Democratic Underground

Archives: July 19, 2005

Alter - Why The Leak Probe Matters

Rove-Bush Conspiracy Noose Tightens (Ongoing Conspiracy)

New report connects Rove to CIA leak

Minority Report: Our Rigged Elections (The Nation)

Republicans must choose: Bush or America?

"The Prosecutor: The Mystery Man"

'The Secret Way to War': An Exchange (Walcott/Danner, NYRB)

My Gay Therapy Session

Ray McGovern (Tom Paine): Why Plame Matters

Knowing God is just, patriots have duty to impeach Bush (LTTE)

"How dumb do they think we are"---Mark Shields

Audio - Recreation of the Downing Street Meeting & 7/23 event reminder.

Reminder - Rep. Conyers' House Parties July 23

Need help publicizing parody site that mocks GWB, Blackwell, Rove, Jeb...

We are fighting for local control of our water resources.

The Impossible Will Take a Little While: Hope in a Time of Fear

How's demopedia doing? (ideas on how to organize quotes?)

Jimmy "Jay Severin" Severino out the door at MSNBC

Democrats Move to Re-regulate Media

Chinese cops bust trafficking ring; 27 babies recovered

Minibus explosion not the work of a suicide bomber, Turkish officials say

Group of Four eyes Africa in UN council bid

Police watched Orwell for leftist leanings, records show

The lipstick lesbian daring to confront radical imams

John G. Mason : Questions about the Bush Victory

S17 - `Voting Opportunity and Technology Enhancement Rights Act of 2005'.

Mike Malloy says he'll discuss Andy tonight 7/18...

McKinney's "Shocking" Election Practices Revealed in Georgia - posted

Question about OHIO Judicial Races

Political Artwork in State Office is Raising Some Hackles

A Southern California meet-up.

Installed a dual boot Fedora 4 Linux on 64 bit AMD 3500= GREAT - & WinOS

Who Is Your Choice For Democratic Candidate for Governor?

Governor Doyle settles for partial vetoes

Jaafari pays tribute to Ayatollah Khomeni

Heard on Randi Rhodes tonight...

Media Whores do their "Siren Song" Reliving Glories of Clinton Impeachment

CBS News now has video posted of their report on Rove

Anyone Watching C-Span?

British hacker says U.S. has antigravity technology.

Karl Rove: defender of truth

What will happen first?

Tin Foil Time

Wilson up next on AAR.

The president has no balls. . .

Happy 87th Birthday Nelson Mandela

Has Gannon been dragged before this grand jury?

Real problem for Bush is horror of Iraq

"anyone convicted of a crime..."

Bush reaffirms he will fire anyone who leaks


Clarification to lurking freepers

Topic: Late-Night Jokes About the Karl Rove Scandal

Traitorgate: truth is damning the WH. Don't belabor their pathetic

Sex Offender Arrested/With Porn Material?

Military Service of Congress/Senate

"Rules for Stray Bush Admnistration Officials" by Iconoclastic Cat

FLASHBACK: Two great articles on Karl Rove and his tactics

CNN: What can you say about a spy? - summary of CIA operative law

Sob.....Sundance Channel Documentary Night.

They want us to think poor dubya, he's just a rose in a turd garden.

Hannity just hauled out his big gun-called Dems "shrill"!!! wah wah

Marsha Blackburn (R) just on CSPAN has a poll on her web page

Karl Rove is one ugly tub of lard

If plamegate fizzles................

The Rosenbergs were EXECUTED for activities that had less actual effect

Tucker refusing to agree with Maddow: Santorum attacks gays' personal life

Monica Crowley has a real Richard-Nixon nose

Why Is The World Silent On Libby's Involvement?

DU geesers, do you know who Stanley Karnow is?


Faux: Was Karl Rove Set Up?

Who Forged the Niger Documents?

The Impossible Will Take a Little While: Hope in a Time of Fear

So what ELSE has Karl leaked? Calling all reporters-what has Rove ever lea

Former NFL QB/Running for Congress

Rove & Bush have had 2 years to prepare for Fitzgerald wrapping up

Fitzgerald is 73 and 0

self-delete, dupe nt

Ten Minutes To Malloy.......Yeppie

I didn't get much sleep last night, so, please DU

Team Bush Paid Millions to Nathan Sproul—and Tried to Hide It

Breeding stupidity in the Weekly Standard :

Karl is one of those "ends justify the means" kind of guys - in fact

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

I'll bet the Supreme Court nominee will

MY God...She' Back In The News..Holloway

1768 Reasons why the DSM is Important

I want to be optimistic, but

Malloy to discuss Andy tonight(!)

Infuriating sighting along US-178 between Pickens, SC, and Rosman, NC.

Can someone explain this link?

I can see it now - Bush's next excuse

Two-thirds believe London bombings are linked to Iraq war

Here's a Twist - George blowing in Karl's ear (for a change)

Shove this in the face of every freeper you know

Ed Schultz has a new messageboard if anyone's interested

Happy Birthday to John Glenn!

Made my Republican Sis blanche at the dinner table this evening...

Duh, let's just call for the president's resignation.

Tucker Carlson is a WIMP ASS TOADY BOY!

Has Powell been before the GJ?

The President has fail the Nation

It used to be that whenever I would tell a wingnut ...

Wingnut Icons Eric RUDOLPH, Timmy McVEIGH (Terrorists)

How the neocons want to start WW IV

Dad gets probation in drowning death

Freepers Must Be Freaking Out

Caption the Dynamic Duo

Jon Stewart on in 3 minutes!!!

Stephen Hadley, the NSC, and Condi - All Part of It

Summing up Shrub's problems in 2 words

One of the MOSt popular statements made by attorneys is:

Iraq Conflict Set To Be NZ Election Issue - PM

TDS vid clips online yet? and if so where?

American journalism

Why is Tweety not hosting Hardball AGAIN?

Iraq: Amnesty Urges Inquiry Into Custodial Deaths

The Martians Have Landed!

Is it really tru that Lee Atwater begged for forgivness from the American

Jon Stewart: "If they don't have uranium, hit 'em in the cranium!" (nt)

Timeline Q--What did the President Know & When did he Know it?

Congressman Says He Doesn't Advocate Bombing Mecca

Iraq: Bush's Islamic Republic (Peter Galbraith, NYRB, August 11, 2005)

A nice speech from a republican

Matt Cooper on Charlie Rose right now

Joe Wilson on AAR right now!

New report connects Rove to CIA leak

So, Bush will fire anyone convicted of outing Plame...

Huh what about Iraq?

I think I've addressed that question.

have trouble paying bills?? 1) marry rich 2)own fault for being a libraria

BREAKING NEWS: Retired Gen. William Westmoreland has died

Total Rove story on Nightline now.

Woodward is So Cozy With White House -

Former Taliban official appointed to Afghan supreme court position

Is this what the right-wing fundies are pushing for? Sure seems like it.

Nightline talking about Plamegate right now

If you aren't watching The Daily Show --

Gun manufacturers likely to get immunity from law suits.

The angriest most turbulent day in GD? 9/11? Election 2004? 2002 midterm?

Wow - I know Ken Mehlman likes the Kool-Aid, but this is too much!

This all reminds me of a great Simpsons scene:

Salon: Roving justice

Governors: New drivers license too expensive.

"I'd love to have a cleaner environment, but . . .

Somebody needs to tell Shrub that one of his attributes is NOT

Why do documentary makers with popular films get such nasty attacks?

Leave the poor guy alone! He'll fire him if....

Who's Shrub Gonna Choose?

The Culture Of Intolerance

Watch the Bush poll numbers

Democrats planted the fake yellowcake documents

Year 2007: My starter list of prominent Republicans who will be in prison?

T or F : If the White House stonewalls long enough, it will all blow over

When News Isn't News - Molly Ivans

First Charges Against Saddam Sound Familiar

Salon: The enemy is closer than we think - terrorism and the USA

Operation Truth Full Page Ad In WP

Faux Gibson's want an explanation from Rove bashers

Late Late Show skit!!!!!!

what do you think of the wikipedia article for DU?

"What the Bible really says about gays"

Uneasy Rider, by Steve Bell

Ok I'm looking for the quotes of Bush's that said...

London bomber's uncle's strange 4 day conversion into a radical Jihadist.

CSPAN Schedule Tuesday July 19

Kellyanne Conway (R pollster) on Scar: "Karl was a CONSUMER of the info...

Today's Joke: How many Bushies does it take to change a light bulb?

They're trying to push the "Wilson said his wife wasn't covert" bullshit

Mass firings soon at White House?

goldberg rebuttal: 100 people who are REALLY screwing up america

How long is Scotty McClellan going to hold up?

Did anyone watch the History Channel's program about the Afghan Gold ?

State Dept Mum On Wilson INR Memo - Mclellanitis Spreading

Good coverage of Rove--Plame leak on Charlie Rose

Mark Shields: How dumb do they think we are?

Oh no, Pickles is tearing up

ABC News Poll: Only 25% Think Bush Is Cooperating With

Anyone remember this war time poster?

Dawn Turner Trice: Rove's role, fate in CIA scandal just a sideshow

O'Reilly is talking about the culture of the nation with Bernie Goldberg

Sam Seder just made me wet my pants!

George W. Bush Should Resign Effective Immediately Because....

Bush and Rove Will Nominate a Rabid Anti-Abortionist to the SCOTUS Now.

Rove leak is just part of larger scandal - Christian Science Monitor

Right wing/Conservative Actions & Beliefs of Christ


I need a link... Judy Miller's about "the government is too powerful"

Does this mean we're all going to get arrested???

Prediction: Dumbya is gonna pick a wack job for the SCOTUS

Dear Fatalists,

MANDATORY MALLOY: Monday Truthseeker Rendezvous

Anyone have video of * joking about looking for WMD at press dinner?

Malloy talking about Andy Stephenson RIGHT NOW


Where are all the insomniacs?

WP/AP:US Again Seeks $280B in Tobacco Profits(after sabotaging own case?)

