Democratic Underground

Archives: July 17, 2005

Counterpunch - Miller Time

Iraq factor returns to haunt Blair

Bush's 'brain' leaked: Did Bush know?

Karl canned? - Dallas Morning News

The GUARDIAN wakes up -- Muslims have to tackle extremism

strib: What jobs?/Labor market still sputtering

Al-Qaida: Wrong answers to real problems

Spain: Vatican intensifies campaign against Socialist Party government

An Evening with Art Torres, Chair of the California Democratic Party

When will the next assignment be up? n/t

Any DU Activists working for Moveon's

Forget Iraq. Where can I get a Harry Potter book?

Date set for China space shot

Aceh rebels agree to peace deal

Trusting the CIA

WTC building 7's collapse. What is the truth?

Thoughts on a new CA meetup? (A brainstorming thread)

Thanks Taverner! Re: Meet-Up today in Berkeley.

7/16 MeetUp Pic Thread

How many of you are planning on attending the 'DSM' Town Hall

State hospital for sexual predators set to open in fall

Taft does not have right to refuse to testify

I listened to Ted Strickland speak today

WTC building 7's collapse. What is the truth?

Watch "Gunner Palace" Released on DVD tuesday.

Whatever happened to the FBI investigation into the Niger forgeries?

My Ultimate Tinfoil Idea regarding Terrorism

Gonzales for Supreme Court

Well the Adiministration may have unified the country

A theory on the reThugs 2006 strategy

Did bush secretly aid the Iraqi candidates during the elections?

I'm still pissed about the PDB.

Bill Crowley on AAR

I hope you people of Boston are repenting for your sins as Rick Santorum

I just joined the Ohio Democratic Party

Guardian UK: White House in panic over spy scandal

Report Shows Karl Rove May Have Lied to Federal Agents

The 2006 5 Point Dem Strategy

FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dontcha love it?

William Rehnquist to Retire – the Republican Fix is On

Rove as the patsy?

I saw a crop circle.

Worse than the Rove scandal?

"Operation Save America": A Week Of Mosque-Picketing Begins

Did Wilson's wife send him to Niger?

U.S. charges 11 soldiers with abusing detainees

A dot connection for the ages...

Should the Pope address the Sex Abuse Scandle before...

We need a good poll. Where's Zogby? Gallup? CNN/USA?

Who leaked to the leakers...

Gary Bauer refers to Liberals by using a derogatory term

What if Coopers Testimony Contradicts Rove's?

Rove: I didn't know her name and didn't leak her name

If you could do all of these things, which would you do first?

Ummm... Where's the Bush Family These Days?

Cheney should step down for health reasons

War protester arrested during parade

A dream come true regarding CNN

Do you think they are setting up Powell to take the fall

Bad News and Getting Worse.!! Report from David Walker, head of>

Supreme Court to block depositions for Gov. Taft

Diebold lobbyist tried to bribe Ohio county with $10,000

"The Menagerie Syndrome" - When Media Matters Too Much

Quick Wrestling Fans: Help With Trivia Questions and U can also win a DVD.

Which cabinet position will Judas Miller take?

WHY WHY WHY must we use the victim's name to frame the issue?

Fake statistic I just made up

Young Republicans Convention on C-SPAN now

London Transport chief is former / CIA Current CFR

I'm Going to Donate to DU-Here's Why

Burn THIS book--please

Get Your War On---an oldie but a goodie, 9/29/03

"Misinformation spread about Plame is damaging security interests of US"

Think this says it all about Cheney and Rumsfeld

BLAST From PAST for Crass CHIEF of STAFF! (Lg Pics)

Rich: The plot starts with Cheney

Wal-Mart boycott divides teachers

Sad Flashback-'Crying Indian' Iron Eyes Cody dies

Did anyone else see the GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA piece on GITMO today?

Is Judith Miller in cahoots with the Bush Administration?

Rush Limbaugh to the GOP: "Don't apologize for racism"

I'm still freaked out about Bush and that Saudi prince holding hands

The UN: Worthwhile organization or Third World debating society?

Gaurdian: White House in panic over spy scandal

OMFG!!! You MUST see this

RNC calling people up and saying media bias

What is the Times (UK's) reputation? Are they a conservative UK paper?

Comcast censors e-mails on Downing Street Minutes

MAD TV on right now...doing funny Bush/Condi/Iraq sketch

Bush had to know!

Just got this fascist e-mail

How much is the United States to blame for international terrorism?

Where are they now? The militia groups... remember them?

Cheney's physical's results reported. Were bush's results ever reported?

Rovegate-Boltongate Link

OMFG!!! *cry*

Frank Rich: Rove Resignation Is a Certainty (tomorrow's column)

Cheney found to have enlarged colon.

Is Bush the worst president of all time?

Why can't they start a CNN-2 with the "that's bullshit" lady doing

How much of what is going on is a manipulation to hate Muslims?

For Laughs - A New Public Service Announcement From G. GORDON LIDDY (gif)

Andy's Service today

American History 101: G. W. Bush, 1st Traitor President

Military Lawyers Fought Policy on Interrogations

Rovegate-Boltongate Link

WP: In Plame Leaks, Long Shadows (Rove Knew of CIA Agent, Husband's Role)

White House in panic over spy scandal

Iran and Iraq close to security pact

Philippines President Arroyo on the ropes (Could this be Bush)

Dems Speak Out On Republicans Nixing Rail Security Funding

Appeals court: Geneva Conventions don't apply to Guantanamo inmates

Bush's 'brain' leaked: Did Bush know?

States' effort to force Bush to regulate greenhouse gases rejected

Completion of new Iraqi constitution draft this week -- Iraqi MP

Brazil threatens US sanctions over cotton subsidies

(US backed) Council: Bar Aristide Party From Election

Business Joining Conservatives In Lobbying For Supreme Court

Revealed: British bomber had links with al-Qa'ida

In Plame Leak, Long Shadows

La.-Trained Lawyers Find Niche in Iraq

Corpses are found by the dozen as police join death spree (in Baghdad)

Report: Secret Aid Planned for Iraq Vote

Guantanamo detainees lodge complaint against California doctor

Rape Spurs Anti-Hispanic Backlash in Ohio

$314 Billion And Rising -- Many question long-term cost (Bush's Wars)

France 'to expel radical imams'

WP: Walter Pincas: Intelligence Center, Contractor MZM on Cozy Terms

this post marks 23 hours of being booze free...

