career implodes
McCartney to Live 8: "I open the show, I close, I headline, or I'm out"
Chocoholics - Jacques Torres is on FoodTV right now.
When you think of the "Boston Red Sox" who comes to mind?
Grammatical question: Which is correct?
When you think of "New York Yankees," who comes to mind?
A few times I’ve been around that track
What's the most uncomfortable food spillage you've ever experienced?
"Who are you? Fuckin' Einstein?"
I saw War of the Worlds today. Will you see it?
Let's resurrect a classic - "Time to make a movie chain!"
Frist wants cockfighting to be federal felony
Qur'an Desecration Is Nothing New
Lodi Muslim Mosque Fires Imam Who Gave Anti-American Speeches
I would really appreciate feedback on this article -
Most Adults in Idaho Overweight
Scientists 'raise the dead' in experiment
Healthcare Protest / Sit-in - Day #10: Massive Fundraiser for Protesters
Testing for Toxins: Women Are Taking Env'l Health . . .
Greg Palast (June 29/dtd July 1): I hope I die before the next re-fill
Brain Scan Study of Smokers Reveals Signature of Craving
Anorexia nervosa in women may be caused by autism
Info reassures men who think their penis is small
Cassini Reveals Lake-Like Feature on Titan
Not exactly science, but I need a math formula.
Cornell Study Shows Insects Developing Resistance to Bt Crops
Maine Gay Rights Bill Faces Repeal Bid
Inclusiveness pays off for small business - from an email of both a
United Church Of Christ Head Endorses Gay Marriage
Canadians out there: Is this the real deal? Can I officially be proud
Spanish Lawmakers Handed Petition By 600,000 Opposed To Gay Marriage
Canada Receives Kudos On Gay Marriage
Calif. Supreme Court Upholds Gay Partner Law
Alberta Mulls Ways Of Getting Around Gay Marriage Law
Looks like another great Indians/Sox game today
Putin five-fingers Super Bowl ring
Roddick through to Wimbledon semi final
FYI... How astrology came to be on DU
From a DUer about the defection of the astrologers from this
I hate what has become of this forum
Ernst Haeckel, 19th C German Darwinist, had a funny description of God
Iraq veteran denied trip home to Cuba
What a nice way to start the day
Heads up for Central, Mt., Westcoast time zones (Today Show)
Call to action. For Kerrycrats.
Post from Senator Kennedy on LUTD!!!!!
Sometimes the "logic" in General Discussion amazes me
Let's hear it for Stephanie Miller!!
Its the truth, my ignore list must grow! That is all.
Videos from JK Appearance on Today Show is up
Heads-up. If you missed Dean on Hardball already, you should
Anyone used a Minolta dImage slide scanner?
KOEB Puppet Theatre, Episode IV: A New Hope
Newsletter: 6/29/05 : Re-Selling the War
Good OJR article on MSNBC and
Gosh, those who missed Tweety tonight may have to catch the re-air!
Bush promotes PEACE TRAIN to Washington for Sept 24th
I had to drink a shot of scotch 42 times!!!!!
It amazes me! The Rethuglicans control:
States faulted on Medicaid methods (fed $$ going to states' "consultants")
Suggestion For Our Government...Quite Large (Be Forewarned)
MI House Dems consider expulsions after GOP illegally bars speeches
I don't need a timetable, I need to see some leadership, accountability
The division begins in earnest... Rinse and repeat...
I thought * was supposed to do one ~press conference~ a month
Army Promotes 3 Officers Faulted for Performance in Iraq [GITMO]
Right wing sites are so Snarky tonight
This is the speech that Never Ends
Kerry called Bush out during the debates for linking
"I'm not putting my ass on the line ...
The new insights and understandings I gathered from the speech...
Nixon's dislike of 'witch' Indira
Ray Mc govern: "Stay The Crooked Course"
Money Laundering for the Nazis by President Bush's Grandfather
Army Officers Resigning - Add to bush's legacy
SupremeCourt Strikes a Blow Against Freedom Online
Bush Insists Iraq War Is 'Worth It' In Sober Speech
Anyone else see Chuck Rangle mention the PNAC on
Richard Clarke's description of George W. Bush
Out of curiousity...What does the typical DUer read/watch/listen a day?