LAT: Panel: FDA Needs More Clout to Monitor Safety (of medical devices)

LAT: (Soros-funded Institute) Report Criticizes US Approach in Afghanistan

Retreat by Bush in CIA leak affair

Study: U.S. Divorce Rate Is Falling (more people "shacking up")

Schwarzenegger vows openness after magazine row

Dupe, please combine Vietnam-Era Commander Westmoreland Dies

Judge Asked to Dismiss Bush Protest Suit

Iraqi cleric Sadr urges restraint after deadly attacks

WP,pg1: Byrd's Annual Civics Lesson (on Const. for students, fed workers)

DoD Identifies Army Casualty (#1768)

House GOP Plan Swaps Benefits, Accounts

Report condemns Afghani leaders

LoneStar Iconoclast: Energy Bill’s Secret Could Create More Enrons

Feds allege 40 pilots lied to fly, get medical certificates

Most Britons see Iraq link to London bombings-poll

WP: GOP Allies Say Bush Is Close to Court Pick ("next few days"?)

Retired FBI Agent Sentenced to Probation, Fined in Spy Case

Advisers want Bush to consider conservative men for court

NYT: June Report Led Britain to Lower Its Terror Alert

Did the CIA undermine Italy's war on terror?

Iraqis Press Donors for Blns More Reconstruction Aid($9B US program fails)

Waxman's July 18 letter to Bush

Iran Supreme Leader: "US troops harming Iraq"

More Security Issues Uncovered At South Florida Airports

Congressman claims pro-CAFTA group harassed constituents

WP: Five From the 5th Circuit Mentioned for High Court

Conservatives are told it will not be Gonzales

FEC clears Falwell on electioneering complaint

Killer used posh perfume in bomb

Venezuela's Roman Catholic church tells Chavez act like a president

AP - Gen. William Westmoreland dead at 91

LAT/AP: British Gov't Under Fire Over Bomber Probe

[Cynthia] McKinney calls for review of voting machines

Researchers: Tamiflu works against bird flu

The Nation: Frist vs Science

Shuler's political ambitions

damn, I missed 4:20....

Do you care when people shit behind your back?

Did anyone catch Robot Chicken last night?

Hey little fella gotta change your touch

What was the BEST thread ever on DU?

More on Jude Law

in honor of the new harry potter book, here's jack t chick's film

Big boy or little girl?

Without using a search engine, can you tell me who wrote...

KKKarl, your ass is showing

Question...need advice

"Prime Suspect 3" on BBC America 9-11 PM EST

Random Poll

"I am the God of Hell-Fire, and I bring you..."

I'm homo now.

They smell blood in LBN and politics. I love it. But I think I'll rest

I really want to thank all the people who take the

I've got three hot chicks.

I'm NoMo. How?

Anyone checking out "Over There" on FX?

what's this about a "kinder, gentler" ZombyWoof?

Help Anyone have screws put in their broken ankle?

I just have one simple request...

Web Design gurus.... HELP! (please)

I could just look at him all day long

I'm home now.


iTunes users...a question

So, I just finished Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince

Are tingling shoulders a good thing? And losing the ability to stand?

Watchin' the Detectives...

The Carmina Burana...

forgive me for disturbing the quiet decorum of the Lounge....

Should Politicians be made to wear NASCAR Jackets...

Old Man Freeper, That Old Man Freeper

The Beatles Vs. Air Supply

So tell me more about Audioslave

I just bought a book online

Proof that cartoons are REAL!

She got a T.V. Eye on me

...don't tell anyone I asked this, but

Good night Darling Users....or DU for short.

Found on the web: "Katie Holmes" is an anagram for...

Thank You Everybody.

any Joe Bonamassa fans here?

what did you think of timburton's charlie and the chocolate factory?

Jim Parker died tonight (former Ohio State and Baltimore Colts great)

Listening to "The Best of Gamma". Ask me anything.


Computer problem....Help

John Bastow, Fitness Expert.....

I did the double kill tonight...two threads, and my posts did them in

How do I put a Banner as my Sig Line?

I'm about ready to log off the internet

in truth, was progmom actually bitten on the head by a shark?

Do you like my new signature line?


Tonight, my dear Lounge, you are (DU Name)honey

What's The Difference Between A Duck?

Bye Bye Rovie....

Nite, people *hugs*

The bald look just doesn't work for some cats

is it true dat JimmyJazz is biting people while dressed in a shark costume

semi-bald pictures will buy copies of 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'

I have a crush on a table at work...

G'night DU!

the shaak beet moi leyg on thee suufbawd in awstray-ya

ARGH! My sig pic's been hijacked!

Is the new Sufjan Stevens album the best album so far this year?

I have a dilemna

When the hell did Epstein and Washington diverge on such different paths?

Question for law enforcement/legal DUers (a definition needed)

I'm only in bed about 2 hours a day-----is DS1 worth the extra $$$$?

I'm in the midst of a trauma

Hollywood Is Calling

DU Ham radio operators: Seen the new Icom IC-7800?

It's so sad Gen Westmoreland died now, of all times. . . .

Does this make your day?

Geraldine Fitzgerald dies at 91.


The Era of SweetZomby is Over

How do you change a ,EML extension

The Daily Show is reaching new levels of television comedy

There is an non-descript presence on this board.


What's it all about?

Secret twins - Separated at birth

Crush this, crush that

Just in time for shark week: a picture of my little girl with her shark.

I've got a second stalker here!

mud sh-sh-shaarrk....

Ahhhh. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor

DU chat tonight


I'm back - anyone miss me?

A guy at work has a crush on me

So my ex-coworker friend brought in a bottle from the store today...

When the hell did Bernstein and Woodward diverge on such seperate paths?

Kiss your past goodbye.


Have you ever mistaken a gay person for a straight person...

Have you ever mistaken a straight person for a gay person?

Anyone else watching "30 Days"?

Our furrbabies love each other!

Don't boycott War of the Worlds because Cruise is a Scientologist

Know anything about E&O or liability insurance for consultants?


Who are the sexiest?

My poor little doggie is getting neutered tomorrow

I have crushed a guy at work.

look what this semi-socialist rec'd today!! I now own a MARTIN GUITAR!

join me for a little experiment

Dear Skinner, Are you psychic?

my son wants to go see Elvis Costello with us!

A blog for Mr. Sniffa

Bumper nuts? WTF?

Sharona or Natalie ?

Have you ever mistaken a Sheep for a Human?

Quick update on Sirius ...

I'm only on the 'net about 2 hours a day-----is DSL worth the extra $$$$?

Mostly Free Fonts and Graphics Links

Richard Thompson.

Your age in CHOCOLATE

BBQ Chain Restaurants

Actor Colin Farrell sues to try and stop sex tape's release

Now these people are cool.

So I'm on the road & I see this bumper sticker

Ask me anything... I'm INCREDIBLY bored

The bald look just doesn't work for some men

The bald look just doesn't work for some women

Radiohead's OK Computer - WTF???

So some COWARD REPUBLICAN keyed my car yesterday

I am now halfway through Pat Conroy's "The Lords of Discipline".

"This Song Is Not Anti-American... It's Anti-WWWWAAAARRRRR!!!!"

I need good vibes

I have a crush on a guy at work

"And so castles made of sand..."

garden state is a good movie

Get Skinner To Notice This Thread

Help with trip to Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri

Drew Barrymore Relaxes Vegetarian Lifestyle For Fashion

So, really, what Do You think> Revelations> OBL/Herrod : * /Pilate?

Hubble Appreciation Thread

How many innings will Kevin Brown Last?

Meanwhile back in St.Louis

Tejada ends a homer less streak!

MLB .Com

Orioles win, and if the Rangers win tonight

Ladies and gentlemen

Yanks 3 outs from 1st place

Our furrbabies love each other

I don't want to intrude but

Made another person's "ignore" list tonight!

Check out my Hubble Appreciation Thread !

Any clue why Kennedy and Kerry voted for the FDA head

The Iconoclast on Kids Come First Act


I'm back (obviously)

A water reject....

In honor of Tom Cruise...a "March of the Penguins" review!


If THEY come out of this w/o a scrape, I'll be more demoralized than in 00

could it be Judith Miller jailing will rile the press corps?

Keep An Eye Out...

Bush reviewing "curriculum VEE-TIE" of SCOTUS nominee

And why doesn't Bush just walk down the hall

Plausible deniability

Olbermann on Bush & Rove: "Ethically just left town."

SUNDANCE: Uncovered: The Whole Truth

"Did Bush tell Rove Plames name?" POLL

Audio-Tom Tancredo-"Bomb Mecca"

Does anyone really believe that Rove's ouster

Was out of town for a week, did the new torture pix get released?

Malloy on Rove: "This PIG deserves whatever he gets"

Never forget how we got into this mess........(pic)

DU Toe-Sucker Morris' Poll on Firing Rove

How Dumb Do They Think We Are

Latest From Bush To Fire Leaker!

On Sundance Channel Right Now.. Program About Truth Of War!!

NC 'Voter Confidence' (S223 bill; independent paper ballots)IN THE BALANCE

A Republican friend of mine made a great point today (2008)...

Heard One of the RW Talking Heads (Spinmeisters) say......

A Whole New Meaning to the Phrase - "Time Will Tell"........

Is it a COVER-UP yet? If not, why not?

Breaking.....Bush nominates Alabama's Judge Roy Moore for SC

I Just Heard Poll Results That Indicate 60% Support Judith......

Cooper on Charlie Rich right now {11:04:}

John Conyers - Come Blog with Me this Weekend

Need help viewing video of Dean in Montana. Just get audio.

remember when faux woudn't touch plame story, now they won't shut up

RepublicanPress: Kids Book Like Bill O'Reilly's!

Evidence that WH knew

Daily show is kicking butt on Rove then Bernstien and Woodward

They act like guilty men

Does anyone know what the Blurb MSNBC

BTW, where's Osama??!!

Anybody Following The (LOL) RWer "Truth Tour" In Iraq

Who's the better American, Double Duty Radcliffe or Double Douchebag Novak

Any good Rove oped cartoons? Toles only has one and

Former Washington Redskins QB Heath Shuler to run for Congress

Abortion Distortions (Boxer and Santorium make false claims)

Bottomline:Wilson says no yellow cake - Smear capaign begins

Oh Geez....another GOP Dean scream contest in Pittsburgh tomorrow. Idiots.

Conyers - The Nixon White House Would Blush

Audio - Recreation of the Downing Street Meeting & 7/23 event reminder.