Anyone in to DCI (Drum Corps International)?

Finish This Sentence

If Every State In The United States Were The Size Of Delaware...

Have any of you suffered the "Black Icons?" When you go to a site and

Going to a wedding where the majority of males at my

Boy did I have a strange, technicolor dream this

Her wedding was today........

Candidate Carty Finkbeiner (R) owns up to lifting quote

Fake wallet at the gas station

So Gay Marriage is evil but it's okay to fuck your sister or daughter?

This is a *calm* thread.

Just received an e-mail inviting me to a

How many DUer's going to Sturgis Bike Rally?

Why must optical mice have a red glow?

Favorite phrase by the Police

My cats think they're above the law.... Coolest. Music site. EVER.

Men, very important email I just received

West Coast Meetup Pic Thread

These two guys are so horny.

Just got done watching "Super Size Me"


downing street memo..

Remember that post that one guy made?

I get the feeling that someone's going to kick the bucket on 6FU.

Have you bugged a DUer today?

Finally saw Batman Begins!


I am a little drunk...

A message for Karl Rove from Popeye Doyle

Finally saw "Finding Neverland"

Fundie moview reviews

Absolutely appalling, gripping story. Amazing

See the movie "March of the Penguins" if you can! Splendid!

Hey, I'm back, guys

MORE COWBELL...on SNL now...


Needs More COWBELL!!

Hell, I thought Lee Iococca was dead...

Make a fried egg, bacon and cheese sandwich.

Colonel Angus IS an acquired taste

Hey You! Why are you just sitting there looking at DU threads

Is you is, or is you ain't my baby?

Hey, I'm black guys

What will future archeologists make of Star Trek/wars memorabilia?

I've seen no locked posts anywhere today

Is the lounge closed during the SNL Christopher Walken retrospective?

Jury Duty ARRRR!!

Have you ever seen this website?

DU people in England: my church's youth choir is on tour there

Looks like the Yucatan pennisula is going to get smacked by Emily

Well; that was a good book.

13 days 'til California

Oh sweet nicotne,long cut god bless the

Heaven help me- I'm in an introspective mood.

Village People Cop Busted

With Rev_Acts' Rubber Johnny post...

I'm scared to ask for help because,....

Chris Walken on SNL!

Any more news about HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm"?

Mariners Win!

i'm drinking coffee at midnight

JC's mom has got it going on.....

Justice League: Anyone watch tonights ep? (Spoilers)

"Desperados Waiting For A Train" - Guy Clark

Dumbest movies/tv you have seen & what you thought was so bad about them?

I'm awake now

I made the best soup the other night:

this post marks 25 years of being cigarette free...

So I am going to a Swedenborgian Church tomorrow

I want to go to bed and wake up after the 2006 and 2008 "elections".

I'm drunk....Ask Me Anything!

How many Duer's own Harley's

What do you think about adoption outside the U.S.

Anybody have info on Cozumel ...future vacation!!!!

Report: T-ball coach paid player to harm disabled boy

Taco Bell run.. what do you guys want?

Ok, on eBaum's World there's this video

How sleazy is this?

Emily is 1mph under Category 5. 155 MPH, 929 mb.

I love the show Cheaters.

Who else things the key to a lasting relationship is

Just bought a Mac so that I could buy a blue computer.

Soundtrack for "The Fall of the Repubs"? Opening credits: "Denial Twist"

"The Day After Tomorrow" Why didn't the idiots burn the tables & chairs

Peppermint Schnapps. Yea or Nay?

How much did you pay for the new Harry Potter book?

Who wants to start a "Harry Potter Is Overrated" group?

Computer help! Desperate! Error???

Well, I came upon a child of God

Heard about the creepy "weddings" some Baptist dads & daughters have?

New Mexico DUers, please...

For You Newbies Who Might Not Know Of Ani DeFranco....

WTF is shaking in my bottle of Guinness?

A challenge: make me laugh.

shouLd bi-baby bLeach her hair?

One of the few good things to come out of Texas: Shiner Hefenweizen Beer

Public Service Announcement:

Harry Potter Spoiler Thread

What is your most annoying habit?


Happy Birthday Barbara "Missy" Stanwyck

Let's write a theme song for an MTM-style Ann Coulter Show sitcom

How many DUer's would attend Sturgis Bike Rally if they could?

Are Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson related???????

Amazing Phenomenon! Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics

Cardinal: Children Of Gay Couples Cannot Be Baptized

should i think it "cute" that...

Saturdays are great.

Something funny

How about having trains some month?

Tools of the Trade

We need to stop repeating right wing talking points in regards to WMD

ROVE: "Those Whom The Gods Would Destroy..."

Who is on the Sun morn. talk shows?

The importance of CIA Cover.

Bush's war progress: Huge tanker bomb kills 60 Iraqi Shias

Protecting Marriage in America

Bush allies, critics go all out in fight over Rove (from "Japan Today")

I believe this proves Rove was lying! Video

Harry Reid sounds like he knows what he's doing

Video clip: Dean in Utah. Respectful interview with transcript.

Menendez on Republicans Nixing Rail Security Spending

Are we looking at the right law? What about RICO for Rove et al?

Democrats: Reclaiming the Moral High Ground

Watch FOX Now.

Newsweek asks "Is it really that bad in Iraq?"

Arrest of Pentagon Official May Help Unravel Neo-Conservative Cabal

White House in panic over spy scandal

Must Read !

Need help: answer to Repug talking point about activist judges

Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 tonight for the first time, note on DSM

The Observer: White House in panic over spy scandal

(UK) Observer: The bloody outcome of two worlds at war

Secrets of the Allies: Invasion of Iraq can not be based on self-defense

Shrapnel From Home

David Broder dose a nice editorial piece after he gets through...

A Poverty of Dignity and a Wealth of Rage

Newsweek: Rove at War (long commentary)

Bush’s Brain Gives the White House a Bad Headache (Sunday Times of London)

LAT: Soldiers often face 2nd fight at home

Wanted: Adult in the White House

NYT Magazine Cover Story: "The Framing Wars" (A Must-Read!)...