LA Times: Iraq didn't have "global terror center rep before the invasion"
As promised, I played the Bush Speech Drinking Game last night...
Rep. Louise Slaughter switched parties??
John McCain: "I think the president laid out a clear exit strategy"
So glad Bush spent all that time stumping Social Sec. - what a waste!
I Think It's Time for a New Tactic With Freepers
You know this country's fristed up when you look to Hollywood for
Most rage-inducing passage from the Propagandist's speech last night
Wesley Clark: "He didn't really explain why car bombings have gone up"
10% of americans that watched *'s speech are still getting brainwashed
bush provided us an excellent opportunity for LTTE
Salon on Bush: "With a 53 percent disapproval rating, that dog won't hunt"
The Congress reciting the Pledge of Allegiance sounds like....
So did our fearless leader ease all your fears last night?
McCain, right now on CSpan3...seriously questioning troop strength
All of last night's 9/11 references, assembled from the W.H. transcript
Blair defends Iraq war, downplays 2002 memo (WH's talking points)
Electoral Vote Majorities for the future:
Are any Roosevelts in politics today?
Stop Human Pesticide Testing! (from Barbara Boxer)
We Must Not Retreat! Courage, DUers!!! The (p)Res. has Spoken!
People who still believe in Bush must really hate the Clintons even today
Frumious Blues: Why Lou Dobbs is still a tool, 06/29/05
Former Tyson employees sue over alleged pay scheme
Assemblyman's Wayward E-Mail Refers To Constituents As 'Idiots'
AP does better w/ speech reaction quotes from the Hill
This is how I sent around the thread titled "It is worth it' on the
"These terrorists would be in NY if we were not fighting them in Iraq"
AP features Pro** military reaction to the speech.
Did you know that the Bush Administration had cheerleaders?
One reason Repukes think Dems "have no ideas" - (don't hear a Dem with an
"Bloggers call on government to leave them alone "
A crime has been committed. In a criminal investigation...
If the white house wants us to concentrate on the future why
Is there an Absolute Good and Bad? Discuss... n t
"'9/11 IRAQ, 9/11 IRAQ, 9/11 IRAQ''9/11 IRAQ, 9/11 IRAQ, 9/11 IRAQ'"
How come Bush didn't get more applause from the soldiers last night?
4th of July - Excellent time for Patriotic Young Republicans to enlist
While we're talking about openings on the Supreme Court...
"Talk of the Nation" (NPR) First caller - a Pissed off Air Force Col.-Ret.
NPR Fresh Air: Former Republican Senator John Danforth
I guess right wing and christian radio are pushing military enlistment
What's the word on the Kerry letter?
Presenting - The American "Don"
El Rushbo just explained W's bad poll numbers on Iraq war
A personal apology to the Iraqi citizens
NO APPLAUSE??? That was sooooo ODD!!!! It was beyond ODD!!!!
"Bush Photo with Teen Shows Conviction and Compassion" Does it?
Tomorrow I am going to Columbus for the John Edwards Minimum Wage Rally!!!
BUSH: Last throes of credibility...
Take A Conservative to the Army Recruiting Station Day
The Real Solution - Put Iraqis to Work
Bush's Magic 8 - Ball Iraq War Strategy FLASH in honor of his Speech
randi going over the speech and ahem mentioning the
Now, Craig of Idaho is blaming the Vet Administration
Santorum trying to save his ass on C-Span2 re: Vets benefits
THE Reason for a pull-out NOW:
What happened with the Boxer amendment on pesticide testing?
No timetable: Does the military just disappear out of the blue one day?
HEADS UP!!! Reid on C-SPAN 2 Now!
HuffPost: Cheney and The 12 lead EKG?
What do you suppose the ghost of LBJ is telling Bush right now about War??
Time Magazine to Reveal Plame leak
Hardball-"Christian Persecution" Show. Video
Jeffords & Feingold: why they voted against use of force in Iraq
"In my mind, Bush, in his generational worship of munitions, war, and oil,
Is the U.S. media beginning to get a spine?