Stephen Hadley's role in the leak

T minus four, and counting. Abu Ghraib pic/video deadline Friday.

CNN says it won't fire Novak

Republicans not buying Rove spin

"Citizen's Arrest! Citizen's Arrest!"

"And for the Democrats, our guest INRAD BIPOOT!

Karl Rove is The Leaker (sung to Blue Oyster Cult - The Reaper)

How Dumb Do They Think We Are? - Mark Shields (CNN)

Talking Points Memo - Which State Department Memo?

Fallout: Reflections on the 60th Anniversary of the Trinity Test

A new day for morning-after pill?

Asia Times: Musharraf and his Taliban 'pals'

Use and abuse of intelligence

A must-read from British author Hanif Kureishi on the London bombings ...

Can GOP 'unplay' the race card?

A Jar of Red Herrings. A Wall Str. Journ. person yestday said that Joe

`Do the best you can with him' (the latest in the Chicago corruption)

moving documentary Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq (watch it online)

NEW VIDEO: IWTnews interview with Mark Lloyd (IWT founding member and

Rep. Conyers - The Nixon White House Would Blush (Huffington)

Proposed Endangered Species Bill Rescinds Sound Science

Waxman: Bush Statement on Rove Conflicts with Executive Order

The border mentality

Rove: "Fire me? Not likely!"

Iraq’s war on women

Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!): Interview with Seymour Hersh

What We Learned This Past Weekend (great summary with links) Rove-

the changing ethical rethoric of the WH -short and sweet (with links)

delete...wrong place

Ray McGovern (Tom Paine): Cheney and Plame (Tuesday)

Fire Rove NOW--Kerry petition to sign--Kerry to call for hearings.

China's Shrunken Thirst for Oil

Harper's Weekly Review

Counterpunch: Laura's Justice? Meet Edith Brown Clement

Why Does CIA Leak Row Matter? (BBC)

Eqypt's take on the Iraq War

The 13 Riskiest Housing Markets

Olbermann--"Rove: Soft on terror"

Gee, ya think Bush will take questions tonight?

Yahoo/David Corn - Rove Scandal: Distractions and Disinformation

CNN's Bob Lang Political Cartoon... WTF?

Top Supreme Court myths, courtesy of Media Matters

(White House Briefing) Look Over There! (Wash. Post)

Link to Cheney deepens ‘leak-gate’ scandal

The American Conservative: The Logic of Suicide Terrorism

John W. Dean: "It Appears That Karl Rove Is in Serious Trouble"

Last Night's Daily Show

My Turn by Robert Novak

Is being generous good for business? (Costco gets bashed, yet again...)

Molly Ivins: You can't not care

*** Stop CAFTA*** (AFL-CIO Working Families) - House to vote by July 28

Map of Rove Letter Hits

Judge Souter's House & 'Eminent Domain'

DU Activist Corps LTTE Poll

"Damn Liberal Media" a letter to the editor

Victory! Environment just Added to DNC Issue Agenda

DU this MSNBC poll on Bush's role in leak investigation

DU this poll NBC Affiliate in DC

Need help publicizing parody site that mocks GWB, Blackwell, Rove, Jeb...

Media Ownership Reform Act of 2005 Would End Media Consolidation

NEW VIDEO: IWTnews interview with Mark Lloyd--IWT founding member

Al-Jazeera Coming to America

Pipeline threatens world's rarest cat with extinction

Politics plays climate 'hockey'

Excellent summary of the Energy bill

Methane's Impacts On Climate Change May Be Twice Previous Estimates

Religious Take On the Environment

French constitution gets a dash of green

Oil-Control Formula

American Chemists explore means to reducing the high NOx biodiesel output.

Moscow's property lawlessness


Sorry, but I don't buy the title "Jewish settler" as the MSM reports.

Major New Leaks re OKC Bombing (Andy Strassmeir)

Did the London bombers think they were running drugs instead of bombs?

Former Vietnam, Commercial Pilot Calls Official 9/11 Story Bunk

election methods and reform

All eyes on 2006 - How to spot fraud hotspots

More on McKinney in the AJC

DUer Autorank published in Scoop ....2nd time!

What does this mean?...

Timken (Diebold director) gets paid off

Ohio-Franklin County elections director Damschroder suspended

Count Every Vote Act--What to do?

Need help - give me all you can (links) re Diebold

Governor keeps deals secret

Garry South to work for Steve Westly

Arnold S. says Maria Schriver needs diamonds.

The Democratic Bench in California

John Edwards to speak in Iowa in August (in my hometown!)

Cape Cod Times published my LTTE

Sen. John Edwards Picnic

Ed Markey's press release re * plan to sell nuke technology to India

Jimmy Tingle benefit shows for MA Dept of Peace Campaign

Coleman on the Fan

Cheney in Wayzata on Friday?

problem installing Windows Recovery Console on XP SP2

5 justices are urged to skip Taft records case

Brown for Senator Petition

Nagodoches: Environmental Hearing, July 23.

Quorum Report sez HB3 is officially dead

Break out the champagne. I've been christened with a new name

Austin DUers: Brunch this weekend?

Great Editorial in local paper

Nancy Nussbaum announces canidacy for 8th CD.

Three days of action in September - buses from Wisconsin to DC!

So. Did KKKarl's Wife "Send" Him on a Mission?

NRA cancels Columbus convention due to assault weapons ban

Tokyo Rove. That's got a wang to it.

Bernie Ward literally begging listeners to read and think

Should Treason be punishable by death?

Bush is violating Executive Order 12958, thus endangering Natl. Security

once and for all, did Scott Ritter molest kids,

DSM Returns 'Need to wrongfoot Saddam'

Hilarious Billmon: "Badly Decomposed Corpse of Robert Novak"

they are restarting the military tribuals at gitmo.

Supreme Court appointment speed up?

So if someone is going to jail, then Bush won't let them work from there?

Another brutal day at the office for Scottie....

DU Aussies, I just listend to John Howard on C-SPAN just now

A Voice from the Christian Left - Common Dreams

Will 'Turdblossom' be the historical buzzword equivalent of 'Deepthroat'?

Westmoreland Is Dead

Dept. of Homeland Security Surveillance Truck

What's causing bush's new Jaw Grinding Tic?

Hurricane Emily.... Check This Animated Loop out.....

Please vote for John Aravosis (Americablog)

What will be the next shiny thing corporate news will use to distract us

Ex-NFL QB Shuler to run for Congress (challenges Repug incumbent in NC)

Will Bu$h be named an unindicted co-conspirator?

Should Congress Investigate the CIA Leak? (DC's NBC Poll)

Vic Snyder (AR) C-Span this morning-always liked him

Question to everyone who listened to Malloy last night

Bush* to 'use' Supreme Court nominee to divert attention from Rove.

Rove story is about to go away

Requesting help from DU LTTE writers

It occurred to me

NEW VIDEO: IWTnews interview with Mark Lloyd (IWT founding member and

CNN has been talking about a security watch with a terrorism expert

Bush Will Nominate A Right Wing Freak For SCOTUS

Now what was Scooter Libbys deal with the leak??

What should Dems do with acceptable Supreme Court Justice nominee?

Look, we know they lied about the reasons for invading Iraq.

I just read on Yahoo

WP: SC "buzz" leader Judge Edith Brown Clement, 5th Circuit, New Orleans

Old war posters that resonate today

Two Reporters on Charlie Rose last night: "Very Serious"

My 21 yr. old son, Ridiculed at work by 2 Army Recruiters

North (San Diego) County Times: Survey finds many would consider moving aw

71% of REPUBLICANS think that Rove should be fired if he leaked


DSMs on NPR now "Radio Times" (10.00 am Eastern).

Karl Rove just sucked the life out of the Downing Street Memo..

Polanski tells of 'sex therapy'

'Strategists say bush leaning toward a woman for Supreme Court Spot

Cheney is ALIVE!

Rude Pundit on SCOTUS Nominee ...too funny

Are you guilty of holding different Democrats to different standards? why?

Give Young Rethug addresses to recruiters!

Saudi royal plans float of hotel and media assets

Does Bushco have a mole in the leak investigation?

Why "weird sex" posts generate excitement in Freepville?

LOL Letter to the Editor in the Strar Tribune

DU These polls

Reminder....World War Three.

cnn Breaking! Rove gets Medal of Freedom

Please help Operation Truth get their full page ad in the WP

Bush Authorized Covert Plan to Manipulate Iraqi Elections (Hersch)

SCOTUS Short list! Get your SCOTUS SHORT LIST right here!

IF a pres. were removed for treason, would his decisions be null & void?

My question for Scott McClellan

HP to announce layoffs Tuesday AM, "possible cuts of as many as 25,000"

Is caller "Ed" on Springer for real?

Forget oil. Why aren't we pushing alternative fuels? Alternative ENERGY?

1 bit of classified info White House managed not to leak about Bin Laden:

Would * naming a SC nominee today serve as a good distraction?

Dreamt that Dan Rather was tazing Ken Lay at GITMO & shouting :

Bush Translated (king of bullshit)

GET OUT THE VOTE by SEYMOUR M. HERSH - Neocons fixed the Iraqi Elections!

"the rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor"...


Seymour Hersh on Democracy Now, LinkTV, Ch. 375,

What are you doing differently? Threat level is Orange and Yellow

Conservative Terrorist Eric Rudolph Reveals Motives

Baghdad hospital doctors on strike against soldiers

There was a plot to assassinate Bush recently?

Soldier pointed rifle at my head, says doctor (Baghdad hospital)

arnie's magazine deal just tip of iceberg?

Ken Mehlman Admits Republican Exploitation Of Racial Division!!!

bush* will fire someone

Denver Post: Tancredo Won't Back Down

Video of a soldier being shot.

War has been good for Haliburton. $8 a share in Jan '02 to $49 today.

George Bush Wrote an Incindiary Biography of Muhammed!

Bush and Aussie PM news conference, will there be questions?

Feinstein's husband certainly is a busy man!

Our village has a new alarm system. (Homeland security?)

csmonitor: Bush loses some luster on credibility

Local Republican Rob Simmons (former CIA) flip-flops on Plame Outing

Yeah this makes sense.

Another joke

Helen Thomas asked the best question ever yesterday: "Why?"

TDS video on Rove is now online

George Bush = Lord Voldemort ?