Bush, colleagues lose trust in Plame game

OpEd: Thomas Oliphant on R. Santorum: 7-17 Boston Globe

Gary Webb's "Dark Alliance" Returns to the Web.

Become a Citizen Sponsor of Feingold's lobbying reform bill

Another LTTE published -- surprised to find mine in yesterday's paper.

Tim Russert's Meet the Press

A couple minutes of silence for the victims of London bombing...

Show America the Truth (from Tom Hughes/DFA) ***DSM petition****

Self deleted; posted elsewhere

Rove LTTE's in the Oregonian this week - How many DU Activists?

GE plans to be a one-stop shop for developing countries

ATA to cut 450 jobs

Fall River (MA) mayor thrust into spotlight for LNG debate

Plague of locusts invades France

Guatemala police files on abuses found - ombudsman

GE plans to be a one-stop shop for developing countries

Japan inks deal with US to produce Patriot missiles

Thaksin defends special powers decree for south

Land, sea warnings up for Haitang - Typhoon TW

Israel Threatens to Invade Gaza if Palestinians Don't Stop Rocket, Mortar

What was fishy about the Richard Reid "shoe bomber" story?

Abbas pledges to do 'utmost' to stop Palestinian rocket attacks

Israeli Army Prepares Broad Gaza Operation

Al-Ahram - Beyond the wall

List:: suppressed 9/11 evidence, unanswered questions&link why important

Danish Scientist says FBI and Media manipulated timeline and videos to giv

Heavy viewing weekend: "9/11: In Plane Site" and "Confronting

It was a "bomb-like" explosion, said WTC Janitor

London bus bombed opposite "controlled demolition" van

Greenspan Fingerprints Found on London Bombs

What was fishy about the Richard Reid "shoe bomber" story?

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Sunday 7/17/05

A reminder from THK

What happened to the massive new Democrat voter registration in Ohio 2004?

Is there an equivalent to Napster but is for movies? n/t

How to dispose my old motherboard?

Help ... can't uninstall Microsoft Office 2000 Pro

I'm going to install a second hard drive today or tomorrow

Help with my nVidia graphics card, please

OH-02: First Paul Hackett Commercial

Bexar hiring new elections administrator. Now's the time for action

Heads up for all Houston DUers. Bay Area New Democrats Fun-Raiser

My LTTE was published today!!

WTF? Repuke legislator wants to raise speed limit to 75.

When did Americans lose the ability to compromise?

Self delete cause I can

A question to all of you my friends - wild clashes all over the world

The oddest thing happened at Netflix

Is Rove the "fallguy" behind the Plame leak and is he the one who

Self Delete

Miller HAS talked to the GJ re: Libby

DAMN! I love listening to Karel, and most Sat/Sun I keep tuned

How I came to DU- Twice (warning: essay)

HUH? Ap Reports: "Mysterious Hot Spot Sparks Fire" Santa Barbara

"On the Story" "off the mark"

Hillary teams up with "Man on Dog", "Reno is a Lesbian" and Holy Joe

58 year old man assaulted with Taser over parking tickets

Nate Clay --- a Daniel Pipes fan

I don't want Rove fired.

New Frontpage Wash Post Article: The Timeline of Plame-Gate

Like Father...Like Son..

Amazing Phenomenon! Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics

Fox and Friends stupidity......

Newsweek: Rove at War (and a top secret briefing book, too)

Frontline Ally - Pakistan still breeding terrorists

NBC says first charges against Sadaam being filed?Distraction time?

Boston Globe: Chavez military moves eyed

Raw Story: What Karl Rove, and Cheney's chief of staff, told TIME

In Plame leaks, long shadows Rove’s knowledge of CIA agent at odds with

Here's what really ticks me off about the video game crusaders.

If you were Osama bin Laden...

C-SPAN Boston violator just called in from New York

Looks like the answer to Dick Cheney's medical problems....

Gerry Spence representing Portland lawyer held after Madrid bombing

Cannot change course??

What would have happened if Bill Clinton had said "Bring it on!"?

You know the church you grew up in has completely lost its way

Why is Wilson considered 'flamboyant'?

Interesting theory on C-Span

In Plame leaks, long shadows Rove’s knowledge of CIA agent at odds with

Why aren't the Repubs attacking Fitzgerald yet?

Matt Copper said there may be more people involved

If Bush is involved in Plame-gate, he forfeits right to name SC judges!

Brit Hume-anchoring Fox News Sunday, intro'ed a story about CIA "employee"

The republican culture gap:

Ambassador Wilson's on Face the Nation

Guess who's on the cover of Time magazine?

New Fundie Group - Scary Or Silly?

Is Ken Mehlman a comic in his spare time?

Can anyone name a government agency that informs, but doesn't regulate

A country attacks American soil and Officially "Declares War" on America

Funny pic....the legacy of rove

Bush's 'brain' leaked: Did Bush know? - Asia Times

Nazis stole my idea for VW logo, claims designer

128,000 DEAD Iraqis since Mar. 2003. 55% Women and Children

Congressman (R) Apologizes for Hitler Remark

To Rick Santorum With Love:

Write to Judy Miller

Pakistan 'not to blame for bombs'

A selection of thoughts

24 hour death toll in Iraq tops 100

Rove was required by law to CONFIRM any info was declassified

I believe Rove will resign

Open letter to the press

Andy on Raw Story

Locking the cashbox

Help me out. Did a Senate committee report find Wilson misled Congress?

Plame as much as or more of a target than Wilson?

Jane Harman w/ Brit Hume on Faux News...

Matt Cooper on Meet the Press Today

MILLER's Big-House Address, for Us "Dork-infested" Pen Pals

New blog; Give Us Our Khalid Back

Clinton, Bush and RW posters on message boards...

Top Cheney Aide Among Sources in CIA Story

If Judy Miller had Secret clearance she could have known about Plame.

Who Sent the CIA Thugs?

Comcast blocking all emails with in the text

Road trips begin with a deep fryer ...50 mpg on used cooking oil

Go to General Discussion: Politics to see more on Rove/Libby conspiracy

This extended coverage of the London bombings is obscene

EPA trying to weasel out of regulating greenhouse gases

Were *any* Republican Senators or Reps defending Rove this a.m.?