Republicans buried their pay raise within the gov't spending bill
*BREAKING* GOP is the biggest douche in the universe (with link)
Biden starts PAC for possible '08 run. "Unite Our States" with site + blog
What states are already immune to the SC's imminent domain decision?
Sen. Ted Kennedy: Pres. Bush is "Ignoring Reality"
Dorgan on the Senate floor - asking for exemption on ban on Cuban travel
Knight-Ridder: Iraq reporter shot to death by U.S. sniper
Fly Flags at Half Mast on July 4, start with tomorrow
David Horowitz jumps on another bandwagon in California--and he wants CASH
On a very seriious note, and war
Looking for comments on my LTTE about last night's speech
Did anyone notice how fast FoxNews dropped coverage of President speech?
DeLay inquiry set to move; GOP ethics chairman backs down (raw news)
Dean: Troops Deserve More Than Bush's 'Discredited' Rhetoric
37 Republicans senators voted to allow pesticide testing on humans
Generation Chickenhawk: The College Republican National Convention
CNN's Ed Henry was at it again today, asking the same BLAME IT ON THE
In related news, shortly after Bush craps his pants he points
"War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits keep Spinning us to death"
6/20/01: Karl Rove meets with terror suspect Sami al-Arian at White House
Any Cheney sightings? You'd think that if he wasn't sick they'd
Heads up: Dean on Hardball tonight
The World Can't Wait! Drive Out The Bush Regime!
McClellan DENIED Rummy estimated 12 years in Iraq. DENIED it.
MSNBC, Fineman: "Every time I think Bush has exhausted rhetoric I'm wrong"
Alright, my cousin may be ready accept that Iraq was a bad idea....
Rate *'s speech in this AOL poll
Great quote from an Iraqi on shrub's speech and
Idaho governor set to work with Bush to undo roadless areas
HOWARD DEAN was absolutely spectacular on Tweety's
well, after seeing Bush's speech. I think he hit a home run.
Breaking......The Capitol has been evacuated.
Bush: 55 percent approve of Bush's performance on terrorism?
Dean statement on Bush's speech
Tweety is a sorry son of a bitch.
Senator Kennedy: Accountability in Iraq
Help Stop Fake News! Take Citizen Journalism Survey to help guide
CNN Flash Poll, Bush FAILS Miserably...Mostly Repub. sample. Whoa!
We just lost a whole bunch of troops in ......
The media is/are giving the Democrats an opening.......
Is there a term for the speech device used during the Bush speech?
DU ACTION Needed: BOXER stop human pesticide testing
A Conversation With Scott McClellan.
Need examples of "corporate welfare" -preferably with links.
Response to the Discovery Channel's "Reagan is the Greatest American Ever"
The Kurds would really like to have their own autonomous state...
So now we should worry about China playing the capitalism game?
LET'S FOCUS - What would YOUR Democratic Priorities List look like?
VOTE ALERT: Congress Bars Nuclear Subsidy to China
Newsweek sums up Bush's speech, 25 words or less: "forget about the DSM"
Is there anything that could happen that would make you vote Republican?
We need Clark as our candidate in 08 to win.
Must read: Photo student harassed in a post 9/11 paranoid America
Karl Rove needs to see 400 candidates like this!
Dems Poised To Take NY, CA, OH, MA Governorships
As Much as I Respect and Admire Gen Clark....
Nine Eleven Nine Eleven Nine Eleven Nine Eleven Nine Eleven Nine Eleven
Recruiting Stations across America unindated with ENLISTEES
The Most Vulnerable Republican Congressman in your State:
RedState.Org 2008 Presidential Candidate Rankings - Week 5
Incinerating Iraqis: The Napalm Cover-Up
Proof That lack of Applause at last night Speech was not planned
Quinnipiac FL Gov Poll Results
Stop fricking worrying about who is running for pres in 2008
Invoke God by Folding the Flag!!
They used the American flag last night to represent 9 11 date subliminally
Misleading GDP overstates ECONOMIC GROWTH