What do you ask a blank slate?

Photo: "Open the pod bay door, HAL"

DU this poll - Do you agree with Bush's handling of the leak investigation

Interior asks Congress for power to take Indian lands

Bush said he would fire any member of his staff who "committed a crime."

Helen Thomas answered my email.

My LTTE response to Govindini Murty on liberal Hollywood to be published

If the choice for SCOTUS is Edith "Dingbat" Clement, we could have fun

Bush loses some luster on credibility

Life in Corporatania.

RE: Today's DU lead story.....

Rep. Vic Snyder is not a Dem. he is a pimp for smirk's military

"Wall of Tolerance" junk mail...

The Bush Administration is trying to take away the Air National Guard

CNN just said Edith Brown Clement is name rampant in DC for SCOTUS.

Devastating story.....soldiers obit on NPR.

It's ALIVE II !!! - VP Cheney To Visit New Jersey Friday !!!

Limbaugh-Hannity - Wilson smear campaign-effective-YES-NO?


What was the total death count of non-American soldiers

Victory! Environment just Added to DNC Issue Agenda

Women sue because they didn't get to meet Jesus

I really think every Republican that stands behind Rove and

The ACLU is under investigation by the FBI...

Reasons to Stay Away from Florida

Sorry, but I don't buy the title "Jewish settler" as the MSM reports.

Kansas City right-wing talk radio Rove poll!

Plames name not to be revealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regarding the bona fides of P. Fitzgerald in chasing Rove

DU this poll NBC Affiliate in DC on CIA Leak

Karl Rove Is A Pimple On The Ass Of The World

seabirds are dying of hunger - rising temps in ocean kill their food

Huey Newton's 'Revolutionary Hot Sauce': Burn, baby, burn

Iraq body count

Speculation centers on Edith Clement for SC Justice

Bush to announce court choice - tonight at 9 et

BUSH: The Whole World's Watching...!

Can someone post some kind of dossier on this Judge Clement person?

Dinner with His Royal Highness, The Chimperor of the United States >

Re: Judge Rehnquist

Fineman says Bush didn't move the goalposts, he moved "the whole stadium"

Today's Breaking News is that Bush will announce his SCOTUS nominee

London Bombing: Looking for eyewitnesses who saw alleged bombers

Geez, I suck at research. Criminals in the current administration.

woohoo I made it on (as a followup poster)

Keeping Plamegate simple

So, when are those abuse pics coming out?

What Do You Think Was The Most UNDER-REPORTED Story Last Week?

My answer to my friend's email about the ACLU and crosses at (Arlington)

Caption bushie.... always grinning

Heat wave cooks apples on trees in Ireland - BBC

AP: "Athletes Spark White House Flip-Flop Flap" -- This is news??

Video of last night's brilliant Daily Show

Athletes Spark White House Flip-Flop Flap

Where is tweety bird, anyone know, what is the official line?

Will the Pubs all vote for whoever Shrub's nominee is?

smirk won - we get to keep our dirty air

Sign the John Kerry Petition to fire KKKarl!

Court rules on sexual office affairs


Soldiers forced to shout 'bang' ...

Yo, what happened with Scotty?

Simple way to deflate Chimp and the SOCTUS nominee...

Any Insiders?? What's the poop around the beltway on SCOTUS nominee?

Secret plan to quit Iraq

First hand account of a life surrounded by war/ Sudan

RATIONING (IEA dusts off rationing plans) who even knew of the plan?

Where can I hear Mike Malloy's show from last night?

People for the American Way on Edith Brown Clement

"We will f--- him. Do you hear me?...We will ruin him."-Rove in a nutshell

Washington subway system considering bag searches: officials

Suspending a clearance during an investigation is normal

Bush* going prime-time to help his ol' buddy KKKarl.

Will Bush order Gonzales to fire Fitzgerald as heat gets turned up?

LTTE: Of Mushroom Clouds, Lies and Impeachment...comments

C-span2 Alert - News conference w/ Schumer & Kennedy

something to make you smile

New ad from re: firing Rove

SCOTUS nominee to be announced at 9PM tonight-eper CNN.

How does someone scrap their knuckles like this?

A good point from today's AllHatNoCattle

Why would Shrub try to upstage Traitorgate NOW???

7/19/2005 - White House Press Briefing - live 1:15 pm - C-Span 2

Years after invasion, U.S. officials struggling to accelerate Iraqi recons

RW LTE in SeattleTimes-Rove only corrected a reporter!

Cost of Iraq War July 19th- $181,774,123,960

Randi: Republican Rehab

McCain Confused Over Criticism For 'Crashers' Cameo

Gallup Poll contacted me last night.

Please excuse my ignorance on this subject.. did congress investigate the

People are under the impression Republicans are fiscally conservative

And you thought the GTA mod was bad?

US tried to plant WMDs, failed: whistleblower

Gallo Wines is afraid of you

Paper ballots NOW!!! Hand counts NOW!!! Impeachment NOW!!! nt

Tuesday toons (new 7/19)

The Prez is violating the Law.

NAS Brunswick added tot he base closure list /firerove


Conservative Voice: Edith Clement Pro-Killing, Not Good for Supreme Court

AZ Freeway bloggers Headsup!

uh-oh....."exercise" to focus on nuclear attack. Charleston, S.C.

President Bush and Karl Rove Star in 'Wag The Dog II'; Reuters Reports Nom

Randi keeps mentioning " Otto Reich " (sp?). Who is he ? nt

Laura's Justice? Meet Edith Brown Clement By JOSHUA FRANK

Racists launch PC game

1769 Reasons why the DSM is Important

"Link to Cheney Deepens ‘leak-gate’ Scandal"

AP: More Americans feeling less trusting of President Bush

Bush Interviewed About CIA Leak - Let's walk down memory lane...

Some in GOP Hope Rice Runs for President

Don't Forget Global Warming - Join the Virtual March

Time to invade Iran! Texas style!

10 reasons to oppose CAFTA

Rovegate/DSM House Party Excitement Growing

"Italy shuts beach after tropical toxic algae surfaces"

Dumb Attorney -- My Client is too pretty to go to jail....

forget Edith Clement - it's going to be Edith Hollan Jones- Bush/Rove SOP

James Moore: Why Karl Rove Will Never Go

Joe Wilson to be on with Randi in the 5:30 hour!!!!! n/t

DU this CNN poll on the Iran / 911 connection

"Gore: New TV Channel Won't Be Partisan"


Covert agent ..look at what they are dragging out now.. what do you think

A question about Out Foxed. Who was the Fox reporter who

*** Stop CAFTA*** (AFL-CIO Working Families) - House to vote by *July 28 *

Survey: 25,000 civilians killed in Iraq war

CIA: What are your views?

A good site to bookmark re. Rove/Scooter/Plame docs

Rubber stamp time in Senate

National Guard members to serve as substitute teachers

Is it still a "distraction" if they...

Freepers planning a SC calling blitz, counter it call # 202 224 3121

A Brief Return to the Illusion

TPM: Rove Stories the Media Should Investigate

The Parents Television Council...

Amb. Wilson on Randi now! n/t

Joe Wilson on Randi Rhodes AAR in a few minutes (5:30 ET)

PROGRESSIVE e-alert: anti-Muslim Poster in California National Guard HQ

Website lets Americans see what the world's non-English publications say

What if Bush nominates himself to the SCOTUS???

Does anyone have a link to Hillary Clinton's recent critism of the media?

ABC News Breaking: Clement is not nominee

Please understand this quote from Michael Ledeen....

Bottled water? Jose Padilla? Harry Potter? Flip flops?

Mass doctor walkout at Baghdad hospital proves we're winning!

Will You Watch The Chimp Tonight?

A little more about the letter designators tha KOS is talking about

the diversion has begun!

What if the focus of Fitzgerald's investigation isn't Rove?

At Ginzburg's Appointment Ceremony, Sam Donaldson shouted Monica Questions

Wal-Mart Applies to Create a Utah Bank

The wisdom of Edith Jones (Anti-choice Theocrat, Supreme Court nominee?)

David Horowitz, media whore, on NPR blames U.S. for WW2.

Another * pic to caption...

OOOh. The media is all a-twitter.

What Defines A Conflict As A "World War"? I Have Always Wondered.

Rove's Troubles Expose Strategic Drawbacks of a United Front

If Valerie Plame was a CIA agent in NOC then outing her was.....

joe wilson watches tds?

Do you have friends and family who are ** supporters?

If Bush nominates Clement, should the Dems fight it?

Nearly 25,000 civilians killed in Iraq since March 2003

Who is the worst person Bush could nominate?

Letter From Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove to Incarcerated Free Press..

Who could Shrub nominate that would cause the most CONFUSION??

Media Ownership before and after the Telecommunications Act? #'s needed

Is Terrorism Tied to Xian Sect? The religion of Eric Rudolph

Supreme Court Prediction

Another lovely gem from the lips of our "liberal media."

Ambassasor Joe Wilson is on Randi's show NOW!!!

Is it possible that Plame was not covert even though her work was?

We know that Bush is not afraid to swing for the fences

Put the mask on

POLL: What percentage of Democrats are corporate whores?

Seymour Hersh: Bush Authorized Covert Plan to Manipulate Iraqi Elections

What Virus was Lou Dobbs Pushing...EPIDEMIC! What about the Flu this

Get your fresh Bush scabs and bruises pics

Need some Doom and Gloom? Here's an article for you

Where do you think more fraud could be found, Medicare or Defense

Freeper idiot on Randi.

Randi just made a good point... Congress going into recess for five weeks

Will the SCOTUS nomination today take the focus off of Rove/Traitorgate?

I figured it out, the new SC nominee is:

Asshole announces SC Nom ; We ignore it.

A good point about recruiting CIA overseas operatives on


Quick help me I need Hillary's recent quote on the media and the media own

AOL headline: Flipflop flap at White House!

Two Short BBC reports about Iraq/Iran that will scare the crap out of you

Kiss RoveGate/TraitorGate GOODBYE! SCOTUS Nom. coming TODAY!

Joe Wilson on the Young Turks. He just said that Valerie

Will it be this fucking wingnut: Edith Jones?

Boss doesn't hit on you? It's okay, you can still sue

Limbaugh: US has no reedeming qualities, other countries have no reason

will this "appointment" work to save Rove???