My 17 y/o daughter sees mehlman on MTP, asks "Where's HoDo?"

If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their asses on the ground

want to see where Rove sits on the web - Don't You Dare Call It Treason

Say Bush had to resign over this cover up mess...

Well, what do you do Michael Jackson is gone and you can't find

Bill O Reilly interviews Gen Clark

How many Americans are guilty of THIS

Doesn't Mehlman seem like the Mafia wife...

Advance snippets of Cooper's article in tomorrow's Time....VERY Interestin

When was the breaking point in Watergate?

What Is The "Waiver" Nonsense?

Why can't gwb* ride a bike?

Was Valerie Plame outed to discredit her husband, or to...

Tim Russert is interviewing Woodward & Bernstein

One crucial, undeniable, unspinnable truth about the Rove leak

Next on CNN Presents: "Progress Report on Iraq"....

With Traitor gate all over the news this morning . . .

I'm glad lawmakers go after the video game makers

Oops.... Wrong forum

A very powerful piece of music I think fellow DUers would LOVE!

Is it just me, or is Ken Mehlman a complete....

Will fuel cell technology, help free both us and the environment

Rambo III and Iraq/Afghanistan today

I went over there and found my son's head - Warning Graphic

If l'il ol' me outed a CIA agent to the press by accident...

Danny Schecter with Bob McChesney's "Media Matters" LIVE streaming 2pm EDT

Hey there Ken "Bud" Mehlman, you're being recorded

LAT: Labor and Religion Reunite (Or: How to divide the right)

Question for a Freeper:


My LTTE gets published today but their edits set me up for slander!

Anyone seen the commercial for the Nation magazine,

I think I'm addicted to CSI

Sorry. Please delete.

on yahoo-Top Cheney aide among sources in CIA leak

Can The President Fire The Vice President's Chief of Staff?

"Rove at War" -Fineman/Newsweek

C-span is showing GITMO tour by congresscritters - from Monday.

How many of his people did SH kill? How many by *?

Who sent Wilson to Africa?


Will we witness the culprits strike out at each other?

" the comments made on Fox News are beneath contempt."

Has Bush Administration Dumbed Down Public School Class Work?

Lawrence O' Donnell shoots down one of the GOP "talking points"

Since Coopers testimony contradicts Karl Roves. What are Karl's Chances?

self-delete..nobody cares

Is anyone running a "I will impeach Bush" campaign for 2006?

Personally, I think we've finally hit that famous "tipping point"

Joe Wilson was/is a partisan, and even joined the Kerry Campaign

Why is advertising on AAR?

HEY! I thought Rush said all this stuff with Karl Rove was over Friday?

Britain could start Iraq troop pullout within 12 months: defence minister

Judith Miller may have compromised probe into Islamic Charities

I've heard that more people die from falling coconuts than shark attacks...

Congressman Dennis Kucinich On Electronic Voting

Bumper sticker in Little Rock

Hillary ESRB /Tipper PMRC?

If you read nothing else about CIA Probe-Read This Timeline

Santorum wrote the book on ignorance

Caught Again? Cooper Corrects A Rove Lie For The Grand Jury

What is your prediction of "talking point" for RW talk radio tomorrow ?

I think John Bolton would be original source of leak.

Matt Cooper, Judy Miller, Robt Novak, Chris Matthews, & Tim Russert....


Ken Mehlman seems to be putting his faith in Patrick Fitzgerald.. uh oh

bush* on this

Britain's Largest Sunni Group Condemns July 7 Bombings

Let's not forget the Dems' role in the Plame leak investigation

Anyone remember the Peace Dividend? How about the Terrorist Tax?

Cooper on MTP (VIDEO)

Take a look at this picture

Ken Starr vs. Pat Fitzgerald

Twofer! DU this AOL Poll on Rove's credibility and article on Scooter!

"Cooper! I thought you'd be in jail by now."


Fitzgerald resembles Tom Hanks. Anyone else agree?

Dem talking points SUCCESS STORY

LTTE in RW rag by Christian Conservative

Whose hopes & dreams for their children are jobs at Wal-Mart?

Frank Rich: To find Karl Rove, follow the uranium

Wow.. I was just asked "Are there terrorist that aren't Muslim ? Honestly..

London bus bombed opposite "controlled demolition" van

Bush's version of Welfare Queens

Farm Aid Announces 2005 Concert


Ontario overshadowing Michigan as auto manufacturing powerhouse.

Does anyone know why more radio stations do not stream live audio ?

What Karl Rove, and Cheney's chief of staff, told TIME

POLL: Why did chairman Ken Mehlman say GOP dropping Southern Strategy?

Did Richard Perle really say this?

Constitutionality of Iraq War

The President's Oath of Office

Funny, when Clinton was caught Lying many democrats critisized him

Iraq: Masked Men with Guns

oh, the beautiful irony

More deep doo-do for Bush re: covert influencing the Iraq elections????

Osama Bin Laden now being treated as a legitimate leader in the media:

Gaping flaw in Time Magazine's timeline

Time reporter Rove was first source on CIA agent

Love the headline of huffington Post

The Prosecutor: The Mystery Man

Time magazine: The Rove Problem

Jerry Springer has anti-stem cell research listener on, on AAR

WOW!!! Take a look Media Matters. Their home page is filled with

Pat Lang: Niger Mischief

Bush approved, then scratched plan to influence Iraq vote

Thousands celebrate new Texas megachurch

1764 Reasons why the DSM is Important

Thomas Jefferson Quotes

My Letter to the editor - and the response

Even if Rove is guilty......

Where is George Tenet nowadays ?

The best picture of Rove

Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford

State Dept. Memo Gets Scrutiny in Leak Inquiry on C.I.A. Officer

Who was Valerie Plame?

OK. Some Questions on the "Air Force One Memo"

Michael Bowers compares Joe Wilson to Ward Churchill

Any one watching the History Channel right now. I just got home and

Libby the other source?

OMG! Bob Scheiffer just SMACKED THE CRAP outta Bush & the BA

Neo-Cons = Dominionists

Breakfast with Mary and James...

Mehlman reserves the right to smear Patrick Fitzgerald

Greenspan Fingerprints Found on London Bombs

(Listening to KGO archive) I guess Karel has a point...