Cheers to the Pgh. Post-Gazette! (Bush's waffling yesterday)

Rove and Libby: The Gitmo detainees weren't charged with a crime either.

Michael Isikoff Kicked Sean Hannity's ASS re: Rove on H&C/Faux News

Dems' Attempt to Raise Min Wage One Penny Met w/Flamethrowers

Looks like fifth circuit anti-choice Theocrat Edith Jones for SCOTUS

The "house flippers" / speculators have discovered Pocatello, Idaho

CBS Evening News: "Rumors in Iraq!" = "Conspiracy Theory" in the US

Proposed ban on doggie sweaters?!?!?


Scotus Nightmare tell me the chimp wont pick Ann Coulter

Thumbs up to Whitcoulls

Hey, I'm in an arguement with a reactionary on another forum about Andy

How will the "Gang of 14" figure into this? Is McCain itching

So who's the flip flopper now??

Bush will pick whoever they tell him to pick

Re: Westmoreland, MSM refers to Vietnam as "the only war America lost"...

Bush Picks John Roberts, Jr. not Jones

Why doesn't the media check to see which SCOTUS 'candidates' are in town??

Domestic violence: Why do so many men still get away with beating wives?

LInk to WP Roberts story: "conservative not idealogue"?

Put Your Clown Suits on America !

If Rove is gone will Bush's numbers go up?

Eric Rudolph: NON - Christian terrorist

John Roberts Jr

AP announces Judge John Roberts will be SC nominee, per

Canadian Supreme Court

What did I miss about Ari? Told AF1 gaggle to ask about Wilson trip?!?

PEW: Bush approval 44% (-3% since London attack)

AP reporting * will pick John Roberts for SCOTUS

DU Activist Proposal: Urge patriotic members of Congress to block recess

Loose Lips, Pink Slips How President Bush made

The liberal media is out of control!

WHO are the sheeple? What is controlling your attention?

Got some extra time to read this summer?

Democrats Move to Reregulate Media

Who cheats more in a relationship?

Were you ever hit on by an older person when you were a kid?

Is it POSSIBLE that Chimp has outfoxed himself on the SCOTUS nomination?

Background on John Roberts?

John G. Roberts Jr. record

Of course, Bush was going to nominate a lunatic--especially now

John Roberts Jr Is the President's Pick SCOTUS

Reuters ADMITS SCOTUS announcement a scandal deflection!

John Roberts said ROE v WADE was wrongly decided in the past!!

Has Hardball abandoned it's promised week of coverage on Rovegate?

Where does Bush find these Wack Jobs?

John Roberts is the Nominee for Supreme Court!

Bush's plan for the blogs and SC

Scary: AFL-CIO in danger of breaking apart

George And Karl Sitting In A Tree!... "That's OK Karl! I Still Love You!"

If Bush were a good president, would people notice the fascism?

Proud union members check in please!

Sorry to say, but this will be Dubya's nominee.

Am I the ONLY one here who gives less than a shit about who * picks

Kerry wants full congressional hearings, RE: Rove. Pls. sign!

I'm surprised that Shrub picked a white guy for SCOTUS

Destructive Consciousness

Need quotes from Republicans/conservatives on how bad Iraq is

Rawstory/Cheney leaked classified information

There seems to have been an influx of Elementals around here

*Gasp* Why I NEV-UH in all mah years

Rowling takes a jab at Bush in her latest Harry Potter novel....

First draft of my Rove lTTE. cowards in the White House

Please help w/ question I have about this Plame/Wilson deal

I just finished listening to Dion's "Abraham, Martin, and John"

Bush's Supreme Court Choice..Say goodbye to Roe v Wade

Roberts is another Federalist Society member


George W. Bush Answers (Stephanie's) Charges Of Drug Addiction!

Oh man. ..wrong on so many levels. (old Kerry bash)

New book 'Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar'

Whaddya gotta do to get fired here?!?

Caption this * in his snazzy tuxedo pic...

* >> Caption this . . .

Even the Rolling Stones don't like Bush!

They say they are "pro-war", yet they won't send their own sons to fight.

Holy crikies, they puplished my LTTE

Caption this: What are Washington, Jefferson, TR and Lincoln thinking?

We Ignore Bush's Supreme Court Nominee At Our Peril

Wall Street complains: Costco too nice to employees

What are you feeding your pet? Is it the "remains" of other pets???

I made it into the rightwingnut "Museum of Left wing Lunacy"! WOOHOOO!

DSM C-SPAN Coverage this weekend...

Tancredo is an IDIOT.

Rick Santorum responds to Downing Street Memo in detail!

Harry Potter versus the Pope


RAW STORY: State Dept memo made clear info 'shouldn't be shared' (WSJ)

POLL: Would you ever run for elected office yourself?

POSTED TO COULTER BOARD: "If gay marriage was legal..."

Right-winger Jay Severin gets banned from MSNBC

Jose Padilla Imprisoned 3 Years 72 Days No Trial No Charges

When was the moral apotheosis of the Republican Party ?

Please tell me this is satire

Where is CNN's morning team

Sometimes Air America Radio is a little too New York City-centric

Question I wish the Press Corps would pose to Scotty...

If our Dem leaders play it right, we can do both, Rove vs. SCJ Nomination

Scary thought: Rehnquist About To Croak


Minister: Women becoming lesbians because they work

Dare I call it treason?

Teaser on MSNBC states that Keith Olbermann has found an obscure

If anyone finds a troll, I want it to be /me/ first.

You don't go after a guy's wife to get back at a guy.

Media convicted "London bombers" did NOT travel to Pakistan together!

Minimum Credit Card Payments to double in next few months

What percentage of your family is republican?

Kerry will call for Senate hearings on Rove this week.

Kerry (FINALLY) raises question: Was BUSH involved in Plame leak????


OMG, Look at the Chimp! Is he on Drugs? -PIX->>>

Roberts wrote in 1991 "Roe v wade...should be overruled."

Internet freedom just got the federal ax. (The net will be censored!!)

Ray McGovern: "Cheney And Plame"

DU Activist Corps: Results from first effort here.

Journalist fired from teaching job for calling student "incredibly hot"

No place for life peers in new ‘second chamber’

So what do we think about the summit at No. 10 with muslim leaders?

Two-thirds believe London bombings are linked to Iraq war

BNP founder Tyndall dies aged 71

£12 credit for well-behaved teens

Iraq gunmen strike U.S. base workers, kill 13

Fighter jets collide over Mojave Desert

Bullish Chavez assumes Andean bloc leadership

Tiny Tsunami Reveals Big Gaps in Readiness

Perfect project: Rove deserves a Rove makeover

In Canada: Cache a Page, Go to Jail?

Turkey seeks tighter Iraq borders to halt attacks (From Kurds)

Tax cut on investment income is not as advertised, researchers find

Amnesty in call for civil war justice

AP: Wal-Mart Applies to Create a Utah Bank

Dentist theft case reveals huge Medicaid fraud

Court freezes Abramovich's oilfield assets

Court Speculation Centers on Female Judge

Bush Authorized Covert Plan to Manipulate Iraqi Elections (Hersch)

NRA Moves Convention From Columbus, Ohio (it has an assault weapons ban)

HP plans to cut 14,500 jobs

BNP founder Tyndall dies aged 71 (British RW racist party)

U.S. Soldier Found Dead in Kuwait Base (#1769)

Bush loses some luster on credibility

Turkey says U.S. has ordered PKK capture in Iraq

Sunnis on Iraq's constitution committee shot dead

Gen. William C. Westmoreland dies of natural causes

Egypt: Scientist 'Cleared' Of Bombings

Member of Iraq Constitution Panel Killed

USMC: Property Leasing Program continues in Fallujah

PROGRESSIVE e-alert: anti-Muslim Poster in California National Guard HQ

Bush Holds 5th Grand Dinner of Presidency

China's Shrunken Thirst for Oil

Ohio Republican Chairman: GOP will rid itself of 'bad apples'

Iraqi Interior Minister: Catching Zarqawi Not Key

Iraq's fish farmers take to arms (against organised fish rustlers)

The 13 Riskiest Housing Markets

Gnomecoming: Owners Flock To Get Stolen Statues Back

Talabani: Saddam Trial Will Lower Attacks

(Bill) Clinton warns of global warming dangers (contrasts *'s position)

Racists launch PC game

Time to invade Iran! Texas style!

WP: Abortion: Just the Data (numbers down)

Survey: 25,000 civilians killed in Iraq war (US led forces caused 37%)

Iraq and Afghanistan only 'an excuse' for terrorists: Blair

Why Does CIA Leak Row Matter? (BBC)

Bush to announce his choice for SCOTUS tonight at 9PM EST

(Sistani) Shiite cleric warns of 'genocidal war'

US apologizes to Muslim scholar for denying entry

Executed Man May Be Cleared in New Inquiry

Protests against Karl Rove planned at Gerlach fundraiser

WP:Bush Aims to Expand System of Merit Pay(to all civil service employees)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 19 July

Three British soldiers charged with Iraq war crimes

5 justices are urged to skip Taft records case

LAT/AP:Ct. Speculation Centers on Female Judge(Edith Clement, 5th Circuit)

Is being generous good for business? (Costco gets bashed, yet again...)

Bush: No Comment on Clement Speculation

Cafta vote next week, lawmaker says

Al-Qaeda gives European states month to quit Iraq

Baghdad Hospital Doctors on Strike Against Soldiers (Reuters)

Rep. Blunt seeks K Street help on CAFTA

France to go tough on ‘fundamentalist’ Imams

Egypt says Britain has cleared detained biochemist

(White House Briefing) Look Over There! (Wash. Post)

Yahoo/David Corn - Rove Scandal: Distractions and Disinformation

John W. Dean: "It Appears That Karl Rove Is in Serious Trouble"

Link to Cheney deepens ‘leak-gate’ scandal

Former CNN anchor Bill Hemmer joins Fox News

U.S. lawmakers push a longer day to save energy

ABC News, breaking: Source: Clement Not Bush's Choice for High Court

Group accuses Shiite-led government of killing Sunni politician

Dupe -- delete

It's John Roberts.

Yahoo: Bush Nominates Federal Judge Roberts

Tancredo: No apology ( bombing of Muslim holy sites statement)

Australian Leader Defends War on Terror

Akron businessman's contacts with Ohio (R) lawmakers investigated

Hezbollah joins Lebanon cabinet for first time

States Trying to Blunt Property Ruling -Yahoo

Law Requires Lessons on Constitution

"Governors rip feds over new ID cards"

Bush won't say if Rove offered to resign

Qaeda warns European nations to quit Iraq by August 15 or risk attacks

BBC News: '25,000 civilians' killed in Iraq since war started

Stripes: Landstuhl treats its 25,000th patient in war on terror

Riley expands support for eminent domain bill (Alabama)

Black Support for Bush, GOP Remains Low-No change in the last year-Gallup

HP to slash 14,500 jobs

Arroyo announces poll fraud probe

LAT: Schwarzenegger Is Focus of Ethics Complaint

(Coingate)Consultant: Bureau must recompute 10-year investment history

Baghdad hospital doctors on strike against soldiers

The Times (UK): 'Top' al-Qaeda suspect held over London bomb attacks

Guatemala Apologizes for 1982 Massacre

Grand Jury Returns Felony Indictment In Hiring Probe (Ky. Cabinet)

WP: Hillary Clinton Draws Applause From Hispanics (at La Raza convention)

Bases Could Be Added to Closure List

6 Ga. Counselors Charged in Teen's Death

Venezuela to seize 'idle' firms

Turkey Condemns Congressman's Remarks

WP: Women Closest to Bush Are Pro-Choice

Iran behind gassing of Kurds, Shiite massacre: Saddam lawyer

US travellers to Cuba drops drastically

Poll: Public Sees Bush As Less Trustworthy

Cohabitating Americans in 7 states run afoul of the law

TX:African church plans Christian Disneyland (neighbor:"we'll be overrun")

AP: Appellate court judge Roberts is Bush pick

Gore: New TV Channel Won't Be Partisan

Millwall v Iran match likely to be called off amid fears of racist attacks

Bush nominates Ohio industrialist to be envoy to Germany

Military recruitment continues to lag (blaming TV news for problems)

U.S. Republicans introduce tough immigration bill

LAT: Immigration Test Leaves Star Students in Free-Fall

Niger children starving to death

Is anyone else watching "Purple Hearts"? On Sundance.

Mrs. WC Green burst in while I was taking a shower.....


Did anyone else enjoy (or even see) THE BURBS?

It's time for me to get wealthy

"I wrote this one after that time I killed a drifter to get an erection"

It's time for me to get stealthy

HDTV making it tough on celebs

Ten-Lined June Beetles are THE SHIT

Yeehaw! This be me, kickin' it old-school redneck style!

A Tale of Two Border Crossings

What's Going On

Dog enjoys daily dose of burgers, milkshakes

POLL (Not really) I'm not a donor yet or something.

Overplayed songs that you still like anyway?

Jessie married Sandra Bullock OMG

Richard Thomas

Just blew by 2500 posts.....

I'm shocked, there are actually people who don't like rachel ray.

Well it's 3:33 AM and guess who is still up...

Apple computers posts best quarterly profits EVER! Buying blue must have

Sexiest Accent Part Trois

What public schools teach our children

D'oh! Just had temporary crown fall out

What's my name, baby?

Sex Offender Sent Back To Jail For Reading MAXIM Magazine

Hungry Freaks, Daddy

Feelings I miss:

Favorite Mandy Patinkin role ('cause "part" sounds dirty)

What's your middle name?

Toddler Has Identity Stolen - Twice In 22 Months

Today is My Birthday

CRAP users check in

If you love neo-soul and Break beats, you gotta check this out:

Hey Progmon, my jam session is bigger than yours

oooWWWW ...cramps killing me....

All This Talk About CPAPs and Crap - I'm Taking a Dump and Going to Bed

CPAP users check in

Rachael Ray vs. Saddam Hussein (the 45 minute litmus test)

"I am tired, I am weary..."

Portrait of the cat as a young furball

Still room for more teams in the DU Fantasy Football League

STONER BUD is 43 today!!! (college nerd, Navy pilot, Doctor)

Is your workplace top heavy; too many managers, not enough

Google tracks Hitler to San Diego

Rare Poopie dinner set unveiled

Rare white alligator in legal limbo


Discovery of 3000 yr old Remains of Burial Rituals in Qom Alta

Seperated at Birth? The matching shoes and belt edition

Rare Pompeii dinner set unveiled

Global Warming, Ancient Civilizations and The Future/Past

Mysterious Texas Lights Draw Crowds

Old city 'labyrinth' discovered by dog

Teen Hopes Harry Potter Book With Missing Chapter Will Sell On eBay

In the grouphug smiley...

God this is a tough one, what would your answer be?

Aquifer' any other cities depend on one for water?

Latest Flip-Flop At White House Involves Lacrosse Team

Night of the Crusher

I Must Challenge Beware The Beast Man To A DUEL!

Man Has Nose Bitten Off In Fight Over Bruce Willis Film

Robots ride camels in race

Ancient Aryan civilization achieved incredible technological progress 40 c

Bookmark this! An Animal CPR site for you.

It seems today that all you see is violence in movies

A week ago someone asked people for their 5 favorite songs

Does anyone have any "soothing" websites to share?

Best drag star name ever

Elvis no laughing matter in Graceland:-

self delete


Gollum calls Mike Malloy

Man Has Attended Over 500 Concerts Dressed As Winnie The Pooh

Elves no laughing matter in Lapland :- this experiment on DU concerning Paul Wolfowitz

Tattooed Fruit

At your fingertips is the greatest research/information tool every created

How the bulls of Pamplona prepare for the run

Kittens, lots of them!

A note to Newbies: Don't begin your DU journey with JimmyJazz


I was scared to open this piece of mail

MSNBC / AP: The 2005 Top 25 most-stolen vehicles list

FReerepublic has figured out Joe Wilson! We are doomed!

Will one of you get me an electrician? Fuck!

Don't ever buy a car from

i've never been in jimmy jazz

Weird dream I had the other night

5 injured as car crashes into other vehicles, bursts into flames

I am listening to jazz while btbm is claiming jimmyjazz is not into jazz.

dope camp-- what would the farts and cramps be like?

over-wrought,uber-lame line from an outdated song that sucked in its day

The Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire

Button, Button, Whose got the Button?

Ron Popeil Unviels new dinner set in new infomercial

I had my first copycat thread... Ask me anything!

Copycat thread first I had... Anything ask.

Jimmy Hates Jazz

Is Seattle in Canada?

Blonde in Casino (OH MY)

My sister wins the Non Sequitur of the Day Award

Rant- Chase credit card balance transfer screw up.

I had my first copycat thread... Ask me anything!

Highway 666 - - - Route of all Evil?

JimmyJazz---Root of all evil?


Here is a reason for Irish America to REALLY hate Karl Rove

Pope Camp-what would the arts and crafts be like?

This song has been going through my mind of late;

Be a part of DU History!

I have the lunchie munchies!

These are the freakin' MUGSHOTS?!?!?

now that's playing poker................

Extraterrestrial UFOs navigate with more than six degrees of freedom

Anyone been to/going to Falcon Ridge Folk Festival?

Okay...seeking more employment advice.

'Hey Jude' by the Beatles is SHIT.

Good Housekeeping Rates Hair Masks

More Parents Television Council silliness

Beware the Beast Man is neither a beast nor is he someone to beware of

Photo of Bush at last night's official dinner.

Tenacious D the movie

Zuni is not into Zoo and is not one of the Knights who say "Ni!"

A note to Newbies: Don't begin your DU journey in GD.

You have won a vacation for 2 anywhere you pick in the world...

Tom Cruise might be a fruitloop...but, check out his political donations

Is sundog really sunny? Or is he just a dog?

wOOt! I found an electrician!! Fuck yeah!

I'm so stupid

Pomegranate: Fruit of all evil? WARNING: GRAPHIC

No, but seriously, God Bless Walt Starr

Arnold, The Crime Fighting Pig, Dies Of Heart Failure

Inappropriate use of music in commercials.

I'm only on the 'net about 20 hours a day-----is DS1 worth the extra $$$$?

Goddamn, I am craving cake!

It really sucks when your phone # is one digit away from the Holiday Inn.

My daughters just raced up here to tell me about their CHESS GAME!

Ever look in your spam folder?

OK! All these * jokes have inspired me to post this one from a dear

Turnips: The evil of all roots

A polite thread.

Troll alert.

darlings, gather round for a moment!

I used the heat...

remember when i used to post a whoLe Lot more

How to detect and flush out Trolls

Real feel temperature: 104

1000 Posts! Woohoo! Thanks to CrazyGuggenheim for help!!

Hey! What Happened To All The Tom Cruise Threads?

What song speaks for you, right now?

If they're going to add a woman, why would they call it the SCROTUS?

OK - which one of you broke my work computer?


Say something nice about Edith Clement here.




How do I fix my sigline so that I can

Would you put Vanilla Ice in your Margaritaville?'s the drill

**********BREAKING NEWS***********

The password is...

Where can I rent "Death of a Princess"?

Blue Pill or Red Pill?

There are only two people in my orifice

Do these make your eyes hurt?

Crazy Guggenheim now over 5,000 posts!

Nude Teen Rescued After Three Days Trapped In Train Car

I'm getting hungry...what's for lunch


Is Lynne really full of Sin?

Think it would be ok to tell my son

Greetings from Hurricane Emily!

In a given 8-to-5 work day, how much work do you actually do?

The Smoking Gun: Colin Farrell Sues Over Sex Tape

What types of food do you grow?

A kid's exit strategy from the wars:

60% of Americans drink some form of alcohol and 30% do not drink.

There are only two people in my office

I recieved one of the best compliments of my life today.

Congratulate ZombyWoof! He's an asshole again!

Bad Album Covers (Graphics-Dial Up Warning)

Integra owners beware

Which M*A*S*H Character Are You?

Why does everyone offer to buy my pickup truck?

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.

A M&M just fell down into my bra - what should I do?

We got a newbe here. Her name is mzteris. Let's make

Damn it is getting cold

Lost Weekend

My 19 yr old son just got a shipyard job. Tank cleaning.