Sunday Monitor: Palast on Plame up at 6 pm Central

What if Wilson was a fringe benefit?

Jeff "Bulldog" Gannon's Interview with Joe Wilson

You All Catch The Working Poor Documentary on A&E Yesterday?

Is lying to one's self about the Plame incident and believing it

Yahoo story to rate: Rove was first source on CIA agent - Time reporter

IMPORTANT!!!!! Iraq War Creating Terrorists! Proof!!!!

Pimple Rove

Hatch: and there's a real question whether she even deserved that status.

LOL!!!! Freepers - The Plot Thickens – Matthew Cooper lied.

Open mike, closed mind, tripped tongue - Ken Mehlman on James Byrd.

What's left?

So they fixed the Iraqi elections too

What do people think of Eisenhower?

How did the phony memo (saying Plame got Wilson the job) get to Gannon?

News Analysis: If history holds, Karl Rove's job is not in danger — yet

Latest OIF Troop Deaths. Please Remember.

If the theory that the War was about stealing oil were true...

If it was found that an illegal drug could be used to cure both AIDS and

Did Wilson and his wife really pose for Vanity Fair?

Where is Maureen Dowd?

LTE re: Frank Rich's column - please vet before I send it >

Why would Tenet have thought Wilson should find forged documents?

So, can they still fix elections from Jail? Thats my question.

Why Rove let Cooper squeal.

It's Saddam- big bad guy.. forget Rove... bigger fish to fry over here!!

Got this in the mail..... do you see the distortion at the end??

Newsmax, unwittingly, helps our efforts for once!

Oy! Larry King's BIG story for Monday night is...

Who has read Joe Wilson's book

Hey! Just found a great place to Make Your Own Bumperstickers

Hell has SURELY frozen over. NY Post letters to the editor

Larry Johnson former CIA

Patrick Fitzgerald - any relation?

I think Rove's Dead Meat - But It Goes Higher

So, now that the Social Security tour is over

At least Rummy did the honorable thing

Why do we call Rove 'Bush's Brain?'

Nice thing about sociopaths like Rove...

Karl Rove has apparently been cleared and I am a hateful partisan!

Just had some pie. You think Judith Miller is allowed pie in JAIL?

Are the Bushes using Rove as the fall guy?

Maybe this will tighten up Dick Cheney's sphincter muscle...

Bush and Blair- Evil and Evil Do'ers

"A Face in the Crowd" starring Andy Griffith.

We Get Our Ass Beat in 2006 Once Again

another open mike, this time on Meet the Press

I am in print...our local paper has a place where you can call and voice

FWIW, Madsen: July 17, 2005 -- ROVEGATE

No matter what happens regarding Rove

Iraq pics in an email that pissed me off

Top Cheney Aide Among Sources in CIA Story (Yahoo News)

Who Did Shrub Pardon in TX?-------Henry Lee LUCAS

Christians plan Exodus to So. Carolina - Secession "is a valid option"

It Turns Out That The Former U.S.S.R. Was Right About The U.S.

Maybe London Bombers Weren't Supposed to be Suicides

The Saturday Night Massacre happened on April 20, 2005.'s because I honor and value our military....

Ever Notice that Rove's First Response is To Attack the Wife of His Enemy

I just heard on the radio almost 100 people killed in 1 bombing in Iraq.

NEWSWEEK COVER: The World According to Karl Rove

When Does "40% Approval" Become "60% Genuine Outrage"??

So how is that Anthrax investigation going?

A reminder from Teresa Heinz Kerry

Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer...

I'd like to educate some parents here about game mods.

another plausible Plame timeline

Ailing Mafia boss begs release from jail 'to sire an heir'

Rending the myths about liberals

Moronic quote from Ken Mehlman today:

ENOUGH with the fatalism already!!!

My head exploded - friend's wife's reason for opposing gay marriage

Page 510 Harry Potter; interesting(Bush) reference NO SPOILER

There's Something About Hillary.

Is Dick Cheney DEAD???

Are video games protected as an art form? Reminded of a dung painting...

If this doesn't make you a feminist . . .

What do you want to know that you don't know about Traitorgate?

The Fundies are the Anti-Christ

What is your gut feeling on what will happen at least to Rove ?

MUST READ: Transcript of Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation show TODAY

Do we know who actually authorised Wilson's trip to Africa?

Blindly supporting the President ...(101 for Freeps) (warning: long)

The way you make peace in the war on terror is by ending the drugs war

Some reading on Patrick Fitzgerald: "The Original Untouchable"

Depleted Uranium: an Introduction.

Plame: A naive analysis

If the E.U. fails, can Britain join Canadian Confederation as a province

Ted Heath has died.

Ex-PM Ted Heath 'getting weaker'

PKK 'behind' Turkey resort bomb (Kurdish separatists)

MNF-Iraq: One Task Force Liberty Soldier killed, 2 wounded by IED (#1763)

Investigation tactics draw fire

Saddam charged, trial in days

Israeli Army Prepares Broad Gaza Operation

Iraq fuel truck bomb devastates town, kills 70

Matt Cooper: What I Told The Grand Jury

WP: White House Delay On Court Nominee Is Calculated Plan

Bush 'sought to influence polls in Iraq'

Plague of locusts invades France

UN number two dismisses abuse of power claims

London bomber linked to 2003 Israel attack - report

China to send pig sperm to space

Ailing Mafia boss begs release from jail 'to sire an heir'

Time Reporter: Rove Was First Source On CIA Agent

Time reporter: Rove was first source on CIA agent

AP: Suicide Car Bombers Kill 16 People in Iraq

NEWSWEEK COVER: The World According to Karl Rove

Britain's Largest Sunni Group Condemns July 7 Bombings

U.S. Uses Law to Nab British Businessmen

Equatorial Guinea plane crash kills 55

Army marking 11 jobs categories for re-upping bonuses as high as $7,500

False confessions: Taping interrogations won't protect suspects from thems

Ex-PM Ted Heath "getting weaker" : BBC

Israel Threatens to Invade Gaza if Palestinians Don't Stop Rocket, Mortar

NYT ;Officials' Pitch for Drug Plan Meets Skeptics

Newsweek/MSNBC hard-hitting in-depth article posted:

Idaho county to sue over illegal workers

Beijing refuses to retract general's nuke comment

Reporter Says Cheney Aide Was a Source

One young man's concern on extremism

Journalist denies Rove named CIA agent (Financial Times BS Spin "report")

As Google Grows, How Much Does It Know About You?