Please pray or send good wishes for my grandma

Ok everyone. I'm 5 posts away from 5000. Here's the question.

You know it's hard work

R. Crumb - Prophet on the Burning Shores

Isn't Kleeb's birthday soon? (nt)

Interesting sign

To all "Name That Tune" experts

I think JimmyJazz & plcdude are a hot item now!!!

I think I got a lead on getting a "new" car

Wild ducks have invaded my house!

Two toons for Tuesday (7/19 - new)

Gnomecoming: Owners Flock To Get Stolen Statues Back

Sunshine go away today

Question about the probate process.

Ok, electricity will be mine, soon (update)

What year is it?

My fish are overdosing on fish food.

Is it considered a "characteristic" of your profession to talk to

Did DU just catch up on removing donor stars?

Rove really was so bitter...

"Now, this is one scary story..."

How bored are you?

New Supremo? Bush follows his nose and picks...

Who would you rather listen to? Vanilla Ice, or Jimmy Buffet?

Poison Ivy - I got Poison Ivy

Are there any agnostics here?

Jimmyjazz --- Root of all turnips?

What's a Progmom?

The Joker - I got The Joker

My 10,000th post. What have I been doing with my life?

I am outing Jimmy Jazz as a covert CIA operative

I just received the following email:

Buffet or buffet?

BM Sex

"Nostalgic? Open a can of car exhaust"

Don't look at this post! It's evil!

I'm 8 posts away from 3000. Ask me anything!

My next project (when I can afford it)

Self Delete

Who here likes Ronnie Montrose?

Now somewhere in the black mountain hills of Dakota,

"McClellan conducts press conference inside pillow fort" (SATIRE)

Can I bring insulin needles on an airplane only because I'm not islamic?

Which percentage of your family is Jimmy Buffet?


We need some DU'ers in the Order of Succession!

What is wrong with some people? Seriously.

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Metric volume

Jimmy Buffet or Tom Cruise?

What characteristics define you as a person?

Yeah? Well you can just KISS MY ASS!

Help me interpret this dream re: Election 2006

It's that time again - PITCH your POSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

My blog is down for 'special maintenance' ... should I worry ?

Remember last winter when i bitched about the snow and you told me

Your nominees for the Professional Athlete Asshole Hall of Fame

Top story here on the Chicago news...

DUers in the buff -- oh, never mind.

It's that time again - POST YOUR PITTSBURGHER!!

I love my folding bike!

Joachim Peiper, Malmedy, the SS, and war atrocities

I had to attend a work-related retreat today


It's that time again - POST JIMMY BUFFETT'S PICTURE!!!!!

High kitty praise from Mr. DTBK

Athletes Spark White House Flip-Flop Flap


Guess what..... WE FOUND AN APARTMENT!!!!!!!

The FIRST thing I do when Matcom comes home is make him put on the toga!




Do most employers pidgeonhole their employees; even the good ones?

DU auto buffs, I have a Question...

Good Morning, DU!

They Served: WW II - Actors in the military

Half Cocked

Car Show Pictures!

It's that time again - POST YOUR PICARD!!!!!

Roger Clemens and St. Clement of Alexandria named as Bush SCOTUS nominees

Do most employers cornhole their employees; even the good ones?

It's that time again - POST YOUR FAVORITE BUFFET'S PICTURE!!!!!

I'm thinking about cooking a dinner that may give me a heart attack.....

I need a MAJOR SPOILER - who dies at the end of the new Harry Potter book?

"The FIRST thing I do when Jeffery Comes Home Is Pour Him A Scotch"


Republican Dictionary def. Of Jesus Christ: funny!

It's that time again....HONOR CAPT. PICARD!!!

It's that time again....HOIST YOUR PETARD!!!


What the hell is wrong with Roy Rogers??

Just shoot me now--my son is meeting with a Marine RECRUITER!

Convince me to update my resume.

DU this poll! It's being Freeped!

Need a couple of quotes w/ links...

anyone interested in a couple of fan made Superman Returns trailers?

PM sex

What the hell is wrong with Kenny Rogers??

ok...ok...many words end in "ocked"

Black Panther foundation seeks to sell 'Burn Baby Burn' hot sauce

Woohoo, moving up in the world

Would you like a bite?

Between fronteers is such a great resource for college students

Connecticut DUers - anybody still up for an end-of-the-month meetup?

george bush, you're Looking Like zooLander

progspawn: "why are you laughing, mommy?"

It is situations like this that make me wish I owned a bazooka.

Wonderful- Two dead dogs tossed in front of my house.

Are you saying something against America?

Can't get enough of Jude Law: He's on the market again, ladies

the worst movie that could ever be made

I swear to god this is the funniest thing ever!!!


Spoil my fun, please

cartoon about Rove by Tom Tomorrow

NOOOOOOOOO! (Possible Harry Potter Spoiler? I don't know.)

Harry Potter Spoiler Thread

Is MSNBC's Dan Abrams channeling the late Chris Farley or WHAT?

Stroll down mem. lane -post yer fave Bush/BFEE jpgs, photoshops.. Me 1st.

Raw Story Open Submission call for Graphic Designers

Political affiliations of the f**tist don't impact the quality of the f**t

Anyone seen "Million Dollar Baby"?

500,000 photos from space...waaay cool

Should I go for a walk--or paddle on a lake after The Simpsons?

Does your sense of honor sometimes offend others?

The Mohawk look just doesn't work for some men

I have to leave DU



Hannity called marijuana lab a "secret liberal lab":

Informal Survey: Tinnitus, Ringing in the Ears

I have a request...can I have a free plebiscite?

I have a request...can I have a free website?

I think it may be time to make an ablution...



I need a hug and good thoughts.

An Awwwwwww! photo

Quick SCOTUS Trivia! Who is Clarence Thomas' favorite porn star?

Six more posts and I'm in the 700 Club. Ask me anything!

Elves no laughing matter in Iceland:-

What's your soul beer?

Does the "Get a brain, Morans!" guy know he is famous?

STOP With The Free Website Requests!

Bush Nominates Federal Judge Roberts

Pam and Tommy Lee are back together again

BREAKING: It's John Waters for SCOTUS....

fuck it....I just give up...

What kind of hamburger helper shall I have for dinner?

Redondo or Manhattan

Is this ad too arrogant?

This week's guests on The Daily Show

Hey Jude' by the Beatles is A HIT.

I'm cranky...

We're going to Costa Rica, any suggestions?

I lurve the Garden State Soundtrack

Stars Defend Tom Cruise

Talk to me.

Fab pics of Madonna!

Congratulate SarahBelle! She's a student again!

bush* joke that just hit my e-mail - This is probably the 3rd bush*

T minus 6 days, 15 hours and 39 minutes until the REALLY BIG SHOW

List bands or musicians we should know about but don't...

REVELATION! Jesus Christ was a wizard like Harry Potter!

Are you a fan of the show 'Monk'?

What is the name of that new people search engine?????

Would you go back to your childhood if given a chance?

Do me a favor... recommend some good books for me to read.

I'm SCOTUS Justice Ted Nugent. Ask me anything.

YEA! My CafePress pkg. just arrived.

I am confused

When you make a big decision, & new info changes everything!?! (LONG)

Put a DUer in another place

The real question is: What's a prog?

who is all alone right now

Does your sense of humor sometimes offend others?

Political affiliations of the artist do not impact the quality of the art.

It's that time again! POST YOUR PITCHER!!!!

So I Walk into the Liquor Store,

Jimmy Jazz is neither named Jimmy nor is she into Jazz.

Michigan is wimping out on cell phone law.

You know you want it!

Ok, now for professional musician asshole Hall of Fame.

Catholic Sensation: Is he really a sensation? Or even Catholic?

It's time for me to get healthy

Bullfighting: A Great Tradition or Straight Up Animal Cruelty

If that's tofu, I'm going to have to find another source of protein.

Well, we have thoughts on bullfighting, Now how about rodeos?

L'annulaire - Beth Gibbons

How would you handle this situation?

Boy struck by lightning: Some helped with CPR, others helped with prayer

Really enjoying my new camera

JimmyJazz struck by lightning: Some helped, others watched shark week

Anybody from around Hagerstown, MD?

for SugarSmack ~ gypsy

I already hate the Dukes of Hazzard movie

It's that time again - POST YOUR PICTURE!!!!!

Help. Distressing voicemail from my ex-wife

Creepiest Song Ever..........

I didn't get called for an interview..

Hi All, did anyone watch the Animal Precinct

Playing today in The Lounge: Rodeo and Bullfighting

Acupuncture may calm overactive bladder

FDA Approves Cyberonics Depression Device (Public Citizen: it's unproven)

Good news--Dark Chocolate Lowers Blood Pressure

Elephants with tuskless gene beat poachers

The Brain Shapes “What's the Matter with Kids Today”

Astronomers Debate Whether Oldest Known Dust Disk Will Ever Form Planets

Recall Bid Against Cal. Judge Over Gay Ruling Fizzles

My gay therapy session (Part 2 of series)

Aussie Hewitt Accused Of Homophobia During Davis Cup Match

Ban on adoption by gays considered

UK Gay Leaders Receive Death Threats From Muslim Fundamentalists

Santorum calls gay staffer a 'trusted employee'

DC Black Leader Under Fire For Homophobic Rant

Red Sox fans -- I spent the weekend kayaking the Rogue River.

Royals infielder Tony Graffanino being traded to Red Sox

Shareef Abdur-Rahim To Sign With The New Jersey Nets

Anyone here get a new pet soon after a much loved pet dies?

FAST question RE: Lou Gehrig's Disease for Reiki/Alt Healers

Is it appropriate to ask someone here for a reading?

Redneck Astrological Signs

Another message from Matthew....

I want to share 'coincidences'

Bizarre fundie billboard!

What's up with tying Rudolph to Nietzche?

FEC Numbers for JK are out for 2005 - thru 6/30/05

Not another one! Call to poll...

Help needed here - another Kerry flamebait thread.

Some positive Kerry news

Interesting news about Kerry and fundraising.

Mail from John

Another great ROVEGATE summary from Kerry:

Supreme Court nominee

Iraqi political development -SRF committee

What is DLC?

I haven't been around much lately. So here's some Lover's Haiku.

Did anyone see Evan Bayh on cspan over the weekend?