Britain looks to expand war on terror

Iraq to Meet Donors in Hope of Creating New Aid Momentum--Daily Star

Experts Urge Release of Iraq Scientists

MSNBC: Reporter: Rove was first source on CIA leak

Ten-fold increase in racist crimes in UK since London blasts

UK: Seven New Terror Arrests

PRO-ARISTIDE PRIEST ARRESTED (Rev. Gérard Jean-Juste - again)

Iran, Iraq sign transportation cooperation agreement

Africa moved me, says Laura Bush

Four US Soldiers Wounded in Afghan Blast

Bush denies he influenced Iraq elections

Housing Goes Frothy to Flat in Denver Area

Habib stands by torture claims

KKK Chief Testifies About 1979 Shootings

(NBC's Meet the Press) Top Cheney Aide Among Sources in CIA Story

Senate to Vote on Hawaiian Self-Rule Bill

Low-income schools lack top teachers

Identity card threatens to split Coalition (AU, Howard wants them)

Congressman Apologizes for Hitler Remark (moron repuke)

Muslims in fatal denial of AIDS

Indonesia, Aceh rebels agree to peace deal

Studies: Most foreign fighters didn't wage terror before Iraq war

Weekend of slaughter propels Iraq towards all-out civil war

Cooper: What I told the Grand Jury

U.S. Could Strike Northern Syria

Momentum swings to Democrats (Financial Times)

BBC: Former PM Sir Edward Heath dies (UK Prime Minister)

US animal rights fanatic in Britain vows to break law

CNN stands by Robert Novak in Plame probe

Groups Fighting Illegal Immigration Spread

Saddam Hussein charged, trial to begin in days

Progressive Christians speaking up

Daily Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq

Hurricane Emily Monitoring Thread... Category 5 Headed For Cancun, Texas?

ETStudy Says Ethanol Not Worth the Energy

Hillary Clinton climbs into presidential ring

New Jersey couple has two sets of identical twins in same birth

Has anyone ever been a trustee?

I just heard/watched TLC on an old SNL rerun

So I hear the new Harry Potter really takes it to Blair? Is this true?

I want to buy a Volvo XC-70 D5 (DIESEL). WHY oh WHY won't

whats up tonight?

Domain registration

why i have been silent...

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Best Clinton Pic ever (seriously)

Where's your sister's birthmark and what is her phone number divided by 2?

What's your daddy's maiden name?

Who's on first and What's on second?

I just finished the new Harry Potter - ask me anything *Spoilers*

It's a Musical kind of night.....

It's Too Darn Hot.....

ya know, id go crazy without this place.

I got a freaky ole lady name a cocaine Katy

My Dear Adolf Hitler

Mmmmm... I can smell the ocean on the breeze.


If I'm gonna sink I mid as well go to the bottom...

Ed Glosser Trivia psychic (SNL)

What the hell is Hey Horn?

I loved one girl

anyone wanna pLay poker -

Do you shower from toes to head, or head to toes?

cinnamon girl, Uhmmmm yea dog

What is your mom's middle name and your daddy's mom's maiden name?

Tic Tac Dough

My Dear Maddy McCall!

Very interesting thing here.

Your Best/Favorite Hate Mail

3:33 AM on a saturday night

Sign that should be at RNC headquarters


Log Rolling Babes on ESPN

Desperate Housewifes are neither desperate nor housewife,

I give into convention

Auto-pilot time

This might be a good Lounge post...Marfa Lights...It's late, this is fun..

I saw a Harry Potter Spoiler on accident.

Who is still up? Roll call

dog bandana sewing pattern - help needed

To that special (and totally dodgy) someone

Man shoots postman to get jailed

Man fakes shooting to avoid Iraq

Where were you born and where do you live now?

Singapore Opens Landfill to Tourists

I bought something just so I could be like everybody else!

Well in a way I guess I am the cool one now - super hero movies


I think my cat Fud just reinvented trigonometry

I have neopets...

Front Side Bus (FSB) - what does it mean & why is it important

July 16 (according to AOL): a VERY auspicious day.

What's your favorite prophylactic and where do you buy them from?

A slight slip of the tongue.....

Good Morning Everyone


FReerepublic keeps getting dumber and dumber

Dammit, where the hell is my retainer? I'd be asleep by now if I'd found..

Laryngitis sucks!!

What is your address?

Up to 95 in MN today. This heat wave is beginning to bore me...

I LOVE BOOZE!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, it's supposed to be 117 degrees today and tomorow

Should I exercise today?

How many states have you lived in?

Big Brother 6 has a young Iraqi man as a Houseguest

Should I exorcise today?

Any Ossining, NY area DUers?

The Fantastically Arrogant Four:

I'm insanely happy right now

Avast or AVG?

if you make a post and every other poster disagrees could you be *gasp*

Would you watch a pirated copy of a movie before its theatrical release?

A truly interesting situation. (pic)

New Stones' song, 'NeoCon', won't make it to album

Former RNC chairman found frozen in the Alps

What !!!???? Sandra Bullock, Jesse James Exchange Vows

Do not respond to this post.

Who invented booze anyway?

The years look like they've been tough on Carl Bernstein

there needs to be a warning for iTunes

Cheating lovers snap up greetings cards for adulterers

Best Dave Matthews Band Song

George Hincapie WINS a MOUNTAIN stage in the Tour de France

I have GOPisEvil held hostage (yvr girl)

Oh man, I don't need TV

Get in the hole!!

If you click on one of newyawker99's MILESTONES threads...

Is Tylenol Extra Strength supposed to make you drowsy?

Is Tylenol Extra Strength A Substitute For Love?

Man dated women by pretending to be Steeler Quarterbacks

Can I ask a "personal" question of the ladies?

I am tired of the people killing people ...

It's almost 90 degrees outside and the thermostat isn't working. HELP!

I thought that you'd be loving me.

Kiss me you fool..........

Hannibal Lecter's Eat The Press.

I am in so much pain right now.

I am tired of the police killing people ...

God is an American

In honor of CaliforniaPeggy

Hey, Zuni is reminding everyone that sundog is reminding everyone about

I'm trying to talk Fuzzyslippers into going to the store naked.

The real story about Joe Wilson in Niger.

So I'm watching a DVD of the Breakfast Club right now. Judd Nelson...

knock knock

How do I post a file?

Do you think Cameron in "Ferris Bueller" survived talking to his dad

I think I'm addicted to CSI

Where is a good place to get a credit report?

If I walked into the Bank of England...

When the wind blows down this hard, Many a bond is broken.

a friendly reminder to the lounge

What Threads Have You've Posted That Almost No One Has Agreed With?

If a celebrity goes to the hospital because he or she is tired...

I was posting on a right wing site last night, and I was called "evil"

Why is it that "Big Fish" always gets to me?

I just saw 'super size me'.. I bought DVD

What is wrong with this picture?

Can someone clue me into Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts?

What's on TV?

Cool Web Site With Hundreds of Images From The 50s You Can Use

"I'm going to make omelettes from Frank's world for you!!"


I pulled an IQ of 131 on an IQ test online.

Should I shave my arms?

Star Rover, welcome to DU!

Tom, wait a minute. I'm talking about

Palm or PocketPC?

I watched "Bend It Like Beckham" last night

Some foods..... are not just foods.... they can be much much more...

Meet Sexy Christians!

Wil Wheaton vs. Hillary Clinton: Karl vs. Carl

Dick Cheney is a robot. Here's PROOF!

Name That Politician

Happiness is ~ getting a phone call

Anyone know that HP commercial with the guy snapping pictures?

Finally, a good reason to use a Taser. (pic)

Tomorrow, I will buy some chocolate cake


Dick Laurent is dead

If I could have any wish come true...

Just got home from seeing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...

Tiger Woods 5 Minutes Away From Another British Open Win

who wants to watch the sun rise with me?

Who wants to watch the sun explode with me??

Heath is dead

I have to deliver 244 phone books by 3pm tomorrow.

Party in this thread for Snark Week

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers coming up on TCM

Jackson Clan to Boogie in Berlin

My 3-year-old sings along to B.Y.O.B.

Anchorman: Drama of Documentary,.....

Pretend you're Karl Rove and

A perfect movie idea for Tim Burton

I just drove 80 miles to get some home grown corn...

Kitty Cat Smilie

Today has been a really lonesome day.

The band from Old School--anyone know their name?

Am I the only one revolted..

Just because this makes me smile . . .

In honor of Andy...since I couldn't be there to say goodbye today...

How many of you still have a Rotary Phone in your house?

Cripes, it's a broiler today...

Are there any Tom Dumont fans out there


You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

"Well, i stand up next to a mountain"

What is your banking institution, account number(s), and PIN?

A great photo of Karl Rove and his prison wife.

If sex is about procreation,

Watch the new Bright Eyes video...

Invasion of the Body Snatchers coming up on TCM!!!

IF One of these people were to disappear today - whom would you choose?

Moonies just came to my door!

"She looked like Olivia Newton-John, if she were really ugly, and had...

What do you call these two groups?

Where the hell is Matcom?


In the Johnny Cash song "I've Been Everywhere"

what are you doing right now this very second besides posting on du?

Back in the old days of TV

RealOne Player or Windows Media Player?

Don't you just love how...

Nicole Kidman to Tom Cruise: "Leave our children out of Scientology"

we got our first monsoon in the desert this evening

JK Rowlings it my new hero for a reason none of you would suspect

am I here?

Bar soap or body wash?

I prefer The Lounge night vibe better than the day vibe...

Had Breakfast w/ Pat Robertson

For those that believe in ESP kind of shit - PLEASE READ :(

I feel so lonely right now.

Why Paint Cats?

My dear Lounge

Watching 60 Minutes on "new stay-at-home moms" makes me want the TV brick

Anybody ever use


Vic Vega of "Reservoir Dogs" and Vincent Vega "Pulp Fiction" Are Brothers

Call the WAAAAmbulance! Zuni thinks I'm an old lady.

Computer Question: How Do I Scan Pictures


Party at my apartment this week for shark week

Which temperature would you choose?

I just drove 80 miles past home because of some homegrown

I'm obsessed with WWII and Nazi documentaries. Does that make me an...

(hackhackhackhack) Alright now...won't you listen?!

The little girl upstairs is autistic, and she is GOING OFF right now.

Soda? Coke? Pop? Other?..Find yourself on this map

Just reminding the lounge that Sundog is reminding the lounge about

Where is Bertha Katzenangel these days?

Bob Crane is dead.

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince: Did anyone catch the proofreading

Joan Osbourne ~ If God Was One of Us

Use a smilie that you've never used

My friend said Lou Dobbs is a liberal show......

Bay Areas ?

So I'm at Costco earlier and as I get out of the car I see a "Support

Should I leave Colorado if given the chance?

Look everybody

How do you feel about the kinder, gentler ZombyWoof?

When does Lance Armstrong peddle to #7 win?

Stopped eating beef and pork, and...

Who loves Fannie Flagg?

Sexiest Accent Part Deux

What's up with Yahoo? Are they chicken?

I am hating all of Pennsylvania right now

Where were you? When JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy...

Sexiest Accent

Oh man, I don't need IV

Humax 80hr TiVo DVR w DVDR (refurb) $199.00 good bargain?

Are you the outdoors type?

Favorite smell?

Celebrity deaths that hit you hard...?

Another Mavis Update!

LBN : Animal Rights "fanatics" ?

Favorite Animal Rights Quotes:

Could the Democrats and Greens ever "marry".......

China to send pig sperm to space

Tiger So Far Looks TOTALLY In The Zone

Yankees fans! Set your TiVOs for "Mantle"

starting tonight for the New York Yankees . . . none other than . . .

Introducing our newest family member

looking for a dog bandana sewing pattern - preferably FREE

Is it too early to be feeling the effects of Mercury Retrograde?

In what ways...

Republicans underfund VA. Punish those who call them on it.

Great THK news story in GD

Anybody want LUTD?

LUTD Transition

Here are three possiblities for the water photo contest


A Newbie With Some Questions!

What KO Did on His Summer Vacation!

I already finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Question: Am I right to be annoyed?

Keith lays down the law before his return!!!!