Norman Soloman vs. Sidney Blumenthal

Could someone please explain the love affair with Wes Clark

On the Road...

And now for something completely different for the Water Theme

Shrub Announces Supreme Court Nominee in Primetime!

And for my 1000th post

Just for the record...

In case "Countdown" does get bumped...

KOEB 7/19/05 (so excited I'm postin' it early...)

Congressional Leadership, are you with us or are you against us

The most amazing thing about RoveGate is Cooper, Miller and...

Experienced Communications Professional Seeking New Job UPDATE: He found w

KO Vid: "Bush didn't move the goalposts, he moved the whole stadium"

"New blood": Guardian 19 July 2005 article about US and new Iraqi armies

Progressive values 101, from an unusual angle

it's time for the Dems to create something special. a little present for

John Edwards on SCOTUS and CAFTA

‘Imperialism and religious fundamentalism feed each other’ say Communists

Le menu for tonight's state dinner (India Prime Minister)

Next up: "I ain't gunna fire no one til they get their appeal"

James Moore (Huffington Post): Why Karl Rove Will Never Go

Next SCOTUS justice selection

Perfect project: Rove deserves a Rove makeover

Why have Saddam's trial now? height of insurgency means more

Pelosi: * "has now lowered the ethical standard for White House employees"

After Google - just how anti-Abortion is Edith Joy Clement -if on USSC?

Anyone asked why Colin Powell took Plame memo on Africa trip with Bush?

TMW: Karl Rove Talking Points

C-SPAN discussing the 2 "Ediths" * may nominate to SCOTUS.

The OTHER Federal Law Rove Broke (Phila. Inquirer Excerpt)

Republican Police State quietly continues construction.

Did the MSM drop the ball on the DSM?

A scary collection of quotes from right wingnuts.

DU this poll NBC Affiliate in DC

57% favor Hermione Granger for president

Don't people realize that we can no longer trust the WH-after Scotty M

The media is falling in line as White House requested ?

Bush Interviewed About CIA Leak - Let's walk down memory lane...

Bill Clinton a convicted sex offender?

Bush Flip Flops (Again) on Whether He'd Fire Leak(s)

Was Ramzi Yousef working for Iraq?

Chicago Tribune: "Leak probe could damage Bush's straight-shooter image"

Bush moving up Supreme Court announcement to 'change the subject'

Bush press policy: Castrate the media thinks its Edith Clement for SC

Which Group will win the Supreme Court Appointmenmt/ auction/negotiation?

Do the numbers. Rove will go down in Plames!

Chimp giving press conference with Howard (not dean)

Does the Constitution say you CAN'T employ a felon at the White House?

self deleted

Supreme Court Nomination is coming...

Dean: * should keep his word and enforce a high standard of ethics

What does someone have to do to get Phase II of the Senate's 911...

MoveOn's "Fire Rove" video features McClellan "then" and "now" clips

Website lets Americans see what the world's non-English publications say

Anyone see Shrub's press conference this morning with

Very good website for DUers:

"Iraq's Top Shia Cleric Warns of 'Genocidal War'"

Some In GOP Hope Rice Runs For President - Miami-Herald

BUSH: The W-h-o-l-e W-o-r-l-d's W-a-t-c-h-i-n-g...!

Bush will name SC appointee at 9pm tonight

"”PlameGate” Is Hardly a Summer Squall"

DFA supports Paul Hackett for Ohio US Rep

Chertoff Tackling Problem Of ... Caribbean Visitors?

Chertoff seeks authority to hire policy czar, alter FEMA

Bush is fine with having suspected criminals working at the.....

MSM already carrying the shit bail for Bush. Why even talk about SCOTUS

Tell the Truth, Are You a Liar? (A thread of questions)

is Bu$h's flip-flop to 'crime' not leak, a "Bring it on" it takes to

War criminal gets decorated

In their own words...

Holy Crap! Neoconservatism was a Democratic Party sect?

Why Rove should NOT be fired

How do you explain this war/current politics to 9 and 10 year olds

Does Kerry still have an army of 10,000 lawyers? I got something for them

Gore shunning politics: "I consider myself a recovering politician."

Md Gov. holds an event at white only club

Okay, someone help me out here, how do you pronounce "Niger?"

A new frame is all over the news and it ain't good for Bush

Observations - Rove and WH Modus Operandi (MO)......

SCOTUS Nom Announce=UK Terra Story Already Outta Steam?

Freepers fear Clement may be "Souter-in-Skirts", call her a "Bimbo"

Regarding the DSM, did our Democratic Senators do enough

Cornyn on SC nominee on C-SPAN 2 now... not a good sign....

Regarding the Downing Street Memo: Did Kerry do enough?

Ok, So say Rove is found to be the source of the leak....

Supreme Court: Talking Points on the Nomination Process

NPR's Talk of the Nation Taking calls on Rove/Plaime "Do you Care?"

What happened to the press briefing

Schumer and Kennedy Press Conference in 3 Minutes, C-SPAN 2

Hillary sucks

CAFTA -- the symbolic victory we need

Right Wing Talk Radio Is Spinning Like Crazy

DU this MSN poll: Agree w/ Bush's handling of the CIA Leak Investigation?

Likely approach for Dubya with Supreme Court Nominee.

Press Conference

Flash-forward to Bush's speech on October 15, 2008...

In the light of Bush's credibility problems, everything old is new again.

Making Laura Important

Time to invade Iran! Texas style!

Cartoon: "Uneasy rider", riding pillion (Chatham House report allusion)

Ever a better time to boomarang the "FLIP-FLOP" meme?

Who is working with Moveon to oppose an expected extremist nominee?

Who sent Wilson?

A slimeball from birth! A slimeline on Rove.

Can A President Pardon A Traitor?......

Approval ratings drop for Joseph Wilson's black son

Do you think DUers did everything in their power

Coburn - OK Taking USAID to task for budgeting for

More evidence that the sheeple are stirring?????

Did this guy on C-SPAN say they're considering a Recruitment Bounty?

Should the dems frame this as taking the heat off of Rove?

Edith Clement Nomination: All things considered, is it good or bad?

Rep Markey charges * with breaking IAEA non-proliferation rules

Limbaugh-Hannity - Wilson smear campaign-effective-YES-NO?

Legal implications to using SCOTUS announcement as distraction

Just heard Dana Bash on CNN say something infuriating

Typical Chimpy arrogance

Hillary Clinton Draws Applause From Hispanics

Totalitarian Republicanism

DNC video: Time for Bush to keep his word.

Bush said he would fire any member of his staff who "committed a crime."

What if it's Fred Thompson?

Ugh. Wha'ts with Lieb's beard?

Rumored SCOTUS Pick: Edith Brown Clement.

Joe Wilson or Randi just now 2:36 pacific

Can Bush appoint himself to the Supreme Court?

A good time to remember all those "liars" (satire)

Hannity says-- ABC News reporting it is NOT Clement

Regarding the Downing Street Memo, Did Evan Bayh do enough?

Bill O'Reilly Confronted About Fox News Misconduct Today

What non-related bullshit will George sneak in to the SC announcement?

Link to Cheney deepens ‘leak-gate’ scandal

Rep. Diana DeGette's fight for stem cell research: exclusive interview

"Damn Liberal Media" a letter to the editor

Oh, god. Saxby wants to withhold aid to any country that won't extradite

Randi Rhodes yesterday


Tomorrow we will be searching for Plame / Rove in the MSM

Bush, arrogance overdrive: "I'll let you know when I'm ready to tell you"

Since the media seems to have forgotten Jeff's role in Plamegate...

Whoever they told the chimp to nominate to the Supremes will

Rate this Rove story up on Yahoo, please.

CNN reports Luttig brought his family to court today in Richmond, VA, to

Husband heard on CBS News that Clement is OUT.

* Is Up Against A Wall. His only Choice for SCOTUS is Anti-Choice.

It will be Alberto Gonzalez, imo

Expect thermonuclear political war on SCOTUS nod

letter to preznit from 13 year old "educatwed" girl

Good luck to Al Gore.. new network launches August 1st..

Morton Kondracke: Will Frist back stem cell research? and AP both reporting Dubya's SCOTUS pick is John Roberts.

Need help debunking this comment, its about Wilson from a repug idiot

DKos Presidential Straw Poll - Don't forget to vote!

Bloomberg: Ari Linked to Leaked Document and Top Officials

It's John Roberts - DC appeals court

Atrios reports Bill Hemmer going to Faux News...

What is *'s take on the Minutemen?

Its real name is TRAITOR-GATE , not Plame-gate

Which potential 08 Democrat contender has done the most to publicize DSM?

Why did the Dems let themselves be set up by the rumored


Boxer on Saying 5 Billion Taxpapers Dollars loans for Chinese Nuke Plant!

Expect a thumb in the eye from Bush

No Guaranteed Benefits

"Scooter" Libby Is The Connection Between Plamegate and Downing Street

I think I'm going to cry...WTF is the Federalist Society?

Link to Cheney deepens ‘leak-gate’ scandal

warning to all Utah public school teachers you "will be dealt with"

On a scale of 1 to 10, How pissed off will you be when....

Will Bush order Gonzales to fire Fitzgerald as heat gets turned up?

I'm dumb but...

I'm thinking dumbya is damned if he does

Holy shit! WSJ report just sank Rove's battleship!

Markey: * breaks IAEA rules, announces new nuke policy with India

Changing Stories

Where is the outrage, Bush supporters?

Seymour Hersh: Bush Authorized Covert Plan to Manipulate Iraqi Elections

If nominated I will accept the Nomination to the US Supreme Court

Yet another Debunking request


Wes Clark Wins First Major 2008 Democratic Straw Poll

Info here re: Wilson's credibility and the 9/11 commission and panel

MEME: Bush** is too weak to hold his own people accountable.

oh. my. god. - Roberts background

Women's Lacrosse Team Protests Bush Flip-Flop at White House!

To replace "flip flop" or not .George deserves a special term all his own

will the Bush abortion story have "legs" now, in light of the SCJ

Poor ol' misunderstood Rove! Jen Sorenson and Tom Tomorrow CARTOONS

Free Enterprise or Fascism?

Why you should shop Costco as much as you can

Yglesias: WHO FORGED THE NIGER DOCUMENTS? At the heart of the WMD lies