Prediction: Tomorrow on Face The Nation The Scheef is going to.........

It was a "bomb-like" explosion, said WTC Janitor

Newsweek's Howard Fineman chats live on Wed. 7-20 re: Rove

Could Gonzalez be involved in cover-up???

3 Days of the Condor: "How do you know they'll print it?"

Plame was the target. I doubt the revenge theory.

"Follow the Uranium" or WARGATE!

Notice Sadam's Charges 4 1982 action, year before Rummy Meeting

president crap.

What's the story on the Repukes and the Clinton's cat? I never

Let's make CAFTA the last trade agreement a politician will ever vote for.

Has Bush ever fired anyone?

Does Karl Rove have a printing press in his basement?

This could be your son, daughter, brother, sister, father, mother

Shays vs. Farrell rematch

This post from Oversea visitor says it all:

"They said if I voted Kerry, we'd have a traitor in the White House."

Plea to American voters:Take down your Out To Lunch signs

Social Security recipients by Congressional district

Why has it taken 18 months to get to this point?

Welcome to the USSR

I wonder if Scotty will hold a press conference tomorrow

Raw Story has Cooper's Time Mag story up.

Cooper talks, but WH says they have been asked not too.

Idiot Son: Scared shitless

"Bush dumb like a fox" (in my local paper)

propagating a random quote script. Post your favorite political quotes

Clarifying SF 312 Nondisclosure agreement & how it relates to Rove

When "PlameGate" the movie comes out,

So, why should journalists feel that we should be cuing the violins for

The White House did a tag team with reporters to leak Plame...

Rovegate = Watergate

Vidclip of Cooper

Will Sadam's trial reveal any new Revelations about

Christians plan Exodus to So. Carolina to take over state government!

Can someone explain the difference in Valerie Plame's security

Bush* will Pardon Rove or anybody else found to be involved

Fox stoops to a new low / mega-dissing Hillary just now.

Here is the letter from * that "authorized" the Iraq war.

Ken Mehlman: One Lying Sack of Shit

Hatch and Biden just now on CNN - did anyone see it?

Republicans: A Long History of Criminality

Mehlman is such a revolting puke...

Guardian: No 10 Blocks Envoy's Sir Jeremy Greenstock's Book on Iraq

Fret not, at least Novak's gone

Former CIA Agent Larry Johnson now has a blog

Mary Matalin, Mary Matalin, Where Are You????

Self Delete

Lemming-like Republican apologists entering the realm of the bizarre

Bu$h played with the Iraqi elections?

Did anyone hear Ken Mehlman's comments about James Bryrd on Late Edition?

What Conyers is up against, and why I think any impeachment of any

The Stalking of Andy Stephenson should be picked up by Dr. Dean

Repubs defend Karl Rove for same reasons they defend Rush Limbaugh

Rove Outed Others

American defense spending since 1945

Attention Tech People! Browsers editing text on Website. WTF?

The Rove Affair: How Many Book Deals Are In the Works?

NYT: 'Indispensable' - Does It Have A Shelf Life (More Repubs Bash Karl)

Rove was fired twice by daddy Bush

Are Cheney's illnesses getting serious enough for him to resign?

Question on Rove OKing Cooper to tell that he was the source

Sent to the Omaha World Herald (my formatting has disappeared):

Can you help me find the stats

"War Protester Pulled from Oswego County Parade, Arrested"

Conservative Caucus: Roy Moore for U.S. Supreme Court

John Cornyn (R-TX) on Rove: "More of the same anger and lashing out"

Rove as a smokescreen for "Bush's exploitation of phony war on terror"

The IAEA reports: more Bush deliberate misleading of the U.S.

I think BushCo should be forced to pay back the $$$ they've squandered

It seems to me that people are being overwhelmed by the

Rethugs royally screw over Iraq veterans: Read and retch

Journalist denies Rove named CIA agent (Financial Times BS Spin "report")

As a Social Worker I needn't reveal a persons name to breech

Does anyone know if Gannon testified to the Grand Jury?

Not to be a serial poster, but it looks like we're going to bomb Syria and

If the White House lied to us about the Plame leak...

Who had their money on Syria being next? You might be cashing in.

Pat Buchanan: "They are over here because we are over there"

Mehlman on MTP " That's my story and I'm sticking to it"

Cooper says Rove told him "This will be declassified soon."

George Bush, why do you fail to keep us safe?

The Washington Post rubbing WH nose in their lies, yet again...

Dems, Rove and the political narrative...

John McCain just said that this is the first time in history that taxes

Scrutiny Grows Over Rove's Role in Leak Probe

Rep. Jane Harman (CA) Backtracks on Rove Allegation

One thing to remember about the Bush Administration...

Saudis provide most of the fighters and we're going to bomb Syria?

The PNAC Letter That Planned The War In Iraq

TPM Links Jeff Gannon to the leak about the memo!

Just as I thought - I found proof Ken Mehlman's gay.

Why I believe they KNOW they're going down

The most outrageous right win lie I've ever heard

Does language re: "inevitability" of attack here serve political purpose?

Ah, Sweet Poetic Justice: Rove Screws AAs - then gets judged by them in GJ

How many of you have noticed...

"The reality is that we're losing in Iraq..." Sen. Hagel, R-Neb.

Freeper Thinks We Should "Demand Payment" For Liberating Iraq

Someone please explain to me (without smart aleck answers)...

Newsweek/MSNBC hard-hitting in-depth article posted:

Matt Cooper: What I Told The Grand Jury

Shrapnel From Home

Plamegate and Presidential Pardons

One more reminder:: Bush wants NO CURE for Diabetes/Alzhiemers

Tom Friedman, raging neocon apologist and self-described "crazy, liberal

Face the Nation...Joe Wilson on.

neocons, aka Israeli lobby, pulling out all stops for US to attack Syria

Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman predict indictments ...

Oh, Santorum's gay communications director is also black

John Dean: Randel leak case can be used to prosecute Rove

Anyone hear Vilsak (new DLC Head) use the term "Progressive Centrists?"

Calling all DU computer wizards! Re: Rove e-mail to Hadley

A Must-Read! -- NYT Magazine Cover Story: "The Framing Wars"...

Ken Mehlmen wiped the floor with Tom Vilsack on Late Edition